50. I’m immune to ghosts.

I’m immune to ghosts.

Unwanted: Seeing you when the mood strikes you

Because I was short of money, I took an order online.

All it takes is one night in a coffin and you get two million dollars.

That night, I saw a man in red. July was blazing hot, and he was frighteningly cool.

It was very dull in the coffin. The whole room was dark and quiet.

Only the thumping of my heart could be heard.

Suddenly, the two red candles on the altar flared.

The light of the candles reflected on the walls and swayed slightly.

My heart had been beating wildly, and more than once I wanted to rush out of the room to escape.

But when I thought of my brother who was dying in the hospital waiting for a kidney transplant, I forced myself to hold back the fear in my heart and comforted myself: it’s only for one night, I can do it.

Soon, my eyes gradually blurred.

Sleepy, my body began to relax, tightly clutching the clothes of the hand also slowly loosened.

A cool breeze blew in my daze, and the candlestick swayed even more.

Suddenly, a chill ran down my face.

A hand gently traced down my brow bone, the cool touch caused me to frown slightly and subconsciously dodge away.

“The Lai family is really getting more and more unruly, anyone and everyone dares to send me here.”

The man’s voice was nice, speaking slowly and without any emotion.

Suddenly, I felt someone come up to my face and inhale.

There was a cold, fresh scent on him.

“It’s just that, at least it’s a person born in a cloudy year, month and hour.”

Before I could react, he snapped his fingers and I felt my consciousness blur even more.

The cool air emanating from his body freezes me and I keep dodging, and in my disorientation I see a red figure.

The light veil on his body swept across the tip of my nose, and the faint scent of flowers became clearer.

The second the red candle burned out, I slowly turned awake.

Last night’s memories floated to the surface of my mind, and my face went white as I hurriedly checked myself.

Clothes, body ……

were all without any traces.

I slowly let out a breath, it seems it was just a dream.

But why, it felt so real?

Before I could clear my thoughts, the door was pushed open, it was the employer.

It was a man just in his early thirties, handsome and gave off a gentle feeling.

I collected my emotions and nodded my head in greeting.

“Did Ms. Left sleep well last night?”

“Also …… okay.”

He looked at me meaningfully and smiled gently, “Your mission is over, the money I will hit on your card.”

I froze, said “Thank you”, and then climbed out of the coffin.

The moment I stood up, my legs went weak.

He gave me a hand, “Ms. Zuo, you can eat more red dates when you go back, to replenish your qi and blood.”

“Thank you.”

I pulled my hand back and held the side of the coffin, yesterday it was too dark I didn’t see the whole layout of the room.

Now that the sunlight is filtering in, everything in the room is visible.

The coffin was placed in the center, and behind it was an offering table.

There were fruits and food.

Most importantly, the word “囍” was plastered in the center of the table.

I turned around violently, and red ribbons and lanterns were also hanging on the pillars around me.

The room was eerily red, obviously dressed up in a festive manner but always with a sense of eeriness.

“Ms. Zuo, you can go now.”

My back was cold, I took my own things and hurriedly left.

Just outside the Li family villa, the cell phone dinged.

The bank card was credited with two million dollars.

Looking at this money, I felt more and more strange in my heart.

But there is no free lunch in the world, this commission is so high, it must be more than just sleeping around.

Even if I know there is a conspiracy what can I do?

I needed money, and my brother was still waiting for money to save his life.

I looked at the luxurious villa and thought to myself, I won’t be coming back anyway.

Any conspiracy or yang conspiracy is none of my business.

I put my cell phone into my pocket and left the Lai house.

After paying for the surgery, the big stone in my heart fell.

My brother and I grew up in an orphanage and have been dependent on each other for so many years.

God knows how much I panicked when he was diagnosed with kidney failure.

I did the math, and I still need all kinds of supplements after the surgery, post-operative physical therapy, and sky-high prices for medications.

And to prevent recurrence ……

Still seems like more money needs to be made.

“Haunted house npc three hundred and fifty a day, although there is a risk of being beaten by the players, but the daily income is the most.”

My girlfriend Xiao Xiao is an amusement park ticket agent and got me this job.

I changed into my npc clothes and went to the designated place to wait.

Soon there was a scream, and players ran frantically towards me.

I hurriedly spread my hair in front of my face and leisurely “floated” from the shadows, and with the flashing lights and music, the atmosphere was instantly up.

Seeing me, the players’ voices went hoarse.

Only one girl calmly defended the crowd, “Don’t be afraid, it’s all fake, look at her feet on the scooter.”

To prove her words, she walked up to me and pointed at my feet.

I was a little embarrassed to be publicly exposed.

I looked sideways, but instantly froze all over.

On that girl’s shoulders ……

sat two dolls.

They seemed to be able to see me and grinned at me unanimously.

Instantly, the blood in my whole body flowed backwards and my scalp went numb.


I screamed uncontrollably.

The girl even laughed at me, “NPCs can still scare themselves.”

I ran away from the staff passage in a hurry.

Until I got out of the playground, my whole face was still white.

Was it just my eyesight?

I suddenly remembered that two million dollar order, three months have passed since I took the order, although there was nothing unusual at all during that time.

But the image I just saw still made me think of the Lai family at first.

After calming down, I decided to go and verify if I could really see dirty things.

The internet says that toilets are heavy with Yin Qi and are prone to bumping into ghosts.

I went to a public restroom and hesitated at the door for a long time.

“Are you going or not? There’s a line of people at the back.”

I whispered, “Sorry,” and went in with my eyes closed.

After mentally preparing myself, I slowly opened my eyes.


There was nothing in the restroom.

