32. I’m a vampire.

I am a vampire.

Not a Thing: Seeing You When the Feeling’s Just Right

I’m a vampire, that’s what others have misunderstood me to be.

I woke up from my coma when the handsome young man leaned over and asked:

“You’re finally awake, what would you like to eat?”

I said hoarsely:

“Something not too spicy.”

“b……blood?” the young man jumped up, “you…… you really are a vampire?”

Me: “?”

You are the vampire, your whole family is the vampire. I am the industry conscience of the demon hunting world!

Then glimpsed his desk “exam word shorthand”, I release a few points: this child is probably too much effort, on the head.

However, it is better to make someone trust you than to make him afraid of you, so that he will instead be polite to you for a few minutes.

So I deliberately lowered my voice and said:

“That’s right. If you dare to say a word, I’ll eat your flesh and drink your blood. Go and memorize your words!”

The youth picked up a stack of books and ran out in a panic.

Recovering my spirit, I searched for a mirror in his house.

As a demon hunter’s beauty, you must always pay attention to your appearance.

The moment I saw my face in the mirror, I was dumbfounded:

I even full of silver hair, bloodshot eyes, black lips, mouth also grew two sharp tiger teeth.

This appearance, do not let people as a vampire is strange!

Heh, I sneer in my heart, all this is only thanks to that person.


I left two gold bars as a thank you gift for the little handsome man, and planned to think of a way to return to my master’s school in Changbai Mountain.

This is a small town with rugged terrain, so it’s not difficult to hide my movements.

Who would have thought that I had just taken a few steps outdoors when someone shouted:

“Vampires! Vampires are coming!”

I took out my magic weapon and tested it, everyone in this town has a vampire-recognizing alarm implanted in their brain, and the only point of this alarm is me.

What the fk?

Who else but my soft-hearted ex-boyfriend and his rich wife could have done such an evil intention and such a sophisticated method?

However, it’s not that easy to defeat me!

Facing the crowd that came rushing in shouting “Down with vampires” and holding axes and shovels, I smiled evilly and made an invisibility trick.

It didn’t seem to work.


Didn’t seem to work either.

I froze for three seconds, spread out, and ran!

After running for a few kilometers, I was really exhausted, but the people were still chasing after me with the energy of a marathon runner.

I hid in a dead-end street and was about to resign myself to my fate when the little handsome man’s whisper suddenly surfaced in my ears:

“Quietly, follow me.”

After a whole day of being an outlaw, I realized how happy I was to lie under the blanket and drink hot water.

The young handsome man fried a big plate of duck blood and pig’s blood and smiled kindly:

“Except for human blood that can t be eaten, I will try to satisfy you with other blood.”

I motherfucking …… am not a vampire ah!

But I am no longer able to defend myself, and asked him while eating:

“Why are you helping me?”

“Although you don’t look like a good person, I haven’t seen you harming anyone, and you know how to return the favor.” The little handsome man winked, “Everyone else came after you in droves, so maybe there’s a hidden agenda.”

Though he probably only took me in for the sake of the two gold bars, I was still very pleased.

“The young man knows how to look at things dialectically!” I shook his hand excitedly, “You must have passed eighty in politics!”

“My name is Qi Sihe.” The handsome young man shook my hand tightly, “Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Zhong Wuyan.”


I’ve been a demon hunter since I was eight years old, so it’s been about 300 years now.

Demon hunters are a hereditary profession, and we have been honoring the Heavenly Master Zhong Kui as our ancestor for generations.

When I was born, my father named me Zhong Wu Banquet, in the hope that I would be able to refine my cultivation without having to attend banquets and be tired of socializing in my life.

My mother reminded him:

“There is a saying on earth, ‘If there is something Zhong Wu Yan, there is nothing Xia Ying Chun’, if you give your daughter this name, you are only afraid that you will be used by men, which is unlucky.”

My father waved his hand:

My father waved his hand and said, “We are demon hunters, we don’t care about these superstitions.”

As a result, my mother’s prophecy came true, and I’ve had bad luck with men all my life.

