23. The rebellious kitty of the boss’s family

The Rebel Kitten of Mr. Boss’s Family

Nonchalant: Seeing you when the love is just right

Taking advantage of Lu Snap’s drunkenness, I turned into a human to take revenge on him!

Perverted human, told you to bury kitty belly meow every day!

The time for revenge has come!

But he suddenly cupped my chin and laughed softly.

“I’ve finally caught you.”


I’m the best looking sea-double Ragdoll cat in the store.

I have a clip sound that cuts off both men and women.

And I’m always whining and pouting.

The store manager often says I’m a little green tea.

But because I look so good, my price is naturally very expensive.

I was sold for 100,000 dollars.

I didn’t sell any until I was five months old.

Then one day, a cool guy swiped a huge sum of money without batting an eye and picked me up.

And bought a bunch of cat stuff.

All the best.

I licked the can and my eyes narrowed happily.

Was this meow finally going to meet the right person?

But I didn’t know it at that time.

Each can-can in the destiny was secretly marked with a price tag.

Meow, this is my new master, isn’t it?

At first I was happy, but gradually I began to feel that things were not so simple.

Coolie carried me to the limousine.

The gesture was cold and lazy.

He was dressed in a suit and wore gold-rimmed glasses.

His eyebrows and eyes were sharp.

Just like a boss.

When the assistant talked to him, he answered with “uh” and “oh”.

Like others owe him money.

That aura, simply three feet of ice.

Not only the driver and assistant look very nervous, afraid of making a mistake.

I am also very nervous.

Is Cat going to face such a cold master in the future?

This is not the same as imagined.

Sister Meishou clearly said that a little sweetheart on earth like me, a pooper scooper would hold me in the palm of his hand!

Shovelers are all slaves to kittens and cats!

Cat slaves have to groom and play with kittens and cats.

Cat slaves have to obey kittens and cats absolutely!

It’s the first time I’ve seen a rebellious cat slave like him.

I glanced at him carefully.

He looked so high and mighty, and he was in a suit.

It can’t be some rich guy with a fetish for abusing cats!

No way, kitty cat can’t sit around and wait for death!

I’ve never lost a battle with my clip-top voice.

Watch me perform!

I pretended to be curious and stretched my paw.

Then raised my head to gaze at him.

Accept this cat’s beauty blitz!

Stupid human!

But Cooler just stared at me.

A pair of deep black eyes moved as if they had met a magnet.

The facial expression didn’t move at all.

It worked, but it wasn’t enough.

Doesn’t my fairy face even work?

Damn it, it must be because this cat isn’t working hard enough.

Watch my clip tone attack!


My voice is soft and layered.

Pampering is also a skill.

And this cat is the originator of pampering.

I don’t believe there’s anyone who can’t resist giving me a hug.


There really is.

This cool guy is still standing still.

Not only that, his aura seems to be even colder.

The face was stoic.

Is this, is this hating kitty cat?


It’s over.

He can hold back even this.

He must be a big pervert.

Help Kitty, help Kitty!

Kitty’s going to fall into the tiger’s trap!

I curled up aggressively.

Suddenly, the car stopped.

The cage containing me was picked up by Coolie.

He spoke to the driver and the assistant in an unusually cool manner.

“Help me push off the afternoon meeting.”

“All of them?”

“All of them.”

After getting the order, the two men disappeared.

Then ……

he rushed upstairs at a hundred-meter sprint holding Cat’s cage.

I was so shaken in the cage that I almost passed out.

The cool guy put my cage on the table and gave me a sick smile.

For a split second, I had a bad feeling.


What are you doing?

Let go of this meow!

“Fluffy fix kitty.”

Then he took me out of the cage.

Then came a harrowing experience that cats can’t bear to review.

“What a pretty little kitten!”

“She was purring so sweetly. Was she trying to seduce me?”

“Its fur is so soft, let me touch it.”

“Your paws are so pink, you can’t squeeze them enough.”

“Don’t run away, come on, let Daddy give you a good kiss.”

“Mua, Mua, Mua!”

“A cute kitten must be kissed!”

“Bury your belly!”

“The kitten smells so good!”

“She smells so good, she was born to be buried by her daddy!”

