29. After the awakening of the malevolent female spouse

Wicked Female Mate Awakening

Nonchalance: seeing you when the love is just right

I’m the retired rich white female match in the novel.

At my engagement party, the little white flower female lead was picking on the future president male lead while crying out how sorry she was for me.

I poured red wine all over her and smiled a cloudy smile, “Did I really give you face?”

For me, today was destined to be the day of a lifetime.

I was preparing my makeup for the party when I heard that my fiancé had made a scene at the engagement party with a woman, saying he would not marry her.

I laughed it off and didn’t take it seriously.

He and I had been childhood friends and lovers, how could our relationship of more than ten years be so easily interfered with?

The truth slapped me in the face.

After I saw the anger on my brother’s handsome face, my heart “thumped”, and my hand paused a little bit to pick out a lipstick color.

In the end, I chose a dignified and atmospheric red color.

I’m afraid this isn’t going to be easy.

By the time I arrived, the guests were already in place.

The only thing out of place in the extremely luxurious engagement scene was the strange woman beside Huo Xu.

She was wearing a white dress with obvious wrinkles and a slightly yellowish color, and her expression was restrained and cautious, but it was undeniable that she did have a face that was so pure that it seemed as if she didn’t know anything about the world.

Seeing me, Huo Xu’s eyes flickered slightly, but his grip on the woman’s hand remained firm.

He led the way to my future mother-in-law’s face with quick steps and spoke eagerly, ”Mom, I know I’m sorry Yunshu, but we truly love each other ……”

“Shut up!” My future mother-in-law stiffens her face and interrupts him sternly, “Do you have to say such things now?”

In full view of everyone, Huo Xu “flopped” and knelt down, “Mom, please fulfill us, Yi Yi she ……”

“I’ve already had my child!

One sentence stirred up a thousand waves.

The guests’ whispers gradually grew louder.

My brother crushed his wine glass, no longer able to maintain his surface calm: “This beast!”

But is it?

We haven’t seen him for a few months, but he turned his back on us, and even if he got her pregnant, he made a scene at our engagement party.

It’s really a great skill!

I walked over with a glass of red wine, and watched this farce in front of me with a calm demeanor.

“I am not going to get engaged to Yunshu, in the past it was me who was young and unintelligent, mistaking friendship for love, until I met such a kind and wonderful girl as Yi Yi …….

“She taught me what love is and how to love.”

“Mom, I can’t let Yi-Yi down.”

See, this is really tearful and sad, as if I am the evil person who beat up the lovebirds.

She’s kind and wonderful, and I’m mean and ugly?

If I can’t live up to her, I can throw away our relationship of more than 10 years?

My future mother-in-law trembled with anger: “What are you talking about here?”

She took a few steps forward, disregarding the fact that the woman was still carrying a child, and slapped her hard across Huo Xu’s face.


My fiancé stepped in front of her, “If you have anything, just come at me, Yi Yi is innocent!”

What an innocent!

My future mother-in-law looked at me with a worried face, a trace of contempt and pleasure hidden in her eyes.

The corner of my mouth slightly hooked as I leisurely sipped my red wine.

She has always disliked me because I’m not the kind of soft, good daughter-in-law that she imagines to be obedient and easy to pin down.

She does a good job on the surface, as if everything is for me, but behind my back, she repeatedly provokes my relationship with Huo Xu.

But she seems to have forgotten.

Their Huo family’s ability to get where they are today–

relies on me.

The palm prints on half of the woman’s face are obvious, and she looks to me, crying with pearly blossoms: ”Please, fulfill us ……Arranged marriages aren’t going to be happy ……”

“Missy it’s me who’s sorry, but you’re rich and educated, surely you won’t bear the thought of my child being born without a father, right?”

“How could I not bear it?” I seemed to smile, cupping her face and forcing her to look at me, “After all, I’m not like you, kind and wonderful, sneaking into my fiancé’s bed when I wasn’t around ……”

“I’m sorry miss, my upbringing has always been about people, not you.”

She bit her lip, looking humiliated and embarrassed, but held her back straight, as if she was a small poplar that would not break against the wind.

“How could you insult me like that?”

I raised my eyebrows in confusion, “Is that even an insult?”

“How about this?”

The red wine in my hand wobbled and I reached out, unhurriedly pouring it down over her head.


She screamed out.

The red wine dampened her hair and slid down her cheeks, soaking her white dress in a woeful mess.


Huo Xu takes off his clothes and drapes them over her body, looking at me with disappointed and resentful eyes, “Enough!”

“Yun Shu, have you made enough of a scene?”

“Am I the one making a scene?” I smashed my wine glass and laughed out coldly, “In that case, this marriage is off!”

“Remember, I’m the one who withdrew from the marriage today.”

“It’s me, Yun Shu, who doesn’t want you.”

“I’m too dirty.”

I bowed deeply and politely apologized to the guests, “Please be a witness that Yun Group terminates all cooperation with Huo Group, thank you.”

After saying that, I turned around and left, not paying any more attention to the piece of chicken jumping behind me.

Sitting in the car, my brother played me a soothing piece of music and drove the car smoothly in a rare moment.

He hesitantly and carefully opened his mouth, “Yun Shu …… are you …… okay?”

