13. The place of abduction is the hometown

The place where they were trafficked is the old country

The place where I was trafficked was my hometown.

I was trafficked to my hometown by my ex-boyfriend to be the wife of Liu Hunchback, an old bachelor at the head of the village. Liu Hunchback narrowed his eyes and sized me up when my dear second uncle was driving his flock of sheep by.

That night, my brown first love laughed at me: “You’re good, three years back to the village, or trafficked back?”


I was born in a poverty-stricken ravine. Because the village was so poor, most men couldn’t afford to marry, and girls who didn’t study well had to marry early.

Although I am a girl, but firmly believe in learning to change fate, in my head hanging beams and prick the stock of hard work, finally got into an undergraduate university, become the village’s only college students, by the village people beat the drum to send out of the ravine.

I am now a junior in college and for some reason have not been home for three years.

This year’s junior talked about a boyfriend, named Chen Xiang, and I talked about two months after one night want to take me to a room, he said that women in the city do not mind these, two people together happy most important.

I think conservative, or did not agree, but he was three views on the grounds of incompatibility, and I broke up peacefully.

Chen Xiang contacted me again this summer vacation, know that I am tight, recommended a very lucrative part-time job.

I followed him on the bus, and when I realized that something was wrong, Chen Xiang had already taken a sharp knife across the front of me and put me under control.

I couldn’t help but laugh at myself, I thought that although he was sometimes out of tune, he was always a good person, I didn’t realize that his character could be as bad as this.

The bus kept driving, the surrounding scenery became more and more desolate, but there was still an unusual familiarity?

The first time I saw this, it was a very familiar place, but there was also an unusual familiarity with it.

This is not my hometown Sheepback Gully?

I forced myself to hold back my inner joy, and with a stern face followed Chen Xiang and the others off the bus, and a group of them tightly surrounded me into the village.

See the familiar dilapidated brick house at the entrance of the village, this is not our sheep back ditch old bachelor Liu Hunchback’s home?

Chen Xiang handed over the rope tying my hands to Hunchback Liu, received a deposit of ten thousand dollars, and then a group of people went to the village’s guest house with great vigor.

I looked at the dry and wrinkled skin of Hunchback Liu in front of me, and weakly said, “Uncle Liu …….

This old bachelor narrowed his eyes and sized me up, I don’t know if he still remembers me, even if he remembers me, will he pretend not to know?

Facts proved that I was over worried, this village is so big, people come and go.

At this time, Uncle Two was driving a flock of sheep back to the village, I shouted to stop:

“Uncle Two, help!”

My second uncle stood still, incredulously stood still and looked at me for two seconds, saw the rope tying my hands, and did not care about the sheep, huffed and puffed over.

When Hunchback Liu saw me asking for help, he angrily slapped me: “Bitch! Also second uncle? Who is your second uncle? I bought you for twenty thousand dollars! There’s only one girl who can call him uncle, and that’s Yuan Xi Xi, the only female university student in our village!”

My cheeks burned, and in the next moment, my second uncle gave the old bachelor a punch, “Screw you, Hunchback Liu, this is our XiXi!”

The old bachelor had one green eye and watched with a stifled face as Second Uncle took me away.

I held my second uncle’s hand aggrievedly, with a handful of snot and a handful of tears, telling of the heartache of the journey.

Now think about it can be really dangerous, those serious abducted schoolgirls, which end well.

Being forced to marry and their own culture and education is completely unequal to the old man, if you resist will be beaten, humiliated, locked up in a pigsty, torturing the human body and mind until she is willing to be manipulated.

By the time the police rescue these women, most of them have already been assimilated into numb village women, so the traffickers must not be tolerated!


Second Uncle untied the knot in my hand and drove the sheep home with me.

Along the way, he was still in shock, chattering: “Luckily, it was trafficked back to our sheep back ditch, if it was trafficked to other villages, it would be miserable. ……

“Later go back and your parents must be said properly, the ins and outs also said clearly, those animals must not be tolerated!

“Liu Hunchback is really confused ah! Nowadays, there’s a lot of rural revitalization going on, but he’s still doing the same thing he did in the feudal society! He’s a fool, isn’t he?”

Listening to my second uncle’s ramblings, I felt a great sense of kinship, and the fear and pressure of the past few days were swept away.

The goat cubs bleated after me, and Uncle Er suddenly quieted down, and only after a few moments did he speak cautiously:

“Xi girl, you really do not intend to consider to consider Huwa? He’s a very rich man nowadays ……”

I hurriedly stopped the conversation, “Uncle! Don’t talk about it! You know what happened back then, he was the one who dumped me first.”

