3. Fond of roses

I’m in love with roses

Unwanted: Seeing you when you’re in the mood for love

At the party, someone asked Zhou Yu:

“Brother Yu, where did you get such a well-behaved object?”

Zhou Yu hooked his fingers in my hair and looked lazy:

“I picked it up from a trash can.”

The box a sigh, green tea face proud.

I wanted to retort, but Zhou Yu was telling the truth.

When he first brought me home, I was indeed trash.


After eating a bit too much for dinner, I rubbed my stomach and took a walk by the lake.

A sudden sharp pain came from my back, and I slipped on my feet and fell headfirst into the lake.

Waking up again, I was in a flower store near my school, turned into a red rose.

Before I could accept this fact, I was pulled out of the bucket by a florist and packed together with 98 other roses and handed to a boy.

I recognized him as the school’s famous second-generation rich guy, He Xu, who often appeared together with another rich guy, Zhou Yu.

According to my observation, he should be giving the flowers to a favorite person, don’t ask me why I know.

This stupid big guy was walking at a brisk pace, humming a little song, looking like he was thinking about spring.

He was happy, I was upset to the physiological want to vomit, but now there is a soul without form, I can only keep dry heaving.

“Brother, can you stabilize the point, this ground is hot feet? The cafeteria mom’s hands are not as shaky as your legs.”

I muttered to myself, but I didn’t expect him to stop.

Can you hear me?

“Can you hear me?” I looked at him expectantly.

No one paid attention to me, and with another wave of dizziness, he mounted the bike.

“If you don’t have the skills, don’t be a dick. It’s dangerous to ride one-handed.”

He was swaying all the way, but I was sober. I was more afraid of being killed by him than being unable to vomit.

Luckily, he made it to his destination, the girls’ dormitory of our college.

He didn’t wait for me, but a pot of water fell from the sky, hitting him squarely on the head, and I also suffered.

He shook off the water and walked away, looking pitiful.

I comforted him by saying, “Bye bye, the next one will be better.”

He walked all the way back to the men’s dormitory, stopped in front of the trash can, and casually threw me in.


I don’t want to be loved by anyone.


“Help, help, help, someone kind help me.”

I wanted to throw up even more now, what kind of garbage is in here.

I was wailing in the bucket when a cup of soymilk suddenly blinded me.

“Have you no sense of decency? Can’t you see there are people in there?” I stomped my feet in anger, is it the water that’s been bothering me lately?

The hand on top of the garbage can, which I had not yet had time to withdraw, shook.

I was shocked and hurriedly spoke, “Classmate, please help.”

He turned his head to look squarely at the trash can, I saw his face clearly, it was Zhou Yu.

“It’s me, it’s me, it’s me, it’s me, it’s me, it’s me, it’s you with 99 roses.”

He had never seen such a big scene before and stared at me with wide eyes, “Can a rose become a spirit after the founding of the country?”

“No, I’m Shen Sang, a sophomore in the Chinese department, I was attacked last night while walking by the lake, and I woke up trapped in the roses.”

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, “Fell in the lake last night?”

“Yes yes yes, I can’t figure it out for a while, please get me out first, I really can’t stand the smell of this trash can.”

I was apprehensive, he was a super rich man, the image of him picking up garbage in a trash can was a little too much for me to think about.

“There are 99 of them. Which one are you?”

Good question. It’s my turn.

“Why don’t you take the whole bunch?”

He looked disgusted, and refusal was written all over his body.

“Please, I don’t want to fall in the lake and die in the garbage.”

That’s not a very dignified way to die.

I tugged and pulled with him for a while before he took me out of the trash can.



A handsome guy came out of the male dormitory and looked at Zhou Yu with a shocked face.

“Get lost.”

The handsome man ran away in a slipshod manner.

“Calm down, calm down.” I calmed him down.

“I’ve never been so humiliated in my life!”

Zhou Yu hugged me with a shit-eating look on his face and walked forward.

I rubbed my nose and said, “Where are you taking me?”

