47. The end of winter

Winter’s coming to an end

Unwanted: Seeing you when you’re in the mood for love

“It’s common knowledge that ghosts can’t attack people under the covers.” I shivered as I wrapped myself in the covers.

The male ghost sprawled on the side of my bed laughed softly, his hand breezing over the edge of the bed and landing at the end of my frightened, reddened eyes.

“Kissing doesn’t count as assault, does it?” He said.

“It doesn’t count.” With a sob, I said, “But it counts as harassment ……”


“Not really, I haven’t even kissed yet.”

The male ghost’s fingertips on the end of my eyes gently pressed pressure, laughed: “teasing you, go to sleep, I do not disturb you.”

What a heartless thing for you to say.

What a big ghost staring at the bedside, my takeaway is that the Pacific Ocean is that big to sleep, right?

I said, “I can’t sleep …… if you’re here.”

“Okay, I’ll go then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Seeing his figure disappear, I jerked my head under the covers.

It was before I went to bed that I suddenly discovered this male ghost.

When I looked up after washing my face, two faces suddenly appeared in the mirror.

One was mine and one was his.

He stood idly behind me, fiddling with my new sky-blue desk clock with his long, thin, translucent fingers, pushing it toward the edge of the table bit by bit.

Like a bad cat.

Then he turns his face toward me in the mirror, his smile too bright to be a ghost: “I like this color.”

Me: “Ahhhhhhhh!”

I subconsciously threw the soap I had in my hand at him, then summoned up the speed of a high school 800-meter runner and scurried back to my bed, wrapping myself in a cocoon with the covers.

He drifted over in a slow tucked hand.

Through the wall.

A series of “ghosts can’t attack humans under the covers” conversations ensued.

After he left, I should have felt fearful, after all, ghosts and humans are different, it’s only normal for me to be afraid.

But perhaps because he acted in a friendly manner, the fact that it didn’t bother me too much and I even fell into a deep dream faster than usual.


While eating breakfast, he came again.

“Xiao Long Bao! Eight-pot congee! My favorite!”

I was still in the kitchen serving the congee, and he was already sitting at the table, like a good little student.

Seeing him in the daytime doesn’t give me the creeps that I get at night.

But still, his heart trembled.

“Can you not show up out of nowhere? It’s scary.”

He asked good-naturedly, “So I’ll go outside now and re-knock on the door?”

“Then I’ll perform an on-the-spot death for you!”

He laughed in a gentlemanly manner, “Did you make your own xiao long bao? They look delicious.”

That’s bound to be bought half-baked, but do you think I’d say that?

I invited him, “Can you eat them?”

He shook his head regretfully, “I can’t. I’m not human anymore.”

With that, he sighed.

In fact, I had only made it for one person, but when I heard him say that, I also hastened to show my expression, “What a pity, I’ll invite you to eat it again in my next life”.

He poked at it without mercy, “Hypocrisy.”

As I ate, I asked, “Why did you come to me? We have no grudges.”

“I lived here in my life, so of course I’ll live here after I die.”


Is this guy the former owner?

When I bought the house, the agent didn’t tell me anyone had died in the house!

“What are you thinking? I had an accident while I was out playing. It’s a nice house.”

Oh well.

I bite my chopsticks and listen to him again.

“I guess it’s because I still have an unfulfilled wish that I can’t be reincarnated.”

“If you can help me fulfill this small wish, maybe I can go, and you will …… be clean.”

I hurriedly asked, “Then what other wishes do you have that you haven’t accomplished?”

I must be saddle up and go through fire and water.

I will try to fulfill your wish as soon as possible, and send you away quickly.

“I lost a ring that I wanted to propose to my favorite person when I was alive. But I left her behind before I could propose.”

“That must have been very sad for her.”

He lifted his eyes and flicked a glance at me.

I cocked my head, unsure.

“She wasn’t very sad, but that’s what I was hoping for.”

“So, you want me to help you find the ring?”

“Yeah. That ring cost me a lot of money.”

I wondered, “How much is a lot of money?”

His face was flat: “Three hundred and sixty thousand dollars.”

I thought hard about the suffocating feeling that a six-figure ring would bring to a poor man like me.

“Perhaps …… is it possible that your obsession is spending that much money for nothing?”

He smiled, “Nonsense.”


In order to get rid of this male ghost soon, I agreed to help him find the ring.

But I didn’t really have a clue.

He couldn’t remember where he had lost the ring, probably because his memory of his life was a little fuzzy after he passed away.

He only remembers the store where the ring was ordered from.

That store was well known locally, and I thought about it, and since it was out of my way for work, I was going to check it out on the weekend.

As an ordinary and simple laborer who could be found everywhere on the street, there was no way I was going to throw away my full attendance bonus to find a ring for a strange male ghost.

The male ghost showed understanding and offered to help me with my chores in return.

However, I pushed him out of the kitchen when he broke my favorite mug and blew the lid off my pot while frying fish.

Actually, it was going to be throwing him out of my house.

“Do you have to repay this favor?”

He lowered his eyes, “I’m sorry …… I didn’t mean it.”

Uh …… what’s with this guilt of bullying the weak?

“In fact, you are not that bad, but you were not a young master of any family before you were born, you have never been in the kitchen, right?” “Not a young master.

“I’m not a young master, I just have a small fortune. And I can really cook, I just haven’t done it in a long time and I’m a little rusty.” …… Really!

I thought of the 360,000 dollar ring.

I’m sorry, what do you mean by small?


I wanted to go to the jewelry store he mentioned over the weekend, but unfortunately, a phone call from my mom set me up on a blind date bureau.

I barked at him, “Be good and wait for me at home, when I settle this blind date, I will take you to look for a ring.”

He wore an expression I couldn’t quite read, and overall, the smile was a bit forced.

Is he afraid that I won’t help him find a ring?

Afraid that I’ll be passive aggressive?

I immediately swore to God, “I’ll be back soon, and I’ll look for a ring when I get back.”

“That’s okay.” He said, “If the match is good, we can talk more.”

You don’t know what kind of blind dates my mom finds for me.

Financially, they’re all rich, but their personalities are all over the map.

There are only a few girls in the city, all of them have been pushed to my blind date table by my mom.

But my mom for my lifelong affairs especially important, every day to urge, I had to take time to go to casually deal with it.

I’m not looking forward to going out the door.

But I did not expect, my mom actually rely on a time.

The blind date is a little introverted, very polite, face long tender young people.

If you don’t look closely, it looks like a college student.

This is already a quality stock in the dating market, right?

I couldn’t find anything wrong with him for a while, so when he said he’d see me next time, I didn’t say no.


“That’s your blind date?”

After watching the blind date leave, the male ghost suddenly voiced out behind me.

