2. An unexpected little fang

Unexpected encounter with small pointed teeth

Unwanted: Seeing You at Just the Right Time for Love

I’m a vampire.

A vampire with manners.

When I finally found food I was happy with, I folded my arms and asked him to suck me twice.

Food: “Suck what?”

Me: “The neck.”

Food blushes, “It’s not good to develop so quickly ……”

Me: “?”


I am a downtrodden noble vampire.

I wrapped my trench coat around me and came out of my downtrodden hut to forage for food.

I haven’t had fresh blood in months.

I felt like I was going to starve to death.

I headed for the crowded streets, inhaling the tip of my nose in search of my prey.

Coming to a bar, my eyes lit up.

There were definitely a lot of people here.

It was hot and bustling once I got inside!

But also loud.

I’ve always stayed away from these places, I frowned, but the hunger in my stomach made my feet involuntarily move inside.

Just as I entered the gate, I met a drunken man.

He looked intoxicated, and when he saw me, he staggered towards me.

“Sister, come here alone to play ah, brother take you to have fun.”

I pulled the corner of my mouth, I’m 328 years old, who am I calling my sister?

He kept approaching me, because of the vampire’s developed sense of smell, I also smelled the odor of his blood.

Can’t help but be dry heaving.

yue…… so stinky!

The man’s expression lurched and his face sank instantly.

I fanned my hand in front of me and pushed the man’s shoulder away, “Step aside, get out of the way.”

My words made the man feel unable to get down, and he raised his hand.

Before I could move, another hand cut the man off.

I raised my eyes, it was a tall and thin man.

Quite handsome looking.

The scent of his blood filled the air and my eyes widened slightly.

Couldn’t help but grin.

The tall and thin man shook the drunkard’s hand away, and the drunkard cursed and intended to continue educating us, but there was no choice but for the handsome man to stand in front of me, blocking me tightly.

The drunkard spat to the side and left with his mouth constantly greeting our ancestors.

Handsome turned to look at me, “How dare a person come to a place like this?”

I subconsciously nodded my head.

The handsome man then said, “If I hadn’t been passing by, I don’t know what the consequences would have been, go back.”

I nodded my head.

The handsome man was pleased that I listened to his advice and turned around to walk inside.

I immediately followed.

Handsome guy: “……”

Didn’t we agree to go back?


I followed the handsome man back to his place.

His companion’s eyes widened in surprise when he saw me: “Holy shit, Valley Calendar, why did you bring a loli back from the restroom?”

Handsome guy: “……”

I followed Gu Li’s footsteps, wherever he went, I went.

At this moment, my heart couldn’t stop beating wildly.

The corners of my mouth were rising madly, and I was touched inside.

It’s been a few months!

Finally met a superb person.

I couldn’t help but rub my hands together, I can have a full meal tonight, hehehe.

Valley Calendar turned back to Ni to give me a glance and sighed, “I’ll send her back later.”

One of the girls next to me snorted, looking at me with bad eyes.

I wasn’t shy about staring back.

I just want to eat a full meal, and I didn’t mess with you.

What’s the point of snorting at me.

The smell of other people’s blood kept floating in the air.

So many of them smelled foul.

I sat in my seat and couldn’t help but move a little closer to Valley Calendar.

He smells the best out of all the people here.

Valley Calendar looked at me, his dark eyes meaningful.

I licked my dry lips and moved closer to Gu Li’s ear, asking him loudly, “When are you going back!”

Maybe my voice was too loud and everyone around me heard it.

Valley Calendar: 「……」

The surrounding companions: 「……」

I’m a polite vampire, so I have to ask for food wishes first.

The boy who spoke at the beginning started to coax, “Calendar, why don’t you take your sister back first.”

Vale Calendar gave the man a glare.

He leaned back in his seat, the dim light shining on his face, unable to tell what he was thinking.

Then he picked up his jacket and gestured towards me, “Take you home.”

The girl’s face turned foul at that and she gave me a vicious gouge.

Me: “……”

Is she alright?


Gu Li rode over on his motorcycle and handed me the helmet in his hand, gesturing for me to put it on.

I looked at the helmet in my hand and thought how ugly it was.

It doesn’t match my aristocratic demeanor.

I refused.

Valley Calendar: “……”

Valley Calendar made a quick move and snapped the helmet directly on my head.

In the end, I got into the car like this.

Valley Calendar asked where my home was, I gave him a direction.

I directly embraced Valley Calendar’s waist, close to smell his body’s breath.

This helmet is really in the way, annoying!

Gu Li stiffened for a moment, his tone was slightly hard: “You are so proactive towards men you meet for the first time?”

Me: “Huh? I used to go straight to the mouth with many of them.”

The speed of the car soared steeply, I felt the speed of the wind and couldn’t help but cheer, “It’s so good!”

Then the car slowed down again.


Getting out of the car, Vale Calendar looked at the small ramshackle house in front of his destination.

It was obvious he was shocked.

His voice was a bit stunned, “You live here?”

I nodded with an innocent expression, “Yeah, I live alone, I’m an orphan.”

My parents died two hundred years ago.

Valley Calendar’s expression became complicated for a moment as he listened.

I then waved at him, ”Get off.”

Valley Calendar hesitated for a moment, but finally parked the car and came down with the intention of taking a look.

To see if this small house could actually be inhabited.

Inside the small house, there was only a cabinet left except for a coffin inside the house.

The cabinet is very simple, but the coffin is exquisite.

Forming a strong but bizarre contrast.

Gu Li frowned as he looked at my coffin bed, and he finally realized that something was wrong.

Starting to walk back.

