30. I became the CEO’s wife through live fortune-telling.

I became the president’s wife through live fortune-telling

I want to see you when I’m in love.

After my family fell.

I relied on live fortune-telling to make ends meet.

Pop-up screen A: “Anchor, there seems to be a ghost in my house.”

Me: “Burn two villas for him and be done with it.”

Screen B: “Anchor, why does the wine in my liquor cabinet always break on the ground by itself?”

Me: “Next time, pour a bucket of it to your father at his grave.”


My name is Yu Xiaomiao, I’m an anchor, the kind that tells fortunes for people.

My family has been telling fortunes for generations.

It was also famous and popular for a while.

In my great-grandfather’s generation, many dignitaries would throw away ten thousand taels of gold to come all the way here to have their fortunes told by my grandfather.

Our Shen family was very popular in those days.

Unfortunately, after my grandfather’s death, my father’s generation slowly declined.

Since I can remember, my dad stopped telling fortunes.

After my mom died, my dad always looked drunk.

He loved to drink, and when he got drunk, he would talk nonsense, just a few sentences back and forth.

“Miaomiao, don’t ever touch that thing again, it’s a sin.”


But I did it anyway.

I had to eat.

So I moved bricks in the company during the day and broadcast live at night.

Although I only learned a few hairs, but do a midnight stall fortune-telling anchor is still more than enough.

I am a principle anchor.

Every night at ten o’clock on time on the line, eleven o’clock offline.

Live broadcasts do not need to show their faces, for me to appear in the camera is my little orange cat.

Every night when I live, I randomly select the lucky water friends on the pop-up screen.

Doing some questions and answers, counting marriage, feng shui and other small things.

Most of the water friends who were confused by me.

After finishing the job, they will brush some small gifts for me.

Sort of a thank you to me.


Ten o’clock in the evening.

I clicked on the live button.

There are not many people in my live room.

It’s late at night, and most people have gone to see the singing and dancing ladies in the live room next door.

So my live room is relatively cold most of the time.

I opened the live broadcast and brushed the novel.

Ten minutes passed, and only a few people came in sparsely.

Urgent as a rule: “Anchor, what should I do if my house is haunted?”

Rush: “The lights that are turned off turn on by themselves after a while, the faucet in the kitchen always discharges water automatically, and the shoes that are neatly placed on the shoe rack are haphazardly thrown out of the door the next day.”

I yawned and glanced at the pop-up.

“Young people, we have to believe in science, do not move on the haunted haunted haunted, this way, can enter my live room is also considered to be with me have a destiny, I’ll tell you a crack method, you go tomorrow to buy two rolling paper villa, to your home front door burned is.”

Love each other: “anchor can help me see? The swing set in front of my house swings by itself and scares the hell out of me. I’ve observed it several times, and there’s no wind or anything, but when it comes to nighttime, it just “creaks” and swings, and it’s weirdly creepy.”

“It’s okay, it’s boring down there, just let them play, it’s not a problem. If you can’t, move the swing set to the park so you can’t hear it anymore.”

Drinking Old Hu: “Host Host, the wine in my liquor cabinet always breaks on the floor by itself, what’s going on?”

I pinched my fingers.

“Next time you pour two more bottles of wine on your dad’s grave, if two bottles won’t do, two buckets will do.”


I chatted with them without a word.

It was about to be eleven o’clock.

I stretched my back and prepared to turn off the live stream.

The live stream prompted: the prodigal enters the live stream.


Wanderlust is my top one big brother.

Big brother is very trenchant, but also miserable.

He’s come to me several times.

The first time was when his father had a car accident.

The second time was when his mom fell down the stairs.

The third time was when his Dutch pig ate his goldfish.

The fourth time was when his sister got food poisoning.

The fifth time was when the turtle he had kept for five years disappeared.

The sixth time was when he stepped over a manhole cover himself and fell into the sewer.


Although none of them were fatal, and his mom and dad only had superficial injuries, the spate of strange occurrences left him physically and mentally exhausted.

I’ve helped him six, seven, eight, nine times.

And he doesn’t mince words.

Every time, it’s 20 rockets.

It’s so hard for me to breathe and my eyes are glazed over.

Money’s gold.


Seeing Brother Punggyi coming.

I hurriedly cleared my throat and stood up.

I don’t know why, but every time I see him enter the live broadcast room, I have a little girl-like feeling of petulance.