I sighed in relief and patted my chest.

My palms had long been drenched in cold sweat, I went to the sink to rinse my hands, and when I looked up, a figure flashed in the mirror.

I froze in place.

The water clattered and kept running.

I stood frozen in place, droplets of water from my fingertips snapping into the sink.

Through the mirror, the silhouettes behind me grew, slowly emerging one by one, crowded and shaped, floating in the air.

I pursed my lips and fought back the nausea as I rushed out of the restroom.

I walked in a panic, not a trace of blood on my face.

I could really see ghosts, what should I do?

I hadn’t even slowed down until I got home, shivering alone and covering the covers.

That night I had a high fever.

In the middle of the night, a cool breeze blew in, taking away some of the dry heat.

My frown gradually eased, and I heard the sound of people talking in my ears.

“Look, what a fat sheep.”

“She smells so good, she’ll surely be a good meal.”

“Don’t take her from me. She’s mine.”

“I was here first, she’s mine!”

“How dare a suicidal ghost come and join in the fun? I’ll eat you up!”

“What are you so proud of being killed? Dead hangman!”

“Hungry ghost, judge me!”

“Ask the sick ghost.”

“Let’s ask the old dead ghost, he’s experienced.”

“I may be old, but I’ve only been dead for a week. You’ve been dead for more than a hundred years, and you’re older than me.”


It’s so noisy.

There are constant voices in my ears.

Chattering, coming together all over the room.

Suddenly my ankles went cold, and the next second my entire body was dragged out from under the covers.


I was dropped hard on the floor.

An eerie laughter surrounded me.

“Split it up, split it up!!!”

“Cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck.”

Suddenly, I was choked by the neck, and the choking sensation gradually hit me.

I struggled with a red face and kept slapping the invisible hand.

Unfortunately it wasn’t much use.

“Cough cough ……”

The tears couldn’t stop flowing and my head was dizzy.

The air in my body slowly ended, I was powerless to grab the void: “Help …… help ……”

“Cackle cackle cackle cackle smells so good.”

“Help …… help me ……”

I gasped for air, tears sliding down the ends of my eyes.

Swish swish swish-

The gusty wind slapped against the window.

The window instantly popped open on its own, and a stronger, cloudy wind blew in.

The leaves rustled outside the window.

The entire room instantly dropped several degrees.

A red figure came from the void.


The man’s voice was empty and cold, causing fear to rise from the heart.

I only felt my neck loosen, and the long-lost air returned.

I inhaled it greedily in large gulps.

The sound of a group of ghosts screaming and fleeing resounded in my ears as they shouted for help and fled without direction.

In a blur, I saw the ghost who had strangled me being held by the neck, whimpering and begging for mercy.


The man finished, his five fingers tightened, and the last bit of sound disappeared.

I collapsed to the floor in a daze, and a pair of antique boots stopped in front of me.

He scooped me into his arms.

It was the same red veil and familiar floral scent.

For the first time I got a good look at him.

Long hair, white skin, thin eyebrows that dragged all the way to the end of his eyes ending in a vermilion mole.

This should be what people often call a male body with a female face.

His face was almost flawless, as clean as white porcelain fresh from the kiln, and his eyes were flat and unfathomable.

“Have you seen enough?” His thin lips lightly opened, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled with the action of speaking, his expression of dislike was undisguised, “The wife of Ghost Monarch Lai Mirror is actually afraid of a group of little ghosts, it really gives me a long face.”

The amount of information in his words was too much, I couldn’t react for a moment.

「I, when did I become your ……」I snapped back to that festive yet eerie room and asked with a white face,「So that night wasn’t a dream?」.

Lai Jing was a bit upset and straightened his sleeves, “You’re aggrieved to marry me? Why do you look like you’re going to die?”

I gulped, “So, I can see ghosts because of you?”

He nodded his head and patiently said, “It’s not normal for the wife of a ghost to not see ghosts, right? Since you’re married to me, you naturally have to be a bit more special than the others, and being psychic is just one of them.”

Saying that, he made a point on my eyebrow, my head cooled and I felt a lot more relaxed.

“With my scent here, ordinary ghosts won’t dare to come near you.” I looked at Lai Jing with fear.

I looked at Mirror Lai in fear, unusual ghosts wouldn’t dare to come, but he seemed to be a big unusual ghost.

But Lai Jing didn’t feel my fear, and wandered around my room, curiously looking here and touching there, and didn’t leave until dawn.

After he left, I immediately called my girlfriends to go to the most spiritual temple in the neighborhood.

“It’s not easy for me to take a weekend off, and you’re bringing me here for purification?” Xiao Xiao looked at me and gritted her teeth, “The last time you haunted house temporarily changed your mind and caused me to be criticized by the leadership, I have not yet found you to settle the score, don’t go too far ah.”

I explained as I pulled her along.

“You were haunted by an evil spirit?” Xiao Xiao was speechless, “Baby, why don’t we go see a psychiatrist or a brain doctor or something, you’ve been under too much pressure lately.”

I should have thought of that, talking to an atheist about ghosts and monsters, it’s really sick and desperate.

“You can just accompany me for morning exercise!” After saying that, he pulled her and started to climb the long staircase.

The temple was filled with sandalwood incense smoke, and the chanting of the little masters echoed throughout the air, so I couldn’t help but feel a little more at ease.

I begged from the temple has opened the light of the Buddha beads, spiritual talisman, all kinds of evil spirits and ghosts package, back home immediately put the whole room full of stickers.

Looking at the room full of yellow talisman I feel a little more at ease.

I can finally sleep well tonight.

