31. Wincho’s puppy

Wincho’s Puppy

Nonchalant: Seeing You at Just the Right Time for Love

My best friend urged me to confess my love to my bamboo horse at the class reunion.

But in fact, the two of them have been together for a long time.

She just wanted to embarrass me in public.

As a result, I confessed to the school bully who had been secretly in love with me in my past life without saying anything.

School bully: “……?”

Can’t imagine.

This school flower has been reborn!

When I was waiting for the elevator with Shen Tang at the ktv, some boys couldn’t stop looking at us.

“That’s the school beauty Wen Qiao, right? She’s even prettier in real life than in her picture.”

“This is called a fairy, right? I’ve always dreamed of having a girlfriend like that.”

“I want to ask for a contact, but she’s too good looking I don’t dare …….”

Shen Tang stood beside me expressionlessly, but her fists hidden in her sleeves were clenched tightly.

I suddenly realized that in fact, she had already been dissatisfied with me a long time ago, right?

It wasn’t until she saw a familiar figure that Shen Tang happily called out, “Gu Xian! Here!”

“Here Tong Tong.” Gu Xian smiled and quickened his pace, and when he walked up to me, I didn’t move to take two steps back.

I didn’t even look at him.

Gu Xian’s footsteps slightly lurched.

According to the past, I would have taken the initiative to welcome him without him having to say anything, even though he had always treated me with obvious impatience.

“Gu Xian, Qiao Qiao has something to say to you tonight. Isn’t that right Qiao Qiao?”

Shen Tang elbowed me, signaling me to speak, yet I pushed her hand away directly, “I know Gu Xian”

I looked sideways to the other side.

Three boys were walking over there.

“So Methodist is here tonight too, huh? Your new sports car is so cool, when can I borrow it?”

“Our Methodist just woke up and doesn’t want to talk, he didn’t want to come, but I don’t know what news he got hehehe …….”

My eyes fell on the teenager called “Methodist”.

The teenager looked like he had just woken up, his inked hair falling in front of his forehead, his eyes half-lidded, one hand in his pocket, the other hand boredly turning a car key.

It was only when he met my gaze that his body stiffened for a moment, and his eyes slowly lifted, but he only met my gaze and avoided it.

“Good evening, Zhuanran.” I took the initiative to speak.

The people around me were a little surprised.

School bully Zhu Zhuanran, and school flower Wen Qiao, it seems that the two have never crossed paths, right?

Is it possible that they still know each other?

Zhu Zhuanran was similarly stunned for a moment, and slowly said in a muffled voice, “Well, good evening.”

The two boys next to him looked at each other meaningfully, their heads tilted to the side and laughed secretly.

“Wen Qiao,” Gu Xian looked at me again with that impatient look, a tone of entitlement, “When did you and Zhu Zhuanran meet?”

As before, it carried the implication of discipline.

Only this time, I won’t obey him anymore.

I rolled my eyes and said, “What’s it to you?”

“……” Gu Xian pursed his lips and looked at me, his eyes dark.

“Qiao Qiao how do you talk?” Shen Tang was the first to come out in defense of Gu Xian, “Gu Xian is also doing this for your own good, he doesn’t want you to socialize with that kind of person, why is your tone so offensive?”

“What kind of person?” I stared at her and said, “Are they the ones who say one thing and do another behind their backs? Or is it someone who is full of lies and hypocrisy?”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m talking about you.

Gu Xian and I were childhood sweethearts, and after becoming BFFs with Shen Tang, I rightfully introduced him to her.

And Shen Tang knew that I had a crush on Gu Xian, but she was flirting him up behind his back while urging me to pursue Gu Xian.

Even though I felt Gu Xian’s inexplicable alienation and boredom towards me, I never thought that it would be the handiwork of my good best friend.

Shen Tang didn’t expect me to speak out in defense of Zhu Zhuanran, she hurriedly came to pull my arm, trying to call me aside and tell me not to forget to confess to Gu Xian, however, I directly pulled my arm out of her hands.

Shen Tang used too much force to catch her off guard and almost fell, and Gu Xian immediately held her up in pain.

This time, he looked at me with eyes that were eager to tear me apart.

“Wen Qiao, what are you doing? Apologize to Tong Tong!”

His voice was really harsh, so loud that the people next to him couldn’t help but look over.

He glared at me fiercely and rushed me step by step.

I was gradually forced back by him.

But in the next second, my back slammed into a hard chest, and his body had a nice sandalwood scent.

I instinctively turned around, my forehead touching the tip of the teenager’s nose.

The teenager held my arm and made me turn towards Gu Xian. His palm was broad and warm.

Zhu Zhuanran’s tone was light, and he said word for word:

“That’s a fierce voice, like, my dog.”

He’s sticking up for me.

I remember this time in my previous life, I was cried by Gu Xian, secretly don’t head to wipe tears.

Zhu Zhuanran was not far away at the time, chatting with his buddies in one way or another, but his eyes kept landing on me.

His brows were knitted tightly, and his hand was pressed against the wall so hard that his veins were popping out.

At the end of that night, I was rejected and humiliated by Gu Xian and ran back to the dormitory in tears.

The next day, I heard my classmates say that Gu Xian had been smashed last night.

He was smashed so hard that he was hospitalized directly.

Now I think it was this young master who did it.

“Brother Chuan, don’t say that. Your family’s Tibetan mastiff is much more spirited than this guy.”

