48. Accidentally rubbing against the wrong leg

Accidentally rubbing the wrong leg

I want to see you when I’m in love.

Halfway through the open class, my leg was a little itchy.

So I subconsciously rubbed my foot against the table leg.

As I rubbed against it, the table leg actually moved.

What’s even more frightening is that the legendary “unsmiling” high-cool school bully came over with red eyes.

“You, have you rubbed it enough?”

Family members.

I’m dead.

In the morning half of the open class, suddenly calf belly a little itchy, so I habitually stretched the foot to rub the table leg.

When I was soothing, the table leg actually moved ……

After I realized that what I rubbed was not a table leg but a human leg, I was in deep thought.

The next second.

A man came over with a faint aroma.

The man lowered his voice, “You, have you rubbed enough?”

I was confused.

For a moment my mouth didn’t follow my brain, “No…… still a little itchy.”

“Do you want to rub it again?”

“Yes.” After I said that, I stretched out my right leg and rubbed it on his leg a few times.

“This is comfortable, thank you.”

Holy shit.

I’m fucked.

I rubbed the school bully’s leg, and when he asked me if I wanted to rub it again, I actually said yes.

I cried, I must have gone out and forgotten my brain, my legs were moving under the table and my brain was chasing after me.

After I said yes, I reflexively rubbed my legs back and forth on the school bully’s leg a few times.

The school bully slapped the table and stood up with a ‘swoosh’.

This slap.

The whole class looked this way.

A room full of people, plus the students standing outside.

With hundreds of pairs of eyes, they watched as a blush rose from the school bully’s neck to the base of his ears, and finally colored the ends of his eyes.

He trembled and pointed his finger at me.

“You …… you ……”

“You” for a long time did not hard to say a complete sentence.

Then like a molested virtuous woman, turned his head and ran away in anger.

Just like this ran away ……

Leaving behind a dumbfounded me and my classmates who ate a mouthful of melon.

I’m not sure if you’re a good person or a good person.

You run what ah, not you let me rub again?

I’m on fire just like that.

On the school’s forum, on the confession wall, in the posting bar.

They’re all talking about me.

All sorts of things were said.

“Shen Yan was molested in public.”

“Shen Yan was slimed.”

“Song Miao touched Shen Yan’s thigh.”

“Shen Yan blushed and screamed in class because of …….”

“You can wear a pair of pants in the English department, Song Miao.”


I didn’t know he was Shen Yan until later.

The man who lives in legend.

That high cold school bully with “Do not approach” written from head to toe.

No wonder in class today, the female students sitting in the front rows always turn their heads to the back of us intentionally or unintentionally, and I thought that they collectively fell asleep last night.

The original is to see Shen Yan’s.

As for when this person is sitting next to me, I really have no impression at all.

Maybe it’s just plain bad luck that there happened to be an empty seat next to me when he came in.

Shen Yan was born with a good skin.

Thick eyebrows, big eyes, small nose.

The combination of the five features together is with today’s first-line flow than also no less.

Why this person is bad-tempered, unsmiling, cold and ruthless, cold to the extreme.

Not good tobacco and alcohol also not close to women.

Say he is the school bully is not because he is very good at fighting, but because there are too many legends about him in the school.

Similar: he is XX heavy money to dig up, XX is his father, the principal see him have to go around this kind of.

These rumors, regardless of whether they are true or false, in short, he is very powerful, no one dare to mess with the meaning.

Such a man full of stories.

Today, I’ve brought him down.

The phrase “Shen Yan actually blushes” was at one time on the top of the hot search.

These are not the key.

The main thing is this one.

“Song Miao of the English Department, wear some pants!”

The followers at the bottom all said that I touched his thighs.

Others said I touched his ……

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

I didn’t just itch my legs and accidentally rubbed them against the table a few times.

This is all made up by them into some kind of inappropriate plot.

I took out my mechanical keyboard.

I was about to use five sprays of tongue in one second.

“Five minutes, please delete the post about Song Miao’s classmates, or suffer the consequences. (This message is from Shen Yan of the Finance Department.)”

This post brushed and was topped as a favorite.

I opened my eyes wide and confirmed it.

It was written about Shen Yan.

School forums are all real names.

Then this Shen Yan should be the Shen Yan I was thinking of.

My mom.

The school bully himself came down to delete the post.

That’s good, saves me from having to do it myself.

But ……

How come he only deletes the ones about me?

About his own not delete?

