4. So I’m the evil match

So I’m the Evil Match

Unwanted: Seeing you at the right moment of love

I thought I was the heroine.

Really, after all, I am white and beautiful, waist thin legs and long, father’s mother love, good family, and a childhood friend fiancé who is not bad to me, simply sweet favor article standard!

We are saying that we are the winners of life, right?

However, I forgot, with this kind of configuration, not only the female lead, but also the evil female supporting.

Oh, I’m really going to thank you.


I’m Wen Yino, I’m 18 years old, a senior in high school, and yesterday I got engaged to my childhood friend at my birthday party.

Yes, that’s the male lead, Yan Huai.

Damn it, how happy I was yesterday, how sad I am today.

Because I finally remembered today that I’m in a novel. Happily this is indeed a sweet text, but, unluckily, I’m the female match, or the kind that stalks the male lead and viciously frames the female lead, and in the end, the sky cools and warms and breaks, and the family dies.

Even less coincidentally, the male lead and I just got engaged yesterday, and today the female lead transferred to our school.

I’m fine, really.

“Yino, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” My deskmate and best friend, Su Mengmeng, asked in a low voice, a hint of worry flashing in her eyes.

“It’s fine.” I tried hard to raise a smile, but realized that the tightness in my chest seemed to seal my face, I, couldn’t smile.

“Maybe I’m a little sick because I was tired yesterday.” I heard me say as such.

Looking at Lin Zhen, the heroine on the podium who was gentle and soft and doing her self-introduction, I was a little lost in thought.

Unlike the heroine who is gentle and lovely, I’ve always had a lively nature, even a bit too lively, and when I was a child, I was even a bit of a cat hating a dog hating a dog.

However, Yan Huai loved to stick to me since I was little, accompanying me to be crazy, accompanying me to make a mess, and finally secretly taking the blame for me.

When I was young, he was very possessive, I played with other boys, he did not say anything, just look at me with his big eyes watery, pitifully called me “sister”. I’m not sure how much I’m going to be able to handle this!

After he grew up, Yan Huai became more introverted, took me everywhere to play, accompanied me to study, and no longer called me “sister”, no matter how much I coaxed him, he only said “Nuo Nuo good boy”, and then looked at me innocently.

But all the boys who approached me would be driven away by him on the grounds that I had to study hard and would not fall in love early, and his mouth was also loud and clear: they are not as good-looking as me, and they want to cause you not to study seriously, and they do not have good intentions.

It can be said that Yan Huai has occupied almost all of my 18 years.

Looking at the female lead sitting next to Yan Huai as in the plot, I squeezed my hand.

Could it be that Qingmei really can’t compare to Heaven’s Descent?

I seem to understand a little bit why the female match is pestering the male lead to target the female lead.


The beginning of the story in the book is today.

In the book, I would be uncomfortable in my heart because Lin Zhen was sitting next to Yan Huai, and my words took on some impropriety.

He was bluntly defending the heroine and rebuked me, which deepened my anger.

Then later, because of the table relationship, they get closer and closer, Yan Huai to Lin Zhen is also more and more good, and I because of jealousy, from the ostracism to threaten, and then set up, and finally even because of the kidnapping of the heroine Yan Huai sent to prison, died in prison, the family was also annexed by the Yan family.

Watching the female lead become Yan Huai’s deskmate according to the plot, I suddenly can’t understand something.

I don’t seem to be a person who would be jealous of me, but I’m even more protective of me, so if I didn’t have to be at the same table as my best friend, I wouldn’t not sit with me.

In the plot, the things I did also made me a little bit blind, sister is so stupid?

I rubbed my chin, Yan Huai is indeed very suitable for me, it’s almost like he’s growing on my heart!

But I do have a little bit of emotional cleanliness, if he really like the original text of that to Lin Zhen have so little meaning, ah no, a point of meaning, I absolutely want to say goodbye to him.

Of course, it’s definitely not that I’m scared to death, smile.


The next class is gym class.

As usual, Yan Huai came over and held my hand, squatting in front of me, looking at me blearily, like a puppy begging for meat.

I raised my hand and pinched his earlobe, “What’s wrong?”

He deflated, “Nono, I have a desk mate, and it’s a girl!”

“Uh, so?” I said with a twitch in my heart, but still not quite saying anything on my face.

“Nonno! A girl!” Seeing that I didn’t show anything, he unconsciously increased his voice and widened his eyes, “And she keeps trying to talk to me!”

“Oh.” I remained flat. Yan Huai’s moist peach blossom eyes gradually contained a hint of aggression, “Nuo Nuo you don’t care about me at all, you don’t even get jealous, and you let other girls sit next to me.” Saying this, he also sniffled furiously.

“Where did that come from?” I kissed his chin, “It’s obviously because our Huai has always been a good boy, that’s why I’m relieved.”

“Then if I’m so good, can I switch places with that guy, Su Mengmeng?” Seeing his eyes shining brightly as he looked at my lips, and his mouth was still strong, “I have a fiancée now, I can’t be too close to other girls, this is what I call observing male morality!”

“And we’re engaged, all the more reason to cultivate our relationship.” He said and subconsciously licked his lips.

I couldn’t hold back my laughter.

Well, it’s still a familiar recipe and familiar flavor, if this Yan Huai ends up being like the book, I’ll directly wash my hair upside down.

I nodded my head, sort of agreeing with what he said about switching seats, looking at him directly smiling with arched eyebrows, directly sweet to my heart bar.

But things don’t seem to be as simple as I thought.


In the afternoon, I don’t know how Yan Huai negotiated with the homeroom teacher, in any case, he became my deskmate as expected.

Looking at Mengmeng, who was moving her chair with a broken mouth, and Yan Huai, who was ‘kindly’ helping Mengmeng move her desk with a smug face, I couldn’t help but feel a little funny.

How can these two be so cute? My goodness!

