19. Hades is under construction

Under Construction in Hell

Nonchalance: Seeing you at the right time of love

I was appointed as the new King of Hell.

When I took office, I was greeted by outdated facilities and numb ghosts in tattered clothes.

That’s not good enough!

I raised my hand and slammed down the shocking wood.

Labor is the most glorious, let’s all move.

I want to build a well-off hell!


I died a miserable death in my last life. Maybe it’s compensation?

As soon as I woke up I found myself sitting on the throne of the King of Hell.

I was flabbergasted.

Picking at the Black and White Irregulars who spat out their tongues to describe the ugliness.

“Where is your original King of Hell?”

Black Impermanence: “He has been jerked off by his superiors for not doing his job well.”

Ah this, don’t ask, it’s not polite to ask again.

“Do you know why I’m here?”

“You’re asking us? You’re not a connected person, are you?”

Black Impermanence said in surprise, only to realize that he had made a mistake and hastily covered his mouth.

The related person ……

As expected, the old saying does not lie, the glory that cannot be obtained in life will always be given to you after death.

Ignoring the black and white impermanence.

I got out of the chair lightly, and the two of them followed me closely.

Once out of the Hall of Hades, there is a long river with a bridge standing on the surface.

One end of the bridge rises from the ground, while the other end is suspended in the air with nothing to rely on.

The suspended end has a cauldron, in front of the cauldron guarded by two fierce guards and a woman wearing coarse clothes and sackcloth but quite beautiful.

I thought to myself, this is the River of Forgetfulness and the Bridge of Naiho, the woman on the bridge must be Meng.

But this bridge is really strange, I can not help but ask: “Why is this bridge only half?

White Impermanence, who has been silent all along, said positively, “This bridge is the only passage to the Lotus Terrace to the next life, and jumping down from the broken place is the only way to get there.”

“If you don’t know how to use water, you’ll drown.” I regretted it when I finished speaking.

When I turned my head, I saw the look in their eyes.

“Ahem, it’s my first day on the job after all, so I apologize.”

White Impermanence rolled his eyes before continuing: “First of all, not to mention the ghosts will not drown, although the River of Forgetfulness is called a river, but the water inside is not water, you yourself put your hand in to know. In fact, it is a mist, the form is like water.”

I am a bit sorry.

Tsk, the grilled fish is gone.


Out of the Ghost World Castle is the Ghost City.

This hell is really not good, I originally thought it was just the old ghost world castle, but it turns out that the ghost city is also the same, or even worse.

What facilities are not, giving people the feeling of one word – poor.

I feel in my heart of hearts that the last term was jerked not wrongly.

Standing in the ghost world Fort gate look up, the great number of small ghosts a yellow face, floating around, the ghosts are comparable to the 11th Golden Week.

Floating is not serious. You hit me, I hit you.

“You’re always bumping into me?”

“What’s wrong with you? The road is not your home!”

I thought it was bad, and the two ghosts started fighting each other in no time.

Some of the little ghosts that were floating around aimlessly came over to watch the fun.

Some of the good ones even shouted “left hook, right hook”.

I remembered that I was the newly appointed official, so I took an arrow step and prepared to go forward to stop them, but I was pulled back by Black Impermanence.

“What are you stopping me for?”

“Sir, it’s useless for you to interfere, they are just too bored and looking for something to do.”

I gave a puzzled look at these words.

Seeing this, Black Impermanence explained to me, “Look at these ghosts, they are all good ghosts who have not done any evil deeds in their lives, and should have gone directly to the Lotus Terrace to be reincarnated. However, many years ago, there were many wars in the world, and the number of ghosts in the ghost world skyrocketed. It was not easy for the war to subside, and we just sent those heroes who died in the war back to the yang world one by one. But then the family planning program reduced the number of reincarnation slots, leaving a large number of ghosts behind.”

“But hasn’t the second child been opened up recently, and I guess it won’t be long before the third child will be opened up.”

White Impermanence: “Yes, yes, the second child is now open, but the marriage rate in the world has dropped! There are fewer people who don’t get married and have children, so having a second child is just a drop in the bucket.”

“Yes, the opening of the second child program has made things easier, but it’s not enough. Besides, not every quota is suitable for every ghost. We also emphasize the importance of having the right ghost for the right birth. Some ghosts have never done anything bad in their lives, but they haven’t done anything good either, so they have to wait for the right time for them.”

When he said this, he even raised his hand and pinched his fingers in a pretentious manner: “The longest one I remember has been waiting for ten years,” I was shocked: “That’s ten years for him.

I was shocked: “He’s just been floating around this town for the past ten years?”

The black and white impermanence nodded sorrowfully.

I smacked my lips: “Can’t you find a place for them to live and something to do?”

They shook the beggar’s clothes on their bodies, and pointed to the empty ghost city, and looked at me sorrowfully: “There is no money ah! Who doesn’t know that the netherworld is the poorest of the three worlds.”


No money to see what I do, I am also very poor!

In such a short while, the two ghosts had finished fighting.

A small hustle and bustle just fell apart, and all the ghosts returned to their original state.

Looking at them wasting time with nothing to do, the capitalist’s soul in me began to burn.

What a good labor force, how can it be wasted just like that?

With ambitious ambitions, I gazed at the two ugly faces of the Black and White Irregulars and clenched my hands into fists.

“From today onwards, you two hang out with me, I’ll bring you two to earn money and build a well-off hell in full!”


As soon as I said I would do it, I turned my head back to Yanluo Hall and found out the Yin Code and the hell ghost census manual to study it.