Both wanting him to come and not wanting him to come.

To be honest, I feel miserable for him from the bottom of my heart.

It’s best if he doesn’t come to me, but when I think of him ‘clattering’ and swiping big rockets, I want him to come again.

What a paradox, who asked him to be my golden father.

What happened to Uncle must have been an offense.

The reason why I call him “Uncle”.

It’s because his nickname is similar to my dad.

My dad’s name is Going Far Away, and he’s called Wanderlust.

What a perfect match.

It’s the preference of middle-aged men.

I wanted to calculate his age in private, but my dad said it’s a taboo to calculate his birth date without his owner’s permission, it’ll ruin his life.

My own.

So I thought about it, or forget it.


Wanderer: “Anchor, please help.”

I lowered my voice: “Speak.”

Wanderlust: “Anchor, I’ve done everything you said before, and it’s really gotten a lot better, but lately there have been a couple of strange things happening.”

I just remembered.

It was true that Wanderlust hadn’t come to my live room for a few days.

“What kind of weird things?”

Wanderlust: “A ghost stole my pants. Crying.jpg”

The mouthful of water I just drank almost spewed out without holding back.

Keeping my eyes open, I looked twice, and it was indeed pants all right.

Someone on the screen had already started posting, “Haha, huh, wow wow wow.”

I coughed dryly twice to break this awkwardness.

“Brother Wave, maybe you can set up a surveillance camera at home to see who is so unethical. From my experience of over thirty years in the business, I don’t think that my little friends in the netherworld would do such a vulgar thing.”

In order to make me look more professional, my anchor profile says I’m 40 years old, so I have to lower my voice every time I broadcast so that my voice sounds a bit more vicissitudes.

Wanderlust: …not in my house, it’s directly gone from me, every day when I wake up, my pants have disappeared, and I can’t find them even after looking everywhere under the bed.”

Other pop-ups: “Haha, it’s a female ghost, right?”

Or a horny ghost.

What else?

So ghosts have special interests too.

How come no ghost stole mine?

Come steal mine, I have a lot of pants.

…. …Uh, I was momentarily speechless.

Well, for the sake of being a big brother on the list.

I poured out my line of work.

I did a divination for him.

Four yang lines on the top, two yin lines on the bottom.

This is a bad sign.


“Wave brother, you this is a little tricky, so, you find a porcelain bowl filled with glutinous rice tomorrow, placed in the center of your home, and then covered with a piece of red cloth, put full forty-nine hours, during which no one is allowed to touch the porcelain bowl, but also can not unveil that piece of red cloth, finished you record a video for me to see.”

“Good, that …… anchor, convenient to add you a contact information not? Otherwise how can I send you?”

In this way, I sent my WeChat number to the list a big brother.

Pung One’s avatar is just one word: “Wave”.

Very cool.

Wave friends circle is also relatively clean, showing three days visible.

Two days later, I received a video from him.

Video for the time being did not see anything unusual.

“You remove the red cloth and record a video for me to see.”


In the video, the moment he removed the red cloth, I heard the sound of him sucking in a breath of cold air.

There was not much glutinous rice left in the bowl, and five round and big red dates had been put in it by the “man”.

“Anchor, what’s going on? I swear, no one opened it.”

“Are you divorced?”

“I’m single and unmarried, crying.jpg”

Geez, Prodigal is still unmarried in his 40s and 50s.

When my dad was in his forties, I would have been playing soy sauce. No wonder he was haunted by ghosts.

Big brother Punggyi’s image in my mind got a little bit more miserable.

“Uh, Brother Long, judging from the situation, it does look like you’re being haunted by a female ghost. You can spread a few grains of glutinous rice in all the corners of your house later to suppress her for a short period of time, but it’s not a permanent solution. The way to break it is that you have to hurry to find a wife with hard eight characters to punch your destiny, so that she can help you suppress it.”

I didn’t tell him that the five extra red dates in the bowl meant that the female ghost wanted to give birth to five brats for him.

Long is so timid, I am afraid that it will scare him.

“What is the meaning of eight hard …… words?”


I know too much about hard eights, because I am a person with hard eights.

I can go out to play on the Chinese New Year’s Day, go to a disco at a graveyard, live in a murderous mansion, and have to shake my head at the sight of a ghost.