The tiger in my uncle’s mouth is my childhood friend, Liuhu, who broke up with me three years ago after I got my college acceptance letter.

As the sun was going down, my second uncle sent me home, where I told my parents about my abduction in front of them.

I shrank in my mom’s arms wining, my father listened to the anger, forehead veins rippled, he forcefully slapped the table and said:

“What an animal! I thought people in the big city were better than those in the countryside, but I didn’t realize they were all scum.”

My younger brother, with whom I have not dealt with since childhood, has grown into a man from the original skinny monkey, he picked up a hoe and was about to run out to avenge my death, which was stopped by my second uncle in a hurry.

The second uncle stroked his beard and said: “That group of people are now living in the village guest house, in order to silently eliminate them all, but also need to act again, otherwise, once the leakage of news, that a group of big old men, want to run away or easy.”

As the mastermind of the family, Uncle Two has always thought things through.

Mom asked with a sad face, “How should we fix this?”

“Just talked to Hunchback Liu, he said he only gave people 10,000 deposit, that group of people will have to ask him for another 10,000 when they leave, as long as they don’t let them know the real identity of the girl Xi, good wine and good meat to entertain them, they won’t be leaving in a short period of time!

Second uncle’s face was serious, my father immediately slapped down this solution: ”Right! I’ll send some meat to the village headman and ask him to keep an eye on the gang, then find a chance to gather the whole village together, then call the police and let them come and kill them all!”

Older brother also shouted out loud, his fierce eyes wanting to skin those people.

It was only then that I noticed that my brother was covered in mud and sand from his trouser legs to his shirt, and I asked:

“I asked: “Zhuang Zhuang, how old are you, you still play with mud all day long, look at how dirty you are!

I didn’t expect my brother to roll his eyes and turn his head away.

Finally or mom explained: “your brother can not read, follow the Liu Hu do sand and gravel business, now every day in the sand and gravel field work, a day down all muddy, but earn more!


Dad said, after I went out to college, Liu Hu did his own business.

At first, he drove a small pickup truck, loaded a truck with sand and gravel and drove to the city to sell it.

At that time, people in the village laughed at him for his naivety and how much he could sell a pile of sand and rocks for.

He was quite hard on himself, the hardest time a day in the town and the mountain villages between the round trip three times, once driving at night, but also almost overturned the car.

But I did not expect this business really let him do it, but also more and more red hot, folks have hit the face.

Three years, he set up a company, the fleet size is expanding, buy all the best kind of medium-sized trucks.

He also encouraged folks to join his company, regardless of former grievances, and even my brother became a part of it.

I heard that Liu Hu is very important to my brother, last year after my brother failed the college entrance examination, he personally came to ask my brother to work for him.

Will this guy still have me in his heart ……

I picked up the small flashlight that had been hidden in my desk for three years, went out and wandered around, thinking back to my teenage years, and unknowingly walked to the Yangjiao River.

It was getting dark, and all kinds of small animal sounds were coming out of the Sheepscot River in the summer.

Liuhu this name although hard, but in my eyes, he is a solid gloomy type of small handsome.

As one of the few high-fashion men in the village, he had deep, mesmerizing eyes and long, soft hair with a bit of a self-curl.

He and I had known each other since we were five or six years old, and I still remember that day.

There was a couple getting married in the village, and the whole village was invited, with a table set aside for the children.

Liu Hu sat timidly in the corner, and did not talk to others.

At that time, I was more or less a social cow, see people’s parents are good-looking, not ashamed to sit over to talk to:

“What’s your name, handsome boy?”

Liuhu long eyelashes, eyes like a black grape, a head of small curly hair with brown, he looked at me faintly said:

“Willow Tiger.”

I sniffled as I continued to ask him: “Do you know what those two people in red dresses did when they came into the room?”

He said maturely and steadily, “To give birth to a child.”

“How did they do it?”

“Two people kiss, and then an angel carries the baby and gives it to the two people.”

At that time, I was so young and uninformed that I thought Liu Hu’s words made sense, and suggested that I would like to practice it, and then I took a bite and kissed little Liu Hu’s plump cheeks, and his little face abruptly turned red, like a ripe apple.

Of course, it turned out that there were no angels holding children at all.

Later I and Liu Hu slowly familiar with, more I pestered him it, because he looks handsome, girls are like small handsome boy.

High school, I and Liu Hu every day together to and from school, the other students see always uproar.

He did not say anything, just follow me around walking, day after day, waiting for me to go to school, never absent.

At that time, I liked to read, he liked to play basketball.

