43. Stepping stones to a wealthy couple

Treadstone for the Millionaire Couple

Unwanted: Seeing You at Just the Right Time for Love

I realized that my husband and I are both big wrongdoers.

He earns billions of dollars, all cheap love brain male lead.

And I, responsible for unlimited show of wealth and hate, is the stepping stone to the heroine’s soaring traffic.

After playing the role, our couple car accident both perished, and after the death of the extreme fans chased after the curse deserved!

Is it true that we couples are the tool people who give fame and fortune to the main male and female characters?

Absolutely intolerable!


“Sister-in-law, when will it be over? I’m going jewelry shopping this afternoon.”

I reached out and pointed at the camera next to me.

The female lead is really calculating, obviously it’s a live broadcast, but she said it’s recorded and edited before it’s broadcast.

Finding ways to dig a hole for me, used to show off her kindness and gentleness.

Now, I’ll let her lift a stone and hit her own feet.

“Sister-in-law, didn’t you just buy it a few days ago?”

Ye Xin had a difficult look on her face.

“Big brother works very hard, you spend too much money.”

“That’s right, it’s better for our Xin Xin to be thrifty.”

The one who spoke up was Ou Jie, my husband’s cheaper brother, born of a stepmother, the king of the layman’s pickup.

Now, he doesn’t stand a chance.

A dude with no inheritance rights, no comparison at all with my husband who has been excellent since childhood.

“That’s not even if you’re useless and can’t make any money.”

I snorted coldly, not giving him any face at all.


Ou Jie was angry, but he should have known that this was live and quickly controlled his temper.

Ye Xin, on the other hand, took the initiative to reach out and hold Oujie’s hands, her smile overflowing with happiness.

“Sister-in-law, in my heart, Ajie is the best.”


I laughed coldly in my heart.

At this moment, the pop-ups must all be shrieking, brushing up on the love between them to get properly high, and in the process denigrating me again.

This couple’s talent for acting was indeed better than mine.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Xin didn’t forget to show his noble ideology.

“I do think that even after getting married, a woman should stand on her own two feet.”

“If you can earn your own money and spend it yourself, you’ll have the courage to do so.”

Even though I knew this was a live broadcast, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as I listened to her preachy words.

“Who doesn’t know how to say nice things?”

“Ou Jie is a hobo, can he give you money to spend?”

I disdained.

To Ye Xin, Ou Jie’s got a good temper, but the others–

He can be as rude as he wants!

It fits his love-brain persona.

“Gu Yao, what else do you do all day but buy and buy, who are you to talk about me!”

If it wasn’t for the live broadcast, I felt like his finger would have poked me in the nose.

Heh, it’s not polite to point fingers at your sister-in-law!

“My husband makes a lot of money!”

I was so smug that I choked them to death with one sentence.

“The more I buy, the more he’s motivated to make money.”

“Otherwise the money will never run out. I can’t take it with me when I die.”

“Hey, it’s a pity that I still don’t work hard enough when the money in my card gets more and more spent!”

I was sure that I was smiling in a particularly indebted manner, and my tone was also indebted.

However, looking at Ye Xin’s expression that was about to collapse, I was particularly happy!

Let you count on me, this matter is not over.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound from outside, getting closer and closer.

I got up happily, “Ouyang is back.”

Worthy of being an actor, Ye Xin had already adjusted her emotions and opened her mouth to answer my words.

”Big brother came back to get the documents, right? He’s so busy, he must have returned to the company right away.”

“Sister-in-law, go and take a look.”

In the book, I was indeed affected by her words and disappeared from the camera.

Immediately after that, Ye Xin even texted me purposely to remind me.

Saying that Ouyang is too good, if he shows up to be edited and broadcast, he will definitely be targeted by women with ulterior motives.

I really believed her evil and directly pulled Ouyang to the second floor, not allowing him to show his face.

After that, I returned to the camera and the water army arranged by Ye Xin started working.

They messed up the rhythm, saying that I am a vase that the luxury family married into the door and put on a facade.

The couple’s relationship is not good, and Ouyang can’t look at someone as superficial as me, who only knows how to buy, so he doesn’t bother to show up.

Now, I’ll prove it with facts.

We’re childhood sweethearts and have a good relationship!

“Camera follow.”

I smiled at the camera.

“I’ll show you my sister’s man, he’s the best!”


“Honey, come on, the shooting has started.”

Walking out the door, to Ouyang, who had just gotten out of the car, with his long body and broad shoulders and narrow waist, I waved in a hurry.

Indeed, the plan from the beginning was for Ouyang to accompany me on the shoot.

We thought simply that it would require post editing anyway, and tried our best not to show his face when the time came.

