36. The Perpetual Doppelganger of Showbiz

Showbiz’s Perpetual Errors

Non-thinking: Seeing you when you’re in the mood for love

As a second-tier actress, my biggest hobby after work is ……

to get high on the CPs of movie star Zhou Shinian and movie queen Yu Weiwei.

In order to get up close and personal with my idols, I took the same movie with them.

A little accident happened during the shooting.

I was able to hear the heart of Mr. Zhou.

This cold and ascetic movie star actually said to me secretly every day, “Baby is so cute, I love babies”.

I’m numb.

The person Zhou Snian likes is actually me.


As the entertainment industry’s ten thousand year old second.

I, Su Wanyi’s name, can be said to be known by everyone.

Every time I shoot a movie, I will become the object of discussion among netizens after dinner.

No matter who I work with, I’m bound to be the green leaf that sets her off.

It’s not that I’m not good looking.

Fans all say that my face, placed in front of a few first-tier is also a bar.

The good thing is that I have a good mindset and don’t care about any competition for positions.

I like my current state.

Money, face, private space.

This is what many people can’t even ask for.

Of course, I also have a bigger hobby – getting high on CP.

Except for the close staff around me, no one knows that I’m the CP fan of movie star Zhou Si-nian and actress Yu Weiwei.

In order to follow them, I applied for a blogger account.

Occasionally, when I’m not busy, I’ll write about them.

When it comes to Zhou Snian, he is simply a god.

At the age of 23, he became the youngest movie star in China with his excellent acting skills.

The year I joined the industry.

Zhou Snian’s award-winning movie “Seven Miles of Fragrance” created a movie-going frenzy in China.

His co-star was Yu Weiwei.

They both won awards for this movie.

I wasn’t interested in literary movies, but I couldn’t help the fact that the bosses of the company were all fans of Zhou Si-nian, and they organized groups of newcomers to let us go to the movies, in the name of learning from the acting skills of our predecessors.

A movie down, I feel my life has been sublimated.

“Ah ah ah, the way he looked at her would be drawn.”

“Oh my God! They make a great couple.”

Even the people next to me were devastated by my words, “Look at them, they’re going to have something to do with each other.”

This movie is obviously about heartbreaking love.

In my case, it turned into a young couple in love at public expense.

Since then, I have never returned to the CP fan circle.

I’ve been in the industry for two years.

I’ve seen Zhou Si-nian a few times.

High and cold, ascetic, and unsmiling, this is my first impression of him.

Every time I see him, I have to sigh once again that the heavens are not fair.

His face was as if it had been carefully carved by Mother Nuwa, without a single blemish.

In addition to Su Writes as an actor, I also additionally registered a certain blog trumpet, which was specifically used to record the super-sweet moments of Zhou Snian and Yu Weiwei.

After my unremitting efforts over the past two years, I have killed my way through a crowd of food-producing wives.


The company picked up a costume drama for me.

It’s a female number three who doesn’t have much to do, but runs through the whole text.

The moment I saw the cast, I was almost so excited that I fainted.

The main male and female characters were my favorite, Zhou Si-nian and Yu Weiwei.

Without saying a word, I packed my things and prepared to enter the group.

On the first day of shooting, the entire crew set up camp in a deep forest.


The director and crew set up a fire in a clearing.

Gathered all the actors together to get acquainted with each other.

A few of my friends, who had let themselves go, had already begun to dance around the fire, holding hands.

I sat quietly on the sidelines, but in reality, my eyes and ears were watching and listening, just to be able to catch Zhou Snian and Yu Weiwei at the first time.

Half an hour later, Yu Weiwei and Zhou Snian got down from the nanny car together.

The two walked over with a smile on their face.

Looking around the room, there were only two seats left next to me.

This meant that the two of them were going to get up close and personal with me.

I pressed down my excitement and pretended to stare at them as if nothing had happened.

I don’t know if it was my illusion, but Zhou Snyan’s eyes moved away from me the moment I met him.

The two of them smiled as they sat beside me, my heart thumping.

“Yu Weiwei is really pretty, is Zhou Snian trying to blind my titanium dog alloy eyes?”

I rambled in my mind, completely oblivious to Yu Weiwei’s outstretched hand.

“You are Su Wanyi, right?”

I raised my head numbly, the goddess spoke to me, I didn’t have smoke coming out of my head.

“I …… am.” I shook her hand with a red face.

Oh my god! Her hand is so soft.

Yu Weiwei and I were separated by Zhou Snian, and after shaking her hand, I didn’t forget to say hello to Mr. Shadow Emperor.

I carefully extended my hand to Zhou Sneian, “Hello, Mr. Zhou.”

One second, two seconds …… five seconds passed.

Zhou Snian didn’t seem to have any intention of shaking my hand.

I was so embarrassed that I wanted to withdraw my hand.

Suddenly, my hand was wrapped in two large hands.

Zhou Snian’s face was not too natural, and he even stuttered a little, “You …… Hello.”

My hand was still being pulled by him, and my brain jerked and said, “Is Mr. Zhou also sociopathic?”

Yu Weiwei was so amused by this sentence that she couldn’t straighten up, and she patted Zhou Sneian’s shoulder, “Right, right, right, he can’t speak once he sees a pretty girl.”

