18. After I came back from the end of the world, I turned over my green tea sister.

When I came back from the end of the world I pouted over my green tea sister

Non-Evil: Seeing You at the Right Time for Love

I wore into a post-apocalyptic game with three men who liked my half-sister, where we supported each other, but after I wore back they said to me:

“Xiao Xiao, your sister is so tender, don’t bully her.”

I looked at my “tender” sister’s healthy rosy face, and then looked at my own thin body of less than ninety pounds that could fall down when the wind blew.

Dryly, I nodded, “Okay, I will definitely stay away from you guys from now on.”

But then I really stopped surrounding them, and they went crazy again.


As the three men once again came to warn me because my sister had been wronged, I was just about to argue when I saw a high-speed train crashing into them from behind.

At that time, my mind was completely incapable of thinking about the phenomenon of “why would there be a train on a busy street”, a phenomenon that defies objective facts.

I just subconsciously jumped towards the three of them and tried to push them away.

As a result, I didn’t save them, but got myself killed.

The four of them were knocked into an apocalyptic game together.

There were zombies all over the place, and food and water resources were extremely scarce. Those three people each possessed fire, lightning, and water abilities, while I had awakened a rare healing faculty.

In order to survive, we had to team up.

In front of life and death, the emotional entanglements that I once regarded as more important than the sky are not worth mentioning at all.

In the post-apocalyptic world, the only thing that matters is to survive.

We worked well together, killing zombies and upgrading along the way, and soon led a group of vagabonds to form a team.

I was busy all day long with my healing skills.

Because I have seen the process of turning a living person into a zombie, I am afraid that the torture in the world is just like that.

People are awake, howling in pain and struggling, but they can’t finish themselves off, they can only watch themselves become inhuman and undead.

So I tried my best to save everyone, sparing no effort.

This, however, almost shocked Lu Li’s teeth.

He tsked, “Being so nice to strangers, how come you’re always at odds with your sister?”

I gave him a blank look not bothering to speak, Ye Tingzhi pursed his lips and passed in front of us, Lu Li hurriedly chased after him.

As time goes by, our power is getting stronger and stronger, but the scary thing is that the power of the zombies is evolving faster than us.

At one point when we were resisting a zombie king, I saw that the three of them were about to run out of strength, and I was so anxious that my liver was splitting.

Because after their deaths, I, as well as the countless humans behind us, will be completely reduced to zombie rations.

Thinking for just a few seconds, the situation has become even more skewed. Lu Li’s head of red hair was completely reduced to charcoal, and he was dying to be knocked down in a deep pit in human form.

The end seemed to be doomed.

Fishy and bloody wind in the fast wind delivered Gu Banquet a dry and hoarse quickly go.

Since childhood, although compared to the Chu Xinyu I do not count good people, can also be a thousand pampered to grow up.

I don’t know where I got the courage to cry for half a day when I scraped my knee in the past.

The moment the body exploded in fact does not hurt, a moment of the man’s roar, and that makes me tired of the bloody breath all disappeared.

On the contrary, I have a sense of relief, all the worries and sufferings have become nothing more than that, in retrospect, even just mediocre.

In the last moment of consciousness, only my mother was left in my mind, I had not yet come to say goodbye to her properly ……


Just when I came back to my senses I felt my body was falling uncontrollably.

Two hands tried to hold me up from different directions, and another hand quickly reacted by lifting the collar of my shirt from behind.

“Cough cough!

Help, I’m suffocating!

The hand let go in a hurry, and I continued to fall down.

I was caught by the two big palms that arrived just in time.

I stood up in shock, “Thank you …… guys ah.”

The four hard-to-reach people stood together dumbfounded in place, like an alien in the traffic and people on the noisy street.

It turned out that we returned to the moment before we crossed the end of the world, and just now it was the state in which I lunged at them.

“Xiao Xiao, you’re still alive? That’s great ……”

Ye Tingzhi’s complex expression was so complicated that he subconsciously gripped my arm tightly.

I was a bit puzzled, so I directly shook it off, then turned around and walked away.

It seemed like someone was calling my name behind me, but I didn’t care.

It’s been a year since I’ve seen the goddess I’ve been longing for, so I guess they can’t wait to see each other.

But my heart is not half the slightest jealousy, at the moment I just want to see a year away from the longing of the mother.

After the trials of life and death, I think I have recognized what is most important to me.


Mom is in a field, see me come first surprise, and then subconsciously want to change the body of the dusty uniform, because I said I hate her body always dirty.

My eyes were slightly red, no matter what, I stepped forward and hugged her, ashamed of my previous ignorance: “Mom, I missed you so much!

Mom’s voice was anxious: “What’s wrong boy, is not aggrieved, how to look thin again?”

I smelled the faint aroma of her body, hugged her tightly, and said, “Yes, your daughter, I almost died in another world.

On my lips, I replied, “No, I’m fine, I just miss you.”

Mom apologized and greeted her peers, then brought me to her office and sat down, wiped my tears, carefully testing me: “If you are not happy, tell mom …… is it angry with your sister again ah?”

“No,” I gradually stopped crying, eyes firm, “Mom, I will not be entangled with her, I want to live a good life.”

In the past, the childish daughter suddenly said these words, my mother’s face obviously do not believe, but mouth still encourage me: “think so right, my daughter everywhere better than her, hurry up tomorrow’s mom to buy you a company to try your hand, so that they are envious of my family Xiaoxiao!

She looked serious.

I can’t help but laugh and cry, what kind of company do you want to buy for an agricultural researcher?

Today there are still classes, if not mom reminded me really forget, after all, just cut a year of zombies.


The result is just arrived at the school was blocked.

A few girls dressed exaggeratedly pushed and shoved me into a women’s restroom: “I heard that you ran to pester Ye Tingzhi again? Why are you so shameless?”

How did they know about what happened at noon?

The girl in the lead slapped my face with her hand, not painful, but highly insulting.

I tried to turn my head but was firmly held down and couldn’t.

I forgot to mention that in reality I am 169 in height, but my weight is around 90 kilograms, a real paper frame, and I have no strength.

So at this moment, I miss the end of the world in my hard to get strong muscles.

These were Ye Tingzhi’s suitors, who had been bullied by them more than once because of my ingratiating following of those three men in the past. These people were stupid and intimidating, just right for being used as a gun.

My back was tingling with pain from the force of the fling, and with this corner sparsely populated and my cell phone taken by them, I was in a very bad position.

I raised my eyes and tried to look as sincere as possible, “I just went there to shop and accidentally ran into them.”

”No way, I secretly followed them because I heard they were going to accompany Chu Xin Yu for shopping.”

The woman also obviously didn’t believe me, the hand that pressed on my chin got harder and the tone of her voice sank even deeper, “Do you take me for a fool?”

You really don’t have a very clear position of yourself.

Just like the old me.

I smiled to myself.


I suddenly sighed and glanced at her with a desire to speak.

“Say what you have to say!”


“I …… I’m not very good at saying it, because it would seem like I’m picking on your relationship ……”

Suddenly a few of the people gawking at the back of the tiger changed their faces abruptly.

The woman impatiently interrupted me, “Hurry up! Who’s in a relationship with whom?”

“That is, you and Chu Xinyu ……”

Someone was obviously relieved, and then couldn’t wait to speak out sarcastically:

“It’s just a white lotus flower, only that group of men like to hold it up, it has nothing to do with us. Tell us what you saw!”

So I pretended to be scared and followed their words:

“Me, it was only this time when I followed Ye Tingzhi that I realized that his and Chu Xinyu’s wallets are Chanel couple models. Do you guys think they’ve been together for a long time? Just quietly talking in private.”

I used a tone that was both jealous and somewhat gossipy, almost choosing myself out. Sure enough, I saw the face of the person in front of me getting harder and harder.

“You better not be lying to me.” She gave me a vicious glare.

Throwing me away casually, she took a few steps inside and violently kicked open the door to the innermost restroom.

Inside stumbled a panicked girl holding up a camera-

Chu Xinyu was indeed in league with them!

Thinking of all the times I was bullied and slandered in the past, I blinked hard to hold back my tears.

The woman ignored Chu Xinyu’s struggles and quickly fished out the wallet from her body, which was really the same model.

Looting also dropped from it a close photo of her and Ye Tingzhi, the two heads pressed together, smiling sweetly.

All of a sudden the air was silent, only the woman’s ragged panting and Chu Xingyu’s faint crying.

