2. Three husbands under one roof

Three Husbands Under One Roof

So as not to break anyone’s heart, I accepted everyone’s confessions.

In order not to let everyone be sad, I accepted everyone’s confession.

As a result, just today, on my way to dinner with my number one boyfriend, the school bully, I narrowly met up with my number two boyfriend, the school bully.

In order not to make everyone suspicious, I quickly lowered my head and said shyly:

“This is my boyfriend.”

“This is my brother.”

The school bully let out an “Oh” at the same time, and gave each other a look of “So this is my brother”.

After freezing for two seconds, the school bully naturally pulled over my bag:

“Let’s go eat together then.”



The mood at this moment is just nervous.

The school bully asked me thoughtfully:

“Why are you sweating so much?”

“Is it hot?”

No, not hot.

It’s cold.

Heart-cold cold.

The school bully, also known as Gu Xu, picked up his meal card:

“I’ll go get my meal, your favorite milk tea store is open.”

The school bully gently reminded:

“She can’t drink ice today.”

Looking at this scene of husband’s compassion, I was moved to tears.

Just yesterday, I, Zheng Xiao Xiao, an ordinary female college student.

On my way back to the dormitory, I was blocked by Gu Xu.

“Be my girlfriend.” He said.

It’s not that I wanted to say yes. Honestly, I don’t even know when I’ve talked to this brother.

I didn’t say yes to him because of his 5’6″ height and his fists that could kill me at a glance, but purely because of my pleasing personality.

As a result, that very night.

The school’s longtime crush, Zhou Yuan, also confessed to me.

“You like this white burnt shrimp, eat more.”

Zhou Yuan in front of me smiled gently at me:

Zhou Yuan smiled gently at me and said, “I’ve already peeled the shells for you, try it.”

Although I don’t actually love shrimp, I still nodded my head vigorously at this moment:

“Yes, yes, yes!”

“She likes chicken thighs.” Gu Xu threw a chicken leg into my bowl and raised his eyebrows, “And elbows, and big pig’s feet, right?”

Yes yes yes, I’m your grandpa.

The smile on Zhou Yuan’s face froze, looking at me tenderly:

“「I was negligent, Xiao Xiao, in the future, I’ll remember it all.”

I drowned in his dazzling smile:

“Good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good.

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t remember.”

Gu Xu reached over and rubbed my hair into a mess:

“Anyway, this guy won’t be eating alone from now on.”


I watched as Zhou Yuan’s expression froze. I lowered my head with another jerk and looked into the bowl pretending to be shy:

“I …… My brother is like this ……”

Gu Xu and Zhou Yuan simultaneously “hmm” again, showing each other “this brother’s memory is not very good” and “this brother turns out to be a middle-aged teenager” eyes.


I, Zheng Xiao Xiao.

At this moment, I am almost 0.01 away from being killed by the society.

Sitting in the middle of the school bully and the school bully, the two of them even gave me food from time to time.

Occasionally, they even chatted, exchanging embarrassing stories about me.

Students passing by looked at us with horrified eyes.

From afar, my roommate Huatian sent me a message:

“Nice guy, you can do it, sitting with two male gods for dinner?!”

I replied back to her with difficulty:


“Zheng Xiao Xiao, what a coincidence~” A shadow was cast in front of me, and a girl surprised me by taking a seat opposite me, “You’re eating here, who are these two?”

It’s over.

The most famous green tea in our class.

Seeing her eyes darting over my two boyfriends while Gu Xu next to me was about to speak, I immediately put my head down and pretended to be shy:

“This …… my brother came to see me, by the way meet ……

“Meet me and my boyfriend ……”

“I really envy you, your brother and boyfriend are so handsome.” Little green tea’s eyes in the Zhou Yuan and Gu Xu between the flow of two rounds, presumably can not feel who is my boyfriend, and lowered his head to lament, “Hey, unlike me, a boyfriend are not, this year’s Valentine’s Day …… Hey, little before I did not hear that you have a brother ah?”

Seeing her words again to the life and death side of the belt, I immediately stopped her:

I immediately stopped her, “So what, my mom just gave birth.”

I saw that the three of them were all looking a bit strange, and immediately made a temporary U-turn:

“It’s …… my aunt who gave birth to my cousin, my cousin, my cousin, my cousin.”

The first thing that I did was to get the money to pay for it.

In order to interrupt, I began to talk nonsense:

“My cousin and I rarely see each other, so I did not mention it before, since I came to this university and cousin just after the examination together, so slowly have contact, in fact, before it is not very familiar. It’s a coincidence that we ran into each other today.”

Zhou Yuan said with a smile:

“Yes, what a coincidence.”

Gu Xu also said:

“What a coincidence.”

After saying that, the three of them laughed together.

I let out a sigh of relief.

Finally, I got the fuck over it.

“That ……

Little Green Tea’s eyes darted between the two boyfriends.


“Is your cousin still single?”


The air fell into silence.

No one answered Little Green Tea.

After all, my real cousin.

Is still a thousand kilometers away in his hometown.

I had a serious look on my face:

“Already have a girlfriend.”

— That’s not a lie, right?

Looking at Little Green Tea’s disappointed expression, I added:

“I’ll let you know when we break up.”

“Xiao Xiao, how can you curse a breakup?” Zhou Yuan gave me an angry look and gently reminded, “It should be blessed.”

“That’s right.” Gu Xu glanced at Zhou Yuan with a knowing look, “When feelings are just right, all you want is to last forever, right?”

After saying that, the two of them unspokenly flashed a saving smile at each other.

Please stop talking about it!

Little Green Tea stood up wisely:

“I suddenly remembered that my cat is still giving birth, so I’ll leave first.”

Seeing Little Green Tea’s figure disappear at the end of the cafeteria, I let out a sigh of relief. Just as I was about to follow her up and leave, Zhou Yuan, who was on the side, suddenly turned around and smiled gently at me:

“That’s right, Xiao Xiao.”

“After dinner, let’s go watch a movie?”


When I was at the entrance of the movie theater, I felt like my soul was going to ascend to heaven.

Zhou Yuan smiled gently at me:

“Xiao Xiao …… You seem to be sweating a lot.”

Looking at Gu Xu who went to buy popcorn, I gave him a sarcastic smile:

“Maybe it’s the heat, hahaha.”

“Is it?” He looked at the giant thermometer hanging on the building in confusion.

-5 degrees below zero.

I snorted:

“Cold sweat, cold sweat.”

“It’s okay, your brother cares about you.” He squeezes my hand understandingly, “I can understand that. I have a sister, too, and I’m afraid my sister would be just as worried if she had a boyfriend.”

I’m afraid you don’t know.

In Gu Xu’s place, I am your sister.

Seeing that Gu Xu in the distance had already gotten the popcorn and was walking towards us, I said to him righteously:

“Let’s not show our love later.”

Zhou Yuan was stunned:


I smiled:

“I …… I’m afraid my brother told my mom, my mom is more conservative ……”.

Zhou Yuan suddenly realized, handed me a “understand” look, and gently let go of my hand.

Oh my god! God knows how long I’ve been looking forward to him holding my hand!

Now that we’re together, we can’t hold each other’s hands openly! But we can’t hold each other’s hands openly!

I watched with a tearless face as Gu Xu walked over to me, his six-foot-six height covering the sun in front of me. His strong chest blocked out the sun in my heart as well.

“Let’s go.”

I was about to nod when he suddenly leaned over:

“Don’t move.” His hand reached out with a crisp mint flavor and wiped the corner of my mouth, “I just drank milk tea on it.”


I don’t want to get my hands dirty, okay?

In order to dispel the embarrassment, I started to run out of things to say:

“Ahahahaha, what’s this movie, I don’t think I’ve seen it?”

“It’s called “Biloxi”.” Zhou Yuan gently explained to me, “It’s about the modern story of Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian, Pan Jinlian returns to the modern era, marries Wu Dalang, and then falls for Ximen Qing, and in the end, the three of them live happily ever after together.”

Gu Xu looked at the ticket in his hand with a cold face:

“I haven’t seen such a raunchy movie.”

“Of course.” Zhou Yuan looked at me gently, “Our Xiao Xiao is definitely not this kind of person.”

–I’m sorry, I’m just that kind of person.

Sitting down side by side with the two of them in the movie theater, I swore in my heart:

Buddha Jade Emperor Goddess of Mercy, I’ll never soak two men together again, if I’m allowed to go out properly this time, I’ll definitely break up with Gu Xu right away, clean up my act and be a new person, and live a lifetime with Zhou Yuan in a down-to-earth manner, or maybe two lifetimes will do, amen.

“What are you mumbling about?” Gu Xu asked me with a sideways glance.

“Nothing, nothing.” I was busy waving my hands at him, “I habitually pray before watching a movie.”

“Oh?” He raised his eyebrows at me, “Are you religious?”


A second ago.

He smiled in satisfaction:

“Then when you get married, you can go to church.”

Zhou Yuan on the other side nodded in relief:

“That’s what I think too.”

Then, the two of them laughed happily together.

I couldn’t bear to look at the image, so I had to stare at the screen without looking away.

I have to say that Zhou Yuan’s taste and his face are really the opposite of each other, not only is the name of this movie odd, but even the plot.

Not only is this Pan Jinlian not soft, she’s also powerful.

When I saw the vicious Pan Jinlian turn into a ghost, suddenly a hand came out from the left and right and strangled my head.

I: ????


Zhou Yuan awkwardly stretched back his hand with an apology of ‘forgetting the appointment’ written all over his face.

NO! It’s not you who reaches back!

I leaned on Gu Xu’s shoulder in tears and had to say to him awkwardly:

“I’m not afraid of ghosts.”

Gu Xu said:

“Really? Didn’t you used to be afraid of ghosts?”

How did he know that I used to be afraid of ghosts?

Gu Xu looked at the screen without looking away, curling his lips.

I could only sigh and resign myself to leaning on his shoulder.

Looking at Zhou Yuan next to me who gently stated that it was okay, my heart seized for a moment.

Because of my ingratiating personality, I actually put the male god I’ve been crushing on since I joined the school into a situation where I’m being trifled with.


I can’t do that.

I secretly resolved that after I go out this time, I will definitely, definitely, 100% break up with the school bully!

A movie was soon finished in torment, and the two of them together sent me to the dormitory floor.

Not bad! This is the time!

Branch out Zhou Yuan, let Gu Xu stay, and bring it up.