I blocked his path, “I haven’t eaten yet!”

Valley Calendar was getting a little impatient by now.

He thought I was playing a prank.

I held the stick up in front of him and politely asked, “Can I suck your blood?”

Valley Calendar: “……”

I grinned, cocking my head and smiling sweetly.

Caught off guard, the stick went down and the handsome man fainted.

Never mind, I couldn’t wait for his answer, I couldn’t help myself.

I picked him up and leaned him against the wall and took a bite.

Ooooohhhh, it’s been a long, long time since I’ve had such delicious blood.

Such a delicious treat.

I’ll have to save it to drink slowly.

After I was almost full, I licked where I had bitten.

My saliva could make his wounds heal quickly.

At this point, I didn’t notice that while I was healing Gu Li’s wounds, his fingers moved.


I propped my hands on my cheeks and looked at Gu Li lying in my small coffin.

Quietly, I pondered why this human hadn’t woken up after ten hours of sleep.

I never considered it was the stick from the beginning anyway.

The aroma of Valley Calendar’s blood filled the entire hut.

I licked the corner of my lips and pondered whether I should take two more puffs while he was still awake.

I took Valley Calendar’s hand and looked at it.

The fingers were white and long and looked delicious.

Just as I bit through Valley Calendar’s fingertips, the man in the coffin slowly opened his eyes.

It came to a four-eyed stare.

Valley Calendar narrowed his eyes, and a sharp gaze erupted from his eyes.

Valley Calendar retracted his hand before I could retract my fangs.


Licking the blood off the tips of my teeth, I smiled coyly.

“You’re awake, huh?”

Valley Calendar sat up, his tone morose, “What are you?”

I pouted in aggravation at how I woke up cursing.

Rude humans!

I explained frankly, “Vampire.”

Vale looks like he’s slowly digesting what he’s heard, “?”

I’m not afraid of him knowing, the big deal is to erase this part of his memory in the future.

Doesn’t that sound cool?

But my technique is poor.

It might cause misplaced memories …… Don’t care.

But Gu Li was not nervous, and he got up and stepped out of the coffin and stood in the doorway.

Shaking the cell phone in his hand towards me, he said, “The police have been called.”

I spread my hands and said, “Whatever.”

Valley Calendar suddenly laughed, grinning with a mouthful of white teeth, “Sent a message to the Biology Research Laboratory by the way, they should be very interested in the construction of vampires, after all, this kind of creature only exists in legends.”

Me: “……”

You think I’m scared?

At the end of the matter, I was the one who hugged Valley Calendar’s thigh and begged him not to report me.

I just wanted to make a living.

I was really scared of being dissected and studied oooh.

Valley Calendar watched in silence as I rubbed my nose on his pants leg, “……”

I sobbed while glancing at Valley Calendar’s face.

Valley Calendar crouched down and cupped my chin to look me up and down.

His tone was suspicious, “Are there really vampires in this world?”

I nodded affirmatively with two tears in my eyes.

I don’t know if there are any innate vampires left, but I’m an acquired one anyway.

My parents were too.

Vale continued to ask me, “You drink human blood?”

I nodded and shook my head again.

“The only blood I’ve drunk in the last six months is yours, the rest of the time I’ve had to drink the worst tomato juice in the world.”

Valley-Tomato-Party-Calendar: ‘……’


Valley Calendar took me back to his house.

It definitely wasn’t because I was afraid he’d send me to the Institute that I became his heel.

It was because I wanted to keep sucking his blood.

As soon as I walked in the door I was stunned.

This house is where a noble vampire should live.

It’s as luxurious as the house I lived in 200 years ago.

It feels good to be home.

…… Though it’s a bit shameless to think so.

Valley Calendar placed me in a room where the sun doesn’t shine.

But I didn’t tell him that vampires can get sunlight.

It’s just that I don’t like it.

Valley Calendar asked me a lot of questions about vampires, for the sake of future rations I have honestly explained.

He wouldn’t remember anything when his head was wiped later anyway.

I sounded pitiful, “Can I have a sip, the kids haven’t eaten today.”

Valley Calendar took out the tomato juice from the refrigerator and handed it to me, his skin smiled, his tone deepened at the last four words, “Drink it, fresh red blood.”


I guessed that Valley Calendar had brought me back for a purpose.

I just don’t know what kind of tricks the kid is planning to pull.

I lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Missing the first night of my little coffin.

Anyway, I couldn’t sleep, so I planned to sneak into Valley Calendar’s room to steal a midnight snack.

Good boy, the door was still unlocked.

But the window was a piece of cake for this vampire.

The sleeping man in front of me was breathing calmly.

I moved in front of him and sniffed his nose.

Looking for the right place to take a bite.

I decided to go for the neck.

Sharp fangs exposed, I approached the artery and opened my mouth wide.

Who would have thought that the man on the bed turned his face and bit him right on the lip.


His lips seeped blood out, I subconsciously licked.

Looking at Gu Li’s dark eyes.

I was like a schoolboy who was caught doing something bad, and ran back to my room in ashes.


The next day at the restaurant, looking at the slightly red and swollen wound on Valley Calendar’s lips.

I faked a smile intending to ease the embarrassment.

Valley Calendar raised an eyebrow and invited me to sit down.

I went numb looking at the large glass of tomato juice on the table and the sandwich with all tomatoes and the plate with more ketchup than a fried egg.

I spoke stiffly, “Vampires are actually okay with not eating.”

Valley Calendar’s smile held a hint of revenge, “More tomatoes for vitamins.”

…… supplement peat.

I decided to fight back against him, “Why don’t I lick your wound? Immediate healing.”