What is the meaning of this person.

I collapsed on the bed.

There are no less than ten people above my head.

Three from our dormitory, four from the next dormitory, and one from the next dormitory.

They surrounded me and talked incessantly.

“Miaomiao, did you really touch Shen Yan this morning?”

“Miaomiao you touched …… is it where I think?”

“How does the hand …… feel.”

“Song Miaomiao, I always tell you to exercise restraint.”


I sat up.

Rolled my eyes.

“I really just itchy legs to rub his legs as table legs! That’s all!!!”

“Where did it itch?”

“Legs!!! Legs! A toad with one mouth! Two eyes and four legs!”

“If it’s a leg, why is he blushing?”

“How do I know?”

“Do you think we believe it?”


The posts about me on the internet were deleted.

But the deletion of the posts still can’t stop the people from talking.

About “I touched him”.

This rumor got stronger and stronger.

All the guys who were chasing me before went around me when they saw me.

This can’t go on like this.

After thinking about it, I think I have to find the right person and let him know personally.

I must find the right person and let him explain himself.

Otherwise, my reputation and the rest of my life will be ruined.

Shen Yan would hardly show up at school except for classes.

He belongs to the category of people who don’t see the head of the dragon and don’t see the tail of the dragon.

I looked for a dozen people.

I finally got him on WeChat.

“Miaomiao, you think twice ah, he is Shen Yan eh, listen to my schoolmate’s boyfriend’s roommate next door said that there is a boy in the Department of Physical Education ball hit him, the next day was dropped out of school! He didn’t even come to you, and you’re still looking for him. Rumors are rumors, anyway, in a couple of days this matter will be covered up by other hot events.”

“No, he has to come out and say it!”

I’m as good as dead.

I resolutely clicked Add Friend.

But ……

WeChat how to show ……

He is my friend yet, still inside the blacklist.

I looked at this person whose avatar is a dog, there are a billion points of confusion.

I held my cheeks and thought for a long time.

Hardly remembered why I had blacklisted him.

After a moment of hesitation.

I moved this ‘dog’ out of the blacklist.

Excited heart, trembling hands.

I sent a message.

“Mr. Shen Yan? In?”

It showed that it was in the process of typing over there.

It stopped.

Then it said “typing” again.


Twenty minutes passed.

He sent one back.

“Shed put me off the blacklist?”

I was down for three seconds.

When did I blacklist him.

How could I have blacklisted him?

I paid a lot of money for his micro-signal.

It took me two days of buying fried chicken, milk tea and dinner to get it.

So is this ‘dog’ really Shen Yan? I’m a bit skeptical.

Is it possible that the person who gave me WeChat is swindling me.

I opened this “dog’s” circle of friends.

Good guy, his circle of friends is as empty as my brain.

Forget it, I’m not sure, I’ll ask again.

“Excuse me, are you Shen Yan from the finance department?”

There was silence on his side.

Then came back a sentence.

“I’m a police officer.”

I replied back: I’m sure it’s a liar!

Dog: You said the same thing last time and then pulled the plug on me.

Me: ????

Then the other side of the brush threw me a screenshot of the chat.

The time is three months ago.

Dog: I’m a police officer.

Me: Huh? What police officer.

Dog: My main mission in 2023 is to investigate you.

Me: Liar right you are.

Dog: But the case is not solved, my heart is not attacked. (Message sent but rejected by the other party)

This message was followed by a huge red exclamation point.

Uh, it did get pulled by me.

My avatar at the time was also a dog.

It was a little teddy prancing around in the grass.

Me: So, you’re really Shen Yan?

Dog: Uh-huh.

Me: I’m sorry for pulling the plug on you, but as soon as you came and said you were a cop, I thought would a cop still add WeChat, so I assumed it was a scammer.

Dog: the first is not the point, the point is the last sentence.

Me: the last sentence? You are not a finance department, why are you investigating the case, but also investigating me, didn’t get it.

Dog: smiling face.jpg

Me: So how does all this relate to the open class thing.

Dog: open class I did it on purpose.

Me: Deliberately saying something unclear and leading to misunderstanding, deliberately blushing in front of everyone? So that the class would misunderstand and think what I did to you.

Dog: words are deliberately said, blushing is not.

The financial department people speak so brain CPU.

Well with Shen Yan WeChat battle for a while, he finally promised to explain clearly for me.

Legend has it that the high-cold school bully who is not to be approached by anyone is not high-cold at all, and this is not quite good to talk.

