12. Rain Lotus Heavenly Father

Rain Lotus Heavenly Father

Unwanted: Seeing you when I’m in love

I, the 333rd prospective Master of the White Cloud Temple, have been arrested!

The police said I don’t wear a mask during special times and I’m practicing superstition.

But I’m a face reader!

The policeman said, “This time we’ll focus on education, no punishment. You call someone to sign and take you back.”

I dialed a number, and at that moment their vice-captain’s cell phone rang.

The big brother policeman looked at the man with a straight figure on the side with an incredulous face.

“Team Lee, is that your phone she’s calling?”

It turned out that he was my earthly connector, Li Chengyi.

Li Chengyi’s eyes that were full of righteousness looked towards me, his cold face seemed to have a hint of doubt.

I looked at Li Chengyi and hurriedly said the code word: “White cloud, white cloud, floating cloud in the sky~”

Li Chengyi fake cough: “Cough …… cough …… she is a friend of mine, indeed a Taoist priest.”

I immediately took out my [Taoist Clergyman Certificate] and handed it to the big brother of the police.

The big brother policeman made me sign it and let me go.

Along with me was Li Chengyi.

I was the 333rd Associate Master of the White Cloud Temple.

My master, the 332nd Master, said that in order to take over as Master of the White Cloud Temple, you must go down to the earth.

If you complete 10 trigrams in 30 days, each trigram will cost $500, no more, no less.

I was thinking of finishing this task by leaning against the foot of Baiyun Mountain.

Which thought, I am at the foot of the mountain stall it, was reported to pull the police station to come.

Fortunately, every time a White Cloud Guan disciple goes on an earthly journey, the Guan master will arrange for a connector.

And my earthly connector is none other than Officer Li Chengyi who is driving the car at the moment.

“Hello, my name is Li Chengyi.”

“Hello, my name is Yu Lin Tian Zun.”

Li Chengyi’s cold face was colorful for a moment, and then finally calmed down again.

I followed Li Chengyi back to his home.

Three rooms and one hall, cleaned up very well.

He pointed to the guest room, “This is where you’ll be staying for the time being, you can let me know if there’s anything you need help with!”

“Where can I set up a fortune telling stall in the neighborhood?”

Li Chengyi said seriously, “Recently, the epidemic prevention policy is quite strict, so you can’t take off your mask in public places unless it’s necessary. So for the time being, you can’t go to a fortune teller’s stall.”

I said, “But I need to complete 10 fortunes in 30 days before I can take over as the Master of the Guan.”

Lee Seung-mee examined me for a while, “You can tell fortunes live for others.”

“Live broadcast?”

I suddenly thought of a time when my master was watching a girl dance on his cell phone and mentioned live broadcasting.

Master said that even though he does not enter the world, he has to experience the mortal mind from time to time.

Seeing that I was a bit puzzled, Li Chengyi took out his phone and pointed to a leopard print colored APP in his phone, “This is called Tiger Skin Live. You can connect through the live stream to tell other people’s fortunes.”

He demonstrated it to me and I quickly learned how to operate it.

But the problem was that my cell phone was a flip phone that Master had eliminated, and except for receiving calls that were not stuck, everything else was stuck.

Li Chengyi looked at my pink flip phone and took out a cell phone from the drawer and handed it to me.

“This is my spare phone, you can take it and use it first.”

Li Chengyi helped me register my account and asked me what I wanted to be called ……

“Rain Lotus Heavenly Father.”

Li Chengyi’s hand paused, but in the end, he still typed in these words.

Li Chengyi helped me clean up my study and went back to the police station.

I sat at my desk and clicked down to start the live broadcast.

Huh, how come it shows 0 viewers?

I called my master, “Master, I’m live streaming, there’s no one, come and increase my popularity.”

After hanging up the phone, the live room really came in a person.

The poor Taoist’s head of hair entered the live broadcast room.

“The poor man’s head of hair has rewarded him with a tiger skin.

The tiger skin is a free prop for the tiger skin live broadcast, after brushing the tiger skin, the live broadcast room shows 0 people again.

Waiting for 10 minutes, the live room finally came to the second person.

[Snow Wolf entered the live broadcast room]

[Snow Wolf rewarded a treasure map.]

The treasure map is a higher-end gift in Hupi’s live broadcast, worth 1,000 RMB.

Just now, Li Chengyi said that if you want to receive 500 yuan for a trigram, you need to receive a gift of 1,000 yuan to do so.

I was about to call the snow wolf to give him a fortune telling, but I didn’t realize that the snow wolf brushed it and ran away directly.

