15. The little ghost who presses the bed

The Little Ghost in the Bed

Unwanted: Seeing you when you’re in love

I’m a little ghost in charge of bed crushing.

I’m not like my fellow ghosts.

They press everyone.

I’m picky and only pick the good-looking ones to press.


We ghosts can suck the essence of the living when we press the bed.

Every time we press on a person’s body, we will create a nightmare according to his subconscious.

Generally, people will panic when they are trapped in the nightmare.

The more the person resisting the nightmare, the more essence we can feed on.

The girl I found yesterday is not bad.

She had white skin and big eyes, and looked so gentle.

I didn’t realize that she could be so powerful.

She was pinned down by me and fell into a nightmare.

Later she realized she was being pressured by a ghost and began to struggle desperately, I almost didn’t hold her down and let her roll off the bed.

She cursed me for half an hour.

The words were so dirty, tsk, tsk, my ancestors shook their heads when they heard them.

I don’t know where these people get their crooked ideas from.

They say that if you are pressured by a ghost, you should swear, the worse the better, and the ghost will be scolded away.

These are of course false.

The more you curse, the happier we are.

That’s why, all these years.

I can’t do anything, but I’m getting better at swearing.


It’s hunting time again.

Let’s see which little unlucky bastard I’ve picked today.

I’ll appear after the sun’s last rays have disappeared over the horizon.

My spiritual power is still shallow.

Ghost seniors with strong spiritual power can come out during the day.

Maybe my slow rise in spiritual power has something to do with the fact that I’m a picky eater.

When I was alive, my mom told me not to be a picky eater. She said picky eaters don’t grow tall, so it seems to be true.

But I just can’t bring myself to look at all those fat, smelly, unkempt people.

So, I’d better continue to picky eaters. I can’t choose what I like when I’m alive, and I don’t want to force myself to do things I don’t like to do when I’m dead.


I like to wait for my prey on shady street corners, under dimly lit street lamps, and at the corners of flat stairways.

Lo and behold, the man walking towards me seemed nice enough.

He was wearing a white shirt, tall, slightly thin, with a thin waist.

A tall, delicate nose, deep eyebrows, and a slightly thin, reddish lip just right on his well-defined face.

Really nice, this one I like, looks like a good sucker.

The man had a bit of weariness on his face and was carrying a briefcase, walking in a bit of a hurry.

I looked at the time, it was almost eleven o’clock.

The more tired and sleepy a person is the easier it is to enter a nightmare.

Looks like we can have a full meal tonight.

I floated behind him, followed him into the neighborhood, floated into the elevator and floated into his house.

His home is clean and tidy, the decoration style is very similar to his whole temperament, black dining table and chairs, leather sofa, metal closet, the whole reveals an ascetic wind.

This man also quite love clean, even so late, once he arrived home or first went to the bathroom to take a shower.

But this man is quite boring, I drifted around the house and didn’t find anything interesting.

The TV wasn’t on either, so I couldn’t even watch a TV show for a while if I wanted to. It’s not like I can turn it on and watch it myself, if I scare him to death, I’ll have to be punished by the ghost world.

Forget it, just go straight to bed and wait.


His room is equally clean and tidy.

There is also a faint scent.

The bed looks big and soft, it should be very comfortable to lie on.

I flopped down on the bed and read the book with great interest.

Not long after, hot man finished showering out.

I raised my eyes and looked.

The man’s body is only wrapped in a bath towel, the white and slim body is still with a little water vapor, tiny water droplets sliding down along the chest, sliding over the pectoral muscles, sliding over the mermaid line, and then ……

I gulped.

I am a female ghost with professional ethics, I only press the bed, not people.

It’s not good for me to turn the pages in front of him.

I floated in the air and waited for the man to fall asleep.

As it turned out, he blew his hair dry, poured a glass of milk, then sat on the bed, found a comfortable position, and began to read a book.



It’s twelve o’clock!

Why aren’t you in bed at twelve o’clock?

Why are you reading at this hour?

I came over.

Eh …… wait a minute …… you turn so fast, I have not finished reading this page, how to turn the next page?

Wow! This heroine is also too saintly, look at me so angry.

Oh my god, the earthlings and the aliens are fighting, is the universe going to be destroyed?

So did the universe reboot at the end or not, it’s so urgent.


So this night, one person and one ghost, forcibly resisted sleepiness, snuggled together, read a novel all night.

The moment the sun’s rays leapt above the horizon.

I, disappeared.

No, I have to come back to him tomorrow, I haven’t seen the ending of the novel yet.


The next day, as soon as the sun set.

I couldn’t wait to appear, and with yesterday’s memories, I found the neighborhood where the man was and floated into his room.

The room was as spotless as ever.

