27. Mo Ting Yu Xing Huai

Ink listening to Yu Xinghuai

Non-thinking: Seeing You When You’re in Love

After pestering the male lead for more than ten years, a system suddenly appeared to tell me that I am indeed the evil female match and the female lead is someone else. The reason the family is so well configured is to make it more enjoyable for the female lead to punch her in the face.

For the sake of my little life, I shivered and broke up with the male lead, and the dog was ill-tempered: “What, is there another dog outside?”


Wearing into the ancient morning dog blood wearing book hegemony text of the vicious female match, I am not panicked at all, to know that the current heat of the vicious female match has far exceeded the heat of the small white flower female main character.

Then look at the configuration of the identity I wore to this, Dad top bully, a frown is the destruction of a company.

Although my mom is a silly white sweet, in addition to buy buy buy, petite petite seems to have no role, but she after all, there is a book wearing identity plus, and the hegemony of the favor.

The last is my old brother, don’t look at him now is only three years old, but he has already stood in how many people can not reach the peak, the world’s top hacker, a small mouth sip, another company’s destruction.

From the time I was born and my eyes began to bone the world, I knew that the vicious female supporting only a identity given by the Heavenly Dao greatly, in fact, I am wearing the skin of the vicious female supporting, doing the things of the main female.

So, when I knew that the little handsome cub next door was the male lead.

I enslaved him as a matter of course.

“Brain, brain embarrassment, hungry, hungry ……”

This body is too small, the words are still not able to speak, but I have looked in the mirror, this body has perfectly inherited the overwhelmingly beautiful face of the overbearing dad and the book-wearing mom, and even if it hasn’t been opened yet, I can see the future’s overwhelmingly beautiful appearance.

With such a beautiful face, the male lead will definitely fall in love with me at first sight, fall in love with me at second sight, and bye bye a heart is locked on me.

Then come to a long mouth is not to say, everyone thought we were together, on the parties are still afraid of confession can not be friends of childhood sweethearts in both directions to run to the grand crush.

Which know Yu Xinghuai not according to common sense, meaty little hand pinched my face.

I held my breath and stared at him blankly, and the saliva at the corner of my mouth unconsciously flowed out.

He shook off his hand in disgust and wiped it on my pretty little dress, not forgetting to say venomously:

“Uncle Mo is so smart, why did he give birth to such a stupid one?”

I retorted with a slurred voice:

“I’m only four!”

Then I threw him to the ground and hit him with my head.

The unknowing mom passed by with the hero’s mom on her arm, and the two idiots laughed and laughed and laughed:

“These two kids are really close.”

Although the first meeting is not too fine, but in line with the concept that the husband should be raised.

I shook hands with the main man and made up.

I pinched his palm, he pulled my little chirp.

Then we entered the same kindergarten in the presence of the adults of both families.

As the male lead, naturally, he has long since finished the kindergarten, junior high school and high school courses on his own, and has the ability to be guaranteed admission to the university.

But Yu Xinghuai was still writing pinyin.

Already able to speak clearly and articulately, I asked my question, and he looked at me as if I were a fool:

“I’m only five years old.”

I frowned, my young face full of contempt:

“But my brother was the world’s top hacker when he was three.”

He made a soft “pfft” and drew a fat pig on the paper:

“Watch less cartoons, eat more walnuts.”

I drew a big three-eighths line on the table:

“You’re the one who needs a brain tonic!”

At the time, I thought it was just the hero being modest, hiding his strength, and when the time came.

When the time comes, he’ll jump a few grades, enter the junior class, get admitted to a prestigious university, and go to the top of his life.

Who knows, he really didn’t jump, except for taking the first place in the whole school every time, just like the ordinary students around him.

Elementary school.

I asked Yu Xinghuai:

“Are you going to skip a grade?”

Yu Xinghuai:

“Eat more walnuts.”

I understand. It’s not good to be too young.

Middle school.

Me: “You want to?”

Him: “No!”

Understand, wants to hit the ground running in high school!

High school.

Me: “Jump!”

He: “Get out!”

I take a bitter bite of my apple, he doesn’t have a chance to jump even if he wants to, it’s his senior year.

The teenage genius line was out of the question.

The emotional line didn’t develop either.

I sighed at Yu Xinghuai’s handsome face.

He couldn’t bear it and slammed his pen.

“Ink listen, do it yourself.”

After saying that, he threw all my unwritten homework over.

I was so shocked that I threw the homework back again:

“My good brother, you’re killing me.”

Yu Xinghuai rubbed his eyebrows with a bad expression:

“Mo Listen, if you keep this up, how will you get into college?”

I’m not panicking at all, it’s not easy to be a rich man in this life, of course I have to experience the happiness of the rich.

“Dad has already found me a good foreign university.”

His face darkened and he threw the homework back again:

“Write it yourself, I’ll check it afterward.”

Then he got up and went out.

After Yu Xinghuai left, I turned over the homework, male and female main destiny, I and Yu Xinghuai since kindergarten has always been in the same class, sitting together, even in senior high school has not changed.

When I was a kid, I used to let my brother and Yu Xinghuai help me with my homework, but when I got older, my brother didn’t even do his own homework anymore, let alone do it for me.

I begged Yu Xinghuai to help me with my homework, but he was so fed up with my pestering that he would take it over with a stern face and warn me as he wrote, “No more next time,” he said, which I could hear in my ears.

I’ve heard these words before, and they usually go in one ear and out the other, so he’ll write for me next time anyway.

This is the first time I’ve written my homework, and the small, dense letters on it give me a headache.

After a while, Yu Xinghuai came back.

He casually fished it out:

“How’s the writing going?”

“The math gods have once again mocked my incompetence.”

Yu Xinghuai laughed:

“You wrote a solution in half an hour?”

He flipped again:

“Oh, and I wrote that Yu Xinghuai is a pig.”

“Muk-Hoi, you’re good!”


The hero hasn’t talked to me for three days.

I was in a bad mood, ate three bowls of rice in one sitting, and was hospitalized that night with enteritis.

Yu Xinghuai touched my lips with a cotton swab dipped in water, his face dark:

“Mo listen, you are really good!”

I smiled weakly:

“Just so-so.”

He pushed harder:

“I’ll let you die of pain!”

My brother was stirring up trouble:

“She’s just relying on you to spoil her, so she can do anything she wants.”

I rolled my eyes. It’s only natural that the hero favors the heroine.

But what if you’re not the heroine?

A voice popped up in my head.

My eyes widened, who was it? Who’s speaking?