I can see why he had to put off the meeting for the whole afternoon!

The whole afternoon!

He was all over the kitty like a pervert!

He kissed her head, ears, mouth, paws, belly and tail!

He even touched it hard!

I was always ashamed of being naked in front of him.

I fought hard, but he dragged me back every time, and more fiercely than ever.

My attempts to evoke pity from him drove him even madder.

The afternoon finally passed.

It took a while for everything to calm down.

When he finally had to leave for work.

The coldness on his face melted away.

The corners of his mouth curled up high.

Even his eyes were insatiable.

And I collapsed helplessly into the catbox.

The high light in my eyes was lost.

It was as if I’d been savaged viciously.

I lifted my paw paw tremblingly.

Just saw the pink pads of flesh.

But then recalled the man’s madness just now.

That nightmare-like feeling lingered for a long time.


Meow, I, I’m not clean anymore!


I was disheveled in the nest for a full half hour before I got over it.

My legs were shaking when I walked out of the litter box.

Both went limp when my front paws touched the ground.

This damn man!

I’ve heard people say that kittens and cats as smart as me are all demonic spirits.

When I’ve practiced, I’ll do this, this, and that to him like he did to me!

Let him taste the power of a kitty cat!

So when he came home, I was no longer stubborn in the face of his strong-arming, but bent over backwards to meet him.

I thought I was a pampered little princess in the pet store back then.

But nowadays ……

It’s just a matter of time.

Cat revenge, ten years is not too late!

I want to lie down in the cat’s nest first to taste the pot (lie down and taste the gall), hold his heart before.

Later I learned.

The owner’s name is Lu Snapdragon.

He named me Sugar.

Sugar as in cotton candy.

But he’s a real pain in the ass outside.

At home, his passion is melting me!!!!

Maybe cat strips and cans can really corrupt a cat.

Once I was so innocent.

But nowadays, for the sake of cat strips and cans and jars, I have a mouthful of sweet clip sounds that scream out flowers.

I spit on myself.

I thought to myself.

“You little bastard!

I won’t let you die!

That day, Lu Snapdragon said that if I was willing to wear a maid’s outfit.

He would open three cans for me.

Of course I’d rather die than obey.

But cats are fickle.

After he left.

I looked at the empty box.

I hesitated.

Why are humans so perverted? Meow.

Actually like cats to wear this messy uniform?

Don’t think I don’t know.

He still has so many knickknacks in his locker!

I ran to the mirror with the maid outfit in my mouth curiously and tried to put it on.

As a result, just as I put it on, I felt a surge of power surging through my body.

With a “bang”, I suddenly felt taller.

Where’s my beautiful fur?

How did it become bare!

And my beautiful paws and tail, all gone!

I became a two-legged beast!

And most importantly.

The maid outfit I was wearing seemed to have gotten bigger along with it.

It’s so perverted… ……

Just as I was not getting used to my legs and arms, there was a sudden ‘click’ from the door.

And listening to the footsteps, the one who came wasn’t Lu Snap.


I was so scared that my limbs swung blindly and crawled frantically on the floor.

Where to hide?

Normally, I play hide-and-seek with my cat slaves.

As long as the clever kitty hid under the quilt, he would never find it.

That must be a good place to hide!


Kitty is so smart!

I climbed into bed.

Under the covers.

The door opened.

“This this this ……”


Looks like Lu Snap’s assistant?

I curiously probed with my blanket wrapped around me.

“I’m sorry I’m sorry!”

“The president told me to come back to get a document!”

“I’ll leave as soon as I get it.”


Did he misunderstand something?

Has the pooper scooper’s reputation been jeopardized?



I fell asleep under the covers without realizing it.

When I woke up, I was a cute little kitten again.

In the evening, Lu Snap came home.

He looked like he was looking for something.

Circled around the house.

Finally grabbed me out of the quilt.


Scratch there!

Yeah, right there!

“Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ……”

I’m so comfortable.

Today’s slave cat has served his master very well.

Give me a kiss!

Suddenly, Lu Snap snorted.

“The assistant also said that there is a woman in my house.”

“How come?”

“He must have gone crazy working overtime.”

He kissed me hard on the nose.

Why do you always stick to cats?

Go away, go away.