I’ll testify that your Tibetan Mastiff is much more energetic than this guy.” “I’ll testify that it’s much more valuable than this guy.”

Zhu Zhuanran’s little brother wandered over, quickly attracting the attention of the surrounding people.

The elevator door was already open, but no one dared to enter.

“What, you want to fight?” Gu Xian spoke coldly.

“「No no no,」 Zhu Zhuanran corrected,「Fighting is for both sides, and I, unilaterally, can run you over.”

I was sure Zhu Zhuanran wasn’t being alarmist.

With that in mind, I politely step aside.

“Mr. Zhu, please.”

Gu Xian: “……”

“Alright, alright, we’re all classmates, it’s all a misunderstanding, it’s all a misunderstanding.” Shen Tang was scared, she hurriedly pushed Gu Xian towards the stairwell.

She still didn’t forget to give me a wink, “Qiao Qiao don’t be a little grumpy, but don’t forget the purpose of us coming here tonight!”

I really wanted to slap her.

In my previous life, I confessed my love for Gu Xian at Shen Tang’s urging and was rejected in public.

When he took Shen Tang’s hand and announced their relationship, I was labeled as a mistress.

Overnight, I fell from everyone’s envy of the school flower altar, reduced to a laughingstock and the object of shame.

Later I suffered from depression and dropped out of school.

During my illness, I received unsigned letters of encouragement from time to time.

The handwriting was clean, with only a few simple words: “Cheer up, someone will always be there”.

Each letter was accompanied by a blue eustoma flower.

Until I died in a car accident, I didn’t realize that those letters and flowers were sent by Zhu Zhuanran.

That teenager I never noticed before, who would blush every time he saw me.


When I think of my past life, I feel a surge of emotions and my shoulders are slightly trembling.

Zhu Zhuanran seemed to have sensed my abnormality, he hesitantly called my name, “Wen Qiao?”

It was like a very normal tone, but I could hear a tenderness that I had never heard before.

“Uh-huh.” I came back to my senses.

“The elevator’s here.”

I nodded my head and immediately raised my steps towards the elevator.

“Watch out!” I didn’t notice that the elevator door was closing, and Zhu Zhuanran dashed forward and reached out to block it for me.

“Wow,” someone beside me exclaimed exaggeratedly.

I crashed into the teenager’s arms, and at that moment, I heard my heart beating fast.

The teenager’s hand was still pressed at the doorframe, and he was facing me sideways, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, his nose high, and his lips red.

I couldn’t help but wonder how someone could be so white and have such tender skin while playing soccer on the playground every day and fighting in the wind and rain.

I arrived at the top floor lobby with my thoughts running wild.

The students who arrived early turned up the music to deafening levels, but when they saw Zhu Zhuanran’s iron face, they all silently turned down the volume.

Actually, I don’t think Zhu Zhuanran is in a bad mood, he just looks scary even when he doesn’t have an expression.

“Qiao Qiao, come over here.” Shen Tang greeted me and sat on their side.

Gu Xian also gazed straight at me. According to the past, as long as he looked at me, I would definitely walk towards him.

But now is a different time.

I sat wherever Zhu Zhuanran and his little brothers sat.

They were a bit flattered.

“What a day! The school beauty is sitting with us!”

“Those guys over there are going to be so jealous of us!”

Zhu Zhuanran’s mouth twitched a bit, he held back his laughter and slapped the boys on the head: “The girl is here, don’t swear.”

I suddenly felt that this kind of “bad student” that the whole school is known for is also quite cute.

We sat in groups of three or five like this, during which Shen Tang repeatedly gave me a wink which I took as invisible.

Finally, she couldn’t help herself.

“Qiao Qiao, didn’t you say you had something to say to Gu Xian tonight?”

Her voice raised an octave, causing the rest of the students to look over.

“Qiao Qiao, don’t have any regrets, just say everything you’ve been hiding for so many years that you want to say to Gu Xian tonight. It just so happens that I want to know as well.”

The amount of information in these words was really a bit too much.

The surrounding students gossiped about it.

I smiled and nodded, ”Yes, I do have something I want to say in front of my classmates tonight.”

I didn’t miss the extremely excited and cynical look under Shen Tang’s eyes.

“JoJo, come on, say it.” She could no longer restrain herself, her voice trembling with excitement.

And Gu Xian looked at me coldly with a bored expression.

Just in the air of silence, I stood up, walked to Zhu Zhuanran, and said aloud:

“Zhu Zhuanran, I’ve liked you for a long time, be my boyfriend!”

The audience was in an uproar.

It was like a deep water bomb had been dropped on the whole room, and it directly boiled over.

“Fuck !!!!” Zhu Zhuanran’s little brother shockingly went over and bumped him.

The boy seemed to be petrified in place.

A flash of scarlet quickly crept from his earlobe up his extremely white face.

He gazed at me, the knot in his throat rolling, a shimmering light flowing in his dark eyes.

“You, seriously?” He said in a muffled voice.

“Of course.”

I guffawed.

“What?!” Shen Tang screamed, she no longer cared about her disguise and rushed to me, “Qiao Qiao how are you confessing to Zhu Zhuanran? Aren’t you going to confess to Gu Xian?”

“Gu Xian?”

Seeing Zhu Zhuanran’s eyes dimmed, I turned around and saw that Gu Xian had also stood up from the sofa, his face darkened horribly.