Just as I sat down with Yan Huai, I saw Lin Zhen come dawdling over, seemingly a bit aggravated.

“Mr. Yan Huai, may I ask if I did something wrong?” Said Lin Zhen, her eyes even flooded with a little watery light.

I turned my head to look at Yan Huai, but I saw that he was flipping through his book without raising his head, and underneath his desk, his hand was quietly pinching the hem of my shirt and shaking it.

I looked up, “A-Huai is not used to sitting with girls, is there anything else wrong, Lin Zhen-san?”

Lin Zhen looked as if she was even more aggravated, her eyes locked on Yan Huai, “But isn’t Wen-san a girl too?”

“I don’t think I need to report what I do to you, it’s none of your business if I sit with my fiancée, and besides, who are you?” Yan Huai raised his head and glanced at him coolly, and finished by directly lowering his head and playing with my hand.

Looking at Yan Huai’s slender white hand wrapping around mine, the warm fingertips gently kneading it, the tip of my ear burned, but suddenly I heard a sharp voice.

「System you douchebag, didn’t you say that I have a heroine’s aura, and that the male lead will definitely be unable to pull himself away when he sees me? What’s going on now? You give me a clear explanation!”

I looked up in surprise, but I saw Lin Zhen still standing aggressively, but a deadly anger flashed in her watery eyes.

Another emotionless mechanical voice sounded: “The heroine’s aura is only playing a supporting role, please correct the host’s attitude, don’t think about getting something for nothing, and seriously raid the male lead. Another, the host language attack this system, points -10.”

Watching Lin Zhen return to her seat rather gritting her teeth, my eyes darkened.

System ah, Raider? This is going to be fun.


Just as Lin Zhen left, I felt a burning gaze.

As soon as I turned my head, I met Yan Huai’s rather accusing eyes, “Nuo Nuo you must protect me well, that woman has bad intentions at a glance, her eyes are about to eat me alive, oing oing.”

“Good, our AHUAI is really a blue face, AHUAI must be good ah, if you are not good I won’t want you oh.” I rubbed Yan Huai’s fluffy hair.

“I’ve always been good, and I only like Nuo Nuo, I’ll only be good to you,” he said. Yan Huai obediently rubbed my hand, wet eyes like a loveable puppy.

Well, who could say no to such a well-behaved, milky object?

I can’t anyway.

Hee hee.

Back home, lying on the big soft bed, I closed my eyes.

According to the plot, the first encounter with the main female character, is the main female character transferred to the school to sit together with the speech Huai I ridiculed her words, and now naturally, it is not broken.

Looking at the countdown to midterm exams on the calendar hanging on the wall, I licked my dry lips.

In the original book, what caused the original owner to go crazy wasn’t just the fact that Yan Huai treated the female owner a little differently, but also the fact that the original owner never won against the female owner.

Whether it was exams, cultural performances, or sports games, it could be said that he lost when he met her.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the original heroine, who grew up with excellent grades, plus the heroine’s plausible provocations, the newly-adult heroine impulsively generates some wrong ideas.

Speaking of Huai’s constant defense of the female lead, such that in the end he withdrew and loathed the original lead, was the last straw that crushed the camel.

Stroking my chin, I smiled gently, since I have to defend my own interests, it’s natural that I have to win all the time.

Nah, it’s time to start grabbing the heroine’s aura, how can I break it if I’m a little excited?



Early in the morning, as usual, I finished breakfast and took the bus to school with Yan Huai.

Our Wen family and Yan Huai family is a family friend, because we grew up with a good relationship, the two families simply become neighbors, the Yan family even has a bedroom that belongs to me.

Early this morning, the two families of unscrupulous parents will happily announce that they are old and want to go out to relax and unwind, they are very relieved that I and Yan Huai, let me move to the Yan family to live, Yan mother also instructed Yan Huai to take good care of me.

Damn ah, really …… really, well, too (dry) over (get) points (bleach) (bright).

In the original plot, Yan Huai and I quarreled and had a cold war because of another girl on the first day of our engagement, and both parents naturally didn’t feel too relieved about us.

Now, hey, it’s naturally a good time to cultivate feelings.

AUTHOR: It hasn’t already been cultivated from childhood, tsk tsk tsk.

I was in a good mood holding Yan Huai towards the classroom, but a familiar mechanical tone came to my ears.

“Main quest: talk to the male lead within today x 10. reward for learning skills: unforgettable, learn by example.”

Tsk, a trace of realization flashed in his eyes, so this is how the original main character lost the midterm exam.

“Good morning, Mr. Yan Huai, good morning.” Lin Zhen smiled coyly, her voice gentle and soft.

Yan Huai didn’t seem to hear it in general, his head didn’t turn back, only holding me to speed up his steps, “Walk faster, Nuo Nuo, you’re going to be late.”

Looking at the near classroom, I raised my hand and looked at the time on my watch, well, it was indeed “almost late”, after all, there were only twenty minutes left.

Lin Zhen, however, acted as if she had only just seen me, “Ah, Wen-san is here too, good morning.”

In her ear was another grumpy voice, “Didn’t you say that the male lead hates the female counterpart? What is this now? And your damn heroine’s aura, what the hell is the point of this shit?”

“Well, good morning.” I faded, and was soon pulled back to my seat by Yan Huai.

Watching Lin Zhen return to her seat rather unwillingly, I squeezed Yan Huai’s hand, “Good job, from now on you’re not even allowed to talk to girls you don’t know, you hear me?”

“I only love talking to you.” Yan Huai’s big, bony hand wrapped back around mine, and rightfully so.


Throughout the morning recess, Lin Zhen could be seen aggressively moving towards Yan Huai, but Yan Huai didn’t even give her a single glance, which attracted the attention of the whole class.

“Yino, do you think Lin Zhen is looking at your family, so attentive?” Su Mengmeng, who just finished shopping at the kiosk with me, took my arm.