Shoes, cups, and toothbrushes were all carefully placed, and there wasn’t even a wrinkle on his one-meter-eight bed.

I have reason to suspect that this person has obsessive-compulsive disorder, quite serious kind.

The good thing was that the book “The Three T’s” was still on the bedside table.

A small bookmark had been placed on the book.

Page 228, I memorized it.

Before he came back, I flopped down on the bed and flipped through it on my own.

The clock on the wall ticked and ticked.

I don’t know how much time passed.

There was a “bang”.

It was the sound of the combination lock, the man was back.

I was startled.

I hurriedly put the bookmark back.

I jumped up from the bed and turned around to hide behind the curtains.

I just hid in before remembering that I’m a ghost, he can’t see me. Laughing at my own actions, I shook my head and suddenly felt a sense of loss.


The man was wearing a dark colored suit today.

He was tall, with slender legs, and wearing this navy blue suit made his temperament even more remarkable, making him exude a cool and unapproachable temperament all over his body.

I don’t know why, although this person is very good-looking, but it always gives people a robot-like cold feeling.

He entered and hung the key on the door, his bony fingers ripped open the buttons of his shirt, and his collar was slightly open, revealing his exquisite collarbone.

Tsk, this man, looks very seductive.

It was again after eleven o’clock when I came back.

It seems that this man is quite busy at work and arrives home at about this hour every night.

This man put his briefcase down and went to take a shower.

I glanced at the Three T’s sitting on the table, I won’t be reading any novels tonight.

As it turns out.

I was right.

He finished his shower, poured a glass of milk and sat on the bed to read a novel.

That ……

It’s impossible for you to read all night tonight!

Facts proved.

I guessed right again.

The man, sitting on the bed, read another all-night novel.

Very good.

What a ghost grinding goblin.

Man, you managed to tickle my fancy.

I doubt it’s a seduction.

I don’t believe it.

Can you stay up every day?

I’ll come back tomorrow.


The third day.

I drifted to his house early.

The book “Three T’s” on the nightstand was finally gone.

Looks like the kid stayed up all night last night and finished the novel.

Since he’s finished the novel, he should go to bed tonight.

If he stays up like this, the ghosts won’t be able to stand it.

At eleven o’clock, he came back.

The man went to the shower as soon as he arrived home, the sound of water in the bathroom, as if in music, I followed this wonderful melody, rolled happily in bed.

I was so happy, I could suck on a good meal tonight.

Little strawberry-flavored bubbles were already popping in my head.

As it turns out, I was overthinking it.

The man finished his shower, poured a glass of milk, and hugged a thick stack of Harry Potter.

I counted seven whole ones, not one less.

Me: “???”

He picked up the books and sat on the bed, flipping through them carefully.

I was anxious and angry.

“No reading!”

I raised my hand slightly and a breeze blew in.

It caused Harry Potter to “clatter” and turn the pages haphazardly.

The man frowned slightly.

He got up and closed the window tightly.

I drifted back into the kitchen.

‘Splat’ breaks a bowl.

The man walks into the kitchen and looks over, crouching down to pick up the broken pieces of china into the trash.

After tossing for a while, it’s time for my big move!


The lights in the room went out.

I crossed my waist, with a look of triumph.

Hmph, it’s pitch black, see how you read.

I didn’t expect ……

The man, however, turned out a small table lamp that was fully charged.

He took the lamp and sat back on the bed.

Read the book quietly.


Ah this ……

As for that?

I lay on the edge of the bed and looked at him with my cheeks resting.

At this time my tiny head was filled with great doubts.

Is he the kind of person who has his days and nights turned upside down?

The kind that gets high at night and sleeps during the day?

But that’s not right, I could clearly feel the tiredness in his body.

His state of not sleeping for three days was a bit similar to my state of not inhaling essence for three days.

Spiritually depressed, tired, and drained.

The man’s deep eyes had become bloodshot.

He’s dying to sleep, isn’t he, in the same way that I’m dying to inhale essence right now.

These Harry Potter books had been turned over I don’t know how many times, and the pages were already slightly yellowed.

The man reached out his fingers and rubbed his temples, slowly changed his position, and forced himself to read the novel again.

This is …… forcing his attention to focus on the novel.

Forget it, good ghosts don t fight with people, it is this female ghost that has lost, this female ghost will not simmer with you.

If I don t suck it tonight, my spirit will become weak tomorrow, and I won t be able to pick my food then.

Hungry for food, you know, maybe I’ll catch a dirty, smelly, scruffy person who doesn’t change his pants and just suck on them.

Oooh, I’m not going to do that. I was just about to float away.

The man suddenly got up.

Was he going to go to the restroom and sleep?

