14. The King of Hell and his little wife

The King of Hell and His Little Wife

Unwanted: Seeing you when you’re in the mood for love

King Yama fell in love with a girl.

He has a hundred ways to kill that girl every day.

Unfortunately, that girl was me.

Later, I swung for the fences.

But he knelt down with red eyes and begged me, “You can’t die without the King’s permission.”


I’ve seen a ghost.

Oh no, I’ve met the ghost boss.

The man in the black robe opposite me looked at me with a condescending expression.

The condescending here is really condescending.

Because he …… is floating in mid air.

I was terrified, shouted: “Ghost ah!

Turned around and prepared to escape, but my body could not move, I fluttered my limbs, living like a turtle that has turned over its shell.

Seeing the man getting closer and closer to me, I closed my eyes and suddenly remembered what my elders said.

When you meet something unclean, swear, the dirtier and uglier the better, so that you can swear it away.

I took a deep breath and riveted my energy:

“You stinking pig, your mom is cooking all parsley tonight.”

“You’ve got a right to be a bitch. Get outta here, you ducky pussycat.”

“You ugly groundhog.”

“You’re a pig, you eat poop.”


A nice male voice rang in my ears, interrupting my cursing, and what came to my face was a cold, piercing chill.

I opened my eyes and was met with a pair of clear eyes.

These eyes seemed to have starlight in them, and were glowing with a fascinating luster.



He said rebound, so what should I curse next.

I was momentarily speechless and in deep thought.

Seeing that I didn’t say anything, he floated around me in a circle, looked me up and down, and then stood still in front of me.

“First, this king is not called a ghost.”

“Second, this king is not a stinky pig or a groundhog.”

“Third, I loved eating cilantro when I was alive.”

“Lastly, I am a ghost but not a ghost. You can call me, King of Hell, King of Ghosts, or the Lord of Hell, His Highness the King of Hell.”


Yan, King of Yan …… is the King of Yan I think?

I slapped my face.

It hurts, I’m not dead either.

Not dead how did I meet the King of Hades?

I looked up and looked at him.

The face of the man in front of me is elegant and handsome, he is wearing a black robe, a head of black dense hair was pulled up by the golden crown, the man back moon and stand, all body exudes a noble temperament that can not be approached.

This dress …… really does not look like a modern person, and he really floated over just now!

The more I think about it, the more scared I am.

In the next second, I kneeled on the ground and hugged his legs.

“Under Yama Temple, we have no grievances and no hatred, you are in your nether world and I am in my yang world, our well water does not offend the river water, I just came down to throw a piece of garbage.”

“I don’t mean to offend you, please let me go.”

“I have a family of old and young, and my 70-year-old grandmother expects me to get married soon and give her three grandchildren. …… I ……”

“It’s so noisy.”

The man bent down slightly and gently placed a point on my lips.

His fingers are so cold, like a piece of ice that won’t melt for a thousand years.

Then I couldn’t speak, I raised my head and looked at him pitifully, only wailing sounds could come out of my mouth.

Not letting me go and not letting me talk, then I’m afraid I’m going to have to explain myself here today.


He lifted his leg to skim off my holding hand and paced small steps back and forth.

“This king is not an unreasonable one, but you …… scared away my little kid.”


I scared away the ghost?

Although I am not considered to be as beautiful as a flower, I have a place on our school’s school flower list.

“The hell manpower is not enough, there are a number of little ghosts roaming to the earth, the little cow, the little horse, the little black and the little white can’t be busy anymore, so the king has to do it himself, but the king is quite inconvenient to act on the earth, why don’t you, girl, come and help me to catch those few little ghosts?”

The man came over, his good-looking eyes revealed a cunning light.

Wow, eyelashes are so long, nose is so straight, lips are so tender, skin is so white.

“If you don’t say anything, I’ll take it as your default.” The man got up and played with the jade trigger in his hand.

Ah no, what?

Is it because I don’t want to talk? You’re the one who unlocked the spell that sealed my mouth!


Later, I still agreed to help him catch ghosts.

He forced me.

He gave me a wooden sword and a bowl.

I got up earlier than a chicken and went to bed later than a cow, carrying the sword and the bowl wherever I went.

People who knew me teased me if I had changed my profession to selling art, and I could only run away in anger.

The man said that when the red letters on the wooden sword lit up, it meant that there were ghosts in the neighborhood.

All I had to do was to point the wooden sword in the direction of the ghosts, place the bowl on the ground, and wave the sword casually twice, and the little ghosts would obediently run into the small bowl.

Ah yes, yes, yes.

So I swung the sword behind my back for a month.

There were more coins in the bowl.

A month, he said a month, I caught five little ghosts he let me go.

But ……


A man’s mouth, a deceitful ghost.

Dead or alive.

