21. Saving the sickly Third Master

Saving the sickly third master

The Unholy Thought: Seeing You When You’re Feeling It

The Prince of Shen’s family is hostile and indifferent, except for my best friend.

But I was determined to discredit him in front of my best friend.

He was so angry that he threw down the check: “Say, how much money do you need before you’re willing to leave Zhou Yin?”

“Ten million dollars.” I tentatively quoted a number.

He sneered at me for being so money-minded that I could sell my best friend for a mere ten million dollars.

But all I heard him say was “only 10 million.”

I get it, there’s still room for an increase.

I took a deep breath, “Then fifty million …… dollars.

My name is Ji Ru Cui, an 18th line star in the entertainment industry.

I barely managed to squeeze into the face-value race track by relying on a few scuffed-up dance videos, and I’m an existence that every family can step on.

My best friend, Zhou Yin, is the opposite of me.

Just debut on the basis of pure and sweet appearance jumped into the new generation flow flower.

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do this, but I’m going to be able to do it.

When I arrived home, Zhou Yin, who had just finished a big production movie, was lying on the sofa, prettily applying a mask.

I have been planting that mask for a long time, but I have not been able to buy it.

When Zhou Yin heard the door open, she jumped up from the sofa in surprise and hugged me.

My entire body was like ice, freezing her to the point of shivering.

“Good lord, why are you so cold on you?”

I thought to myself, wearing a halter dress in the snow for two hours in the middle of winter to shoot a cross-dressing hot dance, can you not be cold?

Zhou Yin never liked me making these videos, so I shut up.

She huffed and rubbed my hands together.

Along with the movement of bowing her head, Zhou Yin’s delicate jade-like neck revealed a thin silver chain, and a deep velvet-colored sapphire pendant dangled down smoothly.

With just a glance, one could tell that the price was not expensive.

I can’t move my eyes.

“This necklace …… is quite nice, is it new to you?”

Zhou Yin’s movement was a beat, and somewhat vaguely replied, “When the last movie was finalized, the investor, Mr. Shen ……, gave it to me.”

Zhou Yin seemed to have opened the box of words, but all that was said was Shen谙.

When she was targeted by the actresses in the crew, it was Shen Shi who stood up to do her justice.

When she was scolded by the director for her crying scene, it was Shen Zhi who accompanied her to the rooftop to blow off steam.

Zhou Yin’s tone was sweet and a little apprehensive when she mentioned him.

“Mr. Shen is really nice.”

My heart went cold.

I knew Zhou Yin all too well – she was in love with Shen Zhi.

Shen谙, the proud son of the Shen family.

I had seen him once from a distance at a cocktail party.

At the time, I was nodding my head to a group of middle-aged men, bitterly begging them to funnel some resources to me through their fingers.

Their mouths were teasing, and the blank checks they wrote were bigger than one another.

What’s more, they directly shoved the room card into my hand.

I had to smile.

Suddenly, a man in a suit walked into the banquet hall, and all the people present unannouncedly quieted down and walked towards him like stars.

The faces of those who had been strutting in front of me just now put on the same fawning smile as mine.

And that young man, whose features were shaped like a knife, exquisitely three-dimensional, only looked at them with a pair of indifferent danfeng eyes that were not salty.

His eyes had also landed on me.

Very briefly skimmed over, as if looking at a grain of dust.

Later I realized that he was Shen Shi.

Shen Shi was cold and gloomy, except for Zhou Yin.

Zhou Yin also likes him.

But I didn’t want them to be together.

I said, “Do you remember the time I brought back a room card from a cocktail party?

“That was slipped to me by Shen谙”(沈谙).”

Zhou Yin looked up in shock, her expression changing from shyness to shocked anger.

Once again, she hugged me heartily.

Cursing, she said, “That brute Shen Shi!”

Her body was warm, washing away my chill.

My heart was calm for a while.

Go ahead and curse!

The harder you curse, the less likely you’ll be with him.

When I returned to my room, I realized that there was a full box of face masks on the dresser.

Ever since I was little, Zhou Yin was always like this.

As long as it was something I wanted, she would give it to me.

She’s always been good to me, very good.

Zhou Yin didn’t stay at home for a few days before she went back into the group.

As soon as she left, I started a high fever.

I dreamed a lot.

In the dream, Zhou Yin won the queen of the movie, and Shen谙, who was sitting on the stage, led the applause, and in the midst of the cheers of the crowd, he knelt down on one knee.

The picture turned.

Inside the gorgeous bright villa, only the sound of water in the bathroom can be heard.

Zhou Yin was wrapped in a silk robe, staring blankly at the photo in his cell phone.

It was a photo of me and her together.

