34. Koi carp shape modification story

Koi Carp Repair

Non-Partisan: Seeing You at the Exact Moment of Love

I am a koi spirit that has been gaffed.

In order to return to human form, I chose an unlucky man to possess me.

The butler of the richest man came to my door at night: “Miss! I’ve finally found you! I beg you to go back and inherit the family business!”

My name is Li Jin, and I am the only koi carp in the 8,000-mile radius of this small pond that has taken human form.

The patriarch jumped out of his gold-rimmed aquarium to give me his blessing.

I didn’t expect that on my first day in human form, before I could even walk skillfully on the road, I would be gaffed.

That person gave me a stick from behind, directly knocking me back to my original form.

He was stunned as he watched me turn from a human to a fish.

When the police came over, they wondered, “Why did this psychopathic murderer suddenly go crazy? Is it true that the heavens have opened their eyes?”

Then he happily picked up the man and left.

I don’t know if it’s the old gods, but I’ve opened my eyes.

It was so hard to cultivate my human form, but I was beaten back with a stick, I had no face to go back to the pond.

After thinking left and right, I decided to find someone to possess and raise my Yuan Shen.

The koi tribe is different from ordinary tribes.

Other communities attach themselves to ordinary people in order to suck people’s energy to help them cultivate.

All they do is bad things that harm others and benefit themselves!

But we koi, is through the absorption of human bad luck to improve the speed of cultivation.

The more unlucky the possessed person is, the more they will gain, and the faster they will cultivate.

As for the possessed person, from then on, his or her chi will explode.

It is only that most koi cannot even cultivate the ability to be possessed ……

The patriarch said that I am a cultivation wizard that is rare to see in the clan for a thousand years!

So I made a carp jump and jumped up to start looking for a possession object.

It didn’t take long for a figure covered in black aura to attract my attention.

This black aura was big enough!

Heaven’s Chosen Unlucky Bastard!

That’s her!

I jumped up and down and followed that unlucky person all the way, watching the black aura on her body get heavier and heavier.

She walked all the way to the middle of a bridge before stopping.

I saw her stand by the guardrail, shivering, and pull a tiny piece of paper out of her pocket. First, she stared at the piece of paper for a while, and then suddenly she cried loudly, chanting something as she cried D Guo Benzi ……

I didn’t quite understand.

Suddenly she threw the piece of paper and jumped over the guardrail and down-!

Scared me to death, my eyes and tail were quick to pounce towards her!

Finally rushed to get on top of her before she hit the water.

The Chosen Unlucky One’s desire for survival was not strong, and I could barely feel her consciousness after I got on top of her.

The strong black aura on her body also turned into a light golden color after being absorbed by me.

This is the golden qi of our koi.

In the time it took me to swim ashore from the water, I had already gotten a feel for the owner of this body.

This Heaven’s Chosen Unlucky Bastard is called Li Dandan, and has never had a good life since she was a child.

Father died of a work injury, mother is seriously ill in bed, every exam must fail, it is not easy to save some money, want to buy a powerhouse team to earn some of the mother’s medical expenses, I did not expect the opposite of the unproductive contraption suddenly male enhancement.

Lost a fortune.

But then again, she has me now, good times are here, aren’t they?

During the time I borrowed her body, I will definitely help her completely change her luck.

I took the only money left in Li Dandan’s pocket and went to the lottery station to casually buy a team.

The owner, an older woman, kindly reminded me after collecting the money, “Girl, this team’s level is not great, and the team they’re playing is a world powerhouse, why don’t you buy a powerhouse team? It’s a sure win!”

I shook my head, “Thank you, I’ll buy this team.”

The older woman sighed and gave me the ticket.

I took the ticket and put it in my pocket, saying thank you to the aunt.

Just as I left the door of the lottery station, I heard the old lady muttering to her partner, “Little girls don’t listen to people’s advice, they’ll suffer!

Her partner laughed and told her not to worry about others.

In the evening I went back to Li Dandan’s house, and after taking care of her mother to sleep, I moved a small bench to sit in front of the TV to watch the game.

When the game ended, I heard the sound of smashing things coming from next door, and the sound of men cursing.

The team I’d bought as a cold favorite had stunned a bunch of fans by sweeping the class seeded five to nothing.

The next day, I took the ticket I bought and went to Big Mom’s to cash it in.

When she saw me coming, she stared at me for a moment, and then smiled, “You’re here to cash in your ticket, young lady? You’re so lucky, you’ve met this kind of super cold game, I tell you this prize is many times, you’ll be rich ……”.

I took the prize money from the lady with a smile and counted it, it was quite a lot.

I put some of the money away and used the rest to buy another team.

The lady saw that I bought a cold team again, and tried to persuade me: “Little girl, this thing of luck will not always be there, you should buy a safer, it is not easy to win the prize money le”.

Talking about luck with koi is no different from talking about stir-fry with New Oriental.

I told the lady that there was no need, I was just optimistic about the team and kindly asked her if she wanted to buy some.

Auntie instantly shook her head into a rattle.

