46. Cat school bully

Cat school bully

I’ll see you when I’m in the mood for something else

The school bully with a pair of cat ears, crouching in the corner eating canned cat food was bumped into by me.

He threatened me not to tell anyone.

But how come the color of his tail is exactly the same as the one I always go to the cat cafe to jerk off?

Rumor has it that the school bully Ye Jing has a proud and withdrawn personality, loves to fight, and often comes to school covered in injuries …….

This is such a delinquent teenager, at this moment is wearing a pair of cat ears, squatting in the corner, a face of intoxication to eat …… cat canned food?

I rubbed my eyes and opened them wide.

It was really a canned cat!

Ye Jing went against his usual fierce look and squinted his eyes as if he was savoring some delicacy.

From time to time, he used his tongue to lick away the food residue at the corners of his mouth.

Good lord, the school bully is actually an omnivore.

I glanced again at the cat ears he was wearing on his head, and the cat tail behind him.

In my mind, I added: and transvestite.

Then wouldn’t I have discovered the school bully’s ulterior secret now?

This place is not suitable to stay for long!

Just as I was about to quietly slip away, Ye Jing suddenly opened his eyes and looked over with an alert face.

“Who’s there?!”

Like a captured thief, I stood still, squeezing the sandwich in my hand, not knowing what to do.

“School bully, you, you’re having lunch here too?”

Four eyes met, Ye Jing’s brows furrowed, his hands scrambled to hide the can of cat behind his back, and then scrambled to cover those cat ears.

His face turned red and he shouted at me sharply, “Why are you here?”

“I’m passing by ……”

The atmosphere became awkward.

“So what, there’s no shame in being an omnivore.”

“School bully, you play cosplay, cos of Luo Xiao Hei, quite cute ……”

“Tail, motorized, really high quality.”

“You’re so rich. ……”

But every time I kissed a line of ass, Ye Jing’s face became a little more ugly.

I want to cry without tears, “So what, I still have something to do, I’m leaving first.”

Just as I was taking my steps and preparing to sprint 100 meters out of this embarrassing place.

My arm was gripped by Ye Jing, and my entire body fell backwards, being brought into his arms.

A shadow fell, and I raised my head to see the corners of Ye Jing’s mouth slightly curled up.

“Jiang Yunyun student, I have an omnivore fetish and love to play cosplay thing, but also please don’t say anything about it.”

Although Ye Jing was smiling, he said the words ‘omnivorous fetish’ and ‘cosplay’ extremely heavily, with a feeling of gritting his teeth.

“Otherwise, I can’t guarantee what I’ll do, after all, you’re calling me the school bully, right?”

I nodded sardonically, not daring to ask why he knew my name.


I went to the cat cafe I frequented to pass the time as usual.

“Sister Lin, where’s Ye?”

Since I had been here so many times, I had long gotten acquainted with the owner.

Sister Xiao Lin pointed to the highest part of the cat rack, where a dark figure was curled up, the sunlight falling down and gilding its fur with a soft golden light.

I called out to it a few times.

The leaf’s ears twitched, followed by a stretch and a lazy glance at me, sleep still in its round eyes.

I took out the cat strip again to tease it, but the leaf didn’t jump down immediately as usual.

Instead, it jumped to another cat carrier and continued to sleep as if it didn’t see it.

I was a bit lost.

Turning around, I jerked up one of the ragdolls next to me.

A black paw hit the back of my hand and I turned my head to meet Leaf’s amber eyes.

I took the opportunity to scoop it up into my arms, burying my head in its soft belly and sucking in a few hard breaths.

Ah, it felt like a physical and mental healing.


I smoothed his fur, and as if he understood, he turned his head to the side in a haughty manner.

Leaf was the first kitten in the entire cat cafe to get close to me, and he always puts on a haughty face, but whenever I pet the other kittens, he runs over and slaps my hand with his paw.

“Jealous kittens like you are born to be kissed to death!”

I said, giving it a few more fierce kisses.

Suddenly, I catch a glimpse of Leafy’s tail, pure black with only a bit of white from the tip of the tail upwards, shaped like a leaf.

The flowery color of this tail, how come it’s exactly the same as the one the school bully cosplayed with yesterday?

