10. The Raider system

Raiders of that system

Non-thinking: Seeing you at the right time when the love is in the air

As the pinnacle of the system world, Fu Jin is the ace in my hand, and we’ve raided quests big and small together.

But just when I gave him a warning that the scale of the next mission was a bit big, he quit.

“The next person I’m going to raid isn’t them, it’s you.”


Please! I’m a system!


“Brother Fu Jin, you’ll always be with Yuan, right?”

I looked at the love and anxiety in Fang Yuan’s eyes, and had to marvel at the fact that this Fu Jin really does have some skills, as long as he makes a move, there’s nothing he can’t handle, even if it’s a sickly young girl like Fang Yuan.

Luckily, I was able to recognize the pearl, and picked him at a glance, or I don’t know how long it would have taken to get to the position of the pinnacle of the market.

I counted on my fingers, Fu Jin and I have raided unruly scum, capricious witches, and downtrodden millennials together ……

Oops, I can’t count clearly, anyway, it’s quite a lot.

Looking at Fu Jin from the beginning of holding a hand have to blush for half a day to the present love words at hand, I can finally understand the happiness of the cultivation system.

“Anniversary year, Zhou Da System, back to God!”

It’s hard for Fu Jin to be distracted enough to remind me while he’s on a mission.

It’s also fortunate that he reminded me, or else I would have been caught accidentally if I had been distracted any longer, and I would have been hopelessly out of luck in terms of this month’s bonus. Although I’m a professional at groping fish, I’ve been a little tight lately, so I still need to be careful.

I hurriedly picked myself up and forced myself to work seriously.

Looking at the young girl’s careful face, a little bit of intolerance inevitably flowed through my heart. If it wasn’t for her parents and brother, she would have been as carefree as her peers, and wouldn’t have become a murderous demon later on.

Being raised in a family that already lacked love had developed her paranoid personality. So when she was deeply in love with the original Fu Jin, but couldn’t get a single response from him, in a fit of rage she mesmerized the man and imprisoned him in the basement, not realizing that she hadn’t controlled the amount, causing Fu Jin to die of over inhalation.

Death is not the end. Fang Yuan peeled off his skin and made a human skin doll, taking it with her wherever she went.

Who dares to say sickly cute? Obviously so horrible.

But good thing there’s Fu Jin, and me.

In this life, instead of repeating her original life path, she was cured by Fu Jin and became a little girl who started to suffer for love.

It’s just a pity that today is the last day of the mission.

Fu Jin hung his head, gazed deeply at the girl in his arms, and reverently planted a soft kiss towards the girl’s forehead, murmuring, “Sleep, I will always be with you.”

But after the girl sleeps peacefully you will find that his eyes are clear.

Che, dog man, you said the same thing to the last heartfelt white lotus ginger.

“What are you cursing me for again?”

Holy shit, this dog man was lulling a sickly young girl to sleep one second, and then he entered the space to scare me the next.

However, on my lips, I still said doggedly, “No, this is not thinking about the next mission!”

After saying that, I also made two unnatural “hehehe” sounds.

Please, Fu Jin is the trump card in my hand, since he is there, I have been sitting firmly on this sales crown in the system world, and never moved again, if he knows that he has a little bit of a plan in his heart, and if he is not happy to run next door to Warm Wine, what can I do.

Fu Jin raised his eyebrows, signaling me to continue.

“The next mission is to raid the crazy batch of female supporting characters, the difficulty I think is not a problem for you, but it’s just that the scale of intimacy slightly has to be a little bit bigger.”

“No, change it.”

“I can’t.”

In fact, I was a little scared inside, all because of Wine, if not for the bet with her, I wouldn’t have accepted this task in a moment of excitement.

The man’s good-looking eyebrows wrinkled, pondered for a moment, faintly said: “Later show me the specific task, go, go home.”

This is leaving? You won’t stay a little longer? You really don’t recognize anyone when you get out of bed, Fang Yuan can tolerate it but I can’t tolerate it in my anniversary year.

I crossed my waist and yelled at him, “Even though the mission is almost done, we’re not short of time, can’t you stay a little longer?”

On his face obviously with the angry face, my momentum could not help but weaken: “She …… she loves you so much.”

Fu Jin couldn’t help but grunt coldly: “I won’t fall in love with NPCs.”

Hmph! Fu Jin was definitely mocking the last mission where I kept staring at people’s male supporting characters, but that was my appreciation! Who can resist looking at a handsome guy? I don’t have any other skills in the last year, but I have memorized the system code very well, so I won’t have feelings for NPCs.

However, as I watched Fu Jin turn around and leave, I was still a bit annoyed. Why can’t I say anything good with this mouth? It’s obvious that what I wanted to say wasn’t what I meant.

The system world’s advertisements are quite good, but the after-sales service is not very good, as long as their side of the mission is over, they will immediately be accompanied by system robots to spend the rest of their lives with the target of the raiders, even if they are simulated again, but there is still a difference between them and real raiders. That’s why I want Fu Jin to stay a little longer, to continue the young girl’s dream, even if it’s just for a moment longer.

Thinking of this I can not help but sigh, Fu Jin did not enter the drama, I this system is not light into the drama.

But one is a blackened sickly girl who can’t be loved, and the other is a warm and gentle schoolmaster next door, this kind of CP with redemption is the first time I’ve encountered it since I’ve been working, so how can I not get high?

No, no, no! I hurriedly memorized the system code, Article 281: It is forbidden to have any feelings for the target of the strategy.

I brainstormed a lot of inner drama on the way home, and the pinging and banging motions in Fu Jin’s room couldn’t stop.

I sighed in compromise! Young master I will come to coax you now.

I politely knocked on the door, counted three times without answering, and straightly pushed open the door of the room and walked in.

This is the rule that he and I have agreed upon.

「Young master, still angry? I’ve come to apologize to you.”