–It’s only been together for a day anyway, so it should be okay to break up, right?

I took a deep breath and was about to speak to the school bully.

“Your name is Zheng Xiao Xiao?”

A voice suddenly came from behind me.

The boy with a cool brow in front of him swept me lightly:

“It’s Auntie Wu who asked me to come here.”


My mom’s WeChat flashed on the screen:

“Baby! Your Uncle Leng’s son is coming to City A for an academic seminar, I sent him your address, you’ve been married since you were kids, so make the most of it!

My trembling fingers could barely hold down the screen as the boy handed me the bag in his hand:

“Auntie asked me to give you this. She said to tell you not to forget to wear your fall pants when it’s cold.”

His eyes swept over Zhou Yuan and Gu Xu next to me:

“Who are these two?”

I turned my face to the side:


If God was watching me, he must have seen that I was giving myself up.

The cool guy looked at me for two seconds and politely inclined his head:

“I’m staying at Hotel A for the month. Auntie Wu said you’ve failed Grade 6 three times, so she asked me to help tutor you in English, so feel free to contact me if you need help.”

Mom! Don’t just tell people that I failed the sixth grade three times!

“I’ll leave if there’s nothing else.” Mr. Leng said, “Auntie Weixin pushed it to me, remember to pass.”

Sighting the cold male son far away, the schoolmaster’s voice sounded softly behind him:

“Xiao Xiao is a child who is cared for.”

Caring, indeed caring.

It almost gave me a heart attack.

Crossing my heart, I softly said to Zhou Yuan:

“You go first, I have something to say to him.”

Zhou Yuan was about to say something, but in the end, he nodded his head:


After seeing him off again, Gu Xu and I were finally the only ones left in the world.

Good! It’s now!

It’s now or never!

Taking a deep breath, I turned back to face Gu Xu, and was just about to continue speaking when a couple of tall boys walked up to me:

“Boss, what are you doing here?”

Gu Xu calmly greeted them:

Gu Shu calmly greeted them: “I’m taking my girlfriend back to the dormitory.”

The boys immediately bent down respectfully towards me:

“So it’s your sister-in-law! How are you, sister-in-law?”

By the light, I could see that they were A, who had been criticized for fighting, B, who had been arrested for loan-sharking, and C, who had had a big fight with the Dean of the Academic Affairs Office last month.

“Don’t be afraid, they are not bad people.”

Noticing my dullness, Gu Xu rubbed my hair:

“It’s just some rumors, what they actually did was good.”

Is beating someone up and putting them in the hospital also a good deed?

“Don’t be afraid, sister-in-law.”

A said to me:

“We are only doing this to the bad guys. We will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever.”

B and C echoed:


“A good person like sister-in-law! We won’t bully you!”

“If anyone dares to bully your sister-in-law and stop her from being with the boss, we’ll beat him up!”

“We’ll beat his guts out!”

“That’s right! We’ll beat his guts out!”

“That’s right.”

In the midst of the noise, Gu Xu inclined his head, his eyes with long eyelashes staring at me:

“What were you going to tell me?”

I swallowed hard:

“I …… I said, good night, see you tomorrow.”


A mistake, an absolute mistake.

At this rate, I’ll be finished.

Watanabe gave me an idea:

“Just tell them you’re dying of a terminal illness, then take a break from school and run away.”

“Thank you. I still want to study.”

The screen on my desk lit up, showing a message from Zhou Yuan:

“Did you sleep?”


I replied in seconds, holding my cell phone in excitement.

At the top of the screen, there was a message saying, ‘The other party is in the process of typing,’ and after a long time, he sent me a message:

“I’m so happy today.”

I giggled and sent him a reply:

“Me too.”

I’m a shit I am, I’m scared out of my mind today.

But …… at least it was the first date with Gen’er.

It would be a lie to say that I wasn’t happy at all.

“I’ll have dinner with you next time.”

As if after a pause, he sent another sentence:

“Only with you, is that okay?”

Followed closely by a bawling cat emoji.

It’s okay! Of course it’s okay!

I held down the excitement in my heart and was about to reply when Huatian coolly interrupted me from the side:

“You haven’t broken up with Gu Xu yet.”

I immediately lost my breath.

If I broke up with Gu Xu and turned around and got together with Zhou Yuan, I’m sure that group of people would have raped and then killed the school grass, raped and then killed again, raped and then raped again, raped and then killed again.

–But what if it was Gu Xu who took the initiative to mention breaking up with me?


Gu Xu’s favorite things: iced drinks, chicken soup, meat buns.

Gu Xu’s most hated things: live octopus, being late, a black house.

I asked for this information from A, who was quite kind on the face.

A showed a smile:

“Sister-in-law, you don’t have to go through so much trouble, the boss likes you very much!”

“We’ve been with him for so long, this is the first time we’ve seen him with a girlfriend!”

Thank you.

Soon you will be able to witness his first breakup.

After saying goodbye to A, I quickly sent a message to Gu Xu:


After two seconds, he sent me a message back:


I pressed down my fear and asked him:

“Do you want to have lunch together?”

It took another two seconds for a word to come back:


That’s great!

He’s so cold in replying to me! You must not love me!

Must have been regretting why he was so hot-headed to be with me in the first place. In this case, if I pushed him a little more, he must have hated me, gnashed his teeth, couldn’t bear to look at me and hated me to the bone, so he said those heavenly three words to me:

–Break up!!!

With this excitement in mind, I arrived at the agreed upon Japanese restaurant, where Gu Xu had already booked a private room.

I apologized:

“I’m sorry, I’m half an hour late, the road was too congested.”

  • – No way, I was late on purpose just to annoy you.

But I’m really sorry for making people wait too long, so I’m only half an hour late.

“It’s okay,” he said. He said, “The dishes are all ordered as you said, let’s eat.”

On the table, a plate of octopus feet was squirming in the wasabi dish.

I pick one up and bring it to his small plate:

“You must be hungry after waiting for so long, right? Come on, come on, you eat first.”


Get in my face!

Fight with me!

Hate me! Break up!


He picked up the still-wiggling octopus foot from his plate and ate it without changing his face.


What’s wrong with A’s information?

“Aren’t you going to eat it?” He chucked a piece of sashimi in my bowl, “I thought you wanted to eat Japanese food?”

I smiled awkwardly:

“Yeah, okay, okay.”

He absently poured me a glass of juice:

“I knew you wouldn’t be used to it, I ordered elbow rice, it’ll be here in a minute.”

As his words fell, the waiter had already come in with a beautifully wrapped bag:

“Sir, your order has arrived.”

He signaled me to open it:

“Eat it.”

When I opened the bag, it was the elbow rice that I always eat.

They actually do take-out! Why didn’t I know that? The line takes forever every time!

I took a big bite with tears in my eyes, thinking forget it, I’ll just make him hate me later.

“I’ve already ordered the escape room.” He said, “The one you want for the Ghost Bride venue, at three.”

Looking at his face, I actually showed a hint of weakness.

This guy isn’t really afraid of the dark, is he?

“Let’s go.”

After eating, Gu Xu pushed open the door and signaled me to go out.

The cold wind blew, causing me to shiver.

“Put it on.”

A jacket pulled me securely around. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and took my bag in his hand, looking at me with downcast eyes:

“I don’t think it’s going to be cold today, is it?”


Looking at such a thoughtful Gu Xu, my heart can not help but rise up a trace of warmth, perhaps about his bad are rumors, he himself may still be a good person worth liking …… fart le!

This is the school bully! The school bully who can do anything in a fight and is also said to have a relationship with the triads!

I still want to live two more years okay not to keep a distance from him even if how can I like him!

I said to him with a strong face:

“It’s not cold, it’s hot, can’t you see I’m sweating?”

He looked at me from side to side and didn’t seem to see my legendary sweat, but still put his jacket over me:

“Don’t catch cold.”

The jacket was warm and still carried his body heat.

Mint flavor ……

He reached out to me:

“Let’s go.”

Holding Gu Xu’s hand, I walked slowly through the crowded pedestrians.

His tall figure looked erect with the light at his back.

The other hand formed a half circle to avoid pedestrians squeezing into me.

It looks …… as if he really is a reliable person.

Maybe with him directly explain the original reason, and then peacefully break up.

Will not be angry, right.

I gathered enough courage to call out to him:

“That ……”

“Huh?” He looked at me with lowered eyes, “Tired?”

“I’ll be there soon, I’ll rub your feet later.”

A pang of guilt washed over me, and I opened my mouth to call out to him:

“Actually, ……”

“We’re here.”

He took my hand and stopped in front of an ostentatiously decorated store.

I looked up sharply and froze again.

The cold gentleman stood in the doorway, his face expressionless as he raised his eyes to us:

“What a coincidence.”

“This is my company’s group building place.”


Me, the school bully, and Mr. Leng.

The three of us looked at each other in the store.

“The boss said that since we know each other, we should put together a party.” Mr. Leng nodded at me, “I don’t think you’ll mind.”

I don’t mind.

Anyway, there’s no use for me to mind.

I said to myself:

“Let’s play together. Call up any friends you have.”

“Like this?” Leng Gongzi pondered, “I seem to have just seen yesterday’s boy downstairs, or call up together …….”

I held down his body that was getting up to leave:

“I suddenly feel that the three of us are quite good, the legendary threesome is just like that, how can we not want to add one more person to destroy such a solid relationship, it’s not too late, let’s go in and experience it.”

“Is that so?” Mr. Leng returned to his original position, “You have a few points.”

The sudden appearance of Eunuch Leng disrupted my plans and left me scrambling, and as I watched Gu Xu take my hand and walk into the escape room without changing his face, a trace of regret rose in my heart:

This A is definitely lying to me! Gu Xu didn’t look like he hated the dark at all! He was calm and collected!

–I’m the only one who’s afraid of the dark!

“Look at that!” Mr. Leng suddenly pointed to the distance and his face changed dramatically.

“Ahhhh!” I jumped to the back, “Ghosts! Ghosts are coming!”

“Oh, I was wrong, it’s a piece of cloth.”

Mr. Leng withdrew his hand:

“Let’s go.”

I breathed a sigh of relief and continued to walk forward, Duke Leng suddenly changed his face again:

“That’s a ghost!

“It’s a ghost! It’s a ghost! I panicked and pulled Gu Shu’s hand tightly, “Ghosts are coming!”

“Oh, I was wrong again. It’s a bed curtain.”

I can’t bear to hit him!