“Zuo Xiangyun, why did you dress up your room like this?”

I woke up with a jolt from my dream, Lai Jing was sitting on the floating window, banging on the wooden fish I had just asked for.

His slender hand rested against his chin as he looked at me teasingly, “You don’t think these things can subdue me, do you?”

I pulled the robe next to me and wrapped it around my body, shivering and shaking, I took the Buddha beads and put a purple charm on my head, “Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t!”

Lai Jing laughed softly, after a gust of light wind, I had a pain in the forehead, in front of the talisman was torn off, and in its place was the enlarged handsome face.

Lai mirror turned over the purple talisman, face thick dislike, two fingers together, conjure up a wisp of ghostly blue flame, just a moment, that I spent a thousand dollars of treasure into ashes ……


The Buddha beads in my hand fell to the ground.

Ri Jing jumped onto my bed, “Get over there.”

I endured the trembling of my body, eyes closed tightly, resigned to lie down.

“Where are your lice shaking?” Lai Jing pressed down on my hands that were shaking into chaff, and then wrapped my arms around him, wrapping his arms around my waist, “Don’t move, I’m not doing anything, I’m just a little cold.”

He said this sentence and did not make another sound, after a long time, if not the tip of the nose is still around the fragrance of the flowers, I would have thought that this person has gone.

Ri Jing’s hair was long, and a few strands fell on my shoulder, the hair was soft and dense, as if his whole body was no different from a living person except for his low body temperature.

I was so shocked by my own thoughts that I went to the Taoist temple in the next city early the next morning to ask for a peach wood sword made of thunderbolt wood.

Can’t this hold a ghost?

I looked at the clock on the wall, every night at twelve o’clock sharp, Lai Jing would come, one minute to go.





“Zuo Xiangyun, who do you want to scare to death by standing at the door?”

I was shaken by the sudden voice, the mahogany sword snapped and fell to the ground, turning around, Lai Jing was behind me, his eyes puzzled.

His eyes landed on the mahogany sword and raised his eyebrows, “Yo, good stuff.”

A mahogany sword that can be recognized by a big ghost must be something good!

My eyes lit up and I was just about to advise him to turn back to the shore, there is no good outcome for us human ghosts.

Before I could say anything, Lai Jing gently pointed, the peach wood sword flew up from the ground and landed in his hand, he pinched the two ends, then gently folded it.

The sword, was broken ……

Broken ……

Broken ……

This night Lai mirror and hugged me to sleep, chin still against my collarbone, pinching me raw pain.

For the next month, I Taoist, Buddhist, Divine, and even the Western gods have tried, and Lai mirror did not even lose a piece of nail.

He was obviously used to my daily tricks to try to get him killed, and just walked in the door and asked directly, “What’s today again?”

I looked at the four dishes and one soup in front of me and feebly pointed to the side.

There are all kinds of incense and candles and tributes.

“Not today, are you hungry, try the new age candles?”

Lai Jing sat across from me with a black line on his head and took a sip of the tomato and egg soup.

“Not all ghosts eat candles.” In between bites, he didn’t forget to look up and compliment me, “It tastes good.”

He was enjoying his meal, but I was the one who felt like chewing on wax.

“Ghosts, Mr. Ghost-kun.”

“My name is Lai Mirror.”

“Lai, Lai Mirror, Onigun-sama.”

He: “……”

“Let’s talk things over. Do you have any unfinished wishes on earth? I can help you fulfill them, and then you can go to reincarnation at ease, okay?”

Lai Jing’s hand lurched, the loss on his face fleetingly disappeared, as if I had blurred my eyes.

He snorted, “You think I want to rely on you? If it wasn’t for the fact that the Lai family just found me a marriage partner, Master wouldn’t be able to look at you.”

I snapped, claiming yes.

He lifted his eyelids and glanced at me: ”It’s simple to let me go, the merit in your body has accumulated to a certain level, which can make up for my incomplete part, and when the hell accepts me, I’ll naturally go.”

I brightened up, “Then what do I have to do?”

Lai Jing was a bit annoyed: “How should I know? Figure it out yourself, women are such a pain in the ass.”

After saying that, the window rattled and he was gone.

Only the constantly shaking window surface was left behind.

I sighed and slumped on the table, my chest was pinched, I took out a stone pendant from my clothes, it was a free gift from the last time I bought a mahogany sword, at that time I thought it was quite pretty so I hung it around my neck, apparently it didn’t have much effect on the Ghost Monarch, I wilted and stuffed it back into my clothes.

Because of the Lai mirror cover, ordinary small ghosts do not dare to find me trouble, and can be said to be obedient to me.

Of course, ghosts know the most about ghosts.

I called out to the hanged ghosts from last time and asked them how to help Lai Jing accumulate merit.

The hanging ghost stretched out its two meter long tongue, “Fren, accumulating merit is very blue, we have been stinking for decades and we don’t stink enough, if Lei wants to ……”.

“Stop!” I stopped him, “Straighten your tongue and put it away before you speak.”

He sucked his tongue back in.

“Merit is very hard to come by, we have been scraping together for a long time but we haven’t scraped together enough merit to go to reincarnation, and gradually those who are still alive in the world will forget about us, and it’s even more difficult to get merit without the help of our offspring, and I don’t know when I’ll be able to meet someone who is as willing to help me accumulate merit as madam is.”

The rest of the ghosts were envious: “Uh-huh uh-huh!”

“So what’s the solution?”

“To get quick results, go collect ghosts.”

I stared at them with a glaring gaze.

They all shook their heads frantically at once, their heads thrown off.

