17. And the God of my tender heart

And the God of my soft heart

Nonchalance: seeing you when the love is just right

Ghosts under the bed often sneak around in the middle of the night to climb my bed.

One day in the middle of the night I really can’t stand it. I wanted to discuss with it to see if it could not sleep in my bed.

But the ghost started to tell me about high math.



I rented a house in college.

The house was cheap and nice, but somehow the ghost always pressured my bed.

I’m not afraid of ghosts, because my mom is the girl with the snail.

Do you know the girl with the snail?

Yes, it’s the “Girl with the Field Snail” from the ancient Chinese folk tale.

But who can stand being ghosted every night?

I thought I’d find a chance to talk to the ghost under the bed.

I didn’t realize that I couldn’t see it during the day.

This ghost does not know where to go during the day to fool around, and then at night the dog sneakily climbed into my bed.

One night I couldn’t hold back and woke up the ghost in my bed.

“Can you get off!

The ghost rubbed his sleepy eyes.

“Why are you kicking me out, honey?”

Why are you kicking me out, honey?

What did the ghost say? Who’s your wife?

I fought with him, “Are you crazy? Don’t think I’m afraid of you.”

It pretended to think: “Indeed, you’re better than me in physical attacks.”

“But I’m definitely better at high math than you.”

I was speechless.

You’re still a ghost in the Scholarship Program?

I’m a bit annoyed: “Don’t talk about these things here, go down quickly, I’m going to be crushed to death by you.”

Said I turned on the light.

After all, if the light is dark, how do you think I’m not afraid of the light of the big living people do not stain the light.

With the light, I took a look at the ghost

It didn’t matter, the ghost was actually quite good looking.

My gaze was captured by the ghost, and the ghost immediately began to speak in a ghostly manner:

“Wife, do you want me to teach you high math?”

I had a black line on my face.

Why does this ghost shout “wife” with a wave?


I rejected the ghost with all due respect.

For one thing, I’m not a pure swinging college student.

Secondly, I’m not his wife either.

I can’t give up my principles just because this ghost is good looking.

I looked at this ghost who was sitting on my bed in only his pants and gulped in knots, putting on a serious face.

But why was the gagging so loud!

The stinky ghost was snickering there without hiding it.

I sneered and kicked him off the bed.

“Eh, wife, what are you doing~”

No, aren’t all ghosts green-faced and fanged?

Why is this one underneath my bed titsy and petite?

He cried and climbed up my bed again, to sleep crammed in my bed.

I got really angry.

“Are you annoyed? I’ve got an early eight tomorrow and I’ve got all those points I can’t accumulate. Get off!”

The brat brought back the topic of high math, “Honey, I’ll teach you if you don’t know how to do it.”

Damn it, every word has a bubble sound.

And you’re still talking to me about high math.

I’m sick of high math.

The ghost pulled the quilt at my feet and smiled brightly.

“I’ll teach you high math and you’ll let me sleep with you, honey.”

I thought to myself, “I can’t let a ghost get me into trouble, can I?

Before his wife finished shouting, I went to bed under the quilt.

I left the light on.

As I was falling asleep, I remembered that I was using commercial electricity, and I didn’t want to get up and turn off the light.

I didn’t want to get up and turn off the light.

The last thought before falling asleep was-

If I can’t afford the utility bill, I’ll pack up this ghost and sell it.


The next day, my alarm clock really didn’t wake me up.

It was the little milk ghost that woke me up.

I picked up my cell phone and saw that it was seven forty-two.

I got up and brushed my teeth and washed my face in one go.

The speed was comparable to Bolt.

After I washed up, I found a packed breakfast on the table.

Little Milk Ghost floated to my side and invited me to take credit: “I knew you couldn’t get up, so I prepared breakfast for you.”

I was slightly surprised.

But there wasn’t much time, so I just said “thank you” and left for school with my breakfast in my pocket.

I got to class at 7:58am.

I was exhausted.

After sitting down, I resisted and helplessly started to do the points that I couldn’t do.

Only this time I found that the questions were densely labeled with the solution process.

I remembered what the little tits ghost said last night.

He really knows how to do it, doesn’t he?

The little tit ghost left a note that read, “If you don’t know how to do it, just ask me, honey.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the note.

Why is this ghost still in love?

I wasn’t distracted for too long, so I picked up and started doing the math.

After all, if I don’t get into graduate school, I’ll have to go home and inherit the family fortune.

Finance and business wars make my brain hurt just thinking about them.


Class had been in session for what must have been twenty minutes or so when a girlish voice rang out from behind me:

“Can I sit here?”

I didn’t say anything, just moved to the side.

I didn’t need to hear it to know who it was.

It was the second youngest son of the company that my father was at odds with.

I don’t know what’s gotten into him lately, but he’s been chasing after me.

