1. My Lord Protector

My Lord Protector.

This is my fifth year of hitting the awards.

This is the fifth year that I have hit the awards.

It is also the fifth year that I have fallen short of the awards.

Falling short for five years, back and forth with the Best Actress Award, has been reduced to a joke in the entertainment industry. At this moment, I am wearing a tuxedo, watching others walk onto the stage with a surprised look on their faces and take away the trophy that I have been waiting for for five years. 

The agent, Sister Li, said to me, “Often, this award is out of the question this time, but next year, Sister will definitely help you fight for it.”

She obviously forgot that she said the same thing to me last year.

And it was the same fucking award.

“It’s okay, Sis Lee.” I flash her an upside down smile of understanding.

I’ve rehearsed this angle in the mirror countless times before today, though.

Originally, I was preparing to show it to the camera when I received the trophy today.

Even the name of the hot search I have thought of, it’s called “Fu Chang’s stunning smile bravely won the gold award”

…… But now forget it.

She pretended to say a few words to me as a spectacle, then turned her face away and watched the newcomer on the stage receive the trophy with an incredulous expression, cupping her voice and saying into the microphone:

“To receive this award, first of all, I would like to thank one of the most important people in my life ……”

  • Boring woman.

The most important thing to remember is the fact that you have a lot of people to thank for this.

…… What a boring world.


I, Fu Chang.

The world’s most unlucky actress.

My breasts are not too small and my legs are not too short. A face from the mother’s womb is still quite bewitching and confusing. Although I have played a few times of hyaluronic acid, also adjusted the double eyelids, but it is not too exaggerated. A small on a poker goddess alternative list one.

But just can not fire.

Open the microblogging, searched the super talk, except for a few company-bought big powder in the sale of publicity, more is scolding words.

“Borrowing boobs to get to the top.”

“I see is a slut.”

“Get out of the entertainment industry earlier, don’t delay my family xx bundled consumption.”

I kept scrolling down until I came to one sentence:

“It’s outrageous to be nominated for this award, the money behind it is really bad.”

When I saw this sentence, I took a deep breath and turned off my computer with a snap.

Until a voice sounded behind me:

“Do you want to be on fire?”


I want to.

I want it so bad.

But more than wanting fire

I wanted to die more than I wanted fire.

The man in front of me had obviously come into my room at some point, and was sitting on my couch, looking at me good-naturedly. Sweating, I jumped behind the couch in a flash and warily held up a fruit knife to him:

“You …… who are you?!”

He raised an eyebrow, “Wasn’t it you who summoned this lord?”

Summoned? What summoning?

I yelled at him, “Get out, or I’ll call the police!”

“I can tell you that my place is quite close to the police station!”

The man let out an “oh” and took a sip of the drink I endorsed from the table, revealing two tiger teeth and said:

“Then you should call the police.”

It’s true that my place is close to the police station, when Zheng Qu bought this villa for me, he had this in mind.

The police soon came to my door fifteen minutes later, and after an hour of searching, I watched as this officer crossed him and said to me with a serious face:

“Ms. Fu, we are very busy with our work, next time please don’t play pranks, okay?”


Everyone was invisible to him.

Only me.

With my back against the wall, I watched as he walked over to me bit by bit, picked up the yogurt I had placed on the table, took a sip, and smiled at me with a crooked smile:

“Now you believe that this lord was summoned by you, right?”


It only takes ten minutes for the world’s beliefs to change.

For example, ten minutes ago, I was a complete atheist.

Ten minutes later, I was completely convinced that there really are fucking ghosts in this world.

I finally couldn’t help but speak up and interrupt him as he detailed my real age, my real name, and even how old I was when I last wet the bed:

“How did I summon you?”

The ghost pointed to a bottle I had placed on the counter and said, “No, this is it.”

Two months ago, Sister Li had pushed a business card to me, saying that if you want to be on fire, try it.

Paying over half a million dollars, what came in the mail was a small bottle, which was said to contain the baby spirit.

But I was so busy for a while that I hadn’t had time to open it.

“Don’t be ridiculous big brother,” I said to him with trepidation, “I’m summoning a baby spirit, what are you? A giant baby?”

He smiled at me:

“In three minutes, you’ll get a dream job offer.”

I interrupted him, “Thank you, but I have a full work day and don’t need another one.”


His peach blossom eyes narrowed into a nice arc, “This is from my lord, and what my lord gives is always different from others.”

Under the light he looks really good hey …… That’s not the point! The point is that for no reason at all don’t give me a discharge ah friend!

Before I could throw another harsh word at him, my cell phone suddenly rang with a loud beep.

Sister Li’s voice came shouting from the other side of the microphone:

“Honey! Don’t you dare believe it! The variety show that rejected you just last time just came to you!”

“It says it wants …… to invite you to be on the show!!!”


My brain was still buzzing until I stood on the set of the program.

It’s one of the hottest variety shows at the moment, where male and female celebrities compete in a variety of talents, and sense of variety, and get a combined score to choose the idol of the year.

The most popular ones from previous years were given excellent resources. Therefore, they are extremely difficult to invite.

I tried everything I could think of, but I couldn’t even get on.

But now they suddenly called me and said that the actress who was scheduled to appear on this program was sick and couldn’t make it, so they wanted me to fill in.

The original overbearing producer swept away the previous momentum, fearfully to me: “Ms. Fu, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, we were wrong before, we shouldn’t have rejected you, please don’t forget the small man, you must come, oh.”

Hanging up the phone, I flopped down and knelt directly in front of the ghost next to me:


“What should I do next?”

The ghost biting the yogurt straw and pretending to smile: “Hey? Aren’t you a giant baby?”

I shook my hand curtly, “No way, no way! You misheard me, heh heh heh! In fact, the word “giant baby” means a man with a great sense of humor!

Although it was a flattering remark.

But I have to say, this ghost master’s looks were really not bad.

High nose, long eyelashes, slightly upturned eyes, a pair of peach blossom eyes like a smile.

Although dressed in a white clothes can not be seen which dynasty, and full of mouth “this adult” in the middle of the two self-proclaimed.

But with a height of one meter eighty-six, and a broad-shouldered, narrow-waisted appearance. Even when leaning against the doorframe, he had an indescribable brimming style.

Must have been a very popular person when he was alive.

  • If he didn’t have a knife in his chest.

“Accidentally stabbed in when he died.” Noticing my gaze, he smiled and explained, “But they didn’t get away with it either, one had his neck broken by my lord, and another was kicked down the stairs by my lord.”

This is killing people right ah hey!

I, who had been curtly fanning him, jumped three meters on the spot.

“Don’t worry, I can’t kill anyone after I become a ghost.” He made a standard shooting motion and threw the bottle into the trash can, “And this lord never fights with women.”

“So ……”

He cocked his head and looked at me.

“As long as I help you fulfill your wish, this lord can go to reincarnation, right?”


Ghosts, they’re a scary thing.

However, it must not be scarier than not being on fire.

After considering for three seconds, I decisively agreed to work with this middle-aged ghost boy named Gu Cheng.

After all, it’s better to scare someone than to be scared.

And the first thing he taught me was to be myself.

After freezing for a couple of seconds, I suddenly realized, “You mean, being my original serious, hardworking, beautiful and generous self is more appealing to the fans?”

Gu Cheng nodded towards me thoughtfully, “I didn’t realize you were so humorous before.”

Since my debut, my image has always been that of a chirpy girl.

Although my legs were long and straight, my best hairstyle was big waves, and I looked better with heavy makeup than light makeup, my agent still hardened me into the persona of a little white flower due to the market’s preference for innocent little white flowers.

After listening to Gu Cheng’s words, I was enlightened, decisively sent a tweet, with a picture of his sexy long legs.

A second later, a tidal wave of curses drowned out my tweet.

I angrily showed my tweet to him, “What does this mean!”

Gu Cheng stared and looked closely, “Sister your legs are really beautiful ah I want to do one night with you ……”

“Not this!” I scratched away the private message page with my hands and hands the phone to him again, “Look! Everyone at the bottom was cursing me! It’s not at all what you said about just being yourself!”

Gu Cheng expressed his admiration for my understanding, his peach blossom eyes brimming, “Do you know what kind of woman is the most attractive?”

I fell into a reverie, “Naive? Sexy? Innocent?”

“None of them.”

Gu Cheng moved closer to me, and in the mirror, I showed my tiger teeth and smiled compulsively, “It’s you, Fu Chang.”

“You don’t need to change. The way you are, you are the most charming.”


Fu Chang. Fu Chang.

Hypocritical, worldly.

Money-worshipping, extravagant.

In order to resources in the drinking game to socialize, with smooth and flattering words to deal with.

Rubbing in the heat to create rumors of romance, being interviewed but also with a face of innocence to explain:

“We’re just good friends, don’t make any guesses.”

Occasionally, I would make a show of revealing my ditch on the red carpet, and when I was photographed as I wanted to be, I would even stuff a red packet and ask them to give me a deeper P. I’m not sure if I’m a good friend or not, but I’m a good friend.

…… thought so carefully about my true colors.

I think Gu Cheng should want me to just quit the circle.

He nodded his head with an approving face, “Although it’s still so stupid, you’ve finally gained a bit more self-knowledge.”

While he was saying this, I casually swiped thirty thousand at the mall and bought a skirt.

“Ah, this skirt is so expensive, so little fabric, but it actually costs thirty thousand dollars.”

The little white flower actress behind me looked at the small ticket in my hand in surprise, her eyes wide.

The male co-star beside her had a spoiled look on his face:

“Do you like it? I’ll buy you one too?”

Little White Flower poked her tongue out, “It doesn’t have to be so expensive, I think the cotton dresses sold at the stalls over there are just fine. I usually dress casually~”

I asked Gu Cheng in a low voice, “Hey, am I okay with this? This is the ordinary people section, can ordinary people casually spend thirty thousand dollars on a skirt when they go shopping?”

Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes at me, “Oh? Aren’t your usual dresses thirty thousand dollars each?”

I smiled shyly, “Of course not.”

“My usual dresses cost 130,000 dollars each.”

The theme of this issue is to let male and female celebrities spend a day together as a couple, like ordinary people.

And the little white flower actress in front of us.

Homey, cute and grounded.

It’s the most popular persona these days.

-Would have been the old lady’s persona too.

But not today.

Carrying a bag, I came to the stall with Little White Flower and watched her skillfully cut a skirt that originally cost 89 to 79, looking at me with bright eyes:

“Often sister, do you want to also buy a, two together can be 20% off, and can save 15 it!

I smiled at her, “Thank you, I never wear clothes under 1,000.”

“Her eyes widened, “Really? You’re so sophisticated, Ms. Chang, you’re not like me. It’s not even like me, sometimes I’m so brown that I forget to wash my face when I wake up early.”

–She’s probably forgotten who I met at the hotel spa last night and applied a face mask all night.

“Oops! There are skewers here! Little White Flower shook the corner of my coat with a surprised look on her face: “I used to love eating this in high school, didn’t you, Often Sis?”

“Sorry, I never eat this kind of stuff.” I blew on my freshly done manicure, “I’m afraid of getting fat, doesn’t your manager let you manage your figure?”

“He can’t control me if he wants to, I have very little self-control.” Little White Flower narrowed her eyes and smiled, “I really hope that when I reach Often Sister’s age, I can also have such a good figure~”

How about you just tell the audience that I’m only five years older than you?

“That’s right, Often-chan~”

She turned back with an innocent look on her face, “Last time the news said that you have a boyfriend, is it that 45 year old brother?”

“I heard that my sister sat with him in the hotel for a while, what were you talking about?”

Looking at my chest has been angry up and down, Gu Cheng, like a mother of God, reminded me: “Do not endure, be yourself! Be yourself!”

Be yourself?

–So I raised my hand and decisively slapped the little white flower.


“You know how much money I spent to get you on this variety show! Do you know how much money I spent and how many connections I made to get you on this variety show? I think you’re simply pumped!”

Sister Li gasped for breath and threw a piece of paper at me with hatred, “Su Ru Ru is the person designated by the investor to come in, you hitting her is about the same as slapping the investor’s face.”

“Now, immediately, right away, go find Su Ru Ru and apologize!”

“If she doesn’t forgive you, you won’t be recording for the rest of the day!”

I came out of the room with my head hanging down, and around the corner, I bumped into Gu Cheng, who was standing at the side waiting for me.

He leaned against the corner with a puzzled look, “Huh? Why is your face crying and smiling at the same time?”

A fist hit him in the face.

I growled, “Laughing and smiling! Laugh your ass off!”

Originally, I thought that I got the job opportunity solely because of Gu Cheng.

Now, it’s just a coincidence.

In real life, how could anyone like the vicious and mean me?

Su Ru Ru in front of her looked aggrieved, “Often Sister, what did I do wrong? Why did you hit me?”

I compensated with a smile, “It’s all my fault, Ru Ru, I had a brain fart for a moment, don’t blame me don’t blame me.”