After all, he’s a big shot in the mall, and if it wasn’t for the fact that my father-in-law and stepmother-in-law personally asked, plus the fact that I had a few moments of interest, Ouyang wouldn’t have agreed to participate at all.

“Quick look, sister’s man, isn’t he especially good and wants to pounce?”

I showed off to the camera.

Hearing my words, Ouyang’s face was expressionless, but his slightly red earlobes betrayed him.

His eyes skimmed over the staff extremely quickly, and when he approached, Ouyang naturally wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered tenderly.

“Outside in the sun, why don’t you wait for me inside?”

I tilted my head on my tiptoes, kissed his face, and opened my mouth to complain.

“I want to finish filming earlier, otherwise I won’t be able to grab the good ones for the jewelry in the afternoon.”

Ouyang immediately looked up at the cameraman, his handsome eyebrows slightly frowning, “Can the shoot be postponed?”

“I’ll be responsible for the loss!”

Ouyang knows, I love him the most, the jewelry comes second.

“Brother, shoot for a little while longer, it won’t take long.”

Ye Xin walked out and spoke in a hurry.

She definitely didn’t want the show’s crew to slip up and tell us that it was being broadcast live.

“Brother, it won’t delay you from going to the office this afternoon.”

Ou Jie spoke up and agreed.

”Let the assistant go over first, and video order if you can’t make it.”

Ouyang explained, then held my hand and walked towards the restaurant.

“Let’s eat first.”

During this time, he did not give OJ a single glance.

Parents business marriage, but the father cheated on his father within the marriage and gave birth to a younger brother with a third party that no normal person would like.


My father-in-law and stepmother-in-law don’t live here, so there are only the four of us at the table.

Ye Xin and Ou Jie began to perform, the two feed each other, affectionate, eyes so greasy that they can simply pull silk.

I am very conscious, busy filling my stomach.

Ouyang was also very self-conscious, the first thing he did was to help me peel the prawns.

The home chef’s braised prawns were particularly excellent, and I could eat a plate of them every time.

Probably feeling that our performance was too good, Ye Xin began to make a demon.

“Sister-in-law, big brother works all morning and is very tired.”

Subtext: I have nothing to do, but I let Ouyang, who has a heavy workload, peel the shrimp, unintelligent, and deliberately show off in front of the camera.

I looked up, startled, at Ye Xin who was peeling crabs for Oujie, then turned my head to inquire about Ouyang.

“Husband, are you tired?”

Ouyang had a smile on his lips, “With pleasure.”

I raised my eyebrows in triumph and deliberately showed off my newly done manicure.

“If you touch off the diamonds, it will definitely be ugly.”

“And peeling crabs is more tiring than peeling shrimps, right?”

“Besides, my husband has peeled shrimp for me not once or twice, and you suddenly brought it up in today’s photo shoot to purposely pick a fight?”

“No way!”

Surprised by my bluntness, Ye Xin hurriedly changed the topic.

“Aren’t you in a hurry to buy jewelry?”

“Thanks for the reminder.”

I wiped my hands, “I’ll tell my assistant to leave first.”

In fact, I found the live broadcast and opened it, watching the pop-ups with great interest.

As for Ye Xin’s message saying that Ouyang is too good to appear on camera, I selectively ignore it.


“How Star’s sister-in-law keeps targeting her! Star is so pathetic, her sister-in-law is so unreasonable.”

“Upstairs, is everything okay? It’s obviously Ye Xin who’s picking a fight first.”

“Diamond manicure, it’s great!”

“Why do I think Ye Xin’s sister-in-law is a stupid beauty?”

“I feel the same way. It’s a live broadcast and she doesn’t know how to pay attention.”

“It’s a crooked building. Big brother is so handsome. He kills me.”

“Yes, yes, yes, and he’s only gentle with his sister, and the way he looks at the others, it’s really freezing!”

“<He just said he’ll compensate for the loss, so domineering, so likeable.”

Seeing this, I smugly hooked up the corner of my mouth.

My husband, of course he’s gentle with me.

But how can you call me a stupid beauty?

I’m a beauty, but not a fool!

In my excitement, I picked up a wet wipe to wipe my mouth and kissed Ouyang again.

“Hubby, I love you so much, I love you the most.”

Seeing his reddened earlobes again, as I had hoped, I tapped the screen directly for a screenshot.

Quite a few people are saying how sweet we are as a couple.

I’m going to save it.

Tapping on the screen was a bit too much, raising my eyes to meet Ye Xin’s surprised gaze, I opened my mouth to talk nonsense.

“This necklace is nice, I’ll save the picture.”

At this moment, Ouyang who noticed the abnormality wiped his hands clean, took the cell phone, looked at the screen, instantly cold face.

I quickly took the phone back and opened my mouth to remind, “Don’t be angry, wait and talk.”