“It’s fine, what can I do?” I smiled with unconcern, “What kind of man do I want that I don’t have, it’s his loss to withdraw from me.”

My brother sighed with relief and spoke with righteous indignation: “That’s right! If you hadn’t dragged me along, I would have beaten him up a few times.”

“If I hadn’t pulled you back, how many hot searches would Young Master Yun want to make tomorrow?”

The scenery outside the window slowly receded in front of my eyes. The streetlights were dim, and lit up the empty streets in silence.

Was it hard?


After all, it was also someone who had once sincerely liked.

The Yun Huo family is a family friend.

Since I was a child, I was told that I and Huo Xu fixed a doll’s marriage, and I will be his wife in the future, a good wife.

I have always been strong, since the dissatisfaction of this arranged marriage, I consciously pay attention to him, from time to time to make a little, ordered to brush the existence of the same time, but also to make both sides firm determination to annul the marriage contract.

I’m annoyed with him, and he’s annoyed with me.

At that time, Huo Xu, to meet all the fantasies of adolescent girls, he has a good look, untamed, confident and flamboyant, can protect you for you to fight, but also can give you others do not have the tenderness.

I never imagined that one day we would fall for each other.

He expressed his love to me, we are the right family, the elders support, everything seems to be logical, water to the end.

I don’t understand why, in just a few months’ time, he has turned into such a stupid, brain-dead person.

“Brother, I want to go back to my place.”


“I’ll sleep for a while, call me when I get there.”

I think I had a dream.

An absurd and grotesque dream.

In this dream, the world I’m living in is a novel about a domineering CEO who falls in love with me.

The domineering president is Huo Xu.

This ‘me’ however, is not me, but the silly white sweet heroine – Xia Yi.

I’m the vicious female match who jumps out every now and then to make a demon and add to the trouble, to add to the warming up of the male and female lead’s relationship, and to play a hand of good cards to the ground.


My end was miserable and overwhelmingly happy.

“Yunshu, it’s here.”

I woke up with a jolt and broke out in a cold sweat.

The dream was confusing but terrifyingly clear, and I had a strange feeling or intuition – it was a precognitive dream.

Everything that happened in the dream was traceable.

The madness, the destruction of my family, the rebellion.

This would be my end.

But I could never believe that the woman who went crazy for love was me.

“Brother, you go home first, I want to be alone.”

The last scene of ‘my’ misery kept coming back to my mind.

I buried myself on the bed, repeating the recollection of this bizarre dream over and over again as if I was self-mutilating.

“Uncle Zhang, help me to find out someone.”

After lying on the bed for half a day, I simply cooked myself a noodle.

Zhou Zhou came back.

It stood obediently in the doorway, tilting its head slightly, its glazed blue eyes staring at me fixedly.

I squatted down and nodded its head, “What’s the matter? You don’t even recognize your sister anymore?”

The small furry ears moved slightly, and it jumped into my arms.

Boat trembled, and barked a milky, soft bark.

“Been bullied?”

It naturally wouldn’t answer me back.

After all, no matter how smart and spiritual it is, it’s still just a little kitten that hasn’t become a spirit.

Zhou Zhou was saved by me at the hands of a pervert who abused animals, and I never found its owner, so I brought it home.

When it first came here, probably because of the injuries it had suffered, it was sensitive and fierce, and couldn’t get close at all.

Gradually, it no longer rejected my proximity, but it was still very wary, so it wasn’t easy to hug it.

Not to mention, jumping into my arms of its own accord.

Boat will disappear from time to time for a few days, at first I was worried and anxious, I took a lot of measures, but I could not stop or find it, to see that every time it can come back at a fixed time in good condition, I also do not care.

It’s rare for Boat to take the initiative to get close to me.

Fluffy instantly cured me.

After smoothing my fur for a while, I received a document from Uncle Zhang.

The Yi Yi that Huo Xu called, her full name is Xia Yi.

The first half of her life, whether it was her family history or her achievements, was ordinary to the extreme, and she would not attract anyone’s attention if she was put into the sea of people.

Three months ago, Xia Yi went to buy a drunk after falling out of love, and was supposed to be set up by her plastic sisters and lose her virginity to an old man, but as luck would have it, she went to the wrong room in a daze and had a one-night stand with Huo Xu.

It’s a dream episode, but not quite.

The timeline is advanced.

It should be three years before I meet her.

And her genius son with his incredible IQ.

I clicked on another folder.

It was something I’d had someone look up later, after much deliberation, about what had happened in the last few years.

The more I looked at it, the more alarmed I became.

Everything, one by one, corroborated with that dream.

Without exception.

It was unbelievable though.

But this world I’ve lived in for almost twenty years really could be a novel.

After spending a few days, I combed through everything I could think of in the dream from memory.

After doing this, I finally took a long breath.

Boat had run off somewhere.

The evening sunlight was like spilled dye, coloring half of the sky red, the evening breeze was gentle, and the shadows of the trees swayed.

I exhaled a mouthful of cloudy air.

I’m sure it’s a good idea to come out and get some air after being depressed for so long.

As I walked along, I didn’t notice that the further I walked, the more remote I became.

A big hand suddenly reached out from behind me and covered my mouth and nose, and viciously dragged me toward the corner.

