35. Duplicitous bigots

Two-faced Big Brother

The moment I saw you in the cafeteria, I even thought about which school I was going to.

The moment I grabbed food from the cafeteria and got into the school bully’s arms, I even thought about which school I would transfer to, only to hear the school bully’s inner self confessing madly to me ……

“I like her so much! So cute! I don’t care if it kills me!”

Although the school bully’s expression still looks like he’s got a serious aura on his face ……

Today the cafeteria has sweet and sour pork and scrambled eggs with tomatoes!

While the math teacher on the podium was still morphing us, I was already dead set on staring at the wall clock poised to strike.


After three counts in my mind, the bell rang on time.

When I was planning to sneak out of the back door, half a piece of chalk swished and struck me on the back of my head.

“Sue smiled! I haven’t even said class is over yet, where are you planning to go?”

The math teacher gritted his teeth and said cold and unfeeling words from his mouth.

“Old …… teacher, I have to pee …… urgently!”

“Hold it! It’s the last question.”

I’ll be damned if I believe you! Of course I wouldn’t dare to say it ……

I missed the opportunity to sit in my seat like a frosted eggplant.

At this moment, my classmate Lin Zihao poked my arm with the tip of his pen and whispered, covering his mouth with his hand:

“Smiley, let’s bet on how long Big Head Qian can stall this time.”

Qian big head is our math teacher, generally we call him so behind his back …… because his head is really big! You’ve seen Big Headed Son, right? The whole thing has come to life.

“Okay, what are you betting on?”

Anyway, I’ve been caught, so I’m bored and want to gamble a little.

“Let’s bet on …… lunch today! Whoever loses will be responsible for the lunch!”

Yoo-hoo, that’s a good bet! After all, a meal in our cafeteria can straighten out your hunchback ……

The bet was established, I bet on the latest five minutes, the results of the boy meaningfully smiled, he bet on ten seconds later?

“Ten ……9 ……6 ……3 ……2… …”

When “one” was still stuck in his throat, Big Head Qian on the podium had already patted his chalk-covered hand ……

I immediately felt bad ……

“Okay, class, let’s go eat after class!”

As expected! After Big Head Qian did his exclusive dismissal maneuver, he shook his head and left the classroom.

Seeing that I was still dazed, Lin Zihao raised his hand to look at his watch and carelessly reminded:

“It’s now 12:04:12, about 500 meters from the cafeteria, run! Let’s run!

He said and patted me on the shoulder, and like flicking a switch, I ran towards my destination in a flash!

Damn, this is definitely a trick!

I didn’t have time to think about it, once I arrived at the cafeteria, I scurried through the crowd, and with my excellent skills of grabbing food in the cafeteria, I locked on to the target team in a flash!

Good guy, a glance did not look ahead, then rear-end ……

I crashed straight into it, without half a foot brake. As a result of such a big impact, that person froze did not shake a little.

But to me the pain of the tears flash, touch the tip of the nose pain, forced to hold back the tears to look up to apologize ……

A look at the person, today not kneel on the ground to him to kowtow three, are not with the ability to go ……

The “school bully” Jiang Ye, whose face is full of fierce anger, is narrowing his eyes and sizing me up.

Finished the ball, the last was Jiang Ye beat people have not been discharged from the hospital it, de, today and have to live in a me ……

At this time, the surrounding students also have noticed this side, kindly help me and Jiang Ye to make an open space.

It seems to think that by giving up this piece of open space, I will be able to have a couple of moves with Jiang Ye, as if it were a drop.

“Student! I’m sorry!

I’m an average student, but I’m the first to admit my mistakes, so I bowed ninety degrees and apologized, trying to get a lighter sentence.

Jiang Ye, who was slow to move, made me raise my head, wanting to take a peek at his expression. As a result, when the four eyes met, I heard a voice ……

“So like her! So cute, I’m willing to be created to death by her!”

How strange …… is this the voice of …… Eno’s heart?

Just when I couldn’t figure it out, Jiang Ye patted his clothes, looked at me condescendingly, and led his group of minions away.

Although not being what, but the surrounding students look at my eyes still exudes sympathy ……

But at this time can not care so much, I quickly stand in line, grabbed the last two sweet and sour pork and tomato fried eggs.

Heroes don’t ask where they come from, and beautiful women don’t ask for pounds of dry rice.

Lin Zihao, who had taken up two seats, had been waiting impatiently for a long time.

When he saw me, he gave me a head-butting output.

“Sue, smile! If you don’t come, I’ll think you’re eating alone.”

“Why are you so slow? Did you lose your way?”

“I risked my life to get this spot!”

I was immune to Lin Zihao’s attacks, but I was just thinking about getting my meal first because I saw my classmates watching the fun and didn’t line up.

Now the rice hit, but it is difficult to swallow, full of brains are just hit Jiang Ye that picture.

So strange …… How did I hear Jiang Ye s heart in that moment?

Could it be that I heard it …… wrong?

While dazed, Lin Zihao saw that I was not right and knocked my head with the top of the chopsticks.

“Hiss …… the dead rat! What are you doing?”

Originally just bumped into the not to be messed with person is annoyed!

“What are you staring at? What just happened? You can’t be slowed down by your years of skill in stealing food!”

You know me well enough.

“It’s okay! Eat your food.”

After saying that, I will pick up two mouthfuls of rice into my mouth.

Thinking about it, I don’t think it’s possible, how can I hear Jiang Ye’s heart, even if I can hear it, Jiang Ye can’t be interested in me!

He is the one who even rejected the school’s flower girl, Shen Mengting!


As soon as school ended in the afternoon, I picked up my bag and rushed towards the school gate.

Time was running out! I have an appointment today!

Looking at the fork in the road in front of me, one is a little far away but bright and righteous road, one is a dark and dangerous alley but close ……

Gritting my teeth, I rushed into the alley.

Usually heard that this alley is next door to the vocational high school about the old place, if it is not for today’s agreement, I do not have the guts to walk this road!

In my heart, I prayed that I had been doing good deeds for more than ten years, and that I would never meet anyone I shouldn’t have met, and my legs were as fast as the wind turbines.

With a “poof” sound, I slipped and fell to the ground.

“Shit! Who the hell pulled my pants leg ah!”

After angrily climbed up, my mouth a piece of birds and flowers ……

I looked behind me and saw my mother!

Just ran too fast, did not notice that there is a bloody person lying on the ground!

I quickly came close to look, ooh! Still a familiar face.

Fate ah, again Eno ……

He was lying on the ground covered in blood, almost fainted, I guess he probably didn’t see who I was clearly either.

Although I don t know why Jiang Ye, who can usually pick ten, is now lying here in such a sorry state ……

But I know that if I don’t send him to the hospital, I’m afraid that the person is going to be cold ……

Saving a life is better than building a seven level pagoda.

