38. Love Brain Snake

Love Brain Snake

Unwanted: Seeing You at Just the Right Time for Love

The hero of my book came into my world.

It was a black python with a domineering, shifty personality.

Most importantly, he was fatally possessive of me.

I tried to escape, but I was knocked out.

The first words I heard when I woke up were “Gotcha!


I’m a full-time author who loves to write about people.

Recently, I finished a human snake romance.

The main plot is a love story between the male lead Shen Chuanze and the female lead Bai Weiwei, who are trying to redeem each other.

The male lead is a black python, tyrannical, dark and domineering, with a volatile personality.

Later he was tamed by the human girl Bai Weiwei, put down his posture, became her guardian god, and finally sweetly got together.

After I finished writing the whole article, I stretched my legs and decided to go out and treat myself to a hotpot.

But as I walked downstairs, in my afterglow I seemed to see a dark shadow flashing around me.

I turned around suspiciously but found nothing.

I rubbed my eyes, probably because I was too tired to see the wrong thing because I was rushing through my draft.

Looking around there were no silhouettes, so I didn’t take it to heart.

When I arrived at the hot pot restaurant, my girlfriend Lin Ran was already sitting on the seat waiting for me.

We happily chatted about little everyday things and laughed heartily.

Suddenly, Lin Ran poked my arm and said cheaply, “That handsome guy at the table behind you has been staring at you for a long time, do you want to go and add a contact?”

At these words, I was surprised to turn my head, into the eye is an extremely handsome face, facial contours clear, smooth lines, comparable to the top stream of male stars.

Only his gaze made me a little uncomfortable.

Too aggressive.

That glance with him made me feel as if I was a fish spread out on a chopping board, to be slaughtered.

I shivered and quickly looked away from my girlfriends, “Which is not true, hurry up and eat, we’ll go shopping afterward.”

After coming out of the hot pot restaurant, I suddenly glanced at the table where the man was sitting.

He was staring straight at the direction we left.

Caught peeking, my face turned a little red.

But for some reason, I was a little panicked.

There was a feeling of great distress.


After walking out of the hot pot restaurant, Lin Ran and I went all the way to the clothing store.

But without trying on a few clothes, I suddenly felt an unbearable abdominal pain.

I had to go to the toilet.

After I came out, I looked in the mirror and straightened my face and dress.

The next second, I saw a scene that I will never forget.

I stiffened my body not dare to move, the bottom of my eyes are full of panic.

Behind me stood a man.

No, no, no, it was a snake to be exact.

The upper half of his body was human-like, but the lower half was a pure black snake’s tail.

It was the man I met in the restaurant.

Reflected in the mirror, his eyes were passionate red pupils, and at that moment, he was staring at me with eyes full of infatuation.

In a flash of lightning, it was like I understood something.

Red pupils and black python, isn’t this exactly Shen Chuanze, the male lead in my novel?

I asked with a trembling voice, “You are Shen Chuanze?”

He laughed softly, his voice pleasant and melodious: “Yes, you are very smart.”

At those words I had two black eyes, and in my heart I regretted a million times why I wrote Shen Chuanze as a persona that was full of force and dark and difficult to deal with.

How am I going to escape now?

I didn’t even dare to ask him what he came to find me for, no one likes to have their fate in someone else’s hands and be at their mercy.

Let alone someone like him who was arrogant and king of his own world.

Shen Chuanze’s hand went up along my waistline, the fabric was worn thin today, I could even feel the temperature between his fingers.

Ice cold, just like his body temperature in general.

See Shen Chuanze did not have the slightest intention of stopping, fear was put behind me, surging up is the anger of being lightly thinned.

I whispered to stop and grabbed his hand: “Bastard, if you continue to do so, I’m going to call someone!”

Shen Chuanze didn’t say anything, just looked at me with a deep gaze.

I panicked in my heart, fearing that he would strangle me if he was unhappy.

The color of his red pupils became more and more intense, and his eyes contained an infinite storm.

Just then, the toilet door was opened.

Lin Ran’s anxious voice resounded within the space:

“Yao Yao!”

I breathed a sigh of relief and quickly pushed Shen Chuanze away, running towards my best friend.

I took a furtive glance at Shen Chuanze, only to see that he had now returned to his original form and was being grabbed out by the security guards.

Lin Ran clutched my hand tightly in fear, “Yao Yao, the back door suddenly wouldn’t open after you just went in.”

