How deep is a girl’s set?

How deep is a girl’s rut?

I am a counselor.

A typical three-high woman, high value, high education, high income.

The first time I found something wrong, is the smell of body wash on the man.

In our house, I use body wash, he uses soap, fixed brand fixed fragrance, so, once I got home that day, he came close to kiss me, and I found out.

“Did you take a shower outside today?

” “Yes, a pile of bird poop pooped on my head, I was afraid it would smoke you, so I took a shower at school before I came back.

” I smiled, my eyes darting over his face.

He was too calm.

I used a lipstick then tried out he stole food outside …… The first time I found something wrong, it was the smell of shower gel on a man.

[Based on a true story] So, I joked, fortunately not in their hometown, otherwise encountered this kind of thing, have to go to ask for “a hundred rice” to do “a hundred rice” in order to get rid of bad luck.

In the evening, before I took a shower, I took out the clothes he left in the washing machine and smelled them again and again, but I didn’t smell anything other than shower gel.

How can a man, who has to come into contact with so many people from the time he goes out in the morning to the time he comes home in the evening, not have the slightest smell of cigarettes, perfume, sweat, or food?

I went through his clothes again.

A normal adult male loses about 50 hairs a day, with the collar being the hardest hit, but in his clothes, there wasn’t a single hair! It was so clean it looked as if he’d changed it just before he went home.

That night, he was particularly violent, and one word comes to mind: paying rations.

I was sick to my stomach. I’m a slight hygienist, and although there was a huge uncertainty about what was going to happen, the whole thing was like eating a dead fly.

“Wife, you’re not in the mood today.

“After finishing, Zhao Zhengyu hugged me from behind, “Did you hear something from the treatment?

” I let out a “hmm”.

In our line of work, many people think that we are like a mirror, like an orchid in an empty valley, but in fact, we face people with psychological problems every day.

As the saying goes, “Gaze into the abyss, and the abyss gazes into you”, those little monsters in our clients’ hearts will more or less be projected into our hearts and become new little monsters.

Most of the time, we can self-regulate, and if we can’t, we will seek help from our peers.

“It’s a perennial case of derailment,” I blurted out.

“I just blurted it out, “The man is a famous playboy, he cheated on his wife, and when she found out, he simply brought her home.

“The wife, my client, was in pain.”

” I rolled over and frowned, “Why do you think you men are so philandering?

” “You’re a typical one-trick pony!” Zhao Zhengyu pinched the soft flesh of my waist, “Not all men are philanderers! Whether or not they’re philandering depends on their moral fiber.” “Some men don’t have moral fiber.

“Some men don’t have moral boundaries, they eat one after another; some men, such as your husband, have very high moral boundaries, the first one in their life is you, and the last one will be you.” I could see from his slight expression that he was not a womanizer.

“I didn’t see any problem in his micro-expression.

It’s normal not to see a problem, it’s abnormal to see one.

As an associate professor of the university’s math department, a pure science and technology man, in terms of IQ, he crushed me.

2 Zhao Zhengyu and I knew each other when we were studying.

He and I are both master’s degree, I psychology department, he math department.

When we fell in love, everyone said we were a strong combination, rationality and rationality collide.

After graduating with a master’s degree, we got married without any surprises.

He teaches at the school, takes undergraduates, and reads the doctorate on the job; I opened a psychological counseling office with the support of my mentor and the financial help of my parents.

I majored in applied psychology, and hypnosis is a branch of applied psychology.

Domestic psychology started late, in the early years, not to mention the hypnosis, even for psychology is rejected excess acceptance, always think that this business is a fraud.

It is difficult in the early stage of the Institute, later slowly get better, and then later, a few big cases to do down, I have a small reputation in the industry.

3 Fame is something that seems to be false, but it can really bring benefits.

The firm’s turnover skyrocketed.

There is a saying: “A woman’s sense of security is not given by a man, but by money.

] Because I earned more, the higher my status in the family, the more secure I felt, almost certain that Zhao Zhengyu would not cheat, however, the reality is a huge slap in the face – the day after I found out that something was wrong, he picked me up from work, and embraced as usual.

I have seeds of doubt in my heart because of the clothes, and once again saw his excessively clean clothes, and did not hesitate to put a lipstick into his coat pocket.

Afterward, I pretended that nothing had happened and happily went to a restaurant with him for dinner.

On the way to the restaurant, he went to the restroom for ten minutes, and when he came back, he didn’t look well.

“What’s wrong?

Nothing, something happened at school.” “Do you need to go back to school?

“Do you need to go back to school?

“No, I’ll take care of it tomorrow.

“I played “I don’t know anything about it” seamlessly, while he played “I’ve got a problem at work”.

When I got home, he took off his coat, grabbed his cell phone and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I touched his coat pocket and his lipstick was gone.

This is a typical thief’s heart.

I walked lightly to the bathroom door, first there was the sound of a microblogging message coming in, followed by his lowered voice with a reprimanding flavor: “Who is it if it’s not you?

! No need to explain! …… I’m at home, tomorrow!” I heart wow cold.

Tolerance, no condescension].

I backed off, poured myself a glass of wine, sat on the couch to calculate what to do next …… We do not have children, the divorce involves is also property.