I’m the only one who’s beautiful!

“I’m the only one who’s beautiful in my bed!”

“Daddy hasn’t kissed Sugarplum all day.”

“Mua, Mua, Mua!”

“You know what?

“For a little piggy like you, no one out there really cares about you!”

“They all just want to eat you up!”

“Only Daddy will be good to you.”

“So you have to love me all the time, got it?”

I pushed his face away with a cushion of flesh with no emotion.

He ended up grabbing my little plums and kissing them again.

“Now Sugar is getting more and more lustful.”

“Look at you, you’re not even hiding, you’re very comfortable.”

“You must like being kissed by daddy!”

“Mua, Mua, Mua!”

That’s it.

This two-legged beast is hopeless.

Let’s destroy it!


In the middle of the night, I suddenly woke up in the cat’s nest.


Why didn’t Lu Snap carry me to bed today?

Could it be that he was waiting for Cat to climb into bed on his own?

This tactic of refusal, Cat has already figured it out!

I stood up in a daze.

What’s going on?

How come my litter box has gotten smaller?

I can’t even sit in it anymore.

My fur seems to be gone too, it’s bare.

Never mind, it doesn’t matter.

I’m hungry!

I think there’s some uneaten cans next to the litter box.

Meow, it’s so delicious.

Tomorrow, I’ll be sure to pick out all the cans and jars that Lu Primrose hid.

What’s a boss doing being so stingy with kittens day in and day out!

I licked the cans clean, then reluctantly climbed onto the bed with the empty cans in my arms.

To cuddle up with my master.

I grabbed the empty can-can and burrowed into Lu Snap’s arms.

His chest was especially hot and his heartbeat was especially good.

All in all it was especially suitable for a cat to stick to.

When I woke up the next day, I opened my eyes in a daze.

It seems like I’m still clutching the empty can in my hand.

“Who are you?”

“How did you get into my room?”

Lu Snap’s voice with ice slag rang in my ears.

I subconsciously rubbed against his chest.


Shoveler what are you talking about!

It’s noisy.

I haven’t woken up yet.

Don’t listen, Shoveler is chanting!

You used to wake me up so gently.

I thought he was joking with me.

But soon he started to be impolite.

Instead, he gripped my front paws hard.

The force was so strong.

What’s going on?

Is it the pooper scooper’s wake-up call?

Okay, okay, I knew it.

I’ll give you a kiss, okay?

I habitually went up and kissed the knot of his throat.

In the past, every time I initiated a kiss, he was so happy that he would give me good food.

I had thought that this time would be no exception.

But he didn’t seem happy.

“You ……”

He looked at me with an angry face.

Not once, so it’s lust?

Shovelers are always like that.


Never mind, kitty will satisfy you!

So, I ‘booped’ him on the lips.

That’s good, isn’t it?

If I kissed him like that all together, he’d have to open a can of whoop-ass for me more or less.

“Meow… Shoveler, be gentle, you’re hurting me!”

My front paws hurt.

Lu Snapdragon has never been this rough with me before!


How dare a cat slave treat his master like this.

If I don’t show you some color, you’ll be the opposite!

I thought about it and got a little angry.

So I threw the empty cans that I had been scratching all night at Lu Snapdragon’s face.

Only then did he let go of me.

But he had a very shocked look on his face.


“Shoveling shit!”

“I can’t believe you did that to kitty!”

“This isn’t over until there are three or five cans today!”

As I was lecturing the pooper scooper, I suddenly saw my paw.

It was nothing like the usual paws that were the same as Little Plum’s.

The five fingers were slender and white.

This is the hand of a …… person!

No wonder Lu Snap was so shocked!

It turns out that I actually turned into a human again in the middle of the night?

And also drilled into the cat slave s nest!

I looked down.

No clothes.

It’s over, I’ve been seen!

I quickly snatched Lu Snap’s half of the quilt and rolled it around my body.

At this panic, something popped out of the top of my head.

Oops, it’s my ears!

Bad bad bad.

The identity of the demon is going to be impossible to hide!

Seeing my ears, Lu Snap’s original angry expression became surprised.

Finally, there seemed to be some joy?

He steeply came closer.

There was still some excitement in his eyes?