Originally, my family’s fortune-telling skills are passed on to men and not to women, but my grandfather saw that I was hard enough, and gifted, bones light and strange, so he also taught me some small skills.

After I roughly explained it to him.

He returned a.

“Oh, got it, thank you anchor.”

The next day he came to my live room and brushed thirty rockets without saying a word.

Brush finished he left, a word did not leave, big brother is big brother, people hard words not much.

I was satisfied and went off the air.

Drinking milk tea, lying on the bed and brushing the phone.

I did not expect to see a enough to shock me a year’s circle of friends.


Wanderlust posted two hours ago: “The company listed in the early days, things can be really much, but the pain and happiness. Lovely.jpg Lovely.jpg”

I chewed a pearl.

Wave is such a successful business, awesome awesome.

I’m a fanatic about likes and didn’t click on the big picture to see it.

I just clicked “like”.

Only after clicking did I remember to look at the picture he posted.

I was shocked when I saw it.


Stock code: 60096X

This Nima is not our company!

Uncle, tycoon, with me a company, but also send what company listed.

Gosh, could it be him.

The chairman of our company, Mr. Shen Guofu Shen.

No wonder that said, a while ago as soon as he walked into his office vaguely smelled a strange smell ……. It should be the time he fell down the drain.

I did not expect people in front of the unsmiling Mr. Shen, behind the scenes also …… quite talkative.

Mr. Shen he …… is almost fifty people …… actually still unmarried.

I seem to have found out what an unimaginable secret.

I shivered and hurriedly canceled the likes.

After canceling it, I thought about it and felt that it was not right.

This is my WeChat small number, he will not know who I am.

Then I clicked on the like again.

I went back and forth a few times.


Someone sent me a message.

I’ve added three people to this number.

One is my own big one, one is my dad, and one is Wanderlust.


“Anchor, are you still up? I’m sorry to bother you so late, but if you’re not asleep, can I ask you a question?


Mr. Shen actually sends aggrieved puppy emoticons.

My hands were shaking as I returned the message.

“Please go ahead.”

It’s not right. Hurry up and withdraw it.

“Go ahead.”

“I did what you said yesterday and sprinkled glutinous rice at the corners of the house, but I’m still a little scared.

Sorry, I know a big man shouldn’t be afraid of ghosts, but I am indeed a bit scared, and I live alone in a big house, so …..

Is there any way I can get some courage, please? I mean, can you teach me a spell or something?”

I thought for a moment.

“The best way to overcome fear is to think, keep thinking. Tell you what, here are a few topics for you to think about when you feel scared.

  1. What is the scientific content of Marxism?
  2. What is the role of Marxist philosophy in social development?
  3. The significance of socialist core values.
  4. The laws of human historical development.
  5. what is the historical form of materialism?


Above I sent a few questions for your reference, you pick the one you are interested in, keep thinking about these questions, then naturally you won’t have the heart to be afraid of anything else.”

After sending I stared at my phone for a long time, he did not return the message.

Early the next morning, I opened my phone to see that he had returned one, the time 3:00 am.

“Anchor, your method is really effective, I really don’t fear anymore, but I thought about idealism and materialism all night, and then I had insomnia. Laughing and crying.jpg Thank you though. Love Lightwave.jpg”

Well ……

Mr. Shen, who always has a glacial face, doesn’t smile, and does things in a thunderous manner.

But he’s also cute behind his back.

I don’t know how to face him in the future. Luckily, he’s usually very busy, and as a company minion, I can’t see him several times a year in the end.

Thinking of this, I was relieved.

But the truth is, what comes around comes around.

Why didn’t I go out earlier so I wouldn’t meet him in the elevator.

Hey, you’re a company president and you had insomnia last night, why don’t you sleep more today!

Forget it, he doesn’t know me and I’m wearing a mask.

Calm down calm down.

I curved my eyes at him and smiled.

“Good morning Mr. Shen.”

Mr. Shen raised his eyes to look at me, and the light in his intense eyes made it difficult to get close to him.

He just gave a slight nod as a greeting.

I walked into the elevator with him one after the other.

I stood behind him, his posture was upright, his face was expressionless, and he exuded an aura of being unapproachable.

Tsk, you weren’t like this last night when you were condescendingly cute with me.

I never thought that the esteemed Mr. Shen Guofu Shen would have two faces.

Our company is on the top floor.

The light suddenly flashed when the elevator reached the third floor.