In less than a month, I helped him catch six little ghosts, six whole ones! One more than the goal he set for me, it’s considered an overachievement.

But he wouldn’t leave my side.

He’d pop up in all sorts of places.

By the window, by the corner, by the stairs, by the bed, by the toilet door ……

And it seemed like I was the only one who could see him.

At this time, I squatted on the ground with a resigned face.

“Under the Palace of Yan Wang, is your hell so idle?”

“Don’t you have to go to work?”

“No performance appraisal?”

“Don’t you have to punch in every day?”

“Why do you watch over me every day?”

“Are you done catching all the little ghosts?”

“You’re not short of staff in hell?”


“We’re short of people. We’re short of a lady of the underworld.”

He came over and picked up my chin with his cold fingertips.

My pupils were shocked and I took three steps back.


“Yan Wang Da Da, you can’t make this joke.”

“I’m a human, you’re a ghost, you know the truth that humans and ghosts have different paths.”

His bony fingers touched his chin, as if he was thinking about something.

Looks like he’s listening to what I’m saying.

I struck while the iron was hot.

“Mr. Yan, how about this, anyway, I have learned the skill of catching ghosts, or else, I will go and catch a few pretty little female ghosts for you, and give them all to you to be your maidservant, okay?”

He paced back and forth, his good-looking eyes looking at me for a while, and then looking at the sky.

Hehehe, did my suggestion make his heart flutter?

Seeing that he didn’t say anything, I carefully said:

“Yan Wang Da Da, what do you think?”

He started playing with his jade trigger finger again.

I lowered my head and didn’t dare to make a sound.

The atmosphere was weird.

After a long time, he spoke:

“This king thinks your suggestion is very good, it’s true that people and ghosts have different paths, I can’t turn into a human, but it’s a very easy thing to make you turn into a ghost.”

There was a light in the bottom of his eyes, not like he was joking.

Is that what I meant?

I lowered my head to review what I just said.

Suddenly a cool wind blew with a chill.

I winced, not good, run away.


I fled.

This time he didn’t stop me.

As I ran, I thought about what he just said.

Turn me into a ghost.

He wasn’t serious, was he?


A flowerpot fell from upstairs.

The flowerpot touched the ground and instantly split into pieces, the porcelain shattered all over the place, and the soil inside was scattered.

The flowerpot was less than five centimeters away from me.

I froze, and my mind recalled his eyes looking at me in a confused way.

He seems …… to be really serious.


In just half a month.

I had already been removed from our school’s school flower list.

In its place is the list of bad gods.


I’m at the top of the list.

Rumor has it that I’m possessed by the God of Bad Luck, and anyone who walks with me will have bad luck.

It’s just a matter of falling flowerpots, coat hangers, and shoes from upstairs.

Last week, the school held an assembly, thousands of people in the playground, suddenly it started to rain, rain is not strange, strange in this rain only fell on my head.

Going to class properly, the concrete in front of me suddenly cracked open a deep ditch, I can fall down if I take one more step.

Crossing the street, the opposite side of the road to go straight car, suddenly the brakes failed to turn a hundred and eighty-degree turn straight toward me speeding, but fortunately I am very agile, a turn to avoid the past, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable.

A few days ago, the elevator, the elevator slammed down from the 40th floor, scared me ah ah ah ah ah cursed the dog man ghost half a day, the elevator is finally a floor away from the ground at a distance of stop.

There are countless examples like this.

I cried, literally.

But I had to pull myself together, I couldn’t just sit around and wait for it to happen.

I’m twenty years old, I still have a lot of youth, I’m going to live to be a hundred years old, how can I just die, and what’s more, to be his lady of hell.

You’re too good to be true.


That’s why I’m dressed up today.

I’m going to meet a “high person”.

The name of this man is Tang Da Xian, who was introduced to me by someone else.

It’s said that this man is so profound that even the most powerful evil spirits have to respect him.

At this moment, I was sitting in front of the man.

“Miss, you have a black seal, I am afraid there is an evil omen”.

I tearfully and frantically nodded my head.

The Great Immortal stretched out his fingers, pinched them, and muttered incantations.

Then his brows tightened, “Girl, I’m afraid you’re being haunted by an evil spirit, and this evil spirit’s Taoist skills are not shallow.”

The master is really worthy of being a master, once he pinched his finger, he could calculate everything.

I went over to him and said with tears in my eyes, “Great Immortal, save me. I am not going to lie, I am indeed being haunted by an evil spirit lately, but this evil spirit should not be an ordinary evil spirit.” I raised my head and glanced around, making sure no one was there before greeting him as he moved closer.

Tang Daxian was like an enemy, burying his head and coming closer.

I lowered my voice:

“He said he is not a ghost, his name is Yan Song, he is the King of Hell.”


Da Xian’s movement of taking half a step backward was serious.

