44. Bone shelf


Unwanted: Seeing you when you’re in the throes of love

I was a skeleton in the lab, drooling over Xie Yan every day, and one day he frowned at me, “Did you move just now?”

I blurted out in my haste: “No!”

Xie Yan cracked: “I rely on …… you can still talk!”

Xie Yan is the object of my crush, clear and elegant, tall and long legs, always wearing a pair of gold glasses.

He looks cold and handsome, the value of the Sven scum pulls full.

But I know, we are impossible.

Because I’m just a skeleton in his lab.

One day, I suddenly found myself conscious.

Then as soon as I saw Xie Yan’s handsome face, I fell in love with him at first sight without a fight.

Xie Yan showed up at the lab on time every day and stayed for eight hours without fail.

But I realized that he spends most of his time groping for fish, and is even bored enough to play minesweeper.

Today he came up with a new trick – cooking snail powder in an electric pot in the lab.

Add stink and spice.

I smelled it all!

Under the bright light, the snail powder was covered with a thick layer of red oil, boiling and bubbling.

Before it was almost ready, Xie Yan received a phone call.

He then picked up a document and walked out.

The conch chowder was boiling more and more, and the soup was about to spread out of the lid of the pot.

I carefully glanced around.

Going straight to the pot of conch chowder, I turned the temperature to low and bent down to take a deep sniff.

The fragrant and tantalizing soup base, the smooth and bouncy rice noodles, the rotting bamboo, sour bamboo shoots, and fungus wrapped in the soup ……


The sound of fingerprints unlocking came from outside the door.

I was so startled that I ran and scurried to stand back up.

Xie Yan pushed the door in, his expression not very good.

I felt my cold sweat break out.

It was only when he got closer that I realized – there was an extra coffee stain where the chest of his shirt was.

No wonder his face stank.

Xie Yan coldly began to unbutton his shirt.

Nearly reaching his abs, he stopped and muttered something in a low voice.

Then, he actually turned around!

Without a trace, I similarly turned sideways at just enough of an angle for me to see the mirror across the room.

But I forgot.

The mirror was two-way.

Xie Yan, who had just taken off his shirt, turned around violently and met my empty eye sockets.

The eyes of this rising star in the scientific research world were filled with confusion.

He frowned and asked, “Did you just move?”

I was counting his eight-pack abs and blurted out in my haste, “No!”

For the first time in Xie Dengping’s life, he cracked his iceberg face, “Holy …… you can still talk!”

Xie Yan and I sat face to face, he never said a word.

The conch chowder was hot and bubbling with flavor.

I gulped down a mouthful of non-existent saliva, “You’re still not eating conch chowder?”

Xie Yan looked at me with a complicated expression.

Then he picked up the snail flour and started shaking the flour in front of me.

His eating was elegant and fast.

I couldn’t help but admire it.

It’s all like this, and he’s still eating so well.

Xie Yan ignored me.

From the way he was shivering quickly, I could see five words – broken.

After shaking the noodles, Xie Yan was spiced out of a thin layer of sweat, more than the usual cool appearance of a few fireworks.

I cheerfully introduced to him, I am the white bone spirit.

His eyes were full of sympathy for my intelligence: “Although you are a human skeleton model, the material belongs to PVC, and has nothing to do with human bones.”


I was dumbfounded and opened my mouth, “So I’m actually ……”.

He concluded decisively, “It’s a piece of plastic.”

The next few days, I was in a very low mood.

It turns out I’m just a plastic simulation human skeleton model that Xie Yan bought for three hundred dollars.

I’m not good enough for him anymore, am I?

Am I not good enough for him?

White bone spirit and plastic spirit ……

It sounds like the difference is also too big.

Xie Yan gently picked his lips, “There is not much difference, anyway, they are not human.”

Thank you, there was being comforted.

Xie Yan didn’t leave me in the lab anymore, but took me back home.

I got out of the cardboard box, and the first thing I saw first was the calligraphy hanging in the living room of his house, with four big words in a dragon’s flight: ”Materialism”.

I cocked my skull at Xie Yan.

The next day, the words hanging there changed to ‘Agnosticism’.

Immediately afterward, Xie Yan began a long home office.

At first I was happy.

But I realized that Xie Yan surprisingly stopped touching the fish, and a lot of things I couldn’t understand appeared in his computer.

And no matter if I was sitting or lying down, there was always a beam of sight that made me feel like I was on my back.

I was counting the bones on my body for fun when that line of sight came again.