“Sister-in-law, are you looking at any particularly expensive jewelry again?”

Seizing the opportunity, Ye Xin dug a hole for me.

“Big brother’s dividends from last year are almost all spent by you.”

When this sentence came out, the pop-up screen exploded.

“How do you feel Ye Xin tea flavor is so strong, brother-in-law dividends, and she has a penny to do with it?”

“That’s right, sister didn’t spend her money, what’s the hurry!”

“Who can tell me how much my brother-in-law’s dividends are?”

“I don’t know, but I found out about the jewelry show this afternoon, the lowest price was seven figures.”

“Sister, sister, I’m your sister who’s been left behind.”

“Sister, do you still remember? I’m your brother who’s been lost for 20 years. Come and get me.”

“Sister, dear sister, I’ll be waiting for you at the door this afternoon. See you there!”


Not too interesting.

Putting my cell phone’s resting screen down, I raised my eyebrows and meant it, “It seems like my younger sibling is very concerned about my husband’s income, are you polite?”

“Why don’t you ask your husband how much he earns per year?”

“How many dollars a year does he get in dividends?”


“Xinxin, I’ll peel the crabs, you eat first.”

Ou Jie’s tone of change of subject was hard.

I couldn’t help it, my words had pierced his sensitive heart.

My father-in-law and my mother-in-law were in a business marriage, and Ou Jie’s mom had a mistress on the throne.

After his mother-in-law passed away due to illness, his mom signed a prenuptial agreement in order to get a marriage license and to become Mrs. Ou in name only.

Not only she, but also the children she gave birth to, have no inheritance rights.

The Ou family’s large family property, as long as it is her bloodline, there is no qualification to dye.

When you hear my words, you can’t be so angry that you vomit blood in your heart.

“No, I’ll do it, you like to eat my peeled crabs the most.”

The smile on Ye Xin’s face was maintained reluctantly, stealing a chicken did not work, she temporarily rested her mind of digging a hole.

After all, saying more is more wrong.

However, Ouyang, who knew that we were being deceived and used, didn’t let her have her way.

“I make money just for Yao Yao to spend. On the contrary, younger sibling, don’t you consider going to buy a few pieces this afternoon?”

“What I bought for Yao Yao, I don’t want it to appear on anyone else.”

The words were blunt enough that it was like rubbing the couple’s face on the ground.

「Ah ……」

Ye Xin suddenly exclaimed in shock, holding her finger and selling her misery pitifully to the camera.

“Accidentally poked by a crab leg. Big brother, sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you ……”

She wanted to say something.

Ou Jie hurriedly matched her performance, hooting down and asking with concern.

“Is it alright, does it still hurt?”

Ye Xin smiled sweetly and shook her head, “It doesn’t hurt when you blow it.”

Showing love to change the topic, using an apology to create an overbearing and authoritarian image for Ouyang, and by the way, uncovering the matter of borrowing the jewelry?

Dream on!

“Sister-in-law, you can’t ask me to borrow jewelry every time you attend an event, let’s go buy some together this afternoon.”

“If you don’t have enough money, I’ll lend it to you, remember to make an IOU.”

The couple’s faces darkened.

They would like to retort, but the oppressive force of the cold-faced Ouyang beside me is too strong, they don’t have the guts to retort.

Now the pop-ups are really hilarious.


“Too much information, who’s going to run through it?”

“How many dollars is Ou Jie’s cut? If I understand correctly, is this sentence saying that Ou Jie has no dividends at all!”

“Ye Xin borrowed all the jewelry from her sister-in-law to attend the event? Is my memory messed up? Didn’t she say it was her husband’s gift when she was interviewed by the reporter?”

“I’m a Badger in the melon field, running around.”

“Right, right, right, I remember, giving away jewelry to show love, the whole internet is full of marketing scripts of their match made in heaven.”

“Luxury nobleman, showbiz flower, has my fan’s CP collapsed?”

“Swollen face to support the fat man, just ask Ye Xin if she’s embarrassed now?”

“Hahaha, laugh me to death, brother-in-law is so domineering, attending activities to find the brand to borrow ah, the sister-in-law as a wrongdoer, excessive!

“To answer the question upstairs, Ye Xin’s status is not enough to borrow those expensive ones.”

“I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do that! Star’s sister-in-law is not too much? After all, they are sisters-in-law, even in the live broadcast defamed star. >I’m sorry.”

“That’s slander, Star makes a lot of money and buys her own jewelry!”

“Poor Star, this sister-in-law of hers doesn’t seem to get along.”

“There is also Ou Jie’s brother, in the live broadcast to the younger siblings to tear down the stage, the usual life, do not know how to bully stars and Ou Jie.”

“Yes, yes, his brother looks so mean now, but I like it so much, Bully Ben Bully! Trouble actors who take over the role of Bully Ben Bully to learn, their eyes are too killing!”