On the third day, I went back to the aunt to cash in a large sum of money.

After the redemption, the aunt saw me delayed to buy a new one, even took the initiative to talk to me: “Little girl, why are you so smart? What team are you buying today?”

I said because I’m a koi, but I’m not buying any more for now.

The luck of koi can’t be used in the same place all the time, otherwise it will destroy the inherent balance of this world.

With my glorious results of winning two days in a row, business at Big Mom’s lottery station has followed suit.

I looked at the suddenly larger balance in Li Dandan’s card, changed her mom’s medicine for an expensive one, and started thinking about what I was going to do next.

Suddenly, an advertisement for a novel reading site popped up on my cell phone.

“Do you want to make a million dollars a year? Do you want to be the next Auntie Beimen? Terminal Reading, in conjunction with Strawberry Video, Orange Movie and TV, and Pineapple Media, is proud to present the God-Making Program Essay Contest ……”.

I clicked on this ad and registered an author account with Li Dandan’s ID.

And also gave myself a resounding name, Earthly Koi!

Immediately after that, I took out my fish food grabbing hand speed to crackle and knock out 10,000 words, writing a story about koi cultivation, in which the plot is all what I heard from the elders of the clan.

The authenticity …… will have to wait until I become immortal.

Participate in events, create a new book, and upload content all in one go!

After doing that I went to bed.

I dreamt that I became the first koi of the koi clan to touch the Immortal Gate, and I was about to cross it when I was woken up by a sharp ringing of the phone.


We koi also have tempers!

I answered the phone I angrily “hello”, on second thought this is Li Dandan’s cell phone number, in case it’s some acquaintance of Li Dandan ……

I immediately changed into a good attitude: “May I ask you are ……?”

The tone of the opposite side was excited: “Hello, Mr. Koi! I am Knife Bean, the chief editor of End of the Line Reading! The ‘Koi Cultivation Biography’ you released on our website has already reached the top of the list in just a few hours! Many famous directors want to work with you after reading your work, your book is definitely the next big IP!

Don’t readers sleep nowadays ……

Do they stay up all night reading novels?

I asked Knife Bean, “Hello Editor-in-Chief Knife, when you said many famous directors, what did you mean exactly?”

Knife Bean’s tone calmed down a bit and told me excitedly, “Director Zhang, Director Wang, Director Chen, these are all ceiling-level directors in the movie circle! They want to adapt your work into a movie! There’s also Director Zheng! He’s the legendary director who made The Legend of Jia Yuan! You’ve seen “The Legend of Jia Yuan”, right? Director Jung wants to turn your work into a second “Legend of Jia”!”


I added Knife Bean’s VX and confirmed that he was really the editor-in-chief of End of Reading.

Without giving me a chance to react, Knife Bean sent me a bunch of letters of intent, “Mr. Koi, please take a look at these letters of intent, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

After chatting with Knife Bean, I casually flipped through Li Dandan’s VX and found that just now a VX number called “IQ 249” sent a few messages:

“Dandan, let’s talk.”

“Dandan, my mom wants to see you.”

“Li Dandan, why don’t you answer me? Is it easy for my mom to come all the way here?”

After reading their chat logs, I realized that this was Li Dandan’s boyfriend, Gao Zhi, who wanted to ask Li Dandan to meet him.

I replied to him, “Sure, where to meet?”

He replied as if he lived in VX, “Tomorrow at 2:30pm, Cafe on the first floor of Fufang Mansion”.

Compound Mansion is the city’s highest-end shopping mall, located in the center of the city’s prime location.

Li Dandan’s home, on the other hand, lives in the outer ring, where prices are the lowest, and it took the cab more than an hour to get there.

I searched for this cafe before I came here, and it’s called the classiest cafe in A city.

As expected, it was as luxurious as the patriarch’s gold-rimmed fish tank.

Walking into the cafe, I saw a man wearing glasses and a suit waving at me.

That would be Koji.

Next to him sat a lady in a cheongsam and beret with her nostrils raised higher than the sky.

I was about to open my mouth to say hello, but I didn’t expect the beret lady to speak first: “You are Li Dandan?”

After saying that, she even looked me over from top to bottom.

I smiled and pulled out a chair and sat across from mother and son, “Hello auntie, I am Li Dandan.”

Ms. Beret hummed from her nose: “Li Dandan, what kind of place is this? What kind of person dresses like you? You’re deliberately ignoring me, aren’t you?”

I looked down at the clothes I was wearing today, a sweater and jeans, paired with white sneakers I had specially brushed yesterday, which the matriarch said was the most fashionable dress in the human world, “What’s wrong with that? I’m just dressing like this because I have you in my sights.”

Otherwise, I would have worn a torn shirt, a torn shirt is comfortable.

Ms. Beret got angry and rubbed her temples with her fingers crossed, screaming that she had a headache.

When she got angry, her baby son also got angry: “Li Dandan you apologize to my mother!

“Why should I apologize to your mom?” I was confused and felt like this Koji wasn’t very smart.

No wonder his VX name is “IQ 249”.

