20. The second villain is losing his personality

The second villain has lost his persona

Non-Sense: Seeing You at the Right Time for Love

I wore a book and dressed as a very beautiful passerby.

I was selling flowers when the male lead was chasing the female lead, selling cars when the female lead was running away, and selling love counseling when the male lead was chasing his wife to the crematorium.

Until one day, the blackened villain appeared in front of me, he pinched my chin, and his handsome face floated with a dangerous smile.

“What kind of counseling? I happen to know some.”

“Do not disturb,” I do not believe in evil, inspirational on line, “…… I am just passing through the world plot points to make money passerby.”

When the male lead’s courtship video is scheduled to be placed on the big screen of the advertisement in a city, I am comfortably reclining in the boss chair watching the floor window counting.

Five, four, three ……

Ding, your cell phone arrived 5.21 million yuan.

The butler said respectfully from the side: “Missy, would it be a bit black hearted for us to do this.”

After all, the original price was only 520,000 yuan, but it has increased ten times for no reason.

This is no longer the category of black heart, this is a black hole, I also strange, looking at the circle of friends show love to the hero and heroine sighed quietly: “The days are cool, how Gu’s not bankrupt.

The ancient language bully total romance novel standard, male surnamed Gu female surnamed Su, a night of deep love, turn around for three years with two children, the bully chased to the hand, the white moonlight back to the country, the universal green tea love to pick a fight, and then chased his wife to the crematorium.

Then I passed by in all the plot points, the first male and female main first encounter I sold indescribable in front of the hotel, the second male chasing the female main I sold 9999 roses, the third city wanted, I knocked open the unsleeping male main loan bought Rolls Royce lend him.

He has all these, just I just happened to appear.

So by familiarizing myself with the novel’s story line, I already have no idea about making money, the only bit of happiness is to try to make Gu go bankrupt.

Just …… just the author ah, the male lead’s money is a bottomless pit? I have earned tired, how he still has so much money to build ah.

I was in pain, the phone vibrates, is the male lead Gu Cheng’s: “Tsk, I suddenly realized that you and the last time to sell me fireworks female is a person.”

Chat list not deleted messages are still on the top of the pendulum, I Ge Yu paralyzed, already do not doubt the male lead IQ.

Sick star people, I clicked back a “six”.

A new friend request popped up underneath, an extremely pretentious black avatar with a blank name.

“Got a deal. You want to talk about it?”

This person has a cat cake it, has been back and forth to add me a day, I refused, serious back: “…… I recently anorexia money, do not talk about it.

Black avatar: “Are you ready?”

I: “Of course.”

I had just turned off my cell phone when my top floor, transparently designed office was slammed by a helicopter for no apparent reason.

The butler was stunned, the sound was abrupt, and broken glass cut across my heels.

The helicopter came to a planned stop in front of one of the doors that had been slammed open, only to see men in shiny black leather shoes descending from it and walking up to me one at a time.

The sickly handsome man in front of me put a smile on his white face and towered over me, his voice hoarse with laughter:- “Hello, can we talk now?”

I gulped and cozied up:“There’s a door behind me.”

Jin Sibei narrowed his eyes and smiled, pinched my chin and forced me to look at him, letting his voice fall clearly in my ears: “Too common, I don’t like it.”

I sighed, sick star person plus one.

I sat on one side of the elongated conference table and asked in a serious manner, “First of all, out of courtesy, what’s your last name?”

His jaw was slightly closed: “Jin Sibei.”

I was blinded by zero point two, that is not the novel love but can not be gentle male second, in front of this sick and dead ghost like people are …… gentle?

Author you have some kind of misunderstanding about gentleness right.

Jin Sibei face grim, smiled:¡°What is it?

Heart snowing, I smiled:¡°Nothing.

So he sent someone to list out a PPT of the male lead stuff I have sold over the years, the man vividly and vividly recounted my arduous history of making a fortune over the years, and then talked about my ten thousand dollar sale of loving counseling to the male lead.

My eyes were suddenly covered by shadows, Jin Sibei showed all his beauty in front of my eyes, drawing close to me and hooking up his lips, breathing like orchids:¡°What is love counseling, or are you very good at seducing people?

I honestly denied it: “As I see it, it’s you who is better at it.”

Jin Sibei lowered his head and pinched my chin up, his eyelashes fluttered as he looked me up and down: “What exactly do you know that Gu Cheng can’t stay away from you until now.”

I sighed, no more pretending, showdown.

So I raised a big smile: “Seriously, I can tell fortunes.”

Jin Sibei paused: “Oh? Then what do you think I’m missing?”

I ummed and ahhed: “…… lack of love.”

I am now in Jin Si Bei’s private villa doubting life. Seriously, how can this world be full of psychopaths?

Who would tie someone home just because I said I lacked love ……

I also let people tutor love and learn math, I scratched my ears and wanted to turn into the Monkey King, but unfortunately I was only left with an empty one.

Jin Sibei bathrobe slightly spacious, revealing firm muscles, freshly bathed men’s breath on the face, he frowned, the nth time to remind me to concentrate.

I cried, wanting to cry, “Does it have to be high math?”

A bunch of bits and pieces of numbers piled up in a foreign language gave me a headache, can you call this math!!!! It is simply unbelievable!!!

Under the night light, the small mole on the bridge of Jin Shi Bei’s nose was shaking, his eye lashes were arched, and his lips hooked up in an arc: “I can do some math too, but it’s science.”

Good for you.

I’ve come here to teach me to clean up my act, but I really know your destiny, so I took a deep breath to get out of this situation.

“Jin Si Bei, there is a peach blossom tree in your backyard, under the tree there is peach blossom wine that your grandfather buried for decades.” He narrowed his eyes, “I lost it.

He narrowed his eyes, “Lost it, did you steal it?”

I felt blood in my throat and had some trouble explaining, “Lost, lost?”

…… not abandon and not give up, I gritted my teeth and continued to power: “Then you picky eaters, don’t eat meat with bones.”

He looked at me lazily: “You investigate me.”

I spit blood: “…… We met for the first time yesterday.”

“What if you already have a crush on me,” Jin Sibei’s dark pupils looked at me slyly, “These can’t be stopped, what else do you know?”

How come this kid just doesn’t believe in metaphysics.

I gritted my teeth, I had no choice, I enlarged the trick, “Then you were sixteen years old and secretly looked at the colorful ones, in your dreams, well.”

My mouth was blocked with a hand, I whimpered and was powerless to resist, Jin Sibei got closer, his complexion was cold and white, the impact of his appearance was now explosive.

“You can say more, I’ll think about the way you die.”

His voice was low and magnetic, and his seductive power was maxmax.

I described woeful, that night he forced to learn a high math problem, Jin Sibei before leaving deliberately smiled and said: “Tch, believe in science.”

I could only wait for him to leave in the house impotent rage: “Then you kidnapped good citizens to your home for what!

In the hallway Jin Sibei’s voice was broken, but unusually clear.

“I lack love.”

I hadn’t slept a wink all night and gave the butler an explanation of what to prepare for the hero next, which included a week-long trip to his and the heroine’s lonely island.

You chase me and I run away, it’s hard to escape, I understand.

“Missy how on earth do you know what young master Gu lacks.”

“I …… know how to tell fortunes.”

I can’t find any other reason other than this one that seems to make people trust me.

The butler immediately returned a big thumbs up.

After a while the butler organized and sent our company’s three year settlement statement.

“But why do we only earn Young Master Gu’s money?”

Good question.

