5. I gave birth to my wife’s child

I give birth to my wife’s children

Nonchalant: Seeing you at the right time when the mood strikes

My pregnant wife said she didn’t get along with my mom, and I thought she was just being pretentious.

Until one day, I woke up in the middle of the night and felt my stomach become heavy.

It’s normal, after all, I’m already eight months pregnant …… Wait a minute, not right ah!

I am a male ah!!!

Before I could continue to think about it, an urgent need to pee hit me.

I was going to use the restroom and the moment I got up I was fixed.

What, what’s going on here?

Why is my body so heavy and even my crotch bone hurts so much?

Suddenly, I felt as if something alive was moving in my stomach, and the touch gave me the creeps.

I trembled and tried to touch my stomach with my hand, but I felt a belly that was bulging like a balloon.

What’s going on?

I did not dare to breathe out, holding my breath, I walked to the bathroom, and the moment I turned on the light, I finally let out a scream at the mirror.

In the mirror, it was my wife Cheng Xin, who was eight months pregnant!

The next second, the bathroom door was opened again, I and the opposite side of the face.

The …… person standing on the opposite side was myself!

Cheng Xin and I, swapped bodies?

What the hell is going on here?

Just as the two of us were staring blankly at each other, not yet having calmed down, the bedroom door was violently pushed open with a “bam” sound.

Then my mom’s loud voice rang out with some impatience:

“Cheng Xin, what are you doing?”

Cheng Xin hurriedly spoke, “Mom, it’s nothing.”

When my mom heard my voice, she eased up a bit:

“Cheng Xin, you know what you’re doing. Gu Yi has to go to work tomorrow, so you have to be considerate of him and let him get some rest, okay?”

“I know, mom.” Cheng Xin answered again.

My mom grunted, before she waved her hand and left.

After confirming that my mom had left, I asked Cheng Xin in a low voice:

“What the hell is going on here?”

She asked me back, “How should I know?”

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, I couldn’t help but sneeze, and then I felt a hot stream underneath me.

I started to panic, what was going on?

Cheng Xin glanced at me as if she expected it and spoke, “I think it’s a leakage of urine.”

Leaking urine?

Cheng Xin continued, “The uterus is pressing on the bladder, when you sneeze, you will leak urine, let me help you clean it up.”

I found it hard to accept: “But I’ve never heard you say that!”

Cheng Xin said lightly, “Just because I haven’t said it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.”

I was speechless.

After Cheng Xin helped me clean up, I was probably too emotionally exhausted and my body was not strong enough, I collapsed on the bed and actually fell asleep very quickly.

I don’t know how long it was, but I was woken up by the sound of a slamming door.

When I listened carefully, it was my mom’s voice:

“Cheng Xin, hurry up and get up, I’ll take you outside for a walk!”

I barely managed to sit up on the bed, and this time, my back hurt a lot.

My mom had already rushed in and was standing by the bed, and when she saw my slow movements, she said with a grimace:

“I’ve never seen a pregnant woman like you! You’re still awake at this hour, get up and go for a walk.”

I looked up and saw that the clock hand was only pointing to 7:30, and the other half of the bed was already empty.

“Cheng Xin …… Oh no, where’s Gu Yi?”

My mom rolled her eyes, turning her head out the door as she rambled on:

“Gu Yi got up early in the morning to go to work, there is a lay in the house, he has to earn money to support the family!”

Cheng Xin went to work?

Cheng Xin went to work? Oh yes, we used to work in the same department, and her business skills are far superior to mine, so it shouldn’t be a problem for her to go to work for me.

But what do you mean there is a lying …… at home

“Mom, didn t I tell you, Cheng Xin …… Oh no, I am not in a good state of pregnancy, the doctor said that I need to stay in bed to raise the baby, and this is why I resigned from my job.”

I tried to argue for myself.

But it looks like my mom doesn’t care about what I said, as if she didn’t hear me, she took out a hard boiled egg from the kitchen and handed it to me, and pointed to a glass of milk on the dining table: ”Hurry up and eat, eat and go out.”

I took the egg, cold?

Cheng Xin is a pregnant woman, she’s eating this? My mom made a mistake, didn’t she?

I held the egg up, “Mom, the egg is cold.”

My mom gave me a blank look again and said, “What, you eat like this every day and you’re not satisfied today?”

Every day?

Cheng Xin ate such a simple breakfast at home every day, even cold?

My daily breakfast was also made by mom, hot porridge, vegetables, fried eggs, hot milk, everything, I thought Cheng Xin was treated the same way.

Could it be that with the recent price hike, I’m giving my mom less money to live on?

Yes, that should be the case.

It’s not easy for my mom to run the household every day, she’s careful with her budget, so I’ll give her more later and just improve Cheng Xin’s breakfast.

Thinking of this, I did not say anything else, my stomach is also hungry, on the milk to swallow the eggs.

Just finished eating has not rested for two minutes, my mom urged me again: “hurry to change clothes and shoes, let’s go out!

I was rushed to the dizzy, dizzy and followed my mom out the door.

My mom walked very fast, the little old lady’s body is very good, and she could walk like flying, I tried to keep up with her, but my stomach hurt.

Suddenly, a tightening pain in my lower abdomen attacked me, I sucked in a breath of cold air, I could not walk, so I had to stand still, one hand to support the waist, one hand rubbing the stomach to try to ease the pain.

Luckily nothing seemed to be wrong, the pain passed in four or five minutes and I was able to move again.

Lifting my head again, my mom’s back was far away, about to disappear in the sea of people.

I hurriedly raised my feet to follow her, but after a dozen quick steps, I was greeted with another bout of pain.

I had to stand in place again, hard to simmer.

A kind aunt came beside me and held me up, asking with concern, “Meizi, you look pale, why are you still coming out on your own with such a big belly?”

I waved my hand, just wanted to point forward to say that I have company, but found that it has been completely out of sight of my mom ……

I had no choice but to nod my head and agree with my great-aunt, “Yes, I won’t come out by myself next time.”

Aunt also wanted to send me home, I politely refused, and moved back home slowly by myself step by step.

On the way home, I had several stomach aches and pains, and my lower body was like a scale, riveting downward, making it hard for me to bear the pain.

As I endured the pain, I wondered why Cheng Xin was still out walking with my mom when she was so uncomfortable.

Doesn’t her stomach hurt? Am I the only one catching this discomfort?

I guess it’s occasional, after all, I’ve never heard her mention it before.

It was hard to get home, but I didn’t bring my keys, I had no choice but to sit on the steps of the stairwell and wait for my mom to come back and open the door.

After an hour or so my mom came back late, carrying a full load of ribs and meat.

Oh, I told you, mom wasn’t treating Cheng Xin badly, she just spent all her living expenses on meals.

But as if she didn’t see me, my mom lifted her foot up and squeezed past me, put down her big bag, and then fished out a set of keys and opened the door.

I followed her through the door and heard her muttering something, only the words “lazy” and “petulant” came out.

I didn’t turn around to debate with her, in the end, she was talking about Cheng Xin and not me, it’s none of my business.

Besides, I’ll have my favorite ribs in a while, so what’s the point?

I just didn’t expect, this meal of ribs, noon didn’t serve on the table is just, the evening actually didn’t serve on the table!

I looked at a plate of leftover vegetarian dishes on the table at noon, no interest in eating.

I disconcertingly opened my mouth and asked, “Mom, didn’t you buy ribs at noon, why didn’t you do it?”

My mom buried her head to eat, as if she hadn’t heard me.

I repeated, but she still didn’t respond, as if I was air.

When did this happen?

I’ve never been treated like this by my mom before, usually she listens to me, and when I say something randomly, she wants to listen to it next to me!

Just when I couldn’t figure out what was going on, Cheng Xin came back.