“But your family object, really cold, just let the whole class watch Lin Zhen perform, too much, not gentlemanly at all, but I like it, eh hey.”

Not only did the whole class know about it, but they also attended my and Yan Huai’s engagement party, so Lin Zhen’s behavior is really intriguing.

Looking at Lin Zhen’s proactive and unwilling to give up, an idea suddenly flashed through my mind, and I hooked my lips and leapt into action, hoping that Lin Zhen wouldn’t want to hit someone.

After the last class of the morning, the bell rang.

Yan Huai led me towards the cafeteria, I took a seat and he took a meal.

Just a few bites into my meal, I saw Lin Zhen at the end of the line, I tugged on Yan Huai’s sleeve, “Ah Huai, if Lin Zhen makes it to the opposite side of you in a while, and keeps talking to you non-stop, just pay attention to her for a bit.”

Looking at Yan Huai turning his head to look at me in confusion, I continued to bite his ear, “You can only speak nine sentences, no more than one sentence, no less than one sentence, and then no matter what she says today, you are not allowed to pay any attention to her.”

“Okay.” Yan Huai didn’t doubt it and obediently nodded his head.

I was a little excited to have just done a prank, well, if Lin Zhen went to eat by herself, obediently not to provoke me, then forget it, must come to me in front of me to disgust me, then don’t blame me for not being polite.

Sure enough, Lin Zhen, who had finished his meal, walked straight towards me and Yan Huai, and sat down opposite Yan Huai in a very familiar manner.

Ah, I’m really good at anticipating things, so it’s up to Yan Huai next, hee hee.

Just as we sat down, Lin Zhen spoke up, “Yan Huai, do you eat in the cafeteria every day too?”

“Uh-huh.” Yan Huai didn’t look up.

“Then can we eat together from now on?” Lin Zhen acted like she didn’t see me.

“No.” Yan Huai was short.

“Why?” Lin Zhen seemed a little aggravated.

“I don’t want to.” Yan Huai ate his food slowly and methodically.

“Are you unhappy today?” Lin Zhen’s eyes widened slightly.

“No.” Yan Huai gave me some food.


A short question and answer, I watched it while eating my meal with great interest, and I have to say, Lin Zhen’s performance, it was very down to earth.

Finally, the last answer to Lin Zhen’s “Are you disliking me?” was “You just realized?” .

Seeing Yan Huai speed up his eating speed like he was relieved, a hint of laughter flashed in my eyes.

Next, no matter what Lin Zhen said, Yan Huai just ate while giving me my favorites from his plate, completely ignoring Lin Zhen’s jabbering.

Only then did Lin Zhen act like she finally saw me, “Ah, you’re here too, Wen.”

“Uh-huh.” Swallowing the last mouthful of rice, I faintly replied back.

“Wen, why are you with Yan Huai every day? Even fiancées need to give others a bit of personal space, right?” Lin Zhen beamed, her eyes rather innocent.

In fact, it was her grumpy voice in my ears, “It must be this woman who provoked my relationship with Yan Huai, why is she so bitchy? Sticking to the male host every day, worthy of being a vicious female match, shameless!”

Mechanical voice: “Please make further efforts, one more sentence from the host, and the main quest will be completed soon.”

“Got it, got it, hurry up, isn’t it just one more sentence? There’s still a whole afternoon left, how can it not be finished?” The grumpy voice continued.

I laughed softly, it might not really be finished.

Looking again at the classmates on both sides who were listening with their ears perked up, my smile deepened, but on my lips, I said, ”This has nothing to do with Lin student, right, and besides, how do you know that it’s me who spends every day with Ah Huai and not him who clings to me every day?”

After saying that, Yan Huai nodded fervently, bashed up both of our dinner plates, and led me outside.

Thus, before the end of the school day, the whole school knew that the new transfer student from the senior class was not only clinging to Yan Huai, who had a fiancée in the class, but also spoke sarcastically about Yan Huai’s fiancée, Wen Yi Nuo, being too clingy with him.

However, since childhood, who doesn’t know that the sticky one is the Yan Huai who looks high and cold? Even the engagement is Yan Huai is afraid of the university Wen Yino was snatched mentioned.

Of course, this is an afterthought.

In the afternoon, watching Lin Zhen go from confident to cranky and anxious because of Yan Huai’s ignorance, I have to say, it was really delightful.

Unsurprisingly, the mission failed, listening to Lin Zhen’s grumpy conversation with the system, my entire body and mind is relieved.

The mission, as long as it’s related to Yan Huai, it’s impossible to complete in this life.


In a flash, it was the day before the midterm exams.

Recently, my life can be said to be exceptionally nourishing, every day flirting with Yan Huai, playing with Lin Zhen and her system, simply not too happy.

Looking at Yan Huai, who was listening to the teacher and taking notes, I was serious on the face, but my hand secretly grabbed his hand under the table and kneaded it.

Yan Huai’s hands are very nice, white and well-boned, long and thin fingers, fingertips with a light powder, nails neatly trimmed, rounded and good-looking, seems to emit a young and good smell similar to the flavor of the sun.

I carefully touched each knuckle and gently kneaded them, letting out a sigh of satisfaction in my heart.

When I looked up, I saw Yan Huai reddening the tips of his ears and breathing a little sharply.

Seeing me look over, he whispered, “Nuo Nuo, still in class, listen carefully.” The peach blossom eyes of the good shape are moist and dense with water vapor.

“But I will all ah, I’m bored, you do not like me to touch your hand?” I opened my eyes innocently.

Yan Huai pursed his lips and whispered, “No, mine is only for you to play with.”

The last word, his voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible, and when he finished, he continued to take notes with the tips of his red ears.

Put, play.

Couldn’t help but top my cheeks, hehehe, this word I like.

The cold mechanical voice that had not been seen for a long time suddenly came from the ear: ”Mainline task – midterm exam score exceeds the female counterpart Wen Yino. Reward: dance all-around.”

