Any recommendations for novels that look topsy-turvy?

Any recommendations for novels that look topsy-turvy?

“Got a call for you to move out of my house tonight.

” I was eating breakfast when I received this message, the newspaper on the cream marble table was so inconspicuous, an enlarged photo took up the whole page.

In the photo, a woman was leaning on Qi Yan’s shoulder smiling shyly.

Three years ago, Qi Yan and I were photographed by the paparazzi, and it was in this manner that we made our romance public, and then logically lived in his villa.

And now, he was doing nothing more than telling me in this way: lian wei zhi, you have been replaced.

Aunt Wang stood behind me and looked at me worriedly, I know she was afraid that I would not be able to think straight for a moment and cry and spill my guts, just like those women before me.

But she obviously thought too much, I just calmly finished my last meal living here, and then went upstairs to start packing.

Before I walked out the door I pointed at the woman’s face and smiled, I said, she does look more like Yu Xia than me.

) I’ve been Qi Yan’s explicit girlfriend for three years, even though my relationship with him was more like a package deal.

He was the only son of the Qi family, while I was just a beginning student back then.

Three years ago, I was working in a cafe in front of A University when I met Qi Yan, the son of the school director.

He sat by the window, sword eyebrow and starry eyes, every move is full of nobility, the front desk girl in the preparation of food quietly told me that his watch is worth a million.

I don’t recognize those high-end brands, but when I approached him with my coffee, I still froze.

While I was frozen, Qi Yan also looked up at me, and we were speechless until he finally asked me in a muffled voice, “What’s your name?

“Lian Wei Zhi.

“The story after that was so watertight that I became Qi Yan’s lover.

I was never sober enough to know that he didn’t love me at all, and I took everything in my stride.

He arranged me in the villa’s guest room, I will not take the initiative to run to his master bedroom, also never pretend not to see the master bedroom bedside table on the picture of the woman, like me six points like.

Because of this, after a year of dating, the women around him changed again and again, but only I was still by his side.

He would hug me, kiss me, and call me “Lianlian” in moments of pleasure, but the extra tens of thousands of dollars in his bank card reminded me that we were not lovers, we were just in this kind of relationship where we got what we needed.

In fact, he does not have to be so, because what I want is never his money, I do not care if he loves me, and how many women have slept with, I just want to see him smile a little more, because he smiles, really like Yu Qing.

(3) The house is something I have been looking for for a long time, long before Qi Yan planned to abandon me, I wanted to leave him.

Yu Xia in that photo, wearing a white dress, eyes riding on a coy smile, I only saw a glance, and remembered this look.

So later, I intentionally or unintentionally towards this disguise, I dyed my hair back to black, not also wear high heels.

Whenever Qi Yan sees me in this appearance, his eyes are gentle and seem to be able to pinch out water, he pushed my hair behind my ear, and then gently embraced me into his arms.

I know he sees another person through me, but who doesn’t.

I tried so hard to please him, but only to get his smile, and then desperately imagined the shadow of that teenager, longing for a moment to lie to myself.

Until I can’t fool myself anymore.

Even if Qi Yan looks like him, they are different, no one can replace Yu Qing, just like I can never replace Yu Xia.

So I found a girl who looks more like Yu Xia than I do, and arranged for her to appear in Qi Yan’s world. I told her about Yu Xia’s preferences and style of dress, and told her how to make Qi Yan sink.

And I knew that Qi Yan would fall for it.

As expected a month later, I received that text message and then naturally pulled away.

I threw away all my white dresses and canvas shoes.

Then sat on the couch in my apartment until the ashtray in front of me was littered with cigarette butts.

I was never the sophisticated girl Kiyan thought I was.

In the smoke, I once again inevitably thought of Yu Qing.

I’m sixteen years old, well-behaved and withdrawn.

After my parents divorced and started their own families, I was like a piece of driftwood that no one needed or cared about.

It was Yu Qing’s appearance that brought the first beam of light into my world.

At that time, I was eccentric and my grades were not good, so my teacher arranged for Yu Qing to sit next to me, hoping that he could motivate me to study.

When I saw the seating chart, I realized the teacher’s intention and became hostile to this unfamiliar classmate.

I slept on my desk with my back to him, hoping that he would sense my dislike and get the hell out.

Or, like my previous classmates, he couldn’t stand it and reported to the teacher that he wanted to change his seat.

But he didn’t.

I woke up after two periods of sleep and kicked the desk impatiently when I saw him writing beside me.

He turned his head to look at me, then nodded at the new books neatly folded on my desk and said, “I just claimed them for you while you were asleep.

The wake-up call I wanted to give out gave way, and I said, “Oh,” a little bemused.

He then asked me, “What’s your name?

“Lian Wei Zhi.” He said, “Good name.

“He said, “That’s a good name.

“(4) When I woke up again, it was already the middle of the night, and there was nothing else in my cell phone except for a few text messages from the system.