I watched my mom’s complexion turn upside down, the corners of her mouth instantly lifted up, and her wrinkled face stretched out like a sheep’s fetus.

She was beaming, smiling at Cheng Xin, “Good son, you’re back! Here, your favorite ribs have just been stewed, I’ll bring them up for you to eat, they’re still hot.”

As she served the ribs, my mom said, “Xinxin just said she wanted to eat ribs, but when I said they weren’t ready, she got upset and complained. It’s my fault, I’m slow in my old age, I’m a pain in the ass.”

What? What did my mom say?

Does it sound like I’m being unreasonable?

It’s clearly not the case!

My eyes widened.

Cheng Xin glanced at me lightly, picked up a piece of ribs and put it in her bowl, then said slowly:

“Xinxin, you’re wrong, mom is not a nanny, serving you this and that. You should know better than to make trouble.”

I threw!

I was blindsided by this maneuver.

I complained, “I didn’t!”

But the two of them had already begun their cozy chat, and I was completely ignored.

Looking at the scene of their mother’s kindness and filial piety, I suddenly felt that this scene is really …… déjà vu!

Isn’t this the past me and my mom?

Finally finishing dinner, Cheng Xin went back to the bedroom.

I just wanted to talk about today, Cheng Xin said that she was going on a business trip.

I got anxious when I heard that. How can this be? I’m about to give birth!

What’s the point of going on a business trip at this juncture?

Cheng Xin still looked like she was not in a hurry:

“I don’t want to go on a business trip either, but think about it, my wife is pregnant and about to give birth, and I’m still running around creating value for the company, isn’t that worth praising?”

“Praise my ass!” I interrupted her, “If you don’t even care about your own wife, what value can you create for the company?”

Cheng Xin lowered her head, playing with the lighter one by one, and lifted her eyelids to look at me when she heard this:

“But you took the initiative to apply for this business trip a month ago, and I was seven months pregnant at the time.”

Ah this.

I remember.

At that time, I heard that you can only have one chaperone for the birth, and you can’t replace them in the middle, so I was too tired to go on a business trip so that I could avoid Cheng Xin giving birth to my child.

I was speechless.

With my heart crossed, I simply continued to be shrewd: “Then I don’t care! You can’t go anyway!”

Cheng Xin suddenly laughed coldly, this was the first time in so many years that I had seen her reveal such an expression, surfacing from my face and even revealing a chilling feeling.

She said, “It’s not up to you.”

I couldn’t help but take a step back.

“Gu Yi, your own mother is taking care of you, what’s so scary about that?”

Even though I said that, I still felt that something was wrong.

It wasn’t until Cheng Xin left on a business trip and my mom woke me up early in the morning to walk me that I finally realized what was wrong.

Now my mom is not my real mom!

She was Cheng Xin’s mother-in-law!

This time, no matter how much my mom yelled, I just lay in bed and didn’t move.

I didn’t expect her to actually come straight up and drag me.

I was so shocked that I couldn’t control myself and yelled, “Let go!”

My mom froze for a moment, and then she fell on her face, scowling, “Gu Yi is not here, how dare you turn over a new leaf?”

I see, only Gu Yi’s words work.

I took out my cell phone and prepared to call Cheng Xin, but my mom actually laughed when she saw this:

My mom laughed at the situation, “Oh, you’re still complaining? It’s not like you haven’t talked to Gu Yi before. What did Gu Yi say back to you, have you forgotten?”

Cheng Xin told me?

I searched my brain hard.

It seemed …… like there was such a thing.

At that time, we were in the bedroom, and Cheng Xin said to me with a pale face:

“Yi, our mom always asks me to go out for a walk in the morning, I really can’t walk, so talk to mom and don’t ask me anymore.”

As soon as her words fell, the bedroom door was pushed open, and my mom stepped through the door from outside with her head held high, rushing to us:

“Son, I’m doing this for your daughter-in-law’s good! Moving around more is good for labor! A normal labor is a woman’s good fortune!”

What did I say to ……?

I said ……

“Xinxin, our mom is right, a normal labor is good for women, just bear with it, you’ll be fine after the birth.”

I threw.

This is the present day karma!

I’ve lifted a rock and smashed my own foot!

Before I could recover, my mom started dragging me down again, “Get down from there! I’m telling you, you have to walk more, this baby has to go well!”

I hurriedly called Cheng Xin, turned on the outgoing call, and shouted:

“Come here and tell mom I’m not walking! I’m not walking!”

Cheng Xin’s side was silent for a few seconds, then cleared her throat and spoke, “Mom, don’t force Xinxin to walk, let her lie down if she wants to.”

“Silly son! You don’t understand! It’s for her own good!”

My mom pounced on me and tried to grab the phone, but I hung up just in time to meet her eye-to-eye, tit-for-tat.

She grunted and slammed the door.

I breathed a sigh of relief, having won my first battle!

But that victory glow only lasted ten minutes.

Because I saw my breakfast.

Breakfast, two, cold eggs.

This simply boggles my mind.

Obviously before Cheng Xin’s business trip, he transferred five thousand dollars to my mom in front of me.

Emphasize that this is another, single for me to add meals to the food expenses.

At that moment, mom smiled and agreed, living a kindly old lady.

I thought the problem of food would be solved.

In the end, the eggs were cold, and one turned into two!

I’m convinced!

You can’t get rid of me with these things!

I didn’t touch the eggs. I took a steak from the fridge and fried it for breakfast.

I don’t know, it’s really hard for a pregnant woman to do this with a big belly.

It’s hard to squat, it’s hard to bend over, and I feel a little dizzy every now and then.

My mom stood behind me and watched me finish all this, not to mention helping, not even a word of concern.

Breakfast went by, and for lunch and dinner, it was the same non-vegetarian dishes and the leftovers from the previous meal that I hadn’t eaten.

I told my mom to make meat, but she turned a deaf ear.

At the end of each meal, I just dumped the leftovers, and by the next meal, there was simply one less dish on the table!

Two people, one of whom was pregnant, ate one dish and nothing else.

The five thousand dollars given by Cheng Xin seemed to have gone down the drain!

I suppressed my anger and tried to communicate with my mom again:

“Mom, I’m a pregnant woman, I can’t eat leftovers, I can’t not eat meat, and I can’t eat just this much, nutrition has to be balanced.”

My mom swiped the jitterbug with a calm demeanor, not reacting to what I said.

Here it comes, this look again!

A flame suddenly rose up from the bottom of my heart, searing my heart and making me block even my breath.

I finally couldn’t hold back my anger and blurted out:

“Are you deaf! Can’t you hear me?

Probably because Cheng Xin’s character was usually too docile, my mom showed a rare expression and glanced towards me.

Then, probably judging that I couldn’t make any waves, she leaned back on the sofa and lazily said with a disinterested face:

“I’ll cook for you and you still have so much to do, so cook for yourself!”


Obviously, when she found out that Cheng Xin was pregnant, she was the one who strongly requested to take care of Cheng Xin!

Now she’s acting like this!

“I’ll call Gu Yi!”

I stood in the living room, stretched out my hand, and turned on the outgoing call.

Unexpectedly, the phone was connected, and just as Cheng Xin gave a ‘hello’ over there, my mom jumped onto the phone, shouting loudly with a sobbing voice:

“My son! Your daughter-in-law is too difficult to serve ah! She doesn’t like anything I cook, and she’s angry at me! Mom can’t go on living!”


What the hell?

I finally realized that my mom is actually an amazing green tea!

Cheng Xin didn’t pick up on this, as if she already knew what was going on, and calmly said, “Mom, I’ll hire a cooking maid for Xin Xin, so you can relax a bit.”

“That won’t do, that won’t do!”