“Bitch! You dare to trick me!”

The sound of the slap was crisp and loud.

Tsk, it hurt to hear it.

However, it can only be that she deserved it, if she didn’t hide here to see my joke, outside she was always surrounded by people, this person couldn’t catch her even if she wanted to.

It can only be said that evil has its own way of rubbing off on people.

When no one was looking, I quietly slipped away.

I waited quietly for a while before pretending to be frightened and running towards a crowded place.

“Help! There’s someone fighting here ……”

I was too busy wiping my non-existent tears when I accidentally bumped into someone.


I looked up and instantly did a double take.

It was actually the male lead of this big drama!

Ye Tingzhi was stared at by my burning eyes and turned his head unnaturally, his ears hidden under his fine black hair were a little red, ”Xiao Xiao? What, what’s wrong? I think a few of us need to have a good chat ……”

I quickly interrupted him:

「You quickly go to see Chu Xinyu, she was beaten up, it was not easy for me to run out to find someone to save her ……」”

The words did not finish, his face changed, immediately leaving me behind to sprint in the direction I came from.

I immediately changed my anxious expression and leisurely walked forward.

In order to maintain her mask of kindness and purity as well as take off the hat of intentionally harming me, Chu Xinyu would definitely throw dirty water on the battering ram;

And the battering woman like Ye Tingzhi like so much, surely can’t stand to be so bad in front of the person she likes, and shakes out Chu Xinyu’s willful tattletale thing ……

The dog bites the dog a mouthful of hair is not just right?

But how is my heart still a little panicked?


By the way, I actually forgot that I have to attend class!

The professor of this class is highly respected and strict in teaching, and the seats are in short supply in every class.

I hurriedly pulled the foot wildly run, finally in the class bell ringing the moment before the panting stood in the classroom door, but unfortunately, it has long been full of people, I try to find an empty seat.

Cell phone buzzed, I opened.

Fifth row, I took the place for you.

I raised my head, Lu Li is hanging around sitting in the fifth row leaning against the side playing with a cell phone, suddenly seem to have awareness of raising their eyes, eyes straight and standing in the doorway of my eyes on.

I ignore, straight into the classroom another empty seat.

It happens to be in front of Lu Li, because the chair is broken was empty under, but my body is light, not afraid of crushing it.

As I turned to sit down, I saw Lu Li’s face darken instantly.

Then my cell phone pop-up window jumped non-stop.

At this time, the classroom suddenly huffed and puffed again and ran in a boy wearing a basketball jersey.

He seemed to be familiar with Lu Li and ran straight over to him in a hot sweat:

“Good brother! You still know how to take my seat, or else you’ll have to stand and listen to the lecture!

He said, and sat down on his butt.

Then he seemed to notice Lu Li’s action: “Your hand speed is so fast, the screen is going to smoke, which goddess are you chasing?”

Lu Li was like a cat that had its tail stepped on, all the hairs on his body exploded:

“Who said that? My goddess is only Chu Xinyu! This is the one who likes me all the time, I just pity her!”

The boy was shocked by him, and only after a long time did he speak up, “I was just joking, right? You goddess, you know what you’re doing, just say it loud enough to make sure no one can hear you.”

I happened to be in front of him and heard him clearly, but I lowered my head and opened my book without thinking about it.

Lu Li was my neighbor when I was a child, and he was a bold and arrogant devil since he was a child.

He would sneak a glass jar full of caterpillars into my book bag, causing me to cry and have nightmares for days when I was only in fourth grade.

When the adults found out, Lu Li’s ass was beaten and he still looked indignant, and insisted that he gave it to me because he liked it.

But what I like is the beautiful butterflies that my brother caught for his sister!

So it was too normal for me to hate him.

Until Chu Xinyu came to my house.

At that time, my mother was busy with research on the farmland, and my father was focused on Chu Xinyu, so I had to give in to this “sister” in everything……. I could only watch as everyone favored Chu Xinyu.

After discovering that Chu Xinyu is very pleasing to Lu Li and want to have a good relationship with him, I am afraid of losing even this one “friend”, so I also put on a false smile and make friends with him.

Maybe it’s just a case of nature not getting along, I hated him when I was young and he hated my obsession when I grew up.

Good thing, he can finally be relieved.

I slide open my finally quiet cell phone.

Tap into the homepage of the latest news, pull it into the blacklist, confirm, lock the screen, and start listening carefully.


The next session is swimming class.

I walked with the flow of people towards the door, when I suddenly heard the crowd behind me exclaim, and turned around to see that it was actually Lu Li who seemed to be coming in my direction.

I frowned and subconsciously walked quickly.

Lu Li is a mad dog, I don’t have the patience to coax Chu Xin Yu.

I closed the door to the locker room heavily, narrowly shutting out Lu Li, who had a face of stifled indignation.

This is a sigh of relief.

My companion gossips and taps me on the shoulder, and I look back in confusion.

“Hey, that Lu Li, is not chasing you ah.”


I cried and laughed, why Lu Li always fierce face can still be mistaken by them as a pursuit?

The arrogant and domineering big dog obviously only bowed down obediently in front of Chu Xinyu.

“Aiya, the two of them that atmosphere with the mother and son like, Chu Xinyu is always a kind and tolerant look, my teeth even harder can not get high!”

I was amused by her laughter spray: “In short, we are now two look at the two life hate, you again open this joke I want to get angry.”

She hurriedly slipped her hand to zipper up the door.

We pushed open the door and Lu Li was waiting at the door.


His eyes were on fire.

I walked forward, but my light outerwear was accidentally brought down by my companion’s zipper, and was suddenly torn off to reveal the bathing suit inside.

I impatiently lifted my clothes up and turned my head to look at him as well, “Lu Li, I don’t owe you anything, if you have a fire, go drink some pool water to put it out!

Don’t come and take it out on me!

He looked at me dumbfounded, his whole face was like a steam pot that was red and hot, about to boil over and smoke.

Then he turned and walked away without a word.


I pooh-poohed.


I got to the pool just in time to see a cute little couple sitting close together.

The sunlight softly projected on the backs of the boys and girls, even the wind was charming.

“I’m not sure if you’re a good person or a good person. Isn’t that your sister, and that man …… Ye Tingzhi senior? They are together?”

Next to the girl excited face is red, anxious to open the cell phone with people this explosive news.

“I thought she was going to be with Gu Yan! Lu Li isn’t bad, who wouldn’t love a haughty monster!”

This is gossip.

“Gu Yan has just come to the swimming pool! I guess he was rejected by the God of Gu, so let’s hurry up and get the next one, or else the pool will blow up one day and we won’t be able to get any!”

This is jealousy.

“I really envy Chu Xinyu so many male gods around her, simply Mary Sue Ben Su ……”.

This is envy.

I put out the cell phone, calmly warmed up my body, and then slowly sank my body into the water.

In fact, when I was a child, I once recognized Ye Tingzhi as my own brother.

He grew up with a gentle and calm nature, but was always criticized by teachers because of me.

The young teenager is not angry, still after school on the way to hold my hand to bring me slowly home, and then the homework that I was blindly drawn as a scrap of paper neatly recopy again, and then come back to tutor me in my homework.

Until Chu Xinyu was brought home by my father.

I didn’t like this strange half-sister and hid at Ye Tingzhi’s place and cried for a long time, and my older brother heartily and gently assured me that the only sister he really liked was me.

I believed it.

But under the adult’s instructions, Ye Tingzhi still know how to take care of the two girls, Chu Xinyu timid and cowardly, brother had to pay more attention to her.

I am vaguely a little aggrieved, but more of a little girl’s reserved little pride.

I don’t want to say it directly, only a little temper on purpose, want to let my brother pay more attention to me, but Chu Xinyu but timidly red eyes.

That was the first time my brother chided me slightly seriously.

There is a first time there will be a second time, and I do not know how to get to this point, from childhood inseparable two people gradually more and more far away ……


I floated my head to the surface and took a deep breath.

I want to work out well, these emotional entanglements now I have half do not want to get involved.

When I emerged again, I found that Chu Xingyu had stood in front of me at some point.

The traces on her face have almost disappeared, restored the fair and clean appearance, but the viciously glaring at me demeanor has destroyed her still pretty good looks, but this may also be the first time that she has been beaten up in the decades of smooth sailing, right?

But it’s purely self-inflicted, can’t blame anyone.