I laughed softly, “Why would I confess to him? He’s not my type at all.”

「Wen Qiao ……」 I had never seen Gu Xian have this kind of gaze.

Stunned, shocked, pained, in disbelief ……

All sorts of complicated emotions flashed by one by one as he walked over.

“Gu Xian What are you going to do?” Shen Tang pulled Gu Xian’s hand almost instinctively.

I laughed, “Shen Tang, I still have to thank you for persistently persuading me to like him. But isn’t he your boyfriend? Isn’t that right, Gu Xian?”

I looked over at Gu Xian, who responded to my words with a default.

「No, I ……」Shen Tang was shocked and anxious to try to defend himself, but at this moment, everyone already had their own measure in their hearts.

Especially the girls, it was immediately clear what this was tonight.

The class president of our class, who has always been straight-talking, spoke out directly:

“It’s disgusting, counting on one’s own bosom friend every day, this kind of person can only pretend to be a green tea in front of men.”

Shen Tang’s face turned red.

But to my surprise, Gu Xian didn’t seem to have any reaction to this.

I suddenly felt that it wasn’t that he didn’t understand anything, he had just been acquiescing to Shen Tang’s bullying and slandering of me.

Gu Xian said in a very calm tone, “Wen Qiao, are you making fun of yourself? Just to piss me off?”

I was bowled over by his confidence.

I stared at him and said, ”Gu Xian, you keep trampling my friendship on the ground and expect me to heal myself and come back to you. Where did you get the confidence to keep hurting me like this? Did you think that I really had to be yours?”

He was silent.

Petrified and unfrozen, Zhu Xianran reacted by stepping in front of me.

The teenager’s earlobes were red like ripe cherries. “Whether she was joking or not, in any case, she has nothing to do with you now.”

“But, I was serious in the first place.”

I blinked with an innocent look on my face.

In the next second, I pulled Zhu Zhuanran’s shoulders and turned him towards me, my lips directly passing up.


Zhu Zhuanran’s eyes went wide.

The students were fixed, and in the next second, their voices were muffled.

“Oh my god is this something I can watch for free?!!!”

“Help this damn fitness!”

“ahhhhhh my goddess ahhhhhhh!!!”

“Suddenly realized that the only one who can match the face value of Colonel Flower is Zhu Zhuanran ai!”


The person I was kissing even stopped breathing.

There was a shallow scar at the corner of his eye, now covered by the shadow cast by his long eyelashes.

Zhu Zhuanran looked at me with a shocked face, his long eyelashes not even blinking.

However, this aroused my interest even more, this guy didn’t know that his eyes were really pretty ah!

As if I was molesting an innocent young boy, I deliberately rubbed his lips and whispered:

“Zhu Zhuanran, why do you blush so easily? Can’t you even kiss your own girlfriend?”

His face ripened even more.

The teenager reached out and clasped the back of my head, deepening the kiss.

After living two lifetimes this is my first kiss, I didn’t think I would actually be so active.

Just now it seems to be a moment on the head ……

When I saw him, I wanted to kiss him.

Is this what it feels like to start a serious relationship?

It seems like, it’s kinda sweet.

I gradually closed my eyes.


I stayed dizzy that night, and the last thing I remember was Zhu Zhuanran sending me back to the dormitory.

As for Gu Xian and Shen Tang, I didn’t pay any more attention to them at all, and went back and blacked out the duo.

The friendship of three people is too crowded, there is no need for you to make every effort to crowd me out, this girl will go by herself.

I had just returned to the dormitory when Shen Tang came knocking on my door, saying that I had misunderstood and she wanted to explain to me.

She said she had no other thoughts about Gu Xian.

She aggravated her tone and asked, ”Qiao Qiao, do you really not like Gu Xian anymore? Didn’t you say that you like that he’s handsome and mature, and didn’t you grow up together as childhood sweethearts?”

I understood that Shen Tang couldn’t accept that the only thing she had won over me had already been discarded by me.

Her feelings for Gu Xian may not be love, it’s just out of a mentality of wanting to climb the ladder and compete with me.

“Qiao Qiao, will you come out and see me for a moment?” Shen Tang stood doggedly knocking on the door until my roommate came back and shooed her away.

I couldn’t help the corner of my mouth from curling up slightly as my eyes stayed on the screen of my cell phone.

Zhu Zhuanran, who only added my contact info tonight, asked dizzily:

“Are we really together?”

“I’m very simple don’t lie to me.”

I burst out laughing.

I went to find two couple avatars and sent them to him, Zhu Zhuanran changed them neatly.

He said, “I’m still a little excited.”

I smiled and said, “Don’t get excited, we’ll go to class together tomorrow. Good night, my boyfriend.”

“Good night, my girlfriend.”

I later heard from his roommate that he was more than just “a little” excited.

That night he practically demolished his dormitory and ran out into the corridor shouting “Wen Qiao is my girlfriend” until the early hours of the morning.

No one dared to care about him, it was only when he finally shouted himself hoarse that he stopped, he went to the bathroom to take a cold shower, and realizing that he still couldn’t control his excitement, he went to the playground to run laps.

That night I put down the phone lying in bed, or a long time difficult to sleep.

In my previous life, I took a break from school that period of time is basically in the medication and see a doctor to spend, I am no longer the object of envy in the mouth of others.