I was startled.

“He looks pretty good, but he’s still far worse than me.”

I responded as I opened the door.

“Yes, yes, yes, if it weren’t for your untimely death, the people chasing you would have circled the equator.”

“It’s not that exaggerated, but I did receive a lot of love letters in the past.”

My curiosity got the better of me: “So your girlfriend chased you when you fell in love?”

“Oh, that’s not true.”

He pondered, “Well,……, she was too slow to get the hang of it, she’s stupid, so I chased her.”

I chased her.” Then what do you like about her?”

“Let me think …… should be like her beauty.”

I am speechless.

Dare you also a strange.

However, I didn’t dare to say it.

He was a bit more serious: “Just kidding. It is indeed love at first sight to come, a little cheesy.”

He had a light smile on his face, and his whole person exuded a very pleasant aura.

“But then it turned out she could give me emotional value that no one else could. Obviously with other people can also do things, but is only with her to do, feel this thing is different, is the kind of …… like there are many magnetic fields around, but only with her is the existence of gravity.”

“I really like the way she laughs, I don’t really like it when she cries.”

“But in fact, when she cries, it touches my heart even more.”

“Many people don’t cherish their relationships, but they can live long enough to treat them casually throughout their lives. I’ve always cherished the time I spent with her, but I didn’t live long. Fate really does play tricks on people.”

“If I were still alive, both of our kids would probably be hitting the sauce. Haha.”

He said at the end, trying to keep the mood from getting too melodramatic.

I sat in the couch, looking at his soft cheeks in the sunlight, and a piece of my heart suddenly softened.

I said, “You must really love her.”

“Ah …… actually also okay la. Love isn’t like that, it’s pretty much the same.”

I don’t think every guy is like him.

I don’t think every guy is like him.

“Geez, you’ll know when you talk to that blind date.” he said.

He said, and quickly turned around to pick up the dessert I had packed.


I asked him if he wanted to go to the jewelry store now.

He waved his hand, “Come on, it’s late. We’ll go tomorrow.”

I thought about it, “That’s fine, no delay.

The state of affairs now is that the handsome male ghost is like a tenant living in my house, however, he is not quite the same as a normal tenant.

He didn’t need a room, he could just lie down in any place and sleep.

You don’t have to worry about sleeping on the floor being too wet, or the sofa being too soft and prone to herniated discs, not to mention the pillows.

But as a humanitarian gesture, I gave him the second bedroom.

I also asked him, “Do you need to sleep?”

He told me that it was fine whether he slept or not, but he had been a ghost for several years, but he still couldn’t get rid of the habits he had when he was a human being, and he liked to go under the blanket when it got dark.

I said, “It’s good to sleep under the blanket, it’s comfortable.”

But this night, when I finished my work and went to my room to look for water, I saw him asleep with the TV on and the lights off.

The only sound in the living room was the low volume of the TV, and the screen was so bright that it illuminated the translucent shadows on the sofa in blue.

I jerked the remote from his hand and turned off the TV.

Taking a closer look, the male ghost was just the right size.

Tall, but not the skinny bamboo pole kind.

Good looks, and is not aggressive handsome, is a very calm and elegant handsome.

His shoulders are broad and his legs are long, and even the hair that falls over his eyelashes has a delightful vividness to it.

He must look good in a suit.

I couldn’t help but lean over and carefully rub his brow bone.

When I realized what I was doing, a chill ran down my back.

The face was so unfamiliar, but I did it so smoothly that it seemed like I’d done it many times before.

I lowered my head to his ear and asked softly, “What’s your name?”

He was sleeping heavily and didn’t answer me.


Early Sunday morning, I went with him to the jewelry store.

The jewelry store had just opened, and although it was a day off, there weren’t many people in the store.

I went straight to the counter and asked, “Can you check a previous order for me, please?”

The young lady was very quick: “Yes, please tell me your name or cell phone number.”

The male ghost came close to my ear, “My name is Xie Yusheng.”

My ears were tickled by him and I hurriedly covered my ears to avoid it, “Xie Yusheng.”

The young lady quickly checked, “Mr. Xie ……?”

“Yes, I’m his friend.”

“Oh, that’s right, the system shows that Mr. Xie ordered a heart shaped diamond ring in our store six years ago, valued at three hundred and sixty-seven thousand nine hundred yuan in full, and Mr. Xie has already picked up the ring in mid-December 2017.”

“Then …… did he come back later? After the ring was purchased, was it cleaned or maintained or anything like that?”

The young lady shook her head, “There is no record of this.”

I thanked her and left the store with Xie Yusheng.

He didn’t say a word, his expression was a bit dejected.

I comforted him, “Don’t lose heart, the ring is so small, and it’s been so many years, it’d be strange if we found it right away.”

I gently tugged on his cuff, “Let’s look for it again.”


Since Xie Yusheng couldn’t come up with any useful information and it was a weekday, I had to go to work, so after some discussion, we decided to fight again when we had time.

In the meantime, I met with my blind date once more.

He asked me to go to the movies.

I thought it was a bit cheesy.

So he asked me to go skiing instead.

That’s my entertainment blind spot, I’ve never been skiing.

When I told Xie Yusheng about it, he said skiing was no fun and dangerous, so I shouldn’t go.

I said, “It’s not dangerous, is it? It’s just to go to the ski resort in the city, the management is still okay.”

“Well ……” he said something vaguely.

I continued to solicit, “It seems like only wild snow is more dangerous, right?”

He said again, “That’s more dangerous.”

“So I’ll go?”

He didn’t say anything, and didn’t seem to want me to go.


But I was a bit curious about skiing, so I waited downstairs for my date to pick me up.

When my date and I arrived at the ski resort together, I suddenly felt a little bit afraid of the white snow, overcast sky, and towering poles, and subconsciously took a step back.

My date was more excited, so he didn’t notice my inconspicuous resistance and dragged me to do the registration.

Skiing this piece, I am a raw hand, he …… look at him confident, I thought he was a familiar hand.

As a result, he was half-baked, and even fell two butt squats, I could not brainwash myself that it was a coincidence.

Of course, I didn’t laugh very loud, because I was afraid that I would fall even worse in a moment.

I was warily assisted for a short while and quickly realized that skiing wasn’t that hard.

At least I didn’t think it was hard, and was quite comfortable with it.

My date stood behind me, staring at me in disbelief as I skied farther away, only to come back to his senses and run after me while clapping and cheering behind me.

I was embarrassed to be celebrating a champion skier.

But overall it was fun.

In the evening, he dropped me off at home and stood in front of my house, squirming for a long time before asking softly, “Did you have fun today?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. …… Ah, by the way, I heard from my aunt that you know how to bake small cookies, the next time we meet, do I have the honor to try them?”