Our family’s common property, in addition to fixed assets (caravan + collectibles + deposits), the other, all Zhao Zhengyu in the management, stocks, funds, insurance are he is buying, tied to the bank card is also in his place, I usually almost do not ask …… “Wife, how do you remember to drink today?

“Zhao Zhengyu came out of the bathroom and asked me while wiping his hair.

“To cheer up ah!” I raised my glass in his direction with a bit of an invitation, “I saw you go to the shower as soon as you came back and thought you …… weren’t?

” “Yes.

” He came over and kissed me.

Two people who clearly weren’t interested, both pretending to be interested.

I still disgusted like eating a dead fly, but repeatedly admonished myself: can not let him find out that I already know.

I have seen a lot of people divorce, no matter how once sworn, in the division of property, decent less, face hateful more.

I don’t want to see his hateful face, and I don’t want him to see my hateful face, so the best way to do it is: gracefully, count what should be counted, first.

I am a selfish person, I don’t want to struggle for years and years, for others to be a wedding dress.

4 The next day, I did two things.

The first thing: [went to a lawyer’s office, hired a surrogate, and asked the professionals what to do next.

The] proxy lawyer first affirmed what I did the first night, not to rush the showdown, to get the preparations right before showing the cards, to catch the other side off guard.

He was slightly worried about the lipstick, “You are still too impulsive, with your husband’s intelligence, will soon suspect that you put the lipstick.

“I replied, “He has no evidence, and the lipstick is not my usual color, and he knows that I have a cleanliness problem.

“The lawyer who represented me told me to be careful and not to show my face. Immediately afterward, he suggested [three steps + one additional suggestion].

The first step is to collect evidence of the other party’s cheating; the second step is to apply to the court for property preservation based on the evidence collected; the property doesn’t need to be sorted out how complete I am, but only need to provide clues to the property and apply to the court for property preservation, so the court can take preservation measures.

The third step, suing for divorce, requesting the dissolution of marriage, the judge based on the evidence to determine how to divide the common property of husband and wife; additional advice: if Zhao Zhengyu in the marriage to the junior to buy any amount of larger items, such as a house or a car, belongs to the encroachment of the other party’s share of the property of the husband and wife, I can recover according to the law.

The second thing, [I found a private detective, asked him to help me collect evidence of Zhao Zhengyu’s cheating.

The] person, to put it nicely called “private detective”, to put it unpleasantly called “paparazzi”, often also help people squat gossip news.

My requirements are: A, I want to know who is the mistress, how long together; B, dating photos, can prove the kind of relationship between the two, such as kissing or room; C, I want to know whether Zhao Zhengyu has given each other a huge amount of gifts, such as houses, cars.

Private detectives a promise, of course, the charges are not expensive.

5 private detective efficiency, is really hanging eight o’clock dog blood drama, those who spend a lot of time and energy to find the mistress, should not hesitate to ask a private detective.

I commissioned a private detective on the fourth day, he has locked the identity of the third party.


The other party is called Zhou Xiaolan, the golden phoenix flying out of the mountain nest.

During the university, her senior internship in my firm, after graduation and in my firm transition for half a year, she later that job, or I gave to write a letter of introduction …… did not expect ah, farmers and snakes! I almost lost my smile.

Half a month ago, at an industry party, the person who clinked glasses with me and offhandedly asked me what my husband would do if he cheated on me was the same person.

It was a veiled attempt to declare war.

I’m sure Jo Jung Woo sensed her thoughts as well, so when I put the lipstick in his pocket, he pressed me without suspecting me.

“When did they start?

” “Haven’t found out yet, but living together was 2 years ago, here’s their residential address ……” I looked at the address on the note paper.

It was a property not far from the university and not far from where Zhou Xiaolan worked, convenient for both of them.

“Did you buy the house or rent it?

“Bought, the name of the household is Zhou Xiaolan.

“I don’t need to ask who paid for the house anymore.

Zhou Xiaolan graduated from the university undergraduate, less than five years of work, itself not much fame, so far, the monthly salary is 10,000 out of the beginning.

In their hometown, flying out of a college student, the whole village hates to stick, plus she also has a non-competitive, always need to help her younger brother …… and their that property, even if it is the price of three years ago, 80 square meters, no 2 million simply can not get down! I sigh.

Zhao Zhengyu usually quite stingy, tens of thousands of dollars of bags can not afford to buy me one, did not think that the little three there, more than 2 million dollars of the house easily out! Chapter 2 hearts are not enough “Sister, you do not be too sad! Men are so things, the lower body thinking animal.

“Although the private detective is a man, can scrub up men, no burden at all, “that woman is not as beautiful as you, your husband that is aesthetic fatigue, looking for some stimulation.

” I smiled.

6 Zhao Zhengyu looking for Zhou Xiaolan, certainly have “aesthetic fatigue, looking for some excitement” reason, but more psychological needs.

They were both born in the countryside and fought their way to the big city, a bit of the same life, Zhao Zhengyu look at Zhou Xiaolan, more or less a bit of their own shadow.

Zhao Zhengyu and I are not a match in terms of our families of origin. In his words, he struggled for 20 years before he had the chance to have coffee with me at Starbucks.

Between him and I, even though he now has a high social status, the inferiority complex in his bones is still there, and whenever he goes to upscale occasions, he can’t help but show his timidity and will observe others first.