I was so embarrassed that I wanted to draw back my hand, and Zhou Snian also realized that he had lost his temper and hurriedly apologized to me.

I didn’t realize that the high-flying Movie Director Zhou in front of the camera was so cute in private.

As the male and female protagonists, they must be called up to say a few words on such occasions.

Zhou Si-nian was the first to be cued up by the director.

He stood in the crowd, calm and collected, and was full of wonderful words.

Is this the same Mr. Zhou who stammered just now?


After the official start of shooting, I became a big idler in the crew.

Although I am an important role, but the whole play down not many scenes.

In the daytime, I stroll around this field and that field.

At night, I continue to do my food production wife.

Getting high on CP with pay is the happiest thing in the world.

I often sneak out to watch Zhou Snian and Yu Weiwei play opposite each other.

Worthy of being the pinnacle of movie stars and actresses, the two were evenly matched, with no one losing out.

There was a heavy scene where the hero and heroine tried to test each other’s identity and pull at the limit.

The scene was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop on the floor.

I stood in the corner holding my breath, my emotions completely driven by the two of them.

In Zhou Snian’s action design, there was a shot where he turned his back to Yu Weiwei.

Coincidentally, after he turned around, he happened to be face to face with me.

Movie star Zhou and I were so wide-eyed that we even forgot to pick up Yu Weiwei’s lines.


“What’s going on, Si-nian?”

The director was always polite to Zhou Snian, if it were any other small actor, he would have been scolded.

Zhou Snian adjusted himself, “Sorry director, one more line.”

I hurriedly changed my position to make sure Zhou Snian couldn’t see me the next time he turned around.

Unexpectedly, in the same place, Zhou Snian got stuck again.

The director’s face was clearly unhappy, but he had worked hard all day, so he was already good-tempered if he could hold back his anger.

The weather in the mountains is cold, considering Zhou Snian’s state.

Today’s shooting ended early.

The director and staff emptied the equipment on site and returned to the station.

Yu Weiwei’s assistant also came over to take her away, and gave Zhou Snyan a thick blanket on his way out.

Only Zhou Snian and I were left in the room.

I was still standing in the corner behind the pillar, when Zhou Snian came over with the blanket and draped it over me.

A particularly refreshing odor hit me as he approached me.

In just ten seconds or so, it made me realize a truth.

There is absolutely no woman that can hold back from being unmoved by Zhou Snyan.

Absolutely none!

The two of us didn’t have any obvious physical contact, but my face still reddened indisputably.

I lowered my head and didn’t dare to look at him, clutching the blanket tightly in my hand.

“Isn’t Mr. Zhou cold?” I inquired him in a low voice.

Zhou Snyan’s voice rang above my head, “Cold ah, why don’t …… you condescend to use a blanket with me?”

I raised my head in shock: “Ah?”

The tips of Zhou Snyan’s ears flushed and his face twisted to the side.

“Sorry, I’m just kidding.”

The atmosphere between the two of us had an indescribable feeling.

There was a big difference in temperature between day and night in the mountains, and the later it got, the colder the temperature became.

“Mr. Zhou, we’d better get going.”

In order to not let this intriguing atmosphere continue, I pulled up Zhou Snian’s arm and headed out.

Because the filming was for an ancient costume drama, the threshold of the house was particularly high.

I was still wearing my costume, a floor-length dress.

Walking too quickly, I tripped over the threshold.

Seeing that I was about to fall on my face, I prayed silently in my heart, “God, can you not torture me so much? It would be better for me to die socially in front of Zhou Shinian than for me to die headfirst.”

The imagined headbutt didn’t happen, I was stopped by Zhou Snian.

My back was pressed against a broad chest, and there was still hot air coming out of Zhou Shi Nian’s nose by my ear.

My waist was firmly wrapped around him, and my entire body was tightly pressed against him.

For a moment, I forgot to breathe.

My hand pinched hard against my thigh, and the drilling pain proved that I wasn’t dreaming.

I broke away from Zhou Snian with a red face, knowing that I must be like a boiled lobster right now.

“Mr. Zhou, I …… I’ll go back first.”

Compared to my panic, Zhou Snian looked calm and collected.

I fled the place with quick steps.

He shouted to me behind me in a light tone, “Run slowly, fall down again can not have me to help you.”


Ever since that accident, I would get a strange feeling whenever I saw Zhou Snian.

Even staying in the same space with him made me feel uncomfortable.

In order to minimize unnecessary contact, I hunkered down in my tent during breaks and didn’t go anywhere.

But that wasn’t a permanent solution after all.

Although I’m only a third female, the few scenes I’ve been in have been partnered with Zhou Snyan.

As the male lead’s full sister, her character is like a spoiled child who has to pamper the male lead from time to time.

Originally, I was apprehensive about being paired with Zhou Si-nian, but I didn’t realize that the director was going to make a temporary change before shooting started.

I didn’t expect the director to change the script before shooting.

Seeing that the rivalry with Zhou Si-nian was changed from ten scenes to thirty, I wanted to run headlong into a high level of emotion.

In case I didn’t hold back and did something untoward to Mr. Movie Emperor, then I would be a sinner.

Preparation time before the start of the movie.

Zhou Snian took the script and memorized his lines in a serious manner.

But I couldn’t stay still.