My mom really went straight into the enemy camp.

But baking a small cookie is just a small cookie, it’s not a problem, so I agreed.

“Sure, I’ll bring them to you next time.”


When I arrived home, Xie Yusheng was relaxing on the sofa playing with my tablet.

When he saw me coming back, he casually asked, “Did you have fun today?”

“Not bad, skiing is easier than I thought, I learned it in a flash. Ah …… I’m gifted, right? It’s really hard to keep a low profile.”

Xie Yusheng: “Pfft.

Me: “?”

What are you laughing at.

“Gifted.” He repeated.

The tone was very stern and proper, but I just heard the mockery.

Just before I could snap, he asked again, “Have you had dinner?”

“I’ve eaten, casually with my date.”

“Oh ……” He stood up and wobbly floated into the kitchen, then came out propping up a bowl of noodles and a plate of puffs.

“I saw that you had these at home, so I made a little bit, the level is average, but since you’ve eaten, forget it, throw away the noodles, and you can eat the puffs as a snack.”

After saying that, he put down his stuff and floated into his room.

I stared at the bowl of noodles for a while, always feeling pity for throwing it away.

Although I wasn’t hungry, I still sat at the table and picked a chopstick of noodles to eat.

Xie Yusheng was quite modest, and I felt that he was at a level where he could completely open a noodle shop.

In five winters and six summers, he would definitely make a lot of money.

When the time comes, I’ll be his cashier, counting money until my hands cramp, hehehe.

Wait, why should I be his cashier?

What do I care if he opens a noodle shop?

What do I care if he opens a noodle shop? I’m going to work with him in the sun?

Wait, what are you thinking? Mr. Hsieh doesn’t want to be a caterer, OK?

I laughed at myself and went back to my room with a full stomach.


The weekend that I wasn’t looking for a ring, I took a lot of time out to cultivate a relationship with my blind date …… uh, to cultivate a relationship.

I remembered what he said and baked him cookies by hand, which he seemed to enjoy.

Courtesy of that, so he booked tickets to take me to a dance theater.

We’ve also been to Underwater World, to the zoo, big and small, formal and informal, and all told, we’ve been to all the famous and fun places in the area.

My mom did not know which small undercover agent arranged in my side, even the blind date to me to remove a dead leaf on the hair of such a small thing she knows.

She even called to ask questions.

“How is it? This blind date is very good, right?”

“Don’t worry about this kid, he’s the son of a coworker of my mom’s, and he’s definitely a good kid when he’s taught by a person of her character.”

“Look at that height and looks. Don’t you like tall, thin and white?”

I took a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator and couldn’t help but contradict my mom, “Who said I like tall, thin, and white?”

My mom paused for a moment, then snorted, “How can you say that? How can mom not know you? Hahahahaha. Okay, mom won’t bother you anymore, you can save your time to spend more time with Wei!

Little Wei is my blind date, his name is Wei Cong.

I always feel that my mom’s tone is a bit false, but if I were to be specific, I wouldn’t be able to say one, two, three.

On a weekend night, Xie Yusheng and I were playing chess at home.

I don’t know much about this stuff, but Xie Yusheng is very good, looks like he’s been studying it for many years.

When I finally won a game by playing a cheeky remorseful game, the doorbell rang.

I said, “Xie Yusheng, open the door.”

Xie Yusheng: “Okay.”

His ghost was still sitting opposite me, but the door opened by itself with two clicks.

Ever since he became a ghost, he had been habitually not doing anything “human”.

I was so shocked that I was afraid of scaring the person at the door, so I immediately got up and ran to the door to hold the doorknob, pretending that I was the one who opened the door.

The blind date stood in the doorway in a slight state of disarray.

He had fine snow on his body and hair, and his shoes and pant legs were damp.

He hesitated and scratched his head, “I …… car broke down halfway, remembered that your house is in this neighborhood, so I walked over. Can I stay here …… is …… you for one night, I sleep on the sofa on the line, tomorrow morning early to go.”

I sidled up and let him in.

Actually, I didn’t really want to let him in.

Although we’ve known each other for a while, I don’t think we’ve reached a level of familiarity where we can spend the night in each other’s homes.

What’s more, I’m rather territorial and don’t really like people entering my personal space.

But …… he seems to be a bit of a patsy, so let him stay the night begrudgingly.


I got a towel and gave it to him, and while he wiped his hair, he turned his attention to the chess game on the coffee table.

“You’re playing chess?”

I was vague: “Casual game, not very good at it.”

Xie Yusheng was still sitting on the carpet with his arms wrapped around him, leaning against the sofa, slightly tilting his head as he watched me and my date.

There was a certain impatience in his demeanor.

He even looked at his date with a critical eye.

With all due respect, it was as if the old man was looking at his son-in-law.

My date didn’t even realize that he was the ‘third party’ in the room, and smiled stupidly at me after he finished drying his hair.

I walked over and took the towel: “What are you laughing at ……”.

My date gave me a cold bear hug.

Yes, a bear hug.

His jacket was still on and his brown down jacket was on him like a freshly baked croissant.

I kept my hand in the towel-raising position, and in a moment of stunned silence, Xie Yusheng had gotten up and walked through the wall, returning to his room without a word.

I quickly pushed past my date.

He took two steps back, looked at me for a few seconds, and then apologized to me.

“It was a bit abrupt, sorry. But just now, when you were walking around looking for a towel and a hair dryer for me, I just couldn’t help …… feeling at home.”

I stared in the direction that Xie Yusheng had left and lightly changed the subject, “I’m going to get you a quilt.”


Late at night, I lay in bed and couldn t sleep.

In fact, before this, I didn’t know that I was so resistant to the act of ‘hugging’, which symbolizes intimate distance.

Obviously, I didn’t hate being with him, so why did I hate physical contact?

Why did I push him away without even thinking about it?

Thinking about this, I suddenly remembered again that I don’t think my blind date and I are familiar enough to move into each other’s homes, so am I familiar with Xie Yusheng?

I even let him stay here from the beginning and gave him the second bedroom.

Why is that?

Xie Yusheng and I ate and lived together, often paralyzed in a ball on the sofa with me watching TV.

His hands have touched my hands, his body has touched my body, why is everything so natural with him?

If I really resisted intimacy, why was Xie Yusheng the exception?

Did he scare me when he first appeared, so I couldn’t help myself?

Is it because I’m a double standard?

Or is it because Xie Yusheng has always been special to me?

I couldn’t quite figure it out, but that didn’t stop me from discarding assumptions and fantasies that hadn’t yet taken shape.

No, Xie Yusheng is illusory, unreal, and without temperature; he can never do anything with you, so he shouldn’t be anything to you either.

