1. Cowards


Unwanted: Seeing You at Just the Right Time for Love

I dressed back to the day he confessed his love for me.

“I like ……” The school bully suddenly stopped and stared wide-eyed at me, and I immediately realized that my old partner had dressed back together.

He sneered and turned his head to confess his love for the school girl next to me.

I rolled my eyes and turned my head to stare at the school girl I hadn’t seen in fifty or sixty years.

Ah, I really do prefer this type after all.


Before I came back, Xie Duan Yuan and I were still quarreling. At his 80th birthday banquet, my granddaughter took a photo from my old wallet and compared it to him, saying, “Grandpa, you were so civilized when you were young”.

I did not say anything, Xie Duan Yuan smiled.

The person in the photo is not him at all.

When we were alone at night, we argued.

“Jiang Yujing! If you don’t want to go through with it, don’t go through with it!”

“Okay! We’ll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow! Whoever doesn’t go this time is a dog!”

This kind of conversation has happened hundreds of times during the marriage of the two puppies.

Only this time was different. In the middle of the night, I suddenly felt out of breath, and before I could push Xie Duan Yuan awake, my breath passed.

When I opened my eyes again, the young Xie Duan Yuan was standing in front of me.

Around is the high school classmates, is KTV party, the table is also set a cake.

…… What’s the situation?

“I like ……

Xie Duan Yuan said in the middle of the sentence, the expression suddenly changed, a face of incredulity stared at me.

A look we both understand, we wear together.

It was the day he confessed his love for me at the age of 17.

Coincidentally, before this, I was rejected by my crush, I said yes to Xie Duan Yuan, and even kissed him in front of him.

In front of my crush.

It was only a long time later that I realized that this day was actually the day that Xie Duan Yuan lost the Truth or Dare contest.


After all, in high school I was ordinary, big black frames, thick bangs, still wearing braces, in addition to the uniform jacket is the uniform short-sleeved.

And Xie Duan Yuan although all day gags do not learn well, but can not help the plate beautiful and smooth to attract the girls like, is the man of the hour in the school.

If he really likes me, then it is unreasonable.

Sure enough, this guy closed his mouth and sneered, turned his head to the school girl sitting next to me to confess.

I also laughed coldly, through the glass of wine carefully peeped at today’s birthday girl, my childhood friend, I have been secretly in love for ten years Nan Baiyu.

Great, this really can not pass the sense of passing, but also save the trouble of going to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

It must be God’s pity on us, giving us a chance to find a new love.

“Right now we should still focus on our studies,” the schoolgirl lowered her head in embarrassment, “but if it’s Mr. Xie, I think we can try it out first.”

Xie Duan Yuan froze and locked eyes with me.

I saw him smile and say to the school girl:


Good, good enough, couldn’t be better.

I gritted my teeth at the fact that Dusty Xie was one step ahead of me.

I clenched my fists and resolved to chase after Nan Baiyu.

The next day the school was officially on summer vacation.

I asked Nan Baiyu three times were rejected by him, the fourth time, I lie in bed more and more angry, climbed to the next door in the middle of the night to knock on his window.

He also did not sleep, to see me not to achieve the purpose of the look can only look helpless to open the window.

I pulled open the vines to reach in my face.

“Nan Baiyu! You can’t stop playing with me just because I like you!”

He was drinking water choking on my words and uncomfortably turned his head in a sly manner.

“I really have to cram, I don’t have time.”

“But I asked your brother and you don’t have class every Sunday.” I deflated my mouth and said sadly, “Are you going to cut me off?”

Nan Baiyu’s eyes moved slightly, looking down at me quietly for a moment.

I was tickled by the green leaves rubbing against the side of my neck.

In the middle of the day, he compromised:

“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I instantly turned from sadness to joy and cheered:

“Okay! I’ll wait for you in front of the neighborhood at ten o’clock tomorrow morning!”

This date with Nan Baiyu was very important to me.

The family moved away after high school, and since then I had lost contact with him and couldn’t find out anything about him.

Nan Baiyu was like a dream of my youth, mirrored with regret and meandering.

I took off my braces and glasses and began to learn to dress up, and I often thought of him when I was basking in the admiration of the people around me.

He had never even seen me look pretty.

The next day, I carefully cleaned myself up, put on a small white dress that had been prepared long ago, and sprayed a light white tea perfume.