People are always obsessed with what they can’t have.

Gao Zhi, while patting his mother on the back and telling her not to be angry, glared at me: “Li Dandan! My mom has always disliked you, and it’s entirely for my sake that she’s willing to give you a chance to meet you, and I didn’t expect you to be so ungrateful! In that case, let’s break up!”

“Good.” I replied dryly.

Now it was Gao Zhi and his mom’s turn to freeze, they probably didn’t expect me to agree so simply.

I don’t blame them for this reaction.

Yesterday, I read the chat logs between Li Dandan and Gao Zhi.

Gao Zhi has been PUAing her, bragging about himself and belittling Li Dandan.

So much so that Li Dandan is scared of losing him and keeps licking him.

We koi don’t do that. We’ve always been the only ones begging for koi.

Seeing that they didn’t say anything, I asked proactively again, “Splitting it now? Is there any procedure to go through?”

Gao Zhi and his mom coincidentally showed a constipated expression, or his mom reacted first, her head didn’t hurt anymore, and she reached out and pointed at me, “Split it now! This is what you said! Don’t ever come back to my son! After all, my son is already a hit for a woman like you.”

Gao Zhi also said proudly: “Li Dandan you must not regret ah, you regret I will not turn back!

You must not turn back, I see that the black gas on your head is getting bigger and bigger.

Beret pretended to elegantly sipped a mouthful of coffee: “Son, let’s go, in the future you have nothing to do with this woman, I told you that this kind of poor and low woman is not worthy of you!

After saying that, she got up very pretentiously, twisted her crotch and pulled her baby son to go.

Gao Zhi took two steps and suddenly turned back, picking up the cup of coffee that was originally placed in front of him and drank it all in one go.

After drinking it, he didn’t even wipe his mouth before shaking his leg and walking away.

This kind of IQ two hundred and fifty-five men, think of Li Dandan VX in a string of chat records, I really for her not worth it.

I casually blacked out Gao Zhi’s contact information, and suddenly a waiter came over, handing me a list: “Hello, Miss, this is the consumption of your table, trouble you to pay the bill.”

I glanced at the bill and my eyes fell out.

I didn’t have anything to drink. The mother and son ordered two cups of coffee worth 498, plus the service charge totaling 1088.

No wonder they left so quickly, so it is afraid to pay the bill ah.

While they disliked Li Dandan for being poor, they did not forget to take advantage of her.

After I paid the bill, I took a picture of it and put Gao Zhi on my blacklist, “1088 for you and your mom, please pay.

Gao Zhi replied to me with a “?”.

I messaged him again and realized that I was blacklisted by Gao Zhi.

The patriarch said that human beings, especially human males, are very bad, and I believed him.

It’s been a while since I was attached to Li Dan Dan.

After going back I tried to cultivate for a while, the sea of consciousness was unprecedentedly refreshed, it seems that Li Dandan’s body, the body of this heavenly-chosen unlucky bastard, is really a godly weapon for cultivation.

It won’t be long before I can cultivate back to my human body.

But I have not been able to feel Li Dandan’s consciousness.

If her own consciousness fails to awaken, then she will die completely the moment I leave this body.

This would be very unfavorable to our koi cultivation.

Thinking about this, a knock came from outside the door, interrupting my thoughts.

“Who is it?” I jogged all the way out of the house and looked around for the key to open the door.

The door of Li Dandan’s house still had an old-fashioned key lock, and I often didn’t remember where I put the key after locking the door.

Outside the door stood a gray-haired old grandpa, looking a bit like the mascot of a human fast-food chain, and the moment he saw me, he actually cried out with a wow, “Miss! I finally found you!”

Being a koi, naturally, the color of Taishan is unchanged.

I immediately guessed that because of me, Li Dandan had accidentally opened the hidden plot again.

The white-haired old grandpa wiped his tears as he excitedly said to me, “Miss! We’ve been looking for you for a long time! The old master can’t make it! Please go back and inherit the family business! The Wang Group needs an heir!”

“Why don’t you go inside first? It’s windy outside.” I said as I sidestepped, wanting him to come in and have a seat.

“Ms. Wang! Just call me Uncle Wang, I’m the butler of the Wang family’s old mansion.” He glanced at the environment behind me and spoke cautiously, “Why don’t you follow me to the car?”

I followed him towards the car parked at the entrance of the alley under his expectant eyes.

A few seconds later, I was sitting on a soft first-class seat, looking at the starry sky above me, drinking a glass of ’82 Happy Water, and listening to Uncle Wang tell me about Li Dandan’s life.

In short, Li Dandan is the only daughter of Wang Qiang, the richest man in the world, who lost her.

Wang Qiang is dying, and the huge Wang Group is in desperate need of an heir.

It is at this critical point in time that they finally find Li Dandan.

Asking is the power of koi.

Uncle Wang said he had already told my real father Wang Qiang the news, and Wang Qiang was so happy that he took two more pills of medicine.

As long as I am willing, I can announce the identity of my Wang family s eldest daughter to the outside world at any time.