The second youngest has been looking at me with affection, so embarrassed that I could pick my toes out of the Forbidden City.

I’m in the middle of a class, can you sit down first?

I had just finished spitting when the second youngest bent his knees and tried to find a chair with his butt.

It was too late, it was too soon.

As soon as he sat down, he was gone.

To be precise, the person is still there, just pier the ground.

At the same time accompanied by a muffled sound.

Listening to it makes people feel that this hit is really solid.

I hesitated for a second, did not resist probing to look.

I realized that he was going to sit where I was sitting, but the seat was broken for no reason.

But it was fine when I sat there?

Suddenly, I felt a hot breath beside me.

The little milk ghost appeared next to me and spoke sorrowfully, “Why does this man keep haunting my wife?”

I was startled by him.

“Little ghost did you do this?”

He took advantage of his light body and flew into my arms.

“Yes, my wife.”

“And I’m not a kid, I’m a wangcai.”

I ……

There are still ghosts that steal names from dogs?

I shook him out of my arms and glared at him.

I wasn’t sure what was going on, but warned him not to mess around in the classroom.

As soon as the second youngest saw the ugliness, he hurriedly stood up.


Like a cracking sound directly sublimated the existing embarrassment.

It seems that the second young Gucci’s pants are not very strong.

The second young man rushed to cover, but unfortunately a little late.

The pink four-cornered big pants were taken in by Wang Cai and me.

Wang Cai laughed happily at the side: “My suggestion is not to take this number.”

I didn’t expect him to have bad intentions.

Obviously he looked like he lacked heart.

I asked him in surprise, “Can’t others see you?”

“I can be seen by whoever I want.”

When I said that, my tone of voice was even tinged with pride.

I couldn’t help but sigh, ghosts are more relaxed than me.


Wang Cai hovered in mid-air and accompanied me to the class for a day.

I didn’t talk to him in a crowded place.

No one else could see him, so talking to him was no different from talking to myself in the air.

I was afraid that the next day the entertainment news would explode with the headline “Tan’s Group’s Youngest Daughter is Brain-Damaged”.

I don’t want to go to the hot search penalty.

That’s why occasionally when I arrived at a place with fewer people, I would only introduce our school with Wang Cai.

After this day, I realized that Wang Cai was really clingy to me.

And extremely dislikes me talking to other people.

It couldn’t be that he was trying to occupy me so that it would be easier for him to suck out my yang qi, right?

The more I thought about it, the more terrifying it became, causing me to look at Wang Cai in a different way later on.

When I got home, I scooped up Wang Cai and dumped him on the sofa.

I had to have a good talk with him.

“First of all, don’t call me wife.”

Wang Cai watered, “Wife~”

I exploded, “Shut up! Call me Tan Beam.”

After taking a breath, I then asked, “Second, explain where you came from?”

As soon as Wang Cai heard me ask this, he put away his pity and watched his eyes and nose.

What a great acting skill, no matter how much I asked, he didn’t say anything.

Dare I say that you were a member of the Secret Service in your past life?

I organized what little patience I had left, “Say it or not?”

Wang Cai kept his mouth shut and stared blankly at me.

Okay, he’s not as good at high math as I am, so I can’t even stare at him.

I wiped away my tears and changed the question.

“Then why are you pestering me?”

Wang Cai stammered for a while and said, “To accomplish a task that is not a task.”


Maybe I’m not very good at languages and didn’t understand what he meant.

I had no choice but to change the question again.

Next, whenever I asked questions involving his identity, he didn’t answer me.

I was a bit annoyed, but I understood.

A ghost with such a showy face might be more concerned about the safety of his privacy?

It seems that this kid is not stupid, but has a brain, and knows that he can’t disclose personal information with strangers when he’s out and about.

It’s a bit of a brainwave as to what to do with him, but I don’t seem to mind him following me.

Strangely enough, I have a natural affinity for him.

I don’t think it’s because I’m attracted to him at first sight for sure.

Maybe it’s because I had a dog named “Wang Cai” when I was little.

I blessed my heart, “Hey, you weren’t a dog before you became a ghost, were you?”

When I finished, I thought it sounded like cursing.

However, Wang Cai was very happy to hear that.

He floated around the house in circles and finally jumped into my arms.

“How did you know about that?”

It’s really a goat letting out a sheep’s fart – foreign and flirty.

Nowadays, all the handsome guys are so perverted?

Like to do repair hook?

Also, who taught him to go into other people’s arms for nothing?

I fanned myself and scattered him.

When he condensed into shape again on the other side of the couch, I declared with a blank face in his pitiful eyes, “No drilling into my arms.”


Over my vehement protests, Wanted and I spent the night in peace.

When I woke up in the morning, I realized that I was sealed in the house.