My mom shook her head at the cell phone, “How can Xinxin get used to someone else’s cooking, it’s better if I do it! It’s a waste of money to give it to someone else. Son, you have to learn how to live.”

“Oh, then,” Cheng Xin paused and continued, “Mom, I’ll give you the money to hire an aunt, so you can cook something delicious for Xinxin, and if it doesn’t work out, you’ll have to hire a babysitter.”

“Okay, okay!”

My mom smiled with her eyebrows and turned back into that joyful old lady.

“Don’t worry, son, I’ll take good care of Xin Xin!”

The phone hung up.

The matter was settled.

My mom was satisfied.

I was speechless.

I ducked back into the bedroom and called Cheng Xin again, she seemed to be busy, the sound of keyboard tapping was endless.

I asked her, “You used to eat at home and the food was always like this?”

She gave a “hmm” and left it at that.

I was silent for a moment and asked again:

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

A soft laugh came from the other end of the phone, and the sound of the keyboard stopped.

“Gu Yi, let me help you recall, do you still remember me telling you that I wanted to find a cooking aunt?”

I was a bit anxious, “How can I hear such a euphemism! You just said what kind of food you eat, that’s how I know!”

Cheng Xin’s mood didn’t fluctuate a bit: “If I say it, will you believe it?”

I was silent.

How could I believe that a hot and fragrant breakfast would be brought off the table and turned into a cold hard-boiled egg right after I finished eating?

How could I believe that the braised short ribs that inevitably appeared on the table when I came home, disappeared when I wasn’t home?

How could I believe that my mom, who claimed to take good care of Xinxin in front of me and was kind and gentle, would turn around and treat Cheng Xin differently?

At this moment, Cheng Xin interrupted my thoughts:

“But things are settled, so don’t think too much about it, and get ready to have a baby.”

Wait, what is it?

Giving birth to a child?

Hearing this word, it was as if I was punched by someone, my whole brain buzzed and I was dizzy!

How could I forget that I was still in Cheng Xin’s body.

It’s almost the due date.

I have to give birth to this child!

Cheng Xin told me that I was already 38 weeks pregnant, so it was time for me to go to the hospital for a checkup and discuss with the doctor how to give birth.

“I’ve already talked to my mom and asked her to go with you,” she said.

I was a bit reluctant to hear this, after all, I hadn’t had much fun with my mom for a while.

She seemed to have changed, and was no longer the same mom who was always pleasant to me.

But considering the actual situation, I still nodded my head.

On the day of the maternity checkup, I got up early in the morning, and my mom was in a very high mood, walking majestically in front of me all the way.

While waiting in line outside, she sat on a chair and watched the pregnant women coming and going outside the clinic:

“This belly looks like a boy, that belly looks like a girl ……”.

I frowned: “Mom, what are you doing?”

My mom rolled her eyes at me and said:

“You’ve asked me before, why are you asking me again? You’re a fool!

“This is called looking at the shape of the belly, which can tell if you are carrying a boy or a girl.”

This ……

She showed a proud look: “I’m telling you, I can read it accurately, and I’ve never made a mistake!

I wanted to ask her what she could tell about my belly, but was interrupted by the nurse, “Cheng Xin, come in.”

My mom stood up with a whoosh, her head held high and her chest puffed out, and slapped the table at the doctor when she entered the room:

“Doctor, I’m telling you, my daughter-in-law must! I’m telling you, doctor, my daughter-in-law must! I’m telling you, doctor, my daughter-in-law must have a normal labor! I’m telling you, doctor, my daughter-in-law must have a normal labor.”

The words were so forceful and strong.

The doctor, probably accustomed to this kind of scene, pushed up his glasses and was very calm:

“Stand next to the family, this is a matter that depends mainly on the condition of the woman in labor, neither your words nor mine will help.”

These words dampened my mom’s high spirits.

It was only then that I managed to squeeze out from beside her ox-like body and sat down in front of the doctor.

The doctor opened my stack of maternity reports:

“Cheng Xin, right? The previous report showed placenta previa. Have you had a miscarriage before?”

I froze for a moment and answered decisively, “No, I haven’t had a miscarriage.”

“Oh, then you should not be in very good health, and this is also the case with first pregnancies. I see from the report that you’re still anemic, have you been in bed for rest and recuperation?”

What? Do I need to stay in bed? I’ve never heard Cheng Xin say that before!

The doctor saw that I froze and she showed a puzzled look:

“Don’t you usually see blood, or don’t you feel uncomfortable when you move around?”

I shook my head and nodded:

“I haven’t seen blood, but it’s really hard to walk.”

Suddenly, my mom slammed the table and stood up, pointing at me and cursing:

“Cheng Xin, you bitch!”


What happened?

The doctor and I were both shocked by my mom’s voice.

“I remember your illness! The nephew-in-law of my neighbor Tiezhu’s third uncle had a baby with this disease! She had a miscarriage! His family miscarried a girl, and the second time he got pregnant with a boy, he had to have a cesarean section because of this disease.”

“You’re a second-hand woman who cheated my son!”

I’m so sorry!

Cheng Xin and I were in the same class in high school, and we went to the same university and majored in the same field.

We’ve been together since then.

Until now, we’re inseparable almost every day.

So it’s absolutely impossible for Cheng Xin to have been with someone else, let alone any abortion!

“You stole behind my son’s back! You had a miscarriage!”

“Thanks to my son spending 18,000 dowry to marry you into his family, marrying a dead house, you’re shameless! Bitch!”


“You fart!!!”

These dirty words were so unpleasant to the ear that a breath choked in my chest and made me gasp!

How can there be such a mom, in public have to give her own son a cuckold!

I didn’t expect my mom to pull open the door to the clinic and shout outside:

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know what to say! My son married a daughter-in-law who had an abortion behind his back! What kind of a bitch is this? My family is in deep shit!”

I rushed up to pull her, but she shook me off and sat down on the floor!

Seeing this, the doctor decisively asked the nurse to close the door, directly shutting my mom out.

Then he helped me to the bed in the consultation room and examined me while calming me down.

I struggled to take deep breaths, trying to calm myself down, and immediately afterward felt the discomfort in my body.

“Doctor …… I …… have a stomach ache ……”

“I’m seeing blood, get ready to be hospitalized, I should be in labor in the next few days!”


These three days in the hospital were the happiest I’ve been in a while.

My mom had disappeared since that day and never bothered with me again.

I was so happy to be free that I went to the hospital cafeteria to eat by myself.

I had a big chicken leg every day and ate with vigor.

During another checkup, the doctor found that my placenta had actually grown a little bit, and was now 3cm away from my uterine orifice, meeting the criteria for a normal delivery, so I could try to have a normal delivery.

I didn’t hesitate for a second and passed on this option.

Nonsense! Of course I wouldn’t choose normal labor!

I’ve never seen a pig run before. In TV dramas, women scream so much when they give birth to a baby!

In reality, there are people who jumped off a building while giving birth to their babies, so I’m sure a normal delivery would hurt like hell!

I’m not going to do it!

The doctor and I agreed on a date for the cesarean section, and I also made a deal with Cheng Xin that she would be there to accompany me on that day.

However, God’s plan was not as good as mine.

The day before the agreed date, my water broke!

I’m..! I’m going to! I’m giving birth! I’m going to give birth!

It hurts …… really hurts …… as if my waist and abdomen are being crushed back and forth by a big truck, there is not a single nerve ending that is not in pain, I am trembling and my clothes are wet with sweat.

I moaned and chanted, “Where’s the doctor, I want a cesarean, I want a cesarean ……”

The nurse was pushing my bed to take me to the waiting room when suddenly out of nowhere a hand grabbed my arm.

I slowed down from the paroxysm, covered in cold sweat, and opened my eyes as hard as I could to see –

It was my mom!