I have to say, although becoming a deity has become a heavier responsibility, there are still overall benefits.

For example, I can now read books at a glance.

After flipping through it hastily, I probably understood the hell system and the reason why the ghosts lived in such a downtrodden state.

As we all know, ghosts and monsters rely mainly on their relatives in the yang world to give them burnt paper in order to obtain negotiable currency.

However, the Code of Yin says that only one ghost per night can dream to their relatives to ask for offerings.

The Black and White Irregulars told me that originally this system was still very reasonable for the hell.

After all, more than a hundred years ago, the number of ghosts is not large, each ghost can even turn two or three times a year, coupled with the annual festivals of the living to give offerings, each ghost not to say that the developed can still have enough to eat.

But now no longer, some years ago, inflation, the netherworld also suffered some impact.

In addition, for the sake of the environment, it is now popular to send flowers to commemorate the death of a ghost.

Although the flowers are pretty, they can’t be used, and in the netherworld, they will be gone in two days.

I thought, this is a good idea, open the dream quota, want to be real money!

The next day, I wrote a new regulation on dream-consumption, stamped it with the seal of the King of Hell, and posted it on the wall of the Ghost World Castle with great fanfare.

The quota for dream-consigning was increased from 1 to 10 per night, and the duration of dream-consigning was extended from 3 to 5 minutes.

In the new regulations, the word “money” was circled. The emphasis is on money!

All the ghosts were eager to move, and the street, which had always been dead, became noisy.

White Impermanence stood in front of the new rule to maintain order, “Don’t argue! Hear me out! The first batch of pilot ghosts are looking for ghosts who have accumulated a lot of good karma in their lives. Those who feel they have done good deeds in life and in death can look for fellow ghosts on their own. A group of ten, sign up first, and we’ll send you to meet your relatives after we’ve checked and cleared you. But be careful not to look for old folks, just in case the mortals are overly concerned.”

Black Impermanence added: “Participation in this program is not free, you need to pay the corresponding handling fee, after dreaming of wealth over a certain amount also need to pay a certain amount of ghost income tax, any comments?”

Now they looked at each other in dismay and muttered secretly, “I didn’t see any charges for the previous quota, how come the new official charges for everything once he takes office?”

I had foreseen this situation and was not too worried.

There were a lot of ghosts, some of them muttered, and naturally some of them were eager to try.

So on the second day of the official release of the new regulations, the newly established Dream Token Main Office successfully received its first group of ghosts.

Each of the ghosts in the first group was meritorious, and the process of dream entrustment went smoothly.

As the new King of Hell, I was curious to observe the whole process and then took my little brother to visit other places in the ghost city.


I don’t know if you have ever burned paper.

People of the older generation would always recite the words, “××××This is the money for you to burn, come and get it”.

It is as if the spirits of their loved ones will really come and take the offerings for them.

In reality, however, there is no way for offerings burned in the sun to go directly to the ghosts; they usually arrive at the pavilion of offerings first, and are then distributed by the Yin soldiers in the pavilion.

It’s probably a more formal express delivery and collection center.

I took the black and white two little brother into the supply and maintenance pavilion, can not help but be inside the dilapidated scene miserable to.

I thought the guards at the door have been lax enough, I did not expect the Yin soldiers inside the pavilion is even more old fashioned, I have come in and still in the open to touch the fish to sleep.

In fact, you can still vaguely see that the Court has had glorious years in the past.

It is really down and out for a long time, the gray and cloudy inside the pavilion is not like a formal office unit, but like a wild temple in the mountains in general.

I can’t help but slander the last king of hell in my heart.

I was born to create a lifetime of business, success and failure, and finally rolled themselves to death, most see this kind of body of leadership.

Putting up the Yan King’s frame, I severely knocked the staff in the cabinet, the results were very remarkable, and I managed to attract several blank stares to myself.

But do I care? I don’t care.

The roll proved to be useful, see if I didn’t still become an official when I died?

Around the back of the Court of Provision is a large open space.

After all, the nature of the Court of Sustenance is special, nothing is not open to the general public.

Therefore, this can be regarded as the most empty piece of land inside the ghost city, the yellow weeds have grown as high as ghosts.

I am thinking about when the money to open up this piece of land to engage in a whole ghost fitness center, ears suddenly came a rustling sound.

It was coming from the weeds!

The black and white impermanence obviously also heard it, I try to make a wink towards them, brothers on!

They should be thinking that I am the king of Yan acting in this way is more or less a bit obscene, sharply rolled my eyes, followed by a loud shout: “Who’s there? Come out!”

I am dumbfounded, to give you a look to do expression is not to let you do not want to scare the snake ah?

Who wouldn’t run away if they heard you? Do you really think everyone else is stupid?

If I had a beard, I’m afraid I would have blown it up.

But I did not expect, there really are doudoune moncler.

When I was staring at him, I saw a young man wearing a blue short-sleeved shirt crawling and falling out of the bushes.

Well, although the posture of coming out was not very good, his appearance was rather clear.

His eyes were black and white, his nose was straight, his skin was white, and his hair was thick.

His clothes were worn out but still fresh, and his overall appearance was somewhat bookish.

In short, it doesn’t look like a bad guy.

After all, handsome to where are scarce resources, I gently asked: “What are you, why are you here?”

Which know that this little handsome boy is really wimpy, he shivered for half a day.

“I, I called, Liu, Liu Yun …….”

He fainted when he finished speaking.

It’s the first time I’ve realized that ghosts can also be stunned.

The black and white two dragged just picked up the coward and I skipped back to the Yama Temple, all the way back to earn enough rate of return.