I closed my eyes and crossed my heart, so I fished the fainting Jiang Ye from the ground.

So heavy ah!

All the way hard to drag him to the hospital not far away.

Probably sat outside and waited for more than an hour, the operating room lights went out, and then Jiang Ye was transferred to the general ward.

I looked at the electronic screen in the lobby of the hospital, it was already eight o’clock in the evening ……

Seeing that Jiang Ye is fine, I used the New Year’s money that I had saved for several years to make the payment, so I left a note and left.

The front foot just stepped into the door of the house, a broomstick came at me.

I backhanded it with an empty hand and blocked the fatal blow from my mother and father.

“Damn girl! It’s nine o’clock! If you don’t come back, I’ll report you missing!”

Ms. Lin, who was cursing and continuously outputting, was now in a state of Samadhi fire!

“Three seconds, I’ll give you a perfect answer.”

………… The attack stopped.

「I saved someone ……」

………… attacked with a high blitz.

“Dead girl! Why don’t you say you went to fight the Japanese?”

In the end, it took a while of mouth, my mom let me on the table to eat.

Dazzle after the meal, it rushed up to the second floor, back to the room.

The computer is open, immediately logged on QQ.

Strange, how no message?

Originally today and a like-minded netizens intend to meet, unexpected circumstances save Jiang Ye, it is too late to arrive at the meeting place.

I also want to say online to explain to him to come, did not expect the other side of a sentence are not, is it …… angry?

Will not pull me black right?

Thinking of this, I quickly sent an expression to test.

After the screen did not appear red exclamation mark, I breathed a sigh of relief.

This netizen is my freshman year of high school when I met, the two of us hate each other, almost worship. The day before yesterday on a whim, about today at 6:30 pm in a cafe to meet to come ……

After showering, I clicked on the chat interface again ……

No reply ……

It’s strange, usually at this point he is very active ah ……


Early in the morning, I went to school.

As soon as I arrived at the classroom, I jumped on the desk to catch up on my sleep. ……

When I was sleeping soundly, I felt someone poking my cheeks!

“I’m sick of it! Who is it?”

When I opened my eyes ……

“Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang ……! No!”

When I saw the person clearly, I was scared back to my waking breath.

This big Buddha, at this time should not still be in the hospital? How come he was discharged so quickly?

“Su Xiaoxiao, how are you?”

The face of the boy in front of me was still as cold as usual, even though he had just poked me in the cheek ……

I swallowed my saliva, not knowing whether this guy is here to repay me or to silence me, after all, I saw his bad side ……

I did not dare to look up and look directly at him, slightly lowered my head and whispered in response:

“You …… Hello!”

“I came to thank you for saving my life.”

Big brother, that expression of yours looks like you came to knife me ……

Obviously I am the benefactor, at this moment under his pressure, but low brow humble ……

“It’s a favor …… You’re welcome ……”

“Wait for me at the door after school this afternoon.”

I’m not going to be able to do that! Like a bolt from the blue, I looked up in surprise to meet those ink-colored eyes ……

“Smiley is so good, she even saved me yesterday, I like her even more.”

Shit! It turns out that I can really hear Jiang Ye’s heart! The trigger condition seems to be to lock eyes with him!

But …… who can explain to me why the school bully who is so happy on the inside, at a glance his face is fierce as if he has been killing fish at RTD for ten years?

Prevented from being heard by the class, I boldly pulled on Jiang Ye’s wrist and went to the corridor.

After observing the surroundings, I got close to Eno’s ear and swore in a low voice:

“Brother! I swear, about last night’s matter, I must keep my mouth shut …… Let’s not meet in front of the school, okay?”

Said, looked at each other.

Jiang Ye at this time face is black, ear root is red, inside is still pink ……

“Leaning so close! I’m suffocating, she smells good!”

By all rights, this dude should like me like a lot. But one look at the face, I might have a few lifetimes of hatred with him!


Jiang Ye furrowed his eyebrows and my heartbeat shook three times.

“I saved you! You can’t be so kind as to repay me, can you?”

I say a word and look at each other once.

“Does she hate me? Why doesn’t she want to meet me ……”

“No, I don’t hate you.”

Oh no, what’s in my heart came out …… I’m actually afraid of you ah brother! This is not the way to chase a girl, that expression of yours is really scary!

After mentally spitting out the words, he hurriedly looked at each other again!

“Smiley know what I’m thinking? Who cares? She said she doesn’t hate me, so she likes me!”

Okay, I’ve lost, this kid is inconsistent, I can read his heart, but I can’t read his person. ……

The number of onlookers is getting bigger and bigger, and I don’t want to be put on the celebrity list yet!

“Okay, okay, I’ll see you at the door after school this afternoon! You go first!”

I promised Eno while pushing him to leave ……

It was probably such a bold move that made the surrounding students who were watching suck in a breath of cool air.

After all, Jiang Ye’s usual aura was that of a stranger.

Like usual when someone dares to do this, Jiang Ye would have already rubbed him on the ground with a green face.

But not only am I unharmed, even Jiang Ye did not move, let me push him to the corner of the stairs.

Before leaving, Jiang Ye left a vicious warning with a black face:

“I’ll wait for you at the door after school!”

It may have sounded like a warning to outsiders, but to me it seemed incredibly normal!

After pondering over it for a day, I came to realize.

Jiang Ye is a two-faced, maybe he has been secretly in love with me for a long time, but out of the face of the school bully, so he did not take a stand!

I didn’t think that I, Su Xiaoxiao, would have a day when I was looked at by someone!

But Jiang Ye is very handsome! Putting aside the identity of his school bully, his face is really straight out of a youthful pain literature hero!

He did not even look at the school flower …… will really look at …… me?

Thinking of this, suddenly a little deflated ……

Glancing at the drowsy Lin Zihao next to me, I put on a serious look and asked:

“Rat! You evaluate me, you think I look how?”

Two eyes drowsy Lin Zihao scrutinized me for a few moments, came to a conclusion:

“A little bit of color …… but not much.”

The first half of the sentence heard me happy smile, the second half of the sentence ……

“You die ……”


I apprehensively walked to the school gate Jiang Ye.

Seeing me come, the little brother beside him even whistled, which resulted in Jiang Ye’s slap on that little brother’s brain.

He glared angrily at the little brother and reprimanded him:

“Blow again, your mouth will be torn to pieces!”

Huh …… so fierce!

The aggrieved little brother was like a puppy hook that no one wanted.

Jiang Ye looked at me, green face, cold face has no anger color, just cold, not much expression.

“Come here, follow me.”

His expression is indifferent, his voice is extremely good ……

I don’t dare to ask where to go, when I want to look at him, he did not turn away his eyes as if he had foreseen ……

I can only go on with my head ……

I was about to go with Jiang Ye, but my school bag was pulled by someone forcefully from behind.

