26. The President’s first love double

The president’s first love double

Non-thinking: Seeing you when you’re in love

Wedding day, the kidnappers with a knife, let Lu Guangji in his first love and I can only choose to live one.

He red-eyed, chose to break up with his first love for four years.

As soon as the police took the kidnapper away, Lu Guangji nervously wrapped me in his arms.

“I’m sorry, Yiyi, I just chose her because …….”

I’m sorry, I chose her because “. It’s okay! In fact, I’m just a professional body double that your grandpa hired with a monthly salary of 50,000 dollars, in order to piss you …… off.”

For some reason, Lu Guangji’s fists hardened!

I was squatting by the side of the road, eating a 20 yuan box lunch for the crew.

Four men in black suits, standing straight in front of me.

“Brothers new to the right, box lunch in front of the collar! Remember to take off your suits first, if you get dirty, the set supervisor will scold you to death!”

One of the men in the suit looked at the photo in his hand, and then looked at me and asked: “Ms. Chen Yiyi?”

I gnawed on my chicken leg, “Uh-huh!”

“Mr. Luk of the Luk Consortium is here to see you, could you please come with us?”

I looked at these four hardened men and felt a little scared.

“But I have a play this afternoon!”

The suited man at the head of the group immediately called the assistant director, and the usually untouchable assistant director was immediately polite after seeing the suited man’s business card!

“This Ms. Chen Yiyi’s scene, please move it to tomorrow morning. Our Mr. Lu is looking for her for something.”

“It’s fine, she’s just a group actor playing a corpse, no need to make up the scene!”

I’m so embarrassed that my toes …… forget it, toes get tired too! Let it rest!

The car quickly stopped at Lu’s building.

On the way here, I secretly searched for the Lu’s Consortium. One of the top super consortiums in the country, my safety shouldn’t be much of a problem.

I followed the four big men in suits to the top floor of Lu’s building.

As soon as I entered, a vermilion-faced, crane-haired old man looked at me, “You’re Chen Yiyi?”

I nodded my head.

The old man gestured for me to sit down, and he handed me a group photo: “This is my grandson Lu Guangji in there, and the one next to him is his first love, Feng Chun’er.”

The boy in the photo was slender and handsome, but my eyes kept lingering on Feng Chun Er’s face.

Because she looks so much like me, with the same big round eyes and delicate nose. However, when I smile, I have two shallow dimples, whereas the girl in the photo does not.

“Since Feng Chun’er left the country, Guangji’s temperament has changed drastically. It’s been four years since they broke up, and he’s still obsessed with his work and doesn’t want to contact other girls.”

“Is there a possibility that he simply wants to work well?”

Lu Dong listened to my words and hesitated for a while, “You do have a few points.”

I nodded my head busily.

“Then this job with a monthly salary of 50,000 will be …… first.”

I hurriedly snatched the contract that Old Mr. Lu was about to pick up, “Old Mr. Lu, I just thought about it carefully again, and it seems that there are indeed some small problems with President Lu like this.”

Old Mr. Lu sighed deeply, “This kid is now living like a pool of dead water every day. I found you here because I want to use your face to stimulate him.”

I mysteriously pulled out the actor’s license I was carrying, “I understand, professional stand-in isn’t it! I’m considered licensed at high and low levels, so please don’t worry about my acting skills!”

Mr. Lu looked at my actor’s license with a smile, “Understudy this kind of terrain is also too earthy!

“Ah …… this ……” I’m sorry, I’m a dirt dog.

“I want you to do all the things that make Guangji hate you with Feng Chun’er’s face, and irritate him so hard that he hates you! Hate the house!”

“That’s too much, Master Lu!” I couldn’t help but give Master Lu a thumbs up.

After reading the contract, there weren’t any pitiful clauses, so I swished and signed my name.

“In order for you to get close to Guangji as soon as possible, I want you to work for Lu. What do you think?”

“No problem!”

“Our group is recently recruiting a group of employees, your resume has already been submitted to our HR mailbox.”

The man in the suit looked hesitant and brought a tablet: “Mr. Lu, according to your instructions, I submitted Miss Chen Yiyi’s resume for you, and the HR department replied that Miss Chen Yiyi’s qualifications can only be used in our company’s cleaning team.”

My toes are so embarrassed, forget it, I’m tired!

“Cough …… cough ……” Lu Laozi coughed twice in embarrassment.

“You go and personnel director to say, Miss Chen Yi Yi is my old classmate’s is granddaughter, let them arrange a front desk position!”

The man in the suit took out his cell phone and called the personnel director.

“Lu Dong, the personnel director said that Mr. Lu warned him that no one can go to the company! He wouldn’t dare ……”

Elder Lu’s face instantly became a little unsightly: “Hmph! You tell him, if Chen Yiyi can’t get in, his job as a director will be over!

“Ding~” I received a text message on my cell phone.

“Ms. Chen Yiyi, thank you for applying for the position of administrative receptionist in our company, your knowledge and experience have left a good impression on us. You are cordially invited to come to our company next Monday for an interview. [Lu’s Consortium]”

Mr. Lu coiled the Buddha beads in his hand, “Little Chen, it’s up to you next!”

On Monday, I stood at the entrance of Lu’s building.

By the time I got to the personnel department, there were already a dozen people waiting to be interviewed.

Is Luk’s even that competitive at the front desk?

Luckily, I was already damn well inside and laughing at the wind.

It wasn’t long before I was called in with four other girls.

There were already three men sitting in the conference room.

I took one look and almost didn’t kneel.

Someone please tell me why Lu Guangji, the current president of Lu’s Consortium, would be here interviewing for the front desk!

Lu Guangji was also staring at me at the moment, nothing could be seen on his cold face, except that the pen he was squeezing with a death grip seemed like it was about to bend.

I turned my head as if nothing had happened and sat down in my seat.

The personnel director sitting in the center glanced at Lu Guangji, and when he didn’t react he spoke, “Everyone introduce themselves first.”

Luckily, I was the fifth, just temporary, stroke.

“Hello interviewers, I graduated from a 985 university secretarial program ……”

“Hello interviewers, I graduated from Peking University majoring in Chinese Literature …….”

By the time the last girl finished introducing herself in eight languages, I was already numb.

I stood up from the stool and put my heart across, “Hello interviewers, my name is Chen Yiyi, I graduated from Hanjiang Arts College majoring in crayfish ……”

“Snap” sound, Lu Guangji hand pen fell ……

“The last question: are you a dedicated and persistent person?”

The young ladies in front of me have spoken eloquently, and by the time I arrived, all the words that could be made up had already been finished!