I don’t know if the treasure map has increased the popularity of my live room, there are dozens of people entering my live room one after another.

“There’s actually a fortune-telling live room!”

“Oh my god! This fortune teller anchor is so beautiful, she looks like a fairy.”

“Pfft… This anchor is called Rain Lotus Heavenly Father. Ha ha ha! It’s so funny!”

“One treasure map and one fortune? That’s a bit expensive! I’m out of here!”

“Anchor, if you dance for me, I can consider rewarding you with a treasure map.”

I looked at the pop-ups on my phone screen and replied, “If I dance, it will rain. I prefer sunny days!”

“I just like to see the anchor’s face seriously bragging about the press!”

Bragging? One step to call out the wind and one step to call out the rain is just the base drill of our Baiyun Guan!

I’m not going ashore, I’m not changing my name, I’ve rewarded you with a treasure map.

“I’m too anxious to wait for my score. Can you help me calculate if I can get into graduate school this year?”

Me: “Yes, but I need to video call you. If you don’t want to show your face on the air, you can wear a mask and send me a high-resolution photo you just took by private message.”

“Okay, I’ll take off the mask. I’ve already sent you the photo by private message.”

After a minute, No Disembarkation, No Name Change replied in the pop-up screen, “That’s fine.”

I clicked on her avatar and pressed the “Invite Video Call” button.

After a few seconds, the video was connected.

A young girl wearing black-framed glasses and a mask appeared on the screen.

She was sitting at the desk in the room and greeted me on the screen with a smile on her face.

“Hello, Anchor! Did you get the picture?”

I frowned lightly as I looked at the photo sent to me without disembarking or changing my name.

“Did anything unlucky happen to you recently?”

No Shore No Name Change looked as if she was a bit disappointed as she firmly shook her head, “Not really.”

With her denial, the pop-up screen began to buzz!

「Come on, come on~ The familiar routine it comes! Please skip the fooling around step and just tell us how much it costs to transit!”

“I’m so sorry for the 1000 bucks!”

“The Rain Lotus Heavenly Father doesn’t care about morality!”

I looked at the pop-ups drifting across the screen and explained to No Disembarkation No Name Change, “Please don’t worry! Apart from the money for the trigrams, there are no hidden expenses.”

No Shore No Name Change nodded with a lack of interest, “Please tell me a result, I have something else to do in a while.”

“The bridge of your nose is slightly skewed to the left, indicating that you are not related to your real father, and your mother should have divorced and remarried your real father.”

No Shore No Name Change came to life all of a sudden: “Yes, my parents divorced when I was a child. My mom waited until I was in college before she found my stepfather.”

I continued, “The father’s house in your parents’ house is reddish in color, so you and your stepfather should have a deep conflict.”

No Shore No Name Change’s face changed again all of a sudden!

She looked at the screen angrily, “My dad and I are very close, please don’t talk nonsense! When I first went to college, my own dad didn’t even want to pay for it, and it was my dad who paid for me to finish college. Now I want to go to graduate school, and my dad is the first person to stand up for me!

“And my dad respects me a lot! If it’s just me and him at home, he never goes into my room. Even in the living room, he’s fully dressed. I’m so thankful to have met the dad I have now.”

I looked at the tainted air that filled the Father’s Palace above her left forehead and blandly said, “There is definitely something wrong with your stepfather!”

She was about to theorize with me when I saw that the right side of the room was also vaguely permeated with tainted aura and opened my mouth to inquire, “Is that the bathroom on your right?”

“Yes, our parents gave me the master bedroom, so my room has its own bathroom.”

“You go into the bathroom and turn on the rear camera and show me.”

No Shore No Name Change held up his cell phone and half-heartedly went to the bathroom.

“Don’t turn on the lights and pull down the curtains.”

After No Shore No Name did as she was told, I had her hold the phone up to the bathroom and sweep it around.

In the darkness, a dark red dot flashed indistinctly in the mirror headlight.

“Not good!!! You lock the door to the room right now immediately!!!!! You only have 10 seconds!!!”

Someone in the live broadcast room also saw the flashing red dot.

The pop-ups refreshed frantically!

“It’s a camera!

“Oh my god, is it a hidden camera?”

“It’s a script, isn’t it?

“I’d rather it was scripted now!”

Even if he didn’t go ashore and change his name, he could instantly understand what was happening when he saw the screen.

At this moment, a rush of footsteps came from outside the room door ……

She shuddered and stared at the door with eyes full of terror.

