45. Internet dating with a cat

Internet dating is a cat

Non-Peripheral: Seeing You When You’re in Love

I have an online relationship.

The other party is not like a normal human being.

Every day the cat is super sensitive and fragile to coax.

I pulled black and deleted an operation.

The next day a silver taper appeared in front of my house.

It opened its mouth and spoke human language:

⌈negative man!⌋

Me: You’re a fucking cat!


As a senior nerd, I had an online love affair.

The other side of the net name lonely cat, avatar is a cat cat back.

And my holy fire meow meow religion is also too like-minded!

Unfortunately, this love only three days, I unilaterally announced the breakup.


This person is too greasy!

Too sleepy to say good night.

He thousands of words long text – kitten is very fragile and sensitive, kitten do not want to listen to axioms do not want to listen to the explanation just want to be smooth hair is favored.

Playing the game did not return the message.

He wrote a friend circle – kittens possessive, if the owner touched another kitten will hide in the corner and cry.

Returned messages only ⌈嗯⌋.

He said kittens are sensitive and my coldness would just make them run away in fear.

I yuck.

What kind of cat lover is this?

He’s a psychopath who escaped from a mental institution.

I deleted and blackmailed him.

The next morning, a silver gradient appeared in front of my house.

It opened its mouth and spoke Mandarin:

⌈negative man!⌋

Me: ⌈⌋!


Me Day.

Kittens speak human?

I cast a sidelong glance at the fur-licking cat, who quickly looked over at me.

It’s obvious to see.

If eyes could kill, I’d be a corpse by now.

⌈Meow. ⌋

I attempted to communicate with it in the language Meow taught me.

It despises it: ⌈I understand human language.⌋

So scary.

This cat became a sperm?

It’s so rare.

A silver taper that you can catch on the street can actually speak human.

If this is sold to the circus, will not make a lot of money?

⌈You don’t have to look at me like a fool.⌋ The cat gathers its ears, ⌈I’m your subject.⌋


⌋Not really.

Three-day internet dating psycho.

Is it really a fucking cat?


This cat showed me how to message and call in half an hour.

Even the avatars on the social media platforms, it changed like a fish out of water.

I was petrified.

Is this a regression for humans or an advancement for animals?

After the demonstration, the snow-white cat’s paw dropped my phone off the couch.

The kitty was furious: ⌈I remember. You scummy girl, you cheated on my feelings!!!⌋

I ejected and took off, bouncing a long way.

⌈Who’s a scum girl? Who cheated on you?


Cats and people.

Two creatures!

The kitten jumped up on the refrigerator with poise and looked at me in a condescending way: ⌈You you you you! I was your date, but you slagged me!

So helpless.

But kind of cute.

I summoned the patience of a coaxed child to approach slowly, explaining to it as I did so.

⌈Look. I have two legs and you have four.⌋

⌈I’m a human, you’re a cat.⌋

I pounced over to him, and when he wasn’t looking, I scooped him up into my arms and gripped his head to smooth his fur.

⌈We can’t be together, but do you have an owner?⌋

⌈I’ll keep you if you don’t.⌋

Who would say no to an arrogant kitty that talks and is explosively cute?

The cat struggled to get free, but was firmly confined in my arms.

It twisted its head, its little mouth hanging down, its big round eyes looking at me.

That little pitiful vigor.

So cute!

Only a ⌈stabbing⌋ sound was heard.

It was back in its territory – the top of the fridge.

Darn it.

The beauty cat trick!

⌈Do you want to keep me?⌋

I’m still pretty confident in my two rooms.

The cat’s head turned, and I could tell it was looking around, swirling in disdain: ⌈Hmph! It’s not half the size of the toilet in my previous owner’s house. ⌋

I huffed with a forced smile.

⌈You kitty, if I didn’t meow and teach, you’d be wandering!

The cat jumps down and stands on all fours, tail high in the air, so suddenly pees on my couch.

And shaking after peeing, in a king of the mountain kind of way:

⌈Don’t you humans have a saying? ⌈It’s only right to pay what you owe, so I’ll reluctantly stay.⌋

My couch!

The anger value rubbed and pulled full.

I pinched my temples, so angry my eyebrows flew up and all I could do was tell myself:

Bear with me, it’s your cat now.

Later, wait for later.

⌈What, you’re not satisfied?⌋

I smiled and bit out a few words from my back teeth: ⌈Satisfied, I’m so satisfied.⌋

Suddenly I thought.

This is not having a cat.

Rather, it was having an ancestor.

The ancestor has to be famous, and I raked out the various cat names I had previously searched online.

⌈From now on you’ll be called Cola?⌋

Kittens despise: ⌈The dirt.⌋

⌈ Seeing as you’re so white, Marshmallow?⌋

Kitten rejects: ⌈Cheesy.⌋

⌈White? ⌋

Kitten storms out: ⌈What’s your name here? My name is Akane.⌋


It’s my turn to despise.

It’s even dirtier than the name I picked.


He really is an ancestor.

I looked at the staggering price in my shopping cart, my fingers trembling as I placed the order, while my eyes shed tears of sadness.

O my little money!

That stinky cat is laying on my couch posing in big letters.