I made an occupational hazard and counted on my fingers.

Not good.

The landing point is empty, the direction of the center, the main ten, fierce.

The elevator will go to the tenth floor and then descend very quickly.


Didn’t I tell him to spread glutinous rice?

Did he do it or not?

How come the female ghosts are chasing us to the company?

It’s still broad daylight. It seems that this little ghost has some skills.

I may not be her match yet.

But I can’t be accountable here.

As the saying goes, good ghosts don’t get in the way.

Those who get in the way are not good ghosts.

“The sky is round and the earth is square, the law is ninefold, I write today, and ten thousand ghosts will be hidden.”

I gibbered and mouthed the incantation.

“Shoo, shoo, shoo!” Gesturing.

Mr. Shen heard me gibbering and flailing behind his back and turned his head to look at me in surprise.

What are you looking at? You’re going to die soon!

I’m trying to save you.

I can’t say no more if I don’t brush fifty rockets tonight haha.

I tightened the mask on my face.

For the time being, I don’t care about his surprised eyes, saving my life is important.

I continued with my hand movements.

The elevator came to the ninth floor.

“Heaven and earth! All things will be put to death! Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!”

I bellowed, my back already drenched in sweat.

The lights in the elevator finally stopped flashing.

Whew, that scared the hell out of me.

I wiped the sweat from my face.


The twentieth floor is here.

The elevator door opened.

But Mr. Shen is still standing on the side.

What are you looking at me for? Why don’t you go out?

I tilted my head and made a “please” gesture.

Only then did he straighten his lapel and walk out unhurriedly.

Half an hour later.

I received a nail group notification.

“In order to pay attention to the mental state of employees and sympathize with every employee, our company will carry out employee psychological counseling services every Friday at 2:00 p.m. starting from this month, and employees in need can apply for the service in an anonymous form.”

Is it aimed at me? I don’t think so.

He was talking about “every” employee.


The live broadcast hadn’t started yet in the evening.

I received a WeChat from Wanderlust.

“Tick tock tock!” Several in a row.

I’m not going to be exposed, am I?

I know a lot of his secrets.

I clicked on the message with trepidation.

“Anchor, help, the female ghost that’s haunting me seems to have started attacking people around me without any difference.”

“What’s going on?” I replied.

“Today, a female colleague in our company seems to be possessed by her, I saw it with my own eyes.

This female colleague, who is usually very introverted and doesn’t like to talk, was suddenly dancing in the elevator today! She was shaking her hands and yelling strange things.”

Flower Hand?

Flowers, hands?

I sat on the chair and repeated my gesture.

Does it look like a flower hand?

It seems like it’s kinda like that.


Never mind, flower hand is flower hand.

At least it’s not exposed.

I thought for a moment and replied to him.

“Did you spread the sticky rice when I asked you to? If it’s done, there’s no way she can step out of your house.”

“Sorry, my home …… room is more, may where missed, then I call a few cleaning aunts tomorrow to come with me to spread again.”

Damn, invisible by him to pretend to.

“So ……

It says “Inputting” on his side.

Then it stops, and after a while it says “In Progress” again.

After a while he sent out a few words.

“Anchor, is it true that the only way to break it is to find a wife with a hard eight?”

“Well, that’s right.”



Ever since the elevator incident.

I’ve noticed that the chairman looks at me differently.

Although we still rarely meet.

But as an administrative assistant.

Some necessary meeting minutes, document delivery, I will still occasionally enter his office and meet him.

The way he looks at me is getting stranger and stranger.

Two points of disdain with three points of suspicion and a little three points of arrogance, and then with a point of heartache?

I didn’t understand, but I was shocked.

How can a person hide so many things in his eyes?

I couldn’t help but think of what he had said earlier.

“Find a wife with a hard eight.”

He as the chairman of the company.

It wouldn’t be easy to look at everyone’s file.

I have my ID on file.

All he needs to do is find someone who knows what they’re doing.

He’ll be able to tell who has the hardest character.

So the next step is to ……

Oh, no, no, no.

He’s almost as old as my dad.

Even if he bends over for money, that’s not allowed.

Besides, when I was very young, my grandfather gave me a fortune telling.

I’m going to marry the man of my dreams.

No way, no way, absolutely not.

Just as I was holding my cheeks and shaking my head like a rattle.


A pile of papers was thrown in front of me.