“My house, I can’t take you back to the boys’ dormitory.”


“You sound like you want to go?”


Actually, I’d like to go.

Zhou Yu held me in his arms and hailed a cab in front of the school. After getting in the car, the driver kept glancing at him in the mirror.

Not long after, the driver said, “Young man, why are you carrying garbage on the bus?

I yelled at the driver: “You’re the trash.”

Zhou Yu was happy: “It’s okay, I’ll go back and wash it for you.”

“How far is your house?”

He glanced at his cell phone, “Almost there, a few minutes.”

When he got off the bus, the driver stole a glance at him again, holding his cell phone and sending voice: “Today is really unlucky, I just pulled a young man here, good-looking, but there is a bit of a problem there, holding a pile of garbage, all the way to talk to themselves.

I giggled and laughed out loud, and Zhou Yu’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

It’s also really hard for him, the flower exudes the smell of a mixture of various foods, even I dislike myself.


After entering the house, Zhou Yu put me down on the table and went to the bathroom himself first, about an hour later, he rubbed his hair and came out slowly.

“Why aren’t you dressed?” I looked at his upper body brightly and almost couldn’t hold back my whistle.

“What are you pretending, don’t think I don’t hear your lewd tone.”

Tch, caught.

“Come and help me bathe.” If I don’t wash it, it’ll really marinate in flavor.

Ten minutes later, I looked at him with disappointment:

“I’ll give you one last chance. Which one of these three is me?”

Zhou Yu thought for thirty seconds: “Left?”

Seeing that I didn’t squeak, he continued, “The right?”

I rolled my eyes and swung my fist at him:

“Am I not good enough for the c position?”

He coughed with his left hand and pulled me out to take me to the bathroom.

“The water’s a little cold, could it be hotter?”

“That’s a lot to ask.” He grumbled as he added more hot water.

Well, it’s just the right temperature now, and I half-squinted my eyes and made a sound of comfort:

“What are you screaming for?”

“You’re getting comfortable.”

I opened my eyes and looked at him, noticing that his earlobes were red.

“Are you shy?”

He flicked my head and spoke with a grudge, “Nonsense, I’ve never bathed anyone in my life, especially a woman.”

“But I’m a rose now, aren’t I?

“Wouldn’t you?”

“Shut up, I’ll throw you in the toilet if you keep talking nonsense.”

Looking at his reddening ears, I obediently kept my mouth shut.

After the shower, I watched as he threw a pile of clothes into the basin.

After a moment of silence, I calmly asked him:

“What was the tub you gave me a bath in for before?”

“For my underwear.” He spoke indifferently as he wiped his hands on a towel.

Then, what about me?

I’m completely dirty.

“You couldn’t use any other container but this one, did you do it on purpose?” It pisses me off.

“I just took it, I didn’t think about it.”

“You’re just trying to get back at me because you think I’m embarrassing you.

“You ……”

“Stop it, if you don’t, I’ll throw you out!”

I hadn’t finished my sentence yet, but he was so fierce that I cried in fear.

“It’s all because of that ungrateful man, if I knew who it was, I would kill him.

“Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh ……”

“Okay, don’t cry, I’ll go buy you a nice vase later.”

My crying stopped abruptly, “Really?”

“Really, I promise.”

“Then I’m going too.”

“I know.”


At the store, Zhou Yu took me to the vase section and let me pick one out, and I had my eye on the most expensive one.

I pointed at it and said, “I want the third one from the left, the pink one.”

He refused outright: “No, change the color.”

“I’ll take the pink one. You promised me at home that I could choose whatever I wanted.”

Zhou Yu was about to say something when his phone rang.

When he answered it, an anxious voice came from the other side: “Brother Yu, it’s not good, the girl who fell into the lake last night hasn’t woken up yet, and the doctor can’t find out the reason why.

The doctor can’t find out why.” “I know, I’ll be there later.”

He was the one who hurt me last night?

“Why did you attack me?” I don’t remember having any dealings with him.

