25. I’m a programmed evil female

I’m a vicious female character with a program

I’m a wicked match: I’ll see you when I’m in love.

I’m a vicious female match, the kind with official establishment.

Although this job is unethical, it is better than having more money and stability.

So I seriously do death every day, just to force the male lead to rebel soon.

Finally waited for the day he ascended to the throne and became the emperor, I did not say a word and ran away with my baggage.

But when I got home, I got a call from the team leader:

“Your male lead has gone crazy and is about to break through the sub-dimensional wall, so you have to hurry back!”


My name is Song Nuan, I’m a vicious female match who has an official establishment in the Subdimensional Authority.

Although this job is very lack of virtue, but wins in the money and stable, I examined for three years to get in.

Today, I just finished the first system mission of my career, and I am ready to go home to take a hot bath and have a good rest.

Who knows that the front foot just stepped into the door, the back foot received a phone call from the team leader, he said in a panic:

He said in a panic: “It’s a big deal! The main man of your family can not find you are going to tear down the sub-dimensional wall! Get your ass to the unit!”

By the time I arrived at the unit, many of the leaders I had never seen before had already arrived.

I was pushed to the center of the crowd by the team leader, who pointed at me and said:

“Gao Si, this is Song Nuan from the female pairing group 2, Jiang Qing wine is her.”

Jiang Qing wine is the evil female match I played in the last mission.

I smiled awkwardly at the leaders, trying to ease the tension.

As a result, the leader’s face became even darker and said sternly:

“How do you work as a female child! Look at what Xie Zhi is doing right now!”

Xie Zhi was naturally the blackened male lead in the mission.

I took the Brain Magnetic Paste from the leader’s hand and saw Xie Zhi after the connection was completed.

He was in the middle of a deserted area, holding a long sword, covered in blood, surrounded by people he had killed.

Blood stained his eyes, and he casually wiped away the blood stains at the corners of his mouth before pointing the tip of his sword upwards, shouting in an almost frantic manner:

“「No matter who took away Jiang Qingjiu, I will definitely find her out, and anyone who dares to obstruct today will be killed in the way of men, and the Buddha will be killed in the way of Buddhas!

I was jolted and hurriedly disconnected, looking at the team leader as if for help, stuttering:

“Old, boss, what’s going on now?”

I had clearly followed the system’s instructions and completed Jiang Qingjiu’s mission as a vicious female match.

When I left that world, I saw the Princess Palace being burned cleanly, he should have already thought that I was dead by now, and then lived happily with the main female character, Su Li, why is this happening?

The team leader pulled the corner of his mouth, pulled me aside and said quietly:

“I just checked the system log, after you left, Xie Zhi didn’t marry Su Li according to the established plot, instead, he went on a nationwide search for your whereabouts, saying that he wants to see people alive, and he wants to see corpses dead.”

My brows furrowed, before the Princess Palace caught fire I dismissed all the palace staff, so the fact that there was no corpse in the palace was obvious upon investigation.

I didn’t expect Xie Zhi to deviate from the established plot, I was careless.

Then he went on to say, “Xie Zhi couldn’t find you in the original world, and his obsession is so deep that his consciousness is now about to break through the dimensional wall, so my colleagues in the technical team can only try to stop him with the code, but I’m afraid he won’t be able to do so with this situation.”

I was relieved to hear this, and was glad that those who died were only intercepting the code.

In the end, the leadership of the bureau demanded that Xie resign must be returned to the original story line within 24 hours, otherwise, all of us in the group would be treated as dereliction of duty.

I couldn’t cry, Xie Zhi had killed his eyes now, how could I get him back?

I twisted my head to look at the group leader, he said sadly:

“Song Nuan ah, how about …… you lay down your life for everyone, just follow Xie resign to go back, he found you will not go crazy again, how about it?”


If I go back, I’ll still be able to live with Xie Zhi’s red-eyed look.

I’m the evil female match, boss!

In order to make him blacken as soon as possible, how many morally degrading things have I done? Every day, I’m either humiliating him or on my way to humiliate him.

Xie Zhi is now looking for me like this, it’s eighty percent likely that he wants to dismantle me in order to relieve his heart’s hatred.

I immediately hugged the group leader’s thigh and cried out:

“Boss, I don’t want to die yet, why don’t you think of another way?”

He smiled and said: “If there is a way to technical team has already been done, why bother to alarm the leadership of the Bureau? Don’t worry, even if he wants to retaliate, you won’t really die.”

That’s right, you won’t die, but the pain is real!

Maybe he’s just going to take me back and torture me slowly!

I blinked and looked at my lovely Group 2 colleagues, they definitely don t want to …… save my life!

Before I can struggle, I’m being held down by their combined efforts and sent into the subworld.

A voice came faintly in my ears, “Xiao Song ah, you can rest assured to go, this year’s excellent employee award we will definitely let you take ah.”

Me: ……


The screen turned and I had arrived at Xie Zhi’s chambers.