“Doctor, my daughter-in-law won’t have an autopsy! She’s in labor, she’s in labor!”

My eyes went black and I almost fainted.


Why is my mom here at this juncture?

At that moment, Cheng Xin called:

“I’m afraid that if there’s an accident, I won’t be able to make it, so I’ve asked my mom to take care of you first, and I’m on my way back now.”

I shouted at the cell phone with my heart torn out:

“I’m about to give birth now! My mom is killing me, come save me!”

My mom reached out and snapped the phone off.

She smiled and said, “This child is in pain, what nonsense is he saying?”

The paroxysm came back.

With no time to react, I was dragged back into the endless abyss of pain, wishing I could simply pass out from the pain.

But the pain was so abrasive that it always kept me awake and I had to go through the pain.

Because I fit the profile of a normal labor, my doctor told me to try labor first.

The moment I heard that, I even wanted to die!

I don’t know how long it took, but after I was in excruciating pain, the doctor examined me and said, “The head of the baby can’t come down:

“The head of the fetus can’t come down, we have to have an autopsy!”

I ……

I cried with joy!

Thank goodness it’s finally time for an autopsy!

“We can’t have an autopsy! We’re going to have a normal labor!” My mom’s voice came back.

Is she a repeater!

It’s always the same thing over and over again!

I swear I never want to hear those six words again in my life!

But luckily no one paid any attention to her, a nurse brought me papers to sign, I signed them and they pushed me away.

I slowed down from the pain of yet another contraction and saw the ‘operating room’ in front of me – the

the lights.

I was asked, “With or without an analgesic pump?”

A little sluggishly, I followed up with, “What …… stick?”

“For postoperative analgesia! It’s a thousand dollars more!”

“No, no, no!”

I threw up, why is it my mom’s voice again, when did she follow me here!


Suddenly, a low voice came from behind me, I turned my head and saw “Gu Yi” who had already walked to my side.

For a moment, I was somewhat unable to recognize that it was myself.

Never before had I realized that the body that had once belonged to me was so tall, as if it was shining with light.

The aura also became calm and gentle, making people feel extremely secure.

In a trance I realized that it was because of Cheng Xin’s soul that my body had a more eye-catching luster.

Cheng Xin held one of my hands, while the other gently stroked my hair, which was already wet with sweat:

“Don’t be afraid, I’m coming.”

My heart finally settled down and I entered the operating room.

When I left the operating room, probably because the anesthesia was still in effect, I was in a daze.

I don’t know how long it was, but I heard my mom’s voice:

“See, I told you, I’m never wrong when I look at the belly shape, if I say it’s a girl, it’s a girl!”

I thought in a daze, “I’m having a girl?

What’s wrong with a girl?

“If this pregnancy goes well, I can get pregnant with my next child right after the month, and then I can get pregnant with a boy, how wonderful!

In a flash of lightning, everything that I had experienced before was strung together into a thread, and fragments of the past tumbled out of my mind, and I suddenly recalled a lot of details that I had previously overlooked.

For example, at the beginning, when I heard that Cheng Xin was pregnant, it was my mom who was extremely enthusiastic and took the initiative to take care of Cheng Xin.

At that time, the three meals a day were probably still normal.

But later, when the months got bigger and Cheng Xin’s stomach became visible, when she looked at Cheng Xin, she turned into furrowed eyebrows, skewed corners of her mouth, and an impatient look.

There was only one reason for all these changes in her, all this harshness on her part:

She thought Cheng Xin was pregnant with a girl!

My mom spoke again:

“She’s having a cesarean section now, and I asked the doctor, and he said it’ll be three years before she can conceive another grandchild, so it’s bad luck!”

“But,” she said with a wry look, and raised her head at Cheng Xin, “I heard about that daughter-in-law back home who had a C-section, and she got pregnant again in less than a year, and she didn’t have any problems, so I think she’ll be fine too.”

“Shut up!”

I saw Cheng Xin’s gloomy face, interrupting my mom.

Even I felt the overflowing anger.

Well said, should have shut her up a long time ago!!!!

For a moment, I felt especially tired, so I wanted to pass out right here and now.

But it wasn’t time to sleep yet, I still kept one thing in mind.

I barely managed to open my mouth, “Where’s the baby?”

Cheng Xin bent down and showed me the baby in her arms.

The baby’s eyes were still closed, its little pink face, revealing an innocence that knew nothing about the world.

This is …… the child I gave birth to ah ……

I was relieved.

The next second was plunged into infinite darkness.

I was awakened by my mom’s voice.

I struggled to open my eyes a crack and saw my mom glued to Cheng Xin, chanting.

“You must have a son, Gu Yi you have to know that having a son is the only way to have a family name!”

“You two must have another grandson, preferably within three years!”

Cheng Xin was making powdered milk for the baby, she never said anything, and finally seemed to have reached the end of her patience, she put the bottle aside and turned her head to my mom and said:

“Mom, stop talking, Cheng Xin won’t have any more children. If I have to, then I’ll get a divorce.”

I was shocked in my heart.

I was the only one who understood that divorce was Cheng Xin’s own idea!

I didn’t expect my mom to get even more excited when she heard Cheng Xin say that, she chanted again:

“Divorce is good, I’ve seen Cheng Xin not look like a son, she’s as wilted as a little chicken, you had to marry her in the first place.”

“Mom has been there before, and I’m telling you, you should marry a woman with a big waist and a big butt so that you can have a big fat boy, you know!

Cheng Xin was probably annoyed, she nodded perfunctorily: “OK, OK, OK.”


I opened my mouth, voice hoarse: “I do not divorce!

The atmosphere fell into silence for a while.

Cheng Xin did not speak.

My mom’s frown was cold.

I gritted my teeth and stared angrily.

My cell phone suddenly rang at this moment, and it was Cheng Xin’s mom calling:

“Xinxin, mom’s original ticket should have arrived yesterday, but the train suddenly stopped, really can’t come, mom is sorry for you ah, can’t come to take care of you ……”.

Cheng Xin’s mom shed tears as she spoke on the phone, and somehow I also shed tears on the other end.

I pacified her, “Mom, it’s okay, Gu Yi has been by my side to take good care of me, don’t worry.”

I raised my head to look at Cheng Xin, the corners of her eyes were also red.

My residual light swept over to my mom, who was sitting in the corner, actually wearing a sneer, looking at me as if she was watching a joke.

I have never felt like this moment, my mom is so blinding, so diabolical existence.

Cheng Xin sent my mom away because the hospital required only one chaperone.

For the first time ever, I was thankful for this rule.

My mom left with a happy face, her head held high, as if she hated the fact that she wasn’t stepping on heavenly heights at the moment, or else she would have been able to poke a hole in the ground.

Because I had a cesarean section, it was difficult for me to move around, so I couldn’t help with the baby or anything else, and Cheng Xin was exhausted in the past few days.

She needed to take care of the baby, change the diaper in time, and feed the baby at the same time.

She also needed to take care of me, ordering me monthly meals, feeding me water, and squeezing my legs to prevent blood clots.

Watching her busy figure, I felt full of tenderness.

I felt that it was the biggest blessing in my life to have her.

On the fourth day, the nurse made a routine checkup and suddenly put her hand on my chest.

She pinched it and said, “There’s milk, it’s ready to feed!”

I was baffled.

What’s that?

I finally remembered that there was such a thing as breastfeeding!

No, didn’t the baby drink formula before?

Why does he still need me?

I tried to resist, but the nurse, without a second thought, grabbed the baby and held him on my chest, and the little guy bit down on the nipple and started to suck hard.

I was so embarrassed that I didn’t even know where to put my hands, and I was frozen, not daring to move.

Cheng Xin was at the side and actually laughed when she saw my dumbfounded appearance.

