16. Cold and Flu Swap Magic

Cold Swap Magic

Non-Stop: Seeing You at Just the Right Moment of Love

On the day we broke up, my ex and I swapped bodies.

Forced to live together.

My ex-boyfriend was slow and dull, always upsetting me.

After swapping bodies, I really experienced the pleasure of a man.

“Understand? I’ll show you what it means to be a man!”


“Jiang Yiqi, I’ve had enough of you. Have you ever treated me as your girlfriend?”

On the fifth time he forgot me in the coffee shop and spent the night in the library by himself.

I knew in my heart that the future of study would always occupy the first place in his heart, and decisively proposed to break up.

Jiang Yiqi lowered his head and stood not far from me, the warm yellow streetlight hitting his back so that I couldn’t see the expression on his face.

Jiang Yiqi stammered and apologized to me, “I am sorry …… for learning late.”

Trying to walk forward, he curtly took my hand.

I frowned slightly and shook off his hand, annoyed at being let off the hook for the night: “Not accepted, break up!”

Turned his head and huffed to the dormitory.

Jiang Yiqi dead straight man, blearily watched me go, a little rushed forward to coax me the meaning is not.

Back to the dormitory at night, think of waiting for him in front of the coffee shop all night, I have a headache.

I took some cold medicine and fell asleep early.

I had a lot of strange dreams in my sleep, but I couldn’t wake up.


When I opened my eyes the next day, what came into my eyes was unfamiliar surroundings.

I was so scared that I immediately sat up with a flutter.

Save a big life, why are my legs so hairy.

Wait …… I seem to have gotten the point wrong.

I immediately got out of bed and ran to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror.

His grandmother, before often read the words: “I really want to become you, to see how your brain in the end to grow.”

Now it’s true.

I rubbed my eyes, thinking that I should still be awake, and climbed back into bed.

Soon the cell phone under my pillow rang.

The message was “He Han Yu”.

My name, my big name! What kind of person gives his girlfriend a note with his first name?

When I picked it up, I spoke on the other end of the line, “Who are you?”

“I’m your father.”

After a few seconds of silence, a warm and weak voice came into my ears, “Hanyu, is this true?”

I couldn’t help but win a cold war, so my voice could be so clipped.

Jiang Yiqi asked me to meet him at the playground later.

I climbed back out of bed and headed for the bathroom, speaking carelessly, “Wait, I’m going to the restroom.”

“Don’t go!” While hissing on the phone, Jiang Yiqi’s roommate took the first step to occupy my pit, and smiled at me.

Then, in front of me, he was about to take off his pants!

This is simply treating me like air!

I immediately turned around and left the bathroom, my heart pounding hard.

Heart at the same time and comfort themselves: “Sister what big storms have not seen, does not matter, does not matter, not to mention did not see …… right, did not see.”


After meeting in the playground, I have been staring at “my” body.

It turns out that in Jiang Yiqi’s eyes I’m actually this cute.

My hands uncontrollably pinched 「Me」’s face.

「Hanyu, it hurts……」who was a head shorter than me, immediately looked at me aggressively.

Help, why is my heart beating so fast, I can’t control it at all.

Even nasty thoughts arose in my head.

I frowned slightly, crossed my arms and leaned down to look at Jiang Yiqi, ”Jiang Yiqi! You’ve been wanting to kiss me every day, haven’t you?”

Jiang Yiqi slightly shyly lowered his head and unnaturally coughed out lightly.


So strange! What’s this? What is this thing ……

I put my big hand on Jiang Yiqi’s back and touched it: “Wear …… wear underwear yet?”

Jiang Yiqi muttered in a small voice: “Wearing ……

I instantly petrified, stayed in place staring at him “You …… you touched me?!”

Jiang Yiqi look panicked and quickly waved his hand at me: “No, no, I’m all based on muscle memory, did not even look at it.”

After a few minutes, we both sighed at the same time and sat down on the chair.

We tried everything, even scenario reenacting last night’s fight.

“Jiang Xuebao, you spend every day in the library, can you explain this situation right now?”

“This is beyond the scope of science ……”

I took another long breath and stood up, heading towards the restroom by the playground.

A very urgent voice sounded behind me, “You’re going to the restroom?”

“What? You want me to suffocate your body?”

Think I want to? I’m about to pee my pants. ……

When I walked into the restroom, I also relied on muscle memory and tilted my head back, hard enough not to look down.

Just …… I went into a cubicle bathroom, but it might as well be, a blast after pushing the door open.

Oh mom, I’m not clean anymore!

After walking out of the restroom, I covered my face and cried.

The most painful thing was that there was a familiar voice in my ear that kept yakking:

“You saw that?”

“Why are you crying?”

“Were you scared?”

“Hanyu, say something.”

Jiang Yiqi wrapped his arms around my head, and encircled me in his embrace: “You’re a boy now, can you pay attention to your image?”

I hugged the body that was originally mine tightly and cried even louder.

After regaining my composure, I realized that “my body” smelled so good.

“What kind of perfume are you wearing?” I rested my chin against Jiang Yiqi’s stomach and looked up at him.