I splash cool water: ⌈Your cat and kitten supplies won’t be delivered until the evening, the toilet you’ll have to fix yourself on the toilet, and as for the cat food, eat it at night.⌋

Ajin raised his head to look at me, and somehow a hint of sadness crossed the bottom of his eyes.

What’s a little kitty worried about?

Because you didn’t feed him?

In the evening, the store finally delivered the cat supplies downstairs.

After I settled the payment, I carried Ajin’s big house and cat climbing frame on my back, and cat food, cat litter and cat litter box in my left and right hands.

At the moment, it was as if I was Popeye on a diet of spinach.

Twenty-seven floors, come on!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, finally.

As I swept my face through the door, I distinctly felt Akin’s cat climbing frame touch something.

Turning back, a man in a white robe stood across the street from my house.

The man was clear and sparse looking, and there were a few fish embroidered on the lapel of his white robe.

He covered his right arm, see the situation I bowed my head and apologized: ⌈I’m sorry …… sorry to bump into you.⌋

The man smiled warmly at me: ⌈You have a cat here, right?⌋

I nodded my head.

⌈My name is Ryu Yu-jin, I live across the street from your house, and I also have a cat.⌋

Ryu Yuujin reaches out to me.

Another member of the Meow Cult.

But I’ve been living here for a little over half a year, how come I haven’t seen this neighbor who has a cat?

I put down all my things and Ryu Yuujin shallowly shakes half a palm back.

⌈Shen Shang, the cat is freshly bred.⌋

⌈You Yu Jin looked towards that big luxurious house.

I’m still a little proud of it.

Even though it’s a made of wood, I still satisfied Ajin with three rooms and one bathroom.

Can’t help it, my own child.

Ryu Yu-jin thought for a moment, ⌈You bought such a big house for your cat, he probably won’t like it.⌋


You don’t even like a three-room house?

⌈Cats have a strong sense of territory and naturally treat your home as its territory, so the cat’s litter box might be a good place for it to go and lie down. ⌋

No wonder that stinky cat Ajin peed all over my couch.

Liu Yu Jin added: ⌈And also, cats like to sleep with their owners, and the one in my house burrows under the quilt on a daily basis. ⌋


I have a silver tier that sleeps with its owner and warms the bed, and most importantly, talks to relieve boredom.

Seems not bad.


When Yoo Yu-jin came home.

I’m the porter who carries Jin’s stuff into the house one trip after another.

I left a light on for him in the living room and looked around but didn’t see Akane the stupid cat.

⌈Akin, Akin!!!⌋

Not a single response.

No way, just bought cat and kitten supplies.

The cat is gone?

I searched under the sofa, under the bed …… even the drain.

I didn’t see a single paw except for Jin’s cat hair.


I looked at the big cat house in front of the TV, the boutique cat food, and the little bee teaser.

Inexplicable loss overflowed.

I spent that night in infinite sadness.

The next morning, I was awakened by a shrill ringing of the cell phone.

Next to me, there seemed to be something pressing my hair.

A hand pulled out a soft, hot object.

⌈Scum girl, hang up your phone will you? I need to sleep.⌋

The tone is still the same owe, the voice is still the same.

⌈Akin?⌋ I carp and sit up, taking Arkin in my arms.

⌈You stupid cat, where were you last night?⌋

It struggled in my arms like a fluttering moth.

⌈The word in the neighborhood cat circle is that there is a great beauty in the first unit, and I went to see her yesterday.⌋


I’m here grieving for it, and it went out to see a beautiful woman?

What a colorful cat.

I hold its front legs and righteously say: ⌈Ajin, the outside world is dangerous, beautiful women may be wild beasts, you are safest at home with my care.⌋

I admit, I watched ⌈How to PUA a kitten and make it love you more⌋ cheats on a certain sound yesterday.

Akane, the dead arrogant ⌈humph⌋, retracted her legs with her head held high and quickly flopped back onto my pillow, glancing at my phone with a sideways glance:

⌈This guy really can’t do it, noisy cat sleeping.⌋

I took my phone and scanned the name.

It wasn’t wrong, this person really can’t.

My mom – Peng Yuzhi.

She hasn’t cared about me since she divorced my dad.

I was only a person when she was in need.

I lay back down, picked up the phone, and said absently, ⌈What do you want?⌋

⌈You’re at home these two days, right, I’ll send Xiao Xiao over to stay for two days.⌋

The tone I could hear was not an inquiry, it was a notice.

Xiao Xiao is her daughter from her remarriage, the seven year old has a very brash and unreasonable personality that I don’t like much.

⌈I’m not available.⌋

The mood is irritable, the fingers unconsciously circled Ajin tail play, Ajin ⌈ giggle ⌋ sound, turn a circle and once again pressed on my hair.

I ate the pain and subconsciously cried out, ⌈You’re pressing on my hair.⌋

⌈You usually work from home, why don’t you have time? Needless to say, later I will put a small ……⌋

Peng Yuzhi noticed: ⌈Shen Shang, who are you sleeping with?⌋

⌈Do you have a boyfriend? I can say to you, this boyfriend of yours must have met me, this bride price issue also have to discuss with me – ⌋

⌈I don’t have a boyfriend! I yelled, ⌈Is there anything else? ⌈I’m hanging up now.⌋

I simply dropped the phone.