He was currently lying on the bed sweating profusely, the whole person was like falling into a nightmare, looking very painful.

A clean white center coat has long been soaked with sweat, vaguely revealing a robust and tight body, bobbing up and down with his breathing.

I wiped my saliva …… and summoned up the courage to walk to the edge of the bed and sat down.

And remembering the picture of Xie Zhi just killing the four directions, I felt a cold shiver in my back.

His mouth muttered, seemingly shouting Jiang Qingjiu s name.

I frowned, then attached myself to Xie Zhi’s ear and softly called out:

“Xie Zhi, I’m Jiang Qingjiu, aren’t you looking for me, I’m back.”

As soon as the words left my mouth, I looked up and crashed into a pair of deep, dark eyes, filled with despair and madness.

I have known Xie Zhi since we were young, but I have never seen him like this, surrounded by a murderous aura.

Xie Zhi was originally the son of the previous dynasty, when the country was broken, he should be executed to prevent future problems.

But the emperor of the new dynasty, that is, Jiang Qing wine’s father, the color makes the wisdom of the drowsy, looking at Xie Zhi’s mother consort, in order to please his heart, they will be able to arrange for Xie Zhi’s life, and from now on raised in the cold palace.

But as we all know, the cool article big male lead in the face before the reversal, often how miserable how to come.

Although Xie Zhi’s mother is favored by the new emperor, he is in the end redundant, so since childhood has been subjected to a lot of bullying and stares, living a very miserable.

But in the end, the hero is the hero, he has always held back, hidden sharp.

Until the time is ripe, he will subvert the king’s power and kill his enemies.

Over the years, Xie Zhi is accustomed to hiding his emotions, how come his eyes are so scary now?

I was looking at him so much that my hairs were standing on end, I was really afraid that he was going to pull out my tendons and skin, and eat my blood.

So I raised my leg to run, but unexpectedly my right hand was grabbed by Xie Zhi and pulled back.

I fell onto the bed with an unsteady center of gravity, and was forced to look him in the eye.

“Let go, let go, let go.” After all, Jiang Qingjiu was still a princess of the old dynasty, so I instinctively blurted out.

Xie Zhi beside me heard this, his expression was slightly mournful, and then coldly said:

“Wanton? In this palace, no one has dared to say the word ‘wanton’ to me, Jiang Qingjiu, you are the first.”

I forgot that Xie Zhi is no longer the same person as before!

I forgot that Xie Zhi is no longer the same downtrodden prince, he is now the decisive new emperor!

Seeing his gnashing of teeth, I wasn’t wrong, he wanted to slowly torture me to avenge his old humiliation.

I was so scared that my legs went limp, in line with the principle that a little girl can bend but not break, I pulled a smile and said:

“I am unbridled! Your Majesty, what I just said was that I was reckless.

“In the past, I ate a bear’s heart and leopard’s guts, if I had known that you are the real Dragon Emperor, even if I was killed, I would not dare to find your bad luck ah.”

As long as I am a coward, danger will definitely not be able to catch me.

Xie Zhi had an inquisitive look on his face, and then said carelessly, “Why do I feel that you already knew it, huh?

Help, Xie Zhi won’t really be awakened!

I don’t want to be penalized for malfeasance right after I start working, how can I get promoted in the future?

So I closed my eyes and stretched out my legs, simply pretending to faint, so as not to explain myself but to reveal my faults.

I heard Xie Zhi sigh slightly, then picked me up horizontally and slowly walked out.

Due to pretending to be too serious, I actually fell asleep without realizing it.

When I woke up again, I found myself lying on a mahogany soft bed.

Looking around, I couldn’t help but doubt my eyes.

Wasn’t the Princess Palace burned down in a fire, how come this room is no different from the place I lived in before?

I tugged at the corner of my mouth, and now this has nothing to do with me.

Last night, I was originally on the verge of danger, and in my haste, I was stuffed into the Sublime Realm by my coworkers.

Right now, I think Xie Zhi has regained his sanity, so I should be able to return to reality for the time being, and then discuss the remedial plan in detail with my colleagues in the technical team.

Otherwise, Xie Zhi would sooner or later find out the truth from me, and then it wouldn’t be something that could be solved by mere malfeasance.

With that, I felt into my arms, an interdimensional person could automatically return to reality by shattering the jade pendant with the Authority’s logo.

Other than that, there were two other ways, and that was to die here or have someone in reality help me break the connection.

I couldn’t count on those colleagues in Team 2, so between dying and breaking the jade pendant, I certainly chose the latter.

But after feeling around in my arms for a long time, I was shocked to realize that I had nothing on me except for a piece of my middle jacket.

I panicked and ran out of bed, grabbed the little maid outside the door and asked, “Where are the things on me, where did you put them for me?”

Before she had a chance to answer, I saw Xie Zhi come from not far away and spoke quietly:

“Are you looking for this?”


When I saw the jade pendant in Xie Zhi’s hand, I was stunned in place.

Then I only heard him let out a light laugh and faintly said: ”Looks like I guessed correctly, this thing is really important to you.”