I told myself this.


The blind date left early the next day.

When I woke up, he only left me a note to the effect that he appreciated my taking him in, that he was in a hurry to contact someone to get his car fixed, and that he would treat me to a nice meal some other time.

“This person is actually not bad in character.”

Xie Yusheng, who was frying eggs in the kitchen, suddenly chimed in.

I hurriedly picked up the conversation, “But he’s a bit worse than you, right?”

Xie Yusheng snapped his fingers and turned off the fire, “Congratulations, you know how to answer the question, I’ll reward you with a sandwich.”


Xie Yusheng doesn’t eat, so he’s tossing around the kitchen, all making me food.

Then he sat across from me, his eyes curved up, watching me eat.

He said that having one’s cooking praised by others for being delicious and having it all eaten was also a kind of happiness for the person who cooked it.

I was so ironed out that I couldn’t help but ask, “Where does your girlfriend live now? I’ll go and ask for advice on what position to use in which direction to worship to find a boyfriend like you.”

Xie Yusheng raised his eyebrows, not caring, “My kind of people are all over the streets.”

Me: “?”

You seem to be talking about a very new kind of street, little comrade.


During the day, my girlfriend, who was traveling and enjoying herself, finally remembered me, her friend from home.

She sent a message.

“In? Help me move on Sunday.”

I was puzzled: “Moving?”

“Uh, getting ready to move in with my boyfriend.”

I made a very exaggerated ‘wow’ sound.

I silently typed, “No problem, see you Sunday.”

I began to calculate in my heart, and it was known: she was single before the trip, and she was ready to live with her boyfriend when she came back from the trip. The time span is just over a month.

The amount of information is too much, I do not know where to start eating this melon.

In the evening, I told Xie Yusheng about this matter, and Xie Yusheng said, “What’s so strange about this, some people just fall in love faster.”

I asked, “So, did you fall in love with your girlfriend fast?”

“Not bad, normal human speed.”

Thank you. The last time I heard this kind of crap was last time.

Anyway, helping my best friend move was scheduled for Sunday, so when my date asked me to go to the beach house for a barbecue on Sunday, I changed the date.

It ended up being scheduled for Saturday.


The beach was very crowded on Saturday, and we drove along the esplanade to the golden beach, encountering a lot of people with cameras around their necks along the way.

Compared to summer, the sea in winter is not really much to look at, occasionally there will be seagulls flying over, feeding them a little something to eat is kind of a fun.

The duplex villa on the beach is owned by a relative of my date, and he borrowed it for a day.

Besides the two of us, there were a couple of his friends.

I told him handily, “I’m not ready to meet your friends.”

He moved the grill to the yard and casually said, “Don’t worry, they’re all very nice to be around, and they’re all interested in you too.”

I frowned and didn’t argue anymore.

He hadn’t told me ahead of time that I’d be with someone else, so I hadn’t dressed to the standards of meeting strangers.

Bringing a blind date to meet a friend was clearly a near-certain implication, but he dismissed me with a ‘don’t worry about it’ without a care in the world.

I don’t know if I’m being overly sensitive, but it certainly didn’t sit well with me.

I said very little, and my date, recognizing my attitude as an afterthought, curtly handed me baked chicken wings.

At the end of the night, he drove me home and apologized to me downstairs.

He was so nice, and it wasn’t anything involving principles, that I couldn’t afford to stay mad, so I just said ‘it’s okay’.

He was happy, but didn’t leave right away.

It was cold outside and I wanted to hurry inside, but I always felt he had something more to say.

“What do you want to say?”

He looked a little nervous, “That …… friend reminded me today and I just realized that we’ve known each other for over a month now and have seen each other many times and have learned a lot about each other.”

“I think I like you a lot and want to continue with you, but I’m not sure about your opinion.”

“Ahem ……” His hand curled up slightly, a little nervous little gesture.

“So, if you’re open to me too, can I …… give you a kiss? Just one, a kiss on the forehead would be fine.”

I froze in place.

My throat felt like it was blocked, and I couldn’t say anything like ‘yes’ or ‘okay’.

The wind reddened my face and I was freezing my fingers.

He looked at me expectantly, but I didn’t find it sweet at all, rather it felt like a burden.

I don’t want him to kiss me.

Not at all.

Even though he was nice, even though he wanted to.

I inclined my head and rejected him with a small voice, “Another time.”

He hung his head, both shoulders drooping.

“That’s okay, another time then.” He compromised.

I didn’t miss the subtle sound of curtains being drawn behind me.

I knew that Xie Yusheng had seen and heard everything I did outside with my blind date.

But when I opened the door to my room to go home, he stayed in his room and never came out.


Before going to bed, Xie Yusheng knocked on my room door.

He sat on the edge of the bed and started by saying, “It looks like you’re getting along pretty well with your blind date.”

I hesitated for a moment and nodded.

It was good in terms of getting along alone.

“Then do you …… like him?”

Xie Yusheng was weird, this was the first time he had spoken to me in such a serious manner about the topic of blind dates.

He can’t really be substituting himself into the role of the old man, to be the gatekeeper for me, right?

I replied in a low voice, “I can’t say I like him yet ……”.

Frankly speaking, it was almost interesting.

Because when I spend time with my date, I occasionally have a very ridiculous thought.

For example, when I look at his back, I think, “If only he was a little taller”.

For example, listening to him talk and thinking, if only he had a deeper tone.

When I eat face-to-face with him, I think if his bangs weren’t so long, it would be perfect.

I know it’s not right and it’s unfair to the person I’m seeing, like I’m deliberately picking on him.

And objectively speaking, the blind date wasn’t short, had a nice voice, and his bangs were just right.

Obviously I’ve never fictionalized such external criteria for my future significant other before.

I don’t know why I became mean to him.

Xie Yu was born to be silent, his brow slightly furrowed as if he was thinking.

When my small bedside table lamp grew dim from the lack of electricity, he spoke again.

“So, do you want to form a new family with him?”

I also thought about it very seriously.

Because I didn’t want Xie Yusheng to think that I had a hasty and casual attitude towards such a major life event.

However, the result of my serious thinking was negative.

I didn’t have any irrational, rampant feelings for the person I was seeing.

The light from the lamp illuminated the side of Xie Yusheng’s dimly lit face too softly, and in front of him, all my timidity had no place to hide.

“I don’t want to, I don’t really want to.”

I subconsciously made up for myself, “But he’s perfect, isn’t he? You think, there is no one more suitable than him around me, moreover, I have also reached the age of marriage, if I miss him, I will never meet someone I like in the future ……”

I spoke rapidly, my palms wet into a piece.

Xie Yusheng suddenly lowered his head and gently kissed on my palm.

My whole body was like being stepped on the emergency brake, stupidly looking at him.

