22. Sick girl, escape from life

Sick Girl, Escape from Life

Non-Essential: Seeing You When You’re in Love

After empathizing with the vicious female match, I became her.

After crossing over, I refused the female competition and hugged my boss’s leg to ask for a career.

The boss shook his leg in disgust, stating that he would never pass on his mastery.

I called the boss ‘Dad’ on the spot.

The boss added with a dark face that it was actually okay to call him ‘husband’.


After the boss arrived at the office, I rushed into the pantry with an arrow step.

After boiling hot water and warming the cups with hot water, I poured good black tea into the cups and brewed it with 70 degree Celsius hot water.

Qi Yun is a bit of a germaphobe, so I bought the cups for him on purpose.

That’s right, I’m going to kiss my boss’s ass.

My boss, Qi Yun, is 28 years old and started out in the new media, earning a million dollars a month three years ago.

Qi Yun is not only a good earner, but also a good-looking guy, no less than the popular flow of love beans.

But the boss said, he does not like the noise in the spotlight.

I nodded my head and said yes, the boss really just want to make a fortune.

As for the fact that I can understand Qi Yun so well, it is all because of my personal efforts.

The book I’m wearing is a typical domineering president in love with me.

When I was reading the book, I did two main things.

One thing was to analyze the blackening process of the female counterpart, and the other was to analyze the boss’s personal preferences.

There’s no way, the author is too good at it, and the male lead under his pen, completely grows on my aesthetic point.

Full forehead, delicate eyebrows, smooth jawline, and a well-defined throat, just thinking about it makes one’s blood run cold.

Now that I’m wearing a book, there are only two things I want to do, the first is to refuse to blacken, and the second is for the boss to take.

Carefully carrying a cup of tea to the president’s office, knocked three times after the door, I pushed the door and entered.

But after seeing the three differently shaped drinks on the table, I was stunned.

Apparently I wasn’t the only one who had learned the boss’s preferences.

Luckily I had a second option.

Benefiting from the plot setting, I was still the boss’s personal assistant.

After placing the black tea on the table, I started memorizing the boss’s process for the day and checking the progress of the work.

The boss looked at the computer, very perfunctory hmmm ah ah, my heart half cold.

Well, less than three minutes, two programs failed at the same time.

“Well, I know all this.” The boss’s emotionless words drifted out of his mouth, I nodded my head yes, and then planned to leave.

“Hey, you that!” The boss suddenly calls me to a halt and I turn around in surprise.

He couldn’t have realized my beauty, could he?

But after I turned back, the boss’s hand stopped in mid-air, went up and down for a while, and finally fell.

“It’s fine, you go out.”

I sip the black tea in my hand, puzzled.

I had just returned to my workstation, intending to work hard, when my cell phone suddenly lit up.

“Jiang Yi is coming back tonight, there is a recognition banquet.”

Cold text, cold notification.

I simply replied with a 「1」.

I forgot to mention that in this book of mine, there’s also True or False Qianjin.

Of course, the female match, must be the fake one.


My original name is Qin Zhaodi, Jiang Yi is the name that Jiang’s parents gave to their eldest daughter.

The real Jiang Yi set Qin Zhaodi’s name, in the Qin family as a cow for many years.

But because of my impostor, the real Jiang Yi came back and renamed herself Jiang Yu.

Pretty good name.

In the original book, Jiang Yi, as the fake Qianjin, enjoyed the treatment of the real Qianjin for twenty years.

The return of the real Qianjin was the first blow Jiang Yi received.

Not to mention Jiang Yi, a person who has lived for more than twenty years, I was stunned when I crossed over.

The separate checkroom, countless high fashion, exclusive guest reception halls, and world-class musical instruments directly washed over me.

Yet you tell me it’s all someone else’s, not mine?

The cruelest thing is not to never have it, but to have it and then lose it.

I can only be thankful that I sat in God’s perspective and carefully analyzed this in the first place, so now I’m accepting it quite quickly.

So I did not give Jiang Yu’s face cream inside the drug, let Jiang Yu rotten face; also did not destroy Jiang Yu’s dress, let her make a fool of herself at the dinner party.

I just wanted to quickly end my own rich family’s fake millennial script, and then start a new life of messing with the business.

This piece of cake in the new media field, if I don’t eat it, there really won’t be any more!

I rushed back to the Jiang family’s mansion before the dinner party started.

Even after traveling for half a month, I didn’t even remember how many turns I had to take to come in from the door to get to the main hall.

Really, does precious life have to be wasted here?

After arriving with great difficulty, Jiang mother’s eyes were filled with dislike when she saw me.

Yes, Jiang mother is a very extreme person.

When she loves you, she pours out her heart and lungs, and when she doesn’t, even breathing is wrong.

If it wasn’t for her clear-cut love and hate, perhaps the original owner wouldn’t have blackened so quickly.

But the original owner, as a fake Qianjin, has been turtled up for twenty years, so what reason is there to ask for so much?

Sure enough, at today’s dinner party, my gown was a crappy basic luxury item, while Jiang Yu’s gown, was a high luxury high fashion.

I don’t really care, basic luxuries are also luxuries.

When the time comes to hang to the salted fish, is also money ah.

Yes, when the real Qianjin Jiang Yu was recognized back, the Jiang family in order not to be called by the outside world, “found the real daughter and then directly abandoned the adopted daughter”, it did not kick me out.

It is true in the original, but the Jiang family directly cut off Jiang Yi’s pocket money, the original spending no concept of Jiang Yi consumption level a drop in the bucket, change who who is not crazy.

So, after a fierce work, Jiang Yi even the right to live in the villa are no longer.

I’m not doing it now, but I’m also trying to prevent being kicked out.

The dinner party was held as scheduled, and the warblers that once surrounded me turned away from me after realizing that I was a fake daughter.

The occasional glimpses were filled with disdain.

I was happy to be quiet, hiding in the corner to dismantle the new media explosion.