Valley Calendar’s reaction was out of my expectation, he hooked his lips, “You can try.”


It was my turn to be speechless.

I wrapped my arms around my chest and raised my chin at him, “You know I’m a vampire and you’re still not afraid of me?”

Valley Calendar’s onion-white fingers leisurely tapped his temples, “Are you talking about a vampire who’s not aggressive and tough-talking and wimpy?”


Valley Calendar is the only one who can get me every time with a few words.

I got up and stroked Valley Calendar’s forehead, my fingertips flickering with a faint light, and after three seconds I withdrew my hand.

Then sat back in my seat contentedly watching his next reaction.

Biting into his sandwich, Valley Calendar watched my actions and faintly asked, “What are you doing?”

My expression cracked right up, so to speak.


What happened to the promised memory wipe?

Mom is there something you didn’t fully teach me in the first place.

Unbelievingly, I tried it once on my aunt in the villa, and it worked.

I tried it again on Valley Calendar, to no avail.

God! Someone please tell me why!

Valley Calendar looked at my gritted teeth with amusement, and said mercifully, “Are you crying? Don’t cry, I’ll feed you.”

I said nonchalantly, “Then I’ll bite my neck.”

Gu Li pinched my face, “Do you really take me as a ration? I’ll only bite your hand.”

So I didn’t let go of any of my ten fingers.


Vale’s friend asked him to go to a pool hall.

I lay on the couch holding the popcorn bucket and waved at Valley Calendar.

Popcorn is my newest snack discovery, how can it be so good.

Valley Calendar gave me a languid look before heading out the door and said slowly, “Then watch out for the people in that building across the street, they’re from the Institute.”

For a moment the popcorn in my arms didn’t seem so tasty anymore.

I got up in a hurry and wiped my hands, my eyes blinking at Valley Calendar, “Can I come hang out with you?”

Valley Calendar didn’t say anything and went out the door with the corners of his mouth raised.

When I got to the pool hall, Vale’s friends were already there.

The crowd teased me for showing up with Valley Calendar.

Valley Calendar this guy thick skin: “She is now living in my house, if not with me and who with?

All of a sudden, the gossiping eyes of the crowd instantly surrounded me.

To this, I just want to say: 6

A straight line of sight staring at me, I turned my head to look over, is that day’s beauty.

The beautiful woman heard this from Valley Calendar and felt that her teeth were going to be clenched.

…… If you want to blame it, you can blame Valley Calendar for being full of words.

At noon, I drank a large glass of tomato juice, I looked around for the bathroom, and when I came out to wash my hands.

The beautiful woman had been waiting for a long time, and she stared at me with an unfavorable gaze.

The tone was the expected unkindness, “I’m Valley Calendar’s childhood friend, don’t think you can win me over just because you’re with him now.”

I didn’t react rolling my eyes, who’s with who?

The beautiful woman came closer the perfume smell mixed with the smell of blood.

It smelled a bit good.

I couldn’t hold back my gulp.

Just as I was about to lure the beauty to the bathroom for a full meal.

Gu Li appeared.

“Yu Sasa.” There was nothing in Gu Li’s voice.

The pretty girl turned around and saw that it was Gu Li and followed him happily.

I shrugged off my plan and headed out the door.

Gu Li stopped me and whispered in my ear, “I am a germaphobe, if you bite someone else, you are not allowed to bite me again, so, do you understand?”

My mouth dropped when I heard this, “What if I’ve bitten someone else before?”

Gu Li seemed to be speechless at my brain circuits.

Patting my head, he said, “From now on then.”


I spent half a month in peace like this.

On two occasions, I went out and met people from the opposite building.

The man greeted Gu Li enthusiastically, and I slowly moved behind him so that he could block me.

Once Gu Li stood downstairs and chatted with the person across the street for a long time, I had to twist the flesh of his waist.

In the end, Valley Calendar couldn’t hold back his laughter, and that’s when we said goodbye.

Gu Li put my small house of small coffin also quietly let people move over this side.

Still sleep in the coffin comfortable.

Tell a funny thing.

Some time ago, Gu Li asked me what my name was.

I told him, “Wu Wu.”

Gu Li looked at me funny: “What are you being so cute about?”

Me: “……”

Okay, then I’ll tell you, this ghost’s full name is Dracula U. Dosimia.

Valley Calendar was silent for a while, “Okay Uuu.”

That day, after sucking the blood from my fingertips, I asked him, “Valley Calendar, what’s your purpose in bringing me back?”

Valley Calendar pretended to be innocent: “Can’t you make a friend.”

…… I believe you a ghost.

As Halloween approached, Gu Li offered to take me to Happy Valley to meet other ghosts.

At first, I was reluctant to go.

However, I’m not willing to go, but I’ll go with him if he lets me have a full meal in advance.

The Halloween night show in Happy Valley can be described as crowded.

I suddenly got excited, so much food!

Valley Calendar seemed to have sensed my inner joy, stood behind me and pinched my neck, came to my ear, his tone was cool: “Remember what I said before, eh?”

In order not to be dispersed by the crowd, Gu Li kept his hand behind my neck.

That’s what we’re saying, can we change our behavior?

This makes me look short.

After exiting one haunted house, we went straight to the next one, and I slowly realized the fun.

Vampires need to find excitement too.

Vale went to the restroom and I was drooling as I watched the blood bags pass by.

Someone next to me tapped me on the shoulder, it was two vampires dressed as …… vampires.


The beautiful vampire pulled me to a less crowded place and chopped his head off, “Are you a vampire being hijacked by a human to lose face?”

