49. I am the second brother.

I’m Ergo.

Nonchalant: Seeing you at the right time when love is in the air

I crossed over to the male lead’s evil female counterpart who bullied him as a child.

When I crossed over, I had just finished severely beating up the gloomy and sickly male lead.

He had a cold white face, a bit of scarlet at the end of his eyes, and looked at me viciously.

I came to my senses.

Since it is too late for redemption, it is only possible to temper him …… well.


In the ear is my little white flower sister s soft persuasion, “Sister, don t hit brother Jinghao anymore, it s all my fault, if you want to hit me, hit me.”

Growing up, I’ve never heard such an excessive request.

I decided to be merciful and fulfill her.

I took the opportunity to quickly shake off the blame, and raised my hand to give her a big mouth, “Just now, my second personality that loves to hit people ran out, and you didn’t know to stop it?”


Zhao Sweetness covered her face and looked at me with a horrified expression, watering.

Although this little white flower sister was very teary, because she was my own sister, I never really hit her.

With this blow, I directly dried her out.

Me: “What are you crying about?!”

“You who are strong, brave, kind, and will not give in to defeat and will never shed a tear are also worthy of crying?!”

“Did your second personality come out too?”

I raised my hand and gave her another big slap on her uncovered face.

“Laugh at me!”

Zhao Sweetness was completely dumbfounded, desperately holding back, not daring to shed a single tear, pulling at the corners of her mouth, revealing an absolutely ugly smile.

I turned back and looked at Lu Jinghao, who was still staring at me for an instant.

My anger immediately went to my head, “What are you looking at?”

“What, you have a second personality too?”


Good, the situation was easily opened up by me, just a little bit of heavenly collapse.

But it doesn’t matter, I’m very confident that every day in the future, the situation will collapse a little more.

Lu Jinghao is the male lead of the book I’m wearing, the son brought in by my stepmother, Wu Yue, and Zhao Tian Tian.

I resent this pair of mother and son who suddenly intruded into our family, and have always been committed to messing things up, and when the big one can’t be brought down, I torture the little one.

I’ve been working on a new project, and I’ve been working on a new project, and I’ve been working on a new project, and I’ve been working on a new project.

And Lu Jinghao, as the main male lead of Mei Strong Tragedy, his life is naturally not simple, he is actually the existence of his mother after being forced.

Wu Yue never ignored him.

It was at that time that Zhao Sweetness always secretly gave Lu Jinghao food, comforted him, and encouraged him.

It became his only salvation.

In his ears was again Zhao Dangdang’s gibberish: “Sister, it’s not brother Jinghao’s fault that mom and dad got divorced,” he said.

“The unloved one is the one who should quit.”

I really don’t understand how I came out of my mother’s womb with such a love brain.

I was furious: “The one who is not loved is your mom!”

“If you can’t tell right from wrong, go back to the animal kingdom and reincarnate!”

“If you don’t have a brain, don’t be a human being in your next life!”

Damn it, I’m sick of love brains in my life.

I directly summoned my second personality and gave her a beating back and forth.

When I was done, I said to Zhao Tian Tian, “I’m sorry.”

“It was your second brother just now.”


Although Zhao Sweetness was gently educated by me, she still didn’t forget her true and good persona.

“Sister, today is Jing Hao’s brother’s birthday, so please let him go.”

Oh, forgot about that.

I raised my eyes to look at Lu Jinghao, the hair on his forehead was hanging down, covering the color of his eyes, the sunlight outside was topping him, but his whole person was gloomy and scary.

He shrugged his shoulders in the corner and laughed softly, “Birthday?”

“I’m afraid you’re the only one who remembers it, sweetie.”

I leaned over: “Nonsense!

“I won’t allow you to give up on yourself like this!”

The pupils of Lu Jinghao’s eyes jumped, and a light flashed in his eyes.

I was sincere: “Even if the whole world forgets–“

“There is one person who will never forget.”

Lu Jinghao was stunned and looked at me blankly, his tone of voice was vaguely expectant, “Who is it?”

I was resolute: “Ma Huateng!”

Lu Jinghao: “……”


As the evil female supporting actress, I left a huge shadow on the male lead’s heart, and he became gloomy and sickly, hating the whole world, with the exception of Sweet Zhao.

In the days after he grew up, he took crazy revenge on me, making my life downright embarrassing, and in the end, I could only live by picking up garbage, and he was persuaded by the heroine to let me off the hook as a successful man.

Although I don’t intend to kneel down to the male lead, I don’t want to continue abusing him either.

The one who did something wrong is obviously an adult, why should a child take the blame?

Zhao Sweetie brought Lu Jinghao a birthday cake that she made with her own hands, and the candlelight rippled into a circle, caged in his face, lining his stubborn and clear.

His throat rolled slightly, and he said in a slightly hoarse voice, “Sweetie, thank you.”

“You are the only light in my life.”

Zhao Tian Tian also seemed to enjoy receiving such an accomplished title, her voice was sweet, “Brother Jing Hao, I’m willing to be like these candles, burning me and illuminating you!”