“What do you …… you do?”

“I’m a powerful demon.”

“Don’t eat me!”

I’ve heard that if a demon is found by a human, it will be skinned and finally eaten.

Master won’t eat me, will he? I curled up tightly under the quilt in fear.

He let out a light laugh.

Long fingers gently rubbed my furry cat ears. Cat ears are very sensitive.

When he rubbed them like that, my whole body shivered. My face was also on fire.

How could this happen?

“You …… you are reckless!”

Nay, my whole body was rolled up in the quilt, and I couldn’t separate my hands to knock off his hands.

He just started stroking my ears, just like before when I was a kitten.

He took me in his arms through the covers.

Master’s arms were hot.

It seemed hotter than I had ever felt before when I was a cat.

His spit hit my neck and tickled a little. I wanted to reach out and scratch it.

But being wrapped in his arms like a baby silk worm, I couldn’t move at all.

I wrapped the quilt as if I had lifted a stone and hit my own foot.

“When you kissed me just now, weren’t you still bold?”

“Why are you so timid now?”

Lu Snap pinched my cheeks. “Don’t worry, you’re such a good little baby, you must be slowly eaten.”

“…… Eat it slowly?”

I shivered.

Save the kitty!


“Change back, hurry up!”

Lu Snap rubbed my furry face face frantically.

I swept my big tail innocently.

That’s right, I turned back into a kitten when he was about to do something bad.

It’s that coincidental.

Hee hee hee.

Can’t help it, can you?

A two-legged beast just deserves to be taught by a kitty cat. I’m not a monster.

I’m just a good little kitty!

You’re such a pervert. What kind of fatherly love goes bad.

I’m so mad at you! I’m so mad at you! I’m so mad at you!

Lu Snapdragon gritted his teeth.


“You don’t have any cans these days!”

“Meow!” Bad cat slave!

I thought the pooper scooper was just kidding that day.

After all, every time I pampered him.

He couldn’t handle it.

But! This time, even though I looked at him with my blue eyes as much as I could and ‘meowed’ with my soft voice, he refused to give me the canister.

Not only that, but he always shot me a sinister look.

Scared the cat to death.

He’s definitely up to no good. I’m not going to change!

Let’s see what you can do. What’s that saying?

If the enemy doesn’t move, the cat won’t move.

A beast at the top of the food chain like a cat won’t be afraid of an evil two-legged beast!

But I didn’t expect it.

The opportunity I envisioned for revenge was coming so soon.

Just as I was fretting about the can-can. The cat slave suddenly came back drunk.

There was a strong smell of alcohol on his body.


Usually Lu Snapdragon doesn’t like to drink ah!

No one dared to pour him alcohol before. What happened today?

The assistant helped him to the bed and left.

They didn’t bother him.

He’s lying on the bed, unconscious. His face is red.

Breathing heavily.

“Meow?” I looked at him skeptically.

And gave him a couple of hard slaps.

Shoveling? What’s wrong with you?

He’s still as dead as a pig. No reaction.

What should we do? What should we do?

Is he going to be all right?

Wait, why am I in a hurry?

I’m not just any wife and cat. I’m an avenger, Nuhu Zhen Cat.

Isn’t this a good opportunity for revenge?

Thinking of all those days and nights when I was pressed under his body and taken by force.

Those various poses being posed in perverted little dresses.

And those forced to call out the flowers of the commission.

A nameless fire suddenly surged in Cat’s head.

Heaven-sent opportunity ah!

Big pervert, the wind and water have turned, retribution has finally come!

Heh heh heh!

Let’s see Cat teach you how to be a human being properly!

I immediately turned into a human.

Tyrannically tearing his shirt.

I tore his shirt off. I stripped him of his clothes.

“I’ll make you bury my belly every day!”

“You’re a bad boy!”

“Bully kitty!”

I huffed and buried my chest.


What a loss!

It’s not soft at all!

It’s hard.

Not as cozy as a kitten’s.


Suddenly, a hand grabbed my waist.

When I looked up, Lu Snap had long since opened his eyes and was looking at me with interest.

“Little thing, finally caught you.”

“Let’s see how you can run.”

I cringed and shrunk.

It was over.


The insidious two-legged beast had finally triumphed over the cute and clever kitty.