The next second ……


I woke up from my dream.

A cold sweat, but in much better spirits.

I turned on my cell phone.

Zhou Yin instructed me to get some rest.

Sister Li, my agent who has been putting me up for a long time, took the liberty of asking me where I was, saying that she had a job tonight.

I seriously put on my full makeup and chose my clothes.

Ms. Lee happily escorted me to the door of Yuanju.

I walked in, and there was Shen Shi sitting on the main seat.

He gently raised his eyes, “Ms. Ji, I heard I slipped you a room card?”

Saying too much was a mistake, so I simply said nothing.

Probably the silence of me like a quail, too unpopular.

Shen Shi let out a light laugh, “Say it, how much money do you need before you’re willing to leave Zhou Yin.”

I took a deep breath and tentatively reported a number: “Ten million dollars?”

Shen Shi disdainfully said: ”Zhou Yin treats you as a good friend, for a mere ten million dollars, you can abandon her.”

He looked as if he had seen something dirty: “The entertainment industry is really full of money-minded women like you.”

But I only heard him say “a mere ten million dollars”.

I understand, there is still a price increase.

“That fifty million ……

Shen Shi’s voice implies anger: “Do you think I’m an ingrate?”

“Fifty million dollars, not even one point less.”

I picked up the ice water in front of me and poured it down with a flourish.

Shen Shi’s eyes sank: “Ji Ru Cui, don’t go too far, be careful to earn a life but not spend a life.”


I remembered something and nodded in a daze.

“But ……”

I took out the recorder in my bag and gently pressed it.

From “Ms. Ji heard that I slipped you a room card” to “A life to earn but no life to spend,” the sound quality of each sentence was clear and loud.

“Zhou Yin trusts me very much, she won’t tell you what I said, the only reason that can explain why you know all this is – you are listening to her.

“Passing a room card to a beautiful woman in a love affair might convince her that you’ll come around.

“But if it’s the pervert who spies on her in every detail and tries to take control of her life, does Mr. Shen think Zhou Yin will still accept you?”

Shen Zhiwei’s gaze was morose.

I put the recorder away in my bag, “Now I think that fifty million dollars isn’t too much.”

“Or is it that Mr. Shen has decided that I will have a life to earn and no life to spend?” I clenched the empty cup in my hand.

I don’t know how long it took.

Shen left a check for 50 million dollars on the table.

“Fifty million dollars. From now on, you are not allowed to appear in front of Zhou Yin.

“I hope you do what you say.”

After he left, I rubbed the check that arrived in my hand with my index finger.

“Of course.”

But it was before the fifty million dollars was spent.

I deleted all of Zhou Yin’s contact information and took a long vacation from Sister Li.

As soon as I stepped out of the Yuan residence, the late-night cold wind blew my hair.

I casually stopped a taxi.

I said that I was going to the place is not easy to find, the master will take which road to listen to me.

The master driver didn’t believe me, and asked me to tell him the address.

Sure enough, he couldn’t find it in the navigation.

In the end, I had to rely on me to dictate.

Waiting for the red light, he apologized, “I’m sorry, I’ve been working for so many years, but this is the first time I can’t find the address.

I laughed and said, “I don’t blame you, if I hadn’t been here in a previous life, I wouldn’t have been able to find this place.”

He was amused by me and laughed.

Only I knew in my heart that I was serious.

The rugged mountain road wound around and around, and after the driver uncle questioned for the third time if I had misremembered the location, we finally arrived in front of an ancient Chinese mansion.

The mansion covered a huge area and had no name, it was called the Shen Family Ancestral Residence.

Even on the map, we couldn’t search where it was.

I came here to look for someone, Master Shen San – Shen谙的小叔.

The bodyguards at the door were all in suits and sunglasses, with big waists.

Before I even approached, they were already dutifully trying to drive me away.

I pursed my lips, “Please tell Third Master Shen that I can save him.

“I know where the heart source he needs is.”

The third master of the Shen family has congenital heart disease, and on the contrary, he has rare panda blood, and waiting for a suitable heart donor for thirty years has been tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

They were skeptical of my words.

The impatient Dragon quickly walked into the mansion, while the rest of them were still staring at me.

After a while, Lung came back with complicated eyes and made a gesture before the crowd dispersed.

He stepped forward to lead the way, ”Please.”

I am extremely familiar with every blade of grass and tree here.

It was winter now, and only camellias were still blooming in the courtyard where thick snow had accumulated.

The person I wanted to see was sitting quietly in the center of the courtyard, holding a string of Buddha beads in his hand, and the rustling snow stained his shoulders.

Shen San’s face was pale and bloodless, his smile was clear and his pupils were bright.