“The lock of my room suddenly broke down a few days ago ……”

I hurriedly asked, “Is there a lock on the bathroom door?”

No Shore No Name Change then responded, ducking into the bathroom and quickly unlocking the door.

“You first send me a private message with the address, I will help you to call the police!”

The whole screen was shaking so much that her hands were shaking, and before she could start typing, the door of the room was pushed open with a “bang”.

Only 3 seconds later, the bathroom door handle was constantly twisted, and the stainless steel lock made an ear-piercing “squeak” sound.

Not ashore not to change the name fell sitting on the floor of the bathroom, has been completely scared six god.

No, and then drag it …… on like this The blood light gas between her eyebrows has become heavier and heavier.

I silently read in my heart: “Heavenly eyes, open!

Fortunately, not ashore not change the name live not far from me.

I took out my little pink flip phone and went to the living room to call Li Chengyi.

“Li Chengyi, go and help me save someone. Be quick! Turn right out of the police station and go straight for 2 kilometers to Block 33, Building 1605, Fairview Subdivision.

“Please trust me! I’ll explain the rest later.”

Li Chengyi didn’t ask any more questions, and only answered with one word: “Okay.”

Immediately after that, the sound of him starting his car came over the phone.

I hung up the phone and went back to the study, a frantic knocking was coming from the phone.

“Bang! Bang bang bang! Bang!”

“Xiaoyan, open the door! It’s dad!!!”

Seeing that he didn’t go ashore and didn’t change his name without making a sound, followed by the sound of another violent shaking of the doorknob.

“Xiaoyan, have you fainted in the bathroom? Dad went to get something to smash the door open, no don’t be afraid oh.”

I’m in the public screen No disembarkation, no name change, “Stall him, I’ve called the police! We can’t let him break down the door!”

No Shore No Name Change Although she was already scared to death, she still managed to stabilize her mind, “What should I do?”

“Play the love card with him and tell him you’ll sing him a song, just for a minute!”

Not ashore not change your name voice trembled and opened his mouth, “Dad …… I was just going to the bathroom, I’m fine.”

I’m fine.” “Xiaoyan, lying is not a good boy! Dad clearly saw that you are not in the restroom it ……”

This sentence made the audience in the live broadcast room fall into the ice cellar!

“I don’t know what to say.”

“I’m going to go! I’m going crazy! Does this mean he’s looking at not disembarking or changing his name right now?”

“Help! It’s horrible! A shadow of a lifetime ……”

“Dad, I beg you …… I can pretend that what happened today never happened, please let me go, can you?”

A “Jie Jie Jie” strange laughter came from outside immediately after.

“Xiaoyan, you are a smart kid! You open the door, I’ll only take the things away, I won’t hurt you!”

“I can open the door, but I have one condition.”

“Xiaoyan, don’t stall for time! This door can be opened with just a hammer, even if you call the police, it’s too late! Be a good girl and open the door for daddy, daddy won’t hurt you!”

“Daddy, just one minute, please! You love me the most, don’t you?”

“Ugh…… Daddy really can’t do anything about you, Xiaoyan.”

I typed on the public screen quickly, “Turn off the volume for everyone except those who don’t disembark and change their names! Otherwise, you might lose your license!”

I said, “Turn up the volume on your cell phone, put it on the ground, and plug your ears really hard. When I’ve done OK with the screen, you can take your hands off again.”

After I had plugged my ears without going ashore or changing my name, I began to chant loudly.

“The sun rises in the east, the black populace is in full swing. Thousands and thousands of people have black eyes. In front of the mountain, behind the water tank. Dragon streamers on the left, tiger stripes on the right. I am in the presence of: Mr. San Shan Jiuhou’s law order to take – fix!”

This is my Taoist spell – fixing spell!

When I saw with my celestial eyes that the man outside the door had been immobilized, I made an OK gesture to the name of the man who didn’t dare to go ashore.

“He is now immobilized by me, you have 1 minute to leave this house.”

The man who did not go ashore without changing his name looked a bit hesitant: “Can I really go out?”

“Trust me!”


She opened the door a little and saw her stepfather standing motionless in the doorway.

Not to disembark not to change his name to take the phone head, head without turning back, and rushed to the elevator ……

When she reached the downstairs, she happened to meet Li Chengyi, who was wearing a police uniform.

Not ashore not change name’s legs instantly went soft, fell to the ground and began to burst into tears.

At this time, the stepfather also chased out, and when he saw Li Chengyi in police uniform, he subconsciously pulled his legs and ran.

Li Chengyi rushed over like a cheetah and directly pressed her stepfather to the ground.