“Miu Miu, what are you staring at? Help me take these papers to the chairman’s office and sign them.”

“Do I have to go?” I wailed.


I took the documents and moved my steps with difficulty.

To be honest.

Ever since Wanderer exposed his vest.

It has also seriously affected my work!

I used to be a hard-working and conscientious good employee.

Now, although I am also conscientious.

But every day at work there is an invisible pressure on my breathless.

Fear that the chairman of the demolition of my armor to me fired.

Because I like this job very much.

Nine to five, never overtime.

Just so I can still go home every day live.

I must guard my vest.

Who would have thought that a small, gentle and introverted employee during the day would be a midnight metaphysical anchor at night.

Thinking about it, I plan to mention a few words to him tonight.

Something along the lines of, “Rabbits don’t do that until they’re forced to do it.”

I walked into his office.

Mr. Shen was wearing glasses, holding a cup of coffee and reading the financial report on his desk.

I walked gently to his desk.

“Chairman, these documents need your signature.”

“Oh, you put it there.”

I put the papers on his desk and turned to run like hell.

“Wait a minute.”

He called out to me.

Ah! Was it time to come after all?

I shuddered and shivered and turned around not daring to utter a word.

Then I watched as he rummaged through a drawer for something.

It took a while to find it.


He pulled out pile after pile of thick pink Mao Grandpa and put them on the table.

I was so scared that I took three steps back.

“Chairman, this …… this ……. Please don’t please don’t please.”

“To say something that may offend you, you are almost as old as my father, if you really want to find a wife, I suggest that you can find one of a similar age, so that you couples will also have more common language.”

The chairman’s hand holding the RMB froze in mid-air.

An awkward atmosphere filled the room.

“Cough cough.”

He didn’t hold back his cough twice.

Then looked at my chest through his old glasses.

“Ah, no.” I held out my hand to block my chest.

“Cough, cough, cough, cough.”

He coughed violently again while stretching out his finger to point at my chest.

“Yu …… Your name is Yu Xiaomiao right.”

I then reacted to the fact that he was looking at my work badge.

“It’s ……. s, chairman.”

“Ms. Yu Xiaomiao, I think you may have misunderstood something, I want you to help me take this money to the finance, so that she can go and transfer it to the company account this afternoon.”

“This …… so ah ……”

I felt my face “swish” from my neck to the root of my ears.

Holding the money, I ran out of the office with a swish.

Me, is it too late for me to live on a different planet?


The events of the past few days made me unmotivated to broadcast live.

I took out my cell phone.

I was about to send a tweet to Wanderer.

Then I received a message from him.

“Anchor greatly, I found out that there is a girl in our company who is quite cute, I actually like her for a long time, but I don’t dare to pursue her, and I don’t know if she is hard. Can you take a look for me? If she’s not hard, I’m afraid I’ll harm her, after all, I’m still haunted by ghosts every day.”

Every word he typed was like an invisible hand lifting up my heart, making my heart beat in my throat.

“You send.”

“September 9, 1999… I don’t know what time exactly, but there’s a Xiao in her name, so I’m guessing it’s morning.”


My cell phone fell to the ground.

Me (grass) (a green plant)

Isn’t that me?


I pick up the phone.

“Brother Wave, don’t you think the age difference between you two is a bit big?”

“Uh, big? Age isn’t a problem, height isn’t a problem, and it’s only a little bit bigger, it’s a small problem. Cute.”

You call that a little bit?

I think Mr. Lang might have a misunderstanding about a little bit.

Or do rich people think it’s not a problem to be 20 or so years older?

“Wave brother, I think …… fate this kind of thing is forced, you like people, does not mean that they like you Oh, besides, you need to figure out, you really like her, or just want to use her to help you punch fate.”

His chat box shows input and then stops.

Looks like my words hit home.

He is struggling strongly inside.

I hope you think it over well.

I was about to take a shower.

The cell phone “dripped” twice and lit up again.

“Anchor you’re really good, you can figure out my age even through the screen, strong and invincible!”

I rolled my eyes.

Every day I don’t see each other, of course I know your age.

I returned a smiley face over.


Early the next morning.

Just walked into the door of the company, I felt a touch of weird atmosphere.

What happened?

I vaguely gave birth to a wave of uneasiness in my heart.

Reach out and pinch on the finger, a slight divination.

Up and down for water, Kan Gua.

Not good.

