7. My Old Snake Treasure

My Snake Treasure Old Fairy

I want to see you when I’m in love.

My coworker saw me chatting with my husband, and the note was “Snake Treasure”.

He teased me ambiguously, “Is this a new game?”

I asked him, “Do you want to try it?”

My colleague nodded shamelessly.

Later, my “Snake Treasure” gave him a close encounter and scared him so much that he peed all over the floor.

Snake Treasure crawled into my arms and pouted, “Honey, he’s so dirty.”


Other people’s moms are urging me to get married, my mom stopped me from getting married, and when I just brought someone home, they said I was already engaged.

The boyfriend who has been dating for a year immediately turned his face after hearing this: “Zhuo Xia, you are disgusting.”

I watched my boyfriend leave in anger, but my heart was not so hard, just very angry: “You don’t like him, just say it, what marriage contract with me?”

My mom gave my dad a look, my dad mysteriously went into the study and came out holding a black plastic box.

I sat on the couch holding my arms and grimaced to see what tricks they were pulling.

My mom looked at me and ordered my dad, “Wang, open it.”

My dad did as he was told and opened the box, I watched him for half a day and he didn’t move, I was just about to get up when I suddenly saw a small black snake crawling out of it.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

I jumped three feet high and jumped straight onto the couch.

“You two keep this stuff at home?!”

My mom gave me a blank look, put her finger to her mouth and shushed me, saying, “Meet your future husband.”


I couldn’t believe my ears, “You’re asking me to marry a snake?”

My dad said, “He’s not a snake, he’s a snake fairy.”

I cried out in fear, “Then go find his snake fairy.”

My dad said, “He’s our family’s guardian fairy, and he can’t marry another human being.”

The little black snake spat out its snake letters as if in agreement, but it made me shiver and look away in disgust.

“Can’t we be friends?”

“Otherwise, I’ll give him a daughter.”

“No way!” My mom rudely interrupted me, “Don’t think of anything else, it can only be you, come over and hug your husband quickly.”

Mom, my own mother, is there such a pitiful daughter?

I was dead set against touching it.

The little black snake twisted its body twice, lifted up its round little brain and looked at me innocently.

My mom mocked me mercilessly, “You caught snakes when you were a kid, but now you’re scared.”

I grabbed the back of the sofa and cried, just because I was a bear when I was little doesn’t mean I was when I grew up!

When my dad saw that I wasn’t going to go over, he came over and put the box next to me, also stimulating me: “Come on, don’t pretend to be a lady, tonight you guys get acquainted with each other.”

Am I pretending?

Did I look like I was pretending?

I really wanted to hit the wall to show them that my fear was not fake.

My mom added, “I’ll take another look at the wedding date with your dad.”

After saying that, she gave my dad a look, and the two of them changed their shoes and went out for a walk, leaving me and Little Black Snake to stare at each other in disbelief.


In just ten seconds or so, my mind searched a lot of popular science articles about animals that I had read before, such as: when encountering a fierce beast in the wild, what can be done to increase the probability of survival.

But now it was at home, I looked down at it, it didn’t seem to belong to the fierce beast.

The body is only as thick as a thumb, and the head is round and flat, so it’s kind of a tiny, tiny beast.

I stood on the couch afraid to move, and the little black snake stood up with his body in the box and didn’t move either.

I was just about to move, he also moved, twisting his body, as if he was going to climb out of the box.

I couldn’t help but scream and took a few more steps back, almost falling off the couch, “I’m so scared of you, don’t come over.”

After shouting I remembered that it was a snake and didn’t understand human language at all.

I turned my head to look at the half-open window with a sobbing face, “Or, I’ll jump off the building.

The little black snake suddenly opened its milky mouth, “I am your husband, why are you afraid of me?”


Gosh, the snake spirit spoke.

I was shocked to the same extent as if I hadn’t died by jumping off a building right now.

“You can talk?”

“Yes, we invented human language.”

I bristled, you’re trying to say you’re a descendant of Nuwa, right?

Are you making a drama with me?

I was also too receptive, I quickly calmed down and realized that human beings can’t reason with animals, so let’s just get along with it first.

“I believe what you said, but promise me you won’t come out of the box, I’m really scared.”

“Oh.” It nodded grudgingly.

I was relieved, but my body couldn’t help but move back and stand in front of the cabinet near the balcony, then I said to the little black snake, “You don’t have a name yet, do you, I’ll give you one.”

Little Black Snake raised his head, “Hmm?”

I thought about it, “Black Suzie.”

I just made up the name to fool it.

The little black snake’s red eyes were round and bright, and after a few seconds of silence, it suddenly shouted cheerfully, “That’s a nice name! I like it!”

Uh, this little black snake is a bit silly, isn’t it?


We chatted across the sofa for a long time, and the little black snake didn’t have the slightest intention of climbing out of the box.

But it was very restless, circling around in the box.

It looked quite well-behaved, a good snake snake.

Gradually, I thought it wasn’t that scary, maybe I could keep it as a pet.

“That one, what’s your name?”

The little black snake stood up and looked at me with a crooked head.

“You just named me, did you forget?”

I smiled awkwardly.

“That’s not nice.”

Little Black Snake turned his head again and looked at me.

“It’s nice to hear, Black Suzie.”

I looked at it and fell silent, maybe animal aesthetics are weird like that.

But I couldn’t call it out, I couldn’t follow Xu Xian’s example and say “Mother”, could I?

I was tired of standing all the time, so I walked over and sat down, but I was still far away from it, “It’s okay if you like it, Black Suzhen is your first name, but I’ll call you Slippery, okay?”

The little black snake repeated in a baby voice: “Slippery?”

I explained, “Your body is slippery, that’s why you’re called Slippery ……”.

The little black snake suddenly poked its body out of the box and said angrily, “You haven’t even touched me, how do you know I’m slippery?”

“I …… guessed.”

“You touch me to know.”

I stood up in a mischievous manner, and my whole body refused, “No no no, you don’t come out.”

The little black snake seemed to be hurt by my reaction and flopped back into the box.

After a while, I seemed to hear crying.

Why do I have a sense of “I’m bullying a little kid”!!!!



I called out to him and he ignored me, and his sobs got louder and louder.

I’ve never coaxed a child, so I’m at a loss.

I looked up at the time, my parents had been out for an hour and should be back soon.

If they saw me bullying the little black snake, I would be the one crying later.

I slowly approached the box, and then apologized, “Don’t cry, okay, although I was not afraid of snakes when I was a child, but when I grew up, I became timid, as long as you don’t scare me, I’m actually not afraid of you …….