When I saw Nan Baiyu approaching from afar, I stood next to the fountain, letting the sunlight shine on the better-looking half of my face, and the wind came just right, so I brushed up the hair on the side of my ear and pursed my lips at him.

I was satisfied to see the word ‘stunning’ in his eyes.

However the good mood only lasted until the entrance of the mall.

I braked sharply after spotting Dusty Xie and the schoolgirl, and dragged Nan Baiyu to leave, but I ended up being one step too late.

“Jade Mirror, Baiyu! What a coincidence!” The school flower smiled and came over, “I didn’t dare to recognize you when I saw you just now, Yujing is really pretty today.”

I laughed awkwardly, ”Haha, no no, that’s fine if ……”

The school flower grabbed my sleeve, “Since we met, let’s have lunch together.”

Li Yanyan winked at me, and I realized that she might have fallen out with Xie Duan Yuan and was unwilling to be alone with him.

”Sister, your yangguan road is blocked, don’t cut down my one-tree bridge.”

I looked at Nan Baiyu, and he said anything.

I squinted at Xie Danyuan, and he said that he listened to Li Yanran.

What else can I do?

In the mall and met four or five good classmates, the beautiful two people date finally turned into a large group of classmates party.

However, things are not the worst, only worse.


In the elevator.

“You’re on medication, right?”

Xie Duan Yuan glanced at my neck, I was bitten by a bug in the vine yesterday and got hives on it.

I was speechless, “Of course I took it, am I stupid?”

“It’s hard to say, you once just ……”

I coughed violently, Xie Duan Yuan closed his mouth.


The dinner table.

My hand was quick to iron a bowl and chopsticks for Xie Duan Yuan, and the surrounding area was quiet at the same time, I calmly ironed other people’s bowls and chopsticks as well.

Xie Duan Yuan peeled a shrimp and threw it into my bowl with a quick hand, he paused for a moment and calmly pinched it back.


Walking out of the restaurant.

Xie Duan Yuan suddenly turned over the pocket on his body.

“Hiss, wife have you seen my cell phone?”

I also immediately rummaged through my bag.

“It’s not here with me.”

Everyone’s feet stopped and I lowered my head inch by inch, inch by inch, itching to burrow into the cracks in the ground in front of me.

Fuck, if I had to do it all over again, I’d rather die than give in.


The evil Xie Duan Yuan stifled a laugh and rubbed my head, “People are going down, why are you still squatting?”

“Oh, the tiles are really skillfully laid and tightly fitted,” he said.

The smooth floor reflected my red face.


“Jade Mirror, are you really secretly married to Mr. Xie?”


I spewed out a mouthful of salt water.

A passerby suddenly appeared on my left and added enthusiastically, “No, the person spreading the rumor has no common sense, he hasn’t reached the legal age for marriage yet.”

I wiped my mouth and nodded in agreement.

The man went on to say:

“They’re obviously a baby couple!”


Passerby B started to talk passionately:

“No, I heard child bride!”

I roared, “I said stop!”

After a summer of fermentation, the two of us have evolved to the point where the gossip has become so bad that it stinks.

But it doesn’t matter, soldiers come and go, Xie Duan Yuan and I made up our minds to go our own way in this life.

I picked up a trumpet next to the runway.

“Xie Dusty Edge and I do have a deep relationship–“


I smiled inscrutably and continued, “My family’s account book almost lost one person because of him, and we don’t share a common bond!”

The crowd froze.

“So, all the rumors that people have heard about me having an affair with him are all lies!”

What I said wasn’t all lies.

Xie Duan Yuan had a car accident on the way to pick me up from work, I was fine, but Xie Duan Yuan fainted on the spot.

After the checkup, the doctor took the report and reassured me that the baby was fine.

What child, where the child, what even almost a body two lives!

“Fortunately, your husband reacted in time, the steering wheel to your side, otherwise it would be difficult to say,” he said.

However, Xie Duan Yuan suffered a craniocerebral injury, leaving his arm to tremble from time to time.

It was his hand, and he was the one who held the paintbrush.

That night I stayed by his bedside and called my parents to tell them I might be getting married.

I’m grateful to him for all these years, but there was only affection between us, not love.

Because we both had other people in our hearts, we were only together because it was just the right time for two rain-soaked puppies to decide to pair up.

One day Shea Dusty’s friend asked me to pick him up and take him home, and he was drunk for some reason.

He put his arm around me and thought of me as his friend, “I really …… like her so much.”