No wonder that got up this morning felt light-headed, especially to the company, felt that the whole company is a low-pressure shrouded.

The company has only been listed for a short time, is there any problem with the funds?

I took a look at the office.

My coworkers are getting together to talk and chatter endlessly.

I couldn’t even put my bag down in time to join their discussion.

Colleague A: “Did you hear about it? The chairman’s house caught fire last night.”

I: “? What time was it?”

Colleague B: “I don’t know, around 11:00 or 12:00, I only found out about it when I watched the news this morning”.

Colleague B said, and also held up a screenshot of the news to me.

“A villa in the XX Garden District in our city burst into flames, and as of 1:00 a.m. on the 21st, the fire has been brought under control, and search and rescue work is currently underway.”

My heart was shocked, I felt a pot of cold water pouring from my head to my feet.

I trembled my voice: “The chairman …… he …… others are all right.”

Colleague C: “said are rescued, now people in the city hospital it, do not know how, Liu vice president does not let us discuss this matter.

So, last night.

Soon after chatting with Wanderlust, their house caught fire.

I had a dizzy spell.

It was that female ghost.

It’s my fault. I’m a poor learner.

Didn’t think of a way to collect that female ghost in the first place.

It’s me, I underestimated that female ghost.

I must have angered her with my previous suppression method.

If anything happens to Wanderer, I won’t forgive myself.

It’s all my fault.

I was no longer interested in going to work.

Just find an excuse to take a leave of absence and rushed home to drag my drunken father to the city hospital.

My dad is a bit uneducated, but he is still good at catching ghosts.

More than ten years ago, he was known as the Longley Yu Heavenly Master.


It’s a taboo for a ghost to harm someone’s life on earth.

If they are caught by the Heavenly Master, he has the right to make them go up in smoke.

A normal ghost would not go to such extreme lengths.

So, was it really angered by me?

My dad looked confused as I shoved him into a cab.

“What’s going on here? In a hurry, rushing to reincarnation?” My dad looked furious.

“I’m not in a hurry to get reincarnated, I’m helping someone get reincarnated.” I panted as I closed the door.

My dad and the driver froze.

I coughed twice.

Pulling closer to my dad and lowering my voice:

“It’s to save someone, the chairman of our company is being haunted by an evil spirit.”

My dad glared at me and bounced my head hard.

“I’ll settle the score with you when I get back.”


The female ghost burned down his house and must have followed it to the hospital now.

But the hospital is huge.

Where are we going to find someone.

My dad tucked his hand in and gave me a blank look:

“Is there money to be had?”

“Yes, yes, yes, the president of a listed company, you know.”

He reluctantly took out his compass.

His mouth was full of words.

Not long after, the compass needle began to rotate rapidly.

It finally settled on the southeast.

“Dad, I don’t know all about this. Southeast, that’s the SSSVIP suite of the city hospital. That’s where all the rich people live.” I scowled.

“Do you know which room?”


“Don’t talk if you don’t know.”

“Oh, ……….”


I followed my dad around the medical staff, lied about being a patient’s family member, and finally came to room 1808.

“Is this the room?” I lowered my voice.

“Uh-huh.” My dad was sure of himself.

I leaned over the door and listened for a moment.

There didn’t seem to be anyone in there.

“Dad, is the ghost in there?”

My dad stretched his neck and sniffed around, and divined his fingers a few times.

He nodded in the affirmative.

“She’s in there!”

“Good! Then let’s get ready to charge, on the count of one, two, three!”

My dad took out his compass and bronze mirror, and was ready to go when I gave the order.

“One! Two! …….”

Three had not yet been shouted, just in the nick of time.

The sound of footsteps came from behind me.

“Okay, Dean Wang, I’ll trouble you then.”

This voice, why does it sound a bit familiar?

I turned my head.

It happened to be four eyes with Waves.

“Wave …… Wave, oh no, chairman, why are you here? Why aren’t you lying down inside?”

“Me?” Shen Guofu pointed to himself, “Then should I …… go lie down inside?”


Shen Guofu sent off the dean and turned his head to stare blankly at me and my dad.

“You are, the company’s administrative assistant, called Ms. Yu Miaomiao is it?”

“Yu Xiaomiao.”

“Oh, Yu Xiaomiao, I have an impression of you, what are you here for?”

I was momentarily speechless, it’s hard for me to say that I’m here to catch ghosts?