I decided to come down hard: “Yes, because I’m dedicated to my work and my relationships!”

“Yes? How emotionally dedicated?”

A clear and cold male voice came, this was the first time Lu Guangji opened his mouth in the presence.

I turned my head to look, Lu Guangji was wearing a black shirt, leaning on the back of the chair with an upright posture. Under the gold rimmed mirror frame is a pair of ink-colored cold eyes, vaguely have a kind of seductive criminal impulse.

The asceticism department is sort of playing to him to understand!

I braced myself and gazed straight into his eyes, “Yeah, I’ve had multiple boyfriends, but I’ve also been very dedicated to always liking men.”

Topping his first love’s face and speaking the words of a female Sea King should have made him furious!

Sure enough, Lu Guangji looked at me with eyes like knife blades!

Oooooooo …… what a scary look.

Waiting at home for a week, did not wait for Lu’s entry call.

I’m sorry, but my 50,000 dollar a month job is going to be over before it even starts!


“Hello, is this Ms. Chen Yiyi?”

“Hello, this is me.”

“I’m Mr. Lu’s special assistant, Han Xu. I’m sorry to inform you that you didn’t pass our receptionist interview.”

It’s over! I’m out of the game!

“But in view of your excellent performance during the interview, I’m hiring you as Mr. Lu’s full-time driver.”

“Female …… driver?”

“Yes. May I ask how long you’ve been driving?”

“5 years of driving experience ……”

“Okay, please come on Monday to complete the formalities. Goodbye, Ms. Chan.”

“Doo…… doo…… doo…… doo……”

Is there a ghost chasing you? You hang up so fast!

I’ve been driving for 5 years, but my driving distance is only 10 kilometers!

On the first day of employment, Xu Han pushed Lu Guangji’s WeChat to me: “Remember, there are millions of rules, but only to remember not to touch Mr. Lu’s body!

I gave Xu Han a [I understand] expression, this beautiful body, surely reserved for the first love!

“Get out!”

A roar came from Lu Guangji’s office.

「You quickly go to the refrigerator and get some ice!” Xu Han pointed to the refrigerator not far away, and with that he ran towards the office.

When I took the ice and went in, Xu Han bowed slightly and apologized to Lu Guangji.

“Mr. Lu, I’m sorry, it’s because I didn’t bring my men with me.”

The sultry female secretary on the side was wiping her tears. There were, but not many.

“Mr. Lu, I’m sorry! I saw that you were asleep and wanted to massage your head to relieve your fatigue. I really don’t have any other thoughts ……”

Lu Guangji looked at the female secretary indifferently, “You don’t have to come tomorrow, go to the finance department to settle your salary!”

The female secretary still wanted to argue, Lu Guangji’s aura around the body instantly cold, she did not dare to say more, silently walked out.

Xu Han signaled me to pass the ice to Lu Guangji.

Strange, the female secretary did not just press the head? Did she even splash him with boiling water?

Walking to the table, I then saw that Lu Guangji’s temples near a large red, there are a few small blisters.

In an instant, I understood what Xu Han meant when he said he couldn’t touch Lu Guangji.

The president is papier-mâché, and each of us is a fire that will burn the president!

It’s not that the body is guarded, but the president is sick.

According to my years of experience in online writing, this disease is basically only cured by first love.

“Mr. Lu, do we need to cancel the afternoon meeting with StarChan Entertainment?”

Lu Guangji that pair of dark Sui black eyes stared at me, the corner of the mouth seems to have a trace of mockery: “No, in the afternoon you will be in the headquarters to open the regular meeting. Xingcan let this dedicated colleague drive on the line.”

Said, Lu Guangji no longer look at me, pick up the table of ice packs on the ice while staring at the computer.

After eating lunch, Xu Han took me to the basement, pointing to Lu Guangji’s luxury …… cars.

“Mr. Lu’s business car has three, Elfa is generally a long-distance car. The city is generally Rolls and Bentley, you can change to drive depending on the mood.”

Chen Yiyi, you’ve made a name for yourself!

One day, you can actually drive a Rolls Royce and a Bentley depending on your mood.

I sat in the back of the Rolls Royce, took out my cell phone and turned up the beauty face to the maximum, and took a crazy selfie.

The friend circle 9 palace grid, starry sky top put in the center.

[Just mentioned the Rouse, money turnover difficulties, who can borrow a Tencent membership?

Only Lu Guangji visible, published.

Who would not hate a vain woman!

After doing the death, I immediately and carefully began to move out of the car.

Also got out of the car to see a dozen times, the steering wheel than the twenty times, before this car from the narrow parking space out.

The car just parked in front of Lu’s door, Lu Guangji took a coffee stride toward the car.

I was busy getting out of the car, ready to open the door for Lu Guangji.

Lu Guangji looked at me faintly: “There is no need to do this, I grow hands, not fins.”

Along the way, I was highly nervous, the speed has been maintained at 40 yards.

“The gas pedal will not suck. Step on it boldly.”

Although Lu Guangji’s tone was calm, I still heard a hint of impatience.

“Okay, Mr. Lu.”

I increased to 50 yards.

I thought I was 24 years old, I could drive a Rolls Royce, the future is promising.

I was lost in thought for just a second when a man on an electric bicycle suddenly appeared in my vision, speeding towards me.

I slammed on the brakes, and with a squeak, the man on the motorized bicycle was still half a block away from me.

I subconsciously went to look at Lu Guangji, his pure black shirt printed a large coffee stain.

He gritted his teeth and said, “Chen Yiyi! Didn’t you say you have 5 years of driving experience?”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Lu, I’ve never driven more than 40 yards in my 5 years of driving.”

Lu Guangji expressionless look at me: “Find a hotel.”

I snapped, “Mr. Lu, it’s not a good idea to …… in broad daylight. ……”

Lu Guangji sharp eyes as if looking at a retard: “trunk has a spare set of clothes, find the nearest hotel.”

Lu Guangji took the clothes into the luxury river view room.

“You wait outside!”

“Snapped”, the door closed in front of my eyes.

Originally wanted to go in to scratch the head, brush the degree of bad feeling, this time no chance.

I squatted in the doorway thinking of all kinds of ways to anger Lu Guangji, the door “click” from the inside opened.

“Come in and iron your shirt.” After saying that, he turned around and walked inside.

Oh ho, the opportunity came.

But the joy of the sadness, feet squatting numb! I even left foot tripped right foot, straight to Lu Guangji’s back.

It’s over, I’m going to burn the president of the papier-mâché to death!