“Don’t be anxious, don’t be nervous.” Xie Yusheng looked at me and said, “I just want you to be happy, just asking.”

He said, “Go to bed early, don’t you have to help your friend move tomorrow?”

Xie Yusheng left.

I huddled under the covers, feeling strange.

Is it the camellia blooming outside the window?

Why is there a faint scent of camellia on the tip of my nose?

But probably because my heart was beating so fast, I couldn’t think if I was smelling it wrong.


It was a beautiful day when I was helping a friend move.

I wore a mask and stood in the utility room of my friend’s house and sneezed twice before I got to work.

My friend: “One sneeze, someone thinks, two sneezes, someone curses. Someone is cursing you.”

Me: “……”

Me: “You’d rather believe in metaphysics than accept that I sneeze because the house is full of dust, wouldn’t you?”

“Haha, I’ll treat you to frog pot after the move.”

“By the way, why didn’t your boyfriend help you move?”

“Don’t mention it, that dog, he suddenly had to go to Shanghai for a meeting, otherwise, I would have left you alone.”


Where did you learn to say such sweet things so easily?

“Anyway, your task today is to help me clean up the utility room, you see what can be sold, I will find the uncle who collects scrap to sell the money to buy you a cake to eat ah”.

“Good idea.” I said.

I started by packing up a few old appliances, then the delivery boxes, and then the old newspapers in the corner.

As I folded the papers into a pile, I said, “You still subscribe to the paper, huh?”

“Uh-huh. It was when my grandfather came to stay and he was in the habit of reading the newspaper, so I gave him a two-year subscription to the evening paper.”

“Oh.” I looked at the date of the newspaper, “That’s five or six years ago, that’s a long time.”

My friend went into the kitchen to cut some fruit and didn’t answer me.

I saw two other newspapers crumpled into a ball in the corner, so I took two steps over to get them.

My friend returned to the living room with the fruit, “What did you just say? I didn’t hear …… hey you don’t move that–“


I had already unfolded the newspaper and laid it flat on top of the previous pile.

A large, clear picture instantly came into view.

The white, crumbling snow, the towering poles, the rescuers in a half-circle, the stretcher on the side, and the large bloodstains mixed in with the snow.

As well as me and Xie Yusheng, who were lying on the stretcher.


“Jijii, that student behind you has been looking at you, do you know him?”

“Zhi Zhi, I’ve asked around, his name is Xie Yusheng, he’s a handsome guy from the finance department!”

“Ji-Ji, do you think you’ve been seeing him a lot lately?”

“Ji-Ji, there’s no such thing as coincidence. He definitely likes you, and he’s trying to create a chance encounter on purpose. I’m sure of it.”

“Hey, he’s coming over here!”

“Yuzhi, I’m Xie Yusheng, a sophomore in the finance department. Can I meet you?”

“Yuzhi, do you want this book? If you add me on WeChat, I’ll let you have this last book.”

“Cen Yuzhi, why do your friends call you Zhi Zhi? Can I call you that? Oh, no. …… Okay then.”

“Sham Yu-chi, do you like the chicken noodle soup here? Let’s eat together.”

“Yuzhi Shum, do you have time this weekend? I’d like to invite you to go skiing with me. …… It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to do it, I’ll teach you, I’m a good skier.”

“Cen Yuzhi, there are so many couples in the university, why can’t we be counted as a couple?”

“Cen Yuzhi, promise me you’ll be my girlfriend.”

“Cen Yuzhi, your leg is broken, I’ll send you to the hospital.” “Don’t try to be a hero at this time. If you don’t let me carry you, I’ll have to carry you.” “Promise me you’ll be my girlfriend.”

“Cen Yuzhi, if you promise me, you can’t go back on your promise, you have to be my girlfriend all the time. Do you know what “forever” means? It means for so long, until I die.”

“Etsy, it’s my first love letter. Isn’t it too cheesy to say “Till death do us part”?”

“Etsy, can I kiss you?”

Memories flashed in my mind like a movie, from Xie Yusheng’s efforts to create a chance encounter with me, to his clumsy pursuit of me, to my heart’s desire to be with him, to the many times we skied together, to our graduation year when we promised to go to Changbai Mountain in the winter to enjoy the wild snow…….

Little by little, like a door that was suddenly opened, on the other side of the door, all my memories were scattered like colorful beads all at once.

It was finally framed in the white color that connected the sky and the earth – an avalanche of snow.

“Etsy, are you okay? Call me back.”

“I’ll hold you, so you won’t be cold.”

“It’s all my fault. Why did I bring you out skiing?”

“Hold on a little longer, someone will come to save us.”

“…… Zhi Zhi, open your mouth and drink some.”

“Is it hard to drink? Hang in there, when we get out of here …… I’ll take you to drink milk tea …… with lots of sweet red beans …….”

“What should I do? I’m a bit sleepy too. ……”

Memories of Xie Yusheng lying on a ghastly white stretcher, his arms hanging down feebly.

His wrists were crisscrossed with bite marks.


“Zhi Zhi!”

My friend looked at me worriedly, “Are you okay?”

I pulled myself away from the memories, my face full of tears, smiling harder than I was crying.

My hands crumpled the newspaper as I asked incoherently, “How come Xie Yusheng is here with me ……”

“Etsy! Ee-chan!”

I got up and ran out of my friend’s house, crying and rushing towards home.

But when I opened the door, Xie Yusheng wasn’t there.

I looked in every room, but I couldn’t find him.

Why are you usually there and then when I want to see you so badly, you’re not there?

I stood in the empty room and shouted, “Xie Yusheng, where have you been?

Where did you go again?

Did you want to abandon me again?

No one answered me.

It was as if there had never been a borrowed ghost, Xie Yusheng, in this house.

It was as if the figure that was often busy in the kitchen was a figment of my own imagination.

My legs weakened and I fell to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.


I don’t know how long it was, but I heard someone ask in front of me, “Why are you crying? Who bullied you?”

It was a very familiar voice.

I looked up at Xie Yusheng with teary eyes, shaking, and straightened up to hug his neck.

Xie Yusheng gently patted my back.

“What’s wrong? You have to tell me so I can help you.”

I couldn’t say anything, I could only call out his name again and again.

I cried as I shouted.

“I’m here, I’m here.”

Xie Yusheng strangled the roots of my thighs and picked me up towards the sofa.

“Cen Yuzhi, don’t cry.”

I lay on his shoulder, “Xie Yusheng, why don’t you call me Zhi Zhi anymore, I’m your girlfriend, we’re going to get married …… I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten, I’m sorry …… how could I forget?”

Xie Yusheng footsteps: “Remember me?”

I huffed and nodded.