But once I was excellent at learning and can sing and dance, is recognized in the eyes of students all-round school flower, but also younger students to learn the role model.

After I fell from the altar, everyone seems to have forgotten me, but only he did not.

Zhu Zhuanran would never abandon Wen Qiao.

Because of him, slowly, no one dared to talk about me behind my back anymore.

Even in the new school flower competition, Zhu Zhuanran real name vote to fill in my name.

The day the school voted for the election, I was sitting at home by the window sill, for the millionth time thinking about whether to cross over.

My mother ran into my room with a trembling voice holding up her cell phone, and she said, “Daughter look, your classmates haven’t all forgotten about you, this male classmate is taking your name!”

In the live video broadcast, in the large voting site, Zhu Zhuanran, wearing a black suit that he rarely wears, was very grand and out of place, alone, facing all the gazes and walking to the front of the stage.

It was as if he didn’t care about anyone present.

He had always been careless about everything, but he was incredibly solemn as he placed the sign with the two big words “Wen Qiao” on the table.

The lone and only vote was more eye-catching than anyone else’s name.

The sunlight splashed in all directions at that moment, and the corner of the teenager’s lips tugged up as he looked at the sign in his hand.

“With all due respect, this school beauty election is not necessary at all, the gap is too big.”

The host was a little overwhelmed by this scene sudden situation, he hesitantly asked, “Zhu student, are you …… sure?”

“Of course I’m sure.”

The teenager slightly raised his eyes to look at the camera, smiled with certainty and said:

“If I Zhu Zhuanran sees someone, I will choose her again and again. A thousand times, ten thousand times, until I die.”

I stared blankly at the screen, suddenly remembering the person who wrote anonymous letters to encourage me.

One of the letters had a drawing of a girl holding a funny looking puppy on the front.

The puppy was dressed in black and had a scar under its eye.

The text on the reverse side read:

“The puppy will not abandon you; the puppy will always be warm and loyal to you.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of the funny looking puppy on that picture.

It seemed to be the first time I had laughed since my illness.

Mom watched in shock and excitement as I finally had the emotions a normal person should have.

She stood at a loss for words, and after a long time, she cried and came over to hug me.


Now that I’ve been reborn, I will never fail anyone who likes me again.

I will also never let anyone destroy me so easily.

Early the next morning, Zhu Zhuanran and I walked on campus holding hands, and people passing by couldn’t help but look over twice.

Zhu Zhuanran’s bangs were usually brushed up stubbornly and unruly, but today they were naturally hanging down, matching his big dark eyes, a kind of bizarre good behavior.

I suddenly wanted to kiss him.

Just in time to pass by a child holding a candy cane to eat, big eyes extraordinarily agile and cute.

I was instantly captured.

I shyly pointed at him to Zhu Zhuanran, “Look, I also want to have one like this …….

I also want to have a child like this with you.

I didn’t have the heart to say the latter words.

I think Zhu Zhuanran and I’s genome together surely won’t be bad, right? It would be best to have a boy and a girl, with the son following him and the daughter following me.

Zhu Zhuanran nodded in realization, “I understand. I promise, you must have what the others have.”

He looked around, then let go of my hand and ran off to the side.

“What are you doing?” I froze.

Without looking back, the teenager quickened his pace, “Wait for me, I’ll be right back with candy canes for you!”


Zhu Zhuanran, do you dare to be a bit straighter?

I simply sat down on a roadside bench to play with my cell phone and waited for him.

I was just playing a lot of fun, when a sound of footsteps came to a stop in front of me.

“Zhu Zhuan – it’s you?”

The smile on my face instantly disappeared without a trace.

Gu Xian, on the other hand, rarely smiled at me, and he was holding a steaming and fragrant xiao long bao in his hand.

“You haven’t eaten at this hour, have you? Here, your favorite Nanxiang Xiao Long Bao.”

He handed me the bag.

But I raised my hand and tipped the bag over.

Gu Xian, do you know? I died once, physically and mentally.

The last thing I can allow myself is to repeat that mistake.

“Excuse me, my boyfriend will take me to dinner later.”

After a pause, I thought about not being able to litter, so I bent down and picked up the bag and threw it into the trash can sharply.

Gu Xian, however, smiled at this from the beginning, “Qiao Qiao, you’ve never been such an arrogant little girl.”

I nonchalantly shot back, “You’ve never been this sick.”

I was about to leave after saying that, but Gu Xian suddenly raised his voice:

“Have you ever seen Zhu Zhuanran fight with his brothers after drinking?”

“Have you ever seen him shaking dice with people in a bar?”

“Do you know that Zhu Zhuanran has a lot of girls around him, it’s very likely that he’s just playing with you!”

I turned my head and looked at him expressionlessly.

Gu Xian’s voice smoothed out a bit as he said, “You’ve never been in contact with Zhu Zhuanran before, Wen Qiao, do you really like him? For someone like him, who is not a good person, is he worthy of you–“

The words that followed were blocked.

I withdrew my hand, and Gu Xian reached out incredulously to touch the side of his face that I had just deflected past.

“You actually hit me for him?!”

“Yeah.” I stared hard at him and laughed, “How come I didn’t beat you to death when you called my boyfriend a misfit?”

Gu Xian’s eyes were filled with shock and strangeness.