But inertia makes me helpless, and Lu Guangji because of the back to me, also can not dodge.

I gave Lu Guangji’s back a solid bear hug.

“Chen Yiyi! Let go!” Lu Guangji’s voice was cold and ruthless.

I stabilized my stance and immediately let go.

Lu Guangji had subconsciously tensed his body, gritted his teeth, as if waiting for the sharp pain to come.

After waiting for a while, he touched the place I had hugged through his shirt, as if confirming something!

Afterwards, his deep ink pupils stared straight at me, unbuttoning his shirt one by one.

The black shirt with the tight abs, the visual impact was extremely strong.

I held my breath, my heart thumping violently.

A cool voice came from my ears.

“Chen Yiyi, touch me.”

My entire mind was empty, and I only felt my face burning so hot that it could directly turn water into water vapor.

Lu Guangji saw that I was still dumbfounded and directly grabbed my hand and touched it towards his waist and abdomen.

Gosh! This soft and elastic touch ……

What about the promised paper mache~

Instantly, two streams of warmth slowly flowed out of my nose.

I subconsciously touched it with my hand, a red piece.

Aborted life oh! I had a nosebleed!

I naively looked at Lu Guangji: “President, we count this as a work injury?”

Lu Guangji corner of the eye up, seems to be in a good mood: “Chen Yiyi, did not you say you have many boyfriends? This small scene still nosebleed?”

I: “……”

Lu Guangji threw me two paper towels and unapologetically took off his black shirt in front of me and replaced it with a spare one.

I said weakly, “It hasn’t been ironed yet!”

He had a smile on his lips, “I’m afraid of nosebleeds dripping on my shirt!”

In the empty parking lot, I couldn’t help but get lost in thought as I looked at the “humming two” parked right next to my Rolls.

There are so many empty parking spaces, parked next to the Rolls-Royce is in the receiving end of the fortune!

I started to move the car again at turtle speed.

In the second time out of the car to plan the angle of turn, Lu Guangji directly into the driver’s seat.

“Get in, I don’t like to be late.”

I thought Lu Guangji move the car out, then I will change again to drive. I didn’t realize that he drove the car all the way to the entrance of Star Can Entertainment!

At this time, the entrance to the Star Can has been black standing a group of people.

Lu Guangji just parked the car, there is a middle-aged man slightly bowed body, to open the back seat door.

“Mr. Lu, how are you. It’s better to be known than to be seen, it’s really a table …… of honor.”

The middle-aged man’s rainbow fart blew halfway before he saw me in the back seat with a fake smile on my face.

Lu Guangji got out of the car with a calm face.

“I am Lu Guangji.”

The middle-aged man is also seen a big scene, immediately reacted.

“Mr. Lu, hello! I am Song Fei of Starlight Entertainment. I’ve heard a lot about you!”

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Lu Guangji led the executives inside.

“Mr. Lu, should we ask the lady in the car to go up with us?” Song Fei asked hesitantly.

“No, she is my driver.”

The executives have nodded and smiled, but this smile is like a crane hanging up so heavy ……

Parked the car, I was busy taking out my cell phone to send a tweet to my girlfriend Zhou Xuan.

“Xuanzi, are you auditioning for StarChan today?”

Xuan Zi seconds back: “Well it!”

“I am also in Star Can! Lu Guangji today in Star Can meeting.”

Xuanzi sent several shocked emoticons, “I’ll go! Lu Guangji came to Starlight for a meeting? It seems that the microblogging rumors from two days ago are true! Lu wants to acquire Starlight Entertainment.”

Not waiting for me to reply, Xuanzi sent another voice over, “There is gossip that Mr. Lu’s first love studied directing in the United States for 4 years, and immediately returned to China. Star Chan is what Mr. Lu gave to his first love to practice. I didn’t realize that Mr. Lu is really an infatuated person, but he has been broken up for 4 years!

I quickly sent back 2 emoticons to show my shock!

“Very shocked” jpg.

“Trenchless” jpg.

Me: “How many auditions are ahead of you? It’s so boring!”

Xuanzi: “Come to the third floor, I have 80 people to tell you bad things about!”

I just got out of the elevator and saw Kayako standing there waiting for me.

She took me to the meeting room where the audition was to take place, and the large meeting room was already filled to capacity.

I found a corner, and before I could sit my butt on 1/2 of the stool, Kayako couldn’t wait to speak.

“I just received the hottest news, the movie I’m auditioning for today is directed by Mr. Lu’s first love. And the chief producer is still his first love’s own brother!”

Xuan Zi skimmed her lips, “It is said that today is the first love’s own brother auditioning for some supporting roles in the movie.”

I was puzzled, “Feng Chun Er hasn’t even come back yet, and he’s already started casting?”

Xuanzi lowered her voice: “There is a rumor in our group that those who passed the first interview today, the director will personally interview them next week.”

Suddenly, I realized something bad. If Feng Chun Er returns to China, will I, the [Hate Replacement], face layoff?

No, no matter what, I have to stay on for 2 months.

The people in the conference room are gradually decreasing, I plan to go back to the car to wait for Lu Guangji.

At this time, a staff rushed in: “Hurry up, there are only 5 of you left, just one group.”

I quickly explained: “I’m sorry, I’m just passing by …….”

The staff looked embarrassed: “Our chief producer is obsessive-compulsive, if it’s not 5 people, he won’t face it ……”

Xuanzi and I glanced at each other, and in our hearts we had already cursed 8 streets.

After all, Lu’s investment in this movie is 1 billion dollars,” Xuan Zi said. After all, Lu’s investment in this movie is 1 billion dollars, so even a small supporting role is worth a lot of money.

Finally, I went to the audition with Xuanzi and 3 other girls.

When I entered the room, a dozen people were sitting across the room.

Sitting in the center was a middle-aged man with a fat head and a big belly.

In front of him was a [Chief Producer] sign.

This is Feng Chun Er’s own brother?

He seemed to have sensed my gaze and looked at me as well.

“Chun Er?” He called out to me with a puzzled expression.

Seeing that I didn’t respond, he stared at my face carefully again, itching to stare a hole in my face.

His eyes went from shock to incredulity to some disgust as he pointed at me, “This young lady is inappropriate, get out!”

He then ordered a few words to the female assistant next to him, who immediately nodded fawningly.

The female assistant then got up and sent me out of the Star Can building with a cold face. Turning around, she said a few more words to the security guard.

The security guard looked at me for a few moments with a disdainful face and nodded towards her.

By the time I reacted, I was already banned from entering.

But my Rolls was still in the StarChan’s basement!

“Bring the car to the door.”

