41. Don’t mess with the sick girl.

Don’t mess with the sickly girl

Seeing you when you’re in the mood for something else

“Sister is bullying me again.”

My sickly brother squeezes my neck, his smile pale.

“You’re a good liar.”

The ascetic professor played with the key in his hand, an unseen paranoia and madness under the gold-rimmed glasses.

“Why don’t you keep running?”

The trooper’s saber slashed across my cheek, his bloodthirsty eyes itching to tear me apart.

The paranoid sickos who watched the secondary world being slagged off by me appeared in front of me.

Snapped, my legs went limp.


Me: Did I fail the mission.

System: no.

System: after calculating, the probability is that you will be worse off than dead.


“Data turbulence has occurred, the experience world is collapsing, quickly pack up and run for your life.”

I had just finished the third round of the Jagged Girl plot experience and was rushing home when I received a call from the editing system.


“It’s too late, listen to me first, get your stuff first ……”

The phone came to a screeching halt with a zippy current.

I shook my head and did not put it on my mind, this editor when the system when stupid.

The old elevator issued a creak creak sound, standing next to a meter eight or so big, all black, wearing a mask hat, can not see the face.

The old city environment is shabby, I live in half a year to come and go generalized on a few households, not the elderly is a child.

Such a tall young man in this appears to be very abrupt.

Normally, if I saw a stranger, I would be vigilant, but today I just want to rest.

I almost died on this mission at the hands of that guy.

What’s wrong with me just wanting to be a scumbag? I almost lost my life.


I realized something was wrong as I exited the elevator, walked through the empty corridor, and opened the door.

The dark figure was following me silently.

I calmly fumble with my handbag, pretending to look for my keys.

My nose caught the scent of milk, something familiar.

Suddenly a hot, wet snout closes in on my neck and nibbles on my earlobe and says in a low, husky voice, “Sister, are you looking for this?”

Skinny cold white leather hand holding a key appeared in front of me.

I have not seen such hands in the real world, only in that world ……

In an instant, I couldn’t move.

Heartbeat thumped like a thunder drum.

That phone call? What had gone wrong?


“Warm …… one and?”

I turned around and stepped back, incredulously looking at the person who took off the mask.

“Sister, Kazuya searched so hard for you, do you not want me anymore?”


He drooped, puppy dog eyes looking at me accusingly, habitually tugging at the corner of my coat.

I close my eyes, open, so repeatedly, the person is still there.

No, can someone tell me why someone from the secondary world is here?


The morning fine light hit Wen Yihe’s short chestnut-colored shaggy hair, obedient and harmless.

Who would have thought that inside he was the white cut black sickly brother.

Vacation boredom, I saw the scum female system script experience activities on the Internet.

In short, it is to let the sickly girl fall in love with me and then slag them.

Enthusiastic about a variety of sickly me, to the fascinated don’t want to, then enrolled as the first experiencer.

But I don’t want to be my slag’s first sickly little brother came to the real world.


I was trembling, vomiting blood, trying to play the role of scum female role, acting that called a full.

I was cool, the editing system was cool, and Wen Yihe was slagged by me.

I shuddered at the thought of my inhumane scummy behavior to complete the mission to get out of the experience world.

And then recalling the end, Wen Yihe’s crying red eyes glaring at me with a look of madness.

Falling into his hands is still possible?


My hand finally fumbled for the anti-wolf spray, I raised my hand and sprayed it, but I didn’t want to be deflected.

“Sister is bullying me again.”

Two hands were pinched back by him, the other hand pinched my neck, the smile was pale and sickly, as if it would collapse at any time, but the cold white leather hand was tightening.

It didn’t let go until I couldn’t take the pain anymore.

He looked at my white delicate neck shocking two red, want to touch and afraid of hurting me, then hold me arching a head in my neck constantly rubbing apologies, crispy, like a dog.

This is the time when he is the most unguarded.

I slightly backed away from his embrace, and viciously kicked the man’s most vulnerable parts.

Taking advantage of this opening, I sprayed the pepper spray I had already prepared in his face and pushed him down with one hand.

Looked at Wen Yihe curled into a shrimp and still want to stand up, hurried to add another foot in the crotch, kicked and ran.

Behind the back of the sickly little brother moaned in pain: “Sister, you can not escape.”


I drove to the bottom of a high-rise building.

Going inside was a mess, machines buzzing non-stop, developers keyboarding until they rotted.

Phone calls came and went, and people kept moving.

“Where’s Hu Xiaoqi?”

I stopped a staff member who had not been able to get through since the morning call.

“She’s hiding. You’ll have to look for her next time.”

“What do you mean, hiding? I have something urgent to ask her.”

I hurriedly pulled him back with an anxious look on my face.

The staff realized something was wrong and asked me suspiciously, “Are you an Experiencer? Hu Xiaoqi is your editor and system?”

Seeing me nod he told me to find her, saying that the mission secondary world character alliance crashed the server, the world was in chaos, and people in the secondary world traveled to the third world.

The only way to stop the world chaos is to find your own editor to terminate the cooperation.

“No, then what is she hiding?”