After school, he would play with his brothers on the old basketball court in the village until dark.

I would sit next to him, reading in the dark light of day, waiting for him to come home.

I don’t know where he got the idea that it hurts my eyes to read in poorly lit places, so he saved up half a semester’s allowance and bought me a nice little silver flashlight.

After that, he still played basketball, and I read next to him with a flashlight.

Occasionally, I caught a glimpse of him, sweating from basketball, taking off his shirt, revealing his wheat-colored abs.

I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but when I went to college in the city, I realized that girls in the city were obsessed with the idea of boys, especially good-looking boys, having abs.

I didn’t expect to see such a good thing as abs, but I did.

Liu Hu first let me feel that he cares a little bit about me is also in the basketball court, at that time is the age of the beginning of love, even the village adults are flirting with us, sooner or later to become a pair.

But Liu Hu this wood, accompanied me from elementary school to high school, but still no reaction, indifferent.

That day after school sitting by the basketball court, waiting for him to go home, the hand of the book finished another book, I was doing nothing, but the class sitting in the first row of the short Zhang walked to my side.

His nose was running to the edge of his mouth and he didn’t even wipe it, his mouth tasted salty, and he grinned his yellow teeth and asked me:

“Xixi, do you want to be my girlfriend, my family has money!”


My face went black, and I looked at Liu Hu in the center of the court for help. He also frowned at me, not caring about the basketball that was sliding over his head, which he could have stopped with a simple jump.

He walked straight toward me, took my hand, and stood in front of Zhang Shuangzi in silence.

This stand is worth a thousand words, I know, he must care about me.

Zhang Shorter said he was not convinced, he looked at Liu Hu, who was three heads taller than himself, with an arrogant face, and extended his finger to poke Liu Hu’s chest:

“Liu Hu, your family is so poor, how can you be worthy of Xixi?”

When I was a teenager, I was also very brave and dared to directly retort: “He is handsome, I like him! What’s wrong with that?”

If I were to say this now, I would never be able to say it, the city life has made me silent.

Zhang Shorter was so angry with me that he left, but Liu Hu also silently let go of my hand.

On the way home, we are silent, it turns out that he simply does not care about this matter, not even mention.

Thinking of the original has always been their own self-interest, I do not know when the vision is also blurred, tears brewed in the eyes, “snapped” fell to the ground.

Immediately after, I cried more and more vigorously, Liu Hu seems to be in order to comfort me and perfunctorily said:

“Xixi, don’t cry, if we pass the entrance exam together, we’ll be together, okay?”

At that time really stupid, actually believed the words of this person, I studied hard to get into an ordinary undergraduate university, but he went back on his word.

That day the whole village drums to send me to the car, he did not get into the university as the reason, and logically put a stop to our past.

I hated him.

This incident has also become my knot, resulting in three years of college I have not returned home once, the village is too small, and then met Liu Hu do not know what to say.

But always have to come back, things have been closed, why not remember.

There was a rustling in the reeds, and I was a little scared, holding the flashlight tightly in my hand.

I had always been particularly afraid of the village at night, as I had often read news of people disappearing in the reeds.

All that was left of the river for a while was the chirping of frogs, and as I shone my flashlight around, I had a vague feeling that there was someone in the reeds, and that he was watching.

Both sides are so stalemate, I am nervous that the palms of my hands are sweaty, the worst thing is that at this time, the flashlight in the hand flashed twice surprisingly power outage.

Stretching my head, shrinking my head is also a knife, I shouted at the top of my voice:

“Who is in the grass?”

In the darkness, I heard that person slowly approaching, I subconsciously backed up.

Suddenly I stepped on something, my feet slipped, and when I was about to fall into the river, a big strong hand pulled me over, and the man mouthed, “Hsi?”

I pressed myself against him, and pressed my hand into the man’s abdomen, feeling a solid muscle.

This familiar voice, I froze for three seconds and immediately reacted, this is not Liu Hu?

Luckily it was dark in the village, otherwise he would have been able to see my face, indisputably red.

“Swish!” The streetlights in the village lit up at eight o’clock on the dot, and I was so scared that I let go of the flashlight in my hand and listened to him roll into the river with a “gurgle”.

A somewhat brown handsome face appeared in front of me, Liu Hu was all wet, wheat-colored skin color has a kind of testosterone explosion feeling, a long brown-black curly hair, was casually stroked to the back of his head.

I hurriedly broke away from his embrace and walked out of the river and onto the main road in the village.

Liu Hu followed closely behind me, one in front of the other, the atmosphere was awkward.