I looked at my cell phone and it was Lu Guangji’s WeChat.

“Mr. Lu, I’m afraid I can’t!”


“I’ve been banned from Star Can ……”

“You are not small.”

“Thank you leader compliments. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ……”

Not long ago, Lu Guangji led a group of people came over in great numbers.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow: “Come in.”

I doggedly ran toward him, passing the security guard, but also did not forget to gently “hum” toward the security guard.

Who would like a girl who is a fox and a tiger!

Big brother security guard, I’m sorry! Occupational needs ……

“Sorry, Mr. Lu, there must be some kind of misunderstanding here.” Song Fei hurriedly apologized to Lu Guangji and pointed at this security guard and asked, “What’s wrong with you? Why are you stopping this lady?”

“I’m the one who didn’t let her in, who dares to have a problem with that?” Feng Chun’er’s brother led the men aggressively towards us.

Song Fei glanced at Lu Guangji, who was standing on the inside, and shut his mouth.

“Song Fei, this company of yours will soon be my sister’s! It’s not your turn to be in charge when I stop someone! Otherwise you get the hell out too!”

“Feng Cheng, who are you telling to get lost?” Lu Guangji looked at him with a calm face.

Feng Cheng realized that Lu Guangji is also there, just now the arrogance of the flame instantly disappeared.

He looked at Lu Guangji curtly: “Guangji, you are also here ah, I am joking with Mr. Song ……”

“Feng Cheng, it’s not your turn to tell Star Can what to do. This time the movie project you quit!” After saying that, Lu Guangji lifted his foot and left.

Lu Guangji exuded a domineering aura that could be smelled ten miles away. Song Fei should be touched badly!

I was busy following in the footsteps of Mr. Bully, only to feel that there was a sinister gaze behind me that had been watching me.

“Go to the Jiangling Hotel.”

“Okay, Mr. Lu.”

Along the way, Lu Guangji was resting with his eyes closed.

Ding Zhi ……

Stealing a glance from the rearview mirror, I found that he was holding his cell phone but not answering it.

Ding零零…… ringtone undyingly rang again. This time Lu Guangji answered.

“Pure child ……” he softened his voice.

Heh, there are people, the surface is the domineering president, the actual how is a clip?

“Guangji, I’m back! I want to see you!”

I don’t know if it was too quiet in the car, but I could vaguely hear Feng Chun Er’s voice!

“Chun Er, forget it, I’ve been too busy lately.”

“Mr. Kouji, you haven’t forgiven me, have you? I was too young to know better and I did something wrong. You love me so much, why can’t you forgive me?”

Lu Guangji was silent for a while: “Chun’er, it’s impossible for us.”

“Guangji, admit it, you still love me! Otherwise why would you find a double by your side?”

Lu Guangji sighed lightly and said helplessly: “Pure child, Star Chan’s contract will be signed soon.”

“I don’t want Starry, I want you.” The other end of the phone was already crying.

“I’m sorry, pure child.” Immediately, Lu Guangji hung up the phone.

Pick up, send the company’s ex-boyfriend …… which is even a clip.

“One eye on the road, see clearly?”

Yikes, eavesdropping was discovered.

I stalked my neck: “Lu General Manager, in fact, I have some squint ……

Lu Guangji: “……”

Drove nearly 30 minutes, only to Lu Guangji to Jiangling Hotel.

Song Fei and others are already waiting for Lu Guangji in front of the hotel.

“There is a buffet on the 2nd floor, and there are meal coupons in the armrest box.” Said, Lu Guangji got off.

Suddenly felt that Lu Guangji is not bad!

I took the meal ticket to the 2nd floor, began to dry rice.

Eating, a waiter pushed a cart and handed me an ice cream: “Hello, ma’am. This is one of our specialties ……”

“A ringtone interrupted the waiter.

It was Grandma’s phone.

I panicked for no reason, my grandmother lived alone and rarely called me at night.

“Excuse me, let me take this call first.”

After saying that, I grabbed my cell phone and ran outside.

“Hello, Grandma. You’re still up at this hour?”

“Yi-Yi, Grandma just had a dream that you fell in love.”

“Grandma, where does my boyfriend live? Tomorrow I’ll go and catch him alive and bring him back to the village to show Grandma.”

“You bad girl ……”

Grandma’s tone didn’t sound unusual, but for some reason, my heart was hanging in the air.

“Grandma, I miss you …… I’ll come back next weekend.”

“It’s okay to come back, bring your boyfriend.”

Doh …… doh …… doh, Grandma this hand speed is comparable to LPL ……

Back at the table, the ice cream had already melted a bit.

I scooped a spoonful, and it was silky smooth in the mouth, soft and aromatic, worthy of their house specialty.

At this time, the waiter who had just come running over again.

Seeing that I had already eaten almost all the ice cream, she hesitantly asked, “Ma’am, are you here alone!”

I nodded uncertainly.

“Ma’am, so did you drive here?”

I nodded again.

“Ma’am, I’m really sorry. You just answered the phone and I didn’t have time to tell you that this ice cream is my specialty Maotai ice cream, and you can’t drive within 2 hours of eating it.”

Me: “……”

The waitress saw my expression of hopelessness and said, “Ma’am, I’ll ask our store manager to add your WeChat and call you a chauffeur.

I waved my hand, “Forget it, I’ll take the blame myself!”

“Store manager, please come over.” The waiter used the intercom to call the store manager over.

After listening to the waiter’s explanation, the store manager smiled politely at me, “Ma’am, in the end, this matter is still the negligence of our staff. It’s okay, let’s call a valet for you!”

“It’s really not necessary!”

“It’s really okay …… our store does have this part of the expense planning, you don’t have to be polite.” The store manager enthusiastically took out his cell phone and was about to place an order, “Let me know your car model and license plate, and I’ll make a reservation for you.”

“Rolls-Royce Phantom.”

The store manager’s cell phone almost didn’t hold, “I’m really sorry, ma’am, I’ll reimburse you for the taxi fare, do you think it’s okay?”


Lu Guangji sent a WeChat.

“Drive the car to the door.”

“Mr. Lu, I’m afraid I can’t!”


“I ate ice cream.”



“Wait for me in the lobby.”

Not long ago, Lu Guangji alone from the elevator came over, Star Chan’s people did not follow.

I stole a glance at Lu Guangji light pink face: “Lu, you drink?”

Lu Guangji face: “can not drink?”

“Then who is driving?”

Lu Guangji: “……”

“Go outside and find a chauffeur.” Lu Guangji pointed outside.