I first heard him such a regretful and aggrieved tone.

I asked with a cheap mouth, “Who?”

In front of the crowd, Xie Duan Yuan opened his eyes to look at me and smiled against my forehead, “Anyway, it is not you.”

There was a portrait in the safe in his study, I lifted it and looked halfway through, the girl was wearing a princess dress with an oversized hemline.

I quietly lowered the covering.

I’d never worn a dress like that, not even a similar wedding dress.

Because we only had a license, not a wedding.

If you hold on to something for long enough, you’ll get over it.

When I was young and uninitiated, I also thought that marriage without love is pathetic.

However, there are so many love stories in the world, and in the little bits and pieces of wood and rice and oil and salt, it turns out that family love is better.

Is each other very important person is enough, as for is not the most important ……

Point to point.

I never knew who his favorite person was, and now I almost guessed.

It should be Yanyan Li.

I even guessed that he is because the KTV light is too dark, I and Li Yanran and sit too close, a moment to find the wrong person, a life will be wrong.

Xie Duan Yuan this person is proud and timid, I’m afraid that through the truth or dare confession that moment has spent all the courage, where he still have the strength to set things right.


The Dusty Edge came to my class with a stern face and asked me to meet him in the art room after school.

After my morning dry mouth to deepen the impression that I and Xie Duan Yuan are inseparable, back to the seat, even some people came to ask me if it is a fight, do you need manpower.

I was very pleased.


“Didn’t you say to help me chase Li Yanran, how?”

“You also said to help me chase Nan Baiyu, do you have a trick?”

We can see the contempt in each other’s eyes.

Neither of us had any experience in chasing people, so we had to turn to Baidu.

“It says that the first step in the pursuit is to show the other person their feelings, and the most romantic and youthful way to confess is …… to write a love letter?”

Xie Duan Yuan puzzled: “We have confessed, but also to write love letters?”

I was puzzled: “Uh, then why don’t we write one? You shouldn’t go wrong if you follow the steps.”

So we each sat with a blank piece of paper for half an hour.

Xie Duan Yuan threw the paper away, “Tch, I can’t write it, it’s too mushy.”

I was interrupted from my meditation by him and raised my eyes.

The transparent dust of the art room floated and swam in the dusk, Xie Duan Yuan spun his pen with one hand, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand freely, and a thin circle of velvet light emerged from his circumference, looking warm and bright.

My partner, my old friend.

I sincerely hope he gets what he wants, I said:

“Thank you Dusty, it’s all been done over again, be brave this time.”

He looked up, his amber eyes looking straight at me.

“I will.”

Then, he pondered for a moment and wrote in a flowing stream.

I, on the other hand, still didn’t have a clue, and as I watched the blocks of words on his paper from afar, I suddenly felt a little annoyed.


“Jade Mirror Jade Mirror.”

My deskmate Li Yanyan poked me, and I looked up from the sea of questions.

“What’s wrong?”

“Hmph, Xie Duan Yuan copied a love letter from somewhere, it’s written in a bad way, it has absolutely nothing to do with me, look.”

I picked it up in confusion.

Love letters are all about the same sweet words, what is the point of writing them in such a way that they don’t match each other’s words.


After reading the few sentences, my brain went down.

“What are you looking at, blushing like this?”

Xie Duan Yuan suddenly appeared and asked slyly above my head.

“I’m reading a yellow book! Be quiet.”

I scrambled to cover the desktop with the book, feeling my ears start to heat up.

That’s right, Xie Dusty Edge must have copied it from somewhere else, don’t flatter yourself.


He wrote it like this:

I like you.

More than in the time that hasn’t happened, more than in the time you look at someone else.

More than in the moment, more than in the future.

I have so many unspoken words that I wish I could spend the rest of my life telling you.

To check your gray hairs and wrinkles while speaking honestly and passionately.

But I’m a coward and I only dare to think quietly where you can’t see me.


Shea Dusty knocked on my desk and said close to my smoldering ear:

“What was the second step of the quest again?”


Passerby C intervened and patted Xie Duan Yuan’s shoulder:

“Mr. Xie, bullying in school is a very low form of behavior.”

Afterwards, Xie Duan Yuan was whisked out with a stunned look on his face.


Li Yanran was smiling with her aunt’s face next to me, I covered my ears and thought calmly, it seems that something is not right.

Can’t figure it out, brush up first, or conic curve is simple and easy to understand.