This is the first time I’ve seen a smile on Cheng Xin’s face since I swapped bodies.

Come on, just feed me, I’m a big man, what can’t I do!

I opened my chest as if I were dead.

But ……

I looked down at the way the baby group was focused on eating milk in my arms with their eyes closed.

The little mouth moved and the little cheeks bulged.

Suddenly a wave of warmth welled up inside.

This was the baby I had suffered so much pain to give birth to.

I will love her and protect her for the rest of my life!

Thinking of this, I was stunned.

So, is this mother’s love?

Ah no, blah blah blah.

This is father’s love!

I thought breastfeeding was nothing more than that, but I forgot that I actually had to breastfeed at night!

Even, I have to get up every two hours to feed!

A newborn baby has to be fed every two hours.

During the day, it’s a chore; at night, it’s pure torture.

When the baby cries at night, Cheng Xin’s entire body instantly pops up and places the baby in my arms.

I sleepily endeavored to half-sit and hold the baby, forcing myself to endure the pain of the abdominal incision and breastfeeding the baby.

“I read on the internet that men can’t hear a baby cry, Xinxin you’re considered a man now, how can you hear a baby cry?”

I’m genuinely curious.

Cheng Xin yawned and said, “It’s not a matter of man or woman, as long as you have it in your heart, you’ll naturally wake up when you hear the sound of movement.”

I thought about it and felt that Cheng Xin was right.

As long as there is a child in your heart, you will miss her all the time, even if you are sleeping.

The result of this was that Cheng Xin and I both slept sparsely at night and were like wandering souls during the day.

However, we soon reached the day of discharge from the hospital. Cheng Xin packed up her things and sat with me by the bedside.

I wondered, “Aren’t we going to leave?”

Cheng Xin said, “Let’s wait.”

I waited and waited, but finally my mom came over in a hurry, and the moment she showed up, she was all smiles: “Let’s go!

Cheng Xin frowned, “Mom, what are you doing here? I didn’t call you.”

My mom picked up our bags, “Don’t wait up, I checked out of the monthly center, they’ve already picked up someone else!

Crap, what the hell?

It turned out that Cheng Xin had booked a room at the Moon Center for me in order to give me a good night’s rest, and I was supposed to be picked up by one of their people today, but my mom actually checked out of the room!

Cheng Xin suppressed her anger: “Why did you return it?”

Why?” “Why? I heard you call and order the room the other day, and I thought that a monthly child care center would be too expensive. Xin Xin has been with me for so long, I’m sure I’m more accustomed to taking care of her.”

“I called them to return the booking, and they refunded the deposit to my card. Son, I’ll keep it for you.

I feel like I’m going to vomit blood right now!

Cheng Xin turned her head to look at me:

“It’s hard to book a room in a moonlight center. I asked all over the city and only got this one room.”

“We have to go home first.”

I’ll go home first! I’m not going home! I don’t want to!

I remembered that before Cheng Xin got pregnant, my mom was living alone, and she moved in after Cheng Xin got pregnant.

“Let’s let our mom go back to her own home, I don’t need to bother mom to take care of it!” I tried to excuse myself.

I don’t know why, but after I said this, I felt that Cheng Xin’s air pressure beside me lowered by three points.

She spoke expressionlessly:

“You’ve forgotten that our mom rented out her house, wasn’t that still your suggestion?”

“If you let mom go back to her house now, you’re driving her to the streets.”

When my mom heard this, she immediately burst into tears:

“Son, there’s no justice! I’ve come to serve her and she doesn’t even appreciate it, but she wants to drive me away! She does it even in front of you! I can’t live any longer!”

My mom’s voice was as loud as a gong, attracting a crowd of people at the door.

I was wrong.

I was wrong.

Looking at the silent Cheng Xin beside me, who never spoke again but only moved to carry the luggage, I couldn’t say a word.

If I hadn’t swapped bodies, I wouldn’t have booked Cheng Xin into a monthly center and would have listened to my mother, letting her take care of her during her monthly period, and maybe even accused her of being pretentious and unintelligent.

Then, I ended up where I am now and I am to blame.

I also …… have no face to say anything else.

Cheng Xin went to drive first, my mom holding the baby walked in front, I hobbled slowly follow behind.

My mom holding the child in front, the faster you go, did not look back at me.

Not even once.

Holding onto the wall, I did my best to move to the door and was greeted by blinding sunlight.

It had snowed so heavily last night that everywhere was a dismal white, and even the sunlight seemed cold and hurtful.

I saw the entrance to the hospital, my mom holding the baby and getting into the car.

After Cheng Xin settled them, she straightened up again and looked back, seemingly looking for me.

She saw me and walked towards me.

And I stood still, somehow, my nose suddenly soured, and I actually fell straight into tears.

Damn it, Gu Yi, you’ve never been a crybaby, why are there so many tears now!

I spat on my weakness, but this rebuke to myself still couldn’t stop the tears.

I was circled in Cheng Xin’s arms, burying my head in the hollow of her shoulder.

With no time to care about the strange looks of the people around me, I bawled my eyes out.

So sad, so sad, so sad.

What to do?

What was wrong with me?

What I didn’t realize was that when I got home, the scene I thought was going to be a disaster didn’t happen.

Instead, it was peaceful.

My mom was in charge of three meals a day, a delicious mix of meat and vegetables.

Cheng Xin stayed at home the whole day, responsible for taking care of the baby, and even in order to let me rest well, at night, Cheng Xin fed the baby milk powder.

I, on the other hand, only needed to lie down and rest.

But the only thing that was business as usual was that my mom still kept on breaking up the conversation:

“Son ah, still need to give birth to a boy ah ……”

To be honest, I thought about it, my Gu family has three generations of single heirlooms, and what would happen if the roots of the family were cut off in my case?

So one time when my mom wasn’t around, I quietly asked Cheng Xin:

“Why don’t we have a son three years from now, what do you think?”

Cheng Xin’s hand movements froze, she was silent for a moment, then revealed a smiley expression and replied to me:

“As long as you give birth, I don’t have a problem with it.”

This ……

I’m still in pain from the incision, let me give birth to a second child, I’m not going to!

Cheng Xin named her baby Period.

She said that it was the child of the period and that she liked girls.

Just when I thought life would continue to be so comfortable, the good times came to an abrupt end.

Cheng Xin, who had only 15 days of maternity leave, had to go back to work and continue traveling!

From then on, my mom and I were the only ones left in the family!

As soon as Cheng Xin left, my mom closed the door on me:

“My son is going to divorce you, you know that?”

I remembered the scene when I was hospitalized, and thought that my mother should have taken Cheng Xin’s perfunctory remarks seriously.

I felt a little bit funny, so I deliberately made up words to anger her, saying:

“Your son doesn’t dare to divorce me. If he does so at this time, the law states that your son will leave his family and all the property will go to me and my children.”

She was choked by me, glared at me fiercely.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

My mom opened the door and it was a plain-faced older sister.

The big sister said, “I’m the sister-in-law Mr. Gu hired to take care of the mother and baby.”

I was overjoyed, Cheng Xin even hired a sister-in-law?

But I didn’t expect my mom to push her out on the spot, “No, we don’t want a sister-in-law! You go!”

Stop it!

I wasn’t strong enough to stand up to my mom, so I could only watch as she blew her away.

Closing the door, she said condescendingly:

“From now on, you take care of the kids yourself!”

I retorted, “That’s easy for you to say. How can I take care of the baby when I’m still in pain from my cut?”

My mom gave me a blank look:

My mom gave me a blank look, “Why can’t you take care of the baby when everyone else can? You’re the only one who’s so delicate!”

I was so angry that I took out my cell phone to call Cheng Xin.

But I never thought that I would be able to get through to Cheng Xin!