Perhaps because of my ‘enthusiastic help’, not a single one of Lin Zhen’s mainline quests about Yan Huai has ever been completed.

And the system seems to have received a blow, it almost didn’t show up these two weeks, I have to say, the mental capacity is really weak.

Tsk, little hot chick.

According to the original plot, Lin Zhen’s mainline quests should be successful without exception, and the skill buffs obtained are countless, so the midterm exams are naturally easy for me to surpass the perennial number one on the list.

Now, it can be said that there is no chance of winning.

As expected, just after the mechanical voice had spoken, the irritable female voice immediately followed.

“Are you serious? You don’t know that I was a loser before you bound me, so you want me to win the first place in the female pairing exam? Are you farting here?”

The mechanical voice still didn’t fluctuate, “Warning, the host insults the system, electric shock punishment once, often for ten minutes, executed after the mission. Please recognize the reality of the host, the completion of the task or not is related to the fate of the host, please pay attention to the host.”

Puhahahahaha, my face didn’t move, but in reality, the villain in my heart had already started rolling with laughter.

Since the first mission failure, Lin Zhen is getting more and more irritable, daily insulting the system, the system is not a good deal, directly introduced the electric shock punishment mechanism.

However, so far, it seems to have not seen the electric shock has been practiced, and thus Lin Zhen has been emboldened and unconcerned, and thought that the system was going to rely on her to survive.

However, I don’t think the system is so righteous that it would still sacrifice itself to preserve the host.

Not to mention the fact that the quests it releases are undoubtedly demeaning to me, close to Yan Huai.

Just looking at the sharp decrease in the frequency of missions released by the system recently, I guessed that it was probably because the system also felt that Lin Zhen had no future and was ready to run away.

As for the purpose of belittling me and getting close to Yan Huai, I also have a rough guess.

In the plot to belittle me, make me more and more bad luck, while Lin Zhen smooth wind, have to make people suspect that she robbed my luck.

Speaking of Huai as the male lead, his luck was self-evident.

In this to say that the system did not benefit, I do not believe it.

Lin Zhen seemed to be silent for a long time, her voice contained some gnashing of teeth, “System, is there anything in the system mall that can help me improve my grades?”

The system has been calm and wave-free mechanical voice seems to dye a trace of joy, “Smart top drug, can make people smarter in a short time, cite a three, do not 999, as long as 99, 99 points × 1, the effect of the drug for two hours, the child and the old man, may I ask the host needs it?”

Lin Zhen seemed to be shocked by the system’s shamelessness, “You’re selling a time-limited medicine for so much? I only have over 400 points, what about your robbery?”

“Dear, you have a total of 421 points, enough to buy four pills, just enough to take the language and math plus science.” The system has been indifferent mechanical voice finally colored a trace of cordiality.

Lin Zhen ground his teeth, gritted his teeth, “Four.”

The system was happy, ”Okay, dear, a total of 396 points, the balance of 25 points, please take it~”

Seemingly having gotten the medicine, in my afterglow, Lin Zhen touched the pocket of her school uniform, and subconsciously glanced in my direction, seeing that I didn’t seem to be paying attention to her, only then did she turn her head to look at the blackboard as if she was slightly relieved.

At the moment she turned her head, I raised my eyes and swept them at her for a moment, seeing the excitement and thrill hidden under her eyes, the corners of my mouth bringing up a slight smile.

The smartest drug in the world? As long as my score is high enough since I’m not afraid, just let a person smart, and not directly let her loaded with all the knowledge, not to worry.

However, the Smartest Pill, ah, I hope it’s not what I think it is, hee hee.


The midterm exams came as scheduled, and the whole school was in a state of tension.

The exams were numbered in the order of the seats, and there were students from different classes in one exam room.

Coincidentally, Lin Zhen sat diagonally in front of me.

Exam for me, not I Versailles, really not difficult, after all, I grew up to dominate the first.

Not all rely on talent, in the place where others can not see, I also work very hard, winter and summer vacation home special tutoring is almost unbroken.

As a result, the original plot of the original owner was Lin Zhen to seize the first position, the shock suffered by the heart, can not be said to be not big.

Now well, I hooked up a teasing smile.

Looking at Lin Zhen’s confident smile at the corner of her mouth that never let go because of the Clever and Superior Medicine, I raised an eyebrow.

The two days of midterm exams passed quickly, and I did very well.

As the city’s best high school, our results came out quickly, but in a few days, the midterm results came down.

Sitting in the classroom, Lin Zhen in the afterglow seemed a little fidgety, her eyes sweeping towards me from time to time with inexplicable anticipation.

I face as usual pulled over Yan Huai’s hand rubbing, looking at the tip of Yan Huai’s ear little by little dyed delicate red, I was in a good mood.

The homeroom teacher soon walked into the classroom.

He was very happy and said with a smile on his face, “This time, all of the students in our class have made great progress, in addition to the daily reigning number one and number two students, Wen Yino and Yan Huai, there’s also a student among them who has captured another top thirty position in the grade for our class, and deserves to be praised for that!”

“Mr. Lin Zhen, who has just transferred into our school and has achieved such an accomplishment, please give us a round of applause!”

Amidst the thunderous applause, looking at Lin Zhen’s increasingly white complexion, I ruthlessly rubbed Yan Huai’s hand, secretly pleased in my heart.

Looking at Lin Zhen’s expression as she scratched her hair with some difficulty, my eyes lit up, hey, I knew it.

“Lin Zhen, you lost your hair?” I heard Lin Zhen’s deskmate and my best friend Su Meng Meng shocked, “No, Lin Zhen, you’ve lost all the hair on top of your head.”

With that, I saw Meng Meng pull out a small mirror and hand it to Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen froze and looked at her in the mirror, her hands still grasping a big fuzzy clutch of hair, seemed a little overwhelmed.

After all, she …… was absolutely stunning!