District crossing is unlikely to break the myth of my three consecutive years of first place in high school.

Yes, the idol baggage is heavy.

Xie Duan Yuan offered to want me to tutor him in his homework, and with him I have three disciples.

The other two are Yanyan Li and the class president who sits behind me.

The second step in the quest to create close contact.


Every Saturday and Sunday, the four of us masters and disciples find a coffee shop in the city center to open a paper behind the backs of the others.

While the class president went to the restroom, I asked Xie Duan Yuan in a seemingly casual manner:

“Did you write your love letter yourself or not?”

Xie Duan Yuan turned his head awkwardly: “That …… library borrowed a book of love letters, casually flipped through the pages copied.”


Li Yanran kicked Xie Duan Yuan violently under the table.

I turned my head sideways and pretended not to notice, hanging my head down in a flat tone, “Oh” sound.

Pfft, which high school library will put a complete list of love letters ah ……

The class president sat down and said, “In a few days there will be a fall sports meeting, lifting the sign may still have to ask Yanyan to do it.”

In a flash of lightning, the portrait in Xie Duan Yuan’s safe suddenly flashed in my mind.

I remembered.

That princess dress is the one that Yanyan Li wore at the Fall Games.

Xie Duan Yuan unknowingly handed over the test paper, “I feel like I can get a hundred percent this time!”

I glanced at it, “What fancy font, write me Hengshui style and rewrite it.”


Xie Duan Yuan followed me all the way, seeing that the front was in the neighborhood, I couldn’t help but rush him: “Why don’t you go back?”

He has a straight face: “I’m on my way.”

…… Sometimes I really want to break open his brain to see what is loaded inside, I can not know where he lives.

He suddenly changed his face, I followed the look over, it was Nan Baiyu.

I’m not going to stop you.” “You’re in a hurry to drive me away to find Nan Baiyu.

Xie Duan Yuan, the first place for not remembering.

Me, the first place for holding arrogance.

I retreated a few steps and watched his face turn a little bit stinky.

“Do you want me to go to him? I’ll listen to you.”

“Then ……”

“Want to, or don’t want to?”

Xie Duan Yuan gritted his teeth: “No ……”

I covered his mouth: “There’s no need to say it, I’m just afraid that you don’t even understand it yourself.”

The best way to deal with a stiff upper lip is not to force him to exit, but to make him hold it back when he finally makes up his mind.

Xie Duan Yuan sent me to the door of my house as he wished, after saying goodbye he finally couldn’t help but ask: “You said you would listen to me, is it that you won’t chase after Nan Baiyu?”

I frankly gazed at his back.

“Well, for the time being, I’m not going after him.”

If even I was wavering, I would never do anything to pester others.

I thought that Nan Baiyu’s position in my heart, after 50 years of self-hypnosis like gambling, had long become an indestructible white moonlight.

I didn’t expect to be shaken so easily by a few words from a coward.


“…… So why the sudden anger yesterday ah?”

I asked Xie Duan Yuan to attach his ear over and quietly said word for word:

“I! No! Say!”

This wave is called to fight violence with violence, definitely not because I also hard mouth.


“Yanyan, the dress maker is in the office, he’s calling for you to take your measurements.”

Yanyan Li was lying on the desk, writing hard to catch up with her homework, she released her hand and patted me: “Yujing Yujing, your figure is similar to mine, go and measure it for me.”

I don’t doubt it, I got up and went.

Nan Baiyu was also in the office measuring, listening to the tailor’s instructions, he stood still with his arms spread out, his jade-like face and elegant posture, the whole person was so well-behaved.

Seeing him cast a line of sight to me, I only nodded a greeting, walked to the side to wait, no more words.

He froze and silently withdrew his gaze.

An inexplicably awkward atmosphere spread through the office.

I stared silently out at the can of stars on my desk.


Because they live close to each other and are of a similar age, I was familiar with Nan Baiyu when I was still wetting the bed.

My parents were busy at work and often left me home alone, and I used to carry a small bench and go knock on his window.

He is a very different person from me and Xie Duan Yuan, we are both still childish and impulsive even in our seventies.

Nan Baiyu, however, has been quiet and reliable since childhood.

I like the faint fragrance of medicine on his body, like him to read me a bedtime story when the gentle voice, like to turn around, bumped into him gently watching my gaze.

Elementary school class popular origami star, I clumsily folded out the first, although twisted, but I want to give to Nan Baiyu.