“Xie Yan ……”

It’s all because of him, I’m so nervous, I’ve counted three times.

Xie Yan closed his computer.

He didn’t wear glasses at home, and his beautiful peach blossom eyes were especially brimming and sentimental.

I lost my temper immediately.

He asked, “You said that I was the first person you saw when you opened your eyes?”

I squirmed and nodded, “Yes!”

Sheyan was surprisingly calm, “Have you thought about it? If that’s true, there are a lot of things you shouldn’t know.”

I froze.

I knew nothing about my past, taking for granted that I was born in Sheyan’s lab.

But in truth, I was no stranger to this world.

I knew a lot of things, I simply didn’t know who I was.

Xie Yan hit the nail on the head, “I doubt it, you are a human.”

Sheyan set his sights on another esoteric realm – the soul.

All that literature I couldn’t read about this.

He came to a conclusion, though it seemed like nonsense to me.

“Although no one can prove the existence of the soul, no one can prove that the soul does not exist.”

I thought to myself, “I can do that sentence.

Although no one can confirm that you are talking nonsense, no one can confirm that you are not talking nonsense.

Sheyan said, “If you cooperate with me, I’m sure I can retrieve your memories for you.”

He lowered his voice, full of compulsion, “Don’t you want to know who you are?”

I nodded involuntarily.

Xie Yan smiled.

In this moment, the madness and untouchability of a genius welled up in his eyes.

But what I wanted was that he was so close to me.

So close that I wanted to kiss him.

I think whoever I am must be a dead love brain in the first place.

Given that I’m a skeleton and there aren’t many methods available, Sheyan opts to try hypnosis.

I slept comfortably on the couch.

Sheyan’s low voice put me at ease.

I unconsciously began to relax, like slowly landing on a cloud.

But suddenly, the sky in my dream flashed with many cluttered images.

There was a huge fire, and the flames set the sky on fire.

I hit the lock of the door hard, but I couldn’t get it open.

It wasn’t just me, there were many others.

Those noisy cries for help drowned out Sheyan’s voice.

Behind the roaring fire, I saw a couple.

“Do you really love me that much?”

The man asked softly in the young girl’s ear.

“Then do one thing for me, okay?”

The young girl nodded her head in confusion.

In the next second, a huge fire started on her body.

The blurry-faced man smiled and said, “Good girl, baby.”

I woke up suddenly.

Sheyan asked me how I felt.

I said, “I saw a very bad fire.”

He took note of it thoughtfully.

“Is there nothing else?”

I paused, “No.”

I didn’t say anything about that last image.

The doorbell suddenly rang.

I subconsciously looked at Sheyan.

He calmly got up, “Go to the bedroom and stay there, don’t make a sound.”

But I didn’t expect the door lock to move on its own.

I couldn’t make it back to the second floor in time and turned around to go to the basement.

But Xie Yan pushed me, “Go to this room!”

So I was pushed into the utility room at the corner of the stairs.

He didn’t want me to go to the basement.


“Yanyan, oh my, why are you so skinny again?”

It’s Xie Yan’s mom, isn’t it?

“I heard your Uncle Wei say you took a long vacation. What’s going on?”

Xie Yan explained a few things.

His mom kept telling him to take care of his health.

I looked out through the doorway, and both of them had their backs to me.

The stairway was only a few steps away from me.

I held my breath, stood on my tiptoes, and headed straight for the basement.

Despite being mentally prepared, my scalp still tingled the moment I pushed the door open.

Inside was a large glass chamber with a naked female human body suspended inside.

Even with her eyes tightly closed, I could recognize that it was myself in the dream.

Suddenly, a sigh came from the door.

A chill ran through my body.

Sheyan walked in, “You still found out, huh?”

I shivered and stepped backward.

“Xie …… Xie Yan ……”

“Well, I’m here.”

His tone was smooth as ever.

There wasn’t much room in the cramped basement, and I couldn’t retreat, my back hitting the cold glass cabin.

Sheyan suddenly laughed, “Your leg bones are shaking.”

At the end of my life, I thought he smiled a little bit.

I’ll be damned.

He slowly leaned closer to me and murmured in his ear, “Know why I’m so sure you’re not a goblin?”

An oily coolness was about to flip my skull over.

Sheyan cupped my chin, causing me to turn my head to get a closer look at the glass chamber.

What was soaking in that gushing colorless liquid was not a complete body at all.

Instead, it was an entire human skin.

I lost my breath straight away.

I fainted.