Wang Cai was very good at reading people.

When he saw my face was not good, he did not come to mess with me, fearing that I would be affected by it.

The owners’ group said that the supplies couldn’t get in, so Mr. Us was told to suffer for a few days.

I am a little annoyed.

Wang Cai came closer and asked me, “How are you doing, Bundle?”

“It’s bad, there’s no food in the house, go be a ghost in someone else’s house.”

After that, I absentmindedly hung up my water class, then picked up my cell phone and called my parents at home.

She picked up as soon as it rang on my mom’s side.

Oh, I’m playing with my cell phone, I can’t pick up that fast without it.

Before I could say anything, my mom grabbed the phone and said, “Bunchy, anything weird going on lately?”

What’s going on?

How do they know what’s going on?

How do they know that there’s something weird going on lately?

I briefly told them about school, not mentioning the existence of Wang Cai.

Before hanging up the phone, my father made a dying attempt: “My daughter, is there really nothing strange lately?”

I looked at Wang Cai, who was floating in the air playing upside down, “Nothing strange, I have a dog.”

I hung up after saying that.

Wang Cai floated to my side.

It took me half a day of mental work before I dared to turn my head and look at him.

”Sins, what’s a good ghost doing looking so handsome?”

Wang Cai looked at me hurtfully, “Bunchy, am I so unattractive?”

I put down my cell phone and stroked his head with a smile, ”Didn’t I say so? I have a dog.”

Wang Cai didn’t know if he was upset by what I said, and his eyes suddenly sank in color.

He stood in front of me with his feet on the ground, the upper half of his body showing his abs without a shirt.

I’m not short, but he’s more than a head taller than me.

Looked like he had to be 187 anyways.

I gulped again.

Wanted seemed to be pissed and pressed me against the wall despite my objections.

He leaned down like he was going to kiss me, but the moment our lips were about to touch, he closed his eyes.

Wang Cai exhaled a mouthful of cloudy air and solemnly said to me, “Tan Shu, you are my established lover.”


I went to class all morning in a daze.

During class, Wang Cai’s words kept swirling in my head:

“You are my established lover.”

This little brat is a tease, and he doesn’t even know it.

He was so serious that my CPU was about to go up in smoke, but he was still serious about it.

At that time, his cherry-pink lips were less than half an inch away from me.

It was so close that I could have kissed him.

My horny nature made me regret, why didn’t I just kiss up?

I had been getting high on myself in my head all morning, and when I reacted, I couldn’t find Wanted at home.

I had a little panic.

He has a delicate mind.

What if he thought I resented him and went off to be the ghost under someone else’s bed in a fit of anger?

I followed this line, and the more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I became, and the more angry I became.

In the end, I was so angry that I simply fell asleep.

He can go to whoever’s house he likes, what’s it got to do with me?


Opening my eyes again was attracted up by the smell of food.

Wang Cai’s teenage voice came, “Shu Shu, are you awake? What do you want to eat?”

I just woke up, a little out of breath, rolled over and ignored him.

Seeing this, Wang Cai brought over my favorite salted egg yolk chicken wings.

I sat up in surprise.

Whether it was the color or the taste, it was exactly the same as the one my mom made. From the angle of the bedroom, there were many more dishes on the table, and every one of them was from my hometown.

The dishes filled the table with color and flavor.

Wang Cai put the chicken wings on the bedside table, and he himself rubbed up against me, “Bundle, look what you want to eat?”

I was stiff-lipped, “Not hungry, OK?”

Just as I finished speaking, my stomach growled.

Wang Cai pulled me up from the bed, “If your mouth says you’re not hungry, your stomach can only protest helplessly.”

He pushed me to the dining table and handed me chopsticks.

I asked him in a twisted voice, “Didn’t you just run out in anger?”

Wang Cai was dumbfounded at this, “Didn’t you say there was no food in the house, so I went out to get some food.”

I went out to get some food.” “What? You thought I was leaving?”

I buried my head and ignored him.

I thought to myself, “I can’t get along with him for a few days and then I won’t be able to leave him, right?

Wang Cai didn’t ask again when he saw that I didn’t answer.

I gently changed the subject, “Who gave you your name? It’s so impolite that I named you Wang Cai.”

Wang Cai’s face changed and changed and said, “It’s a little girl.”

After a pause he added, “A very cute little girl.”

I suddenly remembered that I was only five or six years old when I once kept that Shouhou named “Wang Cai”.

It couldn’t be, could it?

I asked him tentatively, “Want Cai, you’re not the one I once kept, are you?”

Want Cai hooked his lips and poked the innocent rice twice with his chopsticks.

He pretended to be torn for a moment and tilted his head, “Yes, Bunchy~ But I don’t think you’re classless.”

My worldview collapsed with another ‘boom’.