At the moment, there are several uniformed people gathered outside the door waiting for a single.

In the end, the price was increased by 1,000 yuan to find an old driver who was willing to drive.

Along the way, the driver’s speed has never exceeded 40 yards.

Me: “The gas pedal won’t suck, step on it boldly.”

Because I had gotten wet in the rain, I had to tear up other people’s umbrellas as well.

The chauffeur touched the cold sweat on his forehead: “Ma’am, I really can’t afford to pay for the crash.”

“Don’t worry, Master, our president is worth billions. While talking to you, a Rolls Royce is in the books.”

The chauffeur spoke weakly: “Then let your president hire a driver!”

Me: “……”

This master, which pot is not boiling which pot!

Sitting in the back row of the Lu Guangji suddenly opened his mouth: “Stop at the curb, Assistant Chen, you get off.”

I looked out, actually has stopped in front of the neighborhood where I rented a house.

I was busy getting out of the car, waved at the glass: “Mr. Lu, see you tomorrow”.

I did not expect Lu Guangji actually put the window rolled down, eyes just so straight at me: “Go pack a few clothes, tonight live in my house.”

I lowered my voice for: “President, I am a female driver, not an old driver.”

Lu Guangji gave me a glance: “It’s okay if you don’t live here, tomorrow we will fly to Suizhou at 6 am. You will be at my house at 4:30 sharp.” After saying that, Lu Guangji was about to roll up the car window.

4:30 to his home, then I have to get up at 3 o’clock, now it’s already 11 o’clock at night, that’s still a lonely sleep. I hurriedly nodded: “I go ~ I go!

What an evil capitalist……

I casually packed a few pieces of clothing and toiletries, and then reopened the passenger door.

Lu Guangji spoke without panic, “Sit in the back, I have something to ask you.”

I carefully sat next to Lu Guangji.

At some point, the first button of his shirt had been unbuttoned, revealing his white and sexy collarbone.

I swallowed my saliva: “Mr. Lu, you ask.”

Lu Guangji slowly pressed down the lift plate between the backseat and the driver’s side: “Chen Yiyi, you grew up in Suoi City?”


“Then have you ever been to Jiangcheng before?”

“Yes, my aunt married in Jiangcheng.”

Lu Guangji asked eagerly, “Then did you meet anything special or something meaningful in Jiangcheng?”

I pondered: “It seems that there is nothing special ……”

After hearing my answer me, Lu Guangji whole person’s air pressure went down.

He waited until he got back to his house, and after leading me to the guest room on the first floor, he went straight up to the second floor.

Temperamental boss ~

The next day, looking at my crane are hanging pull up the eyelids, Lu Guangji once again resigned to sit in the cab.

And I have been huffing and puffing to the door of the Suoi City branch.

At a certain moment, even I myself think Lu Guangji is a big wrong seed, spend money on a driver, but also have to drive themselves.

But all of this has nothing to do with me, Niu Hu.

I Niu Hu – also just take money to angry people’s tool man.

At 6:00 pm, Lu Guangji and I were checking in at the hotel lobby in Suicheng.

A few familiar figures approached me.

“Yo~ Isn’t this the hero’s daughter, Chen Yiyi!”

I turned my head to see that I had met some of my junior high school classmates here.

To be precise, they were my classmates who used to bully me.

Luckily, my grandmother was tough, and with a good teacher, they didn’t succeed in the end.

I turned my head away, not bothering with them.

“Chen Yiyi, it so happens that our classmates from class 3 are having a reunion today, why don’t you come along?” The one who spoke was the big sister of the bullying gang back then, Xu Lan.

“Don’t worry, I know you’re an orphan and you don’t have money for AA, so our big sister Xu Lan will pay for today’s party.”

Xu Lan looked at me and saw that I was still too lazy to talk, “Today’s party, Mr. Zhang is also here, Mr. Zhang was so nice to you back then, don’t you want to go and say hello?”

Hearing that Mr. Zhang is also here, I did hesitate.

If it wasn’t for Mr. Zhang taking care of me back then, my middle school life would have been miserable.

Afterward, when I went out of town for college and work, and came back less because of the mask, I really should pay a visit.

I looked towards Lu Guangji, ready to let him go up first. I’ll go and say hello to Mr. Zhang myself.

But before I could say anything, Lu Guangji lifted his foot and walked away, “Let’s go, take me to meet your teacher.”

When we entered the box, we found that Mr. Zhang had not yet arrived.

Lu Guangji and I found a seat and just sat down, I found a few people from the bullying gang exchanged a few glances, I don’t know what the hell is playing again.

“Chen Yiyi, is this your boyfriend?”

I just wanted to deny, Lu Guangji do not know what wind, actually nodded.

The faces of these people suddenly looked bad~.

The doggy #1 beside Xu Lan was busy speaking, “What’s your boyfriend doing being so handsome? Gosh~ It won’t be ……” After saying that, he even exaggeratedly covered his mouth and laughed.

“I’m currently doing movie and TV.” I stared at Lu Guangji with wide eyes, hey, you hall Lu big president, why do you care about them!

Xu Lan lit a cigarette, stretched his legs, face sneer: “Now really what a cat or a dog like to say that they are doing the film and television industry.”

Dog leg No. 2 hastened to echo: “That is, Lanlan’s fiancé is still in the Star Entertainment as an assistant manager, Lanlan did not have the nerve to say that his boyfriend is doing film and television it!

Lu Guangji thought seriously: “That is indeed embarrassed to say.”

“You ……”

Xu Lan was furious and was about to open her mouth to retort when Teacher Zhang and Zhang Xiaohua pushed open the door of the box.

“Yiyi, you’re here too?” Zhang Xiaohua shouted in surprise when she saw me.

“Little Flower, Teacher Zhang ……” I hurriedly got up and gave Teacher Zhang and Little Flower a big hug.

After three rounds of drinking, the atmosphere began to gradually warm up.

Zhang Xiaohua frantically condemned me for talking about my boyfriend without telling her.

Sorry, Xiaohua, I only found out today.

“Yi-Yi, do you still remember our flashlight? There was a bear child at my house today, and he broke it!” Zhang Xiaohua rubbed her chest in anger.

“After 8 years, I, Chen Yiyi, am the brightest kid in the village!” I laughed out loud.

“Chen Yiyi, they’re still talking about you saving people with a flashlight in Jiangcheng!” Xu Lan’s sharp voice broke the pleasant atmosphere of the dining room.

“You were only 15 years old at the time, right? You shined a flashlight on a human trafficker, and the trafficker ran away and released the man. Listen to yourself after all these years, do you believe that?”

