33. Adoption of a boyfriend in progress

Boyfriend Development in Progress

Unwanted: Seeing You at the Right Time for Love

I was reborn after spending three days with a famous murderer.

At that time, he was still a tiny little man in a wheelchair, being slaughtered and bullied by others.

It’s okay, we’re not afraid. We still have 20 years before he kills people.

I am confident enough to transform him into a normal human being for the benefit of the communist society!


There’s a psychopathic murderer who killed 20 people in a row in this city.

According to the information released by the police about the victims, all of them were doctors, professors, doctors and other elderly people with decent careers.

The point is that this murderer was so wild that he even posted the video of his crime on the Internet!

I couldn’t help but shudder, who would be the unlucky 21st?

Just as I was thinking, a towel came from behind and covered my mouth and nose, the other party was extremely strong, I could not break free and fainted in a short while.

When I woke up again, I had been tied up, and the man opposite me was wearing a black baseball cap and a big mask.

The man’s eyes were extremely black, staring at me for an instant, looking gloomy.

Who was this if not a murderer?

I noticed that he had a slight limp in his right leg and walked with a high and low step, but it wasn’t serious.

The Killing Demon seemed to notice my gaze and suddenly stopped walking, in his eyes were emotions I couldn’t read.

Damn, discovering the murder demon’s flaw, he’s definitely going to be annoyed and kill me.

I closed my eyes and waited for death.

Instead of rushing to kill me, he washes my face, feeds me, and changes me into a diamond encrusted, sparkling tutu.

The movements were gentle, like treating a cherished work of art.

I was a ballerina, usually the most beautiful, and I shivered at the thought that I was going to be cut into little pieces.

I tried to negotiate with him, “Let’s die, but can you not cut me into pieces? Can you leave me a whole body?”

The murderer was stunned at his words, his eyebrows arched, and although he didn’t make a sound, I could see that his chest cavity was trembling, and he was smiling!

Like this, we spent three days calmly, he stared at me from time to time as if he couldn’t take his eyes off me.

I even had to wonder if he was looking at me and didn’t want to kill me?

Who knows, pervert eh, how can he deduce his behavior with common sense?

Maybe he was thinking of ways to kill me to make it more exciting.

I witnessed him calling the police to give our location and then pressing me up to the roof of the building.

Soon we were surrounded by police.

He was standing on the edge of this tall building with me in a vice grip, dozens of stories in the air behind us.

I thought I was going to be dropped into a pulp when the murderer actually pushed me away so hard that the wind blew away his black baseball cap and large mask.

I recognized this man, he was my former classmate, Chen Bank!

Two lines of clear tears flowed down his bloodstained face, and the corner of his mouth gently pulled a smile, “Lin Qingqing, don’t forget me!

“If there is an afterlife ……

The gust of wind engulfed the few words that followed him.

Then his entire body lay backward and fell down fifty-one stories.


When I opened my eyes again, I realized that I was back 20 years ago.

At that time, I was still a little pink and jade ball, my eyes were watery and round, my skin was white with powder, and anyone who saw me couldn’t help but pinch and kiss me.

When I went downstairs to buy soy sauce for my mom, I called out “Hello Auntie” in a milky voice, and Auntie Fatty, the boss’s wife, forced me to buy a piece of chocolate.

I don’t eat this stuff anymore after I learned ballet, to be exact, to maintain my figure, I don’t eat any sweets anymore.

I weighed the chocolate in my hand, intending to find a trash can to throw it away.

A few steps ahead, there was a loud noise coming from the trash can on the west side of the neighborhood.

Several teenage boys were laughing and screaming around a much younger boy.

The little boy fell to the ground, his head hanging down, and there was a big wheelchair beside him. The scene of a disabled child being bullied immediately came to my mind.

Without thinking, I rushed over and yelled, “Stop!”

The fat boy in the lead gave me a sidelong glance and waved his hand to drive me away, “Go go go, mind your own business.”

I forgot that at this time I was only an eight-year-old girl, went up and pushed the other party hard.

Completely …… unable to push.

The fat boy saw that I dared to make the first move obviously angry, swung his fist to hit me.

I was in a hurry, dragged the wheelchair next to me, regardless of the fat boy slammed into the past.

Wheelchair has wheels, I huffed and puffed and pushed to run is not much effort.

Children play around no one really, I’m so crazy stance to a few boys are bluffed.

Looking at the boys, who were almost a head taller than I was, I realized that I had to take it easy.

Panting, I took a step back and said loudly, “Any more bullying and I’ll tell your teacher! You’ll be punished by standing!”

Most kids are afraid of their teachers, and telling them is better than telling their parents.

The boys exchanged glances and ran away with a grunt.

Before they left, they threatened us: “If you tell the adults, you’ll be punished!”

“Hey, are you okay?” I asked, crouching on the ground.

The boy lifted his head and looked at me with dark eyes, not answering.

I thought he was scared silly, so I softly consoled: “It’s okay, those bad boys have all run away, I’m telling you, people are all bullies, if you’re a little bit tough, no one will dare to do anything to you, you know that right?”

I roughly helped him to check, there should be no injuries, just a little dust on the body.

I also looked at the side of the wheelchair, right Oh, he can not walk, this is a bit of trouble ah, I am now also a child, I am afraid that there is no way to pull him up.

I was thinking, but I saw him climbed up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and sat on his butt in the wheelchair, holding the handles and wanting to go.

This operation simply stunned me.

I yanked on him, “You’re not a cripple, so why are you in a wheelchair?”

“None of your business.” The boy spat out these words without expression.

I simply want to laugh, what do you mean it’s none of my business, just now I saved you eh.

Wait a minute, looking at his fair and pretty face, dark as ink eyes, I vaguely feel a little familiar.

He made me think of a word that’s very popular today: ‘sick and delicate’.

I ghostly asked, “What’s your name?”

“Chen Shishi.”

What’s your name? He’s the psychopathic murderer who killed 20 people 20 years later and finally let me live?

I just advised him to be more ruthless!

You don’t have to tell me, but at the age of eight, he has a cold demeanor, and my scalp tingles when I think of all the people he has brutally killed.


No one is born to commit a crime, there is always a trigger.

I and Chen Bank is a junior high school classmate, he this person, in my impression of a man of few words, alone, and I have nothing to cross. He has a limp, but it’s not serious.

I vaguely remember that his father was in jail and his mother ran away with someone, but he was not subjected to school violence.

He lived with his aunt and uncle, and I remember that his aunt and uncle were very rich. Anyway, he wore designer clothes in junior high school, and he was picked up from school by a small car, which was a rare thing at that time.

Instead of isolating him from his classmates, he didn’t want to socialize with them.

What happened in between? He was clearly not lame now, so why did he pretend to be lame? And when did he really limp?

I can’t help but think of him smiling at me in despair before he fell: “If there is an afterlife ……”

Watching the tiny figure laboriously maneuvering the wheelchair forward, I suddenly had a flood of holy mother’s heart.

I took a few steps to catch up with him and tugged on his wheelchair, “I’ll take you back.”

I made a decision, I’m going to reform him and befriend him, he didn’t kill me in his last life, so I’ll take it as a way to save those 20 people he killed, and also do some good for myself.

In fact, there is another reason, that is, just turned around, I now do not remember where my home.

But I remembered that Chen Bank’s house was opposite to mine, and it was on the fourth floor.

Just let Chen Bank take me back, hehehe.

I pushed the wheelchair and tried to find some topics to chat with Chen Shan, however, it was a completely futile effort, except for when I pushed the wrong direction, he mechanically pointed out “to the left, to the right”, other times he simply ignored me.

Soon after arriving at Chen Bank’s house, a woman with an oval face and a kind smile opened the door.

Chen An tugged on the woman’s coat corner and softly called out “Auntie”.

I followed with a twinkle in my eye and said sweetly, ”Auntie, my name is Lin Qingqing, I’m Chen Bank’s good friend, and I live across the street from your house.”