I once made a wish that I could see Xie Yan’s handsome face every day.

But I didn’t think God really listened.


How on earth can he tell if a skeleton is awake or not ……

I continued to remain pretending to be dead.

Xie Yan shrugged his shoulders and muttered to himself, “I wonder if I can wake up by putting it in a glass capsule and soaking it?”

He unfolded his arms and made a gesture to hug me.

I did a carp, “I’m awake!”

Xie Yan laughed.

What a pervert he is.

“He’s not scared. After all these years, he’s still so timid.”


Xie Yan’s face was so lighthearted: “Shen皊 – do you still remember this name?”


I repeated it dumbly.

Some cluttered and unorganized images appeared repeatedly in my mind.

I felt an inexplicable pain from it.

Xie Yan pressed his hand on my shoulder and I looked up at a loss for words.

“Shen皊, we’ve met before, three years ago you found me and asked me to go out and draw a human skin for you.”

I followed his line of sight to look at the glass capsule again.

The skin of that beauty inside rose and fell.

“Draw a …… human skin?”

The pupils of Xie Yan’s eyes were as black as ink: “Yes, I am a skin painter.”

After the ancient times opened up the sky and earth, there were countless foreign races in heaven and earth.

Until Nuwa rolled the earth to create man.

Human beings became the spirit of all living things.

The wisp of essence left behind after Nuwa’s death transformed into new ethnic groups.

They inherited part of Nuwa’s ancient god’s ability to mold people’s skin and flesh, and were called Skin Painters.

Xie Yan was the only remaining Skin Painter in the world.

“You were the first human to approach me, and you said your name was Shen皊.”

He recalled, “You asked me to draw a human skin with the same appearance as yours, saying that you would come and get it yourself when the time came.”

He pointed to the human skin, “No…… then you disappeared.”

Xie Yan’s tone was rather helpless.

He sized me up: “When the time comes, see is to see, want to recognize but not quite easy.”

After Xie Yan brought me home, he found that the human skin stored in the basement had a feeling with me, and only then gradually recognized me as Shen皊.

“I guess, perhaps because the contract between you and me wasn’t accomplished in your lifetime, that’s why your obsession was not eliminated after your death, and you attached yourself to the artifacts around me.”

I still didn’t understand, “Then why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Xie Yan pondered for a moment and finally spoke, “Because I suspected that you were the Heavenly Calculator.”

In the ancient times, those who sacrificed and prayed to the gods and spirits were called wizards, and those who sacrificed and praised the Lord were called Zhu.

Witches and consecrators could communicate with ghosts and gods at the top, and offer sacrifices to the souls of the dead at the bottom.

“The Heavenly Calculator line is descended from the Witches’ Chaplaincy, and they are skilled in divination and fortune-telling.”

“This can explain, why you as a human but can find me …… why three years ago you can expect today ……”

Said Xie Yan, his eyes deepened.

“I can’t figure out what power can kill a Heavenly Calculator ……”

I shyly bowed my head, “So the me in your eyes is so strong.”

Xie Yan: ……

He said, “It’s me who thought too much, how could you have the brain to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.”

Xie Yan turned his words around, “I can’t find any reports of fires in the last three years that match your memories, everything has been deliberately erased.”

“Do you know what that means?” Sheyan rubbed his cuffs.

I froze.

His eyes felt like they were looking into me, “It’s possible that the force that killed you is stronger than human civilization.”

The glass chamber behind me chilled to the bone.

I don’t remember what Sheyan said.

But I believe it.

I was only two hundred and six bones, I couldn’t think of any need for him to lie to me.

Sheyan asked me to put on the human skin.

“How was it?” He asked.

The girl in the mirror felt familiar and strange to me.

Xie Yan probably saw my twinge, “Don’t worry, the material is only considered plastic.”

He added coolly, “It’s probably your fate to be plastic.”

Plastic can also be?

I sincerely marveled, “Master Xie, your craftsmanship is good.”

Xie Yan glanced at me lightly.

He asked me to go out with him to visit someone – Uncle Wei, as his mother called him.

All the existing ancient ethnic groups had formed an alliance, and the institute where Xie Yan worked was supported by the alliance.

And Wei Feng is a pivotal figure in it.

His character is low-key, his age is unknown, no one knows his real identity, and his relationship with Xie Yan is both a mentor and a friend.

“There will be news of the fire from Uncle Wei.”

I asked weakly, “What if he doesn’t?”

Xie Yan smiled, “You’d better pray that he does.”