Lin Zhen screamed out, instantly attracting the attention of the entire class.

So the entire class saw Lin Zhen’s extinct appearance, watching Lin Zhen as if reacting to hastily use her hands to cover.

As a result, she touched the loose hair on top of her head and grabbed the remaining hair on top of her head as well.

The bare top of her head was exposed, and her obvious Mediterranean hairstyle made people want to laugh but were too embarrassed to do so.

“Puff,” I couldn’t hold back a bit, and hurriedly turned my head into Yan Huai’s arms, holding back so much that my shoulders were shaking with a shrug.

Yan Huai seemed to be holding back his laughter as well, his chest trembling uncontrollably, and he also stroked my back to soothe me.

Lin Zhen held back from crying, her voice seemed to shake a little, “Teacher, I …… that …… I’m going to go first.”

The class teacher nodded, “Go, you recently studied hard hard, it’s better to go to the hospital to see what’s going on.”

Watching Lin Zhen nodded haphazardly, clutching her school bag and running out, her footsteps were very flustered, and her grumpy voice was still coming from her ears.

“Damn, what’s going on? System you come out and tell me clearly, how did I go bald? System your ass, better give me a reasonable explanation ……”

I narrowed my eyes, hee hee, smart and overwhelming medicine, smart, overwhelming, whole quite good.

Watching Lin Zhen walk away, I finally couldn’t help but laugh out loud, and even the whole class roared with laughter.

Seeing the class teacher helplessly looked at me for a moment, I tried to laugh a few times and then held back.

Seeing me stop, the homeroom teacher then seriously knocked on the podium, “Lin Zhen student is doing this for the sake of her studies, how can you all laugh at her efforts?” After saying that, she let out a giggle.

Well, everyone can’t help it.

The story of Lin Zhen’s baldness for the sake of her studies spread all over the school in no time.

The whole school was a sensation!


At night, lying in bed, I was a little lost in thought.

After the drama of the midterm exams is the school anniversary performance, this time Lin Zhen did not have dance all-around buff, and how to prepare to win the first?

When I saw Lin Zhen afterward, I saw her wearing a wig and studying seriously, as if she was ready to carry out her hair loss because of her serious studying to the end.

If it wasn’t for the words that kept ringing in my ears, I would have believed her.

“System! If it wasn’t for you, how did I make such a fool of myself? You’re responsible! Do you hear me? System, don’t play dead, come out quickly!”

Only after a long time did the system dawdle and emerge, “Alright, it’s true that I didn’t make clear the side effects of the medicine, this time the system reward, Dance Omnipotence will be taken as compensation to be given out to you for free.”

After a pause, the system’s mechanical voice came again, ”Mainline mission: compete for the first place in the school’s anniversary celebration concert. Reward: Hair Growth Pill x 1.”

“In addition, Host, please note that this is your last chance. In light of the host’s recent negative performance, as well as the host’s invariable failures, the System Department has decided that if this mission fails, this system will soon be unbound from you.”

Lin Zhen was silent for a long time, seemingly a bit unwilling, for a long time before bracing himself for a slight mockery.

“OK, anyway, I want you this system is not much use, nothing can help me, if this mission fails, then you’d better get out as far away as possible.”

After a long time, seeing that they had nothing more to say, I turned my head to look at Yan Huai who was reading a book.

Yan Huai’s bone shape is very good, into the eyes is a high nose and clear jawline, the shape of the peach blossom eyes and petal-like delicate lips, lips not point but red, almost no lip lines, very suitable for kissing.

The task just released by the system is almost directly telling me that Lin Zhen, is going to be abandoned by the system.

After all, this is the first time that the system rewards have nothing to do with me, or Ah Huai, and are only used to compensate for previous mistakes.

In other words, such a good-looking person, the beautiful Ah Huai is now, and will belong to me in the future.

I gently came forward and kissed the corner of Yan Huai’s lips like a thief.

Looking at the tips of his ears that abruptly exploded red, I revealed the most relaxed smile since my engagement.

These past few months, I was always tense, although confirming Yan Huai’s liking for me and calculating Lin Zhen and her system step by step, there was always a kind of panic inside, the panic of facing an uncontrollable enemy.

It wasn’t a lack of confidence in my own abilities, but, I really cared a little bit about Yan Huai, or too much, and everything that happened in the original plot was almost something I didn’t dare to think about.

And now the dust is finally about to settle.

Unexpectedly, Lin Zhen signed up for the school’s anniversary celebration performance, and the program is, unsurprisingly, a dance, as in the original plot, a street dance.

Perhaps it is because everything is almost over, or because everything is under control, time flies a bit fast these days.

In the blink of an eye, it was time for the school’s anniversary performance.

After listening to the soothing and quiet piano music, it was time for Lin Zhen’s program.

I have to say, this arrangement is really favorable to her, but I don’t really care, after all, she really can’t make any more waves now.

Leaning against Yan Huai, playing with his white and slender hand, I narrowed my eyes slightly and watched the program rather comfortably.

At the beginning of the program, the exciting and cheerful music matched with Lin Zhen’s powerful dance, under the flashing colorful lights, instantly ignited the whole venue, whistling and shouting in the arena.

Listening to the shouts of the students, Lin Zhen seems to be a little self-satisfied, the corners of his mouth raised a confident smile.

Rapid and dynamic rhythm, with the last few head toss, Lin Zhen with a confident smile to end the dance.

The arena suddenly fell silent.

“Puff!” A snort of laughter rang out, Lin Zhen seemed a bit puzzled, I looked at the top of Lin Zhen’s smooth, rounded, reflective head under the light, and finally couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Lin Zhen then realized what touched the top of her head, and instantly crouched down holding her head as she felt the bare touch.


For a moment, the sound of laughter resounded through the arena.

At this time, a boy finally noticed the wig that had landed at his feet and walked onto the stage while laughing, “Classmate, you, pfft, your wig.”