I said while holding back my fear and staring tightly at the box, I was afraid that it would suddenly leap out and bite me, this gadget is a cold-blooded animal after all.

“You give me time to slowly contact, when the time comes, it may directly hug you to play it.” After saying that I first winced, holding the snake I still can not imagine.

But in order to coax this little friend first, I also had to make up nonsense.

After a while, the sobbing gradually stopped, and the little black snake revealed its head a little bit as if it was concerned about me, and its red eyeballs moistened with tears shone like diamonds.

I could even see two teardrops hanging out of the corners of my eyes, just like those cute and silly little snakes that get drawn into comics.

So cute ……

The little black snake’s soft voice still had a sobbing tone to it, “Are you telling the truth?”

To show my sincerity, I held out my hand to it, “Really, we can pull the hook.”

The little black snake blinked in disbelief.

I was so nervous that my mouth was dry and I slowly guided it, “Put your tail in my hand.”

The little black snake twisted its head to look at its tail, then looked up at me and said worriedly, “I’m afraid I’ll scare you.” Saying this, he even stepped back.

My heart softened, I smiled and brought my hand closer, “As long as you don’t bite me, I’m not afraid~”

The little black snake angled its head and spoke with a firm tone, “I won’t bite you.”

I nodded, “Let’s pull the hook.”

Only then did the little black snake slowly flick up its tail and gently put the tip of its tail into my hand, I felt the slight coolness coming from my fingertips and the fear in my heart instantly disappeared.

I pinched the tip of its tail and shook it up and down, “Let’s take the hook and hang ourselves for a hundred years, no change, whoever changes is a puppy!


Touching its tail, I was still a little bit greedy for this slippery feeling, and was about to touch it upwards, but the little black snake suddenly drew back its tail and shrunk back into the box, burying its head into its body.

I was a bit puzzled: “What’s wrong?”

The little black snake said in a muffled voice, “No, nothing.”

I saw that it was arching its own body with its head, this reaction …… should not be shy, right?

I tapped the box with my finger and teased: “Slippery, so shy how to be my husband ah?”

The little black snake raised its head to look at me, and shyly drilled back, wrapping its body more tightly: “You go away, I want to sleep.”

I teased it for a while longer before getting up and leaving.

Back to the bedroom, I picked up my cell phone ready to contact my ex-boyfriend, this matter is my parents did not do the right thing, the message has been sent, but prompted me to have been pulled black.

I called again, texted, and other platforms, none of which responded to me.

The dog man didn’t even give me a chance to explain.

I thought about it a little bit and felt that something was wrong, as if he had a premeditated plan to break up with me, and I couldn’t stand being green, so I grabbed my car keys and went downstairs.

I changed into a hooded sweatshirt before I left the house. It’s already cold in October in the north, so if it’s windy, I’ll wear a hat to make it easier and more convenient.

But today’s temperature is okay, pull open the door and sit in the driver’s seat, lean back a bit, suddenly feel wrong.

There was something in my hat.

I slowly sat up straight, felt it still moving inside, and started to break out in a cold sweat of nervousness.

Thinking of so many scary things at once, after a few moments of calming down, I asked softly, “Slippery?”

The little black snake “hmmm”, as if giving a surprise in a happy and excited tone, “It’s me, wife~”


My hanging heart suddenly landed on the ground, and then snapped up into my throat.

“When did you get in here?”

“When you were changing your clothes.”

I suddenly remembered, this hoodie is I just took down from the balcony and put it on the sofa, just so a moment’s work ……

I took a deep breath, heard a hissing sound coming from behind my ear, my scalp began to tingle, and shouted, “You hurry up and come out of the hat!”

The little black snake eeped, still hesitating, and suddenly, as I yelled, “Hurry up,” it quickly burrowed out of the hat and slowly crawled along my back and into the passenger seat.

I held my arms and shook for a long time, turned my head and glared at this little black snake that didn’t know its place, and lectured with a stern face, “How can you just come out? Aren’t you the Snake Fairy that guards my house?”

The little black snake coiled up and looked at me obediently, nodding its head, “Yeah, I can come out, I’ve come out before.”


Did my parents take it out often?

It’s too wild.

As if guessing what I was thinking, the little black snake twisted its body and said, “It’s not Xiao Zhuo couple.”

「Small ……」Hearing him use that elder to junior name, the corner of my mouth twitched slightly, 「You call my parents the Little Zhuo couple?!”

Little Black Snake glanced at me and rightfully said, “I’m nineteen hundred years old, what do you think I should call them?”

My pupils quake, this little gadget is even older than Bai Suzhen?

Seeing me freeze, the little black snake spat out its pink snake letters as if it was quite proud.

Being adored by its cute and silly appearance, I held back my laughter and deliberately mocked it, “Then you’re looking for me as your daughter-in-law, aren’t you a bit old and shameless, old fairy?”

The little black snake immediately stopped laughing and stared at me with round eyes.

I pouted my lips, “I am more than 1,800 years younger than you.”

The little black snake was dumbfounded for a moment, and suddenly dropped its head and twisted its body, muttering a sentence with its head towards the car door: “You never disliked me before.”

I didn’t hear it and asked it to repeat itself, but it got angry and refused to say anything.

I looked at its rounded head and asked tentatively, “Crying again?”

The little black snake flicked its tail in exasperation, “No!”

I lay on the steering wheel and laughed, what should I do, I want to make it cry eh ……


While the little black snake was angry, I remembered something important.

I rushed out to find my ex-boyfriend to settle the score, the results were delayed by the little black snake almost forgot, send it home again too delayed, then drove directly to the ex-boyfriend’s apartment.

Parking, I let the little black snake in the car and so on, this old fairy is reluctant, must follow me.

Thinking about how it felt when it burrowed into the hat gave me goosebumps of fear all over my body.

It pointed its tail at the pocket in front of my stomach and asked, “Can I drill there?”

I rolled its eyes, wouldn’t that be more frightening?

The two of us faced off for a few minutes, and when the cute didn’t sell it, it agreed.

Walking down to the apartment building, I looked up at my boyfriend’s house in front of me and saw through the glass that it was lit up with a faint light, so he should be home.

I typed in the code to enter the unit door, then took the elevator to the 8th floor and stood still in the doorway, my ear pressed against the door to listen.

There was a woman’s voice!

I instantly couldn’t control the cranky factor in my body and directly swung my fist to smash the door, the little black snake moved in fear and asked, “What’s wrong?”

I smashed while reminding it, “Shhh, no talking.”

Soon the ex-boyfriend came out to open the door, the dog man saw it was my face instantly pulled a long, tone with mockery: “What are you still here?”

I laughed a little: “You said break up to break up ah, I did not agree.”