Wei Feng was not what I expected.

Even though Xie Yan called him Uncle Wei, he didn’t look very old, around thirty.

Unlike Xie Yan’s gentle and handsome demeanor, there was a casualness in his words and actions that came out of his bones.

It made people’s eyes follow him unconsciously.

In fact, a closer look at his features is very plain, I can not even remember his looks, throw him into the pile of people in the twinkling of an eye can not be found as if.

As if he knew that Xie Yan would come, he set up two cups of tea on the table early.

Xie Yan explained in a low voice to the uninformed me: “Uncle Wei is a heavenly reckoning.”

Wei Feng waved his hand, “Not now.”

I couldn’t help but ask why.

Wei Feng’s expression was very calm, not angry at all.

He smiled but not laughed, “Because I was betrayed by someone I trusted.”


I ghostly picked up, “Those who betray others will definitely have retribution.”

Wei Feng looked at me and suddenly laughed out loud.

He said, “No, I hope she’s doing well.”

I couldn’t pick up on that.

After holding my tongue for half a day, I gave a thumbs up, “You have a big pattern.”

Xie Yan talked about me briefly, focusing on the fire I mentioned.

Wei Feng was really used to big scenes.

He circled around me with interest, “This is still …… my first time to see the craftsmanship of the skin painter, and it is really lifelike.”

I couldn’t wait to open my mouth, “Then do you know about the fire?”

Wei Feng bowed his head in deep thought, “I don’t know much.”

“Three years ago, there was a fire in the old building on the east side of the city, it matched what you described, the reason why I couldn’t find out was because a Type 3 force appeared that day.”

I asked, “A third type of force?”

Xie Yan explained, “The powers outside of existing human technology and known techniques that have not been recorded are collectively known as the third type of power.”

Wei Feng nodded, ”Yes. Since there were no casualties, the officials and the alliance coincidentally chose to conceal it from the public and investigate it in secret.”

I pointed at my nose, ”There were no casualties, so what does that make me?”

Xie Yan, who was beside me, thought for a moment, ”Would it be because that fire burned you to the ground, with no trace of you left.”

Wei Feng was more subtle: “It’s possible, the third type of power tends to be powerful beyond perception.”

I winced.

Wei Feng curled his fingers and tapped the desktop, “That’s all I know.”

“If you still want to continue the investigation, there is only one last way.”

“But Heaven’s destiny has its own arrangement, is cause and effect really that important?”

He glanced at Xie Yan.

Xie Yan looked grave.

After leaving Wei’s house, I asked Xie Yan, “What did he mean by the last method?”

Xie Yan said in silence, “Go back to the day of the fire.”

I smacked my lips, “How is that possible?”

“It was impossible, but it’s possible for you.”

Xie Yan stood still at the bottom of the steps, “Heavenly Calculations is able to deduce the future, and it is equally possible to trace back the past, but ……”

I can guess even if he doesn’t say it – isn’t fortune-telling that the more accurate it is, the stronger the backlash.

Xie Yan lowered his eyebrows, and underneath his long eyelashes was a raven green shadow: ”You don’t need to bear the cost brought about by forced deduction, I will have other ways.”

I listened quietly.

After a moment of silence, I asked him, ”Since you know that this is a mess, why do you continue to stir it up?”

Sheyan smiled, “Because I promised you.”

I smiled back, “Then let’s do it together.”

What’s the price or not?

The love brain is fearless.

I held out my hand towards Sheyan, the midday sun behind him.

It was warm.

The Heavenly Calculator can be understood to a certain extent as a person who has opened the eyes of heaven.

The trajectory of everything is invisible in the eyes of the Heavenly Calculator.

That’s why they were called “Half Immortals” in ancient times.

Xie Yan said that the most basic thing about the Divine Reckoning is to recognize faces and determine destinies.

I plan to practice with him.

But after half a day’s reading, I could only see the word “handsome”.

I opened and closed my eyes, and closed and opened them again.

Still no change.

I mumbled, “It doesn’t seem to work.”

Xie Yan frowned, “Even though you don’t have a body, your soul is still there, you shouldn’t be able to see nothing.”

After a while, he didn’t know what came to his mind and his voice was serious, “Let’s go, let’s go to the Alliance.”

Inside the Alliance machine room, we saw more information about the fire.

Three years ago, a fire suddenly broke out in a building in the east of the city, the fire was extremely intense, but after the evacuation of the people, the fire suddenly went out.