Perhaps my gesture of bowing was too comical, Fu Jin finally giggled, but his tone was still too hard: “Speak! What’s wrong?”

Gagging is my specialty, I immediately went up to him and pinched his shoulders, “It’s not what’s wrong, it’s everything, everything.”

I don’t know where he got on this young master’s nerves, but he sat forward to avoid my delicate hands, and glanced back at me: “Don’t do this, I won’t take the next mission until I fully realize my mistakes.”

How can this be? I’ve never lost a bet in years, and besides, if I don’t grab the pin, it’s going to be Wine’s turn.

I racked my brain to figure out where I went wrong, could it be that he still remembered that he didn’t give Fu Jin any eggs this morning? It’s not that petty!

Is it because the scale of the next task is a bit too big and he’s angry? No, according to my understanding of men, he should be enjoying himself.

Then he got mad when I asked him to spend more time with Bang-won. It seems like that’s when his tone started to get hard.

Yes, that must be it. Who likes working overtime? The last time the Big Boss left himself down to work overtime, he cursed for a few days, but when Fu Jin arrived, he completely forgot about it.

Thinking back, I was just like a big boss who only knows how to squeeze people!

I know that I have committed a lot of sins, and I just want to calm down Fu Jin’s anger: “I didn’t mean to do it on purpose,……, considering that it’s my first time to do it, forgive me! I promise! I will never let you work overtime again.”

I’m not going to let you do it again.” “Overtime? I’ll never let you work overtime again.” “Anniversary, what’s in your pig’s head all day long?”

Listening to Fu Jin’s roaring voice, I was numb, could it be that I hadn’t reflected enough?

I could only mumble and reply, “You don’t know that I’m a bit stubborn, of course what I think is stubborn! Wrong where you directly say it, your mind I can not guess.”

I don’t know which of my words touched Fu Jin’s nerves, but he froze in place, staring straight at me, giving me the creeps.

“What? I’m a system, I’m telling you, we can’t buy or sell anything,” he said.

I jumped back with my arms wrapped around me.

But he got closer and closer, the look in his eyes was familiar to me, I’ve seen a lot of them on previous raiders, but it seemed to be a tiny bit different.

Seeing that I was cornered, Fu Jin’s handsome face kept enlarging, and I couldn’t stop wailing in my heart: mommy! Who’s going to save me?

“You’ve reminded me that you have to communicate with a one-track minded one like you in your own way.”

What is he saying? Why can’t I understand?

“My next target is not them, it’s you!”


At this moment, I can only use three question marks to express my feelings at this moment, this strategy, is it the strategy that I understand? How can Fu Jin have feelings for me? I’m a system! Really, there is no professional ethics at all!

But the corners of my mouth still couldn’t stop rising a little bit.

Calm! Anniversary year, look at your unproductive appearance. The little devil in my head was constantly cooling me down.

In the end, I chalked up this little leap inside me to a woman’s vanity.

But what’s wrong with vanity, such a 185, have abs, handsome, on the hall, down to the kitchen, on the astronomical, down to know the geography of the big handsome man staring at himself with affection, and even said the words out of the mouth is also so heartwarming, and once in a while vanity for a while seems to be not impossible.

But I still pushed him away with a stern face: “We are not suitable.”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“Alas, you know me, although the talent is not clever enough, but has always wanted to become a champion, and has been working hard for it, if I was you cheat, how to be a champion, how to face my dream for so long? How can I be worthy of the big boss who has given me so many high hopes, and how can I be worthy of the efforts I’ve made all the way?

Said I was touched by myself, ouch, ouch, anniversary of your eloquence, when the crown insulted your talent, next door to the pyramid scheme organization is more suitable for you.

Which thought I put aside this half a day, tears are almost squeezed out, in front of the man is still not moved.

“The two of us together, as if it does not affect you as a salesman, right!

Good guy! A shot to the heart.

It’s true that the system’s employee code doesn’t say that it’s forbidden to fall in love with a Raider player, but the play has been performed, so how can I stand up to my Oscar-winning heart if I don’t finish it?

“Yes! But you’re with me now, do you still want to take on those lovey-dovey quests?”

The more I thought about it, the more angry I got. Does he really want to fall in love with me and the target at the same time? Dog man! Scum man!

The man pinched my angry face, and said in a good-natured and amused manner, “Which time wasn’t you the one who picked it up for me, and now you’re still relying on me… Anniversary year… That’s not fair to me.”

My face instantly deflated, he seemed to have a little bit of truth in what he said, as if every time it was me who took the task without authorization.

But isn’t that what performance is all about? These are the only ones left that no one wants, and the pay is still high, so I don’t have a choice.

Well, since Fu Jin likes me so much, let’s give him a chance.

“Why don’t I give you a chance when you finish this task?”

“No way!”

“Yes! Article 108 of the system’s code of conduct states that tasks undertaken by the system must be completed, or else ten orders will be deducted.”

Seeing Fu Jin’s expression loosened, I hurriedly added: “The large-scale part you don’t want to can take the ecstasy in the warehouse to use, non-toxic and harmless, but also safe to maintain the face, but can be expensive, you have to save a little use.”

Thinking of that medicine I have a flesh pain, that is I spent a few thousand oceans from the pharmacy that buy, but also want to be able to hoard a stockpile, when the pharmacy sold out and then sold to other systems, a big profit.

After all, I’ve heard that developing this stuff is quite time-consuming.

Fu Jin ah Fu Jin, you see how good I am to you, the silver for nothing is given to you when I say it’s for you to use.

“Deal, don’t forget what you said.”

“Don’t worry, once my words are spoken in the anniversary year, not to mention four horses, even eight horses can’t catch up with me.”

Fu Jin smiled again.

What are you laughing at? My anniversary year is telling the truth, okay?


