24. Little crybaby catching NPCs with his bare hands

Little Crybaby Catching NPCs With His Hands

Non-Perverse: Seeing you when you’re in the mood for love

With my “little crybaby” persona, I managed to debut as a talent show winner.

Two years later, the girl group disbanded and I managed to fall from the altar magnificently.

My agent signed me up for an escape room horror variety show for the sake of heat.

“Hear me say thank you, for you have warmed the seasons ……”

People only know me as a “crybaby”, but they don’t know that I’m a high-level player of escape rooms.


After the official lineup of “Escape, Friends” was announced, hot searches about me dominated the charts.

[Little Crybaby Jiang Deer Resident in “Escape, Friends”]

[Jiang Deer Escape Bar]

[How developed is Jiang Deer’s tear duct?


Someone even created a “Did Jianglu pee in fear today?” The number of views went up.

Everyone is waiting to see my joke.

Oh my god.

Before I joined the entertainment industry, I was also a big shot in the secret room circle, okay?

Scared to pee? No way.

They’d be better off worrying about the NPCs.

If I hadn’t been discovered by a talent scout on a trip, I’d have opened a branch overseas.

My manager told me that this variety show is my last job, so don’t suppress my nature.

As long as I finish recording this variety show successfully, she will cancel my contract and set me free.

I wasn’t stupid enough to listen to the big pie she drew and signed a release contract at the same time I signed the variety show contract.

With the contract in hand, I have the whole world at my fingertips.

What’s the point of pretending to be a “little crybaby”, I’m going to turn over a new leaf and sing.

I quietly built a small number, the name is “an iron deer”.

I’m going to make a super sentence: “How many NPCs did Jiang Deer catch today”.


The day before the official recording, I was brought to the restaurant by the staff.

The popular young flower Lin Xue’er, the idol singer Cheng Zhengjie, and the famous academic blogger Ma Boyan were sitting on the sofa, chatting one by one.

Seeing me come in, Lin Xue’er warmly got up and said with a smiling face, “Oh my god, Deerlou didn’t expect you to really come.”

Lin Xue’er is famous for her whiney spirit.

Regardless of whether they know each other or not, they all look like they hate each other, and when they see a man, they want to pounce on the whole person.

I can’t stand her, but I can’t tear my face off.

Can only fake smile: “This is not heard that the snow sister will come, I come with you as a companion.

As if anyone wouldn’t have two faces.

The door to the room was opened again, and the other two residents arrived.

One was a funny blogger, known as Jun.

The other was a popular movie and TV star, Wen Kai Shen.

Four males and two females, all six permanent residents were assembled.

Just as we were exchanging pleasantries, there was a click of the door lock, and then all the lights went out.


In total darkness, no one dared to make a move.

Lin Xue’er grabbed my arm and reached out to cover my eyes.

“Deer deer don’t be afraid, sister protect you.”

Sister you big head, can you spread me out? I can’t even get a flashlight out.

At this time the pop-up screen:

[No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

“Let’s be understanding. She’s a little crybaby. She can’t lose her personality.

“I’m tired of her crying, the program team is really good at picking people.

Come to the “Is Jiang Lu Scared to Pee?” chat to collect points, which can be exchanged for gifts.

“Sister Cher, you let go of me, arm but blood, and then pinch will be in the hospital.”

I didn’t beat around the bush, I broke away from her and pulled out a flashlight from my pocket.

There was a loud “pop” and the light shone brightly.

I surveyed the room and realized that there was something strange about the paintings on the wall.

It was inconvenient to pick the painting with the flashlight in my hand, and just as I turned back, I met Wen Kai Shen’s eyes.

“What are you doing? I’ll help you.” He took two steps forward.

I pointed to the painting on the wall, and his long arm stretched out and passed behind me.

The faint smell of gardenias wafted across my nose.

“What’s wrong with this painting?”

“A dragon on the left and …… clouds and rainbows on the right?” Wen Kai Shen frowned slightly, “What do you mean? The Dragon Takes to the Four Seas?”


“If I’m not mistaken, it should be a song-“

Before I could finish my sentence, Lin Xue’er proudly interrupted me.

“I don’t think it looks like a song, it should be a word, and it’s a word made up of five letters.”

She held out a small wooden box from under the dining table with a five-letter combination lock on it.

The others nodded their heads and she became even more proud.

She snatched the flashlight out of my hand.

“Deer, just sit tight and stay put, we’ll do it if you solve the puzzle.”

Is she planning to isolate me so that she can become the group’s favorite?

Then she’s afraid she’ll be disappointed.

I never spoil children.

Taking the box, he slowly and methodically turned the letter lock.


It opened.

Inside lay a key quietly.

It was only the pilot movie, but the showrunners weren’t so perfunctory.