The moment he looked at me, I couldn’t hold back my tears.

I haven’t seen him for too long.

After a moment of surprise, Shen San was somewhat helpless: ”What are you crying for?”

I wiped my tears and thought of the last time I saw him in my last life, he was lying in a hospital bed in a broken shape and was also asking me what I was crying about.

I cried even harder.

Shen San said hopelessly, “Little girl, didn’t you say you came to save me, why are you crying yourself?”

I came without a head: “Your nephew Shen is too bullying.”

He couldn’t help but laugh and rubbed his temples as if he had a headache: “Then I’ll apologize to you on his behalf, Shen is accustomed to lawlessness, and indeed has a bad character, I will control him.

I condescendingly “hmm” sound.

He seemed to find it funny, rare narrow-minded: “But as far as I know, Ms. Ji did not lose out, after all, from his account to transfer fifty million dollars.”

When this came out, Long, who led me in, thought that what I said outside the door was all a swindle, and exasperatedly yelled, ”You said that you knew where Xin Yuan was, you wouldn’t be intentionally lying to Third Brother, would you?”

I sniffled, ”No, I really know.”

Shen San sighed and handed me the tissue at his side.

At the same time, he collected his smile, ”Ms. Ji, this is not a good joke, do you know what you are saying?”

In my previous life, after Shen San and I met for the first time at Zhou Yin’s wedding, he had never spoken to me in this tone.

My heart soured even more at the thought.

Starting to huff again, “I really know.”

He was helpless and his expression softened again.

“Don’t cry.”

He teased, “Or can we call Shen to come back and beat him up?”

I was kind of looking forward to it, and it wasn’t impossible.

But that wasn’t what I wanted most.

I solemnly repeated for the third time, “I really know.”

Shen San remained gentle and calm, even though it was a matter of his life and death.

“I can tell you where the Heart Source is, but I have conditions.”

The upward curve of his lips remained unchanged, unsurprised that I would put forth conditions: “Please speak.”

I gathered my courage, “I want you to marry me.”

As soon as the words fell out of my mouth.

His expression quickly turned cold: “No!”

How could I not expect this answer.

Lung frowned at the side, “Third brother already has a fiancée, don’t be delusional.”

“How can that be?” I subconsciously retorted.

I looked at Shen San.

In his eyes was an unquestionable firmness, “I love my fiancée very much.”

“If it’s any other condition, I’ll consider it, but in this case, no.”

As if the atmosphere wasn’t awkward enough, Lung added in a low voice, “Brother San fell in love with Ms. Xu at first sight, you wouldn’t understand.”

“Love at first sight?”

I repeated those four words.

Shen San nodded slightly, the corner of his mouth was a gentle smile, “Yes, I fell in love with my love at first sight.”

I smiled back.

”Good, in your last life you even said you fell in love with me at first sight.

Emotionally, your love at first sight came wholesale.

Lung persuaded me bitterly, “Ms. Ji, right? If you really know how to find the source of your heart, Third Brother won’t treat you badly. Why do you have to stare at the position of the mistress of the Shen family ……?”

He wanted to continue, but I interrupted him.

I said to Shen San, “Okay, then let’s change the other conditions, I want to stay in the Shen family until …… you are cured.”

Shen San lowered his eyes in contemplation, “Miss Ji is so sure that I can be cured?” Not waiting for me to answer, “But there is a question that you have never told us.”

“Where is the heart source you mentioned?”

“Heart donor information is protected by the government, even the Shen family can only seek matches from groups of patients who are eligible to donate, what channels do you have to know the whereabouts of the heart source?”

I looked straight into his searching eyes.

“Everyone has secrets, if you believe, I can save you.”

“Besides, just letting me stay at Shen’s house, what’s it going to cost you?”

Lung muttered, “Who knows if you’re coveting San?”

I ignored him and just looked at Shen San.

After a long time, Shen San nodded, ”You can stay in the Shen family, but you can’t move the leftmost room on the third floor, and you can choose any of the other guest rooms.”

That was …… my room in the Shen residence in my last life.

Shen San had told me that I could see the best sunsets from the balcony there.

It was left by him for someone else.


I went straight upstairs, not wanting to ask a single question.

Lung was a bit surprised, “Brother San, is that the room where Ms. Xu is going to stay?”

I quickened my pace, not wanting to hear what Shen San answered.

Everything becoming different is good.

Being different is what means being able to change.

I want to save him,even if ……

I walked into a random room, the whole person sleepy fell on the bed.

Even if ……

We no longer love each other.

Probably finally came to Shen San side, this period of time I have a rare good sleep.

The sunlight brightly piercing my eyes didn’t even manage to wake up my good sleep.

