39. My Doudin can talk.

My Beanpole Talks

Non-Trivial: Seeing You When the Feeling’s Right

I was in my neighborhood when I bumped into a handsome guy with long legs and his dog upstairs.

As I brushed past them, I heard his dog say, “What a nice smelling pretty sister~”

I was shocked and stopped to look at his dog.

The dog was shocked too and stopped to look at me.

“You can actually hear me?”

“You can actually talk?”

Handsome guy: “You two, do you know each other?”

Su Yuchin is upstairs beating up the dog again.

Dou Ding’s heartbreaking howl pierced the ceiling of my house: “If Alaska doesn’t tear up the house, what kind of Allah tears up the house?”

Well, I know why he got beaten up.

Duding has recently taken a liking to a small female dog in the neighborhood.

Su Yuqin didn’t understand him, so he came to me.

I led him to meet the bitch.

The little bitch tilted her head up and didn’t give a damn.

Dou Ding was very sad and asked me why the little bitch ignored him.

I said, “You have to show your charisma, charisma, do you understand?

Duding understood and asked Su Yuqin to take him to have a good styling.

The next day, Dou Ding shook his shiny hair and winked at the little bitch: “Woman, are you conquered by my good looks?”

After saying that, probably because he was too excited, he flung a lot of hala.

The little bitch rolled her eyes and cursed in disgust, “Stupid dog.”

Dou Ding had lost his love and was lying around the house all day in a low mood and not talking.

Weak, pathetic, but very edible.

Su Yuqin thought that it could lose weight in the process of falling out of love.

As a result, it gained five pounds.

Dou Ding heard us spouting, stubbornly defended himself: “I call this turning grief into appetite, do you understand!

Su Yuqin hated him, “Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat.

Doudin was so upset that he cried and cried, but only after he had been given a handful of dog food did he get over it.

During the day, Su Yuqin went to work and left Douding at my house.

I’m a full-time cartoonist, and lately I’ve been so miserable that I’ve been chased by readers all day long.

I was crying my eyes out at home.

Dou Ding flung himself at me and said, “Don’t cry, I’ll show you the snow.”

The dog’s hair flew in the sky like snowflakes, and Dou Ding’s clear eyes were full of love and warmth for me.

I was touched to the core.

That was the day I cleaned up the dog’s hair at home until 2:00 in the morning.

A few days later, Doudin called out to me from the windowsill:

“Come up here, I have something good to show you.”

I rushed upstairs and DouDing opened the door of his house for me.

As soon as I entered, I saw Su Yuqin walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

Caught off guard by seeing his broad shoulders and thin waist six-pack abs, as well as his full muscular lines, my entire body was dumbfounded.

The face instantly red, but the line of sight still do not forget to linger in his body.

The instinctive reaction of an old colorful batch, I swear, I really didn’t mean to look!

Su Yuqin was also startled and rushed back to the bathroom with a red face.

Dou Ding scowled at me, “I told you it was good, right?”

Indeed, quite good, quite good.

Hehehehehehe ……

I realized that lately I keep dreaming about Su Yu Qin.

In my dreams, he tenderly holds my face, and his deep affection mesmerizes me.

I lay in his arms, my face pressed against his pecs, and shamelessly said, “Oh~ baby, please don’t pity me because I’m a delicate flower.”

He picked up my chin and kissed my face lightly.

Then ……

What comes after then can’t be written anymore.

I woke up from my dream.

I quickly deleted all the XX comics I read last night.

I knew I couldn’t read more of these.

Now my head is full of color scraps!

Su Yuqin dropped Dou Ding off at my house before he left for work as usual.

I hung my head and didn’t dare to look at him.

Su Yuqin thoughtfully asked me if I wasn’t feeling well.

His gentle voice tickled my heart.

I didn’t dare to look at him even more, and all I could think about was how he looked without clothes in my dream.

Probably because my face was too red, Su Yuqin mistook me for having a fever and used his hand to test the temperature of my forehead.

His hand was big and warm, covering my forehead, and I froze in place.

Panicked, I hurriedly pushed his hand away and said ‘I’m fine’ before leading DouDing into the house closing the door in the process.

I leaned my back against the door and gasped.