“This opening utilizes the ‘anomaly’ treatment technique. Describing an event is often done with a protagonist plus an event plus a feeling; this headline reverses the feeling, thus catching the reader’s eye and sparking reading interest.”

I was greatly benefited by the softly spoken advice, and after jotting down the knowledge, I realized that my boss was watching me next to me.

Qi Yun also comes from a big family, although his status is slightly embarrassing, but as an industry leader, Qi’s father is still very willing to bring him out to expand his circle of contacts.

I got up in a panic and was about to ask “Hello boss” when the boss pressed me down.

Immediately afterward, a piece of piano music started.

Piano playing was originally my specialty. Actually, it wasn’t really a specialty, it was just that under the teachings of various famous teachers, it was hard not to be skilled in this skill.

The Jiang family, as a musical family, the piano was a basic skill that one must know.

When I was not skilled at the piano, it was quite difficult for Jiang’s father and mother.

Sure enough, after Jiang Yu came back, he showed his amazing talent on the piano.

It’s about time they were a family.

I’m just a mediocre female match who wants to make a fortune.


In the original story, the boss Qi Yun was impressed by Jiang Yu’s talent during the marriage recognition banquet, and then fell in love.

I looked at the handsome side face of the person next to me, and for a moment my heart was like a knife.

Yes yes yes, the female match strike has come again.

The beloved, in love with someone else.

The music came to an abrupt halt and I jerked my head.

For a moment just now, it seemed like I was being manipulated by the original owner’s emotions! I need to hurry up and restore my God’s perspective ah hello!

Qi Yun noticed my abnormality and turned his head to look at me.

I shook my head to indicate that I was fine, and then continued to study the new media text in my hand.

“It’s my honor to have such a dedicated employee.” Qi Yun’s tone carried a smile.

I looked up at him, “What are you honored for, I just love money.

Just at this time, someone in the audience suddenly cue me to ask where the original Miss Jiang family has gone, and it is said that she also plays the piano very well.

In the original, I was locked in the house during the recognition banquet for persecuting Jiang Yu, and there were people who asked about my existence, but Jiang’s father and mother found a reason to shirk.

But now I didn’t do anything, so the housekeeper also quickly found me.

After a brief greeting, I sat down and played “Ave Maria”.

The simple and pleasant melody flowed inside the hall, and all heard the blessings in the tune.

After the song was played, applause rose and the boss stood in the crowd with the corners of his mouth raised.

Seeing Jiang Yu slowly walking towards me, my heart was clear.

With a professional smile on his face, he exchanged pleasantries with the guests on stage.

The biological daughter has returned, and the adopted daughter is not angry or annoyed, but instead sends a full of blessings.

Even a small fish-eating expert would have a hard time picking out a bit of a thorn in the side.

Compared to my ease, Jiang Yu’s face is a bit embarrassed.

I knew that Jiang Yu had really prepared for a long time for today’s performance.

Although she has a talent that allows her to play the finished product in a short period of time, it’s hard to get a quick fix after years of muscle memory development.

I didn’t pick a particularly difficult track to show off just now, just so I wouldn’t embarrass her too much.

Of course, I didn’t expect Jiang Yu to be grateful to me, after all, I’ve been wrong as the one who robbed her of her life, from twenty years ago.

Oh ho, God’s perspective, let me have peace of mind.

The banquet ended successfully, after sending off the guests I returned to the nanny’s room on the first floor.

The old mansion was luxurious and spacious, but couldn’t spare a guest room for the adopted daughter.

Who would be blackened if the adopted daughter didn’t.

Just at this time, there was a sudden shriek from upstairs.

Then stumbling footsteps sounded, and I also put on my clothes and went outside.

Standing on the second floor, Jiang Yu burst into tears, then covered her face with one hand.

Jiang mother looked at me with eyes full of resentment, even Jiang father sighed frequently when he looked at me.

“Sister, I know you don’t like me coming back, you don’t like the fact that I’m taking up your name and your room, but you can’t poison my cosmetics and ruin my face!”

“It was yours in the first place, why should I be jealous?”

My reply was obviously beyond Jiang Yu’s expectations, she froze there and even forgot to cry.

“Besides, this banquet is over, your unveiling ceremony has been completed, what’s the use of my poisoning now?”

Jiang Yu messed up for a while, “Yes, it’s because …… you poisoned me a long time ago, but attending the banquet was the makeup artist who put on my makeup, so, so ……”

I shook my head, Jiang Yu is also too anxious to drive me out, “Yes, before the dinner party Mom and Dad are to ask a professional makeup artist to make up, I have been a big lady for so many years, naturally I also know about this. So there’s no reason to do this extra thing ah.”

After saying this, I immediately called the Jiang family’s skincare team, video interviewed Jiang Yu’s skin condition, and after the treatment plan was given, Jiang Yu didn’t even come back to her senses.

“The face is particularly important to girls, must not leave sequelae. And the villa has surveillance everywhere, I have not come up since I moved down from the second floor. The video can also testify to that. I’m really sorry for taking up twenty years of your life, if you feel that my presence is making it difficult for you, then I’ll move out.”

Hearing me say this, Jiang father finally sighed.

How could someone who could run such a large industry not see the twists and turns inside.

Even Jiang mother also realized the cat’s meow in the middle and loosened her arm around Jiang Yu.

The rest is out of my hands.

The next day, I received a key to a high-class apartment near the company.

I looked at the key and cried and laughed, only feeling pity for the original owner, after all, between Jiang Yi and Jiang Yu, Jiang father and mother chose the latter.

Although Jiang Yi is not biological, but these twenty years Jiang Yi has always treated Jiang’s couple as her real parents.

No one wanted to be abandoned by their own parents.

In the final analysis, they were the ones who carried the wrong original owner in the first place, and what did the original owner do wrong?


The company docked a new business, the whole company stayed up for half a month, and finally gnawed down the hard bone.

This half month all my creative content by the boss personally control, one to two learned a lot of knowledge.

I and the boss said: “You teach me well now, next year I will help you change cars and houses to marry a wife!