Nonsense nagging.

I pulled out the mineral lamp that just arrived, turned it on, and shot a sweeping output at both of them, both of them were unable to open their eyes from the extremely strong light, and desperately held their hands in front of their eyes.

Me: “Come on, don’t you like light? Open your eyes!”

“You don’t even dare to open your eyes, but you’re still shining all day long, you think you’re Ultraman, don’t you?”


I threw the lamp to Lu Jinghao, “It’s a birthday present for you.”

“If you are short of light, turn it on and take a good look at yourself, and remember to charge it when it’s not bright enough, you can’t afford to pay for the electricity at home.”

Lu Jinghao held the lamp in his arms, his eyes were downcast, and he didn’t say anything for a long time.

Me: “What? I’m not sure if you’re happy or not. I don’t even know what to say. You don’t even know how to say “Q”?

“I have a very negative opinion of you now.”

Lu Jinghao raised his eyes to look at me for a long time before he said, “Q.”


I tried to make peace with Lu Jinghao and Zhao Tiantian, and I did a good job.

Because as long as Sweet Zhao messed with me, I would directly summon my second personality to come out and teach her how to behave.

So much so that later on, when she saw me, she would cautiously ask first, “Are you the big sister or the second brother now?”


The female lead naturally doesn’t have just one admirer, and Xu Tian Cheng, the school bully, is one of them. He’s smitten with Zhao Tian Tian, and thinks she’s simple, kind, and doesn’t make a fuss, so he falls in love with her at first sight.

In the cafeteria, he bumped into Zhao Sweetheart helping Lu Jinghao with his meal, Xu Tiancheng’s heart raged, burning with jealousy, and he directly entrusted Lu Jinghao with a message: “See you in the playground after school!

This school bully is quite compliant with the school rules, and he has to wait for the end of the school day for a date.

Although Xu Tiancheng was one of the many cannon fodder, he hadn’t rarely ostracized and isolated me at school for the sake of Zhao Sweetness.

I’m going to teach Xu Tiancheng a simple lesson first, and if he can’t come to an epiphany, then I’ll teach him a deeper lesson.

By the way, cover Lu Jinghao.

I said to the spirit guy who came to deliver the letter, “Don’t worry, when two countries are at war, they don’t cut off envoys.”

The spirit guy looked at me a bit confused, obviously not understanding what I was saying.

I tapped him on the shoulder and almost knocked him into the concrete.

He was rubbing his teeth up and down back and forth and his legs were shaking better than a social rocker.

I said, “Go, tell Xu Tiancheng. I can’t wait, come over right now right now right now.”

Lu Jinghao stood at my side, a flash of gratitude in his eyes, he said in a deep voice, “I didn’t ask you to help me.”

I didn’t mind: ”Saying help is too out of the ordinary. It’s simply because your second brother can’t stand the loneliness.”

Lu Jinghao: “……”

Xu Tiancheng arrived quickly, his whole body was overbearing and impetuous, screaming in the corridor: “Zhao Yuan Yuan, you’re the one who’s looking for me?”

“Yes.” I walked up to him and held out my evil black hand.

“Now I have a big pussy bucket in my left hand and a big pussy bucket in my right hand. Do you want the left one or the right one?”


Xu Tiancheng froze.

But I would not allow this to happen, and with a cold face, I spoke, “You’re reading the seconds slowly.”

Xu Tiancheng: “Huh?”

I directly left and right, 1+1=2, adding up two big pussy fights for him.

Xu Tiancheng suffered a violent attack, reflexively covered his face, his lips trembled: “Why did you hit me?!”

I was impatient: “Grinding, have to make the single choice question into a multiple choice question.”

Xu Tiancheng was still in the midst of a pupil earthquake as I once again raised my evil black hand and repeated the question I had just asked, “Now I have a big pussy bucket in my left hand and a big pussy bucket in my right hand. Do you want the left one or the right one?”

There is a very important point of knowledge involved here, remember.

If you ask a person if he wants a big pussy bucket, he will choose not to.

But if you ask him to choose between a left pussy dipper and a right pussy dipper, he will really think about whether it’s left or right.

Xu Tiancheng covered his face, hesitated for a second, and before I stormed in, he spoke in seconds, “Left! Left! Left! I choose left!”

I went up with another 1+1=2.

Xu Tiancheng couldn’t hold back his cry, “I chose left, didn’t I? Why did you play both sides together?

I said with a serious face, “Children only make choices, adults you want it all!”

Xu Tiancheng cried even louder: “I’m underage, I can’t, look at my ID card, where’s my ID card ……”.

I apologized, “So you’re a kid.”

Xu Tiancheng’s tearful eyes fuzzy “uh-huh” nodded frantically.

I understood: “Then you make your choice.”

Xu Tiancheng’s mental state was on the verge of collapse, as if he had a hearing loss, “Ma what mei?”