Dou Ding smiled mysteriously, “You smell like you’re in heat.”

Me: Can’t you change the adjective ……

Su Yuqin invited me out for dinner to thank me for helping him with Dou Ding.

I wiped my mouth and said I was full after a few bites in order to act reserved.

Su Yuqin was very sweet and kept giving me food, telling me to eat more.

I looked at the food in the bowl and held back, waving my hand in a pretentious manner and saying, “No, no, I usually don’t eat a lot.”

As a result, at night, Su Yuqin saw me flaunting a barbecue in front of the neighborhood, eating with my mouth full of oil.

I couldn’t cry.

If I had known that, I would have flaunted two more bowls of rice at dinner with him.

Su Yuqin walked into the barbecue restaurant holding Dou Ding.

I held up a handful of meat skewers, so embarrassed that I wanted to flee the planet.

Dou Ding rushed over and jumped onto my knee, staring at the meat skewers and saying, “I want to eat I want to eat.”

I held the kebabs away from him and coaxed him, “This dog can’t eat it, it will kill him.”

Doudin: “You’re lying to me, you must be lying to me.”

You must be lying to me.” “If you don’t believe me, then you can eat it. But if you eat this, let alone if you don’t have a next meal, you’ll lose your life.”

I handed over the meat skewers.

Doudin looked at me, I looked at Doudin, one person and one dog engaged in a fierce psychological game.

In the end, the simple puppy chose to trust the human.

It jumped off my knee and flopped to the side, saying, “Forget it, I can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal.”

Su Yuqin held back his laughter as he sat across from me.

I sighed and gave up resisting, “You can laugh if you want to, don’t hold it in.”

Su Yu Qin laughed his head off, that didn’t leave me any face at all.

“Hahahahahahahaha, I said why were you floating when you came back, so it was because you were hungry.”

Well, well, well, now everyone in the store knows that I almost starved myself to death trying to pretend to be X, so shut up.

Su Yuqin laughed as he ordered from the menu.

I saw that he couldn’t stop ticking, so I quickly said, “Okay, okay, no need to order for me, I’m really full this time.”

Su Yu Qin stopped his pen and once again a forced smile appeared on his face, “I ordered for myself, seeing you eat so well, I’m hungry too.”


May I ask, can this world give self-interested people a chance to be human again?

After the midnight snack, I went for a walk with Su Yuqin and Dou Ding.

The neon lights at night shone on Su Yuqin’s angular face, making him look especially good.

Especially his smooth hair.

It looked so soft, I wanted to touch it.

Probably because my line of sight was too direct and too warm, Su Yuqin realized it and turned his head to look at me.

“What are you looking at?” His voice was soft and gentle.

“I ……” I was a little flustered and quickly pulled an excuse, “I was observing you, occupational disease, I like to observe people when I see them.”

“So you’re drawing me in your mind?”

“Yes, yes, yes.” If you have a step, hurry down.

“Then can you draw me a picture? I want to see what I look like under your brush.”

When Su Yuqin said this, his eyes suddenly became hot and seemed to have a deeper meaning.

I was scalded by his eyes, and my entire body suddenly flustered.

Seeing that I didn’t answer, he tugged on the corner of my shirt and asked again, “Can’t you?”

What’s this? Is this being petulant?

It’s against the rules!

“Of course you can.”

What else could I do? I said yes, of course!

The atmosphere between me and Su Yuqin began to heat up, and the cool evening breeze couldn’t dissipate the warmth on my face.

Suddenly, something seemed to be wrapped around my calf.

I looked down and realized that Dou Ding’s leash was wrapped around my calves and Su Yuqin’s. In the next second, Dou Ding lunged forward, and Su Yuqin and I were caught off guard and fell towards each other.

Su Yuqin was much taller than me, and my head was just above his chest.

As soon as Dou Ding pulled the rope tighter, my whole body fell into Su Yu Qin’s arms, and my face was right on his chest.

What is this called?

This is called a dream come true!

Now, I declare that Dou Ding is the best dog in the world!

Dou Ding: “Woof!

Su Yuqin obviously didn’t anticipate such an unexpected situation either.

But he didn’t seem to panic, instead he carefully shielded me and softly shouted, “Dou Ding, get loose.”