Instead, it was later on when someone was going up and down the stairs dragging heavy objects, waking me up.

Slowly, there …… was also the sound of a woman’s petulant laughter.

I snapped my eyes open.

The woman downstairs was Xu Meng Meng, the Miss Xu in Long’s mouth, the lover in Shen San’s mouth.

Coincidentally, she was also my opposite family in my last life.

The reason why it’s last life is because my curiosity in this life isn’t worthy to be compared with her.

Xu Meng Meng is a hot beauty type flower girl on the silver screen nowadays and is extremely popular.

In my last life, I was only able to compare myself to her after I won a major role in a mainstream movie, and because of conflicting resources, our personal relationship was mediocre.

I didn’t expect to have a conflict over men in this life.

I stood at the corner of the second floor and looked at the image of her and Shen San side by side.

Really angry.

So it wasn’t love at first sight for me at all, it was love at first sight for the same type of woman.

When Long saw me, he stared at me with wide eyes and shouted loudly, “Ji …… Miss Ji, what are you doing?”

I coldly face, put down the Longquan official kiln amphora in my hand: “Nothing, pick up and weigh whether it is heavy or not.”

Long curiously asked: “Is it heavy?”

I smiled but didn’t laugh, “It’s quite heavy, if you hit someone, it should be accurate.”

He took a step back cautiously, blocking my gaze towards Shen San.

Xu Meng Meng heard the commotion and turned back.

She was really beautiful, a woman I couldn’t help but look at even when I met her on the road.

But isn’t the way she’s looking at me overly happy?

“Holy shit ……”

“A turtle?”

My live account name ……

Give me the whole won’t: “Ah yes, you …… have seen me live?”

She proudly tilted her head: “I have also brushed your carnival.”

Carnival is one of the most expensive gifts in the live broadcasting room, I have only received a few times, very impressive.

So her id is ……

I closed my eyes, “AAA Building Materials Xu.”

In my last life, we participated in activities together, obviously both were very high and cold to me.

The two of us grab resources headlines do not know how many marketing number feed.

I didn’t realize that some beauties are doing my opposite during the day, and at night they become my live broadcasting room.

Xu Meng Meng is very different from what I remember.

She gushes out her appreciation for me and feels sorry for my not-so-flat career.

In the course of conversation, she would also chat about Shen San without a trace, talking about their encounter.

Shen San listened quietly, smiling.

He was like a lover who couldn’t be more qualified.

Xu Meng Meng had a magazine shoot in the afternoon and left before lunchtime.

Shen San and I were the only ones at the table.

“You don’t love her.” I spoke with utmost certainty.

Shen San said coldly, “Ms. Ji, that’s a very offensive statement.”

But my tone even called it relaxed and pleasant, “You don’t love her, I’m sure of it, do you know why?”

“Because the look in your eyes when you love someone, I’ve seen it, it’s not like that.”

The food on the table was sumptuous, especially the loose-leaf crab that served as the main course.

I smiled as I extended my chopsticks to the crab meat sashimi and pinched it into my mouth, it was rich and firm, with a flavorful taste on my lips.

And as expected, I saw Shen San’s panicked eyes.

He really did know.

I’m severely allergic to crabs.

Since he lustfully set out this crab, I’m going to eat it for him.

The swelling in my throat made it hard for me to spit out the words, “You’re back too, aren’t you?”

I felt an itch all over my body and he pressed my hand, “Don’t scratch, the doctor will be here soon.”

Before I fainted, I only remembered that his hand was shaking even more than mine.

Shen Mansion has no shortage of doctors, and I woke up when the sun set.

Not the room from last night, but this one on the far left on the third floor.

Thin mists and thick clouds, an inch of sunset light to welcome the wind to the evening.

Even though I have seen the sunset from here countless times, I still can’t help but feel that it is really beautiful.

Shen San stood beside the bed, his back lonely and clothed in reverse shadow.


“Uh-huh.” I responded somewhat sheepishly.

He turned around and wanted to leave, I jumped off the bed and defiantly hugged his waist.

“You’re not allowed to be angry with me, if you want to blame it, blame it on your own poor acting skills.”

Shen San laughed back in anger: “In that case, it’s my fault.”

I was justified: “It’s your fault!”

“Why didn’t you tell me that you were back? You even conspired with Xu Meng Meng to lie to me, do you want to be treated as a heartless man so badly?”

The evening wind was cool, so I sneezed.

Shen San sighed and draped his jacket over me.

He lowered his head and helped me fasten the buttons, “Since you can start over again, don’t you want another life? You were so miserable when I …… left in my last life, don’t go through it again, isn’t it good?”

I don’t say anything.