Demon hunters sound like human beings, but in fact, they are just small-time immortals working for the Heavenly Court.

Mortals don’t know spells and can’t threaten those pampered immortals. The demon world and the demon race, however, are full of extra-legal fanatics, always calculating to wreak havoc on earth and fight against the Heavenly Court.

The meaning of our existence is to help the Heavenly Realm get rid of the evils and keep the world peaceful.

Even though we are doing the work of licking blood from the mouth of a knife, the Heavenly Realm does not pay much attention to us, and when we have done something meritorious, we are only given small rewards that have nothing to do with us.

Even in order to limit our class, stipulate that we can only engage in office romance, marriage problem solved internally. Unless the performance is particularly outstanding, can be worthy of a bit of the upper immortal or the upper God.

I am not talented in the following, is a bit of performance is very very very quite outstanding, called the newbie slaughter full level big brother village.

The heavenly emperor a holy decree, for me and his firstborn son Li dust his highness give marriage.

In the eyes of others, this is a superior honor and favor. But all I know is that Li Duan is a 4,000 year old thing, older than our grandmaster.

And as a pioneering independent woman, I want to reject arranged marriages and pursue free love–

So I took another route and fell in love with a tragically handsome vampire, Whisking Mirror.

Then I was expelled from my master’s school, became self-employed, and had to hide in the deep woods with him.

Instead, he sneakily hooked up with my plastic sister, Jin Yan Shang Xian.

Still don’t know what kind of devious ideas he used to get me into this state.


I tearfully recounted my experience to Qi Sihe, seven parts real, three parts fiction, and he was incredibly moved:

He was so moved that he said: “Why don’t you go and tell a commentary? You’re so eloquent and imaginative, you’re sure to get a full house.”

He even thought of a name for the book, it would be called “The Acts of the Mad God”.

“Do you think I made it up?” I clapped my hands together, “If it wasn’t to save my strength for revenge, would I be laughed at by a mortal like you?”

“Just kidding.” Qi Sihe saw that I was angry and scratched his head, “Then how do you plan to take revenge?”

“First, I will return to my master’s clan in Changbai Mountain. Although the knot cloak can help me temporarily avoid their identification, but ……” I cupped my chin and made a contemplative gesture, “I have no magic power now, I can’t fly over, I’m only afraid that I have to cultivate for a month first.”

“This is only ten kilometers from Changbai Mountain.” Qi Sihe spread out a map, “It looks like it’s okay to drive there.”

I was so embarrassed that my toes curled, but I didn’t forget to keep my mouth shut:

“Of course I know it’s possible to drive there, it’s just that immortals think differently than you mortals!”

During the twenty-minute drive, I had already thought of a million lines and performances in order to regain the acceptance of my sect.

Unexpectedly, I conceived a lonely.

When I arrived in front of Zhong Ying Guan’s door, my parents, master teacher, and elder brother all looked at Qi Sihe with an unspeakable look in their eyes, without me in their eyes.

Did they suspect that Qi Sihe was my new goblin boyfriend?

Is this latest vampire cosplay of mine not eye-catching enough?

In order to prove my innocence, and also to brush up my presence, I said:

“His name is Qi Sihe, the mortal who saved me.”

I told them the whole story before they recovered from their petrified state and entered the flow of a contemporary fairy magic fantasy realistic family ethics drama according to my conception.

“Good boy, you’ve suffered.” My mother wiped her tears, “It’s all because your father gave you a bad name, I’ve already discussed it with your master and senior brothers and sisters, and came up with a few good names.”

Just see the paper wrote: Zhong Mi Yue, Zhong Zetian, Zhong Xiaozhuang, Zhong Nuhu Zhenhuan ……

What good names, not even a little bit of originality!

I dealt with the elders for a few moments, and then dragged Qi Sihe to have dinner with my peers.

When you meet with your peers after a long time, you naturally have a lot to say. Although Qi Sihe is a newcomer, he is not noisy or boring, and the atmosphere of the meal is very good.

It was just that the always active Eldest Senior Brother was quite formal today, and glanced at Qi Sihe frequently.