But while his mouth said that, his body did not break away from the lead rope, but carefully shielded me in his arms, and that cry was also clearly tinged with a few smiles.

Ah, this damned two-way run!

Su Yu Qin didn’t go upstairs first after sending me to the door of my house, but watched me enter from the elevator entrance.

I waved my hand at him and said, “I’m home, you should also go back to rest early.”

Su Yuqin shook his head, the bottom of his eyes were gentle, “I’ll watch you go back before I go back.”

“You should go back soon, it’s fine, I’m already at home.”

“I’ll go home after I see you go in.”


Dou Ding: “You guys don’t have to stay together, I’ll just go back by myself.”

When I got home, I picked up a pen and sketched Su Yuqin’s appearance on paper.

His soft hair, thick black eyebrows, big bright eyes, high nose, and his broad shoulders.

As well as his broad shoulders, his thin waist, his abs mermaid line, and ……

Wait, Xu Nuo what are you doing!

What are you drawing!

Ever since I fell in love with Su Yuqin, some of my weird ideas became particularly numerous.

But one good thing is that my drawing style has become especially sweet lately.

At one time, my comment section was all: “Dada, you don’t know love!”

“Author, are you the reincarnation of Fa Hai? Do you have to break up the CP?”

“Do you know how to draw? If you don’t know how to draw, then */&#”

Now my comments are all: “So sweet, so sweet, this is what a VIP should read!”

“I’m taking insulin to watch this manga, it’s so sweet!”

It’s so sweet!” “It’s so good, it’s in my heart.”

It’s full of good reviews, so I don’t need to be scolded.

Yay! I’m so happy!

A few days later, Su Yuchin came to pick up Doudin, and I took out the portrait I’d drawn from my studio and prepared to give it to him.

In the painting, he was holding Doudin, smiling happily.

What a fresh style of painting, what a loving picture.

However, when I stepped out of the room, I saw Duding holding a picture book in his mouth and handed it over to Su Yuqin, and wagging his big tail, he said to me, “Sister, your painting is here, I’ve taken it to the owner for you.”

No! No! No!

I can’t let Su Yuqin see that album!

“No! Look! Look!”

However, I was still a step too slow, and Su Yuchin had already opened the album.

At that moment, he froze in place.

On the first page of the album, there was a picture of Su Yuchin with no clothes on.

My face – it’s all been disgraced!

I knew it, I knew it!

Some things just have to exist in the mind and shouldn’t leave any traces in this world!

What was I thinking at this moment.

I hadn’t so desperately wished for a zombie outbreak, the earth to explode and the universe to be destroyed in the next second.

To leave innocence on earth.

And my innocence, I can no longer stay ……

But Su Yuqin didn’t say anything.

There was no anger or irritation.

Just smiled, closed the album and handed it back to me.

At the same time, he said to me, “The drawings are very good, you can draw a little more boldly.”

What? What!

What is he saying!

What can you draw more boldly?

What’s he saying?

I felt ashamed to see anyone.

After Su Yuchin left, I crouched in the corner and called my best friend.

“Song Song, my innocence is gone.”

“Did someone see your browsing history?”

“No, I drew someone else’s full body picture and was seen by myself.”

“Yoohoo, for your bold drawing style, you didn’t scare others.”

“I don’t think …… did.”

“He’s got a pretty strong mental capacity then. Who are you drawing?”

“The guy I like.”

Song Song: “…… Good luck.”

I felt that I was completely ashamed to see Su Yuqin.

So I lied that I was sick and couldn’t help him take care of Dou Ding for a few days.

Su Yuqin came down to care about my health, but I couldn’t see him through the door.

Su Yuqin usually has a very regular routine, and I always choose to go out when he’s not at home or won’t go out.

I avoided him for a week.

But one morning, he blocked me in front of my house.

I held the delivery, looking at the sudden appearance of Su Yuqin in front of me startled.

I subconsciously wanted to run.

Su Yuchin braced his arms against the wall, directly blocking all my paths.

“Are you avoiding me?”

Su Yu Qin looked at me with his head down, looking very lost.

“No …… no ah, I am not …… sick some time ago.” I sheepishly avoided his line of sight.