And he and Zhou Xiaolan together, because of the absolute advantage of economic status and social status, he must be more relaxed, cooler.

Moreover, there is a backward view in their hometown that a man’s success is not only about how much he earns and how much he achieves, but more importantly, how many women he has.

When I was studying, I talked to him about this topic, and he attacked it extremely violently.

It is a pity that what has been submerged for many years has long been grown in the bone marrow, and it is not something that can be easily counteracted by having the right three views.

As for Zhou Xiaolan, she is not true love for Zhao Zhengyu I do not jump to conclusions.

The world of adults, many times just take what they need.

When Zhou Xiaolan interned with me back then, she had more than once expressed her envy of me: my birth, my career, and my marriage.

So, from my perspective, when she was with Zhao Zhengyu, she could get support on the material level, and on the spiritual level, she felt that she had finally outsmarted me.

“Sister, this is their photo, only so far.

” The private detective handed me a few photos, “Do you plan to go to court now, or wait a few more days?

” I looked at the photos and watched those two double out and double in, my heart was very bad.

The once-existing oath of friendship is not worth the wasted years.

“Sister, in two days is Christmas.

“Private detective looked at my face, carefully asked, “You want to stop thinking about it?

“Do my line, see a lot of sordid things, life has not been a fishy man, to be honest, I have not seen.

“The private detective said.

I was shaken for a moment, and finally left a sentence: “You help me keep a close eye on.

“7 soon came to Christmas.

Zhao Zhengyu routinely held a large bouquet of red roses, to our office.

As usual, a group of young people in the firm, the usual uproar, the usual envious gazes towards us, as usual, in the work group wailed, said stuffed with a mouthful of dog food …… I got off work early, strolling through the shopping mall, bought a bag, and then ate Western-style food.

The whole process, I actually cherish, because there is a possibility that it is the last holiday for two people, however, who would not have guessed that the dinner was not finished, Zhao Zhengyu answered a phone call, said to leave.

He said that his colleague had quarreled with his girlfriend, and also fought with his girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend, and at this moment, people are in the hospital, and the police are taking statements, so he must go over to take a look.

Zhao Zhengyu’s coworkers, can be close enough to call him for this kind of thing, I know nine times out of ten.

I picked up my clothes and said, “Let’s go together”, Zhao Zhengyu stopped me, he told me to eat well, said the party does not want too many people to know about this matter, but also said that when the peacemaker will call me.

I understand, a second recalled the TV palace drama: those so-called favorites always like to flaunt in front of the main palace, and how to die in the end do not know.

“Okay, you go ahead,” I changed from a standing position to a sitting position, “I’ll go to the bar after dinner.

‘ Zhao Zhengyu looked at me and smiled, bending down, cupping my face, rubbing his forehead against mine, his tone as doting as ever, ”No messing with the little wolf dog.

” I “hmm” a sound, followed by soaring acting, teasing: “Maybe yo! If you want to be jealous, go back earlier.

‘ Zhao Zhengyu pinched my nose and turned to leave.

I looked at his back and called the private detective, “Where are you?

Zhao Zhengyu has left.

‘ The private detective said that he followed Zhou Xiaolan’s, and immediately after, he reported an address.

From where we ate, to where Zhou Xiaolan is, on the Christmas road conditions, driving about 40 minutes, however, an hour passed.

The private detective sent me a message that Zhao Zhengyu hadn’t arrived yet.

I almost thought that Zhao Zhengyu still have Xiao Si, or, really have a colleague went to the hospital, another 20 minutes later, the private detective said Zhao Zhengyu to ……8 that night, I asked a few friends to sit in the bar for a while, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the crowd, my mind is full of those two rolled in the bed.

At 12 o’clock in the night, I returned home, Zhao Zhengyu has not returned.

I walked into the study to turn on my computer, and before I even touched my hand on it, I knew why it took Zhao Zhengyu double time to get to Zhou Xiaolan’s place after he left the restaurant.

He had come back, and my computer had been touched.

Everyone has their own computer habits, and I have different degrees of myopia in my left and right eyes and have astigmatism in my right eye, so the computer is placed on the table with a small tilt.

Zhao Zhengyu is too familiar with this home, so familiar that he forgot to pay attention to these details.

Traces of computer use have been removed.

Apart from some cutting-edge academic information on my computer, that is, the dissertation that is being written during this period of time is the most important, it is Zhou Xiaolan who can directly use things.

Once the paper was published in an academic journal, it could be rated in the industry.

I don’t want to use the most malicious intentions to guess Zhao Zhengyu and Zhou Xiaolan, but had to do the worst in advance.

That paper I although some time ago from only began to write, but prepared for a full three years, analyzed thousands of cases, spent a lot of time and energy.

[Stealing my academic achievements is more detestable than stealing my man! I poured a cup of espresso, sat in front of the computer and began to write email ……9 3:00 a.m., Zhao Zhengyu home.

He went to bed gently, and I pretended to be asleep.

The next morning, he first apologized, told me in a few words how he talked me out of last night’s fight, said he’d find some time to make up for Christmas, and then asked me offhandedly, “Have you finished the paper yet?

When are you going to send it out?

“What I was only an 8 out of 10 sure about is now a 10 out of 10.

“I just finished it two days ago, so I’ll check it again, adjust the wording and formatting, and then basically I’ll be ready to send it out.