Don’t blame me for a slip of the tongue and doing to you what I’ve always wanted to do to you in my heart.

“That’s good, I thought often sister hated me.” She broke into a smile and pulled me in, “Then we’ll still be good friends from now on, right? Often Sis?”

Taking a deep breath and following my previous persona, I gently squeezed out a smile, “We’ve always been friends ah, Ru-Ru.”

Hypocritical but affectionate.

Pretentious but gentle.

Unsurprisingly, I’ll keep playing this persona.

–If I don’t happen to see the hot search alert on my phone.


“Crap, that’s good. Is this direct retaliation from an actress?”

“Fu often crazy criticizing beauty”

“Slap Green Tea Bitch 666”

“Fu Chang has finally stopped acting.”

The topic “Fu Chang slapped Su Ru Ru” hangs high on the number one hot search.

In the super talk about me, paradoxically, there was no one-sided cursing.

Instead, it caused a high level of heat for the program.

“Now you’re hot online and the polls have gone up!” Sister Li, who had spoken evilly half an hour ago, was now smiling like a flower on the other end of the phone, “According to this trend you’re likely to get Idol of the Year!”

When I received the phone call, I was trying my best to incense Gu Cheng, who had been invited back.

“What kind of incense do you like? Ambergris or thread?”

He looked haughty: “But this lord never uses incense.”

“It’s all about eating people directly.”

I took out my cell phone: “What kind of people? Is placenta okay? I’ll find my friends on the road to get you in.”

He: “…… You are shameless.”

I smile at him sincerely, “Thanks, it’s one of the few things I have going for me.”

He looked at me out of the corner of his eye, “Oh? Is it? Isn’t that a nymphomaniac?”

I was about to grab something next to me and slam it at him when a raucous beep came from my cell phone.

Gu Cheng, who was leaning against the sofa, looked at my phone and unconsciously read out, “Congratulations, I see you’re on the hot search – Zheng Qu.”

I jumped over and grabbed my phone, “Quickly let me see!”


The sender displayed on the screen, Zheng Qu.

Zheng Qu.

Zheng Qu.

It’s really Zheng Qu.

After confirming it ten times, I unconsciously put a silly smile on my face, “He’s really paying attention to me,” Gu Cheng said coolly next to me, “He’s a nymphomaniac in love with a scummy man.

Gu Cheng said coolly from the side: “A nymphomaniac who fell in love with a scummy guy.”

I punched him in the face: ”Who are you calling a scumbag!

Zheng Qu.

Gu Cheng dodged it carelessly, an unknown look on his face, ”As an entertainment company president, who is not clear with the head and tail of the artists under his own company, and who is obviously your gold master, but is blind to your situation, isn’t this kind of person a scumbag?”

That’s not true.

That’s not true.

The Zheng Qu in my eyes is the handsome president who can hold up Sung Tuan Entertainment at a young age, and his body is always spotless. Likes to wear straight suits.

Even when talking to the cleaners, he could still slightly owe his body.

Obviously in a high position, but to anyone with a smile like a spring breeze.

Zheng Qu.

I pressed down the excitement in my heart, replied to Zheng Qu with a sentence of ‘I will continue to work hard’, collapsed on the sofa, and said to Gu Cheng disdainfully, ‘Zheng Qu is not like this, it’s me who doesn’t want anything from him’.

When I stepped into the entertainment industry ten years ago, I was still an eighteen-year-old ignorant girl.

The first time I was NG’d by a director, then tricked into a hotel room by an assistant director who tried to subvert me, and no matter how much I cried and shouted, no one responded, a fist smashed sharply into the fat face of the assistant director.

Then the owner of this fist turned around and asked me gently and politely:

“Are you okay?”


Zheng Qu was my savior.

The young and handsome president, the young girl of fallen beauty.

The first time I kissed the corner of Zheng Qu’s mouth, I was 19 years old.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise. I watched as I rode up his waist in raw movements and bit his neck in a lousy manner. The panting gradually increased, but still calmly said to me at the last moment:

“Fu Chang, I can’t touch you.”

“Nor can I love you.”

At that time, I timidly kissed the corner of his mouth and said, “It’s okay.”

“It doesn’t matter if you use me.”

Ten years.

I saddled up for the Centurion Group and spent my best ten years helping him make a fortune in resources.

And he gave me everything he could. Money, resources, and connections.

Only no love.

Every time I asked him if he loved me, even at the celebration banquet where he had just pulled in a big deal for him, he would politely remind, “Fu Chang, we used to have a deal.”

Doesn’t matter?

Is it really okay?

It does matter.

When I saw that he had changed his companions one after another. Rumors with different female celebrities, even nodding to an insignificant clerk, the inner voice cried out all the time.

Have a relationship.

Wants to be your closest.

Wanting to possess you.

Wanted to protect you.

Wanted you to be only mine.

So desperately, two years ago, stopped accepting any kindness from him.

I want to rely on myself, to grow up independently, so that I can be qualified to stand in front of him, evenly matched, and say, “I love you.”

“You’re overthinking it.” Gu Cheng smirked and pulled me back to reality, “He’ll most likely say to you, ‘Sorry, Fu Chang, you’re not my type’ and simply leave.”

I disdained, “How can that be, who can hold a gorgeous actress like Lao Ma?”

“Oh?” Gu Cheng reminded me, “Are you the one who is so attracted to shopping that you can’t walk when you see a designer bag, or are you the one who badmouths your peers behind their backs for three days and three nights because of the slightest thing, or are you the one who is so jealous that she turns around and buys a pass to ravish someone after seeing the gossip coming out of Zheng Qu?”

I deflated all of a sudden.


When it comes down to it, old mom is such a nasty person.

  • Although Lao mama is such a bad person, but still can’t accept being pointed out so bluntly by a ghost ah dog pussy!

In a fit of anger, I didn’t speak to Gu Cheng for three days.

This scene continued until the show restarted three days later.


“Often sister, those words on the Internet you do not take to heart oh.”

After the restart of the festival, Su Ru Ru, who hadn’t seen me for three days, finally reappeared. She tugged on the corner of my coat with a worried expression:

“They didn’t mean to call my sister vicious, don’t be sad,” she said.

“It’s fine, sister.” I in turn patted the back of her hand to comfort her: “Sister just worried about it, many people say sister you are a green tea whore, sister you do not feel bad oh.”

Su Ru Ru’s eyes were filled with tears, “Often sister, you say that, are you still blaming me?”

The look of pity immediately aroused the pity of the other male stars, and the male star who partnered with her shouted at me with great cleverness and dissatisfaction:

“Hey! Big ass! I said don’t go too far, Ru Ru was beaten up by you and even came over to comfort you personally, what more do you want?”

I covered my chest in hurt, “Oh God! I was clearly comforting Ru Ru’s sister, how can you slander me like that?”

Gu Cheng, who no one could see, smiled venomously at me while resting on his arm, “Don’t cover up, your chest shows nothing.”

Your chest shows nothing.” “It’s still flat.”

I smiled charmingly back at him: “If you talk nonsense again, I’ll beat you to death.”

“I’ll kill you if you keep talking nonsense. Su Ru Ru pulled the sleeve of the indignant Big Smart, revealing a naive and silly smile:

“You ah you, often sister just really care about me ~ you do not get angry, let’s go in quickly.”

Big smart face touched: “Ru Ru, you are still like a child so kind!

By the way gouge me a glance: “Unlike some people, the dog bites Lü Dongbin do not know the good heart …… hum!

…… Thanks If I had a choice I wouldn’t want to get together with you pair of living treasures!

Today’s task is to go on an adventure to a haunted house.

Gu Cheng lazily pillowed his hands, narrowed his eyes and smiled: “Just now this adult has already gone in, there are a total of three waves of staff inside, the first wave is the Black and White Irregulars, the second wave is the severed ghosts, and the third wave is the hanged female ghost wearing a wedding dress.”

“Do you need my lord to accompany you inside?”

Seeing my face with a chilling look, his peach blossom eyes slightly raised, and he smiled with a flirtatious look on his face:

“As long as you say sorry to me, I will reluctantly consider accompanying you.”

I laughed coldly: “You’ll just die outside.”

When I entered the haunted house, the layout was as vulgar as ever.

Su Ru Ru pulled on my coat corner in fear: “Often Sister, I’m so scared!”

I kindly reminded her, “Beauty, big smart …… Ah no, your partner is in the back.”

“But I feel that often sister is more secure.” Su Ru Ru shyly said: “Every time in often sister beside, feel extra at ease.”

…… I think you are Stockholm.

I struggled to pull her neck down from my hand, “Big sister can you get off of me! I’ll be scared to death by you before I’m scared to death by a ghost, okay!”

Su Ru Ru got off of me in a blur of color and didn’t forget to remind me in a serious manner, “Often, I’m five years younger than you, so I should be the one to call you Big Sister.”

I should have just dumped her on the ghost!

The first two levels went by without a hitch.

This is thanks to Gu Cheng’s friendly reminder, of course, the main thing is that I am more bold.

It’s just that …… Gu Cheng, this guy, because I said for him not to come in he really didn’t come in ah hey!!!!

Do ghosts need to be so trustworthy! Slightly not a little bit of good faith will die!

Taking a deep breath, and forcibly suppressing my desire to beat Gu Cheng to death, I brought Su Ru Ru, who was hanging on to me, to the last level.

Just this one level away from getting the final trophy.

Passing through the room, I came to the last spirit hall.

A long-haired woman in white was hanging in mid-air.

The black hearth echoed with the staff’s pre-recorded voice: “I’m cold ……”

Su Ru Ru shivered, “Often sister, do you feel that it’s really cold here?”

I also shivered, “Yes, it’s really cold, really cold, please, Miss! You look up and see that the air conditioner is right above your head can not be cold!”

I don’t know why.

I actually felt that the coolness had nothing to do with the air conditioner.

If I had to describe it, it was more like a cold person was gently caressing my back along my spine.


This coolness seemed to transform into an entity and strangled my neck hard from behind!

“「Oh, it hurts ……」I pulled the hand on my neck, 「Hey assholes you guys are also pretending to be too serious!

What kind of staff is this! Dedication is not in a place like this! I’m going to file a complaint against her when I get out!

As I struggled, the hands on my neck not only didn’t let go, but instead tightened more and more.

“I’m cold……”

“I’m really cold ……”

A grim voice whispered behind my ear, “It’s so cold ……”

“Stay with me ……”

“Stay with me ……”

The piercing coldness almost seeped directly into my veins along with my neck, piercing into my heart.

I suddenly realized that this wasn’t pretend.

Now, it was truly haunted.


A month ago, I was a staunch atheist, at that time I ate everything, even if I saw the content of the horror movie, I still scoffed, and even pause the screen to quietly study the other side of the eyeliner is not drawn out of bounds.

A month later, because of Gu Cheng’s appearance, I believe that there are ghosts and gods in the world – but this does not mean that I really want to see other ghosts ah Hey!

“It hurts ……” The female ghost’s voice is still hovering behind my ears, “It hurts …… He killed me …… cut me alive… … It hurts ……”

“Miss, do you know how he killed me? It was with a sword that he thrust in little by little …… Obviously, I’m going to get married to my fiancé next month …… But then a guy who claims to be an apologist for heaven killed me just like that! ……”

“It hurts …… Why …… why do I have to suffer like this when I’ve done nothing wrong ……?”


“Why did you kill me?”

“Why !!!!?”

I want to ask why too! You should be looking for revenge on the pervert who killed you instead of me doing a mission here! And why did you have to get upset with Gu Cheng and not let him come in with me just now! I’m a fucking absolute idiot!!!!!

“Don’t be afraid, Often Sister!” Su Ru Ru raised the stone in her hand and aimed it at me warily, “I’ll help you fight her off right now!”

Then she threw it, hitting me right in the nose I just finished last month.

Thank you you’d better run for your life yourself!

“BLOOD!” Sojourner let out a scream, “Often sis! Your nose is bleeding!”

Her white eyes rolled up and she fainted. An unconsciousness was performed on the spot.

“Gu Cheng!” Seeing that Su Ru Ru couldn’t be counted on, and that the hand around my neck was getting tighter and tighter, I called out with difficulty in the gap, “Gu Cheng! You big man! Come and save me, Gu Cheng!”

No one responded.

In the empty haunted house, there was only me, a female ghost who had died unjustly, and an unconscious Su Ru Ru.

Unreliable woman.

Unreliable man.

I should have known that at the beginning I should have kowtowed to Gu Cheng and admitted my mistake and then begged and hugged his thighs and dragged him in any way I could.

The corners of my eyes shed tears of heartache.

The world in front of my eyes began to lax. Scenes from my childhood surfaced.

When I was very young, I remember being locked up in a dark room like this.

At that time, I was also banging on the door and screaming helplessly.

What was it that I was screaming at the time?

I muttered and repeated:

“Mom ……”


“Mom ……”

Maybe I’m really dying.

