28. My mermaid husband

My Mermaid Husband

Unwanted: Seeing you when you’re in love

My boss gave birth to a baby and insisted it was mine.

It’s the first time in my 27 years of maternal singleness that I’ve met someone holding a baby in his arms!

The next second the boss handed me a DNA identification report, I was stupid!


I had a dream on the day of the company’s reunion.

The dream was so real that I am still in a trance.

Thinking of that ridiculous dream, my face began to burn.

I slapped my face and pushed the pile of yellow waste in my head aside.

Thinking of a new mermaid raising game that the company had recently released, I cursed myself for being bewitched.

I was in a daze when the minister suddenly knocked on my desk and said towards me, “Lin Xing, Mr. Jiang is looking for you.”

I’ve been in the company for half a year, and this is the first time my boss has approached me alone.

I walked into Jiang Zhan’s office, my heart filled with apprehension.

Can it be that the fact that I used his face to pinch the paper man was exposed?

Pushing open the door I hurriedly swept a glance at Jiang Zhan.

His eyebrows were knitted up and one hand was holding the small of his back as if he was having a hard time.

Jiang Zhan is a very serious person, business has always been decisive and unsympathetic.

Everyone privately called him “cold-faced Yan Wang”.

Every time I face him, I am a bit scared.

Although his face is good-looking, I do not dare to look at him for a long time.

His eyes are like a pool of darkness, just one glance can make you fall deeper into it.

“Mr. Jiang, are you looking for me?”

“Come here, sit down, I have something to tell you.”

I slowly sat down across from him, and clearly saw his brow stretch as he exhaled a breath of cloudy air.

He pulled the corners of his mouth as if smiling a little.

My heart drummed straight in my chest, is it possible that there is some bad news to inform me?

Jiang Zhan stared at me for a long time before suddenly speaking:

“Lin Xing, you will hand over the work in hand to He Yu in a while.”

I froze my mouth reacted faster than my brain.

“Mr. Jiang, is the company going to dismiss me?”

Jiang Zhan shook his head, then said somewhat seriously:

“No, it’s just that there’s a more suitable position I’d like to ask you for.”

I don’t have enough qualifications and I don’t have much work experience, I don’t know what other position would be more suitable for me.

I cautiously probed:

“Mr. Jiang, may I ask what position it is?”

“I’d like to ask to stay with me for a salary of two hundred thousand dollars per month.”

I was shocked by Jiang Zhan’s words.


A salary of two hundred thousand dollars a month?

My male boss wants to ask me to pretend to be a couple!

This kind of pie-in-the-sky good deed can come my way one day?

What kind of luck am I having!

Although it’s a job, this is simply a godly job alright!

I looked at Jiang Zhan with stars in my eyes.

“Mr. Jiang, may I know when I’ll be on duty?”

Jiang Zhan’s eyes blinked and he actually laughed softly.

“Worthy of being his chosen one, it’s really funny.”

Jiang Zhan said this in a whisper, but I still heard it, even though I couldn’t understand it.

Next Jiang Zhan took out a cohabitation agreement and a confidentiality agreement for me to sign.

Before he even got off work, he brought me to his big villa with a sea view.

I was still admiring the huge indoor pool in the villa when Jiang Zhan dropped a bombshell on me:

“Right, I forgot to tell you before, I’m pregnant, and the baby is yours”.


“Uh, huh?”

I froze in place, my open mouth unable to close for half a day.

Is this world a strange place, or am I just ignorant?

A man can get pregnant and give birth to a child?

Did Jiang Zhan transplant an artificial uterus?

How could the child be mine?

I don’t have a boyfriend yet!

Is it possible that the cold-faced king of hell is joking with me?

Jiang Zhan glanced at me and started to undress himself.

I was still thinking about closing my eyes when he opened his mouth again.

“The day of the reunion coincided with my rut, and you just happened to break in, and we ……

Before Jiang Zhan could finish, I violently interrupted him.

“Mr. Jiang, are you saying that I wasn’t dreaming on the day of the group building?”

Jiang Zhan was full of doubts: “What dream?”

“I, I, I dreamt that I and a blue mermaid were that that ……”

My face burned a little and I didn’t know what to say.

Jiang Zhan looked at me with a smile, but there was not the slightest bit of temperature in his eyes.

Obviously he spoke in a low voice, but I heard every word clearly.

“You didn’t dream, that mermaid was me, you crossed paths with me.

“I thought that day was just an accident so I erased your memory and sent you back to your room, I didn’t expect you to actually have an impression.”

Like he was afraid that I wouldn’t believe him, Jiang Zhan dove headfirst into the pool.

Then a big and gorgeous fish tail stretched out from underwater, and the fish tail gently raised.

The water droplets it brought up showered me all over.

My pupils suddenly tightened, my boss is not a human being but a mermaid, and he is pregnant with my cub!

Is this a secret I can know?

Would he kill me to silence me?

As if he knew what I was thinking, Jiang Zhan poked out of the water, his beautiful fish tail swinging in the water.

He looked at me like a drowned chicken and teased:

“Now is a society of law and order, I do not do illegal and criminal things.

“Because the child is yours, I need you to be by my side all the time so that he doesn’t make so much noise, so Ms. Lin Xing, are you up to this job?”

Can I still say no after all this?

I gritted my teeth and nodded my head.

“Of course! I have no problem with it!”

Isn’t it just pretending to be a couple with a mermaid?

What’s so hard about that?


Seeing that I did accept it well, Jiang Zhan nodded in satisfaction.

He got out of the pool and his fish tail instantly turned into a pair of human legs.

I lowered my head not daring to look up.

Jiang Zhan wrapped a bath towel and took me into his room.

He only had one request for me, and that was not to leave him five paces away.

I changed out of my own wet clothes in a sharp manner, and then poked myself next to him like a wooden pillar.

Just standing like this can earn two hundred thousand dollars a month, I think I can stand for the rest of my life!

It took a while for Jiang Zhan to look at me like a fool and said quietly:

“You can find a place to sit down and do your own thing.”

Why didn’t you say this kind of thing earlier!

So the picture in the room started to become weird.

Jiang Zhan was dealing with documents in the study, and I was playing with my cell phone on the lazy sofa next to him.