My mind was filled with the scene where Zhou Si-nian hugged me from behind that night.

“Come on, everyone get ready.”

The director’s voice was like a tranquilizer, instantly pulling my thoughts into the role.

I let out a deep breath, throwing aside the mess in my head for a moment.

This scene is about the male lead who is worried about the disaster victims and is still reading the folders submitted up by his men late at night.

But his sister is a troublemaker.

In the middle of the night, she came to the master’s study and asked him to accompany her to go out to buy pastries.

The male master was already disturbed by the disaster relief issue.

Seeing that he could not be persuaded and coaxed, he did not control his temper for a while and reprimanded his sister and grounded her.

Zhou Si-nian angry look I have seen countless times in front of the screen, real-life performance is the first time.

Putting aside other things, Zhou Snian’s acting skills are really admirable.

In just a few seconds.

From his eyes to his aura, he looked like a different person.

Acting like something, that’s what Zhou Snian said.

The people at the scene held their breaths and greeted the emotional outburst of Movie Emperor Zhou.

Worthy of being a movie star, watching him act is a ……


Before I could react, the director ran over in a huff.

Zhou Snian laughed when he should have been …… angry and furious at me.

The director’s face was as black as a pig’s liver, and he came over to question Zhou S Nian with hatred.

“S Nian, what’s wrong with you in the end, used to be a line over, this time how to make frequent mistakes?”

The tears in the corner of my eyes made me hold them back.

It’s over, I’m going to cry all over again.

“Sorry director, let’s do another one.” Zhou Snian came back from the camera and adjusted himself.

When he walked in front of me, he was stunned for a moment when he saw my reddened eyes.

Zhou S Nian leaned slightly closer to me and whispered, “Sorry for making you have to re-build your emotions.”

“Cough ……” Zhou Shi Nian was too close to me, I took a step backward sheepishly, “No …… it’s okay, who hasn’t had a mistake at times.”

Zhou Shi Nian seems to have not realized my deliberate avoidance.

When I took a step back, he took a step forward.

The fresh sandalwood fragrance instantly surrounded me.

When I was about to lose my grip, Zhou Shinian stopped.

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, he looked at me with his hands wrapped around his chest.

How come I didn’t realize Zhou Snyan was so mischievous before, I gave him a blank look and stopped paying attention to him.

The next shooting went well, I cried until I couldn’t catch my breath.

Before the shooting started, the director said that we must make sure to cry our hearts out, and if we really can’t cry, we should fantasize about the person in front of us dying soon.

At first, I thought this method was too unethical.

But with all of Zhou Snian’s behavior, he managed to make him die first in my heart.


With two mistakes in a row, the director thought that Zhou Snian was physically ill.

Coupled with the changeable weather in the mountains, the director made an exception and canceled the night scene, giving the entire crew a night off.

I shrank in the tent and watched Zhou Si-nian’s nanny car come and go.

The entertainment industry is really the most humane place.

It’s only been one night, and these people are itching to stomp two holes in Zhou Si-nian’s nanny car.

I was lying in my sleeping bag playing a game when my assistant ran in in a panic.

“Write, they’ve all gone to see Mr. Zhou, why are you still here playing games?”

I snapped words to scold my teammates while distractedly dealing with my assistant.

“Hua Hua, I usually see you as quite resourceful, why can’t you figure this out?”

“There are so many people going to see him now, even if I go, he won’t notice me.”

Hua Hua’s eyes immediately brightened, even looking at me with admiration.

“Alright, alright, go and get busy, I know what I’m doing.”

It was so hard to lure Flower away, but the game was lost again.

It seems I can’t escape from this dragon’s den.

The most valued thing in the entertainment circle is networking resources, if I don’t go to see Zhou Snyan today, tomorrow the hot search will be #Su Wanyi playing a big game on the set and neglecting her seniors#.

I just want to live a good life quietly, I don’t want to get involved in this kind of man-eating storm.

At ten o’clock in the evening, there was a gradual lack of movement in Zhou Snian’s car, and I went over to him with the few warm stickers I had left.

It was the dead of winter, and we were stationed deep in the mountains.

The supplies are not good to send in, these few warm stickers or spend a lot of hard work to get.

Just as I approached the nanny car, I bumped into Zhou Snian’s assistant.

“Su Su is here, our Mr. Zhou is waiting for you.”

“Waiting for me ……”

No, why is this little girl looking at me with such …… ambiguous eyes?

Can it be that I still have the ability to make female fans blush now?

“Don’t look at me with such eyes, it’s weirdly creepy.” I got goosebumps from her stare.

Zhou Snian was mesmerized reading the script when I entered.

“Mr. Chow.” I knocked on the door of the caravan.

Only then did Zhou Snian respond and let me in.

I put the warm patches I brought on the table and sat down opposite Zhou Snian.

“Mr. Zhou, it’s cold in the mountains, you should take care of your health.”

Actors are good at acting.

I said a few words of flattery without blushing or skipping a beat.

Zhou Si-nian’s table is full of gifts from other people, I think he also can’t see this little thing of mine.

What I didn’t expect was that he picked up the warm stickers I gave him and directly tore one open and stuck it on his chest.

“Just what I needed, thanks a lot.”

I was too embarrassed to stare at his chest, my eyes darting around.