My five senses twisted into a ball, but I felt that I could still struggle down, so I shamefully said:

“Your Majesty, you are really smart, this is my mother’s relic, why don’t you return it to me first?”

I gestured to reach out and grab it, but Xie Zhi was too tall, so he only had to gently raise his hand and I couldn’t reach it.

“Since it is a relic of the Empress of the old dynasty, it is also an item in the palace, I see that this item has a unique style and is very novel, so put it here for me to keep it.” he said and then he slowly looked at me.

Said his eyes slowly downward, and then his brows lightly knit.

I still don’t know why he is unhappy again, when I felt underneath me suddenly suspended in the air, I let out a cry of surprise and fell into Xie Zhi’s embrace.

He then gently placed me on the edge of the bed, and picked up the shoes on the side, and gently put them on for me, but on his mouth he said unhappily:

「If you run around without shoes again, I’ll make sure you can’t get out of bed in the future」.

Ah this ……

Junior, your speech is also too dangerous!

However, now that the atmosphere has been created here, I see that he doesn’t look like he wants to take revenge on me, so I simply ask boldly:

“That, Your Majesty, what are you going to do with me? You don’t like me and want to marry me, do you?”

After I finished speaking, I didn’t forget to laugh lowly to ease the embarrassment.

Who knows that this time Xie Zhi suddenly raised his head, eyes deep, the bottom of the eyes seems to be dense layer of fog, bright crystal staring at me said:

“If I just want to marry you? How do you think?”

The main man is really the main man, is more than other people will come to things.

Xie Zhi this impeccable face and full of charm of the voice, I do not fight to swallow saliva, but but two seconds to wake up.

Girl I’m a career batch, I don’t have time to talk about love with you here.

Still want to marry me? I still want you to marry the real heroine Su Li, so that I can return to the unit to deliver!

I thought for half a day did not think of how to reply, so I was ready to repeat the same trick, pretending to faint to fool the past.

But when I stirred my legs, I forgot that Xie Zhi was squatting in front of me, and the result was a tragedy.

The moment I fell on the bed, the back of my foot was in pain, and at the same time, Xie Zhi’s alarmed voice came from my ears.

Then several courtiers rushed in from outside the door and surrounded Xie Zhi in panic, saying:

“Doctor! Hurry up and call the doctor!”

I secretly raised my eyes and saw that Xie Zhi was covering the lower half of his face with his hands, and the slightest hint of blood could be seen through his fingers.

The palace people were so nervous that they were in disarray, some people proposed to arrest me, after all, injuring the dragon’s body is a great offense.

I lie on the bed eyes closed tightly, secretly: this time I am completely finished.

A few moments later, I only heard Xie Zhi angrily shout, “All shut up for me!”

Then he said coldly: “Today’s matter, I do not want to Xianfu Palace side know, if the leakage of half a bit of news, I want your head, all clear?”

The palace people were silenced, and then followed Xie Zhi to leave the room.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, I immediately sat up and looked at the door with a sad face.

Not only did Xie Zhi not kill me, he even covered up for me, and even worse, he wanted to marry me!

I’m a vicious female match, even if I can’t say I’m unforgivable, then I should be morally bankrupt.

But when did I actually win the male lead’s favor?

Xie Zhi like this, makes me doubt my ability to work ah.

So I immediately made a huge determination: I’m not going to leave first, I have to be here to figure out what Xie Zhi sees in me, I’ll change it.

Just as I was stilted on my legs, lying on the bed, thinking leisurely about my future plans, suddenly several big and thick sisters came into the room.

I saw that they were aggressive and didn’t look like good guys, so I said in a nice voice:

“Hello Sisters, I don t know what I have offended …… ah well!”

Before I could finish my words, they stuffed my mouth with a handkerchief, blindfolded me with a cloth, and then tied me up and took me away.

I was dragged by them for a long time, then should be into a room, vaguely can be smelled around a faint sandalwood aroma.

Then a familiar voice came to my ears.

“You really didn’t die, but I’m very surprised!


The one who spoke was none other than Xie Zhi’s mother consort, the current Empress Dowager Zhuang Xian.

I’ve always thought that this title is a good one, because she is indeed pretentious enough.

When the princess hall of that fire is not she asked people to put it, fortunately then I ran fast, or really have to experience the taste of the fire.

I can spit out the handkerchief in my mouth, and then said softly:

“Oops, is the Empress Dowager na, you can find me early to say ah, why such a publicity it, we are a family is not it.”

The words just fell, there is a cup thrown sound in front of me scattered, and then there is a road debris splash, rubbing my cheeks flew through, a slight pain followed.

After years of patience by the side of the old emperor, now that her own son has taken over the kingdom, she no longer needs to pretend to be kind and easy-going, and spend her days cautiously.

“Your Highness, why do you need to be angry with this kind of foxy girl, if you can’t stand it, feel free to dispose of it,” said Sister in the room. The Sister in the room said.