The staff sighed bitterly and said, “The secondary characters only found you through the system, namely Hu Xiaoqi who is also an editor. She is firmly bound to the secondary world, and you know that world is full of anything, for safety and security, she is now hiding in a safe house arranged by the company, you can go there to find her.”

After hearing that I flew all the way down to the car, I’d believe him if he said doomsday world now.


However my doomsday had really arrived.

“Click.” The sound of handcuffs falling.

My hand was being handcuffed with the next hand.

What I didn’t dare to think about still came.

My second object of being slagged – Pei Chuan, at this moment was sitting in the passenger seat, playing with the key in his hand and looking at me.

I was in the gutter, but I didn’t realize that there was someone in the car.

As always, he was dressed in a suit, wearing gold wire frames, cold and indifferent.

The title of ascetic professor is really not called in vain.


The second world can be said to barely complete the task, I never understand him.

Pei Chuan’s intelligence is too much and he doesn’t care about anything.

This type of person I will not touch. Too hard to understand and read.

The reason why I chose him was because his profession was a psychology professor, similar to my specialty.

In the mission world, I went through a lot of trouble to get a little bit of his like.

Really only a little bit, if it wasn’t for the system’s good feedback data I would have had to announce my surrender.


“Peichuan, I’m tired of playing, let’s break up.”

In the final stage of the mission, I didn’t even dare to slag him.

Only normal to break up with him so as to complete the mission.

In front of me, the black eyes gazing at me were clear, cold and indifferent, with no fluctuations.

He said don’t make a scene, don’t lie against your conscience.

From a psychological point of view to explain this behavior is to attract attention, picking up and pulling a whole lot of professional terminology.

See, I was right, right, all said that the slag can not be. I mentally whispered bleeps to the system.

Instead, my own heart is bored to death.

“Ding!” A mission completion beep sounded in my head.


Memories pulled back to reality, I looked at the hand next to me that was interlocked with my fingers.

Outside, the scenery was going backwards, and I drove the car, following Pei Chuan’s instructions to drive all the way to the countryside.

I didn’t know what he was going to do.

But I know that the time has come.

No one is perfect, Pei Chuan is passionate about studying criminal psychology, rooted in the Institute for many years, the car he will not drive.

When he reacted, the car crashed hard into the big tree next to his place.

The smell of blood spread in the car, Pei Chuan has been covered in blood, breath is dying.

I was only a little bit injured in the forehead, in a panic to break his tightly gripped hand.

The original tightly closed eyes suddenly widened, panic-stricken eyes saw my movements, the look was empty for a moment.

“Peichuan, you shouldn’t have come to a world that doesn’t belong to you.”

Getting the keys to unlock the handcuffs, I left the car.

Luckily it wasn’t far from the safe house.

I ran for ten minutes and finally saw the light.

Everything will be back to normal after finding Hu Xiaoqi.

I pressed on and snapped uphill.

Looking at the end of the silhouette, the corner of my mouth rose up and settled.

The worst result is still here ……

“Why don’t you continue to escape?”

The grim voice suddenly rang from the depths of memory, startling me to shiver fiercely.

If the first two could be fooled, the third was completely pulling the whiskers from the tiger’s head.

In front of absolute power, everything could be crushed.


A gray-constructed safe house was close at hand.

I panicked, jerked my legs and ran forward, he did not stop.

Palms rapped haphazardly on the door of the room, no one responded.

That’s when I heard a clicking sound of cracking bones, my knees went weak, and I looked down.

I had fallen to my knees in the dust, and the cone of pain in my knees hit me.

A mere doorway blocked my hope.

I heard Hu Xiaoqi’s voice, and there were bloodied hands in the doorway.

I desperately held on to it, as if I could hold on to my only hope.

In the blink of an eye, my feet left the ground and a pair of strong palms dragged me all the way.

I sucked in a breath, cold sweat breaking out from the pain.

My messy hair was ruffled and gathered behind my ear, and the sharp saber lightly sketched on my pale face, I shivered with cold.

“Cheng Gui, I said I won’t appear in front of you again, let me go.”

He snorted and swiped across my bloodied forehead, his eyes red-hot.

“But I regret it.”

“Evening, I find it surprising that I can’t let you go.”

He had a tyrannical streak, and the smell of blood only turned him on.

Looking at the man in front of me, who had emerged from the battlefield of the sea of blood, my mind couldn’t help but conjure up all sorts of horrific evil deeds he had inflicted on me in that world.

I staggered back a few steps, trembling and red-eyed.

He was an army bigwig from the post-apocalyptic world, accustomed to the days of the weak and the strong, licking sharp knives.

It’s not something I, a flower growing up under peaceful times, can agree with.

This time I was really scared.

I knew there was no way out for me.


I woke up again handcuffed to the bed, my left leg bandaged and suspended high in the air.

My arm tingled slightly and I looked down it.

Bright red blood ran down the vein to the high heeled cup.

Another familiar maneuver.

I was trapped, rather I was imprisoned.

I was the only one in the empty room.

Outside the window were patches of woods, sparsely populated.

“CLICK!” The door pushed open and cold white skinned hands reached in with my favorite blue rose.