“Hello host, I’m your system, and will be planning your main quest next.”

“Ink Listen: the vicious female match, the male host’s little green plum, the female host’s face-punching tool man, a stumbling block as well as a stepping stone for the male and female hosts to warm up their relationship ……”

“Snap!” I cut the connection with the system.

So close, almost lost this splash of wealth.

Yu Xinghuai noticed that my face did not look right and asked:

“What’s wrong?”

I pointed at the brightly shining vial and cried out with a ‘wow’:

“Brother, this hurts me so much!”

Yu Xinghuai panicked and rang the bell.

My brother was also startled and came over with a serious expression, and the two teenagers, who were about six feet tall, guarded me helplessly.

I couldn’t hold it in any longer and cried my heart out.

My brother rarely spoke to me gently:

“Sister, tell brother, where do you feel sick?”

I looked at Yu Xinghuai with tearful eyes, and when I met his implacable gaze, I cried in a small voice:

“Yu Xinghuai, I haven’t finished my homework yet.”

He breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the tears from my face with a piece of paper:

“I’ll write it for you when I get back.”

The doctor came quickly, gave me a series of tests, checked the fluids, and finally said in confusion:

“Is Ms. Mo in any other discomfort? According to the examination, the swollen intestines have returned to their original shape, it is reasonable to say that there will be no more pain, and the liquid infused is also glucose, which ……”

The doctor was puzzled and even on the verge of doubting himself.

I hurriedly explained to the doctor that it only just hurt for a moment, and now it doesn’t hurt anymore.

After the doctor left, I lowered my head guiltily, not daring to look at the expressions of the two.

Judging by my tone-deaf nature for the first sixteen years, they definitely thought that I had deliberately come to this in order to get Yu Xinghuai to write my homework for me.

Sure enough.

My brother Mo BuFu said without much emotion:

“Yu Xinghuai, how did you get to be number one in the school? You don’t even know that losing glucose can make people cry?”

Yu Xinghuai didn’t say anything, just slowed down the liquid a bit, then explained something to my brother and went out with a not-so-good look on his face.

As soon as he went out, my brother let out a cold snort.

My mouth dropped, and I looked at Yu Xinghuai’s back in resignation:

“My heart hurts.”

Mo BuFu pinched my face:

“Be good, don’t be hurt.”

It’s so merciless and cold, just like we never loved each other.


“Host, don’t struggle unnecessarily, please get on the right track and complete the main mission!”

I let out a light snort, originally Yu Xinghuai hadn’t come to feed me yet I was in an annoyed mood.

I asked three questions to the system death:

“As my system, why didn’t I follow me as soon as I was born?”

“As a system, why did you wait until the host had adapted to her identity to tell her that she wasn’t the main female character?”

“Since you said you are my system, why don’t you serve me and serve the female host’s love story?”

“System, please answer!”

「Zi zi zi ……The question raised by the host is beyond the system’s authority, in order to provide better service to the host, this system will be upgraded.”

After saying that, there was no sound in the brain.

I skimmed my mouth in disinterest, not challenging at all.

“Don’t panic, host, the challenge you want is coming soon.”


Didn’t you go for an upgrade?

“My baby, haven’t seen you for a while, why have you changed like this?” Mom stormed in, her face still wearing exquisite makeup.

I was in her arms and couldn’t stand it.

I haven’t seen you for a while, mom, you haven’t changed a bit.

I couldn’t breathe because she was holding me so tightly.

Fortunately, my dad realized my predicament in time and pulled my sweet mother into his arms.

The moment he opened his mouth, he spoke in a strong old-fashioned overbearing style:

“It’s been two days and it’s still not cured. Listen, this hospital should go bankrupt!”

“Pfft!” Someone laughed out loud.

I looked at the person in confusion, and a sense of foreboding came over me.

Mom reacted by pulling over the girl standing in the corner:

“Listen, let me introduce you, this is Yan Dye, she helped me and your dad on the way.”

“Hello, I’m Yan Dye.” The girl took the initiative to extend her hand.

I froze and shook her hand.

“Host, don’t shake it, the female host will poison it.”

Grass, you didn’t say so earlier!

I shook my hand away as if I was electrocuted, and in the eyes of my dad and mom who were puzzled, I picked up the apple on the table and peeled a bunny for her, and said in a trembling voice:

“As a token of appreciation for helping Mom and Dad, I’m giving you a welcome gift.”

Mom breathed a sigh of relief, handed the bunny to the hostess, and took my hand and the hostess’s hand, holding them together again:

“I’m really happy to see you guys getting along.”

I looked on in disbelief, “Mom, are you really not sent by the female lead to harm me?

Yan Dye looked at me with a smirk.


When Yu Xinghuai arrived, he happened to run into his mom taking Yan Dye away.

The system screamed into a screaming chicken in my head:

“Ah… ah, son and daughter finally meet, give master a kiss, give master a hard kiss!”

I sat up with a “miso”, the door was closed, I couldn’t see outside at all.

Jumping off the bed in three tries, I angrily opened the door.

To meet my brother’s puzzled eyes:

“What are you doing?”

I didn’t care about him, I put him to the side like a chicken and went to look at Yu Xinghuai and Yan Dye.

He was carrying a thermos box and came around the corner, and when he saw me, he rubbed my chicken nest head:

“Why did you come out?”

I pushed him away and looked behind him, but my mom and Yan Dye were long gone.

I let out a sigh of relief, and inadvertently glanced at the floor-to-ceiling window.

The girl in the window had a messy head of chicken nest hair, her face looked terrible, and the hospital gown on her was so wide and big that if you didn’t look closely, you’d think she was a refugee from somewhere.

I was silent, was this the face I had just met the heroine with?

Hanging my head in shame, I was carried back to the hospital room by Yu Xinghuai.

“You’re running around when you’re just getting sick, and you’re not even wearing slippers!”

My brother couldn’t help but lecture me.

I let out a long sigh, looked up at the ceiling at 45 degrees, and mourned:

“You don’t understand.”

“Open your mouth!” Yu Xinghuai took the spoon.

Me: “Ah…”

“Smash, smash, smash” twice, I cross my face.

“Congee again?”

Yu Xinghuai took another spoon, I subconsciously opened my mouth, and Yu Xinghuai was like an emotionless feeding tool.

I tugged at his cuffs:

“Brother, I’m better, can we eat hot pot tonight?”

He tugged at the corner of his lips, his smile not reaching his eyes:

“What do you say?”

I looked at my brother again, his face was expressionless, but his eyes were clearly revealing, :Bother, can I beat the baby?