I couldn’t bear it and wanted to hit him, but Gu Xu held my hand back, a three-quarter smile rising from his dark eyes:

“Don’t be afraid.”

His palm was so warm that I suddenly blushed.

Suddenly, his expression was startled:

“Xiao Xiao.”

I smiled at him:

“The ghosts are here, aren’t they? Still trying to trick me?”

Then I turned around and saw a ghost face.


Me, Gu Xu, Mr. Leng.

The three of us were looking at each other in the hospital.

“This is the hospital where I interned.” Duke Leng nodded towards me, “It’s very good at treating bruises. Don’t worry, I will definitely cure you.”

This scene, how come I seem to have seen it before?

Just now, due to the shock, I accidentally broke my foot and was sent straight from the secret room to the hospital.

“How is her foot injury?” Gu Xu asked him with a sideways glance.

“Nothing serious.” Duke Leng flipped through the medical records in his hands, “We’ll do the surgery tomorrow, and we’ll be fine after the amputation.”


I jumped up from the hospital bed:

“I thought I sprained my leg, why do I have to have it amputated?”

“I’m just kidding.” Mr. Leng closed the chart, “And the patient should not be very happy or angry, you should keep your mind calm.”

You’re like this, who can keep a calm mind!

“It’s a sprained ankle with a fractured toe from hitting a rock, as long as it takes two days of rest and recuperation, just a little inconvenient to move around at night.” Leng Gongzi said, “It is best if someone can accompany.”

Gu Xu made a snap decision:

“I’ll stay in bed with you.”

“No need!” I stopped him righteously, “I can call my roommate, I have a wide network of people with excellent connections, and I have friends all over the world who are all righteous, so it’s not a problem for me to find someone to accompany me to my bed.”

“I don’t have time for that.”

Huatian said on the other end of the phone:

“I’m outside watching a movie with my little brother, baby, you cheer up, I believe you can do it yourself.”

The phone hung up.

I raised my eyes and looked at Gu Xu and Leng Gongzi. I dry cough:

“Uh…… how much does an escort cost here for you guys?”


In the end, it was Gu Xu who stayed with me.

“It’s okay, I’ve had experience with bedside manner before.” He put a peeled apple at my bedside, “It’s just for two nights, don’t worry.”

I’ve been in bed with someone before?

I had a mental image of his buddy ABC getting beat up outside and lying in a hospital bed, screaming “Yikes!” and “Holy shit!” and whistling at the nurses.

“Not a fight.” I guess the expression on my face was too distorted, he took the initiative to explain, “It’s my grandma, she got sick the year before last and I took care of her for a month in the hospital.”

Taking care of a grandmother?

My heart felt pity.

Is the elderly grandmother and Gu Xu dependent on each other? That’s why you can appear to be so capable of fighting, but in fact, it is to protect yourself and your grandmother’s safety, while your grandmother is weak and sick after the child grows up and is hospitalized ……

“Oh. She’s fit as a fiddle now and lives with my grandpa mom and dad.” Gu Xu added, “She was hospitalized for so long because of gastritis caused by eating too much hot pot greedily.”

What in the world was the lyricism just for ah oi!!!!

I was so dumbfounded by my own stupidity that I glumly stared at the floor in silence.

Gu Su suddenly snorted a laugh and looked at me:

“You’re so cute like this.”


I was stunned.

“I don’t know why, but I feel like you have a lot of things in your head.”

He looked at me with one hand on his cheek:

“Even though you look like a good boy on the surface, you actually like to make up things in your head, and then your facial expressions are so rich that you can tell you’re imagining things.”

“Is that a compliment?” I was half-convinced, “Why do you seem to be scolding me?”

“It’s a compliment.” He rubbed my hair, “It’s nice to be simple-minded.”


The thought that I’m now soaking him up with Chou Yuan.

Hearing that, it’s just shameful beyond words.

“Actually, I ……” I brewed the statement, “I ……”

His cell phone suddenly rang, and with an apologetic glance towards me, he picked it up:

“Hello? What’s up?”

“Why are you so careless, which hospital? I’ll send Fei over to see you.”

After explaining a few words and hanging up, looking at my curious eyes, he explained:

“A friend of mine found his girlfriend with someone else, had some argument, and now he injured the other person, he is staying in the hospital.”

Seeing my panicked look, he continued to add:

“Don’t be afraid, it’s a small problem, just a broken hand, just rest for ten days and half a month and you’ll be fine. At most, I won’t be paralyzed.”


I can’t.

I can’t mention it directly.

But what will I do if this continues?

I lay in the hospital bed and thought hard until dawn.

“Well …… today’s condition is good.” Mr. Leng looked at the condition of my ankle, “A few more days and I’ll be discharged.”

He looked at my face:

“But it doesn’t look very good, you can get it checked out, maybe it’s cancer.”

I slammed a pillow into his face:

“Don’t just talk nonsense ah oi!!!”

Gu Xu went to school for his morning class after guarding me all morning.

“I said ……”

Mr. Leng leaned against the wall of the hospital room to look at me:

“That’s your boyfriend, right?”

“No.” I balked, “Don’t talk nonsense, that’s just my senior assistant.”

He took out his cell phone:

“Auntie Wu, Zheng Xiao Xiao has a boyfriend. Here’s his picture. …….”

“Don’t, don’t, don’t!” I panicked, “Brother, I was wrong, that’s really not my boyfriend!”

With my mom’s executive ability, once she knew I had a boyfriend, she would have carried the train from home to the school overnight for a field trip.

If she saw Gu Xu’s photo, I’m afraid that without waiting until the next day, the whole school would be eating the wedding candies that he and I tied the knot.

“Really?” He took back his cell phone and looked at me.

“Really, really.” I nodded my head, “How dare I lie to you?”

“Oops.” He said, “But I already sent it out by accident.”

A chill went down my spine.

“Huh? Look closely there’s no signal, it failed to send.”

I was delighted.

“But it’s no trouble to send it again, otherwise it’s still ……”

I was cold in my heart.

“But come to think of it, there’s no need for this ……”

I was glad in my heart.

“But when I came out, I already promised Auntie Wu, how can I ……”

“Hey big brother in the end you want to do !!!!”

I couldn’t stand it anymore and flipped over his cell phone:

“Don’t mess with my mind again and again ah asshole!!!”

He then smiled and put away his cell phone. He leaned down to look at me.

Behind his gold-rimmed glasses, his eyes twinkled with a sly gleam:

“Want me to keep a secret?”

“Then you have to promise me something.”


At three o’clock in the afternoon, the darned Huatian finally got out of class. He rushed into my hospital room shouting:

“Xiao Xiao! I’m here to see you! Are you okay?”

“I just went to see you in the ICU and they said you weren’t there! I thought you were!”

I smiled at her:

“Gee that’s really good to finally find …… I thank you big sis! Fuck you ……”

The original crude words came to an abrupt end the moment I saw Zhou Yuan come in, I immediately turned the corner:

I immediately turned and said, “How’s your mom doing these days? I haven’t seen her for a long time, I really miss her. I heard that she is also in this hospital, why don’t we go to see her later?”

Zhou Yuan greeted me worriedly:

“Xiao Xiao, are you okay? I heard from Huatian that you were hurt, does it still hurt?”

Shit, my cell phone is dead, I didn’t even know he sent me a message.

I smiled gently at him:

“I’m fine, I’m almost healed.”

He sat down on the edge of my bed:

“Let me see.”

Gen’er really deserves to be the school’s grass, sitting so close to me, a smell of grass hits my face.

His hair hangs slightly. Long eyelashes sweeping shadows across his face.

A fair face that almost climbs a few strands of the male’s jade-like fragility.

Just as I was looking away, a nightmarish voice suddenly came from the doorway:

” Hey.” Gu Xu stood in the doorway carrying a thermos bucket. His tall figure was so vain in the light that it was a bit unreal, “You guys are here too.”

Zhou Yuan stood up slightly:

「Ah, it’s brother ……」.


Seeing Zhou Yuan’s “Brother” about to come out of his mouth, when it was too late, I put my head down and roared:

“Brother! Baby!”

“I’m so happy that you’re all here!”

Gu Xu and Zhou Yuan’s faces simultaneously appeared a heap of red.

Guess they haven’t digested my “baby” yet.

Zhou Yuan smiled gently:

“This is what I should do.”

Gu Xu blushed as he carried the thermos bucket to my bed, coughed unnaturally, and put the bucket down:

“This is pig’s trotters and soybean soup, I heard from the doctor that it’s most effective for recovering from leg injuries.”


Together, they sat down in front of my bed.

Oh, my God! Why is this scene again!

I covered my face with both hands and could hardly bear to look at it, only to hear Zhou Yuan skillfully greet Gu Xu:

“You’re here too?”

Gu Xu gave a ‘hmm’ and tucked the corner of my blanket:

“I just went to the doctor’s place and asked, the toe will hurt for a few days, it needs to abstain from food, if it recovers properly, it can be discharged in a few days.”

I said sheepishly:

“Really? That’s great.”

He suddenly reached out and cupped my face:

“The doctor said you secretly ordered crayfish takeout today, which is particularly bad for wound recovery.

“Starting tomorrow, I’ll deliver all your meals.”

Oh my God! Don’t just pinch me in front of Yuan Er’s face!

Zhou Yuan smiled again:

“Xiao Xiao, your brother ……”

I roared:

“…… Brother and baby both care about me too much! I’m so touched! I’m so touched! I’d be happy to die right now!”

Oh, God! Don’t let there be a next time!

Can you hurry up and go!

I gave a quick wink to Huatian, hoping that she would hurry up and read my meaning.

Huatian nodded at me with a serious face, and then spoke up without fail:

“That, I see that it’s getting late.”

“Why don’t you two stay for dinner?”

Me: ……

Watching Gu Xu and Zhou Yuan nod their heads one after another, Hua Tian blinked at me with a look of joy written all over her face:

“Did I do a good job?”

Not bad.

So good that I want to beat you to death.

I couldn’t count on Huatian, so I had to speak up myself:

“That, I think tonight seems a bit too late, you have early classes tomorrow, or you’d better go back to …….”

Before I could finish my sentence, there was a sudden thud from the doorway.

Duke Leng pushed the door in, and when he saw the situation in the hospital room, he seemed to be stunned.

Then he coughed unnaturally and said to the people outside:

“Dad, mom.”

“This is Xiao Xiao.”


I, Gu Xu, Zhou Yuan.