“Eldest senior brother, why are you always looking at other people’s little handsome boy?” The youngest sister sitting next to the eldest brother also noticed, “Could it be that you are a broken sleeve?”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Eldest Brother shouted angrily.

The younger sister pouted and sat next to me.

She pointed at my neck and asked:

“Sister, what’s wrong with you?”

I touched the scar on the side of my neck in the shape of a viper’s bite and thought to myself, “How could the youngest sister in my love life realize that this was my little fling with my vampire ex-boyfriend?

“You’ll understand when you grow up to be my age.” I stroked my little sister’s head.

She just thought it was a work injury and toasted me one after another.

With the wine flowing and touching my heart, I picked up a piece of Dongpo pork and said:

“The first time Whiskers and I cooked together, we made Dongpo pork.”

“Elder sister, if you feel bad, just say so.” My little sister patted my spine, “It’s much better when you say it.”

So I told them the nagging details of my relationship that I had never spoken about.

“Even though he cheated on me, I don’t regret it! Damn …… I used to really love him!” I wiped my tears and wiped them onto Qi Si He’s body next to me, “And who doesn’t like a big handsome guy? Who wants that 4,000 year old man in the sky?”

“Wufei, don’t speak out of turn!” Eldest Brother stopped me.

“What’s wrong with what I said, you dare to say you’re not a face controller?” My elbow was propped on Qi Sihe’s shoulder, “Xiao Qi, you dare to say that you don’t like beauty ……

I fell asleep before I could finish speaking.

Before closing my eyes, I heard Qi Sihe sigh heavily, his fingers clenching and clacking.


The next day I slept straight through until noon.

Half asleep, I saw Qi Sihe sitting on the edge of the bed, resting his cheeks and looking at me.

“Why are you in my room?” I sat up with a jerk.

Although his face was handsome enough, it was weirdly creepy to appear out of place.

“Waiting for you to eat!” Qi Sihe poured ginseng soup from the thermos, “Be careful it’s hot.”

I sipped the soup, recalling last night’s scene with my mouth full and snot and tears smeared all over Qi Sihe’s body, I couldn’t help but blush with old age:

“That, I drank too much last night, I’m sorry,” I said.

“It’s okay, you have already offended me.” Qi Si He said.

Could it be that after I slept over last night, I did something indecent to him again? I searched my mind and couldn’t think of anything.

“Just kidding.” Qishe laughed and reached out to smooth my brow, “You’re cute when you’re drunk. Of course it’s usually cute too.”

With this closeness, it’s hard not to wonder what happened to us last night!

I suppressed a heart that was bouncing around and went to ask my master about the method to restore my magic power and appearance.

“You’ve been poisoned by a very deep demonic poison, and your inner elixir has been taken away. Poison for the teacher can directly give you to solve, as for the cultivation well ……” Master paused, “need you and Xiao Qi double cultivation.”

“What? And mortals double cultivation?” I’ve read a lot about immortal cultivation, but I’ve never heard of this.

“I don’t know, but Qi was born in the year, month, day, hour, minute and second.” Master said, “First, I’ll help you dispel your Yin energy, then you can cultivate alone.”

At least Master won’t harm me.

I went to ask Qi Sihe’s opinion, and he agreed readily.

“I’m a bit nervous.” A blush climbed up his cheeks from the base of his ears, “Turn your head away, don’t look.”

I was inwardly puzzled: don’t look at what?

But I can only listen to him, after all, I’m the one with the shortest hands.

“Should I turn off the light?” He asked.

I looked back and saw that all he had left was a tight white undershirt on his upper body, with curves all over it.

A rush of blood rushed through my body and I hurried to explain:

“You misunderstood, our double cultivation is not …… not the kind you read inside the metaphysical novels.”

“I heard your big brother say, is the kind.”

“Indeed it is, but …… it’s not appropriate, right?” I swallowed my spit, “I am afraid of delaying your study.”

“I have already bailed out of graduate school, study is to relieve boredom.”