Chen Bank turned his head and looked at me in shock, he obviously didn’t expect me to say that, we’ve only known each other for ten minutes, what kind of friends are we.

I pulled out the chocolates that Auntie Fatty had given me from my pocket and stuffed them into Chen An’s hand, and said with a smile, “Mom said it’s a good friend,” Chen An was speechless, but he didn’t say anything.

Chen An was speechless, but didn’t push it away.

Chen An’s aunt was very happy, smiled and pulled me into the door, led me to the sofa and sat down, while giving me candy and chocolates to eat, she asked Chen An: “Where is your aunt? Didn’t she say she would take you out to play?”

Chen An’s lips pursed tightly, lowered his eyes and didn’t say anything, his two small hands clenched into fists.

Chen’s aunt seemed to be accustomed to it, probably did not intend to get any valid information from Chen’s mouth, touching Chen’s head, she said to me: “This child is too introverted, and recently fell and hurt his leg, we have just moved here and will have to transfer him to another school, so you should often come to play with him in the future.” I nodded and suddenly felt as if I had been in a state of shock.

I nodded my head and suddenly patted my chest as if I thought of something: “Auntie, let Chen Bank transfer to our Second Primary School, I’ll take care of him!”

The school district in our area is the second primary school, but some well-off parents will spend money to send their children to the first elementary school, six years of elementary school, people’s character is basically set, I have to watch him!

If according to the previous life, Chen Bank and I became classmates in junior high school, it is already too late!

Aunt Chen Bank was amused by my words, smiling and nodding her head: “Good, good, we also go to the second primary school.”

I added, “I’m in the third class of the second grade oh, let Chen Bank be in the same class as me.”

The eight year old me had a twenty-eight year old soul living in my body, and I knew that Aunt Chen Bank was perfectly capable of this.

Chen Bank lowered his head as he watched me chatting with his aunt.

”It’s okay, this is just the beginning, I have plenty of time.


Two days later, Chen An really transferred to our class.

The students were still young and had never seen the huge heavy wheelchair, so they were all quite curious.

The teacher told the class that Chen An had injured his leg and that they should take care of him, and urged Chen An to tell the teacher if he needed anything.

I immediately raised my hand, “Teacher, I want to sit at the same table with Chen Bank.”

The teacher smiled and nodded, pleased that someone was willing to get close to his new classmate.

In the end, they are still children and can’t hide their words in their hearts. The girl with glasses sitting behind me kicked my chair, “Why do you want to sit with the little cripple?”

I threw an eraser in her face: “What little cripple? He has a name, it’s Chen Bank, disrespect your classmates and I’ll beat you up!”

Said I pretended to wave my fist, the girl was startled, hurriedly shut her mouth.

I thought it would be better not to scare the children, so I reasoned with them, “Like you wear glasses, if people call you blind, how would you feel?

The girl immediately rounded her eyes and exclaimed, “My mom says I’m correcting my vision, I’ll be fine!”

I nodded: “Chen Shishi is also temporarily injured, he will also be fine ah, you can not say words that hurt others know right?”

After all, my actual age is already 28 years old, encountered the wrong always want to say, a small age how can talk mean.

The girl said to me embarrassed, red-faced to the Chen Bank said “sorry”.

Chen An lifted his eyelids to look at me, did not say anything.

I patted him on the back and said close to his ear: “I said I would cover you, right?

Now the corners of Chen Bank’s mouth gently pulled down.

I knew that he was smiling.

No one discriminated against him or gossiped about him.

Because I told everyone that Chen Shan was injured trying to save a child from being bitten by a dog!

I said that I had seen it with my own eyes!

A gaze of adoration was cast on Chen Bank, and everyone marveled at the fact that Chen Bank, himself a child, had sacrificed himself for others in this way!

And he dared to fight with a vicious dog! How marvelous.

All of a sudden, everyone gathered around Chen An’s desk, and I don’t know who said “Chen An is a hero! and the other students followed suit.

Chen An seems to have never been noticed like this, his iceberg-like mask was torn off, a little overwhelmed, his face also red, until the class began to disperse one after another.

Chen Bank gently touched my elbow, lowered his voice: “How do you lie?”

I coughed softly and told him: “This is a well-intentioned lie, do you understand!

Can you call a lie a lie with good intentions? What does a kid know.

Chen Ban also acted like a real cripple at school, never leaving his wheelchair in front of people, let alone going to gym class.

Only when the bell rang for the second period, I would push Chen to go to the restroom. I waited for him at the door, and he stood up and went in, with a steady pace, with no sign of a leg injury.

Because Chen’s aunt had told the school that it was normal for me, as a classmate, to take care of my injured classmate, the teachers didn’t ask questions.

I also asked Chen shore a few times, obviously good why pretend to limp, he was silent to answer.

Seriously, eight years old is the age of boys naughty, let a sound body of eight-year-old boy, sitting in a wheelchair all day, but also pretending to drip, I can not understand.

The resilience makes me shudder.

Did he have to do this on his own? Or did …… someone force him?


Without waiting for me to figure this out, the first exam after my rebirth came.

Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, the math teacher had a stack of papers under his elbow, and he pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose: “Students pack up your books and put them on the podium, and we will start the math exam below.”

I hadn’t heard of a test before, I wasn’t prepared at all.

I’ve never been good at studying!

Especially mathematics, science and chemistry, I grew up in a mess, my mother was afraid of my early school failure, let me learn ballet, more a specialty, I did not expect to hit the right spot in the dance is really talented, and later became a ballerina, of course, this is the aftermath.

However, the usual fear of the examination of this scum now is not afraid.

I am now 28 years old eh, still can not pass the second grade children? That’s ridiculous.

I confidently put away my textbook, and also thoughtfully took over Chen Bank’s and handed it in together.

When I received the test paper, I wrote my name first, and when I saw that Chen An was looking at me with his head tilted, I hurriedly covered the test paper tightly: “We are good friends, but I can’t give you a copy, that’s a harm, you know that, right?

Just kidding, how can you copy someone else’s at such a young age? If you don’t know what you don’t know, then you know what you don’t know. Copying someone else’s work is just self-deception.

Of course, Chen An is only eight years old now, he doesn’t understand yet, but I, a 28-year-old adult, do understand. I have to teach him well, so that he can walk on the right path.

“Lin Qingqing, why are you still staring at me, hurry up and write! We’re running out of time.” The teacher tapped the whip and scolded.

I snapped back to my senses and started to write, muttering in my heart how I couldn’t possibly make it through this kind of paper in an hour.

However, within a few moments, my head began to sweat!

The first two questions were basic addition and subtraction, and I wrote them quickly.

The last two application problems, I actually think I do not know a little, this is only the second grade content I do not know?

Why do you ask such tricky questions? Are elementary school students so voluminous now?

I was so anxious that I was sweating, the more anxious I was, the more I couldn’t write, I inclined my head to look at Chen Bank, who seemed to be writing very fluently.

I must have written it blindly, I consoled myself, what I can’t do he can’t do either.

I remember that in my last life, Chen Bank’s junior high school grades were not as good as mine.

Thinking of this I felt a little comfort in my heart and quieted down to do the questions in the back.

After the test papers were collected, I paralyzed on my desk and asked, “Chen Bank, what was your score on the last big question?”


It’s not the same as mine. I hurriedly turned around and asked my classmates behind me, and when I asked them, they all got the same answer as me, “5.”

I breathed a sigh of relief, my gaze became gentle, gently touching Chen An’s head in a soothing manner: “Don’t be sad, I’ll teach you what you don’t know, you’ll definitely do well next time!

Chen shore surprisingly did not resist, his head is also very good to touch ah, hair quality fine soft fluffy, especially clean, just like the Garfield Duo Duo I used to have, I can not help but take him as Duo Duo jacked a few times.

I couldn’t help but masturbate him as Toto for a few moments. He actually blushed when I touched him, this little brat.