I turned my head, surprisingly a little excited, and hurriedly floated back to the edge of the bed to sit nicely and wait for him.

As it turned out, he didn’t go to the toilet, he went outside and poured a glass of water, then opened the drawer next to the bed and rummaged around in there for something.

Then out of the drawer came a small white bottle of pills.

I curiously came closer to take a look.

It was actually ……


I took a few steps backwards.

A sense of fear came over me.

Because …… I am too familiar with this medicine.

When I was alive, I slept on this drug night after night.

On that last day, I swallowed two bottles and then I never woke up.

And then later I became a bed crushing brat.

Did ……

He also ……

My pupils were shocked and I looked at him in horror.

You, don’t turn into my ghost coworker, I was thinking of getting some wind in to knock over his pill bottle.

Good thing he only poured four tablets out, it was just the amount to help with sleep.

Whew, that was a hell of a scare.

The man took the pills, closed his book, and put his glass of water away.

Lowering his pillow, he found a comfortable position and eased himself under the covers.

Woah woah woah!

He was going to sleep!

The man slowly closed his eyes after lying down, his long, curved eyelashes swaying slightly as he breathed.

Deep eyes, high nose, rosy and slightly open thin lips, finely sculpted features, under the illumination of the light, it was even more exquisite.

Gradually, the man’s breathing stabilized.

He has already entered a deep sleep.

If I pressed on him at this time and created a nightmare for him, he would easily fall into it at such a time because he was really too tired.

But I don’t know why, but looking at his sleeping face made me feel a little heartbroken.

I don’t want to suck him anymore.

“Men with cleanliness fetishes, tonight, let’s let you off the hook.”

I shouldn’t risk hanging myself on a tree.

I raised my eyes to the sky.

I can’t be picky tonight, I’m going to suck on some random guy.

I was about to float away.

Suddenly, I was sucked into my body by a force.

The force was too strong, making me unable to move.


I was wrapped inside by this force.

Fragrant and strong.

I took a deep, long-lost breath.

Strong living essence.

It’s been a long time since I’ve encountered such a strong essence.

The last time I encountered it was the last time.

It was so good to inhale, and I rolled, swam, and floated around happily inside the power, feeling every part of my body stretch.

I let out a comforting yawn, and suddenly, something seemed to occur to me.


I didn’t press him, or create a nightmare for him.

Then how did this intense essence get energized?

“Don …… t don …… t go …… don …… t go.”

The man’s mumbled dreamy words came from his ears.

I turned back to look.

His eyes were tightly closed, his eyebrows were furrowed into a ball, and dense beads of sweat had seeped from the corners of his forehead.

The body also curled up into a ball, hands tugged the corner of the quilt tightly, the back of the white slender hand veins protruding.

“Don’t …… don’t ……” The man was trembling, repeating the words over and over again.

I drifted around the house.

There are no other ghost coworkers in ah.

We have a rule in the ghost world that coworkers should be harmonious and friendly with each other, and we can’t rob food.

What’s going on then?

I stood puzzled for a while before I could see it.

The man himself created a dream world he couldn’t escape from.

What he subconsciously feared was too powerful.

So much so that two or three hours had passed and he still hadn’t come out.

He was tossed around by that ‘thing’ in his dream for two or three hours ……

The man’s good-looking lips were bitten out in blood.

His body had long been drenched in sweat.

But there was not the slightest sign of waking up.

No, if this continues, his body will not be able to take it.

In fact, I can dive into the dream world to wake him up, but my aura is still shallow, and diving in once will cost me half a year of cultivation.

After half a day’s thought, I’m still not willing to sacrifice myself.

Then let’s try something else first and see if I can wake him up.

It’s also necessary to find a gentle approach that can’t scare him.

I looked around anxiously.

Turned the lights on first, then the TV.

Still not waking up.

Turned the sound up to maximum.

Good lord, that doesn’t wake him up.

Maybe the TV is in the living room and the sound is already low.

What should I do? His cell phone has a combination lock, I can’t open it.

Then …… I will sacrifice a little bit.

I try to gather my spiritual power and create a little entity.

Finally changed back to the appearance of eighteen or nineteen years old, I lie down to the side of the man.

Stroke up his forehead.

I pinched my throat to make my voice sound a little softer.

“Hey, wake up.”

He didn’t respond.

I moved a little closer, leaning into the ear.

“Wake up, wake up.”

This time, he seemed to have heard my voice.

The corners of his lips twitched gently.

But still didn’t wake up.

Then I …… let me sing you a song.

I loved to sing the most when I was alive, my mom said that I can sing very well, maybe …… this is kind of my only merit.

I leaned over to come closer.

Sing what?

I touched the man’s good-looking eyebrows.