After dinner, Yu Xinghuai went to check me out of the hospital, and my brother collected my things.

A system that didn’t make a sound at noon sourly said:

“The male lead treats you really well, the female lead doesn’t even get this treatment.”

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes:

“Why don’t you go to the female lead and rely on me?”

It whispered, “You think I want to?

“Do you think I want to?”


I thought Mom and Dad would give Yan Dye a check, but I didn’t expect Mom to bring someone home.

I was blindsided: “Mom, this, this is ……”.

Mom laughed with a silly face:

“Listen, it’s all fate ah, dyeing is your eighth aunt’s niece, is your first cousin ah!

I stammered, “Big, big, big cousin?”

Yan Dye smiled warmly from the side:

“Mo listen to cousin good.”

Calling me brother again:

“Cousin, how are you? I’m Yan Dye.”

My brother obviously didn’t react either, frowning, but nodding his head in a cooperative manner.

During the meal, I was so scared that I was afraid that Yan Dye would poison me if she was unhappy.

Returning to my room, I immediately questioned the system:

“What’s going on here? How did the female lead get involved with me!”

The system has slowly taken on a physical form since the female host appeared, it’s a round ball, at the moment it floated out of my snack bag, there were still smeared potato chip crumbs on it’s ugly face, it put it’s paw under it’s mouth and coughed:

“Host, you don’t understand, it’s called cut and dried.”

I stomped on its face:

“Make it clearer!”

“The story of the original book starts with the heroine coming to the house of the evil female match, the poor girl who came alone to study meets the arrogant and domineering savage woman, the savage woman can’t stand to see that the people around her are gradually attracted to this poor person, she’s jealous, she’s crazy, she’s unbelievable!”

I stamped heavily, gritting my teeth:

“Get to the point!”

“The savage woman became mad, treating the heroine worse and worse, making everyone around her move step by step away from her, to the heroine’s side, and then being madly punched in the face.”

I picked up its tail and pawed it in my hand:

“Tonight’s midnight snack is fried leather balls!”

It held back its red face:

“It’s supposed to be. The plot starts with the heroine coming to your house, and whether she’s related to you or not, she has to be related. I mean, you don’t have to say so much.

“I mean, you don’t have to make it so clear!”


“Older brother, what do you think of me as a person?”

Mo Bu Bu Bu raised his head from the pile of papers and glanced up and down at me, and I thought to myself that I did a flying kiss beautifully.

He said tentatively:

“Stupid little punk who no one can stand but Yu Xinghuai?”

I turned around and walked away:

“Look at your papers!”

I asked Yu Hsing-huai the same question again.

He was looking at the market, and without lifting an eyelid, he said lightly:

“Stupid and you don’t know it.”

I sat down next to him in a huff:

“So, you don’t love me anymore, do you?”

He slid his tablet twice:

“When have we ever been in love?”

The system gloated in my head:

The system is gloating in my head: “Host, you still don’t believe me, the male lead treats you as his sister, but the female lead is the one who wants to be the love interest”.

At this time, I don’t know who’s phone is ringing.

“She’s just my sister, and my sister says purple has a nice ring to it.”

I looked over towards the visitor with a grudge, then uttered in surprise:

“First cousin?”

“Cousin Mo Listen, you’re here too, I’m looking for Yu Xinghuai.” Yan Yan stood at the door with the phone in her hand.

Yu Xinghuai raised his head and his gaze fell on her.

The system cheered, “Woohoo, so sweet, so sweet, son and daughter of the century looking at each other!”

I couldn’t bear it, and pulled it out as soon as I could, letting me rub it flat and rub it round.

No one else could see the ball except me.

“Who’s this?” Yu Xinghuai said.

I was delighted: “My eighth aunt’s niece, Yan Dye.”

“What is it?” Yu Xinghuai asked.

“I don’t know a few questions, and Auntie Bai told me to come find you.”

I whacked the ball twice, my mom is really a stupid white girl, pushing her son-in-law into someone else’s arms.

Yu Xinghuai got up and headed for his desk:

“Come in, bring it over and I’ll take a look.”

She walked over and took out the test papers:

“This one, this one, and this one.”

I frowned, didn’t the system say that the heroine was a school master, why couldn’t she do so many questions?

Oh, I see, she wanted to take the opportunity to get along with Yu Xinghuai.

I casually took a book on the table.

Taking the opportunity to squeeze in between them, the two looked at me in unison.

I snorted:

“Go on, go on, I’m not here to break you up, I’m here to join you.”

Yu Xinghuai’s temples jumped ‘abruptly’:

“Ink listen.”

I threw the book over my face:

“Don’t worry about me, make yourselves at home.”

“This question can’t be deduced directly, you’ve overlooked one point, you can set up an X…… first.”

Slowly sliding the book down, quietly staring at the two.

The system whacked me on the head with a ball:

“Host, even if you don’t complete the main quest, you’re still blocking the two from developing a relationship line, you’re simply going against the original intent of wearing a book!”

I pinched its tail and threw it against the wall, who says that you have to set up the male and female main characters together when you are wearing a book?

I was fine when I was just wearing a book and the male lead was not familiar with me, I have been with the male lead for so many years and you just popped out, who cares about you?

I’ve been keeping him for so many years, it’s hard to wait for him to grow up.

And then a girl pops up and says she’s the hero’s true love, who believes that? I don’t believe it anyway!

The system bounced back:

“Host, don’t go too far!”

“Get lost!”

Yu Xinghuai pinched the soft flesh on my face:

“You little bastard, you did it on purpose!”

Oh, I’m sorry, I accidentally cursed.

“Oing-oing-oing!” Yan Dye suddenly cried out, “Cousin, I know I’m stupid and I’ve upset you, but it’s not that bad, right?”

No, you can cry if you want, don’t wiggle your butt!

Huh, so disgusting!

Only the system, relying on the fact that no one else could feel it, “barked” a kiss on Yan Yan’s face:

“My sweet daughter, so cute and sexy!”

Yan Dye swatted it flat like a mosquito and muttered:

“What’s that?”

I laughed out loud.

Yu Xinghuai pinched his brow and gave his expulsion order:

“We’ve pretty much covered the topic, if there’s anything you don’t know, go ask Mo Bu Bu Bu.”

Yan Dye let out a “boing” sound, looked back at Yu Xinghuai with winking eyes, and walked away with her book in her arms.

I gloated and bumped Yu Xinghuai:

“She seems to like you eh!”

He viciously pinched my face:

“What’s wrong with you?”