I was so angry that the corners of my mouth twitched, and I wanted to personally thank the eighteen generations of ancestors of this Sister.

I just made up my mind to stay, and now I’m going to die again?

Who knew that this empress dowager was just as unorthodox as Xie Zhi, after a long time she laughed sorrowfully and said:

“Dispose of it at will? How can I do that? The humiliation that I have suffered from the dog emperor all these years, I have to ask his daughter to pay back twice as much.

“Besides, the resignation of the child by her confuse, injured are not and I said, so continue, which is still half of the emperor’s appearance, must be told to cut off the idea of the line.”

I agree with this point, but also have to look at how to break the law.

I listened to the Empress Dowager’s words seem to be unfavorable to my appearance, so flattered:

“Your Highness, as the saying goes, there is a head and a debt, why would you take my little girl to take the piss?

She laughed softly, and said: “Oh, but how do I feel, the father’s debt is also a natural right.

Ah this …… saying harms a lot of people na.

So I struggled: “Your Highness, although the old dynasty has been overthrown, but I am still a princess after all, if something happens to me, you are not afraid of the world’s many mouths, all say that you are ruthless, saying that his majesty is not a virtuous ruler?”

I don’t have the slightest bit of confidence to say this.

That cheap father of mine, besides being a lecher, he is also a tyrant, and along with that, my reputation isn’t very good either.

As far as I know, after Xie resigned to the throne, the hundred officials in the court had very few objections, and the people were all smiles, the capital was close to banging gongs and drums to welcome the new emperor to the throne.

As expected, just after I finished speaking, the room was filled with snickers, not only the Empress Dowager, but even the Sisters beside her also followed and mocked:

“Still a princess, now that the capital has changed, who gave you the face to make you feel worthy of being a princess?”

“Naturally, it’s me who gave you the honor, why do you still have a problem with that, ma’am?”

The corner of my lips slightly hooked, then two voices sounded at the same time.


“Thank you!”

The truth that the villain dies from talking too much does not deceive me, and it really made me wait for my savior.

Although I was still blindfolded, I could imagine how angry the Empress Dowager was right now.

She suppressed the anger and said: “resignation, do not fool around, mother this is for your own good, cut the grass if not remove the root, how can you sit on this throne?

Well, she is afraid that I will follow her son’s old path and bite Xie Zhi one day.

But this worry is really redundant, I am just a small female supporting, can’t turn over much sky.

But the next words of Xie Zhi stunned my ears, he coldly returned:

“If there is no her, this throne son don’t want to, mother if still think of son, then please full son this intention it.

And I was as shocked, undoubtedly is the empress dowager herself, she trembled voice said:

She said in a trembling voice: “Ungrateful son! Mother knows that in the past to you do not care enough, but that is also a helpless move, you should understand ah, and this woman in the past to you all sorts of difficult, how can you like her?

Hearing this I unconsciously stretched my ears as well, because this question was equally troubling me.

How could Xie Zhi like me?

After a moment, he finally spoke slowly:

“Son doesn’t blame mother, if it wasn’t for mother enduring the humiliation, son wouldn’t have survived until today.

“It’s just that Qingqing and my son know each other from the time of the micro, although she is a bit bossy and capricious, but her nature is pure and good, she has saved my son’s life many times but she doesn’t make any noise about it, this kind of woman, my son’s heart’s request, I hope that my mother will fulfill my wish”.


When Xie Zhi took me away, I was still immersed in the words “domineering and capricious” and “pure nature”.

God knows how frustrated I was at the moment.

I’ve been working diligently as a vicious female match for so long, and Xie Zhi even said that I was pure in nature.

This is clearly denying my ability to do my job!

“Why are you crying? Did the Queen Mother bully you? Don’t worry, from now on you will stay by my side, I will not let what happened today happen again.”

Xie Zhi said gently while rubbing medicine on my face.

Not only did he not retaliate against me, but instead treated me extremely well, I cried even louder in sadness.

Only after a long time did I realize that I had actually cried into Xie Zhi’s arms.

The strings in my head abruptly tightened, and I suddenly violently pushed him away, and then with a solemn face, I said:

“Xie Zhi, when exactly did I save your life, you’d better say it so that I can die with a clear understanding.”

Although he was full of doubts, he patiently said:

“When I was eight years old, I was punished to stand under the scorching sun for two hours for contradicting a nobleman. If you hadn’t pushed me into the water, I’m afraid I would have died of fever.”

I: misunderstanding ah, I just entered the imperial garden will see Xie Zhi fixed standing in the lake, for the establishment of the evil woman set up, only in the back pushed him a hand, there is no half a bit of goodwill ah.

“Twelve years old birthday that day, the imperial kitchen in the name of my mother consort to send a bowl of longevity noodles, I’m happy bad, was about to eat when you rushed into the Cold Palace overturned the table, and then I found out that the bowl of noodles is not at all my mother consort to send, and was poisoned, this is the second time you saved me.”

I: coincidence ah, I purely pure is to lift the table to make trouble, what the noodle not noodle I simply do not know na.