“I waited for a long time and didn’t see you come out, so I went to the security guards to break the door open.”

“That bad guy didn’t hurt you, did he?”

Looking at Lin Ran’s worried face, I sighed, “Ran, it’s fortunate that I have you.”

Otherwise, it is still unknown whether I can come back alive today, of course, I didn’t dare to say this to her.

Shen Chuanze is a madman, I don’t want to involve Lin Ran.


After Lin Ran and I parted ways, I went to the supermarket and swept up five large jars of Xionghuang wine.

I don’t know whether this works or not, but this is the only way at the moment.

Calling the police is not going to work, I’m afraid I’ll be arrested as a psychopath.

After all, who would believe that this law and order society would have such a bizarre incident.

After returning home, I put two altars at the door, two in the bedroom and one in the living room.

Opened the stopper, and a strong irritating odor filled the room.

I put on a special gas mask and nervously crouched on the bed with a kitchen knife.

Fortunately, the night was uneventful.

I couldn’t stay up in the middle of the night and passed out.

When I woke up in the morning, I was so happy that I couldn’t help but blurt out, “If Shen Chuanze dares to come, I’ll make sure he doesn’t come back.”

At this time, there was a sudden knock at the door.

It wasn’t hurried, as if it didn’t care if anyone came to open the door.

I held the kitchen knife vigilantly and shouted, “Who’s there?”

The knocking stopped instantly, and a moment later, a raspy male voice came out, “The grocery delivery man.”

I didn’t doubt it, because I did order vegetables online last night.

I put down the chopper and opened the door.

But when I saw the person who came, I felt my blood stiffen.

Outside the door Shen Chuanze smiled wilfully, “Hello ah, we meet again.”

Then there was a pain in my neck, and before I fainted I thought to myself, the Xionghuang wine that I had worked so hard to move for so long actually didn’t work.


When I woke up I realized that my waist was heavy and cold, like it was being pressed by ice.

I reached out and pushed hard, but what I touched under my palm were cold and hard scales.

I was jolted, and the memories from before I fainted came flooding back.

Shen Chuanze, this crazy batch of male masters, had kidnapped me!

And he was currently lying next to me sleeping soundly, his black snake’s tail circling around my waistline again and again.

No wonder I woke up feeling cold at my stomach, so it was him who made the mess.

I struggled, intending to escape while Shen Chuanze was asleep.

But I didn’t expect that Shen Chuanze wrapped me so tightly that not only did I not break free from the snake’s tail, but I woke him up instead.

As soon as I turned my head, I was confronted with a pair of red pupils with a cold color.

When he saw that it was me, the vigilance in Shen Chuanze’s eyes was much less.

In the next second, his red pupils instantly turned cold, and his entire body leaned over to hold me tightly, “You’re mine, don’t presume to escape.”

Hearing the ruthless color in his words, my body stiffened and I decided to change the subject:

“Why did you come here?”

Obviously, Shen Kawasawa is just a character from my pen and shouldn’t appear to break the sub-dimensional barrier like this.

Upon hearing this, Shen Chuanze licked the corner of his lips and looked at me with very hot eyes, “From the moment I awakened, I knew that I was created by you.”

“I will bring you back to my world.”

The bottom of his eyes were filled with determination, “Xing Yao, you are mine, you can’t escape.”

“Likewise, my body and mind belong to you.”

Looking at the deep possessiveness in Shen Chuanze’s eyes, I suddenly understood.

Could this be the legendary fledgling plot?

After he finished speaking, his body leaned closer and closer to me, and his snake’s tail wrapped tighter and tighter.

Just as Shen Chuanze was about to touch my face, a sudden twinge of pain came from my abdomen.

I arched my back and covered my stomach in pain.

And Shen Chuanze quickly retracted the snake tail when he realized that my state was not right.

He looked at me nervously from the side, his red pupils filled with bewilderment.

“Xing Yao, what’s wrong with you?”

I covered my cold stomach and said indignantly, “It’s not you, your body temperature is so low, don’t you have any idea in your own heart?”

Such a cool snake’s tail has been wrapped around me all night, can I not be in pain!

Shen Chuanze panicked and picked me up, “Then let’s go to the hospital.”

Hearing this, I quickly pressed down on his hand and said weakly, “No, I don’t want to go to the hospital.”

If Shen Chuanze didn’t go out to buy medicine for me, then how else could I escape?

Upon hearing this, he looked at me suspiciously, ”Why? You want to escape while I’m not around?”