“Sister, I told you you can’t escape.”

Wen Yihe’s silly face appeared in front of me, and then I saw Cheng Gui pushing Pei Chuan in.

Looking at the cold-faced professor wrapped in a dumpling on the wheelchair.

“Puff!” I grinned and laughed like a clown who had a funny switch flicked on.

What’s going on now, the three sickly girls of my slag appeared in front of my eyes at the same time.

What kind of Shura?


“It hurts …… so much.”

“Wen Yihe, will you untie me?”

I trembled my voice and looked at him pitifully.

A week has passed since I was locked up, and no matter how softly I try to persuade them, they won’t let me leave the bed for a step.

The delicate white wrists were rubbed with a trail of blood, a bright red circle, shocking.

“Don’t, open you will escape.” The jarring voice rang from my ears.

I frowned, looking at the deathless camera and the deserted countryside and sighed long and hard.

“I’m cold, untie it, will you?”

As soon as the words left my mouth, the big furry guy hugged me firmly like a wombat.

“It’s not cold, late night …… cuddling will not be cold.”

The scent of milk filled the room.

I looked speechlessly at the newly added bite marks on my skin.

Wen Yihe was definitely a dog in his past life, biting people when he caught them.


The moonlight poured down, and the silent room was flooded with ghostly light, making it seem more and more cold.

The calm was shattered by a “thud” and a splash of water.

“I can do it myself, you don’t have to come over every time.”

I fought through the pain and ran towards the sink with a bounce, looking through the spray of water at the man in his wheelchair.

“Be good, be obedient, wash and then apply medicine so that the wound won’t become inflamed.”

Pei Chuan pushed his wheelchair in front of me in a steaming mist of water.

He bends down to pick up the shoes next to him, warm breath hits my face, my ankle is held by slender fingers, and the cotton shoes are put on my right foot.

For those few brief seconds, I stared blankly at the top of his head, tracing the shadow on the floor.

More than a month had passed, and I still couldn’t apply the fact that he did everything himself.

Obviously hurt worse than me ……

“Okay, go put some medicine on it.”

The girl’s increasingly thin body was reflected in the full-length mirror, and her excessively delicate face revealed an almost sickly pallor.

The bruises on her body looked like old wounds, and the newly added ones were still bubbling with small beads of blood, except for the flawless spot on her back, there was not a single good spot.

The man frowned lightly and asked, “Does it hurt?”

The heat makes the brain in a state of oxygen deprivation, a paste, I shook my head in a daze.


It’s late at night, everything is quiet, I look at the person next to me who is already asleep.

Carefully pivoting the arms bound around my waist, I stepped barefoot on the blanketed floor and moved skillfully to hide in the bathroom.

A corner of moonlight roams in through the window, splattering the sink.

The taste of blood spreads in my mouth, I endure the pain, looking at the new beads of blood on my arm, still not enough, harder.

Suddenly, a figure reflected in the glass window above the bathroom.

“Why don’t you turn on the light, what if you fall?”

A low voice rang out, the voice line was unusually cold.

The man sat on the wheelchair, silent.

His slender fingers tapped on the armrest, which was his usual action when he was thinking.

A pair of ink-colored eyes looked extraordinarily dark and deep in the night, and his aura was inexplicably powerful.

I washed my hands, calmly pulled my sleeves down, and moved to him with a twist.

“No it won’t, it’s not like I didn’t turn on the lights for fear of waking you.”

He looked down at my hand on the armrest and didn’t say anything.

I just laid down on the bed, and then he circled into his arms and hugged me tightly.

The cool, woody scent of a man invaded the tip of my nose.

It was about fir, as cold as the man himself.


When I woke up, I felt weak, dizzy, had a headache, and couldn’t get up the energy.

My whole body ached and burned like a fire.

By the time I was conscious, the window was gray and cloudy, and I was surprised that I had been dazed for a day.

Since being trapped here, in addition to getting up and eating.

Physical exercise was almost completely absent.

Coupled with occasional blood loss, my physical condition is now more fragile than I thought.

The previous plan to use a cold shower and blowing cold air to try to trigger inflammation didn’t even greet me.

The three people in front of me stood in front of my bed with serious faces.

This is the second time I’ve seen them together since I came into this house.

I don’t know how they conferred.

Every morning for over a month, I would spend breakfast time with Cheng Gui.

Cheng Gui seemed to have realized the difference between himself and this era, and was much more restrained towards me.

There were no previous punches and kicks, no venomous snakes and vermin infested, and even less slashes and knives in the flesh.

But there is a vice that can not be changed, that is, every day to my arm to extract a tube of blood to drink.

At first I lost so much blood that it was hard for me to hold my chopsticks, but within a few days he seemed to have discovered a new pleasure.

Red wine mixed with a little blood to drink, so the number of times to take blood is gradually reduced.

Each time he drank he would let out a contented sigh and grin at me, grinning at me.

It creeped me out and made me sick to my stomach.


In the afternoon is the sickly brother who likes to be pampered.

In the evening it’s the silent, ascetic professor.

What a great guy, the master of time management.