Mr. Leng, Mr. Leng’s mom and dad.

Six people looked at each other face to face in the hospital room.

Hua Tian broke the silence with a dry cough:

“That …… I’m going to buy some water first, I’ll leave first.”

From her eyes, I read a few words:

“Sisters this battle I really have not seen, you hold your own it goodbye.”

This is a bad friend!

With tears in my eyes, I watched as Huatian fled the hospital room at lightning speed, and turned my face to look at the loving face of Mr. Leng’s mother:

“Xiao Xiao ah, how did you get hurt ah, aunty and uncle happened to come over to see Cheng Feng, heard that you were injured, immediately put down the things in hand to come over to see you.”

I smiled:

“Thank you …… Thank you aunt ……”

Leng mom slapped my hand:

“This child! I’m still the same as when I was a kid, I’m a good boy, I like it when I see it.”

Leng Dad said with a smile:

Leng Dad said with a smile: “It’s only been more than ten years since I’ve seen you, and before that, I was with my Cheng Feng, so naturally, the child is still the same as before.”

Leng mom and I said a few more family words, then the eyes turned to the school grass and the school bully:

“This ……”

“What are these two?”


Seeing Zhou Yuan about to go forward to introduce herself, I slapped her hand violently:

“Auntie, why do you forget so many things! This is my cousin!

“This is my cousin! We grew up together when we were kids, and we even broke your flower pots together! Have you forgotten?”

Mom Leng said suspiciously:

“Oh, oh, it’s …… your cousin.”

Her eyes darted between Zhou Yuan and Gu Xu, and she didn’t seem to be sure. Just a small voice muttered:

“Hey? Was he this good looking when he was a kid?”

Seeing her puzzled look, I took her hand again with a serious hand:


“You and uncle must be tired from the trip! Why don’t you take a rest?”

Let’s go, don’t scare me here.

She then remembered the purpose of the trip and took my hand with a smile:

“How can you be tired?”

“Look at my daughter-in-law, she doesn’t get tired even after traveling a long way.”


Back to this morning.

In order for Mr. Leng to keep my secret, I agreed to pretend to be his girlfriend.

I promised to pretend to be his girlfriend to cope with his parents’ urging for marriage.

“Can’t you find someone else?” I asked him, “Why me?”

“My mom likes you.” He replied, “Besides, I can’t find anyone else right now.”

What an honest dog.

I laughed:

“What if I say no?”

He pulled out his cell phone:

“Auntie Wu, Zheng Xiao Xiao is in love, this is her …….”

“I say yes, I say yes.” I held up my hands, “Brother, calm down, calm down!”

Now it seems.

The one who is not calm is me.

Facing Gu Xu and Zhou Yuan who were standing in front of me, I laughed awkwardly:

“This, mainly because he …… He is gay! So I can only help him out of sympathy.”

Yuan Er hesitated:

“But …… I think I’ve seen him looking at bikini magazines, or the very revealing kind ……”

Damned Cold Gongzi!

I look sad:

“That! It’s just his treatment for himself!”

“He can’t be honest about the fact that he likes men, so he has to use these magazines to awaken his male desire!”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Gen’er and Gu Xu in front of him blushed again.

Gu Xu tilted his face to the side and coughed unnaturally:

“Even if that’s the case, then I can’t let you do this favor.”

Zhou Yuan nodded, also looking embarrassed:

”Indeed it’s not very good, this also can’t deceive his parents for the rest of his life.”

I calmed them down:

“His parents are only here for a short while, so just fool them for a while.”

Looking at the two of them still face reluctant look, I had to put out the killer:

“In fact, he has been suffering for a long time for this matter! He said if I don’t help him, he can only commit suicide.”

The word “suicide” came out, the room seemed to be quiet for a second.

I’m sorry, Mr. Leng.

You were the one who asked me to help, but you didn’t instruct me not to bury you behind your back.

Zhou Yuan thought hard for two seconds before reluctantly saying:

“Alright then, Xiao Xiao, but, only for these two days.”

I nodded my head busily:

“That’s right, that’s right!”

“No.” Gu Xu stared into my eyes:

“Even if you want to help.”

“I have to be there.”


The rest of the day was like being on pins and needles.

In order to keep an eye on me, Gu Xu took a leave of absence from school and listened to the lectures remotely from the hospital.

“You don’t have to do this.”

I advised him carefully:

“Actually, I’m safe here, that what cold …… Ah no, Uncle Cheng and Auntie are very good people.”

Gu Xu turned a page of the book.

I continued:

“And you …… don’t look at cold …… Ah no, Cheng Feng this look, in fact, he is very measured, we are in a piece of him even my hand has not been held, more, let alone ……”

He put down the book and looked at me:


Looking at his dark eyes, I felt a moment of weakness for no reason, and said stiffly

“So I, I won’t be taken advantage of ……”

“I’m not worried about you getting taken advantage of.”


After I reacted, I became irritated:

“Hey! What do you mean by that? Am I not attractive enough to be taken advantage of!”

He suddenly laughed and reached over to rub my hair:


“Then tell me, what makes you attractive?”

“What makes you so attractive that people want to take advantage of you?”

The fresh, minty scent hits my face.

His long arms cut through the sunlight, his fingers in my hair.

In his dark eyes, it was as if he could still see my tiny reflection, looking very clear in his pupils.

I suddenly felt for a moment.

He, it seems, is even better looking than the school bully.

“Xiao Xiao, your aunt and I came to see you. Are you feeling better today?”

A loud greeting came from the doorway, instantly pulling me back to reality from my fantasies.

Leng Dad and Leng Mom were carrying a thermos bucket:

“Haha! Here they are! Your auntie made you fish soup, come and try it!”

Fish soup.

I hate fish the most in my life.

Leng Dad put the thermos down next to me, scooped out a bowl of soup, and brought it to me with a smile:

“Quick! Come and try it! Taste your aunt’s handiwork!”

When the milky white soup was brought to me, I could almost smell the slightly fishy odor.

Seeing my hesitation, Mr. Leng greeted me more enthusiastically:

“Drink up! This has just come out of the pot, your aunt and I haven’t even tasted it yet, so I’ll bring it to you right away.”

I can’t resist this kind of hospitality.

My pleasing personality kicked in, and I took the bowl tremblingly on the spot, about to bring it to my mouth.

When I was about to reach my mouth.

A hand, will my bowl steady hold.

Gu Xu’s clear and crisp voice sounded above his head:

“Uncle and Auntie.”

“Sorry, Xiao Xiao can’t drink the fish soup.”


Only then did Mrs. Leng notice that there was another person in the hospital room, and she looked surprised:

“Oh my, are you Xiao Xiao’s …… classmate or cousin? You are also here today!

Gu Xu put the bowl of fish soup back on the table and didn’t reply to Leng Ma’s words, but looked at me and said:

“I ordered pig’s feet soup for you, it’ll be here soon.”

Gu Xu ignored Leng Ma, but Leng Ma wasn’t angry at all, instead she smiled and tugged at him and asked:

“Young man, how are you? Do you have a girlfriend? I have a niece, but she doesn’t have a girlfriend either. I have a niece who doesn’t have a girlfriend, and she’s very pretty.”

“Thank you, Auntie.”

Gu Xu said:

“I already have a girlfriend.”

Mrs. Leng took a breath of regret:

“You have a girlfriend? Aigoo, what a pity, my niece is the school beauty.”

While saying this, she took out her cell phone and pulled out a photo to show us:

“Look, here it is.”

The girl in the photo was sweet and attractive, with a tall figure.

She’s obviously innocent looking, but she has a sexy body.

–Even I can’t help but feel aroused when I look at it!

“What do you think? Young man?” Looking at Gu Xu’s expressionless face as he looked at his cell phone, Leng Ma asked tentatively, “Better looking than your girlfriend, right?”

Good looking!

Gu Xu, please say yes to her!

The anticipation in my eyes almost overflowed.

At that moment, he suddenly looked down at me. Looking at my eyes full of anticipation, he was first stunned, then slowly pulled out a wicked smile.

He said:

“Not as good-looking as my girlfriend.”

He reached out and rua rua my head before turning to Cold Mom, smiling:  

“My girlfriend is the cutest in the world.”


Something’s wrong.

There must be something wrong.

The way Gu Xu looked at me just now was clearly not the eyes of an ordinary person.

Could it be ……

He really likes me?

As soon as this thought came out, I immediately shook my head in denial, how could that be! This is the school bully!

Legend has it that he has a hundred and eighty girlfriends, and there are also girls who have committed suicide for him, although this person’s looks are not on par with the school bully, but because of such a bad reputation, he can only be called the school bully.

How could such a school bully be inexplicably in love with me by virtue of being together for just a week?

–Unless he is sick.

After listening to my analysis, Huatian went to investigate quickly and came back to tell me:

“It’s true that Gu Xu doesn’t have a girlfriend, but it’s rumored that there’s an ex-girlfriend that he loved for many years, and then he left the country.”

Looking at the picture of his ex-girlfriend on the cell phone screen, I fell into deep thought:

“Could it be that he thinks I look uncannily similar to his ex-girlfriend, so he likes me as a stand-in?”

Huatian glanced at the beautiful woman on the screen with bright eyes, big breasts and long legs, and firmly told me three words:

“No way.”

I guessed again:

“Maybe he saw me helping a grandmother to cross the street, helping a child to find his mother in some place, and was impressed by my innocence and kindness, so he secretly paid attention to me, and then fell in love with me, and couldn’t get out of hand.”

Huatian was very touched after hearing this, so he brought me back to the daily life of the two of us: playing games in the dormitory, playing games in the classroom, and playing games in the cafeteria. And affectionately told me three more words:

“Think too much.”

But what was going on with Gu Xu?

I don’t know if it was overthinking, but my stomach started to ache violently.

Huatian had already gone to class, the ward was empty, I gritted my teeth and rang the bell to call the nurse, sent to the emergency room for examination, and finally found that it was gastroenteritis.

“Little girl, you’re eating crayfish and ordering Haagen-Dazs, eat for three days before gastroenteritis, is not bad,” said the doctor. The doctor lamented, “Hang a water will be fine, let your family send you some light porridge.”

I opened my cell phone and found that there was not a single congee seller within the delivery range of the takeaway.

I sent another message to Huatian, and it was dropped like a stone.

After much hesitation, I sent a message to Zhou Yuan:

“Are you there?”

“Can you still come over today?”


After waiting for ten minutes, my cell phone finally dinged.