He raised his eyes and looked at me for a long time.

After a long time, he said:

“Miss, I suggest you go out and turn right, go next door and take a look, the people over there can save your life.”

“Really?!” My eyes lit up, “Where is that place that is even more powerful than you, Da Xian?”

“Hospital, go and register and have a look!”

I knew people wouldn’t believe me.

I took out a wooden sword and a porcelain bowl from behind my back.

“Look, Da Xian, these are all given to me by that male ghost, he even asked me to help him collect little ghosts.”

Da Xian looked puzzled and took the wooden sword and bowl and scrutinized them.

“I collected a female ghost, a hanged ghost, a water ghost, an infant spirit, and a road blocking ghost ……”


“Can you see what’s going on?”

“Isn’t this just an ordinary wooden sword and porcelain bowl? Miss, I suggest you go to the next door to take a look, the ones you just mentioned are all evil spirits, can you subdue them with just these two pieces of junk?”

Da Xian said and yelled at his disciples to send them away.

I sat down on the ground with a thud.

“Great Immortal save me, only you can save me. Everything I say is true, please believe me. Aigoo, why is my life so bitter, woo woo woo, I lost my mother at birth and my father at the age of three, I grew up with my grandmother, and now I have to let the white hair send the black hair to the black hair, what kind of human suffering is this, woo woo woo.”


Immortal Tang finally decided to save my life.

I don’t think it was because I paid 666 dollars.

He wrote me a talisman and a vial of black dog blood.

He told me that the next time I saw the ghost, I should find a chance to stick the paper on his forehead, which could hold him for a short time, and then use my finger dipped in black dog’s blood to draw a symbol on the heart of his left hand.

The ghost would then be ashes and ashes.

“Do you have to be so cruel?”

“It’s up to you.”


I carefully carried the black dog blood and the talisman paper back to my home.

Lately, Yan Song only appears at night.

Yesterday, he stood by the window and watched me for a long time.

He didn’t say anything.

Hmph, he must be thinking of how to get me killed.

Thanks to my great fortune, he can’t kill me for a while.

Although he is in love with me, he is also a male ghost with principles, he won’t peep at my bath.

I went into the bathroom and locked the door, and put up the ‘Do Not Look’ sign on the door.

I practiced the symbols Tang Da Xian taught me to draw a few times over in the bathroom, then folded the talisman paper and hid it and the black dog blood in my robe.

After taking a hasty shower and lying on the bed.

I hunkered down under the covers and did a little calculation in my mind, would he come tonight.


I fell asleep with my calculations.

I was awakened by a cool breeze in the night.

My heart trembled.

He was coming.

I’ve adapted to his sudden appearances so I’m not scared anymore, it’s just that all these days have gotten me into the habit of sleeping with the light on.

I rubbed my eyes and braced myself, seeing a figure in the blur.

“You’re here?”

Yan Song looks as if he’s a bit different today.

He took off the black robe he usually wears and replaced it with a clean white shirt, the top button of the shirt was undone, revealing the hidden collarbone inside, and he also cut off his long hair that was as black as a waterfall, replacing it with a head of fine short hair that had been carefully tended.

Yan Song leaned against the wall and stood by the window, the breeze blew his hair, his obsidian eyes were blazing through his hair and looking at me.

What? You want to use the beautiful man trick?

Then I will use the trick.


I sit up.

Showing a fawning smile.

“Yan Wang Da Da, you look really good today.”

He seemed to not expect that I would praise him, who usually always spoke ill of me.

Yan Song’s cheeks actually slightly blushed.

“That Judge kid said that our hell should also keep up with the times, so he got this outfit for this king.”

“It’s quite good, it suits you.”

“What? Have you figured out that you want to go to hell to be this king’s wife?”

He raised his eyebrows with a hint of a bad smile.

“Why me?”


“I said, why did you pick me?”

His eyes suddenly became dull, and there seemed to be a thousand words in his eyes, but he said nothing.

I gave you a chance.

I said to him in my heart.


Can’t hesitate anymore.

No matter what kind of king he is, in any case, it’s a human ghost, and he’s tried to get me killed again and again.

Between me and him, only one can live!

I gritted my teeth.

There had to be closure tonight.

I get up and wriggle my way over to him.

I blinked my eyes and smiled.

I raised my head and met Yan Song’s eyes, and the first time I was this close to him, my heart was beating hard, a fearful beating.

Yan Song’s cool breath hit my face.

“Wow, you’re actually breathing eh.”

Ah shucks, what am I talking about, I hurriedly pinched my throat again to make my voice sound a little more gentle and flirtatious.

“Yan Wang Da Da, do you know that I like you too?”

He froze.

My right hand had already quietly touched the talisman paper in my pocket.

“I like you too, I like you very much. When I die, I’ll go underground to be your wife, okay?”