“Chu Xiaoxiao, you bitch! How dare you let people beat me–“

“Didn’t you invite these people yourself? What does it have to do with me.”

I interrupted her impatiently.

But she laughed hideously, ”Bitch, aren’t you the favorite of your childhood friend, brother Ye? All I have to do is promise him and he’s mine!”

I nodded with disinterest, “Then it’s yours. Thank you, trash shelter.”

She first looked confused, not expecting me, who had always been jealous of her, to suddenly be so spontaneous, and then reacted with annoyance, reaching out her claws to scratch me.

I agilely stepped back and avoided, but she panicked and fell into the pool.

There was a big splash.

I wiped the water from my face and thought with a grimace, that counts as an attack.


Ye Tingzhi, who came back from fetching water, happened to see this scene, his face changed greatly, and he immediately dragged off his jacket and went into the water to save the others.

He was a powerful water alien in the last days, and when he entered the water, it was like going home, so he had no difficulty at all in fishing for a girl.

Chu Xinyu, however, cried and coughed with pearly blossoms, her body wet and pale, she weakly pointed at me, “It was my sister who dragged me down!”

The crowd was shocked and looked at me with contempt and disgust.

I was clearly soaking in the pool, but I was put on the torture rack by her sentence.

Lu Li hurriedly arrived from nowhere, and after seeing Chu Xingyu’s miserable appearance he immediately became furious: ”Who did this!”

The crowd fell silent and turned their eyes to me.

He then looked at me, and then froze.

Ye Tingzhi had already wrapped Chu Xingyu up in his coat and was about to wrap her up and leave, but then turned back to look at me.

There was disbelief, warning, and a faint boredom in it.

It was also the emotion that I had gotten the most from his eyes over the years.

“Xiao Xiao, you know what you’re doing, Xiao Yu’s body is delicate, don’t bully her.”

I slowly climbed up holding onto the railing.

The body wrapped in the swimsuit was slim and thin, and there was not a trace of muscle on the flat stomach;

And Chu Xinyu’s figure was the opposite of mine, she had always been meaty and short.

There was also a time when she lost weight and reduced it to anemia, which made the people around her heartbroken, and they have complimented her for being thin before being ugly, not blessed, and like a skeleton, causing me to have low self-esteem for a long time.

Ye Tingzhi pupils slightly shrunk.

It may be a long time to fight side by side, forgetting that my reality is actually a rookie.

It’s okay, I’m generous and forgive him.

I dryly responded to his words, “Good, in order to prevent hurting her, I will definitely stay far away from all of you in the future.”

Lu Li’s body stiffened and stared at me incredulously.


I didn’t even bother to pay attention to him.

There was a sudden gust of wind that made me, who had just come out of the water, unable to help but shiver.

Lu Li subconsciously took a big step towards me, but then his face turned ugly, and it seemed that he had finally remembered that-

His and Ye Tingzhi’s outerwear had long been tightly caged over Chu Xinyu’s body.

I skimmed over him with a calm gaze.

Sure enough, the absence of expectations will not bring me harm.

The body shivering slightly in the cold wind was suddenly wrapped in a long coat.

I turned my head back in surprise–

It was actually Gu Yan.

There was a commotion around him because of his sudden appearance.

The boy’s face was as cold as ever, but his clothes were the opposite of warm.

I didn’t bother to think about whether the boy was there out of comradeship or simply because of his tutelage.

I just looked sarcastically at Chu Xinyu, whose eyes lit up when she saw Gu Yan come, but also showed a hidden aggression that made her want to cry but not cry.

Before she wanted to continue selling her misery, she directly interrupted her:

“Are you treating people like idiots if they don’t get angry?

“My cell phone is sitting there with the camera on, it was originally used to record my swim, do you want to see what it captured with me?”

I calmly pointed to a table not far away.

The crowd looked over with my gesture, a big pure black cell phone was standing there silently.

Chu Xinyu’s face suddenly turned white before turning from white to red to green.

Not a word was uttered throughout the silence of waiting.

The faces of the onlookers gradually became odd.

“…… said it’s actually an illegitimate daughter.”

“Not born of the same mother, deliberately framing her own sister ……”

“Often said her sister bullied her ……”

「Lying ……」


I let out a slight sigh of relief, letting go of the coat that had been wrinkled by my grip.

And Chu Xin Yu’s head is getting lower and lower.

“Or maybe, it’s because I saw it wrong …… oooooooo I was too scared all of a sudden I fell into the water I was stunned ……”

She suddenly turned around and buried herself in Ye Tingzhi’s arms wailing and crying.

The man stiffly let her wrap her arms around him, his eyes froze and looked at me.


I walked straight in the direction of the two men.

Ye Tingzhi greeted me with two steps, and Chu Xinyu was caught off guard, almost falling over in a heap.


The air was silent for a split second.

Chu Xinyu raised her head incredulously and pointed at herself, “What did you say?”

“Sister just wronged me in front of hundreds of people, making me feel very aggrieved and hurt, now that the misunderstanding is cleared up shouldn’t you apologize to me? And, Mr. Ye?”

I also spoke in an innocent, slightly aggrieved tone.

Master Tea’s long technique to make tea, looking at Chu Xin Yu’s shocked and angry and suffocated to the point of no return-

I admit, I got a kick out of it.

The man was silent for a long time, pursed his lips, “…… Xiaoxiao, I’m sorry, just misjudged you.”

Chu Xinyu saw that the momentum had gone, so she could only reluctantly follow and open her mouth: ”I’m sorry, sister.”

The girl lowered her head, choked on her words, but her body was slightly trembling and leaning on the tall man beside her, like a weak doddering flower.

If not for this situation is not right, anyone who saw it would have to praise the perfect match.

I know Chu Xinyu is again in the same trick to provoke me, in the past I may not care about angry. Then she cried and sobbed, and in the end it was all my fault.

But at the moment, my heart is as calm as water, without half a bit of jealousy and jealousy.

Seeing Ye Tingzhi finally feeling a bit uncomfortable wanting to pull away from Chu Xingyu, I even felt from the bottom of my heart that the scene was a bit funny.

I tightened the inappropriately large jacket on me, “I hear you.”

Neither said acceptance nor non-acceptance, only a cloud of calm.

I knew that Chu Xinyu must have panicked, because she raised her head violently, her voice slightly shrill: “Sister, are you still not forgiving me, then I, I’ll jump down again to make amends to you, okay?”

Ye Tingzhi, who was just resting on Chu Xingyu’s shoulder and wanted to push her away, subconsciously tightened his grip on her wrist: ”What nonsense!

Chu Xinyu couldn’t break away from him and could only silently shed tears, her pair of red, swollen rabbit eyes glancing at me from time to time.

Ye Tingzhi noticed.

But said nothing with a sullen face.

Not a fool who rushes to the red face anymore?

I rubbed my chin thoughtfully, when suddenly someone in the crowd behind me suddenly yelled:

“What makes you think you can make up for hurting someone with a flippant apology? Now you’re even threatening to force others to accept your apology, simply shameless!

Chu Xinyu was so angry that she almost fainted.

The several men who had been charging ahead for her were inexplicably silent, so she could only query in a shaky voice, ”Who is it? Who is slandering me?”

Of course, no one came out to turn themselves in, and the farce ended with Chu Xinyu crying out and a few of her friends rushing to comfort her.


The student union building was quiet and cool.

The door of the innermost office was half open.

As if relieved, I gently pushed it open, and inside the large and luxurious room was the person I had been looking for.

“Thanks for the clothes, I’ll have them dry-cleaned if you don’t need them in a hurry.”

“No need.”

Gu Yan lowered his head in flipping through the documents, looks very busy, should not have time to pay attention to me, then I will go first ……

“There’s more.”

“What else?”

I was puzzled.

“Cell phone.”

Gu Yan raised his head, his delicate upturned phoenix eyes were mostly covered by the reflected light from the lenses, causing a bit of concentration in his always cold eyes.

I repeated in surprise, “Cell phone?”

I fumbled around in my pockets – and came up with two cell phones.

One of them was so big that my fingers could barely wrap around its black rim, and even if Ye Tingzhi and the others cared about me half as much as they did, they could tell that it definitely wasn’t mine –

It was the same cell phone that I had just bluffed Chu Xinyu with at the swimming pool.

No wonder no one directly revealed that it wasn’t my cell phone, and that I couldn’t wait for the owner to come looking for it!