“I smiled and set them up, “But it’s hard to say if and when it will be published.

You know, the more authoritative the academic journal, the more difficult it is to publish the paper.

“I’m sure it will pass!” Zhao Zhengyu said, “This is your area of expertise, you’ve been studying this for so many years, how could it not pass?

I’ll give you a good celebration when the time comes! I smiled and said “yes”, so you know I’ve been studying for so many years! If I didn’t know very well that Zhao Zhengyu was the kind of person who wasn’t easy to hypnotize, I would have suspected that he was hypnotized by Zhou Xiaolan, and that’s why he cheated on me, ignored intellectual property rights, ignored my hard work, and helped Zhou Xiaolan to steal my academic results!10 After Christmas, Zhou Xiaolan became more and more arrogant.

The personalized signature of her circle of friends is clearly “green, out of blue, but more than blue”.

The content of the circle of friends is more inspirational than one: “I have not seen the Los Angeles at 5 a.m., but at 2 a.m. in the city of A, I have seen more than 2,000 nights.

“Interests are the best mentors. Applied psychology was my major in high school, and the field of hypnosis is my greatest interest.

Although I am not a graduate student or doctoral degree holder, practice makes perfect, I can do it!” “Although I am not a genius player, I believe in the power of hard work.

If I can pass my dissertation this time, I decided to reward myself with a big meal and a …… relationship.

Being single for many years, it’s time to fall in love, or else this New Year’s Eve, the three aunts and six grandmothers will be chattering again.

“…… In order not to appear too deliberate, I picked a few likes, one of them also left a comment.

I said, “Xiaolan, go for it! If you work hard like this, there will definitely be a place for you in the field of hypnosis in China.

“She replied, “Thank you, Mr. Yan, interning at your firm is the most important encounter of my life.

I returned a smiley face and thought: “Indeed, it is the most important encounter of your life, otherwise you would not have met Zhao Zhengyu, would not have embarked on the path of a mistress, and would not have gone down the wrong path and abetted a man to steal my academic achievements.

On the same day, a small QQ group of mine that has been diving for 10,000 years lit up – “I remember that Zhou Xiaolan’s undergraduate thesis was copied and pasted, and after the thesis defense, she was criticized by her tutor by name.

What kind of dissertation is she writing now to make up for the regrets she had when she graduated from undergraduate school?

” “More than 2,000 2:00 a.m.?

How dare she say that?

For 4 years in college, she was so busy working part-time that she was selling alcohol and working as an escort in a bar every night!” “That’s also 2:00 a.m. She’s right. Besides, escorting is a way to understand people’s psychology, especially men’s psychology.

Upstairs, please don’t look at @YanQingSister’s sponsored children with colored glasses.

“She’s a typical ingratiating personality, @YanQing, do you know what Zhou Xiaolan has been studying?

Her tail is up in the air these days, and she feels like she’s going to come to me about senior partner in a minute.

“…… I replied, “I’m not sure.

“On the same day, the editor-in-chief of a domestic academic magazine called me and said, “Yan Qing, do you know Zhou Xiaolan?

She is from the same city as you.

She sent us a paper, also in the field of hypnosis, which was very insightful.

When it was first reviewed, I saw that the content was a bit like a point you mentioned to me two years ago.

“I said, “Oh, that’s a coincidence, isn’t it?”

“Why don’t I send it to you?”

The editor-in-chief asked, “I’ve read her CV, there’s nothing remarkable about it, and her seniority level can’t afford to support a paper with such a high content……. I’m a bit worried that if it’s really plagiarized, it’ll be a scandal once it’s published in our magazine.” “It’s not that bad,” he said.

“I’m a little worried that if it was copied, it would be a scandal if it was published in our magazine.

I got up, walked to the window with the coffee, drank a small mouthful, and then smiled, “I know her, the circle of A city is so little big, previously interned in my firm, internship, quite pragmatic a girl.” “The paper is your guide,” he said.

“I know her, she used to be an intern in my firm, and she was quite pragmatic when she was an intern.

“The editor-in-chief was a bit surprised at first, but then he was dissatisfied, “Then you should also write down the supervisor Yan Qing, or put your name on it.

These young people don’t know how to be grateful.” “No, I don’t know her.

“No, I didn’t know she wrote the paper, and I didn’t give her any guidance.

“I paused, “If it’s true that I mentioned that point two years ago, the industry has not produced a relevant thesis so far.

“I talked with the editor-in-chief for a while, and when I learned that Zhou Xiaolan’s paper would be published in the January issue of the journal, the editor-in-chief said, “The younger generation is fearful.

I said, “Yes, the new wave will push forward the previous wave.”

” After hanging up the phone, I stood in front of the window, looking at the city traffic, almost tastefully drinking the whole cup of coffee.

Heh, if you have the guts to steal my academic achievements, you have to be prepared to bear the consequences! Chapter 3 If you don’t want to die, you won’t die With this matter of the paper, I’m not in a hurry to get a divorce, at least until the paper is published, until I peel off the skin of Zhou Xiaolan and Zhao Zhengyu in public! It’s a good thing that my great aunt came and pretended to be a loving couple, so I don’t have to disgust myself to do disgusting things.

11 New Year’s Day of this year, Zhao Zhengyu’s mother, also known as my mother-in-law, unprecedentedly came to A city alone.