The man reeked of alcohol mixed with the unpleasant smell of smoke, and his disgusting greasy voice spoke nasty, disgusting words.

The man and the woman were so different in strength that I couldn’t break free even if I struggled.

I bit him hard, but it fueled his tyranny, and he backhanded me and pulled my hair.

“Bitch, don’t give a fuck!”

Looking at the teenager who appeared out of nowhere.

My eyes widened.

Don’t come any closer!

Go call the police!

As if he didn’t see the sign in my eyes, he walked straight over.

The single, lean arm exploded with surprising strength, and before I could even react, the man who had attempted to misbehave with me had let go of me and fell to the ground, wailing.

He clutched the man’s hair and slammed his head into the ground again and again, the entire street filled with the man’s screams.

I slowed down and pulled back just in time, “Stop fighting, it’s not worth it to lose yourself because of such a scum.”

The night was slightly darker, the moon’s clear light ghostly traced the teenager’s delicate profile, he looked at me, his eyes dark and deep, hiding emotions I couldn’t understand.

He let go of the man and smiled a good and soft smile, “Okay, I’ll listen to everything my sister says.”

His hands were slender and white, the tiny wounds were slightly reddened, and it was especially obvious on his knuckles.

I pointed to his hand, “Let me take you to the hospital to treat the wound.”

He smiled and shook his head, “This little wound, by the time we get to the hospital it will probably have healed.”

“Thank you for saving me.”

“Next time when you encounter this kind of situation, remember to protect yourself when you come to help.”

“I’m Yun Shu, if you encounter any trouble, you can come to me, I will definitely help if I can.”

The young man’s beautiful eyes are slightly bright: “Then …… sister can take me in?”


I froze: “Are you a runaway?”

“No. Sister, I’m homeless.”

He pursed his lips and asked in a resigned manner, “Sister doesn’t believe me?”

I wanted to nod my head, but after thinking it over, I took the man back.

Boat was not at home again.

“What is your name?”

The teenager responded obediently, “Sister, my name is Qi Zhou.”

I was surprised, “What a coincidence, my cat’s name is also Zhou Zhou!”

“I’ll disinfect your wound, tell me if it hurts.”

He raised his eyes,: ”If it hurts, can sister blow on it?”


Qi Zhou stayed in my apartment, around I had more than enough houses, consider it as a place for my savior to stay.

I had not spared the utmost malice to speculate on his intentions of approaching me, and had also sent people to check on him.

But indeed, as he had said, he was of a miserable birth and homeless.

I’ve been busy these days, that dream is like a time bomb, the day I don’t defuse it, I’m on edge for the rest of the day.

After many years of cooperation with Huo, after the withdrawal of marriage, despite the reasoning and advantage, we are still more or less affected, but the problem is not big.

I’m afraid Huo won’t be able to recover for a few months.

I spent some time reorganizing the company with my out-of-tune dad, tracking down the mole, fixing some loopholes, and negotiating a few big deals.

Now that I know the plot, I naturally won’t let our family go to such a shabby ending.

The whole process went incredibly smoothly, as if someone in the underworld was helping us.

When I heard the news about Huo Xu, I was still in a bit of a trance.

I almost forgot about him.

He doesn’t count for anything before my family, my life and my family.

The Huo family’s affair was a big deal, and it had long been rumored in the circle.

Even if I didn’t pay attention to it, I heard a lot about it in other people’s after-dinner conversations.

When he’s mentioned, those young masters and young ladies no longer use the same envious and worshipful tone they once did, saying that he’s like telling a joke.

They say that Huo Xu is crazy, breaking with his family for a woman like Xia Yi, who has no looks, no family, no ability, and is stupid and pretentious.

He even said that he wouldn’t go back if the family refused to accept Xia Yi, preferring to give up his inheritance to be with Xia Yi.

Straight away, Huo’s mother was so angry that her blood pressure spiked and she went to the hospital.

What a dumbass.

I’d like to go see how this pair of lovebirds who recklessly eloped for love are doing now.

After all, I’ve heard that Huo Xu was dashing and determined when he dragged Xia Yi away with no body.

In order to force him to go back voluntarily, all his cards have been suspended, and Huo’s father has even greeted him, so ordinary companies won’t dare to take him.

The wall is falling down, and now I want to go to someone to borrow money, I’m afraid it’s not easy.

But then again, I thought, without me as the evil female match to go to the trouble, their feelings should be stronger.

This opportunity came quickly.

I rarely get up the mood to shop in the mall when a person rushed to my front.

Oh exempt, isn’t this Xia Yi?

She was also wearing a white dress, looking up at me with tears in her eyes, as if she were a small white flower swaying in the air.

Goodness, if you didn’t know, you’d think I’d done something to her.

“Ms. Yun, can I talk to you for a minute?”

I succinctly refused, “No, I have nothing to talk to you about.”

Xia Yi bit her lip, the tears in her eyes fell with a swish, “Miss Yun, I won’t take up a long time, you’re just shopping, can’t you spare just this little bit of time?”

I just felt puzzled, “Do I know you well? What do you think I can talk to a third party who interferes in my relationship? Who am I to waste my good shopping time for you, whom I feel like I’m losing my life just by looking at you one more time?”