“Fifteen years old, I was chased by someone in the capital suburbs of Chengtian Temple, the side of the close guards dead and wounded, it is you sent the secret guards and assassins fight, I have the opportunity to live back to the palace.”

I: wrongly accused ah, I sent secret guards that is also to assassinate Xie Zhi, in order to let him feel the pain of the human fish and meat, and strive for an early start, anyway, he has the male protagonist aura plus, I am not afraid of him really die, how the secret guards and assassins also hands, which I can be completely unknown ah.

“Eighteen years old ……”

“Oh, shut up!

“Ah, that, I mean I’m probably clear, Your Majesty, you don’t need to continue.”

I smiled bitterly, I didn’t do a single thing that an evil female match should do after I came in.

My year-end bonus, my excellent employee, my promotion slot, gone, all gone!

While crying and laughing, Xie Zhi gently pulled down my hand, and then softly said:

“Qingqing, I know you have a lot of secrets that you can’t tell anyone, but I don’t care, I just want you to stay by my side,” he said.

I just want you to stay by my side.” “Since my ascension to the throne, the position of the central palace has been vacant, and that is for you to stay, Qingqing, to be my queen, okay?”

Xie Zhi is accustomed to being able to use his face to compel people, he looked at me with deer-like eyes full of anticipation, so that my words of refusal were stuck on the edge of my mouth and delayed to speak.

After a long time, I frowned and said, “This, it’s not too good, those ministers have always looked at me unfavorably, it’s impossible for them to agree.”

Xie Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly, his aura instantly became stern, murmuring:

“Don’t worry, no one in the court will obstruct it, even if there is, it will turn out to be none.”

I winced, then recalled the sight of Xie Zhi’s great killings in the Desolate Realm, and instantly felt that he really could do it.

I thought about it and had to excuse myself:

“But Su family in your help a lot, the empress dowager also pro-authorized Su family first daughter Su Li queen position, you should marry the person is she is not me.”

Who knows that Xie Zhi heard this, on the contrary, relieved, smiled and said: “So you are worried about this ah, rest assured, I will solve it.

After saying this, he left briskly.

I blinked in bewilderment, what did Xie Zhi say he would solve?

It was only after a moment that I reacted, he couldn’t be trying to solve my heroine!

I immediately got up and chased after him, but Xie Zhi’s figure was no longer outside the door.

I sat down on the ground holding on to the door frame and said in despondency alone:

“Xie Zhi ah Xie Zhi, even though you are full of love, even though I am willing to marry you, but in the end, we are not from the same world, in the end, we can’t be together”.


In the days that followed, I didn’t see much of Xie Zhi, but the Fuyang Palace where I lived did have things delivered to me every day, and I was even more favored than when I was a princess.

The little maid who served me was puzzled: “Princess, His Majesty treats you so well, it’s a blessing that no one else can hope for, why do you still look so sad?”

I bristled and replied to her, “Do you want this blessing?”

I didn’t expect her to really think about it: “Naturally, the slave girl is willing to do it, but the slave girl is not from a good background, and not as good-looking as the Princess, so she has been blessed since she was a child.”

Hey, I’m just saying, don’t really cry ah ……

I smiled bitterly and flattened myself on the bed, secretly saying: the people in this world, from the master to the maids, there is no one with a normal brain circuit!

At dinner time, the Shangyi Bureau sent someone to send a yellow silk skirt palace dress, and a set of gorgeous to the extreme of the head.

I know this is Xie Zhi for tomorrow’s spring banquet specially prepared for me.

Speaking of the spring banquet, these two days in the palace often rumors, are rumored to set up a banquet to enjoy the flowers is false, enthroned Su Li queen position is true.

Su Li is Su Tai Shi’s direct granddaughter, her father is also a minister, whether it is origin or talent, she is the first choice of the person after the position.

When I first heard the rumors, my heart thumped sour, but immediately happy, this is not the result I want.

As for how Xie Zhi figured out, in my case is not very important.

That’s right, not important at all!

The next day was the spring banquet.

I was bored in the palace, so I went to the imperial garden early, while strolling in the garden, waiting for the lunchtime banquet.

Who knows not walk two steps, will hear the front of the laughter, look carefully, but is the capital of those noblewomen well.

When I was a noble princess, I didn’t get along with them.

I don’t like their sympathetic attitude, words hide the sharp; they don’t like me wantonly flaunt, out of place.

So I turned my head and was about to leave, but someone who did not want to give in to my wishes shouted behind me:

“This is not the high and mighty Princess, why are you in a hurry to leave after seeing us, is it possible that you also feel that you have no face to see others?

My anger rose, people live face and trees live skin, if I, the person who holds the script in my hand, can still be bullied, then it will not be a laughing stock.

So I changed my smile, leisurely turned around and walked over, and said to that person:

“So it is the Shangshu thousand gold ah, heard that your father to find you a good marriage, the other party is the Wuyang Marquis family’s young son, that is the fresh clothes angry horse boy na, this marriage envy how many girls.”