He stopped moving and said helplessly, “I tie it on the top and you untie it on the bottom, do you want to wear it until tomorrow morning?”

Reluctantly, I put my hands down.

“You will survive.”

Shen San straightened my clothes.

“Good, I will survive.”

I opened my mouth and said no more.

In his last life, he left too early, and there were too many things that happened afterward, out of our expectation.

So much so that I couldn’t say it.

Didn’t even dare to let him know.

Shen San told me that after he died in his last life, when he opened his eyes again, he found himself back three years ago.

He thought about how much pain I was in and resolved not to let me repeat the same mistake.

But he couldn’t help but pay attention to me, and it wasn’t until I took fifty million dollars from Shen versed that he guessed I was back too.

Shen San knew I would come to him.

So he wanted to put on a show of moving on so that I could live my life in peace.

I covered his eyes with my hand.

“Do what?”

I smiled, “Just by seeing your eyes, I know you love me.”

Moreover, Seo Mun Mun as me against the house.

Her acting routines and line tone, sorry, I’m too familiar with it.

Lung doesn’t know that Xu Meng Meng is a trustee hired by Shen San.

But whenever Shen San and I are paired up, he always yin-yangs me.

Like now.

“What would Ms. Ji like to eat tonight? Don’t order something you can only eat once in a lifetime.”

I pondered, “Makes sense, a vegetarian crab then.”

Long went to the kitchen with a green face.

Shen San flicked my head, “Why do you have to be angry with him? He’s straight-laced and can’t talk his way out of you.”

I snuggled into his arms, “It’s been too long, so I’m happy to talk more.”

He mentioned Zhou Yin: “Zhou Yin is looking for you, how much longer are you going to hide?”

I thought for a moment: “Waiting for Blind Green to finish auditioning for the role.”

Shen San nodded thoughtfully.

The movie Blind Green would have helped Zhou Yin win a movie queen, but she chose to marry Shen at the peak of her career and quit the entertainment industry.

“You seem to be very reluctant for them to get together.”

As I had hoped, Zhou Yin now blamed Shen Shi for my sudden disappearance.

Blind Green wasn’t invested by Shen, and once she was in the cast and crew for the shoot, as long as Zhou Yin didn’t nod her head, the crew wouldn’t let Shen谙 see her.

I asked Shen San rhetorically, “Do you think I’m going overboard like this?”

He shook his head, “You have your reasons.”

“Then aren’t you afraid that when your nephew finds out, he’ll hate you for being in bed with me?”

He wrapped his arms around me and smothered me with laughter, “It’s none of my business if he can’t catch his wife. I just listen to my wife.”

I blushed and pushed him.

“Who’s your wife.”

He whispered, “Who else could it be?

“It’s the pretty little girl who said she’d marry me, the pretty little girl who finished and was shy.”

He smiled gently.

“Then …… promise me.”

I placed my hand over the spot where his heart would be.

Promise me that you will marry no matter what in this life.

The moonlight is silent.

Shen San said, “Good.”

My relationship with Long gradually harmonized.

Except that he was always mysteriously asking me about the whereabouts of Xin Yuan.

He seemed to have decided that Shen San had to compromise with me because of Xinyuan, so he tried his best to get along with me, wanting to find out the channel of Xinyuan as soon as possible and save his third brother from the fire.

Long was an orphan adopted by Elder Shen, and had grown up with Shen San since childhood, viewing him as his own brother.

I snorted again on my mouth.

Brother Long snorted coldly, losing his patience: ”You actually don’t know anything, do you, coaxing third brother with flowery words!”

I was just about to argue.

Shen谙 surprisingly came.

He consistently did not put me in his eyes and walked straight towards Shen San who was reading a book: ”Third uncle.”

Must have hit a lot of nails at Zhou Yin, his face was very ugly: “Third uncle, why are you helping this woman?”

Shen San folded the pages of the book, very calm: “Shen谙, do not make me angry.”


Shen San used the smoothest tone to burst the biggest news: “I have proposed to Ru Cui, soon, you should call her a little aunt.”

Shen Shi was so shocked by this news that he lost his breath, “She?”

Lung looked at me with the same shock: “You?”

I lowered my voice: “Shen San lied.”

“I knew it! How could San want to marry you?”

Shen Zhiwei’s face was even uglier than when he first walked in the door.

I intentionally added fuel to the fire: “Mr. Shen wouldn’t have come all the way here to look for me, right? I did what I said I would do and never appeared in front of Zhou Yin again, so we belong to the money and goods.”

He gritted his teeth and said, “Ms. Ji, I was offended in the past, please set a price, how much would you be willing to make up with Zhou Yin?”