I was about to start tearing into him when a burning line of sight looked toward me.

I turned my head to look and found Lu Guangji looking at me with a burning gaze.

It was as if I was the little monster and he was the Ultraman.

Zhang Xiaohua couldn’t help herself, ”Xu Lan, it’s none of your business if I’m talking to Yiyi. Why do you have to find some presence everywhere?

Dog leg No.1 immediately couldn’t sit still: “Zhang Xiaohua, how can you talk to Lanlan? If it wasn’t for Lanlan, would you have been able to come to such a high-class place today?”

Dog leg No. 2: “That’s right, Lan Lan has spent so much money, but she still can’t shut your mouths!”

“Enough!” Teacher Zhang said seriously, “We’ve already discussed AA before we came here today, and we appreciate Xu Lan’s kindness, but we don’t need it.”

Xu Lan looked at Mr. Zhang with a smile on her face, “Mr. Zhang, do you know how much it costs per person? Chen Yiyi is an orphan, it seems like she can’t afford it!”

Lu Guangji’s cold eyes stared straight at Xu Lan: “To eat at your own hotel, you still need to pay?”

Xu Lan incredulously looked at Lu Guangji: “You …… what did you say?” She turned her head to look at me again and sneered: “Chen Yiyi, you will not find a psychopath as a boyfriend, right?”

Lu Guangji’s face more and more calm: “What is your fiancé’s name?”

Xu Lan snorted: “My fiancé is called Li Jie, how? You can still open my fiancé not, you think Star Can is what company?”

He can really ……

Lu Guangji took out his cell phone: “Song Fei, is there an assistant manager named Li Jie under you? Notify him that he doesn’t have to work tomorrow and compensate according to the labor law.”

“Reason?” Lu Guangji looked at me, “The reason is, his girlfriend made my girlfriend unhappy ……

Strong, in terms of which one is strong at dumping pots, it is still Mr. Lu who is strong.

Xu Lan’s face instantly a little unsightly, but she still does not want to believe that Lu Guangji has this strength.

About to make a sarcastic remark, her cell phone rang.

She picked up the phone with a smile on her face: ”Husband, just now a mental illness is ……”

But the more she picked up the more her eyes panicked: “Husband, I’m sorry, I really don’t know …… hello …… hello ……”

After hanging up the phone, Xu Lan walked directly to Lu Guangji in front of him, completely lost the arrogant look just now, and looked at Lu Guangji pitifully.

“Mr. Lu, I’m sorry, I have eyes and don’t recognize Mt. Tai, please don’t dismiss Li Jie.” Said, even want to go up to hook Lu Guangji’s arm.

I pushed her hand away, “Don’t touch him!”

Xu Lan gave me a glance, once again undaunted to grab Lu Guangji’s hand, “Mr. Lu, whatever you want me to do can be ……”

I picked up a glass of water and splashed it directly on Xu Lan’s face, “Xu Lan, in front of so many students, do you still want to be ashamed?”

Xu Lan was frozen for three seconds by this cup of water, and when she reacted, she directly slapped her face towards me.

“Don’t touch her!” Xu Lan’s hand was grabbed by Lu Guangji!

The students have separated Xu Lan from us and began to make peace.

“Lu …… Guangji, are you okay?”

Only a moment’s work, Lu Guangji’s face hurt so much that there was no blood color.

Lu Guangji secretly hid his hand behind his back and shook his head.

I greeted Mr. Zhang and Little Flower and took Lu Guangji away.

Looked at Lu Guangji hand a large series of blisters, my heart is not a taste: “Lu, I send you to the hospital?”

“No, I have burn cream in my room.” He lowered his eyelashes fluttering gently, his eyes actually some fluttering, “also, can help me rub down? It’s not convenient for one hand.”

“Of course.” I nodded my head busily.

Back to Lu Guangji’s room, I was busy to find out the burn cream, put it on him.

“Hiss ……”

I was busy looking at Lu Guangji, only to see that his face was pale, as if he was forcibly enduring the pain.

“Does it hurt a lot? I’m sorry, I’ve been very light ……”

“Yiyi, it hurts.”

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but I actually felt that there was a trace of a petulant odor in his trailing voice.

I ghostly cupped his hand and put it on my mouth and gently blew.

And at this time Lu Guangji’s charming eyes were staring straight at me.

I felt as if something was wrong with this situation, and I didn’t know where.

I hold my breath, do not dare to look directly into his eyes, but my face is indisputably red.

Lu Guangji’s tone became softer and softer, “Yiyi, can you tell me about the time you saved someone with a flashlight?”

“Ah? I don’t know why I don’t want Lu Guangji to tell me about the incident where you saved someone with a flashlight.

I don’t know why, I don’t want Lu Guangji to look at me with skepticism.

“Yiyi, I believe you.” Lu Guangji’s voice was a little hoarse.

“When I was in junior high school, there were no streetlights in our village. Little Flower bought a very bright flashlight and tied it to her bicycle. Seeing her fooling around every day, so when I went to Jiangcheng, I also begged my aunt to buy a brighter flashlight.”

I gestured, it was almost as big as a bowl.

“When I first got it, I used to shine the flashlight into the dark alleys near my aunt’s house. One night, I saw two men in a deep alley, as if they were abducting a child. The child was struggling and was covered by one of the traffickers.

“The two men were suddenly shocked by the bright light, but they didn’t give up on the child and ran away. I then frantically shouted, put out the fire ah, catch adultery ah, someone did not wear pants ah, someone spilled money ……”

I smiled proudly, “I thought that yelling for help might not get anyone here that fast.”

“As expected, people soon came running. There were those who put out the fire and those who came out to see what was going on. Then, the two traffickers ran away. Not long after, my aunt heard the news and told me to go home. I saw that someone had called the police, so I went back.”

“Isn’t it ridiculous?” I stared at Lu Guangji with some anxiety.

“Then you saved …… people, why did you leave? Maybe the people who were saved want to thank you?”

Seeing that there was no mockery in Lu Guangji’s eyes, only a hint of doubt, I settled down.

“Because of my family, since childhood my aunt has not allowed me to meddle in other people’s business, to protect myself is the most important.”

Lu Guangji see I do not want to say more, also no longer ask more questions.

The next morning, waking me up is Lu Guangji’s phone.

I picked up the phone in a daze, “Hello, Mr. Lu, is it to send you to the meeting?”

“The meeting is already over, go have some breakfast, we’re going back to Jiangcheng.”

I picked up the cell phone on my ear and looked at the time, it was already 9:30 am.

Alas …… this job, don’t do it! Strongly condemn myself!