I jokingly muttered to myself, “Ye Ci, is your tail out of the neighborhood, I saw someone cosplaying yesterday with a tail prop that was also this color.”

Ye Ci’s movements stiffened and she jumped off my lap.

“What’s wrong, is it possible that he’s you?”

Of course it’s impossible for a kitten to turn into a human.

Leaf, however, was a bit of an anomaly, lying on his back with his pupils dilated and a nervous look on his face.

Not long after, jumped to a higher cat stand, and scrunched his tail up.

No matter how much I shouted, it wouldn’t come down.


I feed the stray cats once a week, yet today I coincidentally met Ye Jing.

The stray cat rubbed against my hand affectionately.

Just as I was bursting with happiness, a sultry and angry voice drifted into my ears.

“Jiang Yunyun, how can you touch it.”

I shivered in fear and turned around to meet Ye Jing’s eyes that took on an amber sheen in the sunlight.

“What, what’s wrong, does the kitten hate being petted?”

“No.” Leafscape held his forehead, looking distressed, and when he looked at me, he showed a sad expression.

It was like looking at a cheating scum girl.

“But you can’t pet so many of them, it looks very ……”


“Very philandering.”

Ye Jing said it in a twisted way, and I ghostly retracted my hand.

Is petting a kitten considered philandering?

However, the next moment, Ye Jing’s action made me freeze.

He came over and sniffed the nape of my neck.

Then not too happily, he said, “You smell of other cats all over you, it stinks.”

Although he was full of disgust, he didn’t pull away from me in the slightest, but on the contrary, pressed closer.

After he said that, I sniffed my own clothes as well, and there wasn’t any odor.

“There is? I don’t smell anything.”

“That’s because you don’t have a good nose, it stinks.”

Well, you’re the one with a good nose.

I silently spat out a sentence in my heart and took a few steps back so as not to stink up this ill-tempered school bully.

I didn’t expect Ye Jing’s face to look even uglier, and he said in a bad mood, “What are you doing so far away.”


Then what the hell am I going to do, I’ll go back and take a shower now and then come over to be closer to you?

“Didn’t you say that I have a smell on me? I’ll stay away from you so that I don’t stink.”

I muttered and Ye Jing was stunned for a moment, looking even more angry.

He let out a ‘humph’ and put his head to the side.

With this look on his face, it reminded me that Ye Ci was also like this, if I went to pet another cat, he would run over to me, put his paw on my hand, and after a 『Meow』, he would turn his fluffy head away to the side.

“Do you come to feed the cats too? There are especially a lot of stray cats in this area.” I carefully digress so that the atmosphere doesn’t get weirder and weirder.

“I’m not feeding cats.”

Ye Jing paused for a moment, glanced at me, and added, “I just came to ask you if you’ve told anything about me.”

I immediately became serious and swore, “Of course I didn’t, there’s no way I’ll say anything!”

Ye Jing narrowed his eyes and locked gazes with me, and because the distance was too close, I could clearly see his slightly fluttering eyelashes, as well as those eyes with extremely pale pupil color.

After a long time, he said, “Is that so? I don’t believe it.”

Then why are you asking me!

“Do you often come here to feed the cats?”

I nodded and glanced at the fur child who was burying his head in his mouth, ”I like cats very much, when I was young, because my parents didn’t agree, I haven’t been able to keep one, and now even though I’ve rented a house outside, there are just too many classes, and I can’t often accompany them even if I do keep one, so I haven’t been able to keep one.”

Ye Jing was puzzled, “So you don’t live in school ah, where did you rent a room?”

Although I wondered why he asked, I told him anyway.

However, what he said next made me freeze in place with an outright frozen smile.

“You’re not allowed to come here to feed the cat from now on.”

The usual, commanding tone.

“Why?” My voice rose abruptly.

Is the school bully so lenient?

“I’m going to feed the cats here every day from now on, so don’t come.”

“Didn’t you just say you’re the one who doesn’t feed the cats?”

Ye Jing laughed and rightfully explained, “Don’t you have a lot of classes? I have fewer classes, and I’m particularly interested in feeding the cats right now, and I can come every day, so they can eat well.”

You’re cultivating one little interest a day, aren’t you, kid?