To think that the man had just been standing so calmly behind me watching me fool everyone with his cell phone ……

I started toe-picking the ground.

But Gu Yan heart is also too big, right, tens of thousands of cell phones are so big and loud on the table where people come and go, if not for me ……

If it is not me in order to swindle Chu Xinyu, was stolen by others how to do!

Thinking of this, I am somewhat justified again:

“…… Luckily I got it back for you!”

But just raised his eyes, he saw Gu Yan gaze calmly at me, a everything in the grasp of the calm posture, the momentum is compelling.

At that moment, I seemed to have seen the thunder system powerhouse that stood at the top in the end of the world.

Shamefully, I gave in.

But it doesn’t make sense, right?

How could Gu Yan watch me cheat Chu Xingyu and not stop me?

Thinking about the day I saw him and Chu Xingyu kissing under the streetlight-

Could it be that Chu Xinyu being with Ye Tingzhi angered him?

That’s why he’s angry and wants to punish him slightly?

What a horrible man!

Thinking of this, I can’t wait to wipe my feet with oil – and hurry to escape from Chu Xin Yu’s abode!

“Uh, thanks for today, I’ll treat you to dinner some other time!”

I was busy retreating out.

Gu Yan seemed to call out to me in a deep voice, I pretended not to hear and ran faster.


I didn’t stop panting until I ran outside the school in a single bound.

I had thought …… that he was the one who hated me the most among the three men.

Gu Yan was the one I met after Chu Xinyu and I went to college.

He was the only son of a famous entrepreneur in this province, and he was also extremely tall and handsome, and once he entered the school, he was crowned as the school grass.

The first week of school, I knew that Chu Xinyu was interested in him, out of the mentality of opposing her, I also began to approach Gu Yan, and went to great lengths to create all kinds of opportunities to get in touch with him.

Going to his basketball games to do cheerleading, memorizing his class schedule to take a management class, and sending breakfast and warmth to him in a hush-hush manner…….

With my careful planning I lost a dare like I wanted to.

I was overjoyed.

My intention was just to close the distance between me and the High Ridge Flower, but when I got on the field I realized how outrageous the sign I drew was.

The pupils of the boy’s eyes were so dark, like that of a noble god, that I couldn’t help but feel like I was desecrating him.

I went over to him and tried to gently press my lips against his, but for some reason my whole face was shaking.

The boy suddenly stretched out a finger and pressed it against my lips, not too strong, but it prevented me from taking another step forward.

I saw his face ripple with a sudden hint of sarcasm, and he took the initiative to tilt his head down close to the side of my ear:

“Are you this passionate about all men.”

The sound was so small that only I heard it.

Then in the suppressed uproar of the whole room laughed and raised his glass: “The little girl is sorry, this glass of wine I’ll take the penalty for her.”

The knot in my throat rolled, and I felt extremely sexualized.

I retreated back to my seat with a heavy heart, and the girl I was friends with came over excitedly, “There’s something going on! The boy god is actually approaching you of his own accord.”

I shook my head feebly, but she was clearly unconvinced, “It’s definitely different for you! He doesn’t even bother to look down at other people, right?

It’s true that it’s different, but it’s just contempt for a scummy girl who’s always on the move.

That was the first time I questioned the meaning of a life deeply influenced by Chu Xinyu.


I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I accidentally walked into a remote back alley.

Silence in all directions, the evening sun sets extremely fast, the sky is already half dark, the temperature plummets, I can’t help but rub my arms a few times.

Just when I wanted to turn my head and walk in a different direction, the corner in front of me suddenly turned out a few streaming tall boys.

My heart fluttered and I subconsciously lowered my head to walk quickly.

The boys were smiling and laughing as they walked towards me, but they grabbed my arm as they were about to pass me.

“I hear you’re pretty cocky at school?”

I was thrown by the boys directly onto the hard concrete floor, my arms and thighs immediately burning hot, and my hip bones were so painful that I almost lost consciousness.

The bullying of the girls in school was completely trivial in front of these tall boys.

“Who’s your boss, I’ll talk to him.”

I forced myself to endure the pain and slowly stood up holding onto the wall, my eyes icy cold.

“Yo? So tricky, no wonder you don’t like people. You don’t deserve to see our boss, so be honest and don’t mess with people you shouldn’t!”

The boy laughed his ass off, shoving my left shoulder one by one, until the last one pushed me down hard on the ground again.

“Is that Chu Xin Yu?”

Anyone who has a big enough conflict with me at school to invite someone from outside the school to warn me is no one else but Chu Xin Yu.

A few boys stood teasingly and casually, thinking that I was skinny and weak, and didn’t give me a second thought.

I lowered my head and pretended to cry, and when they were slacking off, I found the right opportunity to suddenly power up and rush out at once!

But I overestimated the explosive power of my skinny body, and also underestimated the speed of those boys.

With a stinging pain in my scalp, I was grabbed by my hair and dragged back.

Forced upward in my sight were the boys’ grim faces, “Fake it with me, right ……”

I twisted my head and bit down hard on his wrist.

He cringed in pain and swung his hand up to slap me, my eyes flashed sternly and I didn’t avoid it in the slightest.

The back of the knife in the shadows was pressed against my skin, and as soon as he struck down, I was in self-defense ……

“Stop! Didn’t I forbid you to take orders to hit someone again, or a girl!?”

A sudden sharp cry came from the distance, and the body of the boy holding me hostage shook.

I took the opportunity to break free and turned around without saying a word.

“I’ll let them apologize to you, sis, you-“

Almost in the blink of an eye, the new boy ran broadside to us, he first apologized sharply, then his voice suddenly changed tone.

“Boss? So you’re not dead!”

The last sentence could be described as politely mournful.

Me: ……

Fierce minions: ……

With this familiar accent, I guessed the visitor almost immediately:

“Big Yellow?”


Big Yellow was saved by me at the beginning of the End Times.

The four of us, Ye Tingzhi and I, had killed a group of zombies that were besieging a group of people, and there was a tall man who had been bitten and bloodied lying on the street, his chest still heaving, and a little girl in his arms who was no longer breathing.

The people around us were grateful to us, speaking of him with admiration but not daring to get close: “His sister was small, fell and couldn’t get up, so his brother desperately went back to save his sister, and as a result, he was bitten to death ……”.

Someone cried sadly, I can not help but walk over, Ye Tingzhi but pulled me.

The man wrinkled his eyebrows and shook his head at me, I know what he means is that the person is likely to change into a zombie, dangerous.

But I can’t bear to see death, that person is obviously still alive.

“Brother, don’t you think they look like us when we were little?”

Since Chu Xinyu came, he called me “brother” every day. I don’t know for what reason, but I haven’t called him that for a long time.

Ye Tingzhi was shaken and looked at me with complicated eyes.

I knew he remembered too.

It was about ten years ago, Chu Xingyu had not yet come into our lives.

One autumn evening, Ye Tingzhi led me home after school as usual, the sky was dark and slightly cool, I happened to have a little fever and cold that day, so he led me to take a shortcut.

The fierce wild dog pounced over, the little boy will protect me tightly behind, shivering but still appeasing me: “Xiao Xiao is not afraid of ……”.

Although a passing adult stepped forward in time to drive the wild dog away, Ye Tingzhi’s leg was also left with a hideous scar that could not be removed.

“Shall I try? You guard me from the side.”

I spoke to him in a rare tone of calm negotiation, and Ye Tingzhi froze, but eventually nodded.

He kept a wary eye on the man’s movements and shielded me, as he had countless times before, as if there hadn’t been years of separation between us.

Happily, the man woke up before I was off my feet.

He blinked his dazed eyes and turned to hug his sister’s body as he cried out in grief.


“How is your sister?”

“Fine! That girl was so scared that she forgot what happened before, she only remembers being taken to a haunted house by me, and she snatches snacks from me every day at home!”

Although he was complaining, his happiness was overflowing.

“Boss, after you left, those three guys all went crazy, I ……”

“Stop, I don’t want to hear it.”

I raised my hand, but accidentally pulled the wound, the pain I couldn’t help but “hiss”.

Big Yellow’s gaze instantly sank, icily raising his eyes to the dumbfounded few boys: ”Didn’t I warn you not to fight and brawl, you actually dare to bully to my boss ……”

“Chu Xiaoxiao!”