But to say that my favorite is still Pei Chuan.

As long as I looked at him pitifully, he would obediently unlock the door for me.

Although it was only at night and could only walk around the room area.

But that’s also enough.


“Sister, you hit Yihe, Yihe won’t dare to do it again. I didn’t mean to, I didn’t think biting you would cause you to get tetanus. Obviously it was fine to bite so many times before.”

He squatted on the edge of the bed, drooping head, wet eyes look over, fragile and beautiful, see I can not bear to see.

Pei Chuan, who had been expressionless next to him, frowned in a rare moment.

I was so weak that I couldn’t speak, and the tetanus was unexpected.

“I don’t care before, Wen Yi and you broke the rules, you have to bear the corresponding consequences.”

Strictly adhering to the bottom line of the rules had always been Cheng Danger’s first guideline for managing the End Times Tribe.

I don’t know what they stipulate.

But I know that he is extremely possessive, and pets are only for him to bully, and no one else can hurt them.

Once when I hurt myself in an accidental fall, he killed the entire tribe of followers.

I believe that even after a change of scenery, the toughness in his bones will not change.

See how that doesn’t lead to infighting?


The next afternoon, just after taking the medicine, I saw Wen Yihe hurry in.

The orange peel-like sunlight sprinkled on his slightly disheveled hair, very cute.

“Sister, will you stay with me all the time from now on?”

“Don’t you really want to leave here? Go, I’ll take you away.”

He muttered aggressively while pulling me up.

After getting sick this time, there was more room for free movement, and the restraints on my hands were undone.

I innocently said, “Sure!”

but looked around at the camera and shook my head.

He said I had turned off the cameras.

No one would be able to find us once we were out of the house.

My expression was unperturbed, but inside I was in a frenzy.

An unexpected bonus. Things are getting interesting.


I leaned on my cane and looked at the corridor that I couldn’t see the end of, thinking about whether to go back and lie down.

This is a Chinese style private villa, seven turns, corridors are especially many.

In the silence and emptiness of the house, the brown-striped wooden floor echoed with a ‘thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud.

Every corner is hung with a variety of gothic dark murals, out of place.

The sound of walking echoed far and wide, and I yelped in pain when I walked too fast.

The stainless steel cane fell down, making an abrupt sound on the wooden floor.

I staggered to my feet, the pain in my injured left leg sharp.

Wen Yihe threw the cane down and picked me up in a princess hug.


The ancient gate opens, the dawn of victory is close at hand, I am free.

Walking out not more than a few seconds, a grim voice came from behind.

“Evening evening, isn’t it saying that the medicine is bitter and crying for candy?”

The next second, Wen Yihe fell down, I was firmly protected in his arms, froze a little thing.

He hit a large stone on the side of the lawn, and his nose was bleeding all the way down.

Wen Yihe has a pair of hidden star-like eyes, always like to look at me with a simple innocent face.

He always reminds me of the little Shiba Inu I had in the compound when I was a kid.

Just like now, he patted my back and comforted me, saying don’t be afraid.

But I’m obviously the older sister.

I moved to his ear and whispered, my words sharp and merciless.

“Wen Yihe, how can you remember what you’ve done?”

“Do you remember why I left you in the first place?”

He was stunned, his wet eyes looked over, desperately shaking his head, half crying, half complaining.

“But I’ve always been a good boy. I’ve always grown up well.”

“Sister, I love myself and the world, and I won’t cling to you anymore.”

I hate the sugar-coated happiness that crumbles at the slightest touch.

Wen Yihe in the secondary world has lost his parents since he was a child, he is withdrawn and misanthropic, paranoid, and afraid of loneliness.

To me, the neighbor sister also ignored, often ridiculed and bullied by his peers.

Gradually, the abuse intensified.

I couldn’t stand it and drove the gang away, but I didn’t expect him to stick to me ever since.

He pretended to be the most innocent, trying to get close to the only warmth.

I watched him grow up and treated him like a younger brother, until he looked at me with eyes that were getting more and more out of place.

Gradually, he went more and more overboard, interfering in my life, my human interactions.

I resisted, countered. Said he had no sense of boundaries.

And he wouldn’t budge.

I knew this wasn’t going to work, he was only going to get more and more paranoid.


That day I was laughing and joking with my senior as we made our way down the hallway.

Suddenly, we were dragged into a nearby lounge.

In the dimly lit room, the teenager trapped me between his arms, stared at me and said in a muffled voice:

“Isn’t it only the favored that are emboldened.”

He was referring to the three or two things that had come out of thin air lately about me and my senior.

I was speechless, “Let go.”

The teenager’s eyes reddened at the end, “I won’t let go.”

“Sister, you’re the one who provoked me in the first place.”

He looked at me with a sidelong glance, as if mocking himself, but also as if sneering at me.

“Do you think it’s funny to play me like a fool to get away from me.”

The teenager seemed to have bottled up a whole lot of grievances, and let them out hysterically, “Sister, you keep saying I’m wrong.

“Sister, you keep saying I’m wrong.”

“You’re the one who’s wrong. You’re the one who’s obsessed.”