While the others were still looking for clues, I took the key and slowly opened the door, turning on the light in the process.

The lights came on, and I stood in the doorway, rubbing my arm that had been pinched red by Lin Xue’er, my eyes reddening.

“My God, you can ah, old sister, how to open?” Jun laughed.

“I just casually tried it myself, I didn’t expect it to really open.”

I reddened my eyes slightly and pretended to point my reddened arm at the camera without realizing it.

I also didn’t forget to chime in, “It just happened, unlike Cheryl’s sister who is smart.”

After I freed my nature, I dedicated myself to defeating magic with magic, going the way of green tea and leaving her with no way out.

“So, what exactly is it?” Maboyan’s eyes light up.

I smiled “hehehe” and sang, “The whole room must move neatly with me.”

“Come to the left and draw a dragon with me, and on your right draw a rainbow.”

A few people laughed and sang along with me, and the pop-up screen went crazy with laughter.

I know, I know, it’s “Coyote Disco.

[Is it that simple? I thought it would take a long time to solve.

[This stuff is so brainwashing too, I can’t help but sing along.]]


It was previously scheduled to be recorded, but a week before the start of recording, it was suddenly changed to live.

There was no other reason, the heat from the pop-ups during the pilot movie was overwhelming, and the director wanted to capitalize on the hype.

The theme of this installment is “Old Castle Manor” European vampire style.

Before getting on the bus, the director’s team asked us to spontaneously choose a captain.

Cheryl Lin volunteered.

The boys were all gentlemanly again, so naturally they wouldn’t compete with her.

I went along with it, “Captain, then you must stand in front of us and protect the team ah.”

She laughed, “As captain, I order you all, protect me!”

Putting on the blindfold, we lined up to get off the bus.

Hearing the beep, the blindfolds were removed.

It was pitch black and eerie.

I pulled out the small flashlight I had prepared beforehand, “Anyone want a flashlight?”

“One for everyone, everyone gets one.” I distributed the mini flashlights to everyone.

Wen Kai Shen, who was standing behind me, laughed, “You’re really good, I’m surprised you weren’t searched by the director’s team.”

“I learned juggling.” I blurted it out.


[Really, Jiang Lu can do magic tricks?

“The director’s team: why didn’t they protect her?” “Next time, focus on her.

[Waiting to see Jiang Lu burst into tears.]

[Suggest not to wear headphones to watch, so as not to be deafened by Jiang Lu’s shouts.]


With the bright light, it’s not so scary.

I was just about to go see where the door was when I heard a sharp cry behind me.

Looking back, Lin Xue’er had already jumped headfirst into Cheng Zhengjie’s arms.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s all fake.” Cheng Zhengjie had a trembling voice and his face was white.

I walked over and took a flashlight and shone it out the window.

Suddenly a shadow flashed by, leaving two bloody handprints on the glass window.

I subconsciously opened the window and heard a ‘bang’.

It seemed like the sound of hitting my head.

I hurriedly apologized.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry, I’ll close it, I’ll close it.”

I don’t want to be trolled by the netizens for being a reckless person right after the program started.

“Deer, aren’t you scared?” Lin Xue’er looked at me in shock.

I patted my chest and said perfunctorily, “Emma, I’m so scared, I’m scared to death, ouch, ouch, ouch.”

It’s normal for Lin Xue’er to be strange, after all, the path I took in the first place was ‘little crybaby’.

In the face of such a bloody horror scene, not only did I not cry, but I was also extremely calm.

Anyone would wonder if I’m not in a good mental state.

However, I don’t care.

Pop-up screen:

“God, Jiang Lu is not afraid, she didn’t cry!

[Not only did she not cry, she was also very polite.]

Deer is so perfunctory, but so cute!

[Lin Xue’er is so noisy, god annoying!


I haven’t played a secret room in a long time, and I’m so excited that I can’t wait to do a dance.

Of the six, Wen Kai Shen and Ma Boyan were actively solving the riddles.

Jun was responsible for the active atmosphere and physical strength.

I started the carpet search mode, striving to meet all the NPCs and touch all the organs.

As for the other two, Lin Xue’er was responsible for “ah ah ah ah” and Cheng Zhengjie was responsible for coaxing her.

The division of labor is reasonable, the pop-up screen is brushing the screen, and the effect of the variety show is full of points.

Halfway through the secret room process, Lin Xue’er’s voice was hoarse from shouting.

My ears were almost deafened, so I couldn’t help myself.

“Sister Xue’er, drink some water, take a break and shout again.”

“Deer, you used to cry when you saw bugs, why are you suddenly so bold?”

She said this is a good point.

If I said that I was already bold, then I would definitely be sprayed to death by the pop-ups.