It was almost one o’clock at noon, and I saw that the kitchen was still cold.

I asked my mom, “Mom, where’s the food?”

My mom stretched her legs on the sofa and stoned: “It’s in the pot.

I wondered, “When did you cook?

When I opened the pot again, I saw that it was cold millet porridge left over from the morning!

I frowned: “The other day there were vegetables and meat, but today there is only millet porridge?”

My mom looked unconcerned: “My son is not at home anymore, so who are you going to cook for?”

She spat out a melon skin: “Yuck! You’re an old hen who can’t give birth to a son!”

I was furious: “Who are you cursing!”

My mom stood up and said slowly, “I’m scolding you. Why don’t you tell my son? See if he cares.”

Then she turned around and walked away.

Why do I have such a mom?

I was so angry that I slammed the pot down and said, “I’m not going to eat this meal!

But it’s easy to be hungry when you’re hungry.

Breastfeeding hungry very quickly, not long after I was already hungry.

After thinking about it, I planned to rummage through the refrigerator to find something to eat.

But I didn’t realize that the refrigerator, which was always full, had become empty overnight!

OK, the devil is one foot taller than the road.

I’ll just order takeout!

Just as I was feeding my baby, my cell phone alerted me that the takeout had arrived.

After feeding my baby, I went out again and found the doorway empty.

I sent a message to the delivery boy, asking him, “Where’s the food?”

He replied, “It’s here, an old lady picked it up.”


My mom took the food?

I went around the house three times, and finally, I found my rice in the kitchen trash can.

The package was torn open, and it was all dumped in the trash can.

I was so hungry, really hungry, so hungry that my whole body was dizzy.

But my rice was all in the trash can, there was no way I could eat it again.

For a moment, I even wanted to fish out my rice with my hands and take a couple bites!

Realizing this thought, I suddenly broke down.

Blinking again, tears kept dripping down like broken beads.

An inexplicable sense of despair swept over me ……

I had been proudly alive for more than twenty years, and I had never been in such a bad situation.

The entire self-esteem of a person was crushed and sapped at this moment.

I was ashamed of it.

I cried so hard that I pulled on the cut, and when it hurt, I cried even harder.

It hurt so much, it was so hard, I was so tired ……

Eventually, I managed to drink the rest of the millet porridge.

My mom stood in the doorway of the kitchen, watched me drink it, and threw down a sentence:

“It’s all millet porridge from now on. If you don’t eat it, you can drink the northwest wind!”


Why did it come to this?

I was frozen in place for a long time.

What I didn’t realize was that yesterday was just the beginning of a nightmare.

When I woke up early, Period started crying right after she woke up, and when I checked, she actually had diarrhea!

OMG what can be done about this!

Oh yeah, I’ve seen it before, Cheng Xin was carrying her straight to the wash!

I rushed to the bathroom on my hands and knees, only to find that the water from the faucet was ice-cold, and no hot water came up even after draining it for a long time.

It’s strange, it shouldn’t be.

I looked around and realized that the electric water heater was unplugged!

Who did this, naturally, is self-evident.

I was amused at the outrageousness of the situation. I couldn’t be tortured by unplugging it, could I?

The next moment I realized.

The plug of the power supply is too high, Cheng Xin is not tall plus the knife pulls, I simply have no way to plug it back in without external force!

If I find a stool …… I still have to climb up ……

Ah …… it hurts just thinking about it.

Periods of crying into my ears, reminding me that the baby should never be without hot water ah!

I clenched my teeth, dragged the stool here little by little, and finally plugged it back in hard.

The hot water is finally there, I carefully picked up the small, soft period period, learning from the impression of mileage heart to clean up her model, cleaned up a little.

The whole time I did not dare to make a sound, afraid that if I use a little bit of force, I will hurt her.

After cleaning up and feeding her, she went back to sleep.

I sat beside her and realized that I was sweating.

It turns out that moms aren’t born knowing how to bring up a child, they learn it all by themselves, little by little!

Ah yes, there was one more thing I didn’t do!

I found the key to this bathroom in the bedroom and locked the door dry.

Patting the dust on my hands, let’s see how you can mess things up for me now!

In the evening, as usual, I was going to make powdered milk for Period, but I realized that I couldn’t find any powdered milk.

It’s strange, it was in the locker before.

I had a flash of insight and rushed out to knock on my mom’s bedroom door:

“Where’s the formula!”

“Throw it away!”


Me! T! Meow!

How could she do anything?!

What’s this going to be without formula?

I looked back at Period and remembered the days when I was hospitalized and slept sparingly.

But there was nothing else to do ……

I had to take Period out of her crib and put her on the bed, so that I could breastfeed in time in the middle of the night.

When I got up the next day, as soon as I got out of bed, I felt like I was stepping on a cloud, and I almost paralyzed my whole body.

It turned out that Cheng Xin had changed the baby’s diaper before carrying it to me for breastfeeding.

So I didn’t realize until last night that I actually had to change the diaper again!

After feeding and tossing and changing, I was completely awake!

Then I try to fall asleep and when I’m in a daze, the baby cries again and I have to get up again.

The cycle went on all night and my head exploded!

When I was in the hospital, I was able to stay in bed during the day to catch up on sleep.

But now, I have to work back-to-back during the day and night, with no respite at all ……

When I think of how long these days will last, I have a feeling of sadness ……

After a few days of eating millet porridge, I’ve had physical regurgitation.

The sight of millet porridge makes me want to vomit!

So, once again, I ordered takeout.

But this time, I stood directly in the hallway and waited for the little man!

Finally, my meal arrived.

The moment I got the hot takeout, I couldn’t help but cry a little.

I opened the door and sat in the cold windy hallway, devouring the takeaway.

After eating in three or two bites, I wiped my mouth, and the moment I opened the door, I heard the sound of a child crying.

Period was crying?

I saw my mom leisurely lying on the sofa, eyeballing Jitterbug, as if she was completely deaf to the baby’s cries.

I was momentarily furious: “Mom, Period is crying, why don’t you look at it!”

My mom didn’t even pay attention to me.

I’m convinced that pretending to be deaf is my mom’s fault.

How come I haven’t gotten used to it yet!

Holding my waist, I did my best to get to the house as fast as I could, and found that Period had pooped again.

I skillfully cleaned her up and fed her, and she was soon asleep.

Carefully closing the door behind me, I went into the living room to confront my mom:

“Why don’t you care about the baby? Doesn’t this child have the last name Gu?”

My mom lifted her eyelids:

“A girl can’t be in the family tree, so what kind of Gu family is she?”

She looked as if she didn’t want to talk to me anymore and got up to leave!

I laughed at this statement.

What’s wrong with being a girl? What makes her not a member of the Gu family?

On the 14th day of Cheng Xin’s business trip, I still couldn’t reach Cheng Xin.

When I mentioned this to my mom, she wasn’t nervous at all, saying that you should stay out of men’s business.

But I have no time to care about Cheng Xin, because I’m just too tired lately!

And probably because I’ve been breastfeeding too often lately, there’s always a tingling sensation in my nipples when I breastfeed.

The originally soft nipples also started to become a bit hard.

I tried squeezing it and realized that there was actually red liquid coming out.

Oh my god, it’s blood!

How could it be bleeding?

I panicked a bit and looked carefully, and realized that my nipples were rotten!

I searched, it’s called cracked nipples?

How can I breastfeed?

I searched again to see what other moms had done to solve this problem.

“What else can I do? It’ll get better as you feed!”

“All women have to go through this.”

“What kind of ointment is that? What if I forget to rub it on and it gets in my baby’s mouth?”

“That’s right. That’s why it’s better to bear it.”

What’s with all the patience? It really hurts!