“If you don’t like me, why are you so afraid, so afraid that you are willing to find someone to act with you.”

“What are you afraid of?”

It’s true that people in the secondary world have different brain circuits.

Any gossip that was intentionally spread with the senpai could be interpreted by him in a different version, but the mission was at least accomplished.

I smiled, and a wave of disgust surfaced under my eyes as I looked at the enraged teenager in front of me.

“Are you finished, Wenichiwa.”

“Don’t you know I’ve always hated you!”

“I hate the fact that you always act like a child who can’t get any candy.”

“You’re just blindfolded and closed off.”

“How can you grow up like that?”

“Have you seen the world and learned to love yourself?”

The undisguised mockery and sarcasm seemed to have stung him.

He hung his head and kept murmuring, “Sister, you hate me. ……”

The young man looked like he had heard the biggest joke in the world.

I can’t believe that the neighboring sister who has always loved me would be so cruel, and specialize in stabbing people in the heart.

The teenager raised his reddened eyes and stared at me with a look of madness.

The words came out as childish as ever.

“I hate you, sister!”

“You always liked to bully me.”

“I never want to see you again.”

Then he fled.

The boy didn’t know that his words, spoken in a moment of anger, were prophetic.

He would never see his sister again.


I let out a shallow laugh with mockery.

“You’re wrong Wen Yihe, you’ve been fooling yourself.”

“You’re just too lonely and too unloved …… You still haven’t grown up.”

“Still used to have my company, that is dependence, that is not like.”

The words are full of hurtful words, sentence by sentence to kill the heart.

“And why do you think Cheng Guan just happened to show up.”

I looked over my shoulder through my eyes at the man in the doorway with a jar of rainbow candy, thinking only that Wen Yihe had taken me hostage in the eyes of onlookers.

He had a blank look on his face, a hint of doubt crossing his eyes, then realization dawned on him, but he was still looking at me bemusedly.

“Sister, are you …… leaving me behind again?”

Like an abandoned child, he flung himself into my arms, warily letting out animal whimpering sobs.

Tears soaked his shoulders, and the unique milky flavor came to him, what an overgrown child.

Obviously I slagged you off again, why are you still so clingy?

It seems to be hurt by me.

Since then I have never seen Wen Yihe appear.


On the evening of the day I went back, I had a fever.

My head was sweating coldly, but my cheeks were burning like fire.

In the yellow light of the room, I could only see Pei Chuan’s thin lips pursed slightly, radiating indifference.

He stroked the bite marks on my body, certain emotions churning in his eyes.

“Doesn’t it hurt?”

The answer is not a question, I know what he is asking.

As meticulous as he is, he knows me best.

Before, in order to raid him, I would make him bento every day, and from time to time, I accidentally let him see my injured finger.

The expressionless face finally revealed a worried look after months of watching.

He sighed and said how could there be such a stupid girl like me.

Few times when we are in love, the progress of the task that is prancing upward, I dejected, spinning in place.

Like a flying car general happy to take off, this fly on the fly over the head, filling accidentally exposed.

At that time I hummed, cut the salmon, along the texture, the knife does not fall, precise control, even thickness.

Professor Abstinence propped one hand on the countertop and looked at me with slightly downcast eyes.

Like just after a shower, the short black hair in front of the forehead is not completely dry, fine eyelashes hanging down, the pair of deep eyes are much brighter than usual, thin lips slightly pursed, expression sparse.

I couldn’t help but swallow my saliva, temptation mesmerizes the eyes ah.

Isn’t this my ideal type?

Especially with that sexy knot in the throat rolling up and down on my heart, which in turn made a sound.

“This knife work is next to Michelin 5-star master level, right?”

“We’re really good, we’ve been practicing for years.”

I nodded my head stupidly, only hearing the word “awesome”.

That’s a compliment!

I’m really good.

I wasn’t even paying attention. It’s called a confession.

He said I was a tough woman, so tough that I even hurt myself.

The reason I remember it so well is that he didn’t talk to me for months afterward.

His face was cold as if the whole world owed him millions.


“You’re not a good boy, you shouldn’t make fun of your body.”

“That’s a lesson for you.”

The kiss fell out of nowhere.

I cringed in pain, my head muddled.

His voice was husky, with a hint of hopelessness, and

“Evening, what am I going to do with you.”

He shook his head to himself and laughed lowly, covering my lips again.


After another month like this, they gradually let down their guard on me.

I tried to escape, but there was little hope.

I became more and more depressed, and my heart felt as if it were dead.

Every day like a lonely bird huddled in their own corner of the nest.

One day, Pei Chuan seemed to be unable to watch.

He asked me if I wanted to go outside, and I nodded my head.

“But only at night.”

As long as I can go out, it’s fine.

Oblivious to having stepped into the hunter’s trap ……


It was the night of the appointment.

I looked out the window at the dark night, and waited for Pei Chuan to go out by himself.

The corridor is dark and the gloomy wind is miserable.

Without taking a few steps, a lightning bolt cut through the sky and flashed past the window.

The gothic murals were illuminated, hideous and horrible.

I immediately felt creepy and goosebumps all over my body.