I thought for a moment and said to Uncle Wang, “The matter of announcing my identity will wait, can you help my mom find a better hospital first?”

Uncle Wang knew I was talking about Li Dandan’s mom, “Don’t worry about this! Master will definitely find the best doctor for her! After all, she’s the one who’s been taking care of Miss all these years, she should!”

I smiled gratefully, “By the way Uncle Wang, can you arrange a job for me?”

Uncle Wang was dumbfounded, “Miss! The entire Wang’s Group is yours! What else do you need to find a job for?”

I explained, “I have some things I want to settle, and Wang Qiang …… my father’s body will soon get better, and for the time being, I don’t need to inherit the family business.”

I was telling the truth.

As Li Dandan’s dad, Wang Qiang may be dying.

But as Li Jin’s dad, he must be OK.

If he can’t, I’ll make it work for him!

Uncle Wang’s face was full of relief and his eyes were full of tears, as if he was about to cry again: ”Miss, if the master knew that you are so filial, he would definitely get well!

What an emotionally charged old man.

Uncle Wang wiped the corners of his eyes, ”What kind of work do you want to do, Miss? I’ll arrange it tomorrow!”

I revealed a wry smile, “I want to invest in Kai Yuan.”

Uncle Wang was a bit surprised: ”What kind of small and unimpressive company is this? I haven’t even heard of it, there’s no problem if Miss wants to go, I’ll go back and report to the Master and just acquire it directly!”

Is this still the Wang Group of the Tianliang King?

No, it’s the richest Wang Group.

“Uncle Wang, just arrange an ordinary position for me later, no need to take special care of me, I don’t want to be too publicized.”

Uncle Wang nodded excitedly, with a face of I understand, “Master always taught us that we should keep a low profile, Miss, this point of yours is simply exactly the same as Master’s.”

Uncle Wang may have more or less a fan filter on Wang Qiang.

That night, I slept for the last time in Li Dandan’s house.

The next day, under Wang Qiang’s strong request and Uncle Wang’s kind invitation, I moved into Wang Qiang’s mansion with 128 rooms, and Li Dandan’s mom also stayed in the super vip ward of the city’s top private hospital.

After meeting Wang Qiang, I realized that crying may be a tradition of the Wang family.

Because the moment he saw me, his eyes filled with tears.

“Daughter, you’ve suffered a lot after so many years of living in exile, haven’t you? Uncle Wang told me that the house you live in is leaking! It’s dad’s fault that I didn’t find you until now.”

As Wang Qiang cried more and more, if I hadn’t stopped him, he might have slapped himself.

Do all the old men in this world love to cry so much?

I tried my best to play the role of a lost and found daughter of the richest man, “It’s okay dad, those are the experiences that life has given me.”

Hearing me say this, Wang Qiang’s eyes lit up, ”Good! What an experience! Worthy of being my Wang Qiang’s daughter!”

With me accompanying her, Wang Qiang ate two more bowls when she ate, and the family doctor even eeked out when he came to check on her condition.

“Mr. Wang’s body seems to be gradually recovering, this is a medical miracle!”

Wang Qiang laughed out loud, “Maybe it’s because my daughter came back and brought me good luck.”

The richest man’s efficiency was fast, the acquisition was still going through the procedures, and I was already stuffed into Kaiyuan Investment.

For the sake of realism, Uncle Wang let me submit a resume first.

Just a few minutes after I submitted it, I got a call saying I was hired.

More or less not meticulous.

On the first day of work, after completing the entry procedures, I just sat down in the position, Gao Zhi came.

He saw me appear here, obviously a little bit of disbelief, taking advantage of the small number of people to run to my side: “Li Dandan what kind of luck have you gone to the open investment to work? Let me tell you! Even if you chase me to my company, I will not get back together with you! My mom said a girl like you is not good enough for me!”

I, Li Jin, am luck itself. Do I need to be lucky?

I smiled at him, “I’ll be sad if you say that, I came to this company for you.”

Not only that, but also acquired this company.

Koji had a look of having seen a ghost.

“Just telling a joke, you’re not taking it seriously, are you?” My face turned cold and I concentrated on my own business.

Gao Zhi was teased by me, his face reddened from anger: “Li Dandan you wait for me, you think you can stay in this company?”

Why can’t I?

This is my family’s company.

I won’t tell him that.

Gao Zhi has been working at Kaiyuan Investment for several years and is more or less the head of the company.

After I came here, he often gave me projects that were difficult and had no investment prospects for his own benefit.

After I do it is often rejected by him: “This kind of garbage project, investment is to lose money, Li Dandan, you think this is your home ah, play house it?

He was actually right.

This is my home, isn’t it?

And those who have been screened by him over the performance of the project, all credited to his name.

Colleagues in the company are very good at making decisions, seeing Gao Zhi targeting me, weighing the pros and cons, one side is the head of the small, on the other side is the new trainee, so naturally, they won’t give me a good face.

It didn’t take long for me to be shouted at by the big leader to talk because my business was too bad.