I am relieved.

At last, it is a big matter of heart.

I hummed a little song after packing things ready to go to class.

Although walking on the road, there is no shortage of different eyes.

But it doesn’t matter, Shen Yan will step in.

Shen Yan will clear my name later, I believe he is a man of his word.

Walking around the corner to the classroom, but there were a few people standing in the corridor.

I raised my eyes and looked.

Isn’t this Ji Qingqing, the flower of our department, my nemesis.

A group of them stood in the corridor, blocking my way.

Ji Qingqing’s henchman A: “Some people really have the face to come to class and do all those nasty things.”

Lapdog B: “Yes, groping people’s thighs in class and confessing to themselves on the confession wall, that’s really something.”

Dog leg C: “If I were her, I would have gone back to school, how dare I go out.”


A few people finished with a burst of snickers.

A bunch of people are making up stories about me.

I don’t give a shit about them.

I put on my headphones.

I’m going to go around them.

Just as I reached Ji Qingqing’s side, the music in my ears came to a screeching halt.

Ji Qingqing stepped forward and pulled off my earphones.

“Song Miao, do you want to go out of the school gate and turn right, go to the city hospital and hang up a psychiatric department, I have acquaintances there, so I can cure your brain for you.”

I was in a good mood today.

I’m in a good mood today, but I just stepped on poop on my way out the door.

Who doesn’t know how to do that?

I followed her stance and crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

“Yo, Ji Qingqing, look at you, you look like a dog, but your mouth is as broken as an old woman’s chili pepper. I’m going to the psychiatry department? I think you should go to the stomatology department, so that the doctor can clean up your mouth.

“And again, I didn’t touch anyone’s thighs, I didn’t declare my love, I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

Doggy A: “Still pretending, didn’t you send this yourself?”

After she finished speaking, she took out her cell phone and flipped a screenshot of the confession wall for me to see.

“Song Miao:

I’m a police officer, and my main mission in 2023 was to investigate you, but the case wasn’t solved, and my heart wasn’t broken.

–Shen Yan.”

Ji Qingqing stepped forward and grabbed the cell phone.

“Such a disgusting earthy love story, not sent by you, is it hard to be Shen Yan himself? Let me go ahead and order a stomp.”

I took a look and was happy.

This is really Shen Yan’s own words.

Now my CPU was completely blown up.

Didn’t Shen Yan say he’d help me explain?

Why did he send me a love story again?


Is this a love story?

I was puzzled: “Is this a love story?”

Doggy A: “It is. He said his heart was broken. Doesn’t that mean it was broken by you?”

Me: “It’s so corny and hard to understand.”

Ji Qingqing: “You really didn’t post that?”

“How could I send this kind of levelless, I would send: the best thing in the world is to sleep and think of you, or simply sleep with you.

Ji Qingqing stared at me thoughtfully, “That’s true.”

So our group stood in the hallway and studied who actually posted it.

Finally came to a conclusion.

It was really Shen Yan himself who sent it.

This is good.

Together with me, there were a total of five shocked faces.

Ji Qingqing and her group had the attitude that they would not die until they saw the Yellow River, and they must let me question them face to face.

I tremblingly took out my cell phone.

Sent the screenshot of the confession wall to the ‘dog’.

“Classmate Shen Yan, what do you mean by sending this.”

He replied back in seconds.


The end of the end.

Our group of five was driven by the teacher to stand in the corridor because we were late for class and screamed outside the classroom.

The early winter wind was a little cooler and blew red on Ji Qingqing’s face.

She slumped over the railing with her hand resting on her pillow.

“The cabbage that I’ve been longing for, how could it have been taken over by this pig,” she said.

“So be it, three-legged toads are hard to find, two-legged men are all over the place.”


I’m on fire again.

This time, it’s not about me touching people’s thighs in open class.

Rather, it’s about me giving Shen Yan a head drop.

Smile face.jpg

In just one week.

My identity changed again and again.

From a lewd woman to a goddess who specializes in parasites and head-falls.

The content of the followers has changed from legal topics to thrillers and suspense.

I held my cell phone in the middle of the night to read those posts with great interest.

Some of them are quite well written, you can go to Zhihu to write a novel of that level.

Some of them are quite outrageous. Look at this guy, he said Shen Yan is with me for money.

He said Shen Yan is with me for the money. I was so scared that I called my dad and asked him if he had won the lottery.