Ex-boyfriend looked at me sneer, holding the door a do not want to let me into the meaning: “Zhuo Xia, you are in my face to me cuckold, but also shameful face not break up?

I’m too lazy to listen to his nonsense, suddenly low from his arm drilled in, with a swift momentum to the living room, saw a woman wearing pajamas sitting on the sofa mask.

Oh, very familiar ah.

Isn’t this the new subordinate he just recruited?

I extended my hand to applaud, mocking: “On cheating or you’re good, break up less than a day to bring a woman home, you two have long hooked up, right.”

My ex-boyfriend came over to me and grabbed my arm, and his mouth was loud and clear: “You’re the one who greened me first, so get the hell out of here.”

Shit, I’m still paying half the rent.

I tried to shake him off, but the force was not as strong as he was, and my wrists hurt, and the woman’s voice drifted in my ears: “Hubby, be gentle, she’s at least your ex-girlfriend,” he said.


“I’m going to fuck you!”

I suddenly came to a fierce force, shook off the dog man’s hand, took off his shoes and threw them at the bitch woman.

The white shoes directly hit the woman’s face, she owed a scream, fast to make me laugh.

Behind, the ex-boyfriend immediately pounced on me to hit me, suddenly a cool thing slipped through the side of my face, directly to the ex’s face.

The ex flopped on the floor with a loud bang, her limbs stretched out and twitching, the woman was so scared that she stepped on the couch and yelled, her mask drying on her face as she cried like a ghost.

I saw the little black snake’s tail wrapped around my ex’s neck, and its mouth was biting my ex’s nose, as if it was bleeding, so I hurriedly called out, “Slippery, that’s enough, come over here.”

Hearing me call it, the little black snake immediately loosened its mouth, and even hissed twice at the woman with its mouth open, then slowly climbed down and climbed up along my pants leg to get into my pocket.

I coldly glanced at the ground almost fainted in fear of his predecessor, spat hard at him, picked up his shoes and turned around to leave in style.

Back in the car for a long time, I still feel not enough relief, I really want to tear that pair of dogs.

After calming down a bit I patted my pockets, “Come on out.”

The little black snake poked its head out to look at me for a moment, then slowly swam out to the passenger side and coiled up.

Thinking about how just now it used its tiny body to rush up to retaliate against the scum, I was suddenly moved to tears, as if I had seen this scene before.

I saw that there were still blood stains on the corner of its mouth, so I opened the locker to find a wet tissue, and pulled one out and brought it towards me.

The little black snake subconsciously dodged it, but I grabbed its slippery body and said in a deep voice, “Don’t move.”

It froze, stuttering in shock, “You you, you touched me.”

I fixed its head with one hand and wiped its face with a wet paper towel with the other, “Well, it sure is slippery, nice touch.”

After wiping it and releasing it, I smiled and reached out my index finger to gently touch its head twice, “Slippery, thank you for protecting me.”

The little black snake retracted its head, its tail tilted up and looked at me shyly, “You’re my wife.”

I put the dirty paper towel into the garbage bag and said in its tone, “But I’m not a snake.”

Little Black Snake: “Huh?”

I looked at him, “Can you become human?”

The little black snake was silent for a few seconds and said, “Yes.”

I was thrilled to hear this, it was something I could see without paying any money, and I looked at him expectantly, “Then show me what you can do now!”

Little Black Snake, however, shook its head and said, “Not yet, it’s not time yet.”

I frowned, “Then how long will it take?”

Little Black Snake suddenly knocked the chair cushion with his tail, his tone was incomparably serious: “Let me sleep with you for seventy-seven forty-nine days and then I can turn into a human being, wife~”

「……」 I hold my forehead.

This old fairy is afraid that he didn’t mix up the Journey to the West and the Legend of the New White Lady.


When I entered the house, my father blocked the doorway and asked nervously, “Where is your husband?

I was speechless for a while, deliberately angry at him: “Which one do you say?”

My mom pinched my arm on the side, a little anxious: “Little black snake, you will not throw it out, right?”

Before I was allowed to speak, my father began to accuse my mom: “Look, I told you not to go out first, but you didn’t listen, she threw it out.” My mom’s face turned black, and she shook herself.

My mom’s face was dark, her body swayed as if she was going to faint, I hurriedly reached out to hold her back and helplessly said, “I didn’t throw it, it’s in my hat.”

I turned my head and shouted, “Slippery.”

The little black snake crawled out of the hat, sat on my shoulder, and spat at Mom and Dad.

They were relieved to see that the little black snake was fine, and then they turned serious for a second and dragged me into the living room to start educating me.

My mom said that the snake fairy was the fairy spirit that guarded my house, or the family fairy, and that I couldn’t leave the house at will.

“Oh.” I looked at the little black snake back in the box, “That’s pretty suffocating.”

My dad asked me, “What did you do out there?”

I blurted out, “Walking.”

They didn’t believe me and asked me to tell the truth.

They stared at me for half a day, but I gritted my teeth and said, “I really just went out for a walk.”

If I told him that I had taken the old gods to a fight, I wouldn’t be able to sleep today.

After more than an hour of education, I was getting sleepy, and when I looked at Little Black Snake, he was also curled up into a mosquito coil, squinting his eyes and seemingly not sleeping.

I wanted to go back to bed, but I was stopped and the box was handed to me.

I was so sleepy that I blurted out, “Do I have to sleep with it?”

My mom said, “It’s best if you sleep in the same room.”

I pushed the box back and refused, “What’s so great about it? What if it crawls into my bed in the middle of the night? It’ll scare me so much that I’ll go straight to my ancestors.”

My dad glared at me, “It’s your husband, what are you afraid of?”

“……” I really couldn’t communicate with them properly.

I hugged the box and went back to my room in a rage, then threw it to the ground and warned, “Old God, if you dare to climb out and drill my nest, I’ll chop you up and stew you in snake soup.”


The next day I woke up naturally, no shock, I was satisfied.

After lolling in bed for a while, I lifted the covers and walked over to look at the box on the floor, which was empty, the little black snake was not inside.

Instantly slapped in the face, I bit my lip, let’s just say it wasn’t honest!

I stood with my arms crossed for a moment, cleared my throat and shouted, “Slither.”

The room was silent and I pricked up my ears to listen carefully, and within a few seconds there was the sound of shooing and crawling from a certain direction.

I gazed down at the floor and saw the little black snake crawl out from under the bed.

It seemed to have just woken up, its voice wilted, “Wife.”

“Why are you under the bed?”

I thought it would find a comfortable place to lie down.

The snake yawned, “You wouldn’t let me crawl under the bed, so I had to stay close to you.”