I pretended to be innocent and said, “I always thought that Sister Xue’er was not afraid of anything.”

Pop-up screen:

[Jiang Deer is my on-screen mouth replacement, so bold.]

[When did she learn this unruly little strength, so powerful!

[Deer deer old yin and yang people, hahahahahaha!


In the work of chatting, the front suddenly appeared a blood-covered vampire.

Lin Xue’er pushed me out with one hand.

The vampire and I almost knocked one out in public.

Obviously, the NPC didn’t expect me to get so close to him either.

I saw that he was going to run and yanked his arm with one hand, “Don’t go, don’t you go!”

“I’ve got him! Someone come quickly!” I yelled out.

I glanced at Lin Xue’er.

Still trying to escape?

I free a hand and grab her.

“Sister Xue’er, look, it’s not scary, it’s all fake.” I laughed.

She didn’t care what I said and desperately yelled, “There’s a ghost!”


[God, she’s really grabbing NPCs with her bare hands.

I’m going to go to the “How many NPCs did Jianglu catch today?” super talk card.

[NPC, is little brother okay? He seems to be very flustered.

[Hahahahaha, don’t be so reckless, I love it!


I admit, I just can’t stand Lin Xue’er.

Green Tea Heart Whiney Fine, pretentious as hell.

Am I doing the right thing by bringing her out of her original form?

Suddenly I want to sing a line “Just captured a few demons, and subdued a few devils, demons and sprites how he is so …… many.”

The NPC broke away from my hand and disappeared into the darkness as if fleeing for her life.

When the boys came over, they saw me leaning against the wall, my eyes red.

I looked aggrieved, “I just thought that maybe the NPC would have a clue, so I pulled ……”

“You guys aren’t hurt, right?” Wen Kai Shen asked with concern.

I shook my head, “Sister Xue’er is scared, it’s better to let her go with you guys.”

“Well, let Cheng Zhengjie and Jun protect her.” Ma Boyan nodded and pulled Wen Kai Shen to continue solving the riddle.

I don’t want to bring another drag queen to explore the path, if it wasn’t for her, that NPC wouldn’t have been able to escape.

If it wasn’t for her, that NPC wouldn’t have been able to escape.

It’s a pity.


Because the escape room is long, the middle of the live broadcast can not be edited.

The first half of the program live, the second half of the edited as the next episode in the live two days later online.

The end of the recording, I’m still not over it.

Wen Kai Shen handed me a bottle of water, “Jiang Lu, I realized that your guts are really big.”

“Out of respect, out of respect, I’ll tell you secretly, this is all left over from my play.”

I unscrewed the cap and took a sip.

His eyes swept over the bottle and back to me.

“I always thought that you were a very soft little girl-“

Before he could finish his words, I decisively raised my hand to interrupt, “They’re all in the circle, how many of them can be themselves.”

Wen Kai Shen nodded, “That’s right too.”

I smiled and didn’t continue.

I had only seen Wen Kai Shen on screen before, and I had also heard people around me mention him.

He graduated from the Drama Academy, ran dragons, acted in dramas, and had been crawling around in the theater for many years.

It wasn’t until a recent hit drama that Wen Kaisham’s name became known to everyone.

Speaking of which, I’m a lot luckier than him.

But people are bitter first and then sweet, I’m bitter all the time.

However, it’s about to come to an end.


After the live broadcast, my microblogging exploded.

Along with the “How many NPCs did Jiang Deer capture today” tweet, it blew up.

And Lin Xue’er’s Weibo also blew up.

Only hers was blown up.

The agent called me and coerced me to renew my contract.

I decisively refused.

The place that eats people without spitting out bones, I’d rather quit the circle than be an ingrate.

The theme of this issue is “Tribal Ruins”, a primitive tribe’s desert island survival theme.

The program group chartered the entire island as a venue, and made a blood money.

Each person can only bring one item to the island.

With the previous experience of the last installment, this time the staff searched extra carefully.

Other people either bring insect repellent or flashlights.

Not me.

I brought a tent.


[Jiang Deer is preparing to land on the ground?]

[I think she wants to open up the land and build infrastructure.]

[Why suddenly still kind of want to see, one person blood book, Jiang Lu desert island survival!


The crew didn’t give us blindfolds this time.

The boat was sailing towards the island, and the sunset at the junction of the water and the sky was very beautiful.

When we got to the island, the director gave each of us an emergency signal light in case of any accidents.

The island is lush and green, except for trees, there is no trace of human activity.

We followed the signs towards the inside of the island, and the more we walked, the denser the trees became.

“Who are you guys? What are you doing here?”

Suddenly a voice came from the trees.

The man was standing on the tree, barefoot, with unintelligible totems painted on his body.

Wen Kai Shen made his intentions clear, and then he heard the man shout some unintelligible words at the forest.