Zhou Yu ignored me, took the vase I was interested in and went to the front to settle the bill, then took a taxi to the hospital.

In the hospital room, I was lying on the bed with a flushed face, looking like I was just sleeping.

Zhou Yu stood at the head of the bed and tucked in the corner of the quilt, and asked me, “What do you think now?”

“I don’t know.” Usually I just call mom if something happens, but not anymore.

“Do you want to tell your family?”

“No.” I don’t want them to worry.

After a moment of silence in the hospital room, Zhou Yu slowly spoke, “This incident was caused by me, I will be responsible for you to the end.”

“Give me your cell phone, I’ll help you cope at home, I’ll think of a way to give you a leave of absence from school, and as for your body, put it in the hospital first, and I’ll find a reliable nurse to take care of you.”

I sighed, this is all I can do now.

A figure suddenly barged in from outside the hospital room, hugging my body and bawling.

“God damn Zhou Yu, don’t think you can do whatever you want just because you’re rich, my poor Sang Sang!”

“It’s a little early for you to be wailing on her.”

The man turned around and stared viciously at Zhou Yu, “Sang Sang is half-dead because of you!”

“Who is this crazy bitch?” Zhou Yu took me to his mouth and whispered.

“My best friend, Christina Song, she’s a real pain in the ass.”

“Should I tell her?”

“Tell her the password first, or she won’t believe you.”


“Come closer.”

I said something to Zhou Yu, and he looked puzzled: “What’s all this?”

“She won’t believe me without something fierce.”

“Shim Sang’s soul is in this rose.” Zhou Yu pointed at me and looked at Xiang Song.

Xiang Song cursed, “You’re out of your mind, right?”

“She even asked me to tell you ……”

Xiang Song’s expression was slightly stunned, “…… You ask Sang Sang.”

My face is slightly hot, “……”.

Zhou Yu’s words were on his lips several times, but finally he typed on his cell phone and handed it to Xiang Song, “……”.

Xiang Song spoke in surprise, “It’s our Sang Sang, that’s right.”

I looked at Zhou Yu, “Give her my cell phone, she knows my family.”

If Zhou Yu reads this chat log, I’ll just die on the spot.

“That’s good, I don’t want to see your waste either.”

Che, who are you looking down on? I don’t believe there are no boys.

Before Song Xiang left, she hugged me to the corner and told me, “Sang Sang, get him in one go, and you’ll have fewer detours in your life, I’m looking forward to it.

What kind of talk is this? Am I such a money-grubber and a womanizer?


In the evening, Zhou Yu put me in the living room and went to his room.

The house is quiet, the living room window is not closed, the shadow of the trees outside swaying, from time to time there is a breeze blowing through, the atmosphere is quite strange.

Half an hour later, I opened my mouth to call for help, “Zhou Yu, come quickly, there are ghosts trying to catch me!”

He stepped on his slippers and ran out to hold me in his arms, looking around defensively, “Can you still see this thing?”

“No, no, no, no.” I waved my hands back and forth.

“This living room is too big and I’m a little scared. Can I get a room with you and I promise I’ll keep my eyes to myself.”

He breathed a long sigh of relief and looked down at me with a soft grunt, “You better.”

What kind of words are these, I can still peek at him?

Zhou Yu’s room is gray and white, and this red color of mine looks out of place.

He was half lying on the bed playing with his cell phone, I was really bored and kept looking at him.

He frowned, thin lips slightly pursed, fingertips on the phone constantly sliding, seems to be what is difficult.

I couldn’t help but speak, “Are you experiencing something?”

“It’s not for you, a plant brain, to know.”

Don’t say shit, who are you looking down on?

My eyes drifted down and I saw gray edges that I shouldn’t have.

As if he had a heart to heart, he put down his phone and looked at me, then at himself, and tucked the covers back on.

Ha, there goes the only fun.

“Can you find me a play? I’m going to die of boredom.”

Impatiently he got up and flipped out a tablet and put it in front of me, “What do you want to watch?”

I said a recent new drama, and Zhou Yu searched it out for me, opening an annual membership in the process.