I was suddenly touched: “Then you can lie on the headboard.”

The little black snake waved its head: “If you open your eyes and see me, I will scare you.”

I was even more touched when I heard it say that. I squatted down and stroked its head, “Let’s go eat.”

My breakfast was buns and soymilk, while it ate raw meat dripping with blood.

I recoiled at the sight of it and my expression was disgusted, “Mom, you don’t wash off this blood, how disgusting.”

My mom simply ignored me and pushed the half pot of raw meat in front of the little black snake, respectfully saying, “You eat it.”

The word “you” made me lose my appetite again. My mom called my husband “you”, as if I had married an old man older than her.

Although this is true in terms of age, it should be according to the seniority of my side of the family.

Looking at my mom respectfully, and then looking at the little black snake was not so pleasing to the eye, I raised my chin and said, “Slippery, you go over there and eat.”

I pointed to the living room.

“Okay, wife.”

Without the slightest hesitation, it crawled away down the chair.

My mom instantly gave me a smack on the head for being a busybody, then picked up the pot and walked over.


The little black snake ate and went back to washing before I sat down next to it.

One thing I found amazing was that it was still slim after eating a basin of fresh meat.

I poked its belly with my finger, “Why aren’t you fat?”

The little black snake dodged as if it was ticklish, “I digest quickly.

I don’t believe in this kind of coaxing of children, it must have used some kind of immortal method to keep its body shape.

I looked at it with a smile, “Will you teach me?”

The little black snake asked, “Teach me what?”

I pinched my slightly thicker waist, “An immortal method to get thinner.”

Little Black Snake tilted his head and said, “Honey, you’re not fat.”

I sighed and sat back on the sofa: “You don’t understand ah, the fairy waist should be one foot nine, I’m this fast …… Anyway, you teach me, I’ll never tell others.”

The little black snake still shook his head: “It’s not the fairy method, it’s that I wasn’t originally this small.”

I blinked and reacted for a few seconds and looked at him in surprise: “You mean you can become bigger, your original body is very big?”

It nodded.

I suddenly kind of wanted to see it get bigger.

But the process of acceptance was still needed, and I searched the internet for Animal World documentaries, specifically picking out a couple of videos with snakes in them to watch.

I dragged the little black snake along to watch them, only to have it spit on me the entire time, saying those were lowly animals.

I put up with my fear and watched it while calming it down: “Of course you are the most powerful one, you can talk and turn into a human being. China has a history of more than 5,000 years, and the snake is also one of the twelve phases of the genus, so of course it is the most powerful one”.

After listening to my rainbow farts, the little black snake flicked its tail satisfactorily and continued to enjoy with me the killing of those lowly animals.

After a day of watching documentaries, I felt brave enough to watch it in its original form.

While my parents were out grocery shopping, I grabbed it in my room and told it to hurry up and transform.

The little black snake plopped down in the center of the bed, stood up its tiny body, its pupils slightly reddish, and asked me in a different voice than usual, “You really aren’t scared?”


“I shouldn’t be.” I answered it honestly.

The little black snake was a bit deflated and grayed out, lowering its head to crawl away, but I stopped it and said, “No, I promise I won’t pass out.”

It hesitated for a few seconds and told me to walk to the door and run out if I was scared.

I did as I was told, and thought to myself, “The old gods are pretty sweet.

Just as I stood still, I heard someone knocking on the door, so I told it to wait and then went to look, but just as I opened the door, I was grabbed by the neck, and the person who came violently pushed me into the door and slammed me into the closet of the entrance hall.

“You think you’re safe just because you’re hiding in your house, look at the broken snake you’ve got biting my nose.”

After a moment of dizziness in my head I got a good look at the visitor, it was my ex.

But I almost laughed out loud at this look, this nose Jackie Chan would have to worship him.

My ex saw a flash of intrigue in my eyes, fingers suddenly tightened, raised his hand and hit me on the right side of the face a slap, continued: “said I cheated, you? All have a marriage contract and still play me, I was too gentle with you before, right?”

The more he said, the tighter his fingers became, I wanted to yell yoyo, but couldn’t make a sound.

The man was not yet satisfied, grabbed me by the neck then picked me up and slammed me hard against the cabinet door, hitting the back of my head one by one making the back of my head hot and painful, tears and snot flying around.

I was about to feel like I was going to die when I felt a black shadow flash before my eyes, and my ex was knocked straight down.

I was able to breathe through my throat, and with a few sharp gasps, I turned and fled out of the foyer, then looked back to see a large black snake frantically attacking my ex.

My ex couldn’t take the excitement and wailed twice and fainted directly.

The big black snake froze as it looked at the fainted man, then turned its head to look at me, “Are you okay?”

Looking at the behemoth of it, I surprisingly did not feel scared, slowly walked over to see that the ex was not dead, raised his foot and kicked him, turned around and walked back to the living room.

I grabbed a cup and took a sip of water and turned to it, “Thank you. Saved me again.”

The big black snake seemed to smile and flicked its tail up to pat the man’s leg, “What about him?”

I picked up my cell phone and called the police straight away.


My ex woke up and told the police that I had a python and he was almost bitten to death by the snake.

The police searched my house and didn’t even find a small snake, and when they heard we broke up, they thought it was the man who was unilaterally violent toward me.

He was not convinced and asked the police to search again.

The police also convinced him this old 6.

I scared him directly: if you don’t believe me, you can come back tomorrow.

This sentence directly scared him back to his original form, goat than.

He even hid behind the policeman and stammered, “Uncle policeman, let’s go quickly.

Seeing his demeanor, I guess he doesn’t want to come back to me in this life.

After sending the policeman away, I brought the little black snake in from the window sill, and we both sat on the bed, facing each other and looking at each other.

It was unharmed, but didn’t look too happy.

“What’s the matter, you won the fight.”

“Why do you like this kind of man?”

Looking at its disgusted eyes, I blushed and said in shame, “Blind and love-brained.”

My ex was my university classmate. He was handsome, good at studies, and had a lot of merits and demerits, but at that time he was a bit love-struck and took the demerits as merits.

“But now that I’ve dumped him, I’m not at a disadvantage.” I smiled and reassured myself.

Little Black Snake grunted and saw the strangulation marks on my neck and said heartily, “My neck is red, I should have bitten him to death.”

I rubbed my neck and shook my head, “It’s fine, it doesn’t hurt, it just itches.”

It suddenly sighed, “I wish I could become a human being.”

I was about to say, “Then change,” when I suddenly heard its lost and old tone, “But if I turn into a human, you’ll forget me.”


The little black snake’s words echoed in my mind for a long time.