The cell phone finally rang with a ding:

“Xiao Xiao, I’m sorry, there’s an event at the student union today and I’ve been busy, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to see you tonight.”

After a second’s pause, he asked me:

“What’s wrong? Are you feeling sick?”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” I replied to him in a panic, but I felt even more embarrassed, “I’m fine, I’m just asking haha, you’re busy first, you’re busy first.”

I turned off the screen and lay on the hospital bed.

A sense of weakness came to mind.

I grew up with a strong body, eat well, so rarely get sick, the last time I was sick, or in middle school.

The last time I got sick was when I was in middle school. At that time, my mom and dad were still around, and my mom’s chicken soup was the best in the world, and she would always nag me to get sick because I didn’t drink hot water, while putting the chicken soup on my table.

Dad, on the other hand, would round off the conversation with a smile and say:

“The child is sick, so please don’t talk too much.”

Unlike now, when I was uprooted from my hometown, I was hit twice in a row in just a few days.

I opened my cell phone and sent a message to my mom:

“Are you there?”

A second later, she called me back:

“No money.”

This damn stingy middle-aged woman!

The more I thought about it, the more troubled I was, I threw my cell phone away and covered my face in the quilt.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but the air around me smells like chicken soup.

Chicken soup?

Raising my eyes, I bumped into the eyes of Colonel Ba looking at me.


I awkwardly said:

“Hahaha, what a coincidence, what a coincidence, why are you here too.”

He let out a “hmm” and put a thermos on my table, opened it, and the smell of mushrooms and chicken came out from inside.

It was actually really chicken soup.

I watched as he took a small bowl out of the bag, carefully skimmed off the floating oil with a spoon, and then placed a bowl of golden broth filled with chicken and shiitake mushrooms in front of me.

“Drink up.”

The heat hit my eyelashes, and the scent made it almost impossible to open my eyes.

I took a small taste.

It’s not as rich as mom’s, it’s a light bowl of chicken soup that’s fresh as hell.

“You can’t drink anything too oily.” He said, “Drink a little first to settle your stomach.”

I finished the chicken soup in one gulp, held the empty bowl in my hand, looked at him, and whispered:

“Still want it.”

He let out a laugh, took the bowl, and ladled me another.

As the hot soup slid down my throat, more than anything else, my heart rippled with emotion.

–At the same time also accompanied by doubt.

How did Gu Xu he …… know I was sick?

And also knew that I wanted to drink chicken soup?

As if seeing my confusion, he took my empty bowl while saying:

“I’ve greeted the nurses on duty, so if you’re in any kind of condition, have them notify me in time.”

Thinking about the fact that when Gu Xu came over to take care of me in the past few days, there were indeed some small nurses probing at the door and exchanging joyful exchanges in low whispers from time to time, I instantly understood why someone was willing to help him.

“Then how did you know that I wanted to drink chicken soup?”

For some reason, I felt as if he smiled softly, and then looked away, making light of the situation:

“Of course a sick person wants chicken soup.”

Is that so?

I took another sip of chicken soup, and he took my bowl away:

“Don’t drink too much in one go, you’re still recuperating.”

I watched with bated breath as he took the bowl away, but I didn’t dare to reach out and grab it, so I could only whisper:

“This isn’t too much. ……”

I watched as he carefully cleaned up my leftover bowl, taking care of the debris around it.

Looks like, is not like the rumors so vicious brutal unreasonable and shameless.

“What did you say?” He looked sideways at me, his nice eyebrows slightly twisted up, “What shamelessness?”



I didn’t just fucking say what was on my mind, did I?

I rushed to laugh awkwardly:

“No, it’s nothing, ahahahahahaha, I’d say you’ve got a real knack for cleaning up your room.”

He sat down next to me and picked up an apple and peeled it for me:

“When I was little, my parents were often away from home, so I had to eat and clean up the house all by myself.”

Looking at the way he peeled the apple, a scene unconsciously appeared in my mind: a small Gu Xu was at home alone, stepping on a bench and struggling to make noodles for himself, and when he finished eating, he washed the dishes and cleaned up the house on his own, and sat alone at home waiting for his parents to come home.

Perhaps, it really is a lack of a father’s and mother’s love ……

He went on to say:

“They often travel abroad together, hand in hand love out, but also from time to time to take a picture of gas me, I can only eat alone at home, idly help the nannies to clean up together.”

I’m sorry to bother you.

He handed me a tooth cut apple:

“Try it?”

He asked as he watched me eat it:

“Is it good?”

I answered honestly:

“It tastes just like a regular apple.”

However, I did feel a lot less uncomfortable than before.

I guess it’s just that it’s different when you have someone with you.

“Hello.” He suddenly had a look of gravity on his face, “Did you hear any strange noises?”



I held my breath for a moment and listened intently.

–Nothing but the sound of both of us breathing.

“It’s not right.” Gu Xu frowned, “…… There is the sound of a woman crying.”


I immediately leaned in close to him in fear:

“Don’t scare me!”

He turned his ear outward as if listening intently:

“It’s true, there’s a woman crying in the next room. …… It seems like there’s a child’s voice.”

I grabbed his arm nervously:

“But I can’t hear anything!

Gu Shu gave me a complicated look:

“Do you know that there is a legend about this hospital?”

“It is said that four years ago, a woman was admitted to this hospital by her husband because she was pregnant, waiting to give birth, and then suddenly realized that her husband had cheated on her a week before the birth.”

In the midst of my nervous breathing, he narrated:

“The woman couldn’t bear this indignity and went to confront her husband, only to find out that her husband’s mistress was also in the same hospital, was also pregnant, and her due date was in the same few days.”

“She was so unbalanced that she jumped up and fought with her on the spot. I didn’t realize that my husband chose to protect his mistress and pushed her down the stairs.”

I said nervously:

“after …… Later?”

He said:

“Afterwards, this woman, died.”

“After that, every April 14th, this woman’s cries would come from this hospital.”

“Today is April 14th, four years later!”

I screamed out, and wrapped my arms around him:

“Fuck! Fuck! It can’t be right next door!”

Gu Xu said with a serious face:

“…… However, there is another way to crack it.”

“What?” I grabbed him, “What crack!”

A teasing smile flashed in his eyes and he grabbed my hand:

“Follow me.”


Ghosts are my greatest fear.

When I was sick and hospitalized as a child, because my parents were busy at work, I was basically alone in the hospital, and there was a little girl in the next bed who was very close to me. One night she said she would take me to a place, and halfway there she got lost and mistakenly entered the morgue, and ended up being locked up in the morgue for a night.

The fear and dread of that night left a shadow of almost a lifetime.

But since then, I have developed a pleasing personality.

Fear of being abandoned by others, fear of being thrown in a dark place by others.

At this moment, I clutched Gu Xu’s hand tightly, limping and catapulting myself and him up one layer at a time.

“Hey.” I asked him softly, “Is going up . …… Is it really useful to go up? The more I look at the environment, the creepier it gets,” he whispered back to me.

He whispered back to me:

“Don’t make a sound, it’s not good if it hears you.”


Who is it?

Could it be a ghost?

I immediately shut my mouth and held his hand to stop talking.

Suddenly, the lights in the stairwell dimmed!

I shrieked and jumped into Gu Xu’s arms:

“Ghost! Ghosts are coming!”

He wrapped one hand around me and gently patted my back with the other:

“No, there’s no ghost.”

“Relax, Xiao Xiao. Relax.”

His arms smelled of calming peppermint, and he held me tightly, patting my back gently.

“It’s okay, Tiny. It’s okay.”

“There are no ghosts in this world.”

“There’s no ghosts, there won’t be any ghosts.”

I whimpered as I lay trembling in his arms:

“You just told me there are ghosts in this hospital.”

His low voice came from above my head:

“I was lying to you.”

A gentle hand patted me on the back:

“Don’t be afraid, there are no ghosts in this world.”

“Come on, open your eyes.”

I closed my eyes tightly:

“No! I won’t look!”

“It’s okay.”

He took me in his arms:

“There’s a ghost, I’ll beat him up for you.”

“Be a good boy and do as you’re told.”

I don’t know why.

I don’t know why, but Gu Xu’s words seemed so reassuring.

I don’t know why, but Gu Shu’s words seemed so reassuring, so …… unafraid.

I seemed to be really bold with them.

I gently opened my eyes a slit, then closed them tightly in fear, adjusted my breathing, and looked out.

The dark hospital corridor.

The moonlight hit in through the corridor window.

Gu Xu in front of me looked down at me, his thick eyelashes pulling out long shadows on his face, and under his high nose were thin lips pursed into a line.

“Look, there are no ghosts.”

Under the moonlight, his eyes were as bright as the stars, and his fine black hair made a gentle shape in front of his forehead:


“I’ll show you something.”


It turned out that what Gu Xu really wanted to show me was the night view from the rooftop of the hospital.

I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve had a good night view.

He and I sat on the roof, and he took out a small glass of water from his pocket and handed it to me.

It was warm inside, all warm milk.

I hesitated, but spoke to him:


Although the man still seemed as if he was unreliable, I have to say that after all this.

The emotions I felt during my illness of being sad in spring and fall were completely gone.

Looking at his side profile looking at the starry sky, I suddenly opened my mouth without thinking and asked him:

“Why would you want me to be your girlfriend?”

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I couldn’t wait to beat myself to death: Damn it! Why would I ask such a question?

“Because I lost the Truth or Dare game.” He said.


He glanced sideways at my dumbfounded expression and reached out to rub my hair:

“Just kidding.”

Don’t just make jokes like that, okay!!!!!

“You’re nice, and cute, and innocent.” He smiled, “and sincere.”

…… Sincere ……?

I listened sheepishly as he continued:

“You are worthy of being liked, Xiao Xiao, don’t be so careful every time, afraid of offending others.”

It’s because of this fear of offending you that I became your girlfriend.

I became your girlfriend.

I said boldly:

“…… That, then even if I reject you, it’s …… okay?”

After saying that, I immediately buried my head between my legs.

…… Grass! Just saying these words took me a lifetime of courage!

There was no response from the top of my head for a long time, so I bravely crashed into his obsidian eyes.

“It’s okay.”

A warm touch came from the top of my head.

“It’s okay to reject anyone, Tiny. Including me.”

He stroked my hair:

“It’s just that if you don’t want me around anymore, you’re going to have to take that same attitude and be brave with others from now on.”