She pestered me for a long time, and I was intolerant of being made to look like a monkey here, and a little curious.

I pointed to the cafe across the street, “Come on, put away your phony look and go over there if you want to talk.”

Just after she was seated, she started to show her acting skills with me, tears flowing before words.

“Ms. Yun, I know you hate me, but true love is right! Huo Xu has fallen out with his family for me, and he’s not doing well. Please, help me persuade Huo Xu to go back and admit his mistake. I still love him very much, but now I realize that love isn’t everything.”

“Huo Xu, he’s the pride of heaven, he doesn’t deserve to live like this.”

“I’ll give him back to you now. ……”

Facing this tearful performance of hers, I slowly and methodically picked up my coffee, “Let me have him? Ms. Xia, are you feeling noble?”

“The way you say that, was it me who made him fall out with his family?”

“Did I tell him to live in a cold house and dig for vegetables for love like Wang Bao-chuan?”

As if she didn’t expect my reaction, Xia Yi’s face stiffened.

I’ve always been curious as to why such a thing would be the heroine of a book.


Suddenly, I heard a sound of electricity.

As well as a sharp and mean female voice: “System! Why is she reacting like this?”

I looked up at her, and Shay still had that watering look, “How can you say that ……”

The female voice sounded again, ”I’ve had enough of this day for a long time now, heck I’m sick of seeing that loser Huo Xu, besides having a good face and a good father, what else does he have? Letting him suffer with me is better than giving me a check for millions or tens of millions of dollars and letting me go, but he’s still the main character!

“Stay with me, by the time he becomes the boss, I’ll be out of luck!”

“Who should I dress up as? I’ve been chosen to be the heroine who is sick in the head! Why can’t you let me dress up as Miss Yun Shu?”

Xia Yi spoke, “Miss Yun ……”

The female voice ended abruptly.


Dress up as me?

I didn’t move.

“System, what is Yun Shu’s jealousy value?”

I finally heard the voice of this system.

Wave-less and accompanied by the sound of electricity, it was the emotionless voice belonging to a machine.

“Currently Yun Shu’s jealousy value – 0.”

“Heroine Xia Yi’s Lucky Value – 5, current Lucky Value 55.”


Xia Yi looked at me in shock, her eyes full of disbelief.

The sharp female voice started arguing with the System again.

After listening for a while, I could roughly confirm that the female voice belonged to Shay.

Perhaps another identity would be more suitable for her than the heroine – the

Book Wearer.

Everything that didn’t make sense seemed to have an explanation.

And as long as I had negative emotions such as anger and jealousy towards her, she would be able to gain some benefits that couldn’t be explained by common sense; conversely, she would be punished.

Things seemed to be getting tricky.

No one paid any attention to her, and Xia Yi finally couldn’t put on this one-woman show and left in disgrace.

My eyes leisurely fell to the glass door.

There was an acquaintance there.

Under the hot sun, the man finally finished handing out a large stack of flyers, took off the heavy doll hood.

He leaned against the wall and wearily wiped away the sweat.

Well, if it isn’t my hard-boiled, dashing ex-fiancé who ran away for love!

I took a sip of my coffee, taking in his misery with equanimity.

I didn’t take it seriously when Xia Yi said he was having a bad time.

I didn’t realize he’d fallen so far.

But I can see clearly, Xia Yi backpack is the season’s new models, the body of the dress is also expensive.

Moreover, it’s been so long, how come her belly hasn’t shown her pregnancy yet?

I laughed lightly.

Seeing that Huo Xu is having such an unhappy time makes me happy.

“Yun Shu, do you remember Xia Yi?”

I look up at my brother warily, “Why are you bringing her up? What, you also thought she was kind and wonderful and fell in love with her at first sight and can’t get her out of your mind?”

He looked at me with a blank stare, talking about Shay with an obscure look on his face, as if she was some kind of filth.

“What’s going through your head? You don’t say anything after three, just her green tea face, your brother I can look at it?”

Luckily, I didn’t get a wisdom drop.

My brother seriously looked at me: “I know you are not happy with her, but you don’t go head to head with her, I always feel that this Xia Yi …… is a little bit weird.”

I silently nodded in agreement.

It’s not in vain that I’m in the middle of my busy schedule and I’m still trying to prevent her from laying her hands on my stupid brother.

You know, in that dream my brother later became her spare tire as well.

“Brother, don’t get too close to her either, there’s something about Shay.”

He thievishly came over, “It won …… be something dirty, right?”

I scared my brother: “If you want to think so, it’s not impossible.”

In order to obtain my 「jealousy value」, Xia Yi had looked for me many times, but I was painless and oil and salt, instead, she was deducted quite a lot of 「lucky value」, and after realizing that she couldn’t get the results she wanted from me, she didn’t dare to come back later.

After confirming that she wouldn’t be discovered by the ‘system’, I kept my people on her.

Recently, she entered the entertainment industry, perhaps giving up my 「Jealousy Value」 and choosing the more difficult 「Favorite Value」 – the

Getting the ‘Favorite Value’ of a specific number of viewers or fans.

Maybe she’s finally had enough of this period of poverty with Huo Xu and can’t wait to start the showbiz line early.

Or maybe it’s both.

If Xia Yi had made a name for herself through her own hard work, I’d still think highly of her.