Liu Hu surprisingly took the lead to speak, his voice low and hoarse: “You haven’t been home for three years, seems to like the big city?”

“The cost of traveling home is too expensive, after careful calculation, I decided not to come back.”

I slowed down my pace, Liu Hu did not stop his feet leaned up, and suddenly felt a solid hot patch on my back.

“Then why did you come back this time?” Because the body is stuck together, even can feel the vibration of his vocal cords.

I was silent, I can’t say that I was abducted back by human traffickers ……

There was a clamor in front of me, and I fixed my eyes on it, only to realize that it was Chen Xiang’s group of people, who were visiting the village under the leadership of the village head.

Seeing them come closer and closer, if they find that I am free, then all the calculations are not in vain!

I pulled up Liu Hu’s big, calloused hand behind me, placed it between my neck, and said in a low voice, “Pinch my neck, quickly! Don’t ask why!”


Liu Hu looked at me, and then looked at a group of people across the street, after some hesitation in the hands of force, dead choke my neck.

Big brother, let you act, did not tell you to strangle me ah ……

Chen Xiang only noticed the scene here at this time, snickered and walked over, “Yuan Xixi, how does it feel to be a wife to an old bachelor?”

Obviously feeling the body of Liu Hu behind him stiffen, that Chen Xiang continued:

“Eh? Why are you in the hands of a young man?”

I hurriedly rounded up the scene: “He bought me from Hunchback Liu.”

Chen Xiang smiled wickedly and came to my ear: “Yo, Yuan Xixi, you are so happy!” He said, raising his hand and patting Willow’s hand.

After saying that, he raised his hand and patted Hunchback Liu’s shoulder and said:

After that, he raised his hand and patted Liu Hu’s shoulder and said, “Bro, I’ll give you some money, let’s fuck her together, it’s absolutely exciting, I’ve been thinking about her for a long time.”

Liu Hu seems to be angry, without saying anything, he picked me up and put me on his shoulder, holding my buttocks with one hand, and then freeing one hand, he gave Chen Xiang a heavy punch.

Under his breath, he yelled, “You deserve it too!”

Chen Xiang was beaten back three steps, but still not convinced want to fight back, but he is thin and short, compared to Liu Hu is like a rat man, click two times and was Liu Hu kicked down to the ground again.

And Chen Xiang with a few men can not, even a Liu Hu can not beat, was kicked down on the ground wailing.

Walking away, Chen Xiang also cursed: “do not want to play poker together, just say it, need to fight ……”.

The village chief turned back, cast a meaningful smile, followed by the gang of people to go away.

“What’s going on with these people?” Liu Hu’s low voice rang in his ears.

“Put me down first.” I patted his sturdy back.

He carefully lowered me down, his calloused palms vaguely grazing my skin, “Can you talk now?”

I lowered my head and grabbed the corner of my shirt with both hands, “I was trafficked back ……”

“Huh?” He reacted after a moment and laughed dryly twice, “Yuan Xixi you line ah, three years back to the village, or was trafficked back? Who are you hiding from?”

I didn’t want to ignore him, pouted my lips and whispered, “It’s all because of you.”

If it wasn’t for his refusal to fall in love with me at the time, I wouldn’t have felt so humiliated that I didn’t dare to go back to my hometown for three years, and I buried my head and headed for the riverbank again.

“……” He crossed his arm and scooped me up, his eyes obscure, “Why go?”

“You put me down! Let me down!” I knocked on his arm, I didn’t realize he was so tough, it hurt my hand.

“Let me down, my flashlight rolled into the river!” I simply gave up struggling, the whole body drooped on his arm.

The night is dense, Liu Hu eyes slowly soften up, lifting me back to the main road: “You go back first, your things I help you find, must give you found.”

Back on the way, my cheeks are still hot, thinking about Liu Hu is not only handsome, and now there are a few more mature men’s charm, can not help but inner deer.

I stood under the street lamp, closed my eyes, thoughts flying in my mind.

I did not expect this closed eyes, the world completely fell into darkness, a sack over my head, carried me away.


When the world again back to light, my eyes a clear, suddenly saw the village entrance of the familiar dilapidated brick cottage.

I was tied up and thrown into the corner of the house, my ankle was twisted and I couldn’t adjust my position, and my whole body ached.

Around and around and back to this, I looked at Hunchback Liu with a speechless face, he supported a stool and sat in front of me to smoke, his teeth and fingers are the same yellow color, the smell of cheap tobacco smoked my face.

He seemed to find himself very attractive, and raised his eyebrows at me.

No, you old bachelor ah, I grew up in the village, how do not know you full of flowers and intestines.