“Be brave and face what your heart really wants.”


After coming down from the rooftop.

I felt something different about Gu Xu.

I began to pay attention to his daily activities.

I began to pay attention to his preferences.

Gu Xu is a very casual person, only his face is often without expression, but he will politely help patients with limited mobility in the hospital to lift the wheelchair, and help nurses to carry the heavier things.

It was a nice person.

Without realizing it, seeing him brings a kind of joy to my heart.

Seeing him peeling apples for me makes me happy. Seeing him holding me up every day, walking down the hospital corridor, his eyes focused under his fine black hair. Will not be able to resist blushing.

Just ……

Thinking about what he said to me before, I’m sincere.

…… After all, it is a sin of my own making.

Perhaps, it is time to make it all clear.

I should be brave to face the mistakes I have made.

If the whole life will only escape, perhaps I will always be that ostrich general Zheng Xiao Xiao, will never be outstanding, and never, never, can not face their own real happiness.

Just as I gathered enough courage, I was about to send a message to Zhou Yuan and Gu Xu. Huatian suddenly ran over in a huff and told me a message:

“Xiao Xiao! Xiao Xiao!”

“I just found out that Gu Xu went to see another girl after he came out of your hospital room!”


There was a girl lying on the bed in the hospital room.

This girl had bright eyes and teeth, big breasts and long legs, and her face was white, but she did not hide her beauty.

— Crap! Isn’t this Gu Xu’s ex-girlfriend?

Huatian said:

“After I came out from delivering your meal, I saw him enter this ward with a thermos bucket. When I asked the nurse on duty, I realized that every time he came out of your ward, he went straight into this ward.”

There are three words written above the ward:

Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Good for you, Gu Xu. You’re eating from the bowl and watching the pot!

He’s obviously in love with me, but he sends other girls to the maternity ward!

Yuck! Scum! Scum!

Huatian looked contemptuous:

“How dare you talk about others?”

I covered my mouth:

“Sorry, I’ll shut up, I’ll shut up.”

I watched this scene in a daze, and although my mouth was still joking with Huatian, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sourness in my heart.

Originally, I thought that Gu Xu was actually not as bad as the rumors.

His coldness was only on the surface, and he was quite warm and caring inside.

He might even be a little bit sincere in liking me.

I relieved myself: things hadn’t come to a head yet, this might be a misunderstanding.

Maybe this girl is just Gu Xu’s sister, or some other family member or friend. Just passing by to take a look.

However reason clearly told me.

Gu Xu …… is no sister.

Seeing through the window, in the hospital room, Gu Xu was putting the thermos on the table.

The girl first smiled when she saw him, and somehow, after a few words of conversation, she cried out again.

He drew a tissue from the bedside and gently helped her wipe away her tears, but the girl suddenly leaned on his shoulder and whimpered and sobbed.

He wrapped a hand back around her, letting her bury herself in his arms and whimper.

That hand, a pat on her shoulder.

–It was like when I was in the hospital corridor, patting me on the back.

…… can’t fool myself.

In this position, I couldn’t lie to myself anymore.

My heart was sore, and even my eyes began to heat up. I was about to turn around and leave when a voice suddenly came from behind me:

“What are you doing?”


Mr. Leng stood behind us and frowned at us.

“Looking at the scenery.” Huatian looked out the window, “Ah, the scenery here is really nice, the wind and the sun are beautiful, and the sky is clear.”

Duke Leng followed Huatian’s gaze, and outside the window stood a public restroom.

I coughed twice in embarrassment:

“Why are you free to come over?”

“I came over to deliver a file for my colleague.” He raised the folder in his hand, “Is your leg better? Can you get down?”

Huatian finally couldn’t hold back the awkward conversation and interrupted, pointing at the hospital room with a trembling voice and asking him:

“Li, this girl inside.”

“She, is she pregnant?”

Mr. Leng nodded.

My heart sank slightly.

He continued to nod, saying as he did so:

“Was once pregnant.”

“Now it’s a miscarriage.”

Abortion abortion abortion abortion?!

Huatian and I were shocked beyond words when he opened his mouth again and continued the heavenly thunder rolling:

“Originally, Gu Shu didn’t want you to know.”

“I didn’t expect that you would find out on your own.”

Huatian angrily grabbed his collar and said:

“Hey, you already knew about this, didn’t you? You already knew about this, didn’t you? Why didn’t you tell us?

Duke Leng looked out the window:

“Look, the sky outside.”

Huatian and I looked out, it was raining and blowing.

Huatian was deep in thought:

“What you mean is, there are unpredictable winds in the sky, you didn’t expect things to turn out like this?”


Duke Leng continued to look out the window with a deep expression:

“I’m just letting you guys casually look at the weather. As for this matter, think about it.”

“It’s not a big deal.”


Scumbag! Scum!

They’re all scum!

I returned to the hospital room and lay down on the bed, pulling the covers over my head.

After a few moments, a footstep came from the doorway.

The footsteps were light and stopped in front of my bed.

After a slight pause of a second, Gu Xu’s voice came from above my head:

「Sleeping? Get up and eat something.”

I said sullenly as I lay under the covers:

“I’m not hungry.”

He sat down beside my bed:

“Not hungry? Are you not feeling well?”

A cool hand pulls the covers over my forehead, accompanied by the familiar scent of peppermint.

“It’s not hot.”

“Is it your stomach or intestines? I’ll call a doctor for you.”

“There’s no discomfort.” I said sullenly.

He advised me with a warm voice:

“The food at the hospital is not good, I’ve ordered an elbow rice.”

“Drink your medicine first, then eat the elbow rice later, okay?”

As soon as he mentioned elbow rice, I swallowed my saliva spinelessly, but I still insisted:

“I don’t want it, I’m not hungry at all.”

I don’t know why, but I was now bold enough to pose to the school bully.

He raised an eyebrow in surprise and opened the lid:

“Are you sure?”

The aroma of the marinated meat, which had been simmered with a dozen herbs, lingered in the room for a long time, and I put a hand over my head in annoyance:

“I’m not hungry at all.”

He stared at me:

“But you’re drooling.”



I was shocked.

Subconsciously reached out to wipe his mouth, and saw the teasing smile in his eyes – I’m out of my mind! I was caught in a trap! This son of a bitch is clearly teasing me!

Angrily put down his hand, listening to him slowly said:

“Eat it, it won’t be good if it gets cold.”

Soldiers can be killed! I can’t be insulted!

Thinking about this, I was furious for a moment, a pull down the blanket, staring at his eyes and said:

“I …… have something to say to you.”

“Let’s break up.”

He raised his eyebrows and was about to say something when his cell phone suddenly rang.

Watching him pick up “hmm” a few times, his face became slightly gloomy. Spinning down his cell phone, he said to me:

“There’s something going on right now, I have to make a quick trip.”

His hand ruaed the top of my head twice:

“Eat well during this time.”

“When I’m done with these two days, I’ll come and find you.”


Gu Xu went away and didn’t come back for three days.

Sure enough, he must have gone to accompany his ex-girlfriend to have an abortion.

Huatian comforted me, saying:

“This is good, he should have agreed, so you and Zhou Yuan can be together for a hundred years.”

But I couldn’t be happy.

I think this is also my retribution, I have two men together, how can I not allow others to have two women together?

What’s more, they were so serious and sincere.

Unlike me, even if they are together, it is still perfunctory and fearful.

“You seem to be particularly depressed lately.”

A voice came from overhead.

I laughed coldly:

“I’m already a melancholy girl, don’t disturb my contemplation, thanks.”

Mr. Leng put the medical records on the windowsill and looked at me with a sideways glance:

“Looks like you’re getting closer to going to psychiatry.”

I couldn’t bear it and threw a pillow over:

“Don’t just say people are sick!”

He took the pillow and said calmly:

“Thank you for cooperating with my parents. In return, I won’t tell your mom about you two anymore.”

I continued to sneer:

“No need for you to say anything.”

“I’ve already broken up with her.”

“Oops.” He looked at his phone and said, “So I already sent it last time, your mom said she’d come over to see you this afternoon.”

I laughed again:

“Do you think I’ll believe that?”


He held his cell phone out in front of me.

On the screen, the photo of Gu Xu feeding me was clearly visible, and underneath the photo, my mom’s familiar ‘Blossoming Fortune’ avatar sent a message:

“Thank you, Cheng! Auntie will be arriving in A city this afternoon!


It’s over. It’s over.

This time it’s really over.

Zhou Yuan comes to the ward to see me every afternoon, and if he runs into my mom and talks to her, he’ll be exposed!

Although I want to break up, but if you pull my mom, immediately the whole world will know, I Zheng Xiao Xiao foot two boats.

I was anxious, quickly sent a message to Huatian, let her make sure to stall the school grass, do not come to the hospital.

Huatian told me:

“People are not available, people are not in school, today and about another little brother dinner, baby you cheer, I believe you will be able to oh ~”

This unreliable friend!

I threatened Mr. Leng to send a message to my mom, so that she must not come.

As a result, my mom was able to tell the truth with a glance:

“Little girl told you to say that, right?”

“Wait! I’ve already made a quilt pillow and an amulet out of her and my son-in-law’s picture, so I’ll hang it up for her later!”

After listening to the voice, I said to Mr. Cold:

“Why don’t you just send me to the psychiatric department?”

There was a sudden knock at the door.

Zhou Yuan pushed the door in:

“Xiao Xiao, class ends early today, so I’m coming over first.”

I’m really afraid of what’s coming.

Mr. Leng looked at me with pity:

“I’m leaving first, don’t look for me if there’s nothing to do, and don’t look for me if there’s something to do.”

I yanked on his white coat:

“Bastard! Don’t make a mess and then don’t clean it up!”

“A mess?” Zhou Yuan put a box on my desk, his gentle smile was like a warm spring breeze, “What kind of mess?”

I immediately sat upright:

“No, no, no.”

Looking at Zhou Yuan’s gentle but puzzled eyes, I quickly changed the topic:

“Wow! What kind of box is this? Is it a gift for me? It’s really nice …… hey! Isn’t this elbow rice?”

Zhou Yuan laughed:

“It’s elbow rice. Are you hungry?”

Zhou Yuan actually knows that I like elbow rice!

Zhou Yuan actually knows that I like elbow rice! I’ve been sucking the wind and drinking the dew in front of him before!

I was embarrassed:

“I like it.”

He smiled:

“If you like it, I’ll go and heat it up for you later.”