Others said Shen Yan’s family is broke and wants to marry me in business.

I called my dad again and asked if our little ten square meter kebab store was going public.

My dad scolded me and told me to ask my mom for money, he didn’t have any.

He didn’t have any money. He then blackmailed me.

I was told that I have panda blood and Shen Yan needs my blood to cure his illness.

I called my mom and asked her if I was panda blood.

My mom said I’m little brat blood and then pulled the plug on me too.

So, neither.

Then …… is why.

I was burnt out and puzzled.

Can t stand it anymore, instead of secretly speculating, it is better to ask clearly in person.

I decided, ask him out to meet.

With the encouragement of my roommates.

I wiped the cold sweat on my forehead, and summoned up the courage to send a tweet to the “dog”.

“Meet me tomorrow?”


There were no classes in the morning, and I had wanted to sleep a little longer.

But before eight o’clock, I was woken up by a chattering voice.

“Oh my god Song Miao, Shen Yan is really here, he’s standing downstairs waiting for you.” From the balcony came the roommate’s scream.

What? Downstairs in the dormitory.

I ran to the balcony at light speed.

My roommate is squatting in the corner like a sniper.

“What are you guys doing?”

“Crouch down! Shen Yan is looking in our direction?”

Unfortunately, it was too late.

I was wearing a green dinosaur pajamas, sleepy eyes, bangs flew to the sky.

The moment the four eyes met.

This month!

The fifth time I’ve tried to live on a different planet.

It was eight o’clock in the morning of early winter, and the sky was just slightly light.

Shen Yan was wearing a black tweed coat.

Standing on the side of the flower bed.

The sun that sneaked up from the horizon did not spare the sunlight on his face, lining his features even more handsome, like a god from heaven.

Ah, mom, this person is using beauty sharks.

I was momentarily distracted, and I couldn’t care less about a head of hair that was more messy than a chicken nest.

Seeing me appear on the balcony, his dark eyes instantly lit up.

He hooked the corner of his mouth and tilted his head slightly.

As if to say: good morning.

I have not yet reacted.

I was pulled down by the swish of my squatting roommate!

The next second.

I was held down by them on the chair.

They said that in order not to lose the face of the 306 bedrooms, they planned to put a super invincible man’s makeup on me.

I sat on the chair and let them do their thing.

My cell phone rang at this time.

Dog: Good morning.

Me: Morning, are you waiting for me downstairs?

Dog: Well, you didn’t say when and where yesterday, so why don’t you just wait for you downstairs early in the morning?

Me: …… too eye-catching.

Dog: so I find a hood cover?

Me: ……

After washing up and putting on my makeup and getting dressed it was close to nine o’clock.

Just opened the door.

I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night.

“What are you doing?”

“Don’t wear pink, he doesn’t like pink.”


“You’ve heard of the story about the guy who chased Shen Yan down two blocks with a pink love letter and he didn’t even look back, right?”


“I guess he doesn’t like pink, so he chased him for two blocks without looking back. Wear this beige tweed coat, it matches your makeup, and you’re a couple.” She said, picking out a coat from my closet.

After she finished, she picked out a coat from my closet and urged me to hurry up and change into it.

In a crowd of expectant eyes, I step three times back downstairs.

Downstairs in the women’s dormitory stood the wildly arrogant, cool and handsome high-cool school bully.

Predictably, it was like the Tang Monk entering the Pansi Cave.

When you walk by, you have to take a look at them when you brush your teeth and wash your face.

In order to reduce the campus forum about my legend later.

I hurriedly took him to escape from this place of wrongdoing.

He hung his eyes, obediently followed me.

There seems to be an invisible aura around us.

Within a five meter radius.

No one came near.

“Did you have breakfast?” I asked.

“No, I was waiting for you.”

Ten minutes later.

The two of us were sitting at the breakfast place at the back of the school, staring at each other.

Shen Yan’s long legs looked a little cramped under the narrow wooden table.

His eyes were bright, his eyelashes were long and arched, just staring at me with his big eyes open, I felt the roots of my ears gradually getting hot.

I hurriedly avoided his eyes.

“What do you mean, literally.”

A flustered light appeared in his eyes, “Literally …… means …… like.”

Then he muttered in aggravation, “The whole school understands it, but you don’t.”

I was speechless and coughed dryly twice.

“Since when did …… I say, like me thing?”

“Earlier than you think.”

“Is the open class really a revenge for me pulling the plug on you?”