The pop-ups were noisy, all kinds of words were said, I was happy to see it.

Those who denigrated me and Ouyang would have their own lawyers to deal with them.

I didn’t have one to watch the fun, and held my phone up to Ouyang’s eyes, smiling and inquiring, “Isn’t it quite nice?”

I purposely misled Ye Xin, making her think I was looking at jewelry.

Ouyang held the phone and pushed it towards me, giving a low ‘hmm’.

「Ah! Sister’s man spoils her so much, freezing eyes are instantly sweet as silk, I don’t care, I want to powder my sister and brother-in-law.”

“Brainstorm a million-word book ‘Bully President Loves Me.'”

“Wrong, it’s clearly “The Daily Favored Wife of Mr. Bully”.”

“Hurry up and write it upstairs, I want to read it.”

“What my sister said before is so right, my brother-in-law is really a great guy, I guarantee there’s no one like him around.”

“Crazy+! I don’t even dare to dream of such a thing, it’s too rare!”

“Ye Xin is a green tea liar! If it were me, I wouldn’t even borrow a single piece of expensive jewelry bought by my own husband, do you even have the basic sense of propriety?


Seeing these pop-ups, Ouyang’s mood obviously changed for the better.

However, being in a good mood didn’t stop him from finding trouble with Ou Jie.

A man who takes it out on his wife is just handsome, handsome.


“When are you guys moving out?”

A single sentence made the two people who were already distracted instantly freeze.

Seeing their faces full of consternation, I almost couldn’t hold it together and laughed out loud.

The villa we are currently living in belongs to the most upscale mansion area in the city.

It covers a large area with a pleasant view, and the distance between it and the neighbors is wonderful and private.

During her relationship with Ou Jie, Ye Xin had been ‘bumped into’ at the gate of the mansion district, airborne hot searches.

The topic of the relationship between the young master of the mansion and the actress was full of topics.

After marriage, Ye Xin even often sunshine villa on social media, attracting a lot of envy and pursuit.

But in fact, this house has nothing to do with her, with Ou Jie, and my cheap stepmother-in-law.

This house is my mother-in-law’s dowry.

This mansion area was developed and built by my mother-in-law’s family.

In the plot, the house ended up in Ye Xin’s name, but right now, they’re just deadbeat borrowers.

Ouyang opened his mouth to evict them, and I immediately cooperated, looking at them expectantly.

“After all, this house is my husband’s, you guys are already married, you can’t keep living over here!”

I have to admire Ye Xin’s brain turning fast enough to come up with a countermeasure in the first place, moral abduction.

“Sister-in-law, how can I say that Ajie also grew up here.”

“I know this house belongs to Big Brother now, but are we even qualified to live here?”

After saying that, she also looked at the camera with a sad face.

“I’m sorry, this is our family matter, let’s turn off the camera for now.”

“Turn it off, I don’t want news of our family’s family discord to circulate outside.”

Ou Jie added with wrinkled eyebrows.

”And throw dirty water on me and Ouyang.


If the tiger doesn’t show its power, you guys think I’m a sick cat!


“You’re not allowed to close it.”

I scolded with a cold face, not giving the staff a chance to speak, and directly opened my mouth.

“Do you and your wife have any shame? Does the fact that you’ve been living here all this time mean that this house belongs to you?”

“This is my husband’s mother’s dowry.”

“If you want to live in a villa, let your mom buy as many as she wants, and if you don’t have the right one, you can build it yourself!”

“I’ll set up a tent in front of the bank and live there, then the bank is mine, is that realistic?”

Under the table, Ouyang held my hand and let me play.

Ou Jie’s face went white and red, red and green, the color palette wasn’t even this exciting.

Ye Xin didn’t expect me to react so much this time, it’s now a live broadcast, if the audience believes it, her career will be over.

So, she started to sell her misery.

“Sister-in-law, how can you say that?”

“Ajie and big brother are brothers after all, although they all have their own families now, they are always family ……”

“My mom only has me as a son.”

Ouyang spoke coolly.

Ye Xin picked up quickly.

“You are all sons of your father-in-law.”

“Pull back, a son with no inheritance rights, compared to my husband?”

I rolled my eyes and arrogantly got up, pulling Ouyang.

“I don’t want to eat anymore, I’ve lost my appetite.”

“Accompany me to buy jewelry.”

Ouyang instantly realized what I meant.


Let the bullets fly a little longer.

“We’ll continue shooting when we’re back from jewelry shopping.”


Ignoring Ye Xin and Ou Jie’s ugly faces, Ouyang and I walked straight away.

In our own home, we can do whatever we want, we don’t have to look at other people’s faces!