Throw him in the hall and wait for a while or no sign of awakening, I have no patience.

“Blackie ah, give me to throw him into the prison, wake up before trial.”

Little black a command is about to move, originally still no movement of Liu Yun will groan to wake up.

It was really better to be in a hurry than to be in a hurry.

While he was still not completely awake, I slapped down the shocking wood: “Who is lying under the hall!

I took on the air of Lord Pao and gave him a fright.

Seeing that he was going to faint again, I scared him: “If he faints again, he will be dragged out and beaten directly.”

I scared him to death with one sentence.

He knelt squarely in the hall, still shivering, but he didn’t dare to faint.

“My name is Liu Yun.”

“What do you do at the Court?”


Hey, how dare you tell lies with your eyes open.

“Are you kidding me? A ghost needs to sleep?”

“No, no, Your Honor, I don’t dare to lie to you. I was an orphan, and I died not long after I finished college, sponsored by the community. After my death, I was all alone and homeless, so I used to sneak into the Court of Contributions to rest my eyes. It’s called sleeping, but, but it’s just passing time.”

“Then how do you explain that your name isn’t in the Ghost Mouth census manual?”

“I don’t know.” He was being coy, but he punched me hard.

“My name isn’t in the manual, isn’t it the case that the public officials in hell are not doing their job properly?”

Being reminded by him, I really remembered.

I signaled White Impermanence to attach his ear and asked quietly, “How many years do we take a census in hell?”

“Three years.”

“How many years has it been since then?”

“Six years.”

Okay, this kid has got it right.

“Why haven’t we checked for so many years?”

“It’s too tiring and unpaid. The investigator quit.”

That’s a very convincing reason.

I cleared my throat to hide my embarrassment, “Then tell me when did you die?”

“I, I died in 18, this is the third year.”

That’s a good match.

It seems that the ghost census should be put on the agenda, and I don’t know how many ghosts in the ghost town are not yet on the list.

If they are not on the list, it will affect their reincarnation!

But there’s no one to do this job!

I looked at the black and white beside me, and they were definitely not happy about it.

Although I am a capitalist at heart, I still have to consider the physical and mental health of my employees.

While I was worried, my eyes swept over the trembling white rabbit under the hall.

With a flash of inspiration, I asked excitedly, “You just said you went to college, right? What kind of college?”

He was a bit puzzled: “Yes, yes, it was 211.”

That’s great!

“Then, I will appoint you as the new ghost census officer, and you will be on duty now, and your main job is to conduct the ghost census. You’ll have a job.”

Liu Yun: “?

What kind of good thing is this?

The next day, Liu Yun and I were discussing how to conduct the census in the main hall when Black Impermanence walked in.

He came in just in time.

“Why did all the ghosts look at me so strangely when I went out today, as if I were some sort of a scourge. Is the dreaming to get rich program not going well?” I asked, gnawing on the tip of my pen.

When Black Impermanence heard this, his eyes were also a bit strange: “You still don’t know?”

“I don’t know yet.”

His face was expressionless: “Now it is said that you went to the Court of Provision the day before yesterday to look at a white boy, who knows the other side swore to die, so you asked me and the old white will be knocked out and sent into your boudoir will be like that for two days before he left the house.”

Black Impermanence speaks very fast, every word seems to be hot mouth.

Liu Yun was shaking like a sieve beside me, not knowing whether she was angry or ashamed.

I looked at them, then at the pen that had just fallen from my mouth, and still couldn’t hold back my anger!

“I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to stop myself from getting angry! Which son of a bitch dares to make up rumors about my aunt!


As we all know, the newly appointed Yan Wang is very generous and laughs off all kinds of slander.

In fact, as I thought about it, Liu Yun is really quite white, so I don’t lose out.

For the next month or so, I was obsessed with the money program, occasionally supervising the work of the Dream Token Office and Liu Yun.

It was said that within a few days of the first group’s dream entrustment, the Offerings Pavilion received a large number of offerings, which made the little ghosts who didn’t have a turn greedy.

The latter signed up even more enthusiastically, and the hell also has a sizable financial income.

On this day, I was supervising Liu Yun’s public accounts when Cui Ziyu came to my main hall.

Judge Cui is a very contrasting immortal.

Outsiders look at the horror of looks not angry and authoritative, really get along to realize that in fact, it is a geek who does not like to talk.

His name for me is also unique.

The first time I heard him call me Lu Yan when I thought he was not see outside directly call me by name, after understanding that he called is Lu Yan ……

“Lu Yan, although this ghost has never hurt people’s lives in his life, but his behavior is bad, and finally died accidentally at the hands of the victims, his life is not yet finished. I have specially escorted it here to ask you to show it to me.” He was all business.

I winked and ordered Liu Yun to present this person’s life book.

The ghost who was kneeling down and crying out for justice was named Zhang Weiguo, aged 36. He had a fierce look and did nothing for society when he was alive.

He grew up in a poor family and came to the city to work as an adult, but was repeatedly frustrated.

Later, he managed to marry a good wife who didn’t mind him being poor, but he was so unproductive that he didn’t treasure his wife even when he married her, and he beat her away.

Since then he has become more and more degenerate, alcoholism into sex, the anger in his heart has no way to vent it will turn his attention to the small animals around him. The fate of no less than ten small animals written in the book of death by his mutilation.

These small lives died with grudges, and eventually the grudges condensed into a fury, wandering around him day after day to torment his sanity, until he died.

Perhaps this man’s life is not yet over, and Judge Cui couldn’t decide, so he brought him to me.

“Where are those little lives now?” I asked Judge Cui.