The moment before I lost consciousness.

A voice rang in my ears like a god coming down:

“Hey, don’t call the wrong person.”

“I’m not interested in being your mom.”


The shackles around my neck were instantly broken.

A large amount of fresh air poured in, and I was almost choked speechless.

Gu Cheng ruthlessly strangled the female ghost’s face with one hand, and a treacherous red glow flickered in his slightly upturned peach blossom eyes, “Get out of here, she can’t attack me, but she can put you to death.”


Haven’t gotten the trophy yet.

The only way to not lose this game was to get the trophy.

Strangled by the damned ghost girl, my legs went weak and I flopped to the ground, struggling to reach towards the trophy in the distance.

“Let’s leave that thing alone at this point!” Gu Cheng shouted from behind me, “If you stay any longer you might die!”


So painful.

Every step seems to tear one apart.

“Be.” I said with difficulty, “So close to getting it.”

The moment my fingertips were about to touch the trophy, my feet were entangled in a wave of wetness and coldness, and the female ghost that had just been shackled suddenly screamed and escaped from Gu Cheng’s grasp, her hands tearing at my face, “Go to hell! Go to hell!”

“Death to all of you!

Sharp claws dug into my shoulders.

Icy breath behind my ear.

It’s not even close.

So close, so close.

I fought as hard as I could, reaching for the trophy in front of me, my fingertips getting farther and farther away from it.

A pair of feet stop in front of me.

Someone’s voice rang above my head:

“Do you really want it that bad?”

“Yes.” I crawled forward to reach it, “To get …… must get ……”

To win.

Must win.

I must stand in front of the trophy.

Must, take back the honor that belongs to me.

A sigh sounded behind me.

A hand, passing through my waist.

I don’t know whose voice, whispered in my ear:

“The Big Dipper is invulnerable to all poisons.”



Gorgeous white light exploded before my eyes.

It was like a bunch of fireworks, blossoming all over the sky. Cutting out a stunning scar in the darkness.

Unbelievably beautiful.

Too pretty to be true.

The sharp claws that were about to reach me were sucked away as if by a black hole, sliding quickly along the light to where the white light was most brilliant. The female ghost let out a mournful shriek.  

“Close your eyes.”

A hand gently covered my eyes.

It’s warm.

The hand in front of me was warm.

Gu Cheng’s breathing sounded shallowly in my ears, “Don’t be afraid.”

The other hand, firmly encircled me in his arms.

Poignant cries kept coming from my ears.

In the midst of the complicated sounds, I closed my eyes at ease.


What goes through a person’s mind when they die?

Your loving parents.

The first love of your life.

The unfulfilled wish.

Or the regrets that have been missed.

In front of my eyes stood a huge trophy, golden and shiny, engraved with “Fu Chang Popular Female Star”.

I hugged the trophy with tears in my eyes, “Old me finally got it!”

Gu Cheng said expressionlessly, “Do you really want it that much?”


I looked horrified, “Why are you in my dream, am I really dead?”

He laughed ghoulishly, “Yes, not only dead, but also dead without a body.”

I regretted, “This nose still just went to be done last month, I haven’t had the chance to go on the mirror a few more times, it’s such a shame to die like this.”

Gu Cheng was silent: “Your focus is really different from the norm.”

The scene in front of him didn’t look like it was in heaven at all. Instead, it was gilded like a wedding auditorium.

I was flattered, “Is this what the Kingdom of Heaven looks like, that God knows about it and has specially come to marry me?”

Gu Cheng sneered, “This is not the Kingdom of Heaven, this is your dream.”

In front of her stood a little girl with a lollipop in her hand. With an innocent face, she looked at Gu Cheng: “Big brother, who are you talking to?”

It was me as a child.

Gu Cheng squatted down and squinted his peach blossom eyes and touched her head, “Be good, grow up well in the future, don’t be a nymphomaniac, don’t just run off with a man,” he said.

I swung a fist to his face: “Do not teach me something strange ah asshole!”

No wonder in my memory until adulthood I had no interest in men, and at one point I suspected I was a homosexual, so it was because I had been hypnotized by this damn guy!

The little girl in front of me dispersed like quicksand, and in the blink of an eye the scene changed again.

Wearing a high school uniform, Fu Chang had already grown into a pavilion. Standing alone in front of the pavilion, she was memorizing a book.

I look forward to: “I was really quiet and dignified in high school, love to study a good child, I remember that the teachers liked me the most at that time.”

  • The next moment I saw her swinging her English book at the pillar of the pavilion, “Damn English teacher! It’s obvious that the boy in front of me was the one who made a fool of himself and turned around to talk to me! Why do you make me memorize my books here?”

“It’s not me.” I covered Gu Cheng’s eyes in a serious manner, “This dream seems to be a bit distorted.”

Gu Cheng pulled down my hand and mercilessly nudged me, “What the hell are you like this lord doesn’t know yet?”

The scene in front of me was like flying sand and faded away again. It turned into a solemn church.

In the center of the nave, stood a Fu Chang.

She was dressed in a white veil, with long tassels snaking from behind her, encrusted with diamonds, and her entire person looked glittering.

Walking towards the church in style.

I was touched with a look of, “My old lady is really the most beautiful when she wears a wedding dress.”

At the end of the church stood a groom.

Slender figure, straight suit, deep eyebrows.

It was Zheng Qu.

I shed a tear in my flowery eyes, “How nice it would be if this wasn’t a dream.”

Gu Cheng coolly said from the side, “It’s not much more handsome than this lord.”

“You’re not allowed to say Zheng Qu!” I punched him, “He’s my husband now!”


An indifferent voice suddenly came from the air.

“What did you say?” I turned my head angrily.

Gu Cheng had his hands resting on the back of his head, his slender legs crossed, and he squinted at me, “I said you, are a fool.”

I was about to say something back when gorgeous music rang out from the auditorium.

It was the wedding march.

The most important moment in my life.

Fu Chang, wearing a white gown, walked step by step towards Zheng Qu, who was in a suit.

I watched with tears in my eyes as I walked step by step to Zheng Qu, was lifted up by his veil to look at him fondly, and turned my face to look at Gu Cheng, “Why don’t we not go out? I think it’s fine to stay here.”

Gu Cheng glanced at me lightly and stood up, “If we don’t leave, you won’t wake up.”

To the sound of a beautiful tune, Fu Chang and Zheng Qu on the church had exchanged rings and kissed under the bright lights.

I took one last fond look, then walked out of the world with Gu Cheng.

At that time, I didn’t know.

This time out.

Is the beginning of the fall into hell.


After the haunted house incident, I was once again greeted with a second wave of hot news.

The treacherous things that had happened were put live on the air without any details, and the number of viewers of the program peaked for a while.

Regarding why I was able to suddenly break free from the hands of the stern ghost and who Gu Cheng was, when I faced the camera, I explained that it was because I’ve had supernormal capabilities since I was a child. I have also practiced qigong and am quite knowledgeable in this area.

As for this what’s-her-name ghost Gu Cheng, it’s the incantation I use when casting my functions.

Gu Cheng taught me in a serious manner, “You can say that Gu Cheng is a top-notch big handsome guy, as long as a beautiful woman summons him, he will ……

I interrupted him with a shy smile, “Dream on you.”

Today has entered the third round of the competition, song and dance.

Logically speaking, I am from the dance class, this should be one of the least of my worries, it’s just that ……

-The male star in front of me had a look of “How come I’m in the same group as you” and reluctantly turned to me:

“Big ass, I warn you you can not touch me ah, eye contact is also not allowed, I am afraid that Ru Ru misunderstanding, and so on! We can skip the lifting, but we’re not going to wrap our arms around your waist? Oh, my God! I can only wrap my arms around Ru-Ru!”

Yes, that’s right.

This big smart guy right here.

He’s the partner who has a crush on Ru Ru.

This competition was a lottery, and this great smart guy lived up to his name and was chosen to be in the same group as me.

I said to Gu Cheng with a look of despair, “I think I’m finished, this guy can’t wait for me to lose, he must have deliberately messed up so that Su Ru Ru could win.”

Gu Cheng’s peach blossom eyes flicked up and said to me, “I’m here, don’t worry.”

Then I was relieved to go to the competition …… a ghost class! I don’t feel relieved at all! What’s the point of having him around? That’s a big smart guy! If he was smart, he wouldn’t be called smart, my friend!

As it turns out, Big Smart really doesn’t let me off the hook, and after stepping on my foot for the fifth dance step, he gives me a wicked smile:

“Sorry, I’m not a good dancer.”

-You’re telling me that you’re not a good dancer when you won first place in a dance variety show just last month?

I shed tears of sadness.

“Often, how was your practice?”

After the rehearsal, Su Ru Ru bounced and stepped into our rehearsal room:

“Oh my god, it’s so beautiful, Ms. Often, this dance dress suits you very well.”

Smartie, who had been depressed just a moment ago, instantly greeted her in high spirits, “Ru Ru! You came to see me! I just went to watch your rehearsal too! Your ballet is still as good as before!”

-No wonder how I couldn’t find you when I was practicing just now, dog! You’ve been sneaking off to get a girl!

“I’m here to see Sister Often.” Su Ru Ru took my hand, her eyes narrowed with a smile, “Often, thank you for helping me in the haunted house last time.”

“This amulet is for you, my grandma personally went to the temple to ask for it, and your nose, I know there’s a hospital …….”

I was quick to cover her mouth, “Sister, enough, you shut up now as a thank you to me.”

Next to the big smart face touched: “Ru Ru, you are so kind. This big ass …… Fu often hurt you, you are still so uncomplaining to her.”

  • Friends have no regrets is what the hell words do not just use ah okay! And where is the kindness ah hello! Just clearly almost in front of the camera to the old lady to do the nose of the thing out well ah ah ah ah!

Next was the usual Big Smart and Su Ru Ru flirting session.

I turned my face away in boredom.

I really didn’t want to face this pair of living treasures, yet the heavens always had to torture me like this.

After witnessing the two of them engage in two hours of mental torture and sending Su Ru Ru away, I collapsed helplessly in the dressing room, “What kind of sins did I really create! I have to work so hard in addition to my job.”

If Gu Cheng was there, he would have laughed at me: “Those who accomplish great things do not take small measures.”

That’s right.

I woke up with a start.

Where is Gu Cheng?

It seemed like I hadn’t seen Gu Cheng all day today.

I went out to look for him, but I couldn’t find him, and walked further and further along the way.

Turning down the long corridor, I suddenly heard Zheng Qu’s voice from next door:

“What exactly is it going to take for you to be willing to reconsider me? Do you want me to break up with Fu Chang?”


I have loved Zheng Qu for ten years.

When I was a child, my parents divorced because I was sick, and my mother barely raised me until I was fifteen because of the law, and I was almost molested by my stepfather.

As an adult, I was pursued for sky-high alimony payments and almost went to the media, and it was Zheng Qu who found someone to help me smooth things over.

Over the long years, there was only this one person who ever truly cared about me.

Compassionate me, gave me help.

At the moment I stood in the doorway and heard Zheng Qu, who I hadn’t seen for a long time, say word for word to the person across from me:

“Fu Chang has hurt you, I can immediately let her leave the program.”

“As long as you’re happy, as long as you don’t ignore me.”

Su Ru Ru’s apologetic but firm voice rang out from across the room, “Fu Chang is very good to me oh, Mr. Zheng, please don’t flatter yourself, even if you let Fu Chang leave the show, I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever be happy with you.”

Sure enough.

The one standing at the center of the world can only ever be the simple and kind heroine.

Vulgar, vulgar actresses could indeed only be relegated to supporting roles in this story.

There simply wouldn’t be so many miracles happening in the world.

Gu Cheng’s voice sounded behind me, “What are you crying about?”

I looked at the ceiling: ”I’m not crying, just water in my eyes.”

He glanced at me obliquely, “…… Your snot is falling out.”

“That’s an illusion.” I tilted my face away, “I’m just freezing, I came out so fast I forgot to put my clothes on. And where have you been, I’ve been looking for you just now.”

My lord went to get you painkillers.”

The palm of his hand was spread out and an orange and white pill was placed in his hand.

Today is the first day of my aunt’s period.

I didn’t think he’d remember.

He lent his shoulder over and pretended to be full of concern, “If you want to lean on it, my lord can lend it.”

I buried my face into his shoulder. Whimpering, I said, “I’m not sorry, old lady.”


After I went back, I had a high fever.

In fact, seeing Zheng Qu and Su Ru Ru together didn’t make me so sad, and after I cried, a hint of relief arose instead.

Maybe I was really too tired these past few years.

This illness made me so relaxed, I dreamed for a long time, replaying all the painful memories from childhood to adulthood.

But this time, I actually didn’t wake up crying like before.

When I was sick I felt a hand that had been gently placed on my forehead.

Gu Cheng’s breath with a hint of warmth rippled from his palm across my forehead and all the way into my heart.