Then, there was a sound of earth-shattering thunder, and the storm came out of nowhere, sounding like the cries of a ghost.

The villa seemed to be trembling.

From time to time, I can hear the sound of stabbing and rustling next to my ears.

Scalp numb for a moment, is it a hallucination?

That was the sound of a long blade dragging on the floor.

I’ve heard it countless times.

In that apocalyptic world.

“Evening, are you hiding?”

“I’m going to start looking for you.”

Pei Chuan, he lied to me!

I didn’t dare to turn back, going back was even more impossible.

I was trembling, desperately covering my mouth and running as hard as I could.

Cheng Gui’s gloomy voice echoed in the empty house, the sound of footsteps behind me seemed to be there but not there.

“Clang, clang, clang! The banging sound suddenly burst out.

The prey eventually lost patience with the repeatedly escaping pet.

“Night-night, I see you… ……”


Following the memories in my mind, I walked through a mural and saw the gate.

Outside, the cold wind howled, thunder and lightning rolled, and a fierce storm crackled against the towering trees.

My whole body was chilled and my scalp tingled, as if there were eyes staring at me from somewhere.

In a panic, I ducked under a rock that day and crouched.

The rain drenched my body with cold and stinging water, and I gasped and shrunk into a ball.

Praying he couldn’t see me ……

“I caught you!”

“Crouching here waiting for that fool Wen Yihe to come and save you?”

What’s Wen Yihe got to do with it?

“It’s a pity you’ll never see him again.”

“A disobedient child should go back to his own place.”

The man trembled with excitement, his long, sharp blade raised high in his hand, glinting in the air.

It was as if it was going to come down in the next second.

I closed my eyes in a state of raw frustration.

“Well …… where is the best place to start?”

“Here, I think, the meat is tender, and it definitely feels different when you cut it.”

“Then you won’t get far again.”

He put down the knife, his eyes scarlet like a beast scanning my left leg just removed from the cast.

Seeing that he was gripping the knife again, I stepped back, trembling, and felt a bump in my hand.

Finally, I found it!

“Really? It’s a shame you won’t get the chance.”

“You go accompany Wen Yihe too.”

I sneered and raised my hand.

A dramatic scene happened.

“Boom” a huge thunder struck down ……

The climactic horror story came to an abrupt end.

A pungent, burnt smell filled the humid air.

As an afterthought, I looked at the body on the ground that had instantly turned blue and charred.

Screaming in horror, I shivered like a sieve.

I couldn’t believe that the pervert who had been tormenting me was gone just like that.

Was this a case of bad things happening and heaven striking down?

Stabbing pain came from my neck, and I lost consciousness ……


Waking up and looking around the familiar room.

I rubbed the back of my neck looking at the person in front of me.

“You lured me out on purpose.”

As soon as I made a sound, I realized that my throat was so dry.

“Night-night, sometimes it’s not good to be too smart.”

“It’s long overdue, he shouldn’t have touched you.” A pair of dark eyes narrowed dangerously.

“You picked a thunderstorm day specifically to take care of him?”

He didn’t deny it, and the answer was in my mind eighty-nine times out of ten.

“You know how afraid I am of his …… me, I almost died in his hands.”

My eyes watered and I was so angry that my words were out of tune, mixed with aggression and anger.

He seemed anxious, “I’ve always been there, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“It’s hard to come to you, but you still have to follow the rules and not hurt your own kind.”

“But the Raider ……” he said leisurely, “In the secondary world that is not a secret, only the Raider can kill us. But you are so afraid of him, how dare you?”

“I plotted and waited and finally waited for that red thunderstorm.”

“How were you sure the lightning would strike him? Or maybe the lightning struck me, the wrongdoer.”

He let out a low chuckle, his brows all doting.

“Boy, you know, the probability of winning five million dollars and being struck by lightning are just as slim.”

Five million dollars!

My eyes widened a bit.

I was not convinced that I was the rat in the cat-and-mouse game.

I was caught off guard, but I solved another one by mistake.

As I expected, how could the intellectually superior Pei Chuan fight an unprepared battle?

“You have to realize that we are virtual, there will always be loopholes.

“Do you know what high-speed, cold data is most afraid of?”

“It’s lightning. It’s naturally opposed to us. If you escape again, you can imagine he will lose control again.”

Pei Chuan installed a lightning arrester on me.

Cheng Gui had installed a lightning-inducing substance on his body, it was really a good move of timing and harmony.

Not to mention the fact that the long blade in his hand was itself a good lightning-attracting medium.

Tears slipped down to my mouth, I tasted it as sweet and smiled.


I held the hot water that Pei Chuan handed me and drew circles along the rim of the water cup.

“It’s a little hot, help me take a sip.”

An illogical and unreasonable request, he complied.

The ceramic cup was cupped over by slender hands.

A thin redness flushed at the end of his eyes, and his ink-colored eyes looked over.

“Evening, have you ever liked me?”

I opened my mouth, a moment of bewilderment.

Not understanding why an avatar built from a set of data would ask such a question.

I’ve never known love, let alone him.