I was shocked in my heart, but I didn’t dare to show the slightest bit on my face.

I covered my stomach and said, “How would I dare, besides, even if I run away in this condition, how far can I run?”

Perhaps it was because my face was so white that it was scary, or perhaps it was because my words made him lower his guard, Shen Chuanze agreed.

After he left, my arched back slowly returned to its original state, my physique is very good, my abdomen is not as painful as it appeared in front of Shen Chuanze.

In front of fleeing for my life this bit of pain I could still endure.

Shen Chuanze’s world is a barbaric place where beastmen are rampant, supplies are scarce, and weather disasters are frequent.

If I follow him there, I won’t make it through half a year before I die.

So I must run away from him!


I stood up and looked around.

It was a single-family house, and as long as I could get out and back into the city, then I was saved!

But when I opened the front door to get a better view of the outdoors, I let out an uncontrollable shriek.

There were layers and layers of snakes around the door.

Sure enough, this guy Shen Chuanze had left his heart open and didn’t completely believe my words.

Luckily, I had specially divided a small bag and put it on my body when I bought the Xionghuang Wine yesterday.

It was of no use to Shen Chuanze, but the dispersing effect on these ordinary snakes was still very good.

After the snakes were dazed by the odor of the male yellow wine, I quickly ran out of the villa.

Looking at the villa area that was far away from the city, I couldn’t help but make a mistake, I didn’t carry a cell phone on me when I was kidnapped by Shen Chuanze.

How was I supposed to return home without money?

I sadly squatted on the side of the road, can I only wait to be captured back by Shen Chuanze?

Just then, a car suddenly stopped in front of me.

It looked new, like it was newly bought.

I was surprised to raise my head to look inside the car, and when I saw the owner, I was surprised inside.

Surprisingly, it was her.

Inside the car sat a beautiful young lady with silver hair and white eyes and a little red mole on her brow.

It was none other than the female lead in my novel, Bai Weiwei.

It’s just that I’m full of doubts, how did she come here?

This world is really marvelous.

Bai Weiwei’s voice actually had a hint of urgency, she jumped the gun and said, “I’m looking for you because of Shen Chuanze’s matter, I need your help.”

I hesitated for a moment before getting into the passenger side.

In my original setting, Bai Weiwei’s character was upright, cold on the outside and hot on the inside, so she shouldn’t harm me.

Besides, this is a remote place, it’s hard to get a cab, and Shen Chuanze won’t be gone for long, so I have no choice but to trust her.


The vehicle quickly approached towards the city, and my apprehensive heart was finally put down.

From the conversation with Bai Weiwei I learned: the heroine Bai Weiwei is a time and space taskmaster, the Beast World that I penned was the last task she was going to carry out, as long as it was completed she would be able to go home.

But to my surprise, the male lead of this realm, Shen Chuanze, mutated and awakened his own personality, and not only recognized Bai Weiwei’s identity, but also used the power of the system on her to escape from the realm and came to my world.

In order to reenter the realm you must use the power of the creator, which is me.

Shen Chuanze was a Beast World Overlord with excellent concealment abilities, making it difficult for people to discover his whereabouts.

However, because he was heartbroken for me, he did not hesitate to use his own natural ability to quickly arrive at the hospital.

It was only then that Bai Weiwei discovered Shen Chuanze, and me who stayed by his side.

I was the one who created Shen Chuanze, and for this kind of protagonist who broke through the dimensional barriers to come to my world, I had a fatal attraction to him.

There was a natural bond between us, as long as I was still in this world, as long as Shen Chuanze was still here, he would find me regardless, I was like a living locator to him.

So until Shen Chuanze is sent back to his world, I am not safe wherever I go.

If I was brought back to his world by Shen Chuanze, then the Heavenly Dao power that had previously bound him would then become ineffective.

I would also never be able to return.

Understanding this, Bai Weiwei and I quickly agreed to work together.

I needed to lure Shen Chuanze and lower his guard.

Then, when the dimensional passageway opened, use the system weapon that Bai Weiwei gave me to stun him.

Then Bai Weiwei will bring him back to the realm.

That way everyone will be happy.


After returning home, I quickly turned my head to think of countermeasures.

What to do, what to do.

Shen Chuanze will definitely be enraged when he realizes that I’ve escaped, and I can’t help but shiver when I think of his tyrannical personality.

Suddenly a flash in my mind, I simply packed some clothes and ran to the hotel.