Suddenly there was a sharp cry from the distance, I turned my head, Lu Li was running over in stride with a mixture of shock and anger:

“I told you I couldn’t find you at the gate, were you bullied by these cowards?”

“Lu Li?”

The boy who pushed me earlier was shocked, he asked the person beside him, “Why don’t you find out that this God of Death is protecting this girl?”

“How was I supposed to know?”

I watched as the group imploded.

Lu Li moved his clicking knuckles, Big Yellow narrowed his eyes and said nothing, and the two of them walked side by side with their own tacit understanding.

The boy on the opposite side of the street cried out, “Boss, give me a break! I didn’t know she was the old boss either. Someone paid for us to give her a little lesson only, just look at the heavy, the hand is measured ……”.

I didn’t finish my sentence, but I received a punch on my face.

I face full of black lines: old boss is what the hell ah ……

In the end, they all lined up with swollen noses and lowered eyebrows to apologize to me.

Looking at the wounds that were several times worse than mine, I really had nothing to say, waved my hand, and the boys rolled away.


I took a cotton swab and gently wiped the wound, every time I wiped Lu Li had to hiss, the noise was so loud that I looked at him impatiently.

He sullenly squatted in front of me: “Why does Chu Xinyu want to ……

Seeing my smiling expression, I guess he remembered the sentence that questioned me before, “Why are you only so mean to your sister?

His skin, which has always been as thick as a city wall, reddened, and sincerely exclaimed, “Knowing the face of a man is not knowing his heart!”

I sharply broke open an iodine swab, watched the red liquid brush through the pure white cotton, and casually asked him, “Then why is it always me who’s targeting her in your eyes?”

“Because she always looks soft and weak and in need of protection, you have a shrewd vixen face,” he replied.

Lu Li answered me with a straight face.

My hands paused and I rolled my eyes breathlessly.

”- That’s why I said that in the future, you should never judge a person by their appearance!” Seeing that I was speechless, Lu Li hurriedly found a way to add.

“For example, you, actually being bullied for so many years and still can’t speak bitterly, it seems that a pretty-looking brain will not be too pretty ……”

Rhubarb’s sigh was so loud that I could hear it.

I didn’t pay any more attention to their frowning lawsuit, and threw the things in my hand to the trash can, “I’m going home.”

There’s still a tough battle to be fought at home.


Sure enough it wasn’t long before my cell phone rang.

I paused, then clicked on it.

Dad Chusan’s voice suppressed anger: ”Chu Xiaoxiao! You actually let the punks outside the school come and bully Xiaoyu! You …… you come home immediately!”

I got it, it seems that Chu Xinyu is the first to complain about the evil.

Like countless times before, as long as Chu Xinyu wiped the corner of her eyes, there would be countless people charging on her behalf.

I thought about it and dialed my mom’s number.

When I got home, Chusan was sitting on the sofa, Chu Xinyu’s face was red and swollen, very miserable, Ye Tingzhi was softly consoling from the side.

“Kneel down!”

Chu Suen looked at me with a jaded face.

In his eyes, in the past, only Chu Xinyu, the daughter his deceased ex-girlfriend gave him, was a daughter, and I was nothing but a dispensable weed.

“Uncle, we haven’t gotten to the truth yet, this is not appropriate.”

Father and daughter Chu Suen looked at Ye Tingzhi who suddenly spoke out in surprise.

Chu Xinyu with a sobbing voice, “Brother Tingzhi, who are you speaking for!”

The man sighed and drew out a piece of paper to tenderly wipe her tears, but his tone carried a hint of viciousness:

“Not a word of truth came out of that group of punks’ mouths, how can you just trust him and not trust your own sister?”

Chu Xinyu was frightened by his hidden aura, and stopped her mouth in silence.

For those who have wandered between life and death in the last days, no matter how well they hide it on their face, how can they be truly warm and gentle in their bones?

“I didn’t make a mistake, why should I kneel down?”

I spoke coldly.

Chu Suen was so shocked by my attitude that he choked on his tea, and Chu Xin Yu hurriedly and thoughtfully patted his back.

I watched this fatherly kindness and daughterly filial piety with an expressionless face.

In the past, in order to get his attention, I always did small things in front of him, giving up my jewelry, dresses, and even rooms to his illegitimate daughter.

But what did I get?

Only his aggravation and rightfully making me give in before Chu Xin Yu.

“You! It’s true that Xiao Qing gave birth to a good daughter with no family discipline! You hurry up and apologize to Xiao Yu. Otherwise, get out!”


“Who dares to tell my daughter to get out?”

A heavy slamming sound came from the doorway.

I walked towards my mom, who had arrived in a hurry, and she gently stroked my head:

“If you want to get out, it’s you who should get out! Didn’t you hear Xiao Xiao say she didn’t do anything wrong?”

“Chu Xiao Xiao always bullies Xiao Yu, and this time she even dared to bring in punks from outside the school, her heart is so vicious! If it wasn’t for Ye Tingzhi saving Xiaoyu this time, I would still be in the dark!”

Chu Xinyu’s sobbing grew louder and louder, as if she was going to cry so hard that she would jerk over at any moment.


Mom burst into a rage.

I tightened her hand, signaling me to speak.

I took a step forward, my face cold, “Even if you’re sentenced well at least you’ll give the prisoner a chance to plead his case, is my explanation so unimportant in this family?”

Chu Suen looked at me impatiently, ”You’ve been jealous of your sister since you were a child, it’s not strange at all to do something like this, how could I have wronged you!”

Even Ye Tingzhi frowned and wanted to open his mouth to say something.

I raised my voice, “I don’t care what you think, but don’t try to pin this on me!”

A knock suddenly sounded outside the door.


The nanny went up with small steps and opened the door: ”Mr. Lu Li? These are ……”

I spoke indifferently, “These are the students I invited, let them come in.”

Lu Li pushed the door open and walked in with Big Yellow and two groups of tall boys with swollen noses.

One group was the ones who just blocked me; the other group was naturally the ones who went to “bully” Chu Xinyu.

At this moment, Chu Xinyu’s mouth was slightly open, obviously the development of things had exceeded her expectations, so she was obviously a bit uneasy, her forehead was moist with sweat.

“Uncle and Auntie, I’m sorry!”

Eight or nine tall boys bowed, nearly startling Chu Suen.

He glared at me in annoyance, “What kind of people are these messes? You hang out with these scum every day at school!”

I looked at Chu Xinyu, whose face was blanched with a smile, “I only know them through my sister.”

Chu Suen’s face stiffened, turning her head to glare at Chu Xinyu: “What’s going on?”

Chu Xinyu bit her lip and died without saying anything, I knew she wouldn’t shed a tear until she saw the coffin, and I was too lazy to rub it in with her.

“Do you know me?”


Chu Xinyu hyun sobbed: “Xiao Xiao, these are all your friends, of course they all speak for you …….

Chu Suen was furious: “You’re acting in front of me, Chu Xiaoxiao, I think you’re really hopeless!

Big Yellow kicked the boy with the most color on his face.

He hurriedly took out his cell phone, his speech was still clear, it seemed that the batterer purposely avoided his mouth:

“I have the call logs and chat logs here, the person who contacted me is called Chu Xinyu, and paid a deposit of one thousand. Asked to pretend to bully her, and intentionally be seen by a boy named Ye Tingzhi and then say that it was Chu Xiaoxiao who instructed her, as well as teach Chu Xiaoxiao a lesson, so that she can be honest, do not mess with the people who should not be messed with …….”

Boys a board, play the call records and chat records but ironclad evidence.

Ye Tingzhi’s face was iron blue, directly and openly stood up.

Chu Xinyu withdrew her crying, only blinking her eyes to let the tears roll down from her eyes in big drops, looking pitiful: “Brother Ye ……”

Ye Tingzhi ignored her for the first time, he turned his head and gazed deeply at me.

I noticed, but didn’t want to pay attention.

Lu Li grinded a few steps and turned his body, just blocking his line of sight.

Chu Xinyu cried even more pitifully, she flung herself under Chu Suen and looked at him miserably, “Dad, I was just a momentary ghost, I am sorry for letting you worry ……

Chu Suen sank his face and said nothing.

A long time, in Chu Xinyu are desperate to stop crying before pulling her up, wiping her tears, and does not look at me:

“Chu Xiaoxiao send these friends away. You also did not have anything happen, I will give a card later, you two sisters go out shopping, have fun.”