The two of us said a few polite words, and I excused myself to leave first.

Zhou Si-nian this level of big brother, perhaps outside on which branch of the tree lying a shoulder long gun cannon fans.

If I were to be photographed in the middle of the night in a room with a man and a woman, I wouldn’t even be able to wash my hands off.

Moreover, if I was photographed with Zhou Si-nian, I would definitely be the one who would suffer the most.

Fans would only think that I was seducing Zhou Si-nian for the sake of getting ahead.

Back to my small tent.

Just as I opened my cell phone, I received a prompt from a certain blog – “Zhou S Nian updated his news”.

Driven by curiosity, I clicked on Zhou Shi Nian’s homepage.

The latest update was “Thank you all for your concern”.

One of the most common daily posts was his picture ……

It’s a couple of girly bunny stickers, and they just happen to be the ones I sent him.

And then look at the comments underneath.

“ah ah ah ah, brother is in love? How come he has such girly things?”

“What nonsense on the first floor, our baby Zhou is single, don’t cue.”

Of course, there are also CP fans of Zhou Snian and Yu Weiwei to join in the fun.

“It’s not a gift from Weiwei, is it? It just so happens that they are in the same theater group.

“Wow, I’m high.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, okay? When did our family Weiwei ever use such girly stuff?”


There was a lot of noise in the comments, with people saying all sorts of things.

This certain blog unexpectedly hit the hot search – #ZhouShiNianRelationshipExposed.

The heat of this phrase has been high, and there is clearly a tendency for it to explode.

The matter had fermented to this point, and Zhou Snyan’s PR team had let it go unchecked.

As the indirect female protagonist of this fiasco, I hurriedly tweeted to Zhou Snian.

“Mr. Zhou, aren’t you going to respond to what happened on a certain blog? The fans are all clamoring.”

Just after the message was sent, I received a reply from Zhou Snian.

“It’s okay, it’s being dealt with.”

Ten minutes later the hot search was withdrawn.

Zhou Snian himself didn’t respond, he just had the studio send out a vague statement.

“Mr. Zhou’s body is well, thank you for all the fans baby’s concern.”

This seems to have responded and not responded.

Assistant Flora recognized the bunny warmer and sent a message bombarding me.

I simply turned off my cell phone and ignored it.

My heart is in a mess right now, I don’t understand what Zhou Snian really means.

I want to ask but do not dare to ask, I lie in the sleeping bag anxious scratching my ears.


The next day’s shooting, Zhou Snian was glowing.

Because I hadn’t slept all night, my eyes were as dark as if I had been punched twice.

After three hours of rainy scenes, my body was overwhelmed and went on strike.

At 39.8 degrees Celsius, the fever persisted.

When consciousness blurred, I even felt like I had entered heaven.

In a trance, I saw Zhou Snian.

When I slowly came back to consciousness, there were people around my bed.

There were so many people in the room that I was a bit out of breath.

I gave a wink to Hua Hua, and she immediately understood.

“All teachers go back first, I’ll let everyone know when Su Su is almost well.”

Everyone had left, leaving only Zhou Snian still standing outside the tent.

The moment our eyes met, it seemed like I was hallucinating.

“How did you get sick for a good reason? I don’t know when I’ll get well, baby is so poor.”

“Baby? Flower, what are you talking about?”

Flower looked at me with a confused face, “I didn’t say anything, you heard wrong.”

I nodded my head and didn’t think much of it, thinking that I hadn’t gotten well from my first illness.

The progress of the crew couldn’t be delayed because of me, so after two days of rest, I resumed work.

This scene is about a man and a woman exchanging their thoughts, I just need to stand by the side and act as an instrumental person to witness their happiness.

Zhou Snian and Yu Weiwei, the two people with their own halos, stood together in a picture so beautiful that people couldn’t move their eyes.

Poor me, I was dwarfed by the two of them.

According to the script, Zhou Shi Nian is going to hug Yu Wei Wei next and give her a deep confession.

If I had just entered the group, I would have been so excited to see this scene that I would have fainted on the spot.

But now, watching Zhou Snian and Yu Weiwei’s intimate contact, I actually had a small loss in my heart.

Realizing that my brain was out of control, I hurriedly pinched myself to stay awake.

“Su Wanyi you’re crazy, is Zhou S’nian something you can fantasize about?” I programmed myself in my mind.

I had my back to the camera, and in front of me was Zhou Snian and Yu Weiwei hugging each other.

Without realizing it, I seemed to be hallucinating again.

“Baby is standing in front, she won’t be angry, right?”

What’s going on here? It’s obvious that no one around me is talking.

Is it possible that I’ve gotten sick and burned out my brain?

After the shoot, I found Flora and asked her to find me a doctor as soon as possible.

I don’t want to become a fool at a young age.

Yu Weiwei saw Flower running around in a panic and came over to care about what happened.

“It’s fine, Sister Weiwei, I asked her to get my things for me.”

Yu Weiwei exchanged pleasantries with me and followed her assistant.

To my surprise, Yu Weiwei had clearly walked away, but a voice rang in my ears again.

“Getting something? Could it be that you’re still sick?”

I was so scared that I spun in place and looked around, but there wasn’t even a ghostly figure behind me except for Zhou Snian.

