11. Crossing over to become Auntie Seven

Dressing as the seventh concubine

I want to see you when I’m in love.

I traveled to become the commander’s seventh aunt.

I imagined that all the aunts would drink tea and chat and go shopping every day.

Or at worst, they’d be jealous and engage in family battles.

I didn’t expect Lord Commander to militarize his concubines.

I have to get up at five every day to do morning exercises.

Practicing guns, martial arts, standing in military posture.

Running, jumping rope, climbing shelves.

“Lord Commander! Your seven aunts have escaped with the family fortune!”

I’ve been forced to do military training for six months.

Crossing over to become an aunt, I thought I’d be tender and delicate.

I didn’t expect to be trained as a spicy female soldier.

The six aunts in front of me are all wheat-colored.

They were so fit and healthy that even in their cheongsams, they couldn’t stop their bodies from being full of tendons.

The Commander was very pleased.

He decided to reward us with two extra laps.

I fell to my knees with a thud, tears streaming down my face.

Lord Commander is very handsome, but his face scares me no matter how I look at it.

Just seeing it makes my legs weak and tremble.

“Xiao Qi, do you have anything to say?”

Auntie Six hurriedly helped me up.

While snorting with Lord Commander, she gritted her teeth and whispered.

“Seven, if you don’t get up, I’ll give you two more laps.”

I wanted to run away.

But I couldn’t.

Auntie Six and Auntie Five each held one of my arms and started spinning and jumping at full speed.


I was running in my sleep.

I was carried back.

The moment I lay down on the bed, I commanded Xiao Cui with half-squinted eyes.

“Squeeze my feet, don’t make me beg.”

Today Xiao Cui was extraordinarily energetic.

Soothing that I couldn’t help but sigh tersely.

“A little more up there, hey, yeah, I’ll reward you with a big boo-boo later.”

“Seven is really weak.”

That voice.

I sat up with a carp.

Sure enough, it was that dog commander, Fu Jinglun.

I hurriedly defended myself.

“It’s not weak, I can still do fifty more deep squats.”

“Then you do it.”

Fu Jinglun stood up, holding his arms to make room for me.


I’d rather you shoot me in the head.

I don’t want to live another day.

I simply swing.

Lying on the bed and pretending to be dead.

Fu Jinglun’s low laughter came from his ears.

After a long time, that big firm and strong hand reattached my leg.

Pressing again and again, the force is not light and not heavy.

This would have been a great time to get close to him.

If I hadn’t fallen asleep.

I woke up without Fu Jinglun.

He has never spent the night at his aunt’s place.

The First Mistress says he doesn’t even sleep at her place.

Privately, we say Fu Jinglun overdid his martial arts training.

He had to marry a bunch of aunts to hide the fact that he couldn’t.

I shake my head.

Lord Commander is tall and handsome.

If not all day bitchy, put modern high and low can be a big star.

“Xiao Cui, what time is it? Why don’t you blow the whistle?”

It’s time for morning exercises, isn’t it?

“The commander said we’re taking a day off.”

“I’m sorry because you were so tired last night.”

Xiao Cui brought me some water to wash up with while winking at me.

I let out a “Che”.

No way.

Absolutely impossible.

I can count on two hands the time I’ve spent resting in the past six months.

Suddenly, we didn’t know what to do when we were free.

“Let’s squat for a while, I’ve recently researched a new posture, and squatting can be very elegant.”

Second Aunt opened her mouth.

I almost choked to death on the melon seeds I didn’t swallow.

“Good for you! You’re not playing mahjong, your hands are itching.”

Fifth Aunt frowned, not quite agreeing.

“The Commander said, stay away from gambling and drugs, and you’ll live a safe life.”

I rolled my eyes, then remembered something and said excitedly:

“I heard that Ms. Jin had a party for a few days when she returned from her overseas trip, let’s go and join in the fun?”

Fourth Aunt waved her hand.

“The Commander said that we have to cut down on useless socializing.”

“You’re not allowed to do this or that! You’ve all been subjected to Fu Jinglun’s dog thing PPT, right?”

I slapped the tabletop, scattering melon seeds all over the place.

The tea pavilion was silent.

I thought that they were all shocked by my imposing manner.

Only Auntie Six tugged hard on my sleeve under the table.

I followed her line of sight.

I met Fu Jinglun’s smiling face.

He was standing across the bridge, waving at me.

“Seven, come here, let’s discuss what a dog thing is.”

“Dog thing… …… Well… …… I suddenly remembered what Mr. Liu Cun said… …… Uh no… …”

I stood in front of Fu Jinglun by my fingers.