“If I never met you, where would I be, how are the days going, is life to be cherished ……”

I don’t know if he likes to hear it, people in our time can love to hear this song.


The man rolled over.

The tightly furrowed brow slowly stretched.

He then let out a sigh.

Slowly opened his eyes.

I hurriedly turned back into my spirit body and floated in the air.

The man’s pale face finally regained some blood color.

The eyes that were as black as pools looked at the ceiling.

The gaze was a bit dull, as if he hadn’t completely awakened from his dream.

After a long time, his good-looking lips opened:

“Is it you?”



This, this, this, did you see me?

I hurriedly touched my body.

No, I’ve become a spirit.

There’s no way he could have seen it.

The man struggled to hold up his body and slowly sat up, he raised his head and looked around, realizing that there was no one else, he lowered his head again and sighed, finally hugging his knees.

“It’s not her.”

Before the words were out of his mouth, the corners of his eyes were already moist and large teardrops fell.

He buried his face between his knees, his body trembling slightly.

This man …… he was crying …… like an aggrieved bunny.

What him/her/it/him?

This ta, shouldn’t it be me?

I did not recognize him.

I’ve been dead for almost twenty years.

This little handsome guy, he doesn’t look more than twenty-seven or eighteen.

When I died, he was just a little kid in a green ditch.

Finally, I know why this man doesn’t sleep.

The person in his heart that he is longing for can not be sought, but also a poor man.

The man buried his head and cried for a while, and then fell into a deep sleep.

He didn’t dream again and didn’t even turn over.

Probably exhausted.

Tonight was full of passive essence inhalation.

I hiccuped and saw the faintly fish-belly white sky.

It’s time to go, too.


The following days.

I drifted to his house as soon as I could.

This man’s home has a wall full of books.

And he has a strange taste in books, the range is quite wide.

In addition to the world’s famous books, the Four Books and Five Classics, astronomy and geography, there are also a lot of romance novels in the bookcase.

The day before yesterday, he laughed all night at “This boss is not too cold”.

Yesterday, I cried my eyes into walnuts watching Grey Life and Death.

Now I’m reading There’s a Ghost Behind Me, which has the gimmick of being an encyclopedia of the ghost world.

Gee, but I didn’t realize we little ghosts were so scary to humans.

Nah, it’s written in this book that evil ghosts are mostly female ghosts in red dresses with long straight black hair.

Then I’ll suggest to my colleague to wear a pink dress instead, and do something about her hair, cut it short and dye it with the popular granny gray.

And this, in parks where people have died, the swings will keep swaying and crunching even when no one is around.

What’s the matter? Ghosts don’t deserve to swing?

Ghosts eat your family’s rice?

You’re not even allowed to play on the swings, that’s a bit too petty.

There are also descriptions of our appearance, what with pale faces, rolled eyes, blood flowing from the seven orifices, and scarlet tongues sticking out. ……

I floated over to the mirror and turned around.

My face was a little pale, but I wasn’t rolling my eyes or sticking out my tongue, it was cute.

This is all a misunderstanding!

I hid the book “There’s a Ghost Behind Me” in the bottom of my bookcase, so I’ll have to read less of this kind of misinterpretation.

I’ve been hanging around this man’s house for a couple of days, but I haven’t found any trace of the “you” he’s talking about.

That’s right.

His name is Shen Nian, the Nian of nostalgia.

His sleep was still poor these days.

Always trapped by dreams created by his subconscious.

And of course, I’m passively sucking in his own inspired essence.

I swear! I really didn’t mean to try to suck it.

He brought it to my mouth himself, and it would look like I was being rude if I didn’t suck it in, and besides, it’s shameful to waste food.

I’m also doing my best to help him shorten his nightmares.

Sometimes it’s singing, sometimes it’s gently patting his back, sometimes it’s telling him stories.

But he …… seems to be getting stranger and stranger.

The time he comes home from the original eleven or twelve o’clock.

Slowly become seven or eight o’clock.

Today it was not even seven o clock, and the man came back in a hurry.

He went home to take a bath according to the usual practice, and after washing, he lay down on the bed.

I looked at the time.

It’s not even eight o’clock.

Why are you in bed again?

Young man, don’t sleep so much.

I still want to read for a while.

I stood by the bed and tilted my head, watching him toss and turn in bed for half a day without falling asleep.

Brother, don’t sleep hard if you can’t sleep, go read a book.

He tossed and turned for two hours without falling asleep, and got up again, sitting on the edge of the bed in chagrin.

He rubbed his messy hair and looked up and around with a bit of loss in his eyes.

The man skimmed the corners of his pretty mouth.

“Can you only show up when I’m sleeping, Ms. Ghost?”