But his desk was already piled high with many other people’s gifts, delicate, colorful little stars.

I withdrew my hand.

At that moment I thought, everyone loves him, I don’t want to be the one drowning in it.


A week later, my parents were traveling on business and left me alone at home for the night.

The sound of thunder near me woke me up, the window was as dark as ink, the water basin poured over, and the lightning illuminated the empty, silent home and me who was clutching the quilt and didn’t dare to make a sound.

I went to touch the light switch, the power was out.

It was at this time that Nan Baiyu knocked on my door with a small umbrella and earmuffs to put me to sleep.

When I was sound asleep, he whispered, “Wait for me.”

I waited for him, holding on to my sleepiness.

Half asleep, I saw Nan Baiyu holding a glass jar full of paper stars at the foot of my bed.

“You looked at those stars for a long time that day, you should have liked them.”

The small lights around the jar shifted, and it was indistinctly like the stars were looking at me.

So many people looked at it, but it was the only one watching me.

I slid under the covers with it in my arms.

“Don’t be afraid,” he stroked my head, “the star will always be there for you.”


I don’t know when it started, but Nan Baiyu drifted away from me.

I no longer saw him when I turned around, I no longer waited for the night of thunderstorms to come and put me to bed in the rain.

Out of a desperate desire to catch him, I confessed to him and was rejected by him.

Later I got together with Xie Duan Yuan and drifted away from Nan Baiyu.

He didn’t say goodbye to me the day he moved.

It rained all night.

When I pushed open the window early the next morning, I found a rain-dampened paper star on the window sill, with ink stains coming through it.

I carefully unwrapped it and saw a sentence written on it:

“To forget each other.”


I walked out of the office and found Nan Baiyu waiting for me outside the door.

“Yu mirror, recently you ……

He pursed his lips and didn’t say any more.

I knew he wanted to ask why I had been so cold to him lately.

I asked him in return, “Have you ever thought of me as a friend? If so ……”

Why did you leave without saying goodbye and never heard from again.

I didn’t say any more.

The 18-year-old Jiang Yujing once desperately wanted to know the answer to this question; the 80-year-old Jiang Yujing has been relieved.

Maybe I just want to meet him again and know that he is well, that’s all.

He lowered his eyes, “I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to bother you, I didn’t do enough as a friend,” he said.

“That’s okay,” I hear 18-year-old Kang Yuk Mirror say, “I accept your apology.”


Strangely enough, as far as I can remember, it was Xie Duan Yuan who raised the flag for our class this time.

I’m sure it’s because Xie Duan Yuan liked Li Yanran at the time and didn’t know what tricks he used to replace Nan Baiyu.

The two flamboyant faces were standing in our class, one wearing a princess dress and the other wearing a knight’s uniform, and at first glance, they looked like newlyweds and attracted attention.

I stood at the back of the line and occasionally heard a few exclamations from the crowd.

“Good match.”

Xie Duan Yuan turned back from afar and raised her eyebrows at me smugly, a few words written on her face:

Your boyfriend is handsome, right?

Hey, who was not a scum who dreamed of the happiness of all men when he was young.

Hand itchy, must now immediately immediately go to beat him up.

In the witness of many students, I finished this school violence, Xie Duan Yuan dared not say.


On the day of the fall sports day, Li Yanran was golden, and I was plainly put on the spot.

I was wearing a white, fluffy princess dress that I hadn’t worn in two lifetimes, and stood at the entrance to the playground waiting for Nan Baiyu.

I saw that it was almost time for our class to enter, before a figure ran over from afar.

The knight’s uniform outlines his waist, the badge on his shoulder is not as eye-catching as his glittering eyes.

He ran furiously all the way to me bending down to catch his breath.

Shea Dusty looked up and held out his hand to me, “Let’s go, everyone is waiting for us.”

I walked in a trance for a while, or the squad leader couldn’t look away, “Big brother, you’re invited to raise the flag, not to hold the bride’s hand at the wedding.”

We immediately popped our hands off at the same time and stood in formation a meter apart.

“How come it’s you again?”

“Who else did you expect?”

I asked the class president why he was asked to hold the flag.

“Well, Nanbaiyu had a temporary problem, and this guy was the only one hanging around, and asked me if I needed any help, so I put him on.”

I grimaced, “Wow~ Xie is as warm-hearted as ever.”

“No,” Shea Dusty picked up, “This time it’s just to stand by your side.”