Another chimed in, “That’s right, just suck it up and run, they won’t remember anyway.”

I silently raised my hand: “I don’t know him very well ………”

The beautiful vampire’s eyes glared: “Who are you kidding? I’ve been with you two all the way.”

Me: “……”

I continued to argue, “He remembers me biting him ……”

Now it was the other two vampires’ turn to be shocked.

After a lot of chattering and discussion, they couldn’t come up with a conclusion.

So they left me their contact information and left.

Before they left, they even turned around and teased, “Sister, this blood bag of yours is really not bad.”


Gu Li suddenly appeared behind me, pinched my face to make me turn my head to face him, and rubbed the corner of my mouth, saying, “Stealing food behind my back?”

I smacked his hand away and rubbed my cheeks that were pinched painfully, “Vampires don’t bite their own kind.”

Valley Calendar listened and looked at the two vampires’ distant backs in thought.

I dragged Valley Calendar towards the next ride and ran home until I was tired of playing.

I yelled, “I’m exhausted,” as I collapsed on the couch.

Valley Calendar sat down next to me and stuck his finger to my mouth, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

I reached out to hold his and spoke with concern, “Why don’t you start taking supplements tomorrow? You’re so weak from sucking too much.”

Gu Li’s eyes instantly cooled down and made a move to pull his hand back, I grabbed it and didn’t let go.

Another full day~


Valley Calendar and I are lying on the sofa watching Twilight Zone.

It’s been a long time since I felt such a cozy moment.

Valley Calendar heard the sound of me sniffling and rubbed my head, “Why do you have to cry even when you’re watching TV.”

I cried out, “I miss my mom.”

I thought Gu Li would laugh at me according to his usual attitude.

But he didn’t.

He reached out and took me into his arms, his tone was gentle, “Do you want to see a picture of me when I was little?”

Gu Li brought a thick photo album, and I curled up on the couch and cuddled with it, looking through it one by one.

I couldn’t help but reach out and touch Valley Calendar as a child with my fingers.

“You were white and tender when you were little, you must have smelled so good, it was delicious.”

Valley Calendar: “……”

The further back the photos of Valley Calendar became, the fewer they became, and the slowly growing Valley Calendar became more and more delicate.

The photo in front of me suddenly made me pause.

It was a photo of the three of them together.

I pulled that photo out and examined it carefully.

It was nothing more than that, the child in the photo was Valley Calendar, and the woman on Valley Calendar’s left was his mother.

But the young girl on his right looked just like me.

I turned my head to look at Valley Calendar, this is?

Valley Calendar looked at me and sighed, “You really don’t remember.”

I hesitated, it was better not to tell him that my memory was about the same length of time as the fish.

Valley Calendar was silent for a while and put the photo back in the album and continued to flip the next one to show me.

I interrupted Valley Calendar’s flipping through the photos, my tone uncertain, “I didn’t realize you had a sister who looked as pretty as me and”

Valley Calendar: “……”

Valley Calendar low voice slowly: “Why do you think I’m so tolerant of you letting you suck my blood and still bring you back?”

Me: “Because you are handsome and kind-hearted.”

Valley Calendar: “…… Don’t kiss ass.”

He went on to say: “I thought you looked familiar when I saw you at the bar, and it was only when I went back to your home that I was sure it was you.”

I am still in a state of bewilderment:”?

He held his forehead, “Can you find another vampire in the world who looks the same?

“And it’s just as stupid as it was back then.”

I countered, “Are you so sure?”

“I accidentally ran into you biting my mom seven years ago, but she didn’t remember that part later.” Valley Calendar looked at me with certainty in his eyes.

…… So the good genes are all in the family, no wonder your blood smells so good.


Valley Calendar was holding a pillow in his arms, and his tone inexplicably revealed a hint of aggravation: ”Why did you suddenly leave without saying goodbye seven years ago?”

After Valley Calendar’s reminder, I also slowly had a vague memory of what happened during that time.

I relaxed my body and let myself fall into the soft sofa, “I didn’t leave without saying goodbye, didn’t I leave a letter for you guys saying that I went on a trip.”

“What’s the difference between taking a sudden trip and leaving without saying goodbye.”

I turned my head to look out the floor-to-ceiling window at the evening sun, an inexplicable depression welling up in my heart.

“Human life is too short, I have tried to tell my friends who I really am, but invariably it brings them panic, and then I realized that it’s quite happy to have a short-lived friend.”

I closed my eyes, my lashes reflecting shadows under them, and whispered, “Living too long can be really lonely.”

Gu Li similarly sank into the couch next to me, “I’m not afraid.”

The usually venomous mouth was suddenly gentle, cutting a hole in the low atmosphere and blowing in warm air.

He sat up and moved closer to me and murmured, “Why didn’t you pick me seven years ago.”

I looked at the handsome face in front of me and silently pushed it away, “…… I don’t bite underage.”

By the way, I silently projected Valley Calendar’s age in my mind.

As if he could see what I was thinking, the corners of his lips rose, “I’m 21 this year, and I can suck it.”

The low mood gradually disappeared after Gu Li’s interruption.

Ghosts should live happily.

Valley Calendar told me, at that time I did not say goodbye after his mother was down for a while.

Then he hooked the corner of his mouth into a nice arc and said, “I’ll give my mom a call now.”

I immediately rolled over and covered Valley Calendar’s mouth, not allowing him to tell his mom.

I looked at him a bit helplessly, “No. I don’t want her to know! I don’t want her to know.”

“Know what?” Vale teased me.

“That I used her own son as a blood bag.”


I remembered that Valley Calendar’s mother, Hu Yu En, was a particularly gentle and elegant woman.