“Rat? Why didn’t you go to training today?”

Normally at this hour, Lin Zihao, as a sports specialty student, should be training in the playground, but at this time, he unexpectedly appeared behind me, and even pulled me to prevent me from leaving.

Jiang Ye, who had noticed the commotion, was staring at Rat’s hand that was pulling my bag with an unhappy face.

Lin Zihao also stared back at Jiang Ye unwillingly.

Sandwiched in the middle of me, against the school entrance hundreds of eyes thought: two masters, is it possible that both of you are not low fame ah ……

I’ve already thought about the headlines of the school tomorrow morning …………

“The school entrance sports man Lin Zihao and indifferent school bully Jiang Ye for a woman stalemate!

Oh, a hundred lives wouldn’t be enough to kill me ……

Before I could say anything to stop this eye-to-eye contest, Lin Zihao took the lead:

“Smiley, don’t be afraid, I won’t let him bully you!”

After he finished speaking, he pulled me closer to him as if he was protecting his son.

See Lin Zihao face a righteous look, really let me a little moved, after all, usually he always bully me ……

God, he finally opened his eyes!

“Rat, Jiang Ye classmates he should not bully me …….

Not only won’t bully, his heart rare me rare very much, although his face is now getting darker and darker.

Fearing that the two of them will start some kind of argument, I still rushed to explain to Lin Zihao.

But the more I explained, the more intense the flames in their eyes seemed to be.

For a moment I felt that I might be the third party ……

Jiang Ye was silent, his eyes were gloomy, and his dark pupils had a possessiveness that would make ordinary people tremble with fear.

Damn it, Jiang Ye’s eyes were now so dead set on Lin Zi Hao that I couldn’t even meet his eyes and thus read his inner thoughts at this moment.

But looking at how dark his face is currently, I suspect that if I hadn’t stood between them, he would have immediately raised his sinewy hands and fucked Lin Zihao.


After I couldn’t take it, I reached out and pushed away the two people who were getting closer and closer, and first told Jiang Ye with a sideways glance:

“Jiang Ye, don’t look so fierce, Lin Zi Hao is my classmate!”

As soon as the words left my mouth, Jiang Ye’s hurt eyes locked with my fire-filled ones.

“She’s actually being mean to me for the opposite sex! So aggrieved ……”

Sweat it out, big brother, you’re also the opposite sex in front of me ah ……

Good thing I immediately rushed Lin Zihao again to explain the situation.

“Rat, Eno-san really won’t bully me, it’s him who’s looking for me for something!”

Lin Zihao’s eyes hesitated for a moment before he was half-convinced.

“Then what did he want to see you about?”

This was asked …… I looked towards Eno again:

“Right oh, Jiang Ye you find me what matter you haven’t said yet.”


Jiang Ye paused, twisted his head not to look me in the eyes, the expression is awkward.

“It’s just that I want to take you to the bank to get money to pay back your medical bills.”

I see, who asked him to always look like he has a grudge against someone, it’s hard not to let people misunderstand ah!

Without giving Lin Zihao a chance to ask about any medical bills at all, I snorted and told him to hurry back to training.

Then quickly pulled on the hem of Eno’s school uniform and walked towards the bank not far away.

So I also completely missed Lin Zihao’s despondent expression behind me ……


“The bank is here, you go in and get it, I’ll watch out for you outside.”

…… The atmosphere was a little subtle.

Jiang Ye has not yet opened his mouth, has been silently followed by the aggrieved dog hook (little brother) to help his big brother force to prove innocence.

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but I’m not sure what you’re talking about. My brother Ye is very rich, not so rich as to rob!”

He was hammered in the head by his big brother again.

The little brother was so aggrieved that he held his head in his hands and muttered in a low voice:

“Brother Wild, I help you to speak how also beat me ……”

In fact, I also want to know why ……

Jiang Ye’s green face, without explanation, walked straight into the 24-hour bank.

Suddenly, he realized that he didn’t know when, but his ears were actually red and messy.

A few moments later, Jiang Ye took a thick pile of red banknotes to come over, I was turning my back to him and little brother chatting heatedly.

The silent Jiang Ye directly opened the zipper of my backpack and stuffed the banknotes in.

In an instant, I felt my shoulders sink ……

“Hey! You came out so quickly ……”

Before I could finish my sentence, I heard a cry of pain.


The little brother let out another cry of shock, obviously his brain was hammered by someone again.

“Wild brother …… why again ……”


Not waiting to finish complaining, Eno directly and indifferently pulled him away.

On the way home, I was still wondering about the scene just now when Jiang Ye left without saying hello.

Is he a dual personality? He likes me inwardly, but doesn’t like me in person?

A man’s heart is a needle in the bottom of the sea!

The outline of my home gradually became clearer in my eyes, and I grabbed the straps on both sides of my bag and jogged back home.

I didn’t notice that the two people who followed me all the way disappeared around the corner of my street.

Once I entered the house, changed slippers, I rushed straight to the room, and even Ms. Lin, who shouted at me to wash my hands behind me, forgot to respond.

The computer was turned on and immediately went online to check.

I’m back!

“I’m sorry, I had an unexpected accident yesterday and couldn’t make it over.”

It turned out that he didn’t go to the appointment either, the guilt in my heart was alleviated.

“It’s okay, I had a sudden emergency yesterday, so I couldn’t make it.”

After I replied, I was going to open my bag to look at my big red banknotes, but the other party replied in a second.

“Let’s do it next time, okay?”



I would have liked to ask him what happened yesterday, but in this case, he did not seem to want to mention it to me, and we have a tacit understanding that we will never ask more questions.

The red money hey I’m here~.


Looked at the schoolbag than my face are thicker than the three piles of bills I was silent ……

The fact is that the company’s performance is so bad that it can’t count the number of banknotes?

Then ……

Ms. Lin’s grumpy call came from downstairs, forcing me to first put down the items at hand to go downstairs to have dinner with her.

The table was clear of green, making me, a meatless person, indignant!

“Mom! I want to eat fried chicken!”

Ms. Lin, who was in the middle of pinching vegetables, gave her hand a lurch and rolled her eyes at me:

“You look like fried chicken to me, do you want to eat fried chicken?”


I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to get a good deal on this, but I’m sure I’m going to be able to get a good deal on this!

The first thing I want to do is to get my hands on a new car, and then I’ll be able to get my hands on it!


The thing in front of the school yesterday has been spread all over the school.

I’m not sure if you’re going to be able to do that.

This morning has not yet entered the school it, in the doorway has felt the eyes of the discussion.

I shrank my neck, and at this moment I just want to become invisible.

Good grief, Lin Zihao even came so early today.

I was about to walk into the school when my shoulder was inexplicably tapped.

I was already walking in fear, but when I was suddenly tapped, I reacted extremely well and screamed in fear.