The brain seems to be stuffed with a mess of hemp.

On the contrary, Fu Jinglun.

One hand was holding the tea bowl, and the other hand was flicking the lid.

Occasionally glancing at me.

Like my homeroom teacher.

“Make it up, keep making it up. What did the English teacher I hired for you teach you?”


“I was wrong, Master! I won’t dare to do it again.”

I let out an “Ow” and jumped over and hugged Fu Jinglun’s legs.

The tea bowl was knocked over and almost fell on me when Fu Jinglun caught it with his other hand.

The back of his hand that spilled tea instantly turned red.

I sucked in a breath of cool air.

Also not owling, froze and looked at Fu Jinglun.

“Master ……”

“Sooner or later, master will be pissed off by you!”


After a long time, Fu Jinglun’s inexorable voice came from above his head.

“Want to go out and play very much?”

Fu Jinglun said to take me to see a good show.

I went along with him.

It was only when I sat down at the bottom of the stage that it dawned on me.

This is not the same theater.

I ate all the candied pastries.

Fu Jinglun waved his fingers and replaced them with new ones.

I held my head up and drifted off to sleep.

I kind of want to go back and watch Second Auntie’s horse stance.

“Pay attention to the sitting posture.”

Fu Jinglun said in a formal voice.

I said, “Okay,” but I still didn’t move a muscle.

“Yo, Commander Fu.”

A fat man wearing a military cap walked up to me.

Big belly, full of folds, left and right also embraced a graceful beauty.

I looked away and refused to watch.

It didn’t work.

“A new aunt ah, or Commander Fu good fortune, this is much more beautiful than the ones in my house.”

The big-bellied man’s eyes dripped towards me, and the corners of his mouth were dripping with saliva.

I was so disgusted that I hurriedly looked at Fu Jinglun to slow down.

But he misunderstood me.

His palm covered the back of my hand and gently patted it.

Turning to look at the big-bellied man.

“The Chief of General Staff is so elegant.”

“No match for the Lord Commander.”

The big-bellied man took two steps forward to shake hands with Fu Jinglun.

After shaking his hand, he extended his hand towards me.

At this time, the kissing gesture from the West was popular.

But I really don’t want to be kissed by a pig.

Seeing that I did not want to extend my hand, the big-bellied man changed his face.

“Not giving face?

“Even though she’s an aunt, the Lord Commander always has to teach manners.”

“My man, there is no need for the Chief of General Staff to instruct him, right?”

Fu Jinglun was smiling.

But the tone was undeniable.

The big-bellied man could only round off resentfully.

Before he left, those colorful and unwilling eyes were still running over me.

Turned his head and did not know what he said to the assistant beside him.

After going back, how I think how uneasy.

I followed Fu Jinglun wherever he went, shamelessly sticking to him.

Sixth Aunt and Fifth Aunt joked that I had become a Commander’s Treasure in a day’s time.

Fu Jinglun saw what I was thinking.

He rubbed my head.

“Don’t be afraid, this is the Commander’s residence, no one dares to do anything.”

I nodded my head, and when my hanging heart managed to collect itself.

The big-bellied man came.

Using the excuse of delivering gifts, he really dared to mess around in the Commander’s residence.

Oily hands hugged me from behind.

I could even smell the sticky, disgusting odor of his body.

“What I, Chen Dashiao, want, I have never been unable to get.”

I was so pressed that I couldn’t breathe.

But the more I struggled.

The more I struggled, the more excited Chen Daxiao became.

In a trance, I heard the sound of clothes being torn apart.

It was over.

“Relax, I promise I’ll make you happy.”

“Relax, I promise I’ll make your death not too ugly.”

A gun was pressed against Chen Dashaw’s head.

The moment I saw Fu Jinglun, I couldn’t stop my tears from coming out.

Chen Dashaw held his hands up and slowly backed away, a smile still piled on his face.

“Just kidding, I was just joking with her.”

Fu Jinglun unzipped his coat over me.

After helping me button it up.

He handed me the gun in his hand.

“Seven, what did I usually teach you?”


Chen Dashaw turned around and looked at me incredulously.

And my bullet hit the hand he was tearing my clothes with impartially.

I was ready to fire a second shot.

Chen Dashaw’s entourage rushed to carry him and fled as fast as they could.

I sat paralyzed on the ground, my hand shaking.

Fu Jinglun knelt down to stabilize my wrist.

“Xiao Qi did a good job.”

When I went back, I locked myself in the house.

I didn’t dare to sleep, as soon as I closed my eyes, the sticky touch came rushing back to me.

My aunts took turns coming to my door to amuse me.