He’s actually the same Shukaku I used to keep.

So, he’s not a pretend tit, he’s a real tit?

So he can cook my hometown food because he once saw my mom do it?

When I was young my parents were busy with work and I spent all my time with “Wang Cai” except for school.

As far as I can remember, Wang Cai used to go into my arms when he was a dog.

I asked him again curiously, “Then why do you call me wife?”

Wang Cai smiled shyly, “Bundle, have you forgotten that when you were a child you used to fantasize that I was a prince and you were a princess, and then I heroically rescued the beauty ……”


My dead memories suddenly started to lynch me – what girl hasn’t imagined herself as a stray princess?

I scratched my face in embarrassment, “It’s all in the past, why are you bringing it up?”

Wang Cai couldn’t hide the loss on his face when he saw my denial.

His drooping eyelashes fluttered one by one, also gripping my heart one by one.

I looked at such a big handsome guy in front of me and my heart softened, “Okay, I admit I said that.”

Wanted curved up the corners of his mouth and looked at me with a fine light swirling in his eyes.

I couldn’t take his gaze and inclined my head to pick a fight.


After eating and drinking, I took the initiative to clean up the dishes.

After all, I couldn’t eat his cooking for nothing, could I?

I was walking towards the kitchen with a stack of plates when I suddenly blacked out.

The stack of plates slipped from my hands with the sound of cracking porcelain.

Pieces of porcelain shattered all over the floor along with the soup.

Wang Cai noticed the situation on my side and rushed over, “Bundle, me x, why are you so hot?”

He picked me up from the ground and made me rest on his arm.

My eyelids kept dropping, and I only remembered Wang Cai’s anxious look at the end.

When I woke up, my head was still dizzy.

I think it’s because of the recent change of season and the big difference in temperature that caused me to catch a cold.

Every year when the season changes I would catch a very bad cold.

When I first woke up, my eyes were still not quite used to the darkness, and after slowly easing up, I saw Wang Cai lying on the side of the bed.

He had only rested his arm on the side of the bed, carefully asleep.

I examined his eyebrows carefully.

Wang Cai’s facial lines were clean and sharp, and his thin skin phase trimmed his cheeks just right, so that the whole person didn’t feel as stiff as a bone phase, nor did he feel overly green.

It’s a very oriental look, but somehow it’s blonde hair and blue eyes.

Perhaps feeling my gaze, his eyelashes moved, woke up.

The moment our eyes met, we both unconsciously averted our gaze.

I finally understood why some people would be mesmerized by ghosts.

Because ghosts really do charm the mind ah.

I was struggling with how to explain to him about being caught peeking when I heard Wang Cai whisper, “Bundle, you’re finally awake.”

“These past two days have been so hard.”

The tone of his voice was one of suppressed worry.

I gently touched his head, “I’m fine now.”

Wang Cai obediently rubbed against the palm of my hand and said, “Uh-huh, I know, how would I let anything happen to my lover?”

This Xiu Hook Da Handsome Ghost is good at everything, the only drawback may be that he has reached puberty and is a bit middle-aged.


Sickness comes like a mountain and goes like silk.

The cold has been harassing me off and on for half a month.

I’m ready to go out and get some air when my cold is almost over and my neighborhood is unsealed.

After looking around and not finding Wang Cai, I left a note and went out of the house by myself.

As soon as I hit the street, I ran into the second young man.

The second young man’s name was Xiao Turbin, and he was very good-looking.

Only compared to Wang Cai, he is more feminine.

Xiao Tran’s last scandal did not prevent him from remaining enthusiastic.

He took a few steps forward, “Tan Shu, are you interested in having a cup of coffee with me?”

I stood two steps away from him, worried.

If I had known that I would meet Xiao Tran, I wouldn’t have come to this school.

I wondered how I could turn him down and be polite at the same time.

It would save them the trouble of criticizing me for being impolite.

Before I could think of anything else, I was hugged on the shoulder.

I looked up in surprise.

Wanted swept me into his arms and said in a warm voice, “Bundle, who are you talking to?”

He rubbed my face with his fingertips, “Angry is angry, you don’t have to run away from home.”

In his arms, I felt the warmth coming from his body and realized that he actually had a physical presence.

And without a shirt on!

I leaned against him, the man’s body heat reaching me through the fabric.

Normally, looking at his translucent body would have been at best a compliment about his good figure.

Now that he had a solid body, the sexual tension was incomparable in comparison.

Suddenly, a warm stream ran through my nose.

The cerebral cortex quickly reacted, incidentally controlling me to turn my head and bury my face in Wang Cai’s arms.

This set of actions came down in just three seconds.

Xiao Rolling’s expression instantly changed from sunny to cloudy.

Wang Cai whispered next to my ear and teased, “Shou Shu, so unproductive?”