The boss suddenly laughed softly and reached out to rub my head: “After many years in the industry, you’re still the first one to draw a big pie for the boss.”

I was overwhelmed by this sudden intimacy, while the boss took his hand back in a cloudy manner and continued the work at hand.

Only his reddened ears signaled to the world that he wasn’t as calm as he seemed either.

If that’s the case, doesn’t it mean that my behavior is also affecting the plot in the shadows?

Before I had time to steal a sigh of joy, I received a piece of bad news-

Jiang Nan is back.

If I were to say who I hated the most in this book, it would undoubtedly be Jiang Nan.

Jiang Nan is the Jiang family’s own son, so he is especially favored.

However, Jiang Nan has always been abroad, the book has implicitly said that the reason why Jiang Nan went abroad is because of the school bullying made people die, to go abroad to avoid trouble.

This time, she came back firstly because the last time was a long time ago, and secondly because Jiang Yu, the real millennial, came back.

But the reason I say that Jiang Nan’s return is bad news is because this Jiang Nan is a perverted sickly girl.

In the book, as soon as Jiang Nan met Jiang Yu, she was very fond of her.

Without the favor of her parents, Jiang Yi wanted to find a little presence in this brother. So she tried desperately to please Jiang Nan.

However, Jiang Nan was not only unmoved, but even mistreated Jiang Yi because she had once persecuted Jiang Yu.

In the original book, the male lead and the female lead join hands together and live a life of intense love, while the female match is alone, imprisoned by Jiang Nan in a dark basement, not seeing the light of day, and her death at the end of the day is a brush stroke.

This time I traveled here, never persecuted Jiang Yu, I do not know if I can escape this.

With a nervous mood, I arrived at the airport with the Jiang family, ready to pick up Jiang Nan.

Jiang father and mother put the word that I must come, in their mouths, Jiang Nan is the most favored me.

This blessing, big time.

In the airport, people came and went, Jiang Yu was very excited to hold the flowers, looking forward to seeing her brother. Jiang father and mother were similarly looking through the crowd.


Jiang Yu’s voice rang out from the side, she had seen Jiang Nan’s picture before, so she recognized him at once.

Not far away, Jiang Nan also did stand out in the crowd. Even if he was wearing a mask, he could still find his good-looking eyebrows underneath his golden glasses.

The passerby next to him looked at Jiang Nan and screamed in shock, taking out his cell phone was a shot.

Worthy of being a sickly girl, that strong sense of brokenness on this body was as if he had been hurt a thousand times by a slag woman.

General female creatures, the most can not stand this.

Jiang Nan saw us and took off her mask to greet us. I looked at Jiang Nan walking slowly towards us and swallowed very hard.

With her white skin, bright red lips, a sense of brokenness if anything when she was silent, and that seeming sense of aggression when she smiled, Jiang Nan exuded danger from every cell of her body.

I politely expressed my welcome, intending to remain a transparent person.

But at that moment, I noticed that Jiang Nan’s eyes, which were like an abyss, were gazing at me.

With just this glance, I felt like my breathing was going to stop.

It was a strange glance, not like a brother looking at his sister, but like a hunter looking at his prey.


I followed behind a group of people and returned to Jiang’s house.

During this time, Jiang Nan’s eyes kept lingering on Jiang Yu, as if the confrontation at the airport was a figment of my imagination.

The intimacy he showed towards Jiang Yu was even more blatant than the kind written in novels.

If I were the original owner, I would have been jealous of this scene.

Before this, Jiang Nan’s favoritism did all belong to Jiang Yi alone.

It was also at this moment that I truly felt the despair of a female match.

All that was once hers is constantly stripped away, no matter what you do, you can’t turn things around, one second you’re a bright and shiny young lady, the next you’re a sewer rat who’s sick of even looking at you.

The ups and downs can really make a person grow up fast, but who has paid attention to how many people in the way of growth, how many people’s corpses and bones.

Thinking about this, I only felt a pang in my eyes.

“What has Jiang Yi been busy with lately?” Jiang Nan suddenly spoke.

I hurriedly put down my knife and fork and sat upright in a proper manner, “Recently, I’m working for a new media company.”

Spitting out my words clearly, trying not to let Jiang Nan pick out a single fault.

When Jiang Nan saw my reaction, she raised her eyebrows, seemingly satisfied with my fearful demeanor.

The lights in the living room were warm yellow, and Jiang Nan’s fair skin looked like it was gilded with a layer of golden light under the illumination of the lights.

“New media? Sister you’re awesome!” Jiang Yu said from the sidelines.

Before I could open my mouth, Jiang Nan said, “Do you like it? Like it when brother opens one for you.”

“Really?” Jiang Yu asked joyfully.

The conversation between Jiang Nan and I was cut short, and my gesture of being fully prepared to respond seemed like a clown.

My father and mother laughed and said that Jiang Nan favored his sister too much, which was not good.

But no one paid attention to my waxen face from staying up all night working overtime.

People are most afraid of such naked comparisons.

“Well, since we’ve all eaten, let’s all have a good rest.”

Jiang Nan’s words came out slowly, and I subconsciously winced.

Where is the time to spring into sadness because of what happened to the original owner!

In the novel it was today that Jiang Nan touched Jiang Yi’s bed.

The black and white inked words turned into flowing images in my mind.

Jiang Yi, who had been cold-shouldered, was cowering on the wide bed, her mind full of images of the Jiang family’s happiness, and her tears kept smashing down on the pillow.

The helplessness of being abandoned by her relatives, and the hatred of Jiang Yu’s arrival, made the world-weary Jiang Yi feel miserable.

Right in the midst of the constant mental internal depletion, the door of the room was slowly pushed open and Jiang Nan pushed his way in, unashamedly burrowing into Jiang Yi’s quilt.

Slightly cold arms circled Jiang Yi tightly, warm breath pounced on Jiang Yi’s neck, and a low, seductive voice rang in her ears, “Didn’t you miss your brother? Little cat?”

Jiang Yi shivered, although there was a little bit of fear, but in her heart was more of a surprise, a surprise that she had not been abandoned.