Immediately afterward, there was a rustling sound around.

Before I could see what it was, I was pulled in a certain direction by Wen Kai Shen.

“Run, run separately, don’t look back!” He shouted loudly.

What’s the situation?

Why did he suddenly start running.

Only when there was no movement behind me did Wen Kai Shen slowly stop.

I looked back and saw nothing but tree shadows.

“What did you see?” I was full of doubts.

Wen Kai Shen sank his face, “The totem on that person, I saw it in a book before, it’s cannibalism.”

“Cannibal?” My heart surged and I turned around and was about to walk back.

Wen Kai Shen pulled me back again, his eyes full of worry: “What are you doing?”

“I haven’t seen cannibals yet, let’s go take a look.”

I tried to break free, but he pulled me tightly.

I couldn’t break free at all.

Pop-up screen:

[Wen Kai Shen: This girl is poisonous.]

[I want to see cannibals too, Deer Deer, take us there!

[Deer is a program bug, I feel sorry for the program team for two seconds.]

[Cannibalism: Please stay away from me, thank you.]]


I couldn’t argue with Wen Kai Shen, and was pulled by him to continue looking for clues.

Wen Kai Shen brought a flashlight, and we both followed the path all the way to the west.

The sea breeze blew gently, comfortable and cozy.

It was so quiet that the only sounds we could hear were the “rustling” of the wind blowing the leaves, and the sound of the drone camera hovering above us.

After walking for about half an hour, there was still no sign of anyone.

I simply took out my tent and was about to find a place to set up camp.

Suddenly I saw a fire ahead.

In the middle of nowhere, it must be a tribe of cannibals.

It’s so hard to find a place to go, but it’s not hard to find it.

“Brother Sham, there’s light over there!”

I threw down my tent, ran out of the path and headed for the woods.

Wen Kai Shen was right behind me, “Slow down, watch your step.”

Close to the firelight, it was a large clearing.

I hid behind a large tree and probed into the clearing.

Several people dressed in primitive tribal clothes were dancing around a bonfire.

Lin Xue’er and Cheng Zhengjie were escorted to the fire.

Wen Kai swept a deep look, pulled me into a crouch, and leaned close to my ear.

“Isn’t that Lin Xue’er and Cheng Zhengjie?”

Warm breath hit my ears, and my low, slightly hoarse voice was like a very fragrant wine, making me slightly drunk.

There was a moment of disorientation.

I looked sideways at him.

Through the moonlight, half of his face was hidden in the dark.

In the haze, his angular jawline seemed like a finely carved work of art.

This face, it’s so beautiful.

“Jiang Lu?” He saw that I didn’t respond and tapped my shoulder.

Wen Kai Shen: “Later, I’ll lure them away, you go over and untie them.”

I came back to my senses, “The director’s team knows we’re together, if you run out, they definitely won’t chase, it’s better for me to go.”

Saving people is secondary, I’m more interested in cannibals.

I’m more interested in cannibalism. I might even be able to get some barbecue.

Worried that he wouldn’t do it, I leaned into his ear and said, “It’ll be fine, it’s all for show.”

In the night, I didn’t notice his slightly reddened ears or his worried gaze.


Without waiting for Wen Kai Shen to stop me, I ran to the clearing and threw a rock at the cannibals.

“Can t beat me, right, there is no way, I am so powerful, la la la la la la la …..”

The group of people saw me screaming and copied wooden sticks one after another.

I ran away.

As I ran, I sang, “I’m defeated, let’s all go together, I’m not afraid at all…”

Not far away, I was surrounded by them.

It was quite a sight.

“Let’s talk things over, after all, fifty-six nationalities, fifty-six flowers, fifty-six brothers and sisters are one family…”

The NPCs looked at each other and swarmed up.

“Can we not wear blindfolds?”

“Just tie your hands, not your feet, I can’t outrun you.”

“You want to gag me? That’s too much…”

I was carried away by two men.

They chatted as they walked.

“Should I eat it raw or roast it?”

“I think I’ll cook it. It’s delicious when it’s cooked.”

The pop-ups:

“So cannibals speak Mandarin too.

“Brother Shen, go save Deer. I can’t afford to have anyone missing from my CP, “Lin Shum See Deer.”

“Don’t solve the problem, go save Deer. Raise the flag of the “Deer for a Horse” CP!

“Brother is good, brother is good, which CP do I stand for?


The live feed cut to three.

One is me tied up and ready to be cooked.

One is Ma Boyan and Jun solving a problem in a cave.

One more, the rescued Lin Xue’er crying on Cheng Zhengjie’s shoulder.

Seems to have lost someone.

Where’s Wen Kai Shen?

Quickly, a figure appeared in my screen.