Chu Xinyu broke her sobs into a smile, and all of a sudden zipped into Chu Suan’s arms, “Thank you father, I will definitely coax my sister well.”

Mouth area.

Don’t come over, I want to vomit.


“Just let it go?”

Mom spoke quietly.

“Xiao Xiao wasn’t beaten, look at what kind of face Xiaoyu has ……,” Chu Suen unnaturally avoided his mom’s needle-like gaze.

Mom took a deep breath, “So, you and your illegitimate daughter planted and wronged my daughter and this is over?”

Chu Suen reddened her face.

Chu Xinyu closed her mouth tightly and didn’t say anything either.

“Divorce!” Mom suddenly threw down a thunderbolt.

Ye Tingzhi and Lu Li’s eyes coincidentally looked toward me.

But I was unperturbed.

Because I was the one who proposed this idea.

Even if I go to the ground with my mom to work on the floor, I don’t want to live with these two anymore!

Mom as early as when I was a child mentioned the divorce, but at that time I did not understand, only know that although my mother is often in the Institute rarely home, but the divorce means even less will not come home, so cried and did not allow.

Mom sighed, but also had to respond to me, hard and this cheating scum grinding until now.

I am ready to go upstairs to pack their own luggage. But mom dragged me, the other hand toward the father and daughter waved:

“Get lost, while I’m still talking.”

Seeing my dumbfounded face, Mom smiled wryly:

“This house is in my name. Your dad’s shitty company went bankrupt a long time ago, and he’s been relying on me to support him all these years. How dare you bully my daughter after eating and drinking her own food?”

As I said this, I took a few deep breaths and touched my head.

Then touched my head: “Mom has several patents and companies, in the future they will all be my Xiao Xiao’s.”

Mom, dear mom!

So what you said about buying a company for me to play with is true!


The boys were gone.

Mom and I sat on the sofa and watched the father and daughter pack their bags in a mess.

I simply stood next to Chu Xinyu and stared at her, and when I saw what looked familiar, I took it back piece by piece, and she hated it so much that blood was coming out of her eyes.

The more mom looked, the more angry she became: ”Chu Suen you bastard! These are all the goodies I bought specially for Xiao Xiao, and you actually gave them all to your illegitimate daughter!”

Chu Suen’s face rose purple, he didn’t dare to take this, and still wanted to try to salvage the situation:

“Xiao Qing, this time it’s just a child’s game, can’t I have Chu Xin Yu apologize to Xiao Xiao? We are all at this age, how embarrassing to get a divorce ……”.

Mom just looked at the time expressionlessly: “You still have thirty minutes, one minute late and you won’t take anything away.”

“Xiao Xiao, are you willing to let mom and dad separate? Separation that is still called home Xiao Xiao, don’t you most want mom and dad to care for you together to accompany you ……”

Chusan accelerated the action of cleaning up, but still not dead heartedly hit me.

It turned out that he knew everything, knew that I put in countless efforts to get a compliment from him.

But he coldly ignored me, but turned around and smiled and hugged the pampered Chu Xinyu ……

I don’t even bother to pay attention to him.

Turned around but quietly asked mom: “Divorce will not divide your property to him, right?”


Mom smiled, “When we got married, his family’s property was not yet clean, for fear that I, a poor researcher, would suck his blood, and signed a prenuptial contract early!

Chusan’s face darkened and reddened.

I was instantly refreshed.


This matter is a great blow to Chu Xinyu, at least two months, she did not appear in front of me.

However, I had long since lost the heart to care about her, I was busy studying and joining the lab lately, I had to read tons of books, and I also had to send Lu Li, who was always hanging around in front of me, away in a few words and warned him not to buy strange gifts and put them on my desk.

He looked so angry and aggravated, like a wilting big golden hair, looking at the girls around me motherly love flooded.

Me: …… That’s because you guys don’t know how difficult he is.

There are also many occasional encounters with Ye Tingzhi, looking at the face of the man in front of me who wants to speak, I can not help but sigh:

“What are you coming to me for now? Back then, you thought you had wronged Chu Xinyu, so you spent more time and energy with her, and trusted her more, yet you always showered me with little care, making me mistakenly believe that I was special, and that’s why I was chasing after you. And now you feel sorry for me and want to come and appease me? But I don’t need it anymore.”

Ye Tingzhi’s face turned white, he shivered his lips: ”Xiao Xiao, you will always be the most cherished in my heart, it’s just that once upon a time there was a misunderstanding between us, and it’s good to unravel it now ……”

I calmly and indifferently interrupted him:

“We’ve all grown up, do you and Chusan and the others really not understand what I’ve been sulking about? No, you all understand everything, it’s just that in your eyes Chu Xin Yu is more delicate and more pitiable, so you choose to turn a blind eye to my pain.

“Maybe my behavior before brought you trouble, sorry, it won’t be in the future, after experiencing life and death in the last world, I realized what is important in the end, aren’t you?”

Ye Tingzhi looked at me and froze for half a day before he spoke shyly, “…… Me too.”

But I have gone far away.


When I came out of the library one day, a super cute schoolgirl bounced up to me.

“Do you want to sign up for this program? I think your appearance and demeanor are super suitable for the role!”

My hand trembled slightly as I squeezed the flyer.

The Doomsday Game, the nightmare world that almost killed me and gave me a new life.

The healing character in the center c position had a face almost identical to mine.


I heard myself say yes.

The girl cheered happily and led me all the way back to their registration point, where I heard her proudly bragging to her companions:

“Hmph, this time I’ve fished out the real Shaara to see how you guys can beat me!”

I didn’t know what to do with the enthusiasm of the people from their club who swarmed over me.

A few boys got together and compared my face with the poster over and over again in amazement, and finally gave the cute girl a thumbs up with conviction.

The vice-president even tapped the board to directly finalize me.

The girl looked even more excited than me, I realized that she was a die-hard fan of the character of Sha Luo, and couldn’t help but “Ivana class Qing” after seeing me.

We exchanged contact information and became friends.

Because the game was so popular, it attracted a lot of students to sign up, and soon caused a small wave of buzz that made it to the local hot search.

It was then on my phone that I saw that the other few members of the Ivana representative were actually played by Gu Yan, Lu Li, and Ye Tingzhi.

Me: ……

Suddenly a bit disgusted with what was going on.

But things had already progressed to the point where I couldn’t refuse.

Because of the bright face of the main group playing this role, it attracted the attention of The End Game Company.

They proudly sponsored customized costumes and brought professional make-up artists and photographers to film the event and put it on their social media accounts as publicity.

The night before the event began, the long infamous Chu Xinyu suddenly appeared in my dorm room and viciously put a harsh word to me:

“Don’t get too cocky, you’ll never be able to compete with me in this life!”

Then she turned her head high and left.

I caught a glimpse of a small scratch on the bag she was carrying, which looked like it hadn’t been taken care of for a long time.

I ignored her crazy talk and got ready for bed.

But she was too high-profile in the past, and had long since become one of the next dinner conversation topics.

“Hey, your private daughter sister, I heard that recently Ye Tingzhi Gu Yan ignored her, and Lu Li, someone saw them fight!

My roommate gossiped and looked at me.

I shook my head and said frankly, “I’m not sure.”

I really don’t know.

Just recently doing experiments can often run into Gu Yan, he is always cold, I stopped chasing his mind so I pretended not to recognize, just boarded a dead fish face past him, do not say hello.

“I heard that she could not afford to renew her skin care membership last week, but she also made a fuss at the store and was driven away by the security guards! Today she is still carrying Hermes, fake it hahaha!”

The wall fell down and people pushed her out, how envied she was in the crowd at the beginning, and how many people mocked her now that she was down and out.

“Xiao Xiao, you’re going to make a big splash this time with the publicity photos, my beautiful daughter is finally going to be unable to hide ……”

“Xiao Xiao, don’t forget each other when you’re rich haha!”

We casually laughed and fooled around for a while, and then went to sleep.


On the day of the shoot, I went to the waiting dressing room, but was stopped by the president at the door.

Seeing his somewhat unsightly expression, I felt bad in my heart.

“That …… Chu Xiaoxiao ah, look at this matter, can I treat you to a meal to make up for it? Sha Luo s play person changed Chu Xinyu, you happen to also be sisters, who on are quite good.”

He carefully raised his eyes to see my face.

I was almost infuriated and laughed.

No wonder Chu Xinyu came to me last night to show off her strength, it was because she replaced me.