“Can’t I come if you come and feed them?!” I confronted him in a huff.

“What are you, the “100,000 Reasons Why”? I don’t like the idea that someone else has to feed the cat I feed.”

Ye Jing justified, while I was so angry that I was going to spit blood.

You dammit.

I was furious, and I couldn’t care less about the fact that the one in front of me was the school bully who was rumored to like to fight at the drop of a hat.

I said to him in a bad mood, “You’re in charge of a lot of things! I had a day of sb class and relied on the kitten to recharge my batteries, how come you can’t come if you feed someone else?”

Ye Jing raised an eyebrow, his face rarely had an angry color on it.

“You can still go to the cat cafe.”

Hey, right oh.

But that’s not a reason for you to be so bossy ah.

Seeing that I was a bit shaken, he continued to bait me, “The one next to the school, don’t you go there often, it’s close by and the cats are cute.”

Uh-huh? It seems to be true.

Speaking of which, Ye Ci is also a kitten of that cat cafe.

“How do you know I go there often?” I said suspiciously.

Ye Jing seemed to not expect me to suddenly ask this question and froze for a moment, “Guess, next to the school it’s usually the students from our school who go there the most, and you like cats so much, you must be a regular.”

Okay, that makes sense.

“And I’m doing this for your own good.”

Leafscape approached, a smile on his face, handsome but a bit impish.


Not letting me come here to feed the stray cats is for my own good, what kind of nonsense is that?

“Think about it, you have a lot of classes and you have to come all the way here to feed the stray cats, wouldn’t it be nice to sleep a little more on the weekend?”

“I’m sharing your burden.”

“If you want to jerk off a cat, just go to the house next to the school. After a long day of classes, don’t you feel happy to jerk off a cat on your way back?”

Under Ye Jing’s eager gaze, I hesitantly nodded my head.

Seeing me nod, the smile on Ye Jing’s face grew even wider.

What he said made sense, but it always somehow felt like I was being cpu’d into it.

Is it just me?

Ye Jing said he had never fed a cat before and was worried that he couldn’t do it right.

So he added my contact information and said that if he didn’t know how to do it, he could ask me, an experienced person, for advice.

Every day after that, he would send me pictures he took while feeding the cat.

This day after I took a shower.

My cell phone rang a few times, and it was Ye Jing who sent me two photos.

The first one was of the fur kids eating canned food at a whim.

The second was a photo of the fur kids lazily rolling their bellies in the sun after eating.

Hearts are going to melt with adorableness.

Me: [So cute!]

Next, Ye Jing sent over another photo of him holding a white kitten cub.

The white cat cub squinted its eyes, its nose pink, a small ball curled up in Ye Jing’s hand, while Ye Jing, was looking at the cat cub with a gentle expression, his long eyelashes dropping a shadow.

Ye Jing: [This is Dabai’s child, he led me to see it today].

Milk purring cat cubs, directly launched 10,000 points of adorable storm, I fell.

Me: [Ahhhh, they’re all so cute!]

Strangely enough, Ye Jing’s chat box kept displaying “The other party is in the process of typing” after this sentence was sent, but never sent over a message.

I then realized that I didn’t make it clear who was cute in that sentence.

Would Ye Jing think I was talking about him?

The school bully surely wouldn’t be happy with others calling him cute!

So, I explained: [I mean, these cats are so cute.]

This time, there was no more ‘The other party is in the process of typing’ displayed.

I put down my cell phone, ready to go blow-dry my hair and go to bed.

The phone beeped again.

Ye Jing: [Oh.]

[I didn’t misunderstand, what’s the point of explaining.]



Okay, I’m being redundant.

After a while, Ye Jing sent another photo of his hand.

Fingers are well boned, white and slender.

On the back of his hand, however, there is a thin slit that snakes across the entire back of his hand from the root of his index finger, with the skin and flesh turning shallowly outward, and beads of blood are seeping out.

Ye Jing: [Scratched while feeding the cat.]

The wound looks quite serious, I press my fingers fast on the screen, [First, you need to wash the injured area alternately with soapy water and running water.]]

[Then dry the wound area with gauze, and finally rinse the wound with saline.]

As soon as I sent it over, Ye Jing made a video call.