Lin Zihao was also shocked by this reaction, we both screamed, and those who didn’t know thought we had seen a ghost.

“Rat! Can you stop scaring people all the time?”

“Sue laughed! What are you screaming about?”

We both pointed at each other, wanting to give each other a sweet slap in the face.

It’s not good, because there are more and more eyes attracted by the screaming ……

After realizing this, I pulled the strap of my school bag tight and tried to get away from Comrade Lin Zihao who was still ranting and raving.

As it turned out, this brainless guy even followed me up like a dog.

“Smiley! Wait for me!”

Lin Zihao chased after me as I rushed towards the classroom in one breath.

No accident is an accident that comes to me by itself ……

Because I was running too fast, my knees buckled.

Not good! I’m afraid I’m going to fall!

This concrete slab should hurt if I fall, right?

I was quietly waiting for the imminent skin-breaking and bleeding trial, but I was scooped up by a strong arm.

Testosterone immediately wrapped around me, come on! Let me see who my benefactor is ……

Well, it’s been a long morning, and the case is repeating itself, isn’t it?

When I locked eyes with Eno, I was in his arms, and the scent of an exclusive boy was close at hand.

No need to read the mind, through two layers of school uniform I heard his heartbeat.

It was fast and strong ……

When Lin Zihao caught up, Jiang Ye just happened to let go of me.

He turned his head away, and his face to the neck that leaked out of the neckline of his school uniform was red, and those who didn t know thought that he was allergic to me.

Lin Zihao, who had rushed over, observed me from a 360-degree angle before letting out a breath.

When I saw Jiang Ye raising his leg to leave, I hurriedly stepped forward to hold him back, and then fished out the extra money I had counted out last night from my school bag and handed it to him.

“Thank you!”

Along with it was my standard ninety-degree bow, don’t believe in bringing a protractor to the battle!

“No need to return it, this is your payment for saving me.”

Dare I say I’ve saved a big spender?

His face was indifferent, but his gaze was as deep as the bottomless sea.

For a moment I actually looked into his eyes and lost my concentration, not even reading my mind.

Jiang Ye was stared at by me face is more and more red, light cough, intends to leave.

Can’t care that much anymore, I threw a stream of banknotes at him.

“This …… this is counted as the payment for you saving me just now!”

After saying that, without waiting for the opposite side to react, I ran away.

Seeing me leave, Lin Zihao also followed.

On the way back to the classroom, he was determined to break the mold, so I surrendered and told him the whole story.

After hearing it, he murmured in a relieved voice:

“I thought ……

The bell rang just in time, causing me to miss what he said afterward.

“What else?”

In the face of my inquiry, Lin Zihao acted unusually strange, he quickly waved his hand and told me it was nothing.

Forget it, too lazy to be curious, I took out the corresponding book and plopped down on the table wanting to play a game of chess with Lord Zhou.

Just as I was holding four twos to move Zhou Gongjun, I was awakened by a relentless voice.

“Su Xiaoxiao!”

Almost as a reflex, I stood up with a miso.

With two hazy eyes, I looked at the fiery English teacher on the podium.

Then she shouted three foreign words at me in a row and waited for my answer.

I looked helplessly at Lin Zihao, who was watching the show, with humble and begging eyes.

The other party understood and also told me a foreign language.

Although but, don’t look at Lin Zihao’s uneducated appearance, his grades ranked in the top ten of our class, I can be with him at the same table is also because the class teacher wants him to let him bring me along.

Although I didn’t understand the meaning of this foreign language, I couldn’t care less at this moment.

Let’s take the dead horse as a live horse!

“It’s a secret……”

Silence was followed by laughter, and English teacher clenched her fists and invited me out of my beloved classroom.

Don’t look at the lonely and cold me standing in the corridor with an indifferent expression.

In fact, in my heart, I had already cursed Lin Zihao from the ancient times to the civilized society.

When I looked around blindly, my line of sight passed through two corridors and landed on another line of sight through the bright glass ……

At the moment of intersection, I heard a powerful heartbeat.

It turns out that you can hear it even from such a distance …… While I was sighing that this skill was bullish, Eno propped his chin on one hand and turned his face away.

The distance is too far, I can only see a rough outline of him at the moment.

He lowered his head, the bridge of his nose is high, the broken hair on his forehead is naturally drooping, half covering his usually deep eyes, his thin lips seem to be pursed tightly, the outline of his hands is also good looking, and his ears seem to be a little red?

Blame me, eyesight is too superior.

When that powerful heartbeat came again, I realized that the heartbeat when just looking at each other turned out to have my share.

Seemingly in disbelief that I could have such a momentary heart palpitation for Eno, I slapped my cheeks in an attempt to clear my head.

Coincidentally, the bell rang, and I rushed into the classroom without saying a word to dismantle Lin Zihao.

Before I could do anything, the kid was so uptight that he swore he’d buy me a week’s worth of milk tea.

Well, forgive him.

Absolutely not because of the milk tea, is my own good heart.


Family, let’s eat!

At this moment, facing the crowded cafeteria, I, General Su, am not afraid in the slightest!

Just about to lead the charge, Li Sheng over to greet me over, said there is a surprise.

He is the nerdy little brother who his big brother even gave three brain bags yesterday.

Because he is nothing but loyal.

There is a place where he is, then someone ……

As expected, Jiang Ye, who carries his own aura, is settling down somewhere in the cafeteria in a calm and relaxed manner.

On my way over, out of curiosity I asked in a low voice:

“Reveal it! What’s the surprise?”

In the end, Li Sheng put on an intriguing expression and told me to just follow him.

As expected, curiosity killed the cat ……

Seeing that the person had been brought to me, Jiang Ye held a card between his two bony fingers and handed it to me, his tone of voice was not to be refused, and his expression was very cold.

“I’ve charged some money to my meal card, so I’ll take care of the rest of your meals,” he said.

I don’t know how Eno was able to calmly say something so suspicious of adoption!

I don’t know how Eno could calmly say something like that! I can’t return or exchange my meal card, you capitalist!

When I wanted to refuse, Li Sheng came close to my ear and whispered a reminder:

“Just keep it, or Brother Wild will return this favor to you in some other way.”

Other ways? Can’t it be a favor in return ……

Looking at Jiang Ye’s handsome face, heh heh heh is not unacceptable ……

Before I could fantasize to a deeper level, Jiang Ye asked me if I wanted to wipe my saliva ……

Thank you, these are happy tears.

I’ll take the card, man, look again.

Best school rumors at the moment a big shift ……

From my desire to buy Jiang Ye with money to Jiang Ye would rather die than submit to put money on my meal card ……

I hope that in my next life I can stay away from strife and gossip!


A few days later.

I forced Jiang Ye into a deserted alley.