On the way back, or Lu Guangji drove the car. Even he has thoughtfully prepared a small snack for me.

Oooooo…… my conscience is about to be unbearable.

“Yiyi, do you have time in the evening? Let’s have a meal together.” Lu Guangji’s voice was a little fluttering.


“Well, I have something to tell you.”

“Uh-huh.” I agreed vaguely.

It can’t be that Mr. Lu finally can’t stand me and wants to open me up ……

The car was parked directly in the Star Can basement.

“Yiyi, I’m going to go talk to Song Fei about something, why don’t you wait for me in my office, I’ll send you there first.”

I always have the illusion that I’m the president.

The elevator swiped the card and went straight to the top floor.

The door of the president’s office was hidden ……

Inside came the sound of a man and a woman talking.

“Chun Er, Lu Guangji seems to be quite attached to this double, you must be on guard.”

This was the voice of Feng Chun Er’s brother, Feng Cheng.

“Oh, she’s not worthy?”

It was actually Feng Chun Er.

“You said she was just a double. To Lu Guangji, only I am unique in this world.”

Feng Chun Er coldly laughed twice: “Break up for four years, so what? Lu Guangji is still giving me whatever I want!

Feng Cheng seems a little hesitant: “But you recently asked him to get back together, he did not agree.

“Although Lu Guangji now hardened his lips and refused to get back together with me. But his sick body, besides me, who can touch? Without me, he can’t even do the most basic humane, right? He still puts on that noble face, it’s really ridiculous. Every time I think of getting married and having to touch his filthy body, I get sick to my stomach.”

Feng Cheng: “Lu Guangji didn’t say that he hadn’t been violated by that couple ……”

“Violated?” I was busy looking at Lu Guangji.

His expression was very calm, as if he wasn’t at all irritated by Feng Chun Er’s siblings’ words.

Feng Chun’er’s voice grew colder and colder, ”If he really hasn’t been violated, then why does his body have this strange disease? For so many years, except for me, anyone who touches him, his body will look like it has been scalded ……

Feng Cheng: “Chun Er, since you can’t get over the hurdle in your heart, and Xing Chan will soon be transferred to your name, you should stay with Eric! Eric has been with you for the past 4 years anyway.”

“Starlight is nothing! I want the entire Lu family. I want Lu Guangji to be like a dog, wagging his tail and begging for my favor. ……”

Feng Chun Er paused, “Eric is very simple, if I marry Lu Guangji, he is also willing to be the man behind me. I’ve already appointed him to shoot this movie, after all, he’s been with me for 4 years.”


Hey …… wise men don’t enter the river of love!

Even the great president of Lu did not dare to face the betrayal of his feelings.

He called me a car and told me to go back and rest first. I was also gently instructed not to forget the agreement of the night.

Just after I got home, I turned on the surveillance of my old home.

Grandma lives alone in the old home in the city and countryside of Suoi, and I installed a camera in the old home with my first paycheck after graduation.

Just as I opened the surveillance, I found Grandma crouching on the table in the living room.

I hurriedly called out, “Grandma …… Grandma ……”

Grandma slowly raised her head when she heard my increasingly urgent shouts.

“Yiyi, Grandma is fine, I’m just tired from going down to the ground and my heart is beating a bit fast. I’ll take a rest, don’t worry.”

I casually grabbed a bag and rushed outside.

“Grandma, I’m coming back now, you sit down for a while, I’ll take you to the hospital.”

Hanging up the phone, I called a car, then asked my neighbor, Auntie Zhang, to take care of Grandma.

I had never felt that two hours were so long, and during that time, I kept sending WeChat messages with Auntie Zhang, asking about Grandma’s condition.

Luckily, after resting for a while, Grandma’s spirit was much better.

After returning home and thanking Auntie Zhang, I took Grandma to the best hospital in Suoi City.

The doctor asked about her condition and prescribed several tests.

By the time all the reports came out, it was already 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

After reading the report, the doctor only said that Grandma should go outside to rest for a while, and that he would explain how to take the medicines he had prescribed.

My heart thumped, but I calmly helped my grandmother to sit down outside.

“Your grandmother this cancer ……”

I couldn’t hear the rest of the words clearly.

I kept pinching myself to prevent myself from passing out.

I am an orphan.

My parents drowned when they went into the water to save three young girls in a suicide cluster.

They left me at the age of 3 and my grandmother at the age of 50.

On the day of the funeral, no one from the three girls’ families came.

They even went around proclaiming that no one had asked my parents to save them.

At the age of 3, I didn’t know what death was.

I only knew that everyone else had a mom and a dad, but not me.

Once, I hugged my grandmother’s arm and asked in a low voice, “Grandma, can I call you mommy? They all have moms.”

This was the only time in my memory that my grandmother hugged me and bawled her eyes out.

Like an old mother hen protecting her chicks, Grandma nursed me back to health and optimism as I grew up.

When I came out of the doctor’s office, I had a faint smile on my face.

“Grandma, the doctor has prescribed some medicine, I’ll go back and teach you how to take it.”

Grandma took my hand, feeling the thick and hard calluses on her hand, I almost couldn’t hold back again.

At night, I lay in bed with my grandmother.

“Also, we all have to live and die. If one day Grandma is no longer with us, you should live as optimistically and happily as you do now.”

My grandmother, who raised me from a young age, how could she not see my disguise ……

“Grandma, Auntie has contacted the best hospital in Jiangcheng, we will go there tomorrow. The medical standard there is much better ……

Grandma lightly patted the back of my hand, “Yiyi, don’t worry, Grandma will definitely take active treatment. Your mom left early, so Grandma is still thinking of living a few more years to bring you a child!”

I knew that in this world, Grandma was most worried about me.

“Yiyi, I really hope to see you find a good home. That way, Grandma can close her eyes with peace of mind when she leaves.

“My Yiyi is worthy of the best man in the world.”

Grandma’s words almost brought me to tears again.

ding zhong ……

It was Lu Guangji calling, and when I looked at the time, it was already 9:00 pm.

I went to the balcony and answered the phone.

“Mr. Lu, I’m sorry. I can’t go today, something happened in my family. Tomorrow I also need to take a leave of absence, if it delays your work, I can resign.”

Lu Guangji’s anxious voice then came, “Yiyi, what happened? You can tell me, maybe I can help?”

“It’s some personal matters in my family ……” Suddenly my grandmother’s words flashed through my mind.

“Lu Guangji, can you have a wedding with me?”

Before I could finish my words, I was interrupted by Lu Guangji.