But ……

There’s nothing else I can do ……

The milk powder that I bought from the takeout earlier, I hid and took it to my bedroom, but I don’t know when my mom threw it away once again.

She seems to be a ghost everywhere, not letting go of every opportunity to torment me.

I couldn’t starve period, so I had to endure the pain and continue nursing!

I suspected that there were a thousand needles churning around in my chest, stabbing pains tormenting me, and even lifting my arm directly hurt so much that tears flowed out.

But when I looked down at my baby, who was senselessly eating milk mixed with blood, I lovingly touched her little face.

“As long as you’re good, I’ll do whatever you want.

When the takeout arrived, I was still hugging her and putting her to sleep.

I could only let the little man leave the takeout at the door.

By the time I could go out to eat, it was already twenty minutes later.

Luckily, the food was still there!

Although it was already cold through and through in the cold wind.

I sat in the hallway picking at my rice and shoveling it into my mouth, feeling more and more tired for some reason, and also feeling my face getting hotter and hotter ……

So sleepy, so want to sleep ……

I actually tilted my head and fell asleep leaning against the wall.

I don’t know how long it took before I woke up from my sleep.

I was abruptly startled, and hurriedly stood up to go home, only to find that the door was actually locked from the inside!

It would not open!!!

I was close to the door, heard the cries of the children in the door, and was so anxious that I slapped the door as hard as I could and shouted:

“Mom, open the door, open the door!”

Nothing happened.

The door in front of me was like a big mountain, I tried my best to beat on it but it was like a mayfly shaking a tree.

Inside the door, I was separated from the rest of the world.

I slammed my fists on the door and kicked it with my feet, but there was no movement inside.

“Please …… open the door ……”

I leaned against the door and began to cry, the baby was crying, the baby was crying, was she hungry? Not feeling well?

The only person she can rely on in this world right now is me, but I can’t actually be by her side!

Mom, how could you do this?

How could you not let me go in to see the baby!!!!

Ah, right!

I still have my cell phone with me!!!

I was crying my head off, but I finally came to my senses and called the police!

The police soon arrived at my house, and after they loudly recounted their intentions, the door finally opened!

My mom stood in the doorway, her face grim as if she was begging for her life, glaring at me:

“Bitch, how dare you call the police?!”

I ignored her and walked quickly towards the bedroom to see a scene I will never forget in my life!

Period’s face was covered with a small corner of the quilt, and she was stomping and crying uncontrollably!

Oh my God!

The baby could have been smothered!

I rolled and crawled to the bedside, trembling to remove the small quilt on the face of the period, to see the period full of red face, mouth and lips purple!

I panicked!

“Save the baby!!!”

I cried out a scream and fainted in a flash!

When I woke up again, my eyes were greeted by a ghastly white ceiling.

“You’re awake?”

I heard a familiar voice and turned my head, it was Cheng Xin.

In the next second, I grabbed her arm tightly, “Where is Period!”

Tears flowed for a moment.

Cheng Xin patted me comfortingly, “I’ve been hospitalized because I found out I have pneumonia, I’m upstairs.”

I tried to sit up: “I want to go see her ……”.

Cheng Xin held me down: “You still have a high fever, why are you running?

I was baffled: “I have a high fever?”

Cheng Xin nodded, “You’ve got a milk blockage, don’t you know? Your chest is swollen like a stone and you have a fever of nearly 40 degrees Celsius.” I then realized what was happening.

It was only then that I realized what was happening.

Cheng Xin added, “I need to go home to get some things for Ziqi, you lie down and rest, I’ll be back later.”

“No, I’ll go.”

I interrupted Cheng Xin and firmly said, “I want to go back.”

Cheng Xin and I looked at each other for a moment, she nodded, “Then you go.”

I returned home and opened the door.

My mom was lying on the couch as usual, with the TV on, high on melon seeds.

I walked over to her, took the remote and turned the TV off, then turned around and looked at her:

“Why are you doing this?”

My mom grabbed another handful of melon seeds and looked at me with an old-fashioned sense of humor:

“If you take the initiative to divorce my son and take your cheap daughter out of the house, won’t everything be fine?”

Because of this?

I laughed coldly: “Divorce, no way.”

Then I turned around and went into the bedroom, not wanting to waste another word with her.

But I didn’t expect that she followed me in and scattered all the little period clothes I had just packed and threw them on the floor!

She crossed her arms and said:

“This house belongs to my son, you are not to touch anything!”

I was out of my mind with anger and stood my ground, looking at her calmly:

“Everything in this house belongs to your son, doesn’t it?”

She said condescendingly:

“Yes, everything belongs to my son!”


I turned around and walked to the kitchen, opening the cupboards that held the pots and pans.

The sleepiness of not being able to eat well for days on end, the exhaustion of working around the clock, the unbearable pain in every part of my body, and the panic and helplessness I felt when I saw my period’s mouth and nose covered up …….

At this moment, all of them exploded out!




I lifted the pots and pans high in the air and smashed them as hard as I could regardless!

Accompanied by my mom’s screams, broken porcelain splattered everywhere, and the iron pot smashed a hole in the wooden door frame!

Smashing whatever I grabbed!

After I had smashed the kitchen clean and started walking towards the living room, my mom came to her senses and started cursing me:

“You’re a bitch who deserves to die! Are you out of your mind?”

I started laughing, and the more I laughed, the louder I got:

“I’m fucking crazy!”

I’m crazy, I’m crazy, I’m crazy, I’m crazy!

I was so happy to see my mom’s panic!

TV, smash! Air conditioner, smash! All kinds of plants, smash! Coffee table, smash!

It was as if my soul had left my body and I was on a high.

I was watching me, my face furious, my eyes glazed over like a madman, numbly repeating the action of lifting up and dropping down. Meanwhile, my mom was behind me, her face contorted, screaming.

My mind went blank, with only one thought in my head:

Everything, all smashed up!

I don’t know how I got out of that messy house and back to the hospital.

In the end, I sat in front of the hospital bed in a daze.

Cheng Xin looked at me and asked me, “What’s wrong?”

What’s wrong?

How do I know what’s wrong?

I stood up, walked to the window of the hospital room and opened the window.

The sunlight was so blinding that it stung my eyes.

Why are you crying again? ……

I’ve shed countless times more tears in this bout than in the previous twenty years combined.

I poked my head out to get a breeze.

This is the ninth floor ……

I looked down, and downstairs was the boulevard of the hospital’s backyard walk.

At the moment, there was only a bitterly cold wind blowing against the jagged dead branches.

So meaningless ah ……

It’s so pointless to live ……

Jump down ……

Just jump and all your troubles will be over ……

I peeled myself against the window, and most of my body was already hanging out of the window.

It’s almost time to be liberated ……

I thought with relief.

“What are you doing!”

Cheng Xin’s voice woke me up like a thunderbolt, and the next second she pounced on me and carried me away from the window.

I snapped back to my senses.

I buried myself in Cheng Xin’s arms and clutched her collar, losing my voice:

“I want to die so badly. ……”

“It’s all my fault that the baby is like this ……”

“I can’t take care of the baby ……”

“I’m useless, I’m not a good father ……”

Cheng Xin gently patted my back as she said in an affirmative tone:

“Gu Yi, you’re suffering from postpartum depression.”

My mom called Cheng Xin and told her about the crazy things I had done.

Cheng Xin called her back, just as I wanted her to:

“I told Cheng Xin to smash the stuff. What’s mine is Cheng Xin’s stuff, she can smash it any way she wants.”

“Mom, let’s not meet yet.”

My mom cried bitterly on the other end that I had married a daughter-in-law and forgotten my mother.

But not only do her tears fail to move me, they even make me feel more free.

For most people, tears are an outpouring of emotions.

But for my mom, tears are just a tool she uses to kidnap and blackmail me.

Luckily, she can’t blackmail me anymore.