Jiang Yiqi raised his small hand and wiped the tears at the corner of my eyes, and softly spoke out, “No ah.”

Near noon, we discussed the plan, Jiang Yiqi’s father bought him an apartment, because the accommodation can be better study, so he has not moved in.

In order to facilitate us to solve this problem better, we decided to move into his new home together.

With the plan, I was in a good mood and took Jiang Yiqi’s hand to the restaurant for dinner.

Just as I sat down with my dinner plate, Jiang Yiqi’s roommate came over, “Brother Qi, give me a meal card to use, I don’t have one.”

Before the meal, this person always love to borrow Jiang Yiqi’s meal card, on the basis of Jiang Yiqi good talk, never returned the money.

Whenever I got angry, Jiang Yiqi always smiled and said, “It doesn’t cost much.”

This time I will not give him a good face, slapped off the hand on the shoulder, snorted out: “This time, do not say borrowed?”

Jiang Yiqi shook my hand under the table.

“It’s not like you can’t swipe your face, why do you have to borrow my meal card?”

The man laughed dryly a few times and walked away.

I looked sideways at Jiang Yiqi beside me and smiled at him, “It’s not that hard to say no to someone, is it?”

After returning to the dormitory, I started packing my bags, and when I was loading the gamepad I gave Jiang Yiqi into my suitcase, another roommate took it out again.

“Didn’t you say you gave this to me?”

At the sound of the voice, the hand holding the clothes clenched into a fist.

I looked around, and all three roommates seemed to have gifts from me on their desks, both for food and for use.

…… really can’t figure out whether Jiang Yiqi is too nice or too not to take me seriously.

Roommate A: “Brother Qi, where is this going?”

“Going out to live.”

Roommate B: “Brother Qi, you’re gone, we have no one to bring food at noon.”

“Don’t you have hands?”

When the words fell, everyone shrugged their shoulders and consciously dispersed.

Finished the formalities, in front of the school to see Jiang Yiqi, I was angry, especially to see him with my face, frowning, a worried look at me.

More annoyed.

“Jiang Yiqi, it’s bad luck for me to meet you.”

Just after saying this, my heart was so sour that I nearly fell into tears.

Shit, what the hell is wrong with this …….

To Jiang Yiqi’s home, we simply cleaned up, sweating a lot.

“I turned on the water heater, and I can take a bath in a while.”

I sat on the sofa, arm resting on my leg, looked up at him: “How to wash, you wash my body, I wash yours?”

Jiang Yiqi pursed his lips tightly and said carefully, “I’m sorry …… I’ll get us back to normal as soon as possible.”

After all, there is no escape, before the bath, Jiang Yiqi very sincere: “If you are willing, I will marry you, if you are not willing, I will certainly not mention to anyone.”

“Okay, okay, okay. ……”

To be honest, I’m a little nervous and a little excited.

After taking off my shirt and looking at the body of Jiang Yiqi in the mirror, I couldn’t help but whistle.

Jiang Yiqi is secretly working out behind my back?

This abs, these biceps, and with this face, absolutely.


I beckoned, letting the freshly bathed Jiang Yiqi sit on my side, patiently applying essential oils to his hair, which I had maintained for a long time.

After a long time, I asked out of confusion, “Why is my body hot?”

It’s not the kind of heat that comes from sweating, it’s a kind of dry heat.

Jiang Yiqi came without a clue: “Because I like you a lot.”

“?” Why confess at this time?

“You go to the balcony to blow the wind.”

Command me? I just took a shower. What if I catch a cold on the balcony? Even though it’s his body, I’m the one who’ll catch a cold.

“Blow on it, my ass.” Holding the body lotion, he ordered me again, “Put your legs on my lap.” Legs are a woman’s second face and must be taken care of as well.

It’s getting hotter and hotter, and I can’t help but gag.

What the hell! Ahhhhhhhh! Going crazy.

Especially when you look at Jiang Yiqi, you can’t help but want to jump on her.

“Jiang Yiqi, maybe we can kiss?”

I’ve already pounced on the person, but I still need to ask.

Jiang Yiqi covered my lips with his hand: “Then we still break up?”

“We’ll break up after we kiss.”

I still habitually lie on Jiang Yiqi’s neck nest gasping for breath.

“Jiang Yiqi, why am I getting hotter and hotter, and something is wrong.”

“Do I still need to tell you about this?”

I stood up instantly and looked down.

How could such a ridiculous thing happen?


After class I waited for Jiang Yiqi at the playground to go home with me.

The playground was a nice place, all the glowing men made it soothing as well.

“You don’t whistle.”

How did Jiang Yiqi come up with such ugly and unpleasant words from such a pretty little cherry mouth?

I slanted a glance “cut” out of the sound, no intention to go, I prefer to blow I also want to throw winks.

Until the people playing basketball on the playground, stop the action, a strange face to look at me.

No face ……

Jiang Yiqi: “…… don’t change back, this body I don’t want it.”

Hey? He also disliked it.

I quickly got acquainted with the handsome man playing basketball by virtue of my shamelessness.