So when Jiang Nan’s hand explored that forbidden place, Jiang Yi only symbolically pushed it away.

“Hm? You don’t want to be hated by your brother either, right?”

Jiang Nan’s soft murmur was like a magic spell that fixed Jiang Yi in place.

And this kind of reaction further hit Jiang Nan’s heart, and Jiang Nan plundered this night with abandon.

Whether or not he could escape the control of the original plot would be determined tonight.

In fact, looking at the situation just now, there is still a certain discrepancy between this fact and fiction.

For example, I’ve never hurt Jiang Yu, but Jiang Nan still has his eyes on me.

It seems that what the original novel said about torturing me for the sake of Jiang Yu was just an excuse for Jiang Nan to find an excuse for his perverted behavior.

If Jiang Nan was only targeting me to fulfill his personal preference.

Then what should I think of in order to escape the situation?


The night was uncommonly long, and just as I was about to collapse, my cell phone lit up with a message from my boss, Qi Yun.

My eyes lit up.

Qi Yun is tall and strong, physically stronger than Jiang Nan, and the Qi family is the local natives, the family business is not comparable to the Jiang family.

If there is anyone who has the ability to play against the Jiang family, Qi Yun is definitely the best candidate.

However, I can’t directly say that Jiang Nan is a pervert, although this is a fact, but it is difficult for the general public to accept.

I only said that Jiang’s nanny room seemed to have rats and felt scared.

Qiyun, however, said that there was no need to be afraid, and that if you had any difficulties, you should call him.

Then three horns sounded outside the window.

I came to the bed with bare feet, and Qi Yun black Maybach was hiding in the deep night.

Is he here …… for Jiang Yu?

Just then, Jiang Yu s shocked scream came from upstairs:

“What are you doing brother?”

Jiang Yu stood in the hallway with bare feet, hands clasped tightly in front of her chest, voice with panic inside.

Jiang Nan came out of Jiang Yu’s room with a calm demeanor and saw me downstairs with just a glance: “I’ve come to tuck you in, to make up for my absence as a child.”

While Jiang Yu was half-convinced, I felt Jiang Nan’s eyes, like a venomous snake, climbed up my leg and slithered up.

But after Jiang Yu made such a mess, Jiang Nan didn’t make any other moves this night.

And I had no desire to sleep.

What should have happened in the original plot, happened.

The days went on as usual, yet not so usual.

I was desperately trying to think of a way to get out of the trap, and my hair was falling out.

Qi Yun got a bottle of black sesame pills from somewhere and put it on my table, telling me to eat it well.

Does he think that my current image has brought shame to the company?

Oooooh, the life of a female match, how can it be so miserable.

“Sister Jiang Yi, please come downstairs and take a look.” When the little sister at the front desk came to me, I was in the middle of matching needs with a client.

I looked at the client with difficulty, but Qi Yun came in through the door, signaling me to hurry down.

No sooner had I reached the door to the elevator room than the noise came:

“Jiang Yi is my own daughter! She was taken away by a rich man, so she doesn’t want us to be her parents!

“My child, mom and dad have missed you so much, but now we can’t even see you!”

“My son, you may be a white-eyed wolf, but we still love you!”

Two old men were crying downstairs in the company, their mournful voices were amplified in the empty office building.

There were more and more people gathered around.

I had just recognized the boisterous couple as the original owner’s real parents, when someone beside me was already talking about me: “That fake daughter of the Jiang family doesn’t even recognize her real parents for the sake of money.”

If this continues, what face do I have to show up in this office building?

In this situation, I can only make a strange move.

I twisted my thighs, and tears immediately gushed out, “Mom and Dad, you’ve finally come to me!”

I cried and came in front of the two old men, who looked at the snotty me and backed away in fear.

“Mom and Dad, why don’t you come over! I’m Zhaodi, Qin Zhaodi, isn’t that the name you gave me? When I was in the hospital, you guys hugged the wrong daughter of the Jiang family, and now that I’m back, why don’t you give me a hug! I heard that when Jiang’s daughter came home, she gave you half a million dollars, and you took the money and left without asking me how I was doing, you’re so cruel!”

The old couple was completely disoriented by me: “I, we’re here, aren’t we?”

“Right! Luckily you guys came, otherwise I would have thought you didn’t want me anymore! Mom and Dad, please take me back! I’ve been eating and living in the Jiang family’s house for the past few years, and I’ve owed a lot of money. You guys can help me pay back the money, and I’ll go back to serve you well.”

When the old woman heard that they still needed to pay me back, she immediately yelled, “What? We still need to pay you back? You’re a money-loser and you have the nerve to ask us for money! There’s no money! We still have to pay for your brother’s marriage!”

The old man was relatively calm: “The Jiang family is so rich, how could they care about the alimony for all these years with you?”

“Naturally, the Jiang family doesn’t care, but now I want to go with you! I want to go back to serve you, so naturally I can’t bear the favor of the Jiang family! The Jiangs’ own daughter has lived in our family for more than 20 years, and she’s paid half a million dollars. I’ve lived in the Jiang family for more than 20 years, and I’ve spent more than 5 million dollars! If you want me to go back, you have to settle the alimony? You guys quickly settle it for me so I can go back and serve you!”

The old man’s face went completely cold, but the old woman went crazy: “There’s no money! Your brother took all the money to gamble, who has the money to pay you back! Isn’t there a young master in the Jiang family? Go and seduce him! Get married to the young master and pay us the dowry to pay off your brother’s debt!”

How did they know the Jiang family’s young master was back?

But it’s good that the situation has changed now.

And the watchers around me changed from condemning my ingratitude to despising the old couple.

“We haven’t seen each other for more than twenty years, and the moment we do, we have to sell our daughter.”

“Listening to Di’s name, she’s a bigot.”

“Alas, in the end, it was also carried by the wrong, and it is not her own desire …….”

Just when I was thinking about how to arch the fire again, Jiang Nan appeared.