“Then I asked you where you are not feeling well, and you did not say.”

“It’s just a small thing, so I don’t want to talk about it.”

Su Yuqin moved a few points closer to me, forcing me to look straight at him, “You, lie.”

Okay, okay, I lied, you just know it in your heart.

“Are you avoiding me because I saw that painting?”

Yes, yes, yes, I feel ashamed of myself, so just let me find a hole in the ground and hide.

“But I don’t care.” Su Yuchin said, seemingly a bit aggrieved, “You’re hiding from me like this, which makes me care even more.”

What kind of aggrieved dog is this? It’s a big offense!

“I feel so ashamed.” I hung my head, wishing I could take out the contents of the delivery and put my face in it.

“So what’s it going to take for you to stop worrying about it?” Su Yuqin took away my courier and put it on the shoe cabinet aside, suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned close to me, “Is it possible that if we get a little bit closer, a little bit more intimate, to the extent that you imagined, then you won’t care about this?”

Su Yu Qin’s embrace and sudden closeness startled me.

Hands involuntarily placed on his chest.

This, to explain, I was subconsciously trying to push him away, I definitely wasn’t eating his tofu!

Su Yu Qin was getting closer and closer to me, his handsome features enlarged in front of my eyes, I couldn’t help but stare at his bright red thin lips, and a thought popped into my head: his lips look so soft, they should be good to kiss, right?

Su Yuqin’s lips slightly opened, “Nuo Nuo, I miss you so much.”

The low voice had an unspeakable seductive power.

In the next second, Su Yu Qin’s lips pressed onto mine.


It was indeed very soft and kissable.

I sent a message to Song Song, “Official notice! Your sister is off the hook! She has a boyfriend!”

Song Song quickly replied: “Who is it? Which family’s pig abducted my family’s cabbage.”

“It’s that long-legged handsome guy upstairs that I told you about before.”

“The one you drew a portrait of and got caught?”

Song Song, you’re talking out of your ass.

“Yes, that’s him.”

“Then won’t you be able to look at him directly from now on?”

Me: ……

It’s true that my friends don’t have normal brain circuits.

Su Yuqin and I are in love.

Dudding was happy but also a little sad, often lying by the window and sighing, “Everyone is in love, when will my love come?”

Su Yuqin: “Dou Ding is always screaming lately, is he in heat, or should I take him to be sterilized?”

Dou Ding: “Leave the eggs under the knife!”

Su Yuqin has been very busy at work lately and often comes home late, and it takes him a long time to reply to his messages.

I touched the soft tip of Dou Ding’s ear and couldn’t help but think wild thoughts.

“DouDing, do you think Su Yuchin has a dog outside?”

“What!” Dou Ding jumped up in excitement, “What kind of dog? Corgi or Pomeranian?”

“This …… isn’t the same dog.”

Today’s deadline was early, and I had nothing to do but take Dou Ding out for a walk.

As I was walking, I passed by a cafe, but I accidentally saw Su Yuqin inside.

There was also a pretty girl sitting opposite!

In an instant, my mind flashed through countless fantasies of being green, slagged and cheated on.

Dou Ding couldn’t wait to go in and look for Su Yu Qin, promptly interrupting my rambling thoughts.

I quickly squatted down and covered its mouth, “Quiet, your master and my feelings are now facing an unprecedented crisis, I’m going to the front to spy on the enemy, you stay here quietly and wait for me, understand!”

And at this time in the ears of Dou Ding, my words are like this: “Quiet, your master and I …… crisis, I’m going to …… enemy ……, you… . quiet …… understand?”

Doudin: “Understood!”

I turned down the brim of the hat to cover my face, quietly touch into the store, pulling a waitress sister said: “Sisters to do me a favor, go to spy on what the table is talking about okay?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, customer, this is not …….”

“I’ll give you 100 bucks.”

“You wait, I will definitely give you to find out clearly.”

The waitress casually picked up a rag and walked behind Su Yuqin, pretending to clean the table.

A few minutes later, she came over to me with a grave expression on her face and said, “Sister, is that man your boyfriend?”

“Yes, what’s wrong?”

“Sister run, that man is on a blind date with that woman.”

I cracked up.