“Uncle Liu, what kind of trouble are you making ……” I asked cautiously.

I did not expect to answer, the old bachelor in front of me first shed tears:

“Nier ah, uncle this heart bitter ah!” Liu hunchback old tears, with the hand of the pulp rubbing eyes, but the corner of the eyes of the eye boogers also brought out.

If it wasn’t for the fact that I didn’t dare to mess with him, I was afraid that I would just dry-heave on the spot.

I patiently asked, “Uncle Liu, what’s on your mind?”

“I’ve lived half my life without any support, Nier, I really want to have a child, to experience the feeling of having a wife and children.”

Uncle Liu stretched out his hand and saw that it was about to touch my face, so I hurriedly leaned back and smashed the back of my head hard against the wall.

The old bachelor also went cold at this sight, his face twisted up:

“Don’t blame uncle sorry, uncle in order to buy you so hard to save so much money, now the money is gone, people are afraid to go to jail to stay, then my life is not the end of it?”

He slowly approached, I also slowly moved backward, but there was no way to retreat, already leaned against the wall: “Uncle! You don’t have to go to jail, we’re all from the same village, we’ll naturally protect you.”

“You’re lying! You’ve been to the city, you’ve got more heart, you know how to lie, don’t you? The way your second uncle punched me, I knew your parents wouldn’t have an easy time of it, so if you’re going to jail, you might as well keep a seed in your belly.”

Hunchback Liu stepped forward and grabbed my wrist, I screamed and struggled, but the man is still strong.

Just when I thought that wrinkled old face to stick up, only to hear the old bachelor “ouch”, was punched to the ground.


He raised his head, and his other eye was also blue, which made a funny pair with the punch that Second Uncle had thrown during the day.

Liu Hu appeared in front of me like a heavenly god, I am a vulgar person, I can not resist the cheesy heroic rescue plot.

When I was young, I watched “Journey to the West”, Zixia Fairy said, her intended is a world hero, she knew that one day, he will appear in a situation of public attention, wearing a golden armor, feet on the seven-colored auspicious clouds to marry her.

I thought that my intended would do the same, and I didn’t expect it to come true, but unfortunately, he didn’t like me.

Liu Hu saw the old bachelor fall to the ground, so he stopped his hand, his tone with a warning: “Hunchback Liu, I see you are an elder only hit you with a fist, if you are a young man in the village, I am going to beat you to death!”

Hunchback Liu didn’t dare to squeak, his eyes were dark, he just nodded uncontrollably.

Liu Hu carefully helped me up, the stinging pain at my ankle forced me to fall towards his arms.

I tilted my head back in aggravation to look at Liuhu, who was now wearing a tank top, but the contours of his muscles were clearly visible.

“My feet hurt ……” I spit out two words timidly.

Liuhu sighed, turned his back and squatted in front of me, “Come up.”

I red face wrapped around his neck, was Liu Hu back up, the skin on my legs came from the roughness of Liu Hu’s palms.

The night is long, Liu Hu walks slowly, the street lamp shines on the ground, pulling out his tall figure, as well as his tall figure on my small head.

The atmosphere was so awkward that I had to talk to him one way or the other:

“What brings you here?”

“You do not have a flashlight, go back to the road dark, I thought I still have to follow the past to see if you are safe to go home.”

“Then how did you know I was kidnapped by Hunchback Liu?”

“I ran all the way back to your house, and your parents told me that you hadn’t gone back yet. I thought about it, and the only people in the village who could have kidnapped you were Hunchback Liu and the group from the hospitality center.”

His answer always seemed so businesslike, even if it was a joke or something.

In order to liven up the atmosphere, I “hehehe” giggled twice: “That Hunchback Liu is so funny, both his eyes are blue, like a panda hahahaha ……”

The next second, Liu Hu stopped, his hand a force, pinching my thighs raw pain, I rushed to slap to his face, the subtle beard ballast is still a little bit solid: “What to do ah!”

He got angry for no reason and put me off his back, my feet wailed in pain and I could only prop myself up on his arm a little.

“You still think it’s funny? How bad the consequences would have been if I’d been there a second later!” He frowned and glared at me like a banshee.

How dare a dog man be mean to me? How dare you be mean to me, who are you to care about me?

“You don’t even like me, what do you care?” I was so angry that I turned my head away from him.

But he clamped my chin and twisted my head around.

You force me to look at you like this, aren’t you afraid that I won’t be able to get angry when I look at this handsome face?

Liu Hu narrowed his eyes, revealing an expression that looked like a smile, ”Oh? Why don’t I like you anymore?”