It seemed like it wasn’t the first time I had heard it, but it was like it was the first time I had heard it, strange and familiar.

At night I had a dream.

I dreamed that when I was very young, about seven or eight years old, I used to follow my great-grandfather up the mountain to pick herbs.

When I was picking herbs, I met many small animals, such as rabbits, hedgehogs, pheasants, mountain pigs, centipedes, snakes and so on.

When I saw the first ones, I would shout at most, but every time I saw snakes, I was so scared that my legs would go weak and I would grab a stone and throw it at them.

Grandpa stopped me every time and told me that snakes are very spiritual, so don’t be afraid of them or hurt them, and let them run away quietly.

Then I did as I was told and grew accustomed to it, but I was still afraid.

Until one time, I saved a small black snake with my own hands.

At that time it was the fall harvest time, too grandpa and parents went to the mountain to busy, I stayed at home by myself bored, I remembered that there were river shrimps in the stream by the river in front of the door.

I took my net and went straight to the river, found a puddle that wasn’t too deep, and saw two or three river shrimp at a glance.

Such a shallow puddle, I directly with my hands to grab, but touched the slippery like loach things, fishing up a look is actually a snake.

I shook it off with a “wow” sound, and then fled to the shore as if running for my life, wanting to go straight home like this, but I couldn’t bear to buy a new net, so I hesitated and went back to the puddle.

I looked around carefully and didn’t see any snakes, so I picked up the net and turned to run.

After a few steps, I realized that the weight in my hand wasn’t quite right, and looked down to see that the little black snake was in the net.

“I dropped the net again and hid a long way away to watch the little black snake struggle and flop around inside, but couldn’t get out.

The midday sun was at its hottest and my head was sweating from the sun when I saw that the net had finally stopped moving.


The dream suddenly broke off, and I woke up and raised my hand to touch it, and my forehead was covered with sweat.

Was the little child in the dream me?

But I hadn’t even met my great-grandfather, so how could I have gone with him to pick herbs, and the mom and dad in the dream didn’t have faces, they didn’t feel like my mom and dad.

“Was it just a dream?”

I mumbled in my mind, not realizing that I had already made a sound.

The little black snake in the darkness suddenly spoke, “Having a nightmare?”

I wiped away the beads of sweat that slid down my cheeks and replied, “Not really a nightmare, a bit of a montage.”

The little black snake didn’t say anything.

I asked again, “Aren’t you curious?”

It fell silent, “I know about your dream.”

It was then that I realized its voice was not childlike, but a mature male voice, low and magnetic, with a hint of tenderness.

I froze and spoke again, “I have questions.”

It hmmm’d.

I asked again, “Did I harm you, or did I save you?”

It was silent.

My heart tightened behind me, remembering the dream I had just had, the net that was slowly moving.

Grandpa Tai had told me not to hurt the snake, not to be afraid of it, and I had watched it die.

Suddenly tears burst into my eyes and guilt rushed into me like a flood.

I was not kind at all.

As I silently sobbed, a hand gently covered my eyes, a slight cool warmth reaching my eyelids, “Don’t cry, you saved me, Josiah.”

I shuddered and took his hand, rubbing it gently, it was human.

I gradually could not bite my lips, pulling his hand and jumping into his arms to cry loudly.


After crying for a long time that day, I fell asleep in his arms, and in my dreams I saw it turn into a human, but it was blurry and hard to see.

Yet when I woke up the next day, it was the same tiny little black snake.

I asked the little black snake to turn back into a human again, but it refused, but told me the story behind that dream.

After hearing the story I turned my back on the snake and began to pick at him.

“So the fact that you need seventy-seven or forty-nine days to become human is a lie to me.”

“This ……”

“So I saved you from dying in the sun, but I fell into the river and drowned, so you felt guilty and kept practicing in order to find me to repay your kindness.”

“That ……”

“So you knew that I was reincarnated into the Zhuo family, and then you found my parents and lied to them that you were a guardian fairy, when in fact you are a snake spirit.”

“No, firstly I’m not an ordinary snake spirit, secondly I didn’t lie to my parents-in-law, I am indeed the Guardian Immortal of the Zhuo family.”

“Oh, so my family is not the only one guarded by you.” I continued to pick, “Then you still have to be the guardian, my family one, three, five, other families two, four, six.”

Little Black Snake spun around in place, his tail tapping the ground, and said anxiously, “Listen to my explanation.”

I followed his example by lying on the ground and lifting up my legs, and started to stir the hawk, shouting, “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.”

After shouting a few times, there was suddenly a shadow in front of my eyes covering the light, I fixed a look, a man who was almost one meter nine in height, black hair and white skin, with perfect pecs and abs stood in front of me.

Only he wasn’t wearing any clothes, my eyes ticked downward, my heartbeat quickened and I quickly covered my eyes with my hands.

“You, at least, wear a shirt.”


“Old rascal.”


Just finished and no sound, I gently remove my hand, handsome man disappeared, look down, the little black snake is using his tail to hit my foot hard.

I stomped away, turned around and crawled out of the bedroom.

The little black snake ran out after me, I fled, he chased, like playing eagle catching chickens.

Playing is happy when the door suddenly opened, my parents saw me lying on the ground, both froze, stifled a sentence: “you return to the ancestors?”

I: “……”

Mom, I’m actually hungry.

At night, Little Black Snake and I were lying on the bed talking.

“Do my parents know you can become human?”


“Then why did they let me marry you?”

“They misunderstood. Bonding doesn’t mean marriage. You can find a normal human to marry.”

I see.

How can a human and a snake and an immortal get married?

I suddenly felt sour in my heart, like eating a bag of unripe sour apricots, it was a bit hard to bear.

I actually wanted to ask him why he didn’t live in human form all the time.

Would that have been possible ……

Forget it.

What am I being paranoid about?

How could I fall in love with a snake!

I turned off the lamp and rolled over and closed my eyes to sleep, unaware that the little black snake was watching me in the darkness, his eyes flickering slightly for a few moments.


After resting at home for nearly a month, the leader suddenly informed me to hurry back to the company to start.

Said the manpower is not enough, my coworkers, two children to go, one in the hospital surgery, leaving me the financial manager and just came to the small cashier.

The small cashier is a boy, than I am three years younger, sweet-talking heart, see me back to buy a bunch of food please eat.

I thought he was just trying to flatter his boss, but after a week on the job, I felt like he was trying to chase me.

I told him I had a husband, but he seemed to come on more.

I was so annoyed by him that I spilled the beans with my straight leader and he called me extremely narcissistic.

TMD, the leader isn’t normal either.

While I was dealing with the little cashier, I took the time to reply to the little black snake who had just learned to play with his iPad.