Yeah, once upon a time, I was meek to the core, not only would I not fight with anyone, I wouldn’t even say heavy words.

Whenever I shed tears because of Gu Xian, he would say disdainfully that I was the kind of flower in the greenhouse that was spoiled by my family, and that the slightest thing could make me cry, and that I should go to those boys who spoiled me and held me up, and that he wouldn’t do it anyway.

In fact, I cried more because I was sad, sad that he would never stand by me.

“Gu Xian!”

A scream came from Shen Tang, who had been hiding somewhere just now, and now she flew out, anxiously holding Gu Xian’s face to check:

“Are you in pain? Are you seriously hurt? Wen Qiao you are too much, how can you do this to Gu Xian …….

She rambled on, but Gu Xian was the one who kept looking forward at me, and he suddenly opened his mouth to interrupt her.

“Wen Qiao, you’ve changed.”

“Thanks for the affirmation.”

I pulled out a tissue from my pocket and forcefully wiped my hands clean and threw them into the trash.

“Gu leisurely, let’s go.” Shen Tang’s expression darkened for a few moments as she pulled Gu Xian’s arm and forcefully took him away.

Gu Xian followed her away, but still turned his head towards me, he walked a few steps and then didn’t move.

His eyes were still filled with complex emotions.

Meeting both of their gazes, I turned around expressionlessly.

A slender figure was standing under the balsam camphor tree in front of me, the teenager’s hand was holding a candy cane, and he arched his eyebrows at me in the dim light of the morning sun.

My eyes brightened abruptly.

“Zhu Zhuanran!”

I laughed and jumped at him, and he opened his arms to catch me.

I wrapped my arms tightly around his strong, lean waist, secretly feeling how good the hug felt, his arms were long enough to wrap right around me.

“JoJo.” Zhu Zhuanran’s voice fell on top of my head, gentle and soft.

“Actually, you don’t need to stand up for me, I never care about those people’s voices.”

“I know, but I just don’t allow anyone to talk about my boyfriend.” I whispered, hugging him tighter.

It was the same as countless times before when I watched Gu Xian and Shen Tang’s back as they left together.

This time, I graciously held Zhu Zhunran’s hand in front of them, hugging his arm like a human pendant, and letting him feed me candy canes while walking towards the cafeteria.

It’s just dog abuse, and it’s natural to meet someone you like without a teacher.

During the meal, I heard the girls at the table next to me talking:

“I can’t imagine Zhu Zhuanran can also smile, and he looks pretty good when he smiles.”

The sister opposite her immediately slapped her.

“Oops, he’s already taken, he’s a good match for schoolgirl Qiaoqiao.”

In the morning, Zhu Zhuanran’s computer department didn’t have classes, so he followed me to class.

It was a small class, not many people in the classroom, and everyone was much more awake because of Zhu Zhuanran’s arrival.

But what caused more of a stir was that another female school bully, Ding Luoyan, who used to hang out with Zhu Zhuanran for a while, also came.

Some time ago, Ding Luoyan had taken a break from school, and everyone thought that she wouldn’t show up at school anytime soon.

Ding Luoyan dyed her hair black, and for the first time, she spread out the high ponytail she always wore, lining her already thin chin even more delicately.

Today she wore a set of white small fragrant wind, the top open to reveal the inside of the sexy breasts, so that the boys next to the blush do not dare to look directly.

I suddenly remembered that Ding Luoyan was also once selected as the Computer Science Department’s flower, only later she liked to pretend to be a tomboy and Zhu Zhuanran to play with them.

Seeing Zhu Zhuanran and I walk in, Ding Luoyan simply opened her mouth:

“Hehe, Brother Zhuan also came to class.”

Zhu Zhuanran didn’t even look at her before pulling my hand and sitting at the back.

Ding Luoyan let out a laugh, still smiling, she turned her head and said: ”It’s not that bad, is it? I’m not just confessing to you failed, to avoid me to hide like this? If we can’t be lovers, we can still be friends, just like before, I will continue to be your little brother, okay?”

Zhu Zhuanran let out a cold snort from his nostrils and wiped the table for me with paper without saying a word.

Ding Luo Yan was still talking, and this time her gaze went to me:

“Brother Zhuan, I just realized that you like this, but what’s the difference between me and her now? Why can’t you take a look at me?”

Zhu Zhuanran finally couldn’t bear to speak.

He gritted his teeth and threatened, “Ding Luo Yan, I don’t want to be mean to girls, so be honest.”

”Cheng.” Ding Luoyan gave a cheeky smile and went to flip through the comic books spread out on the table.

In fact, love or no love, it’s really obvious.

If I’m not mistaken, the comic book Ding Luoyan is reading is Zhu Zhuanran’s favorite style.

And at this moment, Zhu Zhuanran is frowning as he flips through my high math textbook, putting on a serious thinking face.

“Do you know this question?” I deliberately stretched my head to tease him.

Zhu Zharan glanced at me and his cheeks immediately reddened as he nodded and shook his head.

“Then I’ll tell you about it.”

I winked at him and Zhu Zhuanran’s blush became even more pronounced.

He’s so cute.

I forced a smile and took my pen to do the math for him, I finished the problem carefully and when I raised my eyes, I realized that the teenager was hastily averting his gaze.

“Zhu Zhuanran,” I said, pretending to be stern, “were you just looking at your textbook or at me?”

He glanced at me and lowered his eyes like an errant puppy.