“It’s those spiteful ghosts, they’re either hiding from the Yin warriors and staying in the Yang world, or they’re bound and kept to do bad things, so there’s a lot of merit in harvesting one.”

I placed an order for a second lightning-striking wooden mahogany sword in the same night.

Another large sum of money was spent, and it hurt me to see it.

But the good thing is that this sword was highly recognized by the ghosts who were cowering in the corners and shivering.

“Go for it ma’am, with the power of the Ghost Monarch Lord here, you’ll definitely be fine.”

I smiled awkwardly and slapped my palm on the hand that doesn’t listen to me and keeps shaking.

I can, I can!

But within five seconds of stepping into the public restroom, I ran out screaming.

I can’t, I can’t!

Those ghosts can’t hurt me, but I can scare myself to death looking at them.

The Hanged Ghost and the others met me not far away, seeing my white face with tears still hanging on my eyelashes, one of them stifled their laughter.

I held my knees and gasped.

“Why are there so many ghosts in a public restroom oooooooh.”

“Ma’am, why don’t you start with a less difficult challenge.”

The suicidal ghost pointed to a girl across the road.

I looked over along with it, and it was still a familiar face.

This was the girl who played in the haunted house last time, and there were still two ghost babies sitting on her shoulders.

Unlike last time, there were two more children behind her, hanging tightly from her clothes.

The girl looked numb, her eyes were green and gray, her back was slightly bowed, and she looked tired.

She crossed the red light and walked straight into the University Y across the street.

“How do you think she got into the hands of the kids at such a young age? There are still four of them! Last time I saw her, there were only two.”

“The Republic of China ghosts have seen this before. She said it was because she had so many abortions that the babies didn’t understand and thought they were in their mothers’ wombs, which is why they didn’t want to leave.” Several ghosts gathered around, “But why is there a grudge spirit behind her?”

“Stupid! Of course it’s because she killed someone!” The hanged ghost rolled its eyes, “Back then, I didn’t know any better, and I also followed the one who killed me for a good period of time, it’s the instinct of every slain ghost.”

The more I listened, the more I was shocked.

That was just a young girl in her early twenties, but she actually had so many lives in her hands.

I was worried about how to approach that girl when Lai’s employer called me.

“That lord commanded that if Ms. Zuo needs any help, just say so.”

The thought of him smilingly stabbing me in the back and selling me to a ghost as a wife made me hate my guts.

Of course I didn’t talk to him politely about my thoughts.

“I’ll trouble Mr. Lai.”

Lai Bank laughed softly on the other end of the phone, “At your service, it’s an honor.”

I immediately had goosebumps all over my body, this guy never takes a loss, who knows what kind of bad water is in his stomach.

However, he was very efficient, and three days later I went to the University of Y as a teaching assistant.

Yang Xi.

I pointed to the student profile page, the girl in the photo smiled brightly.

It says Yang Xi is an orphan, grew up with excellent grades, pretty, lively and cheerful, a typical child of someone else’s family.

Just from the information, who would take such a defenseless girl as a murderer?

But while the living can disguise themselves, the dead can’t lie.

On the podium, I didn’t even have to look specifically to see Yang Xi at a glance; the resentment around her was overwhelming, and the ghost babies on her shoulders looked uncomfortable, both of them hugging her neck as she twisted her neck in discomfort.

And the other two children she saw last time were gone, and upon closer inspection, the triangular paper talisman tied around her waist was faintly shining.

The reason the ghost babies were holding her was because they were afraid of the talisman.

I gathered my composure and lowered my eyebrows.

It turned out that she also knew she was being haunted.

It so happened that school was on vacation, so I asked Lai Bank to look up Yang Xi, and the information he gave once again refreshed my knowledge.

She had seven abortions, was discouraged from high school three times, dropped out of school for two years, and then came back to change her name and repeat her studies to get into Y University.

One of the things that caught my attention was this.

Yang Xi, once known as Zhang Xiaowan, a child of the Star Orphanage, was adopted once when she was seven years old, was returned by her adoptive parents half a year later, and then adopted by another couple in March of the same year, and then six years later the couple strangely disappeared, and she, along with her older brother from this family, was sent to another orphanage, and has never left since.

“Why did that couple adopt Yang Xi if they had a child?”

Ri Bank pushed down his glasses, “According to the neighbors at the time, they originally wanted to take Yang Xi as a child bride.”

“What about her brother?”

“He disappeared two years ago.”

“Disappeared too?”

Li Bank hooked his lips, “Ms. Zuo, don’t get excited, I also found two photos.”

The photos show Yang Xi and a boy kissing.

And that boy I’ve seen before!

In the pile of ghosts in the public restroom.

My face went white, “This guy is Yang Xi’s brother?”

Li Bank nodded.

My back broke out in a cold sweat, so the ghosts in those toilets were related to Yang Xi?

But I didn’t understand, from the photos and information collected, Yang Xi should have loved her child husband, so why did she kill him?

I couldn’t figure it out, so I was going to ask the person in question.

“Husband, ma’am, you really want to go, have you forgotten how you were scared to death last time?”

“Shut up if you don’t want your tongue tied in a bow.”

The hanged man covered his mouth and followed me step by step.

“Stop following me, don’t you have your own business?”

“No, no, no, onii-kun-sama ordered me to protect you.”

My feet lurched and my eyes dodged a bit, “Ahem, what’s that Ri Jing doing these days?”

I haven’t seen him in a while.

The Hanged Ghost’s eyes fluttered and I followed his line of sight to see nothing again.

“Ghosts, Ghost Monarch Lord naturally has his own arrangements, how would I know if he’s around or not, if he’s secretly standing on the wall looking at you.”