Me: “I’m going to play basketball.”

Jiang Yiqi: “Can you?”

It doesn’t matter, muscle memory will strike.

When I first pursued Jiang Yiqi, it was entirely because of his outstanding appearance and basketball skills.

I He Han Yu a shot, will know there is no, pass over the person shooting, Jiang Yiqi’s body is really bull.

More and more people gathered around the basketball court, and there were even people cheering: “Go Jiang Yiqi!

I have time to look at a glance, and then glared at not far away from the seat of Jiang Yiqi, when do you know so many beautiful girls?


I stopped and passed the ball to a bystander, “No more games.”

Casually tugged up the clothes and wiped the sweat on the forehead, sister shall not charm them to death?

I lost myself in a gush of screams, I was happy again, I could be too attractive, hahahahahahahaha.

I just walked outside the court to put on my clothes, and was stopped by the person I just played basketball with, “No more games? Play a little longer?”

The person in front of him had a bad tone and frowned slightly.

From this angle, when did Xiang Cheng become so ugly? For nothing, I used to think that he was comparable to Jiang Yiqi.

Slowly I realized that this person was secretly tiptoeing.

I laughed lightly in disdain, and before I could open my mouth to insult Xiang Cheng, Jiang Yiqi ran over to me and pulled my arm, pulling the distance between me and Xiang Cheng a bit further, “Let’s go, let’s go home.”

After that, every day after class, I played basketball with Xiang Cheng and compared their heights.

Slowly I became familiar with this strange body, and I could go to the toilet as if it was water, and I wouldn’t wear a blindfold in the shower.

More and more girls knew Jiang Yiqi, and every time we played basketball, there were many girls watching the game and sending water.


At night, while Jiang Yiqi was asleep, I sneaked into his room and squatted by his bed.

Stealing cell phones.

After Jiang Yiqi and I swapped our bodies, we swapped our cell phones in order to make it easier to deal with our respective relationships.

It was quickly unlocked by Face ID.

I just wanted to see if there were any girls adding Jiang Yiqi’s WeChat.

When I hear screaming, I can’t help but want to peacock, what can I do?

“Hanyu, what are you doing?

Jiang Yiqi got up, turned on the bedside lamp, looked at me and then looked at the cell phone in my hand.

Damn it, isn’t Jiang Yiqi asleep?

I laughed out dryly, not moving, put the phone back to the pillow: “Nothing ah, I’m not unable to sleep, come to see if you’re asleep ……”

I can’t make it up.

I simply broke the pot, weakly asked out: “Recently there are girls to add your WeChat?”

Jiang Yiqi raised his eyebrows, the corner of his mouth hooked smile: “You use my body every day, and play basketball and tease clothes, some other day you go to fall in love for me.”

I pretended to be very imposing, “This is what I call a colorful life, it’s better than you being bored in the library all the time, right?”

I suddenly realized that in the first year of college, Jiang Yiqi was also very energetic, having fun and studying without delay, since the second semester of the second year of college seems to be a little different.

Jiang Yiqi knuckles knocked my forehead: “You do not attract butterflies.

Subsequently, he put his face over and rubbed it: “Fever?”

It’s starting again …… My heart is unconsciously speeding up again, so unproductive.

“After playing basketball today, I sweated and blew a little wind, it’s fine.” I got an inch to take off my shoes on the bed of Jiang Yiqi, drilled into the quilt.

I couldn’t help but swallow my saliva: “Sleeping together?”

A night that should happen have happened, sister is too handsome.

It’s just that this waist is a bit painful the next day, and also drowsy.

“You have a class in the second period.”

Early in the morning, Jiang Yiqi on the side of the bed chattering non-stop, I half squinted my eyes up to look at Jiang Yiqi, “my” physical quality so good? This is all right?

I tugged on the covers and rolled over again, “I don’t understand it anyway.”

Jiang Yiqi started to shake my shoulder, “That’s a fucking truancy offense.”

Seeing that I was still ignoring people, Jiang Yiqi gave up and laid down with me, “Then I won’t help you with your lessons either.”

Me: “……”

During the meal, I always unconsciously looked at Jiang Yiqi.

Jiang Yiqi may have sensed it, “If you have something to say, say it.”

I immediately smiled cheaply and came to his face: “Am I good?”

Jiang Yiqi was choking on the bread, I saw this and handed the milk to his hand, looking at him with an expectant face.

“I don’t think …… is half as good as me.”

“You fart.”

I think Jiang Yiqi annoyed to me poisoned, my head dizzy in the morning.

Lunch is not eaten a few mouthfuls on the vomit.

“How did you trample my body into this state.”

I wanted to raise my hand to give Jiang Yiqi a slap, but I didn’t have the strength, so I fell back and rested my head on my arm on the dining table, “I think, I might be pregnant.”

Is this the price of last night?

“You’re a man now, right? You are a man now, okay?”

Jiang Yiqi reached out her small hand to touch my forehead and tsked out:

“Let’s go, go to the school nurse’s office.”

The school nurse made me lie down on the bed and slipped me a thermometer.

School nurse: “Is it high?”

Me: “185.”