The more I watched, the more I got into it, completely forgetting the time.

I was in the middle of it when Zhou Yu came over and turned off the video.

“What are you doing? I haven’t finished watching yet.”

“Oh, I thought you were asleep.”

“That’s not all. I want to watch more.”

“Sleep.” Zhou Yu was a bit angry when he said that.

Did I disturb him?


The next day I was eating hot pot in my sleep when Zhou Yu woke me up with a snap of his fingers.

I looked at him with a waking breath: “My tripe has just come out of the pot and I haven’t even fished it out yet.”

He hugged me out of the room; “I brought you a barbecue.”

I am more depressed: “I am a rose not a ghost, now can only smell the flavor can not eat the mouth.”

He muttered something that I didn’t hear clearly.

“Then I’ll take you out in the sun.”

Zhou Yu put me in a suitable position, turned on the TV, and sat on the sofa to play games himself, the day was so pleasant.

At noon on Thursday, as usual, I was in the living room watching TV and sunbathing.

At around two o’clock, the sky suddenly turned cloudy, with vague signs of rain. I looked outside and fretted, Zhou Yu was in class at this time of the day and I wondered if the rain would drift in.

I was observing the sky outside the window when the front door was opened with a clang, it was Zhou Yu, he was holding his leg with his hand and panting heavily.

“Aren’t you in class, why are you back?”

“The window was left open, I was afraid that some water would come in and soak my house.”

“Oh.” I thought you were worried about me.

“Wait, I think I can see you?” Zhou Yu stared blankly at Rose.

“Really?” I raised my hand and waved it above my head.

He reached up and ran his hand over the top of the flower, “I think I’m mistaken.”

On the weekend, the two of us nestled in the living room to watch a movie, the story of the hero and heroine of mutual affection, the atmosphere ambiguous, I watched the blushing heartbeat, the two were about to physical contact, when a knock on the door to break the sound.

Zhou Yu got up to open the door, I saw his ears also red.

From the outside came in two men and a woman, one of them is the rich second generation He Xu who threw me into the trash can.

The other two were men I didn’t recognize, and the woman was Chen Shu, the department flower of the art college.

“Zhou Yu, what’s wrong with you lately, you don’t go back to the dormitory, and you don’t come out even when I ask you out.” He Xu paralyzed on the sofa and asked Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu threw a bottle of water at him: “What do you care?

He Xu unscrewed the cap of the bottle and tilted his head to pour into his mouth, glimpsed the drama on the TV and sprayed out a mouthful of water, he had a complex expression: “Zhou Yu, you still have this kind of fetish?

“If you’re lonely and your buddies introduce you to them, why do you have to watch this at home, and in broad daylight, aren’t you ashamed?

Another boy patted He Xu’s shoulder: “Zhou Yu just stand there, there will be a lot of girls to jump over, still need you to introduce.” He looked at me.

After saying that, he looked at me, “But I’m curious, what’s with the rose?”

The other two were attracted over, He Xu pointed at me and spoke, “Are you against me, I can’t see roses lately.”

Zhou Yu gave him a blank look, “If you can’t see it, get out!”

Chen Shu reached out and touched the flowers, a few petals were touched off by her, Zhou Yu’s face changed and he dragged her to the side: ”Don’t touch it!

Chen Shu was startled by him, “It’s just a broken flower, do you have to?”

Zhou Yu stared coldly at Chen Shu: “She is not a broken flower.”

Chen Shu also got angry and ran out the door, leaving the three boys staring at each other.

“Brother Yu, you’re making a big deal out of it, it’s just a flower, there are plenty of flowers in the flower store, I even lost a bunch the other day.”

Zhou Yu’s eyes shot towards him, “Where did you throw it?”

“The trash can in front of the dormitory.” He Xu stuttered. He Xu was so scared that he stuttered.

Another boy saw that Zhou Yu was not in the right state and pulled He Xu away.

“Zhou Yu, are you okay?” He looked quite scary now.