“No, Tang Ziyu said that if I did what he said, you would definitely move me out of the blacklist.”

“The basketball club president?”


“Did he teach you how to talk to me in a vulgar way?”


I felt my cheeks burning again when I talked about the language, and I peeked at him with my eyes, and he was looking down at me, stirring the sugar in the soymilk.

Only his face was half red again.

What are you blushing for.

In order to break this unspoken embarrassment, I hurriedly digress.

“Why do they say you’re tall and cold?”

“I’m tall, but not cold.”

“You don’t like cigarettes and alcohol, and you don’t like women?”

“Well, I don’t like the smell of cigarettes, I drink a glass of wine, and I don’t like women ……” He changed his position and raised his eyes to look at me quietly, “It’s complete nonsense.”

I knocked!

What did I ask, my face burned a little more.

“Why did you say that the principal walks around you when he sees you?”

“Oh, Tong An Guo, his sister has a strict control, his sister is my mom, afraid that I’ll tell on her, right, so she avoids me when she sees me.”

“So that’s why your classmates have a deep misunderstanding of you. You need to smile more often, you look good when you smile.”

“Okay, if you say so.”

He winked and pushed the sweetened soymilk in front of me.

“Drink it, it’s getting cold.”

I spent two hours with Shen Yan.

There were 100+ more posts about me on the forum.

The most popular one was a poll post.

“Which girl in our school is the best match for Shen Yan.”

  1. Tong Wan Yue (school beauty) 11991 votes
  2. Li Shiyu (rich white girl) 1399 votes
  3. Lin Xiaolu (school bully) 886 votes
  4. Jiang Wen (School God) 765 votes
  5. Ji Qingqing (Flower) 259 votes


  1. Song Miao (?) 0 votes

. ……

Boring, I turned off my cell phone, ready to put these worldly disturbances behind me and code my homework first.


A message popped up on WeChat.

Dog: Do you know what a one-point kill is?

I: What is it?

Ten minutes later, my WeChat exploded.

My roommate ran in like crazy.

“Song Miao! Look at the forum!!!”

I clicked on it.

“Shen Yan from the Finance Department voted for serial number 10, Song Miao.”

Looking at the followers, I saw a bunch of people who swiped 999, 666, and money for a share.

I was dizzy.

So, this is a one-point kill.

I was paralyzed on the bed and pinched the human center.

I slowed down for a while before sending him a message.

“Well, it’s pretty killer. But I don’t like the idea of an online poll, like a harem choosing a princess. Angry.jpg.”

“I don’t like it either, I’ve already told Tong An Guo that the forums will be cleaned up in a few days.”

I looked at the (1) behind my name and thought about it but still asked that.

“Shen Yan, are you serious?”


Deffo, I’m having trouble breathing again.

I’d better continue to paralyze on the bed and pinch people.

After Shen Yan’s several “sincere” confessions.

The rumor about touching legs in the open class was also broken.

Now the whole school is high on Shen Yan and me.

Everyone thought the open class was just a couple’s trick.

Everyone thought we were together.

After all, no girl can say no to Shen Yan.

But I was the only one who knew.

Not really.

Many times I felt like a scum girl.

For him, I didn’t reject or accept.

Like the legendary fish-farming big man.

Catching a big fish and not letting go.

Like him.

I don’t know.

He is handsome, much gold, erudite, soft-spoken and decent.

Maybe it’s because he’s so perfect that everything feels unreal to me.

And me, I’m nothing but mediocre.

I also tried to ask him.

What do you like about me.

He just smiled.

“Like you, all.”

“Did Tang Ziyu teach you those words?”

“No, from the heart.”

Tonight he asked me to see a movie.

I thought I’d take this opportunity to make it clear to him, so he could reconsider it carefully.

After all, we’re both in our twenties, not too young, and I’m in love with a woman who wants to get married.

If he is just playing around, then I certainly do not accompany.

I just packed up and ready to go out.

My roommate Qiqi stopped me.

She looked a bit flustered.

She looked a bit flustered and stammered.

“Miao …… Miao, let me tell you something you don’t get angry.”

I was shocked.


“I just had dinner. On my way back, guess who I saw?

“I saw Shen Yan! He was with Tong Wan Yue.”

Tong Wan-yue, the school beauty of our school.

She was the top vote-getter on the forum.

“Oh, so be it.”

I said it didn’t matter, but in my heart I had a feeling I couldn’t describe.