And only then did I react to the fact that I was now sitting on Valley Calendar’s lap in an ambiguous position.

I implemented a warning look to Gu Li.

Then turtle speed nestled back into the sofa.


I bought a lot of blood tonic ingredients for Valley Calendar and asked Auntie to give him more tonic.

Gu Li, who had been drinking tonic soup for a few days in a row, was sitting on the sofa with a glowing complexion.

I sat on my knees on the sofa close to Gu Li.

I sniffed left and right.

Well, it really smells good.

Gu Li’s eyes were half narrowed as he leaned back on the sofa and looked at me, a little bit of laughter rising in his dark pupils.

Huh? Why is my chin wet and moist.

Oh, so it’s my saliva.

I pinched one of Valley Calendar’s hands and shook it, smiling brightly, my tone unconsciously petulant, “Give me a sip of your neck.”

Gu Li grunted and laughed as he reached out and clasped the back of my head and brought it towards his arms.

Because of inertia, I subconsciously wrapped my arms around Gu Li’s waist, assuming a position of nestling in his arms.

I raised my head to his neck and gently sucked on it, and Gu Li let out a very soft muffled grunt.

After resolving the last trace of blood that seeped out of the wound, the wound had healed.

Hiccup~ So full.

I adjusted a more comfortable position and nestled in Gu Li’s arms.

Sleepiness immediately hit me after I was full, and I fell asleep for three seconds like that.

When I woke up again, it was already three o’clock in the morning.

I was sitting on Valley Calendar’s bed, fuming.

Coincidentally, at this time, Valley Calendar came out of the bathroom with a head of wet hair.

I panicked, pulling the covers upward to reveal only my head, like a forced housewife: “Why am I in this bed?

How can I be in this bed?” “A man and a ghost sleeping in the same bed would be a terrible thing to hear.”

The hand of Gu Li rubbing his hair gave a beat: “…… watch less soap operas.”

At this time I just noticed, wearing a robe Gu Li waist belt tied loosely, revealing a large area of white chest.

Just ask who can resist the temptation of food this early in the morning?

I hurriedly got out of bed and went back to my room to wash up before running back to Valley Calendar.

“A new day has begun, I’m ready for breakfast, is breakfast ready?”



Valley Calendar is starting school.

I hugged Gu Li’s thigh, tearful: “What should I do if you go away, I’m used to eating and drinking every day, I can’t accept to sleep and eat again.

Gu Li has recently gotten used to my drama sickness that strikes at any time.

He pulled me up and rubbed my head, coaxing, “The school is only a ten minute walk from home, I will be back every day …….”

Okay, grudgingly accepted.

In the afternoon Valley Calendar messaged me that he was arriving.

I hadn’t seen food all day, and I missed him and thought about him and thought about him and thought about him.

I darted to the door at fire speed to wait for the first ration of the day.

Valley Calendar’s figure has not yet waited, the first to see is the opposite building’s big brother.

KAM, legs a little soft is what happened.

My elder brother was carrying a cage towards this side and greeted me when he saw me.

When he came closer, I saw a kitten in the cage.

Instantly, my mind was filled with 10,000 images of a kitten lying in a lab being studied.

After stiffening for a split second, I nodded in response to my big brother’s words.

Just as Valley Calendar walked downstairs, Valley Calendar looked at the big brother and looked at the stiff me.

He coughed lightly as a way to hide a smile.

This sound let me back to God, I silently walk displacement to the side of the Valley Calendar.

Opposite the building big brother has no intention of leaving, opened his mouth and said: “Picked up a small civet flower, tomorrow to bring to the store to check it out.”

Valley Calendar smiled and responded: “Brother Chen is always picking up all kinds of small animals.”

After exchanging a few pleasantries I tugged Gu Li’s hand back inside the house.

Gu Li looked at me nervously and eventually couldn’t hold back his laughter.

Afterwards, I learned from my aunt that Brother Chen across the street was just a veterinarian who ran a pet hospital.

It is not some kind of institute.

I pounced on Valley Calendar grabbed his face and pinched his face into various shapes until the white handsome face was ravaged by me until it was reddened I gave up.

Gu Li still let me jump on top of him, and also took hold of my waist to prevent me from falling.

I gritted my teeth, “I’ve been scared for so long, but it was a lie!

Gu Li smiled with his peach blossom eyes curved into a crescent moon:¡°Would you have come back with me if I hadn’t said that.

Hmph, let’s see me suck you a 400cc today.


Gu Li sent me the address and told me to wait for him at the school gate.

He took me to a barbecued fish restaurant.

In the past, I hardly touched them.

But during the time I spent with Valley Calendar, I slowly accepted the junk food.

Valley Calendar slowly walked towards the entrance along with another tall and gentlemanly man.

I looked at the gentlemanly man with glasses in front of me and gasped, “You! You! You!”

The man with glasses also raised his eyebrows in surprise as he recognized me, “Long time no see.”

I spoke out of turn: “Aren’t you dead?”

Huo Zhuan: “……”

Valley Calendar: “……”

Valley Calendar pulled the scarf around my neck a little tighter and signaled me with his eyes, “Old acquaintance?”

Before we could say anything, Huo Castingan stepped forward and said to me, “Getting together?”

Until I sat down in the box, my eyes were still on Huo Zhu’an.

Gu Li interrupted my gaze and introduced Huo Zhu’an as a professor at their school.

The youngest professor.

When Huo castan went to the bathroom, I finally couldn’t help myself, “He was my neighbor when I was a kid, I haven’t seen him for hundreds of years and he actually became a college professor, tsk tsk.”