Today’s sunlight is too hot, it shines on people’s face.


A few words came faintly from the crowd:

“What a good match!”

“I know! I’ve long been a fan of these two lovey-dovey cp’s. Come on, I’ll pull you into the group.”

I twitched.

I’m not sure if you’d say they’re a good match if you put a dog next to Xie Duan Yuan, but I’m not sure if you’d say they’re a good match.


I was correcting Xie Duan Yuan’s essay when he suddenly knocked me on the head.

“Tsk, straighten your back and write.”

Xie Duan Yuan frowned and lifted my chin which was almost next to the paper, “I suspect that your later whiplash has something to do with bad habits at this time.”

Bad, being turned against the guest.

I muttered:

“Nosy old man.”

Xie Duan Yuan’s hand that was about to be loosened lurched, pinched my chin and shook it from side to side: “Who is a nagging old man, there is only the most elegant old man here.”

I said with a fake smile:

“Good old man.”

Three days later, Xie Duan Yuan mysteriously called me to go to the courier station to catch up.

Looking at this shopping mall standard massage chair, I saw a black.

“When→when→when↘, early discovery and early treatment, I specially chose the most functional one for you, how do you like it?”

“…… Where do I put it brother?”

“Put in the dormitory ah, later I give you delivery to the door, which I made a your receipt code, you do not use when you can also let it earn some pocket money.”

Will anyone really use it?

No, who lacks this pocket money?

There are many slots and no mouths.

“Doesn’t …… like it?”

I withdrew my vapid eyes and nodded, “Like it.”

Xie Duan Yuan smiled triumphantly and drew a check mark on his planner.

Pursuit of the third step: to give each other the most thoughtful gift.

It’s a good thing that as a first-class middle school, the dormitory space is abundant, otherwise it’s a real sufferer.


“Wow… it’s so cozy!”

“Where is this! You’ve been sitting there twice, get up, there’s a line behind you.”

In the middle of the night, I received a message from Alipay that the account had arrived, and I opened my eyes in silence to think about whether or not opening a massage parlor in a national key high school could be a pop-up business opportunity.

Thank you, Dusty, for living up to your name.


It was a free evening study session.

I propped up my head and looked at Li Yanyan who drew out the wrong question book to find something to do for herself.

“You give Xie Duan Yuan as a wingman, is it that you don’t like him at all?”

Li Yanyan put down her book and thought about it.

“Do you think I’m pretty?”

She turned her head and put her face squarely in front of me.

Her skin is like cream, and her eyebrows are exquisite.

I nodded affirmatively.

Li Yanyan pursed her lips and smiled, “I don’t have the talent to study, my grades aren’t as good as yours, and unlike Xie Duan Yuan who is an art student, I really don’t have any room for a relationship.

“I want to be pretty all the time, and I also want a future that’s subdued and not wrapped up in this face.”

“Besides,” Yanyan Li teasingly squeezed her eyes, “not everyone treats Xie Duan Yuan as a piece of treasure like you do.”

I silently covered my face.

In the back of my mind, I vaguely remembered that long after graduation, someone in my class group talked about the school’s favorite girl.

Those in the know said that they saw her having a ship in Los Angeles, and that she had adopted a number of handsome foreign boys whose face value was comparable to that of Little Li Zi.

Envy ah.

The back door was pushed open a crack.

A student cadre who was close to the class president informed in a low voice:

“The school is going to search the dormitory!”

Before I had time to react, the class president looked up in shock behind me, “Shit! What about my popcorn maker!

Passerby A: “My mahjong table!”

Passerby B: “My fireworks cone!”

…… Everyone seems to play big in private.

My massage chair is totally worthless.

The problem is, I don’t remember any dormitory checks at all.

I was about to hurriedly join the team that was going back to the dorm to pin the stolen goods, when I glanced at the date on the blackboard and my scalp went numb for a moment.

No wonder I haven’t seen Xie Duan Yuan around me for a day, how did I forget about this day!

Opened my cell phone and looked, an hour ago, Xie Dusty Edge called me 9 times and sent a dozen messages, the last one was:

“Still don’t dare to go alone.”

I sucked in a breath of cold air, and quickly pulled a roommate: “I have an emergency can not go back, can not ……”.

The roommate’s eyes are firm: “The massage chair is wrapped around me.”

I called Xie Duan Yuan while taking three steps downstairs.