But if she wants to take a shortcut, she shouldn’t–

She should never have thought of my brother.

Luckily, my brother, who only has acting on his mind, is smart for once.

Otherwise I would have had to give him a gavel to wake him up.

I changed the channel, and Xia Yi’s face appeared on the screen, her usual weak, willowy smile, innocent and shy: “Boyfriend? Of course I don’t have one, I’m a single mother.”

Laugh, be proud.

The higher you stand, the harder you fall.

Do you really think that the System is omnipotent?

Xia Yi has been making a name for herself in the entertainment industry with the “10,000 fans aura” that she exchanged with the system, and the internet is full of marketing for her.

The comment section was filled with rabid brainwashed fans who were sincerely rainbow farting over her, unable to find a single comment that said she was bad.

It’s like she’s really innocent and unworldly, clean and all white.

My love-brain ex-fiancé, on the other hand, seems to have disappeared into obscurity.

I wonder, when he left home capriciously, did he ever think that this day would come?

“Sister, I miss you so much.”

A warm body approached, and the teenager wrapped me in a false embrace behind him.

He rested his head against the nape of my neck, a clean, refreshing lemon scent lingered, Qi Zhou’s voice was pressed low: “I really want to lock up my sister …… so that my sister can’t go anywhere, and only accompany me alone.”

I pushed him away with a complicated face: “What kind of nerve is it again? Sick petite little said to see too much?”

Qi Zhou actually can not be called a teenager, he just looks significantly smaller, the age is about the same as me.

His looks always make me feel like an old cow eating young grass.

Yes, we are together.

Some people say that the fastest way to forget a relationship is to start a new one.

Maybe I’m a person who likes the new and hates the old. What touches me the most is another saying –

The next one is better, the next one is better behaved, the next one is more obedient.

It’s just, it’s a bit too clingy.

Like I’m going to disappear at any moment.

It’s a sweet annoyance.

When I didn’t come back for a while, I leaned back on the couch and watched him busy in the kitchen.

Qi Zhou was wearing the dalmatian apron I bought, looking good and virtuous: “We’ll eat in a little while.”


Thinking of the news I heard not long ago, my hand playing with the remote control lurched.

“Qi Zhou.”

“Or …… should I call you Huo Zhou?”

“The real young master that the Huo family just got back, it’s you, isn’t it?”

“Sister found out.”

Being broken down by me, he but his eyes curved, smiled frankly and sincerely: “Sister can be really smart!”

I pulled the corner of my mouth: “Is it fun to hide it from me?”

Qi Zhou carefully approached, “Is sister angry?”

“I don’t mean to hide it from sister, if sister wants to know, I can say anything.”

“Forget it.”

I’m not angry, I’m just inexplicably a little annoyed and a little uptight.

“Then if I don’t ask, can’t you take the initiative and tell me?”

He was a bit overwhelmed, and before he could say anything, I couldn’t stand myself.

I can’t believe I’m the one who said something so pretentious and unreasonable!

A sister sent a message to ask me to go to the disco, I did not think twice.


The crystalline liquid of the goblet refracted the brilliant lights, and the sound of the loud music was deafening.

“Here’s your drink, ma’am.”

I looked up at the sound of a familiar voice.

The person in front of me was carrying a drink, his eyebrows lowered.

He’s wearing the bar’s uniform, with a slim frame and soft, dark, crushed hair.

I picked up his chin, the fluttering neon light reflecting on his face.

I watched the dismay in his eyes with satisfaction.

“It’s been a long time, my-“


He dodged in a panic, the wine in his hand slipping unexpectedly to the ground, the bottle shattering with a loud crash.

“I’m sorry.”

I looked at the man in front of me with mixed emotions and lowered my eyebrows.

It can be said that apart from his looks, I can’t see a single relationship between him and the former Huo Xu.

Life seems to have smoothed out his edges, and the always smooth young master Huo has finally been crushed.

The light in his eyes is no longer there, nor is the pride and abandonment he once had.

In fact, he also went back to the Huo family.

But what can be done?

At first, he left home regardless of the consequences, around Huo’s father only had him as a son, as Huo’s only heir, he was emboldened.

But who knew that he was just the fake young master who had been switched with the real young master by his nanny mom and turtled up for nearly twenty years?

After learning that the son they’ve doted on for years isn’t even their own, and that their own son is being tortured and abused under the hands of the culprit, Huo’s father and mother booked a deluxe double bed at the hospital.

When I saw Huo Xu, I thought of the stupid things they did, and Huo’s father directly cut ties with him, and Huo’s mother even stood by and watched with cold eyes.

When I think about it, I feel funny.

If Huo Xu didn’t have that problem, didn’t put Huo mother into the hospital, not to mention Huo father and mother will not take into account this more than twenty years of kinship, just based on the Yun Huo two families’ marriage and cooperation, he would not have ended up in such a situation.

Perhaps because of the butterfly effect.

In that dream, from the beginning to the end, the Huo family only had him as the heir, not to mention the matter of the real and fake young masters.

At this time, he should have been supporting each other with Xia Yi, and after walking through this difficult period of time, he would have risen up in a fiery reverse and entered the sweet and spoiled script of a family of three.

Instead of being so down and out as he was now.