Wen Kai Shen was wearing the exact same clothes as the cannibals and quietly circled around behind me.

I felt someone approaching and turned around.

Seeing that he was pudgy but couldn’t stop his handsomeness, I almost laughed out loud.

“Don’t make a sound, I’ll help you loosen it.”

Before he could say anything, a touch of warmth slipped through my fingertips.

If anything, the touch was palpable.

He knelt down and untied the bonds on my feet.

When no one was looking, he took my hand and ran backwards without looking back.

The large, bony hands held mine tightly, full of security.

In this moment, he was the hero who saved me from the fire.

Even though I knew that behind me was just a bunch of NPCs that were just a bunch of NPCs, and there would be no danger.

Maybe it’s because of running, maybe not.

The sound of my heart beating “flutter, flutter, flutter” became clearer and clearer.

I’m here for a horror variety show. Why does this look like an idol drama?

We hid behind a big rock.

Wen Kai Shen let go of my hand and nervously looked outside.

“Brother Shen, are you eating?”


He looked down at the chocolate in my hand and froze slightly.

“Have some, don’t go hypoglycemic.” I shoved the chocolate into his hand, not allowing him to refuse.

“Are you Doraemon?” He smiled.

I don’t know what came over me, but I just went with it.

“Are you Bear?”


“There’s movement over there!” The cannibal bellowed.

Wen Kai Shen raised his hand and pressed down on my head.

I seemed to be nestled in his wide embrace.

Slightly raising my eyes, flattening my elongated collarbone, the knot in my throat rolled up and down.

The corners of his eyes were reddened, his dark eyes reflecting my reflection.

My eyes flicker, subconsciously trying to hide.

D’baa, I’m not here to speculate on gossip.

My foot slipped and I fell backwards.

He was quick to support my head and fell to the ground, his whole body covered above me.

The ambiguity increased.

It’s over.

I can’t explain it now.

The sound of footsteps came from far away.

I inexplicably dare not move.

The side of his face is stunning.

Echoed in his mind, “It’s the heartbeat ah, bad eyes can not hide, inexplicable heartbeat …… to you”.

Waiting for the footsteps to go away, he then propped up his body, warm voice: “Are you okay?”

“It’s fine, it’s fine.” My face burns red and I subconsciously look away.

Out of the corner of my eye, I swept over his hand protecting my head, beads of blood congealing in his palm.

“Are you hurt?” Without even thinking, I pulled his hand over mine.

This is bad.

At least he’s a popular movie star.

If his fans see him and he gets hurt because of me, will I be a sinner?

I took out a band-aid and carefully put it on for him.

“You can make do with it for now, and then take care of it properly when we get out of the island.”

Seeing that I was getting serious, Wen Kai Shen raised his other hand and rubbed the hair on my forehead to mess it up.

Laughing out softly, “You really do have everything.”


[Deer Bao’er is a proper little tinker cat.]

[A little master of hiding things.]

[ah ah ah ah! “The CP is too good to be high!

I’ve written a letter of blood for them to shoot an idol drama.

Only the younger brother is concentrating on solving the mystery of the world to reach.


We just got up and saw a few NPCs looking at us with their arms around their chests.

Embarrassed ….. The awkwardness is the staring at this moment.

I’m a little hungry,” he said. I’m a bit hungry.” I broke the silence with a smile.

「Barbecue you don’t have it, take them all away!”

With a command, Wen Kai Shen and I were brought back to the clearing.

A whole lamb was skewered on the grill, and the aroma was wafting.

“Do you want to eat roasted whole sheep?” I whispered sideways to Wen Kai Shen.

“Do you have an idea?” He raised an eyebrow.

The corner of my mouth lifted into a smile, “You tie two, I’ll tie two.”


I didn’t expect him to agree so quickly.

With a calm and collected nature like his, how could he possibly do something this nonsensical?

“I’ll count to three, two, one, and we’ll do it together.”

He didn’t look like he was joking.



Before he could say “one,” I heard the little brother next to me hastily interrupt.

“Don’t, don’t, don’t do it, you guys feel free to bake, we have a mission later.”

I “hehehe” smiled, “I count on you to know what you’re doing.”

The NPC was helpless: “Next time you guys conspire, can you keep it down, the whole country heard it.”

The pop-up screen was brushed with 「hahahahaha」.

When Ma Boyan and Jun were caught in the clearing, I was happily eating barbecue with Wen Kai Shen and the NPC.

“You guys should at least show some respect to the director’s team, am I really the only one solving the problem?”

Ma Boyan huffed and sat down.

I handed him a skewer of lamb, “You must be hungry from solving the puzzle, have some first.”

“We’re on the same variety show, aren’t we?” Jun took a bite of the lamb, “Why is there such a big difference in style?”