I turned my head and seemed to see the hem of someone’s red veil that they didn’t have time to put away when they fled.

I grinned.

“Okay hangman, just wait here for me, I’ll go in myself.”

The toilet was even more eerie at night, a random gust of wind could send a chill down one’s spine.

I took out my pre-prepared ghost collecting pot and opened it.

There was no one in the toilet, only the sound of water ticking, a clear and crisp sound.

I waited for a long time, but I couldn’t see any ghosts.

How could it be?


The automatic flushing system of the public restroom startled me.

I patted my chest and straightened up when a blistered and swollen face violently disliked me.

Slowly, other ghosts float out behind him.

This time, the ghosts, not as many as in the daytime, I searched inside for a while without seeing Yang Xi her brother.

Not long after, the sound of water slowly stopped, and the ghosts floating in the air dissipated one by one.

A thought surfaced in my mind.

I rushed to the sink and turned on all the faucets.

Along with the sound of clattering water, different ghosts drilled out again and floated in the toilet.

So ……

These ghosts weren’t originally in the toilet, but were washed down by the water.

No wonder, no wonder.

Now it all makes sense.

Because there are many people using the toilets during the day and the flow of water is uninterrupted, that’s why the phenomenon of ‘swarming ghosts’ occurs in the toilets.

Then where exactly is the source of these ghosts?

I came back with a tangled face.

The hanging ghost was under the tree with a bitter face, his long tongue tied in a bow.

“Fren, Mud Rough is here?”

“What’s wrong with your tongue?”

He shook his head violently, “It’s too cold, I huddled up to keep warm, it’s definitely not because Lord Ghost King thinks I talk too much that I hit him.”

Me: “……”

Lai Shian checked, the source reservoir of that public restroom was a lake in the back of the mountain of Y University.

The next morning, I went to the back of the mountain.

In early winter, the mountains were foggy, with a few wild birds circling overhead. The place had been deserted for a long time, with weeds and dead trees blocking the way, and there was no way to find a path that could be called a road.

The Hanged Ghost and the others can’t leave the center of the city, so I came alone this time.

Three months ago, I would never have thought that I would have the guts to go looking for ghosts alone.

I don’t know how long I’ve been walking, according to the rough map given by Ri Bank, that lake should be nearby.

I raised my head and swept around, except for the trees that were taller than a man, there wasn’t even a river here, not to mention a lake.

While I was in the middle of my dilemma, there was a rustle in the grass, and I turned around, hitting an old shotgun right in the chest.

The man with the gun was a skinny, bony old man, his dry arm holding the gun steady, his eyes were cloudy and sharp, he had a scar running across his face, and when he opened his mouth, it was an unintelligible “ah ah” sound.

He was mute.

I held my hands up, “I don’t mean any harm, old man, I’m a teacher at the University of Y. I came up to the mountains to collect biological samples.”

The old man didn’t let his guard down, and I saw that he was wearing a license plate on his chest with the University of Y’s logo on it.

I quickly pulled out the license plate of Lai’s office, “You are also an employee of the University of Y. We are colleagues.”

The old man stared at my license plate for a while and slowly lowered his gun, his mouth still emitting syllables I couldn’t understand.

“Old man, do you know where that lake is in the back of the hill?”

He stared at me without a word.

I smiled and snorted, “Our class is getting an outdoor experiment, so I came to explore first.”

He gave me a deep look and turned around.

Halfway there, he sidestepped again and greeted me to follow.

I followed him for about an hour or so and still hadn’t arrived, and that’s when I realized that the map that Lai Xian had given me was completely opposite to the direction of the lake, and I had searched in vain all morning.

Because the distance was too far, we walked and stopped until the afternoon to reach the lake.

Peel back the very high weeds, a calm lake appeared at first glance.

The lake is greenish-black, from the top to the bottom, the water plants shaking, my face printed in the water, with the water waves gently swaying.

Suddenly, the old man appeared behind me.

The hideous face looked even more frightening under the fluctuation of the lake water.

With a jolt, I turned back, barely able to stand.

He pulled me by the hand and pointed to the small wooden hut not far away.

I smiled sardonically, “Is this where you usually live?”

A pot of water was boiling inside the house, warming it up and driving away a lot of the cold.

I kept my eyes drifting outward, my brows getting tighter and tighter.

This lake, although it looked spooky, didn’t even have a single ghost.

Could it be because it’s daytime?

That’s not right either.

Ghosts in public restrooms also appear during the day, and hanged ghosts, although they are not as spirited during the day as they are at night they can still move freely, so where did the ghosts here go?

“Old man, is there any other lake in the neighborhood besides this one? Or any water station reservoirs?”

He looked at me and then nodded.

I was relieved, “Then can you take me there?”

It gets dark early in the winter, and there was only a sliver of light left in the sky when we arrived.

It was a water tower, built high.

This time, we didn’t even have to look for it, from a distance we could see a rushing grievance flying out from the bottom of the tower.

I was stunned in place, the old man looked back at me, his back hunched, behind him, the clouds were like ink and the wind whimpered.

I could sense that what lay ahead might bring me to my doom, but it would also bring the truth to the surface and help Lai Jing to reincarnation.

Taking two deep breaths, I lifted my feet toward the water tower.

It was covered with a huge iron plate, revealing only a palm-width slit.

The further I walked there, the surrounding grievances shrank back as if they had met their nemesis, not daring to approach.

Perhaps it was because I had the ghostly aura of Lai Mirror on me.

I bent down and looked into that slit.

I couldn’t see anything in the dark except it was a little cooler.

“Yang Guang?”