I was teaching him how to wrap himself into a twist when my coworker suddenly approached me.

“Yo, your boyfriend?”


He glanced again, saw that the note was “Snake Treasure”, and then acidly said: “This note, he is very good, ah?”

I raised my eyebrows and thought to myself, “I guess it’s pretty good, I haven’t tried it yet.

I was about to put away my cell phone, but he held my wrist, and flirted with me in a very ambiguous way, “Wrapped up in a twist, is this a new way to play?”

I resisted the urge to punch him and asked him with a smile, “Do you want to try it?”

My coworker shamelessly nodded his head.

After work, I took my colleague home, my parents were not there, and the man wanted to embrace me as soon as he entered the door, but I pushed him away, “What are you doing?

He did not think lick the corners of his mouth, cheaply put his arm around my shoulders: “Where is your husband, not to play together?”

I smiled slowly at him, pouted my lips and whistled, my “Snake Treasure” jumped directly behind him and then intimately wrapped him into a twist, scaring him so much that he peed all over the floor and cried out for his mom with his mouth open.

Snake Treasure quickly let go of him and crawled into my arms and pouted, “Honey, he’s so dirty.”

Later that coworker did not go to the company again.

I heard that he wrote an email to resign overnight, and also broke the news in various groups, saying that I was a crazy woman who kept a boa constrictor at home and called the boa constrictor her husband.

At first they didn’t believe me, and there was some discussion and asking me for a photo.

I sent a photo and the group quaked.

Some people complimented the snake was so beautiful.

Others were scared and told me to delete it quickly.

Later, people will still contact me, and the bold ones will still discuss the topic of snakes with me, but there is no longer anyone to introduce me to someone.


I lived with the little black snake year after year.

Now I am 35 years old.

My parents retired to the countryside and occasionally called to ask me when I would get married.

Every time, I told them that there was no one suitable.

In fact, they know that I am staying with Little Black Snake.

A few years ago, I asked Little Black Snake why he didn’t become a human being.

It said that in the human world, demons or fairies are foreigners, can not just change into human beings, and frequent changes will die faster than human beings.

But I don’t think this is the real reason, it refuses to change into human form to live with me, it must be harmful to me, only this reason, I can be convinced.

So I secretly met with an accomplished monk.

The monk told me that I had been reincarnated for ten lifetimes, and that I had been denied a good death in the previous nine lifetimes, and that my wish had never been fulfilled, and that I was reluctant to be reincarnated again and again.

I asked the monk, “What does that have to do with that old god in my house?”

The monk hung his head and sighed: “Your marriage was not fruitful in your previous life, so you have been entangled for many lifetimes.

I listened to the pain in the brain, but also do not understand the doubt: “Marriage, is it true that I am the reincarnation of Xu Xian, he is the white Suzhen to repay the favor? What kind of marriage rope is this? Is it made of steel, and can’t be cut for several lifetimes?”

The monk looked at me and smiled: “Master, the marriage rope is the strongest bond in the world.” I still didn’t understand.

I still don’t get it: “But shouldn’t marriage ties be tied to the same kind of person, such as man and man, demon and demon, immortal and ……”

At this point, I came to an abrupt halt and my eyes snapped open to look at the senior monk.

The senior monk closed his eyes, turned the Buddha beads in his hand, and sighed softly with his mouth, “Everything is the word of karma ah ……”

I walked out of the temple that day, my entire being in a trance.

Little black snake’s kind, what would I be?

A demon, or an immortal?

Not a human anyway.

Feeling like my mind was already confused, I sat on the side of the road until darkness sprung up and the stars appeared, and the little black snake turned into a human found me.

He looked a little older, with a few gray hairs on his head, but his eyebrows were familiar to me.

I looked at him for a long time and raised my hand to touch his eyebrows.

“You’re brother Ryusha, aren’t you?”


I am a half-demon that Ryusha picked up from the river.

Because she couldn’t find her family, Ryusha’s aunt, Zhuo Ying, adopted me and named me Zhuo Xia.

There is only one word difference with Liu Xia, and I call him Brother Liu Xia.

My stepmother was a human who never remarried because of the accidental death of her lover, and followed her sister, Zhuo Yu, to live together.

Zhuo Yu is Liu Xia’s mother, also human, but his father is a very powerful snake demon, the demon king of Liuli Mountain, so Liu Xia is also a half-demon.

Although Liu Xia is the son of the snake king, but because of the half-demon status from childhood is not popular with the people around you, those people on the surface of the respect, but behind the back of ridicule and abuse never stop.

So I often accompanied Liu Xia, to be the little tail behind him, to stand up for him to scold back and fight back.

We cultivated, played, and grew up together.

We climbed every inch of the Liuli Mountain, and we swam in every river.

Aunt Zhuo Yu saw that Liu Xia and I were two young children and childhood sweethearts, so she discussed with her mother to give us a marriage contract, waiting for Liu Xia and I to become adults and marry.

Because Liu Xia and I were half-demons, our cultivation was a hundred times harder than that of pure-bred demons, so even after 200 years of cultivation, we could not speak human language.

My mother was a gentle and kind person, she never forced me to cultivate, and often encouraged and praised me, giving me a very warm childhood.

However the beautiful life was shattered.

In a defense against a foreign attack, Ryusha’s mother and father were killed by someone, and Ryusha’s uncle, Ryuzhen, took charge of Liuli Mountain and became the new Demon King.

Liu Zhen had always coveted my mother, and had begged Aunt Zhuo Ying to pull strings, but was rejected.

Now that they are both dead, he has no qualms about directly marrying my mother by force and giving birth to a daughter, Liu Yue.

Liu Zhen asked Liu Xia to break off the engagement with me and marry his daughter, Liu Yue.

Liu Xia was unwilling to do so to death, and was crippled by Liu Zhen for not having enough cultivation, imprisoned in the dungeon, and then threw me to the extremely evil land of Ten Thousand Demons.

I thought I was going to die, tortured in the Land of Ten Thousand Demons, a life worse than death.

But I not only did not die, but also let me feel the cultivation method, study the cultivation greatly increased, less than a hundred years already have a thousand years of Taoism.

I couldn’t wait to see my mother, to see Liu Xia, with the memory of the road home.

The day I returned to the snake tribe, it was the wedding day of Liu Xia and Liu Yue, Liu Xia was tortured by them into the appearance of a newborn snake, lying lifelessly in the hands of Liu Yue.

I was so angry and red-eyed that I went straight for the kill, so crazy that I would bite anyone I saw and destroy any snake I saw.