When I first crossed over there was a system called the System that told me that I could earn back the money I spent on the time travel machine by emptying the male lead, and that I could convert the rest of the balance into cash.

It’s unethical, but the male lead’s aura will reconvert more money and power for him after I’m gone ……

Damn it, I’m poor as a dog in the real world, I died suddenly from working, and in the novel I have to live a new life to work for the male lead to earn money for the journey home.

Other people travel through the rebirth of the golden finger, system space a large, to my golden finger only my residual memory, but also for the male lead service.

I remember the beginning of the opportunity to be a passer-by beside Gu Cheng which can be my turn, fortunately, beauty plus sincerity is a sure-fire way to kill, after grabbing this npc to change the next, finally in my diligent operation, I turned over to open the company, with the most majestic and domineering posture took out a set of contracts flung to Gu Cheng, Miss Manners-style smile.

“Hello, only open to you intimate company to understand.”

So I’m trying really hard, woo hoo hoo.

Just as I was about to type out the words “I want to go home,” a red unread with a black avatar popped up on my cell phone screen.

“You’re making a lot of noise, the network is off.”

The signal disappeared abruptly, my jaw dropped, what kind of strange reason is this, is Jin Sibei able to see my cell phone screen?

What kind of strange reason is this? Can Jin Sibei see my cell phone screen?

In the morning, I had dark circles under my eyes, Jin Sibei came downstairs in a loose robe, seeing me like this, he leaned on the stairway and said lazily, “What’s wrong, Miss Lai?”

I said righteously, “You told me to go back.”

He wrapped the robe, did not return to me, and then long legs down the stairs towards the restaurant: “You rented an island to Gu Cheng?”

I really couldn’t help it, “Are you a pervert, actually peeking at other people’s cell phones!”

Jin Sibei paused, his eyes landed on me and let out a snort that didn’t match the true beauty of human beings:“Li Sugar, I, Jin Sibei, really want to look at something, you don’t even have a chance to take the cell phone.”

Have to say …… good sense ……

He naturally hooked over my shoulder towards the restaurant: “Is there any possibility that I know because the island you rented is my family’s property.”

I froze for two seconds, “So?”

Jin Sibei was supposed to be the second male, so it couldn’t be that he liked Su Sheng so much that he had to secretly trip Gu Cheng, but I remembered that his love line was supposed to be the film and television student who was still studying hard and was called Song Mi Chi.

He swept his eyelashes diagonally toward me, the tip of his tongue slowly resting against his left cheek, “So you can rent this island for free and earn Gu Cheng five million dollars for nothing, as long as you leave it to me as a housekeeper next.”

As if he had completely figured out my lifeblood, Jin Sibei quickly threw out the next bait.

“How about staying for a week?”

In other words, if Gu Cheng goes to the island and travels with Su Sheng, I only need to stay here for a week and I will earn 5 million dollars for no reason at all.

I looked at him skeptically, “Is it that good? What do you want?”

“Well, my grandfather found peach blossom wine last night.”

My guard instantly fell apart, and my whole body raised its eyebrows, “Someone believed in science yesterday, now he has to believe in me, right?”

“On the contrary,” Jin Si Bei settled down at the breakfast table, his white handsome face with deep black eyes looked at me tenderly, “I am now highly skeptical of you, and I need to keep you by my side in order to feel at ease.”

My full of confidence, “…… pawn.”

Jin Sibei brought me to his company, a building full of creatures turning back frequently as my heels clattered around him.

Jin Sibei is the boss of the biggest showbiz movie and television company, and because of his long and sinister face and countless family business and property, he has easily become the dream in the hearts of countless young girls in the city of A. The posters on the upper floor briefly attracted a lot of attention.

The conspicuous posters upstairs briefly caught my attention. Hey, Lin Xunyi’s debut concert is actually tonight, I knocked on the arm of the person next to me and couldn’t help but dramatize: “In a moment, your future fiancée is going to show up,” said Su Sheng.

Su Sheng’s favorite male celebrity is Lin Xunyi, Gu Cheng, a jealous man, chose to take Su Sheng on a week-long trip to an isolated island in order to prevent her from going to see him, and Lin Xunyi’s concert is accompanied by Song Mei Chi, who is going to show up in front of Jin Sibei later on and take the initiative to request not to go.


Because she as a backup dancer was framed, then Jin Sibei was attracted to her, will naturally contribute to the sub-cp relationship line.

The president’s exclusive elevator stopped in front of him, Jin Sibei’s hand pressing the elevator gave a beat: “Lai sugar, you are so noisy.”

I didn’t think so, thinking that Jin Sibei doesn’t believe in evil.

However, sudden screams rose up, something floated over, and Jin Sibei’s suit pants were violently hugged by an unknown object.

Jin Si Bei’s form trembled as I held him up and gave him a ‘calm down’ look, indicating that the drama was well within my range.

Let me see what the future woman who mesmerized the pervert Jin Si Bei looked like, the next instant I froze in place, my lips trembling.

“…… Six.”

Jin Si Bei’s “fiancée” was held hostage by the security guards to reveal her true face, and the little fat glasses guy was in tears and snot.

He was crying so hard.

“Jin Si Bei, look at me.”

He grimaced and dragged me into the elevator with great force.

The air in the elevator was thin and Jin Sibei’s long eyelashes narrowed as he pressed me against the corner of the elevator, “Lai Sugar, whose fiancée is this?”

“Yours? Or mine?”

Word by word, pinning me to the pillar of shame.

I trembled, only to dig in and throw out more clues: “Didn’t you have a neighbor when you were a kid, she was the one who gave you warmth on cold days when you were about to freeze to death.”

Oooooooooh, the author gave him a beautiful strong miserable persona.

Jin Sibei sounded dangerous: “What’s the name?”

Breathing closer and closer, I trembled back: “Song Mei Chi.”

The person in front of me laughed coldly:¡°Very well, she and I don’t know each other except from the beginning to the end, I guess we are all married in the trigrams you are counting.”

I nodded my head frantically, that was indeed the case in the novel ah.

The elevator opened slowly with a “ding” sound, Jin Sibei’s butler looked at us and his pupils dilated, I pushed him away with a hot face.

Jin Sibei loosened his tie and stepped out with his long legs.

His butler seemed to have followed him since he was a child, I stopped him and asked quietly, “Uncle, do you know Song Mei Chi?”

Jin Sibei’s butler, surnamed Chen, respectfully returned to me: “Ms. Lai, I’ve never heard of her.”

I still didn’t die, “Then was his childhood home in the Peaceful District?”

Butler Chen replied to me politely, “Miss Lai, the neighborhood you mentioned doesn’t seem to be within my memory, and…” Our young master has never lived in a neighborhood, it’s all single-family villas, and he likes it quiet.

After saying that he went in, leaving me alone in the same place leaving tears of poverty, damn it, I’m damned ah.

At the same time, a new message came from my cell phone.

Gu Cheng sent a photo of him and Su Sheng, still he was bright as the wind, Su Sheng in his arms was full of reluctance, immediately after that he sent a voice, flaunting smugness: “Thank you, my wife loves it here.”

The mood is unpleasant, uniformly categorized as love brain.

The system in my brain coldly appeared: “Hello host, the protagonist Gu Cheng balance is only 100 million left, please continue to cheer oh.”

I was shocked and covered my mouth, days, the original time how much money Gu Cheng spends the system can only say that it can’t be viewed, now there is actually only 100 million left.

I simply want to cry.