I hesitantly walked up to Zhou Snian, “Mr. Zhou, was it you who spoke just now?”

Zhou Snian frowned a little and denied it with a smile.

Getting the denial, I silently cheered myself up in my heart, “Su Wanyi don’t be afraid, it’s impossible for there to be a ghost in broad daylight.”

“Su Su is so cute, I feel like kissing her.” The strange voice came again.

Gosh! What kind of tiger and wolf words are these, I’m not messing with some colorful ghost, am I?

“Susu, Susu.”

Seeing me dazed, Zhou Si-nian softly called me.

Hearing the word ‘Susu’, I instantly woke up.

Other than fans and flowers, no one had ever called me by that name.

I surreptitiously sized up Zhou Snian.

A voice once again rang in my ears, “Why isn’t Su Su talking?”

But obviously Zhou Snian didn’t move his mouth, whose voice was it that I heard?

Zhou Snian’s hand shook in front of my eyes, and then the same sentence popped out of his mouth.

I raised my head in surprise, can’t it be that what I heard before were all Zhou Snian’s words?

This is also too evil.

“Teacher Zhou, I …… I’ll leave first.”

I now need to quietly run through what really happened.

Back in the tent, I still couldn’t believe it was true.

I could hear Zhou Snian’s heart, and only his.


Since I knew what was in Zhou Snian’s heart, I realized that he seemed to have a crush on me.

Zhou Snian would inexplicably say ‘baby’ many times in his heart every day.

At first I wasn’t sure who he was calling.

Slowly, whenever I heard these two words, my eyes habitually searched for Zhou Snian’s figure.

I realized that whenever Zhou Snian called “Baby”, he was definitely looking at me.

Yu Weiwei’s birthday was spent at the theater group, but she didn’t tell anyone and only called me and Zhou Snian.

I was too embarrassed to refuse, so I could only go to the appointment.

In Yu Weiwei’s nanny car, a rather unfamiliar face was hugging her and playing around.

The young couple was flirting, and Zhou Snian and I stood awkwardly at the door, hesitating to go in.

The boy noticed us first and broke away from Yu Weiwei with a red face.

When I saw the boy’s face clearly, my eyes lit up.

This is too young, proper male college student.

I must learn from Yu Weiwei sometime.

As I was enjoying the beauty of the boy, Zhou Snian blocked in front of my face in an uninteresting manner.

He was also jealous in his heart: “What’s so good-looking, not as good-looking as me.”

Zhou Snian was so serious on his face, but why did he have so many little thoughts?

I shook my head helplessly, peeled off his arm and walked in.

During the chat, I learned that this boy was Weiwei’s boyfriend.

Perhaps the male college students were too tempting, or perhaps I was a little tipsy from the wine I drank.

I pestered Yu Weiwei to let her teach me how to handle Nianxia brother.

Zhou Shi Nian had a dark face and looked at his younger brother with eyes that wanted to strangle him to death.

“Zhou S Nian you restrain yourself a little bit, scaring my baby.” Yu Weiwei couldn’t bear this cannibalistic look from Zhou Shi Nian and spoke out to stop it.

After reprimanding Zhou Shi Nian, Yu Weiwei came over to enlighten me, saying something about not neglecting the people around me.

The words have come to this point, even if I am slow, I understand what Yu Weiwei means.

I’m not sure who else could be around but Zhou Shi Nian.

But Zhou Snian has never explicitly said that he likes me.

It is hard for me to tell Zhou Shi Nian: I can hear your heart, I know you like me, we are together.

In that case, Zhou Shi Nian might really think that I’ve lost my mind.

Yu Weiwei deliberately had the car driven to a place far away from the garrison in order to have a date with her young boyfriend.

It was already late at night after dinner, and Zhou Snian insisted on sending me back to my tent.

I couldn’t refuse, so I could only let him follow me.

I was about to explode, Zhou Snian was secretly cataloging me in his mind the whole way.

“Why did you say you like someone else, why did you learn how to handle your brother?”

“Is it because I’m not good? I’m handsome and can earn money, I’m not a womanizer, and I love my wife.”

Listening to this, I especially wanted to ask Mr. Zhou: is this a disguised way of praising myself?

I walked in front, my blank eyes almost flying to the sky.

“Su Wanyi, when are you going to look at me?”

A sentence that caught me off guard made me pause in my steps.

I could feel that Zhou Snian was sad, and my heart hurt as if it had been stabbed by something.

I didn’t dare to turn back, and continued to walk forward with my two stiff legs.

Back in the tent, Hua Hua was still waiting for me.

“Susu, was it Mr. Zhou who sent you back just now? He’s also too sweet.”

Hua Hua is Zhou Snian’s brainless little fan girl, no matter what Zhou Snian does, in Hua Hua’s eyes he is the most handsome.


If everything goes well, the movie will be ready in a week.

After staying in the mountains for so long, it’s time to get over it.

But if we go back like this, Zhou Snian and I will become strangers again.

In our profession, we are all good friends on the set, but once the production is over, we will go our separate ways.

The thought of going our separate ways with Zhou Si-nian made me so anxious that I couldn’t eat.

“It’s annoying, if you like me, then hurry up and confess, it’s not like I won’t agree with you.” I mumbled to myself as I sat at the dining table.