I was in a hurry to pick my hand.

“Brother, I can see that you have a black seal, and I am afraid that there is an evil omen. I don’t want 998, I don’t want 198, I just want 168, I will draw you a talisman now, and it will surely help you to get rid of the disaster.” My dad stepped forward to break the embarrassment.

“Dad, he …… is the chairman of our company.” I whispered.

“What are you two doing here? Why are you sneaking around in front of my son’s hospital room?” Shen Guofu looked a bit unhappy with a wary face.

My son?

Didn’t he say he was single and unmarried?

Could it be ……

Unmarried illegitimate child.


It’s like I’ve discovered another great secret.

“Dad, let them in.”

Just as the three of us were staring wide-eyed at the door, a faint male voice came from inside the door.


I gave my dad a look.

He held up the compass and the bronze mirror again.

I pushed the door open, only to see a man lying on a clean white hospital bed.

The man’s features were cold and pale.

I took a closer look, and it really did look a bit like Shen Guofu, so it was indeed his own son without a doubt.

The early morning sunlight just happened to hit his face through the window, giving him a thin layer of luster.

The man’s deep eyebrows and eyes, delicate and slightly curved nose looked a little unreal under the light and shadow.

You don’t say, this man is strange to look at.

I was mesmerized for a moment.

The man also looked at me.

The moment we looked at each other.

His gray eyes actually revealed a trace of surprise, in my straight eyes, his pale face gradually blush.

I stepped forward and touched his forehead with one hand.

“Chairman, your son seems to be running a fever.”


“Cough cough.”

The man lying on the bed coughed twice, avoiding my hand.

He swept a glance at the line in my dad’s hand.

Then turned his head to look me up and down and said to me, “Ms. Yu, come here for a moment.”

Was he calling me?

I fearfully approached over.

“Anchor, I seem to be haunted by a female ghost, what should I do?” His voice was weak, and his hot breath pounced on my ear, tickling my neck.

I gave a big bounce.



I look at Shen Guofu and then back at him.

“You you you? Me me me? He he he?”

“Uh, it’s me. I heard you yelling at my dad at the door.”


I went up and covered his mouth again, signaling him not to say anything.

“You know each other?” The two dads spoke in unison.

“Of course we know each other, how can we not know each other in the same company?” The man on the hospital bed smiled slightly, revealing his white teeth.

Only then did I take a closer look at him.

Seems to be a bit familiar.

But for a moment it didn’t come to mind.

The man saw my confusion.

“Shen Yu Zhou, Ms. Yu may not have much of an impression of me, after all, you’re too busy, you work during the day and have to …… at night,” he revealed a hint of an impish smile again.

Shen Yu Zhou.

I seem to have a little impression.

That man who lives in gossip.

That attracted countless female colleagues to commit nymphomania young talent Shen Yuzhou.

But I have always had little interest in gossip around the company.

I only want to get money in my head.

Every day, I go to work at the same time, and then disappear after work.

Besides, there are hundreds of people in the company.

It’s not surprising that I have no impression.

So, Shen Yu Zhou is the prodigal?

Have I been mistaken?

“Is that Ms. Yu looking for Yu Zhou for something work related?”

Shen Guofu interrupted my thoughts.

“Dad, I’m the one who invited Miss Yu and her daughter. Have you forgotten, I told you before, a master said that I was being haunted by a female ghost.” Shen Yu Zhou relieved me at the side, “Dad, it’s fine, just let Miss Yu’s father and daughter help me.”

While we were chatting, my dad was not idle.

He kept looking around the room with the bronze mirror.

“Dad, can you see anything?”

“It’s strange.” My dad turned the compass, “I was looking for the ghost’s scent, but there’s none in this room.” He burned another piece of talisman paper and blew the ashes into the room, then looked puzzled, “This may not be an ordinary female ghost, but more like a small ghost deliberately raised by a human being.”

Raising little ghosts ….

“Great Chairman Shen, think carefully, have you offended anyone recently?”

Shen Guofu looked at my dad, pondering.

“Besides finding a wife, is there any other way to crack it?” Shen Yu Zhou inquired softly from the side.

“What wife?” The two dads spoke in unison.

“「Nothing, nothing, I’m not well educated, I’m just talking nonsense.” I was cute to my dad.

And gave Shen Yu Zhou a look.

Meaning that if you keep talking nonsense, I will shark you within three steps!