When the company’s tenth anniversary celebration, the reporter asked Xie Dusty Edge, as the boss, a few entertaining questions in the background.

One of them was, if you could go back in time, what would you want to do the most.

The people next to him were guessing whether it was to buy a house in the capital or to get rich by shorting while the bubble economy burst.

He thought about it and gave an answer:

“I want to be a brave man.”

Everyone laughed, the reporter complimented him on his cuteness, but I couldn’t laugh.

Xie Duan Yuan’s father died when he was 17 years old. He didn’t go to see him for the last time, but just sat under a bridge not far from the hospital and stared.

Out of humanitarianism, I stayed with him for an hour blowing cold air until all the city lights went out.

In the darkness, he asked me very, very softly:

“Are children a bond between parents?

“Or is it chains.”

His parents had an unaffectionate marriage, each with their own families outside the home.

Xie Duan Yuan was an unwanted child, born in the center of interest, in the blind corner of love.

So he understood one thing at a very young age, that love is the closest thing to a lie in this world, to be exchanged for with tears, to be disproved with wounds.

When he was a child, his grandfather told him the story of the Magic Brush of Ma Liang, and little Xie Duan Yuan’s eyes shone brightly, and that’s how he fell in love with drawing.

Two years later, the master complimented him on the aura of his work and his extraordinary talent.

However, little Xie Duan Yuan was sullen.

Grandpa asked him what was wrong, and he said:

“What on earth can I draw so that what I want can be made real?”

Grandpa said, “If you want something, Grandpa will buy it for you.”

Little Xie Duan Yuan shook his head.

He asked for it many times and never got it.

As he grew older, he seemed to realize that conveying his wishes earnestly to others was extraordinarily sinister behavior.

His tender thoughts, childish requests, and urgent expectations all turned into sharp blades stabbing at him in the face of a wish that could not be granted.

After hearing his grandfather say these words, I resolved to make up for Xie Danyuan’s parents’ lack of affection by taking care of him as if he were a child.

However, I am not mature, we are more in the noise between each other to take care of each other, support each other.

It’s been a long, long road that way.

He was the coward who would fear even happiness and get hurt when he touched cotton.

He is also my most precious little hedgehog.

And this little hedgehog is baring his soft belly wide open to me.

He knows I won’t hurt him, ever.


Shea Dusty was standing at the top of the stairs and when he saw me coming down, he said, “Stay with me, wife.”

The class president jumped out from behind me: “Man and stolen goods!”

Passerby A: “Adulterous couple!”

Passerby B: “A hundred years of happiness!”

I pulled Xie Duan Yuan to cover my face and disappear.

“You old man! I told you not to yell!”


His father was surrounded by another family.

Xie Duan Yuan firmly held me, pushed through the crowd, and put down a bouquet of flowers wrapped in drawing paper amidst their astonishment and whispers.

On the paper was the most satisfying family portrait that little Xie Duan Yuan had ever drawn.


Walking out of the hospital, Xie Duan Yuan’s entire being brightened up.

We leaned against a familiar bridge and blew in the wind until the city was illuminated by the moon.

He said softly, “I have a confession to make.”

I looked at him and thought that it was probably about how he had liked Li Yanran in his past life and then moved on to me.

He took me back to school, went to the art room, and lifted up a masked painting.

On it was me wearing black-framed glasses and thick bangs, wearing the oversized hemmed princess dress from the Fall Games.

His eyes were softer than moonlight.

“This is the second time I’ve drawn this picture.

“The last time I stood in front of everyone with the others and listened to their mingled praise, I wondered how nice it would be if the person next to me was you.

“Everyone would know what a perfect match we are,” he said.

“And you, you’d know too.”

I stared stupidly at the picture until Dusty Xie wiped my tears.

“You’re the dumbest idiot I’ve ever seen!”

I cursed angrily as I poked him in the heart.


About the things Xie Duan Yuan won’t confess.

That day, Dusty Xie was in the KTV corridor when he bumped into Kang Yu Jing confessing his love for the birthday girl.

Forgive him for being pulled over by his friends and not remembering the birthday girl’s name.

That little girl looks so delicate and small, how can she be so bold.

Xie Duan Yuan thought to himself.

“…… Sorry, I don’t want to fall in love right now.”

Jiang Yujing stopped Nan Baiyu from leaving.

Nan Baiyu said helplessly, “I’m really sorry, what do you want, I can compensate you.”