After being discharged from the hospital, Cheng Xin rented another house and found a sister-in-law.

I finally lived a peaceful life.

In the blink of an eye, it’s the 100th day of the birth of the period, for small children, this is a very important anniversary.

That morning, I heard the baby crying and got up to breastfeed as usual.

Pulled open the clothes, but found that the chest a horse?

This ……?

I froze for a long time, and turned around to see Cheng Xin already sitting up, leaning on the bed, tilting her head to look at me.

We didn’t speak, but looked at each other and smiled.

Everything was in the air.

I handed her the baby, and she took it tacitly, cradled it in her arms and began to breastfeed.

I got up, poured a glass of warm water, and handed it to Cheng Xin.

Then squatted down and tilted my head to her:

“Wife, you’ve worked hard.”

“I, Gu Yi, swear that I will never apologize to Cheng Xin again.”

Cheng Xin smiled, but there seemed to be some other emotion under her eyes that I couldn’t understand.

She was silent, then opened her mouth, “Let’s get a divorce.”

I froze.

“Why? I don’t want to divorce you.”

“But all I want is a divorce.”

I hastily assured her, “I already know what you’re dealing with, I’ll take care of my mom and it will never happen again, I promise!”

Cheng Xin was silent for a few more moments and digressed:

“It’s almost time to go to work, go to work.”

I glanced at the time, too.

I kissed Cheng Xin and went to work.

When I arrived at the company, I got a surprise, Cheng Xin’s excellence exceeded my imagination, in just half a year, I was promoted again!

I was so happy that I was humming a song the whole day.

After work, I specially turned around and went to the food market, bought ribs, fish, and flower gums, intending to go home and make Cheng Xin a delicious meal.

“I’m home!”

I opened the door and was greeted by a dark, empty living room.

I didn’t expect it in any way, Cheng Xin actually took the child and disappeared!

Cheng Xin left nothing behind except a divorce agreement.

A week later, she called me, “Divorce?”

I said categorically, “No.”

Then she disappeared again.

This was repeated several times, probably because my attitude made Cheng Xin feel that the divorce agreement was hopeless.

Shortly afterward, I received a divorce complaint from the court.

I asked my lawyer and learned that as long as I didn’t agree to divorce in court, the court in all probability wouldn’t grant a divorce.

And Cheng Xin sued again, will have to wait another six months!

So this time in court, I decided not to agree to divorce, the court also as I expected to pronounce judgment.

I have been apologizing to Cheng Xin in court, but Cheng Xin seems to have eaten the weight of the iron heart, completely unacceptable.

After the court hearing, she disappeared again.

No news at all.

I miss her so much, so much period period ……

Even dreaming is our family of three out to play the scene.

So, half a year after the second session of the court, I did enough preparation, stood in the court with tears, said to make up for Cheng Xin.

Just when the judge was relieved, the door of the courtroom was suddenly slammed open!

I turned around and was dumbfounded!

Why is it my mom?

I’ve clearly broken off contact with her, so where did she get the news?

I reacted and took three steps to stop her, but it was too late:

“Bitch! Take your worthless daughter and go away! Leave my son alone!”

It’s over. It’s all over.

I watched as the gavel came down and the judge pronounced judgment:

“The couple’s relationship has broken down. Divorce is granted.”

After the divorce was finalized, Cheng Xin asked me to meet her at a café.

I asked her:

“Why are you so cruel to me? Was it because of the conflict between you and my mom during the pregnancy? But then I bore it all for you!”

Cheng Xin sat across from me and said seriously:

“Gu Yi, I’ve been disappointed in you three times.”

“The first time, you were afraid to confront your mom. You turned a blind eye to my grievances and didn’t dare to face them.

“The second time, knowing your mom’s preference for boys, you were moved and even asked me if I wanted to have another boy.

“The third time, you tried to delay me in the divorce, only taking into account your own reluctance to divorce, but not me.”

“All these remind me again and again of your weakness and lack of commitment.”

“Gu Yi, don’t you understand?”

“The reason I divorced you was never your mom, but you.”

I froze.

I always thought that the root cause of our divorce was my mom.

In this marriage, my mom’s faults carried a lot of weight, while I only had a little problem.

Wait ……

It was clear that I was the one who married Cheng Xin, but I was also the one who was invisible in this marriage?

Obviously I shouldn’t have condoned my mom’s meddling in both of our lives, I shouldn’t have blindly trusted my mom, and I shouldn’t have ignored Cheng Xin’s reaction because I was afraid of a fight ……

I should have stood up and isolated my mom from both of our lives.

Yes, the weak me, the me that doesn’t dare to take responsibility, the me that avoids problems, the me that doesn’t have the ability to solve problems, is the root cause of our divorce.

Cheng Xin went on to say:

“I will take the baby and settle abroad and never come back here again.”

“You don’t have to pay your child support, just pretend you don’t have a child.”

How can this be?

I raised my head sharply and retorted:

“No! The child needs his father!”

“What do you mean by needing a father?” Cheng Xin slightly widened her eyes, “If it refers to the need to give her an example of bravery, resilience, and strength, then I’ll find a female companion with these qualities who can teach the baby the same.”

“This …… this ……”

I’d never thought about any of this, mouthing the words:

“But the baby is mine too! You have no right to take her away!”

You have no right to take her away!” “Yours too?”

Cheng Xin laughed:

“This child, from head to toe, belongs to me.”

“I gave birth to the child, and my belly has a scar cut open for it.”

“My belly bears the marks of her presence here.

“My body is a constant reminder that I gave birth to a child.”

“What about you?”

“Have you changed in any way as a result of the child?”

“If not, what makes you say that this child belongs to you as well?”

I struggled to find a counter argument in my head:

“I’m related to Period!”

“Oh, I can’t argue with that,” Cheng Xin nodded, “After all, I can’t reproduce alone either, don’t you think so?”

Looking at the strange yet familiar Cheng Xin across from me, and remembering the baby I haven’t seen in nearly half a year, my emotions surged up, like a big ball of cotton stuffed in my chest, even breathing was difficult, and tears came out of my eyes.

I whispered:

“Xin Xin, I gave birth to this baby.”

“The scars are left on your body, but at the same time, they are really and truly left in my heart as well.”

“The pain and suffering I endured for her will remain in my heart for the rest of my life. ……”

“This is my only child, I can’t live without her.”

When I finally threw away all the grandiose reasons and showed my heart to Cheng Xin, she finally gave in.

Cheng Xin was silent for a long time and finally sighed:


”In the future, you can come to see the baby every weekend, and the support payments will be paid to my card on time.”

I nodded repeatedly.

Cheng Xin stood up, “That’s all I have to say.”

“Goodbye, Gu Yi.”

I’ve always wondered before, when Cheng Xin and I were together, she was always a bird-like gentle nature.

When did she become like this, decisive and firm, leaving no room for error?

But at this moment, gazing at Cheng Xin’s departing back, I realized:

Cheng Xin has never changed, I have never known the real her.

She is thin and white, seemingly gentle character, but in fact, she has a stubbornness in her bones.

Like the noble bamboo, not to bend for any wind.

When we first met, she was dragging a heavy suitcase, trying to move it up the stairs.

I passed by and tried to help, but she refused.

I thought she was embarrassed and still wanted to help:

“I’d better do it, a girl can’t carry these.”

She lifted her hair out of her ears and smiled at me:

“I can do it myself. There’s nothing a girl can’t do.”

Then I watched her as she struggled to lift the big boxes up, bit by bit.

That scene was deeply engraved in my heart and became the starting point of my vow to marry her.

But then, how could I have forgotten?

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Previous February 28, 2024
Next February 28, 2024


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  • john's avatar
    john February 28, 2024 1:05 am

    very good!