“No matter what, Jiang Yi is my Jiang family’s child, you don’t fool around here!” Jiang Nan’s voice was not loud, but one sentence defined that my ingratitude was indeed true.

When the old woman saw Jiang Nan, she slapped her thighs and immediately said, “Young Master Jiang, you have to make a decision for the old woman!

Jiang Nan had just come back, so they shouldn’t have known Jiang Nan.

Jiang Nan tried to protect me behind him, but I didn’t move.

If I had just let the Qin family couple pour cold water on me, I would have had no choice but to watch myself being cold-shouldered by the crowd. Then Jiang Nan was like a god descending from heaven, I would have immediately stepped forward to seek protection.

But I’m not, just now the situation has been reversed by me, Jiang Nan’s appearance at this time can not be said to be of no use at all, but the effectiveness is greatly reduced.

The old couple and Jiang Nan chatted a few times back and forth, and Jiang Nan promised to pay off the debt to the old couple’s son.

“Mr. Jiang, I’ve spent so much money over the years! Mr. Jiang, I’ve already spent so much money on the Jiang family over the years, I can’t let the Jiang family spend money on me again!” I refused repeatedly, if I let Jiang Nan pay for this, will I be able to pay off my debt in this lifetime?

Jiang Nan really changed her face, reached out her hand and cupped my chin, “Not even calling me brother?”

I only felt that my chin was bitten hard by a poisonous snake, and I couldn’t even catch my breath.

“Mr. Jiang, you’d better let go.”

A familiar voice sounded not far away, then a big hand yanked me away.

I smelled the nice scent of black tea on Qi Yun’s body, which made me feel hopeful.

“This couple has never fulfilled their duty of support to Jiang Yi, but now they are asking her for money, they are not even talking about morality, they are directly trying to kidnap her. I’ve already reported it to the police, and the police will soon come out to deal with the matter.”

When the old couple heard that the police were coming, they immediately messed up and looked at Jiang Nan blearily, “Mr. Jiang, that’s not what was said in the beginning!”

The old couple was really called over by Jiang Nan!

Why? Just to make me dependent on him so that I can manipulate me properly?

Jiang Nan’s face was gloomy, just staring at me with a deadly stare, ”Jiang Yi, how can you be with a wild man …… when your brother is not here?

Look at these words, they are really hard to hear.

“Mr. Jiang, Qi Yun he, is my boyfriend.”

When I said this, Jiang Nan’s face was visibly gloomy.

I secretly stretched out my fingers and drew circles on Qi Yun’s hand, hoping that he would help me with this drama.

Just when I was terrified to death that Qiyun would push me out, Qiyun’s big hand suddenly opened up and then clasped my fingers.

I was at peace, just in this moment.

“He is nothing but a bastard, you actually rely on him?”

Jiang Nan must be a crazy ball, this words actually dare to say directly!

The fact that Qi Yun is a bastard is a taboo in the entire circle.

The fact that Qi Yun is an illegitimate child is a taboo in the whole circle.

The father and mother of Qi Yun were university classmates at the time, because of love together. However, the Qi family is a large family, not allowed Qi Yun father to marry a woman with no background in the door, Qi Yun’s grandmother even used death to blackmail Qi Yun father.

The father of Qi Yun had no choice but to break up with the mother of Qi Yun and marry a rich woman from the same family.

However, Qi Yun’s father didn’t know that his mother was pregnant when he broke up with her. If it wasn’t for the fact that Qi Yun’s mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness when she was eighteen years old, Qi Yun’s father would have never seen Qi Yun in his life.

When Qi Yun returned to the Qi family, his father threatened that if anyone dared to say that Qi Yun was an illegitimate child, it would be against the Qi family.

Now that Jiang Nan has said this, I can even think of how the Jiang family died.


“Please don’t say that. Qi Yun is a very good person! He’s kind and brave and talented, and it’s the person he is that I see in him! I don’t care what his origin is, I just know that the first moment he appeared, he was the one I wanted.”

My sudden confession completely exceeded Qi Yun and Jiang Nan’s expectations, and what I said was true.

“Jiang Nan, you pride yourself as my best brother, now that my sister has found her beloved, shouldn’t you give your blessing?”

As soon as my words came out, Jiang Nan trembled visibly, his good-looking handsome face was twisting at different angles, and the bulging veins made it seem as if his whole body was about to transform into a monster.

People who are sickly seem to have dysfunctional facial nerves.

I leaned behind Qi Yun, this time I was really a bit scared.

“Kitten misbehaved, I saved you and you found another master.”

Jiang Nan murmured and walked towards me, luckily Qi Yun was in front of me.

Jiang Nan was not convinced and suddenly took a side step as if he wanted to come over and grab someone. Qi Yun directly swung his fist up, and the skinny Jiang Nan retreated a few steps and directly fell to the ground.

No wonder the other day I want Qi Yun to help me find a coach to teach self-defense, Qi Yun said that this good to say.

It turns out that Qiyun herself is so powerful.

Jiang Nan lay on the ground, his hand clenched into a fist, ruthlessly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the resentment in his eyes seemed to turn into a sharp sword to poke Qi Yun through.

Qi Yun looked at Jiang Nan, undaunted, even moving his muscles, intending to fight again.

Just at this time, the police arrived.

After making a statement at the police station, Qiyun let me go back to his house for my safety.

“I don’t have any other meaning, I just think that the people you met today are quite abnormal, maybe it’s safer to be with me, don’t think …… too much.”

I was too happy, how could I think too much, who would reject a man who is 5’5″ and knows martial arts?

When I left the police station with Qi Yun, I kept feeling a chill down my spine.

On the way to Qi Yun’s house, I was very ashamed to say, “Boss I am sorry, just now my confession was also a moral abduction of you ……”

“It’s already not easy for you, a girl, to think of so many ways to deal with it in such a short period of time. If you’re really guilty, just make me a cup of black tea later.”

I raised my eyebrows at this, this is my strong point.

Qi Yun’s home is not far from the company, and the home is decorated in a minimalist style, with nothing superfluous at all.