“Curiosity killed me! I was playing firecracker bombing with my buddies and I didn’t turn off the volume when the anchor told me to do so! After they threw the firecrackers, they all ran away, and I was stuck there, blowing up shit all over me……”

“Luckily I turned it off.”

“Me too. ……”

“Oh my god! There’s something about this anchor!”

“Anyway, it’s definitely not scripted, because I saw the People’s Police.”

Not ashore not to change her name sat down on the ground, a while before she slowed down. But she was pale and had tears in her eyes.

“I’m really very grateful to the anchor today, and now I’m going to the police station to cooperate with the investigation. When the investigation is over, my mom and I will definitely come to the door to thank you.” After saying that she waved her hand and went offline.

I also felt slightly tired, and said ”See you in three days” to the people in the live broadcast room, and also went off the air.

After sitting for a while, Li Chengyi sent me a message.

“I have work in the evening, so go get something to eat by yourself.”


After packing up, I was about to go out to eat. The background of the tiger skin live broadcast prompted a few private messages that were sent without disembarking or changing the name.

“Anchor, thank you for saving me today. But I have been ruined by him ……

“Do you know how I got the money for college?

“He’s an animal. He took my private video and not only watched it himself, but also sold it to a porn site. ……

“I thanked him a thousand times for my college expenses, which he earned by selling my nude videos!!!!

“Now when I walk down the street, I feel like I’m naked and everyone is giving me strange looks. I’m so desperate ……”

Me: “You don’t have to despair, it’s him who should despair now!”

“The crime of making or trafficking in obscene materials for profit is punishable by imprisonment for a term of not less than 3 years and not more than 10 years, or life imprisonment if the circumstances are particularly serious.

“As for the video on the pornographic website, I have a brother who teaches computer science at the Wudaokou Vocational and Technical School, so I’ll ask him to delete it for you when the police finish taking evidence.”

I thanked me again for not changing my name and not going ashore, “Anchor, my mom and I would like to thank you in person, can we do that?”

“No need, I’ll see you again. And congratulations! You got into graduate school.”

It wasn’t until midnight that Li Chengyi came back from work.

Seeing that I was still studying the Tiger Skin APP in the study, he came over and had a word with me.

“We found several bottles of sleeping pills in the garage of that man’s house, and we deduced that the door lock was also broken by him on purpose. ……”

“I know.”

Three days later.

I turned on the live broadcast again.

Just a minute after starting the broadcast, not ashore not change the name of the reward 20 pieces of treasure map.

The popularity of the live broadcast room immediately came up.

In addition to the dozens of old fans last time, but also came in a few hundred new fans.

“Anchor, please count it!”

“This anchor is too good!”

“The smell of shit on me is still there to this day …….”

Some of the new fans were uncertain and had no idea what was going on.

I said to the camera, “The same old rules, 1 treasure map 1 trigram.”

[Cancer old gold rewarded a treasure map]

Looking at quite a few people still swiping gifts, I turned off the reward function.

I sent a private message to Cancer Resistant Old Jin.

“Hello, you can choose to video call to see your face, and you can also choose to take a high-resolution photo if you’re not comfortable showing your face.”

“Cancer Resistant Old Jin: It’s fine, I can show my face.”

After the video was connected, the pop-ups in the live broadcast room gradually quieted down.

A bald man appeared on the screen of the live broadcasting room, with a yellowish face and wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown.

He was holding a cell phone in one hand, and one hand was still on fluids, so it was clear that he was in the hospital at this moment.

He waved his hand weakly and smiled bitterly as he greeted the fans in the live broadcast room, “Hello everyone, I’m Old Jin.”

The fans in the live broadcast room had typed enthusiastic responses to him.

“What do you want to count?”

Compared to the enthusiasm of the fans, my response was slightly indifferent.

Cancer-fighting Old Jin sighed and began to slowly tell the story.

“Three days ago, I was watching the anchor live on the bus. When the anchor asked me to turn off the volume, I didn’t hear it clearly because the bus was too noisy.

“Later ……”

The old cancer-fighting gold was a little hesitant, but gathered his courage.

“Then I was fixed in my seat for 1 minute without being able to move …… I pocketed more than 10,000 yuan in cash was stolen …….”

He turned his head and showed the live streamer audience a long scar on the back of his head, “I have brain cancer, this is my life-saving money ……”

As soon as these words fell, the pop-up screen in the live broadcast room became lively.

“The twine specializes in picking out the thin places to break ……”

“Anchor, you have to compensate for this situation, right?”