He looked at me with a surprised face.

Right now.

“But after I’m 99 years old.”

As the words fell, I pressed the talisman paper on his forehead with a ‘snap’.


Aha, I did it.

I was ecstatic inside.

Looking at Yan Song standing still.

I hurriedly took out the black dog blood in my pocket.

Dipped a little on my finger.

Eh, wait, should I write the horizontal or the vertical or the apostrophe first.

“Horizontal, vertical, vertical, point, draw a circle, horizontal oblique hook ……”

Oh, right, right, right.

I lift his left hand.

Horizontal, vertical, vertical, dot, draw a circle ……

It’s not right.

That sound.

I looked up just as a gust of wind blew.

It blew up the talisman paper on Yan Song’s forehead, which, along with the wind, swirled in the air and slowly landed at my feet.

I swallowed my saliva.

It’s over.

“Is this king not something that can be controlled by a mere piece of talisman paper?”

Yan Song grimaced.

He wiped the black dog’s blood from my hands with a spell, then pressed me against the corner of the wall and came up to my ear:

“Do you hate this king that much?”

“Do you want me to go up in smoke?”

Yan Song’s eyes drooped, just like a wounded look. No, no, I’m the one who’s wounded, okay?

You like me so I must die to accompany you?

What kind of robber logic is this?

I pushed him away.

“Yeah, I can’t wait for you to go up in smoke, so just disappear, okay?”

“You’re disrupting my life.”

“I don’t have any friends anymore! “They don’t want to be with me. They say I’m the reincarnation of a god.”

“I’m scared every day that a flower pot will fall on my head.”

“Since I met you! I haven’t had a single day of peace!”


I cried as I poured out the bitter water in my heart.

He let go of me.

“I’m sorry.”

“Huh?” I raised my head.

“But obviously you …… forget it …… how can this king spare your life, I’m sorry, blame this king is too aggressive a bit, if you really don’t want to see me, then this king won’t come back to disturb you.”

After saying that Yan Song then turned into a smoke and disappeared.

Ah? What?

Running away in the middle of a sentence.

What did I ever say ah, still not willing to take my life, then what do you mean by hitting me with flower pots every day?


After Yan Song left.

My life gradually returned to normal.

Slowly, I retreated from the list of bad gods and returned to the list of school flowers.

As if everything I experienced before was a dream.

But the wooden sword and porcelain bowl in the corner that had accumulated dust told me that it was not a dream.

These days, I have been thinking about Yan Song’s last words, but I have not been able to come up with a clear explanation.

I was so anxious.

He is simply the kind of novel that does not have a long mouth hero.

Never mind, never mind.

After all, people and ghosts have different paths.


But recently, my life has become different again.

I feel like there are eyes staring at me all around.

The sight of that person, from the crowd, from behind, from the alley, from the dark stairway, from all sides, staring at me with a deadly stare.

Every time I turned around, again, I didn’t see who it was.

I was stared at by this line of sight that made my body hairy.

This person should not be Yan Song.

Yan Song would never hide.

He would just float right up to me.

While playing with the jade trigger in his hand, he fluttered his peach blossom eyes.

“Hey, woman, have you figured out that you want to come and be my lady of hell?”

I shook my head.

Going home, I rummaged through the wooden sword and porcelain bowl that had collected dust in the corner.


I have a magic weapon from the King of Hell himself, so God comes to kill God and ghosts come to kill ghosts.

With the magic weapon, I was a little more bold when I walked on the road.

This day, the class time is a little late.

After eating at school, it was already dark.

In the early winter night, there were not many pedestrians on the road.

I wrapped up my clothes tightly and walked on my way home.

It didn’t take long for that creepy gaze to shoot straight from behind again.


I walked to an open place.

Opened my backpack and took a look.

Sure enough, the words on the wooden sword glowed faintly red.

It turned out to be a little ghost.

I put the porcelain bowl in my bag on the ground.

“Spirit of Heaven, Spirit of Earth, Spirit of Hades, Spirit of Yama.”

“Spirit of Heaven and Spirit of Earth, where is the little ghost to show its face ……”

I recited my own incantation, while holding the wooden sword around the bowl.

According to past experience, in less than a minute, this little ghost will be tied up and obediently run to the bowl.

But today, I jumped a whole five minutes.

And did not see the shadow of the ghost.

I stopped and looked at the wooden sword, full of doubts.

Can’t it be that when Yan Song’s people leave, the magic weapon also fails to work with them?

This scum.


I was about to pack up my props and run away.

A rustling sound suddenly came from the green belt next to me.

A strong wind then blew, and I subconsciously covered my eyes with my hand.

When I raised my hand again, a woman in a floor-length dress stood in front of me.

Her body was drenched in water, and water droplets fell down her pitch-black hair and disappeared on the ground.