The next task is to raid the crazy batch of female match, the difficulty coefficient of this task is four stars, the reason is that the object of this raid doesn’t love anyone but himself, and the violence value is a bit high, and the guardedness is also extremely strong.

So as a qualified system, these are all things that should be made clear to the raiding player in every detail, or else it will look like I’m unprofessional.

“Our main mission this time is to raid Feng Qing Yu, as long as her heart value for you reaches above 90, our mission will be completed. However, the difficulty factor of this mission is slightly higher than the previous one, Feng Qing Yu is an expert in using poison and doesn’t trust others easily, you can be careful not to be poisoned by her.”

“According to the original plot, she is the first daughter of Feng Taifu, but her mother died in childbirth, this Feng Taifu is also extraordinarily strict on her, Aunt Liu and her concubine sister are not a light. This Feng Taifu in order to their own career, hard to send a good daughter to the Shangshu House as a sequel. I’ll tell you, that Shangshu is in her fifties, but she’s still thinking about old cows eating young grasses, and because of that, she didn’t have a heart for anyone in her past life.”

Fu Jin didn’t say anything for a long time, it seems that she didn’t take my words to heart.

I was furious: “Fu Jin!”

“I’m listening, what’s the ending?”

“Of course, she poisoned her father, Aunt Liu, and her concubine sister to death, and the minister was castrated by her and died of pain, so you have to be careful, don’t follow in the footsteps of the minister.”

“I know! Instead of worrying about me, why don’t you worry about yourself first?”

I rolled my eyes at him in dismay, I’m staying in the space, what could happen to me?

Fu Jin seemed to be able to tell what I was thinking, and slowly added, “Of course I’m worried about myself, how to become a qualified girlfriend!

After saying that, he revealed his signature smile.

I’ve seen a lot of smiles like this, but in the past, I’ve seen him smile at his targets, and I didn’t realize that one day when I was in the same position as my target, I realized that it was so powerful!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I hurriedly recited the clear heart incantation, urging him to hurry up and leave the space to go where he should stay.

Although the system is omnipotent, the Raider player’s authority is not small.

So when I saw that Fu Jin was a big devil of the poisonous religion as soon as he appeared shocked so much that my jaw dropped to the ground.

This is, if you can’t beat it, join it, fight poison with poison, crazy batch against crazy batch?

This time, you can clearly see the urgency of Fu Jin, he is different from the usual slow padding, a little bit of the inner world of the target of the raid, but directly to find the left guardian Qingfeng Feng Qingyu catch.

It is really catch, the left guardian index finger hooked Feng Qingyu’s collar slowly walked in, Feng Qingyu’s figure in his set off looks extraordinarily petite.

Looking at the Qingfeng will Feng Qingyu to the ground casually thrown, I am angry again. How can you be so unsympathetic! Can’t you be a little more tolerant of beautiful women like me.

Fu Jin was obviously even more unsympathetic.

“No matter what method you use, hurry up and wake her up, don’t delay me.”

Hey, I didn’t realize before that Fu Jin’s unsympathetic appearance seems to be quite cool.

At Fu Jin’s command, Right Guardian carried a bucket of water and splashed it on Feng Qing Yu.


Feng Qingyu woke up leisurely, looking at the unfamiliar palace in front of him and the man in front of the palace who was idly propping up his chin, wondering if he had offended anyone recently.

Thinking for half a day to no avail, seeing that the man did not have the intention to open his mouth, so he could only passively ask: “What is this place? Who are you?”

“Chu Yun Palace.”

I couldn’t help but answer for Fu Jin, who knew that I was met with Fu Jin’s spaced-out dislike.

What are you doing? She can’t hear what I’m saying.

She can’t hear what I’m saying. She won’t let me say it, so I’m going to say it, so I’m going to make a lot of noise!

After Fu Jin answered the woman’s face flashed a trace of panic, this world’s number one poisonous religion, how could they find themselves?

I, Fu Jin: “I heard that you are good at making poison? I’m just missing someone in my palace, you help me make poison, I’ll help you take revenge, interested?

I can’t help but show off to Fu Jin, see how much I know about you.

If I’m not mistaken, Fu Jin is laughing?

He’s got a really low laugh point, suitable for a comedian.

Not only did I see it correctly, Feng Qing Yu also saw it correctly, but she didn’t understand what this high and mighty man was laughing at.

Hearing Fu Jin’s proposal, Feng Qing Yu had an idea in her heart, but she still couldn’t help but test, “What if I refuse!”

The man raised an eyebrow at his words, carefully sizing up the woman in front of him, seemingly wondering on what grounds she would refuse. Then he spoke carelessly:“You must know that the only people who can walk out of my Chu Yun Palace standing are the people of Chu Yun Palace.”

“You failed to lure and changed to coerce? Fu Jin really has the hearts of people figured out clearly.”

I muttered in a small voice, not realizing that I was still heard by him.

“I only understand the human heart, but not the heart of the system.”

I covered my ears, not listening to Fu Jin’s flowery words.

Feng Qingyu’s joining was expected, but what was unexpected was Fu Jin wanting to disconnect from my voice access channel.

“How can this be! It was the first time I had seen a player make such an odd request to the system.

“It’s not because you’re too noisy and seriously affecting my efficiency.” Fu Jin revealed his signature dislike again.

“I promise, next time, no, this time, I’ll be a dumb system.”

In order to make my words more convincing, I reached out and made a zipper movement, so that’s always okay.


This is still not good? But before I could retort, Fu Jin reached out and covered my mouth, successfully blocking my words.

I didn’t realize that Fu Jin’s hand is quite soft.

Luckily, I didn’t realize that Fu Jin’s ears were red, otherwise I would have made fun of him.

“Think about it, my efficiency is low, in the warm wine completed two orders when we have a single progress is not even half, then the back will have to work overtime to catch up with the progress.”