Gu cheng, your happiness is my motivation to go home, tears ~

If you are more affectionate, it’s okay for me to go through fire and water.

Jin Sibei voice God did not realize that appeared in front of me, the man’s eyelashes raised to look at me: “Lai sugar, you talk a lot.”

I don’t care to make a sound, and I went into his office by myself.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the scenery, my mind trying to recall Gu Cheng may need to arrange the next, my brain storm action, raise my eyes, see the window reflected JinShiBei handsome face pale.

I was startled, “What, what are you doing.”

Jin Sibei’s hand holding the high math tutorial questions trembled and suddenly fell uncontrollably downwards, I couldn’t even think before I brought him into my arms.

“Can you stop thinking.”

The man in my arms dropped his breath all over my shoulder, his words weak and feeble.

I froze, “What do you mean?”

Jin Sibei paused and took a deep breath, “No, you stepped on my foot.”

I let out an “ah” and hurriedly moved away.

The weak JinShi Bei let me help him to the senior chair in the president’s office, and then pulled me to sit aside and took out the high math problems with a trembling hand.

His face was pale, “Come, I’ll teach you to learn.”

I paused, speechless to silent, smiled and spoke:¡°I’m learning this is going to increase your life expectancy, JinShi Bei?”

Jin Sibei was sickly: “You have to know it to be my housekeeper.”

Nuts, this is just nuts.

Yet my hand was squeezed to death, Jin Sibei slowly raised his head and lifted his bright face in an inexplicably pathetic way.



Sun dusk and dusk, learn to the end I have no spirit, JinShiBei but like a transformation, radiant, he in my side to support the head, in my meditation, he curved lips gently ruffled my greedy hair.

“If you don’t learn well now, there will be plenty of suffering for you later.”

My mind fell into a dead silence as I thought about how, before and after, in this world and mine, the alien language of math had become a complete rarity, and it was still to die for advanced math.

So my eyelids wilted and I couldn’t help falling asleep.

The gentle touch of my hair being rubbed on my head, I was stuck in a dream and couldn’t wake up, and Jin Sibei’s tone was deliberately low, so gentle that it was unreal.

“Really stupid.”

…… Jin Sibei the asshole.

Only that day I had a strange dream, was a child, the neighbor’s family is Jin Sibei, at that time I was thrown in the orphanage.

Like a promise, every day I pushed through the fence on time to find Jin Sibei.

Jin Sibei was seven or eight years old, his hair was still soft and curly, light brown, his skin was fair, and he looked like a prince out of a brochure.

In the prince’s hand was a sweet cake, he hooked his hand and I went, he touched my hair: “Sugar how so poor, I’ll feed you.”

The dream came to an abrupt end, the amplified ringtone woke me up abruptly, I opened my eyes in a daze and realized that I was back in Jin Sibei’s villa, opening my cell phone was an unfamiliar cell phone number.

“…… Hello?”

The voice over there was hoarse, like it had been rubbed by fire.

“Lai Sugar, my wife has been taken away by Jin Sibei, I need you.”

My eyes snapped open, but not because of Gu Cheng, but the place where I slept suddenly collapsed, Jin Sibei, who had gotten up on the sofa, hung up the phone, the light reflected by the floor-to-ceiling windows flickered and dimmed, his face unaffected in the slightest.

My thoughts cleared steeply in the chaos.

“Why are you here?”

His chin was lifted, Jin Sibei’s eyelashes fluttered, his lips pursed, and he gave an open smile, “Lai Sugar, I’ve come to save you.”

It’s over,” I thought to myself, “The psychosis is going to affect my career after all.

“Jin Sibei, where in the world did you take Su Sheng?”

I should have said no, Gu Cheng is an exceptionally good employer, good-tempered, generous, and basically gives me extra bonus every year on New Year’s Eve, and never disturbs me during my break time.

With Gu Cheng’s tactics, for him to call me in the middle of the night must have something to do with Jin Sibei.

However, the cell phone suddenly lost control, I exclaimed and tried to grab it, but there was a huge difference in strength between men and women, and my body sank into the soft quilt.

“Give me back my cell phone!”

Jin Sibei black eyes deep bottomless, eyebrows raised, lazy: “Confiscated, this week obediently stay here, do not make trouble.”

A certain speculation slowly took over my thoughts, I was surprised, “Jin Shi Bei, you didn’t trick me into staying here for a week for Su Sheng, did you?”

Careless, I told you that there is no free lunch, Jin Si Bei is the second man in love, how can I forget so easily.

However, Jin Sibei lazily came over, his obsidian eyes staring at me: “What do you think, she is no better than a passerby in my heart.”

My back was inexplicably and vaguely cold, I gulped and returned to the topic: “Where the hell did you take Su Sheng?”

Jin Sibei raised his knees and got up, the night was deep, couldn’t see his expression, just that he rubbed his neck crunching, “Tsk, I’m a lawful and good citizen, never did the kidnapping hook.”

The corner of my mouth twitched and smiled, “May I ask, does the word ‘good citizen’ have a stroke of luck with you?”

Jin Sibei took out a set of keys and walked to the door, hooking a reckless smile, “Lai Sugar, stay here properly.”

The sound of the door being locked was especially abrupt in the silent room, and I simply didn’t have the heart to struggle unnecessarily as I lay at my sleeping place.

The plot of the story seems to have gone a bit awry here, but the main purpose of me being by Gu Cheng’s side was to push the plot forward, and now because of Jin Sibei, I’ve become an obstacle to the plot.

I covered my head with the quilt, puzzled, then Jin Sibei this asshole, do not like Su Sheng why take her away ah!

No matter what, going home is the most important thing.

On the first day, I from the second floor bathroom ruthless borrowed sheets to climb downstairs, just when I thought it was done, under the tree there is a vague silhouette, vaguely can be seen quite handsome.

But it’s four in the morning.

I shivered until I saw the sleepy-eyed man holding hot tea with a sultry face looking at me, wearing a robe and with messy hair.

Seriously, it was hard not to twitch at the corners of my mouth.

“…… Jin Sibei.”

Jin Sibei handed the steaming tea to Butler Chen, his eyelids raised, “Well, what do you want to go do so early?”

I was embarrassed to the point of no return, not understanding how Jin Shi Bei could know so quickly, “I’m ancestral sleepwalking, I’m going back now.”

I said, “I’m going back now.” I climbed up the stairs with the indignation of greeting Jin Si Bei’s ancestors.

When I finally climbed back to the window, I looked up and saw Jin Shi Bei, who was calm and relaxed, the moonlight was tilted, Jin Shi Bei tugged my arm in front of the window, and effortlessly brought me into his arms.

Landing safely on the ground, I could still feel his heartbeat.

Jin Si Bei’s robe is wide open, my hand is trembling after the force, I can touch some wall muscles, my face is hot, I don’t look at it, I quickly fall aside, and feel straight to my quilt, cover my head.

“Sleep, good night.”

Yet through the covers, the man’s strong power pressed down.

My heart jumped irregularly, Jin Sibei was very close, his tone was low and dangerous:¡°Li Sugar, try to escape you next time.”

With a “ta-da” sound, the small lamp on the bedside table was turned off.

When Jin Sibei left, I fanned myself and pushed the covers away from me, not bothering to make a sound:

“Che, just try it.”

The next day I heard that there was a lot of surveillance in the backyard, and after dinner Jin Si Bei seemed to be very busy, taking a lot of phone calls.

The bedroom door was still locked tight.