“But the anchor has already reminded very seriously! Adults should be responsible for their own behavior, right?”

“There were only a few dozen people watching the live broadcast that day, what a coincidence! Could it be a scam ……”

Cancer old Jin looked at the pop-up screen, anxious eyes red.

“I didn’t lie, I went to the station to adjust the surveillance, also went to the police. But the police said that this person should be a recidivist, specializing in finding dead ends of the surveillance to go.” His voice choked, and with an almost humble voice he begged me, “Anchor, I don’t mean to blame you. Just can you please help me figure out where this thief is? My child is only in elementary school and can’t be without a father …….”

I looked at his action of wiping his tears with a handkerchief, a little incomprehensible.

“Why are you blaming me? Isn’t this what you deserve?”

When these words came out, the live broadcast room was like a blazing fire cooking oil, and it instantly exploded!

“Anchor, no matter how you say it, he’s still a patient, it’s too much for you to say that!”

“This anchor is disgusting, I’m shutting him down and pulling him out!”


I didn’t pay attention to these angry pop-ups. Instead, I looked at the frozen old cancer fighter Jin in the video and lightly opened my mouth.

“You have no light in your eyes, and your qi is cold and frigid in the three tone area, so you don’t have long to live.”

“There is a very deep hanging needle line in your hall of imprint, which means you have done something very unethical, and such a deep hanging needle line must have carried a human life.”

Old Jin in the video was scared to death by my words, “You …… don’t talk nonsense!”

“You are a chicken eye, with round eyes, large eyeballs and a dull gaze, representing that you have been a thief.”

“Your hanging needle lines are also stained with copper odor, should be stealing money back on the back of human life, and more than one human life.”

Lao Jin’s hands trembled and his eyes showed fear: “You’re talking nonsense, you’re making false accusations!”

“Good, I’ll convince you today!”

I recited in my heart, “Heavenly Eyes, open!”

When I opened my eyes again, I saw an old man on Lao Jin’s back.

“The “old man” was clinging to Lao Jin’s body and kept licking the back of his head with his long tongue.

The “old man” seemed to sense my gaze, and he slowly turned his head towards me ……

In a flash, the “old man” shook like a sieve and sat on his knees and said everything.

Russia, I once again opened my mouth in the live broadcast.

“When you were in your second year of junior high school, a classmate’s father had cancer. The whole school called for donations to his family, and you stole his money during the lunch break!

“A week later, your classmate’s father passed away. Your classmate thought he had accidentally lost his father’s life-saving money and jumped into the river to kill himself.

“And you took the money to buy the latest cell phone.”

Old Jin was at the end of his tether in the live broadcast room, but he still held on, “You’re a liar! I’m going to sue you for slander! You have no evidence at all!”

“Evidence?” I laughed coldly, “Isn’t it in your hands?

“Back then, your classmates wrapped their life-saving money in this handkerchief on your hand, and then when they died, you carried this is handkerchief with you.

“But it’s a good thing you’ve been carrying it with you ……

“Otherwise, how could the father of the classmate who was killed by you keep following you?”

Lao Jin’s face suddenly lost all semblance of human color, and he violently threw away the handkerchief in his hand, “What are you talking about?”

The pop-ups in the live broadcast room also kept refreshing.

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s not possible that that classmate’s father has been possessing the handkerchief and following Old Jin for so many years, is it?”

“Could this handkerchief originally belonged to his classmate’s father …… and that’s why it’s possessed ……?”

“Don’t scare me, I sleep alone every day.”


I looked at Lao Jin who had been completely stunned, “You killed his favorite son, he would rather give up reincarnation than let you jinx it!”

As if he had thought of something, Lao Jin folded his hands and knelt in front of the camera, crying bitterly, “Master, you are so powerful you must have a way to save me!”

“Heaven has its rewards, and retribution follows! What you’re doing now is all retribution!”

“I forgot to mention that the thief spent your life-saving money that day and bought a battery car to give to his girlfriend.”

After saying that, I closed the video call with him.

「Bozi, see you in three days……」.

Just after I got off the air, Li Chengyi sent me a text message.

“Let’s have dinner together tonight, I didn’t have time to treat you properly when you came.”


“Then come wait for me at the police station first, there happens to be a good restaurant nearby.”

When I arrived at the police station, the police officer from last time was there, and he was answering the police.

Li Chengyi stood behind the police officer and listened carefully to the report’s statement.

However, the informant seemed to have something to hide and kept stammering.

Seeing him like this, the police officer became a bit anxious.