I was startled and was about to hang up when my hand shook and clicked to connect.

Then, Ye Jing’s handsome face took over my cell phone screen.

He should be at home, looking lazy, the light hitting down, softening his cool looks.

“What are you doing, your hair hasn’t even been blown.”

Ye Jing’s voice came out from the cell phone, mixed with electronic noise, some hoarse, originally very for the usual voice, but heard my ears dry.

“I just got out of the shower, did you take care of your wound?” I replied dryly, and inquired dryly.

Seriously, video calling with someone I don’t know well, it’s really awkward fucking opening the door to awkwardness, awkward to the point of being home.

However, Ye Jing just stared at me without answering.

Inexplicably I hung my head under this line of sight, and stiffly continued to bla bla bla, “The wound isn’t too deep, you treat it first according to what I just sent you.”

The corner of Ye Jing’s mouth raised in an arc, “Don’t you want to ask me if it hurts?”


A question mark slowly appeared, you played the video just to ask this?

“Does your wound hurt?”

“A little.”

“If it hurts, get it treated.”

“But I don’t have any wound treatment at home, and I can’t do it with one hand. Why don’t you do it for me?”

No way, you’re just scratched, not disabled.

However, I just spat it out in my mind and didn’t dare to say it out loud.

“Wouldn’t it be good to go to the hospital?”

Who knows that as soon as I said this, Ye Jing’s face changed, “Jiang Yunyun, are you so reluctant to help me?”

I was about to explain when Ye Jing hung up the video call.

”Come on, flipping your face is faster than flipping a book.

The point is that my house doesn’t have those things for treating wounds either!

I sent Ye Jing a string of messages, but he didn’t reply.

Half an hour later, Ye Jing: [Why didn’t you say so earlier.]

[I’m downstairs in your neighborhood, come down and accompany me to the hospital.]

No, I told you, and you didn’t reply.

It’s really a headache.

I hurriedly cleaned up, and went out.

Ye Jing stood under a street lamp, his figure was erect, and his shadow was drawn long on the ground.

“Why are you wearing so little?”

「Came out in too much of a hurry ……」

Before I could finish, a jacket covered me up, carrying the faint scent of laundry detergent, as well as another person’s body heat.

“The temperature is a bit low at night, be careful of catching a cold.”

Ye Jing said, reaching out to touch my head.

Fingers inserted into my hair, the slight coolness of my fingertips touched the back of my neck, and a numbness traveled all the way down from the nape of my neck.

“The ends of my hair are still a bit dry.”

I reflexively took a few steps back.

Ye Jing also reacted and withdrew his hand, giving a dry cough.

The moonlight shone on both of us, and between the two of us, there was at least a meter of distance.

Silence, is tonight’s Kangqiao.

This awkward and weird atmosphere ……

I stole a glance at Ye Jing and realized that he was actually looking at me as well.

When our eyes met, we were simultaneously stunned for a moment, and immediately and silently both averted our gazes.

No, what kind of Mary Sue episode is this?

“That one, show me the wound.” I was the first to break the silence.

Ye Jing stretched out that injured hand, and I held it in my palm.

The wound had stopped bleeding now, but it looked a bit shocking on such a good-looking hand.

“How did you get scratched like this, does it still hurt?”

“It doesn’t hurt.”

Oh, didn’t you say it hurt half an hour ago?

“Didn’t you say it hurt a bit just now, and it doesn’t hurt anymore so soon?” I let out a giggle and teased.

Ye Jing pursed his lips and pulled his hand out in a flash, walking forward quickly.

“Hurry up, if you dawdle any longer the hospital will be closed.”

Ye Jing tall legs long, a step of half a meter, I jogged to keep up with him, vaguely see the tip of his ears red.

“What hospital closes at six o’clock?”

I continued to tease him, deliberately pretending to strain, “You slow down, I can’t keep up.”

So Ye Jing really slowed down, but didn’t look at me, and awkwardly spoke to the air, “Who let you walk slowly.”

I found Ye Jing to be quite interesting, not as fierce as the rumors, although he was quite arrogant, he always had a childlike innocence.

He’s like a cat, he likes to aggressively provoke you, but if you just pinch his paw and smooth his fur, he’ll shy away instead.