Xu Tiancheng’s minions began to steal the show at this moment, a green hair rushed up to flaunt his power, carrying a glass bottle to be smashed on my head: ”What kind of thing are you, how dare you touch our Brother Cheng?”

I was careless, did not flash.

The glass bottle did not fall on my head as expected, but an arm came out from the top of my head, blocking my forehead, the broken glass pieces scattered in all directions, and a palm spread out in front of me, avoiding the fragments that were going to fall in my eyes.

I tilted my head to look, and in my eyes was Lu Jinghao, who had been watching the battle in silence.

The skin of his arm showed a sickly cold white color, with veins bulging at the wrist, and crimson blood dripping down, as if it were a stunning red plum blossoming out of the icy sky and snow.

Lu Jinghao’s entire person was so gloomy, he lowered his eyebrows, his eyes were vicious, he opened his lips, his voice was slightly hoarse: “What kind of thing are you, you also dare to touch my second brother?”


I looked at Lu Jinghao’s stern jawline and suddenly had a sense of relief that my own cabbage had finally grown up.

My Second Brother Zhao has been recognized by his brother! I’ll be able to recognize my ancestor today!

That green hair was obviously confused, striking out too quickly to think carefully about the consequences.

By the time he thought about it, it was too late.

I looked at Lu Jinghao, “Little Lu, I’m touched that you’re messing with me like this.”

Lu Jinghao’s brows furrowed slightly, and the pupils of his eyes jumped.

Immediately, I looked at Green Hair, craned my neck, and asked him, “Are you touched?”

Green Hair shivered his lips, “Don’t dare to move. Don’t dare to move!”

I turned my wrist, making a “clicking” sound, like a war drum beating before a big battle.

I was sincere with Green Hair: “You should thank Lu Jinghao, if he hadn’t taken this blow for me, I’m afraid you wouldn’t have been able to finish today.”

I threw him to the ground with a big pummeling, and I bounced him up with another big pummeling, back and forth for ten times before I rested my fire.

Me: “I hate guys who don’t have a sense of boundaries.”

The rest of my buddies, who were so excited to see this scene in front of them, lost their excitement and were left with only stupidity.

I began to summarize my speech, “I, Zhao Erge, have one principle when fighting with people.”

I gave a middle finger: “Stop when you’re done.”

Xu Tiancheng was still there, howling in grief, “No, you’re too far!”

I looked at him askance: “What? Man, it’s me. You’re not satisfied?”

Xu Tiancheng hearing again down the line: “Ma Dong what?”


I became famous in one battle.

Those who don’t know my name, I reserve my strength for a second battle at any time.

Zhao Sweets appeared after the battle, her eyes red, like an open-toothed bunny, she looked at Lu Jinghao’s arm with a sobbing voice: “Brother Jinghao, what’s wrong with you ah?”

Where did the eyes go?


Is it hard to see?

Zhao Tian Tian finally saw it, and she shed crystal teardrops, “Brother Jing Hao, you’re hurt.”

“Let me accompany you to the infirmary.”

Lu Jinghao raised his eyes to look at me deeply before spitting out a word: “Okay.”


At night, I came out of my room to look for a midnight snack and saw Lu Jinghao sitting in the living room, the table in front of him was filled with iodophor, bandages and other medicines.

If I hadn’t been restrained enough, I would have almost picked them up and prepared to stuff them into my non-existent tertiary bag.

This dude was a bit strange today, in the original book, he was always being abused by me.

After being injured, he’s all sneaking around and hiding in his room like a small beast licking his wounds alone, otherwise, even the medicines might be disposed of and thrown away by me.

Otherwise, it was discovered by Zhao Sweetness, helping him to bandage, and then assisting in warming up the feelings of the two people.

He actually had the audacity to mess with his own wounds in the living room today.

Hoping, this is pointing at me?

“Why did I leave you here alone to heal your wounds?”

Lu Jinghao raised his eyes and looked at me: “I went to find Xu Tiancheng to make it clear.”

Huh? Xu Tiancheng’s hearing, can he still hear me?

The heroine deserves to be the heroine, the scene is in such a mess, and she can still walk her own plot line without a care in the world.

I walked over to Lu Jinghao and sat down next to him, “You didn’t follow?”

It’s not scientific.

But maybe quantum mechanics.

Lu Jinghao was impatient: “She didn’t let me.”

“You didn’t follow if she didn’t let you.” I sighed, “I’m not afraid that something will happen to her?”

In the original book, here Zhao sweet full of confidence, out of the sight of Lu Jinghao, alone to find Xu Tiancheng clear, but almost by the drunken Xu Tiancheng infringement, Lu Jinghao arrived in time, the boyfriend force burst, save Zhao sweet, the two people’s feelings quickly warmed up.

Lu Jinghao: “Who dares to touch the sister of your second brother Zhao?”

Somewhat reasonable, but impolite.

Lu Jinghao was knotting his bandage with one hand, his movements slightly clumsy.

I obediently took the bandage that Lu Jinghao was wrapping, there were still light brown blood stains on the white bandage.

“Does it hurt?” I asked.