The leader didn’t know my real identity, but only knew that I was a “related person”.

“I heard that you are a graduate of a famous university,” he said. The big leader was very pleasant, but what he said was knocking me, “I believe your ability is still very strong, but you have to learn to get along with your colleagues. In our line of work, teamwork is important, and it’s not good to work alone.”

“I get along well with them all, it’s Gao Zhi who’s targeting me.”

The big leader probably did not expect me to say it directly, froze for a moment: “Although the high manager occasionally a little temper, but the business ability is still very strong, you can also learn more with him to learn, young people, should not be ashamed to ask ah.”

I looked at the eyes of the big leader and admired him for being able to say these words, “You don’t know, do you? Gao Zhi is my ex-boyfriend.

The big leader was stupefied and didn’t say anything for a long time.

“In fact, I am quite capable, it is he who has been suppressing me, in fact, this is not good for the company.” I paused and finally said my purpose, “You see, how about this, I want to do a few projects by myself alone, if I bring more revenue than Gao Zhi, I’ll do his position.”

The big leader looked at me suspiciously, “Why should I trust you? What if you lose money?”

I was very sure: “I won’t lose money, and you can ask the one who recommended me if I can afford to lose money.”

The big leader told me to go out and call someone.

After a while, he came over to announce: “From today, Li Dandan is the deputy manager of the Venture Capital Department.” Everyone was surprised.

Everyone felt very surprised, especially Gao Zhi, wait until the big leader left full of indignation came over to ask me: “Li Dandan what tricks you played again?”

I raised an eyebrow at him: “You’ll know when you wait and see.”

Since then, all my decisions have been contrary to Gao Zhi.

No matter which company he invested in, I would definitely invest in the company opposite to his.

The companies he was optimistic about were all industry leaders, but as long as I invested in their opponents, problems would arise one after another.

In the end, Gao Zhi suffered losses, while I brought in several times as much for the company.

Gao Zhi broke down: “Li Dandan, you are just lucky!

I’m not lucky, I’m luck itself.

That’s what makes koi so great.

Not to mention I’ve been practicing for a thousand years.

When I first broke up with Gao Zhi at the coffee shop, I found out in Li Dandan’s memories that Gao Zhi used to do this to Li Dandan.

Making her feel defeated and constantly pressuring her in areas she was familiar with.

In the end, Li Dandan, a graduate of a prestigious university, was reduced from an investment advisor at a bank to a sales clerk at a mini-mart.

Just to satisfy his so-called sense of personal fulfillment.

He couldn’t accept that his girlfriend was better than him.

The big leader was very faithful to his promise and directly dropped Gao Zhi’s managerial position, and I didn’t see Gao Zhi for many days in a row.

In the pantry to make tea when listening to coworkers gossip only to know, Gao Zhi ran to chase the big boss’s daughter, the results of people do not care about him.

He is a thief, a free time to go squatting, the big boss’s daughter almost called the police to arrest him.

After hearing this, I almost laughed out loud, and just returned to my seat when I saw Gao Zhi coming back.

Gao Zhi seems to be in a good mood, humming a song and went to the big leader’s office.

After he came out of the big leader’s office, he packed up his things directly, looking like he was going to leave Kaiyuan Investment. When he passed by my desk, he intentionally touched off my things: “Oops, sorry, this place is too small, a high-end talent like me, of course, should go to a big company.”

After he left I called Uncle Wang and asked him to help me find out where Gao Zhi went.

And by the way, acquire that company as well.

Shortly afterward, I appeared at Gao Zhi’s new company.

The moment Gao Zhi saw me, his expression was completely distorted: “Li Dandan, are you fucking sick? How come you go wherever I go?”

“Yes, I am sick, and I’m not sick at all.”

I’m not Li Dandan, I’m Jairus Li Jin.

When a koi does such good deeds to help others, it speeds up the progress of cultivation.

After screwing Gao Zhi out of Kaiyuan Investment last time, I obviously felt my cultivation level dabble.

When I get rid of him from the new company this time, I should be able to cultivate back to my human form, right?

Thinking that I’m one step closer to returning to my human form, I’m energized.

If Kochi votes for A, I’ll buy B.

He scoffed at me because A was a top-performing stock and B was a junk stock that had been trading sideways for decades without a breakthrough.

I didn’t realize that the day after I bought it, the company released an exclusive patent, which led to ten consecutive stops.

And he bought A, suddenly sold off a large area, the share price fell by one-third.

Gao Zhi do not believe in evil, continue to work against me.

Soon he was swept away by the furious leader.

The day Gao Zhi left, the sun was shining, I went to see him off, and gave him a piece of advice: “Investment, the most avoid emotional.

He thought I was mocking him.

He cursed and left without even taking his personal belongings.

Not long after, I heard that he went to a new company, still in the same line of work.

So I called Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang understood me well: “Miss, which company are you looking at this time?”

I smiled and told him, “Leader Capital.”

Uncle Wang was a bit surprised: “Why are the companies you are looking at smaller than the others?”