Jiang Zhan was in a video conference and I was dozing off next to him.

In short, Jiang Zhan was working diligently, and I was beside him earnestly touching the fish.

At first I was a little coy, but I realized that Jiang Zhan and I kept a distance from each other from the beginning to the end, did not give me a look, I began to let myself go.

When I was tired of playing, I looked up and saw Jiang Zhan’s beautiful face.

The mermaid really lives up to its name, and it’s hard to take my eyes off his face.

Until Jiang Zhan laughed lowly, “Have you seen enough?”

I’m not embarrassed, it’s the others who are embarrassed.

I showed a professional smile and looked at Jiang Zhan and said:

I said, “I can’t get enough of this face, boss.”

Jiang Zhan was choked by me unable to speak, this game I won~!


After the night bath I asked him where I slept, Jiang Zhan pointed to his bed.

Looked at my surprise wide-eyed he added a sentence:

“I sleep on the bed you hit the floor.”

I was a little disappointed, and resigned myself to spreading the quilt on the side of his bed.

Jiang Zhan was born so good-looking, if I slept in the same bed I was really afraid that I could not hold!

When I woke up, Jiang Zhan was like an octopus that had me in a tight circle.

He didn’t know when he got into my bunk.

The moment he met his eyes, Jiang Zhan was dumbfounded.

Luckily it was him who appeared in my comforter, otherwise I still don’t know how to explain.

The next night we once again divided the Chuhehan boundary, but the next day woke up two people still stick together.

I was full of helplessness, Jiang Zhan silent for a long time and finally let me put the ground to collect.

Although I am happy to finally do not have to sleep on the floor but some wonder, how can I sleep so deeply?


In this way, Jiang Zhan and I slept on the same bed.

On weekdays, except for dealing with paperwork at home, the rest of the time he would drive his speedboat to take me out to sea.

When he came to the uninhabited sea, he would disguise himself as a mermaid and rejoice in the sea to his heart’s content.

Apparently Jiang Zhan is more comfortable in the sea.

Today is the tenth day of our cohabitation.

I woke up in the morning and felt that Jiang Zhan was not quite right, he slept too long today.

When I made breakfast and went to call out to him, I found that his whole body was not quite right.

Overheated body temperature, weak Jiang Zhan.

Do mermaids get colds and fevers too?

My hand had just probed his forehead when Jiang Zhan grabbed my hand and jerked his eyes open.

He only relaxed when he saw it was me.

“Boss, are you alright?”

Jiang Zhan gritted his teeth:

“I might be in labor.”

My brain instantly went down.

How many days has it been since I gave birth?

I walked around Jiang Zhan’s bedside, looking at his bulging belly and panicked.

How do male mermaids deliver babies?


I looked at Jiang Zhan and pulled out my cell phone:

“I, I, I, what should I do?

“Do you want me to call 120 and call a doctor for you?”

Jiang Zhan gave me a speechless look, “Do you think a normal doctor would deliver a man’s baby?”

He’s right, he’s a mermaid. If he’s sent to the hospital, he’ll be arrested as a monster.

Jiang Zhan stood up with strong support and pointed to his closet.

“Take the bag out of the closet and follow me.”

I picked up the big bag in the closet and followed Jiang Zhan all the way to his speedboat.

Jiang Zhan laboriously sat in the speedboat and urged me to start the boat.

“What are you waiting for? Start the boat!”

I was a bit dumbfounded: “I, where are we going?”

Jiang Zhan said, holding back his discomfort:

“Take me home!”

I shivered and started the engine, heading towards the sea.

Although Jiang Zhan had taught me a few days ago, this was my first time driving a speedboat.

The sea was so vast that I couldn’t tell where I was going.

I looked at Jiang Zhan who was in pain to the point of twitching from time to time and asked in a small voice:

“Boss, where did you say home is?”

Jiang Zhan gritted his teeth and tapped a few times on the operation panel, and a destination appeared on the navigation.

“Drive towards there!”

Seeing Jiang Zhan’s uncomfortable appearance, I followed the direction of the navigation and accelerated forward.

The speedboat drove for as long as Jiang Zhan gritted his teeth and endured for as long as he could.

One and a half hours later, we finally arrived at our destination.

This is a bay, surrounded by a scattering of small islands.

I had just slowed down and prepared to dock when Jiang Zhan couldn’t help but let out a hiss of pain.

The ear-piercing sound waves gave me a headache.

I reached out to cover my ears but it did little good.

The shrill ringing in my ears echoed in my head as I swayed and planted myself towards Jiang Zhan’s position.

I was about to hit him when a pair of hands covered in fish scales embraced me.


When I raised my eyes, Jiang Zhan’s face completely changed.

Ink-colored long hair, greenish-colored skin, a mouth with sharp teeth, cheeks with gills spread on both sides, and ears with fins.

So this is what a mermaid really looks like.

I fainted straight away with a choke in my heart.

I was woken up by hard pain.

Something was tugging at my hand so tightly that it was strangling me.

As soon as I opened my eyes I realized that several mermaids had gathered around me.

Jiang Zhan grabbed my hand and was half submerged in the bay with me.

The red-haired mermaid beside him was instructing him to inhale and exhale, and I couldn’t help but shiver when the slightly cool sea breeze blew.

I was about to get up but was stopped by the red-haired mermaid beside Jiang Zhan.

“Don’t move! He needs you! Only by feeling the mother’s breath will the cub feel safe and be born successfully!”

Looking at Jiang Zhan who was enduring the pain of giving birth to the cub, I gritted my teeth and laid back down again.

Other people’s children have given birth to me, what’s wrong with me soaking in water!

Perhaps because he wanted me to feel his pain, Jiang Zhan’s grip on my hand became stronger and stronger.

I looked at the blood underneath him and swallowed my cries of pain.

Luckily, such pain didn’t last long.

Led by the red-haired mermaid, all the mermaids chanted a song that I couldn’t understand.

Under the ancient melodious tune, all the pain in my hands subsided quite a bit.

The painful expression on Jiang Zhan’s face also relaxed, and that face changed back to a human appearance.

He opened his somewhat confused eyes to look at me, and it looked like there was a ball of light in his eyes.