“I’m more than two hundred years older than you, and I’m in this shape ……

“I don’t care about that, it’s always been you.” Qi Sihe put on his clothes, “It’s fine, if you don’t like it, you don’t like it, and there are only zero and countless times to reject it. You teach me the process of double cultivation.”

“I really don’t think you’re bad, you mustn’t misunderstand.” Seeing him moping, I was also heartbroken.

“Then ……” Qi Sihe stared at me with glowing eyes, “Can I kiss you?”

I nodded and closed my eyes.

Qishe’s breath slowly came closer and my heart was beating faster and faster. His lips were about a centimeter from mine when I suddenly blurted out:

“Whiskers, I love you.”

In all honesty, I didn’t have any feelings for that murderous ex-boyfriend when I said this, I don’t even know how these words came out.

Qi Sihe’s face was white with red, red with black. Purple is not purple and green.


Qi Sihe ran home in anguish, and I suddenly felt a big piece of emptiness in my heart. Obviously only know a few days, this damn love brain ah!

The younger brothers and sisters see me all day unhappy, think of all the ways to make me happy, but all useless.

“Sister, look what I found for you!”

I turned my head with a lack of interest, and saw the civet cat she was holding in her arms, but my spirits were lifted – it was my civet slave that had been lost for many years.

The civet slave was picked up by me in the mortal world when I was twenty years old, and it was extremely spiritual, able to wake me up, accompany me to work and sleep. It can also accurately help me find the books I need to read and locate the most valuable page.

The only drawback is that it is a bit horny, always like to grab my chest.

After the mirror became my boyfriend, the beaver slave lost, I also once suspected that because the mirror sucked its blood.

Now that my sister has recovered it in the back of the mountain, it seems to be our destined fate. I tightly embraced the beaver slave, my lips were about to kiss the top of its furry head when I suddenly blurted out:

“Whisking Mirror, I love you.”

What the hell!

After many experiments in the Master’s Sect, I realized that every time someone’s lips were within a centimeter of mine, the words “Whiskers, I love you” would appear in my head and I would have a hard time saying them out loud.

I suspected that this was some kind of curse, so I took the civet slave to the bookstore and asked it to help me find the relevant information.

I found out that this is called “Poison Love Curse”, which was invented by the Han Dynasty witch Chu Clothing, and can make a person think of another person at critical moments, and cannot get too close to anyone.

To be precise, any living thing.

There are two ways to undo this spell:

One is for the person who cast the spell to have a clear conscience and help to undo it;

The other is to kill the one who cast the spell, so as not to cause any more trouble.

I have always been compassionate, so of course I chose the latter.

My master unlocked the demonic poison for me, and I regained my old appearance, even a little more beautiful.

With the companionship of the civet slave, the days of practicing are also much more interesting.

Only this guy seems to be more colorful, always rubbing against my chest.

Cultivate less than half a month, my body more than a flood of power, killing power than once in its heyday is more than a hundred times greater.

Can it be that too much poisoning has caused me to have a genetic mutation?

Although my master advised me not to act rashly, being too strong did not allow me to keep a low profile.

I decided to put on the most beautiful makeup and the most gorgeous clothes to get my ex-boyfriend killed.

Even though the reaver slave kept messing around, it still didn’t affect my play.

I carried my and the first sword and went straight to Whisking Mirror’s lair.

A few hundred meters away from the entrance of the cave, I could hear the warbling winks and smiles of the warblers inside, interspersed with Whisking Mirror’s occasional laughter.

Oh, I really regret that I didn’t bring him a bottle of Jiannanchun today to cheer him up – bitchy guy, getting horny again.

I used to treat Whisking Mirror’s men with courtesy, and gave them two or three times more reward than their proper master’s paycheck.

Therefore, the guards not only did not stop me, but also told me that the whisk mirror will be the demon poison out, and the internal strength has increased greatly, and went through the back door of his wife, Jin Yan immortal, is now ranked in the immortal class, but also has a number of concubines.

The Heavenly Court is really not picky.

I walked up to Whisking Mirror and Jin Yan, and their lewd smiles froze.