Jiang Ye has changed from the usual face full of fury, at this time by my wall in the arms, cheeks red, the end of the eyes also began to redden.

I groped into his pants pocket with pinpoint accuracy and pulled out the card inside, teasing him with a smile:

“How about I get my meal card and you get yours too, Mr. Edo?”

Just as Eno was stammering to agree, I was jolted awake, gasping for air and looking around.

It was my own room, so it was a dream!

How could I have such a nonsensical dream? Strange and weird ……

Looking at the wall clock, it’s 2:30 a.m. Luckily tomorrow is the weekend.

I couldn’t sleep, so I got up and quietly turned on my computer.

A online, found that “J” surprisingly online.

“J” is the online friend I didn’t see last time.

I clicked on the chat box of the two of us, and it still remained in the chat record of the last time. Just when I wanted to send a message, J sent me a message instead.

“You’re still online this late, insomnia?”

“No, just had a …… dream and was scared awake.”


“Uh, …… sort of.

“What did you dream? Tell me if you can.”

J, with his big brother tone, it’s hard to imagine that he’s the same age as me.

“It’s nothing much, just a dream about a boy at my school.”

After I answered that, J was silent for a long time, and only when I was drifting off to sleep did he reply back to me:

“Are you free tomorrow for the weekend?”

I was a little confused by the big leap in response.

“Yes, what’s up?”

“Let’s meet tomorrow.”

Why so sudden? But it’s true that I’m free tomorrow, so I thought about it and agreed.

After we agreed on a time and place, J left the message “See you tomorrow” and went offline.

J, why are you acting so strange today?


I cleaned myself up a bit.

I even wore my favorite dress, and I was dressed up like a lady.

Finally, I begged and pleaded to get back my limited weekend lovers from Ms. Lin – the

Cell phone ……

When I arrived at the cafe, I saw a familiar face ……

It’s Eno again!

Last night’s dream suddenly surfaced in my mind, and even lingered.

I was about to walk past pretending not to see when he greeted me.

I had to stiffen up and respond politely with a smile, not knowing what to say, when I caught a glimpse of two cups of coffee ordered on the table in front of him.

“It looks like Jiang-san has an appointment, so I’ll go ahead ……”

“An appointment with you.”

Hahaha surely I misheard.

“Smiled and dazzled three big bowls.”

Oooooooo it’s still really me …… people give me even read out the screen name.

The netizens run now, found that the visitor is the school school bully how to do? Online wait quite urgent!

Want to send an anonymous post ……

After recognizing the reality, I took my seat opposite Jiang Ye. I really find it hard to believe that the person I’m chatting with is actually the cold-faced school bully Jiang Ye!

With my brain on standby for a moment, I took a sip of the coffee I ordered in front of me.

The sweetness is moderate, it’s my favorite flavor, no way, J It’s really Jiang Ye.

“That …… good coincidence ……”

I was already so embarrassed that my toes were about to buckle my little leather shoes.

“Well, I knew it was you.”


This isn’t the day for a confession, is it?

I can’t help but feel my hand shaking a bit as I touch the cup.

Why don’t we look at each other? I want to know if it’s true or not.

The moment I raised my eyes I met his eyes, deep and sincere.

God, it seems like his eyes can be drawn, his face is so seductive, it’s simply impossible for me to concentrate on his eyes.

Probably noticing my eyes darting around his face, Eno was a bit overwhelmed and actually got shy.

The contrast is soul-stirring, isn’t it?

Family members, I Su Xiaoxiao this life with gambling and drugs do not share the sky!

It is not easy to be quiet, but someone lowered his head and did not give me the opportunity to look at me.

“Actually …… I have noticed you for a long time.”

Eno at this time really twisted like in my dream.


Straight ball? I can’t stand it!

I, who was hesitant to speak, felt that it would be too much for me if I didn’t say something.

“How long? How long?”

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I felt the figure across from me stiffen for half a second.

I can’t help it, I’m the kind of bad guy who does whatever I want just because people like me.

At this moment, the formidable school bully at school was unusually well-behaved in the face of me.

There was a sense of immediacy that he was the little petite wife.

According to him, it turns out that he has really been paying attention to me for a long time.

It’s really inconceivable that the person who can fight two people at once nowadays used to be a little crybaby.

Jiang Ye and I first met in kindergarten.

At that time, he was a milky bun, with white skin and a fleshy face.

We were in the same class, and I was the king of the kids in the class. I was naughty and often got into fights with other kids.

Once, when the kids were playing with the slide, Jiang Ye was pulled down by a little fat kid and was not allowed to play.

How can I tolerate this? How can I endure this? How can I endure this when I am a positive energy heroine?

I went up and kicked the little fat man to the ground, and he cried for a while.

Later on, the feud, he caught me fighting every day, the result is that the two of us do not fight, and then also play quite good.

Jiang Ye since I chivalry to help him, became my little follower, but not long after he transferred to another school.

I’m not sure what happened.

But Jiang Ye said he came back to elementary school for two years, also with me in the same school, but not in the same class.

He also came back for one year in middle school.

It’s only now that he’s settled in the city for high school.

I did not ask why he always come back to read for a while and then leave, but on the contrary, especially curious, what in the end he went through will become now like this?

From a little milk bag to an unbeatable school bully.

By the way, that little fatty is Lin Zihao ……

I wonder if Jiang Ye will take revenge if he knows ……

While I was reminiscing, a handsome face zoomed in front of my eyes.

“Smiley, who did you dream about last night?”

After returning to his senses, his voice seemed to be wrapped in tenderness, yet it was a bit shaky.

It was as if in front of me alone, he was still the little crybaby from kindergarten, his expression was one of undisguised aggression and sadness.

But if you ask me to say that I dreamt of him last night, I can’t say it!

In the end, I could only take Lin Zihao out to block the knife again.

After watching the aura around Jiang Ye go a few degrees colder, I inwardly folded my hands and prayed sincerely:

“Rat, what you owe him isn’t that bad.”

Later on, when I excused myself as having a sudden period and wanted to go home, Eno even gave me his jacket in a very gentlemanly manner.

He called me a cab, but he didn’t get in.

At the last second of leaving, I glanced at him through the rearview mirror.

The hidden emotions were hidden in his eyes, as if his emotions were tumbling and unmarked, he calmly waved his hand to me before turning around and leaving.


It’s been a long time since I’ve been online since I realized that J is Eno.

It was a wonderful feeling.

I admit that Jiang Ye is very handsome, very much in line with my aesthetic standards.

But he’s only said he’s noticed me for a long time, and most of what I’ve read out of that I think is just the filter he put on me as a kid.

And I don’t like him I guess, it’s just that he has a very strong aura that scares me a bit.

Although the school rumors about our love triangle were spreading like wildfire, it didn’t affect my daily life of sleeping in and drying out in any way.

I didn’t have two days to live a good life, but I got a gold mine halfway through the day.