After leaving the restaurant, I immediately unlocked my cell phone.

See how the couple act next.

Seeing this, Ouyang whispered in my ear, “Naughty.”

“I see them jumping up and down, it’s especially fun.”

I smiled wryly and lowered my eyes to look at my cell phone.

In the screen, Ye Xin’s eyes were seething with watery light, and she pretended to be calm as she explained.

“Sister-in-law in a hurry to buy jewelry, I understand ……”

Ou Jie also generously play with, connotation of their own in the family is not valued, in order to family harmony constantly regress, but still be a variety of target, fortunately, there is Ye Xin to open up to him, or I’m afraid to go to see a psychiatrist.

It’s just not very effective, the pop-ups are more concerned about the inheritance and the villa.

There are even speculations about how Ou Jie’s mom got to the top.

“No wonder the two brothers don’t seem to have a good relationship, so it’s not the same mom.”

“The son of the stepmother lives in the original spouse’s villa, where’s his face?”

“A young master of a wealthy family with no inheritance rights, has he been abandoned by the family?”

“Is there a possibility that Ye Xin’s husband’s mom is the one who got the job?”

“Don’t start rumors upstairs, the water is very deep in the family. I think the star couple is being suppressed in the family.”

“Anyway, it’s not a mother, Ye Xin’s husband has no inheritance rights, fringe characters, no wonder they have to borrow jewelry, can’t afford it.”

“Ye Xin also all day i show off the luxury family, even the house are rubbing, thick skin enough, comparable to the city wall, admire admire admire.”

“There is no sense of propriety at all. If it were me, I’d just beat it out of you.”


These comments from the netizens were unforgiving and hit the nail on the head.

Unfortunately Ye Xin and Ou Jie couldn’t see it, in order to hide the fact that they were live streaming, they didn’t take their cell phones for fear of revealing themselves.

At this moment, the two people in front of the camera once again open show of love, by the way, also shouted the staff to dine together.

The name is: all good food, can not be wasted.

“The two of them have been in love for a long time, but they are still in love with each other, and they are still in love with each other!


“Ou Jie married a playwright and acted himself.”

I am speechless.

“A clown.”

Ouyang disdained and directly changed the topic: “What do you want to buy, have you thought about it?”

I nodded with a smile, “Just waiting for you to pay.”


Ouyang smiled in favor.

Without Ye Xin and Ou Jie, the ears are much clearer.

I was in a good mood as I had bought the jewelry I wanted.

By the time I arrived home again, two hours had passed.

“Tough day for you!”

I twisted my head to look at Ouyang beside me.

Obviously a busy working president, he was now reduced to being my bag-carrying little brother.

The corners of my mouth involuntarily turned upward just thinking about it.

“Go back to your room first and rest for a while?”

Ouyang asked for my opinion.

“That’s not necessary, let’s take care of those two nuisances first.”

Too much of an eyesore!


“Brother and sister-in-law, you’re back, come and have some afternoon tea.”

As if no unpleasantness had happened before, Ye Xin got up when she saw us coming back and invited us with a big smile.

During our absence, she disappeared for a moment.

Shortly after she reappeared, the number of pop-ups saying that the couple was in love with each other noticeably increased.

At the same time there were also quite a few screams that they were being suppressed and bullied by our couple.

The difficult, joke-seeing pop-ups were brushed off just as soon as they appeared.

It seems like a lot of money was smashed.

Ye Xin must be heartbroken.

Although marrying into a wealthy family has increased her fame a bit, the actual benefits are almost none, and even Ou Jie, the so-called wealthy rich young man, is still spending her money!

Her mother-in-law was so cruel that she hadn’t given Ye Xin a penny for her living expenses since Ou Jie had disobeyed her and had to marry her.


“Let’s see what I got today.”

I just sat down and opened the jewelry box I had been holding.

Inside was a pink diamond pigeon egg pendant necklace that was exceptionally shiny.

“Does it look good?”

Ye Xin’s eyes widened as she stared at it.

“It looks great!”

“My husband bought it, of course it looks good.”

I was so proud of myself, and then I put on my sister-in-law’s demeanor and lectured Ou Jie.

“Ou Jie, although you don’t have shares in the company, you can’t give up on yourself.”

“Earn more money and buy your siblings some fancy jewelry.”

You’re disgusting!

Ou Jie smiled dryly and promised, “Sister-in-law, I will.”

This time, Ye Xin didn’t help to make excuses, she liked jewelry as much as I did, and her whole mind was attracted to the pendant.

Unfortunately, it’s useless to like it any more, it’s mine!

I guffawed, then looked up and instructed the staff.

“When the program airs, cut that out before someone says I’m flaunting my wealth.”

“That’s right, and the argument at lunch, delete that as well, it’s not a good influence.”