What was even more bizarre was that not only were there no traces of the fire left in the building, it was as good as new, and even shortly afterward, all of the general public who had personally experienced the fire lost the memory of it.

I found it unbelievable: “This?

What kind of ability could make a tall building that had just been burned by a blazing fire instantly look as good as new, and could tamper with the collective memory of mankind.

Sheyan was silent.

He got up and pulled me behind him, wordlessly holding my hand, ”Uncle Wei, come out.”

Wei Feng was surprisingly standing in the shadows of the corner.

My cold hairs stood straight up, just now it was clear that there were only Xie Yan and I in the room.

Wei Feng still had the same face, but it looked inexplicably different.

It was like there was an invisible barrier around him, weighing me down.

Wei Feng looked at the hands that Xie Yan and I were holding and smiled devilishly.

He waved at me, “Baby, come here.”

My brain instantly went down.

I asked Xie Yan, “Do you think it’s possible that he was shouting at you?”

Wei Feng had laid a spell in advance, and his purpose of withholding information was to trick us into coming here.

I was taken away by him and locked up in a villa.

When I woke up, he was making tea, “Tea? Your favorite Junshan Silver Needle.”

I pressed my temples, the return of a large number of memories made me feel extremely tired.

The only thing I cared about was, “How is Xie Yan?”

Wei Feng smiled coldly: “Dead.”

I laughed even colder than him, “If he dies, I will die too.”

Wei Feng was so furious that the set of fine blue-glazed white fish tealights shattered and splattered in the blink of an eye.

“Shen皊, you’ve had enough, you’ve been embarrassing me for thousands of years with this rhetoric.”

I turned my head.

Wei Feng squatted in front of me and softened his voice, “Let’s not fight anymore, let’s start over, okay?”

He turned into Xie Yan’s look-alike, “If you like him, I can become like him.”

“Or like this?” He changed into the face of a popular boy again.

“Don’t like Xie Yan anymore, and stay with me like you did a thousand years ago, okay?”

His eyes were full of prayers.

Anyone who looked at him would have a soft heart.

I gently lifted his face, not hiding my malice, “Isn’t this the way it is now, caused by yourself?”

Witches and consecrators can communicate with ghosts and gods from above, and offer sacrifices to the souls of the dead from below.

The gods and ghosts are called witches, and the souls of the dead are called wishes.

Wei Feng and I are not Heaven’s reckoning.

We come from an ancient clan.

He’s a great sorcerer and I’m a goddess of blessing.

We’re the gods’ escorts and destined family members.

I’ve followed him since I can remember.

We will rightfully be mates and shelter the clan together again.

If there is no Xie Yan.

Sheyan is a foreigner who appeared out of nowhere.

We know nothing of Xie Yan’s origins.

But I decided to keep him because he’s shown extraordinary ability and is good-looking.

Wei Feng was not in favor of it. That was the first time I went against Wei Feng’s wishes.

Xie Yan’s mind was full of whimsical ideas.

He knew how to keep fire, how to refine sea salt, and how to store food to avoid spoilage.

He speaks and acts in an organized and logical manner, and he is surprisingly kind to every member of his clan.

I didn’t even have to pay deliberate attention to him to be constantly told how marvelous he was.

The average clan member doesn’t live very long, and all I could do was pray for peace in the afterlife before the clan member was about to die.

That day, a woman had a difficult labor.

Her relatives knelt before me, and I could only shake my head in slight sorrow.

In the nick of time, it was Xie Yan who brought a sacred herb.

After she ate it, the blood in her lower body magically stopped.

I later realized that the grass grew on the cliff.

Xie Yan risked his life to pick it.

I don’t understand.

In my eyes, whether I live or die, it’s all fate.

All I have to do is follow the will of God.

But Xie Yan said, “Life is the most precious thing, whether it’s your own or someone else’s.”

A strange emotion spread in my heart.

I whispered, “This is the first time I’ve ever heard such words.”

He scratched the sun with an open palm, “Where I come from, everyone thinks so.”

Sheyan’s rescue had once again made his reputation soar.

There was no doubt that his presence had offended Wei Feng.

But I didn’t expect that Wei Feng would hit me with his idea.

Wei Feng tricked Xie Yan into going to a jedi in my name.

By the time I arrived, he had already cast a spell that caused Xie Yan to roll down a mountain stream.

If it was before, I would have thought that Wei Feng was the most important and whatever he did was right.

But now, I jumped without hesitation in his astonished eyes.