Lin Zhen raised his head and grabbed the wig with eyes full of anger, running backstage in a panic.

The laughter in the arena got louder.

I laughed so hard that my entire body softened in Yan Huai’s arms, and Yan Huai stroked my back to soothe me while handing over a cup of water, “Alright, beware of laughing off the gas.”

He said, and couldn’t help but laugh himself as his chest shook.

I swear, this really has nothing to do with me, this is definitely an accident.

Though but, I know that doesn’t seem too generous, and it’s kind of nice, goosey goosey goosey.


A cold mechanical voice came from my ears.

“Mission failed, unbinding.”

“Unbinding successful.”

That day Lin Zhen became the biggest gossip joke in the school.

When I heard from Lin Zhen again, she had already transferred to another school.

It’s a bit damaging, but I’m dying to know what happened to her bald spot, hee hee.

It was soon the day before the college entrance exam.

At night, I leaned in Yan Huai’s arms and looked at the moon outside.

“Ah Huai, will you always love me?”

“Yes, I will, I’ll always love you and we’ll be together forever.”

The system that traveled to another space: ”Ah, fortunately, I moved a bit on the waste host’s wig, otherwise I would have to accompany her until the monkey’s age, I’m so hard, Ashi <(`^´)>.”


Yan Huai and Wen Yi Nuo’s first acquaintance was in kindergarten.

At that time, the Yan family had just shifted the center of development from abroad back to China, so little Yan Huai became an intermediate student in the kindergarten class.

His face value since childhood is good, small face with a little baby fat, a pair of big watery eyes vaguely show some future inviting peach blossom sex, pink lips like flowers, gently pursed, quite a bit of male and female do not distinguish between the beautiful meaning.

Little Yanhuai has been pampered since childhood, but also a little afraid of life, looking at the classroom a tiger head and brain of the little carrot head, tender fat little hand pulling the corner of the coat, seems to be some nowhere to put.

His voice was thin and soft: “Hello everyone, my name is Yan Huai, this year 3 years old.

When he finished speaking, he pursed his lips and stirred his small hands together, his eyes fluttering, not knowing where to put them.

Kindergartens are full of children who are basically spoiled by their families. They may not have any bad intentions, but their words can make people feel a bit malicious.

In this class, there is a very strong-looking fat child, “Yan Huai, you look so pretty, are you a girl?” “No, I’m a girl.

“No, I am …… a boy.” Little Yan Huai red face, pinching the corner of the small fat hand clenched a little tighter.

“You can’t bully new classmates oh!” Being said by the teacher, the fat child seems to be a little unconvinced, but also no longer say anything, seems to hold something.

Soon it was time for free play, but Xiao Yanhuai was blocked in the corner by the fat kid with three or two little brothers.

“You must be a girl, you look so pretty, how can you be a boy? The fat kid yelled while pulling on Xiao Yanhuai’s pants.

Little Yanhuai struggled to protect his wobbly pants, his small hands clenched tightly, his watery eyes filled with tears.

Seeing that the pants were going to be unable to hold up, the fat child was suddenly carried away, “Fatty, you’re bullying again!” The tender female voice still had some milky flavor, and her behavior was very fierce, completely inconsistent with her appearance.

The cute and cuddly girl had a baby fat face, and her figure was quite tall among her peers, and she easily picked up the little fatty with one hand.

“Run, run, run, the Warm Witch is coming!”

Looking at these little carrot heads scattering and running away, the girl’s soft but very strong little fat hand helped Little Yan Huai up, “Is everything alright.”

“No, I’m fine.” Little Yanhuai’s mouth was deflated, with tears in his eyes, but his eyes shone brightly when he looked at the girl.

“Hello, Little Yan Huai, I’m Wen Yino.” The girl’s big smile revealed a row of cute little milk teeth.

This year, he was 3 years old and she was 4 years old.

From that day on, little Yan Huai became Wen Yino’s fanatic admirer.

In his young heart, Wen Yino was the fairy in the fairy tale!

After school, when he returned home, he was surprised to see the little fairy sitting on his sofa!

“This is your Uncle and Aunt Wen, and this is your Aunt Wen’s daughter.”

Mother Yan touched her own son’s soft hair, only to find her son with a red face, wriggling and rubbing himself against his best friend’s little daughter, holding the corner of her coat.

“Sister~” Little Yan Huai’s voice was soft and sticky, and gently tugged on the corner of his sister’s coat.

“Xiaoyanhuai!” Wen Jia’s sister looked very happy, her eyes were shining brightly, and she kissed Little Yan Huai’s soft cheeks with a kiss.

Watching Little Yanhuai’s face and ears turn red with shame, Wen Yino smiled with her big eyes narrowed, revealing her milky rows of milk teeth.

“You two know each other?” Mother Yan was surprised to see her fearful son in the shy look of the little girl he just met.

“Uh-huh, my sister and I are in the same class, and my sister is very powerful, today there was a big guy who bullied me, and my sister lifted him up with one hand!”

Xiao Yanhuai even said with a drawing, with a reddish face is full of excitement and with the honor of pride.

“Pfft, Yino is just a leather monkey, her father sent her to grandpa’s place to practice martial arts for a year, she’s very strong”. Wen mother sniffed happily.

“And ah, this monkey is also a complete and utter face of the dog, it is likely to look at your family Xiao Huai is good and soft, can not see the beauty to be bullied it.”

Knowing her daughter is like a mother, just by looking at her own daughter’s attentiveness to her son, she knew that her face-control problem was back.

“How? This is clearly called punishing the evil and saving the beauty! It’s not like I’m seeing color!” Wen Yino pouted and refuted with a strong voice.

Of course, it would have been more convincing if she hadn’t jerked Xiao Yanhuai’s soft little face.

Wen mother’s eyes carried a sense of understanding, ”Then your little brother Yanhuai can be entrusted to your protection, you can’t bully him.”