I was in tears.

Just when I wanted to turn back into a cat, Lu Snap suddenly pinched my chin.

“Hmmm ……”

What are you doing?

In the past, it was fine if you kissed your cat mouth to mouth.

Why are you doing something new this time?

What’s this?

Meow, meow, meow. I can’t breathe!

A new way of abusing Kitty?

Kitty won’t give in!

I struggled and bit him.

Only then did he let go of me.

Lu Snap wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his finger.

His lips were plump and red, and his smile was evil.

His normally cold face was tinted with a slightly confusing color.

Inexplicably, it was a bit colorful.

The deep eyebrows stared at me with a deadly stare.

Let the cat scared.

The cat is not just to get an inch, right!

What’s wrong with that?

Is the pooper scooper angry?

“I’m sorry!”

“I hurt you.”

“Don’t be mad!”

I licked his cheek like before.

But his eyes got scarier and scarier.

Like he wanted to eat the kitten.

I licked his injured lips again, abashedly.

It was soft.

“I’ll be sure not to bite you harder next time!”

“I swear, gently at most!”

And then.

The poor kitty was eaten.

I’m not a big bone.

Why are you biting so hard?

I’m too skinny to stand it!

Luckily I don’t have any fur now.

Otherwise I’d be bald!

Big bad guy!

It’s never too late for a cat to take revenge.

Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west. Don’t fool the cat!


Family members.

A new type of cat abuse has appeared again.

So cruel!

So sick!

It’s unbelievable!

Why would anyone force a cat to count and write?

And they force cats to sit squarely in front of a table.

Is that reasonable?

Other cats are held in the palm of their hands by cat slaves.

And he!

He’s on the verge of crushing his baby!

“Have you memorized your multiplication tables?”

He put his arm around my waist.


“What cat knows how to count, meow!”

“I’ll never learn it anyway!”

“And don’t rub my ears!”

I backhanded him with a big bikini pocket.

I kind of get it.

He’s not going to do anything to me anyway.

I just won’t learn!

Ten pounds of pussycat, nine pounds of backbone.

“If you learn that, I’ll make you braised pork.”

It’s a temptation a cat can hardly resist!

How can a two-legged beast be so delicious?

Ever since I ate from a two-legged beast, I don’t think about can-can anymore.

Hey shoo!

It’s not like I can’t give in a little for the red meat.

Must trick the shoveler into cooking for me!

“And could you put your clothes back on? Don’t look like that.”

He said, buttoning me up.

“Cats just don’t like to get dressed!”

“You used to give me weird clothes all the time!”

I pouted.

I mumbled and suddenly saw his earlobes red.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Your face is so hot.”

“Are you sick, meow?”

I press my face against his.

It seems to be getting hotter.

Bipeds are weird.

Later, Lu tried to take me out.

It’s strange. When he used to open the door, I’d want to run out right away.

But now, as I stood in the doorway, I felt that the world outside was scary for no reason.

“Meow, I don’t want to go out!”

He stroked my head helplessly.

“Cats get a stress reaction.”

“But it’ll be okay after a few tries.”

“There’s lots and lots of fun out there.”

“Be good, I’ll come back and make you pickled fish.”

He was so persuasive.

The scheming pooper scooper!

I cautiously stretched out a little foot and foot, and quickly retracted it.

Lu Snap looked at me encouragingly.


For the sake of sauerkraut, the cat fights!

I take a step with my eyes closed.

Open my eyes.


I’m out!

I pop back up.


It’s like I’ve discovered a new world.

“I’m in again!”

“I’m out again!”

I repeatedly jumped across the threshold.

Lu Primrose brought me out to buy clothes this time.

The mall was huge.

It made the cat jump.

When we got to the store, Lu Snap said he had to go to the bathroom.

Let me alone honestly stay in the store first.

At this time, the young lady in the store couldn’t help but come over to talk to me.

Cats love gentle ladies!

In the past, when I was in the pet store.

The boss sister was especially nice.

She liked to comb the cat’s fur.

She also told the cat stories.

Not all two-legged beasts are as bad as Lu Snapdragon.

“Miss, you’re very good-looking!”

“Are those blue eyes wearing contacts? So natural!”