I shouted, there was no response.

“Yang Guang?”


The water under the lid fluttered, followed by a gurgle as if the ground was boiling.

Something blinked underneath the darkness, and slowly, everywhere my eyes could see was blinking.

It was human eyes!

I jerked back, the blood fading from my face.

So I’d just been staring at those ghosts?

My hair stood up in a sweat at the thought, and my stomach lurched.

I pulled the ghost collecting pot out of my backpack and aimed it at the slit.


The pot was knocked off.

I turned around and the old man smiled down at me.

Chapped skin wrinkled together, a mouthful of yellow and black teeth exposed, and eyes full of malice.

And behind him, a familiar figure walked out.

“Good evening, Mr. Left.”

Yang Xi had her hands behind her back, her eyes curved, and there were two shallow dimples around her mouth.

Almost at the same time, I subconsciously went to reach the ghost collecting pot.

Unfortunately, I was still a step too slow, and the pot was crushed by the old man’s foot.

Yang Xi picked up the shards from the ground, his tone was careless, “I’ve noticed you for a long time, you’re always talking to yourself alone into the air, at first I thought you just had a brain problem, until I went back to the orphanage and the dean told me that someone had come to investigate me, and almost the first thing I thought of was you. Then guess what I found out? You can actually see ghosts hahahahaha.”

Yang Xi’s eyes went crazy as she took out the triangular talisman that was sewn into her clothes: “Do you know who made this talisman?”

She pointed to the old man next to her.

“He, this ugly man, is the father who left me at the orphanage. He got his retribution and turned into this ghostly appearance.” Yang Xi didn’t avoid it at all, “But it’s good that he’s still a bit useful, I killed so many people and didn’t get dragged away by the evil ghosts, thanks to him giving me a good aftermath.”

Yang Xi’s eyes were a little red, she walked next to me and leaned down to look at me, “You can see ghosts, you should be able to talk to them too, right?” She took a small bottle from her neck, “Aren’t you looking for Yang Guang? Here, he’s here, I asked him a question the other day and he said he had to think about it, but while he was thinking he actually tried to run away and was accidentally killed by me. You call him out and ask him for me if he’s thought about it.”

My eyes stopped in front of the small bottle, which contained some powder.

Inside was a man covered in blood tapping on the bottle, his eyes filled with terror as he cried out ‘help me’.

I shook my head and stepped back, the two men in front of me were insane.

Yang Xi walked around the edge of the water tower in a good mood, hopping from one side to the other, humming a little tune.


The old man grabbed me by the hair, crushed my ankle with one foot, and dragged me back.

The immense pain made me unable to speak at all.

Yang Xi sat on the iron plate and looked at me and smiled, “The dead old man said that there are two little ghosts following me, is that true?”

I looked at the two ghost babies sitting on her shoulders and nodded.

Yang Xi’s smile lurched and blinked, “They …… must be very cute, right?”

She went crazy, talking about the past.

“I’ve been in an orphanage for as long as I can remember, the first family that adopted me said that I was so evil that they were too scared and sent me back. Then I was adopted by Yang Guang’s parents, they told me since I was a child that I would marry my brother in the future, my brother is very good, I would like to marry him, but why!” Her eyes were red, “Why doesn’t brother want our child?!”

She paused and pointed at the water tower.

“It’s because these bitches seduced Yang Guang! Yang Guang, that son of a bitch, he lied to me! He lied to me!!!” Yang Xi was emotional and calm at times, “But it’s okay, I killed them all.”

She held her hands in a hugging position and hummed a lullaby, “Good baby, mommy has avenged you.”

But there were dozens of ghosts in the toilet, how could Yang Guang cheat on so many people at the same time?

“Everyone down here betrayed you with Yang Guang?”

Yang Xi gave a beat as if she was thinking about something, suddenly she grinned, “No.” She waved her hands, “Because I killed too many people, I can’t stop, the feeling of cutting their necks with a knife is really very stress relieving.”

Yang Xi closed her eyes and opened her arms with a look of enjoyment.

“Crazy! What did those people do to you? How dare you use living beings to relieve stress!”

I was too angry to care and yelled at Yang Xi.

“So what? Why should I live in pain when they can live so well?”

I couldn’t help but swear.

Suddenly, I stopped.

It was because behind Yang Xi, a stream of black ghosts of injustice drilled out of the cracks and coalesced into shape.

Behind her, countless ghosts stood, those eyes staring straight at her.

Suddenly a pair of hands grabbed Yang Xi’s ankle and she screamed.

The old man didn’t care about grabbing me, shouting and pouncing over to grab Yang Xi’s hand, the talismans on his body threw desperately in front of him.

The ghosts dragged Yang Xi, not letting go even though their bodies were burned with big holes by the talismans and were covered in smoke.

The gap in the iron is too small for a human foot, let alone a whole body.

Yang Xi’s legs were pulled in alive, blood kept oozing out from her skin, she screamed miserably with a white face, “Damn old man save me, it hurts, it hurts!!!”

The old man’s mouth kept going “ah ah ah ah”, then he bit off his own finger and spilled blood at the gap.

At once, a miserable scream issued from underneath the iron plate, and the ghosts that grabbed Yang Xi fled in and hid.

Yang Xi’s head was covered in sweat, leaning against the wall and viciously pointing at me: ”Throw her in there to keep them company!”

The old man dragged his broken finger over, I picked up the stone on the ground and smashed it forward, while he actually didn’t dodge, the stone broke his head, he ignored the blood, like a machine that would only listen to Yang Xi’s orders.


Bang Bang!

The movement at the bottom of the iron plate attracted everyone’s attention.