She said, and squeezed her eyes, her eyes full of teasing.

“Uh-huh!” Wen Yi Nuo raised her eyebrows, then took Little Yan Huai’s soft little hand and walked towards the villa next door.

As she walked, she also kneaded little Yanhuai’s hand and said, “My house is next door, let’s go to my place to play for a while, and then come back for dinner later.”

“Ok da.” Little Yanhuai’s little milky voice was soft, his eyes glanced at his sister’s little meat hand from time to time, and his thin face that had just recovered was colored with a light blush again.

Thus, Wen Yino managed to obtain a cute little follower, or a little follower that loves to be pampered and clingy.

There is a favorite food to bring to the sister, there is fun to bring to the sister, sick to accompany the sister, bullied but also sister to protect ……

But the sticky and petulant little Yan Huai, who can not love it?

Anyway, Wen Yino, the ultimate face control is not able to drop, can be said to be completely unable to resist the adorable attack of the little Yanhuai.

Time always flies when you are a toddler, and soon, Wen Yino is going to elementary school.

This was a bolt from the blue for the clingy little Yanhuai!

His sister was leaving him to go to school by himself! He won’t be able to see her during the day!

At this point in time, little Yanhuai did not yet understand the principle that a man’s tears should not be shed lightly (although he may still shed them in front of his sister when he understands it later).

The moment he learned that his sister was going to leave him behind and go to another school by herself, Little Yanhuai’s little mouth deflated, and in his beautiful peach blossom eyes, tears fell as soon as he said they would.

They weren’t the annoying kind of bawling.

Rather, it was clear that the tears were falling, drop by drop, crying so much that his cute little nose and chin were red, but he didn’t cry out.

Just gripping the corner of her sister’s coat, tearful eyes fuzzy staring at her, little whimpering sobs, directly crying her sister and Wen mother mother’s mother’s heart ba are hurting.

Oh ~ look at this little poor.

Seeing Wen Yi Nuo put little Yan Huai in his arms, how can not coax, little Yan Huai even cried until breathing is not too smooth.

Wen mother rushed out, “Aiyo, crying le, immediately the child crying bad can be very bad, do not think of ways to send them both to school together? How to say is to spend some money.”

Hearing that there is a turnaround, little Yan Huai raised buried in the sister’s arms to cry to suffocate the small face, head turned to the mother of speech, “really …… really?

Said while still choking, see Yan mother nodded, in finally gradually stopped crying, face resting on the sister neck nest, a long sigh of relief.

Along with the gentle force of Wen Yino wiped the small face of the crying flower, little Yan Huai only red ear tip embarrassed to look at the sister body by their own crying wet clothes.

Finally successfully and sister together with the school enrollment of small Yan Huai, carrying a small schoolbag and sister into the same class, do the same table, became the smallest small classmates in the class, began to accept the poisonous beatings of learning.

In elementary school, Yan Huai is still clingy to Wen Yino, every day, “sister, sister”, and clingy, possessive, and even by classmates jokingly referred to as “Wen Yino’s little domesticated daughter-in-law”.

The change came in middle school.

At that time, the boys also began to develop, Yan Huai’s height gradually exceeded Wen Yino, coupled with their looks, in junior high school, most of the people out of the sinus and shy age, the two can be said to have received a soft love letter.

“The two of them can be said to have received a lot of love letters,” said Wen Yino. Wen Yino looked at the piles of love letters in Yan Huai’s school bag and squeezed her eyes and teased.

“Sister! You don’t have a lot of love letters, so don’t laugh.” Baby fat just retreated teenager still with a little youthful, slender hand rebelliously pinched his own sister’s hand feel good face.

“Well, but today really give me found a few handsome young man, if a period of early love is also good ah, hehehehe. Wen Yino shook the love letter in his hand, continued to stride towards home, his voice still with some excitement.

But did not realize that the teenager behind him, who was just laughing, suddenly stopped his feet.

Looking at Wen Yino’s back, Yan Huai’s mind was suddenly in chaos.

He thought that he could be with his sister forever, but forgot that his sister would get married and have children, there would be another person in the future to hug his sister and pamper her, and he could only watch, and even his sister would be alienated from him because of that person’s jealousy.

How can it be? Sister is obviously his ah, sister said will always like him.

Returning to Yan’s house in a muddle, Yan Huai was a bit unable to accept his sister’s words of ‘falling in love’ for a while.

After sitting in the living room for a long time, he finally calmed down.

Watching his parents being intimate as if no one else was there, the corner of Yan Huai’s lips hooked up a smile.

To fall in love, wouldn’t it be better to be with him? Who else would be as beautiful as him? Even if there was, it didn’t matter, just drive away.

After all, Sister had also said that he was the best looking, practically growing on her heart bus, making it impossible to refuse.

No, how can I call her “Sister”? Calling “Sister” would be like being a younger brother all the time, and since he’s going to be a boyfriend, it’s better to call him “Nuo Nuo” to be more intimate.

Secretly making a good decision, Yan Huai’s whole body relaxed, and even went into the kitchen to prepare a loving breakfast for his future girlfriend with great interest.

Thus, Wen Yino surprised to find that Yan Huai began to be wary of all men close to her, became a like to say some plausible words cute green tea, also like to call her “Nuo Nuo”, no matter how to coax, oh, in addition to making mistakes, refused to call her “sister”, but also swore that he grew up.

Oh mo, who can say no to a pretty, little cute green tea that’s close to you? Anyway, Wen Yino couldn’t.

Licking her dry lips, looking at the more and more attentive Yan Huai, from her pretty face to her slender white hands, Wen Yino suddenly felt that she had discovered something extraordinary.

Her family’s pretty cub had gotten the hang of it, and it was still directed at her.

Oh mo, though but, who’s this rejection? Hee hee.

Having realized Yan Huai’s mind, Wen Yino became more fond of teasing him.