I should have thought of it, the campus rumors of me and Jiang Ye are so heated, in accordance with the general plot, my straight-line rival school flower Shen Mengting is to find the door.

But, can we talk about it properly? What do you mean by looking for someone to shady me?

Just after school I waited for the bus half, was a few colorful hairstyles of the boys forced to take away.

I was surrounded by students, and they all pretended not to see me, because they knew they couldn’t afford me.

After taking me to the alley, the one with the reddest hair, let’s call him Flaming Red.

Flame red while shaking his legs while shaking his frizzy red hair, sometimes also have to people in the billiards a little.

“I heard that you seduced my sister Shen Meng Ting’s boyfriend, huh?”

He was spouting some kind of rant!

“What do you mean, brother? Who’s Shen Montez?”

I’ve always been courageous in my heart and coy in my reality, so I had to play dumb while secretly observing the situation around me. There are so many of them, I definitely can’t beat them, so I can only find a chance to see if I can run.

“Don’t play dumb for me!

Perhaps sensing that I wanted to run, Flame Red raised her hand as if she wanted to hit me.

When Flame Red’s palm was about to come down, I pushed him hard.

Probably too fast, after Flame Red lost his balance and fell solidly to the ground, the colorful minions behind him only reacted, all of them cursing and wanting to avenge their big brother.

At this time I spread my legs and ran towards the depths of the alley, although the terrain here is unfavorable to me, but it is better than standing there and being beaten.

But where can I run past such a group of bloodthirsty boys. Seeing the distance getting closer and closer, when passing a fork in the road, an arm suddenly reached out and swept me over.

I immediately disappeared from the sight of the group of punks, and was being covered by a man, shrinking in his arms, hiding in a dark place of unknown origin.

“Shhh, it’s Eno, don’t make a sound!”

Eno? What’s he doing here? Forget it, we can’t care about that for now, we’re outnumbered and if we’re exposed, it’s over.

I quietly shrank in his arms, listening to his strong heartbeat, the male scent wrapped around me, and did not dare to move for fear of being discovered.

After a long time, I inquired in a whisper:

“Are they gone?”

Because I was firmly pressed by Jiang Ye at his chest, I couldn’t see either.

Jiang Ye paused, as if he was a little weak:

“Not …… yet.”


The color of the sky is gradually dark, Jiang Ye sent me home and then left.

On the way, he was quiet and seemed to have a lot on his mind.

When I thanked him and reminded him to be safe at home, he didn’t pay much attention, nodded and left.

I was a bit overwhelmed by the sudden detachment.

Obviously, I took the initiative to deliberately avoid him, how now he alienated me, but the heart is blocked, could it be that I have not slowed down from the intimidation of the punks?


Jiang Ye accident ……

I don’t know if the class is exaggerating or if it’s just the truth, but it looks like Jiang Ye is going to be dissuaded from attending school because of bullying!

I was fine a few days ago, so what happened?

My head is full of doubts, I did not listen to the content of the class, and once the class is over, I want to go to Jiang Ye’s classroom to see the situation.

But was clearly lying on the table sleeping Lin Zihao to pull.

He was lying on his desk, his expression invisible, his voice low:

“Are you going to look for him?”

Time was short, I didn’t have time to think about what Lin Zihao meant by this, shook off his tightly grasping hand, left a sentence of “uh-huh” and left.

Standing in front of Jiang Ye’s class, I looked left and right, and sure enough, Jiang Ye was not in the classroom.

As I was thinking about how I could find out about him, Li Sheng in the classroom caught a glimpse of me, and I quickly beckoned him to come out.

“What happened to Eno? What the hell happened?”

While facing me who was asking anxiously, Li Sheng was also full of questions.

“Sister-in-law, I don’t know, I only heard about it when I came here this morning, and I was just about to gather my brothers to go to the Moral Education Office.”

As he was talking, several boys slowly came from all directions.

Li Sheng exchanged glances with these boys, and then the group planned to head to the Moral Education Office.

“I’ll go with you too.”

Without giving it a second thought, I hurriedly followed in their footsteps, only to be stopped by Lin Zihao at the entrance of the Moral Education Office.

“Rat, what are you doing here?”

Lin Zihao looked unusually calm in the face of my surprise, his face changed from his usual playful smile, his complexion was so intense that he couldn’t tell his intentions.

“Why are you here, why am I here.”

Without waiting for me to ask, Lin Zihao pulled away Li Sheng, who was trying to bring someone to rush in, and the two of them exchanged words. When Li Sheng came back, he also greeted everyone back to their respective classes with a grave expression on his face.

“Why? Brother Sheng!”

“That’s right, don’t we care about Brother Wild anymore?”

After one of the juniors expressed his dissatisfaction, as if taking the lead, everyone protested.

I also looked at Li Sheng in puzzlement, hoping that he would give an answer.

He just shook his head and told everyone that it was Eno’s arrangement.


After Li Sheng and the others left, Lin Zi Hao pulled me to a deserted corner to let me calmly listen to him.

“Smiley, Eno approached me yesterday, he said he won’t let you interfere in this matter, he can solve it.”

“How can he solve it! Quit school?”

Faced with my fierce attitude, Lin Zihao bowed his head in silence, expressing his affirmation.

Is dropping out of school a solution? Eno’s future will be ruined!

Seeing Lin Zihao’s perverse behavior, he should know the reason for it, I just had to keep asking him.

“Rat, I know you understand what’s going on, will you tell me?”

Lin Zihao was still silent with his head down, his thin lips pursed tightly.

“Rat, I’m begging you, no matter what Jiang Ye ordered, tell me everything! You know I rarely ask for favors.”

Lin Zihao’s unimpressed face flashed with a hint of hesitation, there’s a chance, I continued to soften him up.

He finally sort of opened his mouth.

“Give me a reason.”

“Hm? What reason?”

“A reason why you’d sacrifice yourself to save Eno!”

I couldn’t help but feel a little dizzy looking at Lin Zihao’s blazing eyes.

Right, why am I so worried about Eno? Knowing full well that this matter is definitely not small, if I go to the Moral Education Office to save Jiang Ye, I’m going to get myself involved as well.

Immediately after that, all the bits and pieces about Jiang Ye in my mind were like a movie, playing out frame by frame, my eyes flashed.

“I like him, I like Jiang Ye!”

Receiving such an affirmative answer from me, Lin Zi Hao smiled bitterly and muttered to himself:

“Sure enough, I knew it, no wonder they say that a bamboo horse will lose to a skyfall ……”

I couldn’t bear to look at Lin Zihao’s disoriented appearance.

In fact, I gradually understood his heart, but the two of us have been bickering since childhood, and I have already gotten used to his company as a friend.

“I’m sorry …… rat.”