In order to make this escape operation look more realistic, I purposely ran to stay in an expensive hotel with high security performance.

After all, finding a safe place after getting away from the danger is in line with the image of a weak little white flower ah~.

After eating something to cushion my stomach and resting a little, I moved a bed of thin quilts and shrank in the closet.

The persona I gave Shen Chuanze was sensitive and suspicious, with a strong force value, and he didn’t treat me as an exception.

So in front of him I must show total fear so that Shen Chuanze won’t get suspicious.

Only then will I be able to fool him.

Only after he gradually dropped his guard could I get him knocked out.

I curled up and shrunk in the corner of the closet, quietly waiting for Shen Chuanze to find me.

Perhaps the events of today had made my mind too tired, and I actually fell asleep without realizing it.

While I was sleeping in a daze, I suddenly felt the temperature around me drop violently.

I instantly woke up from my dream, and then stared at the closet door with wide-eyed nervousness.

The temperature dropped wherever I went, this was one of Shen Chuanze’s natural abilities.

He came looking for me!


The room was quiet, so quiet that I could only hear my breathing and the sound of the snakes’ tails scraping against the ground as they moved forward outside the door.

Shen Chuanze was approaching me step by step.

It was true as Bai Weiwei had said, he could find me no matter where I hid.

Suddenly, the scuffling sound outside the door stopped, and in the next second, the closet door in front of me was violently pulled open.

I was caught off guard by a pair of icy cold red beast pupils.

The pupils turned from round to vertical, Shen Chuanze was even more angry than I thought.

I shrank into a corner helplessly, subconsciously trying to move away from him.

Shen Chuanze sneered, ”Now you know you’re scared? Xing Yao, you are really full of lies.”

He carelessly played with my hair, an endless storm hidden under his calm eyes, ”If you make a mistake, you have to obediently accept the punishment.”

In the next moment, he violently approached me, his big hand forcefully clasped the back of my head, and then bullied his way down.

My brain instantly went down, and only when I reacted did I feel a layer of warmth touching my lips.

And this stinking snake beast wanted to go further!

I struggled in shame and indignation, but in the end, I was no match for Shen Chuanze’s strength.

Not only that, but instead, he took advantage of the situation and could only passively endure.

I don’t know how long it took, but Shen Chuanze licked the corner of his mouth with an expression of pleasure.

I collapsed helplessly into his arms, then straightened up and slapped Shen Chuanze hard.

Before he could react, I quickly curled up into a ball and sobbed in a low voice, my voice delicate and pathetic.

At the same time, I also kept reminding myself in my mind to show weakness and endure it.

I absolutely cannot be taken by Shen Chuanze to his world.

Here, I still have family and friends, and I still have a great future.

It absolutely cannot be destroyed in his hands.

Shen Chuanze’s entire snake froze after hearing my cries, the tip of his tail tapping the ground helplessly.

After a long time, he clumsily hugged me and gently patted my back, “Xing Yao, I’m sorry, don’t cry.”

“I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

He carefully pulled out ibuprofen and brown sugar from his arms, “I feel guilty for causing your stomach to get cold in the morning, so I desperately rushed to the hospital to buy medicine, I thought to go faster, faster, so you could suffer less.”

Shen Chuanze lowered his eyes, his tone was inexplicably somewhat aggrieved, “But when I rushed back, I realized that you had disappeared.”

“Anger instantly overshadowed me at that moment.”

“Xingyao, I’m sorry.”

I raised my head, my eyes reddened as I met Shen Chuanze’s gaze, a hint of teardrops still hanging on my slightly curved eyelashes, my entire person appeared harmless and aggrieved.

“You really won’t hurt me?”

I lowered my head and whispered, “But I’m afraid.”

Shen Chuanze brushed away the tear stains on my face, his red pupils full of seriousness: “I will never hurt you.”

“I won’t do anything you don’t like without your permission in the future.”

I stared blankly as Shen Chuanze hugged me and put me on the bed and covered me up.

The nature of snakes is lustful, Shen Chuanze has always done as he pleases, I was really surprised that he could do this.

At this moment, he didn’t seem so frightening anymore.


As soon as I touched the bed, sleepiness came over me and I quickly fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day, I realized that my face was pressed against Shen Chuanze’s chest.

I blushed and immediately turned away from him.

When I looked at Shen Chuanze, I realized that there was something wrong with him at this moment.