Jiang Yujing met Nan Baiyu’s eyes frankly and bluntly.

“I want us to get back together, I want you to stop inexplicably avoiding me and distancing yourself from me, since you don’t like me, then I want us to be good friends for life, can you do that?”

Nan Baiyu avoided her gaze, and there was an awkward silence in the corridor.

Xie Duan Yuan even started to feel sorry for her.

“I won’t feel bad,” Jiang Yujing stalked her neck, puffing, “You’re the one who made the promise, and you’re the one who can’t fulfill it, you’re the one who has to feel bad for yourself.”

Xie Danyuan froze and poked his head out to look at Jiang Yujing.

Deflated like she was about to cry and still said she wasn’t upset, her chin was pointed and her neck was thin and white, dazzlingly white.

“Brother Xie lost! Quickly, quickly, who wants to think of a tough move.”

“I’ll do it! Brother Xie should go to the girls’ table and find someone to confess his love.”

The bottle was turned in front of him, and suddenly interrupted in his thoughts, Xie Duan Yuan frowned.

The others, realizing that they had gotten high and were starting to speak out of turn, quieted down for a moment.

“That, Brother Xie sorry, forget it ……”

Xie Duan Yuan stood up and confirmed to them.

“I lost the Truth or Dare and have to go over there and find someone to confess to right?”

The person who started nodded his head blankly.

So Xie Duan Yuan took a step towards Kang Yu Jing, thinking to himself:

It’s just because of the dare, I can’t spoil their fun, at most, at most, I just have a little bit of desire to recognize her, or I just didn’t look at her eyes clearly, I just want to look at them clearly.

Holding such a mood, Xie Duan Yuan was able to get that sentence out very smoothly.

Jiang Yu Jing gave him a surprised look. Remembering that Nan Baiyu was watching, he agreed to his confession with a crossed heart.

Xie Dusty Edge was dumbfounded.

There is also this kind of wife falling from the sky, not, inexplicably.

This look knows that it is a truth or dare bar.

Wife, not, Jiang Yu mirror also came over to kiss him.

This time he saw clearly.

The eyes are beautiful, the mouth is soft, and the body smells good.

He had only one thought:

It’s a pity that the person my destined wife likes is not me.

32-year-old Xie Duan Yuan found Jiang Yujing’s star jar, secretly use the family side of the network, to help her inquire about the news of South Baiyu.

The result was very surprising.

When Nan Baiyu was in her first year of high school, she was found to have genetic cerebral arterial disease.

There is no cure for this disease, and once it develops, it will only have a life expectancy of twenty to thirty years.

In the later stages, there would be limb disorders and even have the same symptoms as Alzheimer’s.

Thinking of Nan Baiyu, who had suddenly fainted in the locker room on the day of the Autumn Games, Xie Danyuan realized that this was the truth about him leaving without saying goodbye.

He put the information into the shredder.

Instead of making her sad White Moonlight in this situation, she should think that Nan Baiyu was living happily.

Just forget about her.


80 year old Xie Duan Yuan realizes that Jiang Yujing beside him is losing his breath and quietly takes out sleeping pills from his nightstand.

He had only one thought:

If only I could be with Jiang Yujing for another sixty years.

When he opened his eyes, he actually really returned to sixty years ago.

Xie Danyuan faced Li Yanran, and Jiang Yujing looked at Nan Baiyu.

His eyes, however, couldn’t help but glance at Jiang Yujing’s side face.

“I’ve liked you for a long time, a very, very long time.”

He blurted out the words once again, out of sight of Jiang Yujing.

Li Yanran looked at Jiang Yujing, then at Xie Danyuan, her heart was clear, her eyes turned, and she smiled like a little fox and agreed to this confession that did not belong to her.


In fact, the first encounter has to be traced back to a little earlier.

The second general meeting of the first year of high school, Jiang Yujing as the first midterm results need to go up to the stage to teach learning experience, Xie Danyuan as the first number of disciplinary times need to go up to the stage to do a review.

Jiang Yujing held the speech in his hand, and Xie Danyuan held his breakfast in his hand.

The two looked at each other.

“He looks dumb and clumsy, but he’s actually the first in his grade.”

“He’s not to be messed with, so you’d better stay away from him.”

But in the end, they became the two people closest to each other, sharing a life path so similar that death could not separate them.

So it’s a shame that Kang Yuk Kyung didn’t get his wish.

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Previous February 27, 2024
Next February 27, 2024


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