The woman’s face was pale, and at that moment she was staring at me with her ebony eyes open in death.

I gulped, it was this gaze.

I pulled out my wooden sword and pointed it at her.

“You, don’t come over, come over again and I’ll take you.”

She didn’t say anything and took a step forward.

What a powerful sense of oppression, I instinctively took a step back.

She moved forward again, I stepped back, forward again, I stepped back ……

Until I …… had no way back.

She pressed me against a wall.

Raising her hand, she knocked the wooden sword out of my hand.

I knew I was no match for her.

But I pretended to be calm.

“Miss female ghost, you follow me every day, are you not afraid that I will take you?”


“With these rags?”

Her gaze glanced to the wooden sword on the side.

It’s hard to believe that Tang Da Xian was really right, these are just ordinary wooden swords and porcelain bowls?

Then why did those little ghosts obey me when I casually waved them twice before.

“What are you haunting me for?”

I’ve been poking my nose into a nest of ghosts lately.

A male ghost and a female ghost.

It never ends.

“I’ve come to avenge my son.”

She stretched out her snow-white cold hand and pinched my neck.

I remembered that when I helped Yan Song to collect little ghosts some time ago, I had captured an infant spirit.

It was a child of only three or two years old.

It can’t be, such a coincidence, right?

“Cough, you …… listen to me …… cough …… explain to you ……” A strong sense of suffocation came.

The body began to struggle instinctively.

“Dog …… dog Yan Song, this won’t be arranged by you, cough …… cough, I died so that I can go to hell …… when you… …s …… lady …… cough…”

Feeling death for the first time, the memories in my mind were really like a slide show, all the memories flashed by one by one.

My mother died in childbirth when I was born, and my father died in an accident when I was three years old.

My grandmother took care of me all the way to adulthood.

That seventy-something year old woman is still at home waiting for me to come home at this time, right?

My mind flashed back to the scene of my grandmother knitting me a sweater, warming my feet in the cold winter, and giving me my favorite sweet and sour pork …….

My consciousness gradually blurred.


Then later I was awakened by fright.

I dreamed that a man who looked like a cow and a man who looked like a horse were pestling me in the face.

I jerked up and hit both of their heads.

A dull pain hit me.

It really wasn’t a dream.

There really was a man who looked like a cow and a man who looked like a horse in my face looking at me.

I rubbed my eyes and remembered something.

“Oh, you’re bulls and horses.”

Looks like I’m really dead, I’ve met the legendary Bull Head and Horse Face.

These two saw me waking up with a look of relief.

Bull Head then slapped Horse Face on the head.

“I told you to go and watch female ghosts bouncing around when you were an errand boy, you almost missed the main event.”

Horse Face touched up the place where he received the beating and slapped back.

“You’re not too, you’re still eating grass when people have gone missing, why don’t you eat and die?”

Ox-Head did not show any weakness and punched Horse-Face again.

“I told you to watch the female ghost bouncing.”

“I told you to eat grass.”

“I told you to go dancing.”

“I told you to eat grass.”


They were fighting in front of me.

“Hey, can you two stop fighting and tell me what the process of reincarnation is first?”

They both turned their heads and spoke in unison:

“Madam, what are you talking about?”


So I’m not dead.

Now the three of us are sitting on the curb.

Horse Face is sitting on my left side, looking through my cell phone, I found him some female anchors, and he is fascinated and addicted to them.

Bull Head sat on my right, he held a handful of tender grass and stuffed it into his mouth, sighing as he ate it, “Still the grass on earth is flavorful enough.”

I sat in the center resting my cheeks.

Digesting what they both just said.

It turned out that my wooden sword and porcelain bowl were really useless contraptions, and the little ghosts I collected were actually collected for me by them quietly hiding in the dark.

Sometimes it’s Ox Head, sometimes it’s Horse Face, and there’s also Little White and Little Black.

“Why did you go through all the trouble to pull this off?” I asked.

“For love, I guess.” Calf said as he chewed the grass.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, for the chance to see more.” Pony’s eyes were glowing, staring at the cell phone screen without lifting his head.

“But we’re not human ghosts after all.”

“It’s okay, you’ll turn into a ghost sooner or later.”

“You two can choose not to speak if you don’t know how.”


It was getting late.

After sending them away, I hurriedly packed my things and went home.

Grandma must be waiting at home for a long time.

She never goes to bed until she sees me.

I ran all the way.

It was already ten o’clock, but there were a lot of people around the entrance of the previously cold neighborhood.

There was a burning smell in the air.

Someone in the crowd yelled, “Call the fire department and put out the fire.”

I was shocked.

I peeled away from the crowd and walked to the innermost part of the building.

“Which building is on fire?”

“The one on the left on the 6th floor of Block 6.”

I immediately sat down on the ground.

That was my house.