But this kind of activity, also did not sign a contract, just a verbal agreement, I can only eat this dark loss.


I was about to open my mouth when Lu Li and Gu Yan came through the door.

Lu Li’s eyes lit up when he saw me:

“Let’s go in together! I’ve seen the design, and that battle suit suits you perfectly.”

“I can’t.”

I looked at the president who was full of embarrassment, ”Go shoot with your goddess Chu Xinyu, I’ll go first.”


But my wrist was firmly held by someone.

I turned around and saw that it was the cold-faced Gu Yan:

“The candidate was decided long ago, why the sudden change?”

The president stiffly pulled up a smile, cold sweat dripping from the corner of his forehead, “President? Aiya, this, is Chu Xinyu is more suitable ……”

“Since I’m changing people, I’m not going to take any more pictures.”

Saying that he slid his palm against my wrist and tightly held my hand, pulling up the still-frozen me and left straight away.

“Right! I’m not filming either, what the hell is this temporary change!”

Only then did Lu Li come back to his senses.

With a shadowy expression, he also threw down a sentence and then hurriedly chased after me, trying to get in between Gu Yan and I. I was uncomfortably squeezed by him.

I was uncomfortably squeezed by him, and was about to let go of Gu Yan’s hand to get away from them, but Gu Yan abruptly increased his strength, making my hand hurt.

I looked at him suspiciously, but realized that he was looking at me with a deep gaze, as if there was something flickering in the depths of his eyes.

I quickly retracted my eyes as if I had been burned.

“Gu Yan? Lu Li?!”

A shrill female voice suddenly came from the distance.

All three of them looked up, and it turned out to be Ye Tingzhi and Chu Xingyu turning over from the front one after the other.

Chu Xingyu’s eyes were filled with dismay and disbelief.

Ye Tingzhi, on the other hand, was filled with complexity as he looked at the hands Gu Yan and I were holding.

“Chu Xiaoxiao, you’re really good at this, so good at hooking up with people-“

“Shut up.”

Chu Xingyu was shaken and looked incredulously at Ye Tingzhi who suddenly spoke out.

At this moment, the man pursed up his thin lips with a stern face, no longer seeing any of his usual gentle demeanor.

Her face changed a few times, and finally barely managed to squeeze out a smile.

I admire her a little.

“I was informed at short notice that I would be coming to play the role of a healing shifter, I was reluctant to do so, but thinking that you were all here, in order to give you a surprise, I agreed.”

She shyly lowered her head, not seeing Ye Tingzhi’s suddenly changing face.

“What? You’re coming to play the Healer?”

He frowned deeply.

Chu Xin Yu was unsure, but she also sensed that he was in a bad mood and answered hesitantly:

“…… Yeah, the president specially came to invite me ……”

Lu Li let out a cold laugh:

“But how come I heard that the first one to be set was Xiao Xiao? Besides Xiao Xiao, no one is worthy of the role of the Goddess of Healing!”

…… So pompous, I’m a little embarrassed to hear it.

The reluctant smile on Chu Xinyu’s face was going to be impossible to maintain.

“Is that so …… I’m not too sure about it ……”

“Xiao Xiao and I are not going to shoot, you guys go in.”

Gu Yan got impatient and pulled me to continue walking forward.

“Wait ……”

I heard Ye Tingzhi’s call.

But no one paid any attention to him.


Lu Li was softly pulled over by Chu Xinyu, saying that he was going to ask about the situation, so it was now just Gu Yan and me.

I was a little embarrassed as an afterthought.

But I didn’t expect Gu Yan to let go first:

“Did you see it clearly?”

I was a bit puzzled, see what clearly?

My blank eyes do not know which pierced him, he took a deep breath, as if in the suppression of what:

“I’m the only one who will be by your side. Those guys will only be around other women.

“You’d rather like them than me.”

I was stunned and subconsciously tried to speak.

Instead, he reached out and covered my lips again, just as he had prevented me from kissing him:

“Think before you speak, I’m only giving you one chance!”

Warm fingers on the edge of my lips, but not honestly a little bit of rubbing.

Seems to be restrained, but also like a threat:

“The most I’ll accept is for you to have ordinary interactions with them, but I absolutely must be present.”

I suddenly realized: he looks like a wife who holds back for the sake of the family to advise her philandering and promiscuous husband ……

Is this still the same Gu Shen who said no to thunder?


“Who told you I like them?”

I was speechless.

“Didn’t you?”

His eyebrow jumped a bit, and the corner of his raised lips fell again as he began to grit his teeth:

“The lunchboxes we prepare are always for three people.”

It’s not like we’re cooking a pot of food that can’t go to waste. ……

“Cheerleading is only done when we play together.”

I’m tired of doing it every time you guys participate in so many events. ……

“Even the Valentine’s Day cards have the same content… Chu Xiao Xiao!”

I was scared to stand still by the sudden angry voice.

That was just a blessing for the Lantern Festival to bring us closer together!

“Even though you’re philandering and promiscuous, I still can’t restrain my feelings. Originally, I wanted to take the initiative to stay away from you and put an end to this mind. In the end, we went to the post-apocalyptic world together, and I’m glad that I got to know the brave and kind-hearted you deeply there, Xiao Xiao ……”

The low male voice shook the tip of my heart, how could I have never thought, never thought-

I was actually so scummy in his heart!


I barely managed to find my sanity amidst a sea of thunder.

“But don’t you have a crush on Chu Xin Yu? You even kissed her!”

With a roll of my eyes, I added, “You’re the scum! You like two women at the same time!”

The man’s veins popped out on his forehead, looking furious, I subconsciously took a few steps back, and was yanked back by him:

“Which one of your eyes saw me kissing her? You’re the only one I’ve ever gotten a love letter from!”

The man sank his eyes: ”Also, if I didn’t get involved with Chu Xinyu, you’re afraid you wouldn’t even look at me!”

I thought about it carefully, it seems to be this reasoning hey ……

I barely managed to keep my composure, “That was the old me! I would never be that naive now!”

As the atmosphere was getting awkward, a panting girl came running in the distance.

It was my new friend.

“I finally found you! The people at the company are furious……. Senior Gu? Great, let’s go back together, okay? The president got a bad reprimand, let him apologize to you! Please Xiao Xiao~”

I really can’t stand the cute girl pouting, looking at her face with anticipation, so I agreed to go back to see the situation.

When she arrived at the shooting location, Chu Xinyu was standing in the center crying.

The ill-fitting dress was stretched tightly by her, and the dress was too long for her, almost dragging to the ground, the elegant and flowing temperament was half gone.

The president’s face was red, sweating as he was explaining something in a whisper to the grim-faced game company party.

Seeing us coming, the vice president hurriedly greeted us with a smile:

“Xiao Xiao, the company said they are very satisfied with your image and appointed you!”

He looked up at Chu Xinyu who was dropping tears in humiliation: “You take off your clothes and return them to Xiao Xiao.”

Chu Xinyu’s tears flowed more rapidly and fiercely, but she could only reluctantly change her clothes under everyone’s disgruntled gazes.

“What’s the point of changing properly? The change is not even decent, delaying everyone’s progress, it’s really unruly.”

The photographer gave a heavy cold snort, obviously dissatisfied with the Chu Xinyu group that was slowing down the progress, and spoke meanly.

The surrounding people whispered.

“Don’t look at your own suitability, Haha Luo’s character setting is a tall and slender girl, not that diamond still take the porcelain work.”

“What do you want to compete with her sister, I personally saw her give the president a set of computer equipment, but really no eyes, this time the face of a big shame.”

“If I were her sister, I’d hate her to death. I’d have to come and grab anything good.”


Chu Xinyu bawled and ran away, but this time her Prince Charming was busy shooting and couldn’t go after her to comfort her.


Everything went smoothly in this shoot, minus the hiccups.

After posting it on the internet, there was a huge response.

The netizens’ words were so hot that I didn’t even dare to look at them.

“Haha’s young lady is so beautiful, and the fire handsome man is a match! It seems like a big dog and his only loyal mistress!”

“Who said that, obviously and thunder system is the most match, every picture of his eyes only her oooo what a beautiful love ……”

“I don’t believe it! Is my cp so cold? I don’t believe it! I’m so cold! Obviously, the gentle water system and the brave and calm Shara are more compatible!

“If I were a girl, I’d put their hands together: they can’t be so jealous when they live together in the future!”