Lu Jinghao brushed his lips in silence.

Like a muffled gourd, is this what a sickly male protagonist is like?

He doesn’t say a word, but people have to guess his complex inner drama from his expression.

If it is not to see him today because of my injury, I high and low have to give him a big pussy bucket.

I first gave him a bow tie, left and right look not too satisfied, so to remove, and tied a rabbit ears, think a little bit of mother, and again to remove.

I ran out of ideas and asked Lu Jinghao’s opinion: “What kind of one do you want?”

Lu Jinghao’s thin lips slightly opened: “Whatever.

I’m not sure if I can do it, but I’m sure I can do it.

It’s a test of my ability, isn’t it?

While I was doing my handiwork, I looked at his long and slender fingers and looked for something to say, “You have good hands, it’s a pity that you don’t have a manicure. How about I give you a whole manicure?”

Lu Jinghao: “……”


Zhao Tian Tian came back, all in one piece, it seems that this trip went quite well.

But when her eyes fell on Lu Jinghao and me sitting next to each other, her face suddenly changed, so it seems that this trip was quite a bit unsuccessful.

I don’t know whether it went well for her or not, but it went well for me anyway.

Zhao Sweetie walked up to Lu Jinghao and I, and saw that I was carefully bandaging, I don’t know if it was because she was robbing her work, she wanted to roll me, or she couldn’t stand to see the brotherly love between Lu Jinghao and I. She stood in the middle of Lu Jinghao and I: “Sister, I usually do the bandaging for brother Jinghao,” “Or let me do it.”

“Let me do it.”

Just two sentences with a huge amount of information.

One is to remind Lu Jinghao that I am not a good person and always mistreat him on weekdays; the other is to imply that she is a good person and always cares for him on weekdays.

The abacus rang so loud that Xu Tiantong, whose hearing was offline, could hear it.

Little boy, give me the whole set.

The three people on the scene have a total of 800 heart eyes, and I account for 801 of them, and Zhao Sweetheart is a heartless person who still wants to fight with me.

I told my second brother to pack up and go back home first.

I blinked twice and immediately changed to a different face, I was sobbing, “But, brother Jinghao got hurt because of me.”

“I feel really guilty inside. There’s so little I can do, even something as small as bandaging him.” I looked at Zhao Tian Tian, even more aggrieved than her, “Are you going to compete with me too?”

“I’m not really good at scrambling yet.”

“If you especially want to, I guess, I can let you have it.”

“Brother Jinghao, I’m backing out.” I covered my face and teared up, “This retreat is for life!”

Lu Jinghao: 「……」

Zhao Sweetness: 「……」

I took my hand off my face and looked at the two dumbfounded ones, asking, “What’s wrong, one mourning face?”

Zhao Sweets asked tentatively, “Second brother, just now you ……”

“I’m not sure if you’re a good person or a good person. Just now ah.” I smiled brightly, “That’s your third sister.”

Zhao Tian Tian: “……

Lu Jinghao: “……”


Sending away the third sister.

Zhao Sweetheart still refused to admit defeat and started to come to force the bandage that I had wrapped for Lu Jinghao and prepared to re-tie it.

It was Lu Jinghao who moved away the moment Zhao’s hand was about to touch his arm.

Zhao Sweetheart was stunned on the spot, the emotions in her eyes surged, the pain was unbearable.

Lu Jinghao was silent for a moment before he said, “I think it was wrapped quite well.

The whole thing looks like I wrapped a dumpling.

Zhao Tian Tian started to get carried away, “I don’t believe it!”

I don’t believe it!” “Unless you show it to me!”

Lu Jinghao hesitated before carefully handing over his arm to Zhao Tiantian, with an expression more serious than the one on the footbridge, as if it were some rare treasure.

But I suspected that he was afraid that Zhao Sweetness would get jealous and do something, launching a direct attack on his arm and causing him physical damage.

The bandage on Lu Jinghao’s arm was tied into two words – whatever.

It was still in traditional Chinese.

Really, don’t test me so easily, I will directly give an answer that exceeds full marks.

Zhao Sweetness was directly petrified.

Lu Jinghao took his arm back.

Zhao Tian Tian bites her lip with her shell teeth and continues the previous story, “Xu Tian Cheng said that he only treats me as his sister.”

The color purple rhymes with “sister”?

Zhao Tian Tian: “He never had that side of the story for me.”

“It’s me who misunderstood.”

This Xu Tiancheng didn’t get a big pussy fight for nothing, he’s very perceptive, I nodded my head in satisfaction: ”The whole thing is quite good.”

I looked at the look on Zhao Sweetheart’s face and asked her: “It looks like you’re still a little bit lost, right?”

Sweet Zhao didn’t care what I said, she only looked straight at Lu Jinghao: “Brother Jinghao, did I really misunderstand you?”

Lu Jinghao even looked at me, damn, why look at me at this time?

I also looked at him, I: “6.”

Lu Jinghao: “……”

Zhao sweet sweet heart full of eyes only Lu Jinghao, she softly crying: “Jinghao brother, I thought of the original are just I thought!