The air was quiet for a few seconds.

School nurse: “Okay, you can be cremated.”

Jiang Yiqi, who couldn’t stand it anymore, grabbed the thermometer in my hand and looked at it, “Doctor, 38.6.”

It dawned on me that I was talking about my body temperature, and that I was a bit bewildered by comparing my height with Xiang Cheng’s recently.


I took some cold medicine in the afternoon and fell asleep.

I slept until the next morning, and then I was surprised to find that we switched back.

This must not hold Jiang Yiqi kiss a few mouths?

The man’s body is certainly strong, but I still like to be a soft and mushy girl.

I had thought to continue to maintain the cohabitation relationship, after all, living together, and let me feel that Jiang Yiqi will always miss me, I am needed by him.

Jiang Yiqi righteously rejected me: “living together is not very conducive to learning, we have not yet come to the time of cohabitation.

…… Then what happened in the previous two months, what counts?

I couldn’t see him again, studying and entrepreneurship reoccupied his world, and I became dispensable again.

I was so angry that I found him in the library.

“Jiang Yiqi, shouldn’t we be closer after what we went through?”

He was looking down at his keyboard and didn’t respond to my words.

I capriciously reached out and covered his screen, and Jiang Yiqi looked up at me with a slight frown of dissatisfaction.

After seeing me, his eyes were full of laughter again, took off his Bluetooth headset, and pulled me to sit beside him, “What’s wrong?”

I capriciously play temper at him, said the words I have said countless times: “Jiang Yiqi break up, I want to break up with you.”

“I’m sorry, I was too eager to accomplish something.”

Jiang Yiqi skillfully coaxed me, kissed my cheek intimately.

I asked him in an aggravated voice, “What about me?”

Jiang Yiqi took the tissue paper on the desktop, folded it into a paper ring, took my hand and put it on my finger: “Can you wait for me again?

I know Jiang Yiqi’s feelings for me, but I just can’t stand the fact that he studies all day and ignores me.


I had a dream, a master instructed me: “Turn around and get what you want to crack it.”

When I woke up, I looked at the ceiling in deep thought, this is not bullshit?

It didn’t tell me the medium either? Is it hard to sleep?

After closing my eyes and squinting for a while, I came to my senses and started packing in a hurry.

Cohabitation life, sis is coming again.

I’ve always had a cold and taken medication before every body swap, and that’s all I’ve ever had to do.

Packing to half I stopped again, Jiang Yiqi is busy studying and entrepreneurship, not to mention that my period is coming soon.

What if I change it and it affects him? It would be unethical.


Luckily, I don’t have any quality, or else I will be morally kidnapped.

I have to change ah, let him feel the power of menstruation for me, but also to teach him how to fall in love with me, I don’t believe it, make time to talk about love is so difficult!


I sat on the sofa in Jiang Yiqi’s house, not daring to breathe, because Jiang Yiqi was angry and furious.

“The luggage is all packed for me, don’t tell me you don’t know how to swap.”

Although now I am several times bigger than Jiang Yiqi, but I am weak hearted, my voice is small: “I know now, I just want to teach you how you can accompany …… more.”

I was interrupted by Jiang Yiqi before I could finish my sentence:

“So, you didn’t even greet me, you swapped our bodies, do you know any evil magic?”

After a pause, his voice lowered again, with some supplication and helplessness, “I have an appointment tomorrow, something very important.”

I stubbornly looked up to meet Jiang Yiqi’s eyes, “I just want to be one of your important things too. You plan your time wisely, but have you allocated any to me? What gives you the right to give something I gave you to someone else, don’t you have any possessiveness towards me?”

Jiang Yiqi avoided my sight and went back to his room, “I think it’s time for you to grow up, right?”

Before that confident thought, to now only feel childish.

I took the cold medicine, walked to his door and shouted out, “Tomorrow we change our bodies back, we break up, I’ll pester you again, I’m a dog!”


Damn, I slept and ended up not switching back, remembering how I yelled yesterday, so humiliating.

I didn’t dare to go out of my room, when it was almost noon, Jiang Yiqi knocked on my room door and pushed it in.

“I’m sorry, don’t take my words yesterday to heart.”

I shook my head, it was my fault in the first place, now that I had Jiang Yiqi apologize to me, I was even more weak.

I was very dogged, pulled Jiang Yiqi’s arm and shook it, “Who did you ask out today, tell me what I should do.”

Jiang Yiqi was silent for a long time and spoke faintly: “My mom.”

Then smiled bitterly, even the dimples on his cheeks showed up.

“It’s strange, isn’t it? I haven’t told you about it, I don’t know how to talk about it, my mom and my dad got divorced last year, and right after the divorce my dad got his own family, and I got an extra sister. My mom likes daughters, and never had much affection for me since I was young, and my dad favors sons over daughters, but now he has his own family.”

Jiang Yiqi looked around and nodded with his chin, “There were only monetary greetings for me, so I especially wanted to have some achievements.”

Seeing Jiang Yiqi choking up a bit, I followed and carefully picked up his words, “Let them see that their son is great too right?”