“Shola doesn’t need to eat. These three aren’t enough for her, right?”

“Upstairs, Jiangbei gets a big demerit!”


There are also countless cults that are high on Gu Yan, Lu Li, Ye Tingzhi, and me, as well as those with good teeth who are high on three or four people at a time.

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do that, but I’m going to be able to!

Gradually there are agents to find me to ask me if I have the intention of filming a movie, I have politely declined, than to become an actor I prefer to be like my mother, to be a down-to-earth, useful to mankind researcher.

But not two days later, I heard that Chu Xinyu borrowed the name of the sister of the fire-bursting Sha Luo play, live on the Internet, a big fire.

I: ……


Sa Luo sister plus sisters and three male gods between some have to say two or three secret things, Chu Xinyu this wave is simply pulling explosive heat.

Under the mouth of Chu Xinyu, I was portrayed as a vicious and overbearing bad-tempered female match, and every day I was trying to find ways to stir up right and wrong between her and the three male gods, and did all the bad things, and eventually actually had my way with the wicked, causing her and the boys to misunderstand each other a lot, and the golden children were forced to be broken up. ……

The outrageous thing is that there are actually people on the Internet who believe it and really speak up for her.

The people around me nearly exploded with anger, acting even angrier than me, the subject:

“Chu Xingyu’s two faces are one faceless and one as thick as a city wall! I scolded her in the comment section and someone even helped her out, saying that I was jealous of her popularity and ability to earn money. They also said that Sha Luo is the real White Lotus, saving everyone is Virgin Cancer, and the Xiao Xiao she plays is also a real-life version of White Lotus!”

The boys came with separate messages asking if I needed clarification, I thought about it for a while and refused.

In the last few days, a random slide on the Internet heard all kinds of denunciation.

Originally, her reputation in the school was very bad because of slandering me and robbing places, and this time the behavior of rubbing the heat is even more disgraceful to everyone.

Countless people spontaneously online and netizens against the line, a time also argued a back and forth.

I was pondering.

Although black and red is also red, but traffic is never a double-edged sword, according to this trend, Chu Xinyu can stabilize?


Facts have proved that the bowl of black and red is really not good.

Not two days later, the Internet is spreading a video, the protagonist is disappeared in front of my mom and I for a long time Chu Suen and his baby daughter Chu Xinyu.

In the video, Chu Xinyu’s voice was harsh: “You not only let me support you, but also let me support your lover and illegitimate child?”

Chu Suen’s face reddened for a moment, and quickly recovered his righteousness: “I used to treat you so well, what Chu Xiaoxiao had you were all red-eyed, but I didn’t say a word, I took it all to you, what’s wrong with you honoring me now?”

“That’s not your stuff, it’s all Chu Xiao Xiao’s mom’s. How much money have you given me? I have to scrimp and save to save face in front of my classmates, do you know how hard it is for me?”

Chu Xin Yu choked up, sounding so pitiful.

But Chu Suen didn’t eat this, he spoke indifferently, “If it wasn’t for me pressuring Chu Xiaoxiao for you at home, could you take jewelry and clothes from her? In the end, the cheap are accounted for still crying poor, Ye family Lu family that son which is not fooled by you also thought you were bullied at home …… “.

Chu Xinyu screamed shrilly: “Dad!”

Both did not notice that the live camera was not closed.

Soon, the video crazy screenshots forwarded to all corners, Chu Xinyu’s reputation is also completely finished ……

This is not all, she signed a commodity advertisement when she was in the heat of the moment because she is now bad reviews according to the rules were asked to terminate the contract, the liquidated damages are very high.

But Chu Xinyu where is the money? Even if you fill up all the advertising fees from the previous boom, it’s still only enough to cover a fraction of the cost. And Chu Suen is not willing to sell her only home to save her ……

So in the end, Chu Xingyu actually went to jail.


Knowing this news, the experiment my senior sister and I were doing was coming up with an extremely critical piece of data, and the teacher announced that he was treating everyone to go out and have a good time relaxing.

I got a little high at the after-dinner party, blushing and pointing over one by one, “One, two, three – the third student, you lost!”

The man in the shadows slowly raised his head, his perfectly lined face was gradually exposed to the light, I frowned, why does this look so much like ……

“Gu Yan?”


The man answered briefly, then reached for the sign bucket.

For some reason, a sense of crisis suddenly rose in my heart, similar to a bunny sensing the presence of the big bad wolf.

I spoke quickly, “I’m dizzy, I’m not playing-“

“Too late.”

The man directly crossed over from the table, and the smooth curvature of his long legs startled me so much that my mouth opened wide.

In the next instant, there were slightly cool and soft lips with the cool minty wine breath pressed down on the sky.

My hands and feet immediately softened, tiny electric current from the fingertips paralyzed to the heart, if it is not Gu Yan has been forcefully assisted, I think I may be directly no interest in paralyzed.

The surrounding sounds of coaxing and applauding reached my ears only after a long time, and some people excitedly took out their cell phones to take pictures.

I turned around in a trance to look at Gu Yan, who had been staring at me with a furtive gaze.

The knot in his throat rolled uncontrollably, as if he was also expecting me to say something.

“I don’t believe you, show me your signature.”

Gu Yan: ……


At my insistence Gu Yan had to take out his signature.

It turned out that my skepticism wasn’t unwarranted.

The sign Gu Yan drew was a blank sign, which was the best sign for the loser, stating that he could just designate someone to do any one thing.

But he used it to ……

I don’t know out of what kind of mindset, we all coincidentally didn’t mention this matter.

I sat back in my seat in a daze, when a familiar voice came from beside me, “Oops I told you that Gu Shen is interested in you!”

I turned my head, and it was actually my friend who was also involved in that big adventure a few months ago.

I thought about it and actually didn’t find a rebuttal.

“Blushing? Ahahahahaha my late-night snack cp is definitely real! I’m going to poo this photo up to smash your face with Lu Li and Ye senior fans!”

I saw her gritting her teeth and showing fervor, tapping frantically on her cell phone, and couldn’t help but go over and take a look.

…… is actually the cp big powder of Gu Yan and me!

The wide circulation of that photo was far beyond my expectations.

In the photo, the girl’s eyes were slightly confused and surprised, while the boy was focused and deep, the two were in an intimate state, but also like they were confronting each other, not giving in to each other.

Many years later, it was hailed as one of the most atmospheric photos of men and women during the ambiguous period.

Of course, this is an afterthought.

That night, I was sent home by Gu Yan under the arrangement of teachers and classmates.

I sullenly wrapped my clothes tightly, “I can go back by myself.”

He suddenly took my hand.

I shook it off like an electric shock, and he pulled it on again.

I turned around and the tall man gazed at me quietly:

“You don’t hate me, and you don’t like those two, so why don’t you try it with me?”

I choked for a moment, then told the truth, “I see you and I think of Chu Xin Yu.”

He held his forehead breathlessly, “You know ……

“I can’t control it,” I was also very aggravated, this guy really grows on my aesthetic point, every time I come in contact with him my reaction is very subtle, “Before, Chu Xinyu always bragged to me that she talked to you, ate, hugged ……”

“None of them!”

Gu Yan gasped, as if he suddenly thought of something, and spoke expressionlessly:

“I sent Chu Xingyu to jail, it can prove that I really have nothing to do with her, right?”


“That company–“

“Well, I opened it, I did it on purpose, I set a high price, and the breach of contract was expensive, she couldn’t afford to pay, so I sued.”

I was dumbfounded, murmured: “Men’s hearts can be really cruel ah, after not like it, you will send you to prison ……”

Gu Yan endured.

In the end, he couldn’t bear it anymore, and held me down in his arms, “I’ve only ever liked you, you can not accept it, but you can not spoil me like this.”

The low hoarse voice was still permeated with a sense of aggression.

This is the god in the eyes of all humans in the last days, when has he been so vulnerable?

My heart softened into thin air.

The man took advantage of the situation to pursue: “Give me a chance, this time there is no one else, I’ll chase you properly.”

The last low, upturned “hmm” word almost turned into an electric current running down the tip of my ear and straight into my heart.

It wasn’t until he picked me up and spun me around in a circle, unable to hide his excitement, that I realized what I had just agreed to.

Beauty is a mistake!

But I couldn’t help but smile and tighten my arms around the boy’s broad shoulders ……


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Next March 1, 2024


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