“Still the ‘youngest’, hahaha.” I finally burst out laughing.

Valley Calendar listened with a numb face: “……”

When Valley Calendar and I went out during this time, I pointed out to him.

This barbecue store owner is a vampire, that coffee shop employee is a vampire.

He said that he had always thought that vampires were rare, but he didn’t realize that they were all over the streets.

He didn’t realize that the teachers around him were vampires too.

I told him, “Vampires can’t bite people, there are regulations.”

Vale: “What special powers do vampires have?”

Me: “Only the first generation of vampires have them, the later ones gradually become more or less the same as ordinary people.”

Vale: “How many generations are you?”

This sounds like a question, “How old are you?

Me: “Just two, three, four, five generations, half a dozen.”

Valley Calendar: “……”


Huo Chuan came back and took his seat, and was the first to speak, “Did you just say I was dead?”

I let out a “Ha” and spoke in a vague tone, “I also heard it from someone else ……”

After the food came up and ticked away my thoughts, I took a big gulp of iced coke, cool!

Huo Chu’an’s eyes roamed back and forth between me and Gu Li.

Looking at the way I was feasting, he frowned, “Is this how you usually eat and drink?”

He taps his fingers on the tabletop, his tone slightly stern, ”The body is different after all, intolerant don’t you know?”

I immediately put down my chopsticks obediently upon hearing this and nodded silently.

When I was still young, Huo Chu’an moved next door to our house, there were no skyscrapers at that time, and the best was just a block of small houses.

Speaking of which, Huo Chu’an was considered half a pure vampire, and when I was little I always ran after them chasing after my older siblings.

Huo castan they are also used to me as a little tail.

They’ve been in charge of me since I was a kid.

I suddenly miss this feeling.

Huo Chu An pulled the conversation back to the original, “Who said I was dead?”

Since you asked sincerely, I’ll be merciful and tell you.

“Ru Meng told me.

Rumeng was Huo Zhu’an’s companion at the time.


“I tried to find you after my family’s fall 50 years ago, but instead of finding you, I met Ru-Meng.

“She said that you happened to be killed in a car accident.”

Huo Chu An pinched his brow, his tone helpless: “At that time, Ru Meng and I just happened to have a fight and separated, did you really believe it?”


Huo Zhuan looked at me: “Then how did you live these decades?”

I answered honestly: “My parents left me a lot of money in the bank, but I often can’t drink fresh blood, I only drink tomato juice.”

Gu Li ate a big melon before coming back to his senses and asked me, “Then how did you live there before.”

I was embarrassed: “I have money in the bank but I forgot the password ……”.

Gu Li: “……”

Huo Zhu’an laughed, “You’re still you.”

Then he admonished me, “Eat less of these things, if you eat too much your body will be intolerant, and then you’ll have to go to the vampire hospital specifically.”

He turned his head to look at Gu Li with a smile, “Uuu seems to have given you a lot of science, you know my identity after accepting so quickly.”

Valley Calendar choked on the chili at his words and laughed without saying anything.

I made a set of finger motions at Valley Calendar indicating that Huo Chuan could hear what we were saying even if he was outside.

See, purebred vampires are fascinating.


Valley Calendar pulled me out from under the covers in the wee hours of the morning.

He said beautifully that he would take me to see the sunrise.

I turned on my side not to look at him to continue to sleep, voice contains a thick wake-up call: “ghost see what sunrise ah.”

Valley Calendar is not annoyed, the tone even coaxed: “You continue to sleep, I carry you to the car.”

Wake up is already two hours later, the car parked at the waist of the mountain.

Gu Li was looking at his cell phone, and when he saw that I was awake, he handed me the hot milk and told me to pad my stomach first.

I stretched my back, and Gu Li handed me water and wet wipes to wash up.

Like a willing babysitter.

Then we organized our gear and got ready to head up the hill.

I didn’t get far before I started to pamper myself, and Valley Calendar had no choice but to carry me up on his back, carrying a small backpack in one hand.

Turning me upside down, his tone spoiled, “Lazy pig.”

Hee hee, steal a little lazy.

When I reached the top of the mountain, the sky was just showing golden lines.

I squeezed Valley Calendar’s biceps and gave him a thumbs up.

Valley Calendar found a huge rock to sit on.

He took my hand and sat on it.

It was getting cooler and he squeezed my hand to carry it with his in his pocket.

Attempting to warm the vampire’s often cold limbs.

The golden orb in the sky slowly rose to illuminate the four skies.

Forgive the ghost’s lack of words.

Only one adjective comes to mind.

Extremely beautiful.

Valley Calendar’s magnetic and pleasant voice murmured in his ear, “Uuu?”

His voice carried a hint of imperceptible tension.

I was still immersed in the beauty of the rising sun when I heard the words and turned my head to look at him, the sun’s rays reflected in his clear eyes like a translucent glass ball.

Gu Li sidled closer to me, a gentle smile sketched on his lips, “I want to be by your side every day at sunrise from now on, are you willing to give me that chance?”

I returned a playful smile, “It’s up to you.”

Who wouldn’t like a handsome and fragrant baby?

It’s just that I’m too embarrassed to say it.


Ever since I’ve been in a relationship with Vale, I find it hard to get up every day.

I find it hard to get up every day.

At night, I hold Gu Li because he smells too good and I’m distracted all night long, which causes me to be unable to get up the next day.

Luckily, this ghost doesn’t need to go to school.

When I returned home after shopping with Gu Li at the supermarket, I found two people standing at the entrance of the courtyard.

The woman was smiling and gentle, and next to her stood a tall blonde man with blue eyes.