In order to enter the entertainment industry, Xia Yi had long ago aborted her child, couldn’t eat the bitter days with him, and climbed up to someone else at a fiery speed.

What a pitiful person, rushing to the red face.

Eventually, people and money are empty.

Home is gone, the child is gone, the wife is not his own.

Wine a bit on the head, I threw him a card, smiling intriguingly: “500,000, package you a month, consider it?

Huo Xu bent down, very slowly and very slowly picked up the card, looking at me with a barren eye.

He was just silent for a moment.


I froze.

I was confused.

I was dumbfounded.

I never thought Huo Xu would say yes.

In the face of my obnoxious ex-fiancée, shouldn’t he have coldly and mercilessly rejected me, stubbornly and unyieldingly told me to take my card and get lost, and then said a bunch of words telling me not to insult him?

I really wasn’t considered sober when I said that.

So much so that it was only after I brought the man straight to my doorstep that I felt weak in hindsight.

What is this, a PK scene of old and new love?

I quietly pushed open the door.

Boat rushed out joyfully from the entranceway and jumped into my arms.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

If Boat is there, then Qi Zhou must not be there, and for some reason, they never appear in front of me at the same time.

I still called him Huo Boat unaccustomedly.

I stroked its head.

The boat, which has always been gentle and spiritual, exploded the instant he saw Huo Xu.

It even lit up its claws.

Good guy, if I wasn’t holding it, I guess it could have jumped up and scratched Huo Xu’s face.

This male lead is really a person who dislikes cats and hates them.

But to be honest, I don’t really know how to place him.

I can’t just snatch my card back and tell him, let’s go back to our respective homes and find our respective moms.

Drinking is a mistake, drinking is a mistake.

It took me a lot of effort to finally and grudgingly calm the boat down.

Taking advantage of one of its inattentions, I quickly closed the door and fled the scene with Huo Xu.

I took him to another house.

I wondered whether it would be better to boss him around and make him clean the toilet, or to make him go to the garden to dig up earthworms and feed the fish, or to make him shovel poop for that rhubarb in Grandpa Wang’s house across the street.

After all, half a million dollars a month, how about hiring one, two, three, four, five maids?

What’s more, this is a backstabbing scumbag.

If I don’t do something to ‘repay’ him, how can I live up to the big gift he gave me at the engagement banquet?

Huo Xu suddenly reaches out and grips my wrist, “Yun Shu, is it still possible for us?”

What the hell?

This is the bitter life can’t go on, miss my money fiancé …… ah no, ex-fiancée?

“Your character is not good, but your skin is quite thick.” I shook off his hand, “Where did you get the face to say this sentence ah?”

He held his head in agony, “What if I say, it’s not my will?”

“I …… will not be able to control myself as long as I meet Xia Yi, as if someone is manipulating my body ……”

“Yun Shu, do you believe me?”

I was silent for a long time.

Thinking about the system on Xia Yi’s body, I actually believe in 80%.

But as long as one is firm enough, the system can’t help him.

This has long been proven in my brother and Qi Zhou.

Huo Xu returned the card to me, his voice hard, “I don’t want your money, and I don’t need you to pity me.”

“I will prove to you what a wrong decision it was to choose Qi Zhou.”

Looking at his angrily departing figure, I was expressionless, with only one word in my heart-


This person is really sick in the head, ordinary and confident, circling around so much just to say this to me?

What kind of sense of existence is he looking for here?

Since he said so, wouldn’t it be a shame for him to be the hero if I didn’t give him some trouble, dig a few holes, and make his ambitious career a little more difficult?

I was physically and mentally exhausted after this experience.

When I was about to go to bed, the doorbell rang.

Open the door, I saw Qi Zhou.

He came dusty, his breathing was a little short, and there were beads of crystal sweat on his fair forehead.

Familiar lemon fragrance enveloped, Qi Zhou put me against the wall, hands locked to the top of the head.

The eyes that looked at me were dim.

He kissed me.

For the first time, he kissed me sharply and fiercely.

Repeatedly rolling over and over, Raider City.

It was a long time before he finally stopped moving and carried me to the couch.

“Where is he?”

I was confused for a moment, “Who are you talking about?”

His voice was emotionless, “Huo Xu.”

Damn it, how did this person know that I brought Huo Xu here?

Zhou Zhou would still tell on me, wouldn’t he?

“He’s long gone.” I pinched his face, ”In your heart, am I the kind of woman who is a duplicitous, disloyal, two-footed scum?

Qi Zhou held my hand back, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, “Of course not ……”

“But anyway sister has other old love, than I know sister early, than I will coax sister happy.” “I’m sad sister will not care that.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think you’ll care.”

The tone of this full of Lin Daiyu tone heard me get goosebumps.

“I broke up with Huo Xu a long time ago ……”.

Regardless of the reason, I did this thing is really inappropriate, in the chaos of the brain hard to organize the language ready to explain.

Qi Zhou, however, jumped away from this topic, carefully inquired: “Sister is not angry?

I was helpless: ”Originally not angry.”

「Qi Zhou, you don’t have to worry too much, and you don’t have to be so careful to put yourself in a humble position. When I chose you, I have already decided to walk firmly with you all the way.”