He opened his mouth and let out a low murmur, then leaned his chin onto my shoulder and tilted his head to look at me.

“Stars! I’m in pain!”

Seeing that I was unmoved, Jiang Zhan became more and more pitiful:

“Stars! It hurts! Want to kiss!”

Said his lips came up.

Kissing is like a good painkiller, Jiang Zhan’s eyebrows spread and then let out a low cry.

I subconsciously turned my head to look at his abdomen, a small baby was being lifted out of the water by the red-haired mermaid.

Before the baby let out its first cry, the red-haired mermaid was busy handing the baby to me.

So much so that I didn’t see a single tear drip from the corner of Jiang Zhan’s eye.

The mermaid’s tears fell to the ground and became beads, glowing under the surface of the water with an incomparable light.

Jiang Zhan, who had his eyes closed, opened his palm to hold it gently in his hand.


“A newborn can’t leave his mother’s side, or once he starts crying, the sound waves will rupture your eardrums!”

I held up the soggy little baby, too stiff to move.

The surrounding mermaids gathered around me, curiously surveying the newborn.

Unlike ordinary mermaid pups, this child was born in human form.

This meant that in the future he would be able to live freely in the human city without being trapped in the middle of the sea.

The red-haired mermaid is the elder of their clan, named Chu Heng.

Chu Heng told me, their clan like Jiang Zhan can turn tail into legs mermaids more and more rare.

Because the sea is polluted by human beings, their living environment is getting worse and worse, the clan has been many years no pups born.

After saying that, he looked at me with a subtle look in his eyes.

“If you don’t mind, there are still many handsome male mermaids in our clan, I think they would be happy to cross tails with you!”


Is this an attempt to get me to start a harem?

I was still in a daze when a splash of water had already splashed on Chu Heng.

Jiang Zhan had woken up, and he was flinging his huge fish tail to encircle me and the child in his tail forbidding anyone else to approach.

He glared up and looked at Chu Heng with dissatisfaction.

“The stars are mine alone!”

Chu Heng revealed a smile, “The choice is Miss Lin Xing’s!”

I shook my head awkwardly.

“I have Jiang Zhan alone!”

Jiang Zhan nodded with satisfaction and suddenly turned his tail into legs, pulling me naked like that to climb onto the speedboat.

Noticing my intense line of sight, Jiang Zhan unhurriedly rummaged through the bag I brought and put on a set of clothes.

Then he took out a small quilt from the bag like Doraemon and wrapped the child up.

By the time I picked up the child and looked up again, Chu Heng and his party had already disappeared from the shore.

“Don’t look, they’ve already gone back to the tribe! You didn’t even take a good look at me!” Jiang Zhan pouted, disgruntled, wrenching over my face to stick it on.

I looked at Jiang Zhan who looked like a different person, my mind was full of questions.

“Jiang, Mr. Jiang?”

Jiang Zhan kissed my face, somewhat puzzled.

“Don’t call me Mr. Jiang, call me Zhan!”

The current situation is a bit weird, cold-faced Yan Wang Jiang Zhan is like a different person after giving birth.

If I hadn’t been with him the whole day, I would have wondered if this person could be Jiang Zhan’s twin brother.

But he is Jiang Zhan Benzhan!


I gulped and tried to get my dying CPU up and running.

“So what do we do now? Go home?”

Jiang Zhan glanced at me and then at the baby sleeping soundly with his eyes closed in my arms nodded.

“Let’s go, go home first! You’re too tired and need to rest.”

Returning to Jiang Zhan’s sea view room, my heart finally fell into place.

After a thrilling day, I was physically and mentally exhausted.

However, when I looked at the little baby in my arms, I couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that it was a magical little life!

Looking closely, the child’s features and Jiang Zhan seem to be carved out of the same mold, and I do not have any resemblance.

This can really be my child?

Could Jiang Zhan and Chu Heng be mistaken?

With doubts in mind, I fell asleep sitting on the sofa with my child in my arms.

When I woke up, I was still lying on the sofa, but there was no child beside me.

I panicked in my mind, shouting at Jiang Zhan while getting up and walking out.

Just two steps away from the indoor pool in the living room issued a sound of breaking water.

I turned around to look, a large and a small two-tailed mermaids are swimming happily in the pool.

Hearing me call out to him, Jiang Zhan was still a bit bewildered.

Seeing my face full of panic, he swam to the edge of the pool with a gentle swing of the fish tail and fished out the bath towel around his waist.

He quickly walked towards me and picked me up in his arms:

“What’s wrong, Star? What’s wrong? Look at you so anxious that you forgot your shoes.”

I was surprised by Jiang Zhan’s sudden gentleness and thoughtfulness, and for a moment I didn’t react to the fact that I was extremely close to him.

“I woke up and didn’t see the baby, so I thought something had happened.”

I had just raised my head to speak when my lips brushed against his ear as he lowered his head to listen.

Jiang Zhan smoothly kissed me on the cheek, scaring me so much that I immediately jumped off of him.

This toss and turn brought down the towel around his waist.

The scene in front of me made me blush.

The sight of me entwined with the mermaid from that day replayed in my head once again.

I hurriedly turned away, Jiang Zhan’s low laugh and the sound of him dressing coming from my ears.

It wasn’t until the sound of lapping water came from the pool again that I remembered with hindsight that the baby was still in the pool.

Because Jiang Zhan left, the pool’s little mermaid couldn’t find anyone to play with and began to become agitated.

Rushing before he howled Jiang Zhan fished him out wrapped in a small bath towel and placed him in my arms.

Watching the baby’s little fishtail directly into legs, I feel like magic, can not help but reach out and squeeze his lotus root-like legs.


The mermaid baby was different from human babies, only one day old he opened his eyes not to mention that he was strong.

His condition was comparable to that of a three-month-old human baby.

The baby waved his little arms and legs, and those big tawny eyes like mine kept looking at me.

Catching my eye, he flashed me a milky smile.

I was almost so adorable by this smile that I couldn’t help but kiss his little face.

What to do? I miss Rua!

After playing with the baby for a bit of sticker he fell asleep from exhaustion.

I was raising my head to move my somewhat sore neck when I saw Jiang Zhan walking towards me with a dinner tray.

Seeing that I was holding the baby, he began to feed me congee one spoonful at a time.