Almost to the point of giving me the illusion that a brat could have this kind of warmth?

Such muddled days went on until the program started.

The show had grown in popularity by now.

In the cheers of the crowd, Su Ru Ru on the stage had already finished her dance first, dressed in a gorgeous tutu, like a delicate little swan, her wonderful performance won a full house of applause. The judges at the table have hit a high score of nine points.

Sure enough.

Misery is such a fate.

Whether it’s love, or career, they all suffer a headache together.

“Don’t worry.”

The big smart guy beside me, however, suddenly went against the norm and took my hand, his breath with the smell of grass as if rubbing against my ear:

“Just do your best in every step of the dance, you’ll win for sure.”

I snorted: “Big brother, you are not the most hopeful that Su Ru Ru won the championship?”

He was silent, and the impassioned voice of the host on the stage had already begun:

“Let’s welcome our next performer, Li Fung–

–Fu Chang!”

Amidst the roaring cheers, Big Smart and I went on stage hand in hand.


The bottom was filled with audience members holding up lighted signs, and even Su Ru Ru who chanted cheers at me.

There was no Zheng Qu.

No Gu Cheng.

I let out a bitter laugh: what was I expecting? After all these years, hasn’t a person come through?

And what is there that can’t be endured?

The music slowly started.

The name of this dance, called “Si Hong Fu”, the legend tells the story of lovers from previous lives meeting in this life, and it is a dance with an extremely high coefficient of difficulty.

Even with a lot of practice, there would inevitably be mistakes.

Because of drawing this dance, Big Smart had complained to me more than once about how I could be allowed to dance with him when it was clearly a dance that only lovers could do.

But at this moment, we had an unexpected tacit understanding, one lap and one step in, all of them fit so well.

  • Just like lovers in a previous life.

I shook my head: what a joke! How could I have a tacit understanding with Big Smart like lovers in a past life! Unless he had a handsome like Takeshi Kaneshiro in his past life and merged with a talent like Tong Pak Fu, I ……

Otherwise before I could finish thinking about it, the next second I felt a foot in the air.

  • Gorgeous.

Overhead, the colorful lights were almost bright enough to dazzle. It seemed like a dream, but even a dream had never been this brilliantly colorful.

I squeezed my eyes shut, but the imagined pain didn’t come.

While falling towards the stage, a warm and strong hand pulled me over, my hand spun around with him, and along with the melodious music, my red dress flew, and I fell into his arms.

A shriek of amazement rose from the bottom.

Big Smart’s voice rang overhead, “Told you so.”

“Don’t worry.”

The tone was soft and firm, carrying a reassurance that could not be ignored.

My eyes widened suddenly.


This wasn’t Big Smart!


The Big Smart in front of me raised an eyebrow at me and smiled, whispering, “Shhh.”

“Don’t say anything.”

It’s Gu Cheng.

He was actually Gu Cheng.

Powerful hands wrapped around my waist, his breath swirled around my head in a magnificent toot spin, and the hem of my skirt drew a beautiful arc in the air.

This is the first time that Gu Cheng and I are so close, so real physical contact.

  • Beautiful, beautiful music. He and I swirled in the middle of the crowd, as if there were no one around, as if there was no sound around.

Gu Cheng and I danced quietly through the crowd.

I raised my eyes to look at him, and his delicate jawline traced a stunning arc from underneath his mask.

Ming Ming …… hadn t felt that Big Smart s face was so good looking before.

The red veil in the sky seemed like a grand wedding, enveloping me and him, in it.

A strange sight suddenly flashed before my eyes.

The same such rosy red sky, the same opposite side is Gu Cheng.

He was dressed in white, peach blossom eyes slightly picking to look at me: ”You …… are Fu Chang? I heard you have a heart condition? It’s okay, I also have a heart attack …… but I can read the face, I calculated, we can live many, many years, don’t be afraid, I live for a long time, you can live for a long time Oh”.

How can this be?

I have never seen Gu Cheng before.

I looked at Gu Cheng in front of me with disoriented eyes, and unconsciously reached over and gently placed my hand on his heart.

The next second, the stage of panic and shocked shouts sounded, not yet stared at me to react, the overhead crystal lamp as straight line generally fell off the stage.

In the last instant, I saw Gu Cheng violently pull me into his arms.

A loud shattering sound resounded behind me.

A dull pain came from the back of my head.

At the last moment, I saw Gu Cheng’s peach blossom eyes suddenly widen.

  • This should be counted in the accident insurance, right?

When I thought that, I lost consciousness in the next second.




I don’t know how long I’ve been sitting in the back of the classroom, but no one pays any attention to me.

“Yo, isn’t this the schoolgirl? Why are you dressed so old? “

A few gangster boys in the class passed by my seat after class and frivolously picked up my chin: “Do you want to accompany your brothers out for a few drinks and buy you a pretty dress?”

I stood up with a cold face: “Fuck off.”

“Who the fuck are you telling to fuck off?” Fingers smelling of cigarette smoke pinched my chin, “Sick boy, do you know your parents don’t care about you anymore? And you’re still so fucking cocky?”

The boy in the lead got more and more excited, “People with heart disease are those who have committed sins in their past lives, tsk, tsk, tsk, Fu Chang, your parents weren’t happy about you being a girl, were they? They only liked your brother? Now both divorced don’t want you.”

“If …… you accompany brother me well, maybe brother I can still consider to consider, alms you a little life-saving money.”

The boys in the back burst into laughter.

The crowd of onlookers lowered their heads.

As expected, no one would save me.

I was about to get up and leave when a lazy voice suddenly came from behind me:


A boy with a blurry face stood up from the back of the classroom, stretched his back, and grabbed the boy in front of him, his tone soft and affectionate: “It’s not right to bully a girl, oh.”

“Who the hell are you! You want you to meddle in my business?”

The next second in front of the boy who was still arrogant, he said!

The next second the boy in front of him who was still arrogant was speechless.

The tall boy with a blurred face picked him up and threw him to the back of the classroom like a chicken, then turned his face to look at the boys behind him and said with a smile:

“Oops, my hand slipped.”

“Anyone else want to go?”

The story ended with the boys leaving angrily, and after seeing them leave, the blurry-faced boy stretched his legs:

“Aiyaa, my lord thought how powerful he was, but he stopped fighting after a few hits, it’s so boring.”

Turning his face, a hand rubbed on my hair: “It’s all because of this adult that your heart is …… Forget it, it’s okay, from now on, this adult will protect you.”

“Don’t worry.”

The tone was gentle and firm.

It was as if it was a promise, word by word.

In an instant, my head ached as violently as if I had been struck by lightning.

The scene in front of me was like a flurry of flower petals, and in the blink of an eye, it changed into another scene.

The church. Flowers. The bride.

I was in a wedding dress, slowly walking towards the figure in the church who had his back to me.

The groom turned his face.

This time, I finally got a good look at his face.

Fascinated, I stepped forward and watched as he crooked a lazy smile, his peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, the corners of his delicate jaw lowered slightly, and the corners of his lips drew closer and closer to mine.

Light and shadow rubbed over the side of his face like the closest of lovers.

I heard him whisper in my ear:

“…… Kill me.”

“Kill me. ……

  • Kill me.

My eyes snapped open.

There was a clean ceiling in front of me.

…… This is …… where?

“Often sister, you finally woke up, I thought you were dead oooooooh.”

“Thank you.” I said to her in a hoarse voice, “I shouldn’t be dead right now.”

“But if you keep holding my head and strangling me harder, I won’t be able to tell later.”

“Ah ah ah!” Su Ru Ru panicked and jumped down from my body, red-faced and scratched her head, “I’m sorry I’m sorry often sister, I …… I was seeing you wake up real …… really is too happy.”

Gu Cheng!

I sat up violently.

If I was just injured on the stage, then where is Gu Cheng now?

Su Ru Ru looked at my panicked appearance with a curious face, “Often sister, what are you looking for?”

As I pushed her away, I realized that I had somehow tied that oddly shaped amulet on my hand.

“Often sister, you can’t take it off!” Seeing that I was about to untie it, Su Ru Ru came up and caught my hand, her face anxious:

“This is to protect you from the evil spirits, if you take it off, you may continue to have bad luck afterward!”

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t dislodge Su Ru Ru’s grip on my wrist. I could only hold her upright and looked into her eyes, “Ru Ru, thank you for your kindness, but I have something important to do right now.”

“But I don’t want you to get hurt!”

Su Ru Ru pulled me back, her eyes gradually reddening, “Often sister, you’ve been getting hurt all the time lately, I’ve looked for people to beg, they all said it’s because there’s an evil spirit around you, so I took it upon myself to beg this for you ……”

Gazing at her reddened eyes, I was surprisingly a little stunned, “Su Ru Ru, although I have no malice towards you now, but it seems that the relationship between the two of us is not good enough to be like this.”


Su Ru Ru pulled my hand, slightly blushing:

“I haven’t entered the entertainment industry before, I have always …… liked often sister you, every time your fan meeting I will go, every time you broadcast the drama I will catch up,”

“Often, you …… don’t remember me?”


As far as I can remember, there was a skinny little girl who would timidly stand at the end of every meetup.

Almost every time, she would come, just wearing a hoodie, covering her small face tightly, following a teenager, how she did not speak, just silently gazing at me with admiring eyes.

The impression …… is a very shy child.

The face of Su Ru Ru s delicate makeup in front of her eyes, and the pale little face of the child in her memory kept overlapping, finally synthesizing a face.

“Often sister, it is because of you that I begged Li Feng and entered the entertainment industry with him …… But you really have to pay attention, there are too many weird things that have happened to you lately, you have to remember, don t take it off, don t take it off!”


I sat on the bed in a daze.

Come to think of it, my body has really been getting worse lately.

Even when I wake up every day, I sometimes feel dizzy.

I can’t run more than two steps before I’m out of breath, and I even have a feeling of weakness after eating.

But I’m obviously a person who pays a lot of attention to fitness.

“Bed One Fu Chang.” The doctor checking in interrupted my thoughts, “Your face is so red? Do you want to check your temperature?”

I came back to my senses and said perfunctorily, “No, no, it’s just that the air-conditioning is turned up too hot, thank you for your concern, doctor.”

This doctor, however, did not have the intention to leave, instead, he leaned down, carefully looked at my medical records, and hooked his lips towards me and smiled, “Ms. Fu, your recent health, it seems that you are not doing very well?”

“It’s probably because of the busier work schedule.” I said carelessly, “That’s why there are more accidents too, that’s why I come in more often.”

The doctor in the white coat with gold glasses seems to be very well liked, the little nurse who followed me with a red face explained to me: “Dr. Si Heng’s medical skills are very good, not only that, but he can also tell fortunes, and every time he tells them, he is especially accurate, Ms. Fu Chang, you can also let him help to tell fortunes.”

“Ms. Fu Chang, you can also ask him to do some fortune telling for you. Oh?”

Looking at the doctor named Siheng looking at me with a smile in his eyes, there was a slightly uncomfortable feeling, I casually perfunctory: “Then please help the doctor to help me see, I can in the end not fire.”

Siheng leaned down, carefully looked at my face, hooked his lips and smiled:

“It’s expensive to be a big hit.”

I gratefully took his hand, ”Doctor! You are indeed too accurate in your calculations!”

“Compared to this, Ms. Fu Chang, you have an even more troublesome matter at hand.”

Si Heng suddenly moved closer to me, a treacherous gleam of excitement behind his gold-rimmed glasses

“Ms. Fu, don’t you know that you have a spell planted on the back of your neck?”

“The last time I was haunted by a malicious ghost, and this time I was almost hit by a vessel on stage, it seems like it’s all because of this oh.”


“Doctor, you should have some professionalism, right?” I laughed, “As a doctor, but you still believe in such things, how can your patients trust you?”

“In fact, there are things that science can’t explain that can be tried with metaphysics.”

Dr. Jinx elegantly reclines on the edge of the bed to look at me, “For example, Miss, didn’t you also try to increase your popularity by inviting little ghosts?”

“But by the looks of it, it seems like you’re in love with the little ghost you raised?”

I’m in love with Gu Cheng?

I’m in love with Gu Cheng?

Remembering the strange dream I had at the hospital, my face turned red and I panicked to cover myself:

“How could I invite a brat? Please be careful with your words, if you put these inappropriate remarks out, I can sue you for slander.”

“That’s quite the infatuation, miss.”

Dr. Jinshi’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Still want to defend this brat even now?”

“I don’t know what brat you’re talking about.” I inclined my head, “And, it’s time for you to go.”

“As far as I know, he’s not the brat you were originally going to hire.” He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it, the look in his eyes obscure, “And, even his death had something to do with you. I have a way to show you your past life with him. Miss, do you want to try?”

“No need.” I interrupted him, “I won’t believe in this so-called past life stuff.”

The moment I was about to step out of the hospital room, Dr. Jin Si’s elegant and sly voice sounded behind me:

“If you really don’t believe in it.”