What? Is this dog man afraid of losing his memory?

Then let me remind you, “When I went to college, you told me that we weren’t right for each other and you wouldn’t be with me, that’s true, isn’t it?”

My tone slowly intensified, but Liu Hu’s brows stretched, “You didn’t go back home for three years, it can’t be because of this, right?”

I muttered: ”Otherwise what ……”

The next second, Liu Hu lowered his head and blocked my mouth, a deep sense of suffocation came to me, also mixed with the stinging sensation of his beard.

The night breeze blew, and all of a sudden it was so quiet that I could only hear his deep gasps.

“Yuan Xi Xi, breathe!”

I snapped my eyes open and took in a big breath, only to hear him say in a low voice, “Not sticking with you in the beginning was the decision I regretted the most.”

I looked at Liu Hu’s brows with a faint sadness, raised my hands to hold his face, and asked word by word:

“Why? Why didn’t you stick with it?”

I tilted my head slightly, I wanted to know the answer so badly, I couldn’t get a good night’s sleep every time I thought about it.

“Because you are a college student now, I can no longer …… you were about to go to the big city, the big city will have more knowledge, more money, more handsome men, you should look to better people.”

Said, Liu Hu hit the cross will pick me up, send me home on the way, seems to be in an extraordinarily good mood.

So this idiot is feeling like he doesn’t deserve me and that’s why he’s not with me, but clearly he’s the best person in my heart.

Along the way I smelled the faint smell of wheat on his body heart beating wildly, but very relieved.

Back to the door of the house, Liu Hu handed me over to the hands of the old mom, very respectfully stood in the doorway and greeted.

Older brother looked at Liu Hu at the moment, too surprised to speak, perhaps usually when he was his boss, to give him the impression of dead seriousness is too deep.


It feels so good to be home, the summer night in the mountain village is no need to open the air conditioning, the wind will cross the Yangjiao River, blowing into every earth house in the village, blowing on people.

I was lying on my bed reading a book, but in my mind I kept repeating Liu Hu’s words, and his every action, every demeanor.

“Ding, ding, ding!”

Suddenly I heard a rattling sound coming from the window, something tapping on the glass.

I pushed open the window, only to see a man with curly hair standing in the moonlight, looking at me with loving eyes.

I stretched out half of my body on the window, “Why are you here again?”

“I thought about you so much that I couldn’t sleep, originally I just wanted to look at you through the window slit, but when I saw that you were still awake, I thought again if I could talk to you again.”

Liu Hu’s bright eyes glittered in the moonlight, I didn’t expect him to be such a man of few words, but he talked about love in a set of words.

Unfortunately, it was too dark to see that handsome face, I leaned forward slightly again, and Liu Hu held my shoulders and held me in his arms.

His body was hot, and I could still feel his firm muscles through the material of his clothes.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and asked, “Are we sort of dating?”

“Of course.” His muffled voice came from behind me.

“I thought you said I should look to someone better?”

Just as I asked the question, I felt his body stiffen and then separate from me.

His expression seemed extremely breathless, “That Chen Xiang from the hospitality center, that’s the better man you chose? You chose well, don’t choose next time.”


“Since men in the city are bad, I naturally want to snatch you back.”

“But there are always good ones in town.”

“Don’t say it, I can’t let go ……” Liu Hu’s voice was getting softer and softer, and he lowered his head to kiss my lips.

If you ask me what I can remember the longest, maybe it’s this moment, the moonlit night, by the window, his kisses and beard.


Originally discussed was to let Hunchback Liu organize a banquet to celebrate the purchase of his wife, but then I said in front of Chen Xiang that Hunchback Liu sold me to Liu Hu.

So I had to put on a full show and let Liu Hu organize the banquet.

Liu Hu is too stubborn, I said it was just for show, he had to make it so grand.

He also consoled me: “This time as a rehearsal, when we really get married, I want to use the bus to the village relatives all pulled to the city, to the best hotel wedding banquet.

Do you think you’re some kind of dirt money? When you think about it, it is really, he is the boss of a listed company.

Tuhao, well …… how not to count it.

The day of the banquet, the village people are basically all here, I was tied to the table, everyone also unannounced did not come to talk to me.

If in the past, certainly come up a bunch of aunt to ask me about life in the city, they are very curious about those.

Chen Xiang and his friends were also there, he was also big hearted and didn’t notice anything wrong at all, he snorted and walked straight to me:

“Yuan Xixi, I told you not to sleep with me in the beginning, and now you can only become a tool for rural men to give birth to children, do you regret it?”

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xiang led a few of his brothers in laughter.