It is also because of the minimalist style, so the group photo on the cupboard looks very eye-catching.

In the center of the photo is a young man, Qi Yun, beside him stands a smaller girl.

“My sister. Back then, my mom took me with her and married Uncle Song, and my sister is the daughter of my mom and Uncle Song.”

Qi Yun’s eyes were full of despondency when he said this, obviously something bad had happened.

“Whenever I see you, I always think of my sister. But you are much more flexible than my sister, if my sister is like you, in the first place, not because of school bullying ……”

My heartbeat emptied a beat, something seemed to be right at this moment.

I heard before that the reason why Jiang Nan went abroad was because of the school bullying that killed people.

And when I came to Qi Yun’s company, the conditions were not considered the best, but because Qi Yun knew that I was a member of the Jiang family, he made an exception.

“So there’s no need for you to feel guilty for saying that I’m your boyfriend, after all, in the beginning, I approached you with bad intentions.”

Qi Yun’s candor was unexpected.

I sat on the sofa, digesting it all.

No wonder Qi Yun has been working so hard since he started his career. It turns out that he wants to use his ability to gain the recognition of the Qi family, and then gain enough strength to bring down the Jiang family.

The novel only wrote that Qi Yun fell in love with Jiang Yu at first sight, but did not write this layer.

Does this mean that there is another truth underneath what is shown in the novel?


The dimly lit basement, not a single ray of sunlight could shine in.

The small light at the entrance was also brightly lit because it had been in disrepair for years.

I cower my feet together, the chains on my ankles clanking and crunching.

The events of the past few days seemed like a dream.

I stayed at Qiyun s house, and knowing that Qiyun treated me as a sister, I relaxed instead.

But I still underestimated Jiang Nan’s heartlessness.

He actually dressed up as a cleaner and bewitched me when I came out of the company bathroom.

Even after all this time, I still remember the feeling of the gray and black rag of the cleaning lady, pressed wetly against my mouth.

There was no light in the basement, and my concept of time was getting blurry.

I kept fighting back during this time, but the intensifying torture told me it was all for naught.

If it weren’t for the wounds on my body that were aching, I would have even suspected that I had become one with the cold concrete.

Just as my consciousness drifted away and I was about to fall asleep, the sound of metal clashing came from diagonally above me, and then the sunlight poured down, and Jiang Nan stepped on the sunlight and walked towards me.

Like a god, but a life-threatening demon.

As Jiang Nan approached, my body began to tremble uncontrollably.

“Brother’s cat, how can you be afraid like this?”

“Jiang Nan, please let me out! Why are you imprisoning me!”

“Why? Because you’re brother’s cat, you’ll be brother’s most beautiful creation.”

Jiang Nan’s cold fingers touched my neck, and I could feel the goosebumps on my neck standing up in a flash.

This kind of thing, sickly pussy, should never be touched. Although written in a novel, it is overbearing possession, but if you experience it in person, it must be a feeling like purgatory on earth.

This person in front of me imprisons you, not to pamper you, but to play with you, torture you, and consume you little by little.

Every time Jiang Nan kissed my arm, I felt that he was gnawing on a piece of fresh bone and then sucking on my bone marrow, turning me into a dry corpse alive.

Jiang Nan cupped my chin and scrutinized it, as if looking for imperfections in my face.

Then Jiang Nan’s hand pressed on my eyes, and the stinging sensation made me retch.

“Why is there still anger in your eyes? Brother did all this for your own good.”

The sharp stinging sensation makes me unable to think, only expecting that today’s torture can end soon.

Just as I was praying repeatedly inside, Jiang Nan suddenly dragged me out of the basement.

The fresh air stimulated my lungs, and the blinding sunlight made me unable to open my eyes.

“My good sister, today, my brother will show you what the person you’re looking forward to is doing every day.”

As he said this, Jiang Nan’s eyes were filled with smugness.

I was placed in the car with my hands and feet tied and gagged. The car was pitch black, and the peep-proof solar film hid everything in the car.

I looked out unfocused through the darkened windows, my mind racing with how to escape.

Just at this time, two familiar people suddenly appeared in front of me.

Why are Jiang Yu and Qi Yun together?

Jiang Yu in front of the square, holding an ice cream in her hand, eating it happily. Qi Yun stood beside Jiang Yu, and thoughtfully wiped the cream stains on the corner of her mouth.

Qi Yun, a person with cleanliness fetish, still reached out and wiped away the stains at the corner of Jiang Yu’s mouth.

Everything in the original story came to mind again.

In the sunlight, Jiang Yu and Qi Yun were in love, but in the darkness, Jiang Yi was being tortured by Jiang Nan and was in pain.

My whole body was like falling into an ice cave, and in this instant, it seemed that I couldn’t even take the simplest breath.

I had been careful and cautious in order to escape the grasp of the original plot, but reality told me that no one could escape.

I really am just an ordinary traveler, and under the author’s pen, I can only wait for the gears of fate to crush me.

Jiang Nan watched the light in my eyes fade a little and started the car with great satisfaction.

Because the damage was too great, I was as rotten as mud when Jiang Nan dragged me down from the car.

Jiang Nan was already thin and weak, so it took a bit of effort to drag me up.

This time, when I returned to the basement, Jiang Nan’s entire body exuded a sense of relief.

“You see, in this world, only brother loves you.”

I nodded my head tremblingly, and Jiang Nan left satisfied.


After I showed my complete obedience to Jiang Nan, Jiang Nan was satisfied to the naked eye.

But it was only satisfied for a few days.

“Tsk, not brother’s favorite cat after all.”

Jiang Nan murmured, then pulled up a few photos from her computer, and as if she was showing off her proud work, Jiang Nan turned the photos around for me to see.

“See, this is the first cat that my brother liked, but this cat was too stubborn, no matter how much she talked, it was useless, and she even committed suicide. I heard that when she jumped off the roof, she even smashed her father to death, don’t you think it’s funny?”

I laughed awkwardly along with Jiang Nan, while my hand behind me clenched into a fist.