“Then why don’t you dare to look at it?”



Don’t believe.

Without realizing it, I had developed a certain dependence on Gu Cheng.

Whether it was the owlish expression that I saw every day after getting up in the morning, or the fact that I had to see him wandering around the room at night before going to bed.

As long as it was every day that I could see his peach blossom eyes slightly raised and smile at me.

That day, it would feel incredibly reassuring.

Such Gu Cheng, would he be the one to hurt me?

And me, when did I get Gu Cheng killed?

Sister Li in front of me looked surprised, “You asked me about the Infant Spirit Bottle? Because it was found out to be a scam last time, so I didn’t continue to buy it and returned the money to your account, you didn’t read it?”

I reluctantly smiled, “Time was too busy, didn’t pay much attention.”

The account indeed showed a transfer of half a million dollars a month ago.

I walked towards home in a trance, but I accidentally bumped into someone halfway.

“Oops!” The person called out in surprise, “Fu Chang! It’s you! We haven’t seen each other for a long time!”

The person in front of me had curly hair and was slightly fat, grabbing my hand and shaking it:

“I’m your middle school classmate Chen Suqin, you must not remember me, at that time you were the school’s flower girl, I was just the one behind you …… Hey, of course, now is fat, why are you here? Aren’t you in a competition?”

I reluctantly smiled at her and wanted to leave, who knew that the latter enthusiastically grabbed onto my wrist and chattered:

“Oops! You’ve become a big star now, it’s hard to see you! I thought you would never be able to hold your head up for the rest of your life after what happened.

I interrupted her: “What are you talking about?”

“Oops! Don’t you remember?”

She was more surprised than I was, looking around, and smiled at me mysteriously: “Don’t worry, don’t worry, there is no gossip reporter in this neighborhood, our old classmates still need to pretend to be what stupid ah!

“It was when those punks in the class were infuriated by your rejection …… and almost raped you, a male student rushed out to save you at that time and was killed, and you transferred to another school the next week, did you forget?”


On the tombstone in front of me, there is a quiet picture of Gu Cheng.

-Or rather, the photo of the teenager Gu Cheng.

“He liked you a lot at that time! Every day, he was at the back of our class, he was so tugging and tugging, he was always shouting “my lord” and “my lord”, and even though he was good-looking, whenever a girl approached him, he would say with a smile on his face, “my lord doesn’t like you”, so even though a lot of girls liked him, no one dared to come near him.

“At that time he gave his life for you, we realized that there was no one left in his family, and when he died there was almost no one to collect his body, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch.”

Gu Cheng on the tombstone smiled brightly at me, almost dazzling to the point of blinding.

I gripped the amulet on my wrist, almost powerless to continue standing here any longer.

“It hurts to be stabbed.”

Dr. Jinx stood still beside me and smiled sideways at me, “Look, at this angle, with this knife plunged in, he obviously still had a chance of survival, but you ran away oooh.”

“Watching the person you saved leave you without looking back, only to lie where you are, being punched and kicked by a group of hooligans, feeling the blood flow out of your body bit by bit, do you know what that feels like?”


Bone-piercing cold.

Gu Cheng at that time, must have been a thousand times more desperate than I am now.

I gathered my emotions and turned my face to fix him, “Thank you, but why are you here?”

Siheng shrugged his shoulders unconcernedly, ”Nothing, it’s just because, this is also my late friend.”

“Oh?” I looked him straight in the eyes, “He’s your friend?”

“Sort of.” Siheng looked at Gu Cheng’s picture, “After all, I’ve been entangled with him for so long, but I know him better than anyone else.”

“His hobbies, his abominations, I don’t think a friend would be as close to him as we are.”

“And then what?” I looked at him calmly, “Then you must hate me a lot for looking for me?”

“No oh.”

Siheng hooked his lips into a smile and looked over at me, his eyes seeming to sparkle with a purple light as he pinched the curls that hung over my shoulders and played with them, blowing a breath next to my ear before he spoke as if in a dreamy voice:

“It’s totally different.”

“Believe me, I want him dead more than anyone.”


A life that no one cares about.

The lost girl cried in the dark room.

Outside the door came her mother’s angry voice: “Cry! Cry! Cry! You’re like your deadbeat dad! You’re a troublemaker!”

“Now you’re killing people! I think you should just cry!”

Just forget about it.

Let’s just forget it ever happened.

As I thought this, I fell into my room and slowly forgot about it.

I used to think that I was the most miserable person in the world.

But steeply realized that in another corner of the world, not far from me, there are a pair of eyes have been silently watching me, your eyes, your sadness, no one noticed, even until death, no one will remember you again.

Gu Cheng, are you living such a life?

I untied the amulet and set it aside, sitting in my room.

I don’t know how long it took, but there was finally a rattling sound at the door.

In a trance, I seemed to hear Su Ru Ru’s voice lightly, over and over, ringing in my ears:

“Often sis, don’t worry, this amulet won’t be harmful to you, only people who have hurt you will be prevented from seeing you by this charm.”

Only those who have hurt me.

Only those who have harmed me.

Gu Cheng’s lazy and slightly hoarse voice sounded behind me, “What? I haven’t seen my lord for a few days, so I can’t even think about it that I want to jump off a building?”

There were no lights on in the room.

When the moonlight hit Gu Cheng’s body, he looked slightly transparent.

I looked at him quietly and suddenly felt a terrible hissing pain in my throat:

“Where have you been these past few days?”

He stretched out, his slender arms drawing a graceful arc in the air as if he had just woken up, ”My lord felt a bit bored, so I went out for a stroll, what’s wrong? Missed me?”

“This way.” I put my face away, not wanting to look directly at him, “Then you really worked hard.”

He took a bottle of yogurt in his hand and collapsed on the sofa on all fours, “Luckily, you were on stage, it’s just a pity that the unlucky guy who was possessed by me, I heard that he’s still in the hospital now, hey do you think that this lord should not ……”

“Gu Cheng.”

I suddenly spoke up and interrupted him, “If I don’t want to make a wish, don’t want to get first place, don’t want to be the idol of the year.”

“Can you go?”

Promise me.

Promise me.

Make me feel that you have the determination to sacrifice for me.

  • Then I’ll willingly pay for my sins.

I’ll willingly die by your hand for the rest of my life.

“Huh?” He froze, then lifted his lips in a smile, “Are you kidding me? My lord will only leave you if I fulfill your wish.”

As if to make me feel more at ease, he even reached out and rubbed my hair, “Don’t worry, as long as this lord is here, your wish will definitely come true.”

“I will always be with you.”

A heart sank violently.

Gu Cheng in the dream.

The familiar white figure.

As well as, that last sentence, kill me.

It wasn’t that I didn’t suspect that Si Heng was lying, but ever since I met Gu Cheng, I’ve always had a pain at the center of my heart, if anything.

The talisman that I found in the haunted house that was tied to the back of my neck, the illusion of me swinging a knife at Gu Cheng on the stage. As well as Gu Cheng’s real disappearance after taking out the amulet that Su Ru Ru had begged for me.

All the time, I was reminded that he was a ghost.

A ghost that can kill people.

“That’s it.” I put away my wrist, “Then I thank you in advance.”


I began to alienate Gu Cheng.

Whether it was meeting him every morning or getting along with him on a daily basis, I tried to avoid seeing him as much as possible.

Su Ru Ru came to visit me in the ward every day and always had an innocent smile on her face when she saw me, ”Often sis, you’re looking better and better! Look what I brought you today!”

Putting aside her preconceived notions, she was a very cute little girl.

Always chirping and coming to the ward to see me and chat with me. Despite my smelly face, she still put pink stickers and pillows all over my bed.

When Big Smart was out of schedule, he would also follow her over and warn me with a nervous face, “Don’t do anything to our Ru Ru, I’m telling you that I didn’t want to hug you last time at the dance, I only have Ru Ru in my heart, and it wasn’t that I wanted to go to your fan meeting with Ru Ru before either, it’s just that I wanted to be there for her”.

Then Su Ru Ru would hit him with a red face and hugged my arm and pouted:

“Often, he’s sick, let’s ignore him”.

It’s a fascinating place to be.

A long-lost, not-so-lonely life.

-In addition to Gu Cheng.

Whenever Su Ru Ru came, Gu Cheng always stood far away, but his eyes were always on me.

The amulet on my wrist had reminded him that he couldn’t get close to me.

But I could no longer get along with him without any problems like before.

I opened my eyes in the middle of the night to find Gu Cheng sitting on the edge of the bed gazing at me.

I sat up with a jerk and covered my chest with my hands, “What do you want to do?”

He looked at me quietly for a long time before speaking, “This lord just wants to care about you.”

His eyes lowered, his long lashes covering them.


For the first time, I felt that Gu Cheng was falling apart.

I was ruthless and told him, “No need.”

How dare I want the concern of a man who was going to kill me.

His peach blossom eyes no longer held a teasing smile, but kept looking at me so quietly for a long time before he opened his mouth: “During this period of time, what happened to you?”

I coldly turned my head away: “Nothing, I just think that people and ghosts are different, you and I are not on the same path.”

“We are on the same path.”

Gu Cheng grabbed my hand and placed it over his heart. Smiling, he said to me:


“We’re connected here.”

Is this a confession?

The moonlight poured into his eyes, crystal clear, and it was as if I could see countless versions of myself through his pupils, countless versions of myself glowing faintly in his pupils.

He moved slightly closer to me, and these pupils followed and grew bigger and bigger, when he was about to touch me.

The cell phone on the bedside rang.

The lit up screen showed a message from Zheng Qu to me:

“See you at the usual place.”


I looked in the mirror.

Changing into a dress and putting on lipstick, Fu Chang in the mirror still looked tired, but it was much better than before.

I put on some powder in the mirror and turned to go out the door when Gu Cheng called out to me, “Hey!”

He leaned in the doorway and looked at me, asking softly, “Is it okay not to go?”

I snorted, “Mr. Ghost, you seem to be meddling too much.”

He froze and his face reverted to a haughty look, “This lord is just worried that you’re being sold and counting the money backwards.”

I slammed another pillow onto him, “Get lost!”

I had been ruthless and decided to forget Gu Cheng completely.

Since this was the case, the best way to drive away a ghost who wanted to harm you and liked you was to pretend that you still loved someone else.

Taking a deep breath, I consoled myself in my heart: this ghost in front of me is the one who wants to take my life, the only result of me getting close to him is death, and if we are together, his resentment will get heavier and heavier, and my life will be in danger, and it’s never possible for us to be together again.

But I don’t know why, but the more I set out, the more anxious I felt.

That kind of guilt pain, almost tortured people crazy.

Unconsciously, I had already arrived at the place Zheng Qu said, before we often meet here for meetings, the receptionist girl familiarly brought me to the floor he had booked.

Turning around the room, I heard a voice coming from inside:

“…… Miss Su Ru Ru means, Mr. Zheng, if you want to take out a little bit of sincerity, it is best to let Ms. Fu Chang pay a little price, and Director He is looking at Ms. Fu, it has not been a day or two …….”

The room was silent for a moment.

I was stunned in place.

A few moments later, the door to the room was pushed open.

Zheng Qu, who was sitting inside, seemed as if he was not surprised that I was standing in the doorway, handed me a room card, and said carelessly, “Go ahead, room 1032.”


In fact, a long time ago, I didn’t like Zheng Qu that much.

In the beginning, when we worked together, apart from my love for him, I just felt happy.

Having a backer who had power and money, and who had a voice in the industry, wasn’t a bad thing for me.

Not to mention, he wasn’t bad looking.

I was nominated once when we were together for two years.

The next day, the actress I was competing with disappeared from the nomination list.

It’s shameless to sacrifice someone else’s pleasure for your own.

But that’s the kind of shameless favoritism I like.

Instead of taking the room card, I stood still and said to him:

“Can I not go?”

He frowned, his eyes still fixed on the computer.

“Don’t forget, you owe me your life, Fu Chang.”

I took a deep breath and accepted the room card, and when I looked up again my face had changed into a refined smile, “Got it.”

Turning to go out the door, a voice came from behind me as I neared the door:

“Wait a minute.”

He handed over a box of something, put it on the table and said:

“Be safe.”

Tears had quickly collected in my eyes as I fled the hotel.

Let a person is in a trance, to Zheng Qu’s ten-year-long love actually so in a moment to collect a clear, in only a trace of helpless regret.

At this moment I would like to know more, why every day to visit me, rely on me, treat me as a close sister general Su Ru Ru suddenly put forward such a request?

If she was lying to me, then what about Gu Cheng?

My footsteps grew faster and faster, and as I neared the exit, my mood suddenly lightened instead.

If this is all a lie, if it’s just Su Ru Ru who lied to me, if Gu Cheng isn’t ……

What if

What if

All of the what ifs ended at the end of the hotel intersection I saw a few bodyguards.


“Ms. Fu, don’t be nervous. It’ll be over in a minute.”