But why was there an internal struggle, a hesitation.

“But I am hopelessly …… very fond and fond of you.”

The face of the master who spoke these words remained cool and light, as always.

The tone, however, slowly darkened.

Morning light sprinkled in the quiet interior, the breeze blew, floor-to-ceiling curtains fluttered and fell on Pei Chuan pants legs.

The man who stayed frozen for a few minutes finally moved his body.

He picked up the ceramic cup.

“No need, it’s already a little cold.”

Conditional reflex, I hastily reached out to pull him, touching the unforgiving sleeve.

He hung his head, a smile at the corner of his mouth, his voice a little fluttery, and asked this in an off-key way:

“Is this so you won’t forget me?”

My brain roared, and I couldn’t react for a moment.

I only saw him half-closing his eyes with a look of realization, playing with the cup in his hand, drinking one sip after another.

The pain had made his face unusually pale, and his eyes flickered with a sickly darkness.

“I know, I’ve always known, you’ve always been in contact with that system.”

“You want to leave, I’ll let you, just don’t forget about me so quickly.”


The proud son of heaven in Pei Chuan, when has he ever been so humble?

High and proud as he is, how has he ever been so lowly?

I hold my breath, the blood of the whole body in this instant stagnation.

As if everything is forgotten, the task, the system …… only thought in my heart is that I don t want him to drink.

“Don’t don’t …… don’t drink …… Peichuan you asshole.”

“You give me back.”

I am slightly flustered, clearly has long been at a loss.

“Don’t cry, late night.”

“One day I will come back to you.”

Who wouldn’t say such comforting words, but how could I ever come back?

There is no one else in the world who will indulge me like that.


The room was suddenly darkened and dead silent.

The only person left, alone, like a pool of stagnant water.

The heart suddenly and violently strangled.

I clenched my hand into a fist against my chest, breathing hard.

My hand touched my face, and I don’t know when, but I had already shed a face full of tears.

I was an outsider to the theater.

I don’t know when, but I’ve been in the theater for a long time.


“Ding! Congratulations to the experiencer for completing the advancement quest!

Pei Chuan Extra:

Ever since I was a child, I knew I was different from the next person.

I didn’t cry, refused to communicate, ignored emotions, hated contact, and loved being alone.

My family said I was a child from the stars, and the medical profession called it autism.

I studied psychology in an attempt to improve my condition.

Unfortunately, the healer doesn’t heal himself.

Fortunately, in more than twenty years of loneliness, a small sun appeared, bright and eye-catching, like an elf, bright and colorful.

I was born in the mire and trudged toward the light.


Onlookers said I was young, brilliant, and a genius in psychology.

Colleagues and students thought we were a bad match.

But I think we are good together.

You’re great, and I’m the one who’s out of my league.

You don’t know that I was at a loss every day, looking forward to your arrival, but also afraid that one day I would never see you again, afraid that my inability to speak well would scare you off.

I learned to speak like a normal person, practicing over and over again, trying to get closer to you.

There were so many things I wanted to say, but when I saved them up, I didn’t know how to express them.

You would be like a leaping rabbit every day, always preferring to lie on the table and smile, tilting your head to look at me, not to be ignored.

Your almond eyes were always looking to the left and to the right, and you looked so funny that you never got tired of looking at me.

Naturally, I would never tell you this.

One day, I why you always like to look at me.

You restrained laughter, but ultimately, it is difficult to resist, eyebrows and eyes with a smile with playful, said: “Pei Chuan, because you look good ah.

I couldn’t help but laugh and cry, and for the first time in my life I realized that having a good skin is also a good thing.

I’m afraid you can’t get into the eyes of the crooked.

This is not, after praising people turn eyes can not sit, the side of a lively, can not wait to go ……

Gradually, people say that I have a very loving girlfriend.

I can’t deny it.

She ah, seemingly affectionate, but in fact the most heartless, wolf heart and dog lungs very much.

When you said you wanted to break up, I thought you were joking because you were busy with your work and had left you behind.

After all, this is the 68th time you put breakup on your lips.

You’ve got to be able to get the most out of your life, and you’ve got to be able to get the most out of your life.

You know I’m not the best at dealing with emotional issues, but always like to make things difficult for me.

It’s too much for me to indulge you, and I’ll have to discuss it with you, some words can’t be said casually.

Unexpectedly, back home, you are not there.

Looking at the empty hall, I went crazy looking for you all over the world.

You completely disappeared, no trace.

I went to the police and found no trace of you.

By chance, I realized that I was a virtual character.

When I saw you again, you still haven’t changed, and your eyes are just like the first time I saw you.

The thought of you leaving without saying goodbye …… I was furious, just want to cover your pair of heart-stealing eyes.

When the car accident hit, the first thought in my mind is whether you have been injured.

But you still didn’t listen and still wanted to leave me.


You were trapped in the villa.

That bloodthirsty madman was a simple-minded violent man.

All it took was a little nudge from me that blood mixed with a lot of red wine had body-enhancing properties, and he bought it.

You always liked to get up at night, and I worried that you might not be able to let go of your leg injury, so I would follow you.