His eyes contained compassion, seemed to have endless words to say, but in the end did not say a word.

He just gently lifted his sleeve, and a dozen or so little creatures that he had protected in his sleeve came out.

Sometimes the truth is more shocking than any words.

These small spirits originally is the heaven and earth nurturing spirit, now but one by one broken, some intestines hanging outside body full of burns, some limbs all disappeared, some blood was drained only a cat skin hanging on the body, there are also hair was pulled out all the naked, the body can be seen all the eye of a needle.

The crowd in the hall was so agitated that all the ghosts couldn’t stand to watch.

Zhang Weiguo was still full of anger, shouting grievances.

But when he saw the ghosts of these small animals, he shrunk his neck and looked fearful.

I heavily slapped down the shocking wood and suppressed the anger in my chest and said in a deep voice, “Zhang Weiguo, now that your murderer has come, do you have anything to say?”

He seemed to have suddenly realized that he was also a ghost and didn’t have to be afraid of a few beasts at all, so he straightened his back again.

“Lord Yama, I died unjustly. My life span is not yet over, I was scared to death by these beasts, I want to return to the sun!”

I laughed coldly: “Hmph, return to the sun? Did you murder them?”

He hesitated for a moment and said boldly, “So what if they were, so what if they were? They are just a bunch of animals, I have never killed anyone!”

“What, you think that there is no animal protection law in the Yang world, and the netherworld also recognizes your way of doing things?”

I threw down a stick, my voice containing anger, “Sentence Zhang Weiguo to the second, fifth, ninth, and eighteenth levels of hell, feel the pain he inflicted on other living beings, and spend the rest of his life in hell. Only after you’ve washed away your sins can you get a chance to be reincarnated. Drag it down!”

Ignoring Zhang Weiguo’s screams, I looked at Liu Yun, who basically did all the work now, and was naturally responsible for recording the case files.

I saw him writing quickly with a pen, his mouth tinged with a secret smile.

Turning my attention back to the group of little creatures huddled nervously in the hall, I said in a warm voice, “It’s not easy for you to roam around, and you’ve been brutally attacked by bad people, so I can cleanse you of your evil qi and pain and help you go back to your original form to be reincarnated, will you be willing to do that?”

When they heard this, their originally gray eyes lit up, and they were busy shaking their tails and nodding their heads.

I walked up to them and saw their miserable state more and more clearly.

I couldn’t bear to turn my face away and raised my hand to cast a spell to repair the injuries they had received one by one.

The process was so comfortable that one of the kittens even happily stomped on the ground to milk them.

After casting the spell, I squatted down to level with them.

“Although you are animals, you also have the possibility of being reincarnated as humans. However, since you injured Zhang Weiguo’s life, I can only be fair and deprive you of the right to be reincarnated as human beings. In your next life, you will still be reincarnated as animals.”

They looked at each other for a few moments, and one of them, a small white dog, said timidly, “Lord Yan, this is already enough.”

I stroked them one by one, told Liu Yun to find them a good birth, and ordered them to be taken to the Naihe Bridge.

Two quarters of an hour later, Liu Yun returned with Ox-Head and Horse-Face.

Unexpectedly, he was carrying in his arms a little orange cat that should have been reincarnated.

I was surprised and said, “Why are you still here?

He was very relaxed in Liu Yun’s arms and said with a flick of his tail, “I don’t want to be reincarnated! I want to stay in hell and be a Pokemon for the adults!


I couldn’t argue with a kitten, so I turned my attention to Liu Yun.

“You’re going to do it before you do it, aren’t you?” I narrowed my eyes.

His eyes drifted, “He begged me, but I couldn’t do it.”

“What’s your name?”

“Little Yellow.”

“You want to be my pet?” I asked.

Yellow wasn’t quite as relaxed as he had been a moment ago.

“No, I can’t? Then it’s okay to be his.” He looked at Liu Yun and said weakly.

My thoughts turned to the fact that it wasn’t impossible to keep a pet.

But hell doesn’t keep idle people, and naturally it doesn’t keep idle cats.

“Let’s do it this way: I’ll give you the title of Animal Guide. Normally, when Bull Head and Horse Face are on official business, you can follow them, they are too ugly and always scare the little ghosts. However, you don’t have a staff for the time being, it all depends on your performance.”

Little yellow listened to the two eyes glowing, probably did not expect to die after his own actually become a small official.

He clasped his two front paws and made a bow comically: “I will do a good job!

After settling down Xiao Huang, I pulled Liu Yun towards the main hall.

The program of dream entrustment has been progressing quite well for a while, and some ghosts’ family members in the Yangwang world have burned a lot of fresh things to come to the netherworld.

The one I envied most was Xiao Li, who now lives at the foot of the city.

He was not very old when he died, twenty-seven or eighty-eight years old, and he really died young.

His loved ones in the yangwang world even burned an iPhone 14 Pro for him!

I didn’t even get one from the King of Hell!

Other people also received a lot of different kinds of offerings, which was very interesting.

I heard that the phenomenon of bartering has now emerged.

I thought it would be fun to organize a flea market with Liu Yun.

I have always been a man of action and drafted a list of rules for the first flea market in the ghost world.

After Liu Yun and Cui judge’s unanimous approval, the black and white two ghosts took out to announce.

The flea market will be held one month later, giving everyone enough time to sign up, set up stalls and buy goods.

And it was clearly stated that the booth fees collected from the flea market stalls would all be used to support the lives of the lonely ghosts who had no one to offer them to.

That is, what is commonly known in the Yang world as the low-income households.

Strictly implement the first rich to lead the rich!