I searched for my grandmother in the crowd.

I called several times but got no answer.

I anxiously shouted downstairs, but never got a response.

Grandmother, at this hour, should be at home waiting for me.

Ignoring the crowd, I rushed into the fire.

I couldn’t open my eyes because of the smoke in the hallway.

When I met neighbors running down the stairs, they all thought I was crazy.

Floor after floor, I don’t even know how many floors I climbed.

It was getting harder and harder to breathe, but I couldn’t fall, my grandmother was still waiting for me at home.

She was all I had left.


Feeling death for the second time.

I collapsed in the stairwell, my body already surrounded by smoke.

With great difficulty, I looked upwards, just a little bit more.

Climbing upwards with what little consciousness I had left.

One step, then another.

Then I simply ran out of strength and collapsed to the ground.

The pungent smoke poured in from anywhere in my body.

It soon filled my body, my lungs.

Just when I thought I was really going to Hades, my body was picked up in a horizontal hug.

The black smoke around me dispersed.

A cool air drifted in with it.

I took a deep breath as if I had grabbed a lifesaver.

It’s the firefighters who came, isn’t it?

“Big, big brother, save me …… my grandmother.”

“Call what big brother, call husband.”

The voice is a bit familiar, I opened my eyes.

On a pair of clear as a pool of eyes.

Yan Song.

Great, my grandmother is saved, he is the King of Yan, the omnipotent King of Yan.

“Please save her, save my grandmother.”

I was coming to my senses.

I tried to break away from his arms, but he increased the strength of his wrist and held me tighter.

“Put me down, what are you waiting for, come on.” I struggled in his arms.

“Your grandmother, her life is over, she can’t go back.”

“She’s dead. She can’t go back to heaven.

“She’s dead. She can’t come back.

These eight words were like knives in my heart.


It’s just a moment. I’m just a moment late.

“So you, you deliberately let the female ghost drag me, right?”

I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing down my face and buried my head on his shoulder and bit him heavily.

He ate the pain, but didn’t let go.

“Put me down, if anything happens to my grandmother, I don’t want to live either.”

He lowered his head toward me and exhaled a plume of smoke.

Then I fainted.


“Nui Nui, wake up.”

I opened my eyes violently.


This little old woman with a gray face and a head full of wool curls was indeed my grandmother.

I cried out with a “wow” and fell into her arms.

“Grandma, where did you run off to, I thought you …… were gone.”

“I’m on the roof, I just got rescued by the firemen.”

“Great, good thing you ran up to the roof.”

“How could I be on the roof?”

“Why wouldn’t you be on the roof?”

We looked at each other.

According to my grandmother’s description, she was at home roasting a little sunshine, and when she went to the bathroom, the little sunshine ignited the woolen blanket, and the fire became uncontrollable. She wanted to extinguish the fire, but the fire got stronger and stronger, and she was about to run out of the house when she suddenly remembered that she hadn’t taken her cell phone, and she was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to find her if I called her. Then she went back to the house to find a cell phone, out of the living room has been dense smoke, the fire burned to the bedroom door, she is not into the retreat is not, a tight head, fainted, and woke up again people on the roof, she did not know how she went up.

I comforted her may be too afraid to lose part of the memory.

In fact, I know, is Yan Song it.

I just climbed up to the sixth floor, my house door, obviously closed state.

This mouth is a man, mouth said don’t don’t, but the body is very honest, or to help me save my grandmother.

So that what the life span has been exhausted, is a lie to me, right.


But I never have a clue in my heart.

Recently, I always feel upset, and I don’t have the energy to do anything.

I haven’t seen Yan Song for days.

I haven’t seen Xiao Ma and Xiao Niu either.

I wanted to thank him in person.

But they seem to completely disappeared from my side, leaving no room for the kind of, even he sent me the wooden sword and porcelain bowl, also disappeared.

After all the arrangements in the house, I went to find Tang Da Xian.

Tang Daxian saw it was me even greeted his disciples to send me away.

I rushed over to him.

“I’m not looking for you to exorcise ghosts anymore, I just want to ask you one thing.”

“Ask me something, tell me.”

“I have a friend whose grandmother had an accident, but my friend begged the King of Hell, and the King of Hell brought her grandmother back to life, is there such a thing?”

Immortal Tang raised an eyebrow.

“Is there such a thing? You’re breaking a big taboo.”

My heart tightened: “What taboo?”

“If what you, oh no, your friend is telling the truth, this King of Hell has tampered with the life span of mortals, but he has violated the law and should be punished by Heaven.”

“What is heavenly punishment?”

“I don’t know.” He stretched his hand and pointed to the sky, “This kind of thing is not for us mortals to know.”

“Then can you do me one more small favor?”

“Miss, you have to think carefully.”

“Hey, I haven’t said what it is yet.”


I decided to go to hell myself.