It feels like fate is really quite marvelous.

For example, before I had nothing to do with the school bully who was rumored to be a cool fighter, but now I got acquainted.

After I accompanied Ye Jing to the hospital to get patched up, he sent me home again.

Late spring night breeze, unknown emotions secretly grow.

I was in a good mood for no reason, and said to Ye Jing, “See you tomorrow.”

He stood in the darkness of the hallway, couldn’t see the emotion on his face, but his voice was gentle: “Well, see you tomorrow.”

When I got home, I remembered that I forgot to return my jacket to Ye Jing.

I folded it neatly and thought, “Forget it, I’ll return it to him tomorrow.

However, the next day, I didn’t meet Ye Jing, but instead I was pestered by a strange person for the whole day.

It was Shen Bu, the departmental grass of the math department, with an exaggerated head of white hair.

Ever since I met him in the cafeteria, he’s been following me around like a sticky piece of gummy candy that I can’t shake off.

“You’re Jiang Yunyun, I know you!” This person also has a loud voice and started shouting from a long distance when he saw me.

Causing a crowd of curious eyes to fall on me.

“Ah …… thank you for recognizing me.”

“Can’t you recognize me?” Shen Bu looked at me with an expectant face, his gaze so eager that it made me feel like I had done something wrong.

“I know you, you’re Shen Bu, the department grass of the math department.”

However, it was as if he hadn’t heard the correct answer, and his whole body became dejected.

But in no time, he was in high spirits again.

“It’s okay, let’s take our time, have you eaten yet, are you in a good mood today?”

I stopped my pace and turned my head to meet his eyes, “Guess what I just went to the cafeteria for?”

“Oh ……” he smiled awkwardly.

This kid, his logic is so bad, how could he not think of going to the math department?

As for the mood, from the moment I met you, it’s not good.

In this way, all the way Shen Bu followed behind me and chattered non-stop, because he is too handsome, attracted the passing students often side-eye.

At first, I would politely talk back.

Until what he said got stranger and stranger.

“Rhyme, look, the clouds in the sky look like kitty litter.”

“Rhyme, look at the butterflies, I can catch them and eat them!”

“This tree is so beautifully grown, I want to climb up and sunbathe.”


Shen Bu, you don’t have some kind of mental illness, do you?

I sweated, but didn’t say anything.

“Wait, are you coming in too? I’m going to be in my specialty class.”

I cut off Shen Bu, who wanted to follow me into the classroom, and stated that I would be angry if he came in.

I ignored Shen Bu’s pitiful gaze and picked the seat furthest away from the door and window and sat down.

Shen Bu took a phone call, gave me a fond look, and left.

The phone vibrated a few times, it was a message from Shen Bu.

Shen Bu: [Rhyme, I have something to do(ó﹏ò)].

[I’ll leave first, I’ll come back for you later.]

Thank you, it’s better if you don’t come.

Just now on the road, not only did he stick to me and ask questions, he also added my contact information.

I just felt an immense headache and decided to bolt as soon as I got out of class.

My friend Su Meng tugged at me with a gossipy face, “Good for you Jiang Yun Yun, how do you know Shen Bu?”

“I said I met him in the cafeteria this morning, do you believe me?”

Su Meng: “Do not believe, you come to a class, he was outside the door like the ancient just married, the husband will go out to war, can only be alone in the boudoir of the bride.”

I was amused by her, “What the hell kind of metaphor is that.”

But it’s quite apt.

“Shen Bu is really handsome, worthy of being the grass of the math department.” My friend put her hands on her face and sighed like a nymphomaniac.

I silently spit in my heart: handsome, I think it’s IQ for a change.

My chatting record with Ye Jing is still stuck on the message I sent to him after I woke up this morning.

Ye Jing never replied.

“Oops, how many times have you looked at your cell phone in class.”

When Su Meng said this, I couldn’t help but pull out my cell phone and look at it again, Ye Jing still hadn’t replied.

“Did you?”

“Of course, I counted, your total control in class looked at the phone eleven times, eleven times, ah, you used to touch the phone during class time do not bring touch a bit.”

Su Meng smiled a sly smile, rubbing over, there is a I will not let me go if I do not tell the truth of the situation.