I didn’t want to, but Gao Zhi was getting more and more incompetent, so he could only go to small companies that didn’t make the grade.

As I expected, Gao Zhi looked like he had seen a ghost when he met me at the head capital.

I heard from the personnel that he handed in his resignation the next day and ran away without looking back.

The next company that Gao Zhi joined would be acquired by me the next day.

I bought every company he went to.

It wasn’t long before there was no room for him in the financial world.

Gao Zhi had to change careers.

But his reputation was so bad that many companies didn’t want to use him.

In the end, he could only find a supermarket as a salesman.

This is very similar to Li Dandan who was working around the clock.

If it wasn’t for Gao Zhi not being able to see that Li Dandan was better than him and hitting her at every turn, Li Dandan’s original life wouldn’t have been too bad.

After packing up Gao Zhi, I originally thought that I could cultivate back to my human form.

I did not expect that my cultivation actually stagnated, and Li Dandan’s consciousness did not awaken.

I was so worried that I ate an extra bowl of rice.

During this period of time, for the sake of convenience, I had been living in a large flat in the city center.

Because the Wang family’s mansion was on the hill, it was just too Mrs. Far.

Uncle Wang had originally offered to transport me by helicopter, but I refused.

After dinner I received another call from Uncle Wang, he said that Wang Qiang’s health was much better, and between his words was uncontrollable excitement.

“Miss you are truly divine! Since the last time you said that Master’s health would get better, Master’s health has really gotten better and better! These days he can already go play soccer with Old Zhang next door!”

“When are you coming back? Master misses you.”

“I’ll be back this weekend.”

When I saw Wang Qiang at the weekend, he really looked much better.

Even if I don’t attach myself to Li Dandan in the future, I won’t have a problem living for another ten or twenty years.

Wang Qiang had a large table full of food made, and kept giving me food: “Look at you recently busy thin, quickly eat more.”

I looked at the mountain of food in my bowl.

Father’s love is really like a mountain.

“By the way, I’ve seen all the companies you’ve acquired, and the profits have doubled.”

Wang Qiang laughed out loud, “My daughter is really a business wizard, like me.”

I can’t talk about business wizards, but what about the golden luck of koi?

After dinner, Wang Qiang asked me for my opinion, “Daughter, dad wants to hold a press conference to let you show off.”

I said yes.

Wang Qiang was as happy as a child.

In my eyes, he was still a child.

After all, I have been practicing for a thousand years.

On the day of the press conference, all the media I could name came.

With tears in his eyes, Wang Qiang grandly introduced his lost and found daughter to everyone.

He also said that he had worked hard all his life and was waiting for his daughter to inherit the family business so that he could enjoy his happiness.

I wore the clothes that Wang’s high-fashion brand had designed for me, and I wore the most expensive string of pink diamond necklaces from Wang Qiang’s safe. Li Dandan’s foundation is actually good, casually dress up, the rich girl’s temperament came out.

The media’s cameras kept flashing at me.

That night my photo and the phrase # richest man’s mysterious only daughter # airborne hot search.

The next day Wang Group’s stock price went straight to another level.

At the same time, my cell phone received a very untimely text message:

“Li Dandan, you’re the daughter of the richest man? Why didn’t you tell me? If you had told me earlier, I would have convinced my mom to agree to the two of us ……”

I sent one last message back to Gao Zhi:

“It’s not too late for you to know, it has nothing to do with you anyway.”

Then I completely blackballed him.

I don’t know if I was hallucinating.

One night, I heard someone whisper a thank you to me.

I thought Li Dandan’s consciousness was coming back, so my human form wasn’t far off.

I was so excited.

Sitting on the bed with my legs crossed and playing meditation all night.

The next day my legs were numb and the voice that was disturbing my thoughts was gone.

Ha, it’s time to continue practicing again.

Wang Qiang tried to hand over the entirety of the huge Wang Clan to me, and when I refused, he pretended to be sick.

I threatened him that I would disown him as my father if he forced me to inherit the family business again.

He immediately came to life and went to work at the company.

Just as I was thinking about what to do next, Knife Bean called me.

“Mr. Koi! I’m really sorry to bother you again!”

“The movie ‘Koi Cultivating Immortality’ is already in the preparatory stage, and the director’s team would like you to recommend suitable actors, after all, you’re the original author, so you definitely know what kind of actors would be most suitable.”

“The investors have high hopes for this movie and have repeatedly said that they will never intervene.”

“Director Zhang is also planning to win another Golden Penguin Award with this movie, so feel free to suggest any actor you think is suitable, and we’ll sign the contract right away without saying a word.”

I casually asked, “Who is the investor?”

Knife Bean said smilingly, “It’s Wang’s movie.”

Oh ……

I work for myself.

Knife Bean sent a whole bunch of actors’ profiles to my e-mail address, ranging from ten years old to eighty years old.

I stayed up all night and almost lost my eyesight before finishing it.

At first, in order not to be discovered by the clan’s friends and family that I was writing a novel, when I wrote “Koi Cultivation Biography” I even blurred the background of the characters, and the legendary female koi became a male koi.