“Zhong Wu Fei?” Whisking Mirror about didn’t believe I was still alive. But after looking at me a couple more times, his eyes overflowed with lust again. In the way of his proper wife, he only had to face up in a serious manner, “What are you doing here, get out!”

Without talking nonsense to him, I swung my sword, and after a few moments of symbolic resistance, his wage earners dispersed, so I fought with the Whisking Mirror couple.

The two of them were not low in magical power, and I tragically realized that the flood power in my body was actually a time-limited flow pack, which was about to run out.

When the fire was burning, Qi Sihe ran in at some point and shouted:

“Feastless, are you alright!”

Whisking Mirror and Jin Yan didn’t know where he came from and temporarily stopped.

I took the opportunity to protect Qi Sihe behind me and asked:

“Why are you here?”

“I was worried when I heard your Eldest Brother say that you might be here.”

Why didn’t Eldest Brother worry about me and bring a few people to help the scene?

Besides, I should be more worried about you coming here, you mortal drag-queen!

I was powerless to spit and said to him:

I said to him, “Hold me tight, or I won’t be responsible for hurting you.”

Qi Si He’s arms girded me like a girdle.

“It doesn’t have to be too tight, how can I fight like this?”

He loosened his grip a little and rested his chin on my shoulder, pressing his face against mine.

“We didn’t come here to act out an idol show.” It’s true that men only affect the speed at which I draw my sword.

As I give further instructions to improve Qi Sihe’s posture, Whisking Mirror’s eyes turn red and she screams like crazy:

“Bastard, let her go!”

“Your family lives in the Pacific Ocean, what’s your problem?” I laughed coldly, “You’re the only one allowed to cheat on me, but I can’t fall in love?”

Whiskers was irritated by my words and rushed over to me in a rage.

When he gets angry, things go wrong.

I could have predicted how he would go wrong with my eyes closed.

I dodged twice and pulled a few sword flicks, the tip of my sword against his throat.

“Are you really going to kill me?” Whisking Mirror didn’t dare to make a sound.

“If I don’t kill you, will I keep it for New Year’s?”

“Yan’er, do you still remember that I have always sharpened this sword for you?” Whisking mirror suddenly dropped two lines of hot tears, “After leaving you, I regret every day, I really only ever loved you in my life.”

The man committed a crime and acted like a dog shedding tears.

“Zhong Wu Yan, you bitch! It’s all because of you that Whisking Mirror isn’t dedicated to me, that’s why he hangs out at the kiln and buys drunks all day long!” Jin Yan shouted hysterically, intent on attacking me.

I was about to dodge, when Whisking Mirror made a steep turn and blocked in front of me, taking a hard hit from Jin Yan’s life-threatening iron palm.

“Fei Yan Er, I …… I can not afford you, the next life …… I ……” Whisk mirror grabbed the hem of my clothes, broke off.

Jin Yan inadvertently killed her husband with her own hands, covered her face and ran out with sobs.

Without spending a single soldier, the opponent died and fled. I stood still, drawing my sword and looking around in confusion.


Returning to the division, I rubbed medicine on the bruise on Qi Sihe’s shoulder and asked:

“Does it still hurt here?”

“It doesn’t hurt anymore, but the leg still hurts.” He lifted up his pants, revealing a large bruise on his calf.

As I applied the medicine, I asked:

“You didn’t fight with anyone, where did you get that wound?”

“I don’t know, maybe that cave is too heavy with ghosts.” Qi Sihe took my hand and pressed it to his chest, “It hurts here too.”

“I’ll put some medicine on it.”

“Medicine won’t help.” Qi Sihe said, “Be my wife.”

The bottle of medicine in my hand fell to the ground, and after a moment of silence, I shook my head.

“Why?” Qishe’s grip on my hand clenched a little tighter, “You still can’t forget him?”


“What about when you get over him?” Qi Sihe asked, “I can wait.”

“I haven’t officially retired from my marriage to Emperor Li Duan.” I replied, “I plan to mourn for three years for Whiskers, and then go to Heaven to make peace for the sake of the Zhong Clan’s honor.”