Zhou Si-nian and Yu Weiwei were chatting happily in the distance, and I was so angry that my eyes were on fire.

Even though Weiwei has a boyfriend, I still feel bad in my heart.

I don’t know why, but I couldn’t even hear what Zhou Snian was thinking.

In a blur, I only heard one Tonight ……

The afternoon sun is very big, Yu Weiwei pulled me to accompany her to talk.

The two of us had a conversation, and somehow we talked about Zhou Snyan.

Yu Weiwei was lying on the rocking chair, holding an apple in her hand and munching on it so vigorously that she was even talking to me in a slurred manner.

“Write, do you want to hear Mr. Zhou’s story?”

I nodded my head and ghostly looked backward, Zhou Snian was sitting on the steps not far from me.

It was as if we both had a heart-to-heart, looking at each other at the same time.

Yu Weiwei simply stopped eating the apple and focused on telling me the story.

Yu Weiwei said that she and Zhou Snian were college classmates, and for so many years they have been like family, supporting each other in this world of fame and fortune.

Recalling the past, Yu Weiwei’s eyes gradually moist.

I quickly handed her a tissue.

“Thank you, don’t think I’m pretentious.” Yu Weiwei said with a smile.

“I won’t.” I shook my head.

As a peer, I knew how much effort it took to get to the point where Zhou Snian and Yu Weiwei were today.

Yu Weiwei slowed down for a while and continued, “Don’t look at Zhou Snian’s glittering and bright star, but he has suffered a lot in the past,” she said.

“When he first graduated from university, in order to stay in the capital, when he didn’t have a movie to shoot, he went to work as a part-time job, waitressing, handing out flyers, and all sorts of stunt doubles.”

“In fact, he didn’t have to work so hard. There are so many unspoken rules in the entertainment industry, and as long as he’s willing, all kinds of resources will come to him.”

“But Zhou Shinian is a stubborn man, he’d rather bend than break, he’s never willing to bow down, so he offended a lot of people when he first started in the industry.”

“That was the worst year of his life. No one approached him for a movie, and he didn’t want to be in the business.”

“By chance, he saw a new actress who had fallen into the river countless times in the winter in order to make a realistic movie.”

“Zhou Si-nian became more and more concerned about this girl. He stopped talking about quitting the industry and began to work hard, accepting all roles no matter how big or small.

“He once said he hoped to stand in front of the girl one day and say thank you.”

“It’s because of her that we have the Zhou Si-nian of today.”

Yu Weiwei’s voice was soft, letting the story flow into my heart.

My tears fell uncontrollably, and I knew that the girl she was talking about was me.

The year I first started out, in order to get the director to add a few more shots, in the middle of winter, I stayed in and out of the water for almost two hours.

By the end of the shoot, I was unconscious.

Until now, when it rains, my joints still hurt like hell.

Yu Weiwei gave me a tissue and patted me on the shoulder.

“If that girl thinks clearly, don’t make him wait any longer.”

I finally understood why Zhou Snyan liked me.

It turned out that I had been involved in his life when I didn’t know it.

Because I liked it too much, I became too timid to say what was in my heart.

Maybe the heavens pitied him and gave me the ability to hear his heart.

Yu Weiwei left, and I sat dumbly in the chair.

This time I compromised. Zhou Snian won.


Two days before the killing banquet, the director set up the fire again.

A group of people gathered around it was very lively.

In the mountains, if you look up, the sky is full of stars.

Yu Weiwei is sitting in the middle of Zhou Shi Nian and me, drinking vigorously.

Zhou Snian secretly despised Yu Weiwei’s lack of eyesight in his heart.

I was amused by Teacher Zhou’s caution and walked past Yu Weiwei to Zhou Snian.

“Teacher Zhou, come with me to a place if it’s convenient.”

Zhou Snian didn’t have much extra expression on the surface, but in reality, his heart had long been in a deer in the headlights and in disarray.

“Calling me, are you calling me? Su Su doesn’t want to go on a date with me, right?”

Zhou Snian’s mental activities are also too rich.

He stayed seated and I could only continue to call him.

“Mr. Zhou? Let’s go.”

Only then did he get up and follow me in a wriggling manner.

It looked like I was abducting a good woman.

I took Zhou Snian to a large open space, where stargazing would be most appropriate.

We both sat side by side, waiting for the other to speak first.

In the end, I lost the battle.

I twisted my head to look at Zhou Snian, “Is there nothing Mr. Zhou would like to say to me?”

Zhou Snian didn’t speak only stared at me, his eyes seemed like stars in the sky.

It’s true that it’s just like what Yu Weiwei said, as long as he sees me, Zhou Snian will always have his IQ offline.

I sighed and shook my head, letting Zhou Snian look into my eyes.

“Mr. Zhou, what I’m going to say next is very important and won’t be said a second time, I really like you, do you remember?”

Zhou Snian’s brain didn’t react, but his face reddened first.

He stumbled and couldn’t even complete his words.

“Su Su, can I …… understand that you confess to me again and want to be with me?”

Our two big red faces faced each other, and for a moment we couldn’t tell whose was redder.

After I nodded my head, Zhou Snian’s eyes instantly became extremely aggressive.

His eyes slowly moved down and stopped at my mouth.

Zhou Snyan’s features kept enlarging in front of my face as he raised one hand to cover my eyes.