“Dare to slag off my old man, today I’ll make you clean up your act!” I tipped my hat, got up and rushed towards Su Yu Qin.

The waitress lady whispered behind me and warned, “Don’t smash the cups, that’s expensive, you can’t lift the table, the table is expensive too, if you want to smash it, smash the plates, that one our boss uses is cheap!”

I aggressively rushed to Su Yuqin.

The pretty girl was startled by me, covering her chest and looking at me in shock: “Oops, mama, where did you jump out from, you scared me.”

Su Yuqin was also surprised and stood up and asked me, “Nuo Nuo, why are you here?”

“I shouldn’t be here, I should be under the car, so that you guys can have a smooth blind date, right?”

“No, Nonno, it’s not what you think.” Su Yuqin panicked.

At this moment, the girl on the other side realized, “Su Yuqin, this is your girlfriend.”

“No, it’s an ex-girlfriend. He’s just a scumbag. He’s in love with me, and he’s on a blind date with you! You should leave too, don’t bother with him.”

“Ah!” The girl shouted in surprise, “I didn’t expect you to be such a person, scum!”

“Sun Yiliu! Don’t fan the flames here!”

“Haha.” The girl laughed brightly and cheerfully.

And I finally realized that things didn’t seem to be what I thought they were.

“Actually, Su Yuchin and I are doll parents.” Sun Yiliu said.

Now my easily calmed emotions were once again unsettled.

I pointed at Su Yuqin, “You’re already engaged and you’re still messing with me!”

“No! No!” Su Yu Qin was so flustered that he waved his hands, “Sun Yiliu, can you speak more clearly!”

“We are indeed engaged, but we only found out the day before yesterday.”

“Help, sister, can you say everything at once and not gasp for air.

Sun Yiliu is pretty and cheerful, and to be honest, she’s quite likeable.

She smiled and continued, “Su Yuqin and I don’t have any feelings outside of sisterhood, and we came out today to discuss a plan.”

Su Yuqin held my hand tightly and nodded her head vigorously at me, “Everything she said is true.”

“Okay. Did you guys come up with anything?”

“There’s no need to discuss.” Sun Yiliu leaned back, her whole body seemed to have relaxed, “Now it seems that you guys should be the ones to worry about it, so I’ll just sit back and enjoy the spoils.”

”Deceitful and cunning.” Su Yuqin disliked.

“Same as each other.” Sun Yiliu was also not willing to show weakness.

Before parting, Sun Yiliu said, “I’ll go to my parents’ side to make my attitude clear, but for your parents, you need to work hard on your own.”

Su Yuqin nodded, signaling that he understood.

However, just at this moment, a four-legged leaping figure suddenly rushed over and pounced on Sun Yiliu to the ground!

Sun Yiliu was so frightened that she shouted, “Whose dog is it!”

Su Yuqin and I rushed forward in a panic: “Dou Ding, stop it!

Dou Ding’s world: three targets ahead, one of them is an enemy, the owner and Nuo Nuo are known to be friends, so the rest are – enemies!

Sun Yiliu had some bruises on her arms and legs, and Su Yuqin drove her home.

In the car, I helped Sun Yiliu organize her messy hair.

Doutin, on the other hand, confronted her in an incompatible situation.

I kept playing between them, “Okay, okay. Dou Ding, this is not a bad guy, this is our friend.”

Dou Ding: “This is clearly the enemy!

Sun Yiliu: “Bare your teeth at me again, bitch.”

Sun Yiliu: “Bare your teeth at me again, stinky dog! Woof!”

“Hey, I’ll beat you up so bad you’ll cry out for your father!”

“Woof woof!”


Forget it. I can’t talk you out of it. You two go ahead and fight.

Su Yuchin’s parents happened to be guests at Sun Yiliu’s house.

Su Yuqin parked the car and went in with Sun Yiliu to talk to the elders.

The dog hairs in the car were all over the place, all from the fight between Duding and Sun Yiliu.

I spat out the dog hair in my mouth, while Duding was still cursing:

“I’ve never seen such a ferocious dog! I’ve never seen such a fierce woman!”

“You jumped on her first.”

“Then I apologize!”

“I don’t understand your dog talk.”

“I don’t care! I don’t care! I’m so mad at you!”