Fu Jin followed his advice, and his body pressed lower and lower.

“And, I looked yesterday, the performance of warm wine this month can not be much lower than you, you say this accidentally ……”

I hurriedly covered his mouth, “Stop it, deal.”

Fu Jin smiled triumphantly and left the space, and later I, all the time, ached how I fell for Fu Jin’s provocation in the first place.


If you can’t spit, the fun of watching the drama is half gone.

I watched as Fu Jin kept adding tasks to Feng Qing Yu and shortening the time limit for her to produce the poison.

I think if I were Feng Qingyu, I would have hated to kill Fu Jin, this is completely inhuman oppression! But I’m not her. I saw Feng Qingyu enjoying herself, and it didn’t look like she was complaining about Fu Jin at all.

But it’s understandable, sometimes having a purpose and something to ask for makes it easier for people to drop their guard.

According to the plot of this mission, the original Feng Qingyu committed suicide by taking poison after resolving those people, and her only regret before she died was that she hadn’t been able to experience what it’s like to love someone and be loved by someone.

So there was the appearance of Fu Jin and me.

But strangely enough, from the time Fu Jin started his mission until now, Feng Qing Yu’s heart value is still in the single digits, and even I can’t help but begin to wonder if Fu Jin’s old and young charisma has declined.

On the contrary, Feng Qingyu’s concubine sister, Feng Yutong, finally couldn’t hold back and made a move.

There are a lot of entertainments between families, Feng Qingyu will occasionally be invited, but this time Feng Yutong is like a mangy dog that can’t be driven away, hard to stick up, but also inquired about the King of Ning’s schedule in advance, on time, pulling Feng Qingyu in the King of Ning’s path to the pond, waiting for the side of the pond.

Looking at the pond I want to spit, later this Feng Yutong will certainly fall in himself, and then framed Feng Qingyu, said she pushed himself. Alas, if only Feng Qingyu had my God’s perspective, otherwise she wouldn’t have realized that the danger had crept up on her.

“What are you pulling me here for?” Feng Qing Yu said impatiently.

“Sister, I passed by the study that day and heard father say that the Gu family is interested in marrying sister as a second wife.”

In Feng Qing Yu’s face did not see the desired reaction, Feng Yutong hurriedly added: “It is the Gu family in the west of the city, this Gu Shangshu can be fifty-six years.

The words fell on the other side of the pavilion heard a faint movement, not Feng Qingyu, Feng Yutong fell into the pool, shouting for help!

And this Ning Wang also did not live up to her expectations, heard the cries for help and did not hesitate to jump down to save people.

Feng Qingyu was also punished for kneeling in the ancestral hall as she wished.

I knew it, I knew it. But this plot is really old-fashioned, that is, in ancient times, in modern times to see how she can still play this set of promise in return.

“Today is also thanks to sister, otherwise this King Ning wouldn’t easily grant me this side consort position.”

Seeing this, I am curious what Feng Qingyu’s reaction is, she is not a soft persimmon.

“Sister is really good plan, counting on me is just, even the kind-hearted Ning Wang also counted in, just do not know, this thing if the king knows, you this side consort seat, still sit not stable.”


Feng Yutong was so angry that she lost her expression management, then she forced down her anger and mockingly knelt on the ground Feng Qingyu.

“Ning Wang is at least a dragon and phoenix amongst men, but what about Minister Gu, he is half a body that is almost in the ground. And I also heard that the previous Mrs. Shangshu was tortured to death by him, sister here, can wish sister good luck!”

This tiger’s butt can not be touched, not surprisingly, at this time Feng Qingyu’s patience has reached its limit.

Sure enough, Feng Qing Yu that night to take advantage of the darkness of the night into Feng Yutong’s house, to her tea under the stuff.

This is certain that Feng Yutong will wake up in the middle of the day ah. Now I’m curious to know what Feng Qingyu has put in her tea.

Toxicity attacked very quickly, Feng Yutong’s head began to seep out fine dense sweat. Driven by curiosity, I entered Feng Yutong’s conscious world.

Help! As soon as I entered, I saw the female ghost in white chasing her inside the bamboo forest, scaring me to rush out.

It seems like the previous episode had introduced that this Feng Yu Tong had been afraid of ghostly things since she was a child, and only dared to sleep alone when she was a little older.

However, I didn’t do anything to stop her, firstly, I was afraid of delaying Fu Jin’s plan; secondly, I’ve long since looked at her in a bad light.

The addition of Fu Jin did not change the original trajectory of the plot, but it was Feng Yutong’s death that advanced Feng Qingyu’s marriage. I remember that according to the plot, even though the Gu family was interested in marriage, the Feng family still delayed for half a year before agreeing to it.

“Eldest Miss, since you have been blessed by the Feng family, you have to do your part for the Feng family, don’t you? Don’t fail the master’s expectations of you.”

Alas, this Aunt Liu is losing her daughter without a care in the world, not even willing to pretend to be peaceful in the past, and simply directly ripped into Feng Qingyu.

Also, this Aunt Liu is not a fool, the front foot Feng Qingyu was punished kneeling in the ancestral hall, the back foot of their own daughter died tragically for no reason, naturally suspected Feng Qingyu’s head, but unfortunately only know that their own precious daughter is poisoned to death, as for what is the poison, in addition to Feng Qingyu and I, there is no longer a third person to know.

As early as Feng Yutong’s death Feng Taifu searched all the courtyards in the mansion, and didn’t find out a single thing, but apparently this Aunt Liu still won’t die.

“Auntie, everything in Missy’s room is packed.” Aunt Liu’s personal maid came to report back.

“Then we have to properly hand these things over to the master for inspection, and then two more people will search Missy, or else what if Missy injures herself?”

Seeing that the maid was about to lay hands on herself, Feng Qing Yu ignored the maid who was holding her down struggling hard and shouted at Aunt Liu: “Liu Qing Qing, I won’t let you go!”