He blushed and said, “I’m okay at math.”

I didn’t take it seriously, kids want to save face, I know, I know.


The test papers were corrected in two days, and the math teacher walked in with a red face and cleared his throat: “The students did well this time, and the only 100 points in the whole grade are in our class!

I pursed my lips, trying to restrain the corners of my mouth that were about to pull wider and wider.

Steady on, Lin Qingqing, you can’t look too pleased with yourself.

But I really wanted to laugh, ah ah ah ah, I’ve never been first in my grade before.

I have no doubt that the teacher is talking about me, there’s no way I, a 28 year old adult, can’t beat a little kid is there?

Just let me be vain, who let me be a scum in the past.

I straightened my back and tilted my head, ready to receive the teacher’s praise and the attention of my classmates.

“This student is – Chen Bank who just transferred to our class! Applause!”

What are you talking about?

My smile froze on my face, and I looked at the teacher and then at Chen An.

Chen Bank still had his head down, his face expressionless, unable to tell if he was happy or sad.

This is too capable of pretending, isn’t it?

I glared at him fiercely and decided to ignore him for the time being.

But I wasn’t that composed in the end, and just after class I pinched Chen Bank hard.

He grimaced in pain and scrambled to draw back his arm.

Before he could say anything, I questioned him in a stern voice, “Aren’t your grades bad? How come you got first in your grade?”

Chen Bank skimmed his mouth, seemingly a bit aggrieved, “I said I’m okay at math.”

I choked for a moment, he did not say that he was not good at studying, but in his last life in junior high school he was not good at studying.

I looked him up and down again, nodded with satisfaction, he is now only eight years old, fair and clean-looking, learning is also good, although talk less, do not like to interact with people, this is not a big deal, as long as I guide him correctly, will never become a murderer!

Chen bank was I look at the heart hairy, completely unaware of my hesitation.

When school was over, I pushed Chen An to go outside.

The second primary school and our neighborhood is very close, across the street to, walk is only seven or eight minutes.

In the past few days, I’ve been hanging out at Chen An’s aunt’s house, and after dinner, I went back to the opposite building to do my homework.

Because of the Chen shore a period of time before the injury, Chen shore aunt Dr. Chen transferred with someone shift, three or four o’clock in the afternoon will go home, convenient to pick up Chen shore.

I said, “Auntie, you should be busy with what you do, I will send Chen bank back.

So Dr. Chen made me some good food at home.

My mom was happy to know that I was eating at Dr. Chen’s house.

My mom said that Dr. Chen is a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology at our tertiary hospital, and her husband is a researcher at a research institute, so she has a wide range of contacts, so she can make good relations with them, which may be useful in the future.

I scoffed, snobbery!

I got acquainted with Chen Bank and his aunt, and Chen Bank was no longer defensive about me and began to treat me as a friend.

Dr. Chen doesn’t have any children, and he’s quite attentive to Chen Bank. I can see that Chen Bank is quite dependent on his aunt.

The man of the house, Chen Bank’s aunt, I have not seen once.

I’ve heard that he is doing a research project, and when he’s busy, he doesn’t come home for a month.


That afternoon after school, I pushed Chen An just out of the elevator and yelled, “Auntie, we’re home, I’m starving.”

The door opened, but not Dr. Chen.

A well-mannered middle-aged man smiled at us and said, “Little Bank is back!

It must be Dr. Chen’s aunt, so I politely shouted, “Hello, uncle, I’m Lin Qingqing, a friend of Dr. Chen’s.”

I’m Lin Qingqing, a friend of Chen’s.” “It’s great that Xiaoan has a friend, come in and play.”

Come in and play.” “Okay.” When I heard that, I was about to push Chen An to go in, but Chen An pushed me away and slid in the wheelchair by himself.

“You go back! I am tired.” Chen An’s voice was very cold and urgent, and he commanded his aunt, “Close the door!”

Chen An’s aunt smiled apologetically, “Xiao An’s temper is just like this, Qing Qing will come back to play next time.”

Looking at the door that closed with a bang, I froze for a long time, what is this little kid crazy again!

And this aunt is also, the researcher as a fool, right, just let the child, emotional intelligence is too low!

I beamed and went home.

As soon as I entered the door, I inhaled my nose, it smelled so good.

“Mom, what did you cook?”

My mom poked her head out of the kitchen, “Wash your hands, we’re having seafood dinner today.”

I rubbed my hands and ran over to see that the table was set with salt and pepper shrimp, garlic scallops, steamed mussels, and abalone chicken soup simmering on the pot.

Yo, the family is rich, we are not near the sea, can rarely eat fresh seafood, although the supermarket also sells, can be expensive!

Hmph, stinky Chen shore not let me into your home, my family has good food.

I ran to my room and put down my school bag.

My room is directly opposite Chen shore’s, my eyesight is very good, I can clearly see the opposite side of the Chen shore is sitting in front of the writing desk, his aunt is bending down to hold his shoulders to get close to him, quite intimate look.

Only to see the Chen shore head violently threw his head, and pushed his aunt a hand.

Then his aunt stood up and closed the curtains.

Heh, his temper is quite big.

No matter him, I eat first.

At the dinner table I ate wolfishly without lifting my head, and drank three bowls of soup, so fresh that my tongue was about to fall off.

“Eat slowly.” My mom smiled and gave me a piece of shrimp and said, “This Liang Guosong is really generous, giving so much.”

“Who is Liang Guosong?” Why does it sound so familiar?” I said vaguely as I chewed on the abalone in my mouth.

I said vaguely, “You’re the one who plays with others every day, that’s Auntie Chen An.” My dad poked me in the head.

Yes, Auntie Chan.

Not true!

I was so shocked that I almost knocked over my bowl.

Liang Guosong, if I remember correctly, was the first person Chen Nan killed 20 years later!


At that time, Liang Guosong was already the deputy director of a certain research institute, and several of the people who were killed after that were the director and the director, etc. I clearly remember that there were people on the Internet at that time.

I clearly remember that some people on the Internet said that the murderer specialized in killing people with social status!

Thinking of the image of Chen Bank pushing his aunt away just now, a very strange feeling suddenly surged in my head.

The next day Chen Bank did not go to school, I killed directly to his home after school.

Or his aunt Liang Guosong opened the door, I shouted “uncle” like a daredevil, and rushed straight in, straight to Chen Bank room.

The room was dark, the lights weren’t on, and the curtains weren’t open.

I turned on the light, but Chen Nan was not there.

I quickly ran to the bedside and opened the curtains, and the sunlight poured in.

“Xiao shan went out with his aunt, come back to play with him next time.” Liang Guosong chased in and said.

Liang Guosong chased in and said, “Oh, the teacher has assigned homework, so I’ll make a copy for Chen Shishi.” I pretended that I didn’t understand the expulsion order and sat down with a big smile, opened my bag and took out my homework.

There were some drawing papers scattered on the desk, and the style of the drawings was childish, so it looked like they were drawn by Chen Bank.

My heart is beating fast, but I have to be calm, panic will only do bad things, I copy the questions while saying, “Uncle thank you for the seafood, it’s so delicious, mom asked me to come over and thank you.”

“Oh you’re welcome.”

Liang Guosong never left the room since the beginning, just standing in front of the closet.

I chatted with him for a while, and finished copying the questions.

“Bye Uncle, I’m going home, tell Chen An to remember to do his homework.” I waved my hand and ran out.

I ran as fast as I could out of Chen Bank’s house, and I didn’t breathe a sigh of relief until I ran home, my body was dripping with sweat, my clothes were already soaked, and I couldn’t stop my hands from trembling.

In everyone’s eyes, I’m only eight years old now, the adults won’t be too defensive towards me.

When I first ran into Chen Bank’s room, I clearly heard a “thud” in the closet, and there was someone inside!

I could hear it, and Liang Guosong must have heard it as well, so I quickly pulled open the curtains, intentionally or unintentionally revealing that my mom knew I was here.