Very criminal.

I am also too lazy to talk back, anyway, he is going to go in to eat prison food.

Chen Xiang looked around and couldn’t help but sigh, “That countryside man wouldn’t fancy you, would he, throwing such a grand banquet?”

I kept quiet and rolled my eyes at him.

He stared at me grimly, his expression extremely dissatisfied, and cursed in a low voice: ”Bitch ……”

Seeing that I was still unresponsive, he became furious and swung his arm up, slapping me hard on the cheek with a fiery pain.

“Slap!” A crisp sound, attracting the townspeople to look over.

“Yuan Xixi, you’re really shameless! Do you think you will have a good life in the future?” Chen Xiang’s face was red and distorted, “It’s true that it’s better than marrying that old bachelor, but how poor this village is, no smart electrical appliances, no delicacies, you’ll have to stay here for the rest of your life!”

You’ll have to stay here for the rest of your life! I grew up here, are you worried that I won’t be able to get used to it?

At this time, the townspeople also looked at Chen Xiang like a retard, I now can’t help but be secretly glad that Mom and Dad’s second uncle and they are in the inner room, otherwise if I see this scene, I will definitely immediately run out to beat him up.

The police have not yet come, or try not to start a dispute, hurt their own people is not good.

Liu Hu company has something delayed, now late, he came to my side the first thing, is to check my face slap marks.

He picked up my chin and looked back and forth, coldly said: “Who hit?”

“Brother, I help you to teach a woman ah, this woman ah, the most taboo in the eyes of no one, have to give her a slap to learn a lesson, or can not distinguish between big and small king.”

Did not wait for me to answer, Chen Xiang was generous to admit, walked to the side of Liu Hu, wrapped his arm to brotherhood, because of the short growth can not reach the shoulders of others, slightly on tiptoe.

Liu Hu expressionless pat Chen Xiang’s shoulder, I seem to vaguely hear the sound of bone cracking.

Chen Xiang grimaced in pain and asked busily, “What are you doing, brother?!”

At this time, Chen Xiang’s gang could not stand to watch, but even walked to Liu Hu, provocatively rubbing their fists.

Than the number of people is it, we a village so many people is not counted as many ah.

The next second, all the villagers picked up their hoes and sickles, pointing at Chen Xiang’s gang.

“I will teach you to distinguish between big and small kings first!” Liu Hu gritted his teeth.

Chen Xiang instantly conceded, immediately brought his buddies down on their knees, lying in front of Liu Hu, chanting:

“Big brother ah! You are my own big brother! I didn’t know that you are the king of this village!”

Chen Xiang said while kowtowing, and before long, blood oozed from his forehead.

Liu Hu didn’t give a good face, lifted Chen Xiang’s back collar and threw it in front of me: “This is the king.”

Chen Xiang froze in place, incredulously watching me easily untie the rope that tied his hands.

I couldn’t help but feel amused, this male didn’t seem to have reacted, how stupid.

I stood up, walked to him, and slapped him with deadly force, although I wasn’t very strong, my nails were long and deadly.

Five red marks appeared on Chen Xiang’s face, and he couldn’t stop shaking his head as he looked at the plot in front of him that wasn’t developing according to his thoughts:

“What’s going on here? What’s going on? Do you want money? I have money, I have money, let me go, please!”

Mom, dad and uncle, who had been staying in the house, rushed out, and dad gave Chen Xiang a kick, “You scum! He spat on the ground, feeling that he was not relieved.

The second uncle even stood in front of Chen Xiang condescendingly, killing and killing: “I’ll tell you why, because I’m Yuan Xixi her second uncle, kicked you is her father, and just taught you a lesson, is her man.

Chen Xiang did not dare to accept this fact, his good buddies around him are also all surprised.

“You think the countryside is feudalistic? Let me tell you, the people of our village know right from wrong, even if the child you sent to us is not from the village, we will still call the police and send the person back.”

The village chief walked out from the crowd, knocking on the ground with his crutch: “Just one college student! We have only one college student in Yangbigou! The village has a low allocation of educational resources and has only produced one college student over the years. You city people don’t cherish the educational environment and study well, but engage in these disgusting tricks!

For a moment, the village head felt taller, his wrinkled corners of the eyes hid the hard work of managing a village.

In the villagers spit, the siren sounded, plus Chen Xiang five men, was handcuffed, sent to the police car, would have had to bring Hunchback Liu, but he disappeared, I went with the car to the Public Security Bureau to record statements.


Police interrogation room, Officer Li has been in front of me laughing for almost a minute: “You mean, he trafficked you to your hometown?”