As if sensing my emotions, Akin broke into an arch on my cheek, ⌈Your mom can’t be okay.⌋

⌈I feel the same way.⌋

I have to say, Pang Yuzhi is really fast.

I had just gotten up and finished washing up to pour cat food for Ah Jin.

The doorbell rang and a little girl in a pink princess dress stood at the door.

There was no intimate address or sweet smile.

I opened the door and Zhang Xiao Xiao walked into my house with her arms wrapped around her tugging like she was two-fifty.

⌈Shen Shang, it’s not that I want to come to your house, it’s that my mom is going out of town with my dad and it’s inconvenient to bring me, otherwise I wouldn’t want to come to your house.⌋

Zhang Xiao Xiao also specially aggravated the six words ⌈My mom and my dad⌋.

As if prompting me.

I’m a person without a dad or mom.

I spread my hands: ⌈I don’t want you to come either, your mom wants you to come, what can I do?⌋

⌈Ch. ⌋ Zhang Xiao Xiao skimmed her head, ⌈Shen Shang, I’m hungry, I want to eat.⌋

Out of the friendship of the landlord, I brought her bread and milk, and put on a cartoon in the meantime.

While making breakfast, Ajin came out of her room with a big stretch and walked up to me.

⌈This is your cheap sister?⌋

Hearing it speak, I was stunned and bent down to pick it up:⌈Don’t talk when there are outsiders around, if anyone finds out, you’ll have to go to the institute tomorrow to be a companion to the mice.⌋

Ajin looked at me with his head held high and silently ⌈Oh⌋ said.

Breakfast was a simple bowl of veggie noodles.

My job is fairly easy, book translation.

I took on a job a few days ago, thinking that the deadline would be in the next few days, so after washing the dishes I put Zhang Xiao Xiao in the living room to watch TV and ducked into my room to work.

As if he hadn’t had enough sleep, Ajin fell asleep on my bed again.

And snoring a little.

Nowadays, kittens don’t have to worry about making a living, and they sleep when they’re full, so happy!

But then again, it’s nice to have a kitty with you, or a kitty that only speaks human.

Nice little life, I must say.

The future is promising.

Near noon, Zhang Xiao Xiao pushed open the door to my room.

⌈Shen Shang, I’m hungry again, and your house is so boring!⌋

I stopped typing and helplessly stood up intending to go find her something to eat again.

⌈Hey …… you have a cat in your house ah!⌋ Zhang Xiao Xiao saw Ajin lying on the bed, a pair of eyes glaring old, three steps and two steps rushed up to grab Ajin.

Ajin, who was dreaming of a cat’s life, was so scared that he bounced up and his hair stood up high.

Zhang Xiao Xiao couldn’t catch Ah Jin and climbed up to my bed, the cat was so scared that it scurried around.

I’m so sick of people getting on my bed, especially troublemaking kids like Zhang Xiao Xiao.

⌈Don’t catch it, you come down!⌋

Finding the right opportunity, I wrapped my arms around Zhang Xiao Xiao’s waist and carried her off the bed.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiao Xiao lowered her head and bit on my arm.

I let go in pain.

As soon as Zhang Xiao Xiao landed on the ground, the thief owed me ⌈slightly⌋ a few times: ⌈Shen Shang, my parents said that there is no need to be polite to you, and you have to give me whatever I want.⌋

A Jin fled to the bottom of the bed, and Zhang Xiao Xiao chased after him and followed to drill in.

I was concerned about the bleeding wound on my hand from Zhang Xiao Xiao’s bite, and shortly after came a sharp ⌈Ah⌋ sound.

Ajin came out from the other end with his chin raised and stood on my desk.

It had something to say, as evidenced by its expression.

Zhang Xiaoxiao, on the other hand, cried with a tear-stained face and cat-bite wounds on the back of her hands, and climbed to her feet, ⌈Shen Shang, I’m going to tell my mom that you let the cat bite me!⌋

Zhang Xiao Xiao used her phone watch to make a call to Peng Yu Zhi.

My own mother and her current husband came over with the speed of a rocket, took Zhang Xiaoxiao away with a black face, and sternly told me to take charge.

Zhang Xiaoxiao had to get a rabies vaccine, and after I paid the medical bill, I sat outside the injection room.

The wound on my hand formed a layer of shallow blood scabs, slightly pulling, still some pain.

Peng Yuzhi holding Zhang Xiaoxiao out, head to face is a: ⌈ Shen Shang, I’m your mother, you want to feel that I’m sorry you come at me! Why did you let the cat bite Xiao Xiao? She is also your sister.

Zhang Xiaoxiao is really getting better at slandering people the older she gets.

⌈Yes, it was me who let the cat bite her, are you satisfied.⌋ I stood up, ⌈Don’t ever put your daughter in my house again, I can’t afford it with your family of three.⌋

After leaving the hospital, I walked home along the sidewalk.

The summer wind should be hot and steamy, but I felt a piercing coolness.

Just as I opened the door to my house, Akin came over with his tail twisted and said:

⌈Bring me your hand, that little ragamuffin bit you in the ass.⌋


I really didn’t expect it.

The first person who cared about me when I was injured was actually a cat.

When I was twelve, my parents divorced.

I was kicked around by them like a leather ball.

No one wanted to raise me.

In the end, my grandmother took me home and paid for my schooling.