The soft and flavorful seafood congee made me open my mouth and finish the whole bowl one bite after another.

I waited until Jiang Zhan washed the bowl and brought me slippers before I realized what I had done.

The boss actually made me congee and fed me congee!

He also put on my shoes!

What should I do, will I get my paycheck deducted!

I looked at the sleeping baby and opened my mouth twitchingly.

“Mr. Jiang, no, Zhan, is this baby really mine? Why don’t we go for a DNA test to be on the safe side?”

Jiang Zhan’s eyes momentarily dimmed, and then became firm again.

“Star, I’m clean, you’re the only one I’ve ever been with.”

Looking at Jiang Zhan’s hurt expression, I was moved by unknown emotions and blurted out:

“I’m just kidding, I believe you! I only have you too!”

Hearing my words, Jiang Zhan’s eyes lit up as he pulled me up and headed out.

“Let’s go, Star, I’ll take you to do a DNA test, I want to prove that the baby is Star’s baby!”


I held the baby in my arms as Jiang Zhan drove me to the paternity test in a flurry of activity.

Then we went to the mall and bought a lot of baby products.

On the way back Jiang Zhan stopped by the seafood market and bought a bunch of ingredients.

After returning I consciously put the child on my back, tied on an apron, and put on gloves ready to start handling the ingredients.

Jiang Zhan finished putting things away and saw me like this was first stunned, then immediately went forward and pulled off my gloves, removed my apron, and pushed me onto the sofa.

He took the baby off my back and stuffed it into my arms, and shoved the cell phone back into me.

“Star you play with your cell phone for a while, I’ll cook, it’ll be ready soon!”

Looking at Jiang Zhan’s busy back in front of the stove with his apron on, I was really confused.

Is this really the Jiang Zhan who disliked my craftsmanship a day ago and would only order take-out food?

A person just gave birth to a child, is the change really that big?

I don’t know why, but the current Jiang Zhan always gives me an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

The baby suddenly woke up and interrupted my thoughts.

Looking at him squirming uneasily and starting to flatten his mouth in a manner that he was about to cry out, I was a bit frazzled.

I picked him up and stood up like the grandma next door who holds her grandchildren and walked around while swaying.

But he was so full of aggression that he spat at me!


How in the world do you raise a mermaid baby?


“Cham! The baby seems to be crying!

Jiang Zhan walked over to take a look at the baby and smiled.

“Star, the baby is hungry, I’ll make him food right away, you take him to the pool to play for a while first, otherwise he’ll really cry.”

Seeing the baby’s mouth getting flatter and flatter, I was busy taking him down to the pool.

Once in the water, the mermaid baby instantly became cheerful.

His little tail kept swimming and circled around me in the pool.

Twenty minutes later Jiang Zhan finally greeted us on shore.

He walked to the edge of the pool and picked up the baby that swam to his hand, looking at me with trepidation.

Wrapping the baby up, he slipped him a silicone bottle filled with pureed food.

As soon as the baby got the bottle, he didn’t let go of it, squeezing it and eating it happily, watching me smack my lips.

“Cham, what did you give him to eat?”

“Fish paste, the baby loves it!”

I was still wondering if a one-day-old baby could eat raw fish paste.

Jiang Zhan had already casually placed the baby on the sofa and picked up the bath towel before me and wrapped the wet me in it.

He then carried me to the other end of the sofa and picked up the hair dryer that he had already prepared to help me blow dry my hair.

Seeing me look at him, he threw a pure and innocent little face toward me straight to my heart.

This kind of Jiang Zhan is really too foul!

For the next week, Jiang Zhan simply transformed into a twenty-four filial piety boyfriend and nanny.

Every day, he arranges three meals a day for me and my baby, takes time in the morning to deal with official business, and then takes me and my baby to wander in the sea in the afternoon.

Every day I was worried that Jiang Zhan would change back to his original cold-faced Yan Wang, but he never changed.

These days we lived like a real family, cozy and happy.

So much so that when Jiang Zhan handed me the DNA identification report of my baby and I, I asked what it was.

When I opened the report and looked at the 99.99% genetic match inside, my brain went down.

Jiang Zhan endured the pain to give birth to the baby is really my cub!

My cub is a man-fish!

My cub will meet a girl who will give birth to a baby for her!

In just a few seconds, I even thought of how to help my pup deliver the baby.

It wasn’t until Jiang Zhan’s aggravated blah blah blah voice rang out that I was pulled back from my flight of fancy.

“Star, now that you’re sure the baby is yours, you won’t abandon me and the baby!”

Looking at the reddened ends of his eyes, I immediately raised my hands and swore.

“Cham! I promise I will never abandon you and the baby!”

Jiang Zhan immediately turned cloudy and pulled out a bouquet of roses and a ring from behind his back as if he was doing a magic trick and knelt down in front of me on one knee.

It was a ring with a pearl embedded in it.

The pearl was different from all the pearls I had ever seen.

The layer of halo on its surface seemed to flow, letting me see what is the real flow of color.

Jiang Zhan looked at me with eyes full of affection and asked carefully:

“Star, we have children, are you willing to marry me?”


I couldn’t help but redden my eyes as I watched him look so pious.

Every bit of our time together these days surfaced in my mind.

However, in the past few days, I felt that I was being raised by the current Jiang Zhan.

Every day, clothes and food, and playing with the baby.

Give the baby a bath, change the diaper, feeding and a series of things Jiang Zhan all do.

When I was on my period, Jiang Zhan boiled brown sugar water for me every day, gave me a hot water bag, and helped me warm up my stomach.

He was born with a cold body, and every night he used hot water to make himself warm before going to bed to embrace me and the baby to sleep.

I am not a good person to be put in the heart of such a person.

But marriage is marriage, the salary Jiang Zhan can not give me rely on!

I blinked my eyes and asked with a serious face:

I asked with a serious look on my face: “Will the salary be paid after the marriage?”

Jiang Zhan laughed: “Star, you are really a little money, you can rest assured that the salary will be paid as usual, and all of my salary will also be given to you!

I stretched out my hand and smiled at him, “Okay! I’m willing!”

As soon as my words fell, Jiang Zhan couldn’t wait to put the ring on my ring finger, and then hugged me with a giggle.