I took two more steps closer and whispered in her ear: “I just don’t know if this little son of the world knows that you still have a kissing cousin,” I hooked my lips and smiled.

I hooked my lips and smiled, there is no gossip in the capital that I don’t know.

Sure enough, I saw her face change greatly after saying that, her body momentum instantly wilted down.

At this time Su Li walked from the center of the crowd, the whole person warm and generous, worthy of being the established heroine.

She first calmed the woman’s emotions, and then softly said to me:

“Princess, just now it was Ah Qing who was rude, I apologize to the princess on her behalf, I hope you will not chastise her.”

I nodded my head, Su Li was not humble, very decent, very motherly.

”A small matter, a small matter, if you say you won’t punish her, then you won’t.” I said back.

This is just a little episode before the main banquet, before it splashed waves will calm down.

Afterward, the songs and dances began, and the spring banquet began.

I looked at the head of the seat Xie Zhi, today he wore a bright yellow dragon patterned court dress, the whole person looks solemn, intimidating.

Seem to notice my line of sight, he turned his head and returned a smile, my heartbeat also missed half a beat.

And then he waved his hand toward the seat, to be the sound of silk and bamboo stopped, slowly said:

“Today, I have invited you all to gather here, in addition to enjoying the flowers and singing in spring, I have something else to announce, where is the first daughter of the Su family?”

“My daughter is here.” Su Li heard the words from the seat slowly out of the elegant posture, really is a model of a lady.

I used my chopsticks to poke at the food in front of me, thinking that when the story line is back on track, I will have to think of a way to get out of it and not make the same mistake as last time.

After Su Li stood still, Xie Zhi signaled the chief eunuch beside him to announce the decree, and the crowd waited with baited breath.

“By the grace of heaven, the emperor decreed: Su family first daughter knows the books and etiquette, Jing Rong Wan Rou, style and quiet, temperate nature, I see its proximity, and that is to be registered as a Zojia County Lord, give gold ten thousand taels, Qin this!

My brain buzzed, my hand also disobediently touched down the table cups, resulting in wine spilled all over.

I panicked and retreated from the banquet, I did not expect Xie Zhi also followed me out of the seat, leaving the crowd looking at each other in disbelief at the mess not knowing how to end it.

I quickly walked back to Fuyang Palace, changed into a clean dress, and then exhaled deeply, ready to simply showdown with Xie Zhi.

From the inner room out, he really quietly sitting at the table, hand served a tea, after seeing me smiled with arched eyebrows.

I sat down opposite him, holding back the sourness in my heart and said:

“Xie Zhi, I’m not from the same world as you, we can’t be together, even for my sake, you have to marry Su Li as the queen.”


At this moment, I have a new understanding of the word ‘bullying’.

Because I was also relying on Xie Zhi’s fondness for me to force him to do something against his will.

I told him why I was here and what would happen to me if he didn’t follow the established plot.

Of course, in order to stop him from going sideways, I couldn’t help but exaggerate a bit.

The smile on Xie Zhi’s face faded a little as he spoke, and the light in his eyes dimmed.

My heart also ached for a while, but I had no choice.

I can’t stay here for a long time, as long as the connection is broken, I will leave at any time, besides, in reality, I still have family and friends that I can’t give up.

So Xie Zhi I’m sorry, I can only give up on you.

After a long time, he pulled out a smile that was worse than crying and held my hand and whispered:

“I promise you that I will marry Su Li, but can you also promise me that you will accompany me out of the city tomorrow, I want to take you to a place.”

I nodded slightly and answered.

On the second day, I left the palace in the soft sedan chair that Xie Zhi had prepared.

After leaving the city gates, Xie Zhi lifted the curtain of the sedan chair and pulled me onto the horse, and then the two of them shared a ride forward.

A few moments later, the horse traveled to the top of the mountain, the scene in front of me made me very happy.

Emerald green meadows, beautiful purple wildflowers, dazzling clouds, standing on the edge of the downward look, can see the whole of the capital city.

Xie Zhi walked under a tree and tethered his horse, while digging out a jar of fine wine, he came to my side and laughed:

“This is the place I found by chance, originally I wanted to wait for you and I to get married and then bring you here, but it seems there is no chance, this wine is buried by my own hands, why don’t you drink it today, as a farewell for you.”

I was afraid that my voice was shaking terribly, so I only gave a “hmm” and drank with him.

Time was also uninteresting, and today went by extraordinarily fast.

When I turned my head, I saw the setting sunlight pouring over Xie Zhi’s body, making his entire body warm.

I was moved in my heart, and dropped a gentle kiss on his lips, while tears quietly slipped from the corners of my eyes.

As his lips parted, Xie Zhi’s large hand suddenly propped up behind my head and deepened the kiss with force.

I was kissed by him to the point that my whole body went numb and my mind went blank.

A few moments later, Xie Zhi suddenly gathered me into his arms and said in a solemn voice, “Shhh, someone’s coming!”