I now understood why Jiang Yiqi had stopped participating in recreational activities since last year, and was always in the library when he had nothing else to do.


After I asked, I carefully gathered Jiang Yiqi into my arms.

“I’m really tired.”

Jiang Yiqi seemed to have “peed” with “my” eyes, and I felt some wetness on my shoulder.

At noon, the doorbell rang, and from the display, I saw that it was a woman in a black trench coat with bright red lips, looking stylish and dominant.

Jiang Yiqi’s mom was far younger and prettier than I imagined, probably well maintained.

I prepared slippers and put them at her feet, greeting her with, “You’re here?”

Jiang Yiqi’s mom’s eyes did not fall on my body, but fell on Jiang Yiqi’s body behind me.

After changing her shoes, she walked straight to Jiang Yiqi’s side: “Good boy, is this your girlfriend?”

Although it is asked me, the line of sight did not leave from Jiang Yiqi body.

Jiang Yiqi looked at me with a flattered expression, not knowing what to do.

Jiang Yiqi’s mother took Jiang Yiqi’s hand and sat on the sofa, hooking her lips and eyes with a smile.

This look is much more gentle.

I consciously left the space for them, went out to sneak around to buy food.

When eating, Jiang Yiqi’s mom put a dish into my bowl and tentatively asked, “Qiqi, do you like to eat this, right?”

I looked at the bowl of pot roast, and then looked at the opposite side of Jiang Yiqi, his movements froze, the corners of his eyes obviously red.

This is what Jiang Yiqi likes.

I took a big bite of the dish Jiang Yiji’s mom had put in my bowl.

Raising a smile, I vaguely said, “Thanks mom, I like it.”

“The food here is delicious, try more.” I was also serving Jiang Yiqi’s mom.

I took my mom’s hand for Jiang Yiqi, Jiang Yiqi’s mom’s body obviously froze and looked up at me, “What’s wrong, Qiqi?”

“I miss you, I hope we can meet often.”

These words Jiang Yiqi can’t say, but this is what he wants to say.

A long time, Jiang Yiqi’s mom answered out: “Good ……”

There was no lack of hearing some trembling in the voice.

Then carefully raised his hand, I also consciously bent over and lowered his head, so that Jiang Yiqi mom touched his head.

“The youngest child, have grown so tall.”


Jiang Yiji’s mom, there is still a man standing behind me with his head bowed.

I leaned over, my eyes level with his, my thumb rubbing his face, my tone lightheartedly teasing him: “Cry if you want to, I’m not laughing at you now.”

I’m not laughing at you right now.” I cried, and the man cried for almost the whole night.

Looking at his swollen eyes, I should have known to let him change back and cry.

Jiang Yiqi cried and relaxed a lot, laughing and joking with me: “You girls can’t stop your tears,” he said.

Hehe, the man who makes excuses for himself.

“Hanyu, teach me how to be a qualified boyfriend.”

I gave him an unfavorable look, “Go realize it yourself.”

This anger comes and goes, I poked his head with my finger, “I really don’t get it, I gave you something, why did you give it to someone else?”

Jiang Yiqi stammered, couldn’t tell me why.

He was annoyed.

“I didn’t want to give it to them, but they said they’d give it to me for fun, saying you have a good eye for picking things out, and then they stopped giving it to me, and I don’t know how to get it back.”

My, my, how did I fall for this good old man.

“Jiang Yiqi, are you brain-dead? Don’t you know how to reject people? When I was chasing after you, didn’t you reject me forcefully?”

I pursued Jiang Yiqi, can be said to have gone through nine hundred and eighty-one difficulties, playing basketball to send water, accompanied him to class, pretending to meet by chance, Jiang Yiqi bird do not give a damn me.

“When I took the test before, I didn’t pass the answer to them, they passed around bad things, I don’t really want that.”

I don’t want to do that.” “What did you pass on?

…… pass Jiang Yiqi’s family’s private matters, pass Jiang Yiqi’s most unwilling to hear things.

The next day, Monday, I had an appointment with Xiang Cheng and the basketball team.

A bunch of dogs can not talk, I go to teach him.

“Give me back my stuff, and apologize to me.”

Roommate A: “Brother Qi, what’s going on?”

A group of tall and strong people stood at the entrance of the dormitory, they were all bullies and immediately ran to me very doggedly.

I looked at him lightly and spoke coldly: “I remembered that we still have a debt to settle.”

I returned all the things, and when I walked to the door, I heard a muttering voice that was not too high but not too low: “What’s the point of giving away the broken stuff from the broken shoes?”

You can’t just curse the things I gave you, you have to curse me as well? How can you stand this?

Xiang Cheng was one step ahead of me: “Didn’t anyone teach you how to speak?”

I originally thought that Xiang Cheng should be the one to stop me from making a move, but after all this time, I was the one who was holding my waist and pulling the fight.

“Don’t be impulsive, brother.”

The beating was not heavy, enough to Jiang Yiqi’s roommate to learn a lesson.

To say thank you, I invited Xiang Cheng to my home.

Seeing Jiang Yiqi, I was eager to tell him what happened in the morning.