Within two years, they remarried, and I never had a mom or dad of my own again.

It’s a pity that my grandmother, who was such a good person, passed away the year I graduated from college because of her illness.

I didn’t even have a chance to honor her.

After graduation I worked hard and bought this two-room house, which was a home of my own.

I didn’t like to socialize and didn’t have many friends.

Just when I thought the days were long and everything was looking up.

Peng Yuzhi came to me, she was like a leech, binding me in the name of affection and sucking blood from my body.

I didn’t understand. She abandoned me and picked me up again.

Akin lay on my lap, listening to me tell me those past stories, rubbing against me every now and then to give me comfort.

⌈Shen Shang, never shed tears for the unworthy. Besides, I bit her to help you get your revenge.⌋

Ajin was tiny, but his tone was gangly.

I didn’t realize I was crying, or that Ajin’s paw had touched my cheek, and the tears hung like dewdrops on the tips of the white fur.

Somehow, hearing it avenge me brought tears to my eyes that I simply couldn’t stop.

I picked up Akin and rubbed my face against his soft little belly.

Ajin felt a chill in his stomach and wanted to break free, but didn’t dare to exert himself: ⌈You let go of me, my golden fur is a rag for you to wipe your tears?⌋

The more it tossed and turned, the tighter I held it.

The kitten eventually broke down and collapsed in my arms, allowing me to flatten it and rub it round.

I didn’t sleep well last night, so I fell asleep on the sofa after crying and getting sleepy.

Wake up again, outside the sky is yellow, the evening wind along the window blowing a light veil.

I don’t know where Akin has gone again.

How strange.

Is the beautiful woman next door that tantalizing?

Looking at the reminder message on his cell phone, the humble hitman climbed up to work.

After returning the manuscript, near eight o’clock, I ordered a paella, with a note to add a few small dried fish.

Consider it a treat for Akin being my tear rag today.

Ten minutes later, the cell phone text message notification delivery to the door.

Women who live alone often note takeout at the door, check through the cat’s eye, see no one, and then open the door.

Pick up paella, abruptly opposite ⌈ click ⌋ opened the door.

I was startled, the doorway of the foot pad a stab slip.

Liu Yu Jin eyes quick to stop my waist, voice magnetic and hoarse: ⌈ Shen Shang, careful into it?⌋

…… This tone of voice.

Why is it a bit like A Jin?

I may be confused.

The human cat is a different way ah!

Liu Yu Jin: ⌈This is what you eat at night?⌋

I look down at the paella in my hand.

Confused, I nodded vacantly.

⌈You wait. ⌋ Ryuu Yuu goes home today and comes back out with plates in his right and left hands.

Braised meat.

Stir-fried seasonal vegetables.

All home cooked dishes.

⌈ How is one paella enough. I made too much for dinner, help me share it.⌋

I smiled politely.

I don’t like to owe favors because of my personality.

Liu Yu Jin, however, did not give me the opportunity to retort: ⌈I am doing archaeological work, not at home during the day, usually not good at housework, you can also help me wash it by the way after eating.⌋

Liu Yu Jin stuffed into my hands, the plate is warm, it seems to be done not long ago.

I stared at the fragrant braised pork, the meat was delicious, and the sauce dripping on top complemented it.

…… Helping him wash the dishes is not a favor owed, right?

As if he was afraid I wouldn’t take it, he explained: ⌈All are neighbors.⌋

⌈Thank you ah.⌋ The words to this point, I can not accept.

Liu Yu Jin smiled at me and went back to the entrance door to close the door, a white figure flashed in the gap.

That white hair, it seems to still have a gray if anything.

Ajin same model?


Akin really is a night owl.

I slept too long during the day, and I watched a movie straight through the night.

It crawled in through the window as the sky turned fish white.

I met eye to eye with a pair of round, ghostly blue eyes.

My cat ancestors!

This was twenty-seven floors!

⌈Akin, don’t you want a cat’s life?⌋

I scooped it up and rua in my arms.

Akin gave a big yawn and lay on my arm, and complained to me, ⌈Who told you not to leave the door open for me? I tumbled over the next door neighbor’s house.⌋

⌈So it seems.

There’s really no crack in the house for it to get in except this window.

As an irresponsible pooper scooper, I admit my fault: ⌈Master Jin, my fault for buying you dried small fish in your tub pot.⌋

Ah Jin stared at all four feet and ran away from my arms. Revealing its soft little white belly lying on my pillow.

⌈No need, the next door neighbor gave me canned food.⌋

⌈I ohhhh.

After feeding me, he fed my cat.

An angel on earth.

I closed my computer and got under the covers, thinking about bringing Akin into my arms, ⌈Akin, the air conditioning is a bit cold I’ll carry you to bed.⌋

This guy, it seems like he only likes my pillow, how can he refuse to leave when he’s dead against it.

⌈No…… no need, let go of my legs.⌋

A kitten is a kitten, how can you compare it to a human.

I picked up its body and tucked it in my arms, I had long heard that cats are made of liquid, plus that soft fur.

I can’t tell you how comfortable it feels to hold it in my arms.

I can’t get enough of creatures like cats.

Akin lay on his back, leaving the back of his head alone for me, even though he was being held tightly by me.

I turned him around, face-to-face, and he squirmed, reluctant, but unable to do anything about it.