But I never opened the door.

Fu Jinglun couldn’t watch anymore.

He kicked open the door to my room and pulled me out.

“You’ll only be doing what Chen Dashao wants if you’re always like this from now on.”

Outside the door, the First Mistress with her six aunts looked at me worriedly.

Fu Jinglun pointed them out to me one by one.

“Each one of them has suffered more than you have.

“What’s the point of hiding in your room and crying?

“If you’re bullied, bully them back.”

In the days to come, Fu Jinglun would find time to give us extra training.

He called it women’s self-defense.

There are no moves, no styles, no rules. The best feature is its practicality.

I’m not good at it.

I’m usually lazy in training.

But this time, I put in all my effort to learn.

Even in the middle of the night to think of a better action will suddenly get up to practice.

Finally, when Fu Jinglun tapped me on the shoulder from behind.

I reflexively pushed Fu Jinglun into the pond with a foot-stomping backhanded thrust and a top-elbow counter-thrust.


After Fu Jinglun landed on the shore, his face was even darker than the color of the night.

I was embarrassed to pull my hair while looking at my hands.

I think I just touched ……

“Seven! Don’t think about it!”

I don’t want to, I’ll just take a look.

Fu Jinglun saw what I was thinking and stepped forward to cover my eyes.

Through the wet clothes.

I could still feel his hot chest.

“Seven, I’m here to see you.”

“What is it?”

I peeled off his hand and pulled away from him.

“I’m going away for a while, so protect yourself while I’m gone.”


Fu Jinglun wasn’t home every day, I’d gotten used to it a long time ago.

Turning to think of something else.

“Why are you talking to me? Talk to the First Mistress.”

Fu Jinglun coughed lightly.

“She knows. It’s okay. Get some rest.”

I was about to go back, but he called me back.

“What for?”

“If, I mean if I can’t make it back,……, forget it, I can make it back.”

“I’ll be so happy if you don’t come back, I won’t have to run the drill.”

I am poor with him, but in my heart there is a hidden worry.

When Fu Jinglun is not here, it is the first wife who leads our training.

Anyway, we can’t be lazy for a single day.

Occasionally, during the intermission, we would talk in the tea pavilion.

I was the one who talked the most.

I wanted to talk about everything.

“Why did you all marry Fu Jinglun?”

No one answered for a while.

Just when I wanted to change the subject.

The First Mistress spoke first.

“I was sold to the Commander.”

I lowered my tea hand.

“My father wanted to sell me to an old man in his sixties in order to get my brother a wife.

“I didn’t comply and ran away during the night. I don’t know who tipped me off, but my father found me and beat me up on the street. So many people were watching, but not one person stood up to help me.

“It was the Commander, he bought me off.”

The First Mistress took a sharp sip of tea when she finished.

Then she pointed to Auntie Two.

“Lao Er used to be a young lady from a big family, but then the family fell apart and she was going to be sold to a kiln, and it was the Commander who intercepted her.”

I listened in silence.

The more I drank the tea, the more bitter it became.

Third Aunt was the widow of Fu Jinglun’s dead brother, and he was specially instructed to take good care of her.

Fourth Aunt was Third Aunt’s own sister and was taken in together.

Fifth Aunt was married before she entered the Commander’s House.

She lifted up her sleeve to show us.

Her body was covered with scars of all sizes.

There were also marks from the pipe.

I looked away from her, but I understood everything.

“I went to the police several times, but the police said it was a family matter and didn’t care, and the last time I went, I was covered in blood and fainted in front of the inspecting commander.”

She sneered.

“That son of a bitch said I was a broken shoe that no one would want if I left him, it was the Commander who said on the spot that he wanted me, Lord Commander is a good man.”

“What about Auntie Six?”

Aunt Six was silent for a while before she smiled and spoke.

“Let’s not talk about me, Seven, I hear you’re a student.”

I am.

I thought about it.

I crossed over the same night I married Fu Jinglun.

Fu Jinglun picked my head and was about to leave.

I held him back.

I asked him where he was, what year he was in, and what dynasty he was in.

After learning that this was not any era that existed in history.

I cried out with a wow.

Fu Jinglun also stopped walking.

Sitting beside me at a loss for words, he stammered in comfort.

I could only keep repeating, “Don’t be afraid, it’s all in the past.”

When I think about it, that was Fu Jinglun’s most gentle side.

This is also the reason why I don’t get angry even if he is mean to me.

This world is extremely strict on women.

We have to be gentle, we have to be virtuous, we have to listen to our family and our husbands.

We are at the mercy of others with our hands tied.