A group of ghosts cheered, and they all marveled that I was a small woman who really did something practical.

Many of the macho men who pushed me when I first took office have now closed their mouths.

Since the Pokemon stayed in the hell, my life is obviously interesting, no cell phone but I have a cat ah!

I have nothing to do, I will jerk the cat to play, the little yellow jerk to meow.

Every time, it was Liu Yun who couldn’t stand to watch and came to my rescue.

“Your Honor, you’re so boring. Why are you always ravaging Little Yellow?” he chided me disapprovingly. He blamed me disapprovingly.

I said, “What does it matter? He didn’t run away either, did he? To be a cat, you have to have cat virtues, I see that his cat virtues are generally helping him to cultivate!”

“I don’t want to, I’m a male cat, how can I let the opposite sex just touch me?”

Xiao Huang was jerked to the point that his tongue was half spit out, slowed down for half a day before speaking.

Liu Yun interrupted me just as I was about to retort: “There’s a soul to be hooked today, and Ox-Head and the others want to borrow Little Yellow, so they asked me to pick it up. Don’t bother Xiao Huang to accumulate Yin virtues!”

I resentfully withdrew my hands.

The ghost that Ox-Head brought back this time was a bit special, it turned out to be Zhang Weiguo’s mother, Wang Fang.

I looked at the old crone trembling and kneeling at His Highness and her biography, and I had to say, it’s not a family that doesn’t enter a family.

This old man who looked so kind, had two lives in her hands!

She had two sons and a daughter, Zhang Weiguo was the oldest, and there was also a young son and a second daughter.

Zhang Weiguo went to the city when he was young, and her second daughter was just 18 years old when she found a crippled man who was willing to pay a high bride price to marry him.

The bride price was all subsidized by her for her youngest son’s marriage.

The youngest daughter-in-law is a coward, the first child gave birth to a daughter, born the next day was Wang Fang suffocated alive.

The daughter-in-law has not yet been out of the month, and she was forced to live with her son in the same room.

Then really gave birth to a boy, but unfortunately not long because of maternal malnutrition underdevelopment has not been a full month on the death.

Since then she hated her daughter-in-law, thinking that it was her failure to give birth that caused her grandson to die, and tortured her every day.

It wasn’t long before her daughter-in-law, who was already weak, was tortured to death by her!

I angrily slapped down the shocking wood: “Wang Fang, you have successively killed your granddaughter and your daughter-in-law, admit it or not?”

She shivered, and like Zhang Weiguo, cried out: “I was forced to do it, Your Honor, have mercy on me, she gave birth to a money-loser, what can I do!

I didn’t even bother to listen to her, so I punished her according to the law and sent her to hell.

By the way, I also told her about Zhang Weiguo’s current situation, which is another kind of reunion.

I don’t think she knew her oldest son was dead.

Look at her heart like ashes like, I heart spit a hard deserved.

No longer look at her dead son’s face in pain, I complained in my heart Cui judgment, their own work lazy throw me, as much as to add to the problem!

Liu Yun did not think that there is such a person in the world, he looked distracted.

I was curious and went up to him.

“What are you thinking about?”

He was startled by me, his eyes flickered in shock and said, “Sir, what are you doing?”

Little yellow is lying on his side napping, tail wagging.

I looked at the heart itchy, a fish up his sitting cross-legged next to Liu Yun, pretending not to notice the appearance asked: “What did you just think of it so out of focus?


He looked at me straight in the eyes, half a day before saying: “I just think, all beings are suffering.”

“Why do you make it sound as if you are a sage who has just entered the world? Are you pitying that old woman?” he hastened to defend himself.

He hurriedly defended, “Of course not! I just feel pity for the woman who was killed by her and the two newborn children.”

I jerked a handful of my recently more and more oily Xiao Huang, and said calmly, “What’s so strange about that, haven’t you heard less of this kind of thing when you were a human being? Weren’t you yourself an unwanted orphan?”

He froze again before nodding as if reacting.

I handed him Little Yellow and patted the non-existent fur on my body to stand up, “Don’t be lazy, get up we’re going to inspect the work.”

Recently the hell is not peaceful, there are always incidents of lost brats.

Little Li from City Foot had been taken captive, luckily he had high technology at hand and rang his cell phone to lure the Black and White Irregulars to save his life as they passed by.

According to him, it was a very sinister and brutal force.

Little Li was an ordinary little ghost, and everything was fine with his birthdate.

The other captive ghosts were just as unexceptional.

We couldn’t figure out the criminal pattern and purpose of the person who did it even if we thought about it.

We could only increase the number of patrols and manpower every day to wait for him to show up again.

Half a month passed and nothing similar happened again.

“Your Honor, the lost brats have not been found yet. We have searched the entire ghost world.” White Impermanence reported to me.

I turned the brush on my hand, the Hellmouth uses brushes to approve documents.

I don’t know how to use it at all, but I’ve been learning how to write from Liu Yun lately.

Pretending that I didn’t see the ink spots on Liu Yun’s body, I asked in a deep voice, “Have you searched the entire ghost world?”


“Did the murderer reveal anything?”

“No, my lord, Black Impermanence and I have searched every corner of the ghost world. If it can make Little Li feel evil as a ghost, it must be demonic energy, but there is really no sign of demonic energy in the ghost world.”

White Impermanence and I were puzzled.

Liu Yun, who was helping me as an ox to grade official letters, saw our distressed faces and hesitated for a while, “Is it possible that that person is not from the ghost world?”

“What do you mean?”

“What if that demonic energy originates from the earth?”

This possibility really hadn’t occurred to White Impermanence and me.