Talking about me?

My head fell off in fear as I swooshed out the window and back in.

I flew in a circle around him, then reached out and slapped him across the face.

See, didn’t even blink, he couldn’t see me.

“I know you’re there, Ms. Ghost.”

OMG, that really scared my head off.

I hurriedly picked it up and put it back on.

It seems that …… is really talking about me.

But, he obviously can’t see me.

“Hey, hey, hey.”

Also can not hear me speak.

Shen Nian saw that I didn’t react, got up and walked to the study, rummaged around in the bookcase for a while, and finally found the book I had hidden in the far corner, There’s a Ghost Behind Me.

“The book is still hidden by you, what, is there something you don’t want me to see?”

He said as he flipped the book open.

“It’s this sentence, right, ghosts will keep haunting the living to suck their essence until they die of exhaustion.”

“So …… are you here to take me away, Ms. Ghost?”

I told you, bad books harm people.

It’s not true that I suck essence! But I didn’t want to suck you dry either. A normal person will get his essence back the next day if he gets more sunlight! It won’t kill you.

Ouch, I’m pissed off!

This book is full of nonsense! It’s just slandering the image of us ghosts.

I gathered my spiritual energy, grabbed the book in his hand and threw it into the trash can!

“Heh, there really are ghosts in this world.” Shen Nian raised his eyebrows, his good-looking eyes carrying three parts coolness and seven parts disdain.

He is actually not afraid of me.

Shen Nian put down the book and lay down on the bed.

“Come on, take me away. I didn’t want to live a long time ago, but I can’t kill myself, it’s written in the book that people who kill themselves can’t see the people they want to see.”

I lowered my eyes.

This sentence is not wrong, I …… also have people I want to see and can t see.

I don’t know if she is okay.

“Ms. Ghost, why don’t you help me.”

He closed his eyes and raised his head slightly, his sexy throat knots sliding up and down with his words.

Shen Nian spread her hands in a brawny manner.

“You come and suck me dry, anyway, sucking others is sucking, sucking me is sucking, I absolutely do not resist.”

Look at that, what a tiger’s word.

How do I let him know that I’m just pressing the bed, I can’t suck him dry.

I floated over to the mirror.

The hair is okay, the clothes are more modest, the eyes are big, the nose is small, just the face and lips are a bit white, it shouldn’t scare him.

I gathered my breath in my dantian.

Slowly, appeared in front of him.

There was no unexpected surprise.

Shen Nian was just slightly stunned.

“Why isn’t it a red dress?” Those were his first words when he saw me.

“I don’t like the color red.”


“Come on, I’m ready.” He closed his pretty eyes in a rather determined manner.

“Ahh …… what for?” I flew next to him.

“Aren’t you going to claim your life from me, I’m ready.”

“That …… us, don’t claim life.”

“What? Aren’t you pestering me night after night to suck my yang energy?”

“I only suck a little bit of it …… you can make it up by sunbathing in the daytime.”

“Oh, that’s a little different from what’s written in the books.” He opened his eyes, which were a little disappointed.

“Why, do you want to die?” I looked at him.

“And for no reason.”

He sat up, opened the drawer of the chest next to his bed, and flipped out a picture from the bottom.

I went over to look at it.

It was a picture of a girl.

Shen Nian’s long, slender fingers carefully stroked over the face on it.


Shen Nian’s parents died a long time ago.

For so many years, he had been dependent on his younger sister, Shen Wei.

Unfortunately, three years ago, a car accident took Shen Wei away as well.

Shen Wei’s death plunged his life into darkness again.

Shen Nian had always felt that he had killed Shen Wei with his own hands.

If he didn’t quarrel with Shen Wei that day, then Shen Wei wouldn’t have gone out in anger and wouldn’t have ……

When Shen Nian said this, he had already reddened the end of his eyes.

He trembled and held the photo, his eyes were empty, as if he was telling someone else’s story.

“After so many years, she must still hate me.”

I sat down next to him, puzzled:

“How do you know she’s hating you?”

Shen Nian turned his head, “It’s been three years, and whenever I fall asleep, it’s the image of her collapsing in a pool of blood. I have been having this dream all the time.”

“So that’s why you don’t sleep?”

“I’ve been suffering from insomnia for several years, and I can almost only rely on medication to fall asleep.” Shen Nian raised his hand and pointed to the pills in the drawer.

I rolled the bottom of his eyes, looked at his palms, and sniffed his forehead.

Indeed, he had the odor of the girl in the photo.

But that’s not right, people who die accidentally, their spirits get past life very quickly.

There must be some other reason why he hasn’t left in three years.

“Did she say anything else to you in her dream?”


“Then I’ll help you once.”


“I need you to dream about her tonight.”