His dry, hot breath brushed against my ear, itching unbearably.

As if showing off, Wang Cai said to Xiao Tran, “Excuse me, my lover is not feeling well.”


Wang Cai was carrying me all the way home.

Princess hug.

When I got home, Wang Cai gently released me from his arms.

Before I could stand still, he hugged me from behind.

I struggled meaningfully for a bit, and in the spirit of not hugging for nothing, I relied on his arms.

I seemed to be somewhat dependent on him.

Wang Cai was tired and buried his head in the nape of my neck, the temperature of his body dropping at a not-so-slow pace.

He realized this as well and released me from behind.

When he let go, his index finger brushed against the tip of my nose, and the blood on my face instantly disappeared.

With some shock, I turned my head to face him, “You know witchcraft?”

I saw a crack flash across Wanted’s face.

He said somewhat wearily, “What do you mean by witchcraft, what I know is spells.”


I don’t know who told me that he was just an ordinary cultivating hook that came to repay his kindness.

Wang Cai also remembered the lie he had pulled and smiled sarcastically.

There’s really no way for me not to inquire about who he really is.

As I was about to open my mouth to question him, he gave me a silent gesture.

It was as if he could easily see through what I wanted to say.

“Tan Sok, if you don’t want me to leave, you shouldn’t ask me anything.”

Wang Cai shouted my name in a very solemn tone.

A strange, sour, itchy feeling suddenly rose up in the back of my mind.

It was like I never thought he would leave me.

I ghostly asked, “Will you leave me?”

Holding on to his last bit of consciousness, Wang Cai coaxed me in a low voice, “I don’t think so.”

After saying that he no longer maintained his entity and turned into a ghost again and passed out.

I was startled by this, died for a few seconds, and then remembered with hindsight that he was already a ghost.

Not going to die again.

I sat next to Wang Cai who was sleeping on the couch with a heavy heart.

There were just too many doubts about him, and I really wanted to ask about them.

But if it’s true as he said, he will disappear if I ask, then it’s better not to know this truth.

Ask myself, do I like Wang Cai?

I’m not sure, but I’m very dependent on him, it seems like we were born to resonate on the same frequency.

I gave up trying to guess the purpose of Wang Cai’s identity and planned to take one step at a time.

At least I didn’t want him to disappear right now.

I did calculus all afternoon, finished dinner hastily, and came to the living room, clutching my quilt and pillow.

Bunking down on the floor, I prepared to spend the night in the living room with Wanted.

After lying down, I realized that I had still overestimated myself.

This floor was really choking.

I didn’t even sleep very well this night.

In a daze I thought I saw Wang Cai waking up.

He walked over to me and leaned over to kiss my forehead.

He whispered, “Bunchy, I’m really in love with you.”


I woke up early in the morning and I was already lying down on my own bed.

Familiar tone of voice, familiar meal, it was again Wang Cai who yelled at me to get up.

His eyes were smiling, “Why did you sleep in the living room last night?”

“I was afraid you would die there.”

“If you’re worried about me, just say so.”

I did worry about him a little when he said that.

“Why were you so tired yesterday?”

Wonky laughed softly and said, “Do you really want to know?”

I hesitated, wanting to know but afraid that if I asked he would disappear.

Wang Cai didn’t wait for me to answer, he said, “Don’t you know in your own heavy heart?”


I was worried about him just now.

I didn’t want to get on his bad side and ate breakfast, intending to finish writing the debate script that Team Zhang had asked me to write.

Wang Cai moved a stool and obediently sat next to me, watching me hammer out the words.

“Are you going to school again?” Wang Cai asked.

I hadn’t played the fourth debate and was worried about how to write it, so I gave a curt ‘hmm’ as a reply to him.

A few moments later, I suddenly felt the air become particularly quiet.

It couldn’t be anger, could it?

I turned around and was about to coax him, but I realized that Wang Cai had gone somewhere.

I was a bit remorseful that I had just perfunctorily replied to him, but I couldn’t get away from the manuscript.

I thought I’d go find him when I finished the manuscript.

But before I finished writing, Wang Cai came back.

There were also a few pieces of clothes floating around.

I had a strong premonition.

“Bundle up,” Wangcai said earnestly, “I’ve got some clothes, and I’m going to school with you.”

I was a bit baffled – although I guessed he probably wanted to go to school with me, I didn’t expect him to be so direct.

Also, it turns out he knew he couldn’t leave the house without clothes.

My first reaction when I came back to my senses was to say no.

But in the end, I just couldn’t wear him down and agreed to take him to school.

I pointed to the pile of clothes and asked him, “Where did you get these clothes?”

“It’s from a change of clothes. Did you forget? I can do spells.”

I gave him a blank look and left him alone.

I knew there was no use asking him questions he didn’t want to answer.