Those ghosts didn’t know what stimulated them and were restless at the bottom.

The thick iron plate was jacked up by them and slammed into the ground with a thick muffled thud.

With a final loud bang, the entire iron plate was lifted off, and a violent stench of rotten flesh leaped up, which could not be concealed even in the cold winter.

Yang Xi’s position was under the iron plate, I didn’t even have time to hear her screams.

The old man screamed in agony and ran over to the board in a vain attempt to lift it, but unfortunately to no avail.

Without the iron plate to hold them down, the spirits under the water leapt out one by one; they had long since lost their own consciousness and killed the living when they came across them. In the end, the old man was dragged along and was torn to pieces by one of them, one bite at a time.

My legs were in too much pain, and I could only move a little bit with all my strength.

Great fear completely engulfed me, my tears kept flowing out, I couldn’t think of anyone else who could come across time and space to save me.

Behind me was the sound of the ghosts whimpering, I kept crawling forward.

Suddenly a cold sensation crawled up my leg.

I stiffened and turned around.

A skeleton bites my foot and drags me towards the water tower.

“Ah… go away! Get away!!!”

These ghosts really didn’t have any consciousness at all, and they didn’t even fear the ghostly aura that Lai Mirror had left me with.

Soon, I was dragged and pulled inward by countless ghosts, nothing within my reach was useful, my hands powerlessly picking at the ground and crying out.

“Help! Help–“

Suddenly I was on my feet.

They had dragged me to the water tower.

I lost my eyes and watched with my mouth open at the white breath I exhaled as if it were the last proof of my survival on earth.

“Help …… someone help me …….”

My eyes were blurred with tears and I collapsed in exhaustion as a pendant fell out of my neck.

When was this?

Oh, it was a Taoist priest who sold it to me to protect my body when I disliked Lai Mirror.

I smiled to myself.

I’ve met a liar, it won’t protect me.

Nor can it drive away Lai mirror.

Lai mirror …… What is he doing now?

I seem to ……

Saw him.

In the blurred vision, a red figure broke through the air, and the familiar and powerful ghost gas shook, and the ghosts that grabbed me instantly turned into pieces.

Those unconscious ghosts went crazy and pounced on Lai Mirror, his hand gently lifted, and the ghosts that were one meter around him, all burst apart, exploding into a dark flower in the air.

Lai Jing held me in his arms, as he did when we first met, “Stupid! My Lai Mirror’s wife can’t even handle these little ghosts.”

I let out a light laugh as I leaned into his arms, tears somehow flowing out, crying and laughing.

Panic flashed across his face, and he raised his eyes to the group of ghosts still clamoring, his eyes instantly cold as frost.

“You guys, deserve to die.”

I woke up and didn’t see Mirror Lai, but I could always smell a familiar floral scent around me.

Yang Xi’s follow-up matters were all left to Lai Bank to handle.

I don’t know what kind of excitement this guy has been subjected to, and for a long time he has been bruised and swollen, and had to arrange some kind of bodyguard for me.

I went back home the first time after I was discharged from the hospital, but unfortunately I couldn’t find Lai Mirror’s shadow anywhere.

We solved a whole water tower full of unjust souls, isn’t that enough merit for Mirror Lai to go to reincarnation?

“Is he gone?”

I asked the Hanged Ghost in dismay.

He dragged out his long tongue and looked puzzled: “Madam, haven’t you always wanted Lord Ghost Monarch to leave? Why are you sad that he’s gone?”

I gave him a blank look.

I didn’t see Lai Jing for the next week.

Now I could think of him with a start at the sight of a red gauze.

I opened the red gauze and muttered, “Heartless guy, at least we had dinner together for a long time without even saying goodbye. Boring!!!”

“Zuo Xiangyun, do you still have some conscience, I saved you!”

I froze, then turned around and hugged Lai Jing, “You didn’t leave!”

I don’t even know how many stars are shining in my eyes when I look at Lai Jing.

He coughed lightly, and the corners of his lips couldn’t stop rising, but he was still disgusted: “Your merit is not enough for this gentleman to be reincarnated.

Lai Jing looked at the kitchen: “What’s for dinner today?”

I smiled and pulled out two red candles: “Super Deluxe Candle Set.”

Mirror Li: “……”

After this time, I didn’t seem to resent Dawn Mirror’s presence as much.

At least no more fussing about sending him away.

But he seemed to be getting colder and colder, and he could freeze me every day when he hugged me.

Half a month later, Mirror Lai stopped hugging me to sleep.

He said he was afraid that I would freeze to death.

That night, I got up to go to the bathroom and found that he wasn’t on the cot next to me, but had shrunk to the corner of the wall and hugged himself.

Cold emanated from his body, and a white mist shrouded his entire being, with ice crystals condensing out of his ears and eyelashes.

“Lai Mirror, Lai Mirror!”

I pushed him, hugging him at a loss for words.

What’s going on here?

It wasn’t until the latter part of the night that he slowly became normal, only that face was frighteningly white.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but I always feel that his body is more transparent.

“Tonight, sleep together.”

Probably seeing the worry in my eyes, he smiled and nodded.

In the evening, I made a table of his favorite dishes, he didn’t dislike it and talk to me as usual, but ate it all in silence.

I was uneasy in my heart, holding his hand a little tighter.

This guy laughed shamelessly, “Zuo Xiangyun, you finally fell under my profane pants.”



Lai Jing covered his head and looked at me pitifully.

“What are you looking at, go wash the dishes.”

Someone pouted and manipulated the ghost energy to wash the bowl.