Under my coercion, Master Tang was willing to help me one last time.

I returned home with a stick of incense.

First, I had to find an object that Yan Song had touched, but the wooden sword and the porcelain bowl had disappeared, so what else had he touched.

The house had been burned once by the fire, and after repainting, many things were added again.

I was rummaging through the cupboards at home when I suddenly caught a glimpse of a black bottle in the corner.

It was the bottle of black dog blood.

Yan Song had touched it.

I hurriedly picked it up and coated it with a circle of vermillion.

Then I lay down on the bed and held the bottle in my hand.

Finally, I lit the incense.

A green smoke slowly rose.

I lay on the bed and forced myself to rush into meditation.

Slowly slowly slowly, I seem to be able to get up, I sit up and turn my head to see that the person got up, but my body is still lying on the bed.

Scared to death, it looks like I made it, managed to get out of my body.

I don’t have much time, I have to hurry to find him, if he really took the heavenly punishment to save my grandmother, then I have to at least give someone a personal thank you.

I jumped lightly, and my entire body floated in the air.

I could actually float around in the air just like Yan Song, and I was actually a little excited inside.

I floated to the place where we first met.

It was by the trash can downstairs in my house.

Why here, I was filled with disgust.

Then according to what Immortal Tang said, I drew a symbol on the ground.

The ground instantly cracked open with a black slit.

A gust of gloomy wind blew from the slit, and many small claws seemed to be sticking out of the black slit trying to pull me down.

I gritted my teeth, since I’ve come all the way here, I shouldn’t hesitate.

Thinking that I plunged down headlong.


The underground world was actually completely different from what I had imagined.

I imagined that it was dark and damp, and there were lonely ghosts howling everywhere.

But in front of me was a brightly lit, bustling scene.

If it weren’t for the colorful houses below, I would have thought I was still on earth.

There were streets here too, streets lined with cars, and although everyone could fly, they still chose to drive the cars their loved ones had burned them in.

There are also stalls on the side of the road.

No, there was a fried skewer stand right at my feet.

I floated over to the stall and took a closer look, hey, there were skewers of meat on the grill, which were sizzling out with oil at the moment.

“Little sister, do you want a skewer? One skewer for three hundred million, three skewers for one billion.”

I shook my head, it seems that down here, inflation is really bloated.

“Uncle, do you know where the House of Hades is?”

The uncle raised his eyes and looked at me.


“What 108?”

“You’re the 108th female ghost to ask me for directions. You can’t all come to ask me just because my stall is on the edge of the Yellow Springs. I’ve told you, it’s hopeless, our Yama King and Mrs. Yama King are in love. …… Eh, eh, don’t go away.”

Dog man, have wife still come to provoke me.

You want to have a wife in the underworld and a wife in the sun, don’t you?

I’m so mad at you.

What heavenly punishment, better be true, scum should be punished.

I turned around and was ready to go.


A little familiar …… seems to be the voice of the …… calf.

I raised my eyes to see that the cow head was looking at me with a face of horror.

“Madam you …… finally died again?”

I: “????”


Before I could ask, the bull’s head pulled me aside.

“You quickly go to see the king of Hades, he in order to save your grandmother on earth, received heavenly punishment. He is still tied up on the Deicide Platform.”

What God-Slaying Platform?

Just as I was thinking, the ox head transformed into a huge beast, carrying me, and flew all the way to the Godslaying Platform.

“Under the Palace of Hades, Little Bull, I can only help you this far.”

After saying that, he wiped his tears and left.

I took a look at the stage.

On the platform, there were four iron pillars that towered straight up to the sky.

On each of them, there was an iron chain as thick as the mouth of a bowl.

Under the chain, there was a man.

This person was covered in bloodstains, his head was hanging down, and his long black hair was scattered on the ground like a waterfall.

It was as if this person sensed my presence.

The hanging head slowly raised.

On his bloodstained face, those bright eyes were looking at me through his hair.

“What brings you here?”

It was Yan Song.

It was because of me that he became like this.

I ran over to him.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not the first time. It’s okay.”

“It’s not the first time. Why don’t I understand?”

“Don’t you remember? Then why are you here?”

“I …… don’t know, I just thought I’d come and see you.”

He smiled and shook his head.

「Memba’s bowl of soup, the effect is getting better and better, don’t remember even if you don’t remember, you go back, forget about this king, live this life, what you want to live a long life, this king has given you.”

“No, I won’t go, I didn’t remember what? Can you make it clear, please?”

I cupped his face and looked into his eyes.

“Tell me everything, okay?”


Yan Song placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

I felt a surge of heat in my soul.

The memories came to me like a tidal wave.

(31) “I was jealous of myself!

It turns out I was jealous of myself.

I’m damn well Mrs. Yan.

Images tumbled in my mind.