Fortunately, my survival ability is very resistant, I gently open the window, long legs leap, after a lot of tossing and jumping over to the opposite balcony.

Just landed on the ground, my smile was so frozen.

Answer the phone JinShiNei hold down the gold wire glasses frame, push open the balcony landing window, look puzzled: “so deal with, hang up first.”

Feet landed on the ground, and the heart is almost to the prison.

I rubbed my nose and laughed dryly, trying to look reasonable, “Look, I told you you were here, haha.”

Jin Sibei removed his gold-rimmed glasses, deliberately, like a cat catching a mouse with a wicked sense of humor, “Oh, then what is it that Miss Lai is looking for me for?”

The door is in front of me, I can’t lose my temper.

I forced myself to calm down and looked at him with a kind gaze, “Nothing, I had a not so good dream, I am relieved to see that you are well.”

My wrist was suddenly wrapped around, I stiffened, Jin Sibei brought me to the desk, see the laptop screen Gu’s company today’s stock growth is very outrageous, my heart at once wow cool wow cool.

“See, without you, Gu Cheng can still make money.” I looked at him incredulously.

I looked at him incredulously, MAD, is it possible that I am beside Gu Cheng in order to make him lose money, not to be a good wife, in a way I am actually on the side with you, the male second ah.

Heartache, it feels like it hurts to talk.

I took a deep breath: “Thanks for reminding me.”

Someone:Â “That money from the lonely island doesn’t need to be credited to my account, sugar.”

What the hell-

I cover my tingling heart and smile as Butler Chen pushes open the door and respectfully waits with the key for me to enter the cell next door.

On the third day, I was so drained that my brain didn’t even want to move.

Butler Chen knocked on the door and brought me lunch, inviting me to dine, I had little idea of eating and casually asked why I wasn’t with Jin Sibei today.

“Our young master has something to do, he is working at the office today.”

My hand with chopsticks lurched and I tried:¡°So is he with Su Sheng?”

“I’m sorry, I’m not obliged to inform you miss.”

That means it’s related to her, followed by Butler Chen’s slightly hesitant words, “But Miss Lai, our young master is clean, he hasn’t brought any other women here except you.”

I absentmindedly nodded my head, taking advantage of the moment Butler Chen turned around, I took the opportunity to give him a roundhouse kick to the neck.

The man fainted.

I clapped my hands with satisfaction.

I am not talented, I was often bullied as a child and learned some Taekwondo.

At first, I did not want to learn, it seems to be a small friend of the family invited the taekwondo instructor non-drawn me together, is a little boy, who is it?

Forget it, home is the most important.

I just took a cab to the office, the butler looked at me with an expression that made me cry, he’s in his fifties, and he totally acted as my dad in this world, though not in the other world either, I guess.

Ooohhhh, he must have missed me so much.

Just as I was excited to give him a bear hug, Uncle Li pushed me away with a sobbing voice, “Missy, Young Master Gu is about to tear down our building.”

I let out an “ah” and took out my spare cell phone from my desk.

I just dialed it and the call went through. After so many years, Gu Cheng’s voice was rarely grumpy: “Li Sugar, where have you been these days, and you hung up on me!”

I can only swallow the mute bitterness alone: “Boss don’t be anxious, my cell phone is broken, these two days certainly move relations to find Miss Su.”

“Find her now, and if you can’t find her, you’ll pay 60% of the compensation.”

The phone simply hung up.

This kind of feeling only bald strong can understand me, sixty percent ……

I’m crying, what’s the difference between this and having my way home cut off?

Uncle Li spoke with trepidation: “That …… lady we still find?

“In fact, we have earned these years after the loss of liquidated damages, life is not worried about food and drink, the risk is too great, why do we need it.”

I sighed: “Uncle Li, this is not a matter of money.”

Although there is nothing worth staying in that world, and it is not as good as this world, there is an obsession in my heart that I can’t let go of.

I really and truly loved, not the passerby Lai Sugar.

At the same time, the system’s cold and icy voice arrived again:『Hello host, you have entered this world for five years, the mission period is about to reach its end, if the mission fails, you will be left behind indefinitely, so please carry out the mission quickly.』.

I was bitter inside and sighed.

Uncle Li patted my shoulder soothingly, “Then I’ll arrange for someone to go look for it, but Miss Su Sheng seems to have moved for real this time, not a single trace of her has been found in the past two days since she disappeared, it’s a bit difficult.”

“No, I’ll go and look for her, Uncle Li can arrange a few more people for me.”

However, when I didn’t move, the receptionist came in a hurry and said that Gu Cheng and Jin Shi Bei were waiting for me outside the company, their faces were not good.

My body shivered, MAD, how did these two psychopaths get together.

Outside the door, Jin Sibei was leaning in front of the black Hummer with a gloomy face, the body was tall but couldn’t suppress his temperament at all, he seldom smoked, and at the moment, between swallowing clouds and spitting out mist, the bottom of his eyes was deep black and staring at me tightly.

“Lai sugar, you still escaped.”

The sentence used was affirmative.

The corner of my mouth trembled, “No, I am going home.”

Jin Sibei stopped smoking, the bottom of his eyes were filled with hostility: “Come here.”


This person has a cat cake, right?

The owner of the Rolls Royce on the other side of the car showed a handsome face, his arm was placed on the car window, his eyebrows raised: “Lai Sugar, if you go with Jin Sibei today, all our cooperation will be terminated in future.

If you go with Jin Sibei today, all our cooperation will be terminated in the future.” “Get into my car, I can give you the same amount of money for the lonely island.”

The balance in his head tilted straight to Gu Cheng without thinking.

“Okay, boss, let me up.”

However, Jin Sibei suddenly blocked in front of me like an iron wall, “If you go back with me, I can forget about this escape.”

I really don’t know what to say, Jin Si Bei and I obviously only met a few times, is it that deep?

And what does he mean by having to take me away?

Kindred spirits, I have work to do here in Gu cheng, and the consequences of not finishing it are very serious, the kind where you can’t go back home.

Then what is Jin Sibei doing this for, is it possible that he is doing it for Su Sheng?

I was puzzled, I saw Jin Sibei’s face become pale inch by inch, really worthy of the deep love of the second man, in order to not let me help Gu Cheng to find Su Sheng, he has been suffering into this?

Jin Shi Bei’s lips turned pale, “You–“

I was also scared, holding his arm worriedly, “What’s wrong, you look so bad, should I call you an ambulance?”

Young age, the body has been a big difference with Gu Cheng, remember when the hotel to send indescribable, the novel he used a whole seven, really worthy of the author of the pro-favorite ……

However, before I could react, Jin Sibei gritted his teeth and suddenly covered his heart and took a big step towards Gu Cheng, his eyes fell on me and moved away, bringing up the open door of the Rolls Royce and dragging Gu Cheng out.

Everyone in the room was dumbfounded.

Jin Shibei was full of displeasure: “Come on, have a fight.”


Help, what’s going on here!

Gu Cheng’s face suddenly changed, he was not a vegetarian, he was not afraid of a fight at all, he pressed Jin Shibei with a strong force, and kicked him with his long legs.

For a while there were screams outside.

I was shocked: “No, you guys stop fighting!”

Seeing me going over, Jin Sibei pinched Gu Cheng’s neck hard and pushed him towards the body of the Hummer, lifting his knee to punch Gu Cheng’s abdomen, Gu Cheng’s face suddenly changed in pain and cursed the generic nationalist.

Five minutes later, both men’s faces were covered in color.