A few ladies surrounded me.

“Is that gentleman your boyfriend?”

“He’s so nice to you.”

One of the ladies asked.

I shook my head gravely.

“I’m his master.”


Cat master.

How is that not a master?

Don’t look at Catnip, he’s usually arrogant and bossy.

That’s because I pamper him!

My slave is very fragile.

If I don’t give him a hug for two days.

He’ll be so upset that he’ll cry!

I was mesmerized by the fragrant lady.

But a while later I felt a bit scared.

Where’s Lu Snapdragon?

Why isn’t he back yet!

He’s not trying to throw the kitten away, is he!

I’ve seen discarded kittens before.

The pet store rescued one before.

Without the offerings of a cat slave, that orange cat was dirty.

And there were many injuries on it.

The boss’s sister spent a lot of money to cure it.

Lu Snapdragon, he wouldn’t want to throw me away too, would he?

Does he mind that I eat too much?

Calling me a muppet pig every day.


I’ll never bite you again.

Hurry up and pick me up!

Suddenly, I caught his scent in the air.

“Sorry, something delayed ……”

I pounced on him with a jolt.

Both legs wrapped hard around his waist.

He had to drag his arm around my ass.

I buried myself in his shoulder “Oinking”.

“Why are you so late!”

“Do you know how long I waited?”

“A full one and three and six, two and nine and fifteen, four and nine and thirty, thirty minutes!”

“That’s too much!”

Suddenly, his helpless and gentle expression disappeared.

It turned into a vicious expression.

“Sugarplum, the nine-nine multiplication table, is this how you memorize it?”

“I won’t memorize it tonight.”

“Don’t talk about pickled fish and braised pork.”

“You don’t even have a can-can.”

Oh, wow.

Are two-leggeds always so fickle?

Kitty’s changed her mind!

Kitty will bite you to death!


Slowly, I’m kind of getting used to being human.

Lu Snap’s assistants also got to know me.

However, it was as the president’s girlfriend.

I asked Lu Snapdragon what a girlfriend was.

He said, it means to be eaten every day.


Kittens can’t escape the sea of misery in this life, can they?

Kitten escapes.

Lu Snapdragon chases.

The kitten will never get away.

One morning.

“Let go, I have to go to work.”


“I’ll ask my assistant to buy you some goodies.”

“No, play with me!”

As we all know.

When a cat wants to play.

It can’t be controlled.

No matter what the slave is doing.

Must obey the kitty’s will.

Otherwise tearing down the house is light.

“So …… you accompany me to work?”

So, I was inexplicably abducted to work with Lu Snapdragon.

Lu Snapdragon’s company is huge.

Really good for cat parkour.

But in order not to let Lu Snapdragon beat my ass.

I’d better not be too wild.

Lu Snapdragon walked in front.

The assistant stared at his neck with a strange gaze.

“President, your neck ……

There was a very obvious red mark on his neck.

It was very ambiguous to look at.

Lu Snapdragon’s forehead was bruised and gnashing his teeth.

「It was bitten by a certain kitten!”

The assistant looked at him and then at me with a face of epiphany.

Eh hey!

That’s right!

This cat is not another cat.

It’s this cat that bites.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

And the kitty cat has progressed through the oppression of the two-legged beast!

No one can resist a pretty kitty.

That’s why everyone in Lu Primrose’s company loves me.

Especially a female assistant.

Feeds me every day.

“Alas, the boss may be high and mighty, but he really loves cats.”

“He used to have a Ragdoll cat called Feather.”

“When Feather died, he was sad for a while.”

“I heard that the current Sugar looks just like Feather!”

The assistant sighed.

I was dumbfounded.

A Ragdoll cat that looks like Feather?

“Sister, do you have any pictures of your old cat?”

I tugged on my sleeve and pouted.

The assistant was immediately mesmerized.

She quickly pulled out her cell phone.

It is indeed a very similar Muppet Cat ……

It’s just that it looks almost better than me.

No wonder he came to the pet store that day and hugged me so decisively ah!

With the card in hand, tens of thousands of dollars were swiped out.

I see.

So that’s how it is!

I’m burning with rage.

This cat tolerates your perversion, your dominance, your madness!