“Star, let’s go get a license tomorrow! By the way, let’s get the baby’s account, have you thought of a name for the baby yet?”

I smiled as I leaned into his arms and looked at the baby who was eating the mashed fish:

“Let’s call him Fish Egg! You pick the first name!”

Jiang Zhan’s expression froze for a second, then he favorably scratched my nose:

“Okay, let’s call it Fish Egg, how about Jiang Yu for the first name?”

I nodded my head and looked at Fish Egg with a joyful smile.

The next morning Jiang Zhan couldn’t wait to drag me and the baby out.

An hour later, the car stopped outside an unlisted building.

Jiang Zhan said that this was the Special Affairs Office, where non-humans like him would register.

Our marriage license and baby’s household registration were all handled here.

The person who received us was a gentle and pretty girl. Jiang Zhan secretly told me that she was a vampire and was already 120 years old.

I looked at her face, full of collagen, and felt a little bit envious in my heart.

As if she knew what I was thinking, the pretty girl smiled at me and said.

“If you want to be like me, you just need to drink my blood and let me break your neck, I can provide it for free, but your boyfriend doesn’t want to see you during the day!

I was shocked and opened my mouth wide, it seems like she can read minds!

Jiang Zhan, on the other hand, rolled his eyes at the other party.

“Night Rend don’t scare the stars, I’m not her boyfriend, I’m her husband! We’re here today to get a license and register the baby on the side!”

Night Rend signaled Jiang Zhan to shut up with her eyes, then looked at me.

Her blue eyes suddenly turned blood red.

“Miss Lin Xing, are you willing to marry Jiang Zhan and love him for the rest of your life?”

Looking at those eyes, I subconsciously replied, “I am willing to marry Zhan!”

“Oh?” Night Render revealed a playful smile and continued to ask:

“What if it’s Jiang Zhan? Are you still willing?”


My heart thumped, she really could read minds and knew exactly what I was thinking.

All along my greatest fear was that this current Jiang Zhan would suddenly turn into the previous Jiang Zhan.

This problem is like an untimely bomb, I don’t know when it will explode.

The first thing I do every day when I wake up is to confirm whether he is A Zhan or Jiang Zhan.

Night Rend saw through my anxiety with a glance, and I lowered my head a little hard.

“I don’t know, I’m not sure if he likes me and is willing to marry me.”

Night Rend’s eyes regained their blue color, she gently patted my hand and I realized that I had said all the words from my heart.

I looked over at Jiang Zhan, but I saw that he was fluttering in his expression as he hugged the fish eggs and was just silent.

He didn’t expect that the issue he had been avoiding would be so bluntly picked apart by Night Ranch.

Night Rend sighed softly looking towards Jiang Zhan.

“Ah Zhan, unfortunately I can’t do the marriage registration for the two of you, as for the reason I think you understand.”

Jiang Zhan was instantly like a frosted eggplant full of resentment but didn’t dare to refute.

He squeezed out an ugly smile at me and told me to wait for him here, then held the fish eggs and went to another department.

Seeing that Night Rend was idle, I couldn’t help but ask the question I had been holding in my heart.

“Sister Night Rend, why is Jiang Zhan, why is he in this situation? Does he have a dual personality?”

Night Rend shook her head, “Sorry, this is Jiang Zhan’s privacy, I think it’s best to let him tell you himself.”

Night Rend was unwilling to talk I had to change the question.

“Sister Night Rend, then why can’t we register?”

Night Rend pinched my face and laughed.

“Do you know that the mermaid clan can only have one mate in their lifetime?

“Their hearts are so small, so small that they can only hold one person, and once they are abandoned by the one they love, they will lose the power to love people.

“They can’t cross their tails with someone other than their mate, it would kill them.

“I think you know about Jiang Zhan’s other appearance, if he changes back, do you think you can still be together?”

The Jiang Zhan before was a cold hearted and cold-hearted person, although we slept in the same bed at night our hearts were far apart.

I didn’t know how to get along with him, but he had no choice but to tie himself to me.

And now A Zhan only has me and the baby in his heart and eyes, I can feel his feelings for me.

I selfishly hope that he will always be Cham.

Only belongs to me and fish eggs love brain A Zhan!

Seeing that I didn’t answer Night Rend continued.

“Once that happens and your relationship breaks down, a divorce can be very troublesome to deal with.”

I subconsciously interjected, “How troublesome?”

Night Rend laughed and flicked my head.

“If you want to get a divorce, I need to erase the memories of you and your family and friends, not to mention the labor and effort, you will return to your normal life and never remember anything about Jiang Zhan again!”

Completely forget?

Jiang Zhan is so nice and we still have the fish eggs, how can we forget?

Although I haven’t spent much time with him and the fish eggs, but blood is thicker than water how can I cut them off.

I can’t even think of life without them now!


I didn’t realize I was actually crying until Night Rend handed me a tissue.

“Sister Night Rend, please tell me, how can I stabilize his personality?”

「Don’t cry, A Zhan came back and saw that it was time to settle the score with me, maybe if he made a trip back to the clan land he would be able to ……”

Just halfway through Night Rend’s words, Jiang Zhan rushed over in a flurry of wind and fire.

Seeing my eyes red, he immediately grinned at Night Rend, revealing the sharp teeth in his mouth.

“Night Rend what did you say to Star? Why did you make her cry?”

Night Rend cried and laughed as I hurriedly dried my tears and pulled Jiang Zhan.

“It’s none of Night Rend’s sister’s business, it’s me who got blinded by the wind!”

I pulled a smile at Jiang Zhan and touched Fish Ball’s little face:

“Ah Zhan, is Fish Ball’s household registration done? If it’s done, let’s go back first!”

After saying that, I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, then whispered in his ear:

“Don’t worry, no matter if you are Jiang Zhan or Ah Zhan, I, Lin Xing, like both of you, you are the man who gave birth to my child, I will never leave you!”

I made up my mind in my heart, even if Jiang Zhan returns to his former indifferent appearance I will still rely on him.

Anyway, Chu Heng said that I can’t leave his side until Fishball is three years old.

Three years even if Jiang Zhan is a piece of ice I have to give him to melt!