I sighed.

It seemed like I liked him, but I knew deep down that it was impossible.

Not to mention whether human-ghost love can break through worldly confinement, just pretending to be confused like this I don’t know how much longer I can pretend.

What if Wang Cai leaves one day after completing his mission?

All I can do now is pray and hope that such a time will be longer and longer.


Ever since I promised Wonchai to take him to school, he hasn’t even eaten, primping and dressing there.

And I get mercilessly pinned to the couch to help him counsel.

Well …… how is it not considered a pleasure?

After all, it’s free dudes!

Oh yeah!

And this not-quite-righteous thought led directly to the ghosted me unintentionally connecting to my mom’s video call.

When the call was connected, Wang Cai was still changing his shirt.

I reacted violently and hung up the phone as quickly as I could.

But that couldn’t stop my dear mom from going into melon eating mode.

Eating her own daughter’s melon.

My mom pleaded bitterly with me, “Bundle, you know what? Mom has been like Badger lately. It’s so hard for me to catch a melon, can you let mom eat it shallow?”

It turns out she also 5G surfed.

I looked at the WeChat message from my mom, “I can recover well from having a baby at a young age,” and mercilessly set my mom to be undisturbed.

We are saying that I would really appreciate it.

I put my phone aside and continued to admire the handsome man as if nothing had happened.

But the more I thought about it, the more wrong I became, obviously my parents never allowed me to fall in love early.

A boy in high school chased me and my dad even threatened him.

Why is it so abnormal this time?

Or to put it another way, why is it always so abnormal lately?

First, Wang Cai appeared inexplicably.

Then my parents acted like they knew something and asked me if anything weird happened.

Then there’s Wang Cai saying I’m his “established lover”.

And wouldn’t say who he was no matter how much he was asked.

Now, my mom actually doesn’t get angry when she sees a man in her daughter’s house, but urges me to have a baby quickly.

But I’m just eighteen.

Wang Cai noticed that my expression wasn’t quite right, he walked to my side and asked, “Tired?”

“Take a nap, I’ll go cook for you.”

After saying that, he tied up his apron and turned around to go to the kitchen.

He always put me first.

Looking at his back, I felt a deep sense of powerlessness for the first time.

I once saw a saying in the Chinese Debate: “Love is the sinking of free will”.

I thought deeply about it.

And using this quote to compare me now, I probably don’t love Wang Cai.

I mind his identity, I mind that he has something to hide, I mind the inexplicable mission, I mind the forbidden human-ghost romance.

I minded too many things, and it wasn’t fair to Wang Cai at all.

I pinched the soft flesh of my palm, forcing myself to think rationally.

Toughing my heart out, I finally decided – after taking him to school, I’d move out of here to a place where he wouldn’t be able to find me.

After all, he was promised to take to school.

I can’t break my promise, can I?


After the school was lined up, offline teaching resumed.

I thought he would float in the sky to accompany me to school like last time.

I didn’t expect him to become an entity again, and then, bright and early, sit next to me.

The return rate was two hundred percent.

Bing Bing didn’t hold back when she met Wang Cai for the first time, “I x, you didn’t tell me when you fucking got rich?”

She secretly bit my ear: “I said how so many people chasing you you do not agree, the original shelved this hidden it.

I was in a somewhat depressed mood and barely smiled.

Wang Cai was very happy on the side.

He accompanied me to the library, to the cafeteria, and walked around the playground.

Like a normal couple.

He probably noticed that I hadn’t smiled much all day, and he led me to a roadside seat and gestured for me to sit down.

He pinched my cheeks and said, “Tired? Sit down for a while.”

“I’m going to get something, you stay right here, don’t move.”

Warm breath spilled onto the side of my face, and the residual warmth left by my fingertips touching my cheeks actually made me feel a little burned.

My heart was stirring.

Only when he walked out a good distance away did I suddenly realize that what he just said wasn’t quite right.

Very well, you kid better not know how to stalk.

Five or six minutes after Wang Cai left, Xiao Turbine leaped out of nowhere.

I frowned, intuitively feeling that Xiao Tuan was not quite right.

Xiao Tran opened his mouth, “Is that foreigner your boyfriend?”

I didn’t pay any attention to him.

He was not in a hurry either, and was talking to himself.

I was already preoccupied, and his chattering here was getting on my nerves.

When I was about to get up to say goodbye, I was suddenly covered from behind and pulled by my hair.

Xiao Rolling’s face came violently close, and his enlarged features had a kind of hideous terror.

He changed his just now affectionate demeanor and shoved a ball of foreign matter into my mouth.

“Tan Shu, if you dare to make a sound, I will strangle you now.”

I glared angrily at Xiao Tran.

Him kidnapping me doesn’t actually make me feel strange.