It was Valley Calendar’s mom and stepdad Will.

Vale’s mom was in a trance for a moment when she saw me, and softly shouted, “Xiao Wu.”

Valley Calendar was the first to open the door and said, “Come in and talk.”

I followed Valley Calendar’s footsteps into the yard, passing the men with a lurch in my step and instantly picking up speed to head inside.

In the living room, Vale’s mom’s eyes followed me.

I can’t help but try to speak, but Valley Calendar snaps it up.

“Mom, this is Uuu, remember?”

Gu Ma curled her lips and smiled, “Of course I remember, I haven’t seen you in a few years, you’re getting prettier and prettier, I almost didn’t recognize you.”

Gu Ma pulled my hand and sat on the sofa, her index finger poked my eyebrow, pretending to be angry: “Traveling is fun, no news for so many years.”

My eyes reddened slightly, Mrs. Gu had always been very kind to me.

Dinner was cooked by Valley Mom, and as always, it was a great meal.

Vale’s mom poured Will a glass of blood red juice.

I smelled the aroma and wondered what was in it.

Valley Mom poured me a glass of orange juice and sat down across from me, “Crow’s not going anywhere this time, is he?”

I nodded in reply, my eyes still peeking at the glass of red juice.

Valley Calendar saw that I wanted to drink it and took the initiative to pour me a glass.

Vale’s mom saw the mouth open to say something.

Will shook his head slightly to signal that it was okay.

So, with the three of them watching, I took a sip.

My eyes lit up, unexpectedly delicious!

And human blood is very similar.

After eating the meal Valley mom pulled me to talk a lot, she learned that I and Valley Calendar together is even more smiling.

And then thought of something to say.

But in the end did not say anything.


Because Valley mom is at home, so I sleep in a separate room with Valley Calendar tonight.

Before going to bed I went to Valley Calendar’s room to look for him, I tilted my head and looked at him, “Uncle Will and I are the same.”

“A vampire.”

Vale wasn’t surprised, “My mom was with him when I was 18, I got up in the middle of the night once to drink water and heard them talking.”

I was speechless for a moment, “How do you know everything? Then you asked me if there were vampires in the world.”

Valley Calendar copied my winking expression, “It’s better to lie to ghosts by pretending you don’t know anything.”

I punched down, who’s talking!

On the other hand, Valley Mom asked Will while she was skinning her face, “Is it okay that Crow drank that juice of yours?”

Will spoke in not-so-fluent Mandarin: “Yes, she’s just like me.”

Gu Ma: “Huh?

The shock passed and then another thing began to be thought about.

She didn’t object to her son and Crow being together.

But humans would eventually grow old and vampires wouldn’t.

Just like herself and Will.

Although Will was a purebred vampire, she herself couldn’t handle converting from human to vampire for physical reasons.

That was the biggest knot between herself and Will.

I watched as Valley Mom thought about it for the past two days.

Often looking at me or Valley Calendar and sighing.

Finally Valley Calendar didn’t hold back and asked what his mom was anxious about.

Valley mom didn’t hold back and said what she was worried about.

As soon as I heard that, I started to think about it too, thinking about what I’m going to do in the future when Valley Calendar is dead, oooh.

I’m not a purebred vampire, I don’t have that ability.

Valley Calendar touched my head and said, “It’s fine to just be a blood bag for Uuu.”

As soon as the corners of my mouth went down Valley Calendar knew what I was thinking, he continued, “Didn’t you say that vampires don’t bite their own kind, so if I become a vampire as well, wouldn’t you not be able to suck my blood.”

Will interjected a broken Chinese at this point, but with a firm tone, “You can suck, it just depends on whether you want to or not.”

I hurriedly picked up, “Right, I said I won’t bite them but I didn’t say I won’t bite you.”

Then I had a flash of insight: “Huo Casting An! Sister Ru Meng is also a vampire, so his first embrace must still be there!”

Will called Valley Calendar into his study to talk, and he said that he would save his only first-feeding for his wife.

Valley Calendar of course expressed his understanding that this would be a responsible choice for his mother as well.

I immediately called Fok Chor On and asked him to help Valley Calendar.

Huo Chuan quickly agreed, on the condition that he would help him recover Ru Meng.

I was surprised, “You haven’t gotten her back after decades? What kind of airplane.”

Huo castan: “……”


I haven’t seen the scene of a human converted into a vampire.

So when Gu Li was lying unconscious on the bed covered in redness and heat.

I panicked.

Huo Zhu’an said that it wasn’t a big problem, as long as he survived this period of fever conversion, he would be fine.

I deflated, “What if I can’t get through it.”

Huo Zhu’an grinned, deliberately scaring me: “Then there is only lying board.”

At this time, Gu Li, who was lying on the bed, slightly opened his eyes and said to Huo Zhu’an in a weak voice: “Don’t scare her.”

Huo castan pushed his glasses and patted my shoulder: ”It’s okay, after two days after fully awake the first time will be very want to suck blood, have to have someone on the side to guard.”

I nodded and responded as Uncle Will sent Huo castan away.

Two days later, Valley Calendar woke up.

He looked at me with intense desire in his eyes.

I sat on my knees on the bed and opened my arms towards Valley Calendar.

The corners of my lips curled up, “Come on, first bite.”

Valley Calendar took me into his arms.

There was a slight tingle on his neck and wet tears.

I teased him like a child, “Crying over a meal.”

Valley Calendar sniffed and hugged me tighter, licking my wound.

But since he had only just converted into a vampire, the saliva didn’t do much, so the wound on his neck was still oozing blood.

“Can’t be bothered to bite my baby.”