I still choose to help Shen Nian.

It’s only half a year’s worth of training.

If I don’t get picky about what I eat, I can make up for it by sucking on a few more people.

Shen Nian took a few pills and lay down under the covers.

I restored my spirit body and floated above him.

We agreed that I would sneak into his dream when he went into his dream, and I would go in and help him to find out what was going on.

Shen Nian closed his eyes and called out to me twice every now and then:

“Miss Ghost, are you still there?”


“Are you still there?”


“Ms. Ghost, is this a deal? I’ll pay any price.”

“No, we ghosts don’t make deals with people.”

“Oh, Miss Ghost, I don’t know your name.”

“Lin evening, good night evening.”


He finally made no more sound.

I leaned over to take a look.

He looked so pretty asleep, like the teenager I loved at sixteen.

But …… I swear I really didn’t help him because he was good looking, but I felt that my ghost colleague was in trouble and I had to go in and see.

Not a moment later.

Shen Nian’s eyebrows furrowed and his body began to tighten.

He was caught in a dream world.

Looking at the essence that filled the entire room.

I couldn’t help but take a breath.

Whew, there’s strength!

Just take advantage of it now.

I gathered my spiritual energy.

With a beautiful fling, I drilled into his dream.

What came into view was pitch black.

I floated in the black tunnel for a long time.

Finally, a glimmer of light appeared ahead.

The view slowly became clearer.

I saw a girl wiping her tears and running down from the building.

It was Shen Wei.

I hurriedly followed.

She ran downstairs and sat on a bench in the garden and cried for a while.

Then she got up and walked towards the commercial street across the neighborhood.

She stopped at a jewelry store and turned around.

Then she took out a necklace from her bag and carefully handed it to the teller.

Finally Shen Wei walked out of the jewelry store and was waiting for the traffic light on the side of the road when a car, which was out of control, rushed towards her.

The last image is, Shen Wei fell in a pool of blood, blood dripping all over the ground, she closed her eyes at the last moment, Shen Nian appeared in front of her eyes.

Fortunately, she saw Shen Nian one last time.


I came to the dream image that Shen Nian was most afraid of.

The image has been fixed here.

Shen Wei was lying in a pool of blood, her body limp like battered playdough.

She was lying on the ground in a twisted position.

Her eyes seeped with blood, looking straight in the direction of Shen Nian’s house.

No wonder this image scared Shen Nian.

I shook my head straight as I watched.

I switched to Shen Wei’s perspective.

She was collapsed in a pool of blood, with blood clouding her eyes.

At this time, her eyes were blood red.

So …… she …… didn t see Shen Nian for the last time?

I continue to watch.

When Shen Wei was dying, the words of Shen Nian were in her mind, “Get out.”

Hiss …… suffocated.

Please, please never say the word “get out” to a girl, okay.


“Have you seen enough?”

A cold voice came from behind me.

I turned my head.

Shen Wei stood straight behind me, with a gloomy face, rather like an evil spirit.

I bristled.

“Why have you been here all this time and haven’t you gone to reincarnation?”

“For you to care.”

Yo, this brat is so rude.

Then we fought.

Of course she was no match for me.

After all, I’ve been practicing for almost twenty years, so I was more than capable of defeating a brat with less than three years of experience.

Now she’s crouching on the ground with a swollen face and tears in her eyes.

“Hey, I’m sorry, I hit her a little too hard,” she complained.

She complained, “What a bully to the ghost.” She cried again.

I comforted her and pulled her up to sit on the curb.

I told her the purpose of my visit today.

I talked to her for half a day.

I finally realized that the siblings had been chatting across the board.

When the sister died she felt that the brother was still blaming himself.

The brother saw his sister’s misery and felt that he had victimized her.

The two had their own grief on their own.

Shen Wei chattered to me about what Shen Nian wasn’t:

“My brother is so annoying, always mean.”

“My brother always tells me to study hard and not to look at all those fancy things.”

“My brother’s a germaphobe. He has to take a bath every night before he goes to bed. You know, even in winter! He even washes his own hair, but he has to make me do it! And he has to wash his hair. You know girls only wash their hair once every three days in winter.”

“My brother ……”

I interrupted her.

“So, what did you two fight about?”

Shen Wei froze.

My eyes lit up, wit seems to have found the Chinese point.


“It’s because, I broke mom’s necklace.” Shen Wei lowered her head and glanced at me sheepishly, like a child who had done something wrong.

「So, the necklace you gave the clerk at the jewelry store was your mom’s? You wanted them to fix the necklace?”

“Well, my smelly brother, I told you I didn’t mean it, and I’m sad that I broke the necklace, but he only has the necklace in his eyes, not me at all.”