“I don’t deny that I once had a relationship with Huo Xu, but it’s in the past, back when he brought Xia Yi to make a scene at my engagement party, we ended it.”

For some reason, Qi Zhou is almost silent about Huo Xu.

It’s as if he’s certain that between him and Huo Xu, I’ll choose Huo Xu no matter what.


Is it because I didn’t give him enough security?

“Warning! Warning! The world’s main storyline is collapsing! The host is requested to fix the main plot as soon as possible, otherwise punishment will be meted out …..”

“What? The plot has gotten this far, and you’re just telling me I can’t break my character? Huo Xu is still picking up trash in some nook or cranny, how do you expect me to fix it?”

Xia Yi’s voice was as harsh as ever.

Ever since that time when I heard her conversation with the system, even when I wasn’t face-to-face with Xia Yi, I could hear their voices in my head from time to time.

Even though I had prepared myself, I had underestimated the System’s ability.

I had been kidnapped.

Looking around, I guessed it was an abandoned factory.

The ropes on my body were tied so tightly that I couldn’t move.

I had a piece of cloth stuffed in my mouth and my hands were tied behind my back.

And Xia Yi was not far from me.

She was tied up just like me, but I could see it clearly.

The rope tying her up was loose, and with a little movement, she could break free.

I was still kidnapped with her, like it happened in the dream.

Only, in that dream, it was ‘me’ who was in love with Huo Xu, and thus hired someone to kidnap Xia Yi.

Under the heroine’s aura, ‘I’ botched the kidnapping and the kidnappers kidnapped ‘me’ along with her.

When Huo Xu arrives, he is faced with the choice of choosing between Xia Yi and I. The result is undoubtedly that Xia Yi is rescued.

The result is undoubtedly, Xia Yi was saved.

And I went crazy after the inhuman treatment.

Xia Yi is now dressed brightly, looking at me in the eyes with undisguised contempt and ……

I’m not going to be able to do anything about it.

As if looking at a poor person who struggled hard but could never get out of his fate.

“System! Is the main plot back on track yet?”

“Mission progress – 30%.”

That’s right.

In order to fix the plot, Shay did what “I” did in that dream for me.

She fiddled with the rope on her body in a bored manner, “Yun Shu …… Miss Yun, are you still complacent?”

“Wasn’t it quite powerful when you disliked me before, oh sorry, I forgot that you can’t speak now.”

“You say, when Huo Xu comes …… later.”

“Who will he choose to save?”

She no longer sympathizes with me, “Yunshu, don’t you not care about anything?”

“I’d like to see …….

“When you are abandoned by Huo Xu and defiled and humiliated by those men, can you still maintain this high and mighty demeanor!”

Xia Yi speaks to herself for a while, finally having sung enough of this one-woman show.

She skimmed her mouth as the female voice sounded once again.

“The progress of this quest is too slow! What a pain in the ass, when the hell is Huo Xu coming? Don’t delay my beauty sleep, I still have a live broadcast with my fans at night.”

Listening to Xia Yi’s tirade with the system, I lowered my eyes and hid the coldness underneath them.


Not slow.

I recited ten counts in my heart.

Only a loud bang was heard, and the locked iron door was broken open.

Shay’s impatient, triumphant, provocative smile froze on her face.

I looked toward the door.

The sudden blinding light made me unable to open my eyes for a moment.

Three men who had been beaten to the point where their noses were swollen and their eyes were thrown to the ground like trash, constantly wailing and begging for mercy.

Qi Zhou came against the light, half of his body was haloed in a haze.

A dozen uniformed and well-trained bodyguards lined up behind him.

He walked quickly towards me, his thin lips pursed into a straight line, the outline of his jawline clear and cold and hard.

Qi Zhou untied me and took off the cloth stuffed in my mouth.

I moved my muscles and was a little surprised, “Why are you here?”

The hand holding my wrist was slender and bony, delicate like an umbrella bone.

Yet it was trembling constantly.

Qi Zhou brought me into his arms with one hand.

Feeling a piece of my shoulder’s clothes blotting out, I was stunned, “Qi Zhou, you ……”

“I’m fine.”

“I was prepared for this.”

As early as when I knew that Xia Yi had made a move, I installed a locator on my cell phone and hired someone to protect it closely.

I didn’t tell Qi Zhou.

Because I never thought that he would believe, after all, what dream, what system wearer of these things, whoever heard it will probably think that I am a babbling psychopath.

But he ……

came in the first place without knowing it.

I heard him murmur softly in my ear –

“This time ……. I finally caught up.”


I don’t know why, as soon as I heard these words.

The tip of my heart trembled slightly and tears fell violently.

Huo Xu rushes over in a hurry.

Xia Yi was pressed to the ground by two people, her white dress rubbing against the ground and stained with dirt.

She looked at Huo Xu, a hopeful light bursting out of her eyes, ”Huo Xu, you came to save me right?”

I leaned in Qi Zhou’s arms and watched the show.

Huo Xu indifferently crossed over to her without even looking at her.

“Yunshu …… are you okay?”

I smiled, “You tell me.”

“Mind your woman.”

I spaced out and locked eyes with Xia Yi.

She tore down her usual soft mask, her eyes resentful and vicious.

The system’s voice was urgent and sharp.

“Heroine Xia Yi’s luck value is -10.”