“We can’t look for clues if you’re so secretive. Since you’ve come to the police, you must tell us the truth!”

The informant sighed, “My name is Chen Fei. I came to call the police because I suspect that my wife killed my lover.”

Big brother policeman and Li Chengyi looked at each other and their expressions became serious: “Be more specific.”

“I am an executive of a company, and I met Xiaowan at a dinner party, she was very gentle and considerate. She was very gentle and considerate. After a while, I had sex with her.

“Not long after, Xiaowan became pregnant, and I was very happy! I was very happy because after so many years of marriage, my wife had always resisted having children, and I love children very much!

“That night, I confessed everything to my wife. My wife was particularly angry and upset!

“She told me that she was a Dink and I agreed to be a Dink before we got married. But now I want to divorce her for the sake of the child.”

Chen Fei explained to the big brother of the police with an aggrieved face: “But I can’t help it, my parents are getting old and want a grandchild too much! At first, I loved her too much, so I was forced to agree to Dink.”

Seeing the big brother of the police and Li Chengyi did not pick up the meaning of his words, Chen Fei snapped and continued to say.

“I mentioned divorce to my wife, and she also agreed.

“Later, Xiaowan’s pregnancy vomiting was particularly difficult, so I took Xiaowan to my home to take care of her. My wife didn’t find a suitable house for a while, and has been living in my house.

“Originally, I thought that the two of them would definitely fight when Xiaowan moved in. I didn’t think that the two of them got along well ……,” Chen Fei pondered for a moment, hesitantly said, “but now think about it, may be my wife deliberately acted to me.

“Later, the company sent me abroad to study for half a year. My wife said she would take good care of Xiaowan for me, so I was relieved to go on a business trip.

“During these six months, I videoed with the two of them almost every day, and there was nothing out of the ordinary. But just a week ago, their phone numbers stopped ringing!

“I booked a plane ticket and came back. I asked all my relatives and friends, but they all said they didn’t know where they had gone.

“I thought about it, could it be that my wife, out of love and deep hatred, killed Xiaowan and ran away ……”

Gulp ……

I touched my already hungry and flat stomach.

“Your ex-wife and your lover are alive and well.”

Chen Fei looked at me with a skeptical face, “Who are you? How do you know that?”

“You have the Sun Star and the Tai Yin Star in your Husband and Wife Palace, one bright and one dark, which means that you have had a main wife and a mistress.

“But both of them have been disconnected from your marriage line, which means they are no longer related to you.”

“And ……”

“And what?” Chen Fei asked me eagerly.

I looked at the three pairs of curious eyes, “And both of their marriage lines have been tied together ……”

Big brother policeman sucked in a breath of cold air, while Chen Fei looked at me incredulously with wide eyes.

“Your Sun Star and Tai Yin Star are both very far away from you and should have already left the country.”

The police boss took the information provided by Chen Fei and checked the immigration records of his ex-wife and Xiaowan.

Sure enough, the two of them went to Denmark together.

When Chen Fei left from the police station in a state of disorientation, Li Chengyi and I also walked out of the police station together.

At this time, the street lights were already on, and I walked in the cool night color, very pleasant.

Li Chengyi lowered his gaze, “You’re very good.”

“Well, I know.”

The days flew by ……

In the blink of an eye, I was left with the last hexagram to take over the task of the Goddess of Mercy.

At the same time, I also figured out that this hexagram would be a robbery for me!

When I opened the live broadcast today, I turned off the reward function.

After nearly a month of accumulation, my live room is also quite famous, just online there are 60,000 people online to watch.

“Anchor, turn on the reward!”

“Open +1”

“I want to tell fortunes! Look at me, Fairy Anchor!”

I looked at the constantly refreshing pop-ups and said indifferently, “Today, I’m going to wait for a person who has a destiny.”

Counting the time, I opened the reward function.

The dog killer rewarded a treasure map.

I looked at this username and frowned tightly.

Before I could send him a private message to inquire, he had already sent a private message.

“Sister, hurry up! I want to show my face!”

Clicking on his avatar, it was a picture of a little girl.

I opened the video call.

After the video was connected, [Dog Killer] appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room.

He was slightly chubby, with an inch head, looking at around seventeen or eighteen years old. He sat paralyzed on the bed, smiling as he greeted the fans in the live broadcast room.

「Hello sister! Hello viewers of the live broadcast!”

I didn’t say anything and just looked at him expressionlessly.

The fans in the live broadcast room were still enthusiastically interacting with him, but when they saw my icy cold eyes, they stopped.