Xiao Tran had a sister and a brother, and the Xiao Group couldn’t share much with him.

On the contrary, I am the only daughter of my family, and he should have chased me before to get Tan’s as well.

As a Puxin man, he has been rejected before, but he has a very good sense of self.

I think maybe it’s because he saw Wang Cai beside me today and broke his big defense that he made this move.

With this indolent temperament, he is doomed to fail to achieve great things.

I scornfully sized up Er Shao.

He seemed to have been stung by my gaze and delivered a smothering blow that directly knocked me out.


I was woken up by a pot of cold water.

Xiao Tran was standing in front of me, and behind him was a group of brown men.

Xiao Tran played with my cell phone and said, “Call your father and tell him to give up competing for that plot of land in Lin Huai District now.”

“Of course you can choose not to listen, then so that the brothers behind me will be blessed.”

That’s disgusting.

But I had to fight.

I knew exactly what they would do if I didn’t.

The water soaked through my white undershirt and the group’s naked eyes fell on my breasts.

Bluntly, unabashedly.

But Xiao rolling his brain like a show-off, and not removing the thing stuffed in my mouth.

How can I fight if I can’t speak?

I almost desperately used my tongue to push against the foreign object, the root of my tongue became sore, but it didn’t come out.

I was on the verge of tears.

Where is Wang Cai now?

Would I be worried if he couldn’t find it?

I didn’t dare to think, if those dirty things really happened, would Wang Cai still like me?

I hung my head, tears smashing onto the ground one by one.


“I advise you guys better let go of her.”

A familiar voice rang out from behind the group of brown men.

My stiff neck supported my head, and not far away, I saw Wang Cai.

I thought I heard him say, “Don’t be afraid, I’m coming.”

Xiao Roll looked at Wang Cai with sinister eyes, and his thugs didn’t use orders to move closer to Wang Cai.

My heart was immediately seized in mid-air.

However, Wang Cai seemed to be at ease.

He kicked at the man in the lead with some hostility in his viciousness.

The next move was a deadly one.

The empty concrete room echoed with the loud sounds of clashing fists and flesh.

Xiao Roll looked at the situation was not as he expected and panicked.

He took out a knife from his pocket and put it on my neck.

This action seemed to irritate Wang Cai.

He came to me almost instantly, grabbing Xiao Tran’s knife with one hand, and choking Xiao Tran’s neck with the other, lifting him up alive.

Throwing him to the ground.

He crushed Xiao Tran’s hand with his foot and said, “If you don’t want to die, keep your mouth shut and get lost.”

Wang Cai spoke without any emotion at all.

After saying that, he used his knife to cut the rope that bound me and picked me up.

He was fierce in front of me, but in my case, his tone was warm again: ”I’m too late, Shuuzou.”

I couldn’t stop my tears from flowing.

“Beam, hold on a little longer, we’ll be home soon.”

He lowered his head and kissed my eyes, just a slapdash kiss.

But by the time I opened my eyes again, I was already at home.

Wang Cai put me on the sofa, carefully untied the ropes that bound me, and helped me remove the foreign object in my mouth.

But for some reason, his body slowly went from solid to more and more transparent.

I panicked.

I fought back the bruises on my wrists and hugged him tightly.

He closed his eyes as if to suppress his feelings.

“There isn’t much time, listen to me.”

“Bunch, my real name is Blaze.”

He cupped my face, a million things in his eyes, but his words flew out of his mouth.

“I may have to go back to my world for a while.”

“Go home and find a fairy tale book.”

“Any book, as long as it’s one you read as a child.”

“I’ll be at …….”

The voice cut off abruptly.

Before he could finish, he dissipated into the air.

It was as if he had never existed.


The next day I packed my bags and went home.

The first thing I did when I got home was look for fairy tale books.

My dad sighed behind me.

“Met Blaize?”

I twisted my head in shock to look at my deep-seated dad.

My dad, in my extreme shock, told me something that shocked me even more.

Blaize is a god in fairy tale books.

And my oldest ancestor had saved Blaize’s life.

According to the custom on Blaize’s side, Blaize has to grant his savior four wishes.

The first three are pretty normal. They’re just to be rich and happy.

But for the fourth wish, my ancestor promised to marry Blaize and his offspring.

Isn’t that a marriage?

I’ve heard it all before in 2022.

Blaise’s side had no choice but to comply.

But my family’s always been a one-boy family.

Blaise wasn’t crooked, so he waited for a girl.

Until I came along.

I suddenly realized what Wang Cai and I meant by ‘established lovers’.

I was stunned for a long time.

My dad asked again, “Where is he? Back in his world?”

I opened my mouth, but couldn’t speak with my throat tightening.

I nodded my head hastily.

My dad’s face instantly looked bad.

He hesitated and said, “Daughter, I know you want to go to him.”