“If I can make peace with Yin, of course I don’t want a penny!”


“But ……”

I blinked innocently, “If it’s to conceal the fact that you gave me money to cut her off, then you still have to give me fifty million dollars.”

“You!” Shen Shi frowned, full of disgust.

“Shen谙.” Shen San faintly said.

I arrogantly walked over to Shen San.

Shen谙 bit his teeth and tore off a check.

I handed the check to Shen San.

He glanced at it and nodded with a smile, ”No problem.”

In front of Shen Xi, I dialed Zhou Yin’s number.

I told her that everything was safe.

She almost cried out on the other end.

”Worried to death about me, it’s good that it’s okay.”

I only told her to prepare well for the Blind Green audition, she didn’t ask more questions.

Then we hung up the phone in silence.

Shen Zhiwei probably couldn’t have imagined that he was missing a hundred million dollars before and after, and he didn’t even hear the sound.

He left in a rage.

After he left, Shen San picked up the book and looked at the same page for a long time.

He asked me, “After I left, Shen谙 bullied you, didn’t he?”

“How could that be? You left me so many things, it’s more like I bullied him.”

I bristled and burrowed into his arms.

Shen San’s tone was gentle and helpless, “Then why are you crying.”

I seem to shed tears easily in front of him.

Luckily, Shen San didn’t ask me what happened in my last life, and we revealed everything without mentioning it.

Zhou Yin got my hint and we met again at the audition site for Blind Green.

The role she auditioned for was a cool girl with smoky makeup.

As a result, she was caught in the dressing room three times because she cried her heart out with me and ruined her makeup.

I watched Zhou Yin’s performance with the director and screenwriter of the movie.

It was perfect.

The role was destined for her, and her light should not be overshadowed by anyone for any reason.

On the way home, Zhou Yin’s nanny car was stopped.

As expected, it was Shen谙’s handiwork.

Zhou Yin didn’t even bother to get out of the car.

She impatiently opened the window, her face a smile of rejection, “Mr. Shen, I thought we had made it clear between us.”

Perhaps seeing that I was also present, Shen was suddenly enraged.

He tore off his mask, ”Zhou Yin, I hope you won’t regret it.”

Zhou Yin returned, “I hope you don’t get in the way.”

I gave her a thumbs up.

Zhou Yin scratched her hair, “This brute can’t be trying to block me!”

“Not only that, the Heavenly Cool King is broken, he’s also trying to bring down your family’s company.” I spoke calmly.

Zhou Yin cursed, “It’s really bad luck to mess with this kind of psychopath.”

She held my hand: “Luckily, you told me in advance, this period of time I stayed in the hotel, asked special people to check the protection, to ensure that that pervert can not move.”

Yuanju is Shen’s property, and when Sister Li took me there, I guessed it was him.

I called Zhou Yin and told her to keep quiet and listen quietly.

Listening to the whole program, she naturally recognized Shen Shi’s true nature long ago.

As for the complete disconnection between us, it was also to confuse Shen Shi and continue to set a trap for him.

Zhou Yin smacked his lips: “I really did not expect him to come up with a whole hundred million.”

I said: “Compared to you, a hundred million is nothing.”

Zhou Yin smiled arrogantly: “That’s for sure!

I was calculating, “If he wants to compete with your family, he can only lose 10,000 and hurt 3,000. We’ll use the 100 million to fight against him, and when he can’t afford to lose any more money, the board of directors will kick him down for us.”

Zhou Yin muttered, “That simple?”

I replied affirmatively, “Yes, it’s that simple.”

It’s just a matter of doing the same thing I did in my last life all over again.

These days, Zhou Yin is left alone to deal with Shen Zhi Shi and the giant Shen Clan behind him, it’s really hard for her.

I dimmed the lights in the car, she slowly closed her eyes and began to take a nap.

In my last life, when Shen San passed away, I was depressed and resigned to Zhou Yin and left the country alone.

Because of the time difference, I missed a call from Zhou Yin.

I called back the next day but there was no answer.

I looked for Shen Shi, it was his secretary who answered the phone.

The other party told me that Mrs. Shen had passed away and Mr. Shen was taking care of her affairs.

I didn’t believe it was true.

I contacted Zhou Yin’s parents, her mother went insane the day she found out the news, and her father followed suit.

When I rushed back to the city, I didn’t even get to see her one last time.

At the time, I was going crazy.

I didn’t know what I had done wrong, God made me lose my best friend after losing my lover.

I hysterically questioned Shen, “How could this happen?

He was so haggard and disheveled that he didn’t look human.

It was his secretary who pulled me aside and spoke up on behalf of Shen, “Ms. Ji, you think you’re the one who’s most upset? Since Mrs. died, Mr. Shen …… never spoke again.”