“Wait.” I summoned up enough courage to stop him, “That …… I …… have something to say.”

Why don’t we just get the truth out in the open right now?

Let’s get it all out in the open.

That way, I won’t have to suffer from the torment of conscience anymore.

At this time, the door was suddenly opened with a bang.

My mom rushed in:

“Xiao Xiao!”

“Where’s my son-in-law? Where’s my son-in-law?


The scene was very awkward for a while.

I buried my face in the pillow and communicated with Mr. Leng with the rest of my eyes:

“Hurry up and help me out! Or I’ll tell your parents.

Mr. Leng also communicated with me with his eyes:

This is a bit difficult, so you should tell my parents.

I pulled the cold male not to let him go, only to see my mom step by step, can only be desperate to close their eyes:

“Mom, I ……

She interrupted me with a wave of her hand, turned her head and said warmly to Zhou Yuan:

“Student, you are Little’s boyfriend, right?”


Mr. Leng:?

Zhou Yuan stood up and slightly owed his body:

“Hello Auntie, I’m Zhou Yuan.”

My mom smiled gently:

“Aiya, aiya, young man, you’re really good looking, not bad, not bad.”

“Our little one has a good eye, but you don’t have a good eye, ahahahahahahahaha.”

I quietly asked Mr. Leng:

“Did you post the pictures of Gu Xu and Yuan Er in reverse?”

Mr. Leng also whispered to me:

“Do you think I’m blind like this?”

Seeing my mom and Zhou Yuan laughing and enjoying themselves in front of me, I felt a thrill in my heart, but I couldn’t say anything, so I could only smile and listen to them laughing and enjoying themselves.

When I was leaving, my mom looked very satisfied with Zhou Yuan.

While Zhou Yuan was getting up to go to the bathroom, I tugged on her:


“You, you ……”

She gave me a meaningful look:

“You dead girl!

“You’re in love and you didn’t tell mom!”

I said awkwardly:

“This, this ……”

She looked around again:

“Was mom a good actress? Couldn’t you tell it was all an act?”

Me: ?


Under Eunuch Leng’s arrangement, my mom was dragged to the hospital cafeteria for dinner.

In the hospital room, only Zhou Yuan and I were left.

“Auntie is really warm.” He laughed embarrassedly, “I didn’t expect to meet my parents so soon, I was a bit nervous just now.”

I embarrassed smile:

“I …… I also did not expect.”

It’s not just this thing that I didn’t expect.

I didn’t expect all the things that happened recently.

He smiled softly as he handed me the chopsticks:

“Your brother asked me to. He said your favorite dish is this elbow rice.”

“He ordered a month’s worth and had it delivered to the hospital every day, so I’ll just go and help pick it up.”

Looking at me sitting on the bed in a daze, he laughed:

“Your brother is really good to you.”

“Sometimes I feel ashamed of myself.”

I tilted my head to the side:

“Don’t mention him, how can he compare to you?”

He smiled at me helplessly:

“Silly, that’s your brother, of course I’m not the same as him.”

“But your brother really cares about you, the last time I saw him at the hospital, he said he’s been very busy lately, and he specially asked me to care more about you.”

I was shocked:

“He …… you talked to him?”


Zhou Yuan nodded, a trace of apology flashed across his gentle face:

“In fact …… I was skeptical before, it seems that I have never heard Xiao Xiao said that he has a brother.”

“And Xiao Xiao recently, always very panicked look …… more people can not rest assured, until your brother personally told me that he is your cousin, I just let go of the worry.”

Gu Xu knew I was lying?

But why would he help me lie with him?

Thinking about what my mom told me this morning:

“I was supposed to go straight to the ward, but a young man stopped me, saying that your boyfriend had something to do recently and couldn’t come, but there’s a boy in the ward who likes you, and you can’t bear to say no, so he asked me to pretend that he’s your boyfriend, so as not to make things too difficult for you, you damned girl! You’re quite good at it!”

From her description, the lad who pulled my mom down was probably A.

Why did he do that?

On WeChat, my messages with Gu Xu were still stuck on the rehab video he sent me last time.

I hesitated for half a day, but finally sent him two words:



Gu Xu didn’t reply to me again.

After waiting for a day, there was no news from his WeChat.

In the hospital room, the girl’s original bed was also empty.

She must have been taken somewhere by Gu Xu to rest after her surgery.

I stopped at the door and looked inside. Leng Gongzi’s voice sounded behind me:

“…… What, did you transfer to the ward?”

I smiled at him:

“Yes, yes, yes, now live to the obstetrics and gynecology department it …… a fart le! Don’t talk to me!

Leng Gongzi looks innocent:

“What’s wrong with me?”

I turned my face away:

“Nothing, just you look particularly ugly, I do not want to see you.”

“Hey.” He rolled his eyes at me, “I at least helped you. If it wasn’t for me and Gu Xu tipping off this morning, I’m afraid you’d have dug a hole and buried yourself by now.”

I grabbed him by the collar:

“What did you say? Tipped him off?”

He flicked his sleeve:


So, Gu Shu knew about my two boyfriends all along.

I guess he was just having fun with me in the first place.

He might have found it funny to see me with two boyfriends and watched me like a monkey show.

I waved my hand feebly:

“You don’t need to ventilate with him from now on, he’s with his girlfriend right now, he’s very busy, don’t bother people.”

“What girlfriend?” Mr. Leng was puzzled, “Isn’t his girlfriend you?”

I laughed coldly, “Big brother, it’s come to this, there’s no need to joke with me.”

“His girlfriend is the one who was in the hospital room last time, she had a miscarriage for him.”

“Miscarriage?” Mr. Leng frowned for a while before realizing, “Oh, oh! You mean his sister.”

Good, sister.

It seems that Gu Xu and I are really destined for each other.

Our destiny lies in using the exact same excuses.

“Hey, I’m not as hypocritical as you are.” Mr. Leng handed over a medical record sheet, “Look, it’s really his own sister.”

On the medical record sheet, next to the familiar face, it was written “Gu Huang”.

Gu Huang, Gu Xu.

I was dumbfounded.


I had never heard that Gu Xu had a sister before.

Mr. Leng continued:

“This sister, and he is born from the same father and mother, is considered to be a secret of their family, Gu Xu unintentionally found out, his father begged him to keep it a secret, for the sake of his mother, so it has never been mentioned to others.”

I couldn’t bear to interrupt him:

“Then how did you know this kind of secret ah hey!”

He shrugged his shoulders:

“I overheard.”

What a righteous dog.

It turned out that Gu Xu’s life was far from as happy as he said.

Thinking about how I’ve been spitting at him over and over again, I felt uneasy.

The phone stayed on the screen and paused for a long time before sending him two words:


After that, I snapped my phone to the desktop.

I counted thirty seconds in my mind before picking it up to take a look.

…… There was no reply.

It must have been too fast!

People don’t always look at their cell phones now!

I snapped my phone back to the desktop and continued to count forty seconds in my mind before I couldn’t wait to pick it up.

…… Still no reply.

I must have been too eager!

After thirty repetitions of this, something was finally different when a clamor came from the entrance of the ward. From a distance, I saw Huatian rushing into the ward in a panic:

“Baby! I’ve discovered an amazing secret!”

I waved my hand:

“There’s no need to talk about it. I already know.”

“The girl in the photo is Gu Xu’s sister, isn’t she?”

“What sister? What sister?” Hua Tian looked puzzled and flung a photo in front of me, “No no, this time it’s related to the school bully!”


“Take a look, this is Zhou Yuan’s childhood friend, rumored to have been in love for eight years, and passed away three years ago due to illness.”

The girl on the photo has a small bun face, almond eyes are big, looking at the camera, revealing an innocent smile.

She looks really similar to me.

No wonder, Zhou Yuan and I didn’t cross paths much, yet he took a glance at the ordinary me.

Originally, I was really taken as a double.

Just thinking of the wrong protagonist.

I don’t know why. Knowing this news, I wasn’t surprised at all.

“I thought you’d be sad.” Huatian looked at me carefully, “After all, you’ve always liked Zhou Yuan since you started school.”

I like Zhou Yuan?

Looking at the photo, the cheerful expression on Zhou Yuan’s face who was snuggling with a girl.

Not so gentle and polite, not so softly mindful of his image.

…… Again, not as polite.

And then think about every time in front of Zhou Yuan, I even eat meat feel myself incomparably coarse, can only be careful to maintain the image of a lady.

Maybe what we like, are not each other.

When Zhou Yuan came over in the afternoon, I put the photo in front of him.

He didn’t seem surprised, but smiled gently:

“So you know.”

I looked at him deflatedly, lying on the small table:


“Do you blame me?” He asked me.

I shook my head.

“She was my childhood friend, we grew up together.” He looked at the girl in the picture, “But three years ago, she got a terminal illness and I walked her down the last stretch.”

I thought about it and said to him:

“Let’s just break up.”

He nodded:


“I’m sorry for what I did to you …….”

“No.” Looking at the girl in the photo, I said, “You must have liked her because of her personality, not because of her looks, and she would be sad if she knew that’s how you miss her.”

I mustered up the courage to say to him as he was heading out the door:

“Actually, I lied to you too. Gu Xu he …… is not my brother.”

“He …… is also my boyfriend.”

As a pleasing personality that is afraid of upsetting others, saying this sentence was already a great courage for me.

I didn’t expect him to smile and said in a warm voice:

“I know.”

Looking at my frozen expression, he added:

“There is no older brother who would give his sister’s boyfriend a breakdown of his sister’s preferences and talk about it with an unhappy face.”


By the time I summoned A from school, my foot was almost healed.

When he saw me, his expression wasn’t very happy, but he just called out sullenly:

“Hello sister-in-law.”

I waved my hand and said:

“That …… don t call me sister in law. I …… have already broken up with your boss.”

He gave a “hmm” and said:

“The boss has already told us.”

I hesitated for a moment before speaking:

“What’s going on with your boss now?”

He stared at the floor and whispered:

“If you want to know, why don’t you ask the boss yourself?”

Last time since I messaged the school bully.

He hasn’t replied to me.

Maybe it was because he saw that I was silent and didn’t say anything, A also felt embarrassed and turned his face away:

“The boss’s sister …… was abandoned by a scumbag. The boss went to settle the score with him and beat the guy into the hospital. The guy’s family has some connections. The boss lost money, the family sent him abroad to avoid the wind.”

“He said he wanted us not to tell you, lest people get into trouble with you.”