“He has you.”


“You’ve been gone for so many years, his bookcase is still full of the books you love to read, so many years, he regrets and blames himself every day, and sleeps on drugs every night, and even …… he didn’t want to live at one point.”

Shen Wei lowered his head.

“I know, but I have told him, let him live a good life early put down, my death has nothing to do with him.”

“Eh? But …… Shen Nian said that for so many years, dreaming of you there is only one scene, that is lying in a pool of blood, every time I look at your mouth a mouth, but there is no sound. I see this kid, eighty percent of the brain into you are saying, give me back my life.”

“My spiritual power is weak, I can’t create other dreams, so the picture can only stay at the moment I died, but I really did say every time brother I don’t blame you.”

This is a bit strange.

An accidental death like Shen Wei’s would not turn into an evil spirit to haunt the living for a long time.

Just as the two of us were intensely brainstorming, Shen Nian woke up.

My body was sucked away by a strong force and forced out of the dream world.

Shen An sat on the edge of the bed with a horrified look on her face, covering her ears in shock.

“Weiwei, Weiwei still looks the same, she’s still blaming me.”

“No, she told me that she didn’t blame you anymore, I just don’t know why, you can’t hear what she said.”



Entering the dream world had taken half a year of my cultivation, and my body was a bit weak at the moment.

“It’s almost dawn, I have to go, don’t worry, I’ll go back and ask my ghost seniors what’s going on for you.”

My head was a bit dizzy, I stumbled and almost didn’t stand still.

“Ghost Little–Lin Evening, are you alright?” Shen Nian stood up and tried to help me.

“I’m fine.” I took a step back and slipped away in a cloud of smoke.


Returning to the ghost world is always comfortable.

Alas, it’s a pity that my half a year of cultivation, how many people must I pressure?

But the mood is quite good, pain and happiness, did not expect to help people is such a thing so worth happy things.

Inquiring in the ghost world, I did ask for a reason.

The problem lies in that necklace.

Two people’s obsession is on that necklace, the necklace is like an invisible membrane, separating the two people on both sides, no matter when they are alive or when they are separated by yin and yang, to put it bluntly, the misunderstanding has not been resolved.

The necklace back, two people use this thing as a medium to reveal their hearts, misunderstanding lifted the barrier and so on naturally broken, Shen Wei in the dream randomly say anything, Shen Nian can also hear.

This is also what they often say on earth about dream entrustment.

I recuperated in the ghost world for a few days.

On the third day, when I was a little better, I couldn’t wait to float to Shen Nian’s house.

But Shen Nian was not at home, and there was a note on his desk.

I got close enough to see what the note said:

“Xiao evening, thank you for helping me, I have a good sunbathing every day, I have a lot of sunbathing, feel free to suck at night, I have as much as you want.”

The writing was pretty.

I laughed softly.

I waited for him at his house, drinking water when I was thirsty, turning on the TV and watching dramas when I was bored.

I waited and waited and waited until the light of day appeared, but Shen Nian didn’t come back.

Where did this person go?

The next day, the third day, the fourth day ……

I went through his favorite novels at his house, and watched the new TV series, and I still didn’t see him.

His misunderstanding with Shen Wei hadn’t been cleared up yet, so for so many days, the kid couldn’t sleep properly again.

I drifted into the bathroom and touched it, the floor and towels are dry, and the sink has fallen on a fine dust.

This person …… has not been home for several days.

Where did he go?

I have a vague uneasiness in my heart.

Won t something happen, right?


I went to the ghost world’s new student registration office.

Ask around to find out if there is a ghost named Shen Nian among the recent new students.

Luckily there isn’t, scared me to death, I thought …… then where the hell did he run off to?

I don’t pick my food anymore because I want to increase my cultivation quickly so that I can go to him during the day as well.

I pick a few stronger looking spiritual guys every day, sucking my stomach full to go to Shen Nian’s house and wait for him.

I flipped through novels, brushed up on dramas, and rolled around on his wide bed in his house.

Today has been half a month.

Still no sign of Shen Nian.

There was no familiar popularity in the brightly lit home, and I sighed and flopped on my bed thinking about Ghost Life.

He won’t be back tonight either, right.

Just as I was about to float away.

“Bang” the door opened.


I drifted quickly to the door.

It was him.

After not seeing him for half a month, Shen Nianqing had lost a lot of weight, and his still handsome face was wearing a pair of black-framed glasses, which I thought might be to hide his thick dark circles under his eyes.

He looked even more tired than before, but his eyes were bright.

Shen Nian saw the light on in the room and hurriedly unloaded the backpack on him.

“Xiao Evening, are you there?”

I showed up as an entity.