“I’m sorry, I scared you, didn’t I?” He reached out to touch the flowers and retracted.

“I’m fine, it’s just a few petals.”

“Well, keep an eye on it yourself, I’m going to my room for a bit.” He looked pale and his tone was calm.

Zhou Yu stayed in his room for a long time, so long that I fell asleep and woke up back in Zhou Yu’s room. He was sitting at the table, his eyes unblinking as he looked at me, his hand resting emptily on top of the flowers.

The next day, those fallen petals actually grew out at some point, and the whole flower was much more spirited.

“Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu, the petals have grown.”

“Uh-huh.” His eyes were full of smiles, and his fingertips gently tapped the center of the flower.


Half a month went by, and when Zhou Yu didn’t go back to school, he stayed home and watched movies with me, or took me to watch him play games, and occasionally tempted me with good food, and every time I was so angry that I jumped to my feet, he laughed and smiled with a wry smile on his face.

There was no progress on why I was trapped in a rose, but my relationship with Zhou Yu seemed a little different.

The weather wasn’t great today, it was raining heavily outside, the wind was gusting and lightning was flashing, and one of us was watching a horror movie at home. I’m a rookie, I’m a rookie and I love to watch. I had to drag Zhou Yu to watch it with me.

“Zhou Yu, put me back a bit, I’m scared.”

I’m scared.” “I’m scared and you’re still watching.”

Zhou Yu held me in his arms, and when I looked up from this angle, I saw the knot in his throat.

I gulped, “You won’t lose me in the excitement later, right?”

“Any more bullshit and put yourself in front of the TV.”

“Don’t, don’t, don’t, you might as well hold me.” Something is better than nothing.

I was so mesmerized that I closed my eyes violently when the picture changed.

The TV stopped moving, and when I opened my eyes again, Zhou Yu’s hand was across in front of me, blocking the TV all the way.

I asked him, “Are you done?”

“Not yet?” Zhou Yu’s voice was low, and I saw his throat roll. Undescribable sounds came out from the TV, my face instantly burst into red, the scale of the foreign movie was a bit too big.

“I’m not going to watch any more horror movies, let’s go to bed.” It’s a little weird to watch any more.

“Good.” Zhou Yu turned off the TV and hugged me back to my room.

Before going to bed, I kept looking at Zhou Yu uncontrollably.

“Little Rose, are you asleep?” Zhou Yu turned to me, his eyes bright.

I ignored him, wanting to see what he would say.

“Sleeping huh, so you can’t hear me right?

“I haven’t seen you a couple of times in school, why do I seem to like you a little bit?

“Are you a poisonous rose? I seem to have been poisoned.

You’ve got the face of a white flower, but you’re as seductive as a rose.”

“You were all I could think about when I was watching the movie today.”

My face was getting hotter and hotter, the more Zhou Yu said this, the less bottom line he had.

He fell asleep as he talked, I was distracted by him and had insomnia.

The next day I woke up it was already noon, Zhou Yu was not there, I stretched my neck to enjoy the scenery outside the window.

There was a movement from outside the door, I thought it was Zhou Yu, turned my head to see, it turned out to be Chen Shu, she was holding a document in her hand and holding a cat in her arms.


A million question marks flashed through my mind.

What was her relationship with Zhou Yu now?

How could she come and go as she pleased?

How did she know the password?

Dead Zhou Yu said he liked me yesterday and let another woman in today.

Chen Shu gradually approached me, put the cat on the table and went to the bathroom herself.

Looking at the huge thing in front of me, I had a bad feeling.

Just like the Monkey King being crushed by a backhand from Buddha, I was slapped down by the cat.

The vase was in pieces and the shards scratched the rose’s rhizome.

The pads of flesh with water reached back to the flower’s bones, the tips of the claws tore at the petals, bruises appeared on the soul, and the cat was still doing something to the flower I don’t know what else, and I gradually lost consciousness.

I had a dream that I was out of body and there were witches and dark elves trying to trap my soul in the castle. Suddenly a white light flashed and a figure came towards me, I opened my eyes to meet last week’s face full of concern.