His voice was gentle: “How did it come to mind?”

I didn’t know what to say, my emotions broke down a little, and I cried at the top of my lungs in his arms like a very insecure child.

Xie Yusheng drew a piece of paper to wipe my eyes.

He sighed like a compromise: “As long as you don’t cry now, I will promise you anything.”

I said, “Then you do not leave me, become whatever you can, as long as you do not leave me, you can …… ring, ring I know where it is …… not give you, do not want you to go ……”

Xie Yusheng added a little force to embrace me tightly: “The ring is not urgent. You first calm down, okay?”

I can’t calm down.

This person in front of me, is the person who protected me under the body when the avalanche came, is the person who bit his wrist and fed me the blood, and fought for my hope of life, is the person I decided to get married a long time ago.

And now everything is screwed up.

How am I going to tell myself ‘it’s okay’?


“I promise I won’t go looking for the ring, I won’t leave you, and I won’t cry, okay?”

“Yeah, okay.”

“Do you know what I was thinking that day under the snow?”

I shook my head.

“I was thinking, it’s a shame I haven’t had a chance to propose yet.”

My heart was so sour that I couldn’t help but kiss her.

I’m so stupid.

How could I have thought before that Xie Yusheng had no temperature, no body, and couldn’t be anything to me?

His lips are obviously ice cold, and can be a great relief in the summer.

He doesn’t have a body, but I can clearly touch him.

How can Xie Yusheng not be my something?

He’s going to be.

The role is well defined. Let’s just call him “The One”.

Irreplaceable, not to be repeated – an absolutely important existence.


After thinking about the past, a lot of things became clear.

For example, why did my mom say that I liked tall, thin, white boys.

Why, isn’t that Xie Yusheng?

Isn’t that what I was dissatisfied with about my blind date, and isn’t that what’s different from Xie Yusheng?

My mom has been urging me to get married, most likely because she’s afraid that if I recover my memory later, I won’t be able to walk away from the shadow of Xie Yusheng’s departure.

I quickly apologized to my date and ended the relationship with him.

My date was very open-minded.

“This kind of thing can’t be forced, you don’t like me, can’t really do anything about it.”

“Then I wish you to find a more suitable person.” Wei Cong said.

He was wrong. It’s not the right person.

It’s someone you like.


The ring that Xie Yusheng brought to Changbai Mountain to propose to me is in my mom’s hand.

I was still hospitalized at the time, and the rescuers gave everything we both had to the local police station, and my mom claimed it back on my behalf.

But after I woke up, I forgot all the things related to Xie Yusheng, my mom was afraid that I would be irritated again, so she kept it all by herself.

I’ve made such a big circle, originally thought there was a ring, but it turned out to be looking for my own ring.

I don’t need to worship in any direction, the lucky one is actually myself, hehehe.

Xie Yusheng was in the kitchen arranging the plates he had just bought.

I slipped on my slippers and ran over to him, hugging him around the waist and tilting my head up in an attempt to ask for a kiss.

Xie Yusheng then pinched my waist and lowered his head to give kisses.

“Xie Yusheng ……,” I said, “to be together all the time.”

He smiled and asked, “How long is always?”

“Until I die.”

–The first time I’ve ever seen you, I’ve never been able to get a good look at you.

Extra 1: Late Night Emergency

Chen Lie is a male nurse in the city hospital.

Speaking of the bitter things since he joined this profession, it is really a day and night a basket of words can not be said.

Every afternoon in the face of the clock machine mechanical “Chen Lie, hard work” voice.

Chen Lian must be cheap to return a “not hard, life is bitter” in order to relieve the anger suffered this day.

Nursing is a good profession, but the ratio of male to female nurses in the city hospitals is seriously disproportionate, and the number of male nurses is ridiculously low.

What does this mean?

It means that men’s work male nurses have to do, women’s work male nurses still have to do.

It is not cherished because of the small number.

The male nurses are suffering in their hearts!

The Nth year of Chen Lian’s practice, every day, “Chen Lian you confused ah! How did you get into this wolf’s den?” and “It’s hard for laid-off workers to be re-employed these days, so bear with it”.

It was not until a late-night emergency five years ago that he really made up his mind and resolved to stay in the male nursing profession.

It was late in the evening when a couple was brought to the hospital.

In the dead of winter, the leader of the rescue team was sweating profusely as he shouted from the doorway, “Come and save them! Doctor!”

The couple was said to have been skiing when they encountered an avalanche and were delayed until the next day.

The boy was tall and handsome, only his face was green and white, with a bit of gray, and the whole man was out of breath more than in.

The girl was pretty and slender, and her lips were frozen white, but her overall condition was much better than that of the boy.

The two were sent into the operating room separately.

Chen Lie followed the girl, pushing the slab bed toward the east side of the corridor.

He glanced back and saw the attending doctor on the boy’s side getting on the board bed in a hurry to do chest compressions on the boy.

And just then, the girl beside him, who had been unconscious for a long time, suddenly opened her eyes.

She didn’t seem to realize that she had woken up, and when Chen Lie and the other medical staff spoke to her, she didn’t answer, only looked straight at the ceiling and closed her eyes again.

Chen Lie was dumbfounded.

She was crying.

Crying about what? Where does it hurt?

Don’t cry oh, the doctor will save you, will help you stop the pain.

This word he did not say at that time, and in the future, although there are many opportunities, it is no longer appropriate to say it.

At dawn, the girl out of life-threatening danger, was rushed to the parents overnight to guard.

The boy could not be resuscitated and passed away.

Finally, the girl was admitted to the hospital room and the boy was wheeled to the negative two floor.

They were pushed into the elevator as they came, one going up, one going down.

From then on it was yin and yang.

The two female nurses who went into the operating room with the boys spoke wearily in the hallway.

“After bleeding so much and freezing for a day and a night, it’s a miracle he was saved.”

“I heard that the girl is fine. Thank God, at least one of us was saved.”

“Didn’t you hear what the leader of the rescue team said? That boy was so protective of the girl that he wrapped her up in his own jacket. He also bit his own wrist to feed her blood. …… Even if he was in good health, he wouldn’t be able to take such a beating.”

“I heard, the girl can survive, all the boys for her with the king of Hades to fight for life it, alas …… how this era, actually still have such a good man.”

“The boy was pushed to the negative two floors. Because there are no parents, the hospital is still trying to find ways to contact his relatives to recognize …… I can not help it, came to our hospital for more than a year, the first time so difficult.

“Yes, when that girl wakes up, if she knows the boyfriend …… how painful it must be.”

Chen Lie while eating breakfast while listening, do not know why, he remembered the tears of the girl last night.

Is she meditatively felt the departure of her lover?

Because of telepathy or something else, did she cry because she knew of the impending separation from the boys?