Jin Shibei looks a little worse, he seems to have a bad heart, but I don’t understand why he always looks at me with a grudge, for example, when I look at him now, I always feel that he can see through what I think.

Jin Shibei’s hand was shaking as he leaned on the hummer and smoked.

Gu Cheng snorted and sat back in the Rolls Royce and said to me, “Lai Sugar, five minutes, I can see that he quite likes you.”

He glanced at Jin Sibei, meaning to say let me set him straight.

Jin Sibei’s eyes stared deeply at me, wanting to speak, with a hint of childish obstinacy, “I’m not physically weak, Lai Sugar, I just-“

I asked suspiciously, “What?”

But he was silent in place, refused to say.

Jin Sibei’s body tobacco gas is very thick, he stretched out his other hand as if he wanted to touch my face, but I didn’t know whose blood was stained on it, I didn’t hold back a step, and he saw that he was disheveled and put it back.

I was a little embarrassed, with a tone of coaxing a child to say:¡°That, I just go to the office, you obediently do your own thing, we have something to wait until I come back to talk about.”

Jin Sibei stared at me, his voice was particularly muffled:“OK.”

I put my heart down and wanted to leave, however Jin Sibei didn’t hold back this time and held my wrist, he lifted his lips and opened his mouth one word at a time, so cool that my goosebumps started to rise.

“Lai Sugar, is it possible that we are originally in love?”

I completely stopped in place, staring blankly, “What do you mean?”

Grip tighten my wrist hand tightened the strength, JinShiNei and slowly loosened, the arc is very small hooked lower lip, look extremely bitter.

“Think about it, I’ll tell you when you come back.”

I was in a trance, Jin Sibei suddenly straightened up, his eyes looked at me and hugged me: “If you can’t think about it, Gu Cheng’s stock can keep going up, and I can still give him the company.”

Word by word, I was completely plunged into an ice cellar.

I was shocked, how did Jin Shi Bei know?

“Jin Si Bei, you have a grudge against me, don’t you?”

How important it is for me to go home!

Jin Si Bei’s face was pale and his voice was muffled wrapped in bitterness:

“That’s why you have to think about it, Sugar.

“This world is no longer the world you thought it was.”

Until I arrived at Gu Cheng’s villa, I was still wondering what Jin Sibei’s words meant, however, the water cup fell into my hand and interrupted me, the beautiful and flamboyant beauty leaning lazily on the sofa, with a marvelous figure, was looking at me with a smile: “Hello, Sugar.

I was baffled: “You are?”

“Lin Mange, Gu Cheng’s neighbor’s daughter, just returned from abroad.”

I choked on the water I just drank.

Wait a minute, Lin Mange, isn’t that Gu Cheng’s white moonlight in this hegemonic novel, who later blackened into a vicious female supporting character because she couldn’t love him?

What about-

I gulped, “Are you physically okay?”

Unsurprisingly, there will be dog blood drama like ga heroine’s waist next, and then someone hires kidnappers to grab the heroine and the second heroine to ask Gu Cheng who to choose.

I was thinking, Lin Mange looked at me, leaning on the sofa and laughed: “How can someone just meet and ask about someone’s body, I’m fine, I even participated in a marathon abroad, although not to the first and second, but also the fifth place.”

I blushed: “Sorry, my personal pet peeve.”

When it comes to this, I really have nothing to say, but Lin Mange has been looking for a topic, until the evening Gu Cheng did not come back, Lin Mange let me stay in the guest room, I did not refuse, after all, there has been such a situation before.

I didn’t refuse, after all, this has happened before. I can’t say that Gu Cheng came back in the middle of the night.

Just I really did not expect, I just slept a sleep only ah, and then woke up actually in the gtr co-pilot, the car speed is stable, the rope is strong, the person who drove the supercar is another I am familiar with through the woman Su Sheng.

Undoubtedly as the book heroine, Su Sheng is very beautiful, in the night color beautiful hazy suffocation, like from the classical painting came out of the woman, every move is style, even if …… even if she is one-handed drive gtr ……

The back seat is already fainted Lin Mange.

Probably see me awake, Su Sheng distracted, very much like a comforting tone: “Do not be nervous, I just kidnapped you.”

The corner of my mouth twitched, “Seriously, you sound like you’re talking about grocery shopping.”

She steered steadily and didn’t hold back the arc of a light laugh, “You’re so funny, no wonder you’ve made Jin Sibei like you so much.”

“How can that be,” I rubbed my nose, “I’ve only met Jin Si Bei a few times, love at first sight and all that is most unreliable these days.”

I thought for a moment and added honestly, “But Jin Si Bei is indeed quite strange, he looks like he really likes me.”

But that doesn’t fit the setting does it, he said we were supposed to love each other, but I can’t believe I don’t remember Jin Sibei at all, if there was really a crossover, the only possibility, is that I really forgot about it.

The system told me that in order to conform to the character setting, my memories from the other world will slowly fade in this world, so five years have passed, I only remember that I was an orphan who died suddenly from working overtime, and when I died, my black hearted boss didn’t even give me a bit of compensation.

In the news he cried his eyes out, and when he got home he wiped his tears with his wife and said he had no eye drops.

Damn it, the scourge will last for a thousand years.

Su Sheng “Oh”: “But novels always write this kind of bridge.”

I absentmindedly replied, “Novels write about everything.”

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here.

Outside, the sky was already darkened by the night, Su Sheng paused, her voice was very calm: “Let’s get straight to the point, Li Sugar, do you think this world is better than your old world?”

I could hardly move as she spoke word by word, “What?”

Su Sheng eyelashes are very long, so long that you can’t see the fluctuation of her eyes, “Is your system telling you that you only need to empty Gu Cheng’s money before you can leave and return to …… your original world?”

My throat caught, “You, how do you know that?”

Being dismantled by a character in a book or something is really scary, right?

Su Sheng paused, “I was reborn.”

“Reborn?” My voice was muffled in shock, my mouth bars unsteady, “But my system didn’t tell me about this.”

Su Sheng did not think, “Don’t worry, it will never tell you, if you tell you the truth, no one will be able to patch up this world full of bugs and make it a complete story.”

Su Sheng said calmly, “When I woke up, I saw a book on the ground, in the book I should be like the book you saw, in the midst of the storm, I ended up with Gu Cheng, even though he wanted my kidney.

I gulped, “And then what?”

“Then the author revamped the plot because the book was victimized by the storm and made Lin Mange’s body inhabited by another person, just like you, she can go back as long as she completes the mission of the evil female match, but later Gu Cheng will instead be attracted to her step by step and turn around to abandon me.”

I tried to correct her, “But from what I can see now, this is all in the content of the first version of the novel, and there hasn’t been any deviation yet.”

Su Sheng affirmed my statement, “Lin Mange returning to China is the beginning.”

I still didn’t understand, “Then what’s the point of kidnapping me, I’m just a passerby, empty Gu Cheng’s money and I’ll go back.”

“Of course you’re useful,” Su Sheng laughed mockingly, “The only bargaining chip to bring Jin Shi Bei here is you, but you actually want to go back.”

I looked at her, “Why wouldn’t I want to go back, it’s my home.”

She suddenly laughed deeply and said, “No, Lai Sugar, if you know the truth, you won’t want to go back, you have to trust me”.

Bright red gtr parked at the beach, Su Sheng opened the window, lit up a lady cigarette, her eyes fell on the sea at a glance, trance: “from where it begins must end from where.

Perhaps the environment gave me the illusion of harmony, I looked at Su Sheng, quietly guessed: “So you want to personally destroy this novel is it?”