Ouyang cooperated with me and wrinkled his eyebrows, “Before broadcasting, send the finished video to my assistant’s email address.”

It’s time to let the netizens know the ‘truth’.


“Mr. and Mrs. Ou, this is a live broadcast!”

The staff spoke in confusion.


I froze, then stood up in shock.

“Live broadcast, it’s a live broadcast now?”

Ye Xin’s reaction was even more exaggerated than mine.

“How can it be!”

“Turn it off, turn it off.”

She waved her hand repeatedly, panicked, and was the first to explain to me.

“Sister-in-law, I didn’t know, the agent clearly told me that this is a recording.”

“You must believe me.”

“Ye Xin, when we contacted your agent at the beginning, we informed that it was live.”

The program group didn’t want to take the blame, and the staff directly threw out this sentence.

I forced myself to hold back the wild laughter in my heart and just looked blearily at the handsome and imposing Ouyang with locked brows.

“Husband, I was wrong, if I had known it was a live broadcast, I shouldn’t have let you show up.”

“I have to deal with a family matter, please leave immediately, a lawyer will contact you in the following.”

Ouyang’s face was expressionless as he coldly spat out these words.

The air was silent, the aura of him in full bloom was intimidating.

The staff stopped speaking and immediately turned off the camera, packed up the equipment and left gently.

“You guys are too much, it’s obviously a live broadcast, why did you lie to me and Ouyang!”

As the talent left, I questioned angrily.

“Let the whole internet look at our Ou family as a joke, have you two forgotten that you are also members of the Ou family!”

“Sister-in-law, believe me, I really didn’t know it was a live broadcast!”

“It’s just a miscommunication, you don’t need a lawyer.”

Ye Xin hurriedly opened her mouth to defend herself, but I didn’t want to listen to the nonsense at all, and huffed and lifted my leg to leave.

“I’m going back to my room to be quiet, you guys better come up with a perfect solution.”

I was anxious to see the reactions of the majority of netizens, it must have been especially wonderful.

Ouyang immediately followed, not forgetting to explain.

“I will inform my father about this matter, you guys explain to him.”

The important thing is the result!

Eunuch, this person, is particularly good at saving face.

Making a big deal out of it will instead be favorable to Ouyang and me.


Although the live studio is offline, this program has an official account.

Only when I got to the second floor I couldn’t wait to open it.

“Frog Fun, doesn’t sister know that this is a live broadcast?”

“Thanks to the live broadcast, otherwise where can I see such beautiful pigeon eggs?”

“Poor Star, she didn’t know it was a live broadcast, but she was misunderstood.”

“I’ll bet ten packs of chili fries that Ye Xin not only knew it was a live broadcast, but also deliberately didn’t tell her sister and brother-in-law.

“I’ll bet 20 packs. Is there any benefit for Ye Xin to lie to her sister?”

“The benefits are simply not too much, do some people forget the previous said, said sister brother-in-law bullies, said Ye Xin couple was bullied.”


Not only was it wonderful under the official account, even several related phrases parachuted into the hot search.

“Sister’s big pink diamond!”

“Extremely good brother-in-law”

「Video recording turned into live broadcast」


Eating melon, I am serious.

It’s especially fun to watch netizens argue with each other.

“They’ve been hiring mercenaries very well,” he said.

When Ouyang finished his phone call, I came over to his side, my fingers still scratching the screen.

Ouyang snorted, “Negative resistance, except for spending more money, not half the effect.”

“The legal department moved, we wait for the news is good.”

After mother-in-law originally did not like Ye Xin, now she even dragged Ou Jie’s reputation worse, or maybe the two marriage will be over.

“I know, as long as my husband is on the case, anything can be done,” she said.

“Right, let the assistant notify the 4S store that the family car maintenance will be advanced this year.”

A tragic car accident almost killed both Ouyang and me.

I can’t rest assured without checking all the cars in the house.

“I want to go out lately, so we’ll leave as soon as this matter is taken care of.”

I pulled an excuse in passing.

“Where do you want to go?”

Ouyang was interested.

By the time we finalized our trip and went downstairs, Ye Xin and Ou Jie had already left.

These two were busy going out to get help.

If it was just about me and Ouyang didn’t know about it, they might have begged for more and there would have been a chance for this matter to be resolved.

But Ouyang was involved the whole time, and they didn’t dare to mention it at all.

Now they must go to the back of the mother-in-law.

The words of the mother-in-law will work in front of Ouyang?

Not even the words of the father-in-law.

“She ran away quite fast.”

Ouyang snickered and immediately asked the maid to pack up the couple’s luggage and send it to the latter’s residence.

Of course, all the jewelry Ye Xin “borrowed” from me was withheld.


The matter of the recording turning into a live broadcast continued to fester on the internet.