There is a difference between humans and ghosts, we are two worlds, even though I just died not long ago, as the King of Hell, I have long since carved this prohibition into my bones.

“Why do you think so?”

There was a bit of compassion between his brows.

“I was just thinking, could it be that those cases we took up before, that kind of inhuman tactics, were the result of people being corrupted by demonic qi?”

I tugged at the corner of my lips, thinking that there was something so naive about him that it was adorable, “Why are you so confident in humans?”

I didn’t believe him with my mouth, but what he said wasn’t out of the realm of possibility.

After considering it carefully for a long time, I still sent White Impermanence to the earth to investigate.

White Impermanence went there for a few days, but there was no news.

I waited anxiously, fearing that there would really be something strange on earth, and that White Impermanence would also fold there.

Fortunately, on the fifth day, he came back.

“Sir, I went to the earth and found nothing in the first few days. When I was about to come back, I suddenly thought of the two cases mentioned by Liu Yun, so I went to Zhang Weiguo’s hometown. I really found a clue!”

I snatched the cup of tea from his hand and urged him, “Don’t pretend, you’re a ghost drinking ghost tea, tell me!

Liu Yun stifled her laughter, and White Impermanence was also a bit embarrassed: “Ahem, this is not to let me take a breath! Okay, okay, it’s just that Zhang Weiguo’s old house isn’t right.”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“The feng shui is not right. It seems to have been tampered with. Even the kindest person who lives there for a long time will turn into a big bully. I went to Wang Fang’s youngest son’s house and found that he seems to be practicing some kind of evil kung fu with his own father.”

“You didn’t take him?”

He gave me a blank look: “Look at what you said, I am an impermanent ghost who locks up souls, how can I take him before he is dead. Besides, that person’s Kung Fu is very evil, I can’t make sure I’m foolproof, how can I scare the snakes?”

I grunted and laughed twice, looking askance at him: ”That’s nice to hear, but it turns out that you can’t beat him yourself! Hey, why don’t you just say it earlier, you’re talking nonsense.”

He hemmed and hawed and laughed: “Sir, I have always hooked only the souls of the dead, this ……”.

“Okay, if you look like this, the Mona sees you, she will not like you any more!”

When he heard this, his eyes immediately glared, and his long tongue was retracted, as if he had been greatly frightened.

“Big, big man, how do you know that I am interested in Mona ……?”

Liu Yun seemed surprised as well, he had been here for so long and hadn’t seen that Bai Wuyun had any thoughts about Meng Woman.

Both of them were staring at me with wide eyes. The appearance of White Impermanence in his ghost form was really a bit hurtful to the eyes, not to mention the way his eyes were staring out of the window now.

I immediately turned my head to look at Liu Yun, or a white, clean and gentle handsome man eye-catching.

He is thin-skinned, look at me straight hook eyes some shy, face is red.

Only then did I laugh: “Ask so many questions? Go to earth!”


In fact, I don’t have to go on this trip, the Judge is not a vegetarian.

But since I became the King of Hell, I haven’t seen the earth for a long time, and I miss it.

So I arranged for Judge Cui to take care of the hell, and I brought my men up here.

Unfortunately, the landing place was not very good, and I accidentally got into someone’s bathroom.

Damn Xie Bian, said that the location he gave would never be wrong!

This also do not know who is the home, decorating antique, not like a poor family.

Xie Bian this kid will not play us, how this is not like Zhang Weiguo’s family can have the economic level ah.

Liu Yun and I are skeptical, ready to go out to find out.

A young woman walked in with a bamboo basket in her hand.

Luckily, there was a closet here, so Liu Yun and I immediately dodged in.

The girl didn’t treat us as outsiders and started to undress as soon as she came in.

Liu Yun and I are stuck in the closet door looking out, and suddenly a piece of white flesh.

He instantly had an earthquake in his pupils, and swished his eyes back.

I teased him with a wink and a wink, and he turned red in the face and ignored me.

There is nothing to see in a woman’s bath, and Liu Yun’s reaction is more interesting to me.

There is not much space in the closet, although it can fit both of us, but it is not generous, and inevitably there are some physical contact.

Every time I moved, his face turned a little redder.

This was too innocent!

Reaching out a hand to hook his collar, I leaned in close to his cheek and said in an airy voice, “Why are you so shy? Never been in love?”

Now, his ears and neck turned red.

I laughed in my heart, but on the face of a look of surprise: “God, you’re not so old that you’ve never even seen a movie, right?

His eyes fluttered and he glanced at me and asked in the same breath, “What kind of movie?”

“That kind of movie. The kind where men and women strip naked and fight with goblins.”

I got a little close to him as I spoke, and could clearly see the tiny beads of sweat seeping from his head.

His throat rolled a little, as if he was a little nervous about the distance between him and me right now.

My mind went blank for a moment, and by the time I reacted, my fingers had already touched the knot of his throats.

Shocked, Liu Yun held my hands and wrists and pressed them against the cabinet, and with a “bang”, we both froze.

“I’m not sure what I’m talking about, but I’m not sure what I’m talking about,” he said. The woman outside also heard the commotion, and the sound of water paused.

I immediately pinched a spell to hide myself and Liu Yun, who was on top of me.

I also threw a sound transmission spell to the door, and the sound of “woof woof” immediately came from outside the bathroom door.

The woman seemed to be relieved, and then she scolded in a delicate voice, “Big Black, it’s you again! If you dare to look around outside again, I’ll beat you up when I get out!”

If this is really Zhang Weiguo’s hometown, it’s only natural that there are two dogs in the village.