“Meaty, then you’re only allowed to drink red juice from now on, and you don’t know how to sneak around when you get a bargain.”

Gu Li took a band-aid and put it on me, and the blood stopped.

Gu Li opened his arms like a three year old and asked for a hug.

Let’s give him a hug.

I can hug him for hundreds of years anyway.

Extra Valley Calendar Wu Wu Episode

Valley Calendar just completed the transformation at that time.

I wanted to bite anyone who looked at me.

That’s why I had to follow him every step of the way.

Including at school.

When I followed Valley Calendar to school.

His buddies didn’t calm down.

Li Jian came up and hooked Gu Li’s neck, “Brother Li, just love it? Bringing your sister-in-law to school?”

Of course Li Jian didn’t miss Gu Li’s eyes that wanted to eat people.

But what Li Jian didn’t know was that Gu Li was literally trying to eat people.

Jane Li made a surrendering gesture with both hands, “I’ll shut up.”

I hurriedly pulled Valley Calendar aside and secretly told Valley Calendar to calm down, “He’s making a mistake, leave him alone.”

Jane Li gave me a thumbs up on the spot.

After a long time, Gu Li pulled me to the corner of the stairwell.

His furry head rubbed against the nape of his neck.

His voice was hoarse, “Baby, I’m hungry.”

I hugged Valley Calendar back, “Take a month off, come back to school when you’re stable.”

Valley Calendar nodded silently.

The door next to me crashed open along with a playful sound, and Jane Li swallowed, “Brother Calendar, they were fooling around and pushed me.”

“So what …… then I won’t bother you guys.”

After saying that the door will pull back to the original, through the door can also be heard LiJian to another person to come a head shot, mouth cursing: “die ah, eyes to be able to kill, I just have died through.”

Valley Calendar and I looked at each other, “Your friend seems to have misunderstood something.”

Valley Calendar ate enough energy is also enough some, at the moment the corner of the mouth hanging with a smile: “No misunderstanding ah, we are not just doing unseemly things well.”

I: “……”

Extra Valley Calendar

Another three-pointer was scored.

The cheers of my buddies rang in my ears.

I lifted up the hem of my shirt and wiped off my sweat.

Looking at the remaining red in the sky.

“Valley Calendar, let’s go, we’ll continue tomorrow.”

I nodded and waved my hand as I headed for home as well.

The electronic lock unlocked with a tick.

The house was a far cry from what I expected.

The house was brightly lit and my mother was busy in the semi-open cupboard.

When she saw me come back, she hurriedly washed her hands and then came over to me and took my school bag off my shoulder.

“Look at my baby, did you miss your mom?”

My mother was the director of a modeling agency and flew all over the world, so I could count on two hands the number of times I saw her in a year.

I pursed my lips and nodded.

Why wouldn’t I want to?

My mother gently rubbed my head and pushed my shoulder towards the sofa, “Play with your sister for a while, the food will be ready soon.”


I raised my eyes and looked over.

On the sofa sat a girl in a small dress.

Like a gorgeous doll from the last century.

The doll looked at me and smiled, “Hello, my name is Uuu.”

“Your name is, Valley Calendar, am I right?”

The doll loved to smile.

I thought it was a silly smile.

This time, my mother stayed home for more than two months.

The doll stayed with us for more than two months.

Planted sunflowers with Doll. She said she could get high on free melons when the harvest came in.

We went to a haunted house with the doll, and she said it was better to scare people by pretending to be a ghost than to capture a ghost to be an NPC.

Rode a jumper with a doll who said her soul had just left her body and told her not to die.

I had a lot of fun with the doll.

I loved dolls.

But one day, the doll was gone.

I don’t know where she went after the first thumping of my young heart.

In my last year of college about to graduate.

I finally found my doll.

Extra Valley Calendar Uwu Chapter

Still asleep, I was awakened by a small knock at the door.

Sitting up I felt extremely sore in my lower back and stomach.

I viciously slapped the sleeping Valley Calendar beside me.

Hungry bastard.

Valley Calendar opened his blurred eyes, not annoyed, pulled me into his arms: “wife, sleep a little more, today is the weekend.

This year is the fifth year that Valley Calendar and I have been married.

I pulled away Gu Li’s hand around my waist.

“Your son is still waiting at the door.”

Valley Calendar immediately got up and pulled open the door to the room, and outside the door stood a little bun who was still walking shakily.

The little bun saw the door open and ran into the room with bare feet.

Climbed onto the bed and gave me a kiss on the face.

Milk voice, speech is not very clear: “Mom good morning.”

The old father of the Valley Calendar crossed his waist: “Where’s Daddy?”

The little bun shrank into my arms, ignoring Gu Li, and looked at me softly: “Mommy, I’m hungry.”

After feeding my son, I carried him to the dining room.

It happened that Mrs. Gu had prepared breakfast.

During the meal, Gu’s mom suggested, “It’s time to wean Yiyi.”

Gu Li nodded approvingly.

During the morning breastfeeding he felt that his son was old enough and it was time to avoid his mother.

To this I said, “……”

Valley Calendar poured a small half cup of red juice in a bottle for One.

Valley One tasted a mouthful and straight away hugged the bottle without letting go.

Gu Li happily stroked Gu Yi’s head.

“Worthy of being my son, he has lived up to his father’s expectations.

Valley mom risked her life to accept the conversion in the second year of my marriage to Valley Calendar.

Fortunately, she survived.

She and Will traveled the world for a year.

Until she found out I was pregnant and rushed back from abroad to take care of me.

Now red juice is a must at the table.

The lights are cozy and life is warm.

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