Zhao Zhengyu and I picked up the plane together.

“Mom, why did you come alone? Where’s my dad?

“On the way home, Zhao Zhengyu asked while driving.

“Your dad is at home.

“Granny’s little eyes were full of smugness, “In my life, I’ve never left the house or taken an airplane by myself! Yan Qing, do you think I’m considered an independent woman now?

“Yes.” I answered firmly.

“I not only answered firmly, but also patted her hand, looked into her eyes and said, “Mom, Zhengyu and I are very proud of you.

A person’s whole life is about constantly challenging himself and breaking through.

‘ Granny was quite happy.

I looked at the lipstick that clearly didn’t match her age and temperament, and the foundation that didn’t suit her skin tone, “Mom, you’re wearing makeup today, right?

It looks good on you.

I’ll go with you tomorrow to get some more cosmetics and buy some more clothes, so we’ll dress up every day!” “Clothes are fine, but no cosmetics!” Granny pointed to her bloody mouth and bragged, “This is a 999, isn’t it a queenly look?

Dongzi said that 999 is suitable for an independent woman like me!” I looked at her greasy, reflective lips, powdery skin, and wrinkles around her eyes, and wondered what suited her.

Also, who is Dongzi?

Zhao Zhengyu and his father, as well as his brother, do not have a name in the word “east”, I guessed that the old family of a certain junior to do micro-business, the first to kill, to sell things before.

Back home, my mother-in-law took the suitcase things out, I helped pack, only to pack a few things, when I saw “Dongdong eye cream” “Dongdong face cream” “Dongdong lipstick”, I know who she said Dongzi.

Because the person that my mother-in-law said is really too famous, and even more so because the scammer’s means of deception is really too low and too effective, some time ago, a lot of platforms are broadcasting.

Low-end version, with the star J Dong’s video or picture to do the picture, and then with a voice; high-end version, the celebrity head on their head, actually able to fall in love with countless amazons, light to fool them to buy a few dozens of dollars of three products, heavy to fool them tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of money transfers to do the so-called investment.

I don’t know to which extent Zhao Zhengyu’s mother has reached.

“Mom, have you been playing D-tone lately?

” I casually.

“Yes, how did you know?

“My mother-in-law was all flushed and gave me a thumbs up, “Psychologists are different, just for a while, you can actually tell.

“It’s fashionable!” I smiled and said, “I see a lot of people at the forefront of fashion playing with it. Mom, you’ve been studying makeup lately, so you won’t miss the D sound.” Granny laughed and smiled.

“Granny smiled from ear to ear, took out a black mug from the box, then filled it with hot water, and when the image of J-Dong appeared on the mug, she held the mug in front of Zhao Zhengyu to show off.

Said this is high-tech.

Zhao Zhengyu may be too obsessed with Zhou Xiaolan love, may be the feeling that those online scams are too far away from him, actually did not pay attention in the slightest.

He looked at the cup on the J Dong, a little mother-in-law may have fallen into the scam of consciousness are not, but embarrassed to look at me: “Mom, where is this what high-tech, pediatrics things! Don’t be fooled. How much did you pay for it?” “Twenty dollars.

How much did you buy it for?” “Twenty dollars.

” Granny first said unguardedly, and then frowned, “How is this not high-tech?

There’s no pattern, but when you pour hot water on it, the pattern comes out, and when the water cools down, the pattern disappears again.

Just remind me to drink hot water, we women, want to be young, the first thing you have to warm the womb, warm the womb you have to drink hot water …… ” mother-in-law said a lot.

Zhao Zhengyu heard 20 dollars, has no previous annoyance, I went over to shake his hand, very sure to the mother-in-law said: “I also think this cup is quite good! This thing called technology, Jung-woo, you can’t say that just because it came out of the lab after a period of time, it’s not called technology anymore! I think no matter from the design, or from the human care, this cup can score 100 points!” Granny Special agreed.

Zhao Zhengyu listened to my criticism, not only did not get angry, but also showed a pleased smile: “Yes, yes, yes, you are all right! Mom, buy me one some day! I need to drink more hot water too.

“Good, I’ll buy three more.

I’ll buy three more.” Granny said, “One for each of you.

“I was very keen to catch the “three” and asked in surprise, “Why three, and for whom is the other one?

“A trace of discomfort flashed across my mother-in-law’s face, but she quickly replied, “For Zhengyu’s father.

“I suspect that my mother-in-law not only knows about Zhou Xiaolan’s existence, but also enjoys it, and did not poke her, but instead thoughtfully said: “Why don’t you buy two more, or else Zhengyu’s brother will say that mom is biased! Mom, are you paying by Alipay or WeChat, I’ll transfer some pocket money to you.

“I immediately transferred 5,000 yuan to my mother-in-law: “Mom, if you don’t have enough money, just say so, and buy whatever you want, so you don’t have to save money for us! Zhengyu and I aren’t bringing up the kids yet, and we’re doing relatively well.

“Instead of urging us to save money to prepare for bringing up a child in the future, my mother-in-law praised me to Zhao Zhengyu: “Look, you’ve found a daughter-in-law who’s more filial than her son! I smiled and put my mother-in-law’s clothes away, put the toiletries and skin care products into the bathroom, looking at the water of “Dongdong brand” skin care products, I could not help but ask one more question: “Mom, what about the skin care products that I bought for you earlier?