Aunt Liu couldn’t help but smile at her words, whispering into her ear:“Everything in your room has been put away by me, poisoning, won’t work well. The Feng and Gu families have already exchanged Yu stickers, you’d better be at ease as your Mrs. Gu!”

Tsk, the women in this mansion are really not simple characters. This Aunt Liu first blew pillow talk to Master Feng to get Master Feng to agree to come and persuade Feng Qing Yu by herself, and then she detained Feng Qing Yu while she was still asleep, not giving her the chance to poison her. The point is that in full view of the public, Feng Qingyu simply did not dare to use poison, this point, I’m afraid, is also Aunt Liu has long been calculated.

If she had known, she would have reminded Fu Jin to let Feng Qingyu practice martial arts, or she wouldn’t have been so passive. Fortunately, this Feng Qingyu poison things exist in the secret room, these things in the room simply can not find out what.

Looking at the Chu Yun Palace of Fu Jin also have the leisure in drinking tea I was depressed panic, and then not to go to the object of this strategy to be married, but now they are still unable to contact him.

Fu Jin can not be counted on, I had to guard the Feng family, afraid of Feng Qingyu a little error.

Watching Aunt Liu return, I knew that this Aunt Liu would never let it go.

“Feng Qing Yu, this whip is made of fine cowhide, it hurts but won’t leave a scar.

As Aunt Liu’s words fell, the whip rained down on Feng Qing Yu, who was constantly shrinking towards the corner.

As she swung the whip, she cried, ”I want you to pay for my Yu Tong’s life!

I had to admire Feng Qing Yu’s endurance, such a painful whip falling on her body, but also just muffled a few grunts, if it were me, I guess the whip has not even fallen yet tears have already flooded.

But this Fu Jin how to not come? I can’t help but want to tune Chu Yun Palace’s interface to see what he’s grumbling about.

Fortunately, he arrived in time before Aunt Liu’s next round of whips fell, and clasped Aunt Liu’s hand with one hand to stop her next move.

“This official’s person, is it not for you to move?”

Although it’s a bit cliché, I still can’t help but scream. This word, paired with Fu Jin’s face, not to mention Feng Qing Yu, even I was mesmerized alright!

As expected, Feng Qingyu’s heartbeat value started to rise.

“Who are you?”

Fu Jin directly ignored her, kneeling down and picking up Feng Qing Yu in the corner, turning around just in time to meet up with Feng Taifu who hurriedly arrived.

“Lord Fu, what is the reason for your late-night visit to my humble abode?”

Almost forgot to mention, this setting of Fu Jin, not only is he a great devil of the world’s number one poisonous sect, he is also a head of the forbidden army, close to the emperor kind of thing, in order to specialize in helping the emperor to do some unseemly things.

“Lord Feng, I just went to the palace to ask for a decree to marry me and Miss Feng, and the emperor has verbally promised. The Emperor has verbally agreed to it, and the marriage decree will be here soon.”

Seeing that Feng Taifu’s head was vaguely sweating, Fu Jin continued to hammer, “But I didn’t expect that this is how this Feng family treats my fiancée, since this is the case, I will not be blamed for disregarding the etiquette and taking my fiancée back to recuperate.”

Fu Jin took Feng Qingyu away so openly, and Feng Qingyu also stayed in Fu Jin’s mansion in the capital, it is reasonable to say that it should fall in love with each other over time, but since that day, Feng Qingyu’s heartbeat value only fluctuated slowly a few times.

But lately this Feng Qingyu’s eyes are looking at Fu Jin more and more wrong, worshipful, and a little crazy?

She’s not going to mess up, is she?

Soon I knew I knew my intuition wasn’t wrong.

I witnessed Feng Qing Yu put a tiny silver-white bug into the wine cup on the case table, and soon, it blended in with the contents of the wine, and I couldn’t tell any difference from the other cups on the case table at all.

I was furious, when I received the task, Big Boss only said that she could use poison did not say that she could also put parasites ah! At this point, I can’t contact Fu Jin, who doesn’t have God’s perspective like me.

However, even though I was in a hurry in the space, Feng Qingyu still brought the poisoned wine to Fu Jin.

“Sect Master, dare to have a drink with Qing Yu?”

Feng Qingyu said as she set the glass of wine on the table, and the glass of compelled wine was right in front of Fu Jin.

Quickly refuse her! I don’t believe that you don’t know that there is something wrong with this wine.

“Oh~ What makes you think that this seat will be at your mercy and drink this cup of wine that has something added to it?”

Fu Jin casually picked up the glass of wine and narrowed his peach blossom eyes as he recklessly sized up the woman in front of him.

I’m not sure if the other systems are as worried as I am, but I’ll have to ask the warm wine next door some other time.

“By virtue of you, like me.” Feng Qingyu’s voice reveals a very certainty.

I watched Fu Jin came to interest, the body leaned forward, close to the direction of Feng Qingyu, long and slender index finger stroked over the pretty face of the girl.

Not only Feng Qing Yu, even I felt the sense of oppression from him.

“This seat remembers reminding you before, don’t presume to speculate on this seat’s mind.”

The words fell, just like a lover’s caress of the hands mercilessly clasped Feng Qingyu’s neck, the speed of this change of face, I straight call the movie star.

“Cough – your eyes, can not deceive me.”

Fartler, I roll my eyes. This dog man has the same look at the meat in the refrigerator, and the same look at Erhua next door. Oh, Erhua is a dog owned by Wine next door, and although I hate Wine, it’s a good thing this dog doesn’t follow its owner, otherwise I would never look at him more than once.

Just as I was lost in thought, Fu Jin let go of Feng Qingyu and drank the wine on the table.

“Doing things based on this seat’s heart is only for this time, next time, don’t blame this seat for never being soft.”