I was flushed, and couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that he could still have two minds at once.

But as the sound of horses’ hooves in my ears became more and more obvious, I also followed the nervousness, after all, here in full view, there is no way to hide.

Xie Zhi’s face was grave, then pulled me up and ran towards the horses.

But we are still a step slow, but in a short while was surrounded by several soft armor masked soldiers.

Xie Zhi protected me behind him and turned to say in a stern voice:

“Since Miss Su has arrived, why don’t you come out and show your face!”

I looked at Xie Zhi in confusion, what did he mean by that just now?

Just when I was still puzzled, Su Li, dressed in military attire, rode out from the back on a high horse.

My eyes widened in surprise, and then I heard Su Li coldly say:

“I had thought that Your Majesty was a smart man, obviously as long as you chose me to be the Empress, the world would be within your reach, but you, ah, really disappoint me.

“Since I can make the Su family help you to ascend the throne, then naturally I can also pull you down from your high position, I said, if you can’t fulfill your promise, I don’t mind sitting in that position myself!

Hearing this I was completely confused, I remember Su Li should be a young lady in the bosom, how come she is more like a female general at this moment?

I was a bit flustered, Xie Zhi blocked in front of me and held my hand back, whispered reassuringly: “Qingqing don’t be afraid, I will protect you.”

I am actually not afraid, more is not understand, what happened now has far beyond my expectations, I always feel that the next will only get worse and worse.

Sure enough, only to see Su Li slightly raise her hand, the soldiers who stopped in front of us swung their swords and rushed straight over.

Xie Zhi is a martial artist, and in a matter of moments he seized the other’s weapon and fought with them.

I saw this shocking scene for the first time with my own eyes, and my legs immediately weakened and fell to the ground.

Xie Zhi was fighting for his life in front of him, but I couldn’t do anything to help, and was likely to become a drag on him.

I thought: if he is alone, rushing out should not be a problem.

In that case, I might as well ……

Just as I was struggling to stand up, I suddenly saw Su Li on the horse pulling up her longbow, and the person the arrow was directed at was none other than Xie Zhi!

The moment the bow and arrow burst out, I couldn’t think in time, the whole person directly blocked in front of Xie Zhi, and then a sharp pain in the chest, accompanied by Xie Zhi’s heart-breaking voice in the ear, fell straight down.


I woke up in the unit’s medical room, opened my eyes to see colleagues pacing back and forth with a sad face.

“Sister Xia, what’s wrong with me?”

Hearing my voice, she immediately turned around and walked over, saying in delight:

“You’ve finally woken up, do you realize that you’re scaring us to death.”

Sister Xia said that two hours after I entered the sub-dimensional realm, she found me fainted on the ground, fortunately, there was someone on duty in the medical room today, she and her colleagues rushed to send me here, and guarded me for more than half an hour before I woke up.

She asked me if I had any uncomfortable feeling now, I shook my head, and then nervously asked, “Xia sister, Xie resigned him …….”

I was back to reality, but what about Xie Zhi, how is he?

My heart was really beating hard, and a strong sense of uneasiness swept through my body.

Sister Xia smiled back to me: “Don’t worry, this matter has been investigated by the technical team, it is said that it is not the problem of our team, it seems to be that the newly established mysterious department has bugs, this pot can’t be dumped on your head.” “What about Xie Zhi!

“What about Xie Zi!” I asked.

Sister Xia froze: “I’m not sure about this, but the boss should know, you can ask him.”

I couldn’t care about anything else and immediately jumped off the bed and ran towards the team leader’s office.

“Boss, do you know ……

I shouted as I barged in, who knew that there were other people in the team leader’s office, but it looked like they should have finished their talk and those people were about to leave.

The team leader didn’t get angry when he saw me barging in, instead he pointed at me and smiled and said, “Speak of the devil, didn’t you guys just ask who Jiang Qingjiu was, that’s the girl.”

I nodded my head in greeting, and after they left, I grabbed the team leader and asked, “Boss, I want to ask me about that project, how did it end up?”

The team leader looked pleased, first praised me for not being well but still thinking of work, the end of the year to give me a bonus, and then said:

Then he said, “There was a bug in that project, and it was temporarily transferred to another department, and the story was changed from a male lead to a female lead, so there won’t be any more problems in the future.”

I was shocked, no wonder Su Li will have that kind of behavior, the original is the whole story framework has changed.

The team leader was unwilling to go into further detail, but only after I persistently pressed him, did he tell me with great difficulty:

“This unexpected incident is actually related to the newly established department, our senior management has been interested in using the sub-dimensional travel system to do special medical treatment for a long time, as far as I know, the time when they started the experiment and that project of yours just happened to coincide with each other,” he said.

“As for Xie Zhi, before the project was transferred, I specifically checked the system logs, and his record only goes as far as that fight outside the city, and after that, Su Li ascended to the throne as the empress, and there is no more information on Xie Zhi.”

I was stunned in place, my mind was blank, after a long time the group leader’s voice came to my ears.