It wasn’t because of the pain in her body, but then again, it was indeed because of the pain that she cried.

By all rights, working in a place like a hospital, you should be used to seeing life and death and separation.

But it was probably the first time I encountered something so shocking to my heart, and it was as if my heart was soaked in vinegar, sour and astringent.

But from that day on, Chen Lei didn’t think about quitting his job anymore.

He began to feel that he should do more for the patients, so that they can all get well quickly and go home early to reunite with their loved ones.

Extra 2: Ghost life full of lies Xie Yusheng

As the saying goes, one lie needs countless lies to round it up.

Xie Yusheng is now caught in a circle of lies.

He was re-sighted by Cen Yuzhi in the sixth year of his death.

At that time, he was fiddling with the alarm clock that she had just bought, and there were two yellow fur balls glued to the switch of the alarm clock, which he found amusing, so he took his hand and fiddled with it.

At this time, Cen Yuzhi was washing her face, she was wearing pajamas, a trouser leg pulled up, revealing her slender ankles, her hair was tied in a scribbly ponytail, and two strands of hair fell behind her head, unkempt.

Xie Yusheng was playing vigorously when he suddenly realized that the sound of water had stopped.

He raised his eyes and looked over.

Cen Yuzhi was looking in his direction in the mirror, her eyes gradually widening.

Xie Yusheng: “……”

Can’t be, right?

He tried to be friendly, “I like the color.”

Cen Yuzhi returned him with a series of shrieks and a head-on smash of soap.

Xie Yusheng reflexively avoided the soap and touched his nose.

What to do, scared her.

This was unexpected (not really).

Before this, Xie Yusheng had been hanging around with Cen Yuzhi for five or six years, and Cen Yuzhi never knew of his existence.

What was one advantage of this?

Xie Yusheng could hold her hand with impunity and kiss her without fear.

He could also take her into his arms at night and let her sleep on his arm.

He could also relieve the heat in the summer, and Cen Yuzhi would even instinctively lean into his arms.

To stick it to his wife every day on the grounds that no one is watching, you think I would say that?

Of course, during these years, Cen Yuzhi never knew that there was a ghost named Xie Yusheng beside her.

Until this day, he somehow showed up and scared his wife into the nest.

He laughed so hard, what kind of ghost can’t attack someone under the covers?

He didn’t even know how many nights he had slept with her in his arms.

He had to leave first to calm the person down.

But really, didn’t leave, just went out of her room.

And came back after she fell asleep.

Thought how scared she was, but she ended up snoring like a little piglet.

The next day, Xie Yusheng told the first lie to Cen Yuzhi, saying that he could not leave until he found the lost ring.

Cen Yuzhi took it seriously.

Cen Yuzhi was so excited that she wanted to send him away and her heart was simply too obvious.

Xie Yusheng gritted his teeth, his smile hard to maintain.

If it wasn’t for the fact that there was one person, one ghost, no name, no identity, he would have to give her some color.

The second lie Xie Yusheng pulled was to tell Cen Yuzhi that he couldn’t think of any other clues to the ring.

In fact, his heart is as clear as a mirror, the ring was taken away by his old mother-in-law.

But for one thing, Cen Yuzhi isn’t afraid of him anymore, so the excuse he made up in the heat of the moment to look for the ring can be over.

Secondly, he understood better than anyone else that it would be best if that ring could not be found.

Especially since, Cen Yuzhi had already started dating and was getting along quite well with her date.

Xie Yusheng was caught in a dilemma.

He both wanted to see Cen Yuzhi find someone she liked again and live a happy and uneventful life.

He also hoped that Cen Yuzhi would not find someone she liked more so quickly.

At least not more than she liked him before.

As a result, his behavior is always uncertain, one moment he advises Cen Yuzhi to get along well with others, and the next moment he can’t help but be jealous and say bad things about the blind date.

Speaking of which, what was the name of that blind date?

Xie Yusheng couldn’t quite remember, so he didn’t force himself to continue to think about it.

Later, he thought, why don’t we just let things take their course?

The blind date asked Cen Yuzhi to go skiing?

No problem, he secretly followed, to prevent the man under the guise of skiing to make a move!

Come to Cen Yuzhi’s house to spend the night on a snowy day?

Not a big problem, but can we not cuddle?

Want to kiss her at the end of the date?

You kid really don’t sleep too much at night [soy intimidation.jpg]!

How long have we known each other and you want to kiss her? I’ve been chasing people for a semester!

Xie Yusheng couldn’t help it, entering the room in the middle of the night, knocking on the side, all kinds of inquiries.

In fact, when he heard that Cen Yuzhi didn’t like the blind date that much, Xie Yusheng was a bit of “evil spirit ecstasy”, but ……

He couldn’t pretend that he didn’t see Cen Yuzhi’s bewilderment under her eyes.

So he crossed that line of restrained self-control and kissed her sweaty palms.

It was an action that went beyond what an ordinary friend would do, especially when it happened at night, in a space where the two of them were alone like this.

This wet kiss became something more than innocent.

Xie Yusheng himself was startled.

So he said “Just asking” and fled in fear.

He didn’t know what Cen Yuzhi would think, but the initial panic had turned into excitement as he walked through the living room back to the second bedroom.

Kissed eh.

She didn’t hate eh.

He lay in bed until midnight, rolling several times and tangling the covers around before he finally suppressed that excitement.

The next day, Cen Yuzhi went to help a friend move.

As usual, when Cen Yuzhi wasn’t home, he went outside to the park to watch the grandfathers play chess.

Then pinch the time to go home and cook.

He didn’t think that on such an ordinary Sunday, Cen Yuzhi had thought of him.

Xie Yusheng, a name that had been empty in Cen Yuzhi’s life for more than five years, suddenly came back just like that.

It was so sudden that Xie Yusheng was a little unsure of how to face it.

And the only reaction Cen Yuzhi could make was to cry.

Sitting on the carpet and crying, lying on his shoulder and crying, hiding in his arms and crying.

Xie Yusheng’s good heart was about to be broken by her crying.

He spoke with a stern face, “Cen Yuzhi, don’t cry.”

However, Cen Yu Zhi’s concern was why he didn’t call her “Zhi Zhi” but called her by her first name.

Xie Yusheng: “……”

The army’s heart was broken, this battle could not be fought at all.

He had to coax the people first.

At least don’t cry first.

And although Cen Yuzhi had grown older, she was still as coaxing as she was when she was in school.

Xie Yusheng kissed her soft lips, felt her arms wrapped around his neck, and couldn’t help but think.

“So well behaved.”

Extra 3: Rebirth Mundane Talk

Cen Yuzhi was the one who noticed something was wrong in the evening.