Her figure lurched, and her smile deepened: “That’s right.”

Between swallowing clouds and fog, Su Sheng took out a miniature compact gun from her bag and looked at me with rather soft eyes: ”By taking you all out, this world will be destroyed and we can go back to the original track.”

Looks like another psychopath gone mad, it’s hopeless.

I looked at the roof of the car choosing to swing for the fences and not struggle, “So you want to have your kidney taken away again? To be honest, when I first came here I felt that this story was dog blooded and out of order, since it was modified, there must be a reason for it to be modified, I do think that with everyone having their own consciousness, maybe the world can regain order.”

Su Sheng’s body stiffened, “You have a strange attention span.”

I paused, but inexplicably remembered that a certain person seemed to have said that I was thinking out of the box, and said that such a number of people couldn’t learn well.

However, I inexplicably appeared in front of …… Jin Sibei’s appearance.

Seaside sea noise noise, looking at the dark night, I sighed: “In fact, I thought about it, Su Sheng, my original world can not be said to be another novel, but I can be sure that, no matter which world I am in, everyone has their own thoughts, think of it this way, everyone is the protagonist of their own life, just like me, even if I turned out to be very ordinary.”

I looked at Su Sheng, “Or is it that you have very little confidence in yourself, Gu Cheng’s account balance is already down to 100 million for your sake, and with another woman showing up, you’re so square?”

That love is not worth too much.

The Su Sheng in front of me is so strange that it makes me recognize it all over again, remembering that the heroine in the book is like a rose under the storm, beautiful and sharp, tough and pure, that’s why she makes the unstoppable Gu Cheng die and love her to death.

But she was like a dried up rose, soulless.

Su Sheng took a deep breath of smoke and interrupted me, “Enough.”

The gun was pressed against my head, my pupils shrunk violently, five seconds later, Su Sheng said coldly, “Wait, they’ll all be here at dawn.”

“Gu Cheng and Jin Shi Bei?”

Su Sheng’s patience seemed to be exhausted, nodding perfunctorily.

I quieted my mind, as if I suddenly figured out a lot of things, for example, if Jin Sibei could come, it could really be because of me.

He …… likes me?

We were taken to a freighter in the early hours of the morning, and I was tied up in knots with Su Sheng and Lin Mange in the hands of several kidnappers.

Lin Mange woke up late and had no idea what was happening.

When she saw Su Sheng she thought she had been kidnapped too.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a mouth now, I can’t tell her that Su Sheng has a gun in her hand, and there are still time bombs on the freighter that she planted, and everything is dangerous.

I realized that Su Sheng’s entire mind had been spent on this during the week she was missing.

Maybe because I am more experienced, died once but not so scared, especially calm, calm to let Su Sheng suspect that I did not do tampering, check my rope twice.

At first I didn’t understand why Su Sheng made this mess, but later I realized that now Su Sheng and Gu Cheng have the best relationship, and going back to the latest plot point, she wants Gu Cheng to choose her once more.

Once upon a time when I thought Gu Cheng was the love brain was a complete compliment, now it seems like Su Sheng fits the bill the best, a real pejorative.

At seven in the morning, at sea, the wind is strong, I seem to have a fever, my body is so tired that my spirit is in a trance, and my desire to sleep is at its peak.

The hired kidnappers still think it’s a pie in the sky, foolishly counting money with their brothers on the side.

I brace my spirit: “Brother, you are the first time to take this kind of work, right.”

The kidnappers purred down the board inch hair, a complex face, “What, you are not the first time to be kidnapped?”

I sheepishly lowered my head, “Same as each other.”

The brothers over there stopped counting the money and looked suspiciously at Su Sheng, who probably didn’t think what I said was too much and didn’t care.

Until another freighter followed us.

The kidnappers’ guns were suddenly on our heads, Gu Cheng got on the freighter first, and he was carrying two boxes full of cash on board.

The big brother of the boarder said the line: “Ten million dollars is only this much?”

Gu Cheng wore sunglasses and raised his chin, “The rest is in another freighter, I only have two hands, I can’t get it.”

Big brother’s guard is still in place, and he thought of the most thorough method: “Then you should be more diligent, move one box at a time, and we’ll talk again when it’s finished.”

The corner of my mouth trembled, after five years in this world, except for Jin Sibei, it was rare for someone to talk to Gu Cheng so openly.

Gu Cheng’s throat knots rolled up and down, his eyes glanced at us for a few times, and then at Su Sheng for the longest time, he did as he was told in silence.

After a while a yacht rushed over with a speed of eight hundred miles, the waves rolled, bringing up a burst of disobedient waves.

Jin Sibei all in black, with the same speed as flying up, did not say a word back and forth to bring a few boxes of bills, and so unloaded the last box of goods, Jin Sibei only raised his eyes, black eyes bottomless, looking straight at me.

For a time, the silence spread to dead silence, however, probably because of the disease, all my thoughts collapsed, my eyes moist, I thought, this is for me to come to the people, the pain to run to so ordinary my.

“Lai sugar,” Jin Sibei throat dry, voice suddenly became particularly mute, “you even if you do not think of it, you have to marry me.”

I opened my lips but lost my voice, it’s not that I didn’t want to answer, but I felt that answering was a luxury, Jin Sibei shouldn’t have come, Su Sheng had planted a bomb at the bottom of the boat, everyone would be dead by then, we didn’t have any chance of winning.

When a protagonist with a God’s perspective presumptuously challenges the rules of the world she is in, no one in this story will be spared.

But maybe Jin Sibei can live ……

I moved my mind, and was about to say something that didn’t fit the persona’s little knives, using agitation would be fine.

However, Jin Sibei grimaced, “Don’t use provocation.”


Some sort of ill-timed speculation took over my thoughts, I tried something in my mind, Jin Sibei if you can hear me stomp your feet.

My eyes went wide in the next instant.

He did as he was told, it was as if I had been given hope of survival, I couldn’t think too hard and told Jin Si Bei all the information I knew in my head.

Jin Sibei couldn’t get back to me, but Gu Cheng got on the freighter with a bad look on his face, his jaw tightened and he didn’t say a word.

Jin Sibei voice low: “Release them.”

Su Sheng booking scene finally staged, the big brother of the inch head and his accomplices will be the pistol against the head of Su Sheng and Lin Mange respectively, the big brother of the inch head slightly youthful to say the line:¡°Say it, Gu Cheng, you can only choose one person to live.


For a while we were all a bit speechless.

I sighed and kindly reminded: “You are asking Jin Shi Bei.”

Big brother inch head couldn’t wipe off his face and stuttered: “All, all the same.”

Lin Mange, who had not spoken for a long time, had a mission and appeared positive towards death, “Gu Cheng, if you are capable, choose your wife.”

Gu Cheng’s line of sight landed on Su Sheng: “Well, I choose Su Sheng.”

However, Su Sheng’s eyes were clearly devoid of any emotion at all, she even saved herself from saying anything back and looked at Gu Cheng with silent emotion.

Just the people present are a little panicked, even the kidnapper, he is completely amateur to use to fill the number, at this time the inch head swallowed his saliva, the hand that pulls the trigger trembles.

Lin Mange calmly closed her eyes.

There was a gunshot in the sky, I was so scared that my face turned pale, this boat instantly surged up a lot of people, Gu Cheng and Jin Sibei rushed over fiercely.

Five seconds later, the boat was overflowing with people.