When I was sleeping, Mirror Lai encircled me from behind, her chin resting on my collarbone.

“Zuo Xiangyun, if I die one day, will you be sad?”

My body stiffened, then pretended to be relaxed: “Aren’t you already dead? Ghosts can still die?”

“What I mean is if I disappear, will you miss me?”

My nose turned sour, “No, if you want me to miss you, don’t go, better keep sticking to me or I’ll turn around and forget about you!”

His voice was low: “Well, I won’t leave, never.”

As he said that, he gradually fell asleep, and when I moved a little, he immediately hugged me tighter.

In this way, another three months passed.

During that time, there was nothing unusual about Mirror Lai, and I thought we would continue like this until he accidentally touched the pendant on my chest just now.

“What’s going on?”

I pulled off the pendant and threw it far away.

Lai Jing covered his hand, his face pale, his soul body getting weaker and weaker.

His hand was burned by the pendant.

This pendant couldn’t even hurt a hanged ghost, how could it hurt him so badly?

I was too anxious to touch him.

Lai Jing smiled, “What are you afraid of? Ghosts don’t die a second time.”

The next day, I secretly went to see Lai Kian.

“Ghosts don’t die a second time, but if he is still bent on having his own way, then what awaits him is a soul that disappears, in the true sense of the word.”

“What do you mean?”

Li Bank sighed, “You come with me.”

We went to the room where the first marriage was made, and he opened the secret room behind the wall, in which there was a very luxurious coffin.

The ancestors of the Lai family were enshrined here, and the tablet in the center had Lai Jing’s name written on it.

“As you can see, Lord Ghost Sovereign is the ancestor of the Lai Family. The current Li family can only be considered as a humble side branch at that time, and later on, when the family and country broke up, the Ghost Monarch that the royal family had painstakingly forged into existence fell into the hands of our lineage.”

“Lord Ghost King was a direct descendant of the royal family, the royal family sought blessings in order to stabilize the kingdom and sacrificed him at the age of twenty-three, and since then, a piece of his soul is missing, and he has not been able to enter the cycle of reincarnation, and he has been guarding the Lai family with his soul for many generations.”

“Since the fall of the Li family, Lord Ghost Sovereign no longer protects the Li family.” Li Ban paused, “My grandfather’s generation, the Li family was in danger of being wiped out, so he had no choice but to ask Lord Ghost Monarch to come out on the condition that he would help him find a woman who was born in a cloudy year, month, and hour.”

After saying that, Li Bank looked at me for a while.

“Although such a person is rare, we have found many over the years, but none of them were the one he wanted, until you appeared.”

“I don’t know what kind of entanglement you have with Lord Ghost Sovereign, but he protects you so much, he has you at the tip of his heart.”

“The merit you gained last time when you came back from the water tower was already enough for him to go to reincarnation, but in order to stay with you, he couldn’t hide from the Underworlders in a battle of wits and courage, he fought with them again, and the people in the hell were injured by him one after another. Those Yin Diabolicals are unable to take him, but this is the earth, the ghosts that meet the standard are slow to leave, and in the end, they can only end up with their souls flying away.”

“His ghostly aura has already begun to dissipate, persuade him properly.”

Lai Jing seemed to know that I had gone to see Lai Bank.

He took my hand, “Don’t listen to him, I’m fine.”

I looked at him, my eyes were red, after hesitating for half a moment, I still spoke, “Go to reincarnation, I don’t want you to die.”

He froze, smiled and tried to laugh it off like he did countless times before.

“Lai Jing!” I couldn’t hold back my tears, “Please.”

His hand was nearly transparent in mine.

Lai Jing looked at me with unblinking eyes, sighed, hugged me, and gently stroked my head, “You, you’re still the same as when you were a child. Whenever you cry, I always say yes.”

He pressed his forehead against me, and a faint white light drilled into my body.

At the end, his entire soul body became more transparent, as if it was going to fall apart when the wind blew.

I held him up, “What did you do?”

Ri Jing flicked my forehead and smiled, “I’ve listened to you, and you promised me one thing too.”

I cried and nodded.

“I put a wisp of my soul into your body, so that in my next life, no matter what I become or where I am, I will only be attracted to you alone.” Ri Jing’s chin rests on my collarbone, “Xiang Yun, no matter how long it takes, I will still find you, fall in love with you, and protect you.”

“So wait for me, okay?”

I sobbed and could only nod my head.

“It’s been hard, Xiang Yun.”

Lai Jing’s body was getting fainter and fainter, and finally, there was an empty space in front of me, and that faint floral scent faded away.

Five years later.

Mirror King Museum.

This was funded by Lai Bank. There is no such person as Lai Mirror in history, everything about him was erased by the Royal Family.

His sacrifice was to protect the royal territory, and his disappearance was to fulfill the so-called royal face.

Everyone was blessed by him, while they treated him as a stain.

But no one ever asked him if he was willing to do all this.

Outside the museum there is a little boy who sells flowers and weaves them into nice garlands, and almost everyone who enters the museum has a garland on their hands.

And the smell, for five years, I haven’t forgotten it.

“Sister, buy a wreath, I heard that this flower is Princess Mirror’s favorite, His Highness the Mirror King has planted it in every corner of the royal residence, it goes well with you, it must look very good on you.”

I looked at the wreath in a daze, the familiar fragrance of the flower ran into the tip of my nose, and it was as if I saw that wanton young man smiling again, stretching out his hand to me and saying, “Zuo Xiangyun, I’ve found you, haven’t I.”

Lai Jing, hurry up and find me.

Fifth year, I’m waiting for you.


Seventy-second year, I’m waiting for you.



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