I turned to the wall and bawled, almost unsteady on my feet.

“Then why is it like this? How did Zhou Yin die?”

“It was depression caused by pregnancy.” He sighed, “It’s been identified and it was indeed a suicide.”

“I don’t believe it.”

We grew up together. She was so bright and flamboyant.

How could she be so depressed as to commit suicide?

I thought about the phone call I missed over and over again.

Zhou Yin was asking for help.

It was all my fault.

I was so disheartened that I didn’t go back to the Shen residence that Shen San had left me.

I spent a few months in the house Zhou Yin and I used to share, muddling through.

One day, I looked at Zhou Yin’s vigorous and exuberant appearance in the university group photo, and suddenly figured out that I was determined to live seriously.

But while cleaning my room, something happened that made my head spin.

Under the carpet of the main entrance, there were more than a dozen memory cards densely hidden.

Together with the carpet, there are three numbers written in blood – 326.

March 26th, when Zhou Yin earned the first bucket of gold day.

She regarded these three numbers as her lucky numbers, and only she and I knew it.

My body involuntarily trembled for what I was about to learn about what had happened to Zhou Yin.

Shen Shi was a madman.

He had a perverted desire to control Zhou Yin, and ridiculously, he called it a love affair.

Ever since Zhou Yin and he had established a relationship, he had demanded, in the name of love, that she focus on being his wife after she got married.

So Zhou Yin, whose career was booming, had no choice but to retire from the industry and marry someone else.

But even though she became a full-time wife, he still monitored her every move at home.

Until one day, by Zhou Yin discovered the home monitor, and removed a memory card inside.

Not only that, Shen San was also killed by him.

Obviously at that time, a suitable heart source was matched, and he was the one who tampered with the result without everyone’s knowledge.

And this was also recorded by the monitor he hid in the study.

After Zhou Yin learned everything, she escaped here while Shen Shi was off guard, but only had time to hide the memory card before Shen Shi caught her back.

Later, she was imprisoned by Shen Shi and completely lost her means of contact with the outside world, and I missed her last cry for help.

I missed her last call for help, and she jumped off a building in despair while still pregnant.

I was heartbroken to the extreme, hating myself for not being able to save her, for not being able to stop her from being with Shen Shi, for not being able to keep the source of that life-saving heart for Shen San.

I know in my heart that these memory cards are not evidence to convict Shen谙.

I wanted him to lose everything completely.

I realized all the things that Shen San left me and spent a huge amount of money to hire a business manipulator.

Regardless of the gains and losses, I was determined to target Shen谙.

Under my life-threatening offense, soon, the once-proud son of heaven was swept away by the board of directors.

After the great revenge.

I went to pay homage to Shen San and Zhou Yin, and was pushed down the artificial lake by the crazy Shen谙.

The lake, which was not deep enough, did not exceed the top of my head, and I gradually became blurred in consciousness, and when I opened my eyes again, I realized that I was back.

Zhou Yin is still bright and sunny, Shen San has not yet been tortured by the disease to thin bones.

Everything was still in time.

In the latter days, I used the same tactics as in my previous life.

Shen versed was really defenseless.

The more huge the enterprise, the more involved in the whole body.

When Shen versatile reacted to his own was set up, has been mired in the mud.

He had no choice but to find Shen San this, or a long time later Shen San told me.

He reluctantly bowed his head and said he knew he was wrong.

And promised not to bother Zhou Yin, and even soft and hard, said that if Shen San really married me, I am also considered his elders, head down, head up, why make such a stalemate.

I laughed coldly: “Now you know who is the elder? Then how did you tell him?”

Shen San said: “I asked him, have I wronged him all these years?”

Shen Shi Shi froze and shook his head.

After the death of Shen Elder, the Shen family property was clearly divided.

Shen San was dedicated to cultivating him and never dabbled in the management of the Shen family.

He said this to Shen San, showing that he remembered his goodness.

Shen San smiled after hearing this and also shook his head: ”No wonder.”


Shen San said: “So you only remember these fly and dog matters in your heart.

Shen Shi was lost in thought and left.

He stood outside the gate for a long time and finally bowed deeply.

Shen San was not as cold and hard as he appeared to be.

He told me about the Shen谙 when he was a child.

In his description, it was a well-behaved and understanding child.

Knowing that Uncle San was not well, he would behave himself and not make any noise.

“When he kicked a flower pot as a child, he would still say sorry to the flower, and would greet everyone he met on the road …… Originally, he was also a very good child.”

Although I did not tell Shen San anything, but he roughly guessed why I was poorly pursued by Shen versatile.