“Yes.” Lu Guangji dryly agreed with me, two short words, I even felt a tremor in his voice.

“This way you can stimulate your first love, maybe she will wake up and feel that you are her true love ……”

Lu Guangji didn’t say anything, I asked again, “What was the thing you were going to tell me?”

“I’ll talk to you after the wedding. What time do you want to set for the wedding?”

I predicted the time of my grandmother’s surgery: “Within a week.”


After hanging up the phone, I lay back on the bed.

“Grandma, I have a boyfriend who I’ve been talking to for 4 years. I’ll bring him over to show you in a couple days.”

Grandma immediately looked at me skeptically, “You’re not going to find an actor from somewhere and lie to me, are you?”

I pretended to be helpless, “He is the president of a company, and his identity can be found on the internet. Your granddaughter is not so capable of commanding the president of such a big company to come and cheat you!”

Grandma put on her presbyopic glasses and carefully looked at the photos and information on my Baidu, “Yiyi, would such a big CEO be a womanizer? Can you handle it?”

“Grandma, just now you also said that I can be worthy of the best man in the world!”

“Oh oh, right …… right ……”

A week later, the wedding was held as scheduled.

I thought it was just a simple wedding, but Lu Guangji made a great deal of noise, came to a lot of business celebrities.

Three days ago, Lu Guangji went to find his grandmother to propose marriage, the two people in the aunt’s home alone to talk for three hours.

Always conservative grandmother, after the chat, actually unprecedentedly agreed to the wedding of Lu Guangji and me.

“Groom, are you willing to abide by the wedding vows in the future, whether poor or rich, in sickness or in health, in beauty or in color, in good times or in bad times, are you willing to love her, comfort her, honor her, protect her? And to be faithful to her for all the days of your lives?”

The overhead lights scattered like stars in the sky on Lu Guangji’s body, and his gaze was so full of deep love that it seemed to overflow.

“I am willing.”

“I am not willing! Feng Chun Er wearing a wedding dress, pushed open the door of the banquet hall.

“Lu Guangji, if you organized this wedding is to anger me, your purpose has been achieved. Lu Guangji, let’s get married!” With that, Feng Chun Er was about to walk towards the stage.

Yikes ~ first love to steal the wedding!

But Lu Guangji face but not I imagined touched, but instead of the color of iron, the bottom of the eyes is the bottomless gloom.

He did not look at Feng Chun Er, directly to the stage security signal a look.

The security rushed onto the stage, and he did not bring Feng Chun Er down. Instead, he strangled Feng Chun Er’s neck with one hand, and with one hand, he pulled out a knife and placed it on Feng Chun Er’s neck.

Lu Guangji saw this and immediately protected me behind him.

The thug yelled at Lu Guangji, “It’s all because of you! My mom and dad were taken away by the police!!!”

Lu Guangji frowned: “You are the son of Zhang Dagen and Wang Cui?”

“Yes! That’s why I’m going to let you taste the loss of your family too!”

The thug sneered and leaned the knife towards Feng Chun Er’s neck again.

“Lu Guangji, what I have in my hand is your favorite, isn’t it? If you want her to live, bring your wife in exchange!”

Feng Chun Er frantically shouted, “Guang Ji, save me! Don’t forget, it was me who saved you in the first place!”

The gangster’s back was turned, so he couldn’t see the two security guards quietly approaching behind him.

Lu Guangji stared at the knife in the gangster’s hand, “You put the knife down first.”

The thug smiled cruelly and swung the knife about to wipe it on Feng Chun Er’s neck.

“Good, I promise you!” Lu Guangji shouted, attracting the gangster’s full attention.

He then gave a hand signal, and two security guards swooped straight up and grabbed the thugs!

Lu Guangji turned around and hugged me tightly, letting my head buried into his arms.

“I’m sorry, Yiyi! Just now I chose her to attract the thugs’ attention.”

I couldn’t stand the condemnation within me and decided to tell Lu Guangji the truth.

“In fact, I’m just a professional double that your grandfather hired with a monthly salary of 50,000 dollars, in order to piss you off …….”

Lu Guangji’s fists clenched and unclenched.

He sighed softly, “I know. I knew it on the first day. That’s why I showed up at your interview.”

“Yiyi, in fact, the person you saved with the flashlight in middle school was me!”

“No way?”

Lu Guangji nodded, “But they weren’t trying to abduct me, they were trying to rape me.”

His words made me instantly freeze, not reacting for a moment.

“At that time, I was arguing with my grandfather, and in order to get rid of the security guards, I purposely walked towards the dark alley. I ended up meeting that couple, both of whom have very serious mental illnesses.”

Lu Guangji slowed down for a while and continued, “At that time, one of the couple covered my mouth, and one had already pulled down my pants. In my despair, you appeared. You with your huge bright flashlight, light up the alley, but also to light up my heart of despair at that time.

“When I woke up again, you were gone. We only found a blurry photo of you in the surveillance, I begged Grandpa to use all the power of Lu’s to look for you all over the city.”

Lu Guangji closed his eyes, “After that incident, my body couldn’t accept anyone’s touch. Half a month later, Feng Chun Er approached me. At first, I still got burned when she touched my body. I sought treatment from many psychiatrists and kept suggesting to myself that she was the one who saved me! Slowly, I was able to hold hands with her. But any more than that, I couldn’t!”

He sighed, “But no matter how much I satisfied her materially, she still cheated on me, so I broke up! In the past 4 years, I’ve agreed to all her requests except for getting back together. Originally Star Chan is my last gift to her, I Lu Guangji’s one life with a billion dollars for her is not a loss.”

He looked at me with infinite doting gaze: “At this time, you finally appeared. The first time I saw you, my body kept wanting to be close to you.

“Yi-Yi, there’s actually something else I’m hiding from you. After talking to Grandma that day, I asked for her report. That night, I went to the top Chief of Surgery in Jiangcheng.”

I asked anxiously, “What did the director say?”

“The chief said I was making a big deal out of it. Thyroid cancer doesn’t affect life expectancy at all!”

I jumped up happily: “Really? Lu Guangji, is it true?”

Lu Guangji looked at me with a smile and nodded.

“Yi-Yi, are you willing to be my girlfriend?”

I immersed in his infinite deep love in the eyes, gently nodded down.


After the wedding, Lu Guangjian Feng Chuner and Feng Cheng to the court for fraud.

Because of the huge amount of money involved, the property involved has been Feng Chun Er and Feng Cheng squandered all the money, can not be returned.

Feng Chun Er was sentenced to 5 years, Feng Cheng was sentenced to 8 years.

End of story

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