When I was thrown on the bed, I was still in the nausea of being knocked out by ecstasy.

In front of me, a greasy fat man was wearing a bath towel, standing by the bed and stroking his chin as he looked at me colorfully,:

“Always heard that Miss Fu heavenly beauty, this Zheng just refused to let go, this day is enlightened, for a Miss Su, or give up.”

I narrowed my eyes and desperately wanted to back away, but my limbs were weak and I couldn’t get up at all. Can only weakly roar at him:

“I …… have a disease on my body …… You …… better not touch …… it.”

The fat man sneered: “Ms. Fu, still want to lie to me? You’re still sick? You haven’t even tasted much of a man, have you? Don’t think I don’t know, your Mr. Zheng, is a rabbit!”

Zheng Qu …… is gay?

“I don’t know what kind of drug this Ms. Su gave him, but it actually managed to make our Mr. Zheng, who prefers the male style, change his sex and start chasing after women.”

Fatty pinched me on the face and laughed playfully:

“However, if it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t have been able to touch you, Ms. Fu.”

Come to think of it, when I seduced Zheng Qu for the first time when I was nineteen years old, Zheng Qu still pushed me away at the most critical moment, gasping for air and said to me:

“I can not touch you …… Fu Chang.”

Once I thought it was because I was not charming enough, or Zheng Qu had a mental cleanliness fetish, but never thought …… that it was because of this reason.

“A moment of spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold, Ms. Fu.”

The fat man s hand is like a poisonous snake winding up, began to unbutton my clothes: “Let s seize the time and not mention these insignificant people.”

“Gu Cheng ……”

My mouth mumbled and whispered, “Gu Cheng …… Gu Cheng save me ……”

“What? Gu Cheng? Hahahahaha! Ms. Fu you’re so dedicated, this is not a movie, if you want to shoot it, you should shoot it …… Hahahahaha!”

Gu Cheng ……

Tears flowed from the corner of his eyes.

The person I hurt the most is the first person I think of when I am in danger.

If I were Gu Cheng, I would probably feel disgusted with myself like this as well, right?

Such a fate was also what I should have suffered in the first place.

I closed my eyes and stopped putting up any resistance.


A strange luster seemed to suddenly erupt in front of my eyes, warm power seemed to ripple out from my chest, and I only heard a miserable scream.

I suddenly opened my eyes.

The Gu Cheng in front of me stood behind the obese man who had fallen to the ground, twisted his fist, and smiled at me with a raised eyebrow, “Even though he’s dead, this Lord’s strength isn’t bad, right?”


What kind of person would my other half be?

The young Fu Chang looked at the camera with a shy face, “I think my future other half must be a gentle person!”

“Sandwich? What are you thinking? How can there be sandwiches at this hour? This lord can’t change it even if he’s a ghost.”

If he’s a delicate person.

“It’s okay if an egg shell falls in, isn’t it? I think someone said you can eat eggshells. …… Okay, okay, stop fighting, I’ll pick it out for you now.”

If it’s someone who’s very careful with me.


He handed me a plate with a crooked sandwich on it.

“Don’t call me if you want a sandwich that’s not good.”

Terrible bread, the lettuce was washed to the point where the leaves were gone and only the helpings remained, and the edges of the egg were fried black.

His white coat was all stained with black dirt, “It should still be edible, my lord thinks it looks ……”

“It’s edible.”

I interrupted what he said and without hesitation took this sandwich and took a big bite-

The next second it came out.

It’s true, no matter how determined I am, I can’t swallow this kind of bad food at all!

Watching me throw up next to the trash can, Gu Cheng scratched his head behind me with a slightly red face:

“It’s okay, next time this adult will be, this is also the first time to do, that’s why ……

The same thing saved me twice.

The same thing, saved me twice.

In the next second, I saw his slightly transparent appearance in the sunlight.

Why would it be a ghost?

Why are you a ghost?

  • But what does it matter if it’s a ghost?

So far, I haven’t found a single piece of evidence that harmed me, but instead, it’s this person in front of me, saving me time and time again.

I suddenly got up and jumped up to hug Gu Cheng.

He froze slightly, and I held on to him for dear life, my voice trembling, “Don’t let go of me, Gu Cheng.”

“Don’t let go of me.”

The room was empty precisely because it seemed to be echoing with layers of sound. I heard my own voice with a choked sob, ringing through the house over and over again:

“Gu Cheng, I’m the one who caused your death, I deserved it, take my life if you want it.”

“Just can you not, don’t use the method of killing and killing?”

The girl who was almost defiled.

The ungrateful bitch who fled in a hurry.

So these words have all bounced back to me.

Gu Cheng died because of me.

“You were killed because of a misunderstanding, and your resentment didn’t dissipate for a long time, so you had to kill the one who made you die in vain in order to be reincarnated. And I’m the one who was ungrateful after being saved by you.” I stared at Gu Cheng’s eyes, “Right?”

Gu Cheng: “No.”


I can’t believe it’s not?

I let out a sigh of relief, “I’m glad it’s not.”

Gu Cheng then added, “You’re the rogue who stabbed my lord to death.”

…… Thanks to me it’s not as bad as that ungrateful young girl. What the hell is a rogue! Did I mix to this extent in my last life!

Maybe the expression on my face was too twisted, the next second Gu Cheng couldn’t help but let out a ”pfft” laugh, and covered his stomach and leaned forward, ”Hahahahaha! How could you think that? And ungrateful young girl, hahahaha! Do you think you’re in some second-rate drama? Or the heroine of a third-rate novel?”

I punched him in the face, “Don’t talk about me like that!”

On the surface, I was angry, but in fact, my heart was rejoicing.

Luckily it’s not.

I’m glad it wasn’t.

He put his head against mine and continued, “My lord’s death was an accident, you didn’t kill me.”

“It was my lord’s willingness to do this for you.”

A heart sank violently, and I took Gu Cheng’s hand in mine:

“So your death still has something to do with me, right?”

He was silent for a long time before he raised his eyebrows and looked at me, slowly spitting out a single word: “Yes.”

In the darkness, I listened to him speak to me word for word:

“But it wasn’t your fault, Fu Chang.”

“You’ve always been a good boy.”

Hearing his words, I had an unexplained panic attack and grabbed his hand, “Didn’t you say I could make a wish? I want to change it now!”

Gu Cheng’s peach blossom eyes were in my eyes, and I heard myself telling him word for word, “I’m selfish, cool, vulgar, and only consider my own feelings in everything I do. I lack love.

“So I’ve changed now, I want you to stay with me.”

“I want you to stay with me, I want you to spend this boring life with me, I want you to stay with me through every time I’m sad, desperate, heartbroken, even, I want you to stay with me.”

“Gu Cheng, I want you to stay and accompany me.”

The whimpering in the room echoed in layers for a long time.

I’m so afraid that you’ll be disappointed in me.

I’m so afraid that you’ll leave and never come back.

I don’t know when I started already, getting used to having you, whenever you looked over at me, still worrying about me even when you taunted, being there for me every late night. Anytime I was in danger, you were there.



A hand brushes against the top of my head.

“Okay, I promise.”


The rest of my life, the rest of my life, was so unexpectedly sweet.

Gu Cheng and I, started living like a real couple.

In addition to not being able to touch him, I would secretly mask my face and take him to the amusement park, take him on the roller coaster, and when I rushed to the top I opened my eyes with fear and trembling, only to see him squinting his peach blossom eyes and sitting next to me blowing off steam:

“I’ve been used to this for a hundred and eighty years,” he said.

Or force him to eat the dark dishes he made, although ghosts can’t eat, they can still taste the flavor of the food with their intake of Qi.

Watching Gu Cheng’s radiant face cloud over, but still obediently inhaling all of this, I feel a mischievous glee inside me for no reason.

Sometimes we’d do nothing but nestle in our room and watch TV, and he’d point to a girl in a red dress with big breasts and long legs on the corner, “This one’s not bad, do you know her?”

And I went over to take a closer look: “Yes, I know, we went to the last dinner together, she was sitting on Mr. Li’s lap, and her leg was still hooked to Mr. Zhao’s foot, here, it’s this Mr. Zhao on the news over here.”

At this point he would have a wicked look on his face: “Thank you, no need to say anymore.”

“And this one.” He pointed to another male celebrity in the corner, naively and with a silly air toward me: “This one has a righteous face, he must be clean.”

“It’s a clean face.” I lit a cigarette: “Last month just changed the third secretary, wife is still pregnant for five months.”

Gu Cheng would look disdainful, “Are there no normal people in your circle?”

“Who are you saying is not a normal person?” I pounced on him and pinched his face, “Who isn’t normal? Who is not normal!”

A feeling I haven’t experienced in a long time.

A sweet feeling I’ve never felt before.

He smiled and hugged me back, his doting voice like a dream, “Alright, alright, it’s this lord who isn’t normal, is that alright?”

The only strange thing about life is that when I went back to the hospital to look for Si Heng, I found out that I couldn’t find him.

Even the nurse who was following him at the beginning looked puzzled: “Hey? Do we have this person here?”

Even secretly went to ask Su Ru Ru. However, the agent of the other party only gave

The other party’s agent only gave the response, “Our Ru Ru has been very busy with her schedule lately, so she didn’t have time to make a phone call”.

It’s not as if there wasn’t some uneasiness.

These uneasiness, soon in Gu Cheng’s tenderness to forget a whole lot.

Every day, he would hold me and go to sleep together, and wake up together. The nights I had Gu Cheng with me, I didn’t have a single nightmare.

Your smile, your voice, everything about you mesmerized me.

If this is a dream, I want to never wake up for the rest of my life.

-Until the start of the final.


The competition has come to a fever pitch.

Because of a mistake in the last dance, Su Ru Ru’s high popularity was tied with me for first place. And this time, it’s already the last game.

The last game, was acting.

After all, those who participated were all actors.

But now I don’t care anymore, joke, even if I don’t get the first place, I still have money and face, even if I don’t act, it’s still enough for me and Gu Cheng to live to ninety-nine.

“It’s just so unfair.” I complained to Gu Cheng, “When I’m ninety-nine and you’re still so young, won’t you have to keep looking at me as an old man?”

Gu Cheng laughed softly and rubbed my hair, “This lord doesn’t mind at all.”

I feigned anger: “Then I mind.”

I couldn’t help but smile on my face when I said that.

During this period of time, I finally felt a long-lost happiness.

Or rather, I’ve never been happy before.

Across the street, Su Ru Ru still has a sincere smile on her face, ”Often Sister, I’m so happy to see you, today the two of us are acting as rivals, it’s really something I’ve been dreaming of since I was a kid~”

I took off my gloves and sneered, “Oh? Oh yeah? I’ve missed you too, sis.” I’ve wanted to strangle you every minute of every day, sister.

I play the role of an orphan girl, while Su Ru Ru plays the role of a homicidal maniac who fights back after being taken away by an orphan girl and falling into a frenzy.

The orphan girl is pure, strong, independent and confident.

  • It’s a role that’s so different from my own.

The lights have slowly come on.

Standing in the center of the stage, I suddenly felt a strong sense of unease within my heart, and turned my head sideways to look at Gu Cheng, who was standing under the stage. But I realized that at some point, Gu Cheng had disappeared.

Gu Cheng disappeared?

My heart seized up in pain, and I looked around in panic, trying to find him.

Where would he go?

Where would he go?

I just turned my head, and in the next second, I was directly scraped to the ground by a slap: “Bitch!”


Good you Su Ru Ru, clearly a personal vendetta, this slap actually hit so hard.

In front of me, Su Ru Ru tilted her head and smiled at me: “It’s you oh, it’s you guys oh, I’m living such a miserable life now, all because of you guys oh.”

“But how can you all live so happily? How can you smile so happily and sweetly as if nothing has happened?”

The sharp pain in my face came in bursts, more pronounced, and I got up from the ground, wiping the blood from the corners of my mouth that had literally been beaten out of me.

The show had begun and all I could do was read the lines to her with a warning look:

“Stop it, we’re sorry, but if this keeps up, the only one you’re going to backfire on is yourself!”

“It’s impossible to stop.”

Su Ru Ru tilted her head towards me and smiled, the expression on her face looked a little weird for a moment, “If you stop, then who should be punished for the wrongs you have committed?”

“And who should repay the people you have hurt?”

Based on the lines, I took a deep breath and drew my own sword and handed it to her:

“If you really hate us so much, then simply kill me.”

“As long as you don’t hurt anyone else, I’ll take all the consequences.”

According to the plot, the next second Su Ru Ru should push away my sword. And then look up to the sky and laugh, telling about her hardships over the years.

But instead, she drew out her sword and smiled mischievously at me, “Then I’ll do as I’m told~”


That wasn’t the next line.

In that moment, it was as if I saw her face overlap with a person.

Her look seemed like a person that I couldn’t remember how I thought about it but couldn’t.