“Jiang Yiqi, I’m talking to you ……”

Ignoring Xiang Cheng who had a stiff face at the side.

Jiang Yiqi winked at me, I immediately reacted, smiled and patted Xiang Cheng’s shoulder, “Hanyu, thanks to Xiang Cheng today, too righteous.”

Jiang Yiqi was more attentive and noticed that Xiang Cheng’s hand was bleeding.

I was about to take the iodine and cotton swabs when Jiang Yiqi frowned slightly and didn’t let go, ”Let me do it.”

Xiang Cheng saw that it was Jiang Yiqi squatting on the ground and was about to hold his hand for medication, and immediately avoided it, his face flushed scarlet and somewhat stuttered: ”This …… is not too good.”

After saying this, he looked at me.

“What is this ……” I raised a smile line of sight to wear a skirt squatting in the ground Jiang Yiqi, breathing a stagnation, the smile solidified, “indeed not too good.

Jiang Yiqi went back to his room.

I carefully dipped a cotton swab in iodine vapors and applied it to Xiang Cheng’s injured place.

“Jiang Yiqi, when you were pulling the fight, did you take the opportunity to touch my abs?”

Me: “?”

You can’t say this nonsense, big brother.

A bang came from the sound of Jiang Yiqi closing the door to his room.


When I went home after class in the afternoon, Jiang Yiqi faintly spoke out, “You’ve been getting quite close to Xiang Cheng lately.”

I don’t know why, smiled and nodded: “He is quite good, when I was choosing between you and him, which one to chase ……”

I did not feel where wrong, continue to Jiang Yiqi said: “Fortunately, you were very handsome and good study, or I would ……”.

Down the elevator Jiang Yiqi opened the door, closing the door loudly, interrupted my words.

I closed my mouth in time.

Jiang Yiqi raised his head to meet my line of sight, his tone was not cold: “He is good to you, he has time to accompany you, and righteousness is not afraid of things, it is not too late to choose him.”

“Are you okay?” What does Jiang Yiqi mean by this?

Not to be outdone, I hummed out, “You also know where you have a problem?”

I gamely went back to my room, regretting again that I hadn’t taken a bite of the snacks I bought on the way.

While I was mentally building up whether or not to go out for a bite, the door of my room was knocked, I guessed that it was Jiang Yiqi who came to ask me to go out for a bite.

When I opened the door, Jiang Yiqi was half-bowed, his face not looking too good: “I feel sick.

It’s my menstrual period.

Hmph, a qualified boyfriend wouldn’t just let his girlfriend drink more hot water.

I put on my apron and watched the video instruction, Lily and Silver Ear Lotus Seed Brown Sugar Ginger Tea.

It’s not particularly difficult.

Jiang Yiqi for me to feel menstruation these days, I do my best to take care of him, after all,…… watching him difficult I am quite guilty.

Recently, the weather has become cooler, the immune system during the menstruation period decreased, Jiang Yiqi therefore caught a cold.

I put the last cold medicine in the palm of Jiang Yiqi’s hand.

“This is what I rely on to swap bodies with you, this is the last one, if we don’t get it back, we’ll be like this afterward.”

I haven’t figured out the pattern yet, but this cold medicine is definitely the key.

Fortunately, the next day, I opened my eyes and switched my body back.

Without the excitement of the first time, I skillfully got up and packed my bags.

There’s no way to explain how all this stuff happens, but it does exist.

Winter is coming to an end.

During dinner, Jiang Yiqi swapped our cell phones back and tentatively asked out, “Next semester, have you thought about where to intern?”

“I haven’t thought about it yet, have you?”

“My dad wants me to go to his place.”

I answered, didn’t continue to talk, and ended the topic.

Just after dinner, Jiang Yiqi’s mom arrived.

Jiang Yiqi’s mom looked at the suitcase in the living room and asked me in a low voice: “Did you break up? Brat, bullied you?”

I pursed my lips and shook my head and smiled, my eyes looked at Jiang Yiqi who was washing dishes in the kitchen, “He ah, anxious to get your attention, to go to school to busy studying.”

Jiang Yiqi’s mom froze for a few seconds and let out a long sigh, her expression was one of loneliness that she couldn’t hide: “Blame me, his father’s side favors sons over daughters, and I went against them, preferring daughters, and as a result, I fought for half of my life, ignoring his feelings.”

“Auntie then you should have a good chat with him, he shouts for his mom when he has a fever.”

Jiang Yiqi and his mother sent me to the dormitory together, and then went to the coffee shop where I often waited for Jiang Yiqi.

In the evening, Jiang Yiqi asked me to watch him play basketball, listening to the tone, I guess the mother and son talked well.

Watching Jiang Yiqi become a reckless teenager again, I suddenly understand the significance of exchanging bodies, perhaps not so that he knows how to accompany me and love me, but to really unravel the knot in his heart.

In the middle of being lost in thought, Xiang Cheng sat beside me and looked at me sideways and laughed out loud.

I couldn’t help but laugh and joked, “What’s wrong with you? What are you doing looking at me laughing all the time?”