I stared at him blankly. His eyes were slightly red and he said:

“You’ve already broken up with the Boss, in fact, I shouldn’t say anything about this, but the Boss is really devoted to you. He told us that he’s been in love with you since he was a kid. He went abroad for a few years in between, and has been communicating with you by email.”

When he was leaving, he said to me:

“Sister-in-law, I know you’ve always looked down on us.”

“You think we are not good people, I Yao Laodi can’t say I’m a good person, but I’ve never done anything wrong, I got into a fight because the debtor hit my mom, so I fought back, B’s family is even worse, he borrowed money from his dad’s friends and couldn’t get it back, and he was also slammed with loan sharks, C was wrongly accused by the school of stealing money, and the boss led a CCTV check to clear his name,” “We committed crimes, we were so poor that we had to eat,” he said to me before leaving.

“We committed the crime, so poor that we can’t eat, others look down on us, look down on us, it’s the boss who has been helping us.”

“If you go to the boss this time, don’t hurt him too much.”

“He really likes you.”


After that, I never saw Gu Xu again.

When I clicked on my e-mail, I did communicate with an overseas netizen for a while.

I was still sick at the time, and the other person’s tone was very mature. What was sketched out in my mind had been an image of an older man.

I sent him an e-mail.

“How are you?”

There was no reply.

It was as if my life returned to the way it was before, uneventful and uneventful.

Every day, I went to class with Huatian, but when I came back, I stopped playing games and started studying.

Occasionally, I would run into boys in the study room who came to ask for WeChat with a red face.

If it was before, I would be embarrassed to add, and then hard to chat for a while, and finally scratching my head to think of all sorts of ways and excuses to politely decline the invitation, and also beat myself up for a long time.

But now, I will look straight into the other person’s eyes and be able to say a friendly but firm sentence:

“I already have someone I like, I’m sorry.”

As if …… There’s nothing wrong with doing this.

It’s a lot less annoying than before.

The days passed like this.

I heard that Zhou Yuan had applied for an exchange program abroad and found me before she left.

“When she was still alive, she always wanted to go to Switzerland to see it, and at that time, she couldn’t get up from her hospital bed.” He smiled at me and said, “Now I’m going to that place, taking our pictures with me.”

I patted him on the shoulder and he reached up and stroked my hair:

“Way to go Tiny.”

I said to him as well:

“You go for it too.”

Gu Xu’s WeChat, has been stuck in last month I said to him sorry, his last friend circle, is an apple.

A peeled apple, placed on a fruit plate, was half white and slightly yellow by the sunlight outside the window.

This apple is my mom gave me peeled at that time, I can’t eat it, casually stuffed him, but also swindled that I was peeled by myself.

I didn’t realize until later that he hated apples.

But that day, he ate it clean.

I came to the elbow restaurant, the boss’s wife was delighted to see me:

“Oops! I know you’re a little girl! Boyfriend is so sweet, specially added money, every time to let others come over to pack, originally our store do not do takeaway, for him are an exception.

So that’s how takeout came about.

She was concerned:

“How are you and your boyfriend doing? He’s quite handsome and so sweet, so cherish him!

I forced a smile and stared blankly at the elbow rice in front of me.

Gu Xu. Everything’s fine.

But where are you?

When I was about to turn around and leave, a soft sigh came from behind me:

“What a ruthless little guy.”

I suddenly stiffened.

The sound of his breath floated and sank above my head:

“I thought you didn’t like elbow rice anymore?”

My shoulders were pulled over and I saw his sharp jawline, I didn’t even dare to look up, all I could see was his clean chin, his thin lips slightly upturned, slowly spitting out a few words:

“Why are you here again?”

The wind blew over, blowing his bangs up. A familiar fresh minty scent hit his face. Blowing over.

I gazed longingly into his eyes, which were hot, as if something had slipped down and shattered into a thousand stars in his pupils.

I heard myself say to him: 

“Pigs don’t love elbow rice.”



It was snowing heavily outside the window, and I was alone in the hospital bed.

On the surface, Mom and Dad are in love, but in fact, Dad has been in the dark for a long time.

There is nothing to look forward to.

Life is not interesting.

Except for the occasional bullying of the little girl in the hospital bed next to me.

She’s like a little crybaby. She cries to death when she doesn’t see her mom, she cries to death when she can’t eat the elbow she wants at lunch, and she cries to death when she doesn’t get the cartoons she loves to watch in the morning.

I simply don’t know where people get so many tears that they can cry all day long.

Like now, while nibbling on a meat bun, while looking at her mom, eating all over the mouth, but also up and down breath broken:

“Ma …… Ma Ma you, you go to work …… Xiao Xiao …… Xiao Xiao will be good.”

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty.

Her mom smiled and rubbed her cheeks:

“Well, if Tiny doesn’t behave, Mommy will ……

She was so scared that she hugged her mom’s hand tightly:


Her father would then make a peace with the situation:

“Okay, okay, you don’t have to talk too much. Xiao Xiao, mom and dad won’t abandon you, and they won’t throw you into the small dark room, don’t be afraid.”

Looking at her nodding hard while crying, I actually felt a hint of envy.

It’s a meatbag who grew up under a happy family.

It’s so nice not to have so many complicated family relationships.

Look at my mom left me a note: Xu Xu, Mom and Dad today company a little something, left you three hundred, want to eat what let the nurse aunt to help you buy.

I’m not going to say I’m not envious, it’s a lie.

“…… Do you eat?”

A meat bun with a bite suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

I froze for a moment and turned my eyes to look at her.

This little girl’s eyes were wide open, her eyelashes fluttering:

“This, for you to eat.”

Receiving the meat bun, my heart flashed with a touch, I said:

“It’s okay, I’m not hungry.”

“You don’t have to save it for me.”

She patted her belly:

“No, no, I can’t eat anymore. I’ll just feed it to the dog later, so I might as well give it to you.”

Me: ……

She climbed into my bed on her own and sat side by side with me:

“Thank you for not stealing the TV from me in the morning. The one who lived here before was a little fat kid who stole the TV from me every day.”

…… I just don’t like watching this boring stuff.

But she treats me like I’m a nice person and chatters on and on about her daily funnies with me.

Like today it was Elsa.

“Who’s Elsa?”

“The cockroach I keep.”

My life gradually became more colorful.

Since Mom and Dad were often away, her parents became familiar with me, and when they came over to bring her food, they would bring me one too.

I don’t have to eat those industrialized and greasy restaurant meals outside, and the chicken soup made by her mom is really delicious.

Every time I drink it, it has a strong mushroom flavor.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a life like this.

I really didn’t expect that the happiest part of my life would be spent in the hospital.

However, hospitals aren’t meant to last forever.


I was cured quickly, but she needed to recuperate for a while longer.

“That’s okay.” She told me, “We’ll be in touch when we get out.”

“Here’s my e-mail address. My mom applied for it for me, so you can send me an e-mail and I’ll get it.”

I decided to surprise her.

Her favorite thing to do is to watch Disney Princesses, so I asked my dad, whose hospital is near the suburbs, to set off a firework display for her in a faraway place.

I ended up going to the bathroom on the way out to take her, and when I came back, I found her gone.

I heard she walked into the morgue by mistake, was kept there all night, and when she came out she had a high fever and was taken to the emergency room.

And my mom, who was busy with work, took me straight away.

This departure was straight out of the country.

I contacted her by email and realized that since that night in the morgue, she’s been incredibly timid.


But, only guilt.

My busy life abroad soon made me forget this episode, only occasionally thinking of her when I drank chicken soup. And their family.

I’m sure they are no longer afraid now, right?

Once again back to China, is admitted to the domestic well-known A University, because my grandmother is seriously ill, my father’s business reasons, the family decided to let me go back to China to study, however, in the first day of the school, I saw the same in the freshman office to ask for directions to her.

The same little bun face, anxious to hold the red face:

“Please …… How do I get to the dormitory?”

I was asked to volunteer for something, but I was too embarrassed to refuse, so I just accepted.

–But when I was a kid, I was obviously a confident and self-acquainted chubby girl.

How come I’m so …… afraid of rejecting people now?

I made some friends, when I was a child, because of the language barrier problem, I was ridiculed by others abroad, these friends are just like me in the beginning, they have a wide range of people, and soon inquired about it, the little buns are now timid, or because of the reason that they were scared when they were a child.

“Boss, you don’t have to take it to heart.” They said, “It’s not something you did on purpose, not to mention, the other girl is doing quite well now.”

She’s not doing well.

Looking at the way she carefully got along with others now, no longer the fearless look she once had, it was clear that life was far from being as good as it had been before when she had no heart and no lungs.

Either out of guilt, or something else, I’ve gone back to being close to her again, intentionally or unintentionally. I would warn her after she was bullied by others, and I would ask for wages for her boss who deducted her part-time salary.

She didn’t know anything, and I enjoyed it.

Until that day, and Yao Bin drunk, he straightened his tongue and said:

“Old …… boss, if you like this girl, you …… you chase it!”

I took a sip of wine and warned him:

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

“I’m just making it up to her.”

He smiled with a red face:

“Haha, boss, you’re still here to lie to yourself? Compensate …… her? I’m just trying to make it up to her,” he said. Ha ha ha ha, boss, you …… every time you look at her that look, hate to eat people into the eyes, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

He straightened his tongue again:

“That …… that you dare, truth or dare, if you …… if you have not drunk me, you …… will go to find her confession.”

I laughed at him:

“I have never lost anyone when I drink.”

Yao Bin really did not drink me that day, he was hiding something in his heart, drank a dozen on the dizzy, lying next to the babbling.

And I, with the evening breeze, took another sip.

Thinking of her, from childhood, to adolescence, the only warmth I could feel was in the hospital.

All the way up to now, I would be happy to see her, and angry when I saw others bullying her.

Wouldn’t be able to resist standing up for her herself.

A day without seeing her would feel like something was missing.

Why is that?

After finishing the last bottle of wine, I got up and went to look for her.

She comes back to the dorm after her run every night.

I stopped her.

She had a panicked look on her bun face and her eyes hid caution:

“What are you …… doing?”

The evening sun was lavender and the clouds were light.

The wind was gentle.

Looking at her timid face, but still grasping the bag, timid but brave look, that moment I suddenly understand why.

My words, too, were like the breeze.

I said:

“Zheng Xiao Xiao.”

“Are you …… willing to be my girlfriend?”

End –

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Next February 27, 2024


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