I shook my head and settled my mind, trying to pull her line back into its original channel, “If you continue like this, you will only fall into hell.”

“It’s late oh god-sama.”

Su Ru Ru narrowed her eyes and smiled at me, drawing circles on my chest while toying with her sword, “But I’ve been in hell for a long time now.”

“Not to mention, your heart, I’ve always wanted it oh.”

“Even if you beg me for mercy like a dog now, there’s no way I can let you go, what should I do?”

-The next moment, I saw her raise her hand high.

With a maniacal smile on her face, she slashed at me with her sword…


The sound of sharp wind came from my chest, whistling in my ears, and almost at the same time, Gu Cheng, who had just disappeared into thin air, appeared out of nowhere and kicked the sword out of Su Ru Ru’s hand!

This is not an act!

She actually wants me dead!

“Not bad, Lord God, I didn’t expect to be able to have this kind of skill after losing all my magic power.”

The Su Ru Ru in front of me had a smile on her lips, lazily wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth that had been kicked out by Gu Cheng, and the place where she had been injured quickly recovered, returning to her original appearance.

Gu Cheng protected me behind him, and his peach blossom eyes, which had always been teasing, finally lost their smile as he asked her in a deep voice:

“You are actually able to use the Eyeshield Technique directly on mortals, who exactly are you?”


I couldn’t see Gu Cheng just now, could it be because of the blindfold?

The audience underneath the stage did not see this scene, but were still clapping mechanically, and the only person in the room was Big Smart who shouted at her in panic:

“Ru Ru! What are you doing?

“Ah, being possessed is different, you can still keep your wits about you!”

Su Ru Ru stretched out her slender finger, tilted her head in distress and slightly nudged him, and in the next second Da Jie as if he had been viciously lifted out by an invisible hand, crashed to the ground, and was no longer silent.

“Divine Lord, recognized me?”

Su Ru Ru turned back and looked at Gu Cheng, hooking her lips in a smile:

“I thought that you had long forgotten about me, Lord God.”

The arc of this smile was truly déjà vu, and I grabbed Gu Cheng’s hand, “I remember! You’re Siheng! You’re that doctor!”

“How did you become Su Ru Ru!”

“Often sis, it’s really smart.” Su Ru Ru yawned, narrowed her eyes and smiled, “I’m not a doctor, that’s just my real body, as for your good sister, since the moment she gave you the amulet, she’s been possessed by me.”

The sword on the ground rose up in the air as if it was controlled by someone, and in the next second, it rushed towards Gu Cheng.



I subconsciously stopped Gu Cheng in front of him, and almost at the same time, Gu Cheng turned around and wrapped his arms around me!

The sword pierced into his back with pinpoint accuracy, and a sharp pain filled his chest.

“Oops, little witch.”

“Still as infatuated as in my previous life.”

Su Ru Ru leaned down and looked at me with narrowed eyes and smiled, “Want to block the sword for your beloved again?”

“It doesn’t matter, you and he share the same heart, whoever is wounded in the stabbing will suffer the same pain.”


Share a heart?

Gu Cheng and I share a heart?

I didn’t have time to realize what Su Ru Ru’s words meant, but a dull pain came from my heart, almost knocking me to the ground.

A picture appeared in front of me like a movie projection.

Fu often walks on the road home from school. A group of hooligans surrounded me.

Gu Cheng, who was passing by, ran into the alley to save her, and after being rescued, Fu Chang lifted her skirt and left the scene in a panic.

The only thing different from the original episode.

Not long afterward, the rescued Fu Chang came back with a kitchen knife in fear and trembling, pointing at the people in the alley:

“Don’t move! I’ve called the police!”

Then he looked at the unharmed Gu Cheng with a dumbfounded look: “How did you ……

A school uniformed Gu Cheng played dumb: “I, aiya, this adult hurts, aiya.”

As soon as Fu Chang dropped the kitchen knife, he ran to his side to check the wound up and down, and only after finding no mistakes did he let out a long sigh of relief:

“Scared me to death, your acting can be really bad, fortunately, really nothing happened.

Gu Cheng hooked his lips and smiled: “This adult never act, don’t talk as if you are very good at acting.”

Fu Chang proudly raised her chin: “Of course, if I were an actress, I would act the most-“

Before she finished her words, then in the next second, a gangster who had fallen on the ground suddenly climbed up, picked up a knife next to him, shouted, and ruthlessly stabbed at Gu Cheng–


The knife was precise and accurate, stabbing in.

Stop in front of Gu Cheng, my chest.


The hero saving the beauty.


But I didn’t expect that the one who was saved, wasn’t me.

How come?

I was the one who died, and the one who died wasn’t Gu Cheng?

Then how could the person who is now a ghost be Gu Cheng?

“Does it look good?”

In front of me, Su Ru Ru stroked my cheeks in pity, pulling out an extremely evil sneer, “Now you can see it clearly, right? Sister Often? You’re a person who’s been dead for fourteen years.”


I was shackled by Su Ru Ru and listened to a very long story.

“A long time ago, there was a devil who did nothing wrong. His greatest wish was to stay with the person he loved, but ah one day, a meddling heavenly god lord killed his fiancée in front of him.”

“So this devil, in order to revenge, willing to fall into the deepest part of hell to accept the refinement, do you know what kind of suffering he suffered, the sword mountain fire sea, frying pan, the most painful and most difficult punishment, all went to try, the last really let him succeed it, really put this moralistic heavenly god lord seriously injured, almost died oh.”

Su Ru Ru suddenly let out a shrill laugh, tears rolled out of her eyes, but the corners of her mouth still carried a hint of an upward curve as she continued to look ahead:

“But it’s a pity that this Heavenly God-sama still hasn’t died yet, before his destruction, he aborted his heart into the mortal world to survive, and it happened to enter a little girl’s body, and the originally healthy little girl, because she couldn’t withstand the power of the god’s heart, she became debilitated all of a sudden, and her parents, who originally detested the little girl for being a schoolgirl, detested her even more now.”

“And our selfish god lord, out of his ridiculous compassion, wanted to make amends, incarnated as a mortal close to this girl who caught his heart, and also ridiculously fell in love with her, so the devil compelled the punks in the girl’s class, and let them lay their hands on the girl, so as to let this high and mighty god lord, also have a taste of what it is like to lose what you love so painfully.”

Gu Cheng rose from the ground, a ray of white light oozing out of his back, he shielded me behind him, and with all his strength, he drew a circle around my heart, only to collapse with a thud the moment he finished.

I held him up in panic and called out to him in a trembling voice, “Gu Cheng, Gu Cheng?”

“Gu Cheng! How are you Gu Cheng!”

Gu Cheng collapsed on the ground, not speaking again, and on his back, which had been turned over, a deep, bottomless wound was clearly visible.

Little by little, white light was leaking out.

“As a result, in the end, this girl really died, or died in order to save the Heavenly God Lord, what a pity, but this infatuated Heavenly God Lord of ours, preferred to go against the heavenly reasoning, and exchanged all his divine power for the girl’s resurrection from the dead, while he himself slept in her heart, for fourteen whole years, before he was able to return to the earth.”

She laughed out loud, more and more tears rolling down her face, “But on what grounds! On what grounds! Why should he be able to save her after losing the one he loved! To see her again! Why should I! My whole life! I’ll never see the one I love again!”

Sharp claws, like a life-saver, fiercely stepped forward and clamped down on my throat, “But I didn’t do it in vain, the Lord God who violated the regulations of the heavenly realm really has no godly power at all, and can only act like a dog and be an unseemly wild ghost, at first, I wasn’t really sure that this was actually the great Lord God from before until I smelled a familiar scent on you, so I possessed myself on this little girl in the haunted house that time, I purposely released my men to attack you, and sure enough he pressed on.”

Huge strength entangled in my neck, almost making me gasp for breath, and I could only listen to his words with difficulty between gasps, full of resentment: “Pity ah! It’s a pity that I’m also badly wounded, but our great god lord is really faithful, for your vulgar and ridiculous wish, he is still willing to use up the last bit of his spirit to let you fulfill your dream, and as a result, he was refined to the point that he lost his prototype for two days, originally, on the stage that day, you deserved to die, but he was unconscious, and he couldn’t see you die with his own eyes, so what’s the meaning of your death? That’s why I let you survive until today!”

No wonder.

Gu Cheng, who was clearly a ghost, was able to cast a spell on a female ghost in a haunted house.

Zheng Qu, who had never been close to women, suddenly changed his temperament to pursue Su Ru Ru.

And all along the way, when I was killed, it was Su Ru Ru who was by my side.

So that’s how it is.

I see.

“I deliberately let him see what you think, to see his loved one wants to marry someone else, and then become a doctor, so that you suspect that he wants to kill you, by his beloved woman misunderstood, really very painful it, painful to the God’s power to weaken, can only look at her from afar, but also not willing to go away. Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

Su Ru Ru pinched my neck and stood in the middle of the stage and laughed maniacally.

Tears slipped from my eyes in a scene blurred by severe pain.

Gu Cheng.

It must have hurt a lot for me to doubt you like that, right?

Gu Cheng, who had collapsed on the ground, smiled feebly at me and said three words to me silently.

I’m sorry.

“Today, I am going to personally stab his beloved to death in front of him! Just like in the beginning, when he did it to my beloved!”

The loud, almost crazy laughter echoed on the stage for a long time. Su Ru Ru trembled in the middle of the stage, and large tears slipped from her eyes, releasing a frightening red light.

She put me down, picked up the sword that fell aside, and knocked Gu Cheng down with another palm strike, reaching out her other hand and lifting him into mid-air.

“Gu Cheng, you have to watch this with your own eyes.” She smiled delicately, as if to a lover:

“I can only let you see such a performance once.”

The sword was raised once again.

I smiled brightly at Gu Cheng, who was white in mid-air, the pain was so severe that I couldn’t speak anymore, and our connected hearts ached violently, it was Gu Cheng who was hurting, it was him who was hurting.

It’s okay, Gu Cheng.

It’s okay.


White light flashed!

Su Ru Ru’s sword was raised halfway, and suddenly, like an electric shock, it paused in place.


Behind her, Big Smart, who had appeared at an unknown time, suddenly rushed out and hugged her to death.

“Don’t go near her!” I used my last bit of strength to shout hoarsely at Big Smart, “She’s no longer Su Ru Ru! You’ll die if you go near her!”

“Go away! Get out of here!

Big Smart hugged Su Ru Ru and shouted, “Devil! You let Ru Ru go! You let RuRu go! What have you done to Ru-Ru! Ru Ru! Wake up! RuRu! You wake up! Call the police! You people call the police!!!”

The audience on stage watched this woodenly and


Can’t hear you.

No one will help us.

I closed my eyes in despair, and in front of me, a glint of stagnation flashed in Su Ru Ru’s eyes, as if it was the real Su Ru Ru who began to regain consciousness, and Big Smart said to her in a trembling voice, “Ru Ru! Ru Ru! You look at me! I am Li Feng! You don’t want to kill anyone! You don’t want to kill anyone! Let go of me!”

Confused, Su Ru Ru asked him, “Li Feng …… What are you doing …… Aren’t we rehearsing? Why are you …… you holding me?”

Wake up!

Li Feng tightly embraced her, even: “Ru Ru, it’s okay, it’s okay, let’s go, Ru Ru, I’ll take you home.”

“Often sister!”

Su Ru Ru pointed at the prostrate me and screamed: “Often sister bleeding! What’s going on? Li Feng! Go and look at Sis Often!”

Li Feng patted her on the back and helped her to walk out, his voice choked with sobs: “Okay, I’ll go see, Ru Ru. Let’s go. Let’s go together.”


Almost the next second! A sharp knife, ruthlessly inserted in Li Feng’s back.

Li Feng incredulously twisted his face, looking at Su Ru Ru, Su Ru Ru face surprised with a delicate smile:

“Aiya, I did not say that you go to see often sister, why are you so careless ah. Li Feng.”

Su Ru Ru tilted her head and looked at him with a sweet smile: “Also, you just said the wrong thing, I want to kill, Li Feng.”

“You see, I’ll kill you now.”

Once, twice.

The entire stage could hear the sound of flesh splitting open.

Blood gushed out of Levon’s body.

I covered my mouth behind the stage.

“Go ……”

Li Feng held Su Ru Ru in his death grip and shouted at me, “Don’t …… don’t let Ru Ru make a bigger mistake ……”

“Go! Quickly go!”

“Fu Chang! You go!

“Hurry !!!!”

Before the word go could be shouted out, he could no longer say his next sentence, and I saw Su Ru Ru pull the sharp knife out and stab it down hard against his throat.

The sound of muscles tearing through the stereo, over and over again, resounded throughout the stage.

The silent audience applauded mechanically underneath.

He could no longer make a sound, only a cackle, and watched as his favorite person, again and again, waved the sharp knife at him.

There was not a sound left in the world.

Over and over in my head, I think back to that time.