The SWAT team effortlessly controlled everyone, for a moment we were the only ones left on this boat, I didn’t have the strength, I used vigorously shouted: “There’s a bomb on this boat, Su Sheng has it in his hand–“

The next moment behind me, Su Sheng raised his pistol and pressed it against my temple.

Jin Sibei’s expression was ruthless, a lot of tyrannical factors emerged in his whole body, and he spat out blood from his injured mouth just now: “Let go of her!”

Gu Cheng’s face suddenly changed: “Lin Mange, what the hell are you doing!”

I froze, because Gu Cheng was looking for Su Sheng called Lin Mange, for a moment all does not make sense seems to instantly have a reasonable explanation.

Su Sheng smiled bitterly, ”You can actually recognize me.”

The people around me leaned closer and closer, Su Sheng’s face changed, the gun against my temple was getting closer and closer, she pulled the trigger and looked at Jin Sibei’s yacht and said fiercely, “Don’t come over, let’s go to that yacht.”

I crumpled my face into a ball of pain, Jin Sibei looked at me and spewed a direct expletive, “Don’t move her, I can do anything you want.”

“Good,” Su Sheng smiled, her eyes fell straight to Gu Cheng, “Then transfer the 90 million dollars in your account to Lai Sugar right now, one point less and Lai Sugar will die, I can even die with her.”

I looked at her incredulously.

Jin Shibei’s eyes burned steeply and became scarlet, the blood on her lips became more and more colorful as she stopped Gu Cheng, “No way, Gu Cheng.”

But is there any other choice, for Gu Cheng, for Jin Shi Bei, obviously the answer is empty.

Su Sheng’s words were suddenly sharp, “Hurry!”

After about I don’t know how long, the real Lin Mange and I left the freighter, and behind the yacht, the SWAT troops and Jin Sibei and the others were watching us closely from behind.

When the system appeared in my head, my mind went blank.

It seemed that Gu Cheng had really transferred that 90 million dollars to me, I raised my eyes to Lin Mange and asked her very softly, “Why?”

She hooked out a smile that could be described as vicious against Su Sheng’s gentle face: “I hate it when lovers get married, I actually didn’t finish with you oh, Lai Sugar.”

The sea breeze blew her face raw, Lin Mange said word by word: “Let me tell you the truth, Li Sugar, you came here by chance because you happened to read this novel before your sudden death, but Jin Sibei came here especially for you.”

Lin Mange said: “Jin Sibei is not the person in this book, he chose to chase you with his life in order to come to you.”

Tears blurred her vision instantly, but she could still see the reckless smile on Lin Mange’s lips: “What a deeply affectionate man, it’s a pity that after I’m gone, Su Sheng’s body will only be left as an empty shell, Gu Cheng won’t be able to get her, and Jin Sibei will only be left alone after you’re gone, it’s such a pity.”

That day Jin Sibei said I forgot, is it possible that we originally loved each other.

I didn’t realize that I had really forgotten, this world, no, no matter in which world, it’s never like this, the people in it are paranoid and addicted, they are all losing their heart for love, and in the end, they lose their armor and have nothing to show for it.

When it came down to it, I was surprisingly calm: “Lin Mange, one shouldn’t, at the very least, live for one thing, even if it’s a man. Without personality and self-respect, you will become stupid.”

Lin Mange stiffened, “Don’t come lecturing me!”

“Let me guess, is there also a system in your body, the system says that as soon as Gu Cheng recognizes you, you will disappear.”

Her eyelashes fluttered fiercely and her lips trembled.

“Do you want to know how I know?” In Lin Mange’s vaguely confused eyes, I looked at the SWAT team that had moved over and spoke, “Unfortunately, you won’t have the chance.”

The gun against my throat was suddenly moved away, the SWAT officers who had dived into the sea sharply got onto the yacht to bring Lin Mange under control, and the wind calmed down so much that I was trembling all over.

Jin Sibei who dived into the yacht from the sea was wet, his chest heaved, he bent down close to me, spilling water all over the yacht, and said in one word: “Lai Sugar, you can’t-“.

I didn’t finish my sentence, but I blocked it with my lips.

Jin Sibei heartbeat stagnation, in this moment the peak of emotion, heavy response to me, with salty tears and seawater fishy response to me.

Like saying goodbye.

But I didn’t say leave, Lin Mange was holding me hostage when the system appeared on time wasn’t informing me to leave, but it was leaving.

The system said it was the original novel system, originally serving the story plot, it just didn’t expect Lin Mange’s appearance to completely disrupt the layout, and that the bomb on the freighter couldn’t exist at all, there were quite a few bugs in this world, but there was absolutely no way it would make the protagonists disappear.

And technically speaking, my mission wasn’t completed, although Gu Cheng played 90 million dollars as much as he could, but the 5 million for the lonely island was delayed because of Jin Sibei, he hasn’t called me yet, it doesn’t count.

The system also said that Lin Mange’s system is leaving because Gu Cheng is leaving, and it is lonely without a companion, so I can go back to the organization with it, fix the world bugs, and return my memories that I have lost for five years to me.

I asked why it wouldn’t let me leave.

The system said that it had detected that my desire to leave was negative, so it wouldn’t force me to do so.

“Host Lai Sugar, number 1005, from now on, you will be able to control your own life as you wish, and I wish you and Jin Sibei all the best in the future.”

As a compensation for fixing the bug, the system also confiscated Jin Sibei’s right to listen to my heart, and I took the lead in the conversation, “Jin Sibei, are you a fool, who would even give up his life for someone else?

Jin Shi Bei stared at me wordlessly, the knot in his throat rolled, his voice was particularly mute: “I did it for my wife, not for anyone else.”

My heart softened into a piece and I kissed him seriously.

“It’s stupid, you’re stupid, right.”

Heart beating in my ears until I couldn’t even hear the waves of the ocean anymore, the Jin Shi Bei in front of me looked straight at me, his beautiful eyes filled with light.

Broken, stoic, and desperate.

“Lai Sugar, I don’t have a chance to die a second time.”

My throat was dry, understanding what Jin Sibei meant, I hugged him.

“Good, then we are here for a hundred years.”

Later, after I returned to the company, I transferred all 90 million dollars to Gu Cheng, but I heard Lin Mange, who stayed behind, say that he was in a very bad state lately, he didn’t have the heart to manage the company at all, and the whole person looked like he had lost his soul.

I sighed, remembered Lin Mange left Su Sheng, Su Sheng no support was sent to the first aid into a vegetable, Gu Cheng guarded in the ward for three days and three nights, to other people to listen to words simply do not listen to.

Until one day in the middle of the night, Gu Cheng sent a message to Jin Sibei, asking him about the way to find me back then, and probably said something else, Jin Sibei rushed straight into the hospital.

When I received the message and rushed over, I saw Gu Cheng and Jin Sibei peacefully coexisting, not knowing what they were talking about, the scene was rarely amicable.

Gu Cheng looked at Su Sheng’s quiet sleeping face, kissed her preciously, and said in a very soft voice: “She may have gone somewhere else, I’ll wait for her.”

Then Gu Cheng slowly returned to life, taking on the roles of qualified supervisor, trustworthy neighboring brother, and good friend.

At that time, we were still able to have dinners together.

Lin Mange said that the bugs in the world had been fixed, and that everyone would still be living their lives peacefully in this world, and she told me, “But secretly, the fact that you’ve crossed over from another world is also the content of another novel.”

Jin Sibei and I spoke at the same time:¡°What’s going to happen then?”