“I was looking at you.”

“Zhu Zhuanran, you’ll be scolded by the teacher if you keep staring at me like that.”

He said with his eyelids twitching, full of concern:

“I still choose to look at you.”

The picture appeared in my mind again.

The girl was walking in front of her holding the puppy, and the puppy was gazing at the girl’s back, all the time.

Zhu Zhuanran, this time, I won’t let you down.

This class is over, Zhu Zhuanran was called out by a boy to say something. Just before he left, Ding Luo Yan sat over.

Without saying a word, she propped her head up and scrutinized me.

I closed my textbook without changing my face, “You’ve been looking at it during class, haven’t you seen enough?”

The girl smiled and said, “Wen Qiao, he seems to really like you. Even though everyone says you’re the school flower, I’m still surprised that he chose you.”

“It’s not that you’re not good enough, but, Zhu Zhuanran is the best in my eyes.”

I looked at her eyes.

It was a pair of very beautiful phoenix eyes, there was no jealousy or resentment in them, but a kind of envy from the bottom of my heart.

Like a kind of heart-to-heart sensation between girls, I could feel that she didn’t have any ill will towards me.

I nodded, “I understand your feelings, I will take good care of him.”

Ding Luo Yan picked up a lock of my hair and let out a laugh, ”You know what? When I first met him, I had the same hairstyle as you, and I also liked to wear my hair loose back then. The first time I met Zhuanran was when I was blocked by a group of punks, none of the people passing by stopped to help me, only him, he rode his motorcycle straight over and blocked in front of me.”

Talking about Zhu Zhuanran, Ding Luoyan’s eyes flashed with light, and the curve of her mouth curved up even more obviously:

“I still remember his cold side face at that time in the night, arrogant and well-behaved. His eyes were wild, yet extremely clean, with a fatal attraction to people.”

“He looked at the punks and calmly said, “Get on the bike”. That was the first time I rode on his motorcycle. Then I wanted to follow him all the time, so I tied my hair up and followed him everywhere like a brother. He didn’t let me follow him at first, but then I followed him as if I was desperate and fought a few times, and got into trouble with others, so he had to let me follow him.”

Ding Luo Yan’s smile was colored with a bit of bitterness, “I had thought that only, if I could stay by his side all the time, I would have a chance. But I was wrong. Wen Qiao, the first time I lost to someone, that person was you. Your appearance made me lose all the way.”

I looked at Ding Luo Yan sympathetically and reached out to put my hand on her shoulder, I was about to open my mouth to say something comforting when Shen Tang leapt in from nowhere.

She should have already picked up a lot of the rumors in the academy, and nowadays her entire mental state doesn’t look too good.

“Qiao Qiao, I did get together with Gu Xian before. It was my fault, I shouldn’t have kept it from you, but it was all his intention, and I actually had no choice but to agree to him.”

「……」Ding Luo Yan looked odd as she raised her head, her eyebrows raised.

Shen Tang followed up, “But now I’ve broken up with him. Qiao Qiao, you will always be my best bestie, what man ah go to hell!”

She forcefully took my hand, her eyes floating with tears, ”Let’s go back to the old days, okay? Let’s be best friends like we used to be, okay?”

“What do you want then?” I said with a smile.

Shen Tang thought that I was still as gullible as before, and with a sobbing voice, she said, “I knew you wouldn’t abandon me, you’re the best! Did Zhu Zharan bully you? If he dares to make you angry, I’ll help you out!”

“Stop, stop, stop.”

Ding Luo Yan stretched her legs and said: “Why can’t I listen to this anymore? Sister, this young couple is in a good relationship, why do you have to intervene? Who do you think you are?”

Ding Luoyan didn’t know Shen Tang, but Shen Tang had heard of Ding Luoyan’s big name, she didn’t dare to mess with this famous big sister, instinctively backed up two steps and whispered, “I’m also speaking for the sake of Qiao Qiao, from her standpoint. If you don’t like to hear it, forget it, but she didn’t even say anything.”

I spoke slowly:

“Luo Yan is right. Shen Tang, who do you think you are?”

I spat out every word clearly, “If I remember correctly, when I was still on good terms with Gu Xian, you were the one who yelled every day that you couldn’t let me be bullied and that you would stand up for me and settle the score with him. As a result, the two of you hooked up and I became an outsider. Now you’re trying to do the same old trick again and go after Zhu Zhuanran?”

Ding Luoyan summarized with a sudden realization: “Isn’t this the legendary Green Tea plus Hanzi Bitch? This matter of prying into a girlfriend’s corner has finally been studied and understood by this big sister.”

Shen Tang had suffered many blows in succession from last night to today, and now even Ding Luoyan, who was a stranger to her, was able to expose her nature with a single shot.

She stomped her foot indignantly and ran out of the classroom.

I turned around and locked eyes with Ding Luoyin, and surprisingly, we laughed at the same time.

“Maybe we can be friends.” I said.

Ding Luo Yan bristled, “Forget it, after all, you’re my rival in love, I don’t want to see either of you in the future. Today is the last time I will try for myself. Come on, lose, I admit it.”

When Zhu Zhuanran returned that day, Ding Luoyan had already left the classroom.

The comic book she had been flipping through all morning had also been lying silently in the trash can.

The page was opened to the first page, and the handwriting on it was clumsy and clear:

“Zhu Zhuanran, can you like Ding Luo Yan?”