He was visiting me in the hospital, taking advantage of Su Ru Ru’s inattention, and said those words to me:

“Ru Ru and I have known each other since we were children, and in the past, when you had your fan meeting, it was still me who accompanied her, do you still remember? It’s that handsome boy next to her! That’s me! That’s me! What? Not handsome at all? You have no sense of aesthetics! You!”

“I’ve always liked her. Haha! If I wait until the end of the program and confess to RuRu, will she say yes?”

“What? You don’t know? RuRu likes you the most, so help me persuade her, okay? I’ll treat you to dinner when it’s done! Ha ha ha!

Li Feng in front of him, collapsed on the ground, eyes wide open, face full of tears.

Bloody throat, as if still trying to send out what syllables. But could no longer say a word.

He was dead.

I said to him in my heart, “Don’t worry, Li Feng.”

“I will definitely persuade Ru-Ru Su.”

On the stage, Su Ru Ru put down Li Feng’s body, her face stained with blood, but especially with a chillingly delicate smile:

“What’s wrong? Fu Chang? Are you scared?”

“Come out! Fu Chang!

“Come out!”

Gu Cheng was becoming transparent, my heart was glowing, I gently pressed down on it and snuck under the stage with him.

Hang on, Gu Cheng.

Don’t find me, don’t find me.

Clear footsteps paced back and forth on the stage, and Su Ru Ru’s sweet voice was like a snake and scorpion, licking back and forth on it:

“ah, not good oh, friends have died for you, actually can still hide it.”

“So much blood, you really do not come up to see your friend? Maybe he can still be saved?”

The sound of the curtain being pierced one after another resounded around me.

I shuddered and clutched my chest.

The faint white light in my chest showed that Gu Cheng was still alive.

“I’ll only get angrier if you hide, oh.”

I heard the curtain of the seat next to me being violently picked up.

“Is it here?”

“Or here?”

After lifting all the curtains around her one by one, her agonized voice rang out from the stage:

“Oops, it’s really not here?”

“Looks like I won’t be able to kill you today.”

A sound of footsteps came from near and far.

She seemed to have gone far away.

I let out a sigh of relief, and in the next moment, I saw a smiling face hanging upside down suddenly appear above my head!


“Found it.”


I was still struggling as I was hoisted onto the stage by Su Ru Ru, “Su Ru Ru! “Come to your senses!”

“Open your eyes! Li Feng is dead!”

The corner of Su Ru Ru’s mouth in front of her hooked out a cold smile:

“Li Feng is dead, but you’re still alive.”

I fought my way towards her: “Ru Ru! You wake up! You have been wrong! You know what! Before he died, Li Feng told me! He wanted to marry you! Can you hear me?

“Wake up! Wake up!”

I saw tears streaming from Su Ru Ru’s eyes.

She must have woken up, but was unable to control her body, and I saw her face as if she was in extreme pain, almost trying her best to cry and laugh as she spoke to me with difficulty:

“Chang …… Chang sister! Run, run!”

In the next second, she resumed into a cold, delicate smile, “Su Ru Ru, you’re not good.”

“I’ve been waiting for this play for hundreds of years.”

“How can you leave if you don’t play it to the end? How can you leave without bringing it to an end? Can’t you see the judges and the audience are waiting?”

The audience underneath the stage applauded mechanically, as if they were really watching a good show.

“Oops, according to the original schedule, it should be time for the vendetta.”

She weighed the sword in her hand and smirked, “Back then, my fiancée was killed by a sword… Often sister, do you want to try the same death?”

The chest flickered with the shimmering light that belonged to Gu Cheng.

Li Feng who had already lost her vital signs in the distance.

As well as, Su Ru Ru who was shedding tears in front of me, but still wore a cold smile as she raised her knife towards me.

I closed my eyes and called out softly to Gu Cheng who was inside me:

“Go, Gu Cheng.”

“Go, Gu Cheng.”

The cold tip of the sword slipped in circles on my chest, and Su Ru Ru’s intimate voice was like a poisonous snake, “Aiya, Lord Tenjin, what a useless thing to do.”

“It’s a pity that I can’t let you see your beloved destroyed with your own eyes, but that’s okay. It’s not impossible to zap you to death along with her.”

As she said that, her eyes became more and more severe.

Hurry up!

The sharp knife with a fast wind instantly came to my chest, still one point short of breaking into the chest, in front of Su Ru Ru the whole person like an electric shock generally ejected, a ray of white light almost like a sword from my chest shot out.

The next second in front of me Su Ru Ru let out a sharp roar, almost unlike a human. The nearly transparent Gu Cheng impacted out of my heart like lightning, choking her neck with precision and force!

In that instant, I felt that my originally heavy heart was actually empty for a few moments.

Gu Cheng turned back to me and smiled faintly:

“Don’t look, Fu Chang.”

The maddened Su Ru Ru twisted up madly under his hands, one knife after another! Ruthlessly stabbing towards Gu Cheng’s body! Gu Cheng grunted, but did not let go, countless white light leaked out from his body, his figure became more and more transparent, almost riding on the wind.

I suddenly realized that it wasn’t white light.

That was Gu Cheng’s blood!

Su Ru Ru giggled shrilly, “Lord God who doesn’t have even an ounce of divine power, I’m afraid that if you get stabbed by me a few more times, you’ll be going to hell with me oh.”

Gu Cheng smiled faintly and said in a deep voice:

“Even if you go to hell.”

“I will still take you there.”

In his tone, there was an unprecedented determination, I suddenly had a bad premonition, Su Ru Ru’s face followed, and almost simultaneously, she bit through her finger and viciously pointed it at Gu Cheng’s heart, straining to laugh shrilly, ”Gu Cheng! I’ve cast a spell!”

“If you kill me! You must die too!”

I saw Gu Cheng’s hand, are slightly trembling, he must be in pain, the figure are slightly transparent, back to the head, peach blossom eyes lightly:

“Fu often …… often …… close your eyes.”

“Good boy, close your eyes ……

I trembled and said, “Don’t, Gu Cheng, don’t ……

He will not listen to me, I saw his eyebrows and eyes seem to blossom, his eyes seem to light up like the stars in the sky, continuous, I have never seen a person’s hands can be so fast, the knife so quickly pulled out of his chest, from his chest did not enter her back, once! Twice! It was as if they had used their life’s breath to be nailed together forever and ever, forever and ever, never to be able to turn over.

“The Big Dipper, Break!”

The devilishly pitch-black figure faded away in a shriek.

The brilliant white light in front of me was almost so bright as to be blinding.

It was as if I could only hear my own voice in heaven and earth:



The sky was spinning.

The earth was spinning.

The world in front of me.

Almost spinning into a black kaleidoscope.

A dull pain came from his chest.

So painful.

Obviously my chest is intact, why does it hurt so much?

In the midst of a trance-inducing spinning, I heard the host’s mechanically impassioned voice ringing out behind me, “I announce that this year’s Idol of the Year is -“

“Fu Chang!!!”

Huge cheers came out from the stereo behind me.

It was as if the whole world was celebrating for me.

In front of me, was Gu Cheng, who was covered in blood and gradually becoming transparent.

“Fu Chang.”

He extended his hand towards me, his face the usual cloudy smile:


“Let me hug you again.”

I lunged towards him again and again, and again and again, but again and again, but again and again, but again and again, but again and again, but again and again, but again and again, but again.

“I can’t even give you one last hug.” He looked at his gradually transparent hands and smiled faintly at me, “Then Fu Chang, come.”

“Give me another smile.”

I grabbed him frantically, my hand passing through his fingers again and again, I cried incoherently, I said, “Gu Cheng, come back, you fucking asshole! You fucking asshole! Asshole! I don’t want this wish, I don’t want the fire, I don’t want anything. I don’t want anything, you come back, I want you to come back !!!!”

Gu Cheng said to me:

“I’m sorry.”

His figure became transparent little by little in the firelight, and then, I saw the white light rushing into the sky, they seemed like his life, they exploded violently from his back, he must have been in great pain, I saw so much white light flowing out of Gu Cheng’s body like the sun, it was all Gu Cheng’s blood.

I desperately chased after him, desperately smiling, tears fell out of my eyes, I never knew in my life that I could shed so many tears. I must be ugly now, I saw Gu Cheng say to me, I can’t hear anything, the wind is too strong, I can’t hear anything.

Gu Cheng raised his hand toward me.

Ring his hand, raise it.

Ring his hand again, raise it again.

It was the gesture of wiping away tears.

He stood in front of the brilliant white light and smiled at me. Whispered five words.

Then turned around and jumped into the black hole.

In the dazzling to blinding white light, I seemed to see that protector falling from the sky, his heart crashing into me like a meteor, and after I died, plunging the knife stained with human blood into his own chest without hesitation. Then I rose from the ground, bewildered, as he entered my heart to slumber.

I saw him say to me at first, “Won’t leave, I’ll never leave you in my life.”

I saw him holding me up as he crossed the sky, I was all in red, so red and dazzling, he lifted me high in the air, he cocked his head and frowned at me, “Fu Chang, you’ve gained weight again lately.”

I couldn’t see anything.

My ears for a long, long time, echoed my own tearing cry:

“Gu Cheng !!!!!!”


The brilliant white light in the distance was as fleeting as the aurora borealis.

Everything returned to darkness again.

This time.

I really, have nothing left.


I don’t remember how long I cried.

Nor do I remember exactly how long I sat on the ground.

When the police finally came, there was Li Feng’s body on the ground. There was also Su Ru Ru sitting on the ground, her eyes lax.

Surveillance has been burned out, can not see anything, no one believes that the ghost killed the person, after the investigation, Su Ru Ru was diagnosed with mental insanity, locked up in the hospital.

I sat at home withered for a long, long time.

Intermittently felt that Zheng Qu came to see me, he said a lot to me, but I could not listen to a word.

I heard that I was named Idol of the Year.

I heard that my online popularity had doubled, and that the number of programs and scripts that came to me for offers were like snowflakes.

I heard that the show, had the highest heat ever.

After ten years, I finally caught fire.

I had, in the end, realized my original wish.

Tears flowed down the long dried up eyes.

It turns out …… that there are still tears.

I go to see Su Ru Ru every week. Since she came to her senses and knew that she had killed Li Feng with her own hands, she began to be really delirious, and every time she saw me, she would show a naive and silly smile:

“Li Feng …… Chang Chang Sister …… You came to see me …… We went to fly a kite …… to fly a kite. ……”

Maybe it was all a dream.

But every time I dream at midnight, I wake up to the sound of crying.

The place in my chest is empty.

In my dream, it was as if I had returned to my student days, collapsed on the ground, with a knife stuck in my chest, already on my deathbed, lying in Gu Cheng s arms, but still brokenly, smilingly, I said to him:

“I know …… that my heart is not good because of you …… but I don t blame you …… since I was a child …… I don’t have any friends …… and my mom and dad don’t like me either ……”

“I don’t blame you …… I just hope …… if there’s an afterlife …… in the afterlife …… I can be free to be myself …… everyone …… everyone I’ll be free to be myself and everyone will like me.”

“Don’t …… don’t ever do this to me again ……”

Is that why you told me when we first met that being yourself was the most charming?

Gu Cheng.

I said goodbye to the entertainment industry for the time being and put my heart and soul into public welfare, specializing in helping orphan groups.

There is no longer a female celebrity named Fu Chang in the world.

I picked up Su Ru Ru as well, she was wearing a pure white dress with a pure smile on her face, always gazing into the distance. Keeping murmuring to me:

“He’ll be back, he’ll be back.”

I reassured her, “He’ll be back.”

But we both knew they wouldn’t come back.

I don’t know how long these days lasted, but as spring and winter came and went, it was as if time had stopped in the town.

I have gradually gotten used to this kind of life.

No more expectations, no more disappointments.

Come to think of it, once keen to get the applause, other people’s admiring eyes, as well as those hot to suppress others to highlight their own enthusiasm, in fact, since the beginning, all from the heart of the unsatisfied.

I dared to speak and laugh, and used the life Gu Cheng left me to be myself with abandon, only to realize that it is not difficult at all to be my true self.

It’s not hard at all, Gu Cheng.

I have never been so calm.

I have never been so calm. I was so calm that nothing seemed to be able to make me fluctuate anymore.

Until that day, when a clamor arose in the street.

A white figure, holding Li Feng, stopped in front of the orphanage and looked at me for a long time.

The children around me tugged at the hem of my skirt and chattered:

“Teacher, who is he? Why is he dressed so strangely? He’s been standing here all afternoon and hasn’t said a word, eh? Teacher, what’s wrong with you?”

“Teacher, why are you crying?”

“Teacher! Why are you crying?

The night was windy, and the wind of that year, through countless hours, came at me and pounced all over my face.

My heart was full of it.

My tears instantly filled my eyes.

This time it was me, who answered softly the words he had said to me in the beginning:

— “You’re back.”

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Previous March 1, 2024
Next February 27, 2024


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