I thought at least you had me in your heart!

But I didn’t realize!

I’m actually just a look-alike double?

What do you take me for?

How dare you trample on my heart like this!

A hand grabbed the assistant lady’s cell phone.

“Lu Snapdragon, you scum!”

“Are you treating me as a stand-in for White Moonlight!”

I roared.

The entire company stared at me dumbfounded.

But Cat didn’t care about that.

Cat wanted justice!

Assistant Missy was confused.

“Has our president ever been in love before?”

“No, right ……”

I huffed and kicked in his office door.

A burst of cat-cat punches.

Give master death!

Lu Snap didn’t react before I slapped him hard.

His face was covered with red marks.

“Sugarplum, what’s gotten into you?”

I grabbed him by the collar angrily.

The evil cat growled.

“Are you using me as a stand-in for feathers!”

“Man, you’re playing with fire!”

He froze for a moment.

A hint of weakness even surfaced in his eyes.


I can’t believe he froze for so long, so it seems to be true.

Is the stinky cat slave really this heartless?

The Cat Slave is really this heartless!

It’s too much!

“Stinky cat slave!”

“I don’t even mind you watching cat videos on the internet!”

“I don’t even mind you hooking up with the three blacks and four oranges in the cat café!”

“Even you secretly bought a membership card at the Cat Cafe!”

“But what did you do to me?”

“You cold, heartless, stinking two-legged beast!”


I was so angry.

If Lu Snapdragon hadn’t coaxed me with a full banquet.

I would have run away from home for him.

Let him feel the loneliness of the nest.

Tell him to experience what it means to be empty, lonely and cold!

I had an epiphany.

My online sister was right.

Men are all pigs.

You can’t be too considerate of them, or they’ll get the better of you.

The cat who wants a cat bar from a man calls it substance.

A cat that eats a man’s can is called a gold-digger.

A cat that has a cat’s nest and cat toys is called a loser.

But a cat who lives in a cat villa is a cutie on earth!

I’ve made up my mind.

I’m going to change completely.

Starting today, I’m a little housewife!

I’ll show him that I’m not one of those weak cats who just feel sorry for themselves when they’re let down.

“A double is still a double, no better than a white moonlight. My brother is probably tired, and even the roast pork is so perfunctory now.”

“I’ll make it again.”

“I’m afraid I’m not tripping over some cute cat that doesn’t want to play with me anymore.”

“I’m coming.”

“Look, all I did was ask for more clothes, shoes and cosmetics, and you’re like this. I’m sorry, I’m just talking too much.”

“Let’s go, let’s buy!”

This 5G surfing cat uses her newfound yin and yang to ruthlessly pin down the scum of the earth, Lu Snapdragon.

I’ll tell you to let Cat down again, you heartless bastard.

For the sake of your recent good behavior.

Cat master will condescend to pick you up from work at your company today!

I commanded the driver to pick up and drop off.

As a result, as soon as I arrived at the company, I saw Lu Snapdragon with a haggard face.

I heard that he’s been very busy with the project for the past two days.

The ashtray was full of cigarette butts.

In the cup was espresso.

It was a flavor that Cat didn’t like.

The pooper scooper’s eyes were green underneath.


Definitely not from my demonizing a while back!

The kind and virtuous kitty cat never takes what she can get.

Doesn’t try to take what he can get.

That’s all.

I’m not going to make a scene.

Although the cat slaves are overbearing, crazy, like to watch cat movies, love to go to the cat cafe to womanize, and use me as a stand-in ……

Can’t think, can’t think, can’t think. The more I think, the more angry I get.

“Cough cough cough!”

Lu Snapdragon coughed a few times.

“Yeah! Your face is so red!

I hurriedly went up to stick it on.

It was really hot.

My assistant and I quickly packed him off to the hospital.

He slept for a long time before waking up.

I was going to peel an apple for him, but looking at the long apple skin, I couldn’t resist playing with it.

As for the apple well ……

I don’t know where it went!

“You’re awake, meow!”

To be honest, seeing the cat slave lying motionless on the bed.

I’m still a little bit scared.

Just a little!

I nimbly burrowed into his arms and rubbed against him.

“Go down. What if I get sick and infect you?”

Lu Primrose rasped.