Who would play this male koi suddenly became a conundrum.

So they chose to throw that dilemma to this author.

I very patiently picked the male koi and a host of supporting characters from the cast profile that Knife Bean gave me, thoughtfully labeled with some suggestions.

Knife Bean’s call came almost seconds after I sent it over.

“Mr. Koi, why did you pick him?!”

I wondered, “Is there a problem with this guy?”

“There’s no problem, it’s just that ……” Blade Bean seemed to be a bit embarrassed, “It’s a work error on my part, this person was originally placed in the Male 5 group, but I don’t know how he got to the Male Main group.”

This is also a top quality look in our koi tribe, but he’s actually only a male number five?

Seeing that I didn’t say anything, Knife Bean added, “Mr. Koi, if you really think he’s suitable, then let’s do what you want! Teacher’s eyes can’t be wrong!”

So this 18th line actor named Tian Wang was cast by the koi fairy that fell from the sky, and became the male number one of Koi Cultivation of Immortality.

After the male lead was decided, the publicity program of “Koi Cultivation of Immortality” was launched at a rapid pace.

Heavenly King’s make-up photo was on fire all over the internet, and everyone said that he was the reincarnation of a koi spirit.

Koi Cultivating Immortality” was a hit before it was even filmed, and the King of Heaven even soared directly to the top of the circle.

Everyone was asking, “Who in the world discovered the treasure boy that is Heavenly King?”

The official social platform of “Koi Cultivation of Immortality” has made a special mention of me: A special mention of the earthly koi, the author of the original book, Ms. Koi, who discovered Mr. Tennant with a discerning eye. Oh, Ms. Koi has said that this is the male lead in her heart.

I just signed up for the social media platform so exploded, a bunch of fans ran to my social media platform to beg me to look at their brother.

“Ms. Koi I think my brother is especially suited for the role of Male #3!”

“Mr. Koi, is there anyone else for male number five? Look at my brother! He’s a great singer, dancer and actor!”

“Mr. Koi, can you give my brother the role of male number ten? He’s perfect for it.”

I’m sorry, fan, but the male number 10 is an old man, are you sure your beautiful brother would be suitable?

Despite that, I still replied to them very patiently.

I said that if I have a suitable character in my next book, I will definitely prioritize their brother.

The fans who received my reply were thrilled, “Ahhhh Mr. Koi replied to me! Said I want to work with my brother!”

I’m not I didn’t ……

I give full marks for this reading comprehension.

That night their brother was on the hot search because he was rumored to be working with my next novel.

The number of fans skyrocketed, just like the next traffic to be exploded.

Because of a yet-to-be-filmed “Koi Cultivation Biography,” the long-silent entertainment world suddenly buzzed with activity.

I quit the social platform overnight ……

On the day of the release of Koi Cultivating Immortality, I attended a roadshow with the cast and crew and appeared in the public eye for the first time.

Some sharp-eyed viewers realized that the author, Earthly Koi, was actually the daughter of the richest man, Wang Qiang, and for a moment, the phrase #Heavenly Chosen Koi took over the hot search again.

Wang made a lot of money because he invested in the Koi Cultivation Biography.

Wang Qiang’s waist doesn’t hurt anymore, his back isn’t sore anymore, and he can eat five bowls of rice in one breath.

That is, he started to rehash the same old story and asked me to take over: “If I had known that my daughter was so capable, I should have retired in place!

Uncle Wang chimed in, “Yes, that’s right! Retire in place! I want to retire too!”

I glared at them both and sighed: “Thinking of retiring when you’re only in your fifties, middle-aged people nowadays are really not progressive.”

The two of them tacitly pretended to be dead.

So I said quietly, “I still prefer the progressive old father.”

Wang Qiang slapped the table and educated Uncle Wang, “What are you thinking about Old Wang? Go! Accompany me to see where the progress of the newly opened building in the east is, it’s been a long time since I went to the construction site, right? It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a construction site, hasn’t it? You’re getting older, you need to move your muscles! It’s good for your health!”

They went out quickly.

I sat alone in the courtyard in the sunlight, leisurely drinking tea.

In my mind, I was thinking, “When exactly will I be able to cultivate my human form?

Counting the time I came to Li Dandan’s world, it has been a whole year.

Recently I realized something in the process of cultivation, it seems that as long as Li Dandan’s consciousness is not awakened, no matter how hard I cultivate, I will not be able to cultivate back to my human form.

This is difficult.

“Li Dandan, what exactly will it take for you to regain your consciousness?”

I subconsciously asked out loud.

“Immortal Koi, thank you, you’ve already helped me a lot.”

“If possible, I also want to regain my consciousness as soon as possible to help you repair back to your human form.”

I was startled by the sudden voice, “Li Dandan?”

“It’s me.”

“Why can’t I see you?”

Since I can hear her voice, I should be able to see her.

But I searched through this body carefully, and there was still no consciousness of her, only the voice reminding me that Li Dandan had woken up.

Why is that?

If there was no consciousness, how did she talk to me?