I leisurely walked to the front door and saw Mo Bu Bu Bu walking out with a gloomy face.

“Older brother, your face stinks, who messed with you?”

He put the gate key into my hand, his tone cautious:

“Old sister.”

I didn’t understand: “What’s wrong, brother?”

“This family is in your hands.”


He drove off without looking back, his back still a little flustered.

I stroked my chin and pondered, what happened to my brother who could force him to give up his home?

I walked in, Yan Dye greeted me with a smile on her face in her maid outfit, seeing that it was me who had come.

Her bitten lips loosened, giving me a bored look and asking:

“Where’s cousin, why didn’t he come in?”

I withdrew my left foot and took out the key from my pocket, placing it in her hand:

“First cousin, I’ll leave this house to you.”

After saying that, I left without looking back.

The system that wanted to secretly mooch again was forced to bounce off with my departure.

Halfway there, I said:

“I think Yan Yan is too off.”

The system concurred:

“It’s not quite right.”

My eyes lit up:

“It’s cuter and sexier than what’s written in the book.”

I grabbed it by the tail and swung it around, where’s the love brain? All flaws, for nothing.


After reading the book for a while, I got hungry and rolled around on the sofa impatiently.

I kicked Yu Xinghuai’s leg:

“Brother, I want to eat hot pot tonight.”

“Mo listen, you’ve only been well for two days.” He was expressionless.

I thought again of the porridge that faded out of the bird, swinging and paralyzed on the sofa, singing:

“Little cabbage ah, life is really bitter ah, father does not love the mother does not love, brother went out and dumped the sister, poor listen to look for bamboo horse yo, homeless little cabbage yo, no food yo!”

“Mo listen, sing again or go out,” Yu Xinghuai threatened.

I snorted coldly and turned my back on him, unilaterally announcing the start of the cold war.

After waiting for a while, Yu Xinghuai didn’t come to coax me, I turned my head to look, he was no longer there.

I furiously rushed out, and saw Yu Xinghuai cooking in the kitchen.

The anger on my face disappeared, Yu Xinghuai’s cooking has always been delicious but he doesn’t do it often, I have to wear out my lips to get him to do it once.

Coughing, I put my hands behind my back and looked around like a king inspecting his territory.

Yu Xinghuai skillfully peeled out the crab meat, chopped it up, and took out other seafood.

I haughtily asked:

“Brother, is it a full seafood dinner?”

He put the chopped meat into the pot and grabbed a handful of rice, holding it out to me in special slow motion.

I understood and drank the congee again.

Going out with a bereaved face, he paralyzed on the sofa in a lifeless state.

Every day I drink congee, even the best congee is tired.

After a while, Yu Xinghuai came out with steaming hot congee, and I inhaled my nose, it smelled so good!

I couldn’t help but take a bite without waiting for the congee to get cold:

“Oooh, it’s hot!”

Luckily, I was experienced and swallowed it in a few gulps.

Yu Xinghuai frowned and pulled my mouth open:

“You’re so stupid!”

He took another ice cube and asked me to hold it in my mouth.

I smiled curtly:

“It’s just that your cooking is so delicious, brother!”

After dinner, I found a movie to watch.

I thought it was a love story about childhood sweethearts who love each other until they grow old, but I never thought it would be a story about childhood sweethearts who can’t compete with Skyfall, and bamboo sweethearts who fall in love with Skyfall.

When I saw the main character mocking Qingmei for Skyfall, my face turned red with anger and I pointed at the main character and scolded him:



“Qingmei is so good, she’s been with him for more than ten years, but he chose a girl he’s known for less than half a month, he’s so scummy!”

Yu Xinghuai put down his cell phone and said lightly:

“If you don’t like someone, it’s useless to accompany them for more than ten years. If you like someone, you can think about the rest of your life for ten days.”

I was so angry that I had no emotions:

“Is that so?”

The dog didn’t talk to me much all night, and when he did, he was angry with me.

Since I like the sky drop that I have known for ten days, let’s go over there with her!

I didn’t listen to his explanation, picked up my cell phone and left.

The dog thing glanced at me, also do not know to retain me, let me go home.

Very well, the cold war began.


Back home, old brother is not back.

Dad and mom don’t know which country to travel again.

Powerless paralyzed on the sofa, the dog Yu Xinghuai, I sent four I will never pay attention to him tomorrow.

After eating a full stomach, I am sleepy, I two legs a stirrup, crooked head and fell asleep.

When I woke up again, I saw Yan Dye’s enlarged face, and I violently shrank back.

“What are you doing?”

She smiled with a slightly deeper meaning:

“I gave you a little present.”

I couldn’t figure it out:

“Where is it?”

“You’ll find out tomorrow.”

I didn’t take it seriously and went back to my room and slept until dawn.

The next day at school, I left early without waiting for Yu Xinghuai.

I asked the driver to park the car at the entrance of the alley two blocks away from the school, I walked slowly over there, passed by the baozi store, and asked for two baozi.

“Four dollars total, sister.”

I nodded my head, and when I touched my pocket, I had no money, and when I touched it again, I didn’t have my cell phone with me.

I looked at the boss awkwardly:

“That, I don’t want ……”

A hand went out:

“Boss, four dollars.”

Looking back, it was the class president in school uniform.

“Class president, thank you, I’ll pay you back later.”

He rubbed the back of his head:

“No, no, it’s only four dollars. It’s on me.”

“Thump!” What a strange feeling. Why are pink bubbles rising around the class monitor?

“Mr. Mo, let’s go to class together.”


I didn’t realize that the class monitor was so handsome. His moist eyes, pink lips, and youthful face ……

Every single thing was stirring my heart.

I followed him into the classroom with pink bubbles in my eyes.

“Ink Listen classmate, I’ll go back to my seat first.”

The class monitor walked back to his seat with red ears and accidentally tripped in the middle.

I pursed my lips and smiled, it was so cute.

Sitting in my seat, I looked at the two buns sweetly, what should I do? The class monitor bought them, I can’t even afford to eat them.

“Mo listen, here!” Yu Xinghuai handed me a thermos box with a smelly face.

Opened it and saw that it was white and fat dumplings.

After glancing at the cold buns in my hand, I carried the thermos box to the class monitor’s seat happily.

“Class president, do you want to eat gnocchi?”

The class president’s hands and feet were overwhelmed, her face flushed, and she waved her hand:

“No need, Mr. Murakami, I’ve already had breakfast.”

I stared at the dumplings in my hand in disappointment:


Returning the thermos box to Yu Xinghuai:

“I won’t eat, you eat.”