Su Yuchin’s mom was upset that he’d found a new girlfriend.

Until she found out that I was the author of the manga she was working on.

She came to see me in person, took my hand and said, “Tell me who’s secretly helping the heroine, and I’ll give you my son.”

Hmm? Auntie, are you serious? Giving your son out so casually?

I dramatized the content to Su Yuqin his mother and let her read the manuscript in advance.

She took my manuscript and said happily, “One hand pays, one hand delivers. My son is yours now.”

At night, Su Yuchin hugged me and whispered in my ear, “I heard that my mom has sold me to you?”

“Yes. From now on, you are mine.” I hooked his chin with my index finger.

The smile on Su Yuqin’s face grew even bigger as he hugged me a little tighter and said, “Then you’ll have to be responsible for me from now on.”

I suddenly realized that the atmosphere was starting to be off, and Su Yuqin was also a bit off, so I pushed him and said, “Okay, okay. It’s late, you should go upstairs and rest, you still have to work tomorrow.”

“I can take tomorrow off.” Su Yuqin gently kissed me on my earlobe, “Don’t you want to watch me paint directly?”

Draw what? What painting?

I was already in a panic, but Su Yuqin continued to say compellingly in my ear, “Your last drawing wasn’t quite right, so I’ll be your model tonight and do another one for me.”

My heart whistled wildly: Don’t tease me like this, I can’t even hold the pen steady!

–The following is about Dou Ding’s [Extra]…

One night, I was painting when I suddenly heard Dou Ding shouting for help upstairs.

I thought it was a burglar in Su Yuqin’s house and rushed up.

After opening the door, I found the bathroom with the lights on, and Dou Ding’s heartbreaking cries came from there.

I was about to rush into the bathroom when Su Yuqin pulled open the bathroom door with a black face, covered in water.

Dou Ding followed closely behind, rushing out covered in foam and hugging my legs, crying, “Nuo Nuo, I’m going to die, I’m going to die!”

“Big brother, I thought you were being boiled in a pot of water, but it turned out to be just a bath?”

DouDing: “Isn’t this just boiling water in a pot!”

I can probably see why dogs are so afraid of bathing, it seems like the process is pretty much the same.

Then, Su Yuqin and I pressed Dou Ding into the bathroom together.

Dou Ding: “I came here to yell for you to save me, not to be a helper!”

“It’s just a bath, it won’t kill you!”


That night, Dou Ding screamed miserably for a long, long time.

Su Yuqin and I were exhausted, and couldn’t help but sigh, “Some money has to be earned by others.”

Another day, Su Yuqin came downstairs with Duding in tow, looking for me with a heavy face.

Duding walked in front of him and cried as soon as he saw me.

I picked up Duding and asked, “What’s wrong? Why are you crying like this.”

Duding glanced at Su Yuqin and said, “Ask him! Ask him what he did!”

“What did you do? Look at how the child has been aggravated.”

Su Yuqin stood in the corner, holding his head in his hands, and said remorsefully, “I just made a mistake that every pooper scooper makes.”


Dou Ding wailed, crying and cursing, “How could you do this to me! How good I was to you, loyal and devoted, but you! I can’t believe it! I don’t live anymore!”

“So …… he is?”

“He’s out petting another dog! He still smells like his shampoo!”

“Is my nose to blame?”

SU YU-CHIN: “Huh?”

DouDing: “Huh?”

Me: “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

Duding cried until he almost toppled over, so Su Yuqin took a thorough shower, washed all his clothes, and promised him that he would never pet another dog again before he was able to calm Duding down.

Since then, Su Yuqin has been avoiding other dogs for fear of getting their scent on him.

Su Yuqin has been very busy at work lately and is often away from home on business trips.

Doudin hasn’t seen him for a long time, and he misses him terribly.

It asked me, “Why does master have to go out every day?”

“Because I have to work to earn money.”

“Why do you need to earn money?”

“So I can buy you dog food and canned food.”

“If I don’t eat dog food and canned food, can you stay with me all the time?”

For Su Yuqin, Duding was willing to give up dog food and canned food. He really loved Su Yuqin.

One day, Duding had a sudden thought.