Chatting with him about my family made him think that I was just a silly kid who didn’t notice anything and didn’t know anything, so that I wouldn’t be in danger.

What’s even more frightening is that the drawings on Chen Bank’s writing desk are filled with violence and gore.

The children’s drawings were simple and easy to read.

There was one drawing that clearly showed a large hand holding a child like a dog, and the child’s body was covered with bruises.

There was another drawing of a child being pinned to a bed by several people, and the child was bleeding from wounds on his hands and legs.

There is also a picture of a child tied up with ropes and posed in various shapes by several people.

The average person might think that children’s drawings are just so nonsensical.

But in my past life, I saw a similar drawing by an actress who was lightly killed by cyber violence!

People without psychological problems couldn’t draw such a picture.

I doubt that Liang Guosong, or even someone else, is doing bad things to Chen Bank!

And what role is Dr. Chen filling in this case?

Chen Bank, no matter how smart he is, is just an eight year old kid, and there’s no way he could have hidden his leg from this aunt without an injury!


I woke up with a piece of baklava in my mouth and knocked on Chen Bank’s door again:

“Chen Bank, the teacher asks when you’re going to school?”

Liang Guosong pushed Chen Bank out: “I’ll go to the institute later, just in time to send you to school together.”

Chen An looked at me blankly, his big eyes were empty.

I told him jokes along the way and he ignored them, it was back to the day I first met him.

Liang Guosong drove us there, and he turned on the stereo.

The melodious foreign songs pour out, Liang Guosong also hummed along.

I smiled and said, “Uncle, this song is really good!

Liang Guosong told me with a bit of smugness that he had composed the lyrics himself and recorded the song in a friend’s studio.

I couldn’t stop flattering him, begging him to sing it a few more times, but my body felt like it had fallen into a freezing cellar, and the cold air went straight up from my spine, and I clenched my fingers so tightly that my fingernails pierced into my flesh.

After a while, my hand reached out to Chen Bank beside me and held his tightly, both of our hands were wet.

But my heart was incredibly firm, don’t worry, I will protect you!

Liang Guosong hummed an Irish ballad, which he replaced with words he had filled in.

Translated into Chinese, it probably means: I’m a moocher, have been tortured to cripple a lamb, the lamb is tender and desirable, he can’t go anywhere in my hand, I can do whatever I want with him …… Look, who will be next?

We have elementary school kids here who don’t learn English until fourth grade, let alone cold Irish.

The average person wouldn’t even understand what he was singing, but I have traveled to many countries in my past life as a ballerina, and I have spent more than two years in Ireland in particular, and I can understand their language by and large.

But in a few minutes we arrived at the school, I smiled brightly and waved to Liang Guosong, “Thank you uncle, see you later uncle.”

And when the car pulled away from my sight, my smile froze and I turned around and violently hugged Chen Bank, “It’s your aunt right, it’s him right?”

I spoke so urgently that my voice shook involuntarily.

As I said that, my tears flowed down, and I couldn’t stop them, rubbing them all over Chen Bank’s face.

Stayed for a long time Chen Bank saw me crying also panicked, he hesitated for a moment, gently patted my back: “Qingqing, do not …… not cry.”

I just feel that Chen Bank is too poor, too miserable, if the world has not given him a trace of goodwill, then let him take what to love the world?

I hugged Chen Bank and cried silently for a long time before I drew back and pulled up his hand, “Are you hurt? Show me where it hurts, does it hurt a lot?”

Chen bank but avoided my sight, red face whispered: “Nothing …… does not hurt.”

Chen An began to talk to me intermittently recounted the events of the beginning and end.

Eight-year-old child language expression ability is limited, but I still understand.

After his father went to jail, his mother ran away not long after, and he was picked up by his aunt.

His aunt was highly respected outside, but at home he often scolded her and seldom came home.

Gradually, his aunt began to come home more often, looking at him out of sight, but also always close to him, and then later said some strange things, and often touched him.

He felt very strange and resisted.

But his aunt was very strong and wouldn’t let him touch him, so he would hit her twice as hard.

What else could an eight-year-old do when he already had no parents but his aunt?

He tied him up, beat him with a stick, burned him with cigarettes, and hung him up by his limbs.

His aunt even called on his friends to come along and bully him.

At first they just made him pretend to be disabled, then they tried to make him really disabled!

They always said how beautiful it would be if Chen Bank was crippled like polio!

Some time ago Chen Bank’s leg was injured by them, because at first they didn’t dare to go too far, and his aunt, who is a doctor, secretly gave him anti-inflammatory treatment, and then his leg gradually got better.

I have to say that Chen Bank is very smart, he knows that he is not crippled will also be crippled to them, might as well pretend to really crippled legs, but also less suffering.


This bunch of scum, Chen Bank would have had a good life, how dare they do this to him!

I will never let them go!

“What about your aunt?” I asked him.

Chen bank shook his head: “Auntie doesn’t know, auntie’s father always comes secretly, not in front of her.”

“Auntie said if he told anyone, he would kill her!”

In Chan’s opinion, his father was much more powerful than his aunt, and she often worked overtime, so she couldn’t find out about his father’s evil deeds.

Auntie was his only relative, so he had to endure in silence in order to protect her.

He doesn’t know that adults are far more observant than children, and without his aunt’s tacit approval, these villains wouldn’t have dared to play such a big game.

This little poor! Being sold and still helping to count the money.

My eyes are red again.

Chen Bank rubbed the corner of his shirt, a bit at a loss for words, “Qingqing I don’t hurt anymore, it really doesn’t hurt anymore, don’t cry ah.”

I held Chen Bank’s hand, my tone was firm: ”It can’t go on like this, we have to let these bad guys be punished!

Chen Bank looked at me in a daze, “Tell …… me teacher?”

I rolled my eyes, that will certainly not work, whether the teacher believes the words of us children is a problem.

We have to have evidence.

In this era, the function of the cell phone is not powerful, only limited to texting and calling, no photo, more camera function.

Chen shore in a side opened his mouth, seems to want to say something, this little poor must think we will not be able to do, I signaled him to rest assured.

I suddenly remembered that in my last life, there was a pervert in elementary school who installed a pinhole camera in the toilet and was later caught.

It was on the news, and even the store that sold the equipment to the pervert was shut down!

Let me think about it, yes, it seems to be a computer equipment store in the alley opposite the school.

I’m a hothead, I’ll do it as soon as I say it.

In the afternoon, just after a class, I let Chen Bank told the teacher that the stomach ache asked for leave, and I as a tablemate of course, I have to escort the students who have difficulty with their legs and feet ah.

I really found it.

I entered the door and made a request to a boss-like man.

Unexpectedly, the man waved his hand repeatedly and was on the verge of kicking us out with a forklift: “Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

Although I can’t study, but my brain is flexible ah, I mouth one open to cry.

I cried so hard that my nose came out.

I said that my father had a woman outside and wanted a divorce, and that he wouldn’t give my mom any money for the house or car, and that he wouldn’t even pay for the tuition!

How can we live as widows and orphans? My mom and I are going to jump into the river!

If we can get a picture of him with that woman, we might be able to get some money.

I looked at the man’s face, he seemed quite moved.

I felt happy, there is a chance!

The man pondered for a while, seemed to have made up his mind, turned into a small room and rummaged around for half a day, handing me a black box:

“Take it, don’t tell anyone that you took it from me.”

I was very happy, took the box and thanked him: “Uncle, you are really a good man, I won’t forget your great kindness!

The man shushed me, and in the end, he didn’t even take my money, saying I was a “poor child”.

I was so happy that I pushed Chen Bank out of the door, I told him that with this, I would be able to take pictures of all those bad guys!

Chen An looks at me, wanting to say something.

When he got to the door, he suddenly looked back at me, “Qingqing, don’t lie to me,” he said.

He probably saw my fear of the adults’ tricks, and I “barked” at his head. Well, that’s what my mom does every time I’m scared.