But in front of the commander.

We can abandon our womanhood and just be ourselves.

He trains us, teaches us knowledge, in large part because he wants us to have the ability to defend ourselves.

He most often said, “The Commander’s Office cannot protect you forever, only you can protect yourselves.”

Suddenly I miss him, he promised to take me to swim in the lake when I return.

Memories were suddenly interrupted.

Butler Liu gasped and shouted out.

“Madam, Auntie, it’s bad, it’s bad, there’s a fight outside!”

First Mistress stood up violently.

The tea bowl was knocked over and shattered all over the place.

She was more serious and calmer than ever.

While telling us not to panic, she told the household staff to gather in the courtyard.

“Grab your self-defense, it’s time.”

She turned around and instructed us to gather our things in the shortest time possible.

“Don’t bring any miscellaneous things, bring more dry food and money that can be exchanged at any time.”

“Where are we …… going?”

“To find the commander, An City is afraid of falling.”

I was shocked in my heart.

Fallen ……

The Commander has never shied away from politics because we are women.

He mentioned it before.

This Commander’s position is unstable.

The local forces are heavily fragmented, and under one person, there are ambitions everywhere that are eyeing the tiger.

And Ancheng, as the centerpiece of the Jiangdong belt, became the fat meat that everyone tries to get at.

For the sake of power, they even combined to start a war.

The First Mistress greeted us and smashed everything in the Commander’s house.

Creating the scene of clothes being looted.

Before leaving, she didn’t hesitate for a moment to set fire to the commander’s house.

She also grabbed a few handfuls of ash and smeared it on our faces.

First Mistress only opened the back door a small slit, and the smoke and dust that exploded outside choked her and made her cough.

Dense cries, curses, shouts and the sound of gunfire entwined together.

Those scenes that I’ve only seen in movies before are really happening in front of my eyes.

“Stay close.”

The First Mistress tried to squeeze out a path for us.

But there were too many people fleeing.

In the meantime, I was knocked down and my right leg was stepped on by someone.

Auntie Six rushed to help me up.

Her cheongsam was already dirty, and she had lost one of her high heels.

“Are you alright? Can you still walk?”

I waved my hand and stood up without daring to delay for a moment.

But when we raised our heads.

I couldn’t see the first wife’s group.

They’d been scattered by the crowd.

Auntie Six told me not to worry, the First Mistress would come looking for us if she found us missing.

She helped me to walk to a side alley with fewer people.

When I managed to catch my breath.

The group of people at the other end of the alley however made my heart skip a beat again.

Chen Dashaw’s entourage had spotted us.

Those familiar triangular eyes narrowed slightly as they looked over.

It was like a predator had his eye on his prey.

The corner of his mouth escaped with a mocking smile.

“Where is 7th Aunt going? It’s dangerous out there now.

“What are you waiting for? Quickly, invite the 7th Aunt to be taken care of at the residence.

“If she’s injured, the Commander will be heartbroken.”

He said it in a nice way.

But his men were not polite at all.

They even pushed our heads down hard when they took me and Auntie Six.

We were locked up in a dark woodshed.

No one came for a whole day.

Auntie Six kept cowering in the corner and didn’t speak.

I thought she was scared.

I kept reassuring her that she would be fine.

But after a while, it was more like comforting myself.

There were still some pastries in the bag.

When I broke half of them to hand them to Auntie Six, the door to the woodshed was opened.

The door to the woodshed was opened.

Chen Dashao patted the uniform on his body and walked in with a big belly.

“I’ve been too busy today, I didn’t take good care of you.”

He pretended to be annoyed and chided the guards on the side.

「You guys too, how can you treat Lord Commander’s beloved like this? This is if Lord Commander knows …… about it.”

He suddenly turned his head to look at us and smiled, slowly picking up his words.

“In the nine springs, how can you be at ease.”

“What are you babbling about?”

I spat at him harshly.

He wiped the saliva off his face and was not annoyed.

“Yes, I’m talking nonsense. Are you hungry? Quickly prepare good wine and food for the two ladies.”

We were practically escorted to the table.

As soon as Chen Dashao came up, he filled my wine glass and said that he wanted to toast me, and that he was the one who was reckless in the last incident and wanted to apologize to me.

I laughed coldly and just looked at him quietly.

Suddenly, the wine glass in front of me was taken away by Auntie Six.

She changed her previous silence, and her face was piled with a full smile.

With an angled head, a glass was finished.

“Brother Chen, I brought the person, you promised me can not forget.”

Chen Dashaw ambiguous smile, in front of my face will six aunt into the arms.

“Don’t worry baby, you’ll get a lot of benefits.”