Jiang Zhan has been my initiative to offer a kiss the whole blind, stupidly being pulled by me to go out.

It was Night Rend who gave me a thumbs up when I said goodbye to her and whispered cheer up!

I smiled at her and nodded heavily.

When I got home and lay down on the bed embracing the fish eggs, remembering Night Rend’s unfinished words, I couldn’t help but ask Jiang Zhan:

“Cham, why don’t you ever go back to the clan lands? Night Rend said that if you go back to the clan land, you might ……”

“I can’t go back!” Jiang Zhan interrupted me and hugged me tightly.

“I’m afraid if I go back, I’ll never see the stars again!”


I didn’t understand, but Jiang Zhan didn’t want to say more, he buried his head in the shoulder of my neck and rubbed it vigorously, then blocked my mouth that wanted to ask questions again.

All along Jiang Zhan had been very restrained, very respectful of my thoughts, and every day he simply hugged me and rested.

But today, he was unusually passionate, and I simply couldn’t resist.

At the critical moment, he still restrained himself and asked for my opinion.

“Stars, may I?”

My face burned amazingly hot, and in my daze I saw the troubled expression on his face.

No one was more familiar with that mood than I was, and it soured me to the core.

I offered to kiss him on the lips, replacing my answer with action.

The next day I got up and walked shivering, Jiang Zhan smiled like a flower, in a particularly good mood.

In the afternoon, Jiang Zhan suddenly received a phone call, saying that the company had an incident that required him to go to the scene to deal with.

He will food are ready before he drove away.

He hadn’t left for long when the doorbell rang.

The monitor mapped out an adult man who looked six times like Jiang Zhan, who said he was Jiang Zhan’s father, Jiang Li.

Meeting my parents for the first time, I was a bit overwhelmed holding the fish eggs, and I was busy opening the door to welcome the man in.

Who knows when I turned to pour water suddenly black and lost consciousness.


I woke up again in a dim, dripping cave.

I was lying on a stone bed in the cave, and the fish eggs were placed beside me, sleeping happily.

I was relieved to see the child intact.

Holding Fish Egg in my arms I walked to the entrance of the cave I realized I couldn’t get out.

At the entrance of the cave stood several spiny corals, this was a prison cell.

Fish Egg and I were trapped.

I cursed myself for being careless, I’ve known Jiang Zhan for so long, I’ve never heard him mention his parents, much less seen them in person.

I patted myself on the head, blaming myself for putting Fish Egg in danger.

It wasn’t long before Jiang Li came to the entrance of the cave expressionlessly, handing in some food

He seemed to know a lot about mermaid pups, and the food he prepared for Fish Egg was no worse than Jiang Zhan.

To me, he was very perfunctory and only gave me a dead fish.

Seeing that I did not eat he was not annoyed, only left a sentence before leaving: “Don’t cry and mourn, when Jiang Zhan comes, you can leave!”

I was shocked and instantly understood the meaning of his words.

He was using me and the fish eggs as bait!

What did he want to do to Jiang Zhan?

I was anxious but there was nothing I could do.

Not long after, Jiang Li reappeared at the entrance of the cave.

He opened the mechanism and the coral blocking the way disappeared.

I was about to rush out but I heard a strange song coming from his mouth.

The song sounded like it had magic powers.

My sprinting speed suddenly dropped, and I was holding the fish eggs and involuntarily followed Jiang Li, walking towards an unknown place.

Five minutes later, Jiang Li led me to a place similar to an altar.

The singing hadn’t stopped, and I couldn’t control my body at all as I stood still.

A few minutes later Jiang Zhan came, I don’t know what Jiang Li did, I looked at Jiang Zhan with eyes full of anxiety but couldn’t say a word.

Jiang Li touched a dagger from his waist and crossed it in front of my neck, Jiang Zhan didn’t dare to come forward again, only red eyes toward Jiang Li roared.

“Father, please release the stars and the child, don’t hurt them!”

I stared wide-eyed, not expecting Jiang Li to really be his father!

Jiang Li’s face was expressionless, he only gave Jiang Zhan a hateful look:

「Don’t call me father, you actually fell in love with a human, you forgot what I taught you, you betrayed me!”

Jiang Zhan loudly retorted.

”Father, didn’t you also fall in love with humans before giving birth to me? Lin Xing is not like mother, she won’t abandon me and the baby!”

As if being poked and prodded, Jiang Li shook with anger, he gave me a cold snort.

“Humans are all the same!

They’re always full of lies, saying they love you but then abandoning you after you’ve given them your heart by saying they love someone else.”

“Their love is cheap!

“They don’t deserve to talk about love!”

Jiang Li became more and more agitated, and with a strong hand, he left a bloodstain on my neck.

Jiang Zhan was shocked and fell to his knees in front of Jiang Li.

“Father, please don’t hurt Star, please!”

Jiang Li was satisfied with Jiang Zhan’s reaction, he knew that I was Jiang Zhan’s weakness!

Jiang Li looked at Jiang Zhan and said slowly:

“My son can never fall in love with a human woman!

“I can let her go, as long as you stand on the altar and release your second personality so that I can erase you completely!

“I’ll let her go if you return to the old Jiang Zhan.

“The old Jiang Zhan was my good son!

I’ll arrange for the best looking female in the clan to mate with him when he comes into heat next time, and he’ll give birth to the best mermaid pups!”

My eyes widened as I looked at Jiang Li incredulously.

He actually wanted to erase A-Zhan forever!

And to force him to cross his tail with another mermaid!

How could he treat his own son like this!

A stabbing pain came from the nape of his neck, it was Jiang Li’s blade that had gone two points deeper.

Jiang Zhan looked at Jiang Li in pain and said word for word:

“Father, please believe me, Xingxing would never be like mother, mother would leave all because of you!”

Jiang Li was infuriated.

“You’re talking nonsense! It’s her who changed her mind, it’s her who betrayed me, no woman on land is good!

“Are you going up? If not, I will kill her!”

Jiang Zhan shook his head and walked up to the altar step by step.

“No, father, please, don’t hurt her! She’s innocent!”

I tried so hard to shake my head at him, but I couldn’t move and could only let out a whimper.

As Jiang Zhan walked onto the altar, Jiang Li resumed his chanting.