After that, I was like soaking in a honey pot every day, Zhu Zhuanran spoiled me to the sky, listened to me in everything, and gave me many gifts every day like a demon, wishing to give me all the things he thought were good.

His former arrogant and domineering temperament seems to have disappeared overnight.

Not only hair dress like a good student, but also love to laugh, always proud to show off with his brother has a girlfriend, talk a lot, before familiar with his people are almost do not recognize him.

Only later, I realized that he did not change his impulsive and adventurous nature, he just for me to collect all the sharpness.

Zhu Zhuanran had even given me the keys to his favorite sports car, which I insisted on refusing.

Because I have already received the best gift he gave.

It is in my most lonely and helpless when that a letter, and that a branch of beautiful and lonely blue eustoma flowers.

The opposite of this was Gu Xian and Shen Tang.

Shen Tang had a very bad reputation, and she was almost enjoying the same treatment that I had enjoyed in my previous life.

And Gu Xian was also noticeably much more silent, exuding a depressing aura.

Many times when Zhu Zhuanran and I went out shopping hand in hand, we were able to bump into him somewhere just right.

Although each other did not greet, but after rubbing shoulders, I can strongly feel, there is a bunch of very hot line of sight fell on me.

The time came to Christmas Eve in a flash.

And in my last life, I died on that day.

This year’s Christmas Eve was accompanied by a thick snowfall, the moon was bright, and the ground was full of white.

My lips were rubbed for some reason, and I was so angry that I ignored him for half a day, and only at night was I willing to go out with him.

Zhu Zhuanran prepared a very large Christmas gift box for me, which contained nothing but apples and red RMB. I marveled at his bravado, but there was nothing I could do about this straightforward expression of love.

Walking street is very lively, a lot of couples, the girls’ faces are all flushed, their hands are held by the boys into their pockets.

Only Zhu Zhuanran, a straight man, pulled my hand into his arms with his zipper open as if he didn’t mind the cold.

“Aren’t you cold?” I asked him.

Zhu Zhuanran giggled and said, “No, I feel quite hot.”

During this period of time, I had almost forgotten that my boyfriend was once a school bully, he looked silly and happy every day, he also fed stray cats and dogs, and he became more patient with everything.

Just as we were walking along the street, there was a sudden commotion from the other side of the crowd.

I don’t know why, but the moment I heard the sound from that side, my heart suddenly palpitated violently.

A kind of fear that originated from my bones surrounded me, and I shook my head vigorously to wake myself up.

It turned out to be a drunk man fell on a girl, the girl’s boyfriend was furious and wanted to teach him a lesson, but the man’s partner immediately came over, the girl said loudly “misunderstanding” and hurriedly pulled the boy away.

The girl said loudly “misunderstanding, misunderstanding” and hurriedly pulled the boy away. Two idiots.” The man with the smell of alcohol stood up and clapped his hands, speaking clearly.

“Forget about it, this kind of student girl more to go, go, brother take you to that bar to play, drive to.”


Zhu Zhuanran stopped and looked over.

The bottom of his eyes were pitch black, and there were thin blood filaments slowly crawling up his eyeballs.

“Qiao Qiao, wait a minute, I’ll go get you some chocolate milk tea to drink.”

He seriously instructed me, “There are police officers standing guard over there, so just sit here and wait for me, don’t go anywhere, huh? I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

I felt something was wrong, but I still agreed.

Soon after Zhu Zhuanran left, I saw the person I hated the most.

Gu Xian, who usually wore white or light blue shirts, was wearing all black tonight.

He was still standing a few steps away, looking at me without a word.

But I promised Zhu Zhuanran to sit here and wait for him, so I wouldn’t leave easily.

I sat at a different angle and stretched my legs with a big grin.

According to the words of Take Care of Idle, “There’s no way I’ll ever like a girl who behaves badly and is sharp as a tack.”

How ridiculous, once upon a time I bought a lot of blue long skirts because Gu Xian liked to wear light blue shirts.

Ding Luoyan, who liked Zhu Zhuanran, had her hair tied up and down because of him.

Zhu Zhuanran modified himself to look like a good student for me.

Now, Gu Xian wears the black color he used to hate for me.

Everyone changes themselves because of the person they like, but they don’t know that love itself is an existence that breaks all conventions.

There will always be a person who will break through all your preconceptions and expectations, he can not be good, but just at the moment he appeared, there will be a voice in your heart that says, this is him.

“Wen Qiao, can’t we go back to the old days?” Gu Xian suddenly spoke out.


Was it the before without Shen Tang?

I remembered that when I was in junior high and high school, Gu Xian always rode a bicycle to drive me to and from school. He said very few words, and on the way, I was always chattering and he was listening, and he didn’t move when I said something funny, so maybe only the wind knew whether he was laughing or not at that time.

Because I have always been in the school are highly sought after sake, he said he hated with me to walk together with the feeling of being talked about, so he and I about good, in the campus is not allowed to show the appearance of recognizing him.

And with Shen Tang ……

He would come over with just a cup of milk tea while Shen Tang and I were waiting for him together.

It was strawberry flavored, Shen Tang loved strawberry milk tea.

But he forgot, I also love milk tea, I love chocolate flavor the most.

“Gu Xian, what do you think?” I said somberly, “Is it necessary to go back to the old days with me? The Shen Tang you like has eyes full of only you, she-“

“She’s faking it, I can tell.”