Touch a little hand ah, pinch an earlobe ah, occasionally do not speak to stare at his lips ah, just like a female hooligan like.

And outsiders in front of the cool and noble young boy, in fact, simple and terrible, in the heart of the person who loves the molestation of the power of no fight.

Always red with thin cheeks, with their pink fingertips rubbing a red hot ear tips, good-looking peach blossom eyes dense with water.

The aggression of being bullied with some intimate joy, faintly indulging the girl’s proximity.


Day by day, Yan Huai’s thin to death face skin finally got used to the owner’s shyness, only the tip of the ear can still reveal the owner’s inner waves.

Feeling that he can again the teenager has learned to nest in the girl’s neck pampering, learn to take the girl on a date, although it is still very green, but has begun to twenty-four filial piety boyfriend’s embryonic form, and the male virtues are good.

It’s another year of Tanabata, and the very ritualistic Yan Huai is ready to take Wen Yino to the newly opened amusement park in the north of the city to play the program during the day and watch the fireworks show at night.

Although going on a date to an amusement park is really cliché, Wen Yino really super likes it.

She is a person who loves excitement, bungee jumping, parachuting, skiing, rafting ……

Yan Huai was actually a bit afraid of heights, but never said so, just silently accompanying his girl to play one program after another.

Yan’s mother once scolded him, saying, “Doing it but not saying anything, then how does Nuo Nuo know how you like her?”

Yan Huai was just silent, she knew it, she would always tease him when he was white and let him be pampered, she knew he wanted to do it so she didn’t reject him but would coax him.

Honestly, Nono would give him the feeling that she loved him more.

After playing around in the amusement park, it was almost dark when they came out from the haunted house.

The evening sunlight spilled out, haloing up the warm colors of light as the night shrouded silently.

The colorful lights of the amusement park were lit up, and from a distance, it looked hazy, like a wonderful fairy tale world.

There was still some time before the fireworks show, Yan Huai held Nuo Nuo’s hand, and the two of them walked towards the Ferris wheel.

This is the annual reservation program, legend, in the highest place of the Ferris wheel embracing and kissing, will certainly be able to white head to old age.

Never believe in ghosts and gods of the teenagers, but this is convinced.

I still remember the first time to go to the amusement park after determining the relationship, but also the sky is full of evening sunshine.

Yan Huai lowered his eyes and smiled as he looked at Wen Yi Nuo, his white face facing the evening sun, reflecting the soft light, his dark eyes were full of her, reflecting the colorful light, amazingly beautiful.

“Nuo Nuo, let’s go ride the ferris wheel, okay?” Yan Huai’s eyes shone brightly as he held the girl’s hand and swung it slightly, pouting in a small voice.


Hearing the satisfied response, Yan Huai’s petal-like lips lightly curved, shallow pear swirls straight to the sweetness of people’s hearts.

The Ferris wheel rotated warmly, gradually reaching the very top.

“Nonno.” The teenager looked at the girl overlooking the city lights, a hint of fascination flashed in his eyes.


The girl who turned her head to look at the teenager was greeted with soft lips, the teenager’s deep black eyes reflecting the starlight, the stars were all over her.

Sweet, fragrant kisses, under the attention of the stars above her head and at her feet, a promise to be together until the white head.

On the subject of hooliganism, Miss Wen Yino VS Mr. Yan Huai, complete victory, never defeated.

Fireworks show, colorful clusters bloom in the night sky.

Warm and cold light alternated, falling on the girl’s white face, revealing a demonic beauty.

Wen Yino excitedly watched the fireworks in full bloom, holding in her hand the teenager who watched her with unblinking eyes.

Yan Huai’s mother’s conversation rang in his ears, “Xiao Huai, I’ll tell you, there are many temptations in college, and Nuo is so pretty, if you don’t hold on to her, if Nuo meets a better looking boy and changes her mind, then where will you go to cry?” “No, Nuo is very devoted.

“No, Nuono is very devoted, and I’m confident.”

Think about it, if you’re just a boyfriend or girlfriend, you’ll think you still have a chance, but if you’re engaged, it’ll be different, and you’ll be introduced as “Yan Huai, my fiance”. Do you feel good about that?”

Touching the small square box in his pocket, Yan Huai lowered his eyes, as if, indeed, he would be very happy.

Engaged, can marriage be far behind?

Face hooked up a sweet smile, shallow pear swirls to the cool teenager with a few points of sweetness.

The teenager embraced the girl who was watching the fireworks, his voice was low, with the meaning of coaxing and pity, “Nuo Nuo, let’s get engaged, huh? Okay?”

Eyes flashing slightly, the teenager was so nervous that he could almost hear his heart beating.

“Yes.” The girl didn’t even turn her head, as if this was a trivial matter, a look of not needing to care.

The tip of his heart abruptly cooled for a moment, and a trace of bewilderment colored the teenager’s deep black, cool eyes.

Pursing his lips, Yan Huai’s voice was vague, and with a strong aggression: “Engaged oh, I said engaged oh. Nuo Nuo do you not like me ah, a little reaction is not given?”

Wen Yino turned around to save his earlobes that were rubbed red and hot, and looked at the teenager fixedly, his eyes focused and serious, “I said yes oh, I want to get engaged with Ah Huai, and I also want to get married with Ah Huai in the future oh.”

After saying this, one hand touched the teenager’s earlobe as if it was soothing, and one hand was raised and cocked in front of the teenager’s eyes.

“Huh? What’s wrong?” She looked at the stunned teenager with a smile in her eyes, and even signaled her hand with her eyes as she finished speaking.

It was only then that Yan Huai woke up as if from a dream, and he took out the black velvet box in his pocket in a hurry, and gently put the ring on his beloved girl, and murmured to himself, “It’s on, it’s mine.”

They exchanged a soft kiss in the presence of brilliant fireworks and a sky filled with starlight.

He had been glued to her since he was a child, and now he could be together all the time, forever, as he wished.

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