“Song Nuan, why are you crying, are you still not feeling well?”

Only then did I come back to my senses, I raised my hand and wiped my face, but I just couldn’t stop the tears from flowing.

Seeing this, the team leader gave me a vacation, telling me to go home and rest for a few days, and then return to work after my body recovered.

After returning home, I lay stagnant on the bed, all I could think of was Xie Zhi.

I think there will never be anyone like him, can break free from the established fate, so sincere and passionate love for me.

On the third day of being disheveled at home, Sister Xia called me, and after learning that I was physically unharmed, she suddenly asked me:

“Do you know Gu Yang? She asked me, “Do you know Gu Yang? He’s the big star who had a car accident a while ago.”

Of course I knew about it, the news of his accident was all over the internet at that time, and it was rumored that he was seriously injured and in a persistent coma.

“Xia, I saw how much you cared about your last project, but I used a lot of contacts to find out that the main character of your project almost awakened because his consciousness didn’t belong to the sub-dimensional realm, but was chosen by the new department to treat Gu Yang, who was seriously injured and in a coma! This is top secret information that many leaders do not know, you must not ……”

Sister Xia was still saying something continuously, but my whole body froze, the words behind me were blurred, I only felt that my heart was dull and boring, I couldn’t tell what I was feeling.

After hanging up the phone, I was crying and laughing, sometimes grateful, sometimes sad.

It turns out that no matter whether it is in the secondary realm, or in reality, we will be people of two worlds.

Not long after, Sister Xia sent a link over, and I opened it to see that it was actually Gu Yang’s post-recovery media meeting.

I watched the live replay, the person in the screen had no semblance to Xie Zhi, were they really the same person?

In the video, Gu Yang reported to everyone, saying that his body has been greatly improved, as long as some more time to recuperate will be fully recovered, please fans and friends do not worry.

My heart was a little sour, so I hastily turned off the video, and then lay helplessly on the sofa.

I consoled myself: this result is already very good, people are back to reality, how can you remember this small supporting role.

At this time, the doorbell of the house suddenly rang.

“Who is it?” I asked loudly.

No one answered outside the door, but the doorbell kept ringing.

I frowned slightly, I hadn’t ordered takeout nor should it have been a delivery, who else could be looking for me?

I got up and walked over, opening the door a crack to find a heavily armed man standing outside.

I saw that he was wearing a black suit, hat and mask blocked his face basically all the way, and immediately felt fear, and made a gesture to close the door.

Just at the moment of closing, the man stopped the door frame with his hand and resumed whispering:

“This habit of running around without shoes, when will you change?”

I was shocked and asked in a trembling voice, “Who the hell are you?”

The man pushed open the door and walked in, taking off his mask and hat, his eyes burned as he looked at me, and then slowly spoke:

“I am Gu Yang, and also, Xie Zhi.”


In the past few days, the news about Gu Yang almost dominated the entire hot search.

The most explosive of them all was Gu Yang’s official announcement that he was currently in a relationship, and that his girlfriend was outside the circle, so he hoped that people wouldn’t disturb her life.

And I am the out-of-circle girlfriend he is talking about.

But even though he announced our relationship in a high-profile manner, I still have a great sense of unreality from time to time.

Perhaps also because of this, Gu Yang put off all his work for half a year, and met with me almost every day, picking me up and dropping me off and picking me up and dropping me off, so that I could really feel his presence.

Although he and Xie Zhi have different looks, their habits, tone of voice, preferences, and most importantly, their full love for me have not changed half a bit.

The day he came to my house, I said uneasily:

“In that world, Xie Zhi is like Jiang Qing wine is right, but in reality, I am Song Nuan, you are Gu Yang, I am a vegetarian, you are a big star, can we be together?”

He smiled and said softly, “If you are worried about this, don’t worry, I will solve it.”

As I listened to the familiar words, a trace of joy crept into my heart.

The next day, the news of Gu Yang’s official announcement exploded on the internet.

I looked at the hot searches, the corners of my lips unconsciously hooked up, I was sure, he was him, unchanged.

Later, I curiously asked Gu Yang, I left the subworld because I was killed by an arrow, so how did he wake up?

I realized that Su Li’s second arrow hit the jade pendant in his arms, the one with the Authority’s logo that he took from me, and the jade pendant shattered at the same time that he woke up from his deep coma in reality.

He often laughed and called me his savior, but I know that he is the sun, moon and stars in my ordinary life.

One day, I am ready to go home from work, just to the door of the unit somehow not far from a bunch of people around, look carefully, the center of the crowd is disguised to pick me up Gu Yang.

I was afraid to give him trouble, was about to leave on their own, but the next moment, they saw him set aside the crowd, striding toward me.

I looked steadily at the person who came in front of me, like a shooting star through the wood, the moon against the traveling clouds, in short, it was very dazzling.

Under the attention of the crowd, he tenderly took my hand, said softly: “I came to pick you up from work.”

I guffawed and held his hand back, softly saying:

“Well, let’s go home.”

End –

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