This plot development let me petrified in place, so rash? One second you want someone’s life, and the next second you drink the wine they handed you?

Fu Jin, you are so confused!

“Now you can tell me, what did you give me?”

“A love compulsion, a love compulsion for a lifetime.”

What if I don’t get rid of the compulsion in the end? I’ve been too unlucky this year, haven’t I? Oooooooooh, is this a loss for the lady? I won’t be unwanted in the future, right?

“This seat willingly took this compulsion for you, what about you?”

Fu Jin pushed the wine cup towards her, the deep meaning in his words was self-evident.

Seeing that her purpose had been achieved, Feng Qing Yu also obediently pulled out a porcelain bottle from her bosom, introduced the worms inside into the wine, and tilted her head back to drink it all in one go.

“Now no one will be able to separate me from the sect master.”

What is this woman talking nonsense about! It was clearly me who came first.

I couldn’t care less about violating my professional code of conduct, and without hesitation, I exchanged 20,000 yen and jumped into Fu Jin’s room.

“Are you crazy? Knowing that there’s something in that wine and still drinking it, that thing is still a bellhop compulsion, you drink it, I …… what do I do?”

Fu Jin did not expect to be confronted by a face-to-face questioning as soon as he entered the door, and even more so, he did not expect me to cry.

I didn’t think I would cry.” “Don’t cry, I didn’t really drink that wine!

As Fu Jin wiped away my tears, I finally felt a little better and couldn’t help but burp.

“What do you mean you didn’t really drink it? I clearly saw you drink it with my own eyes.”

He sighed and leaned down to meet my eyes.

“Didn’t you realize there was a medicine missing from the warehouse? I took the medicine in the warehouse before I drank that glass of wine, temporarily closing off my tendons, and I had Qingfeng help me force that compulsion out long before you came.”

In other words, Fu Jin is fine, and I didn’t lose my wife? I knew it. Fu Jin is not that stupid.

Wait, why is it such a coincidence? It just so happened that I broke contact with Fu Jin, and it just so happened that Fu Jin took the medicine early.

I looked at him suspiciously and asked the question in my heart out:『How did you know that Feng Qingyu would put a compulsion on you?

“That ……”

Fu Jin touched his nose sheepishly.

“Big Boss told me to be careful of Feng Qingyu, saying that she is also good at casting parasites.”

“Wow, you deliberately hid it from me, deliberately proposed to disconnect the voice contact channel with me, and also figured out that I wouldn’t check the stuff in the warehouse, just waiting to see me make a fool of myself, right?”

I sobbed as I activated my skills to go back. I was worried about him, but I didn’t realize it was completely unnecessary. I can imagine how this dog man will laugh at me later.

I didn’t expect Fu Jin to directly pull me into his arms, hard enough to interrupt all my skills. There was a faint fragrance in his arms, the smell of laundry detergent at home, good smell is good, it’s just that he strangled me to the point where I could hardly breathe.

“I didn’t want to see you make a fool of yourself. I couldn’t be happier to see you worried about me. I’ll admit, I didn’t tell you about her being compelled, I deliberately offered to disconnect the channel from you, and I knew that you wouldn’t be able to check out the contents of the warehouse with nothing to do. But I’m all just trying to push you a little bit so you can see your heart clearly, otherwise I don’t know how much longer I’ll have to wait.

“Anniversary, admit it! You like me too.”

His lips were close to my left ear, and the words of love traveled word by word down the ear canal into my heart.

“Flutter… flutter…”

I listened to the sound of my heartbeat mixing with his, and couldn’t stop wailing inside: anniversary year, you’re finished you!

Even though I was still being tough before, I couldn’t say the word “no” to Fu Jin at all. After all, denying it would make me look like I’m squirming.

So I decided to follow my heart and do what I wanted to do a long time ago.

“No pulling and flirting with other girls.”

“When did I ever talk to ……?”

“No staring at other people and things with such deep eyes!”

“What kind of eyes? I’m just working! I can tell the difference between work and life.”

“Don’t try to make me feel bad about them.”

“Nian Nian, you’re not like them. Besides, when did I ever use them as a pretext to make you feel better?”

When I think about it, it seems to be true that Fu Jin has never been the same to himself.

He doesn’t cajole at all, he just dislikes me.

“Okay, I’ll set up the rules later, can you promise to be my girlfriend now?”

This Fu Jin is really anxious, obviously played so many high cold and stable roles or so childish, do not understand the sincerity of slowly at all. What’s more, I’m still angry! How can I agree to him so quickly.

“Say yes, wait until you finish this task.”

Originally also fantasized that after he heard that he could be pampered, centralized me to agree to him now, just as I have not seen him pampered look, which into the thought that he directly rushed to me with an evil smile:¡°That’s fast, wait for me for a few more days, girlfriend.

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do it. This Feng Qingyu is not one to be messed with, is he going to break through the previous record again?

I looked at the background data, when did Feng Qingyu’s heart value for Fu Jin rise so much, directly to 70 points!

“Feng Qingyu Muqiang, it’s not surprising that she’s so impressed by me, right? What’s more, she always likes to take things into her own hands, and people are no exception. I can only make a breakthrough in my relationship with her if I drink that glass of wine.”

Listening to June like she didn’t listen, I was unable to comprehend that the desire to be in control could even be equated with love.

I went back to the space again, but this time I resumed the voice contact channel with a strong attitude, and looking at his little daughter-in-law who dared not to say anything, my anger finally subsided, although I wasn’t angry at all in the first place.

The subsequent development is similar to Fu Jin’s guess, because of the relationship between the bell compulsion, Feng Qingyu gradually removed her defenses and opened her heart.

Looking at her at the moment, she was snuggling in Fu Jin’s arms in a bird-like manner, and her heartbeat value was rising, but I couldn’t be happy, and secretly swore that I would never pick up emotionally flowing quests for Fu Jin in the future.