You are not good. In order to achieve the purpose will still be hard on themselves.

I pretended to be ignorant and continued to apply the medicine that would be washed away in no time.

I know I can’t keep you.

It was only a matter of time before you escaped.

Imprisoning you again is impossible and will only push you further and further away.

I can’t do anything with you …… I don’t know what to do.

Since Wen Yihe disappeared, you are like a rag doll at the mercy of others, dead.

I know you must be playing something again.

You kept in touch with the system, always trying to find a way to escape.

So I strategized and went with the flow and helped you complete your mission.

I knew it was my turn next.

I’ve always had insight into people’s hearts and minds, and it’s easy for me to do anything.

Compared to physical torture, mental torture is more fatal and can leave indelible and unforgettable traces.

Selfish as I am, I want you to remember me and only me.

I will use the most decisive and passionate way, in the name of death to make a deep mark in your heart, so that you never want to forget me in this life.

Hu Xiaoqi Extra:

After experiencing the 108th virtual experience world research failure.

I finally saw the light.

I met Jiang Evening, she’s smart and unique.

At first, I didn’t think much of her.

She was very casual and did missions only in passing.

It was only in Pei Chuan’s mission world that she took a bit of initiative, perhaps even she didn’t realize it.

We investigated and found out that she grew up in an orphanage.

Every time someone came over to adopt, she was the one who was ignored.

Every time she would lose her frustration and ask Mother Superior why no one liked her.

She was also adopted by a few families, but none of them lasted.

Those families were full of holes and always fighting.

Little Ginger Night was scared and felt that it was her fault that this was happening.

After more experiences, the child also went from being initially clueless to being cold-hearted.

This also contributed to her sensitive and insecure nature.

When she was 13 years old, a kindly middle-aged couple took her home.

The family had adopted her because they thought she was the oldest and not a nuisance.

It was all an illusion.


When she first entered her new home, Jiang didn’t dare to eat too much for dinner for fear of being scolded.

The first time I saw this, I was scared and looking forward to it, but happiness is a luxury.

The false mask didn’t last long before it was revealed to be ugly.

The adoptive father likes to drink heavily, once drunk to catch people to beat, Jiang night is that out of the barrel.

She was too young to resist or understand this sudden violence.

Foster father’s son is two years younger than Jiang Wan, every time his father beat Jiang Wan, the boy will more or less stop.

But that was also false.

In the midst of the prolonged brutality, the foster father slipped up and said that she was a bargain, meant to be used as a child bride for her son.

Then she went back to the orphanage until she was an adult living on her own.

I thought she would grow up to be timid and weak.

But no, she was like a weed that kept going, brave and passionate.

The past experience seems to be a baptism, a counterattack after asking for something, pure and passionate running into it.

Perhaps even she didn’t realize that both the mission worlds of Wen Yihe and Cheng Wei were mappings of her past experiences.

Perhaps this is her selfish desire, the real world can not change the damage, can only go in the virtual world to talk about solace.


The reason why she is unique is that she broke the spatial limitations, causing data turbulence and secondary world characters to come to the real world.

At first I thought I had played it off and almost died at the hands of the pervert Cheng Duan.

Unexpectedly the mission continues, as long as Jiang Night continues to complete the mission they will return to the secondary world.

Or strangle them ……

I hold her hand and hand her the micro contact, I can’t let anything happen to her.

It saddens me that I’m so inept that I’m letting my experiencer be imprisoned.

But the good thing is that the data feedback is that her life won’t be in danger for a while.

Just a high probability that it will be worse than death.

After contacting her, I told her to be patient.

The headquarters side was expediting the development of an object that could erase them.

Luckily, it was finally developed more than two months after she was imprisoned.


“Hu Xiaoqi, the virtual world data is once again in disarray.” The intercom emitted a nuisance current sound.

My tiger’s body shook with tears.

I don’t want to go to the small dark room again!


I hugged my books and hurried to the school.

“Dang.” The books spilled all over the floor.


“It’s okay.”

I put my head down and finished cleaning up and continued to rush, I can’t be late for the new semester.

“Sister, you left something behind.”

“You left me behind.”


“Hi, I’m Wen Yihe.”

“Can I get to know you?”

Cold white skinned hand stretched out with the unique milky scent of a teenager.


After Wen Yihe’s interruption, I was still honorably late.

Before I even entered the back door of the classroom, I felt a dark commotion in the class.

“So handsome!”

“Oh my god, the ascetic hobbyist loves love!!!”

“The flower of the high ridge in psychology, who knows!!!”

I sat down with a bewildered look on my face.

Everyone is bored out of their minds on vacation, and they’re looking at the back of their heads.

“If you’re late, answer the question of what the halo effect is.”

You got eyes in the back of your head?

“The love of a house is the love of a man.”

“In layman’s terms, it’s the love of a woman’s life.”

“That’s right, it’s like …… me to you.”

“How are you, Late Night?”


“Woohoo!!!” The class let out a collective howl.

The hand that was stuffing the book froze, and I looked up with a start.

On the podium, the ascetic professor wearing gold wire frames stood there quietly, his eyebrows cool and calm.

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