“Master goes out to make money, so if I can give him money, can he stay home with me and not go out?”

I said, “Theoretically, yes.”

I didn’t take this to heart, but Doudin did.

After a few days, he found me and said, “Nonno, I found a way for puppies to earn money too.”

It turned out that he had seen someone selling scraps for money in his neighborhood.

DouDing was very confident: “That stuff I see all over the street, I’m sure I’ll make a lot of money soon.”

From that day on, after I finished my work, I accompanied Duding all over the streets.

Don’t say, the dog really has a natural advantage, and can always find some very useful things accurately.

It’s only occasionally that he would stray into someone else’s territory and start a fierce human-dog battle.

When we encountered a powerful grandpa or grandma, Dou Ding and I could be chased for two miles with a few pieces of cardboard.

Duding panted and lamented, “It’s not easy for humans, it’s so hard to earn a living, and they have to go out every day to do it.”

I said, “Otherwise, why would someone say that life is not as good as a dog.”

Su Yuqin finally came back after a week of traveling.

Doudin was very excited and kept jumping on Su Yuchin.

I took out the money Doudin had earned over the past few days, and Doudin’s tail wagged so proudly that it almost turned into a propeller: “Praise me, praise me, praise me! Master, praise me. Am I great? Am I great?”

Over the past few days, Duding had earned a total of 59 dollars and 80 cents, of which the owner of the scrapyard had given Duding an extra 80 cents because he thought Duding was cute.

Su Yuqin looked at the money and almost cried when he hugged Duding.

Duding is really the best dog in the world.

Sun Yiliu came to play with us.

When Duding saw her coming, he kept barking at her.

Sun Yiliu saw the leash around his neck and teased him as he jumped in and out of the doorway, “Eh, I’m leaving. Eh, I’m back again. Eh, I’m leaving again. Eh, I’m back again.

Doudin sat down for a while and stood up for a while, roaring furiously in anger.

Sun Yiliu continued to provoke, “What can you do to me, you’re just a puppy dog.”

Doudin took two steps forward, and the other end of the rope was loosely exposed.

Dou Ding sneered, “I didn’t expect it, I’m not locked up.”

Sun Yiliu’s smile froze on her face.

In the next second, she shouted in shock while being chased by Dou Ding, ”Nuo Nuo! Su Yuqin! Help! Quickly lock up Dou Ding!”

I asked Su Yuqin, “Do you care about them?”

Su Yuchin didn’t even look up, “I don’t care.”

Sun Yiliu and Duding fought again and again.

When they were together, their IQ was at most 7 years old, but not much more.

Occasionally, when Duding gets confused, he forgets that he’s a large dog and pounces on Sun Yiliu, causing her to hit the corner of the table.

Sun Yiliu held her back and cried her eyes out.

Duding panicked and circled around, but the next moment he saw Sun Yiliu laughing: “Haha, I fooled you!

Dou Ding: “I’m sick of it! I don’t want to play with you anymore!

Sun Yiliu wanted to take Duding back for a few days.

It just so happened that Su Yuqin was busy at work recently, and I was in a hurry to submit my manuscript, so I agreed.

No one expected that an accident would happen during the trip.

Sun Yiliu took Duding out to buy a midnight snack.

When crossing the sidewalk, a car suddenly rushed out.

Duding hearing sensitive, early Sun Yiliu step found anomalies, but the car is too fast, and driving crooked, Duding only had time to first push away Sun Yiliu, but he was hit by the car face to face.

Sun Yiliu was knocked down by Duding on the side of the road, but the next second saw Duding’s body, was knocked out a few meters away.

Before she could react, the driver had already kicked the gas and drove away.

Sun Yiliu couldn’t care less about the fleeing car, rushed over and looked at Dou Ding who fell in a pool of blood, so terrified that she couldn’t cry.

“You wait, Dou Ding you hold on a little longer, I’ll take you to the hospital now, you can’t be okay, mustn’t be okay ah Dou Ding!”

Dou Ding collapsed to the ground, Sun Yiliu’s tears smashed onto its face.

It whimpered twice, but unfortunately, Sun Yiliu couldn’t understand what it said.

By the time Doudin was taken to the hospital, he wasn’t breathing.