Images of being married to him, images of adding cilantro to Mengbo soup, images of playing bullfighting with the bull’s head with a red cloth, images of shaking dice with Shimeji ……

Later on, I broke the rules of heaven in order to save a flower demon.

He suffered 99 heavenly thunderbolts and saved my life.

But I had to go to earth to experience nine reincarnations.

The first life, I was born in a poor peasant family, the birth of the mother lost three years old lost his father, five years old birthday, I make a wish, I hope the next healthy and safe long life.

Yan Song had no way to change my destiny.

He could only create some trouble to increase my blessings.

As the saying goes, if you don’t die in a disaster, you will be blessed later.

Therefore, I am always unlucky.

Either I fell into a pit or fell on the ground, and I could choke on a mouthful of water.

He kept creating little troubles for me, but those troubles were not so bad as to kill me.

If there were no such ‘troubles’, then my destiny would have made me experience other more painful things.

Yan Song he was ultimately intolerant.

Just like in this life, he has been trying to ‘get’ me killed.

By the way, I ‘met’ him in every life, and those encounters were deliberately arranged by him.

Also, that little flower demon has been following me through reincarnation.

The flower demon has been taking care of me in every life.

In this life, she is my grandmother.


How many lives am I in?

“The eighth.”

“Then I have to live another life.”

“Why, can’t you let me go?” He smiled slightly, revealing light pear swirls.

“You’re still in the mood for jokes at this hour.”

I hugged him tightly, his body trembled, and my fingers accidentally touched the blood marks on his back.

“How many more Heavenly Thunderbolts are there?”

“Not many, a mere heavenly thunder can’t do anything to this king. You go back quickly, this king will arrange for the Judge to erase this part of your memory, live well and come back down to see this king when you are a hundred years old.”

“I won’t go, I’ll take the next thunder for you.”

“What?” Yan Song looked at me in horror, “No, you are a mortal body, how can you stand it?”

“How can you stand it?” “Then you can stand it? Your divine bone has already been mostly destroyed, if you keep on beating, your divine bone will be gone. What about waiting for me? How can you wait?”

He still wanted to say something.

I raised my hand and slapped him unconscious.

Ahahahaha, Yan Song was too weak at this time, and I didn’t expect that I could actually slap him unconscious.

It’s good that he’s fainted, so that he won’t have to keep pussyfooting around.

“How much is left? I am! Long Ao Evening Night, suffer for my husband.” I shouted to the sky.


Damn, there are so many left.

What’s done is done.

I kneeled on the ground.

Come on, let’s make the storm stronger.


That bastard Yan Song.

He wants to kill me all day long.

Now, he got his wish.

I was hit in the head by a flowerpot he threw.

I’m going to die, doesn’t that fulfill his wish? Then what does it mean that he’s holding me with red eyes and tails?

“You can’t die without my king’s permission?” His voice choked.


You said a few days ago that you want me to die to be your wife in hell?

Now you don’t want me to die?

Men’s mouths, lying ghosts.

Dead or alive.

I tried to open my mouth to speak, but I had no strength.

It feels like my memory is misplaced.

Wasn’t I in class? How come I got hit on the head by a flower pot again?

How come I saw the image of marrying Yan Song again in a trance?

I must be dying, I’m bewitched, I’m delirious.

His tears dripped on my face.

So cold.

I reached out my hand.

Dry the tears at the corners of his eyes for him.

“You ghosts, you can cry too.”

The last ounce of strength is exhausted.

It felt like something was pulling out of my body.

I turned into a cloud of smoke and floated in the air until I disappeared.


Hey, family.

I’ve seen a ghost in my life.

But then he said he wasn’t a ghost, he said he was the King of Hell.

I really believed him.

A male ghost, every day to haunt me, a moment imploring to look at me a moment to guard me to kiss, but also said that I want to die to go to hell as his wife.

I’m a man!

I am a man! Pure straight man!

And a wife.

I went to see a high ranking person in our area.

Little Tang Xian, the fourth generation of the Tang Immortal, did some fortune-telling for me.

Luckily, the male ghost that haunts me is not an evil spirit.

So I let him be.

This male ghost is quite devoted.

I’ve lived to be 99 years old, and he’s been watching over me until I’m 99 years old.

He kept me for 79 years. If it wasn’t for the fact that I was a man, I would have been moved to obey him.

On the day I turned 100, I was lying in my hospital bed, and I knew that I was already dead.

My grandchildren cried bitterly in front of my bed.

This dead man had abetted his little brother.

Playing music and cheering at my bedside.


He really wants me to die.

“Hey, can you guys be quiet, for the sake of you being so dedicated, I promise you, in my next life, if I am a woman, I will obey you.”

He touched my wrinkled hand.

Fluttering his peach blossom eyes.

“Good, this king will follow you.”


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