Snake beast body temperature has always been very low, but now his body temperature is hot and amazing, cold white face is dyed red, but lips are very pale, ink-colored long hair scattered spilled on the pillow, the whole person appears more demonic handsome, seductive.

Shen Chuanze originally suffered a very serious injury due to breaking the subdimensional barrier, and yesterday he even ran to buy medicine for me despite his injury.

So it led to his current situation.

My eyes stared unblinkingly at the sickly Shen Chuanze, and my heart had already flashed through countless little thoughts.

If I were to join forces with Bai Weiwei to send him back now, what are the odds of success?

But when I saw Shen Chuanze’s strong snake tail, I immediately rested my mind, even if he is sick like this, we can’t beat him.

Might as well take this opportunity to properly raid him and make him drop his guard.

Bai Weiwei had told me that my blood was the key to opening the dimensional passageway and could also heal Shen Chuanze’s injuries.

So I immediately pricked my finger and mixed the blood with water and fed it to him.

It was just that the busy me didn’t notice that a certain snake that looked like it was about to die opened its eyes and quietly surveyed me, and in its eyes was uncontrollable joy.


After Shen Chuanze recovered, I brought him back home.

After the injury, he was good and sticky unlike words, not at all the shadow of the jungle bully in my novel.

I was so scared that I wondered if my plan had been exposed.

Fortunately, Shen Chuanze did not show any abnormalities other than being clingy.

But as I spent more and more time with him, I treated Shen Chuanze with very mixed feelings.

He would go to the kitchen to cook by himself in the morning when I was bedridden, and would make the kitchen crackle because he was unfamiliar with the operation, and then carefully run to the bedroom to see me for fear that I would be woken up.

He will be afraid of letting me catch a cold because his body temperature is too low, and then cower in the corner, tugging his tail, seemingly annoyed at himself for being a snake beast.

He will eat barbecue in the evening when I was maliciously harassed by people, fierce to scare off each other, only then he in front of me like the beast above the jungle bully.

This huge contrast makes me very suspicious of Shen Chuanze is not a person who has been replaced by a soul to take over the body.

Until one day I saw Shen Chuanze intimidated the neighbor’s dog, his body aura instantly transformed, not at all like in front of me to show so harmless.

It was only then that I realized that he hadn’t been taken over, but had simply withdrawn his sharpness in front of me.

Thinking about what was going to happen in the future, I felt a little sour inside.

These days together, I had long changed my attitude towards Shen Chuanze and no longer feared him.

But he had to go back after all.

It is also impossible for me to give up my own life.


As the days passed by, I clearly felt that Shen Chuanze’s mood became somewhat excited.

I understood that the time to open the dimensional passage was approaching.

Half a month later, a red moon appeared startlingly in the sky.

That night, I was brought by Shen Chuanze to the villa where he had kidnapped me before.

Another reason I didn’t take advantage of Shen Chuanze’s dependence on me before was that returning to the realm required waiting for the dimensional passage to appear.

And during this time of waiting, I was afraid that Shen Chuanze would escape and then retaliate against us, causing everything we had done to be undone.

But as I stood here and looked at the red moon, there was some reluctance in my heart.

The scenes that I had spent time with Shen Chuanze flashed in my mind, and the scales in my heart kept swaying.

In the end, reason overcame emotion.

Shen Chuanze hugged me tightly and said emotionally in my ear, “Xingyao, we will always be together.”

The next second, he suddenly let go of his hand and stared at me with wide-eyed disbelief.

He exclaimed out in shock, “Xing Yao.”

With a cold face, I handed Shen Chuanze’s softening body to Bai Weiwei who was hiding around.

Then walked away without looking back.

But behind me, Shen Chuanze struggled to pull my ankles, his cool voice became hoarse at this time, and he opened his mouth with a hopeful voice: ”Are you being sincere to me in these months or are you just playing games?”

The red pupils of a pleading color.

I shook off his hand and said resolutely, “Everything I did was for this moment.”

“There’s no way I’m going back to that barbaric land with you.”

I forcibly suppressed the grief within me, instead of letting Shen Chuanze miss me forever, it would be better for him to hate me forever.

He would have a good life after he went back, still the spirited jungle overlord, and wouldn’t be trapped by love.

And he won’t involve innocent people like Bai Weiwei.

He will follow the trajectory in the script and keep going, falling in love with the original heroine Bai Weiwei for the rest of his life.

The memories of our time together will also be forgotten by him with time.

This is good for each other.