Lu Jinghao is still looking at me.

What, pointing at me to relieve you?

I: “9.


Lu Jinghao: “……”


Zhao Sweetness burst into tears and was running away in tears. Because there was no one to stop her, she ran straight out of the house, and I reasonably suspect that if there was no one to stop her, she could have run and run and run, out of the atmosphere and into outer space.

This move was about the same as running away from home.

But I didn’t have that kind of free time to find her back. Lu Jinghao doesn’t seem to be worried.

Damn, it would have been annoying.

What was annoying was my grades.

In the original book, as a villain who only messed up, my grades naturally hung in the balance.

I couldn’t even get into college, and I had to rely on my dad’s money and connections to find me a 996 university that was more than a billion points better than 985, but 11 points better than 996, so that I could study there.

Damn, it’s a complete mess, I’m confused.

I definitely don’t want to go to 996 in my life!

It’s bad luck!

I decided to change my destiny with my skills, to study hard, and to go to Qingbei University!

I bought all the teaching aids in the countryside, ready to do it hard!

The moment I got the tutorials, I was confused.

What knowledge points ah? All forgotten.

I’m not crazy hahahahaha.

University graduates also went back to take the college entrance examination who is not crazy ahahahahaha.

Outside, I ran into Lu Jinghao, the first grade, when he and Zhao sweet sweet both went to the Qingbei University bully.

My eyes immediately lit up with hope, I hooked my finger towards Lu Jinghao, he froze, before walking slowly over.

I jumped up and put my hand on his shoulder in an attempt to hook up.

“Little Lu, how about giving you a chance to make friends with Second Brother?”

Lu Jinghao glanced sideways at my hand on his shoulder and bent his waist slightly by inches, making it easier for me to continue hooking up with him as a brother.

His neck line tugged before he dryly asked, “Make, what heart?”


I was excited to the point of perversion, “Just a deep conversation.”

“Just do what I tell you to do.”

“For this kind of thing, if you can’t do it once, let’s do it twice.”

“If twice doesn’t work, let’s do it three times. ……”

“Let’s do it all night long, let’s do it all night long!”

Lu Jinghao’s throat rolled, the redness of his ear tips spread to his neck, he said stiffly: “Don’t go too far.”

He said stiffly, “Don’t go too far.” “What’s too much or not too much, how strange.” I hooked Lu Jinghao’s neck and guided him into my room.

Lu Jinghao’s footsteps paused in front of my room door for a second before stepping in.

I pressed him down onto a stool and sat down, my hand on his shoulder clearly feeling the tightness of his shoulder blade muscles.

What the hell?

And give me the whole tension?

I pulled out a copy of “5 Years of College Entrance Exams 3 Years of Simulation” from the drawer and solemnly put it into Lu Jinghao’s hand, “Come on! Let’s do it now!

Lu Jinghao: “……”


Zhao Dangdang didn’t go far away from home, and I guess with her heroine’s aura, she’ll still be a teenager when she returns from her half-life away.

She actually went next door to Shen Huaimian’s house, the original book’s second male, and our sisters childhood sweethearts, I love him, he loves Zhao Sweetheart.

I’m stalking him, and he’s all over me, close and distant.

When Zhao sweet sweet and him intimacy, he cold neglect me, Zhao sweet distant him, he gave me some feedback response.

I seem to be like a pet that he keeps, and I come when he wants me to come and go when he wants me to come.

But even the one or two points of eyes revealed in his messy bangs, I was willing and full of joy.

It is the lowly licking dog with the top love brain.

Shen Huaimian would also intentionally get close to me with the intention of making Zhao Tiantian jealous, this kind of behavior that was obviously very downwardly mobile, in the eyes of the love brain, it wasn’t downwardly mobile.

On the contrary, it was becoming more and more topsy-turvy.

Every time I was frustrated at Shen Huaimian’s place, I would come back to retaliate on Lu Jinghao’s body, then, Zhao Sweetness took care of Lu Jinghao, Shen Huaimian was jealous again, and so on and so forth.

I decided to directly break this love cycle!

The opportunity came faster than expected.

It was Shen Huaimian who started it.

The cause is, before I came, the original owner is still deep in the quagmire of love, gave Shen Huaimian a movie ticket, ready to go to see the big hit love movie with him on the weekend.

About Zhao sweet sweet put aside his ears blew a lot of wind about I am very bad bad wind.

So, this movie ticket became Shen Huaimian’s weapon to humiliate me in public and take revenge for Zhao Shengtian.

On the campus boulevard, Shen Huaimian looked cold and arrogant, looked down at me, and flipped out a movie ticket from the booklet I gave him: “Zhao Yuan Yuan, this is the movie ticket you secretly put in your textbook and gave me.”

“But I’m sorry, I’m not going to see it with you.”

He squeezed the movie ticket in his hand and looked at me with cold eyes, as if he was giving me a moral judgment.

The people around me whispered, “What’s going on, how dare someone disrespect Brother Zhao Er?”