The moment I found Xie Yan, I felt that the world was quiet.

He was dying of injuries from the rapid turbulence and the reef, his eyes half-open, “Did you come to save me?”

I said, “Yes.”

He smiled, “I knew you would come.”

I didn’t say another word, but I knew something was different.

Ever since I saved Xie Yan, Wei Feng started targeting him more blatantly.

Wei Feng hated me for betraying him, yet he wanted me to change back to my old self.

He kept obstructing me and Xie Yan.

Time and time again, he even made me sick and tired of the same old tricks.

Meanwhile, Xie Yan and I were getting better and better.

He told me that the gods were idealistic and to believe in materialism.

But after he witnessed, several times in a row, Wei Feng and I fighting in a materialistic way, he said he needed to calm down.

No matter what tactics Wei Feng used, he couldn’t stop us from falling in love.

Xie Yan and I decided to get married.

That night, he pulled out a delicate ring from his pocket.

He said, “I have a secret – I’m actually from the future, and this ring is the key that can help me go back to the future.”

Me: “Oh.”

Sheyan was incredulous, “That’s your reaction?”

I patted his shoulder sympathetically, “I knew it all along.”

When the divination results showed that he was an otherworldly person.

I knew early on that he and I were different from us.

The good kind of different.

Sheyan leaked, “So that’s how it is.”

He solemnly placed the ring in my palm, ”I’ve repaired the key, now I’m giving you the right to choose, whether it’s to go back, or stay here, I’ll be by your side.”

He rarely said anything like that, and his normally cool, jade-like face began to blush.

I didn’t understand what shyness was and hugged his waist, “Wherever you go, I’ll go.”

Xie Yan pushed my head in amusement, “Don’t be like this, this is called a love brain, you have to listen to your own heart.”

I touched my heart, it was beating fast.

I decided to go to Sheyan’s time and space.

Because I wanted to see what the equal and peaceful world was like in his words.

Early the next morning, Xie Yan was waiting for me at the agreed place.

“Xie Yan!”

Probably because he was about to go home, he was in an extremely good mood and a sense of pleasure permeated his body.

I was equally excited, “Let’s go.”

Xie Yan smiled and moved closer, helping me fix my hair.

He looked like he was sighing, “Do you really love me that much?”

“Then do one thing for me, okay?”

I nodded in confusion.

In the next second, a huge fire started to burn on me.

Xie Yan’s face turned into Wei Feng in the firelight.

He smiled and called out to me, “Good baby.”

The flames were not hot or painful.

It swept away all my memories of Xie Yan.

I changed back to the unsympathetic girl who only had Wei Feng in her eyes before I met Xie Yan.

Xie Yan also forgot about me.

But when Wei Feng wanted to execute Xie Yan, I instinctively stopped him.

Wei Feng’s face clouded over, but he finally gave in.

Xie Yan was put into a dark cave.

From then on, Wei Feng couldn’t wait to follow me every inch of the way, and whenever I saw his face, I always felt like I had forgotten something.

Until Wei Feng and I set a wedding date.

He went to prepare for the ceremony, and I found a parchment book in his place.

It was filled with tons of meaningful patterns and words.

It spoke of only three things.

Eternal life, immortality.

Skin painting, change of appearance.

Soul devouring, tampering with memories.

As I turned the pages, new words emerged from the sheepskin, and they poured from the paper into my fingertips as if they were conscious.

It was then that I remembered what I had forgotten.

I took the sheepskin to Xie Yan.

Although Wei Feng didn’t kill him, he had spent months in a cave that didn’t see the light of day.

He was so thin that he had only a handful of bones left.

I carefully picked him up and called his name softly, “Xie Yan.”

He weakly opened his eyes, “I knew you would come.”

Xie Yan said, ”Don’t cry, I remember everything, I’ve been waiting for you.”

I helped Xie Yan out of the cave, in order to get back to his world, I had to go to the place where he landed in the first place.

Xie Yan turned the ring and was about to open the door of time and space when a pair of hands suddenly clasped my ankles firmly.

It was Wei Feng.

He stared at me dead in the face, “See, I’ve got you.”

Xie Yan’s face was as cold as frost.

However, the door of time and space had already opened, and under the tremendous impulse, Wei Feng was forced to let go.

He knelt on the ground with an almost maniacal smile.

I vaguely felt uneasy.

Sure enough, after returning to the modern era, there was always an invisible force watching Xie Yan and me.

We relied on the ‘Painted Skin’ from the parchment book and kept changing our appearance to escape the prying eyes that ensued.