I nodded with my head full of black lines.

I seriously suspected that Officer Li had already spread the story all over the police station, and when I left, every staff member looked at me with a smile on their face, collectively looking as if they were desperately trying to stifle their laughter.

Busy day back to the village, the sun is almost set, only to see the villagers are in a hurry to run toward the Yangjiao River.

I quickly grabbed Auntie Zhao to ask, she told me the Yangjiao River drowned a man.

In an instant, I had a bad feeling in my heart, because Liu Hu had promised me to help me fish the flashlight in the river.

If something happened to him, I really don’t know what to do.

Damn, do not want it, why go to the river to find.

I was so anxious that I cried out and ran towards the Yangjiao River.

When I arrived, the villagers had already surrounded the body in three circles, whispering.

I walked over to them with tears in my eyes, my whole body trembling.

“Yuan Xixi!” A thick, low voice sounded behind me.


It turned out that Hunchback Liu had come to the Yangjiao River alone and jumped to end his life while everyone was busy shouting at Chen Xiang.

I don’t know what kind of despair he was harboring to commit suicide, I just think, ignorance is terrible.

He had been a bachelor all his life, and if he wanted to have a family, he could have changed himself, given up his idle days, worked to earn money, and bought himself some decent clothes, instead of contacting the traffickers to buy a fertility tool.

The more ignorant point is that he chose the latter between going to jail and dying, showing that he never realized his mistake and got trapped in the death trap he designed for himself.

Digging his own grave.

That day, I snuggled into Liu Hu’s shoulder and sat with him by the Yangjiao River watching the sun slowly set.

He said he came to look for a small flashlight, Hunchback Liu has drowned in the water, he fought to swim over to save him, just did not have time, and finally dragged his body to the shore.

“There is a kind of man who cannot be saved, and Hunchback Liu is that kind of man.”

The setting sun through the reflection of the water, the light shines into the eyes of people, piercing, Liu Hu stretched out his hand in front of my eyes, he slowly rotated his arm, I saw him holding in the palm of his hand, that small silver flashlight.

I don’t know why the tears came down.


In the hometown stayed a summer vacation, but also to the time to go back to school, senior year, will graduate.

Thesis, internships, some of my busy.

Liu Hu apprehensively sat at my family’s dinner table, he was raw and did a lot of bad things.

For example, he tried to ladle soup for mom, but ended up breaking the bowl; he tried to sandwich meat for dad, but ended up dropping it on the table; he tried to pour wine for my brother, but ended up with my brother being too horrified to hand out his glass.

So when he carefully proposed to marry me, my old man gave a clear ‘NO’.

Liu Hu was filled with disappointment and lowered his head like a child who had made a mistake.

My father added: “You young people can’t stay in the village for the rest of your life, so I ask you to make a career in the city, and then you can give our family XiXi happiness.”

Liu Hu’s eyes rekindled hope, and he offered to accompany me back to school and then start working in the city.

Mom and Dad readily agreed and told us to pay attention to the situation.


Today, I graduated from college, Liu Hu drove a Porsche to pick me up, and I left college to the uproar of my roommates.

A lot has happened in this year. Liu Hu first worked as a laborer in a flashlight factory, and after he learned something, he opened his own flashlight factory.

He sold flashlights added a one-button alarm system, widely acclaimed by women, selling 100,000 per month.

Less than three months, flashlight factory back to the capital, Liu Hu also slowly into the city life, life has become exquisite, including the requirements of their own image.

I looked to the man next to the steering wheel, wearing a suit looks really handsome, but I never told him, I eat his face.

“We’re going to a painting show later, lipstick is in the storage box so you can touch up your makeup.” He said lightly.


“Since when do you love going to picture shows?” I couldn’t help but wonder, Ryuhu had really changed since he came to the city.

It’s not that I look down on him, he can’t really read art.

“Don’t worry about it.”

Good dog man, I’m so convinced, I’m impatient with me now.

He took me to the exhibition on a whim, but there was definitely another woman who took him there!

I’ve seen his peach blossom luck over the past year, but he’s clearly rejected it in front of me!

Could it be that he secretly …… when I can’t see?

I came to the painting exhibition with full of doubts, and found a beautiful painting on the wall, but it was actually painted with a little bit of me and him together.

I covered my mouth and accepted his proposal, I knew for sure this day would come, but I didn’t expect it to be so surprising.

The moment the ring was placed on my ring finger, I was very glad that I had just touched up my makeup.

In the floating flowers in the sky, I knew that the girl who had been stupid and trafficked back home was going to marry the man I had loved since I was a young girl and become his wife.

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