Sizzle, my arm hurts.

I touch the bandage on my left arm and ask Zhou Yu, “Why did you come back?”

“I went to the hospital to see you, you have a wound on your arm I don’t know what happened.

“Did anyone come by while I was away?”

I bristled, “Chen Shu she brought a cat over.”

I didn’t say the rest, but Zhou Yu guessed the rest himself.

He looked grave, “I’ll take care of this matter.”

I looked at the stumps on the ground and began to worry: “Rose was stepped on by the cat, it won’t be impossible to feed it, then will I also ……”

“No, both Rose and you will be fine.” Zhou Yu’s gaze was particularly firm. I felt relieved by his words for no reason.

“It’s a pity that the vase you bought me is all broken.”

“I’ll take you to get a bigger and better one.”

I muttered in a low voice, “This is the first gift you’ve ever given me.”

“What did you say?”


“I said you’re so good to me.”

“So what’s my reward for being so good to you?”

Reward? After being patted by the cat, my soul came out of the flower and I can move around the flower in a small area.

Heh heh heh heh, I looked at Chouyu’s face and quietly flew over and stole a kiss from him.

“Reward given over yo.” But you didn’t see it.

He seemed to ‘hmmm’, I didn’t quite catch it.

After taking me back to my room and putting me on the bed, he went to the bathroom to take a shower and came out without his shirt.

Hmph, no sense of security at all.

“Come on, let’s go buy a new one.”


He paused in his steps and stared at the roses, “I feel like they’re redder.”

Like a cat stepping on my tail, I spoke in a weak voice: “How can that be, you must be mistaken.”


Zhou Yu took me to a bigger shopping mall, I hadn’t shopped for a long time, and the air smelled of freedom.

This one was supposed to specialize in vases, and it was not at all the same level as the last one.

I floated around after Zhou Yu and stopped in front of a uniquely shaped flowing bottle. The bottle was nice to look at, and with a second glance at the price, it was even better.

I floated around again and chose a similar one. Before I could say anything, I saw Zhou Yu picking up the one with the flowing bottle.

“This is too expensive bla bla bla.” A bottle costs over a hundred thousand dollars.

“Anything you like is not expensive.

“If you think I’m losing out, you can kiss here and we’ll be even.” he said, pointing to his lips. He said, pointing to his lips.

Dude, my kiss was worth over a hundred thousand dollars?

Wait, how did he know I was kissing him?

“You can see me now?”

He spoke in a slightly spoiled tone, “Yeah.”

I panicked, “What about what I did?”

“I saw it all.”

“What can you see?”

“I came home today and saw you lying on the floor.”

He changed his tone, “Did you do something else to me before?”

“I didn’t!” It’s too embarrassing, I won’t admit it.

“You lied to me today, now you’re punished for going shopping with me.” I poked his chest and said.

“Okay.” He rubbed my head in vain.

I lay on his shoulder, “Let’s go, let’s go.”

Zhou Yu’s birthday is coming up soon and I haven’t thought of a gift for him yet. Besides, I can’t give him anything like this. After thinking about it, I made a bold decision.

On his birthday, Zhou Yu spent it with a friend. He said he wanted to bring me along, but I refused. It was too obvious that he was taking me with him, and by then people might ask what was going on.

He looked at me reluctantly before he left, “Then I’ll come back to stay with you tonight.”

“Uh-huh.” I nodded.

When the hand in the living room pointed past eleven o’clock, Zhou Yu was still not back. I got sleepy waiting and nodded my head on the table from time to time.

Around eleven-thirty, there was movement from the doorway.

I immediately drifted in that direction.

“Zhou Yu, why do you still have the lights on when there’s no one in this house?” He Xu assisted Zhou Yu to lean towards the sofa.

Zhou Yu muttered, “There’s someone.”

With a drunken look on his cheeks, he leaned back on the sofa. He Xu rested for a while and pulled Zhou Yu back to his room.

“And my flowers.” Zhou Yu reached out and took me in his arms.