The touch on my lips became more and more intense, I don’t know how long it took, but Zhou Snian finally released me.

I only felt my face burning hot, not daring to look up at him.

Zhou Shi Nian’s face was full of spring, hooked up my chin and wanted to kiss me again.

I didn’t even think about it and pushed him away directly, in this kind of environment there is always a kind of illusion that we are in a private meeting.

I stood up and walked back, Zhou Snian quietly followed me.

The moonlight pulled his shadow to a slender length, and as long as I tilted my head, our two shadows would touch each other.

It was like I was leaning on his shoulder.


On the day of the shooting, the director drank a lot of wine.

When he was drunk, he wanted to introduce his cousin to Zhou Si-nian.

Drunken people have a lot of strength, and Zhou Si-nian couldn’t get away with it.

He had no choice but to put his arm around me.

“Director, my family is still present, don’t say anything, or I can’t answer for it”.

Zhou Snian’s wave scared the director out of half his drink.

The two of us had just gotten together, and it was close to the end of production.

There are very few people in the crew who know about our relationship.

The director was first shocked and cast an apologetic gaze at me, and I couldn’t wait to find a crack in the ground.

The uproar grew louder and louder, and Zhou Snian put one hand on the back of my head and pressed me into his arms.

“My baby is shy, don’t make a scene.”

Zhou Snian is such a cheeky guy, if we gave him a baton, he would probably command the uproar to get louder.

I wrapped my hand around Zhou Snian’s waist and pinched him heavily in a place no one else could see.

Zhou Snian grimaced in pain, but with so many people present, he had to do his best to keep up appearances.

I was so happy in his arms.

On the day we returned to the capital, Zhou Snian trapped me in his nanny car and said he wouldn’t let me go.

He hung on to me like a piece of kraft candy.

“Mr. Zhou, if you and I were photographed coming down from the same car, we wouldn’t be able to explain it even if we had two more mouths to feed,” he said.

Zhou Snian didn’t think so, “The big deal is to go public, I never set up a single persona anyway.”

I took a step back to make sure that I was at a safe distance from Zhou Snian before I spoke with confidence.

“No, I’m afraid you’ll crowd out my male fans.”

Zhou Snian was infuriated and laughed.

He couldn’t do anything about it, and could only stare at me like a rock looking out for his wife until I returned to my car.

The fleet of vehicles traveling on the highway, some people can not withstand the loneliness of the long distance, open the roof of the sunroof to sing loudly.

I do not have the spirit of others, nestled in the car drowsy.

Flora was chattering in my ear, unusually excited.

“It’s not easy for there to be no outsiders, so tell me about you and Movie Director Zhou.”

I was so sleepy that I couldn’t even open my eyelids, but it was my agent’s sister who saved me with a phone call.

Flora was called by her agent to work on a project.

I slept until I reached my destination without her.

Back in the capital, the company let me half a month vacation.

Zhou Snian, a busy man, also unprecedentedly pushed several advertisements.

The two of us sneaked off to a crowded snack street for a date.

Zhou Si-nian is tall and long, even wearing a hat and mask, the turnover rate is still 100%.

I stood beside him, barely able to reach his chin.

When Zhou Snian takes pictures, he likes to put his hand on my head and look at the camera himself, giggling.

A few little girls passing by poked and embraced each other, and a little girl gathered the courage to come forward.

“Handsome man, can …… you add a WeChat?”

Zhou Snyan was so scared that he quickly hid behind me, shaking my arm to let me step in to help.

Such a big one hiding behind me, kinda cute.

I walked up and took the girl by the shoulders, bringing her to one side.

“Sister, I’m not going to lie, he’s not right in the head, and he’s scared when he sees strangers.”

“But if you really want to add his WeChat, I’ll give it to you.”

I purposely lowered my voice for fear that they would recognize my identity.

When the young girl heard this, she pulled her sisters and left.

Before she left, she didn’t forget to shake her head regretfully at Zhou Snian.

After seeing them leave, Zhou Snian curiously came over and asked me, “What did you say to her? Why are they looking at me like that?”

I sheepishly swept the tip of my nose and walked ahead of him.

“I …… complimented you on your handsomeness.”

Zhou Si-nian just do not believe, has been chasing after me to ask a water fall out.


A week before the show aired, I was invited to attend the conference.

I was invited to the press conference. As the third female, I was unable to say a few words as the main actors were there.

I stood on the stage and quietly touched the fish, thinking that I would take Zhou Si-nian to try the newly discovered hot pot restaurant in the evening.

Zhou Si-nian stood in the C position, calmly answering the host’s sharp questions.

He was so handsome that he was the most shining presence in the crowd, so beautiful that people couldn’t take their eyes off him.

I was immersed in Zhou Snian’s beauty and couldn’t help myself, when I heard someone call my name.

Zhou Snian, this God damned person, actually threw the topic to me.

I hurriedly changed into a professional smile and picked up the microphone to memorize the script I had prepared in advance.

The few lead actors on stage who knew the inside story were stifling their laughter and looking at me in unison.

The hosts were all human beings, and from the reactions of the few people on stage, they guessed my relationship with Zhou Snyan.

Originally, I only needed to stand on the sidelines as a vase, but this was great, the hosts asked me questions in different ways.