I couldn’t help but ask, “Mom, what about the skin care products I bought you earlier?” “That one! It’s all in foreign languages, I can’t read it, and it’s not suitable for me! Some time ago, your brother-in-law went back to her hometown and said she would help me use it, so I gave it all to her! This is a much more moisturizing brand than the one you have.” I choked in my heart.

I usually use I brand skin care products, to my mom and she also buy I brand, face wash milk water milk essence basic set down, are small 20,000 things, she actually dislike …… but my surface did not show up, but also special understanding said: “Yes, skin care products this thing, not how much money, the most important thing is to suit yourself.” “That’s right,” he said.

The most important thing is that it suits you.” “That’s right.

“The mother-in-law could not agree more, “Yanqing ah, I think this time to come, you know a lot more than before.

” I smiled without saying anything, accepting her praise.

The so-called understanding is just pretending not to see it when you know she is standing on the edge of the fire pit.

12 Granny fell into the fake J Dong scam, I actually hesitated to poke holes in it, after all, I’m a good person, even if it’s a strange passerby, I don’t mind reminding the other person a few words.

Unfortunately, many things in the world are predestined.

I take her shopping, take her to eat …… that day, the company has something, I take her back to the company, told her to wait for me …… and then, I accidentally in the bathroom to hear her talking on the phone.

Deliberately lowered voice, separated by a thin block, think other people can not hear it?

“Yan Qing is much more capable than Xiaolan. The firm is so grand! And your big house! I think she’s better at making money than Xiaolan!” “You, live with Yanqing, and ask Xiaolan to give you a son, and keep him outside, it’s not like you can’t afford to keep him.


Divorce! You’re crazy! If you want a divorce, how will the property be divided? I think you’re confused!” “Ah, you’re really pregnant?

…… This is something we should celebrate! After waiting for so many years, we finally have a child!” “It’s time for a reward! If you want a name, give it to me! Yan Qing hasn’t produced a single fart in years!” “Let me tell you, I really like Yan Qing’s firm. When we get divorced, we’ll split it up! Isn’t Xiaolan also a psychologist?

She’s a psychologist, too.

“You guys should work out a way to get Yan Qing out of the house.”

“…… I sat on the toilet in the next room to my mother-in-law and listened to her almost finish before going out.

Heh, the net out of the household …… I fast angry laugh, I would like to see, in the end is who net out of the household.

I went to the pantry, to my mother-in-law to get a few small snacks, and then ding a cup of milk, brought to my office.

“Mom, it will take me about 40 minutes to do the work at hand, so drink some milk, take a nap and wait for me.

A half hour nap every day is better than any skin care product!” I said as I took out a thin quilt from the cabinet and put it on the hypnosis chair.

“This chair is so comfortable that you’ll fall asleep in less than five minutes! I usually sleep every day.

‘ Granny obediently lay on it …… Contrary to Zhao Zhengyu, she is an easy hypnotizable body, I barely made any effort and easily hypnotized her, then asked a few questions.

“Sleep, sleep well, wake up and remember nothing ……” Looking at my sleeping mother-in-law, looking at the outside daylight is just right, the city is noiseless and noisy, I stood in front of the window with a coffee.

Heh, pregnant …… No wonder a family has a request …… I have been married to Zhao Zhengyu for many years and have never had a child, not because I don t want it, but because of the low survival rate of his sperm …… If I can get pregnant. If you can get pregnant, it’s like winning the Mark Six lottery.

Just, is it really so easy to win the Mark Six lottery?

The world of some adults, counting the original is one of the links.

13 Our family dog blood thing, unexpectedly let the proxy lawyer and private detective righteous indignation, two people clenched fists, angry and gnashing teeth.

I recall the entire process, from the time I learned that Zhao Zhengyu cheated on me, to Zhou Xiaolan stealing my academic achievements, to my mother-in-law coveting my firm and reminding them that they want to net me out of the house, I don’t seem to have too much anger.

Every step was sensible and cool.

After years of counseling and years of being a hypnotherapist, the biggest little monster in my heart was, perhaps, just too sensible.

On January 4, my mother-in-law was free to move around all day, not wanting any of us to accompany her, and when she came home at night, she was all smiles.

January 5, I saw my mother-in-law watching the live broadcast, she saw me looking at her, a little embarrassed to fly the video off, I turned 5,000 to her again.

“Mom, watching live?

I occasionally watch, but also reward.

“On January 6, my mother-in-law left.

Before leaving, she pulled me to the side and asked me to transfer another 5,000 to her, and I directly transferred 10,000 to her.

She is now a VIP on the East East side, and I want her to become a Super VIP so that that side will focus on ‘taking care of’ her.

On January 10th, I celebrated my birthday.

Zhao Zhengyu said he wanted a world for two, and had a French dinner with me before going to a bar together.

We ordered a lot of wine, foreign wine + beer, Zhao Zhengyu crazy and I clinked glasses.

Half an hour later, I was a little dizzy, he made an excuse to leave, leaving me alone in the bar.

More than ten minutes later, a well-built young man with a handsome face came over and naturally sat next to me: “Sister, drinking alone! I’ll accompany you?