Yu Xinghuai’s expression was ugly, and he didn’t take it, just stared straight at me.

If I’m not mistaken, a flash of resignation flashed across his dark eyes.

I froze, something slipped through my heart, but it was too fast for me to catch.

I said:

“Take it!”

He looked away, his voice muffled:

“Don’t take it.”

I sat down with the thermos box in my arms and calmed down for a moment, feeling a little strange.

Did I just ask someone if they wanted to eat the dumplings Yu Xinghuai made for me?

What happened to me? I don’t like the class president, why did I lick him so much?

It’s so strange, I looked at the class monitor in confusion.

Hey, why are pink bubbles rising around the class president?

A pain in my shoulder, I turned my head to look, Yu Xinghuai was pinching my shoulder with an angry face.

Puzzled, I smacked his hand away:

“What are you doing?”

His eyes were dark and gloomy, as if they were filled with surging waves:

“Mo Lien, who are you looking at? Chen Yu?”

When I looked at Yu Xinghuai, the strange feeling disappeared again, why did I just look at the class president? So strange.

Yu Xinghuai’s face became more and more gloomy, he pressed my shoulder:

“Mo listen, speak, it’s hard to believe that you like him?”

I rolled my eyes, my mind getting clearer:

“What did I do? You just think I like him, I’m just being polite because he bought me a bun.”

Yeah, that’s it, that’s supposed to be my intention.

“Besides,” thinking about what he said last night, “what does it matter to you whether I like him or not? Don’t you think a ten-day skyfall is more important than a decade of green plums?”

I haven’t even lost my temper yet, and you’re asking me with a questioning face, it’s really abominable!

After saying that, I didn’t look at what face he had, and fell asleep on the table.

The system said cautiously:

“That, host, do you want to coax the male host? He seems to be about to cry.”

I sat up with a “miso” and looked at him incredulously, he was originally looking at me with an aggrieved face, but when I sat up, he turned his face to the side to hide it.

But I still saw, the end of his eyes red, the tip of his nose also has a little pink.

I was at a loss for words, how could I care about what Qingmei skyfall, my heart was so soft that I could not wait to fish the moon in the sky to him.

「Brother, don’t cry, I’m wrong, it’s all my fault!”

His voice was muffled:

“I’m not crying.”

I know that boys value face so much that I can’t just say he’s crying.

I tugged on his sleeve:

“Yes, you’re not crying, you just have sand in your eyes.”

“Come on, brother, turn around and let my sister blow on you!”

I’m heartbroken.

Yu Xinghuai made a fuss and wouldn’t turn his head around.

I hadn’t seen him like this for a long time, and the last time he was like this was in kindergarten, when the teacher asked him to perform on stage with another pretty girl in his class.

The teacher asked him to perform on stage with another pretty girl in his class. I heard that the girl was a multi-talented artist who was only four years old and was highly regarded as an international piano virtuoso.

I felt a sense of crisis, and every day when they were practicing, I carried snacks and moved a small bench, staring at their every move.

I was afraid that Yu Xinghuai would run away with someone else.

After a few days of watching, Yu Xinghuai always looked cold, and the two of them did not have much communication other than practicing.

I put my heart down and went less often.

As a result, one day, I was sleeping in class, and the kid beside me suddenly said that Yu Xinghuai brought breakfast to that girl every day.

This is a treatment that even I do not have, I want something from him, have to beg him for a day.

Heart sour bubbles, see him back from practicing piano, I did not give him a good face for the first time, and do not talk to him, what he said I just pretend not to hear.

Usually they go home together, today I asked my teacher to call my dad and ask him to pick me up.

He wrinkled his bun face and pulled me back:

“Ink listen, you angry?”

The girl came over and handed him a bottle of yogurt:

“Yu Xinghuai, thank you, the buns are delicious.”

I thought, “If Yu Xinghuai doesn’t take it, I’ll forgive him.

But he did, and he squeezed it to death.

Tears came to my eyes on the spot and I shook off his hand, crying:

“Yu Xinghuai, I’ll never play with you again, we’re through! We’re through!”

For the next few days, I ignored him, even though he brought me snacks every day.

At that time, I thought, “What male lead? I don’t want it anymore. Only the one that the female lead likes is called the male lead; the one that the female lead doesn’t like is the male second.

I was so angry that I even went to the teacher to change my seat with Yu Xinghuai.

The teacher asked him if he wanted to sit with the others, and with a stern face, he quietly moved closer to me:

“I don’t want to.”

The teacher took him by the hand, gently touched his little head, and said:

“Since there are children who don’t want to change seats, then we won’t change seats, but before that, the two children need to resolve their conflicts. Why don’t you ask the teacher why Mr. Mok Hearing doesn’t sit with Mr. Yu Xinghuai anymore?”

I huffed:

“Because I don’t want to play with him anymore!”

Yu Xinghuai took a bottle of yogurt out of his pocket and shoved it into my hand anxiously.

I saw that it was exactly the same as the one the girl had given him the other day, and I knocked it right out of my hand.

The teacher separated us and stroked my little head reassuringly:

“Can you tell the teacher why?”

I couldn’t hold back my tears of frustration.

“Because, because he brings breakfast to the other girls, not even to me, I want his stuff, asked for the last day, he’s not nice to me at all, I don’t want to be friends with him anymore!”

The teacher looked embarrassed:

“Well, then, Mr. Yu Xinghuai has really done something wrong.”

“How about this, you two sit separately for a while, and then switch back if you make up later, okay?”

I nodded.

“No!” Yu Xinghuai said, “I don’t want to change seats!”

I got even more angry and yelled:

“Yes! You want to change!”

He suddenly reddened, and the tears wrapped in his eyes fell one by one.

“Mo listen, that’s my sister, my aunt asked me to bring it on the way, I didn’t know you didn’t have breakfast either, I’ll bring it to you later, don’t change seats, okay?”

I turned my face away, not giving him any good face at all, but I was still relieved in my heart.

Later, I realized that the reason why he took the bottle of yogurt was because I liked it, and because I ignored him for an afternoon, he knew that I was angry and wanted to please me before he took it.


Thinking about it now, Yu Xinghuai used to be quite a good boy, but why did he become more and more formal and talk less?

I let out a long sigh and coaxed:

“Brother, stop fooling around.”

“Mo Listen, I’ve lost my English test paper, can I borrow yours?” The class president came over at some point and shyly said.

“Good ……”

Someone was faster than me, and he was holding the test paper the class president wanted.