“Anchor this eyes, I’ve never seen it before ……”

“Anchor today’s eyes are so cold ah ……”

“I remember the last time I linked up with cancer fighting Lao Jin, the anchor’s eyes were not so cold.”

“You don’t have to say, I’ve learned a lot of face reading from the anchor during this time. This [Dog Killer] has the face of an evil man!”

The dog killer smiled playfully and opened his mouth: “Sister, why don’t you ask me what I want to count?

“Sister, I want to tell my marriage.”

I spoke out coolly: “The evil in this world is really displayed in you …….”

“Your forehead is low and narrow, the top of your head is too flat, your eyes are triangular, and your cheekbones are too high. You have killed people!”

The dog killer smiled and nodded: “Sister’s math is really accurate, I killed someone when I was 13 years old. But don’t worry, I’ve changed my ways. I came to the live broadcast room today because I want to seek a marriage.”


“Killed a man? And now I’m here to ask for a marriage?”

“You’re crazy!”

“This guy is disgusting! He’s still laughing!

“I C! I searched his news on the internet, his name is Tung Leung, he killed a little girl when he was 13 years old!”

“The most disgusting thing is that he used the victim’s photo as his avatar!

“I’m going crazy!”

“Rubbish! Scum!”

“Look at his username! Isn’t he an animal?”

“I wish the little girl would turn into a ghost and kill him!”

Dong Liang looked at the pop-ups scolding him and laughed, “Look at you all, you look like a bunch of dogs when you’re so angry and anxious!

“She’s going to turn into a ghost? That’s great, let her come quickly……. Now that I’m an adult it’s illegal to kill people, but it’s not illegal to kill ghosts, so it’s just the right time for me to have some fun!

“Please! My parents paid out millions of dollars to their family! Her parents should be on their knees thanking me for putting their family on the map!

“Come on! Let’s show you dogs what money means. This is our villa.”

With that, Dong Liang took his cell phone and started to show off his house.

Dong Liang’s location is the second floor of the villa, I looked at the stairs that appeared in the video and said coldly, “Go downstairs and take a look.”

Dong Liang smiled as he walked downstairs and said, “Sister, if you want, you can come to my house to play. I will treat you well! Hehehe ……”

My voice was so cold as if it came from hell, “There’s no chance, because you’re going to die soon.”

As soon as the words left my mouth, Dong Liang stepped on a foot and fell straight down.

With a loud “bang”, the back of Dong Liang’s head fell hard onto the stairs, and blood began to gush out from his head.

The cell phone, on the other hand, was stuck on the stairs at a strange angle and continued to broadcast live.

The maid realized that Dong Liang had fallen and immediately called 120.

As Dong Liang lay on the stairs, he still didn’t forget to provoke me, “The fall won’t kill me, my family has money and status in Jiangcheng, so I can enjoy the best medical resources!”

I didn’t pay any attention to him, but said to the viewers in the live broadcast room, “Didn’t you want to see me dance before? Today is the last day of my live fortune-telling broadcast, so I’ll give you all a ‘dance’!”

There was no music, no beat, and I started stepping.

One step at a time.

The Five Emperors and Five Dragons, descending light and traveling wind. Widely spreading moisturizing water, assisting the Thunder God. The five lakes and the four seas, the water is the most oriented. The talisman orders you, Changchuan to obey. If you dare to disobey, the Thunderbolt will not be tolerated.

The wind came, the rain started!

My ‘dance’ had just stopped when the oversized floor-to-ceiling windows of the villa resounded with the sound of ‘snapping’ raindrops.

The torrential rain and wind had arrived.

Dong Liang looked out the window incredulously, “Bitch! What have you done?”

Then, an urgently inserted weather forecast came from Dong Liang’s TV set.

“Hello, viewers! Urgent notice: in the next hour, there will be a 12-stage typhoon and heavy rainfall near the Changning neighborhood of Jiangcheng, we are about to implement traffic control, please pay attention to safe travel for all citizens.”

Dong Liang tightly covered his head and shouted frantically at the maid, ”Call my parents and tell them to find a way to send me to the hospital!!!”

He looked at the screen with disdain, ”Think you can trap me like this? You guys know nothing about banknote capabilities!”

But he waited for almost half an hour without waiting for an ambulance or his parents.

The pop-up screen in the live broadcast room was very harmonious.

“Serves you right!”

“It’s really the wheel of fate that brings us back!”

“It’s a relief to see him waiting to die!”

Just as Dong Liang was about to pass out from the loss of blood, the torrential rain and wind unexpectedly stopped without warning.