“I really don’t understand where this flower baby is.”

Zhou Yu settled down and put his index finger to his mouth, “Shhh, it’s a secret, you can’t tell anyone.”

“What the hell.” He Xu cursed and threw him on the bed, putting me on the table.

He poked at the roses, “Just for your crappy flowers, you still have to ask me to bring him back, I don’t know what Zhou Yu is thinking?

“Now I have to clean up the guest room myself in the middle of the night.”

Zhou Yu came back especially for me?

I looked at Zhou Yu lying on the bed, ready to carry out my plan. He suddenly got up and came over to me, lying on the table in a daze, looking at me, “Little Rose, do you like me?”

Like, I answered silently in my mind.

“I like you, can you be my girlfriend?

“I’ll be good to you, I’ll buy you more and better looking bottles.”

I floated over to gag him and the unexpected touch came out of nowhere.

We can have physical contact now?


Before I could think about it, I was violently pulled by a suction and my soul returned to my body.

What is this? A modern metaphysical modified version of the Rose Princess story?

When I came back, I was no longer sleepy and was full of hunger.

Having not gotten anything to eat for almost a month, not only was my stomach empty, I even felt a bit of an empty cup up top.

Without a cell phone, I tossed and turned in bed until morning and ran downstairs to the restaurant for an extremely hearty breakfast, asking the owner’s wife to borrow her cell phone to call my best friend to pay for me.

After eating and drinking, I rubbed my stomach and slowly wandered back to the hospital.

Just entered the hospital room, a figure pounced on me: “I thought you ……”

“Thought what?”

He looked at me with red eyes and tears, “I dreamed last night that I confessed to you, and then you disappeared.”

How come the most important one is gone?

“Why don’t you think about it again?”

“It seems like you should as if you kissed …… me?” Zhou Yu stammered, not sure.

I patted him on the shoulder, “Believe me, I took the initiative to kiss you.”

He stammered with an unnatural expression, “So …… what did you do to me?”

I interrupted him: “Zhou Yu, I am a greedy and lustful person.”

He was stunned for a moment: “What a coincidence, I am a rich and colorful person.”

The hospital room heated up, the atmosphere was ambiguous, Zhou Yu lowered his head, we got closer and closer.

The door clanked, startling me with a jolt.

Xiang Song covered her eyes, “Director, start over with one line.”


Zhou Yu and I were in love, and the rumor spread throughout the school.

There were a lot of indignant people who said I was not good enough for Zhou Yu, and Chen Shu was no exception.

Chen Shu was no exception. She found me at noon, crossed her arms over her chest, and said condescendingly, “Shen Sang, don’t think that Zhou Yu really likes you, but you’re just a stand-in.”

A double?

“Why should I trust you?”

“To tell you the truth, Zhou Yu has a white moonlight that he can’t forget, but it’s only your turn when he fails to express his love.

“Why do you think he kept you? It’s because of the red rose.”

“You really did it on purpose that day.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She left in a huff, leaving me to think.

A red rose?

Is that why you picked me up? It always feels like I’m forgetting something.

Before I could ask Zhou Yu, he approached me first.

He messaged me on WeChat, “I’ll tell you what you want to know, don’t listen to Chen Shu’s nonsense.”

“How do you know she came to me?”

Zhou Yu sent me a picture [Big Beauty Chen Shu Failed to Confess to Rich Girlfriend Shen Sang].

Whoever posted this is really daring.

“I’ll pick you up at night to meet my friend, we’ll explain everything face to face.”

“Okay, see you tonight.”

Zhou Yu took me to the private room, and there weren’t many people I recognized.

He leaned on the sofa and wrapped his arms around me, his eyes were pale, his expression was lazy, and under the dim light, he looked particularly charming.

Someone suddenly opened his mouth:

“Brother Yu, from where to deceive such a well-behaved object.”

Zhou Yu fingers hooked my hair: “garbage can pick up.”

There was a sigh of relief in the box, and Chen Shu looked smug.