Putting my heart down, I finally realized that my posture with Liu Yun was very indecent.

But in the end, I was the one who messed with him first, so I really don’t have the face to blame him.

I said, “I didn’t know you were so unruly”, but my hands gently struggled twice.

Liu Yun was shy and did not refute me, but once he removed the force from his hand, he returned to a relatively safe distance.


The two of us stayed honest for a while, and the woman finally finished washing.

But we forgot that we are now in the closet.

Outside the woman naked toward us, Liu Yun has been so ashamed that she completely turned around.

Fear of seeing what should not see the picture.

I also as a woman is nothing to be ashamed of, and even appreciated the other side of the exquisite body.

“Don’t be shy, let’s go out!”

I pushed the side of the Liu Yun, small virgin today to the whole autistic.

I took the Concealment Technique and led him out, making fun of him as I went: “You’ve more or less gotten the better of me, right? The girl didn’t even say anything.”

The place where we are now is a very large courtyard, jumping up the wall, we can see that the outside is really a poor countryside.

It seems that this is Zhang Weiguo’s hometown.

I just don’t know how I came to this house.

Liu Yun still minded what I said just now, he followed me to leap out of the courtyard wall, and said seriously with a red face, “Sir, you can’t say that, she doesn’t know anything, we trespassed on her private land, and we almost saw her naked, it’s already very inhumane.”

He was splitting hairs for the girl in his words, and although every word was reasonable, I was somehow a little upset in my heart.

“Didn’t you see everything? What do you care?”

My tone was a little angry, but he didn’t hear it at all.

Just as he was about to say something to refute me, a male voice suddenly rang out.

I immediately raised my hand to stop it, signaling him to shut up.

That coarse male voice was maniacal in its eagerness: ”Cui’er, wait for me, I’ve done what the old fairy said, that old bastard doesn’t have a few days left! I’m about to get lucky. When I have money in my hand, I’ll immediately ask your parents for marriage!

The voice came from the courtyard gate.

I quietly peeked in, and it was the same girl.

Beside her was a short, swarthy man.

Cui’er looked at him askance, although there was a smile on her face, the smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes, on her lips she still said softly, “Brother Baoqiang, I’ll be waiting for you, there are only a few days left, our good days are ahead of us.”

Baoqiang? This is Zhang Weiguo’s younger brother, Zhang Baoqiang!

In fact, even without saying his name, Liu Yun and I could guess his identity.

His evil aura, combined with what he said just now, is completely consistent with what White Impermanence said when he reported back that Zhang Baoqiang was practicing evil kung fu with his father.

I gave Liu Yun a wink, signaling to follow Zhang Baoqiang later.

He frowned and looked at me and nodded.

Cui’er looked like she didn’t want to get tired of him either, so she casually said a few words and sent him home.

I once again pinched a trick, and Liu Yun tailed him back home.

Along the way, except for Cui’er’s house, all the other houses were adobe houses.

We thought that this place is really not rich.

But to Zhang Baoqiang their home, only to know what is really poor.

Surprisingly, it is a thatched hut ……

I am staggered, this is a mountain village, mud, wood and stone are not money.

How lazy is this family, even a better house is not willing to build!

Just see Zhang Baoqiang entered the house, did not look at lying on the bed out of breath more in less of his own father, but instead first ran to the only table in the house.

The table is long and narrow, with two blood-red incense candles on it, and a doll in the center.

The doll looks very strange, above the neck is empty, head between the legs.

Its face was lit with two piles of red, its eyes were curved and seemed to be smiling, but the corners of its mouth were deflated downward, like it was crying.

Zhang Baoqiang worshiped it twice, turned around and took the knife to cut open his father’s wrist, and used the bowl to catch a small half bowl of blood.

Not caring that his father was huffing and puffing in pain, he quickly cut open his middle finger again and dripped a drop of blood into the bowl.

After shaking it slightly twice he tilted his head back and drank it all in one go.

But instead of swallowing, he walked over to the doll and rushed it’s head and sprayed it in one gulp.

Bright red blood sprinkled stars on top of the bizarre head, which at first glance looked like a marijuana.

But in an instant, the blood was all gone, and the doll returned to its original clean appearance.

And as visible to the naked eye, its mouth stretched into a straight line.

Zhang Baoqiang wasn’t scared when he saw such a change and smiled with his eyebrows raised.

Liu Yun and I looked at each other and saw doubt in each other’s expressions.

What kind of method is this for raising a small ghost that is unheard of?

Before we could take a closer look, the doll had already laughed shrilly.

“Again and again and again!”

Zhang Baoqiang was not afraid to see the doll speak, but instead became more fervent.

Another half bowl of blood.

“Again and again and again!!!”

The voice was shrill and piercing, piercing my brain.

I was thinking of poking around in the dark, but Father Zhang’s throat was making ho-ho-ho sounds, and it looked like he was going to die.

No more waiting.

Pushing Liu Yun away, I broke through the door.

With a slap, I knocked Zhang Baoqiang to the ground.

Handing Zhang’s father over to Liu Yun, I went to grab the doll at the first opportunity.

I thought that the doll had been infiltrated by evil spirits for a long time, but I didn’t realize that it could still fly.

In the blink of an eye, it was about to escape from my eyes.

I made a seal with both hands, and a cover covered it.

“Hmph, let’s see where you’re going to run.”

I was about to go and pick it up to interrogate it properly when an old Taoist with white hair and a few Taoist-looking bones appeared out of thin air.

He grabbed the doll and looked at me with fierce and vicious eyes.

“Where did you come from, yellow-haired girl, dare to find out my business!”