“Just for the sake of honor and favor?” Qi Si He didn’t give up, “Then do you like me?”

“No.” I said word for word.


About because I always smelled of alcohol lately, the beaver slave was indifferent to me and always turned his head arrogantly when he jerked him off.

“I lied to him. I already like him.” I forced the civet slave into my arms for a filler nag, “I loved a mortal before I picked you up, and I never wanted to love a mortal after that.”

I fell in love with a mortal the first time I was moved, and the only time.

More than two hundred years ago I fell in love with a scholar in the Qing Dynasty.

I named my first sword “Wudi” so that he would be successful in the imperial examinations.

As a result, he died in an accident just after he was awarded the title.

As an immortal, I never understood what it was like to die, so the first time I experienced it was naturally like a broken heart.

At first I didn’t want to accept it and tried to revive him in vain.

Later, I heard that the vampire clan of Wushan was good at using sorcery and could create realistic illusions. It was at that time that I met Whisking Mirror.

I was immersed in illusions all day long, only to wake up in more pain. There is still hope in life, but death is an eternity.

After struggling for a long time, I agreed to Whisking Mirror’s pursuit.

At the same time, I vowed never to fall in love with a mortal again. Since I’m bound to be heartbroken, I might as well not start at all.

After pouring my heart out to the beaver slaves like a bamboo tube, I was much more comfortable and fell asleep.

In my dream, I was with Qi Si and was flipping red waves all night. Extremely real.

The next day when I woke up, the civet slave’s small paw pressed on my heart. Seeing me open my eyes, it pounced over and rubbed its little brain against my neck.

“Little pervert, I’m having sex dreams because of you, right?”

I wrapped my arms around it and pouted my lips as I was about to kiss it, when suddenly a sentence burst out:

“Whiskers, I love you.”


The corpse of the unscrupulous capitalist, Whiskers, has been hung on a street lamp by his vengeful henchmen, so how can this spell still work?

If it’s not Whiskers who’s messing with me, it’s probably Jin Yeon.


“I have no grudges with you from afar, and no grudges in the recent days, why do you want to make things difficult for me?” This is the question I have always wanted to ask Jin Yan.

I didn’t know her at all. After I fell in love with Whisker, I was expelled from the sect, and she was suddenly very attentive to visit us.

She said that I had saved her life by catching demons.

Although I have no impression at all, she also said vaguely, but the hand does not hit the smiling face person, I take her as a friend.

But what …… happened later was sinful.

“You bitch, if not because of you ……,” Jin Yan fluffed her head and her eyes were full of tears.

Again, it is a familiar beginning. Tang Shangxian, how is the awareness so low, always like to engage in female competition.

When she finished venting, I handed her a side of the pad, she said with tears in her eyes:

“When my father committed a crime, my uncle tried to send me to the couch of the emperor’s son, to become the concubine of the emperor’s son, so that my father would be exempted from the crime.

In the end, I didn’t even see the emperor’s face, but I was warned by the immortal in his palace that the emperor was already married, and that seducing the emperor would be an additional offense.”

Li Chen and my engagement is considered a secret. Except for the Heavenly Court dignitaries and our division, no one else knows about it.

I asked suspiciously:

“What does this have to do with you harming me?”

“I was originally at home, but after a while, I received a secret letter from Emperor Li Duan.” She took out a gilt letter box, “He asked me to test if Whisking Mirror is devoted to you, which will absolve my father and me of our sins.”

I opened the letter and skimmed through it, saying:

“It is indeed the official seal of the Heavenly Court.”

It’s understandable that the first son of the Heavenly Emperor would want to stir up some muddy waters after being rejected by a small demon hunter.

“But I can’t imagine that Whisking Mirror is so handsome that he was really chased by me.” Jin Yan cried out, “But when he was with me, he still always mentioned you.”

“So you put a poisonous love spell on me?”

“What poisonous love spell?” Jin Yan looked confused.

I explained it to her and she shook her head:

“Our clan is not allowed to cast a spell. Besides, Whisking Mirror never let go of you in the first place, so if you can’t forget him, it will be easier for you to rekindle your relationship, so what’s in it for me?”