The class president froze for a moment and didn’t take it.

A flash of impatience showed on his face, and I hurriedly yanked it out of my hand and handed it to the class president:

“Class monitor, here.”

He took it in a muffled voice and walked away.

I breathed a sigh of relief that there were no more pink bubbles around the class president.

“Don’t look at him, he’s just a white chicken!” Yu Xinghuai said in a grim voice.

I looked at him, perhaps he had been crying, his eyes were still wet, with a touch of redness at the end of his eyes, a kind of beauty that made people want to ravage him.

Seeing that he was getting angry again, I said lightly:

“I’m still angry.”

He froze, as if he didn’t know what I was angry about.

I said sorrowfully:

“Ten years is no match for ten days!”

He suddenly became much more emotional:

“That’s a scumbag. He’s a scumbag. He’s a scumbag. He’s a scumbag. He’s a scumbag. He’s a scumbag.

I asked:

“If it were you, would you choose the plum or the heavenly drop?”

He didn’t hesitate for a second:

“Green plum, green plum and bamboo horse, perfect match!”

I was satisfied:

“Okay, I forgive you.”

The system said painfully:

“This is not the male lead, he must have been worn by some dog licker, why is he so obedient?”

I pretended to be profound:

“You don’t understand, this is called the way to tame your husband.”


Yu Xinghuai thought that I asked the class president if he would eat the dumplings because I was deliberately angry with him, but in fact I wasn’t, because in all my life, I had never seen anyone who came out with their own filters.

And I get inexplicably excited when I see that face of the class president.

Strange, I mused, where the hell did that come out?

“A little present for you.”

“You’ll find out tomorrow.”

Suddenly, I remembered what Yan Yan said and associated it with this setting that she can poison.

I asked the system:

“It’s not possible that the heroine poisoned me, is it?”

The system stammered:

“How could it be? The female lead is so kind, she would never do such a thing.”


“So you poisoned me?”

“Aiya, don’t say it so harshly, it’s just a failed heart-stopping hallucinogen, I originally wanted you to fall in love with someone else and not steal Yu Xinghuai from me, but I didn’t expect you to be fine so quickly.” Yan Dye was shocked for a split second, then admitted it.

The system covered her mouth in heartache:

“No, it’s not like that, you must have some bitter feelings.”

I tensed my face:

“If you want to chase after Yu Xinghuai, you can do it the right way, why did you poison me?”

She didn’t panic for a second, and even took it for granted:

“Because Yu Xinghuai likes you, he will only let go if you don’t like him anymore.”

What kind of crooked reasoning is this? I was so angry that I wanted to rush up and pull her hair out.

But then I thought that after all, she had helped mom and dad, and there was still a layer of blood relationship, so I held back again.

Regardless of my face blackened into charcoal, she casually asked:

“Where’s cousin, why isn’t he back?”

I couldn’t hold back:

“You still want to get your hands on my brother!”

She smiled:

“It’s a multi-faceted endeavor!”

I said:

“You won’t get away with it!”

She said:

“Listen, there are things you can’t decide. After all, this is the world of books, and they’re just pieces of paper written with ink, aren’t they?”

I hid the shock in my heart:

“Are you wearing one too?”

She nodded, honestly.

There was no feeling of tears in my eyes when I saw my hometown.

I just felt that there were too many bugs in this world.

“If you’re wearing it too, why do you use such tactics?”

“Ah,” she smiled, “I know a little more than you do, for example, there’s no way to reverse the plot for someone who’s wearing it.”

“Or do you think I can make you feel something for someone else just by casually adding a little sugar to the water? It’s just the plot playing tricks on you though.”

I opened my mouth, unable to say a word.

Yan Dye patted my shoulder and said in the tone of an elder:

“Cherish this time, maybe one day things will be different.”


I don’t believe it, but I have to.

This is the world of the book, everyone’s story is decided, even if someone goes astray in the middle, it will lead to the original ending in some other way.

“Host.” The system looked at me unforgivingly.

“Did you already know this? Even if I don’t go through the main plot, there’s no way to change the ending.”

The system nodded in silence.

No wonder it never mentioned the matter of going with the main plot again after the female host appeared.

“What if Yu Xinghuai doesn’t choose Yan Yan and chooses me?”

“Then it will erase the current him and create a male lead who likes the female lead until the male and female leads are together.”

My pupils shook:

「Why, what gives you the right to do this!”

“I’m sorry, host, this is the destiny of being a hero and heroine.”

I was silent.

In the middle of the day, I asked it:

“Will I be erased too?”

“No, because aren’t you stopping the hero and heroine from getting together?”

It turned out that the main mission was to stop the hero and heroine from getting together, and the system used another way to let me complete the mission.


I came to Yu Xinghuai’s house.

He was reading the contract, and Uncle Yu was gradually decentralizing and letting Yu Xinghuai have access to the company’s affairs.

Without a word, I leaned on his shoulder and closed my eyes, powerless in my heart.

“Mo listen, did something happen?”

Ever since I was little, he was always particularly sensitive to my emotions, obviously every time I disguised myself quite well, even my family couldn’t tell.

Rubbing against his shoulder, he pretended to yawn:

“What ah, I’m just too sleepy.”

Yu Xinghuai pinched my shoulder, his gaze running over my face, he seemed like he wanted to say something, but in the end, he just pinched my face.

“Brother, I still want to eat hot pot.”

Yu Xinghuai, I still want to be with you.

He refused:

“Mo listen, the doctor said to avoid spices for at least half a month.”

He was afraid that I would get angry, so he kept looking at my face, and only breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no change in my expression.

I leaned back on the sofa, suddenly realized that Yu Xinghuai is not afraid of anything, but afraid of my anger, his sullen, arrogant nature is in my tacit approval of the spoiled out.

He was a rose that I had carefully cultivated.

So how could I bear to have him wiped out?


“Host, have you really decided to do this?”

The system confirmed once more.

I nodded my head:

“I’m sure.”

Yan Dye said that as long as I disappeared, she would be able to make Yu Xinghuai fall in love with her, completing the HE ending in the novel.

And Yu Xinghuai wouldn’t be wiped out, everyone in the book would have a perfect ending.

All I need to do is go out and hide for a few years and come back when the plot of the book is finished.

At that time, everything will be happy.

Before I left, I asked:

“Has Yu Xinghuai’s side been dealt with?”

“With the help of the plot, he will only think that you have gone to study abroad and gradually blur out your existence.”

I didn’t say anything else. It seemed like a better way to go than to have Yu Xinghuai wiped out.