After lunch, Xie Yusheng told her that he wanted to go to the park to watch the grandfathers play chess.

Xie Yusheng had very few recreational activities and no other playmates.

Fortunately, he is also a patient person, willing to squat in the park to watch the game of chess, a look at the afternoon.

Cen Yuzhi said yes, and then told him to go home early, because she had to bake bread to eat.

Xie Yusheng can not eat, but can smell the fragrance.

Xie Yusheng agreed.

And now, the sunset.

Xie Yusheng hadn’t come home yet.

Cen Yuzhi panicked for a moment and hurriedly put the baked bread on the table then changed her shoes and went out to look for it.

But there was no sign of him.

There were only two groups of chess-playing grandfathers in the park, and she went to see them both.

She didn’t see Xie Yusheng.

So she began to call out to him.

“Xie Yusheng, are you there? We’re going home!”

She shouted many times, but Xie Yusheng didn’t show up, and the other people in the park didn’t care either.

They all ran to the other side to see what was going on.

A young man had jumped into the river and had just been fished out, the man was no longer breathing.

Cen Yuzhi wasn’t interested, she only wanted to find Xie Yusheng.

And that night, Xie Yusheng didn’t come home.

The baked bread became cold, and the flavor dissipated, but no one ate a bite.

Cen Yuzhi didn’t sleep a wink.

She stayed up until her eyes were slightly swollen, and her pillowcase was half wet with tears.

If, and she meant if, the one who was lost now was an ordinary person, then she might still be able to ask for help and look for it with her.

But right now, she was the only person in the world who knew of Xie Yusheng’s existence.

She had no one to turn to for help.

Cen Yuzhi was once again in a panic.

But Xie Yusheng, how could he always be like this?

Always like this, disappearing without saying a word.

She would, in the future, never ……

never be best with Xie Yusheng again.

Think so, but the next day Cen Yuzhi still went out to look for people – oh no, looking for ghosts.

Though there was still nothing to be found.

But by the time she came home, she found a …… uh, strange young man squatting at the door.

The young man looked up, his two eyes shining brightly.


Said a “dog pounce” big movement, Cen Yuzhi a hand pressed into the arms.

Cen Yuzhi’s face hit the dog’s chest, and she froze.

“I’m back.”

Cen Yuzhi’s heart was beating wildly, and she spoke with difficulty, “You ……”

“Zhi Zhi, I can touch you.”

“…… Xie Yusheng?”

“It’s me, Zhi Zhi.”

Xie Yusheng rubbed her cheek, “You’re scared, aren’t you? I’m sorry I ran away again,…… but this time it really wasn’t of my own free will!”

Cen Yuzhi’s good temper dissipated, raising her hand and rubbing his ear out of breath.

“Where have you been? How did you ……

Become a human being?

Xie Yusheng said: “You open the door first, we will talk at home.”

Xie Yusheng did not tell Cen Yuzhi, because the way to the road was too excited, momentarily forgetting that he could not directly through the wall now, he directly hit the door.

The commotion was so loud that the neighbor across the street let out a good laugh from inside the house.

What happened was that Xie Yusheng had been watching someone else play chess.

But halfway through the game, someone suddenly shouted that a man had been fished out of the river in the park and had lost his breath.

It is said that the work is not good, was coworkers ostracized, by the boss suppression, can not stand, a moment of thought can not throw the river.

A few moncler outlet store online, they also threw away their chess pieces and ran over to see.

The person who is playing chess is not there, Xie Yusheng simply floated over to see the scene.

As a result, he felt a suction force pulling him forward.

Xie Yusheng did not react for a moment and was dragged into the darkness.

This darkness is a whole night.

This morning he woke up, first was surrounded by the bedside of his parents a round of crying and comfort, followed by a comprehensive physical examination.

Xie Yusheng didn’t have a sense of reality on the ground until the examination was over and he was sent back to the hospital room again.

How to say.

If I have to describe it, the feeling is – I, Hu Hansan, am back again!

“I don’t understand, a good youth, so concerned about his parents, for a little work things are dying, this kid strange no interest.”

Xie Yusheng said half a day, see Cen Yuzhi has been silent, then panicked, afraid that Cen Yuzhi still angry.

He hooked Cen Yuzhi’s finger: “Zhi Zhi, you speak.”

“It is necessary to say something.”

Cen Yuzhi spoke, her eyes were a piece of loving smile, hooked back Xie Yusheng’s finger, felt the same warm skin, and said softly, “Eat bread? I haven’t eaten either, why don’t you join us?”

The love in Xie Yusheng’s eyes was about to fill out, he kissed Cen Yuzhi’s fingertips and replied, “Okay.”

Extra 4: What not to tell your parents about

New Year’s Day Holiday.

Everywhere was full of joy, stores were full of balloons, windows were lit up with fireworks, and the festive atmosphere was strong.

Xie Yusheng was in high spirits, relying on the fact that his current body was two years younger than Cen Yuzhi’s, he began to make a fuss.

“Sister, sister, sister, you pay attention to me.”

Xie Yusheng pushed his furry head into Cen Yuzhi’s neck, making Cen Yuzhi itch, laughing and pushing him.

“You’ve had enough.”

Xie Yusheng couldn’t help but sigh, “No wonder so many girls like sibling love, look at you, smiling like you can’t see your teeth.”

“No ah, I don’t have it.” Cen Yuzhi denied.

Xie Yusheng pinched her face and started to find fault.

“Then you say, is my current body or my original body better? Which one do you like better?”

This was a typical trap question, slightly less difficult than a human unanswerable question like “I fell into the water with your mom at the same time”, but it had to be answered with the same caution.

Cen Yuzhi frowned, trying to think of a perfect answer.

But before she could think of one, she felt the back of her foot being gently touched by someone.

She subconsciously shrunk her legs.

But soon, the hem of her pajamas was moved again, the warmth belonging to another person leaned against her backside, and a large hot hand began to mess with her.

Cen Yuzhi had no intention of thinking about which Xie Yusheng she liked better.

“Zhi Zhi,” Xie Yusheng politely inquired, “Do you want to do a little something that you can’t tell your parents?”

Cen Yuzhi’s answer was no.

Besides, she was almost thirty, there was nothing she couldn’t tell her parents.

But Xie Yusheng didn’t give her a chance to open her mouth.

He pressed Cen Yuzhi down on the sofa and lowered his head to speak in her ear, Cen Yuzhi covered her ears.

He then went to kiss the tip of her nose again, softening the person so much that she could no longer resist.

Cen Yuzhi: Forget about lying flat.

Outside the window, a large bunch of fireworks were lit up again, and the cheers of people could be heard from a distance.

A new year has begun, and those who love each other should always be together.


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Next March 8, 2024


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