I looked at the two people in front of me and understood everything.

The bottom of my heart was cold, and I stared at Auntie Six dead in the face.

“It’s you? You brought me to the alley on purpose? Was it you last time too?”

Auntie Six didn’t deny it, and used the same tone she used to talk to me.

“You, you have to recognize the situation, it’s only a matter of time before the Commander falls.”

Chen Daxiao nodded in satisfaction.

“Or you recognize the lift, I may as well tell you, surnamed Fu died in the wilderness of which I do not know.

“You’d better stay with me, I’m the most reliable.”

“Sixth Aunt, are you doing this to the Commander?”

I was so disgusted by the dogs and men in front of me that I wanted to dry-heave.

On the contrary, Auntie Six climbed onto Chen Daxiao’s neck as if she didn’t hear me.

“Brother Chen, don’t you want me? Don’t you want to catch up with me?”

The two of them became intimate as if no one else was there.

Chen Daxiao forgot about me for a moment.

He impatiently picked up Auntie Six and headed to another room.

I was taken to the woodshed again.

It was already dark.

There was not a single ray of light in the woodshed, and it was cloudy and cold.

But what chilled me even more was Auntie Six.

I hugged my knees and leaned against the wall.

I didn’t believe what Chen Dashao said.

Fu Jinglun didn’t die that easily.

Maybe the First Mistress has already met up with him.

In the middle of the night, there was a sudden noise outside.

The door to the woodshed was hacked open with an axe.

The Sixth Aunt, who had just been spirited, collapsed on the ground the moment she entered the door.

Already out of breath and less in.

I froze for a moment before scrambling forward to check.

When Aunt Six saw me, she gave a strained smile.

“Xiao Qi …… I cut off his hand, the one that touched you.”

Auntie Six could no longer be called a human form.

There is not a good skin on her body.

Speech was also slurred.

I wanted to hold her and sit up, but realized that a casual touch was a puddle of blood.

“What’s wrong? What did Chen Dashaw do to you?”

Auntie Six opened her mouth, a few teeth missing, but still smiling.

“Didn’t you ask me how I came to be in the Commander’s house?

“Xiao Qi, I was already dirty, I was sent around by them and finally given to the Commander, who kept me, my nightmare is finally over.”

She held my hand and looked like she was relieved again when she looked at me.

“Luckily it’s me, luckily.

“Seven, you’d better go.”

Chen Daxiao is injured. It’s chaos outside.

Auntie Six set fire to Chen when she stabbed him. Everyone’s busy putting out the fire.

I’m going to pull her along.

But she seems to have burned out her last ounce of vitality.

She just helplessly pushed me out.

Before closing her eyes, she smiled at me.

“It wasn t me who did it …… Not last time, and not this time, I can t do anything to betray the commander.”

By the time I came back to my senses I had already escaped.

Tears smeared all over my face as I cried silently.

For the first time I felt that I was really useless.

“Seven, is that you?”

It’s the First Mistress’ group.

She asked me why I wasn’t with Auntie Six.

I shook my head.

The First Mistress was stunned, then lowered her head and continued to lead me to the West River.

She said the commander had prepared a boat there.

Neither of us spoke when we boarded the boat.

The First Mistress had her back to me.

Auntie 5, who was the closest to Auntie 6, was secretly wiping her tears.

Chen Daxiao said Fu Jinglun was dead.

I didn’t believe him.

But the moment I saw him lying on the bed with bandages.

My heart felt like something had collapsed.

I staggered and could barely stand up with the help of my fifth aunt.

The doctor said he was shot and has been in a coma for several days.

“If he doesn’t wake up again, I’m afraid ……

Only the First Mistress is calm.

She exited the room and told me to take care of Fu Jinglun first.

I sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the emaciated Fu Jinglun on the bed, my hand unconsciously gripped his hand tightly.

Half a year has passed.

I always feel that I don’t know Fu Jinglun well.

However, I remember every expression and every movement of his very clearly.

The first person I met when I came here was him.

I wanted to cry again.

But when I touched the corners of my eyes, there was nothing there.

Fu Jinglun often said I had the most tears he had ever seen.

Every day in training there was always a cry.

Crying so much that he had to be gentle.

So a steel hard man, half squatting to wipe my tears.

He coaxed me with unskilled words.

“Don’t cry, I’ll give you half a bowl more for dinner, okay?”

“Okay, okay, look what’s in my hand.”

I raised my eyes.

“What is it?”

He shook his clenched fist in front of my eyes, then suddenly let go and rubbed my hair violently.


I was filled with black lines, but he laughed.