The person in the photo was no other than the Song family’s little sister.

Qi Yun’s sister.

He’s talking about Qi Yun’s sister, the Song family’s little girl.

It was said that the Song family’s little girl was beautiful and kind-hearted, and her favorite thing to do was to rescue kittens, but it was this kind of person who suffered from school bullying. The bully was powerful and even took private photos of the little girl. Unwilling to be controlled by the bullies, the little girl leapt down from the school building.

Qi Yun was studying abroad at the time, and when he rushed back, he only saw his sister’s cold body.

Qi Yun was too small and weak to fight the bullies.

Even though Qi Yun was later recognized by the Qi family, it was impossible for the Qi family to waste manpower and resources to help an unrelated person to take revenge.

That’s why Qi Yun has been working hard, waiting for the day she has enough strength to protect others.

Yet Jiang Nan, as the instigator of the tragedy back then, felt no guilt and even thought it was just a joke.

If you’re a devil, you should go to hell.

After I served Jiang Nan properly, Jiang Nan seemed to fall asleep.

To be honest, now that things have developed to this state, it has already exceeded my expectations.

At first, I was actually prepared to be kidnapped by Jiang Nan, and since I couldn’t change the course of the story, I had to utilize the parts of the story that weren’t explained to make a living for myself.

Qi Yun and I planned that after I gained Jiang Nan’s trust, I would find information about Jiang Nan’s brutalization of Song Xiaomei. Then Qi Yun would rescue me again.

I didn’t dare to gamble on Qi Yun’s feelings for me, so I had to use Little Sister Song to raise the stakes for myself.

But Jiang Nan’s perversion didn’t occur to me. He didn’t say anything in the first few days, just tortured me and destroyed my body.

Then a little bit more to wear down my will.

In the end, I wondered if the agreement I made with Qi Yun before was a figment of my imagination.

Otherwise, why would Qi Yun and Jiang Yu walk together so intimately?

It was also at this time that I finally realized that this matter of wearing a book was not fun at all.

When I entered this book, I swore that no matter what I went through, I wouldn’t black out.

All to keep the bottom line of my morals and be a good person.

But maybe that’s how the female supporting cast is meant to be, never deserving to be a good person.

Jiang Nan’s snoring sounded, and I played with the chain attached to my foot, looking at Jiang Nan’s neck, and suddenly smiled.

The thin chain, on one side, had already opened its edge because I kept polishing it.

The length of the open edge was just enough to catch Jiang Nan’s small thin neck.

As long as I quietly wrap the chain around Jiang Nan’s neck, I can ……

Just as I was gently lifting Jiang Nan’s head up, there was a sudden rattle from the doorway leading to the basement.

Qi Yun ran towards me with the smell of black tea.

Is this all a hallucination?


“Jiang Yi, it’s okay, Jiang Yi.” Qi Yun’s voice rang in my ears.

As I listened to his voice, I only felt that the last string inside my head had finally loosened, and my whole body completely fainted.

When I woke up again, the smell of disinfectant was all around me, and the whiteness of my eyes was soothing.

“Jiang Yi? Jiang Yi! Doctor, Jiang Yi has woken up! Qi Yun’s excited voice was a bit shrill, and then many doctors dressed in white came in.

After a messy examination, the doctors left, and Qi Yun held my hand and kissed it vigorously.

“I’m sorry, Jiang Yi, I arrived too late.”

I looked at Qi Yun and began to listen to the story of my imprisonment.

On the day I disappeared, Qi Yun was in the middle of an important client engagement.

When he realized I was missing, it was already three hours later.

Qi Yun called the police, but because the missing time was too short, the police were unable to file a case. Qiyun could only look for himself.

Qi Yun checked the entire office building surveillance, did not find my figure, until the confused cleaning workers in the hallway inside the loud shouting, Qi Yun found the most likely way of my disappearance.

But it was too late, I had already been taken away by Jiang Nan.

Jiang Nan’s kidnapping of me seems to have been planned for a long time, checking all the registered license plates of the Jiang family name, no suspicious vehicles were found. All the properties under the name of the Jiang family have no traces of Jiang Nan taking me in and out of the house.

Qi Yun was forced to find Jiang Nan directly.

Jiang Nan said he had never seen me, and warned Qi Yun not to covet other people’s things.

Listening to the timing of Qi Yun’s words, Jiang Nan has been abusing me ever since Jiang Nan met Qi Yun.

This coward who only bullies women, what an abomination.

Qi Yun didn’t give up looking for me, and 48 hours after I disappeared, the police officially accepted my disappearance.

However, the result of the search was not satisfactory.

At this time, Jiang Yu came to the door, saying that Jiang Nan had recommended Jiang Yu to Qiyun and asked her to help bring Jiang Yu.

Qiyun felt that there is something fishy in it, and agreed to do it on the surface, but in his private heart, he was more guarded.

Sure enough, Qiyun noticed that the Jiangnan took me to see the scene of Qiyun’s change of heart business car.

Following this car, Qi Yun finally found my hiding place.

A downtown villa, a carefully hidden basement.

In the basement, the police not only found me, but also found incriminating evidence of Jiang Nan’s abuse of others.

Right in that notebook of Jiang Nan’s, there were countless unseen nasty behaviors hidden.

This time, even the Jiang family can’t protect Jiang Nan.

What’s more, with Qi Yun, the new media bigwig, coming down, it’s questionable whether the Jiang family can survive.

I looked at the ceiling and let out a long sigh.

The life of the female match has finally taken a turn for the better.


After my body recovered, I continued to return to Qi Yun’s company as my contributor.

After this incident, the original plot has been completed, the next life, should rely on my own to write.

Jiang family because of Jiang Nan’s things greatly injured, many cooperation are suspended, Jiang family also completely from the famous family expelled.

In the beginning, Jiang Yi directly changed from a real thousand gold to a fake thousand gold, it is difficult to bear, directly blackened, the two elders of the Jiang family is no less.

It is said that Jiang father to Jiang mother, three days a small beating, five days a big beating.