After watching Bai Weiwei and the unconscious Shen Chuanze disappear from sight and go to another world, I crouched down in a sorry state and cried bitterly.

Shen Chuanze, I am sorry.


Since Shen Chuanze left, I moved out of the original house.

Whenever I look at the layout of the room, my mind can’t help but remember the little bits and pieces of time spent with Shen Chuanze, and the uncontrollable guilt.

Later I moved to a seaside city.

The atmosphere of life here is very strong, I started a new life, made some new friends.

The memories of spending time with Shen Chuanze were also gradually pressed to the bottom of my heart.

Today I went out to buy groceries as usual.

But I found a white rose in full bloom placed at the door.

Pure white and beautiful.

I frowned, a little unhappy inside, clearly having told Pei Shen before that I would not fall in love again, and asked him not to continue this behavior.

I put the flowers back outside his door and then turned around to go to the food market.

I just didn’t realize that not long after I left, the closed door of the room was opened, and Pei Shen was in place staring greedily at my back.

Pei Shen was my neighbor.

When I first moved here and was unfamiliar with the area, he had helped me out a few times.

I was inwardly very grateful and had returned the favor afterwards.

I thought we would never cross paths again.

But what I didn’t expect was that Pei Shen started to pursue me fiercely.

I immediately declined and said I had no such thoughts.

Then he switched to this roundabout way.

It was really very headache-inducing.

Since Shen Chuanze’s departure, I had no desire to fall in love at all.

I was so cruel to abandon and hurt a person who loved me, I can not accept another person in the short term.


Recently, I frequently dreamed of that tall young man with black hair and red pupils.

Dreaming about the little moments we spent together, dreaming about that double standard snake beast who was fierce in front of outsiders and a little crybaby in front of me.

But as the dream advanced, the fantasy world constructed within broke down, revealing its original appearance.

The handsome and demonic youth knelt on the ground and begged bitterly.

But I was ruthless enough to break his last shred of hope, allowing Shen Chuanze to return to the kingdom that belonged to him with hatred.

The moment I saw his eyes transform into death and despair, I violently awoke from my dream.

My clothes had long been wet with cold sweat.

I stared blankly at the moon outside the window, my heart corrupted by dense pain.

The reason I rented this room was because it had a large floor-to-ceiling window facing the moon.

It allows me to always remember the person I hurt.

Even if our meeting itself was a mistake.

But when I remembered Shen Chuanze’s desperate look, I still couldn’t help but feel guilty.

After staying seated for a few moments, I got up and got out of bed to my desk and opened the novel I had written.

It’s been almost a year, and I’ve been too scared to read this book again.

But today I suddenly wanted to take a look and see Shen Chuanze’s life.

When I apprehensively opened the book and saw the synopsis, my face suddenly changed and I couldn’t believe it as I double checked.

After a long time, I collapsed in my chair in disorientation.

The ending of the book had changed.

If what I wrote before was a romance novel, then the current story development was described as a history of Shen Chuanze’s domination.

The heroine of the book, Bai Weiwei, even more so, never appeared as if she had disappeared.

How could this be?

I followed the computer screen and read word by word: “In the third year of the Beast World, Shen Chuanze dominated the cities and established the Beastman Empire.”

“Shen Chuanze practiced diligently day and night, and two years later, he possessed the ability to resist the Heavenly Dao and break through the dimensional barriers.”

After seeing this sentence, my face turned pale.

At the same time, the temperature in the room plummeted.

The computer screen that suddenly blacked out reflected my pale face, as well as Shen Chuanze who was standing behind me.

I stiffly turned around to look at him, my heart changing a million times.

Shen Chuanze appeared in front of me in a half-animalized form this time.

The strong and powerful snake tail was so large that it was about to fill the entire room, and his upper body was a slender and tight muscular line that exuded vigorous strength.

After not seeing him for a year, he had become even more calm and mature, and that Beast World Overlord’s intimidating pressure was even greater.

Shen Chuanze’s eyes looking at me also lost the trust he had before, and was replaced by coldness, like he was looking at a dead thing.

I laughed inwardly to myself, I brought this on myself.

I closed my eyes and waited to be killed by him.

But after a long time, the end I expected was delayed.

I opened my eyes in surprise, and in the next moment, a thick snake’s tail wrapped around my waist, violently bringing me into Shen Chuanze’s arms.

I was caught off guard and met his eyes.

These red pupils were still cold, but they looked like a small animal that was squirming and gambling.