I laughed along with him.

I rested my head on Fu Jinglun’s body.

It was like he was asleep.

How I wish he was really asleep.

“Don’t fall asleep, what time is it.”

In a trance, I felt Fu Jinglun’s hand move.

When I looked more closely, it was like nothing had happened.

It’s rumored outside that Fu Jinglun is dead.

Funny thing is.

The first few forces have not yet stabilized An City and started to fight openly and secretly.

In this fight, only one person can win.

And they, all of them, wanted to be the final winner.

Fu Jinglun was late in waking up.

The First Mistress has gathered us all together.

Only she hadn’t given the word yet.

I made the decision first.

“I’ll kill them.”

I’m not crazy.

I’ll kill him while he’s in a mess.

“Just you?”

The First Mistress stood up, and the rest followed.

“Have you forgotten the big guy?”

She raised her tealight high in the air and threw it down with a loud thud.

“The women of our Fu family can afford to hold the barrel of a gun!”

I laughed heartily and picked up the tea and drank it all in one go.

The city of An is not the same as before, and there is not a single person on the streets.

We try to pick remote places to stay.

The Commander’s Mansion is heavily guarded and there is no way to return.

The First Mistress asked me if I had thought about what to do in the first step.

I opened the case and after polishing every inch of the gun barrel, I raised the gun and fired an empty round in the direction of the compound.

One of the groups that had invaded Anjo had used the compound as a temporary residence.

The next day, the first wife nodded at me.

The Hopium had been bombed.

Only the leaders weren’t included.

The sudden attack split the already disunited group even further.

For a while, the relationship between the three groups dropped to freezing point.

And I carried the case up to the clock tower.

Today was their negotiation session.

They were still trying to salvage relations.

I set up my gun and put a piece of padding over the muzzle.

This is just enough to point it at the Peace Hotel.

That’s what I found when Fu Jinglun brought me here once upon a time.

He brought me but not to visit.

Rather, I came to shoot birds.

I’ve always been the best shot among the sisters.

Only I know that it was taught by Fu Jinglun’s hands.

The negotiations looked unpleasant.

Three groups of men, one was acting as peacemaker, one left on the spot with his hands folded.

The remaining one got up and opened the window, looking like he wanted to smoke.

I gently pulled the trigger and narrowed my eyes slightly.

Fu Jinglun said that the best hunters never focus on just one prey.

And all I had to do was aim.

I pressed the wrench.

The powerful recoil made my shoulder ache.

Looking further down, the Peace Hotel was in chaos.

Both sides drew their guns the moment the man fell to the ground.

No one is better off under the melee.

I fire only one shot.

Now the purpose is accomplished.

I pick up my suitcase again and lower the brim of my hat.

The First Mistress was nearby to meet me.

She and the Second Aunt, both dressed in men’s clothes, mingled with the two warring parties, and fired a number of shots at both.

The Second Aunt was excited and outspoken about how much she had contributed.

The First Mistress glanced at her, but the corners of her mouth involuntarily rose.

“She wasn’t allowed to come, she had to.”

I handed them the boxes.

The First Mistress took it and nodded solemnly at me.

“Be careful.”

Now that An City is in chaos, no one notices my movements.

It’s just that I never expected to run into him.

A pair of military boots came into my field of vision.

The moment Chen Dashao stopped me, the entourage around me gathered.

I was surrounded.

Chen Dashaw played with the pistol in his hand with his only remaining right hand.

He raised an eyebrow in a seemingly casual manner.

“We meet again, we are destined to meet again.”

I forcefully pushed him away as he approached, and then quickly drew the dagger from my thigh and plunged it into his eye.

My speed was fast.

Chen Dashaw didn’t even have time to react before he wailed in pain.

Only at this point, he still didn’t forget to instruct his attendants to catch me.

“You two sisters are good. One of you took one of my hands, the other one took one of my eyes.

“Tell me, how can I thank you?”

I slowly backed away, the dagger had been taken away.

I could only hope on the women’s self-defense techniques taught to me by Fu Jinglun.

Only before I could strike, gunshots rang out.

Chen Dashao fell straight in front of me.

And the group of people who had me surrounded were also surrounded by the troops who arrived.

Surrendering their weapons on the spot.

“First Mistress?”

I said in surprise.

The First Mistress has two tricks up her sleeve.

The First Mistress, however, suddenly stepped aside, clearing a path.

I saw Fu Jinglun walking towards me.

“When did you …… get well?”

“Always good.”

He stepped forward and wrapped me in his arms.

I tried to push him away, but was circled even more vigorously.

“Seven is great, very brave.”