I teased it, ⌈What? You’re a shy kitten.⌋

⌈…… ghost will. ⌋


Time slips by like quicksand.

It was only a month or two from sizzling summer to early fall.

With a little fat cat to raise, I took on two more writing side jobs, and during the day, I returned from the library to find information, buried in the case of hard writing.

Autumn wind blew through the window screen, swinging with the wind, look down, there is a sound asleep kitten lying at the foot.

The years are plain …… Uh, what makes me dissatisfied is that this cat seems to have only a 12 hour experience card.

Once night falls, Akin slips out through the doorway and comes back again early the next morning.

How can I put it?

It was like a scummy man who cheated on his wife and stayed out all night.

One day, for the nth time in the morning, I bumped into Akin coming in at the waist, and I directly pinched the back of its fateful neck.

⌈Do you want to be so diligent? ⌈One, three, five, absolute beauty, two, four, six, next door, knowing big sister, Sunday, you still do not rest?⌋

A Jin wanted to fight, helpless body and life are in my hands, stammered for a long time, explaining excessively pale: ⌈…… you don’t understand, the little female cat downstairs also needs me.⌋

I laughed, just one kitten.

A while ago also righteously called me a scum girl.

Who the hell is this scum?

⌈ You breed cats?⌋ I flirted, threateningly, ⌈Akin, isn’t it time to schedule a Karma egg surgery for you?⌋

Akin suddenly struggled violently, escaping in a few bounds and running to the top of the refrigerator on which it depended.

Small round eyes alert: ⌈No, absolutely not! ⌋

I crossed my arms, my chin raised and it stared at me: ⌈You kitty, the power of life and death is in my hands, how can it not be?⌋

The fur child held back for a long time and popped out a sentence:

⌈…… you will regret it!⌋


I didn’t ga off Akin.

Human society is free and equal, just and lawful.

It’s not good for me, an old mother, to deprive it of its reproductive rights.

The fall wind blew until the end of October, and there was more than a little chill in the air.

I was born in such an early winter, to be cold weather.

I haven’t celebrated my birthday for many years, but this year I suddenly wanted to celebrate, and I took the unprecedented step of buying a lot of ingredients to make a hot pot for dinner.

Hot pot in the fall and winter, think about it is very beautiful.

Butter spicy pot base, hot pot meatballs free to roll in the pot.

Ajin smelled the aroma, and his pink and moist little nose quivered.

⌈You want to eat it too?⌋

Akane didn’t say anything, but I could see the longing in her eyes.

⌈You are truly my ancestor!⌋

I climbed to my feet, poured a glass of cool water, and pointed to the ingredients tumbling in the pot: ⌈What do you want to eat?⌋

Ajin stretched out that ⌈small mountain bamboo⌋ and pointed: ⌈Crab sticks, crystal buns, and beef rolls……⌋

Nice guy.

Is this a cat?

It’s a better eater than a human.

I’ve been straining the spice out of it over and over again in the cool water like a mom. Jin is really a scumbag.

His head was propped up on his paws, and his tail flapped from side to side.

Like an emperor being served by his concubines.

⌈Okay, come and eat.⌋

The ingredients were piled high in the small iron wrist, and Akin pounced on them, drying them off in three or two tries with his big open mouth.

A Jin shook off his ears and complained: ⌈Shen Shang, can you shabu-shabu a little less cold water, it’s not spicy at all.⌋


You cat, still picking?


I just remembered, aren’t there a lot of forbidden foods for cats?

⌈…… can you eat it? Just eat like that.⌋

Akane’s eyes fall from the mouth-watering hot pot to me and quickly dart blank stares.

⌈Are you stupid? I’m a cat, but I’m a talking cat. And since I’m a talking cat, of course I can eat these things.⌋

…… uh.

It’s better to listen to your words.

I’d better shuck the water twice more.


I clean up the smell of hot pot in my house and quickly shower and come out wrapped in a towel.

Expectation really is the greatest deception of mankind.

Akin was gone again.

I was so angry that I crossed my arms and yelled at the empty room, ⌈Shen Ajin, I’m your temporary guest house and meal ticket right!!!⌋

–No one responded.

⌈Knock knock knock.⌋

Should this knocking come at the right time?

Too late to get dressed, I hurriedly put on a coat and looked toward the cat’s eye.

Liu Yu Jin disliked my cat’s eye, his eyebrows squeezed into a wavy shape, with the word ⌈Chuan⌋ written large in the center.

Not dressed, I didn’t dare to open the door hastily: ⌈Yu Yu Jin, do you have something to do?⌋

The original magnetic good voice was painfully broken into phrases floated in: ⌈Shen Shang…… my stomach hurts…… help.⌋

Me: ⌈?⌋

It’s not.

The air was silent for a few seconds.

⌈Wait for me. ⌋

Saving someone’s life is better than building a seven-story pagoda.

After changing clothes as fast as I could, I opened the door to assist Liu Yu Jin to the hospital.

After entering the elevator.

Liu Yu Jin was tortured by the pain, nearly one meter nine tall bowed into a shrimp shrinking in the bend of my arm.

Because of the pain, he grabbed my hand, palm temperature hot.

Liu Yu Jin half-closed eyes, long eyelashes fluttering from time to time.

The fresh and clean smell of his body drilled into my nostrils.