That night, I stood at the window and saw Liang Guosong driving back in his silver gray car.

A few men with big bellies also got down from the car.

Not long afterward, Liang Guosong appeared at the window across from my room and drew the curtains.

And once again, Dr. Chen stayed out all night at an inopportune time.

I slept extremely poorly that night, knowing full well that they were going to hurt Chen Bank again, but I couldn’t do anything about it.

It was necessary to make their atrocities against Chen Bank an established fact, to leave behind evidence so that I could save him.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I would think of Chen Bank’s big dark eyes brimming with tears.

Obviously he never cried in front of me.

I tossed and turned until the latter part of the night when I was too sleepy to sleep for a short while.

I woke up before six o’clock the next day and went around the house like an ant on a hot pan.

As soon as seven o’clock arrived, I went straight to Chen Bank’s house.

I breathed a sigh of relief the moment I saw Chen Bank nod slightly to me.

I knew that it was all captured.

Liang Guosong still drove us to school, and on the way he played the song again.

This time I secretly recorded it on my Walkman!

At this time, the internet wasn’t developed and information wasn’t transparent.

If we two kids rashly called the police, people might think we were fooling around.

Not to mention whether or not we could get the police’s attention, Liang Guosong and his group of friends had considerable social connections, so it’s not unlikely that they would have suppressed the incident.

The well known playground murder case that broke out 20 years later is an example.

If we can’t get rid of them this time, Chen Ban will be in danger!

In this day and age, paper media had a wider audience, especially the Jiangnan Weekend Newspaper, which was famous for its boldness in speaking and writing and exposing social scandals.

I thought about it and sent a letter to Jiangnan Weekend Newspaper with video and audio recordings.

After three days, I figured the letter should have been received, and I gave the CD to my parents.

From what I know about my parents, they are not confused about what is right and wrong.

Sure enough, my parents began to see a group of middle-aged people appearing in Chen Bank’s room, inexplicably looking at me.

Halfway through they couldn’t sit still.

My father slapped on the table, the veins on his forehead rippled: “They are breaking the law!

My mom also rubbed her eyes and sighed: “How much has this child suffered!”

Later on, they took Chen An and I to the police, and my dad even went to the police station to tell them that this was a very serious problem.

In fact, we don’t need to describe anything more, as long as we look at the video and the injuries on Chen An’s body, we will understand everything.

The police took him to have his injuries analyzed.

He had a lot of bruises on his legs, and he said they were from bad guys hitting him with chairs, and they said that mutilation is the real beauty!

He said the most serious one was when Liang Guosong took him hiking and pushed him down the hill, and that time he stayed in bed for half a month!

Later he kept pretending to be crippled even when he got better so they’d be less likely to beat him.

Scum! Why don’t you find a car to crash into and cripple yourself if you like crippled beauty?

The police accompanying us are furious.

On the way back, I took Chen Bank’s hand and wouldn’t let go, “Mom and Dad, let Chen Bank come home with us!

My father said seriously that that home must not be returned!

My mom squatted down, touched Chen An’s head and smiled kindly: “Come back with us, okay? Auntie will buy you chocolates”.

Chen An nodded shyly.

I happily pushed him as fast as I could.


Things didn’t go as smoothly as I expected.

That night, Liang Guosong and Dr. Chen came to my house.

They said that my family abducted children.

The neighbors also advised us that Liang Guosong and his wife were the guardians of Chen Bank and that we had no right to take him away.

Liang Guosong showed that hypocritical smile again and beckoned to Chen Bank, “Come over here, Little Bank, don’t cause trouble for others.”

Dr. Chen stood behind Liang Guosong without saying anything.

Chen Bank looked at me and then at them, closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, sliding the armrests of the wheelchair.

“Don’t go!” I tugged him to death and looked back at my parents, “We can’t let him go!”

Chen Bank broke my hand and shook his head at me.

He’s very precocious, he knows there’s no way or position for us to leave him behind.

Tears came to my eyes.

At this moment, several people with cameras rushed in, looking around and then snapping at Liang Guosong.

Liang Guosong froze, blocking his face with one hand and driving them away with the other, “What are you shooting? Who are you?”

The leader of the professional dress short hair woman did not avoid, measuring Liang Guosong for a moment to open his mouth: “We are the Jiangnan Weekend Newspaper reporter, the above attaches great importance to, Mr. Liang, the child you can not take away!


Due to the intervention of the media, this matter quickly fermented, originally by Liang Guosong gang through the umbrella, at this time also does not work.

Trying to abuse a normal child into a disability through violent means because of mu disability is simply sensationalized in this day and age.

Especially the perpetrators or a group of senior intellectuals.

The latter detention, filed a case for investigation on all logical.

These bad guys are bound to be severely punished by the law!

In this vicious incident, one person was chosen out.

Chen Bank bites, his aunt is also a victim, and does not know, he is also determined to continue to live with his aunt.

In his mouth, his aunt was very kind to him, only because she was childless for many years and was bullied and blinded by his aunt.

Dr. Chan sobbed uncontrollably.

I told her viciously that if she treated Chen Bank badly, I would make her lose her reputation!

As the case involved a young child, it was disclosed to the public in a rather obscure manner, only saying that Leung Kwok Chung and his gang had attempted to beat their poor nephew to disability because of mu disability.

But despite this, this is a shocking event in a small county like ours.

It can be said that no one knows, no one knows, classmates look at Chen Bank’s eyes have changed.

That day after school, a group of senior boys stopped us: “Hey, I heard that your criminal aunt likes you to pretend to be disabled? Then you crawl around on the ground to show us.”

By this time, Chen Bank had long since stopped using his wheelchair; he swept them off their feet and pulled me around them.

“Hey, stop.” The boys were annoyed to see us ignoring them, and one of them went so far as to command a few others to hold Chen Bank down on the ground.

They laughed playfully, “Crawl, crawl like a dog.”

The next moment, I picked up a thick wooden stick and hit them with all my strength.

I cried as I punched, “I’ll let you bully, I’ll let you bully!”

I took a lot of punches, and they didn’t fall in favor either, slapping me several times with their sticks.

When Director Li of the Political Education Department rushed over, I was riding on a boy’s back and swinging my stick!

Chen Bank had also flipped a boy to the ground and stuck him by the neck!

Director Li stormed over and brought us back to the school, and Chen Bank and I looked at each other and smiled, our two small hands clasped tightly.

At this moment, our destinies were tightly linked.


Day by day, the fight in the second grade let me and Chen Bank became famous, everyone knows that we are ruthless, and no longer any ungrateful dare to mess with us.

Chen Bank’s grades steadily ranked first in the grade, it did not fall, even once.

Soon to junior high school, he not only did not fall as I expected, but also became known as the god of learning!

I guess I helped him to solve the time bomb of Liang Guosong, so he had the heart to study.

I can’t think of anything else.

He was able to study well, but he also went to learn boxing, and started a free fight club at school, which made a lot of noise, and made him a much more cheerful person.

It seems that my rebirth has really changed his life.

Thinking about it, I really feel like a savior.

Of course, even if I am born again, there are still things that I can’t change.

For example, my studies.

When I was in elementary school, I was barely able to maintain an upper middle class because I had studied once in my previous life.

By the time I reached middle school, I wasn’t so good.

That physics wasn’t even human, I can say I couldn’t understand a word of it.

Math is also, that year’s full score of 150 points in math, I can only get 40 or 50 points every time.

The math teacher painfully said to me: “But if you choose to fill in abcd randomly also higher than this ah”.


I’m sorry teacher, I really just fill in the abcd randomly, if not for glancing at my classmate’s, I would not be able to get this score!

I don’t think it’s a waste of effort to do what I did in my last life. I told my parents as early as the third grade that it’s absolutely impossible to study and expect to go to college.

All roads lead to Rome, we can find another way.

So I went back to my old ways, ballet.