I tried more and saw that she didn’t look like she was lying.


I asked the Ravenslave to get all the information on the Poisonous Love Curse from the division, and didn’t gain any new progress.

If I want to know more, I’m afraid I’ll have to look for forbidden books.

I went to the black market and found the out-of-print “The Complete Guide to Using the Poisonous Love Spell (Next Book)”, but it was locked and I had to use the previous book to open it.

I flipped out another treasure I had found and asked it where the upper book of this book was, and its pointer spun around, pointing straight to Emperor Li Duan’s Liuli Palace.

Li Duan wants to marry me, but wants me to think of other men from time to time?

Is it because you can’t get it, you want me to suffer more emotionally as well?

This old thing, a bit interesting.

I flew up to the Nine Heavens, intending to meet my fiancé, whom I’ve never met before.

“The emperor’s son is listening to the government today.”

“The emperor’s stomach hurts.”

“The emperor fell asleep.”

Although I repeatedly explained that I was not here to press for a marriage, nor to withdraw from it, but only to visit the Emperor’s son of Li Duan as a representative of the Demon Catcher, I was still rejected time and again by the Immortal Lords guarding the palace.

After circling around for half a day with no result, I ran to the toilet in a hurry to urinate.

Just after I finished, I heard someone outside say:

“Your Highness Li Duan, your fiancée is here again, I sent her away.”

I rushed out with an arrow step and knelt behind the back of that headdress with a flamboyant headdress and a fluttering immortal’s arms:

“Little Immortal Zhong Wuyan, see Emperor Li Duan.”

The back figure stiffened, and even walked forward without looking back.

I ran to him in a hundred-meter sprint, and now I also froze.

Qi Sihe, no, it should be Emperor Li Dust, patted my muscle-tight shoulders and took me to the Liuli Palace.

“If Whisking Mirror had been true to you in the first place, I would have been willing to leave forever, but he couldn’t stand up to Jin Yan’s temptations, and I couldn’t rest assured that you would.” Li Duan took a sip of tea, “Actually, it’s quite good to be your cat all the time, but there’s no chance for that in the future.”

“You can be my cat in your main job and my husband on the side.”


“So Teiji is backing out and doesn’t want to marry me?”

“Mutual companionship is fine as long as you don’t get tired of looking at each other.” But to get married, you need to be each other’s favorite person.”

“I see, you love someone else the most, so you want to repent.”

“No.” Li Duan turned his head, “My favorite is you, but your favorite, is not me.”

“Who told you that?” My dantian blood rushed straight to my head.

He took out The Complete Book of Poisonous Love Spell Usage (Previous Book) and pointed me to the last paragraph marked with a fluorescent pen on the end page:

“The person who has been under this spell will automatically say ‘xxx, I love you.’ every time he or she gets too close to another creature.”

xxx is the name of the beloved in the heart of the person who is under this spell. This spell is 100% accurate and has no toxic side effects, so please feel free to use it.”

“Do you still remember what I was called two hundred years ago?” Li Duan asked.

“Shi Runzhang.”

“That day when I was going to kiss you before the double cultivation, if you called out Shi Runzhang’s or Qi Sihe’s name, I was going to make peace with it.

I can’t imagine that you love Whisking Mirror so much, even after he died later, you still can’t forget him.”

“No way! I stopped liking him the day I had to double-cultivate with you.” I tried my best to defend myself, “If I didn’t like you, why did I agree to kiss you?”

Li Chen still didn’t believe me.

I calmed down and unlocked the next book of the Poisonous Love Spells. I laughed out loud when I saw the first sentence on the first page of the next book.

Leaving Dust curiously took the book, only to see that it reads:

“Note: xxx does not include mortals or immortals, demons, devils, etc. who have descended to earth for a journey or pretended to be mortals.”

I sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck:

“Try kissing me again.”

Li Duan threw the book aside, picked me up in his arms, placed me on the couch, and leaned down.

His thin lips were about a centimeter away from me when I blurted out:

“Lei Chen, I love you.”

–The End–

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