I looked up at the sky outside the window. ……

It should be that someone from the Taoist sect has struck, otherwise my spell would have lasted at least an hour.

“Ding ……

The little pink flip phone received a text message, it was from Master.

“Yu Lian, don’t do anything stupid …… or else the light will backfire, and the heavy will be a life for a life.”

I covered the phone.

By the time I looked at the live feed again, Dong Liang was already being assisted to the helicopter.

His pale face was bloodless, but his attitude was still arrogant.

“In 10 minutes, I’ll be in the operating room of Jiangcheng’s top international hospital. As long as I don’t want to die, the king of hell can’t do anything to me! Hahahahaha…… goodbye, losers!”

After saying that, he hung up the video call.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room immediately went down.

“It’s really a scourge that stays for a thousand years!

“This bastard is basically a sociopath!”

“Maybe the operation will fail!”

“Alas …… it’s unlikely! The hospital he mentioned is the best international hospital in China. Many of the doctors there are poached from big hospitals in the US and Germany.”

Instead of choosing to go off the air, I took my cell phone and went out, casually beckoning a cab on the side of the road.

“Master, go to the best international hospital in Jiangcheng.”

In about 20 minutes, I arrived outside Dong Liang’s operating room.

A middle-aged couple who looked quite similar to Dong Liang were pacing anxiously outside.

I opened my celestial eyes!

In the operating room, the anesthesiologist was ready to anesthetize Dong Liang.

I found a bench and sat down. Looking at the 60,000 people online in the live broadcast room, I asked.

“Do you know the meaning of the saying that good people prosper by themselves and evil people fall ill by themselves, and that good and bad things happen to them out of their own bodies?”


“I think I know, but I don’t think I know. ……”

“What does it mean, anchor?”

I turned the camera to the door of the operating room, and a foreign doctor came out, speaking fluent Chinese.

“Are you the family of Dong Liang? There was a malfunction with the machine in the operating room, and I couldn’t open it.

“But please don’t worry, we have already pushed Dong Liang to the backup operating room.”

Before they could finish their words, another nurse came out of the operating room.

“Dr. Walker, the machine in the spare operating room still can’t open. There’s still ……”

Dong Liang’s parents asked anxiously, “What else? You say it quickly!”

The nurse glanced at Dr. Walker, who nodded before she continued, “And we found out that as soon as the patient was pushed out of this operating room, the machines inside returned to normal.”

Dong’s mother’s eyes reddened with anxiety as she roared, “Then you push Dong Liang back into this operating room again!”

The nurse was so frightened that she took a step back, “We’ve tried, as long as he returns to this operating room, the machine won’t turn on.”

“What kind of hospital is this? We want to be transferred to another hospital!

As soon as Dong’s mother’s words fell, the door to the operating room, once again, was opened.

“Dr. Walker, the patient is not breathing ……”

It didn’t take long for Dr. Walker to announce the time of Dong Liang’s death, 12:18 pm.

Five years ago, he killed that 9-year-old girl on December 18th.

I forced myself to hold back the sweetness in my throat and turned the camera back to myself again, “See? That’s what the words mean!

“Be a good man, and your heart will be at peace with your body and your soul will be steady in your dreams. Do some good deeds, and God will recognize you.”

There is no such thing as an unending banquet!

The 10 trigrams of the Master Viewer’s task has also been finished.

I waved my hand at the fans in the live broadcast room, “I’m off the air, see you in the jianghu if you have the chance.”

Turning off my cell phone, I sat on the bench and closed my eyes to slow down for a while before slowly opening them.

An indigo figure appeared in front of my eyes, it was Master.

“Yu Lian, why are you here? This beast had 70 years of life left in him, you’ll have to live with him for 70 years if you do this!”

The skin on my body began to age with the naked eye, and my hair began to turn white.

Another indigo figure appeared, it was Shidi.

“Elder brother, have you come to see me one last time?”

Senior Brother rolled his eyes, “Master, Sister! You two don’t put the act on hold! There’s one more hanging inside! Think about how to explain to the Taoist Association’s director later!”

Master snorted, “What’s there to explain? Yu Lian has already given him 70 years of her life!

I also snorted, “That’s right! I also snorted, “That’s right! After 70 years of life, look at my fingernails, they’ve lost their luster! No, I have to count how many years I have left to live!”

I took out an electronic calculator from my handbag and pressed it.

A melodious electronic sound rang out, “Return to zero”.

“Nine-eight-seven-three minus seven-zero equals …….”

[End of story]

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Previous February 29, 2024
Next February 29, 2024


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