Because of the memories of my past life, not long after I learned my dance was amazing, and won awards in various competitions.

I was a big star at school, and no one knew who I was.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that I am the goddess in the hearts of many boys.

However, no boy has ever pursued me, either in my past life or in this life!

It’s also bad luck to say that whenever a male showed me favor in my last life, it didn’t take long for him to be heard from and disappear.

It just so happened that during that time I was also getting better and better resources, what with all the big ballet dramas that I was the lead actor in, as well as TV programmers inviting me to shoot reality shows and variety shows!

People began to make up stories about whether I was the big man’s canary, and those who wanted to pursue me would be punished.

The rumors intensified, and netizens even nicknamed me the ‘Cursed Goddess’!

Over time, no man dared to approach me.

So I was forced to be single for 28 years.

In this life, I must have a great relationship to make my rebirth worthwhile!

However, there are still no males around me.

The class grass of the third class just handed me a note, he praised me for being as bright and beautiful as the moon in the sky, and asked me to go to drink milk tea with him after school.

I was smiling fondly with my head down when the old class’s low, powerful voice was behind me, “Lin Qingqing, hand in what’s in your hand!”

I was criticized, wrote a review, and shouted at my parents all in one go, and my love, which was still in its infancy, was stillborn.

It wasn’t the first time something like this happened!

I really doubt that the old class has installed a detector on me, as long as there are boys handing me notes and stuffing me with chocolates, he will immediately appear!

I kicked the stones on the side of the road, what bad luck!

How dare you say I can’t have anyone of the opposite sex around me?

“Qingqing, don’t feel bad, I’ll help you explain to your aunt and uncle, you didn’t do anything wrong, it’s all someone else’s fault!”

Chen Xiang caught up and handed me a bottle of Fanta, he even thoughtfully opened the pull ring and comforted me gently.

I looked up at Chen Bank who was looking at me with a smile, took the Fanta and drank a few mouthfuls, and gave him a slap on the chest, “Still, you’re a good boy.”

When I was disappointed, he always stood behind me, comforting, encouraging.

He gave me a break on exams and covered for me when I made mistakes.

Thinking about it, I’m not completely without the opposite sex around me, Chen Bank is not it.

However, that’s not the same ah, plus in my last life I have lived more than forty years! Plus, I’ve watched him grow up, so I’m treating him like a son.

I shake my head, it’s okay, I’m only 15 now, there are plenty of opportunities, I don’t believe I can be single until 28 like in my last life!


Chen An was admitted to No. 1 Middle School on the basis of his first place in the district in the midterm.

And I was admitted to the Third Middle School because of my status as a special art student.

The first and third middle schools were the two best schools in our city.

I was quite happy, although we were not in the same school anymore, we both had a bright future, I guess that was the meaning of my rebirth.

On the day of the welcome party, I danced a selected excerpt from “Carmen” for everyone, a dance with few difficult moves but full of tension and expression.

I wore a big red tulle ball gown and big red lips, and when the music started, I danced with passion and charisma.

At the end of the song, I even threw a hot look at the stage.

The whole small auditorium was cheering for me.

As I got off the stage, a large bouquet of perfumed lilies was held up to me.

In my last life, I had this episode, let me think about it, it was Chen Feng, the basketball captain of our third middle school, tall and handsome, he was very passionately pursuing me at that time, but in less than a month, the person unexpectedly disappeared into thin air, in short, I have never seen him again.

But this time, behind the flowers is actually Chen Bank.

On the road, the Chen shore mood is not high, not much to say.

I asked him, “What’s wrong?”

“Qingqing, do you hate me?”

“How come?” I felt strange.

“Then didn’t we agree to enter the first middle school together?” Chen Shan looked at me, his eyes shining brightly, with vague tears.

“That’s right, I don’t know how to play basketball and I don’t know how to please you, and I’ve been pestering you ……,” Chen Bank said more and more his voice got lower and lower, and finally he even choked.

I was first startled, in the end is the people who grew up together, I see him sad also heartbroken:

“I’m not like this, listen to me,” he said.

On the eve of the midterm, the first and third middle schools have thrown me an olive branch, because the quality of teaching in the first middle school is better than the third middle school, I intend to enter the first middle school with Chen Bank.

Before filling out the application, the first middle school temporarily canceled the special class for arts and culture, so I had to choose the third middle school.

At that time, I was in a hurry and forgot to tell Chen An.

In that case, it’s really my fault.

I looked up at him, almost a meter eight, already a big boy, but still like a child like to rely on me.

I assured him with a warm heart, “We can still go to school together, anyway, the two schools are just one street away.

Chen An was happy.

But I couldn’t be happy.

It seems that my “loner” persona is going to be even more complete than it was in my last life.

In my last life, in high school, there were at least a lot of boys who had expressed their feelings for me, and I remembered more than ten or twenty of them, but in this life, I don’t know what went wrong, but these people all treated me as air.

“Chen Shishi, do you think I’ve gotten uglier.”

“How come? Qingqing, no one will be more beautiful than you.” Chen Shan’s eyes were sincere.

I think I’m pretty too, but why can’t I get married?


On this day, I’m going to participate in a ballet competition that’s very important to me.

The internationally renowned Ballet M will select the winner of this competition to enter the company.

In my last life, I missed out on winning and regretted it for years.

Now, at the age of seventeen, I have even more skill than in my previous life, and I think I can make it!

With my long hair coiled up high, I stood on my tiptoes and spun to the music, and the white saree seemed to be brought to life, surging and swaying like a tidal wave.

I had no doubt that I was born for ballet.

I knew exactly how well I had performed, far better than in any of my previous competitions.

The judges marveled at the fact that at 17 years old, I was such a good dancer.

Just kidding, I’ve lived two lifetimes.

Just as I came out of the backstage, I was stopped by Mr. Chen, the director of Ballet m, who said he admired me and wanted to talk to me about my career plans.

Well, in my last life, I was not as skilled as the others, and this Mr. Chen was trying to subvert me.

I, being young and impetuous, did not know how to deal with people and splashed him on the spot.

I was too young to deal with people and I threw water on him on the spot, which completely ruined my chances of going to M Dance Company.

However, after I got into the industry, I heard someone mention that Mr. Chan disappeared to Nepal when he was on vacation with his female companion, and he never came back.

Therefore, people should not do bad things, and more bad deeds will lead to their own death.

I thought I would leave quickly after exchanging a few pleasantries with this old pervert, if M Dance Company didn’t want me, I wouldn’t go.

Unexpectedly, when Mr. Chen drew a big cake with me, he was bumped into by Chen Bank who was looking for me.

There were other people present, so Mr. Chen had to leave unhappy.

Chen Bank and I grew up together, I naturally do not take him as an outsider, Mr. Chen severely spat a number of.

Chen Bank’s face became more and more ugly: ”I’m going to settle the score with him!

I hurriedly pulled him: ”Bitch has its own heavenly harvest, and ……

I squeezed my eyebrows and said, ”I counted on my fingers, he will be kidnapped in a few days!

Chen Bank froze, “pfft” laughed, then raised his eyebrows, “Kidnapping …… is a good idea.”

「Don’t disbelieve me, my premonition is very spiritual!”


At this point, I was just making up my own mind, and I didn’t even think that Mr. Chen had really disappeared two days later.

Mr. Chan really disappeared two days later.

On the day I reported to the m-dance troupe, I heard this explosive news.

Counting the days, it was actually quite a bit earlier than in my previous life.

I was quite happy, so I didn’t even have to exchange pleasantries with him.

On the way back, I went to the net red milk tea store to line up to buy milk tea, thinking that I have a cup of Chen Bank a cup.

This guy has been out of sight for the past two days, and I think he’s quite critical of me going to the dance troupe.

Buy a cup of milk tea to coax him.

I heard the two boys in front of me chatting.

“Why did you suddenly transfer to the Fifth Form? It’s quite far from your home.”