The next day, the board of directors jointly dismissed Shen谙, I learned from Zhou Yin, he went abroad.

Zhou Yin told me that before Shen Shi left, he apologized to her and said he really loved her.

She said dismissively that it wasn’t love at all.

Zhou Yin went into the group to shoot “Blind Green”, I went back to the Shen residence to focus on the search for the source of the heart.

Quietly waiting for that point in time in the video when Shen tampered with the match results.

This time, I will definitely be able to save Shen San.

Three years later, Zhou Yin and I were invited to an awards ceremony.

She won the queen of the movie in one fell swoop.

Under the spotlight, she was her own protagonist.

There won’t be any marriage proposal to steal others’ attention.

My Zhou Yin, bright and upright, deserves the best and most complete life.

She won’t stop there.

She was born to be free and will no longer be trapped as a canary in a cage.

The Queen’s Crown should not be her crowning glory, it should be her prologue.

I burst into tears and smiled with her on stage.

As the wait for that time got closer and closer.

I couldn’t help but start to get anxious.

Lung even ran to me eight hundred times a day asking me where the heart source was.

It’s been three years.

He decided that I was talking nonsense at the time, but couldn’t help but place a sliver of hope in me.

Only Shen San, whose current condition was unexpectedly stable, remained calm and relaxed.

I guarded all my contacts almost moment by moment, afraid of missing something.

Long laughed at me for being godly, but still always came to hand me plates of food.

Everything happened suddenly that day.

Long covered his abdomen, curled up into a ball and fell to the ground, beads of sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Shen San and I were shocked by this sudden turn of events and hurriedly called for the doctor.

As soon as the doctor entered, Long, who had just been in pain to the point of paleness, unexpectedly got better on his own, before and after only ten minutes.

The doctor could only ask a few simple questions, not much to go on.

I was dumbfounded, “Brother Long, go to the hospital.”

On this journey, my whole body felt like floating on the ground, only feeling the foolishness of fate.

The test results came out – advanced pancreatic cancer.

It turns out that ……

In my last life, Shen San was in bad shape, and I kept guarding the hospital.

Then Long went from going less to not appearing again, I did not even notice that something was wrong.

It seems that Shen is completely hiding this matter

Shen San was silent, and the whole person was enveloped by a great sense of loneliness.

The attending doctor came out at this time and said that Brother Long wants to see me.

“Go.” Shen San said.

I lowered my head and quickly wiped away my tears.

Lung, who had always been naive to the point of being a bit silly, was unexpectedly shrewd.

He asked, “It’s me, isn’t it?

“The heart source you’re waiting for is actually me.”

I cried uncontrollably because of these words, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know it would be like this …… I’m sorry ……”

It’s too cruel to say anything.

How could it be like this.

“Do you know why I was adopted? Because I also have panda blood, Master Shen kept me as a blood bag for Third Brother.

“In the beginning I was very displeased with him, always picking fights with him, he never cared and never used my blood …… But now …… maybe some people are born destined to sacrifice for others… .”

“That’s not true ……” I spoke feebly.

“That’s what San said.”

Lung smiled sagely, “So, I’m not sacrificing for him, I’m protecting my family.”

These were the last words Lung ever spoke to me.

After that day, he never saw Shen San and me again.

Especially Shen San.

I guess, he wanted to ease our guilt this way.

But how could he?

Shen San’s condition deteriorated drastically, he was getting thinner and thinner, and he spent less and less time awake.

I felt like I was back in my last life when I was bitterly guarding the hospital room.

If Zhou Yin hadn’t been by my side, I wouldn’t have been able to tell if I had really been reborn, or if everything was a figment of my imagination.

Not only was Shen San critically ill, but Long was also in critical condition.

It was as if they knew that the Grim Reaper could only take one person away and coincidentally chose themselves.

I don’t even know if the one who stays behind is lucky or unlucky.

The game was ultimately won by Lung.

His attending doctor told me that Lung signed the heart donation letter.

And long before he developed the disease, even earlier, a long, long time ago, he had secretly done a heart match with Shen San at the hospital.

The doctor told me that pancreatic cancer patients usually cause complications of heart failure, but miraculously, Lung’s heart was very healthy.

It was as if his body consciously protected the heart.

The doctor said, “What a miracle.”

Shen San was pushed out from the operating room, the strength of the anesthetic still not completely gone.

He had just woken up and immediately realized what had happened.

My tears dripped onto the back of his hand.

“Brother Lung said that he wasn’t sacrificing for you, he was protecting his family.”

Shen San turned his head.

I knew he was crying.

Our hands folded together.

After that day, I never saw Shen San cry again in my life.

Until the sun set and we went gray.

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