The sound of Jiang Li’s song lingered around the altar.

Jiang Zhan knelt on the altar and rolled over in agony, obviously doing a confrontation with Jiang Li.

Taking advantage of Jiang Li’s distraction, a red silhouette suddenly appeared to free me from Jiang Li and bring me across the room.

It was Chu Heng who came!

Free from Jiang Li’s control I was finally able to move and speak.

I immediately rushed towards the altar but was stopped by Chu Heng.

“The sacrifice has already begun and cannot be interrupted!”

“But A Zhan, will he really disappear completely?”

Chu Heng sighed: “Everything can only be left to fate! Jiang Li is the clan’s high priest, his power is too strong, A Zhan may ……

Chu Heng points to the point, I already understand what he means.

Large tears dripped from my eyes, making my vision gradually blur.

An ear-piercing hissing sound suddenly rang out, abruptly disrupting the rhythm of Jiang Li’s chanting.

I followed the source of the sound and looked down to see that it was actually Fish Egg!

He didn’t know when he was awakened by my tears, and his little face was stained with my teardrops.

Perhaps sensing my sadness, he couldn’t stop crying.

Hearing the cries of a mermaid pup so close to me was excruciating, and both of my ears were bleeding.

The sound he made was not a baby’s whimper, but a hissing sound, extremely high in volume, with the sound waves traveling extremely far!

Even Chu Heng couldn’t help but cover his ears.

Just when I felt that my head was about to be cracked by this sound wave, the ring on my hand seemed to send a gentle force to protect me and keep me clear.

Chu Heng looked towards me who hadn’t been stunned yet in thought.

Jiang Li’s chanting stopped abruptly amidst Fish Egg’s cries and howls, the sacrifice ended and Jiang Li revealed a pale smile violently spitting out a mouthful of blood and collapsing to the ground.

At the same time Fish Egg also stopped crying, although he had been crying there were no tears in his eyes.

He just opened those big eyes and showed me the most innocent smile.

I held him stumbled to Jiang Zhan, but Jiang Zhan has fallen into unconsciousness.

Chu Heng sang a song, and in a short while several familiar mermaids arrived in front of the altar.

They were the ones that came when Jiang Zhan was in labor.

Chu Heng ordered people to take Jiang Li away, then brought Jiang Zhan and I and Fish Egg to his residence.

It was then that I realized that the fish eggs and I had actually been taken by Jiang Li to the mermaid clan land located at the bottom of the sea.

Jiang Zhan was unconscious for a day and a night but did not wake up, I anxiously pulled Chu Heng to ask:

“Chu Heng, A Zhan him in the end how, when he can wake up ah?”

Chu Heng looked at my hand, signaling me to let go of him.

He raised his hand and probed Jiang Zhan’s forehead to signal me to rest assured:

“Ms. Lin Xing don’t worry, he will wake up soon!”

I spoke with some trepidation, “Ah Zhan, has he really disappeared?”

Chu Heng shook his head.

“This can only be known when he wakes up, although there was a small problem in the middle of the process, but the sacrifice has been completed, I do not know the result.”

Said Chu Heng pointed to the ring on my hand and said:

“This is the mermaid’s tear of sincerity, the most precious thing for the mermaid, after shedding this tear of sincerity, the mermaid will never be able to shed tears again!

“Jiang Zhan gave his most precious thing to Ms. Lin Xing, please cherish it,” he said.

I stroked the proposal ring that Jiang Zhan gave me and nodded heavily towards Chu Heng with red eyes.

“I will!”

I placed the sleeping fish egg beside Jiang Zhan and waited for him to wake up.

No matter which personality he wakes up as, I won’t give up!

Late at night, I was sleeping soundly when I noticed a strong line of sight.

I opened my eyes violently and met Jiang Zhan’s line of sight.

He was unprepared for my sudden opening of my eyes.

I saw him first froze for a moment, originally some biting eyes suddenly became soft.

I couldn’t see very clearly in the dimness and almost thought that I was blinded.

I was a bit hesitant on how to test the waters.

The next second Jiang Zhan crossed over the fish eggs and scooped me up in his arms, reached out and stroked the wound on my neck and said in a low voice:

“Star, I’m sorry for causing you to get hurt! I promise this will never happen again!”

Listening to the familiar name of the stone hanging in my heart finally fell.

I hugged Jiang Zhan back tightly, excited only know tears.

The next day we left the mermaid tribe with the help of Chu Heng.

Jiang Li was put under guard because of the private kidnapping of me and the fish eggs, and Chu Heng became the new High Priest.

Our family of three returned to normal life.

Half a month later, we once again came before Night Render to register our marriage.

But this time she didn’t ask me, instead she looked at Jiang Zhan:

“Mr. Jiang Zhan, are you willing to marry Miss Lin Xing and love her for the rest of your life?”

Jiang Zhan looked at me and said without hesitation:

“I am willing!”

Night Render looked towards our clasped hands and smiled:

“I declare you two officially husband and wife as of today, congratulations!”

As soon as Night Rend’s words fell, the fish balls in my arms actually clapped their hands vigorously and gave us a round of applause as if giving us their blessing.

Jiang Zhan and I looked at each other and smiled, and went to the fish ball and left a kiss on his chubby cheeks.

———- — (full text finished) ——– ——-

Jiang Zhan Extra

My name is Jiang Zhan, I am a mermaid, to be precise I am a mermaid and human hybrid.

My father is a mermaid, while my mother is a pure human.

As a mermaid born with the ability to turn his tail into legs, my father traveled the human world as an adult.

Studying, starting businesses, building wealth.

Day after day, year after year just to protect more of his clan’s land from ocean pollution for his people.

Until the year he met my mother.

Few could resist the mermaid’s humanized appearance, and my mother fell in love with my father at first sight.

Like a scorching fire, she pursued my father fiercely.

Faced with such a passionate onslaught, my father lasted only a year before he couldn’t resist and fell in love with my mother.

Not long after he gave birth to me, my father became too busy with his career and cold-shouldered my mother.

They went from seeing each other once every two days to seeing each other once every five days, and then to seeing each other only once a month.

Only the young me stayed with my fading mother day after day.