” I half squinted my eyes and sized him up for a few seconds before nodding, propping my head up with one hand and telling him to get two sets of dice in the meantime.

The man obeyed, reaching out to beckon the waiter and placing two sets of dice on the table.

The game was simple, guess the number of points and drink for the loser.

I leaned over the man, borrowed some external force, and hypnotized him with the dice …… “So fast?

Drunk and still have this power, awesome ah!” The agent said.

He and the private detective sat across from me, and brought a girl with a figure similar to mine, and the other party wore exactly the same clothes as me.

I gave the proxy lawyer and the private detective a sidelong glance and got up to exchange seats with the girl.

“Trouble, I’ll leave it to you.

” The girl made an “OK” gesture at me.

That night, I didn’t go home and made do at the hotel.

On January 15, the magazine was published nationwide. I knew the content of the paper and deliberately sat in the office until nightfall.

Zhao Zhengyu did not come to me, I called him and asked him if he stole my manuscript.

He directly denied this matter, but also on the grounds that I suspected him, said that there is no trust between husband and wife, filed for divorce.

I said that I could, but I will not let the scientific achievements, I will let the world know that Zhou Xiaolan’s thesis is stolen! Zhao Zhengyu hemmed and hawed and laughed twice, saying that as long as I dared to say it, he was going to publish the video of me and the male publicist in a room to the world.

This is a typical figure of speech.

I hung up the phone, the last bit of feelings for him “click” broke.

Chapter 4 Epilogue January 16, the magazine specifically for Zhou Xiaolan that paper prepared an academic presentation, invited some of the peers and the news media.

I was in the invited range, and early to the scene, sitting in the middle of the last row.

Zhou Xiaolan was wearing a beige suit and pants, very professional, the same as my usual dress.

I smiled at her.

She walked towards me with a happy smile, bent down, and put one hand on the back of my chair, “Mr. Yan, I didn’t expect you to be willing to support the show, I have a feeling that I’m in great need of help!” ”It’s only right.

” I lifted my chin slightly and looked at her with a smile, “How does it feel to steal?

」「Sowonderful.」 Zhou Xiaolan vocalized, then moved a few points closer to me, and in a very low voice, said provocatively, 「Mr. Yan, I love both your research and men.

‘ I laughed and shook my head, lamenting, “The farmer and the snake.

‘ Zhou Xiaolan continued, ”Yan Qing, I really hate your kind of pride of heaven! No matter what, you always pose as superior! Obviously you have nothing left, but you’re still pretending to be noble! By the way, how does it feel to be a little wolf dog?

Watching the video, you guys are pretty intense.


I said in a subtle way, “I’m sorry to break your bank.”

“I glanced at the stage, “Today is your day, enjoy it!” I said the last four words in a meaningful way, and Zhou Xiaolan narrowed her eyes alertly and turned toward the backstage.

15 For the academic presentation on that day, I invited two real industry gurus on their behalf.

One was the editor-in-chief of the world’s most renowned academic magazine in the industry, specially flown in from abroad, and one was the first person recognized in the field of hypnosis in the country, a blogger from a university.

The editor-in-chief of this domestic magazine looked at Zhou Xiaolan with glowing eyes.

“Xiaolan, you’re too good! Even they came to support you!” Zhou Xiaolan looked at me fearfully and was busy messaging me, “Yan Qing, what do you want to do?

You don’t want your face?

! Don’t forget, I have your video! If you dare to talk nonsense, I want you to be the thing that all the men are fighting to pass around tomorrow!” I tossed my phone aside and didn’t reply.

16 When the editor-in-chief of the domestic journal projected Zhou Xiaolan’s paper on the big screen and was vocally praising the diligent researcher – the blog director suddenly stood up and snapped outright, “Nonsense! When did the field of psychology produce such scum?

This is clearly Yan Qing’s report!” Immediately after that, the editor-in-chief of the foreign magazine also stood up and used his cell phone to connect to the projection to show everyone when I sent him the email.

I had sent him two emails in total: the first one was on Christmas Eve, in Chinese, with exactly the same content as Zhou Xiaolan’s piece, and the email was sent more than 30 hours earlier than Zhou Xiaolan sent it to the domestic journal; the second one was a few days ago, in full English, with the details optimized.

The editor-in-chief of the domestic journal looked at me with surprise.

He must have hated me, when Zhou Xiaolan sent him an email, he had consulted me, hoping that I would gatekeep for him, I refused him.

The others, the media, were all gossipy, while the majority of the industry, were knowing and sneering, “Zhou Xiaolan, tell me, how did Mr. Yan’s paper become yours?

“I remember that Mr. Yan had been helping you during your college years, wouldn’t you be too ungrateful?

“Shame on you!” Under the …… spotlight, Zhou Xiaolan stood on the stage at a loss for words and became the target of all.

I didn’t sympathize at all, and still said the same thing: [If you dare to steal from me, you’ll have to be aware of the price you have to pay! 17 When Zhao Zhengyu pushed the door in, one hand holding the magazine in which the paper was published, the other hand tucked in his pants pocket, he walked in a spirited manner.

He spoke as he walked, every word ringing out – “It’s not plagiarism, that paper was originally written by Xiaolan! You’ve all been tricked by Yan Qing!” “Zhou Xiaolan interned at Yan Qing’s firm when she was in college, and all of Yan Qing’s essays were ghostwritten by Zhou Xiaolan!” As these words fell, the entire room erupted in an uproar.