“Actually, I’ve always known about the things you did for me, but I have no way to communicate with you, it’s as if I’m hiding in a dark corner, silently looking at everything that’s happening outside.”

“I tried so many times before, it was so hard to say thank you.”

“After that time it was as if an invisible force bound me, making it impossible for me to open my mouth.”

“I don’t know what happened today, but suddenly I can talk to you again.”

“But …… I really can’t feel my consciousness either.”

“I seem to be just a wisp of soul floating in this body.”

Her voice was soft, but I could still hear a hint of frustration.

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself in the mirror, which was Li Dandan’s face.

“When I first saw you, you were seeking death.”

“Now, do you want to live?”

After a while, Li Dandan said firmly, “I want to live.”

“Good.” I comforted her, “In a few days, I will go to the elders of the clan to ask if there is a solution, since you can talk to me now, it will definitely be a matter of time before you regain consciousness.”

After saying that, Li Dandan and I were both a bit excited.

What she was excited about was coming back from the dead.

What I was excited about was that I was finally going to be restored to my human form.

If I can return to my human form, how far can the Immortal Sect be?

Three days later, I took a helicopter back to the small pond where I first practiced.

Inexplicably, I had the feeling of returning to my hometown with honor and glory.

A little koi asked me, “Sister Li Jin, what was that flying thing just now?”

I touched her slippery fish head: “That thing is called a helicopter, when you later cultivate into a human form, you can also learn how to fly a helicopter, oh.”

The little koi was very eager, and without saying anything, she buried her head in cultivation.

Today was another day of worrying about the koi world’s immortal cultivation.

The elders of the clan heard about my intention and enthusiastically took me to the library, pointing to a room full of books and said to me, “You can find it yourself, we are old and blurry-eyed fish and can’t take this kind of pain.”


I am young, I can bear the pain.

I stayed alone in the library, and from day to night, I finally found what I was looking for.

The Secret Scroll of the Koi Clan!

It is written in the secret scrolls that in the case of Li Dandan, it is mostly because there is a wish that has not yet been fulfilled.

The possessed koi needs to help the possessed person fulfill his or her wish and fulfill each other’s wishes before he or she can cultivate the right path and take human form.

I asked Li Dandan: “What other wishes do you have that I don’t know about?”

Li Dandan silent for a moment: “I always wanted to go to graduate school ……”

I’ve always wanted to go to graduate school! This is going to go to the test!

Luckily, the registration time for this year’s graduate school has not yet passed.

I enrolled and paid the money, and chose the international finance major that Li Dandan had always wanted to continue her education.

She seems to be very nervous, and every day she wants me to read for a while.

I stretched my legs on the sofa, paralyzed: “Have you ever seen a koi reading a book?”

She was silent.

On the day of the exam, Li Dandan acted like an old mother: “Have you brought your ID card? Did you bring your pass? Did you bring a pencil? Did you bring a black ink pen? Check to make sure you don’t miss anything!”

My mind was full of “Did you bring it? Did you bring it? Did you bring it? ……”, and these “Did you bring it?” were still echoing until I walked into the test center.

So much so that I almost wrote “Did you bring it?” in the candidate’s name field.

The moment I walked out of the exam room, I saw a clear silhouette in my body.

It was the real Li Dan Dan.

When I got back I immediately closed the door to my room and tried to get out of Li Dan Dan’s body.

Not long after, I succeeded.

I looked at my hands and feet, and the smiling Li Dandan standing across from me.

I, Li Jin, am back!

Li Dandan excitedly jumped over and hugged me, “We did it!”

I was so happy that I spread out my hand and there was a cluster of water pulsating in my palm, which was the sign of our Koi tribe’s successful cultivation.

When I first became a human, I wasn’t used to it, so I let that pervert murderer get his hands on me.

The past is hard to look back ah ……

I said goodbye to Li Dandan.

As a koi spirit that has been cultivated for a thousand years, I still have my own mission.

“Li Dandan,” I bowed to her solemnly, which is the highest courtesy of our koi tribe, “Thank you for all this time as well! Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to return to my human form so quickly. From now on, your life is up to you, so keep your eyes peeled and don’t be fooled by the little people anymore.”

“Right, I’ll be back from time to time to update the Koi Immortal Cultivation Legend.”

Li Dandan winked at me, “Don’t worry, I’ve learned a lot from you, and I’ll use it for the rest of my life.”

A month later, I returned to Li Dandan’s house.

Mainly because the rent in the human world is just too damn expensive ……

I panted and climbed for most of the day before arriving at the door of the richest man’s mansion, knocked on the door actually Wang Qiang personally opened the door for me.

He was holding Li Dandan’s master’s degree acceptance letter in his hand and was smiling.

I said I came to find Li Dandan, my name is Li Jin.

Just after saying that Li Dandan flew down from upstairs and pulled me away in front of her father.

Leaving the two old men Wang Qiang and Uncle Wang there muttering:

“Why does this girl named Li Jin look familiar?”

“Master! I have the same feeling! It’s like I’ve seen her somewhere before.”


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