Gu Xian finally admitted it.

I couldn’t help but sneer out.

“It’s fun to indulge her in tormenting me, isn’t it?”

Gu Xian’s eyes moved slightly, “Wen Qiao, I just want your sharpness to be tempered a bit, you’re too dazzling, I always feel that you won’t always stay by my side, I …… am sorry.”

This is the first time in my life that I heard Gu Xian give an apology.

Unfortunately, this apology came too late and didn’t mean anything.

“I don’t think we have anything to say anymore.”

Some people see a rose and admire it, while others worry that its thorns will hurt them, so they choose to do whatever they can to make it wither.

Such selfish people do not deserve my forgiveness.

Suddenly, an anxious figure ran ahead.

Ding Luo Yan’s face was pale and she was so anxious that tears were coming out of her eyes:

“It’s not good Wen Qiao, Zhu Zhuanran fought with someone, the other party has a lot of people and they all drank alcohol, hurry and call the police!”

When we rushed to the scene, I saw in the alley in front of a field of debris, and hidden blood, lying on the ground, my heart is broken.

“Don’t even go there.”

My voice was low, I had never been so calm yet frantic.

Gu Xian and Ding Luoyan were shocked by my face, Gu Xian still insisted on wanting to go forward, but was stopped by Ding Luoyan’s stern voice.

“Wen Qiao, you go, and immediately call out to us if something is wrong. The police and ambulance will be here soon.”

I nodded my head.

I knew that Zhu Zhuanran only wanted to see me at this moment.

I slowly walked up, there were a lot of people lying on the ground, all of them had heavy marks of clubbing on their bodies.

It was hard for me to imagine my boyfriend alone and isolated facing this group of people.

And yet he won.

He wasn’t uninjured, he just frantically held on until the end.

Shen Tang was there, and she was kneeling on the ground, trembling as she said something.

Yes, the girl that the drunkard molested just now was Shen Tang.

The boy who was by her side at the time was Gu Xian.

Gu Xian couldn’t let go of Shen Tang’s good behavior and meekness, but he also couldn’t let go of me, who used to be his childhood friend.

How can I not be disgusted by him?

“I just can’t be angry that Gu Xian left me again to find her …… I gambled and went to a less crowded place, and happened to meet the gang in front of the parking lot …… I was too scared, so I said that Wen Qiao, the schoolgirl of our school, is very good looking, and if you have the ability, you can go to look for her! ……

Shen Tang was trembling violently, she shivered and knelt on the ground and said, finally was unable to resist fainting.

Zhu Zhunran, who was half kneeling on the ground and had been barely supporting his body, let go of the wooden stick in his hand and also collapsed.

Just at the moment he fell, I caught him.

“…… Qiao Qiao?”

I saw liquid smashing down on his shoulder.

It took me a moment to realize that I was crying.

“What are you crying about, JoJo,” the teenager was a little pale, but still smiling happily at me, “Look, I beat them all by myself.”

Like a child waiting for a compliment.

Zhu Zhuanran said somewhat weakly, “Qiao Qiao, I had a very real dream, in the dream, it was that bald drunkard who hit you with his car, I almost went crazy. His face I remembered very clearly, so I couldn’t help but follow him …… When I heard Shen Tang was going to take them to you, everything I saw in the dream instantly flooded into my mind, and I couldn’t control my emotions, so ……”


I suddenly burst into tears and laughed.

Whether it was in his previous life or this one, he would go out of his way to stand up for me.

That he who was obsessed with guarding me from anyone who would not allow him to enter the country, never changed.

Zhu Zhuanran rested his head on my shoulder, and I heard him say in a low voice, “Qiao Qiao, what’s different from the dream is that I can finally be by your side to protect you.”

I tried hard to suppress the pungent stuff that raced out of my eyes, and reached out my fingers, tracing his brows and eyes delicately.

I said very softly:

“Puppy, I’m coming to take you home.”

The last letter he ever sent me in my previous life was a very long one:

The language of the eustoma flower is eternal love and hopeless love.

My love for you is eternal, but I know I may not be able to look forward to your return.

You certainly don’t know a boy named Zhu Zhuanran.

You also surely don’t know that blue was the color you wore when I first met you.

That day you wore a very fairy blue dress, carrying a school bag, walking on the path under the shade tree.

The moment I saw you, my whole world became clear and bright.

I had never seen such a beautiful girl.

I pointed at you and said to my brother, “Is that the school beauty Wen Qiao? I must chase after her.”

The funny thing is, I realized later that I was actually a cowardly coward.

I only dared to look at you from afar, but didn’t dare to go up to you at all.

The countless times that I met you by chance and brushed past your shoulders were rehearsals that I had premeditated and mustered up the courage to do over and over again.

At a certain moment, I suddenly realized that the dazzling girl belongs to the world, not to Zhu Zhuanran.

It was also on that day that I suddenly wanted to see him so badly.

I ran out of the house for the first time dragging my weak and feeble body, because I was too anxious, I crossed the street accidentally, and perished on the spot.

As a result of the accident, I was reborn.

Wen Qiao does not belong to this world.

Wen Qiao only belongs to Zhu Zhuanran.

My most, most, most favorite puppy.

Please believe that this time, I will never let go of your hand.

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Next March 4, 2024


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