I twisted my body uneasily, a little confused about the current situation

Shen Chuanze didn’t do or say anything, he just held me tightly.

In the end I was inexplicably sent back to my room with his tail wrapped around me.


Ever since Shen Chuanze came back that day, he had locked himself in his room and refused to come out.

I don’t know what’s going on here.

According to common sense, according to his character, shouldn’t he be viciously taking revenge on me?

I couldn’t figure it out.

But that didn’t stop me from feeling sorry for him.

He had been shut up in his room without coming out or eating, so he must have been very hungry.

I remembered that he especially liked eggs, but we didn’t have any in stock at home, so I planned to go out and buy them, and then make Shen Chuanze a hearty egg-based meal.

It’s just that I didn’t realize at that time that I almost couldn’t come back from this outing.

When I finished buying eggs and was ready to go home, I met Pei Shen on the road.

He stopped me and said, “Lu Xingyao, I’m really very sorry for this period of time, I didn’t know that my behavior had caused you so much trouble.”

“It’s just that I’m about to leave the city, can I treat you to one last meal?”

I subconsciously wanted to refuse.

But Pei Shen, as if he had anticipated it, hurriedly spoke, “Don’t be in a hurry to refuse, think of it as a thank you for me helping you in the first place.”

I had no choice but to accept.

Then followed behind Pei Shen towards the restaurant he said, only the road got more and more remote and the people on the road got less and less.

I couldn’t help but stop and open my mouth to inquire, “Not here yet?”

He turned around and smiled at me in a friendly manner: ”Almost there, this restaurant address is rather remote.”

It could be that Pei Shen’s gentle appearance was too deceptive, or that I rarely went out and didn’t understand my surroundings.

It wasn’t until I was knocked out by him that I realized how sinister the human heart is.


When I woke up, I found myself in a remote underground warehouse.

At the same time, my hands and feet were tied up so tightly that I couldn’t break free.

I looked around uneasily.

At that moment, there was a ‘creak’ and Pei Shen pushed the door in.

My eyes widened and I questioned fiercely, “I have no grudge against you, why are you doing this?”

“This is against the law!”

Pei Shen squatted down and gently caressed my face with both hands, his eyes full of fascination.

Looking at Pei Shen’s sickly appearance, I had a bad feeling inside.

He let out a light laugh, “I’ve erased all traces of kidnapping you.”

“Besides, I’ve long observed that you came here alone, with no relatives, and even if you suddenly disappeared, you wouldn’t add much trouble for me.”

In the next second, his eyes suddenly turned wild, “You’re so beautiful, you’ll surely be the best nourishment, cultivating the most beautiful white rose in the world for me.”

At those words, my face instantly turned white.

I remembered the white roses that appeared outside my door every day on time.

Each one was very full and delicate.

It turns out that they were actually grown in such an evil way.

This devil.

I retched uncontrollably, while an infinite despair grew within me.

The only thing I told my family and friends when I came here was that I was on a break, and they tacitly agreed not to bother me.

I didn’t even tell them where I lived.

In this year, because of my work, I rarely go out, and the only neighbor I know surprisingly is Pei Shen.

And Shen Chuanze ……

I don t dare to ask him to save me.

Pei Shen took out a chainsaw and laughed fiercely, “Don’t worry, I won’t let you suffer for long.”

The sound of the chainsaw starting resounded throughout the room, and I closed my eyes in despair.

In the next moment, I only heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

I opened my eyes in surprise, only to see an angry Shen Chuanze.

Pei Shen had long since been knocked out by his snake tail.

I stared at him dumbfounded, with the gratitude of having survived a robbery and a hint of hidden joy in my heart.

When Shen Chuanze untied me, my entire body violently pounced on him, “I was really scared, I thought I would never see you again.”

Shen Chuanze’s entire snake froze, but I didn’t care, I only felt so happy and joyful, rubbing against his arms one after another.

In the end, Shen Chuanze’s whole body softened and hugged me tightly with both hands, “Xingyao, I’m also afraid that I’ll never see you again.”

I was surprised: “Have you forgiven me?”

Shen Chuanze softly said: “I was not angry a long time ago.”

“I’ll make you an egg custard when we get home, okay?”


It is only after we have experienced parting that we realize how important it is to cherish the person in front of us.

Pei Shen was also arrested by the local police and received his due punishment.


Shen Chuanze Perspective:

From the moment I was born, I was cluelessly aware that I was different from other snake beasts.

It was as if I could see the life of another person.