Yeah, it’s not like we’re officially in a relationship, so it’s not like I have any control over him talking to other girls.

“Talking together is not the point! The point is! I saw him take a VCA box, I don’t know if it’s a bracelet or a necklace inside, and gave it to Tong Wan Yue. The other day he was confessing his love for you in public, but today he’s giving a gift to another girl, yuck! Scum! He also claimed that he is not close to women, but in the end, he hooked up with two girls in two months. Qiqi was filled with righteous indignation, gnashing her teeth, looking like she wanted to eat Shen Yan alive.

“It doesn’t matter, the two of us weren’t together in the first place, I’ll go and talk to him tonight.”

The gap between speaking.

Received Shen Yan’s WeChat.

“Waiting for you downstairs.”

Kiki patted my shoulder and gave me a ‘click’ gesture.

I nodded my head.

“I got it!”

It was a little dark in the movie theater, and I was just about to pull out my phone and turn on flashlight mode.

A hand reached out.

“You can tug on my coat.”

I thought about it but pulled out my phone.

“Thanks, I have a flashlight.”

Sitting side by side with him.

Looking at Shenyan’s sideways face, I was a little rattled.

Mentally cheering myself up.

It’s not the first time I’ve seen a movie with a boy.

Calm down, calm down.

Just thinking.

Suddenly felt an extra hand on my back.

His hand with warm breath wandered behind my back, and his face also leaned closer.

I stared at his face close at hand, not daring to utter a breath.

Ahhhhh! This! What is he trying to do!

To hug me! To kiss me!

No, that’s a no-no!

My body was tense.

I was about to push him away.

“The back of the chair is a bit cold, so don’t lean on it yet.” After saying that, he took off his jacket and put it on the back of my chair.

“It’s okay now.”

Whew, that scared me.

I didn’t even watch the whole movie tonight.

Shen Yan too.

It’s obviously a tragic movie.

Amidst the constant sobbing around him.

He pulled the corners of his mouth to giggle every now and then.

I don’t know what this person is thinking.

It’s hard not to be thinking about his Tong Wan Yue.

On the way back to my dorm room.

I was silent.

“In a bad mood?” He asked tentatively.

“That was a tragic movie.”

“Well, the hero sacrifices himself in the end to save someone.”

“But you were laughing the whole time.” I looked him in the eye, “You didn’t even watch the movie seriously.”

“I’m sorry, I was …… lost in thought.”

“Thinking about something important, the movie wasn’t even on.” I muttered, because every second I missed was disrespectful to the movie business! Well, I didn’t watch it seriously either though.

“It’s important, it’s all about you.”

I stop.

Nice guy.

Is it time for a showdown? That’s good, I’ll make it clear to him too.

“Uh-huh. What about me, you say.”

He pauses, then fishes a delicate little box out of his pocket.

“Trying to think of a reason to give you the bracelet.”

I looked at the prominent VCA logo on the box.

Sure enough, I bought two.

I don’t need to give you the bracelet, I just wanted to come out today to talk to you clearly,” I said.

“I’m not that kind of casual girl, and I don’t know if it’s true or not when you said you liked me.

“But the kind of relationship I want is one that is single-minded, not one that is indecisive and eats from the bowl while still looking at the pot.”

His hand holding the box froze in mid-air.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Bracelets. You bought two, didn’t you, and didn’t you give the other one to Tong Wan Yue?”

When I finished, his eyes lit up for a moment before a smirk floated up.

“So Misty is jealous.”

I twisted my head, avoiding his eyes.

“Not at all.”

He unwrapped the box and lifted my hand, carefully placing the bracelet on my wrist.

“Tong Wan Yue, is my sister, her last name is also Tong, didn’t you notice?”

“Tong Wan Yue, Tong Guo An, you mean he’s Principal Tong’s daughter?”

“Well, I asked her for help, to help me pick out a gift that girls like, and in return, I bought her a copy as well.” Then he let out a light laugh, revealing a hint of smugness, “My sister’s one, it’s not as nice as yours.”


“What about the vote on the forum?”

“Our relationship, no one else knows about it.”

Good lord, what kind of genes does your family have.

A school beauty. A school bully.

I kicked at the stones by my feet, and at the same time, I was ashamed of my malicious speculations.

He seemed to see what I was thinking.

He tapped his hand on my forehead.

“It’s always been you and only you that I like.”