“But every world has their own rules.”

“If two people from different worlds fall in love, they need to sign a lovers’ contract.”

“It’s not impossible for you to find him in the book.”

“But if you go to their world, you only have three days to sign a contract with him.”

“If it doesn’t work out, you’ll go up in smoke.”

I was dumbfounded.

How did my dad know so much? How did he know I was going to look for Wang Cai in the book? And what is the lovers’ contract?

I suspected that my dad was bluffing, “Dad, really?”

My mom walked into the study and spoke, “That was the risk your dad took to find me back then.”

Everything went beyond my expectations and I went limp and sat down on the floor.

I don’t know when I had been so anxious that I was in tears.

Mom wiped away my tears heartily and said, “If you think he’s worth it, then just let it go.”

Mom’s voice was a little choked, “Mom and Dad will always support you.”

I watched my parents love each other so much now that I could no longer care about the ashes.

The only thing in my mind was the way Wang Cai held my face at the end.

I whispered, “I’m going to find him.”

I repeated, “Mom and Dad, I’m going to find him.”

My dad pursed his lips and took out a fairy tale book from the dark compartment of the bookcase.

It was a bedtime story my mom used to tell me when I was little.

I said I couldn’t find it, so I let my dad hide it.

I got up and took the book.

The moment my fingertips touched the book, a sense of weightlessness hit me.

Slightly bitter tears flowed into the corners of my mouth with a smile.

Wang Cai, it’s my turn to find you this time.


I had originally thought that I would first spend a day or two on the road after I traveled through the book to his world.

But this world was just too giving.

I fell straight onto a big soft bed.

Well, lying next to me was Wanted.

Oh no, Blaize.

Blaize was awakened by the commotion I made.

His face was a mix of surprise and confusion, a complicated expression.

It’s actually not a surprise to see me?

I was disappointed when he suddenly covered his eyes and jumped up from the bed.

He turned his back and stammered, “So what, you put your clothes on first.”


I looked down at myself and realized that my clothes weren’t in the book with me.

I hurriedly pulled up the covers on my bed and wrapped myself tightly in a hurry.

My face turned hot, I don’t know how many degrees Celsius, but I’m sure I’d have no problem frying an egg.

Shit, I said why did it feel so cool just now.

I showed my two eyes to see Wang Cai handily going to the closet to rummage for his clothes.

He picked up two random pieces of clothing and, without turning around, threw them directly at me.

I took the clothes and put them on with great effort.

The styles were so complicated that I wasn’t sure if I was wearing them right.

I got out of bed and walked behind him, gently tapping him on the shoulder.

The moment he turned to see me, I saw the distinctly defined knot in the neck roll up and down.

It was still light out.

Personally, I didn’t think it was very safe to stay in the same room with him.

But I wanted to be close to him, and I didn’t want Wanted to keep initiating anymore.

I rubbed myself roguishly into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Wang Cai didn’t seem to expect me to take such initiative.

He froze for a second.

Then, hugged me back tightly.

Darkness is the best aphrodisiac.

My brain was so hot that I closed my eyes and kissed his lips.

One touch was all it took.

Maybe I didn’t kiss him enough, I was still savoring it after we parted.

Haha, his lips are so soft.

Damn, I just got reserved, why didn’t I take a lick?

I opened my eyes to see Wang Cai’s reaction.

Before I could really look, a voice rang out from above our heads.

“The signing of the lovers’ contract is complete.”

The voice was cool like Baidu translation.


Is this the “lovers’ contract” that my father said was so difficult to sign?

It’s signed so hastily?

Timi can’t even type without a human face, do you not verify real names for life-long decisions?

Wang Cai called out to me in a low voice, “Bundle.”

My thoughts drifted away for a moment and I didn’t respond to his words.

When Wang Cai saw that I was ignoring him, he said in an aggravated voice, “What are you thinking about? Ignore me.”

“I’m thinking about Li Hua’s 1a second.”

“What is it?”

“Ah,” I suddenly responded, “Nothing, my family’s foot-washing maid.”

He was even more bewildered.

I felt that I couldn’t talk to Wang Cai and changed the subject.

“Did you just hear that, that lovers contract.”

Blaize picked me up, “Well, I suppose my aunt and uncle told you about me?”

I nodded.

“The task I had told you about that wasn’t a task was to make a contract.”

“This contract is like a passport, with it I’m not a dog in your world.” He explained to me.

“We can only make the contract if you kiss me without my knowledge.”

He set me down on the nightstand and slowly filled in the rest of his words, “Got it? My lover.”

He wrapped his right hand around my waist and took my hands in his left.

Slowly lifting up bit by bit.

Kissed me straight on.

“Let’s deepen the contract, shall we?”

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Previous March 1, 2024
Next March 1, 2024


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