“so many days, where have you been, let me tell you, I know why you two have been entangled, because of that necklace, you go to the jewelry store across the street tomorrow, take the necklace back, three years, I hope the necklace is still there, the necklace maintenance of the handover slip in the red small bag carried on the day of the accident of Shen Wei, you wait and go to look for it.”

“After getting the necklace, you hold the necklace in your hand tonight, go to bed early, you should be able to talk to her in your dream, I hope you can untie each other’s heart. I hope you can untie each other’s knots, so that you can live well and she can feel at ease.”

I said so much in one breath, but Shen Nian didn’t say a word, he quietly sat on the sofa, opened his big beautiful eyes and looked straight at me.

Why is this kid acting weird?

I frowned, in fact, as soon as he came back today, I felt that he was strange, the Shen Nian who loved cleanliness so much, how could he get himself all dirty?

I sniffed carefully.

There is …… also a flavor on him that I am familiar with and afraid of.


I moved my butt and sat farther away from him.

“I’ve finished, you follow what I said tomorrow, you should not have insomnia in the future, and Shen Wei can go in peace.”

He froze for two seconds, then said thank you.

That’s it?

Shouldn’t you be so happy that you jump up …… and hug me again?

Surprisingly so cold, a bit different from what I imagined.

The atmosphere is a little weird, and I intend to bail out after I finish explaining.

Shen Nian suddenly got up and flipped his backpack.

He said he wanted to show me something.

I sat down on the couch and watched as he rummaged through the bag and pulled out a camera.

“What’s this?” I asked him.

“You said Shen Wei doesn’t want to leave because she misses me, but what about you?”

“You’ve been a ghost for almost twenty years and you still don’t want to leave, who do you miss in your heart?” Shen Nian looked into my eyes.

“I …… you less care about my business.”

“Lin evening, died in 2004, x county people, the cause of death, suicide by swallowing pills.” Shen Nian closed in on me, “You don’t leave because there are people you can’t let go, right?”

I was so scared that I took a few steps backward, “You’re investigating me?”

He didn’t say anything and opened the camera in his hand.

“You can’t see the real person, but you should be able to watch the video, she’s doing quite well, and she said she misses you.”


The moment I clicked play, tears streamed down my face.

On the screen was an elderly person with a hobbling gait and a stooped body.

She must be almost seventy this year.

She still lives in our old house, and in the picture, she is pruning flowers by the window on the second floor.

Shen Nian went up and explained his purpose, saying that he had been sent by the village to console the elderly living alone in the village.

My mom slowly came down from the second floor, wiped her hands on her body, and greeted Shen Nian with a smile.

She seemed to be in good spirits, just like many years ago, when someone talked to her, she could ramble on and on.

The two of them chatted a lot, from midday to evening, and finally to me.

“Lin Evening, my unlucky daughter, she’s good at everything, but she died early,” she said. The way she criticized me for dying early was exactly the same as the way she used to criticize me for being a picky eater.

My mind suddenly recalled a lot of images from my childhood.

She told me that I was a picky eater and that I wouldn’t grow tall;

She told me to eat more meat and drink more milk;

She cupped my face and said that my family was the best late night, and she would compliment me on how well I sang.

“If you have the chance, Auntie, what would you like to say to your daughter?”

My mom looked at the camera and asked you guys this is a TV program isn’t it.

Shen Nian nodded, “It’s kind of an interview.”

My mom tugged at her clothes and fixed her hair for the camera.

“Evening evening, you have a good time over there, you don’t have to come to see me, you don’t have to think about me, I’m doing fine, if there is a next life, don’t come to be my daughter. I couldn’t take care of you well, it’s my fault, I didn’t realize you were sick earlier, I didn’t take you to the doctor earlier, find a good family in your next life, live a good life and be a happy person.” When she said this, the corners of her eyes flooded with tears, and she lowered her head again, ”Dead Nizi, you really, for so many years, have not come to see me even once.”

Shen Nian flipped out the book “There’s a Ghost Behind Me” and pointed to a sentence in it, “People who die by suicide can’t see the person they want to see.”

“So you’ve been waiting for her, waiting to see her again in a hundred years?”

I tilted my head and let the tears flow back, “Sort of.”

“But ……” he pointed to the next sentence.

“If a ghost stays in the ghost world for more than twenty years, it will never be reincarnated again until it’s ashes.”

“I know, I just want to see her again.”

“You saw her today, she’s doing well and wishes you well, don’t miss her anymore, I don’t know what kind of misunderstanding there is between you two, maybe it’s just like me and Weiwei, but we all wish the best for each other, don’t we?”

“I know, thank you, Shen Nian.”

“Thank you too, Lin Wan. You saved me.”

“You, too, saved me.”

End of story.

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