As my own power gradually increased, I also realized that this world of ours was created by the woman in my mind.

I would spend my life following her thoughts.

At first I felt angry that I didn’t need someone else to manipulate my life.

So I secretly raised my strength and tried to become stronger, sooner or later I would find her and beat her up.

Snake beasts are the least loved race in this world, they scolded me for being cold-blooded and selfish and heartless.

Whenever I wanted to enter the city and enter the tribe, they would send many orcs to expel and kill me.

But I also wanted to find a stable shelter to survive like ordinary orcs.

I could only be forced to hide in the mountains and forests with the beasts.

The serpent beasts would not raise their young, and I drifted through the jungle alone.

It is difficult for cubs to survive in the jungle, and there is a constant threat to their lives.

Whenever I couldn’t hold on, I couldn’t help but look at her life.

I know her name is Lu Xingyao.

She was like a bright sun, even when her life suffered setbacks and she was struck lifeless, she woke up the next day, still full of vigor.

I relied on this to last me through the difficult years as a cub.

When I became an adult, I looked at her again with more of a hidden heart in my eyes.

It’s just that I thought we were two worlds apart, that I was just a paperweight in her mind.

I didn’t have a chance to get to her, and we wouldn’t cross paths.

Until I met Bai Weiwei, the heroine of this book.

I was really not interested in the relationship line that Xing Yao arranged for me and her.

But a chance encounter actually made me discover Bai Weiwei’s secret.

She came from a higher realm.

Perhaps I could use the power of the system behind her to break through the dimensional barriers and come to Starry Yao’s world.

As I wished, I succeeded.


She’s even better than I imagined.

It’s just that I left a bad impression on her the first time we got along.

Looking at her who was covering her stomach with a pale face, I was scared.

I used all my strength to quickly get to the hospital and get the medicine I needed.

Luckily I can see Xing Yao’s life, otherwise I really don’t know what to do when I encounter this kind of thing.

But what I didn’t expect was that when I came back I only saw wild snakes that were mesmerized all over the place.

She was gone.

Anger washed over me, she even ran away, she didn’t even want me anymore.

Fortunately I was able to find her through our bond.

I easily snuck into the hotel where she was staying and found her in the closet.

I was a little amused to see her tightly wrapped in the covers with only half her head showing.

But I was still angry.

Looking at the poor and miserable her, I didn’t hold back my inner desire to kiss her forcibly.

I didn’t want to do anything else to her.

I just didn’t expect that she actually cried.

I was in a panic.

I coaxed her clumsily and carefully, and then promised never to do it again.

I was happy that she seemed to be less afraid of me.


Because of forcibly breaking the dimensional barriers, it caused a lot of damage to my body.

Yesterday’s reckless rushing again caused me to have a very hard time getting up the next day.

It was the kind of hardness that was on the verge of death.

Even harder than death was my fear that she would take advantage of the situation to escape.

But not only did she not escape, she healed me.

I was so happy.

Every day with her was fun, and all I wanted to do was stick to her.

This is probably what humans call a love brain, right?


The moment the dimensional channel opened was the most hurtful day for me.

I didn’t believe her when she said that everything she spent with me was an act.

I didn’t believe it.

After returning to the Beast World, I cultivated even harder and more diligently, I would definitely go back again.

I wouldn’t let go of Bai Weiwei, the accomplice who broke up Xing Yao and me.

But when I wanted to make a move to kill Bai Weiwei, she suddenly disappeared.

I only heard a cold electronic machine voice: “Mission failed, mandatory repatriation to the Time Station.”

Fine, don’t let me take revenge.

Then I’ll continue to cultivate hard.

Finally I managed to defeat the Heavenly Dao and came to her world again.

When I saw Xing Yao again, I actually held my breath.

I don’t blame her, I just gambled.

Originally, I was gambling with her, I blamed her for abandoning me.

But when I saw Xing Yao’s skinny body, my anger subsided.

I started to get angry with myself.

Why did I forcefully bring Xing Yao back to the Beast World with the idea of having her replace Bai Weiwei as the Beast World’s female lead?

Why did I ghost my heart and must bring her back?

Wouldn’t it be good to come to her world on my own instead!

So this time, I gave up some of my life force in order to quickly increase my strength.

This way I have the same lifespan as a human, and I can grow old with Xing Yao for years and years.

I’m really glad.

I’m glad that I was able to save Xing Yao.

Almost, almost I would have lost her.


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Next March 6, 2024


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