“Are you the one practicing evil kung fu on this village to harm the living?”

I asked with a cold snort.

“A living person? You’re the Ghostbusters?”

This Taoist priest had some experience and knew that we were from hell just by our name.

Neither Liu Yun nor I said anything.

He narrowed his small eyes and laughed viciously, “It’s really no trouble at all. I was just about to go and catch you guys, but you came to my door.”

After saying that, he rose up in a storm and came to grab me.

A dog is more sexist than a Taoist priest.

Seeing me as a girl, he thinks I’m easy to bully.

My eyes were cold, and I immediately made a trick.

I caught him off guard.

“You’re not an ordinary ghostbuster!”

He said in a deep voice as he looked at the spell that was glowing with golden light.

With my eyes, I signaled Liu Yun to take Zhang’s father and son out of the room and bullied my way towards the old Taoist priest.

He was really something, and I was afraid that the Black and White Irregulars were no match for him.

But he was unlucky to meet me.

After ten moves, the Taoist priest could no longer hold out.

Cui’er suddenly rushed out, crying and begging me to spare her grandfather.

Good, arrest them all.

Liu Yun hid in the bushes next to me.

I turned my head and beckoned him over.

He carried a Zhang family member in one hand as easily as if he were carrying two chicks.

This image poked my funny bone, but before I could laugh out loud, there was a sudden stabbing pain in the middle of my skull.

The voice of the sinister doll reappeared in my mind.

My mind was unsteady and I planted myself on my knees.

Although I knew that it was the Taoist priest behind me who was up to no good, I couldn’t care less.

In the nick of time, Liu Yun threw away the Zhang family’s father and son in his hands and lunged towards me with a cold and stern look to protect me.

This was the first time I saw such an expression on his face.

With a loud explosion, the Taoist priest fell to the ground with his face covered in blood.

The doll in his hand was even more pulverized and splattered.

Liu Yun’s face was gloomy and he lost his mind and picked up Cuier by the neck.

I was about to kill him, but I slapped him on the back of the head and woke him up.

Snapped, Cui’er fell to the ground and fainted.


There are too many people fainted, I’m too lazy to carry them.

Summoned Bull Head and Horse Face to take them to hell.

After everything was dealt with, the case of the missing ghost mouth was finally solved, and I was so tired that I directly paralyzed on the desk.

Liu Yun carefully stood beside me.

“Sir, if you are tired, go rest on the couch for a while.”

I opened my eyes and looked straight at him, “Liu Yun, who exactly are you?”


I remembered everything.

It turned out that I had been reincarnated for ten fucking lifetimes.

I was just a carefree little palace eunuch in the sky. Suddenly one day the Jade Emperor summoned a group of palace eunuchs and said that as long as someone insisted on being a self-sacrificing good person in every life, he would let her become an immortal.

In fact, it was all just an excuse for the Jade Emperor to lay off his staff.

But I was born with a solid heart, and I really did it.

Even in my last life, although I rolled up and died, I ended up being smashed to death by a flowerpot that fell from upstairs in order to save a child.

But I didn’t expect that the Jade Emperor, the old man, was so thievish that he wiped my memory and sent me directly to hell!

Liu Yun, ah no, it’s Liu Yun, I don’t know why he came with me.

As soon as I regained my memory, I recognized him–

The only son of the Immortal Sifu, he is handsome and has an affectionate look on his face.

Who could not recognize him?

Sure enough, Liuyun and I confided everything.

He touched his nose and was a bit embarrassed, “I overheard the Jade Emperor’s arrangement for you, so I wanted to come down to see what this unlucky and bitter laborer is like.”

Knockli well!

Seeing my ugly expression, he finally realized that what he did was not human, and hurriedly explained:

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to lie to you. At first, I just wanted to see what was going on, but then I really liked you.”

I quietly looked at his sudden confession, a did not hold back or directly threw him out.

“Tell that dog Jade Emperor that I quit!”

Liuyun didn’t know if he had brought my words to the Jade Emperor, but anyway, I just swung for the fences from then on.

I didn’t bother with anything serious, and pushed everything I could to Judge Cui.

He was so busy that he didn’t even have time to jerk off Xiao Huang.

After half a month like this, the Jade Emperor finally got impatient.

The mortal world can’t live without a king, and the hell naturally can’t live without a king of hell.

He showed his real body in front of me and said in a serious tone, “Lu Yan, I know you are not happy in your heart, but I can’t help it.”

I know you’re upset, but I can’t help it.” “You can’t help it, so you can lie to me? You even erased my memory, you old six!”

The Jade Emperor was at a disadvantage, he was scolded by me and couldn’t say anything back, “Keep on doing your job, when I find the next suitable candidate, I’ll let you fly up to become an Immortal, okay?”

I was not moved, he continued to lure me, “And I will give you a big gift tomorrow, I guarantee you will be satisfied.”

I was moved, and originally wanted to make some more demands.

But the Jade Emperor’s face was stern, he stroked his goatee, “Just take it as it comes, Lu Yan.”

I skimmed my lips, okay.


I thought it was some kind of big gift.

Damn, the Jade Emperor even directly sent Liu Yun packing back.

With ten miles of red makeup behind him.

This is great, everyone knows that the Immortal World and the Earth are joined in marriage.

The stupid handsome guy Liuyun smiled from ear to ear as he held the wedding dress that took the weaver half a month to make.

“Lu Yan, I’ve come to marry you.”


It’s like this, what’s the point of leaving.

I was moved and speechless, and finally resigned myself to handing over my hand to him.

He held his hand tightly, and this hold is a sea of change.


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