My father wanted to take the time to stabilize his career so that he could spend more time with my mother, but he didn’t want to drift away from her because of this.

The long distance made her mother feel very insecure, and she often wondered if her father really loved her.

Coupled with her father’s outstanding appearance, she often worried that he would be snatched away by another woman.

She didn’t know that mermaids can only have one mate in this life, and her father never told her that.

I didn’t know at the time that my mother was sick and that she was suffering from depression, and neither did my father.

When I was three years old, my mother finally broke down after my father left in the middle of the night once again for business.

She hugged me and cried all night, and the next day she resolutely filed for divorce from my father.

She underwent hypnosis at the end of the night to completely forget about me and my father, and has been a stranger to us ever since.

Within a year she found a man who loved her very much and married him.

My father was devastated by the loss of his mate and became disgusted with the human world and human women.

He took me back to my people’s land to spend years in the ocean.

Day in and day out, he taught me to stay away from the women of the land.

He always said that women on land were no good.

As I grew older, when I was twelve years old, the clan elders asked my father to send me back to the human world to study.

My father knew he couldn’t refuse, so he agreed.

The night before the trip, he brought me to the altar and said he wanted to give me a gift.

I didn’t realize that my father’s gift to me was to seal my soft side.

Everyone has two sides just as we all have two faces in front of people.

My father sealed the soft and gentle side of my personality, leaving only the cold and indifferent side.

Since then I have become a brand new Jiang Zhan, cold and detached is the common evaluation of me by human beings who know me.

After taking charge of the company, cold-faced Yan Wang even became my pronoun.

I thought I would live like this for the rest of my life, until the day I opened my eyes and saw an enlarged human face.

It was the company’s original artist, Lin Xing, the little girl who was so afraid of me that she shrank her neck at the sight of me.

I watched as she muttered to herself her fingers kept poking and prodding at me.

It took me half a day to react, my consciousness actually appeared in the paper figure of Lin Xing playing the game.

She actually pinched a paper man according to my face and gave me the name A Zhan.

I wanted to rebuke her angrily, but when I opened my mouth, I actually became:

“Star! Kiss! Want to paste!”

Lin Xing while laughing and gave me a flying kiss through the screen, and then operate the game with me to play stick stick hug high, playing happily.

When I reacted I realized I was laughing.

An emotion called happiness spread all over my body.

I realized that my cold and hard side disappeared!

The soft and gentle side was actually completely unleashed on the paper man.

So outside of Lin Xing’s game, I was still the unsympathetic, cold-faced King Jiang Zhan.

And within the game I was her warm little sun Zhan.

I thought Lin Xing played enough games I can return to normal, but I did not expect an accident on the day of the reunion.

That day I was in heat early, originally soaked in the bath ready to calm themselves but did not expect Lin Xing drunkenly fell into my bath.

She treated me as if I were a paperweight in a game and kissed and nibbled me so that I couldn’t hold back.

My father’s words of keeping me away from human girls kept replaying in my mind.

But somehow my powerful hands couldn’t push the little girl who weighed less than a hundred pounds.

At that moment, the other side of me that had been sealed seemed to break through the seal and pushed down my coldness and indifference.

I enthusiastically crossed paths with Lin Xing!

After calming down Lin Xing completely fell into a deep sleep and I once again resumed my indifference.

I sent her back to her room to clean up the marks on her body also erased her memory.

After this day, because back home Lin Xing did not log on the game for many days, I thought this matter ended here but did not expect me actually pregnant.

Clan has been many years without a newborn child born, for this matter, the clan elders hurt their brains, for fear that day we lost the ability to reproduce to extinction.

I knew I had to give birth to this child.

I couldn’t feel the mother’s breath, and the cub in my stomach was restless.

I had to make a deal with Lin Xing.

I thought it would scare her, but I didn’t expect her to have the guts to agree.

With her around the pups no longer disturbed, I can finally work at ease.

At night we originally drew the Chu River boundary, but I didn’t expect that as soon as I fell asleep, my other side would break the seal and come out to take Lin Xing from the floor to sleep in my arms.

I gave up after two days in a row.

It was kinda nice to hold a warm person every day.

The next time I took Lin Xing out to sea day after day, teaching her to snorkel, teaching her to drive a speedboat, in preparation for the birth of the cubs.

But I didn’t expect the cubs would actually want to come out in advance.

When I looked at Lin Xing’s worried look for me, when I watched her forcefully hold on to me even though her hands were shaking with fear and sent me to Crescent Moon Bay, an unfamiliar emotion welled up in my heart.

The paroxysm of pain was too violent I couldn’t support myself and lost consciousness, when I woke up again I suddenly realized that the other side of me that had been sealed was actually in complete control of my body.

My cold, hard, indifferent side was completely suppressed and sealed.

I was just like in the game when I was pampering Lin Xing and asking for kisses, and I finally gave birth to my child.

The moment I gave birth to the child, I, who had never shed a tear in my life, left behind the only tear I had ever shed in my life.

I think I knew what that emotion was.

It was happiness!

Lin Xing obviously preferred the other side of me, and we had a great time together every day.

It wasn’t until the day I went to meet Night Render that I knew the problem I had been avoiding would finally be faced.

My softer side lacked courage and toughness, and I didn’t dare go back to the clan lands to meet my father.

If father knew that I had a child with a human girl and was in love with her, he didn’t know what he would do.

Unfortunately, my affair with Lin Xing was still known to father.

He intentionally created trouble to lure me to the company and took Lin Xing and the baby captive.

He must have known that I broke through the seal and wanted to turn me back into the cold Jiang Zhan.

In order to save Lin Xing and the baby I had to rush to the clan land, at the same time I also found Chu Heng and asked him to save them at the critical moment.

I couldn’t let Lin Xing and the baby get hurt!

In the end I was forced to walk up to the altar, the incantations chanted by my father echoed in my head over and over again like a tightrope spell, causing my softer side to suffer more and more.

Just as I was about to lose my hold, Fish Egg’s cries broke the spell.

It also broke the seal that my father had set more than ten years ago, and my forcibly separated personalities finally merged together in one piece once more.

Before I lost consciousness, I thought I had gained a new life!

From now on no matter if I am Jiang Zhan or Ah Zhan, I only have Lin Xing in my heart!

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