Wen Kai Shen frowned, “Where are Cheng Zheng Jie and Lin Xue Er?”

“They’ve gone to record a love variety show, right?” I said casually.


The second recording session ended successfully and our revolutionary friendship increased a lot.

As expected, Cheng Zhengjie and Lin Xue’er were openly and honestly stirring up CP.

Thanks to the two of them, the ambiguity between Wen Kai Shen and me was covered up.

For the next few recordings, I played steadily.

The director gave me an affectionate nickname: “Jiang BUG”.

There was no NPC that I didn’t dare to catch, especially in the episode “Siege of the Zombies”.

I led the NPCs to do a mechanical dance.

Since then, the name “Jiang BUG” has become famous in the world.

The heat is rising, and I have gained a large number of small fans.

The “How many NPCs did Jiang Deer catch today” super chat was very lively every day.

The day before the penultimate live broadcast, the director called me over individually.

“This period gives you a special identity, to do undercover, then I will arrange for someone to meet you.”

“Let me be an NPC?” I blurted out.

The director rubbed his nose, “You could say that, your task is to make the mission more difficult.”

“For each level before you’re picked up, make sure the puzzle time is more than half an hour.”

“Succeed in the mission and you will receive a golden key; fail in the mission and receive a punishment.”

I laughed, “Can I make a condition then?”


「I want to see the night vision mode after I’m taken away.」. I laughed “hehehe”.

The director pulled the corner of his mouth and agreed stiffly.


The theme of this time, “The Disappearing Myth”, was typical Chinese horror.

The six of us changed into our ancient costumes, each with our own identity, and were placed in different courtyards.

Lin Xue’er was a thousand-year-old girl, and I was her personal maid.

Therefore the two of us were in one room.

Wen Kai Shen and Cheng Zheng Jie were the first and second dukes respectively, Jun was the bookkeeper, and Ma Boyan was the guard.

I have a secret mission that requires more than half an hour before I can leave this room.

As long as I don’t move, even if I give Lin Xue’er an hour, she won’t be able to get out.

“Lulu, go and bring me that quill.”

Lin Xue’er sat on the bed couch and reached out to point at the pen holder on the table a meter away from her.

“Are you okay?” I tugged at the corner of my mouth.

“Deer, now that I’m the young lady and you’re the maid-“

Without waiting for her to finish, I turned around and sat down on a toffee chair to the side, waving my hand.

“Sister is too deep into the drama, isn’t she, this isn’t a movie, it’s an escape room.”

“Then you should also respect the plot persona.” She said in a cold voice.

“Sister Xue’er, have you been focusing on your relationship lately, so you don’t have a movie to shoot?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, let’s just solve the mystery.” Lin Xue’er stopped continuing to chat and looked for clues.

I lay down on the toffee chair and looked around.

Seeing that she was about to get the key clue, I hurriedly diverted her attention.

“Sister Xue’er, what do you see here?” I held a piece of copper mirror and walked to her.

This mirror has a mechanism, and pressing it will cause bloody handprints to appear.

I pressed the switch as I watched her seriously survey the bronze mirror.

Frightened, she threw the mirror directly in her hand and screamed out.

I caught the mirror with a quick movement and an innocent look on my face.

This has nothing to do with me.

It was the director who said whatever works, as long as it can stall for time.

I spent the next half hour comforting Lin Xue’er.

There was a sound of footsteps outside, followed by the door being opened from the outside.

How long the two of us stayed in the secret room depended entirely on when the person outside opened the door for us.


Lin Xue’er waited for her Cheng Zhengjie and pounced on him the moment the door was opened.

Completely unconcerned about us four shiny light bulbs.

For the next levels, I followed what the director said and increased the difficulty of the game everywhere.

Of course, I wouldn’t be so stupid as to reveal my cracks.

Just subconsciously dodged a bit every time I faced Wen Kai Shen’s probing eyes.

Everything else was perfect.

After leaving the shrine, a few NPCs playing the role of clansmen suddenly rushed out.

“The Water God will be here soon to take the bride, why don’t you guys hurry up and change the lady’s clothes!”

I heard the code word and knew it was to take me away.

I pulled Lin Xue’er’s hand, wanting to say that it was my turn to play the bride.

But before I could say anything, I heard her say.

“She’s the lady, you guys take her away.”

She pushed me from behind.

I didn’t react, my feet stumbled and I fell down the steps.

If it wasn’t for Wen Kai Shen’s quick hands and grabbing me by the waist.

I’m afraid I would have had a close encounter with Mother Earth.

Lin Xue’er really isn’t afraid of being scolded by her fans, she just pushed me out so blatantly.

What a nerve.

She seemed to be sensing the gazes we were looking at her and hurriedly explained.