“Say, are you in love?”

My face heated up, and Ye Jing’s figure appeared in my mind for no reason.

“No, if I were in love, wouldn’t I show you at once?”

“That’s right.”

The next day, I still didn’t see Ye Jing on campus, and he didn’t reply to my messages either.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I didn’t have any energy in class today, and my mood was a bit depressed.

So I went to the cat cafe that I always go to.

However, the cat cafe was still closed.

As I was losing my mind, I heard a few faint cat calls.

I pricked up my ears and listened carefully to make sure I heard it correctly, then I followed the source of the sound and found a black figure under the bushes in the green belt.

The little black cat was covered in wounds, its shiny black fur covered in blood and dirt and dust, and was lying weakly on the ground.

The black tail, with only a little white from the tip upwards, was shaped like a leaf.

“Leaf! Why are you here?”

Panicked and careful, I took Leaf in my arms, and Leaf’s head buried at my shoulder and rubbed against it.

I didn’t have the cat cafe owner’s phone number, so I could only take Ye Ci to the pet hospital first.

“This kitten, got into a fight, didn’t you?”

The doctor laughed as he treated the wound.

“Look at this, it’s all chewed up.”

The doctor cheerfully, the leaf tail peeled open, “ouch, or a small male cat, do a sterilization, we have a discount.”

Poor Leaf was tossed around by the doctor and could only endure the humiliation of meowing a few times.

However, when it heard the word “neuter”, it immediately broke away from the doctor’s hand, stood up, and assumed an attacking position, “meowing meow meow meow” and screaming ferociously.

I stroked it, thinking that it was hard for the little guy to understand human language, “No, no, no, this cat is not mine, I can’t make the decision.”

“Be good, go home and eat canned cat food later.”

I said, and kissed the leaf, the leaf then relaxed, rubbed my palm, and licked my fingers.

I brought Ye Ci home, and after feeding it canned cat food, I made a simple nest with old clothes and put it next to the bed.

Taking out my cell phone and looking at it, Leafscape still hadn’t responded to my message.

I turned around and stroked Ye Ye’s furry little head, “Ye Ye, why are you fighting?”

As if Ye Ci understood, it stared with round eyes and responded as if it had meowed.

Just like this, I said one sentence, it meowed one sentence, in a daze sleepiness swept over me, without realizing it I actually fell asleep.

I dreamed that Ye Jing was wearing the same cat ears as when I first met him, and he seemed to be injured, straining to hold me tightly in his arms, his tail wrapped around my legs.

Hot nostrils sprayed on the side of my neck, equally hot kisses landed on my skin, and it felt like the air was gushing with heat.

“Tick-tock, tick-tock.”

The shrill ringing of my alarm clock woke me up, and I opened my eyes, drenched in sweat and gasping for air as if I was still in a dream.

A leaf to the side licked my cheek.

I …… actually dreamed of Leafscape.

It’s still the same dream, I dry!

Meeting Leaf’s amber-colored eyes, it purred in a small voice.

“Ah sorry boy, hungry.”

I poured it cat food and added an extra cat strip.

I stroked Leafy gently, but I couldn’t control the dream scene in my mind.

Ye Jing still didn’t reply to my message.

I thought I had forgotten and re-sent a few more, yet still no reply.

When I passed by the Cat Cafe on my way to school, I saw a sign saying “Closed for Business” hanging on the door.

To put it unkindly, I was quite happy that Ye Ci could stay at my house for a few more days, it was like having a cat of my own.

“Hey, did you hear, that school bully got into a fight again.”

Su Meng poked me and came over to gossip in a low voice.

Who? Ye Jing?

“I haven’t heard, how do you know, who did you hear it from, is it serious?”

The anxiety that colored my tone didn’t even notice myself, so I eagerly pulled Su Meng’s sleeve to ask about the consequences.

Su Meng raised her eyebrows, “Why are you so anxious, you’re not secretly in love with Ye Jing, right?”

“No!” I immediately denied it, but those words were like oars swinging the water waves in my heart.

I remembered that dream from last night and couldn’t help but blush.

Sumeng pulled a long-toned ‘oh’ with an ‘I get it’ expression.