And after Ye Xin failed to sell her misery, she shifted all the responsibility to her agent and then shrunk her head and became a quail.

With a lawyer’s letter positioned in the court sent out on the official account of Ou’s Group, the matter entered a white heat.

“Slander and libel are legally responsible, no one will be an exception.”

Ouyang directly sued all those sailors who threw dirty water on our couple.


Can the navy stop?

Some people directly released the transfer chat transfer records to pull Ye Xin down.

Against a team of professional lawyers, all we can think about is how to protect ourselves and pass the buck.

What can Ye Xin do?

Naturally, she is also dumping the pot!

All dumped on the agent, she is an innocent victim.

She was the innocent victim. But some people really believed her!

I really can’t understand those people’s thinking.

But I’m both happy and heartbroken.

I’m happy that Ouyang gave red packets to those who said good things about our couple on the air.

The heartache is that a red packet 3344.

“Sister brother-in-law domineering.”

“Blessing sister and brother-in-law to live and die.”

“Live and let live +1.”


“Is it too late to kiss my sister and brother-in-law’s ass?”

It’s definitely too late. I don’t want to be a sucker.

I don’t want to be an asshole.” “No more hair.”

Ouyang smothered a couple of laughs, “I know, my money is going to buy you jewelry.”

“I won’t be able to spend it all.”

Ouyang’s ability to make money is really special.

“Go downstairs, people are arriving.”

I heard the sound of a car.

After the mess Ye Xin made, and involving Ou Jie in it, it wasn’t easy for the mother-in-law to endure until now to come to us.

“Whatever she says, just ignore it.”

“If you don’t want to hear it, just say that you don’t feel well and go back to your room to rest, okay?”

Ouyang admonished uneasily.

“With you here, she won’t ask for too much, don’t worry.”

I’m still confident about this.

I even think that the mother-in-law has the intention of using this incident to force Ou Jie Ye Xin to divorce.

However, the two young couples love each other, which can be separated!


“Yao Yao, I also have a responsibility for this incident.”

“If I had asked someone to look into it when Ye Xin proposed before, perhaps such a misunderstanding wouldn’t have happened.”

The stepmother-in-law looked tired and sighed.

“Now everyone else is looking at our family as a joke …….”

At this point, she paused, and I played it straight.

Complaints of bitterness is a trick that works for the father-in-law, but not for us as a couple.

She would not investigate the program that her precious son is going to participate in?

She thinks we’re idiots!

“It’s fine, those who slandered and slandered us were sued by Ouyang anyway.”

I’ll pretend I didn’t hear her subtext.

It’s impossible to stop here. What if Ye Xin is the one who’s going to make a comeback?

Ou Jie who was on the side got anxious and quickly spoke up, ”We are a family, must we make things so ugly?”

Ouyang boarded a face: “We sued the water army, what’s your hurry!”

“Not to beat ourselves up.”

I snorted.

My stepmother-in-law reached out and pressed her temples.

She must be very tired of having a son who’s a drag on her love life.

“For the sake of her own fame, she tried to step on her own family members to get to the top, Ye Xin is really a fool.”

The stepmother-in-law didn’t beat around the bush any more.

But she was also shaking off the pot, blaming it all on Ye Xin.

As soon as the words left her mouth, Ouyang yelled loudly, “Mom, Ye Xin doesn’t know anything, she was tricked by her agent.”

“Shut up, we’re here to apologize today.”

“Say one more word, you get out right now, I’m no longer in charge of this matter.”

Granny doesn’t like Ye Xin, but Ou Jie and her are husband and wife, they are a community of interest.

She was already furious when she came to us to plead for mercy.

If Ou Jie still argues that Ye Xin didn’t know about it, he’s just trying to shoot himself in the foot.

How stupid!

“Yao Yao, do you want Ye Xin to come in and apologize?”

Granny asked.

Ye Xin has been blacklisted in the neighborhood, so she can’t come in, and is probably waiting at the front door right now.

I shook my head and refused, “No, I can’t afford to have such a calculating sister-in-law.”

I was just expressing my dislike, but I didn’t realize that my stepmother-in-law was taking advantage of the situation.


“Yaoyao thinks the same as me, a character like Ye Xin is simply not worthy of being our Ou family’s daughter-in-law.”


She’s really good at seeing a needle in the eye and immediately pulling me down.

Ou Jie jumped to his feet again.

“Good, you guys are planning to force me to divorce Ye Xin, aren’t you?”

“I’ll tell you today, there’s absolutely no way Ye Xin and I will get a divorce, even if I have to run away from home, I will never get a divorce.”

Listening to this middle-aged speech, the corner of my mouth twitched.

A person in his twenties, his emotional management is surprisingly so poor.

The point is, after finishing this personal declaration, he even turned around and ran away.