The system disappeared as I left the main plot.

I had lost contact with it.

Living alone in a small city in the north, the money that the Mo family had given me over the years was enough for me to survive in this city without working.

Houses here aren’t easy to buy, and they even somewhat ostracize outsiders.

But money makes the world go round, and after spending a little bit of money, I finally got my own house here.

Busy time always flies by, and I thought a long time had passed since I left there.

Turns out it’s only been a few days.

I transplanted a lot of roses on the patio, but the climate here is not suitable for its growth, and after only one day, they were in a state of decay.

I sent them back, and in another field they grew beautifully, blooming like the sun.

I knew I had done the right thing.


As soon as I entered, I sensed something was wrong.

There was someone else here besides me, who was hiding in the darkness, like a lurking hunter ready to deliver a fatal blow to his prey that had wandered into the trap.

I forced myself to stay calm, and without even drawing my keys, I turned and walked away.

In the darkness, someone ripped through my body and pressed me against the wall, I could feel his gaze stay on me like a trapped animal, suddenly, he sighed tersely and then bit down hard on my collarbone.

I fought through the pain to feel for the light, and he pulled my hand back.

Trapped in square inches.

Gradually, he was no longer content with that, but slowly worked his way down, and I fought back the shudder and ‘snapped’ and threw it across my visitor’s face.

The entire person was shaking.

“Yu Xinghuai.”

He paused and tried to continue.

I ‘snapped’ and pressed the light on, all the some were put in plain sight under the strong light.

I looked at him with red eyes, he looked a lot more disheveled, his face was as white as paper, his lips were pale, and there were obvious slap marks on his face.

He looked at me as my gaze stopped there and rubbed it casually.

Then leaned against the wall with a gangly look:

“Where’s the man?”

“What man?” I didn’t get it.

He thought I was trying to hide it for the man, and his forehead veins rippled as he said, word for word:

“What about the man who took you away?”

I was confused. Wasn’t my reason for staying a student abroad?

How did it turn into running away with a man?

Yu Xinghuai was very annoyed, his face was full of irritation that he couldn’t suppress:

“Who did you hear that I eloped with a man, and how did you find your way here?”

He rubbed a handful of hair, his jaw tense:

“Tell me first, where is the man?”

I looked away, my heart snickering with the thought that he hadn’t fallen in love with the heroine yet and would still be erased.

Reason told me that I should use the elopement thing to stimulate him now and get him out of here, but he just looked at me so insistently, his dark eyes hiding deep pain.

Suddenly I couldn’t say anything.

I opened my mouth to say something else.

He violently covered my mouth, leaned his head on my shoulder and said sullenly:

“Forget it, it’s not important.”


Yu Xinghuai stayed behind.

I still hadn’t contacted the system, and there was no movement in the message I sent to Yan Dye.

It was as if we were two worlds apart and had lost the key to communication.

“Mo listen, it’s time to eat.”

“Ow, okay.”

After that day, neither of us brought up that incident, as if by not mentioning it, something would never happen again.

“Yu Xinghuai, the college entrance exam is in a few months, aren’t you in a hurry?” I suddenly mentioned it.

“I won a national award in a competition, and I’ve been guaranteed transportation.” He said lightly.

I let out an “oh” and collapsed on the couch.

“I guess I really need my dad to find me a school abroad,” he said.

He said, seemingly casually, as he also lay on his side:

“Mo listen, wherever you go, I’ll go.”

I closed my eyes, not daring to answer.


There are people feeding pigeons in the square next to the apartment, and I pulled Yu Xinghuai to find a chair and sit down.

Cozily watching people come and go.

It was getting late, and warm colored lights were on.

Someone held a guitar and sang casually and freely.

Yu Xinghuai grunted coldly:

“What’s there to see? It looks like a white chicken.”

I followed his line of sight, and he thought I was looking at the magic trickster.

I don’t know where it hit my funny bone, so I burst out laughing.

“Mo Listen, do you still remember the surprise you were going to give me?” Yu Xinghuai suddenly said.

My head was stuck for a moment before I reacted to what he said about the surprise.

Last year, when I was still considered a heroine, some elders invited us juniors to go skiing.

My brother was busy working on a project so he didn’t go, and I thought it would be the same if I dragged Yu Xinghuai there.

The ski resort was huge, and I fell in love with it as soon as I went there. I waited for someone to bring me the equipment, and then I greeted Yu Xinghuai and skied with him.

The suddenness of the incident, Yu Xinghuai is still sleeping when I was pulled out, the young man woke up big, from the start to now did not give me a positive eye.

When I arrived, I sat lazily on the side, resting my eyes.

But this did not affect my excitement, after checking the equipment and confirming that it was ready to go.

With a “Wuhu” sound, I slid off, not to mention how dashing I was.

I think it would have been a bit more dashing if I hadn’t been overconfident enough to skate the jump and accidentally fall off.

Yu Xinghuai rushed over with an ugly face, and behind him came the medical team.

I had a terrible headache, and when I saw Yu Xinghuai, I was so aggravated that I huffed:

“Brother, I have a headache.”

A person who has fallen can’t swing freely, he glared at me fiercely, and then cooperated with the doctor to move me onto the stretcher.

I was lucky that I didn’t break any bones, just a few superficial wounds.

The car from the ski resort sent us back and was stopped at the door.

Yu Xinghuai wanted to call someone to pick us up, but I stopped him:

“Brother, I want you to carry me in.” He looked at me with a smirk.

He looked at me with a smile on his face, but I wasn’t afraid at all and continued to be pampered.

In the end, he lost the battle and squatted down:

“Why don’t you come up?”

I plopped up, the teenager’s back was safe and strong, I don’t know when that smelly little handsome cub grew up. I leaned against his shoulder and thought, “If only I could walk with this person for the rest of my life.

In the heat of the moment, I said, “Yu Xinghuai, I’ll give you a surprise after graduation, do you want it?”

He turned me upside down:


I didn’t think he’d remember after all this time!

The teenager’s gaze was sincere and passionate, he was waiting for me to answer.

My eyes suddenly became sore, and tears flowed down my face, why am I not the heroine?

Why does the male lead have to be with the female lead?

Yu Xinghuai saw me crying and wiped my tears with his hands:

“Forget it, forget it, it’s not like I have to give it to you, as long as you’re always by my side ……”

The latter sentence he said very softly, like the wind, all of a sudden scattered.


In the middle of the night, suddenly awakened by a nightmare.

I sat up with a “miso”, the aftermath still fresh, and subconsciously shouted:

“Yu Xinghuai!”