“Treason ah this is, a few dishes ah drink like this, not afraid of the second brother to him ah?”

“I’ve heard that Second Brother has had that side of him before. This is clearly not giving Second Brother face.”

Xu Tiancheng cupped his face and stammered, “This Shen Huaimian, is he really not afraid of death?”

I walked to Shen Huaimian with a six-fold pace, and he continued to humiliate me, “Please don’t engage in these boring things in the future.”

“I won’t even give you a single glance.”

“I can never love you.”

The eyes of Lu Jinghao on the side were deep and dark, with hidden anger wanting to come out. It looks like he’s fighting for me. It’s really worthy of brotherly love.

Inside the sweet article, the female lead is in danger, the male lead comes to help, and the male and female lead’s feelings warm up, which is the typical writing style of watery hours and dragging out the plot.

But in my world, it’s completely impossible.

There is no way I would let the hero help me, let alone put myself in danger, I would just let the other person be in danger.

Sensei Lu Jinghao was trying to stand up for me out of whatever emotion he was feeling at this moment, I directly raised my hand, and with a swing of my palm, pushed Lu Jinghao back a full five meters away.

I spoke, telling him to be at ease, “It doesn’t matter, I’ll step in.”

Immediately, I looked at Shen Huaimian and spoke coolly, “Are you done pushing?”

My reaction was obviously different from what Shen Huaimian expected, he was stunned and then asked me, “What?”

Me: “Any last words?”

Shen Huaimian: “?”

I directly gave him a set of Pinecone Bomb Shake Lightning Five Consecutive Whips, and when he was dazed, I added twenty more big mouths.

I held him down and rubbed him on the ground, teaching him how to behave in the process, “I said where did my movie tickets go, so you stole them!”

“I’m such a lover of learning, I’d give you textbooks? That’s all the knowledge I crave! You actually stole my knowledge!”

Xu Tiancheng pressed in a small voice, “Tell me a joke, Second Brother loves learning.”

I glared at him, Xu Tiancheng: “What Dongmei?”

I turned back and continued rubbing Shen Huaimian: “You are a sinner of culture, a disgrace to the school, and the scum of society!”

Shen Huaimian cried out in pain as I rubbed him: “Zhao Yuan Yuan, I’m wrong, please shake me.”

I continued to “catch and send” a set of consecutive moves, Shen Huaimian wailed: “Second brother, Zhao Erge, I was wrong.”

“I shouldn’t have delayed your study, I shouldn’t have affected your rise, I’m not good enough for you, it’s all my fault!”

I finally stopped my evil black hands.

I packed up my textbooks and movie tickets, and when I saw Xu Tiancheng on the side of the road, I directly threw the movie tickets to him.


Things got a little too big for me to find Lu Jinghao at home, and I remembered that earlier on, when I was trying to show my determination to study seriously, I gave Lu Jinghao my original movie ticket.

The other one was now in Xu Tiancheng’s hands.

The key is that it’s still in the middle of the theater in the couple’s seat.

I’m so sorry!

When I rushed to the scene, only …… fortunately, not two corpses, are gasping for breath.

I spent a huge amount of money, Mom and Dad gave the existence of my pocket money here Zhao sweet sweet, bought the scalper tickets for the two of them in the back seat.

Lu Jinghao and Xu Tiancheng’s faces were both a little dark.

It could also be because the theater didn’t turn on the lights.

I sat behind the two of them, secretly observing, Lu Jinghao is a sickly petite school bully, Xu Tiancheng is a wild school bully ……

I …… surprisingly felt that this pair of CP was better stoned than the romance movies I watched.

Wait! CP can be cold, but not evil!

I restrained my most primitive impulses, the front suddenly threw over a bag of potato chips, I borrowed the light to see that it was my favorite cucumber flavor!

After that, one after another threw over a cup of milk tea, a bottle of Coke, a handful of popcorn ……

My seat was filled to the brim with my favorite food and drink ……

All from Lu Jinghao’s handwriting ……

He originally thought that the person who watched the movie with him and sat in the couple’s seat would be me.

I’ll be damned.

He does know how to make people feel guilty.

A love movie to me to see the sadness, sitting directly in front of the Lu Jinghao has not looked back, not a word, very quality.

The movie is finally finished, the theater lights up, Xu Tiancheng just like a sigh of relief to stand up: “leaning north, finally over!

I spoke sorrowfully, “Why did you come if you didn’t want to see it?”

Xu Tiancheng was shocked, and then began to be sincere: “Second Brother gave me the movie ticket, do I dare not come?”

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to answer any of Er-Hu’s questions at any time. I even did my homework in advance, read the reviews and checked the spoilers. Is it easy for me?”

Before I could finish my exchange with Xu Tiancheng, Lu Jinghao had already gotten up and left on his own.

He was obviously as tall as he was, but his whole person seemed to be unusually forlorn, and he was the only one walking alone in the bustling crowd.

Once again, I can be damned ah.