“Hey don’t mention it, if it wasn’t for that crazy guy Chen An …… I’d tell you you’d have to go around him if you met him, he’s crazy enough to do anything! He’s a psychopath!”

Hearing the name of Chen Bank, seems to be not what good words, I was angry.

I’ve been protecting my son since he was a child, is he for you to slander him like this?

I patted the back of the boy in front of me: ”Hey, classmate ……” Speak with respect.

When I saw who was turning back in front of me, I automatically swallowed the last few words.

Surprisingly, it was the basketball captain, Chen Feng, who had made advances towards me and then inexplicably disappeared!

However, when he saw me, he initially froze, then turned his head and ran!

This operation gave me a whole lot of trouble!

I subconsciously chased after him.

Good thing I learned dance from elementary school, physical strength is very good, followed him to run for two blocks, finally in the traffic light intersection to pull him.

I gasped and asked him, “What are you running from me? I can eat people.”

“You won’t, but Chan Bank will.” Probably having been caught by me, Chen Feng simply broke down and stopped covering up, but his next words really threw me for a loop.

That day, he went to the school chapel with flowers, wanting to confess to me, but he was knocked out with a stick.

He woke up to find himself gagged and hanging in the abandoned carpentry room at the back of the school!

After a day and a night of starvation coupled with fear, Chen Feng was really close to dying.

Chen Bank appeared.

He said any man who tried to get close to me had to die!

He also said that in a place like this, no one would even know if someone died!

Chen Feng couldn’t wait to get down on his knees and show him his loyalty, promising to transfer out of my sight, and was released with great difficulty.

Chen Feng said as if he was remembering the horror of that day, and his whole body shivered.

It really didn’t seem like a lie.

I froze.

While I was in a daze, Chen Feng ran forward without looking back, as if there was some kind of monster behind him trying to chase him!

In my mind, the 20 people Chen Feng had abused and killed in my past life and the curse of the “Cursed Goddess” that had haunted me for years appeared like a flashlight.

The two gradually overlapped.

No one is born a murderer, it must be an accumulation from quantity to quality.

After I helped Chen Ban punish the bad guys, I thought the crisis was over.

I thought that he would go on smoothly from then on and become a good person.

But if, for me, he really did become crazy and evil, then what is he doing now?

Suddenly a flash of light came to my mind and I made a mad dash for the school.


In the abandoned carpentry room at the back of the school, the light is dim and eerie.

A naked man with a bloody face was chained to the floor.

“Please, give me something to eat, give me something to drink.” The man crawled towards the corner, as if grasping onto something, begging bitterly.

In the next second, a big hand reached out from that darkness, pulling the man’s hair and smashing his face hard on the ground, once, twice, three times ……

The “thud” sound of his face hitting the ground was mixed with the man’s wailing, which was painful to listen to.

That’s when I realized that there was another masked man sitting in the darkness.

The masked man let go of his hand and stood up, slightly moving his muscles, but then stepped on the man’s head and stomped his foot.

The man under his foot cried out in pain, “Who the hell are you? I can give you money, I have lots of money!”

“Huh, give money?” The masked man finally uttered, as if he found the man’s words laughable.

The masked man bent down, admiring the dying struggle of the man, his prey.

“I feel it’s blasphemy to even touch her, how dare you even think about her?”

His voice was calm and gentle, like the murmur of a lover.

What came out of his mouth were the most cruel words in this world: “Want to know who I am? There’s no harm in taking a look, dead people don’t give away their secrets anyway, right?”

He was about to pull off the mask.

Too late, I took off my jacket and rushed into the hut, buckled it over the man’s head, and then yanked the masked man out.

The sunlight spilled through the gaps in the leaves on the masked man’s face, and he squinted his eyes with a bit of incredulity, “You saw it all …… You’re not afraid of me?”

I rolled my eyes and pulled off his mask, Chen Bank s pale face was exposed, and his whole person was taut.

I muttered: “afraid of a hairline ah? The two of us grew up together alas, humph, in the future, even if I have a son, I may not have to be close to you.”

I don’t know which sentence pleased him, he actually lowered his head and laughed.

I got even more annoyed and scolded, “Are you sick? If people see you, your life will be ruined, don’t you know? Is it worth it to get yourself killed for that kind of scum?”

“It’s worth it, everything is worth it for you.” Chen An’s eyes were crazy.

“You’re going to die! Did I save you from the devil just to see you go to jail? Why do you cherish yourself so little?”

I swung my fist at Chen Bank, the muscles on his body were so hard that he didn’t hurt but my hand hurt like hell.

After a few moments, he probably sensed the point of my exasperation and spoke with deliberation:

“No one will know, I used a wiretap to overhear that he and his female companion made an appointment to go to the island for vacation, his female companion has a husband, very cautious, all use the public phone to contact him, I took advantage of this point with a voice changer in a public phone booth to ask him out ……”

Hearing this I unconsciously skewed the floor: “Where did you get the wiretap and voice changer?”

Chen shore watched my face carefully said: “…… I did it myself.”

I sucked in a breath of cool air, dare I still cultivate a future scientist?

I stuck a hand on his neck: “All to me honestly confessed, not a word to leak!


Years ago, after I used pinhole cameras to bring bad guys to justice, Chen Shishi became interested in these devices.

After his aunt was arrested, she couldn’t stand the rumors of her colleagues, so she became the director of a private hospital, the kind with shares.

Aunt to his guilt, give quite a lot of pocket money, Chen Bank took to buy a variety of small equipment.

His brain smart, these small equipment dismantled installed installed dismantled, over time, even their own can do it.

Speaking of which I have to admire him quite a business mind, in addition to their own play, but also in the online sales, these years even made a good amount of money!

I listened with great interest, this is simply more exciting than the storybook ah.

Chen Bank’s voice gradually reduced, he looked at me uneasily.

I understood at once that there was a big situation behind!

I slapped him heavily and threatened, “Confessing is lenient and resisting is strict, if you dare to hide it I won’t care about you anymore!”

“No, no, I’ll tell you.”

Although I was mentally prepared, I was still shocked by Chen Bank’s next action.

He hesitated and pulled out a pistol from the pocket of his assault vest!

Then he obediently handed it to me:

“It’s called a ca one, it’s made with only eight parts, but it has a lot of killing power.”

I stammered, “And it can …… fire?”

“Of course.” Chen Bank said and wanted to demonstrate it to me.

I promptly looked back and pushed him, “You’re crazy, what if someone hears you?”

Chen Ban pursed his lips and smiled: “There will be no sound, it only uses 9mm caliber ammunition, and there is almost no sound when it is fired.”

Crap, big brother, this talent and wisdom you use in what not to earn a lot of money ah, net whole some illegal things to do?

“What about the boys who used to chase me?”

“I beat them up and forced them to change schools.”

Well, that’s what Chen Feng said.

Luckily, it’s not too late.

He hadn’t killed anyone yet, hadn’t actually gone on to commit a crime.

I breathed a long sigh of relief.

“Are you concerned about them?” Chen Bank looked at me for an instant, his eyes glistening with water, like a wounded deer.

I couldn’t help but be amazed at his brain circuits.

I blurted out, “Why do I care about them, I’m worried about you doing something illegal.”

Chen Bank was stunned, his face unexpectedly red, lowered his head and pursed his lips again.

I held my forehead and sighed, simply speechless.

What else can I do? The child he saved is of course on his knees to crawl also have to pull him back to the right path ah.


I cleared my throat and asked directly, “Do you like me that much?”

Chen Bank probably did not expect me to be such a tiger, looked at me blankly, and nodded again.

I was puzzled: “Then how come you never told me?”

“I don’t deserve you, I just thought it would be good if I could look at you from afar.”

Heh, bad mouth, bad heart, just look at me, so why drive away all the suitors around me?

Besides, my grades are at the bottom of the class, so what’s not to like?

After all, he’s the child I’ve watched grow up, I can’t see him being arrogant.