Seeing me apologize, Lin Zihao but long sigh, reached out and touched my head after revealing a light smile of relief, as if he is still the original Lin Zihao who quarreled with me.

“Alas …… okay, count me to admit defeat.”

“Actually, Eno was dropped out of school because of you.”


It turns out that on that day, after Jiang Ye sent me home, he went back and fought with Flame Red and the others.

It was in the alley where I was trapped at the beginning.

He fought a group of people on his own, but he didn’t lose, and he was evenly matched with Flame Red and the others.

In the end, a strange passerby called the police.

When the police arrived, Jiang Ye was pressing Flame Red to whack him, and the little brother next to him didn’t even dare to come forward to stop him.

However, Jiang Ye was not persuaded to leave the school because of this, but because of another old acquaintance.

Shen Mengting.

Jiang Ye fight is considered a reconciliation between the two sides, and came out that night, just a verbal warning.

But Jiang Ye found someone to block Shen Mengting the next day.

According to Flame Red threatened me like threatened Shen Mengting.

As a result, this girl reported to the school, said Jiang Ye school bullying her, in the moral education department a good cry.

Jiang Ye originally in the school reputation is not good, Shen Mengting usually in front of the teacher is a good girl image.

So it made such a mess. But Jiang Ye was not willing to defend himself, and directly accepted the disciplinary action.

I listened to the general story of the matter and angry and heartbroken, angry at a girl can be bitchy to such a degree and still say that they like Jiang Ye, and heartbroken at how Jiang Ye is so stupid, but secretly avenge me.

Lin Zihao explained things after the face of some hesitation, swallowed half a day or said:

“Actually …… actually Jiang Ye also misunderstood some things.”

I’m not sure if I’m a good person or a good person.

“Jiang Ye he seems to think that you like the person is me.”

Finished, Lin Zihao himself also shy up, twisting and turning not like the usual practice sports like.

Why would he have such an illusion? Is it because I said I dreamt of Lin Zihao last time?

It seems that the imagination of boys is also beyond your imagination!

In the end, after much discussion, we came up with a decision to defuse this crisis!

Li Sheng and the others were in charge of going to Flaming Red to negotiate for him to rat out the side behind Shen Meng Ting’s back.

Lin Zihao, on the other hand, secretly recorded the video as a passerby.

I was responsible for persuading Jiang Ye to go back to school, and promised the school leaders that I would study hard!

When all was said and done, we split up after school that day.

I took the address given by Li Sheng and came to Jiang Ye’s home.

Looking at the detached villa, I can only say that the young master deserves to be a young master, even if he is dissuaded from living in a small villa, beautiful.

If I was told by the school that I was dissuaded, my old mother at home was afraid that she would have to give me a bowl and let me make a living on my own.

After a moment of inner trepidation, I was about to press the doorbell when Eno’s voice rang from behind me:


Frightened me a shiver, people flopped a knee in front of him, see is Jiang Ye, I still do not forget the purpose of their own to come:

“Jiang …… Jiang Ye, I came to persuade …… persuade you to go back to school.”


“Then there is no need to kneel to persuade it?” Eno amusingly opened his mouth to jab at me.

Oh yeah, I hurriedly got up from the ground, but as a result, I exerted myself too much, and the moment I got up, both my eyes went black.

Fuck it, I shouldn’t have rushed to make plans without eating at noon!

It doesn’t matter if I have a hypoglycemic offense, but it doesn’t matter, Eno will step in.


Sitting on the leather sofa that looks like it’s worth a lot of money, I’m still holding a cup of honey water that Jiang Ye just brewed.

I didn’t dare to meet his eyes from the beginning to the end, after all, I was the culprit for causing him to be like this.

Inside the living room, he and I were both silent, and in the end, it was me who spoke up to break the silence:

“So, aren’t your parents off work yet?”

“They’re busy, I haven’t seen them in two years, and I live alone in this house.”

Jiang Ye looked as if he was talking about someone else, as calm as ever.

For a moment I didn’t know where to begin.

“If you’re here to persuade me to go back and apologize to the school for a lighter sentence, don’t bother, I don’t want to study anymore.”

Great, he refused before I could even begin to be bitter.

After thinking about it, I was still unwilling to give up just like that, I didn’t believe that he really didn’t want to study anymore!

After putting down the cup in my hand, I twisted my head and gazed at Jiang Ye who was sitting on the side, my eyes staring intently, and after a moment, he finally raised his eyes and swept me a glance.

The eye contact was successful.

「Don’t like me, why did you come to me? I’m afraid I won’t be able to resist snatching it back!”

“Why is she staring at me like that?”

Someone’s eyes shifted down and the knot in his throat rolled.

At that moment I also read his mind, “You’ll be hated for kissing her now, right ……”

At those words, my face immediately started to heat up as well, and in the end a thousand words I summarized:

“Jiang Ye, go back, let’s go to college together.”

The words just fell, Jiang Ye’s breathing stalled, the look with probing, through his deep eyes I once again eavesdropped on his heart:


Strange, surprisingly nothing, his mind is blank at the moment? I can understand it like this, right?

Seeing Eno stagnant and silent, I opened my mouth to say something else, when he suddenly leaned down and came closer, the distance was too close, causing both of their breaths to entwine together.

Facing the magnified handsome face in front of me, the image of Jiang Ye’s throat rolling just now flashed in my mind, I closed my eyes tightly.

After a long time and no movement coming from me, I half-opened one eye and glanced at it, only to glance into the pair of eyes that suppressed my desire.

“Endure again, not now.”

Endure …… what?

After both eyes were fully opened, Jiang Ye had already pulled away from the two of us, his eyebrows stretched, the corners of his mouth with a hint of a smile, the bottom of his eyes netted deep love.


“We’ll go to college together.”


Li Sheng’s side is also surprisingly smooth.

At the entrance of the vocational high school did not wait long to meet the still bandaged Flame Red gang.

Probably scared by the appearance of Jiang Ye that day, once heard Li Sheng said about Jiang Ye, Flame Red full of promise, betrayed his so-called good sister Shen Mengting is also very fast.

After all, the two people originally have no blood relationship ……

Hiding in the dark, Lin Zihao also completed the task.

The next day, we clustered and crowded into the moral education office and showed the teacher the evidence.

In the video, Shen Mengting was initially lured and lassoed out after she found someone to harass me, and then was threatened by Flame Red to tell the truth about Jiang Ye looking for her, and admitted that Jiang Ye had only warned her not to hit me again.

Shen Mengting, on the other hand, was angry that Jiang Ye didn’t like him, so she wanted to ruin him.

“Since he doesn’t like me, let’s go to hell together!” Those were her exact words in the video, spoken with an unusually twisted expression.

In the video, she was wearing a neat school uniform, leaning on a sofa chair in the Internet café, with an unlit cigarette between her fingers, completely different from her good girl appearance in school.