“I’m timid, but Jiang Lu is timid. She gets along well with the NPCs every time, so let her go.”

“No way!” Wen Kai Shen was slightly annoyed.

“I’ll be fine.” I said softly.

He looked at me with a burning gaze, “I’ll go for this kind of dangerous thing.”

“You have to remember that you are a soft little girl.”

The way he said this, although there was a bit of a bossy tone to it.

But it sounded quite warm.

If it wasn’t for the fact that I promised the director, I wouldn’t have agreed to replace him at this moment.

Kinda want to see Wen Kai Shen in women’s clothing.


I changed into the red wedding dress and was taken away by the clan.

When I was leaving, Wen Kai Shen slipped a note into my hand.

When I arrived at the director’s control room, I peeked at the note behind the camera.

The words on it were pale and strong: “I’ll be right over to save you.”

I unconsciously smiled, put the note in my pocket, and turned around to sit next to the director.

In night vision mode, Wen Kai Shen focused on solving the puzzle.

He was oblivious to the NPCs that suddenly appeared.

The director wailed, ”Is Wen Kai Shen hung up? He wasn’t like this before.”

I was high on melon seeds: “I’ve taken him on as a disciple, not bad, not bad, half as good as me.”

With Wen Kai Shen and Ma Boyan’s active efforts, one puzzle after another was solved.

“The picture of the two of them together, not bad, not bad.”

“A combination of gods and horses, one shot.”

I pursed my lips and burst out laughing.


[Director, you’ve touched Brother Deep’s scales, can’t you be quicker?]

[I, Wen Kai Shen, vow to guard Jiang Lu to the death!]

“The banner of “Lin Shen meets Deer” will never fall!

[Deer deer sober up a bit, stoned CP can not be stoned husband lost].


The live broadcast ended and the second half of the recording began.

“Stop eating, come on, it’s your turn.” The director looked sideways at me.

I put down the melon, put on the lid, with the wigwam strapped to my body, walked to the fixed position and sat on the coffin.

The red light came on and I wailed out the lines the director had given me.

“The dead have returned to the abyss, how are you all doing?”

What was the next line?

I heard Wen Kai Shen calling my name urgently, and I instantly forgot all the lines I had memorized.

What should I do?

The crew is still waiting for my password, otherwise there’s no way to pull up the wigwam.

I think it’s a line from a song I remember.

I think it was “What’s Flying”.

What exactly is flying?

A flash of light came to me and I sang in a hurry.

“I want to fly to the sky, go, go, go herd sheep, give my beloved sheep a few marshmallows…”


Why isn’t it moving.

“I want to stand on the sea and fish for a big moon to hang on the roof and shine brightly…”

The wigwam is moving, but why is it swaying from side to side?

I think I got it right.

“I can be as stubborn as I want to be, I can be as stubborn as I want to be, let’s see what you can do to me.”

Just as I was singing my way to the top, the director’s voice yelled out from the headphones.

“Jiang Deer! Shut up!”

“I’m just going to the restroom, what are you doing?”

The director’s voice was tinged with vibrato.

I laughed ‘hehehe’ and scrunched my neck.

“Don’t panic, don’t you think they’re too scared by me to move?”

“They’re not scared, you can’t see they’re holding their laughter!”

I rubbed my nose: “I’m covered, I can’t see.”

“I’m at least a talent show veteran, so I shouldn’t be out of tune.”

The director broke down, “Is that the point!”


At the end of the recording, I was dressed in a red wedding gown, jumping around and following behind Wen Kai Shen.

“Brother Sham, did I sing in tune in the tomb?”

“No, it was very good.”

He raised his hand and pinched my face.

I don’t know where the relationship between Wen Kai Shen and I started to become very delicate.

The way he looked at me seemed like he could pull silk, so deep in love.

I admit, I’m a face dog.

Being stared at by such a big handsome guy, who wouldn’t be moved.

It’s not like I’m a log.

However, before the relationship is finalized, I won’t take the initiative to pierce the windowpaper.

The program still has one last finale before it ends, and we shouldn’t be working together in the future.

Thinking about this, I was in a heavy mood.

He acutely noticed my sudden low mood and said with concern, “What’s wrong?”

“No – where to?” I was pulled forward by him.

Walking to the corner where no one was around, Wen Kai Shen let go of my hand.

I could clearly hear the sound of a deer in the headlights.

He stood in front of me, a white shirt, a jade tree, like an uninitiated immortal.

And I was dressed in a red wedding dress, cape and cape, brightly colored like fire.

“Jiang Lu.” He rasped out, lightly calling my name.

The warm, jade-like voice created a layer of ripples in my heart.

“Hm?” I nervously twisted my hands behind my back.