No one answered, I felt something was not right. Usually, if I rolled over a little bit too much, he would be able to notice.

Today, I called out to him several times, but he didn’t show up.

When I turned on the lights in the living room, the person who was supposed to be lying on the sofa was not there.

With a thump in my heart, I picked up my cell phone and called him.

His cell phone was sitting on the coffee table, and he wasn’t there.

I turned on the lights in all the rooms and looked room by room, the person was not here.

Thinking about the serial killings I’d seen on TV recently, I shook my hand and tried to call the police.

A long lost voice rang in my head:

“Host, I finally found you. I’ve found you.”

It’s System.

“System, do you know where Yu Xinghuai is? I can’t find him.”

It seems to be very tired:

“Host, you rush back first, the male host knows all the truth, he thought that the female host did something to force you away, and locked up the female host, I don’t know what means he used to know your location, and my connection with you has been cut off invisibly.”

I was shocked:

“Yu Xinghuai has locked up the female lead, will it be dangerous?”

“That’s why I want you to rush back, the plot can no longer control the male lead.” Its tone was complicated, “He cares about you more than expected, even at the risk of being wiped out.”

“Okay, I’ll go back.”

He knew everything, that’s why he, who had never spoken of love before, told me so bluntly that he wasn’t afraid of being erased, and that he only wanted to stay by Mo Hearing’s side, my side.

In an instant, I burst into tears, Yu Xinghuai had already told me his choice.

So, is he awake to accept my silent hurt?


When I arrived, I realized that the situation was far more serious than the system said.

The plot was already erasing Yu Xinghuai.

The veins protruding from his neck emphasized that he was in pain, but his expression was excited.

Step by step, he approached the heroine, the one he thought was responsible for causing me to leave.

Yan Dye saw me first and she screamed loudly

“Mo Listen, Mo Listen save me!”

Yu Xinghuai froze there, like a robot that suddenly died, not moving a muscle.

Yan Dye found a chance and ran out from there, looking panicked:

“This male lead is a psychopath, I’m never fucking coming back!”

I ignored her and called him softly, afraid of startling him:

“Yu Xinghuai, I’m coming.”

He didn’t move, but his body trembled slightly.

My eyes were sore, and I jumped up and hugged him.

He suddenly struggled violently, holding his head with a pained expression.

“Host, stay away from him, it will be very painful before being forcibly erased by the plot, I’m afraid that he will miss and hurt you.”

Suddenly thinking of something, I asked the system:

“Where’s Yan Dye? Where is Yan Yan? Isn’t she the heroine, she must have a way, Yu Xinghuai can’t be erased, he can’t ……” I was so flustered that I was incoherent.

“I’m sorry host, it’s too late.”

“Didn’t you say that I could survive if I left him, why did he still have to be erased ……”

If I had known this, I would have preferred to stay by his side all the time, responding to everything, instead of letting him become eclipsed bit by bit.

I am going to find Yan Dye, she must still have a way.

The arm was firmly grasped, and the eyes of Yu Xinghuai looking at me were already a little strange.

I broke down and cried out, liar, all liars!

Yu Xinghuai didn’t react at all, he just firmly grabbed my arm, getting harder and harder.

The dark eyes became more and more dull and blank.

I quieted down and held him in silence.

It’s okay, if it’s not you who wakes up, we’ll be together in a different way.

After thinking it over, he leaned on my shoulder and I patted his back, spending these last moments together.


“Don’t be fucking sad, I found a way.”

Yan Dye appeared out of nowhere, she scratched her hair in annoyance and walked around Yu Xinghuai in a godly manner.

Muttering something under her breath, she vaguely heard something about ‘little old me wake up’.

I looked at her in disbelief, but my heart still burned with hope.

After she finished reading, Yu Xinghuai fainted.

I anxiously called out to him:

“Yu Xinghuai–“

Yan Yan sighed in relief:

“It’s okay, I’ve kept him.”

“Let’s take him to bed first.”

After all this, I was exhausted.

But I still wanted to know how Yan Dye was sure that Yu Xinghuai had stayed.

“Because I’m a man,” Yan Yan said.

My eyes widened in disbelief:

“You’re a guy?”

I looked him up and down again.

He rubbed his hair in annoyance:

“It’s really bad luck, it’s not easy to catch up with the trend of crossing over, but I ended up wearing a woman’s body, and I was mandatorily given the task of being the main male character and the second male character at the same time!

“I’m a man to seduce a man, but where there is no disease can not do this thing.”

“So how did you ……” I asked tentatively.

“Didn’t I just fucking drive you away? The main man that usually look up how cold and gentlemanly a buddy, how suddenly so crazy? Directly sharpened the knife to me ah!”

“Originally is their book wearing bureau to me the wrong gender, I have been male how and the main male together? I made a slight exchange and left this dude behind.”

I was so grateful to him:

“I was wrong about you before, so you are such a righteous person.”

“Not really.” He coughed, “Why isn’t your brother back from his project?”

I barely thought about it and betrayed my brother:

“I’ll call my brother right away!”

But then another question came to mind:

“Why didn’t you do the exchange before?”

He smiled awkwardly:

“I didn’t expect this guy to play so big!”

I rolled my eyes, but my heart dropped.


When Yu Xinghuai woke up, I was playing poker with Yan Yan and the nurse’s sister.

His face changed, and he pulled me behind her, away from Yan Yan.

Yan Dye still had a shadow over Yu Xinghuai, so she left unhappily.

Yu Xinghuai and I were the only ones left in the hospital room.

He pinched his brows:

“Why am I here?”

“You haven’t woken up, so I was afraid something would happen to you, so I sent you to the hospital.”

We were speechless for a while.

After a while, he leaned on my shoulder:

“Listen, I’m staying.”

He didn’t say the rest, but I knew what he wanted to say.


After that time, I studied hard and got into a private undergraduate school by passing the undergraduate line.

Yu Xinghuai, the love brain, even secretly changed his volunteer, and chose the same school as me.

Luckily, I wanted to admire the difference between the school bully’s volunteer and mine on a whim.

Otherwise, I would have let him get away with it.

Just after summer vacation, Yu Xinghuai mentioned that surprise intentionally or unintentionally.

I got tired of being pestered by him and told him to bend over.

He obeyed and bent down.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

“Brother, did you like this surprise?”

His eyes deepened and he deepened the kiss, kissing me until I was weak in the legs, hands and all over before blushing and saying

“I like it.”

No, why are you blushing?

I’m the one who should be blushing!

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