Because experts say that most of the reason why this person can do such a perverted thing is because of childhood trauma.

Jiang father a total, this is all blame Jiang mother.

When he was out fighting, Jiang mother followed Jiang father in the name of helping, not moving an inch.

The young Jiang Nan has been fostered in his uncle’s house since he was born.

Jiang Nan’s uncle’s family did not have any children, and they thought they would take good care of Jiang Nan, but they did not want Jiang Nan’s aunt to have serious child abuse tendencies.

When Jiang Nan was five years old, Jiang’s mother gave Jiang Nan a bath and found that Jiang Nan’s body was covered with bruises.

Only then did Jiang’s father and mother take Jiang Nan back.

“What do you say about helping me work? You’re just afraid I’ll give my money to another woman to spend! Because of your dirty mind, you completely victimized the child!”

This is what Jiang’s father muttered.

Jiang mother knew that she was at a disadvantage and could only endure every time she was beaten.

Jiang Yu watched this scene and said to me, “Sister, I suddenly feel that there’s nothing wrong with being carried by mistake.”

I shrugged my shoulders and didn’t comment.

Jiang Yu into Qi Yun’s company, had to lament, this heroine is the heroine, only involved in the industry for more than a year, wrote three explosive.

I was so anxious that I scratched my ears, which is not to be compared to Jiang Yu again?

So I knocked on Qiyun’s office and asked him if he had any secrets to share with me.

Qi Yun made a secret, and then told me that the secret will never be spread out.

“Dad, save the kids!”

Qi Yun spewed out the black tea in his mouth on the spot, and then said with a red face, “Actually, it’s okay to call your husband.”

I was overjoyed.

Qi Yun said he liked me, but didn’t dare to confess.

After all, I’m the heroine who saved thousands of girls by risking my life.

He is just a mediocre money maker.

I patted Qiyun’s shoulder and told him to be confident, I’m the one who loves money the most.

Jiang Yu smiled on the side, said sister brother-in-law goodbye, she will not shine.

The female match has turned over and has her own life.

The road ahead is still long, I want to walk seriously.

Qi Yun extra

Leaving Jiang Yi, the daughter of the Jiang family, was an expedient measure for me.

But after seeing Jiang Yi, I knew that I had miscalculated.

In Jiang Yi’s eyes, a hint of clear stupidity flowed.

It seems that the matter of avenging my sister requires another way.

Jiang Nan, this cub seed has always been well hidden, wanting to find evidence of his crimes is not an easy task.

If there is a person who can cooperate with me inside and outside, it would be good, but …… who dares?

Just when I was distressed, I realized that Jiang Yi had changed.

That kind of clear stupidity turned into aura.

My appearance is not bad, around my side of the warbler has been quite a lot, Jiang Yi is one of the best.

But her methods, also really …… general.

But that day she actually came to me with black tea, I was impressed by her.

The fact that I like black tea is not a secret, but the black tea that Jiang Yi held that day, the warm aroma of the tea almost hooked all the cravings in my stomach.

It caused me to be unable to concentrate when listening to her debriefing.

I don’t know what went wrong, but Jiang Yi actually took the black tea away again after her report!

So this woman came to gluttonize me on purpose?

Woman, you have successfully piqued my interest!

Next, my attention was on Jiang Yi intentionally or unintentionally.

Jiang Yi herself was also very pretty, but before that not-so-smart look managed to cover up her beauty.

Now that she was smart, her beauty naturally came to the fore.

The plans that were made in the beginning, once again came to mind.

Jiang Nan is back, I heard Jiang Yi say so.

In order to observe my opponent up close, I followed her to the airport.

Jiang Nan is very good to Jiang Yu, so good that it is beyond normal, very deliberate.

And every time after showing kindness to Jiang Yu, Jiang Nan would gauge Jiang Yi’s reaction.

I know, Jiang Nan’s next prey, is Jiang Yi.

As expected, Jiang Yi who became smart also realized the danger of this beast and avoided it when she could.

In the beginning, my sister was also this smart, but in the end, she didn’t escape. Suddenly, I began to worry about Jiang Yi.

Sure enough, at night Jiang Yi told me that her brother was not right.

I was happy that she remembered me in her time of need.

So I flashed my headlights and told her that I was here.

But Jiang Yi surprised me with more than that.

I was really sweating when the old couple from the Qin family came to my door.

But I didn’t expect that after I dealt with the matter at hand, she actually dealt with both of these thorny issues.

Not only did she handle it, she even got the upper hand.

The idea of pulling Jiang Yi into my plan was getting more and more intense, but I also knew what it meant.

But Jiang Yi didn’t wait for me to say anything before she proposed this deal.

She said that as the price for finding evidence of Jiang Nan bullying my sister, I needed to save her from it.

Suddenly I was a little heartbroken, how many times can a person be hurt before they can be so unsure of themselves.

She didn’t even believe that there would be someone who would go out of their way just for her as a person.

Because of this heartache, I did not agree to her plan to risk her life.

But she still disappeared.

I saw the ripped off employee information board in the bathroom and felt like the sky was falling.

For so many years, I have been planning my revenge, and have thought of countless tragic outcomes, and have never been afraid.

But this time, I was afraid.

Years ago I failed to protect my sister, and now because of me, I have to let another lively young girl like a bird in the forest, in deep trouble ……

I was so furious that I even wanted to just beat Jiang Nan to death and then slowly look for Jiang Yi.

But Jiang Nan, that goon, was not only scared and pissed his pants, but also yelled in the street.

In order to prevent me, he even hired three bodyguards to follow him even to the toilet!

Luckily, Jiang Nan has his moments of napping, and the paparazzi I hired helped me find Jiang Nan’s whereabouts.

Twenty days was longer than the twenty-eight years I had lived before.

When I found Jiang Yi, she was bruised all over and her eyes were confused.

It was my incompetence that was to blame.

I know my incompetence is not worthy of Jiang Yi’s bravery and fearlessness, but I am willing to spend the rest of my life guarding Jiang Yi.

To guard my hero.

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