It’s like we’ve been on the run.

I gently ran my finger over the word ‘Eternal Life’ on the parchment.

It’s Wei Feng.

He is the genius of the clan, and is more capable of understanding this parchment than I am.

He has lived until now, waiting for me and Xie Yan.

It’s been thousands of years since I laid out the plan.

I’ve done the divination countless times, and the trigrams all show that we’re doomed.

Xie Yan embraced me from behind.

I hold his hand tightly: “Xie Yan, do you believe in me?”

He smiled, “I’ve believed in you since the first day I met you.”


If there is no way to survive, then I will put my life on the line.

I altered Sheyan’s memories of me.

Before I did it, Xie Yan realized something, he subconsciously pressed my hand, but quickly let go.

He closed his eyes, “If that’s what you want.”

My tears dripped onto his forehead – clearly you’re the love brain.

When he opened his eyes again, Sheyan looked at me strangely.

In his memory, I was the uninvited guest who met in passing and made a promise to him to come and get that human skin after three years.

On the way out.

I wrapped my soul silk around Xie Yan.

Even if there is still a strand of soul, I will come to him.


Ten thousand miles of clear sky.

I stood on the rooftop of a tall building and said in a slow voice, “Wei Feng, are you still not going to meet me?”

In the next second, Wei Feng and I looked at each other.

He said: “Shen皊, you finally figured it out.”

I laughed, “Dream on.”

I turned around and jumped off the rooftop.

Wei Feng followed close behind and leapt down.

He hugged me, his tone even said doting, “Do you think I would let you die?”

Too funny.

I said, “I’m the one who wants you to die.”

“Love Brain, die!”

There is no power that can harm a great witch, except for the Goddess of Wishes.

Only then, I wouldn’t survive either.

I stabbed him in the heart with all my might.

Blood oozed from the corner of Wei Feng’s eyes, and it was the first time I’d seen him hurt.

But the panic in his eyes wasn’t because of himself, but because of me.

After all, he had lived so much longer than me.

My body was reduced to nothing by the backlash of his witch power.

I knew this would not be the end.

Because the trigrams before I came showed that my only turnaround in this life was in three years.

Which is now.

But I didn’t see any turnaround, I only felt that Wei Feng was even crazier.

I asked, “Where is Xie Yan?”

Wei Feng snapped his fingers.

An intricate and gorgeous wedding dress instantly appeared in front of me.

He said, “Put it on and I’ll let you meet Xie Yan right away.”

The wedding dress was beautiful, and I probably guessed what he wanted to do.


I said, “There’s no need for this kind of process, is there?”

Wei Feng’s fingers stroked through my hair, “Behave, you owe me a wedding.”

I sarcastically tugged at the corners of my mouth.

After putting on the wedding dress, I was taken to the church by Wei Feng for the wedding ceremony.

At the wedding, I met Xie Yan.

The way he looked at me was ancient.

I sighed in my heart, sure enough he doesn’t remember me again.

The wedding was decorated with great care, and the soundtrack came from a bone flute.

The melodious and wild tunes felt familiar to me.

Wei Feng whispered in my ear, “Remember? This is your favorite tune.”

He was intentionally trying to please me.

But I couldn’t recall it at all.

I suddenly felt that someone was watching me and I subconsciously looked back.

Sheyan’s place was empty.

“Baby, focus.”

I was thoroughly tired of Wei Feng’s gimmicks, “Where’s Xie Yan?”

He swept over the seat carelessly, “None of my business.”

Wei Feng seemed to find my look amusing, “Shen皊, I told you long ago, he is not as simple as you think.”

“If you think I’m a bad person, does that mean that Xie Yan must be a good person?” He came closer compellingly and wanted to continue.

However, a pillar of light suddenly lit up around him.

Countless talismans were lit one after another, from near to far, trapping Wei Feng in place like a chain.

Xie Yan stood beside the pillar of light, his eyebrows illuminated by the light.

He opened his arms towards me, “Shen皊.”

Somehow, I couldn’t help but glance at Wei Feng, who was still fighting like a trapped animal.

He was hissing in pain.

As if he was saying something to me.

Wei Feng wanted to tamper with Xie Yan’s memories, but by mistake, he remembered everything.

Three years ago, Wei Feng and I fell from a tall building and he miraculously survived.

The scene was seen by many people.

He tampered with the memories of everyone present.

Afterwards, even if someone had any remaining memories, they only remembered that they had experienced a fire.