Teachers are also looking at the face are angry green, especially Shen Mengting’s homeroom teacher, look at the end are a look of skepticism.

In the end, the school authorities gave Shen Mengting a demerit, and read her repentance in front of the whole school.

Because Jiang Ye usually in school is a look of uneducated, this time in order to completely save him, I also let him in front of the teacher swear that he will next study well, do not get into trouble, do not fight, and strive to be a three good students.

But he still can’t avoid going on stage to read the repentance, after all, he fought is real, bring people to intimidate Shen Mengting is also real, even to protect me, the school will not condone violence against violence.

Later, our high school has long been rumored to be two major myths, both from Jiang Ye’s handwriting.

One was that he swore under the five-star red flag that he would study hard and get into college in order to marry me in the future!

At that time, the teachers were furious, but the students on the stage boiled over.

The second is: all day long uneducated school bully Jiang Ye, every day to read seriously, as if to make up all the books of these ten years, the results of the annual examination really let him create a miracle, he steadily ranked in the school’s top fifty!

Well, the original uneducated is my …… this kid to keep a hand!

Then later, he Jiang Ye brought a third heroic deed to the school.

Seven years after graduation, Jiang Ye as a representative of the speech back to school, on the podium to show off and I received the day before the red book.

“See? Senpai never lies.”

The students on the stage more or less knew about him from the previous class, or even the one before that, and some of the bold ones even led the applause.

Next to the school leaders are also still familiar faces, now one by one but not as angry as back then, they are smiling without saying anything, on the contrary, it is the stage I blushed.

Well ……

Jiang Ye he really did what he said!


Jiang Ye Extra

From the time I can remember, I slowly don’t remember my parents’ faces in my mind.

They were always on the go, and apart from giving me money, they never gave me anything else.

When I was in kindergarten, it was my nanny, Auntie Zhang, who took care of me.

Later, she had an accident at home and went back to her hometown, so I didn’t look for my aunt again.

I was in second grade at that time, I could take care of myself.

In fact, I have always had someone in my heart, she is my big brother, when I was in kindergarten she protected me like a heroine, since then I have been full of admiration for her.

Her name is Su Xiaoxiao, as her name suggests, she especially loves to laugh, and I like her to laugh too. She often fought with a little fat kid in kindergarten, sometimes when she was hurt, she would secretly hide and cry, I always knew it, but never poked and prodded.

She probably always thought it was her luck to pick up the whole pack of handkerchiefs every time!

As luck would have it, one night after the wedding, for the first time, she didn’t fall asleep tired and had to tell me her amazing story with the handkerchief paper.

In order to be able to protect her, I signed up for free boxing and started practicing from a very young age, and every time I trained hard, I remembered her smile, which I had to guard!

Unfortunately, I spent very little time by her side. My parents, who didn’t care about me all year round, used to bring me back to them every once in a while to watch over me, so I changed schools many times since I was a child.

Elementary school went back to read for two years, secretly looked at her for two years, she appeared beside a tall and thin little boy called Lin Zihao.

I went back to middle school for another year, also secretly watching her, but despite that, I was satisfied.

Besides, why was Lin Zihao still with her?

In high school, I went back to school completely because my parents were busy again and they had no time for me at all.

It was quite nice, and suddenly I didn’t feel like I was looking forward to their company as much as I used to.

I didn’t realize that Lin Zihao was still by her side. I’m a little jealous.

I used to study well, but I don’t want to be a good student in high school anymore, because the only way others can see it is to be a bad student, and she will see it too, right?

Missed a classmate into the hospital. Who called him a bitch mouth, take disgusting words to insult our class girls, although I do not know the girl well, but just can not control.

The good thing is that the school is kind of sensible, the girl stood out to help me explain clearly, the big deal is to pay some medical bills, anyway, I have plenty of money.

That day in the cafeteria, she bumped into me, I was frozen, so many years, this is the first time we have intimate contact, looking at the person in front of me, I have to hurry away, or heartbeat will be heard by her!

Damn it, I’m so unlucky!

She saved me again, I was supposed to meet her that day, but I met my original underling on the way to my appointment.

Tch, I bumped into him taking someone to abuse a cat, it was disgusting.

I didn’t hold back and punched him, I didn’t expect him to be so playful, he brought people to surround me, there were too many people, I lost the wind, but I was saved by her, it was worth the beating!

Speaking of which, I can become a netizen with her, or I took the money to bribe a certain student in her class.

I admit I was selfish about it, but I didn’t think she’d really talk to me about anything.

I was very happy.

As expected, I couldn’t stay happy for long, so I met up with her, and after expressing my feelings, she rejected me. She has a favorite, that damn Lin Zihao!

I’m sick of seeing him.

I didn’t expect that I’d have to take the initiative to seek his help. I got into trouble. It was a misunderstanding, but I was too lazy to explain. In the eyes of a teacher, a bad student is sophomoric no matter how sincere he is. Anyway, it’s understood that she’s in the mood, so I’ll admit defeat.

But if I had known that kid was bad for her, I would have still snatched her back!

As it turned out, she came to me and said she wanted to go to college with me! Did I hear right?

Does that mean she’s willing to marry me? Whatever, I’m willing anyway.

I wanted to kiss her, but I’ll wait until after graduation!

From then on, I studied my ass off every day. Luckily, my foundation wasn’t too bad, so I caught up quickly.

As a result, I still have to give her tutoring …… But it doesn’t matter, the future child genetically inherited me a little more on the line.

I succeeded in marrying her home, my parents even busy schedule also came to attend the wedding of the two of us, they seem to be very satisfied with this daughter-in-law, sent a lot of gifts brought back from abroad to her.

See how happy she is, huh? I’ll buy something better tomorrow.

It hurts so much to give birth! Thanks to technology, I was able to experience the pain of labor.

After resisting the twelfth grade, I’ve given up!

I’m speechless, I usually don’t realize that I’m so useful, I don’t even know when I got pregnant.

I deserved to die, but she said she wanted a baby that belonged to both of us too.

She went into labor early, her parents were still traveling abroad and didn’t make it back, but my parents happened to be in the country.

Listening to the sound of the delivery room, I was on pins and needles, I could not wait to go in and help her give birth, I really deserve ah!

The baby was born, it was a dragon and phoenix baby, I was so angry, it was these two little things that made my wife suffer.

When the nurse pushed the baby out, she congratulated me with a smile on her face, while I just wanted to see my wife.

My parents also asked the nurse how the baby was doing.

The good news is that everything is fine and all is well.

My wife is the only daughter of the family, she gave birth to a baby, then the son will be called Su wings, daughter will be called Jiang Mushao it.

For the rest of my life, I will guard your smile until death do us part.

Lin Zihao Extra

Bamboo horse can’t resist the skyfall, but see the skyfall so sincere, can’t resist then can’t resist it.

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