I didn’t care about Xu Tiancheng, catching up with Lu Jinghao.

On the long street, I called him to a halt: “Lu Jinghao!”

He suddenly stopped and turned back to look at me, the streetlight pulled his shadow to a long length.

Lu Jinghao’s voice was slightly hoarse, “Are you Zhao Yuan Yuan now, or are you Zhao Erge?”

The question was a bit philosophical.

Me: “Who do you want to be?”

Lu Jinghao: “Why don’t you call out Third Sister first, I have something to say to her.”

Me: “?”

I shrugged it off, “What is there to say that I, Second Brother Zhao, can’t hear?”

I felt Lu Jinghao’s feet take an obviously uncontrollable step back, and his voice was like a mosquito: “I declare you.”

I: “What the hell?”

Lu Jinghao turned around and walked away: “Take it as I didn’t say it.”

I chased after him and braked in front of him: “I heard it, both ears heard it.”

Lu Jinghao’s eyes flashed a light.

He was waiting for an answer from me.

I was incredibly serious and responded to him, “I now, have the most important thing I should do at my age.”

“Lu Jinghao, you have yours too.”


The love cycle was successfully broken by me, and Shen Huaimian lost all of his utilization value. Zhao Sweetheart is not willing to stay at Shen Huaimian’s place for a moment longer, packed her baggage at light speed, and went home overnight, ready to lurk and continue to make trouble.

Zhao father Zhao Tingqiang also ended his work outside, brought Wu Yue back to China, ready to do a big job.

According to him, he had just experienced a good business battle and had reaped a lot of rewards. I looked at the several official seals hanging on his belt and slowly put a question mark in my mind.

Zhao Sweetness slowly walked down the stairs in her princess dress holding a cake filled with candles.

It was well known that one of the essential skills of a heroine – giving birthdays and making birthday cakes.

Zhao Tian Tian was all smiles, “Daddy, it’s your birthday in 183 days! This is a birthday cake I made myself, wishing you a happy birthday in advance!”

Zhao Tingqiang was obviously unprepared, and froze for a moment before receiving the birthday cake with a happy face, praising, “It’s still Sweetie who knows what she’s doing, Daddy loves Sweetie the most.”

How presumptuous!

On the side, Wu Yue’s face changed, she glared at Lu Jinghao in a bad mood, scolding him: ”You can’t even say an auspicious word.”

The whole thing is like celebrating a festival for the old Buddha, you still have to be able to say auspicious words.

After thinking for three seconds, I stepped forward and held Zhao Tingqiang’s hands, trying to tell him about the existence of the second brother, ”Congratulations dad! You have a son!”

Zhao Tingqiang: “?”


After the meal, Zhao Tingqiang took Wu Yue upstairs. I looked at Zhao Tingqiang and instructed her, “Second brother’s birthday is tomorrow, remember to give him a whole cake, a durian lasagna. Understood?”

Zhao Sweetheart frowned slightly, “But, I remembered Second Brother’s birthday ……”

“Second Brother’s birthday, Second Brother has the final say.”

“The day after tomorrow is also Second Brother’s birthday, and I want to have a Cheerios cake. Understand?”

I raised my black hand.

Sweetie Chiu cowering and nodded her head.

I lowered my black hand.


Although I was in a solid position in school, Zhao Sweetheart’s aura of female dominance was not to be underestimated. Her suitors scrambled to come to me looking for a fight in order to curry favor with her. With a pair of black hands, I was able to get a direct hit. So much so, that I was renowned outside of school.

The most intense time was when I was besieged by the eight school bullies from outside the school at the Bright Top.

There is too much cannon fodder in this book, and this time I even got a few Italian cannon fodder.

The eight school bullies all looked at me with eyes wide open and said, “Are you the rumored Zhao Erge? I don’t think so.”

“That’s right, it’s not too late to admit your mistake. Be a good boy and apologize to Sweetie, for the sake of you being her sister …….”

The words were too dense, didn’t want to hear them.

I hand up and down, chain big forced fight limit output, give them all knocked down.

I asked Lu Jinghao, who was watching the battle, “Did you count them clearly? How many per capita?”

Lu Jinghao picked up his small notebook and answered seriously, “There was a section in the middle that was too fast, I didn’t see it clearly.”

I nodded my head and instructed, “I’ll do it again, and this time, watch carefully!

I ignored their wailing and begging for mercy, and gave them a round of strokes.

I smacked them back and forth, causing them to cry out in pain.

Lu Jinghao reported, “62.”

I was not very satisfied.

I randomly selected a lucky school bully: “You hold back.”

The lucky school bully said, “Huh?” The lucky school bully let out a cry, revealing clear stupidity in his eyes.

I answered him very politely, “Help me round up.”

I dealt another fatal blow and finally stopped.

The eight school bullies were in agony and despair, begging for mercy, “Second Brother! Second Brother Zhao! We were wrong! We won’t dare to do it again! You’ll be our unique second brother from now on!”