“I find you quite familiar.”

I leaned my body towards the seat, a faint smile hanging on my lips, “I think you’re quite nice.”

“Where’s the nice guy card? That’s been said to a lot of people, hasn’t it?”

I let out a ‘cut’ and my eyes went to him, “Isn’t it your turn to hear it?”

Before we could talk for a few sentences, the sunlight that wasn’t blinding was completely blocked, and I turned my head to look at Jiang Yiqi who was frowning tightly.

“Not playing anymore? Where to go?” The players behind me called out to Jiang Yiqi.

Jiang Yiqi didn’t turn around and pulled my arm, making me get up and follow him.

Jiang Yiqi waved his hand at the people behind him, “To fall in love.”

I surrounded Jiang Yiqi’s arm, looked at him sideways, curved his eyebrows with a smile: “We go to fall in love?”

Jiang Yiqi pursed his lips and did not say anything, walked a few steps to hold me on a table, arms supported on both sides of me: “How many three-pointers did I score?”

This ……

“I didn’t count ……”

“I was just chatting, why? Do you really want to change?”

Jiang Yiqi leaned closer and closer, I had to push his shoulder with my hand, don’t open my face: “I don’t have.”

Jiang Yiqi wanted to say something, helplessly shook his head, held me down again: “I can not speak, I know I did not do well before.”

I woke up in a daze in the middle of the night and saw the message Jiang Yiqi sent me:

“I know my problem, I will plan my time and will put you in an important position.”

“I wanted to make this clear in person at the playground. But my heart always beats first, making me afraid to say it.”

“Every time I see you, I can’t devote myself to my studies, so I always put you last. It’s my fault that I stood you up.”

“We talked a lot, and I’m grateful to you for saying what I wanted to say to my mom. I’m a dumb person too, I would be unhappy to see you and Xiang Cheng together, but I don’t know how to tell you.”

“I like you so much, I can think of our future even with my eyes closed now, I don’t want to lose you and I want you to be by my side all the time. I hope we start with a heartbeat and end with a white head.”

“I will correct my mistake and don’t choose my boyfriend again.”

There’s something wrong with my eyes, they always blur when I see part of it, and I have to wipe it with tissue paper.

I don’t want to choose my boyfriend again. I don’t want to give others a chance to enjoy the coolness of the tree that I have planted with great difficulty.


After the New Year, Jiang Yiqi and I met less, both adapting to the discomfort of entering the workplace.

I chose a large company for my internship, wanting to exercise myself and gain experience in advance.

Jiang Yiqi parents gave me invisible pressure, and no one told me, Jiang Yiqi’s parents are so rich ah……

Before Jiang Yiqi let me pigeon, now it’s my turn to let Jiang Yiqi pigeon, but he is really not good at coaxing.

I: “You should grow up, right?”

Jiang Yiqi: “?”

I gave him the same words he said at the beginning.

The next day, a resentful Jiang Yiqi arrived at the door of my rental house.

“Today is not a working day?”

Jiang Yiqi didn’t say anything, slanted a glance at me and pulled me into the room.

It’s also true that young master Jiang still distinguishes between what is a working day and a rest day.

Jiang Yiji sat on the sofa, wrapped his arms around my waist, buried his face in my embrace, and softly spoke out, “Did you miss me?”

I was still thinking about whether I could take the afternoon off and how I should do it.

Suddenly feeling a murderous look, I immediately smiled pleasingly, cupped Jiang Yiqi’s face with both hands, and lowered my head to peck the corner of his mouth, “I miss you to death.”

Jiang Yiqi hugged me and searched for the bedroom.

I hooked his neck and accepted the incoming kisses.

As I closed my eyes to rest, the arm around my waist tightened, and Jiang Yiqi teased out, “Am I good?”

I pondered his words back to me in the beginning and waved my finger out, “Not half as good as me.”

Damn desire to win ……

In a daze, I felt a few kisses on my lips, my face was rubbed, and he said, “Wait for me to marry you, okay?”

I immediately opened my eyes, raised a smile: “Good.”

Jiang Yiqi was obviously stunned, “My God, you’re not asleep?”


Perhaps Jiang Yiqi caught a cold last night when he held me in the bath, and the next day he had a fever.

When I was taking the medicine, I couldn’t help but tease him, “Do you think we’ll swap again?

Jiang Yiqi thought seriously for a moment and raised a smile, “Then I’ll stay one more day to see if we swap?”

Looking at his meaningful smile, my waist ached.

Jiang Yiqi smoothed the broken hair between my forehead, don’t to the back of the ear, fingers gently pinched my earlobe: “Don’t think blindly, take the medicine and hurry to sleep, I will help you to ask for leave.”

I woke up and opened my eyes to see Jiang Yiqi is still in my bedside, the heart of the indescribable warmth, got up and flopped into his arms, sniffing: “Jiang Yiqi, I’m not easy.”

Sound uncontrollable with a crying voice, recently work so tired, the urgent need to hide in his arms pampering.

Until the night fever did not go down, Jiang Yiqi hurriedly carried me to the hospital hanging water.