“Then I’ll be merciful and tell you.” Su Meng crossed her arms, “I also heard about it, it said that Ye Jing and Shen Bu had a fight, but I don’t know exactly because of what.”

“It seems to be quite serious, they were hospitalized, but in which hospital I don’t know.”

Ye Jing? Shen Bu?

Do they know each other and why did they fight?

However, the more specific things Su Meng also do not know, there is no way to tell me.

Now that Ye Jing doesn’t reply to messages and something happened I realize that I know so little about him that I can literally say I know nothing.

Back home, I fed Ye Ye good cat food and touched its head and sighed straight.

“Hey, you guys, why do one or two of you love to fight?”

“That would worry me.”

Ye Ci meowed and came over to rub my hand affectionately.

If it wasn’t for the fact that it was injured, I would have jerked it off hard.

At night, I was thirsty.

I am ready to get up and pour a glass of water.

In my sleepy eyes, I saw a familiar figure again, it was Ye Jing, he was still wearing those cat ears and his tail was wagging.

He had no clothes on, just the quilt covering his lower half, and was fiddling with my cell phone.

I thought I was in a dream again.

So grabbed the cat ears on top of his head and yanked hard, “You kid, you don’t answer messages for a few days and you fight, do you know how worried I am?”

However, the cat’s ear did not pull down, Ye Jing instead let out a cry of pain.

He turned his head and saw that it was me, the word panic was written all over his handsome face, he hurriedly pulled the quilt and wrapped his entire body.

“Why are you awake?”


Could it be that this wasn’t a dream?

The touch of a cat’s ear still lingered between his fingers, soft and warm.

An almost impossibly true suspicion flashed through my mind, and I immediately came to my senses and turned on the light in the room.

Leafscape, wrapped in the quilt, revealing only a reddish face, was exposed to the light, and beside my bed, where was Leaf’s figure.

I took a deep breath and tried my best to suppress the anger in my heart.

“Say, what’s going on?”

I never thought that I would have a day to interrogate the school bully.

Ye Jing’s face was about to turn red into a tomato, but she still raised her chin, and even though the situation was that she had no clothes on and only had the quilt to cover her body, she still put on her old reserved and haughty appearance.

“It’s what you think, I am Ye Ye.”

Although I had already prepared myself mentally, I still found it unbelievable to hear Leafscape admit it in person.

“So, you’re not an omnivore, and you’re not cosplaying, but you’re playing a trick on me.”

“Not fooling you.”

Ye Jing eagerly tried to explain, but it seemed like he pulled his wound and sucked in his breath in pain.

He looked at me with eyes that were extremely pale in color, and my reproachful words immediately blocked my mouth.

I saw the bruise on his neck wound and sighed.

“Then tell me, why did you fight with Shen Bu?”

The moment Ye Jing heard ‘Shen Bu’ his eyebrows were covered in gloom, “Who let him pester you, I clearly warned him.”

“In the past when I was in the cat cafe, he liked to scratch his head in front of you, I couldn’t stand him for a long time.”

My eyes widened, “Shen Bu wouldn’t be that Muppet, would he?”

The cat ears on top of Ye Jing’s head twitched, acquiescing that my guess was correct.

It turned out that Shen Bu wasn’t mentally ill, but his cat nature was hard to hide.

This is a really marvelous feeling, that a cat can actually become a human and go to college.

This is, this cat I know, he sat behind me in high school and now he’s my college classmate?

Well, I think it’s just around the corner for the Cat Cult to take over the planet.

“Then what are you doing changing back in the middle of the night and touching my cell phone?”

Ye Jing coldly didn’t answer, but the airplane ears on top of his head had already betrayed him.

“I’m checking the time.”

The mouth was hard.

“Oh yeah?” I picked up my cell phone and flipped around to check, “Oops, how come Shen Bu’s friends are gone, did I accidentally delete them sometime? I’ll just add it back then.”

Ye Jing then looked up, he pressed me on the bed and grabbed the phone from his hand.

“Jiang Yunyun, don’t make me angry.”

At the end, his ears twitched and his tail wrapped around my calf.

“I’m a patient, don’t make me angry.”

This position is just too weird, and Ye Jing is still not dressed, so I panic and push him away, and then find my loosest clothes with seven hands and hand them to Ye Jing.