“Son of a bitch, I would have been better off giving birth to him than a piece of barbecued pork.”

The back granny was so angry that her face turned pale and she gasped for air.

“This Ye Xin, what kind of bewitching soup has he put in!”

“Have a drink of water and relax.”

I couldn’t say any more comforting words.

We have a superficial relationship.

“I’ll ask the driver to take you home.”

It didn’t take long for Granny Hou’s mood to calm down, and Ouyang opened his mouth to drive her away.

The granny let out a long sigh and stood up to say goodbye.

“No, give me the car keys, I’ll be alone for a while.”

We don’t have a problem with that.

The car keys were on the wall, so she could choose whatever she wanted.

But before she said goodbye, she looked at Ouyang with an interesting look.

She was probably wondering why she didn’t have such a good son.

Who knows!

“Go, go to the study.”

Ouyang work, I red-faced continue to brush the phone and eat melon.

Only in the evening, Ouyang suddenly received a phone call.

My mother-in-law was in a car accident, with multiple fractures and ribs inserted into her internal organs.

The situation is very bad, at any time will be life-threatening.



I was surprised.

The car had been inspected and serviced by a 4S store, and there was nothing wrong with it.

As we rushed to the hospital, we could hear OJ’s suppressed, agonized voice from a distance away from the operating room.

“You’d better pray that my mom is okay, or I want you to pay for your life,” he said.

The perpetrator was there?

It was only when we got closer that we realized that Ou Jie’s words were addressed to Ye Xin.

She was now curled up in the corner, arms around her knees, in a sorry state.

And they smelled heavily of alcohol.

I was really confused.

What’s the situation!

The eunuch had no intention of explaining and just sat on a bench aside with a cold face.

Or the housekeeper told us the cause.

The car that the stepmother-in-law drove had a problem with the wiring.

Ye Xin knew about it, but she didn’t notify anyone, and even camouflaged the section with the problem.

The exterior was fine, but the metal wires inside were pretty much broken.

What they were thinking, it’s best if Ouyang and I, or one of them, had an accident while driving.

Where would have thought about the possibility of today.

Ye Xin waited so hard outside that she couldn’t even get into the neighborhood and was photographed and posted online.

And then from Ou Jie heard that we are not willing to give up, under the emotion, the car line has a problem with the thing.

The reason I don’t know the inside story is that Ye Xin didn’t tell anyone in that episode!

“The car was badly burned, so it’s hard to get evidence.”

In other words, if Ye Xin changed her story and said she was talking nonsense, the crash would even be ruled as an accident!

Thinking about the episode where Ouyang and I lost our lives in a car accident, it’s only a pity now, how the person who drove the car wasn’t Ye Xin.

Luckily, they said it, or else Ouyang and I would probably have to take the blame.


After the mother-in-law did not drive fast, almost dawn, finally out of danger, was pushed out of the operating room.

Ye Xin was also relieved.

If a human life really happened, she must have ended up in a terrible situation.

But now we all know that the mother-in-law’s accident was because of her, so if she survived, she would be better off?

Since her awakening, the latter mother-in-law had held a fire in her heart, and had used all kinds of summons and cold violence against Ye Xin.

Also in her name, she affirmed her withdrawal from the circle, and took all the responsibility for the recording to become a live broadcast.

And apologize to our couple, and the show group.

So direct, the water army is even more aggrieved and wronged, the netizens have been scolded angrily.

I was busy eating melon again.

As for Ou Jie, the once fiery feelings for Ye Xin quickly receded after the car accident.

Ten days and a half months without home, the father-in-law does not care.

Anyway, it’s good to have an excellent son.

The wife also has someone to serve, as long as do not make a fuss in front of him, the eunuch is happy to relax.

The hard work of Ye Xin is for the benefit of all.

When the heat of this matter gradually receded, the mother-in-law released the truth about the car accident.

Ye Xin’s reputation immediately became unbearable, network age, information explosion.

She was on fire, in a way that she definitely didn’t want to be.

Perhaps Ye Xin thought about getting a divorce to escape, but today she was a street rat.

What can you do with a different place to live?

Every day in fear, to blame herself, should not be harmful to the hearts of people.

When I see Ye Xin again, the eyes have no energy, as if a puppet.

If I ever become like this, I’d rather lose my life.

“Hubby, there’s a jewelry show this afternoon, will you go with me?”


Now I’m not just a rich woman with a few dollars to spare, but a jewelry blogger with tens of millions of followers.

Every time I get something new, I’ll post it online.

Extreme brother-in-law’s pampering of his sister, for everyone to see.

Hee hee ……

Don’t be envious, everyone, dream a dream that there will be an extreme one that belongs to you.

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Previous March 6, 2024
Next March 6, 2024


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