“Heroine Xia Yi’s Luck Value -10.”


“Warning! Warning! Unknown intrusion!”

“The hero Huo Xu has awakened his self-consciousness.”

“System 1003 self-destruction. ……”

“The world’s main line has collapsed–“

The so-called collapse of the mainline doesn’t really have any effect on me.

After losing the golden finger of the system, all the benefits that Shay received were withdrawn.

Those fervent fans who were briefly confused gradually came to their senses, and little by little, the memories that had been forcibly erased recovered and began to doubt her.

I don’t know who exposed Xia Yi’s dark information –

The image of an innocent jade girl collapsed in an instant.

For a while, she was like a street rat, everyone was shouting at her.

Surprise! The popular young flower is the third party who interfered!

A certain Xia’s actress was beaten up by the main palace for a surprising reason ……


When Xia Yi failed to brush my ‘Jealousy Value’ and got her ‘Lucky Value’ deducted instead, the system was affected along with her.

I did discover quite a few interesting things about her.

If the original heroine Xia Yi’s one-night stand with Huo Xu was a coincidence and a mistake.

This wearer, Xia Yi, is just directing herself and going with the flow.

On that day, she wanted to repeat the same trick, drug my brother s wine, and climb into my brother s bed ……

Fortunately, I was prepared.

Xia Yi once again went to the wrong room and climbed into the wrong bed.

This time her luck was not so good.

That man plays with flowers and is already married.

Without the system, some things can’t be suppressed.

I didn’t do anything, I just pushed the envelope, lit another fire, and incidentally satisfied the curiosity of the eating audience by releasing more news.

I just went out the door, and a few security guards were struggling to pull a crazy woman with her hair down.

“Yun Shu! I know it’s you!”

Shay looked up, and through her long messy hair, I saw her current appearance.

Shriveled and withered, her red bloodshot eyes were filled with hatred and unwillingness towards me.

She was hysterical: “Why are you still alive?!”

“You should be ravaged and spoiled by them, falling down to the clouds, trampled under my feet looking up at me ……”

“You deserve to have your family destroyed, to have all of your friends and family destroyed, and not to be …..”

“Shut up!” I interrupted her babbling with a slap.

Xia Yi’s eyes festered, “How could this happen?”

“I’m the president’s wife, I have a genius son ……”

“I’m the heroine of this world, the favorite of the Heavenly Dao ……”

I looked at her condescendingly, “Are you talking about you, or is it the original kind-hearted stupid white sweet heroine?”

“The book wearer-“

“You’re the one who played a good hand to death.”


The thick blackness of the night, the blinding headlights, the dripping blood-

I awoke from my dream with a start.

The whole body seemed to be drenched in cold sweat.

The man who had held me while I slept was not there.

I stepped on the ground with my bare feet in a bit of a panic.



I don’t know how many times I shouted, but that snowy white mass never appeared.

The sky gradually dimmed, my heart suddenly contracted.

Not being able to think too much, I just ran out.

The streets were empty and silent, and the cold wind pierced my bones.

I shouted Boat’s name as I looked around aimlessly for it.

A headlight suddenly lit up, the sound of brakes was sharp and piercing, and under the strong impact, I saw-

In the nick of time, the boat came out of nowhere and knocked me out of the way.

It fell into a pool of blood.

Just like in the dream.

I staggered and fell to my knees.


Its form began to change, and in a trance, I seemed to see Qizhou’s appearance.

The image was frozen.

I suddenly felt a strong tearing sensation, as if my soul was being stripped raw from my body.

The world in front of me was like a fragile mirror, fragmented in an instant.


“Yun Shu! How did you fall asleep? Although it’s not impossible to make that brat Huo Zhou wait a little longer, it’s not good for us to keep our guests waiting.”

I struggled to open my eyes and saw my brother’s mouth open and close, saying something I couldn’t understand.

He reached out and waved his hand in front of my eyes, “Are you awake?”

I nodded numbly.

“Brother, what the hell are you mumbling about?”

My brother was furious: “Don’t tell me you forgot about the engagement party after a nap!”

“What’s in your hand?”

What are you holding?

I looked down, it was a book.

My name was clearly written on the open page.

“Hey, don’t look at it. Come out with me.”

I closed the book and followed him in a trance.

When I arrived at the engagement banquet, my eyes slowly fixed on a certain spot.

I remember that Huo Xu was there, in front of everyone, pulling Xia Yi to say that they truly love each other.

But now ……

standing there is not him.

My tears broke the bank.

It was Qi Zhou!

He hugged me tightly as if he wanted to carve me into the bone marrow.

“Sister, this time, you can’t run away.”

My brother grits his teeth and whispers, “Bastard, the engagement party isn’t even over yet, why are you hugging me so tightly?”

Huo’s mother silently wiped her tears, and I tried to find a trace of disguise on her face.

I tried to find a trace of disguise on her face, but there was none.

She looked at me in the eyes full of relief and sincerity, no longer find my memory of the mean look.

There is no Huo Xu, no Xia Yi ……

There is no so-called male and female masters, systems and book wearers.

As if it was just a big dream, everything was in its best form.

“Zhou Zhou?”

“I’m here.”

–The whole article is finished

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Next March 4, 2024


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