Let me, a mother-fetus solo who has not been in a serious relationship for more than twenty years and has never held a boy’s hand, blush in my old face.

Soon the elevator ⌈dings⌋ signaled the arrival of the first floor.

⌈Can you still hold out?⌋

Liu Yu Jin’s face reddened, I was really afraid that he would suddenly collapse.

He didn’t say anything and suddenly straightened up, looped his arm around my shoulders and hung his whole body on me.

The sound combined with the hot breath blew across my cheeks:

⌈With you, can’t die for a while.⌋

…… This is also too foul.


After hanging up the emergency room to check, the doctor concluded acute gastroenteritis, needing fluids.

In the large emergency ward, just the two of us.

Liu Yu Jin lying curled up on his side, my eyes looked over.

The thick quilt covered him, he is still thin.

He’s thin, tall, and has a cat.

I don’t understand.

I suddenly thought of Stinky Ajin, that dead liar’s screen name – Lonely Cat.

That’s what fits ⌈Lonely Cat⌋.

I helped him pull the quilt on his shoulders, Liu Yu Jin suddenly opened his eyes and pulled my hand: ⌈Thank you for saving me.⌋

I took back my hand, I really don’t dare to take credit: ⌈Not so much not so much. You should thank the doctor, I’m just a neighbor.⌋

⌈There’s a saying, a good neighbor – ⌋

Hey, what’s that saying.

I’ve got this brain.


Liu Yu Jin thief slipped to pick up the words: ⌈ after the object can not be fewer.


Is that what it says?


Skipping this little episode, Liu Yu-jin after the infusion is close to eleven o’clock, to the neighborhood, live across the door from the two of us at the same time to enter the door.

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do this, but I’m going to be able to do it, and I’m going to be able to do it.

It’s true that people have to die than people, and goods have to be thrown than goods.

Cats have to be more angry than cats.

I inclined my head and glanced at the world behind that doorway.


It was dark and unkempt.

I lamented, ⌈Your cat is so well behaved, it doesn’t even go out in the middle of the night. ⌋

Liu Yu Jin turned his back and turned that doorway into a tiny strip, the tail of his eyes narrowed: ⌈Not very well behaved either, what’s the matter, your cat likes to go out and play a lot?⌋

I sighed: ⌈Yeah, when it’s nighttime it loves to run outside and come back during the day.⌋

⌈Normal, maybe Autumn and Winter want to fall in love.⌋


Aren’t cats in heat in the spring?

I was still pondering, Liu Yu Jin drilled into the back of the doorway and stuck his head out: ⌈No more, I didn’t feed it at work during the day, so I went to feed it first.⌋


The door closed.

This liquid infusion can be really god.


I didn’t expect it.

My neighborly act of kindness that night led to a disaster.

I was sleeping soundly on the weekend, when the sound of thunderous knocking on the door outside separated me from Mr. Zhou.

With a look of rawness, Akin saw me awake and tilted his head as he rushed to the basement door.

⌈You’re finally awake, our door is about to be torn down.⌋

I frowned and sat up violently: ⌈Ah, who is it?⌋

This door knocked as loudly as the day Auntie Xue was looking for Fu Wenpei.

Just stepping out of the door of the room, a clear and familiar voice poured straight into his brain.

⌈Shen Shang! I know you are at home, you quickly open the door for me ……⌋

Peng Yuzhi.

I cleared my throat and walked to the foyer but didn’t open the door for her, yelling, ⌈What’s wrong with you?⌋

Peng Yuzhi’s voice grew louder and louder: ⌈You’re really at home, and you still don’t open the door for your mom!⌋

Hearing my voice, Peng Yuzhi was even more agitated, itching to slap my door open.

I’m one that doesn’t like to be watched.

Sinking my teeth, I unscrewed the door lock.

⌈Something’s up, say it quickly.⌋

Peng Yuzhi and Zhang Xiaoxiao are worthy of being mother and daughter, the same type of tugging in the air into my house.

She sat on my sofa with her butt, looked left and right and finally settled on my face: ⌈Where is that man?⌋

I had a black face.

⌈Where is the man?

Not waiting for me to speak, Peng Yuzhi said in rapid succession: ⌈The other night someone saw you and a man in the hospital, you helped him, and finally came back here together.⌋

⌈That’s the man you were with on the phone, right, his mother in law is here, don’t you want to meet?⌋

Me: ⌈?⌋

⌈Are you okay?

I was kind enough to send my neighbor to the hospital, and in someone else’s mouth it’s going home with your boyfriend?

⌈Without the permission of others, this is called trespassing, please get out.⌋

The good mood of the morning is all lost in this moment, my whole body is not good.

Peng Yuzhi hummed: ⌈Shen Shang, you are still my daughter. Since you and that man are living together, how should we discuss how much the bride price is.⌋

⌈However, back to your home …… that man will not be a soft food bar.⌋

⌈Shut up.⌋ I snarled.

Do not know anything and start judging, Peng Yuzhi this person is also enough.

⌈Peng Yuzhi, I don’t have a boyfriend, please get out.⌋

I directly pulled her up in a vain attempt to push out of the house.

But I didn’t expect the strong fighting power of a middle-aged woman, instead, she strongly twisted my hand.