“You have to be confident, you’re smart, you study well, well, you have the ability to make money.”

I counted Chen Bank’s merits on my hands and looked up at him again.

A meter eight or so tall, straight and slender, without a trace of flab, and handsome.

In addition to ……

If the transformation is good, it is the perfect man.

Anyway, no man dares to come close to me, so why don’t ……

“Chen shore, let’s be together.”

In just a dozen seconds, a variety of colors on the face of Chen shore conversion, surprise, stagnation, ecstasy, excitement.

I went on to say, “But I have conditions ……

“I will agree to 100, no, 1000 conditions.” Chen Bank hurriedly expressed his loyalty.

“Be a good person, benefit society, and …… listen to me in everything.”

Said I naturally took Chen Bank’s hand, just like when I was a child.

“Let s go, first solve the immediate trouble.”

Early the next morning, Mr. Chen was found lying at the foot of the mountain, his clothes were torn, and he was so frozen that he could not speak well.

After slowing down a bit, the police asked him about his experiences over the past few days, but he kept his mouth shut and told his family to drop the case.

Chen Ban hacked his e-mail address, which not only contained action movies of him and his lover, but also the performance program of the M Dance Company, which he had sold to a rival company.

If these things get out, not only will his reputation be ruined, but he will also be in trouble with the law.

Since he was fine, he wanted to keep it a secret more than we did.

I told Chen Bank that as a girlfriend, I would consciously keep my distance from the opposite sex, but if I ever caught him engaging in these little maneuvers again, I’d just, well, ignore him forever!

I told him to stick “Study hard and obey the law” on his bedside and read it to me every day.

Oh, and “Listen only to Lin Qingqing”.

He added that himself!

Self-awareness is commendable.


In my second year in M Dance Company, I became a principal.

That year, Chen Bank was also guaranteed admission to the most prestigious school in China.

For this public performance I’ll be starring as the female lead in the ballet “Esmeralda”.

It was the first time in my life that I had ever picked a major role, and Chen Bank was there.

But I wasn’t nervous, I had played the female lead so many times in my previous life that I didn’t know what nervousness was anymore.

The show was a huge success.

When we were unloading our makeup backstage, the head of the show brought us all good news, the head of the biotech company “ca”, the biggest sponsor of the show, would be coming to visit all the cast and crew.

My pupils shrank, this “ca” company has a long history with me in my past life.

From the time he first emerged in the industry, to the time he became a big name group, he has always been our sponsor.

To be more precise, it was my sponsor.

Over the years in the industry, no one is irreplaceable, newcomers come and go, and I’ve suffered from temporary casting changes and other unfair treatments, but every time, ‘ca’ has stepped up to the plate.

If they didn’t give me the female lead, they would withdraw their funding.

Since I’ve never been close to anyone of the opposite sex, everyone says I’m the “ca” boss’s canary.

But in all honesty, I’ve never even met this boss!

Today, he’s coming!

But Chan Bank is on stage too. If he finds out, I don’t know what kind of trouble he’ll make!

Just kidding, if he gets mad and turns into a murderer, all my years of hard work will be wasted.

I stood up and was about to leave, “I’m sorry, I remembered that I still have a matter ……”

“Qingqing, where are you going?” A familiar voice came from behind me.

I froze, stiffening my head and twisting it around.

Chen Bank in a suit was holding a bouquet of fiery red roses and a huge box, looking at me with a smile.

No, Chen Shan is the person in charge of “ca”?

How could this dead kid hide it from me for so long?

I pulled his face and pinched him, “What else are you hiding from me?”

“Ouch, ouch, ouch,” Chen Ban begged for mercy and lowered his voice, “I’ll explain it to you when I get back.”

There were other members of the troupe present, so I couldn’t go on.

Under the anticipation of the crowd, I opened the box, a glittering tutu hand-stitched with countless diamonds.

It was beautiful.

Around me was the sound of the crowd huffing and puffing.

If it wasn’t for Chen Bank supporting me in time, even I almost fell to the ground.

It was the first time everyone had seen a tutu of such great value.

But not including me.

Not only have I seen it, I’ve also worn it.

In my previous life, Chen Bank had personally put it on me on the day he fell off the building.

At that time, there was an emotion in his eyes that I couldn’t understand.

The same as Chen Bank today.

Devotion, obsession, madness, and only less pain.

He kissed my lips, “It’s so nice to finally give it to you with my own hands.”

Chen Bank Perspective Extra

I was woken up by a continuous cry.

The other party was crying and shaking my body, the noise gave me a headache.

I opened my eyes, Auntie?

How come? Wasn’t I already dead?

But the pain in my body reminded me that I was still alive.

I kind of want to laugh, I can’t even die from such a high building?

“Kishi, you’re awake!” Auntie hugged me in surprise.

After a while, she crouched on my shoulder and sobbed in a small voice: “It’s auntie’s fault, it’s auntie’s fault, auntie is sorry for you. ……

“I shouldn’t have let that asshole Liang Guosong take you out. ……

Liang Guosong!

My pupils shrunk when I heard this demon’s name, he was my childhood nightmare!

But isn’t he dead? And all those scumbags back then, they’re all dead!

Wait, I suddenly noticed my much younger aunt, and then I looked at my small hands and feet.

I realized something incredible, I was reborn.

Reborn when I was eight years old, when my legs were still good, before they broke them over and over again.

I’m not going to sit back and wait, I’m going to make them pay.

Even if I had to go to hell, I would drag these demons with me.

I started pretending to be crippled to lower their defenses and suffer less myself.

On the day I met Lin Qingqing, I had just bought a bottle of Dichlorvos and wanted to die with them.

On the way back, I was overturned by a group of bad boys, who jumped and screamed around me, calling me a little cripple.

I was lying on the ground, the corner of my mouth gently hooked up, thinking how should I let them die?

But then I heard a clear shout, “Stop! No bullying little kids!”

Then she rushed over and blocked in front of me.

Stupid girl, not as tall as me, can’t even fight, don’t think you’re strong enough.

She turned back to me and said, “Don’t be afraid, I’m here!”

I was stunned.

It was Lin Qingqing! The person I longed for but didn’t dare to touch, the only thing I had to hold on to in this world.

In my last life, she was a rising star in the dance industry. She was so beautiful, so many people wanted her.

So I started ca tech, sponsoring every one of her performances, just to protect her.

But I never dared to walk up to her, because crippled I was not worthy.

At this time, her face was round and red, her eyelashes were arched like two small brushes, but her expression was milky and fierce.

I blushed at once and hurriedly hung my head to hide the panic in my eyes.

Just like I remembered her, impulsive yet cute, she was a little girl who actually beat a few boys away just like that!

She said she wanted to be my friend, she said she would cover me ……

What to do? I’m kind of dying to give up.

Let me stay with her just a little while longer, just a little while.

I secretly hid Dichlorvos.

She found out my aunt’s secret. Will she look down on me?

I didn’t dare to look at her, waiting for fate to judge me.

“Chen shore, we must send this gang of bad guys to jail! I will protect you …… from now on.”

She hugged me, her eyes were red from crying, obviously she was a child herself, but she still said she wanted to protect me ……

She said she wanted to find a way to collect evidence of Liang Guosong’s crimes, if only she could film it ……

I was silent, I did not tell her that I would actually make a pinhole camera device.

In my last life, I started out as a technology company, so this little gadget is not difficult to defeat me.

But I thought about it and still didn’t say anything.

For one, my current identity was that of an eight year old, and I was afraid that Qing Qing would be suspicious.

Secondly, I wondered if Qingqing would stay by my side a little more if I was a little more miserable.

Then later on, Qingqing helped me get rid of Liang Guosong’s gang, and I pioneered ‘ca’ technology earlier than in my previous life.

In addition to sponsoring Qingqing’s dance troupe, I also funded the construction of many special schools for the disabled and Hope Primary Schools.

Qingqing, I can love the world for you, can you stay by my side?

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