Sun Yiliu fell to the hospital floor, crying her heart out.

When she called Su Yuqin and me, her voice trembled to the point where it was hard to tell what she was saying.

Only after a long time did we hear her say, “Dou Ding is dead …… Dou Ding is gone …….”

We called the police, and the police quickly caught the driver at fault.

That person was driving after drinking and driving, and when he was arrested, he was not even sober.

Sun Yiliu rushed to the police station and shouted at the driver with red eyes, “You son of a bitch, you compensate me for Dou Ding’s life!”

The man rubbed his nose in a daze and said disdainfully, “It’s just a dog, isn’t it?”

Sun Yiliu rushed up and slapped the man twice, with so much force that he drew blood from the corner of the man’s mouth.

After Dou Ding’s death, Su Yuqin lay at home for a whole week.

Although I was very sad, I still managed to take care of him.

No one was more upset than he was when Dou Ding was gone.

One night in the middle of the night, I was suddenly awakened by some strange noises.

When I listened carefully, I realized it was Su Yuqin hiding in the living room and crying.

I went out of the room and took Su Yuqin into my arms. He curled up in my arms like a child and said as he cried, “I heard a dog barking outside the house in the middle of the night, and I thought it was Duding coming back, but when I pulled open the door, I found that there was nothing out there. …… Nuono, I still can’t accept that Duding can’t come back anymore. …… I can’t see Dou Ding anymore, why can’t I see him anymore ……”.

I couldn’t find words to comfort him, I could only hold him tighter.

I miss it too, I miss it too ……

Su Yuqin took Dou Ding to be cremated, and the ashes were buried in the yard of Sun Yiliu’s house.

In just a few days, Sun Yiliu lost a lot of weight, I don’t know if it’s because she cried too much, and her once bright eyes have lost their luster.

After burying Duding, Sun Yiliu sent us away.

It was drizzling outside the house, and none of us had an umbrella.

The rain was cool on our necks, but not as cool as in our hearts.

Suddenly, the light above us dimmed, and a bright voice sounded behind us, “It’s raining, don’t you guys have umbrellas?”

I looked back and saw a tall, handsome older boy.

The moment I saw his eyes, an incredible thought crossed my mind.

Sun Yiliu asked listlessly, “Who are you?”

The boy looked at Sun Yiliu and smiled brightly and warmly, “You heartless, I saved your life just a few days ago, and you’ve forgotten about me?”

[DouDing’s heartfelt words

My name is Dou Ding, I’m an Alaskan dog, I’m not called Allah, but I love tearing up homes.

I have a master who loves me very much, and a lovely mistress, and they both have a very annoying friend called Sun Yiliu.

Mistress and Nono are very nice to me, only Sun Yiliu likes to make me angry.

Every time I get angry she laughs, and she doesn’t allow me to fight back. If I accidentally hurt her, she’ll cry, and I’m afraid of girls crying.

I feel like I should be annoyed with Sun Yiliu, but for some reason I don’t seem to hate her. Whenever she comes to her master’s house, my tail always wags involuntarily.

Being a dog is such a bad thing, you can’t hide a bit of what’s in your heart.

My owner and Nonno have been very busy lately and left me with Sun Yiliu.

I was very happy with her.

Until that car came along.

I couldn’t take her out of the way in time, so I had to bump her out of the way first, and then I saw her crying again, crying so hard.

I tried to tell her that I wasn’t in pain and not to cry, but unfortunately, she couldn’t understand me.

I think I’m probably about to die, I can feel my life passing away a little bit, it’s a pity that I can’t see my master and Nuo Nuo again, I’m so sad to let go of them, and I’m also sad to let go of Sun Yiliu.

I slept for a long, long time.

I thought I wouldn’t wake up again.

Unexpectedly, I actually woke up again.

When I opened my eyes, it was all white in front of me, white walls, white sheets, white quilt.

My body seemed to feel a little stiff, and I stretched, only to find myself reaching out for a human hand.

Then a couple of strangers rushed in and hugged me and cried, they said I was their son and had been lying in the hospital room for a long, long time.

They were glad I was awake, and I was glad to be alive again.

I could see my master, Nono, and Sun Yiliu again.

It’s so good.

–The whole story is finished…

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