“I’m hurt right now, I can’t take my ears and tail in yet.”

I blushed, thinking to myself, cat-eared teenagers are better ah hello.

“So how’s Shen Bu, is it hurt bad?”

As soon as the words left my mouth, my wrist was tugged and Leafscape brought me into his arms.

“Why do you care about him?”

I asked back, “Why don’t you let me care about him?”

Ye Jing was silent, but the tips of his scarlet ears revealed his thoughts.

“Last night, was it a dream?”

I could feel Ye Jing’s arm around me stiffen, and he didn’t answer for a long time.

But I already knew the outcome and figured out the answer.

“Want to be my boyfriend, Ye Jing?”


Rumor has it that the school bully is arrogant and aloof, loves to fight, and often comes to school covered in bruises. ……

Even when he passes by and looks at him, he has to grab people by their collars and ask, “Are you looking for a fight?”

However, the rumored owner, Ye Jing, is a cat.

The only reason why he gets bruises all over his body is because he has an overbearing personality and loves to fight with the other cats in the cat cafe.

As for hitting people? Never happened.

Ye Jing quit his job at the cat cafe after he fell in love with me.

I accompanied him on the day he quit.

“Sister Lin, my girlfriend.” Ye Jing took my hand and held it with all ten fingers, raising it up and waving it in front of the cat cafe owner.

I was a little bashful, pursed my lips and smiled, but held Ye Jing’s hand tighter.

“You kid, okay, no wonder you begged me to take a few days off from work after fighting with Boo Boo the other day.”

“Dare you wait for Rhyme to pick you up and take you home?”

Sister Lynn looked at me meaningfully, and I was shocked to hear what she said, I said how the cat cafe went out of business for no reason.

“That’s a figment of your imagination, I wouldn’t do such a thing, boring.”

“I’m just hurt and want to give myself a few days off.”

Ye Jing’s ears turned red at the tips, after being together, I realized that he was a very mouthy person.

He talks more when he denies something he has done, and of course the excuses are poor.

“Well, well, well, you do need to rest when you’re hurt.”

I stood up and made excuses for my kitten.

“Hey, you just spoil him.” Xiao Lin feigned a sigh, but in fact, there was a smile in her eyes.

And Shen Bu leapt out from nowhere, nearly one meter nine, and lunged straight at me.

Only to be stopped by Ye Jing.

Shen Bu’s tearful eyes revealed an expression that was extremely inconsistent with his height as well as his looks.

“Rhyme ah, why do you want to be with this stinky guy who loves to get his hands dirty, ooohhhh.”

“Obviously I’m gentler, cuter, more pampered, and more liked by the customers.”

Okay, I take back what I said before, Shen Bu is still as sick as ever.

“Che, childish.” Ye Jing disgustedly pushed Shen Bu away and wrapped me in his arms.

After being with Ye Jing, we moved in together and moved to a bigger house.

That night, I was about to show off my cooking skills again when I was dumbfounded with Ye Jing both looking at a pot of unknown paste.

Damn it, I’m obviously following the tutorial, but the final product is always different!

“Good boy, I’ll learn how to cook from now on, I’ll take care of this, you go sit on the sofa and order takeout.”

Ye Jing stroked my head to comfort me and lowered his head to give me a kiss.

He still retained the cat’s fondness for licking when he loved people, and the barbs on his tongue made it hurt and itch.

Disoriented, I sat back down on the couch and began to order.

Then with bad intentions, I opened a can of canned cat food, “Leafy, eat this first for padding.”

Ye Jing, of course, knew what the hell I was playing at, and he raised an eyebrow, indicating his refusal.

But under my soft and sugary attack, he eventually compromised.

Although Ye Jing loved canned cat food, it was something he rarely ate when he was in his human form.

That time I bumped into it was purely by chance.

Only after taking a bite, a pair of cat ears leapt out from the top of Ye Jing’s head.

Another secret of my kittens is that when they eat canned cat food when in human form, their ears and tails will reveal themselves uncontrollably.

I stroked his ears contentedly and turned to be pressed onto the couch.

His tail wrapped around my ankle, grinding slowly.

“Rhyme, you started this.”


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Previous March 6, 2024
Next March 8, 2024


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