At Fu Jin’s request, I opened my golden finger and planted a child in her stomach. According to Fu Jin’s words, she wouldn’t have noticed it since she used drugs at the time anyway.

Another clichéd drama of a hero saving a woman was arranged.

Fu Jin blocked the sword for her is our original discussion, but personally saw the sharp blade of the sword into his flesh, even if reason tells me that the medicine in the space, the efficacy of the medicine is not ordinary medicine can be compared to, the emotion is still the same as Feng Qingyu, there is a moment of loss of control.

Fu Jin said to me, this disease, he has to be sick as long as possible the better.

So I listened to him and gave him medicine that would keep him conscious but not wake him up.

And during these days, Feng Qingyu stayed by his bedside and stayed awake until she became physically exhausted and fainted and was diagnosed as pregnant.

The joy on her face, the carefulness, is something that even I, an outsider, can feel.

Fortunately, the players of these raids are fictional, otherwise, after arranging the joys and sorrows of others do not know how to be at peace.

“Acting is almost done!” I said to Fu Jin.

After receiving my signal, Fu Jin’s eyelashes fluttered, pretending that she had only just come to her senses, and deliberately coughed a few times to attract Feng Qingyu’s attention.

“You’re finally awake! Do you know that I’ve been scared to death these days, if something happens to you, what will happen to me and the child?”

I watched as a crack appeared on Fu Jin’s face, which was then covered up by him. He cleared his throat and immediately pretended to be elated as he weakly spoke, “You mean, I’m going to be a father?”

Che, look at you, I rolled my eyes in disdain.

“Well, the doctor said it’s been a month.”

When I talk about this, I want to laugh a little bit. The first time they were shy was when Feng Qingyu’s love compulsion kicked in, and she wanted to force herself on Fu Jin, scaring her so much that she hurriedly asked me to get some medicine to make her pass out.

That was the first time I saw a stifled expression on Fu Jin’s face.

After Fu Jin woke up, the mission was coming to an end, and he was right, Feng Qingyu’s heart value finally broke through the 90 mark after the two doses of medicine.

Fu Jin, it’s time for him to retire.

If he doesn’t, I’m really going to be jealous!


As soon as Fu Jin came back, he couldn’t wait to tell the world that we were in love. Big Boss asked about the progress of the relationship every now and then, and now even the second flower next door is running over to me happily when she sees me, so I seriously doubt that this stupid dog understands human language.

“You quickly control him!” I shouted at Wine.

“Don’t you see that he likes you? Someone often boasts to him about how beautiful and gentle you are.”

Is this me? I seriously doubt Fu Jin’s filter on me is as thick as ten layers.

“But the fact that it took him so long to take you is something I wouldn’t have expected.”

Warm wine this, why don’t I quite understand it?

“If he wasn’t interested in you, why did he choose you over me in the first place? In terms of strength, you’re not even close to me.”

I’m not as bad as Wine says, although I’m a bit stupid, but I’m still very powerful, okay?

“The fact that he chose me is my greatest skill!”

I’m a bit weak, I was still stalking Fu Jin, and finally Fu Jin couldn’t take it anymore before he agreed, but in front of Wine, I can’t show my cowardice.

Fu Jin is not only in the real world, but also in the system world. Outstanding appearance coupled with an IQ that exceeds that of ordinary people, so that many systems have set their sights on him, and more importantly, he has never been interested in anyone since he was a child.

He has a strong sense of determination. I have a hunch that he can definitely become an Ace Raider player.

That’s why I’ve been pestering him, constantly entering his consciousness and communicating with him.

“There are a lot of benefits to becoming a Raider player, such as, for example, every time you complete a mission you can receive a considerable honorarium, enough for you to buy a villa at your leisure.”

“I don’t lack money!”

I saw that I had been pestering Fu Jin for two or three months, but Fu Jin still looked like he was immersed in the topics under his belt and was completely unmoved. I couldn’t stand it any longer, so I exchanged my empty wallet for a chance to jump out of space and appear in front of him.

“You see, you will be bored even if you do problems every day, right, think about it! Consider it a little spice for your boring life.”

I moved closer to him, blinking my big eyes and looking straight at him, a trick I’ve never failed to pull off with the big boss.

He pushed me away violently, but his reddened ears didn’t hide from my eyes.

Just kidding, I’m the flower of the system world, Fu Jin will surely fall under my garnet skirt.

“Give me some more time to think about it.”

I can’t believe he still wants to think about it. It seems that my beauty doesn’t work very well for him, so I had to settle for the second best and ask him to give me an answer after three days.

Luckily, he agreed after three days, otherwise I still don’t know how many three days I have to grind him.

“Nian Nian she is not too smart, but she is responsible, passionate, and cute, these are the reasons why I chose her in the first place, and, never regretted it.”

Fu Jin didn’t know when he came, and silently embraced me from behind, startling me who was still immersed in the past. If I hadn’t smelled the familiar scent, I might have screamed molestation.

But with him backing me up, my back was instantly stiffened, and let’s just say that I’m clearly not as dumb as Warm Wine said I was.

“Then I’ll wish you a hundred years of good luck and anniversary year, so don’t spend all day indulging in male sex and having fun.”

Watching Wen Wine lead Erhua away, I digested her words for half a day and asked Fu Jin: “Did she just provoke me?”

Fu Jin smiled and rubbed my head, “I guess it’s not too stupid!”

“I’m not stupid!”

If I were really stupid, I wouldn’t have picked Fu Jin right away, stalked him to get him to pick me, and even set a record for the system world, and only Fu Jin has been able to break his record so far. This alone is enough for me to brag about it for several years every year.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes, you’re not stupid, you’re being adorably stupid!”

Seeing that I was about to get angry, Fu Jin hurriedly changed the topic.