Sorry, I’m having trouble breathing, I’m trying to pinch again.

I’ve just arrived at the dormitory.

My mouth, it’s not listening to me.

It went up by itself.

I can’t control it.

My roommate had an expression of eating melon.

“Miu Miu, how far have you gone?”

Roommate Seven ‘clicked’ and ate a bear cookie.

Qiqi also came over.

“What’s wrong with that …… Tong Wan Yue?”

I waved my hand, “That’s his cousin!”

“My mom, actually is his sister, I said these two sometimes look a bit like, before listening to the gossip also said that they are a bit of a husband and wife face.”

“Ah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.”

“This family has good genes, Miaomiao, you have to seize the opportunity!”

“Right, right, right! Have you guys confirmed your relationship?”

“Did you hold hands? Did you hug? Did you kiss?”


Several people were talking at once.

So many questions at once, I didn’t know which one to answer first.

Forget it, I’d better study the corners of my mouth first, how to make it come down.

“De, looking at Miaomiao, it’s more than likely a done deal.”

To celebrate me getting off.

My good roommates threw me a bachelorette party.

After I raised my glass and drank over three people.

The door of the private room was pushed open by someone.

Only when the person approached did I see that it was Shen Yan.

Eh, no, how did he know I was here.

With anger, Shen Yan rushed in and snatched the last glass of wine in my hand and smothered it in one gulp.

Then he picked me up and left.


“Put me down.”

“Don’t move. You’re drunk.”

Me: ?

How can 8 bottles of wine make you drunk?

I struggled for half a day, but he still carried me on his shoulders, only that his steps became more and more wobbly.

I don’t know how long he walked, but he suddenly put me on the ground.

“Lie down obediently, you are drunk.” After saying that he may be feeling hot, tugging and unbuttoning the first button of his shirt.

Lie down, good ……

I felt the concrete floor under my ass.

This, it’s not too good.

“Be good, I’ll get you some water to wash your face.”

Me: ????

Where are you going to get me water to wash my face in the middle of the street, in the sewer?

I watched as he went about his business, walking around in front of me.

Sometimes pulling his ears, sometimes rubbing his hair.

I asked, “What are you doing?”

He said, “I’m looking for a basin. Where’s my basin?”

I searched for half a day and couldn’t find it.

He sat on the ground again and took out his cell phone.

“He was typing on his cell phone.

I asked, “What are you doing?”

He muttered, “I haven’t said good night to Miaomiao yet. I say good night to her every day.”

I went over to him.

Before he could finish typing his goodnight, he fell on top of me.

It was then I remembered that he had said.

One cup down.

The six-foot-something man fell unconscious on the floor.

I was a little guilty.

Where to get him tonight? I can’t take him back to the girls’ dormitory, and he doesn’t live on campus.

After half a day of planning.

Finally used his cell phone to call Tong Wan Yue.

Tong Wan Yue on the other end of the phone couldn’t stop laughing.

Then along with the positioning I sent, together with me, Shen Yan got into his home.

Shen Yan’s parents bought an apartment near the University of C for the convenience of his studies.

In order to facilitate his study, Shen Yan’s parents bought an apartment near the University of C. The apartment is not far away.

The apartment is not far away, a ten-minute walk.

After Tong Wan Yue and I got him into the house, she patted me on the shoulder.

Tong Wan Yue patted my shoulder and gave me a wink.

She dropped a sentence, “Sister, I’ll leave the rest to you.”

I didn’t even have time to say a word.

She opened the door, and like a nimble little loach, with a twist of her head the door closed and she was gone.

I looked at Shen Yan sleeping on the sofa and shook my head.

I found a towel and prepared to scrub him.

The result was just coming out of the bathroom.

It was then that I found him sitting on the sofa, sitting straight up.

There were just the two of us in the room.

The atmosphere was a bit ambiguous with a lone man and a lone woman.


I took a towel and moved next to him.

“Wake up …… that, let me help you wipe your face.”


His face was red and hot.

It’s the reason for drinking alcohol, it’s the reason for drinking alcohol.

I control myself not to think nonsense.

I hurriedly got up, wanting to escape from this place of wrongdoing.

Just as I got up, I was pulled down by him.

Watching his face gradually zooming in, his lips getting closer and closer.

Just when I thought he was going to ……

He planted himself next to me again in one fell swoop.

I touched my burning cheeks.

Soothing my deer-in-the-headlights heart.

Looking at the sleeping face that fell on the couch.

Couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

That night, he didn’t wake up again.

He slept like a three-year-old child, I can be miserable, he pulled my hand not to let go, I just sat on the floor, lying on the sofa to sleep the whole night.

The two were alone this night.

I feel that, in my heart, a seed quietly took root and sprouted.

When he woke up the next day, he didn’t remember what happened last night at all.

Doesn’t even remember how he got home.

“Didn’t I send you back to your dorm room and leave? How did you end up at my house.”

I bristled.

Dropping me off, you dropped me off in a dream.

“I didn’t …… do anything indescribable last night, did I?” He rubbed his messy hair, carefully, afraid of upsetting me.



He drops his eyes, a hint of loss in his demeanor.

I watched him droop his eyes, like a big, well-behaved dog.

At this time, there is no air of the legendary high-cool school bully who won’t approach anyone within a five-meter radius.

It’s really cute.

I ‘barked’ and pecked him on the cheek.

“But, I did it.”


I looked at him with a bad smile on my face.

His face, reddened even more.

Male lead perspective:

My name is Shen Yan, I have a nickname, School Boss.

I just don’t like to smile, I don’t know why I’m called the school bully.

There are a lot of legends about me in school, but those aren’t true, and I’m too lazy to explain, so that’s it.

Just when I thought I was going to get through my college career without a hitch.

A girl suddenly came in.

I was just starting my freshman year of college, and I wasn’t too familiar with the school, so I was wandering around the campus.

As I walked, a girl suddenly greeted me.

She was small, had a ponytail, and was wearing a pair of pants.

“Hello student, I’m Song Miao from the freshman English department, can I invite you to fill out a questionnaire?”

It might just happen to be that the sun was shining that day and the wind was gentle.

Her bright face and the pear swirls at the corners of her mouth just sank into my heart.

From that day on.

I’ve always seen this face in front of my eyes.

My good buddy Tang Ziyu, who grew up together, noticed my abnormality.

He said that since he liked it, he should boldly go after it.

With his help, I have Song Miao’s WeChat.

I don’t have much experience in chasing girls, and Tang Ziyu, who is known as a veteran driver, said he would help me and let me trust him.

He said that girls nowadays like earthy love words, the more earthy love words, the more the girls are on the head.

I believed him, and later realized that I had believed him.

I just added Song Miao less than two minutes, because of Tang Ziyu’s earthy love words, I was pulled black.

Even that love words, not yet finished.

“It’s not my fault, your own hand speed is too slow.” Tang Ziyu was on the sidelines with a hateful look.

I was annoyed.

I was angry and anxious, but there wasn’t much I could do.

After lying on the rooftop with Tang Ziyu for two days, he said, “I have a solution.

“Believe me, this time, she’ll definitely pull you out of the blacklist!”

After that, we were looking for all kinds of opportunities.

The English department and the finance department are separated by 18,000 miles.

Finally, three months later, in an open class.

Our two departments crossed paths.

“Brother Yan, trust me this time! Good luck!”

I gritted my teeth, and there was that scene in the open class.

It was a bit embarrassing.

But it proved to be a good method. Song Miao, indeed, pulled me out of the blacklist.

“Brother, you’ll have to rely on yourself later. As the saying goes, the master leads the way, the practice depends on the individual.

“Remember, sincerity is always a must!”

He snapped his fingers, and hid his work and fame.

Later on.

We finally got together.

Miaomiao often asks me why I like her.

But in this world, there’s no such thing as why. If you like it, you like it.

Maybe it’s really because the sunshine on that day was very good, the wind was very gentle, and you, just happened to appear.

A little extra after the wedding:

Hi, I am Song Miao.

My waist …… seems to be sprained.

Early in the morning, I dragged Shen Yan to accompany me to do massage.

Clothes just take off, massage teacher a gasp: “did not see out you so young are a mother.

I was surprised: “Why do you say that?”

The massage therapist poured some essential oil and patted me on the back, “Your son bit me on the back, and the teeth marks are still there.

Shen Yan, who sat next to me and swiped his cell phone, froze his hand in mid-air.

I blushed and nodded frantically.

The massage therapist continued: “Your baby is quite a tiger, sister, I tell you Oh, the child bites to fight, otherwise it will intensify the bite into a habit.

I squinted at Shen Yan, his face was red again.

I let out a light laugh, “It’s quite a tiger, or else auntie, how do you think I sprained my waist.”

(End of full article)

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