According to my dad, Shen Yuzhou’s family is being haunted by a ghost.

Raised ghosts are not like ordinary ghosts.

They have deeper spiritual power and grudges, and are harder to expel.

But it is not without a solution.

The easiest thing is to find the person who raised the ghosts.

But Shen’s family didn’t seem to have much of a clue.

Originally, I wanted to go to his home to see what other clues there were.

But Shen’s house was burned to the ground last night, so any traces must be gone.

At the same time we were discussing intensely.

Shen Guofu’s face was grave: “I know, I’ll go out first.”

Then he left.

“Daughter, this kid’s fate is weak, the person who raised the ghost did not succeed should continue to attract ghosts to haunt him, you have a hard character, all ghosts do not invade, these days to watch a little more, if the female ghosts reappear, I will personally put her away, you stay with him, when I go back to pick up some equipment, I’ll be right back.

After my dad finished speaking, he also left.

Now Shen Yuzhou and I were left in the ward.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while.

”Cough cough.” Shen Yu Zhou coughed again.

I poured him a glass of water.

Suddenly, I remembered what he said yesterday.

He said …… that he likes me.

This must not be true.

Just as I was thinking.

Shen Yu Zhou lowered his head and muttered something.

But his voice was a bit low.

I didn’t hear it clearly.

“What did you say?

“I said, let’s do Plan A.”

“What’s Plan A?”

“Marry you.” He looked at me with sincerity in his eyes.

“You’re not serious, are you?”

“I’m serious.”


I don’t know what Shen Guofu did that day.

Anyway, it wasn’t long before the company changed.

I heard that Vice President Liu was officially arrested by the police on suspicion of economic crimes.

The same VP who wouldn’t let us talk about the Shen family fire.

The Shen family moved into a new villa.

My dad got his wish and caught the ghost.

The female ghost was pitiful. She only wanted to find a man of her choice for a meditative marriage, but she didn’t expect to be set up.

My dad gave her a day and a night of philosophical lectures on ghost life.

The female ghost behaved herself and ran off to reincarnation.

Finally, my dad looked at the ghost’s back and sighed.

My father pulled me down and spoke to me at length.

Finally, he told me a lot of things.

“I’ve done nothing but sin. Another bitter person, Miaomiao ah, just this once and never again, fortune-telling and face reading this thing, you do not touch.”

Although I don’t know why he wouldn’t let me touch it.

I didn’t dare to say or ask.

He’s happy to catch a ghost once.

I don’t know why he won’t let me go.

So be it.

I still sneak live broadcasts at night once in a while.

Everything is back to normal.

I’m moving bricks at work during the day and live streaming at home at night.

Just ……. Why is my live broadcast list one so annoying, the female ghost isn’t pestering him anymore, he comes to pester me every day.

Wanderer: “Anchor, are you free tomorrow? Have dinner together?”

Wanderlust: “Anchor, you work so hard every day, does your father know about it?”

Wanderlust: “Anchor, it’s so hard to be on the air, don’t be on the air, I’ll support you.”

Wanderlust: “Anchor, remember to personally bring the contract to my office tomorrow.”

Wanderlust: “Anchor, I feel as if I’m being haunted by a female ghost again, I may need to marry a wife to break it.”


I have a lot of list one talk, and I also often swipe rockets at the drop of a hat.

“Why are you called Wanderlust?”

“Wouldn’t it be cool to wander the world with someone you like?”

“Why do you say age is not a problem and height is not a distance?”

“I’m only two years older than you, what could be the problem?”

“How did you know I was in the elevator …… shaking my flower hand?”

“I saw it on the monitor.”



Wave Wave Wave Sky: “Anchor, my girlfriend has agreed to my marriage proposal, can you help me figure out which day is an auspicious day for the marriage?”

Me: “How about the eighth day of next month.”

At the wedding ceremony.

My dad was crying like a three-year-old child.

He was carrying a jug of wine, drinking it and crying at the same time.

“I told you not to touch it. Your grandpa told me that you’d have to tell your own fortune if you did it, and now you’re going to be a daughter-in-law.

Shen Guofu, who was sitting next to him, patted him on the shoulder.

“In-laws, who isn’t? He told me every day that he has no intention of falling in love, and indeed he has no intention of falling in love, but he is holding back his intention of getting married.” They hugged and cried together.

They hugged each other and cried.


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