Blood was spilled all over the ground, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

My mother was also accidentally killed by me, she looked at me with a smile before she died and said, “Xia’er, you and Ryu’er have the same heart spell, you will be linked together forever, and will not be separated for the rest of your life.”

Looking at the clansmen and my mother who died under me, I also broke down and couldn’t control the energy in my body and started to blow myself up, Ryujin also took the opportunity to cut off my head from behind.

The moment I fell to the ground, my eyes opened wide and gurgling tears of blood flowed out, and in a blur I saw a small black snake swimming towards me.

While I still had a little bit of consciousness left, I struggled to open my mouth, “Ryu, Xia brother, remember, remember, come, come find, me.”


I woke up again, saw the familiar ceiling, and mentally sighed that I was having another dream.

Feeling some weight on my right arm, I looked sideways and saw Ryusha lying beside me.

It turns out that we really have a marriage contract.

No wonder the senior monk said that there was a small black snake beside me in each of my reincarnated lives.

Every time I was in danger, I would be saved by the little black snake, and then remembered you, but then turned my eyes to forget you.

Ryusha woke up and looked at me, his eyes as brilliant as a river of stars.

I asked him, “What is the Tongxin Mantra?”

Lucretia said slowly: “The same heart spell is also called the brother and sister spell, the two people who are under this spell will have a sense of sensation, even if they are reincarnated they will be able to find each other”.

I blinked, tears slowly flowed down: “Then …… what about our marriage destiny?”

Ryusha, however, was silent.

I instantly realized that since it became a brother and sister spell, then how can we have a marriage bond.

The senior monk lied to me.

Tears continued to roll out of my eyes.

I continued to pursue, ”But why will I always be human? Why can’t I be reincarnated as a demon, and why have I been human for ten lifetimes?”

Ryusha reached out and wiped away my tears, “Because the Concentricity Curse maintains the original body at the time the curse was cast, you were originally a human being, I was the half-demon, and in order to allow you to better survive in the demon realm, Auntie took it upon herself to feed you Snake Pills so that you would think that you were the same as me. Later you were thrown to the land of ten thousand demons, she almost went crazy, you are only a human who ate the snake dan, and how can you come out alive from the land of ten thousand demons which is full of demons and evils. Only then did she tell me that there is an evil spell in the world called the same heart spell …… She hopes that you will stay away from the demon race and be a happy and joyful person, and she also hopes that I can guard you.”

I turned my head to look at him, “So you have been cultivating, in order to transform into a human being soon, in order to see me, you have been looking for me for ten lifetimes.”

Ryusha didn’t nod, but didn’t deny it either, just continued to wipe my tears.

I pieced together a scene from the past and suddenly unraveled all the threads.

Because of the ‘induction’ effect of the Same Heart Mantra, Ryusha found me in each life, but humans and demons are different paths, he couldn’t keep transforming into a human, and the longer he stayed by my side, the more unfortunate I would become.

When the same heart spell is a brother-sister spell, there is no marriage, we can’t bond as lovers, and the physically weaker party who violates it will perish.

The fragments of memories hidden in my mind became clearer, and I choked back a sob, “I recognized you in one of my lifetimes, and begged you to take the form of a human being and marry me. You told me with me about the danger of the concentricity spell, but I preferred not to believe it, and as a result ……”

Ryusha touched my face and said tenderly, “I was the one who begged you to marry me.”

I cried, “Don’t lie to me!”

Liu Xia embraced me and gently patted my back, opened his mouth and choked: “It’s really me, every time I see you, how can I resist not seeing you, you are afraid of snakes, so I have changed into a lot of animals, rabbits, hedgehogs, cats, dogs, a lot of many, but can not be transformed into a person who can hold you like this. The same heart spell is what I begged my aunt to put down, if you die in the land of ten thousand demons and fall into reincarnation, I will never be able to find you again, so I am willing to bear the pain of the same heart spell, as long as you are safe, as long as I can see you, even if I don t love each other …… in life.”

He rubbed his eyes and hugged the love of his life tightly in his arms.

“Xia’er, it’s me who wants to marry you.”


The New Year’s bell rang, and the familiar “Unforgettable Tonight” track popped out of the screen.

This year is still the same as last year’s people.

I put down my melon seeds and rushed to the kitchen and shouted, “Ryusha, come and see!”

Ryusha came out with fruits, looked at the TV and couldn’t help but smile, “It’s these old men and women again.”

I took a strawberry and stuffed it into my mouth, hitting him: ”How to talk, they have to call you old ancestor even when they are old.”

Ruxia frowned with a handsome brow, “I am guarding the Zhuo family, don’t give people an ancestor indiscriminately.”

I laughed out loud, leaning on his shoulder and laughing so hard that my stomach hurt.

Ryusha asked, “Can I change the channel?”

I shook my head, “No, at this hour it’s all about the Spring Festival Gala, there’s nothing to watch.”

Ryusha puts down the remote control and pushes me away, watching me blush with laughter.

“Okay, your stomach doesn’t hurt anymore?”

I wiped the tears from the corner of my eyes, looking at Liu Xia slowly quieted down, saw his hair in the light shining with fine silver light, a head of silver hair like a wig makes me very rare.

“Old Immortal, you really are getting more immortal with age.” I suddenly hooked his perfect chin to flirt.

Ryusha frowned, “Don’t call me an old fairy.”

He was a bit embarrassed and changed the topic, “This song is pretty good.”

I go along with him, “Yeah, it’s great.”

Ryusha sat back and reached out to take me into his arms, and I leaned into his arms to watch TV together.

So he’s not an immortal.

If he was an immortal, he would have ascended to the top of the Immortal Class and made me an immortal, and we would have been happy together.

If he were an immortal, he wouldn’t have been bound by a spell, and I wouldn’t have been so miserable that I didn’t know the truth until after ten lifetimes.

In the first nine lives he never took the initiative to tie the knot, knowing the tragedy brought about by the same heart curse, but in the tenth life he was finally brave enough to take the initiative to mention marriage to me.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to see him again when I open my eyes tomorrow, and I don’t know how long it will take for us to undo the concentricity spell.

Perhaps there is no cure at all.

None of it mattered though.

What matters is that he’s still with me.

What matters is that we are not dead.

After listening to the song, Ryusha and I went downstairs to set off fireworks.

Because there are fireworks restrictions now, I can only buy small bared flowers for children to enjoy.

Ruxia helped me to find an empty space, and then set up neatly, waiting for my command.

The fireworks exploded instantly in the air, dazzling like stars flying in the sky.

I took Ryusha’s hand, “Make a wish.”

Ryusha froze, then closed his eyes and followed me to make a serious wish.

When the fireworks died down, he asked me what I wished for.