“I don’t.”

There was a faint look of helplessness on his face.

“You don’t want to feel what it’s like to have your skull opened without anesthesia, your throat swallowed with a razor blade, your nostrils sealed with cement, your lungs coughed out of your head, your eyes drilled with electricity, your loins rattled with a switchblade, your buttocks sitting on a durian, and your bones gnawed on by bugs, do you?”


That’s horrible!

It’s torture!

But so what?

Cats don’t get it.

The only ones who would be this miserable are two-legged beasts.

He pinched my face.


“Cats don’t get the diseases you humans get!”

I was proud.

We cats are better than you two-leggeds.

Cats are a noble species.

If you want to make cats feel bad, you can’t.

It’s impossible!

“But if you beg me, I can take care of you.”

“But I’ll be honest, I don’t know how to make a four-course meal.”

“If you’re really hungry, you can have cat food.”

“But don’t open any cans.”

I told you not to give the cat a can.

And you keep teasing the cat.


I won’t give you any food now.


Although Lu Snapdragon was in disbelief.

But I still volunteered to take care of him.


The critical time.

It’s still your cat master who favors you!

Those weakling two-legged beasts can’t be relied on at all!

Not to mention the kind of feral cat that leans on the door and pouts just for a cat strip from you.

This move moved my cat slave to tears.

“Stop it, please!”

“I swear, you’re the only one in my heart, no one else, not even another cat.”

“Feather is just my pet.”

“But you’re my master, my baby, my heart.”

However, for this kind of mouth is not the heart of the hegemony.

Netizens have said, don’t look at what he says, but what he does.


He was so moved that his eyes turned red.

Definitely felt the majestic love of this cat.

There is no harm without comparison.

This is a good way to know how thin-skinned those feral cats are.

In the future, they would definitely know that it was still the house cats that smelled better than the wild cats.

No longer dare to look at other cats more than once.

Be more diligent in making offerings to this cat cat.

Although the pooper scooper keeps on excusing himself.

But the cat has always been true to its word.

Taking care of his condition.

Bringing him tea and water.

And showered his mouth with pills.

At night, I refused to sleep under the same blanket with him because he was too hot.

And I was afraid that he would have something to do at night.

So I turned into a cat and slept in the cat’s nest in his room.

Unfortunately, I don’t sleep well at night.

I had nightmares.

When I woke up in the morning, I lay down next to Lu Snapdragon and complained.

“I didn’t sleep well last night.”

“Did you hear that? It seems like a goat is bleating.”

“It’s so noisy.”

One after another.

It never ends.

But Lu Snapdragon looked at me grudgingly.

When he opened his voice, it was a hoarse voice.

“Is it possible that I’m calling you in the middle of the night?”

Oh, my God!

Where’s that low, magnetic voice of yours?

Isn’t this the sound of a goat last night!

So it’s actually the pooper scooper!

What did he call last night?

Analyze the tone ……

It sounds like “Sugar”?


I think I thought he was calling my name like a goat.

But who can blame me?

If a cat is one point wrong, isn’t a cat slave nine points wrong?

He sounds so much alike!

And I can’t be blamed for recognizing it wrong.

Still, I’m a bit vain to pour him a glass of water.

“Meow, you drink water.”

Then I watched Lu Snap staring at me with sad eyes for a long time.

What are you looking at?

Don’t you know how hard it is for me to take care of you again?

Although I didn’t cook myself.

But I didn’t feed you cat food either.

Every day, I work hard.

Every time my assistant brings me food.

I bring the food over with my own hands.

I even fed you with my own hands!

You really don’t know what’s good for you!

“You won’t get sick anyway.”

He suddenly came.

Lu Snapdragon took the glass of water with one hand.

With one hand, he attacked my cat and pulled my arm.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m telling you you’re a weakling right now, I don’t care to bother with you you know?”

“Or I’ll slap you away ……”


Bullying Cat again!

What’s with the kissing?

I’m too spoiled for you.

That’s why you’re so arrogant!

What about that feather?

I’d have scratched you into a pussycat!

Wait until you’re better.

If you dare to womanize again.

I won’t be as kind to you as I should be!

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Previous March 2, 2024
Next March 2, 2024


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