I sat in the car wrapped in Fu Jinglun’s jacket.

With Fu Jinglun’s hand still on my shoulder.

And the First Mistress just had that ‘high as a kite’ auntie smile on her face.

I glared at her through clenched teeth.

“You already knew?”

“I didn’t know, but our commander has at least been a commander for so many years.”

As soon as I got off the bus, the first wife took the second aunt and left.

I was left alone and confused.

God knows how many times I’ve played “Iron Blood Rose” on loop in my head in the past few days.

Fu Jinglun read my mind.

“It’s not that winning, it’s just that Seven made it all easier.

“Xiao Qi helped me build this kingdom.”

That’s more like it.

When Fu Jinglun’s men attacked.

The two groups of forces were still fighting.

By the time they took on Fu Jinglun, the bullets were almost spent.

It just took some time to clear the forces.

Fu Jinglun was indeed shot at that time.

But his good physical condition allowed him to pull through quickly.

And took this opportunity to sit back and watch the tigers fight.

Wait for them to get close and then reap the benefits.

I’m glad to see you.

I am mentally prepared to be a widow.

Fu Jinglun leaned forward.

“Widow? How could I let you become a widow.”

I blushed and turned my face away from him.

Chen Daxiao was not dead.

He was only lame, missing an arm, and blind.

He hugged Fu Jinglun’s thigh and desperately tried to defend himself.

Kneeling in the lobby, he swore that he was absolutely loyal to Fu Jinglun.

“I am so stupid, really, I thought at that time that you had …… pooh pooh pooh pooh!

“Me and seventh aunt, that was also purely a misunderstanding.”

Fu Jinglun flicked the tea lid in Chen Daxiao cried bitterly when sipping a mouthful of tea.

He was so scared that he kowtowed several times on the spot.

Hiding in the inner room, we could not hold back our laughter.

Fu Jinglun spoke up.

“It’s not that I’m making things difficult for you, it’s just that Xiao Qi has been wronged ……”

“I understand! I understand!”

He rolled and crawled out of the mansion.

When he came back, he was followed by a group of people.

All of them were carrying big boxes.

When they opened them, the gems, gold and pearls were so shiny that it hurt my eyes.

This is a lot of greed and wealth.

I tsked out.

Fu Jinglun took me over and whispered in my ear.

“Remember what I usually teach you?”

I nodded and walked slowly to Chen Daxiao.

At this time, Chen Dashaw had lost his previous arrogance, and the whole person was like a lapdog.

He nodded his head at me.

He rubbed his hands together with a pleasing face.

“Do you like Auntie 7?”

I let out a “hmm”.

That pleated face immediately folded up.

I pretended not to notice and asked, “How many teeth did you knock out of Auntie Six?”


I hastily reminded, “Five, two upper teeth and three lower teeth.”

Chen Dashaw stopped talking.

I raised my head.

The men beside me took hold of Chen Dashaw and pressed him down in front of me.

I turned my hands and neck.

The first punch landed heavily on Chan Tai Shaw’s mouth.

I threw one punch heavier than the other.

Until Chen Dashaw opened his mouth full of blood foam and begged, “Don’t hit …… Don’t hit, I know it’s wrong.”

How do you know wrong?

I wiped my hands.

Then slowly took out a pistol and pressed it against Chen Dashaw s head.

With a gunshot, I seemed to see Auntie Six smiling at me.

It’s finally settled.

Auntie Six, I’ll help you bully back.

We found a place by the mountain and the water to lay Auntie Six to rest.

I put some of her usual favorites on her grave.

May she be a peaceful and happy person in her next life.

On the way back, the First Mistress refused to go with us.

She said she had been disciplined for so many years, and didn’t want to be tied up in a building.

She wanted to go out and look around.

“When I was still in the pavilion, I fantasized that one day I would travel around and see the beauty of the world, my father didn’t beat me up for that, he thought that a woman should stay at home and teach her children honestly.”

She winked at us.

“Lord Commander, please grant me this small wish.”

Second Auntie, who had always been quiet, also stepped forward.

“I want to go too.”

“Wherever my sister goes, I will go.”

Fu Jinglun was silent for a long time.

I was so anxious that I secretly reached out to shake his arm.

He finally nodded.

“If you want to come back again, whenever you want.”

Third Aunt and Fourth Aunt didn’t want to go back either.

They say it’s a good place and they want to stay here from now on.

By the way, they accompanied the Sixth Aunt.

Fu Jinglun is still very busy, but I look forward to his return more and more every day.

Auntie 5 joked that I was late for the spring tide.

I pretended to be angry and slapped her away.