“How many tables do you think would be appropriate for our banquet?”

I didn’t think that far ahead, and I had to ask clearly when I met Fu Jin’s expectant eyes.

“Why did you change your mind and agree to become a Raider player in the first place?”

Fu Jin froze, then smiled broadly.

“Because your appearance made me feel that life wasn’t so boring and dull, so I had to find a way to make it interesting all the time.”

So I’m the spice of his boring life? Whatever, it was his own personality that conquered him anyway.

“Think about it, if you stay with me, you’ll have to stay here forever and change your career to the system.”

Although I never felt that there was anything wrong with this place, it was no different from the real world, and I could still swing for the fences without so much pressure. But I was afraid that one day in the future Fu Jin would regret it.

“I never regret what I’ve decided!”

I heard his firm reply.

“Changing my career to become a system is just what I want, I’ve finally turned over the serf and sang, you can’t squeeze me anymore.”

Before I had a chance to reflect on myself, I heard him continue, “But you have to be careful, don’t let me take the pinning spot.”

Ah ah ah! I knew Fu Jin couldn’t spit ivory out of a dog’s mouth, how dare he think about my position as the champion.

Hmph! Without him, I can still train my next ace.

But without him, Fu Jin, I won’t be a complete anniversary year.


When I first learned of Anniversary Year’s existence, I only found her noisy.

It’s a good thing that I grew up to be more precocious and more receptive to new things, or else I would have wondered if I was mentally ill and so imagined an anniversary year.

But gradually, I began to get used to her presence.

Sometimes when she didn’t show up at the regular time, I would still be distracted to think whether she was scolded by her boss again today.

Today was no exception.

She often gives me spitballs about her supervisor, being insensitive and inhuman. Those are the same words she comes and goes to scold, and I know them by heart.

But what was the point of worrying about her?

I pushed the anniversary year out of my mind and continued to solve the chemistry problem I had just gotten halfway through, but what used to be a simple problem for me was clueless at the moment.

So only I know how happy I was when I heard Anniversary’s voice that night.

“Hi! Good evening, Jane!”

Good evening! Anniversary year.

Although I had already responded to her countless times in my heart, on my face, I still didn’t move and faintly responded to her with a “hmm”.

It’s a good thing Anniversary Year doesn’t know what I’m thinking, otherwise she’d definitely be proud. She has that kind of temperament, casually praise her two sentences her tail will be up to the sky, not to mention know what I think.

I had fantasized about Anniversary, in those brief dreams I had when I was lost in thought between classes.

But when Anniversary Year appeared in front of me, I realized that none of the imaginings could match her beauty.

Especially when she blinked her eyes closer to me, the slyness and wit in her eyes seemed to read my mind.

I said I’d reconsider, but in truth, I’d already made my decision. Becoming a Raider player would be one step closer to the anniversary year.

That’s why I volunteered to live with her, the space that was no different from the real world.

Beautifully called for efficiency, only I understood that the anniversary year was my reason.

The task wasn’t as easy as I thought, I had to incarnate into a variety of characters, or gentle, or cold, or domineering, or arrogant, to raid an unfamiliar character.

Luckily, there was Anniversary Year, who would always be there for me and give me encouragement, despite the exaggeration.

“Fu Jin is the strongest! Fu Jin is the best! Fu Jin is Anniversary Year’s big idol!”

I’ve heard this from her a long time ago, and I used to think that she was childish, but now I actually think that she’s adorable.

After saying that, she opened her arms and gave me a big hug.

“Don’t get me wrong haha, I just think you need an encouraging hug right now.”

I really wanted to seal Anniversary’s mouth, she always had this kind of braking skill.

Luckily, I’m a fast learner and I’m living up to her expectations. Even the Big Boss praised me for my talent and asked if I was interested in going out on my own to train other raiders.

I refused, if I left, wouldn’t all my previous efforts be wasted?

Wine always teased me for moving too slowly, and I told her, “I’m not in a hurry, I’ll take my time!

But am I really in no hurry? I wish I could tell everyone right now that I like Anniversary Year, but I can’t. Anniversary Year is still confused about her feelings, and I’m afraid I’ll scare her.

But I didn’t expect that Anniversary Year would fall for the male supporting character in the mission.

She thought I didn’t know, but the page where she watched the quest stayed the most times was at that supporting character.

And often recited to Erhua how handsome that guy was.

It was just a momentary novelty, but I was still pissed off.

So I decided to push her.

But when she cried and scolded me, I was heartbroken, this is the optimistic and cheerful, every day silly anniversary year, I actually made her cry.

Fortunately, she finally looked straight into her heart.

I knew that she liked me too. Although not as deep as I like her, but as long as she also like me is enough.

It was also from that moment that I secretly vowed to never let make her cry again.

After the mission was completed, she finally became my girlfriend, and I couldn’t wait to tell the whole world, especially my few eyeing love rivals.

“Think about it, if you’re with me, you’ll have to stay here forever and change your career to become a system.”

Against Anniversary Year’s seemingly generous but actually careful test, I knew that she was afraid that I would regret it later and would blame her for letting herself stay here. Anniversary year she seems to be big-headed, but her heart is actually very delicate.

But it’s okay, I can use time to prove it.

Afraid that she would think too much, I hurriedly gave her an affirmative reply.

“I’ll never regret what I’ve decided!”

Whether it’s deciding to become a Raider player, or switching to become a system.

Upon hearing this, her nice almond eyes curved into a crescent moon and smiled foolishly at me.

Love is really strange, watching her laugh I would also unconsciously laugh out loud along with her.

Later, the anniversary year always love to pester me to ask why in the end like her.

But I can’t answer this question.

Maybe it was because she was a beam of light in my barren life, or maybe it was because compared to chemistry, she was more touching to my heart and brought me more happiness.

So I could only answer her, “Because you’re in your anniversary year!”


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