The last love I gave them was to let go of my hand, I turned to them and said fiercely, “Remember this! From now on, I am in charge! From now on, I’m in charge, and this jianghu will be under my name!”


I had already reached the peak in martial arts, so naturally I couldn’t fall behind in literature.

I studied hard and worked hard to get ahead, abandoning all distractions. I had forgotten the knowledge points, but when I did a lot of work on the topics, I quickly regained my memory, and even became more coherent.

I went all the way, changed my life, got into my heart, dreamed of Qingbei!

And Zhao Dutie indulged in her fragile love affairs, self-hatred, delayed for life, and finally took my old path, went to 996.

The destinies of Zhao and Sweetie and I diverged here.

Zhao Tingqiang was satisfied with my performance, and felt that I could get into Qingbei because I had inherited his high IQ, which gave him a hard face, so he took me as his successor and started to cultivate me.

After entering the university, I began to contact Zhao Tingqiang’s enterprise in some marginal business, from low to start. Until graduation, I directly into the enterprise work, began to gradually grasp the core business.

He a soft rice man, relying on grandpa’s family to make a fortune, after his own achievements began to want to cut with the previous image of relying on his wife.

When my mom and he divorced, most of the property has been transferred by him in advance, divided to hand, only a small amount of property and even some debt.

My mom was so emotionally scarred at the time that in order to get out of the situation faster, Grandpa eventually agreed to the split without making a move.

But this time, I’ll do it.

I made an appointment to meet with my mom, and Zhao Tingqiang divorced for several years, my mom’s status is now a rich rich woman, she has been traveling, out of the emotional trauma, no longer caught up in the original complicated household chores, she has more time to improve themselves, the person has become more beautiful and unrestrained.

“Mom, I’ve made a decision against my ancestors.”

My mom: “Tell me more.”

“I’m going to bankrupt my dad and make him pay you and grandpa back whatever he owes you.”

My mom froze, and only after a short while, she hugged me with tears in her eyes, “You’re really my good son!”

“Sweetness that is what a white-eyed wolf ah, but also came to say your mom I should not have interfered with her father’s feelings back then.”

Indeed more or less that big disease.

My mom collected her tears and said indifferently, “But it doesn’t matter, I’ll just pretend I never gave birth to her.”

“She doesn’t even deserve a name in my will or your grandfather’s.”

My mom and I plotted aloud all afternoon about how to screw Zhao Tingqiang.

When I got back, I ran into Lu Jinghao picking me up.

Me: “Can you really understand and accept what I’m doing?”

After all, it’s his mom’s current husband that I’m going to screw.

Lu Jinghao’s hands were on the steering wheel, fading away from the youthfulness of a sickly young man and the boyishness of a teenager, he had actually grown into an adult.

“There’s nothing that can’t be understood and accepted.” Lu Jinghao said stoically, “People should always pay for what they do.”

“The fact that I was disregarded and unloved is the price I have to bear as her son.”

“If I hadn’t met you, I wouldn’t have dared to think of what I would have become.”

What would have become?

Probably the way it was written in the original book, unflinchingly, being the hero he was destined to be.

To live his life as it was planned for him.

That’s not what a real flesh-and-blood person would want.


Zhao Tingqiang went bankrupt, and when he and Wu Yue were evicted from the villa, the two of them cried and cried.

Zhao Tingqiang came over and pleaded with me to intercede for him and help him through the difficult times.

But I didn’t say a word, didn’t agree, and just watched him receive his own punishment.

People who love money as much as they do must be in pain when they lose it.

Zhao Sweetie was kicked out all together, but she still insisted that her love was paramount, and was incredibly optimistic as she advised Zhao Tingqiang and Wu Yue, “Mom and Dad!”

“Although you lost money, you gained love.”

“It was the purest and most innocent love! Isn’t it the most worthwhile thing?”

–The whole article is finished…


On the fifth anniversary of my relationship with Lu Jinghao, I seemed to have a premonition that he was going to propose to me.

The waiter brought Lu Jinghao’s handmade cake, and before I cut the cake, I was held by Lu Jinghao with a forty-meter long machete.

Lu Jinghao: “Can you take back the second brother and invite the third sister out first?”

I rolled my eyes at Lu Jinghao, “What? You can’t see Second Brother? You’re not interested in Second Brother?

Lu Jinghao immediately explained: “How can I?”

I looked at him: “Your second brother will always be your second brother.”

A knife went down and made a hole in my knife.

Me: “This diamond is hard enough.”

“But not as hard as your second brother’s fist!”

I just want to start, was Lu Jinghao grabbed the hand, 62 carat diamond ring was Lu Jinghao solemnly put on my hand, if not for his help to support, my hand high and low to get a hand sagging problem.

Lu Jinghao: “What are you doing with a diamond?”

I touched my big diamond ring and said: “If I don’t fight with it, I’ll fight with you.”

Lu Jinghao raised his eyes to look at me, the bottom of his eyes was full of tenderness and spring love: “That’s good, you have to compete with me for the rest of your life.”

“Not a day, not a minute, not a second less.”

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