I looked at Jiang Yiqi busy figure, more and more broad shoulders, the corners of the mouth hooked up a smile, people booming noisy hospital, the heart of the vines grow wildly.

Before once wanted to give up with his feelings, now it seems, I won the bet, Jiang Yiqi love me.


The next morning, Jiang Yiqi in the downstairs bought porridge, holding a spoon on the mouth blowing, fed into my mouth.

Looking at his reddened eyes, I reached out and stroked, some heartache, he did not close his eyes last night.

Rubbing my face into the nape of his neck, I asked in a small voice, “When are you leaving?”

“I ……”

Jiang Yiqi was about to open his mouth to speak, the door of the room rang.

It was my mom ……

Save big life, I followed the line of sight of my mom to see, the trash can conspicuously thrown birth control supplies.

The atmosphere is quite awkward, I and Jiang Yiqi honestly sat on the sofa, mom glared at me after, sat next to Jiang Yiqi, and climbed with him.

Good guy, chatting all the family.

After Jiang Yiqi left, mom took care of me in the rental house, did not ask me about Jiang Yiqi, making me a little panic.

“Mom, are you satisfied with him?”

Mom giggled and patted my hand that had just had a needle stuck in it, “Handsome, I like it.”

I like it.” OK, you’re my mom.


After the end of the internship, close to graduation, we live in the house of Jiang Yiqi, raised a kitten, Jiang Yiqi in his father’s company turned positive, live outside to facilitate work.

One day, I overheard the phone call between Jiang Yiqi and his father:

“Study abroad, or forget it, I want to get married after graduation.”

I held back my inner excitement and called Jiang Yiqi for dinner, pretending to be calm.

I can’t hide things, and it’s too easy for me to express them, so I bit my chopsticks and laughed.

Jiang Yiqi was a bit uncomfortable by the way I looked at him, and tapped my forehead with his chopsticks, looking at me with a crooked look, “Why do you keep smiling? What are you doing?”

I pursed my lips and smiled, “Have you …… thought about when to marry me?”

Jiang Yiqi froze for a few seconds, then his ears reddened and lowered his head with a smile.

A few moments later, jokingly asked me: “What’s wrong, so impatient?”

“What are you talking about?”


On the day of graduation, Jiang Yiqi’s mother gave me a gift in her hand, a jade bracelet.

After carefully helping me put it on, she held up my hand and looked at it: “It’s really pretty.”

When Jiang Yiqi saw it, he was so jealous: “Why don’t I have it? Now Jiang Yiqi has grown a big mouth and can ask for things from his mom.

Jiang Yiqi’s mother took my hand and walked in front of her, laughing out loud: “Daughters need to be rich.”

Behind came Jiang Yiqi indignant voice: “I at least is your own son.

At night, Jiang Yiqi took me to see the fireworks, the fireworks overflowed and lit up the sky brightly, constantly blooming and expanding.

Jiang Yiqi covered my ear with a smile: “Actually, I can’t wait.”

“Huh?” I grinned and looked at him sideways, not quite hearing his words.

Jiang Yiqi laughed and shook his head, leaning down to circle me into his arms, “I want to kiss you.”

This I can hear clearly.

Closed his eyes and tilted his head on tiptoe to meet his kiss full of love.


One day when I was cleaning up my room, I found the ring that Jiang Yiqi had folded with tissue paper when he was coaxing me.

I furiously took the box, rushed to his study, and forcefully put the box on his desk: “When did it become real?”

Jiang Yiqi’s movements visibly paused for a moment, laughed out shallowly, held my hand, put it to his mouth and kissed it.

The cold touch of my ring finger made my heart roar.

Jiang Yiqi pulled my hand and looked at me with anticipation, “Do you like it?”

I can not say a word, Jiang Yiqi dissatisfied tsk sound, gesture to remove the ring on my hand: “do not want to forget it.”

Hey? There is no such thing as putting on a ring and then pulling it off again.

“The ring on my hand is mine.” I pulled out my hand very quickly and hid it behind my back.

“Then you’re wearing my ring, and now you’re mine too.”


I was supposed to get my license the next day, but I put it off until the third day.

I didn’t get out of bed the next day.

In the spring of the next year, we had a wedding.

When we quarreled after the wedding, I said nothing more than:

“I really want to become you and see what’s inside your head!”

“I need cold medicine! I don’t believe it. Does it really work?”

Jiang Yiqi, on the other hand, looked at me like a fool, and sometimes even sang, “Oh, my god, the magic is not working.”

I gritted my teeth and looked at him, “You’ve really become lively now haha.”

I walked up and punched him a couple times and he shut up.

After the second year of marriage began to be all the parents fancy urge to give birth.

I have all kinds of difficulties during pregnancy, Jiang Yiqi is also very distressed, holding my hand and asked me: “Where do you buy cold medicine?


In the late winter of the same year, I gave birth to a pair of twins.

Jiang Yiqi’s eyes were red as he took me into his arms, “I love you so much for your hard work”.

He, who is not good with words, poured out his love to me, making me red-eyed too.

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Previous February 29, 2024
Next March 1, 2024


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