“I was scared to death just now, even though I know it was all arranged by the director, but when I saw you being taken away, I ……”

“I ….. Well ……” His eyes flashed, his ears reddened, and he hesitated to speak.

The shyness of him was adorable.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” He held his tongue for half a day.

I had a heart in my throat and denied without hesitation, “No… um…”

He grabbed me by the waist, pulled me close, lowered his head, and blocked my words.


Our relationship wasn’t public.

I was the one who brought it up, and Wen Kai Shen was obviously dissatisfied, but couldn’t argue with me.

The final installment of the killing banquet, the director proposed to prepare the program.

He arranged a duo song and dance for me and Wen Kaisham called “Dangerous Party”.

The director said in a nice way that the CP “Lin Sham See Deer” has a very high reputation, and he wanted us to be active and open for business.

I am a singer and dancer, so it was no problem for me.

The hard part is Wen Kai Shen.

When no one was watching, he would always kiss up every time they jumped to the beat of intimate interaction.

“I’m warning you, there’s an audience under the stage during the official recording, so don’t–um–“

Before I could finish my sentence, he lowered his head again.

I pinched his waist, “Behave yourself.”

“I know.” He hugged me, his tone was doting.

But when it was time to record, the music started.

The first half was normal until the last beat.

“Putting my heart in your hands, falling into your gaze, enjoying the sway of the beat, I’m not dangerous…”

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and I screamed.

What started out as a borrowed kiss turned into something real for him.

There was a shriek from the stage.

“Ah! My CP has come true!”

“Forest Deep See Deer YYDS!”

I blushed slightly and glared at Wen Kai Shen, who smiled smugly.

25 (Epilogue)

I became popular with “Escape, Friend”.

Not long after the news of terminating my contract with my original agency was sent out, my cell phone was being called by various agencies.

In order to avoid suspicion, I didn’t accept Wen Kai Shen’s offer to join his studio.

My outstanding performance in the escape room variety show was recognized by all the major variety show directors.

I’ve been receiving a lot of variety shows.

But in order to have a wider path in the future, I enrolled in an acting class to prepare for movie and TV dramas.

Ever since my relationship with Wen Kai Shen came to light, he became even more attached to me.

He even bought the house directly across the street from me.

The day he moved, he came knocking on my door.

“We’ll be neighbors from now on, so please give me more advice.”

He walked right into my house with a low-fat cake in his hands.

After closing the door, he undid his tie with one hand, scooped me up, and placed me on the dining room table.

I looked down at him, cupping my hands around his stunningly beautiful face.

He was too good looking not to eat it.

Going to a variety show and bringing back a boyfriend, I was a winner in life.

I smiled brightly, my gaze lingering on his eyebrows.

The tips of my scallion-white fingers were slightly reddened, tracing all the way from his thick eyebrows and finally stopping at his lips.

Afterward, he never lived in his own house again.

And my single bed was replaced with a double bed ……

Extra 1:

Wen Kai Shen Monologue:

I never thought that I would like a girl who is much smaller than myself.

However, Jiang Lu is just too cute.

She’s bold, adventurous, and reckless, but she’s a person with a good idea in her heart.

I’ve never believed in those ‘personas’ on the internet.

So when I first met her, I didn’t have any big prejudice.

A girl should be held in the palm of her hand, and she has had a hard time in the past few years.

I hope my presence will bring her a lot of sweetness.

I want to take her to more places to explore and discover more possibilities.

The thought of having such a girl with surprises everywhere by my side in the future gives life a run for its money.

I’ve never been one to hide things.

The moment I confirmed the relationship, I wanted to tell everyone.

As for the question of whether it would affect my career, I have always considered it.

You can’t be a bachelor for the rest of your life because of your career.

Isn’t it right to give a girl a sense of security?

I want her to be carefree, at least not because I’m not thinking about something that’s not there.

Before I met Jiang Lu, I never believe in love at first sight.

After seeing her, I just want to quickly keep her by my side.

This is probably possessiveness.

God knows how nervous I was. Good thing she didn’t have a boyfriend at that time.

Also, “Forest Deep See Deer” YYDS, it’s not a bad idea to get in!

Extra 2

Ma Boyan Monologue:

When I first received the invitation from the program, I was playing a debate competition.

Thinking about such a fun and interesting thing, of course I want to participate.

When the program first started, I was surprised by Deer’s guts.

I didn’t expect her to be so explosive as a little girl, and her guts were thicker than the city walls.

Running after those NPCs is also unique in the secret room.

But I’m still more interested in solving puzzles.

I was so mesmerized by the logic I had never encountered before that I often lost track of time as I solved the puzzles.

I really don’t know how Deep and Deer got together.

Blessings from the bottom of my heart.

I still have to work on my thesis, bye~.

(End of text)

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