He paused for a moment and stared at Chen Shu, “My person, even if it’s in a trash can, I’ll bring it out with my own hands.”

“Who gave you the face to provoke her?”

Chen Shu’s face went white, carrying her bag and about to leave.

“Did I tell you to leave?”

“What do you want?”

“Apologize to Shen Sang.”

「If you don’t want to go in for stalking someone and privately entering a home and damaging someone’s private property ……」

Zhou Yu’s tone was light, but his eyes were undeniable.

Chen Shu gritted her teeth, “I’m sorry!”

“You seem to have mistaken the object of your apology.”

Her eyes turned to look at me, “I’m sorry, is that okay?”

“Just pay me back for the bottle.” I said as I opened the payment code.

Chen Shu’s face became even more ugly, as if she didn’t expect me to ask for money even though I had Zhou Yu.

She took out her cell phone and transferred the money to me, and walked away in a staggering and wretched pace.

The atmosphere in the box didn’t dare to take a breath, or He Xu broke the deadlock first: “Come, come, come, congratulations on brother Yu and sister-in-law being together, sister-in-law, I’ll toast you.”

Zhou Yu blocked the wine.

Halfway through the scene, a man in the corner came over to toast me, “Sister-in-law, I’m sorry, it’s all my fault for making you fall into the lake.”

“You did that?”

He scratched his head: “Sister-in-law, you are wearing a long white dress in the middle of the night, walking by the lake, I thought it was that, and reflexively swatted the ball over.”

Heh, this reason is outrageous ……

After the game broke up, I followed Zhou Yu home.

“Chen Shu she said today that you have a white moonlight and you like red roses?

“So you took me back because of that?”

“No, I can’t say why, but the ball that caused you to fall into the water was mine.

“I did have an online friend that I liked, but I haven’t talked to her since high school.”

I’m intrigued. “How did you meet?”

“In a game called Botanical Manor.”

I’ve played that game too.

“What’s your id?”

“Thief of roses.”

Isn’t that my little brother’s?

“Let’s get reacquainted. I’m your master, the manor’s justice.”

His eyes froze, aggravated: “Then why didn’t you reply to my messages, and then you even pulled the plug on me?

I spread my hands and expressed my helplessness: “My number was stolen and I never got it back.”

“You won’t?”

I shook my head again, it can’t be.

Zhou Yu took my hand, “I brought roses to wait for you on my senior birthday, but you didn’t show up.”

“Then I remembered that you said you liked this city, and I enrolled in this side of the school in a brainwave.”

“So I’ve always been the one you like?”

“Sort of.”

It’s a marvelous fate.

By the way, I have something for you. Zhou Yu went to his room and took out a gift box.

“What is it? It’s so secretive.”

He spoke with one hand on his chin, “Open it.”

I untied the knot and inside the box was a decorative painting of pink porcelain tiles spliced into roses.

“Why did you even make this?”

“Gee, I wonder who was the one who looked at the vase with dismay the other day and said it was the first gift I ever gave her.”

I jumped into Zhou Yu’s arms and kissed him.

Zhou Yu smoothly wrapped his arms around my waist, “Why don’t you not leave today?”

I nodded with a red face.

The night was sleepless.

The next afternoon, Zhou Yu and I passed by the flower store, not yet in, there is a beautiful sister came over, handed Zhou Yu a rose.

Zhou Yu did not take it, the sister guffawed and spoke, “There are many kinds of red roses, this one in my hand is called Precious Love, which is supposed to belong to you.”

She placed the rose in my hand and turned to leave. She was wearing a long, intricately crafted dress and her hair was loosely tied behind her head with a hairpin.

Zhou Yu asked me, “What did she mean?”

“She said to tell you to be nice to me.”

Actually, I don’t know.

“Let’s go, let’s go, I’m starving.” I dragged Zhou Yu away.

At 19, he didn’t send his roses.

At 21, Zhou Yu waited for his precious love.

Love crosses mountains and seas, roses come for you.


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Previous February 27, 2024
Next February 28, 2024


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