At this moment, he came, like a hero, stepping on a colorful haze, to save his princess.

I slowly stood up.

“My name is Zhao Zhengyu, a professor from the math department of University A. I am Yan Qing’s husband, but soon to be an ex-husband!” Zhao Zhengyu walked towards me, he was righteous.

“Yan Qing, I can’t help you if you steal other people’s academic reports! For a woman of your bad character, I regret having made a sincere mistake.

“He paused and took out the cell phone he carried in his pants pocket, tilting the screen at a small angle toward me.

The screen was showing the same man who had been asked to drink with me at the bar last time, and he was kissing the woman passionately, from one end of the hotel room to the other, the woman dressed in the exact same clothes as I was that day, with only a very small piece of the side of her face showing.

My gaze was lowered, and the surrounding area was already clamoring – “Senior Zhao, you’re not out of your mind, are you?

Before you helped Zhou Xiaolan, didn’t you even bother to ask around?

I’m not sure if you’re a good student or not! Zhou Xiaolan’s undergraduate thesis was copied and pasted and was criticized by the teacher by name! The whole class knows about it! “Someone who can’t even write an undergraduate thesis, and you say that Ms. Yan’s thesis is from her. Even a hundred Zhou Xiaolans can’t compare to Ms. Yan’s achievements in hypnosis!” “Do you want to compete live?

Or else show me the case studies involved in her thesis!” “Ms. Yan, why don’t you say something? Is he threatening you with something?

Don’t be afraid! We’re all behind you!” …… Zhao Zhengyu was good and calm, he was sure that I wanted to save face.

“This is just one part.

“Zhao Zhengyu’s voice was small, “It’s even better in the room, do you want to invite everyone to see it?

All you have to do is admit that Xiaolan wrote the paper, and we’ll get along.

‘ I laughed lowly, then looked up at him as if he were a clown and asked lightly, ‘And then what?’

”I swear he didn’t think of then, and his eyes flashed with a hint of confusion, as if he didn’t understand what I meant by that.

I stepped around him and headed in the direction of Zhou Xiaolan.

The lighting technician, interestingly enough, gave me a catch light at this point as a form of support, and I nodded my head towards the stage lighting technician’s side to thank him, only to see the editor-in-chief of the magazine standing next to the lighting technician and nodding his head towards me.

He was trying to say he forgave me.

In that instant, my nose actually soured a bit, and then I recounted the whole process once.

Derailment, theft of academic reports, get me drunk, and then ask a male publicist to take me to a hotel room, video threat, good thing the person in the video is not me …… “Zhao Zhengyu, Zhou Xiaolan! Theft of academic reports is equivalent to theft in the Criminal Law, you’re waiting to go to jail!” Those two people’s faces swished white! “Where’s the evidence?

How can you say I stole it?

“Zhao Zhengyu yelled at me.

“Isn’t evidence a matter for the police?

“I asked with a smile.

At that moment, the police pushed the door open.

18 The so-called wonderful video in the room was a lie, they owned just a hot kiss in the hotel corridor, the original plan to make me lose my reputation, they did not even have the opportunity to publish.

Later – Zhao Zhengyu pleaded with me to drop the charges against them for stealing, they didn’t want to go to jail, they didn’t want their child to be born with a pair of parents who had been in jail.

He was willing to trade netting for it.

I readily agreed, and by the way, I recovered the real estate and luxury goods that Zhao Zhengyu had given to Zhou Xiaolan during the marriage, with the real estate hanging in the brokerage and the luxury goods hanging in the salted fish.

It’s just that what they violated was the criminal law.

Criminal law is public law, and they violated not only my intellectual property, but also the state’s public power to manage intellectual property.

What’s the use of my consent?

It simply couldn’t be undone! Later – after a trial, the court sentenced them to one year’s imprisonment, Zhou Xiaolan was the main offender and was fined 80,000 dollars, and Zhao Zhengyu was an accessory and was fined 50,000 dollars.

Zhou Xiaolan was suspended for three years because she was pregnant.

Then later – Zhao Zhengyu’s mother was cheated a large sum of money by Dongdong anchor, the whole family is ashamed, refused to report to the police, in the home long sigh.

And then later – the Zhao family’s heartfelt child was born, a girl, Zhao Zhengyu saw the child after he was released from prison, and immediately found someone to do a paternity test, not his.

Zhao family chickens fly.

……19 “I heard that those two are in a divorce.

“My attorney friend said to me.

I let out a “wow”.

“Zhao Zhengyu must have regretted it so much that he lost his job and his wife’s money for a child that was not his.

I said, “Wow,” again.

I said again, “The original sin is not the child, but cheating.

“Yan Qing, tell me honestly, did you hypnotize Zhao Zhengyu?

On the day of the academic report, what he did was obviously not in line with his intelligence.


I didn’t hesitate to deny it, “He’s not easy to hypnotize.”

“Then, I laughed.

Being non-hypnotizable doesn’t mean he can’t be hypnotized. Everything he does is in accordance with his heart.

A hero’s appearance, saving his lover like a prince.

Sorry, I’m a hypnotist.

I’m used to solving problems in my field, in my way.

(End of text)

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