This matter would have been recorded by the officials and the Alliance.

Xie Yan contacted them, and after a meeting between the two sides, they unanimously decided that Wei Feng was the top dangerous element.

This was what led to the joint action at the wedding.

Everything finally settled down.

As my trigrams said, the only turnaround came three years later.

Wei Feng was put in the special prisoner cell, after all, he had spent a lot of time in the Union, someone approached Xie Yan and said Wei Feng wanted to see me.

Xie Yan asked me what I thought.

I lay down on the sofa and closed my eyes, “Not to be seen.”

What’s there to see?

I knew whatever he wanted to say.

Sheyan continued back to the institute.

I would often dress up as a skeleton and stay by his side.

He didn’t seem to care about my skin either.

The day Wei Feng committed suicide.

I was playing minesweeper like Xie Yan, and just a few clicks later, I was blown up by a thunderbolt.

Xie Yan’s cell phone suddenly rang, and after picking up the phone, he hung up with just a “hmm”.

Then he said, “Wei Feng is dead.”

My hand holding the mouse trembled and clicked in the wrong place.

In the computer screen, I was once again killed by lightning.

Wei Feng’s death made me a little sad.

Life is unpredictable, who knows what will happen next?

I clung to Xie Yan more than ever.

But Xie Yan said he had something to do and asked me to wait for him in the lab.

Bored, I opened the parchment book after a long time.

Eternal Life, Painted Skin, Soul Eater ……

“What are you reading?” Xie Yan happened to enter the door.

I smiled, “Don’t you recognize it?”

Although Wei Feng’s voice was completely shielded by the light pillar that day.

But I read his lips.

He said, “Don’t trust Xie Yan, the parchment is his thing.”

Xie Yan hung his head, “You know all about it.”

The parchment book belonged to Xie Yan from the beginning.

But for the ancient language in the book, he could only read Soul Devouring, so he chose to come to the time of Wei Feng and me.

Originally, I really liked Wei Feng.

It was Xie Yan who tampered with my memories.

Wei Feng was paranoid.

After being stimulated, he got the sheepskin book and started to become unscrupulous, which was just what Xie Yan wanted.

But he underestimated the power of the Ancient Sorcerer.

Even with me helping him, Wei Feng is still difficult to deal with, which is why the three of us have been bitterly entangled for so long.

Xie Yan looked disheveled, “Shen皊, forget about that, okay?”

I shook my head.

I can’t forget.

He sighed deeply: ”Then I have to help you.”

Red light emerged from Xie Yan’s palm, and flames would burn around him.

He wanted to burn my memories too.

I find everything really meaningless.

Without my memories, am I still me?

“Xie Yan, you or Wei Feng, they are all quite meaningless.”

I tore off a page of the parchment and the flames died down.

Xie Yan was incredulous.

I laughed softly, “Do you want to know why? Because this book is mine.”

I naturally knew how to prevent it.

Back then, I spent my entire life’s work to write this parchment.

But the trigrams show that I can’t practice long life unless I wait for a fated person.

“My destiny is you.”

I gently shook my fist in his direction, “What you saw from Wei Feng, it’s better to return it to me.”

Soul Devourer can not only tamper with memories, but also read them.

Just now, Xie Yan lied to me, Wei Feng wasn’t dead at that time.

He went out in order to read all of Wei Feng’s memories before he died.

Wei Feng is a genius, the only one to cultivate immortality.

Xie Yan wanted it.

I want it more.

The process of memory extraction can be a bit painful.

Xie Yan’s handsome face was bruised from exerting himself too much.

I suddenly fell silent.

After a while, I said, “If you chose not to go out just now, perhaps we would have had a different ending.”

There were natural rules between witches and wizards, and I couldn’t hurt Wei Feng in self-preservation.

If Xie Yan hadn’t been attracted to Chang Sheng and didn’t go to see Wei Feng, all of my layouts would have failed, and perhaps I would have been an ordinary person and stayed by his side.

But who made Xie Yan my destined person.

He is destined to become my most perfect drop.

Before he left, Xie Yan’s forehead was oozing with dense cold sweat, just like when we first met.

With the last of his strength, he asked a question that seemed a bit ridiculous to me, “Have you ever loved me?”

I walked straight to the door without looking back.

“I have loved, but I love Nagisa more.”

After thinking about it, I said to him the last words of my life, “Really annoyed with you relationship brains.”

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Previous March 6, 2024
Next March 6, 2024


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