I pouted, “It won’t work if I say it out loud!”

Ryusha: “It’s okay.”

I raised my finger: “I wish we live to be ninety-nine!”

He smiled.

I asked him, “What about you?”

Ryusha held my hand, looked to the sky, and said to the brightest star, “I hope all your wishes come true.”


When Josiah died at the age of 80, Ryukha’s wish was not realized.

However, the Concentration Curse was lifted, a wish Ryusha had secretly made that year.

In this life, she turned into a cute little white snake, waiting for her brother Ryusha to take her home.


I’ve waited 300 years and still haven’t waited for Ryukia.

If he didn’t come to me, I went to him.

Over the decades, I climbed thousands of mountains, swam hundreds of rivers, and finally got stuck in this hellish place with volcanoes.

“I’m not looking anymore.”

The volcano seemed to be about to erupt, and all the animals started running down the mountain. I was too hungry to climb, so I was going to lay down and die.

However, just when I was at the end of my rope, my brother Ryusha, who I hadn’t seen for hundreds of years, finally appeared, dressed in a white suit, with a stunning appearance, floating like a god, and flashing in a white light like a fairy.

I was still a small white snake, he bent down and lifted me up to hold me in his arms, his mouth murmured excitedly, “Xia’er, I finally found you.”

I was about to be strangled to death and hit him in the face with my tail before landing and transforming into a human.

He looks at me slightly surprised, his eyes stopping on me and frowning.

I lowered my eyes and looked at them and raised them again, an unpleasant tone, “What are you looking at, can’t I wear black?”

It’s funny how we are also, I’m a white snake and he’s a black snake, transforming into a human but wearing opposite colors.

Ryusha shook his head and looked at me with eyes that slowly turned red, looking on the verge of tears, when behind him, a 『boom』 explosion resounded in the sky.

The volcano erupted.

I was still frozen, Ryusha suddenly came to me, carried me on his back and then ran up, “Don’t be afraid.”

I lay on his back and looked at him for a long time, slowly reddening my eyes, wiping my tears and accusing him of coming to pick me up so late, “You might as well wait until I give birth to my grandchildren to pick me up!”

Ryusha ran on my back while apologizing, “I’m sorry, brother slept too long and was late, I’m sorry, Xia’er.”

After the Concentration Spell was lifted, Ryusha fell asleep until a few months ago when he woke up.

When he woke up, he started looking for me, day and night.

Halfway through the run, I suddenly remembered that we were demons, so why should we run like humans, and called out to him to utilize the spell to leave this hellish place.

Liuxia took me back to Liuli Mountain, which is also my home.

When I saw all the snake demons kneeling down to welcome him back, I realized that he was still a demon king.

Thinking about it, he has lived for more than 2000 years, he is an old demon, and he still has the means to do so.

But since there is a Demon King, there is also a Demon Queen, right?

Hearing me ask this question, Liu Xia’s face was slightly stunned, his expression was light: “Yes, I’ll introduce you later.” Then he took my hand and started to introduce Liuli Mountain.

This place isn’t quite the same as it used to be, the scenery is pleasant, and there are many goblins, what with the boar spirit, the mountain chicken spirit, and so on.

Even rabbits and snakes can be friends now.

Since I arrived here, Liu Xia introduced me to the crowd as my sister, and they naturally treated me as a demon princess.

The small demons in the Liuli Mountain often peeked at me and then privately whispered that I didn’t look like Lucretia.

It didn’t take long for me to play with them, and instead of concentrating on cultivating in the cave, I led some of the young demons around to cause trouble, stirring up the other demon clans.

Ryusha came to clean up my mess every time.

“I am sorry, my sister is out of line.”

“I’m sorry, my sister is still young.”

“This is to compensate for your losses, I’m really sorry.”

I followed him as he slowly made his way up the glazed mountain, Ryusha never said a word or got angry, it was just boring.

I’ve been here for a few years now, Ryusha is not as close to me as he was before, making my heart bitter and sour.

Yes, who can be in love for a lifetime?

He really thinks of me as his sister now.

Looking at his straight back, I suddenly stood still, bent down to pick up a stone, and threw it with force.

The stone hit his back, he stopped and slowly turned around, saw my face with pursed lips and rage, and coldly shouted: “Xia’er.”

I look at him to be angry, simply directly said: “I have to go.”

Liu Xia’s eyebrows slightly knitted, raised his feet toward me, asked: “Why?”

I glanced at him and said coldly, ”It’s boring here.”

Disbelief flashed in Ryusha’s eyes and he asked again, “Don’t you like it here?”

I grunted and turned my back, taking a step to the side, saying, ”I did like it, but now I don’t find it interesting, can’t I?”

Ryusha’s dark eyes suddenly changed color, like the red eyes of a snake, but it was quickly hidden, he was quiet for a moment and suddenly asked, “Don’t like me either?”

I instantly pulled my face down and was about to transform and fly away when he pulled my wrist.

“Let go.”

“What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?”

“What’s wrong with me, don’t you pull at me, go find your demon queen!”

Ryusha froze and raised his hand to press my shoulder to turn me around, asking, “What Demon Queen?”

I glared at him, still pretending with me.

He looked at my jealous expression and suddenly came to a realization, laughing freely.

“Nerd, I don’t have any demon queen, only you.”

But I pushed him away in exasperation and poked my finger hard at his chest, “I, don’t, believe it.”

Just after he finished his words, he suddenly picked me up and flew back to the demon cave. The next day, the Liuli Mountain spread the happy news that the Demon King married the Demon Queen in a big wedding.

A lot of demon spirits came to attend the wedding, in order to get a glimpse of the queen’s beautiful face, but found that standing beside the king of the demons, is a small white snake with a shallow path.

All the demons talk a lot, some boast the queen’s appearance is stunning, some dislike the Taoist line is too shallow, there is pure jealousy …… Anyway, it is very lively.

At night, sitting on the big red wedding quilt, I give Liu Xia undressing, remembering some things during the day unhappy: “They seem to be very opinionated about me it.

Ryusha disliked my slow movements, and took off his own clothes: “Who cares.”

I turned my head to sulk with him.

Ryusha held my face straight, his fingers gently pinched up my cheeks and smiled, ”They are envious, envious that I, an old goblin, married you, a little goblin.”

Saying that, he lowered his head, his breath sprayed between his nostrils, his voice like honey, “Okay, we should get down to business, wife~”

Since then a thousand years, the demon world has circulated a story: but said a small white snake with the demon law compel the demon king, a few years as a demon queen, although the Taoist practice is small, the means is quite a lot, teased the demon king night and day, to its favor, can be said to be a white snake mistaken life ah.


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