Lin Mange took a bite of a chicken leg without thinking, picked up a beer and disliked it: “What can be done, the feelings are true, just take a sip.”

  1. Extra

Lai Sugar has been living in an orphanage since she can remember, only one day a brother moved in next door, she had just watched a Disney cartoon at that time, and Jin Sibei’s image was exactly the same as the little prince.

Sprinkled with golden light from the sun, slightly curly hair, fair face, long eyelashes, and rose-colored lips, he was simply too noble to be approached.

I heard that the orphanage went to a lot of children were that person’s stinking face drove back, Li sugar is the youngest, bold and unbelievable, one evening while dinner did not start to sneak out, to the prince lived in the villa in front of the house.

But there is not even a dog outside.

Ri Sugar has been active since childhood, the door was open, she was simple-minded, did not think of anything to knock on the door.

The little prince was very impatient to open the door, condescending to look at the white and tender little bean in front of him: “What for?”

His face was so bad that Ri Sugar’s eyes reddened in fear, the prince held the mindset of dismissal and took out a few chocolate candies from his coat pocket.

“Here, don’t come next time.”

Lai Sugar cherished to receive, with the cartoon black cat sheriff the same salute to the prince, thinking that in the future to often come to play with his brother.

The prince had no idea what the doudings were thinking, but then he started going to and from school as his family wanted, but every time he saw a doudings following him, he was not in the mood to be nosy and let her be.

But one day a couple of elementary school kids a few grades above him came up to him and asked for money, he was too much trouble and generously dumped four hundred dollars.

The next moment, he saw Dou Ding standing in front of him with a big dog in her hand, and said sternly, “Pay back the money, or I’ll let the dog go!”

The dog was really big, just a bit shorter than him, one person and one dog, in the setting sun reflected the two “behemoths”, Jin Sibei at that moment inexplicably had a feeling of being valued.

He gently pushed Dou Ding away, the elementary school students collectively froze, Jin Shi Bei did not look good, lazily inserted his pocket and put it back.

“Alright, you can get lost!”

The few scattered people dispersed in a flurry, Dou Ding’s expression was a bit dull, stupidly asked him: “Why don’t you fight if you can?”

Jin Shibei made a “tsk” sound and patiently explained: “I’m afraid of getting dirty.”

Later on, Jin Si Bei accepted Lai Sugar completely, Duding was very easy to coax, just a year younger than him, feeding him some sugar every day, and Duding was very frugal, and there were no other friends who would upset him.

That’s how Jin Sibei started his baby-raising routine.

Anyway, he was the least short of money, so he asked a cheap relative to adopt Lai Sugar, but still in his villa, cleaning aunt on the second floor, he was on the top floor, Lai Sugar on the first floor, very harmonious.

For a long time, the peace district that piece of all know, the villa area new rich children, behind an orphanage out of the heel.

Eight years later, they all grew up, Jin Sibei looked at the junior high school Lai Sugar behind there are always a few unsuspecting boys.

He was so upset that he warned her several times, both explicitly and implicitly.

Especially when Li Sugar started her first year of high school, because of her good looks, a lot of people jumped at the chance to have bad thoughts, and when he was teaching Li Sugar math to look for books from her book bag, he saw several pink envelopes.

JinShiBei face iron blue, then look, just still seriously reading math LiShan already step down to sleep.

Is it that good looking, he received the love letter into his sleeve, lying down on the desk to carefully scrutinize Lai Sugar, as white and tender as when she was a child, with thick eyelashes, small and delicate nose, even her lips-

Jin Sibei froze, and woke up the next day in bed so chagrined that he punched the wall.

He felt that he couldn’t do this to Li Sugar, so he forced himself to study hard, but all that lingered was Li Sugar’s pear swirls when she smiled.

The other person involved, Li Sugar, also felt that Jin Sibei has been very strange lately, avoiding to see him, and not even teaching math, she didn’t think much about it, and was even happy to be free.

Only looking at Jin Shi Bei heart some wrong, in short, still better than a certain twisted not too much.

About the time JinShiBei was about to take the college entrance exam, his cheap father suddenly came to his door, said he and the three children’s son fell down and died, to let him go back to the family, JinShiBei did not think about it and refused to do so.

However, his cheap father took out a dozen photos of Li Sugar: “You like her, right, these years is also considered to be the old son spent money to raise her, son, I think it’s not difficult to find a few people to talk to her.”

Jin Sibei’s teeth were about to be gritted, asking him what in the world he wanted to do.

Seeing that he had the right shot, Cheap Dad loosened up, “It’s almost time for the college entrance exam, you will go to b country to study abroad.”

When Jin Si Bei and Li Sugar said this news, Li Sugar’s eyes were red and her voice was trembling.

“You’re silly, why don’t you go if you have a better chance?”

That day in the villa is actually quiet as hell, but just can not restrain the charm, the youthful teenager through the teenage girl to sleep precious kiss her forehead.

It was like cutting through the last windowpane, talking about reunion in the future.

In this way Jin Sibei was forced to separate from Li Sugar for another five years, although he has been writing letters, network calls, but he still felt separated from what.

When Li Sugar turned eighteen, Jin Sibei called from his villa in the Peaceful Community, holding the phone and saying Happy Birthday.

Lai Sugar said, “Oh, nothing else for your birthday?”

Jin Sibei said there was, he rang the doorbell and his throat rolled, “I’ll send me over do you want it?”

When he opened the door, Lai Sugar let her tears run rampant and hugged him tightly.

“Jin Si Bei, why did you come back?”

It was freezing cold, Jin Shi Bei leaned his head on her shoulder, the breath he exhaled turned into white mist: “Well, don’t change the topic, do you want it?”

The air was still, Lai Sugar girl was shy, her voice was muffled.

“It’s okay, I’ll take this birthday gift.”

Subsequent years, Lai Sugar’s custody has been used by the cheap father as a bargaining chip to threaten him, every day and every night, Jin Sibei did not dare to slacken off, hard work and study, but also learned to smoke in the ordeal.

Lai Sugar knows, just advise him to smoke less.

She seems to have learned some knowledge of smoking cessation, asked: “When do you usually want to smoke it, I want to think of a way, not good for the body.”

In the video, Jin Sibei stopped working and took off his gold glasses, and looked at her with a smile: “For example, right now, when I want to think of my wife, I can’t sleep,” she said.

Li Sugar’s face quickly exploded red, fingers raked down the eyelids, made a face, and hung up the phone.

Jin Sibei laughed especially freely.

Later, when Li Sugar interned in her senior year of college, Jin Sibei finally returned to China as he wished, and lived the days of dreaming with Li Sugar in honey.

They also discussed waiting for the spring to get a license.

Jin Sibei thought, his life is terrible, no Li sugar is like already can not breathe their own, life can only accommodate the next one her, and then one more are crowded, and inexplicably do not like Li sugar all social, but still choose to respect.

But the sky does not meet people’s wishes, Li Sugar that day overtime to stay up late, and so Jin Sibei crazy like rushed over, faced with the hospital has been cold body, heart like a knife.

That day, their bedroom was cold and silent, but the novels packed out from Li Sugar’s desk rarely caught his eye.

Because every word on it was magically shifting, and more importantly, the name of the passerby was Lai Sugar, her memory was fading, and the system was wrong, Lai Sugar couldn’t return even if she completed her mission.

The window was open for a long time, Jin Sibei thought, then I’ll go find her.

Five years, suddenly just.

Fortunately, he did not bet wrong, fortunately, his obsession is safe and healthy.

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