But my face was so red that it burned.

Fu Jinglun reorganized the wedding for me, is the western style.

I don’t know where he learned the Western vows.

There is also quite the flavor of watching American dramas from the past.

The style of the wedding dress was also something I hadn’t seen before in this world.

He must have put a lot of thought into it.

That night, he drank a lot of wine.

Walking around shaking his head.

I thought he was cute and commanded him to serve me tea.

“A man is a man of three virtues.

“Who will be in charge of this family from now on?”

He replied as he rubbed my feet.

“Seven is in charge.”

I hummed out arrogantly.

Fu Jinglun’s hand rubbing my feet, however, suddenly stopped.

He was silent for a while and spoke, “Xiao Qi.”


“Who’s Pang Yuyan?”


Seeing that I didn’t answer, he started to tickle the center of my feet.

It tickled me so much that I begged for mercy.

“Do you like Eddie Peng or me more?”


“At ease! Attention! Look to the left and right!”

When Fu Jinglun opened his eyes again, there was a world before him that he was not familiar with.

Young boys and girls stood neatly arranged in front of him.

They all had grudges on their faces.

Fu Jinglun quickly calmed down.

His mind quickly began to receive unfamiliar information.

This should be his soul coming to the other world after being shot.

The current identity was a military training instructor.

He followed the example of the instructor on the side and started shouting slogans.

These were all familiar to him.

He was originally in this line of work.

Suddenly, a young girl sneaked into the ranks.

Upon realizing that he was looking at her, she suddenly straightened up and saluted.


The young girl was not wearing a military cap, and her buttons were unevenly fastened, obviously looking like she had just woken up from a nap.

The corner of Fu Jinglun’s mouth rose.

It was his Little Seven.

“Third row, second column! Step out!”

Xiao Qi looked around and pointed at himself.

“That’s you, step forward.”

Seven stepped forward and began her usual misery-telling.

“Instructor, listen to my sophistry, no you listen to my explanation.”

She pretended to be a good girl.

But only Fu Jinglun knew how much sophistry she had hidden in her stomach.

“Well, you explain.”

“Me, Instructor, it’s not because you’re so handsome that I have to be mentally prepared every time I come.”

The surrounding students laughed at this.

Xiao Qi still had a reasonable face.

“Oh? Then I’ll have to work on your stress tolerance.”

Fu Jinglun told Seven to come forward.

Nothing to do but stare at him.

Fu Jinglun, on the other hand, peeked at Seven’s little expression as he shouted the password.

Too cute, want to pinch her little face.

No, be serious.

For several days in a row, Xiao Qi did not in dare to be late.

Performing immersive military training on the spot, her eyes looking ahead without blinking.

Waiting for lunch.

Fu Jinglun, who hadn’t spoken to Xiao Qi for several days, couldn’t hold back any longer.

He came to the student cafeteria on purpose.

At a glance, he saw Xiao Qi in the crowd who was burying her head in dry rice.

“Xiao Qi, what a coincidence.”

Xiao Qi sat upright with a jolt.

He didn’t even have time to wipe off the rice grains on his mouth.

“Hello, Instructor!”


The cafeteria is crowded at this hour.

Among all the instructors.

Fu Jinglun was the most popular.

Passing students always looked twice when they passed by Fu Jinglun.

Throwing envious glances at Xiao Qi, who was sitting opposite Fu Jinglun.

Xiao Qi, however, was somewhat unable to sit still.

Holding the dinner plate, it was neither right nor wrong to continue eating.

She could only look at Fu Jinglun with a tangled face.

Fu Jinglun ate slowly and courteously, but it made Xiao Qi, who was waiting on the side, feel like she was on pins and needles.

Finally waiting for him to finish the last bite of his meal.

Xiao Qi quickly copied the dinner plate.

“Wait, together.”

Seven froze.

Recalling again what her best friend said to her last night.

The eyes that looked at Fu Jinglun anew were filled with contempt.

“How old are you, but be a little more reserved, I only have Eddie Peng in my heart, don’t even think about it.”

“Who is Pang Yuyan?”

“He’s my man.”

Xiao Qi left without looking back.

Fu Jinglun who was still thinking suddenly had a pain in his chest.

It was the place where he was shot.

His hand was wrapped in warmth, as if a hand was invisibly holding him tight.

He heard Xiao Qi’s voice ringing in her ear.

“Don’t sleep, wake up.”

It was time to wake up.

Seven is still waiting for me in the other world.

By the way, I have to ask.

Who the hell is Pang Yuyan.

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Previous February 28, 2024
Next February 29, 2024


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