Shouting in my ear: ⌈Shen Shang, I’m your mom, you shouldn’t do this to me!

She instantly froze in the doorway, and while I tried to push her out of the door, Peng Yuzhi tugged my wrist to death.

⌈What about me? Deserve to be thrown away and picked up like trash when you say so?⌋

⌈I’m your mother⌋ The four big words made me sick to my stomach.

Fragments of memories suddenly bloomed in my mind.

The original loving parents turned their backs on me at this moment, the avenue facing the sky, each going their own way.

Helpless, incomprehensible, scared, stupid ……

At twelve years old, I didn’t understand why I was the abandoned child.

In the end, when the lights went up and the world hung neon, I was the only one who stood in front of the closed Civil Affairs Bureau for the rest of the day.

Then it was my grandmother who took my hand and brought me home.

Then, at the age of twenty-two, Grandma passed away.

At Grandma’s funeral, Peng Yuzhi spoke to me for the first time in years:

⌈Your grandmother raised you for so many years, has been benevolent, she this house you do not think about.⌋

I still remember, she that corner of the eye hanging tears, but the corners of the mouth with a smile, hypocritical, greedy look.


⌈No matter what you say, I also raised you for so many years, you should repay me when you are an adult …… I don’t want anything, you call that man out, to get married if the dowry to five hundred thousand, give me the money after that I won’t come to you.⌋

I’m not going to be able to get a good deal on it.

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to get a good deal on this.

I was so disgusted by this chutzpah that I trembled, pushing her away with all my might, and she took two steps back.

⌈You get out! Stop disgusting me ……⌋


In a panic, a white figure flew out.

⌈Ah!⌋ Peng Yuzhi kicked out in pain.

In just that instant, the cat was kicked to the door frame and landed heavily again, whimpering and sprawling on the ground.

I yelled, ⌈A Jin!

Peng Yuzhi’s face was ugly: ⌈What kind of crap cat did you raise! It also bites people, no wonder it bit Xiao Xiao last time, this kind of cat that can hurt people should be thrown to the garbage dump!⌋

With tears clouding my eyes, I pushed her out with all my strength and closed the door heavily.

No matter how much she tapped on the door outside and shouted.

⌈Gold, are you okay?⌋

I reached out and touched its body, tears hitting the floor one by one.

Arkin looked up at me and struggled to get up, his head rubbing against my hand:

⌈I’m fine…… you see, I can protect you.⌋


Peng Yuzhi screamed at the door for half a day, and finally the property reported to the police because of the nuisance.

I fed and watered Ah Jin and saw that it was in good spirits before I left to deal with it at the police station.

As the saying goes, it is difficult for a clean official to resolve a family matter.

The police in view of our mother-daughter relationship, but also just education to persuade the matter.

In front of the police station, Peng Yuzhi also attempted to extort a medical fee from me, which was directly disliked by me.

She can be brazen, I can also.

⌈My cat was kicked by you, and it happened to bite you as well, the two of them offset each other, neither of them suffered.⌋

Peng Yuzhi looks like choking, pointing at my head and cursing: ⌈You that is a broken cat, I’m your mom – ⌋

She did not expect, I directly hit down the finger that was pointing at me with a harsh tone:

⌈Don’t take this to press me, you don’t deserve it, I don’t have a mom as cheap as you.⌋


That night, Akin was uncharacteristic.

Instead of leaving, he even got under my covers and rested on my arm.

I also flirted: ⌈What’s wrong? Finally knows to accompany me, the master.⌋

It didn’t say anything, I thought it wanted to rest because of the pain from the kick today, so I smoothed its fur one after another.

In the middle of the day, it suddenly moved and whirled around and said: ⌈Shen Shang, do you want to hear a story?⌋

I ⌈hmmm⌋ made a sound, somewhat curious.

⌈ There was a whale who moved to a new sea, he was lonely, lonely with no friends and no family. Two months later, he was out foraging for food when he spotted a very pretty whale, she too had no friends or family, alone. ⌋

⌈One day the whale realized he could turn into a starfish, so he found the beautiful whale, attached himself to her, and accompanied her as she roamed the ocean floor ……⌋

Akin didn’t say any more, but I was all ears: ⌈Too short, right, no follow up?⌋

⌈There is.⌋ Akin has some to say tonight …… tenderness.

⌈I want to say it to you next time, go to sleep.⌋

With a soft cat in my arms, I fell asleep unusually fast.

Always a light sleeper, it wasn’t until the middle of the night that I slowly woke up without the warmth in my arms.

All I could hear was the sound of the kitten struggling to open the door.

Not long after, it managed to walk out.

Curious, I tiptoed and quietly followed it out.

Jin slipped in through the unclosed doorway of Ryu Yuujin’s house.

I then quietly pushed the door open as well.

Unexpectedly, I saw something I could never believe in my life.

Ah Jin!

The silver gradient that had accompanied me for months, ⌈swish⌋, collapsed to the floor.

Along with it, awake was Ryuu Yuujin, who was lying on the bed.

The moonlight reflected on him through the floor-to-ceiling window, and the man opened his eyes.

He sat up naked, the thin blanket sliding down his movements to the inverted triangle of his lower abs, half covered.