The script I memorized wasn’t enough, so I had to play on the spot.

Fortunately, it was a false alarm, and Zhou Snian brought the topic back to himself in time.

The press conference is over, I greeted the fans at the scene and delayed for a while, Zhou Shi Nian disappeared.

When I got back to my car, Zhou Snian was sitting comfortably in my car reading the script.

There were still fans behind me, and Zhou Shi Nian tried to get out of the car when I wasn’t looking.

I turned to glare at him and hurriedly got into the car.

The driver kicked the gas, and I almost jumped into Zhou Shi Nian’s arms.

Zhou Snyan closed the script slowly and methodically, pulled my arm and pressed me into his lap.

“Baby, are you surprised?”

Zhou Snian buried his head in the crook of my neck, the tip of his nose rubbing against my neck.

I shoved in his arms.

“Surprise? Surprise is more like it, are you trying to scare me to death before you renew your marriage?”

Zhou Snian was so strong that I couldn’t push him, so I could only let him hold me.

After the press conference, Zhou Snian went back to the set.

The filming location was in the city, and he would come over to see me during breaks.


After the drama was aired, with Zhou Snian and Yu Weiwei’s support, eight out of ten hot searches were about this drama.

Unsurprisingly, the CP fans of Zhou Snian and Yu Weiwei had another binge.

CP speculation is the most common means of publicity, and in the past, all parties would not have responded deliberately.

But this time, there was a little accident.

Last week’s video of Zhou Snian cueing me was put online by fans, and the expressions of the main actors were also magnified and interpreted by netizens.

For a while, the CP fans of Zhou Shi Nian and I were like a sprout, growing unchecked.

In the middle of the drama’s broadcast, the two sets of fans quarreled.

Both Yu Weiwei and I were cursed by each other’s fans.

On the contrary, Zhou Snian was like an outsider.

The world really is still a bit more tolerant of male celebrities.

Zhou Snian wanted to go public several times, but I stopped him.

The current situation isn’t too bad, at least there is heat from all sides.

I have not been able to persuade Zhou Snyan to live in peace for two days.

Yu Weiwei’s tawdry maneuver almost blew up a certain blog.

On Valentine’s Day, Yu Weiwei released a dynamic in the early morning.

“What if my boyfriend is too handsome?”

The accompanying picture is a boy wearing a mask.

Even though it was early in the morning, a certain blog was paralyzed.

In this photo, anyone with long eyes could see that it wasn’t Zhou Snian.

Netizens were still immersed in the grief of the goddess having a boyfriend.

Zhou Snian followed up by giving everyone a king bomb.

An hour after Yu Weiwei announced her romance, Zhou S Nian followed suit and also posted a dynamic.

“It’s the girlfriend who has been chasing after her for a long time, Su Wanyi.”

In addition to this sentence, Zhou Snian also matched a nine-panel grid.

Eight of them were magazine or theater photos from various periods of my life all the way from my debut, and one or two unclear roadshows.

In the very center was a photo of us at the snack street that day, with Zhou Snian’s hand on my head.

It was really a wave that started all over again.

Zhou Shinian was out of town shooting a commercial and didn’t tell me before posting a certain blog.

Suddenly sent me such a big ‘surprise’, I was still more or less overwhelmed.

The agent called, split face a burst of gossip.

Tonight, destined to be a sleepless night.

Early the next morning, a certain blog almost resumed operation.

Zhou Si-nian and Yu Weiwei have been in the hot search one or two, the heat is high.

I didn’t know how to respond, so I had to lie flat and play dead.

A large number of fans crowded into my blog comment section, some envy me to crazy, there are also hate to strangle me.

Since registering this account, I haven’t seen such a big battle.

Zhou Si-nian took time off from work to come back from overseas, and the airport was surrounded by all sorts of people.

Reporters and fans from all walks of life tried their hardest to get first-hand news from Zhou Si-nian.

There was even a live broadcast.

Zhou Snian did not come back to me first, but accepted an interview.

On the screen, he told our story.

At the end of the interview, the host asked him, “Do you regret it?”

Zhou Snian stared at the camera and raised the microphone.

“The only thing I regret is that I didn’t take the initiative to confess.”

Originally I was quite moved, who knew he would end up saying this.

Isn’t this clearly telling the whole country that I, Su Wanyi, was the one who chased after Zhou Snian first?

Although it’s the same for whoever chases after whoever, my image as a reserved beauty on the internet died.

After the interview, Zhou Snian gave me a call.

“Did you watch the interview?” His voice was soft, like he was compelling me.

“Uh-huh.” Knowing that he couldn’t see it, I unconsciously nodded my head.

Zhou Si-nian seemed to be smiling, his low voice was like goose feathers, scraping my heart.

“Let’s have dinner together, Mr. Zhou.” I remembered that I hadn’t taken him to that newfound hotpot restaurant yet.

The internet was in an uproar, but the two of us were hiding and getting away with it.

Zhou Snian was also so lame that he almost stood up and jumped for a section just by chucking him a slice of tripe from the spicy pot.

I was so amused by his funny looks that I giggled.

Both of us turned off our cell phones by default and ignored the calls from our agents.

Let them say what they want to say. Anyway, Zhou Si-nian and I are very happy now.

“The whole article is finished.

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