He squinted the tips of his eyes and rushed me:

⌈Shen Shang, you found me out, I’m Ryu Yu-jin, and I’m also your Jin.⌋


It turns out that A Jin’s ⌈jin⌋, is Liu Yu Jin’s ⌈jin⌋.

I was petrified in place.

My head went blank, and my throat felt like it had been stuffed with a thick ball of cotton.

Liu Yu Jin came over wrapped in the quilt, interlocked his index finger and thumb, and flicked my head.

Only then did my soul return to my body.

A song lyric flashed through my mind-

This world is so crazy that rats can be bridesmaids for cats.

Ah shucks …… arrogant cats can turn into beautiful men.

I instantly took a huge step back and comically crossed my arms in a fighting stance, eyeing him warily.

⌈Are you a demon? Or ……⌋

neighbor a demon? Pardon my materialistic inability to accept it.

Wrapped in a quilt and made up like a Saudi Arabian, Ryu Yu-jin slowly approached me.

I couldn’t read the expression on his face, backed away in small fearful steps, and closed my eyes.

In terror, he grabs my wrist.

My fingertips touched fur and I opened one eye slightly.

Ryu Yuujin: ⌈Don’t be afraid-⌋

The covers slipped off, and the keto body was instantly mapped in my pupils, striking between my legs ……


Still afraid of a der.


After wiping the nosebleed, Liu Yu Jin put on a camel-colored housecoat and came out, poured me a cup of warm water and sat next to me.

Camel color to him plated layer of soft light, Liu Yu Jin mouth corners slightly up, as the first time I saw him, that body of the country style white robe warm and moist as jade.

Do you dare to believe?

Liu Yu Jin in the past few months, during the day the soul will enter the body of a cat and appear beside me.

At night, he turns back into a human and lives a normal human life.

No wonder, Jin is always away from home at night.

Ryuu Yuujin’s explanations converged into a strange vocabulary haunting my mind.

I don’t understand what the hell he means by this.

It’s a kitten by my side during the day, but at night it turns into the next door neighbor secretly teasing me?

⌈So what are you doing this for?⌋

Liu Yu Jin’s lips moved slightly and was about to open his mouth to speak when Silver Gradual Layer came out of the room with cat-like steps.

The tone of the human language was very disdainful: ⌈Cowardly Liu Yu Jin, how much longer are you going to hide it from her?⌋

I looked at the cat with unusually weird eyes.

So, this cat can really speak human language!

The amount of information was so overwhelming that my brain died on the spot.

Silver Gradual Layer walked over to the food bowl and lowered its head to stab a few mouthfuls of water, and then very nimbly jumped in between Liu Yu Jin and me.

This day, I learned a big secret.


There was a man who had been in love with me for a long time.

One day, Liu Yu Jin came back from the institute in the middle of the night, exhausted.

The light of the night was dim and bright, and he saw me running next to the flowerbed.

Breathing heavily, with Bluetooth headphones in my ears, I swept past him one at a time.

So he fell in love with my back.

I’m a sociopath, and I’m out and about mostly in the middle of the night, usually with music in my ears, regardless of my surroundings.

It’s really strange how someone can fall in love with someone because of their back.

Later, Liu Yu Jin found out that I live across the street from him, so he searched for my contact information in the neighborhood WeChat group.

Kung Fu, he said that after heavy exclusion, he dared to believe that the owner of that micro-signal was me.

I am a person who is used to using the same nickname on various social platforms.

So, he silently observed and knew that I like cats.

Then start from the cat, plus my best friend in the way of cats and I came to an online love.

No wonder …… I said how so like a psycho.

Then later, I deleted him, that is, those days Liu Yu Jin found that the cat he raised is actually a thousand years cat fairy.

By the way, the cat fairy is really called A Jin.

Liu Yu Jin took it.

Ah Jin offered to exchange bodies with him during the day as a way to get closer to me and keep me company.

How patronizing and bizarre!

⌈Shen Shang, I like you, I liked you from the first time I saw you.⌋

There was an indescribable feeling in my heart, like I had spilled a spice bottle, a mixture of flavors.

Is it like Liu Yu Jin?

The memories of the cat Ryuu Yuujin and the human Ryuu Yuujin showed up in my mind as I walked around.

I was born a loner, but it seemed like the months he was there, my life went from dead, to alive.

It used to be called living, and the days he showed up became living.

I guess so, I like him.

Because no one else would protect me when I was hurt, or turn themselves into a kitten to keep me company because they liked me.

Tears spilled from the corners of my eyes as I smiled and looked up to ask, ⌈Yuu Yuujin, do you remember that line in the hospital?⌋

I didn’t expect him to be confused: ⌈Which sentence?⌋

⌈Neighborly relations are good-⌋

He picked up, his voice perked up: ⌈There will be fewer objects in the future!

I gave Ryu Yu-jin a hug and whispered in his ear: ⌈No need for later.⌋

⌈Now is fine.

When I was eighteen years old, I said to myself that I wanted to find someone who loved me very much in the future.

Now I have found it.

After the hug, Yoo Yu Jin smiled brightly and said in my ear, ⌈So Shang Shang, can I kiss you now?⌋

⌈Of course you can.⌋

In that split second, the best feelings in the world flowed between us.

It became eternal and glittering.

This kiss stretched warmly through the fall and winter.

The moon was hanging outside, and the person I love was by my side.

“End of text”

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