I hooked the corner of my mouth somewhat mockingly, Qiyan should have been in the gentle land of a new woman by now.

I scribbled away the table and got up to take another shower, and when I came back, unread messages from my phone popped up one after another.

It was a tweet from Qi Yan’s sister, “You broke up with my brother?

“Where are you now?

“Did you have a fight?

” I only sent a “hmm” to answer her first question and then closed the page.

She was well protected by her family and since the beginning she thought that I was in a relationship with Qiyan which was no different from the norm.

She had come to the villa and met me, she would sweetly call me sister-in-law, and would also take my hand and say to me, “Lianlian, my brother really treats you differently, you’re the first woman he’s brought home.

” At that time, I pretended to be shy and pursed my lips, but inwardly I didn’t make a single ripple because of these words – of course he was relieved to have me, because he knew that I don’t cry and don’t make a fuss, and even if he placed me around, it wouldn’t have any effect on him.

As for Qiyu, I think he should have seen that newspaper and thought we had some kind of conflict, not realizing that I was just a canary that had been set free.

I turned off my cell phone, but I did not expect Qiyu’s phone call directly.

The other end of her with a sobbing voice: “sister-in-law you quickly come back, my brother had a big fire ah ……” I froze, asked: “What happened?

“I don’t know, I went home with him today, he heard Auntie Wang say you left and smashed everything at hand.” “Anyway, come back first.

” “Anyway, you come back first Lian Lian ……” I hesitated, but still said: “Okay, you wait.

” When the driver drove to the villa area, it was already close to three o’clock in the morning, but the first floor was still brightly lit.

Because I didn’t take the key with me when I left, I could only press the doorbell, and Auntie Wang came over to open the door for me.

Her look when she saw me was very complicated, it was a surprise, mixed with some difficulty.

Qi Yan’s voice came from the back, “Who?

” I walked a few steps around Auntie Wang, the facilities in the house were neatly arranged, and there was no sign at all that they had just been dropped.

Qi Yan was sitting on the sofa in his pajamas, looking at me with a cold expression, “What are you doing here.

” I hesitantly opened my mouth, “It was Qi Yu who told me to come ……” “Enough,” Qi Yan interrupted me, “Do you think this is still your home?

Come when you want and leave when you want.

” He stood up and took a step in front of me, looking at me condescendingly.

“What, you don’t think you have enough money?

Do you regret it?

“Only when I got closer did I see a few hickeys hidden under his collar.

At that moment, as if a stone had fallen to the ground, ignoring his barrage of piercing questions, I smiled easily instead, and I said, “Got it, I’m leaving now.

” and then turned to leave, not forgetting to close the door in the process.

(5) I looked at my phone, the screen still stuck on my ‘wait’, Kiyo hadn’t contacted me and I didn’t ask.

Maybe it was her joke, or a prank, but I didn’t care.

I bought the coffee shop in front of A University and hired someone to redecorate it.

In fact, I have not told Qiyan is that I do not like white at all, do not like white dresses, also do not like white gardenias.

Like when I like to paint my fingernails into colorful after offering treasure like stretching to Yu Qing in front of the same, I have never been a person who is not flat and silent.

I removed all the objects that created a cozy and quiet atmosphere in the coffee shop, and hung records on the industrial style walls, and roses bloomed on the irregularly placed wooden tables.

Very red, very colorful.

I enjoyed the full days, little by little watching them construct, little by little watching the store of my dreams being built.

Compared to the past three years of sitting quietly on the swing in the garden reading books and pretending to be a simple high school girl, it was more like I was back in my vivid seventeen years now.

After all, quiet was Yu Xia’s life, and Lian Wei Zhi had never been a quiet person.

But in the same way, Qiyan hadn’t been quiet for a moment during this time either.

The girl I pushed to her is called Lu Song, a fledgling young model, and Qi Yan seems to be doting on her lately, taking her to a number of magazines and advertisements.

But these are all from some lace news, or Lu Song’s circle of friends.

Today Qi Yan bought her a limited edition bag, tomorrow Qi Yan took her to a high-end restaurant for dinner.

Sometimes I see, see also just crossed, I never go to take the initiative to pry his news.

Just for a moment I remembered when I was nestled on the sofa watching TV with Qi Yan, we seemed like a couple that was no more than ordinary, he was riding on my shoulder, his fingers casually curling the hair on one side of me.

He turned his face to me and said, “Lianlian, you’re so pretty, I’ll send you to the movies, okay?

“At that moment, a wave of resistance rose up in my heart, a voice questioning him: Why did you push me in front of everyone?

Was it for Yu Xia to see?

Or was it to present a fake for ridicule?

But I just hooked my arm around his neck and frowned as if I were petulant: “Don’t, I only want you to see it.

“(6) For the past three years, I didn’t work and I didn’t have the heart to socialize. Qi Yan had once intended to bring me into the upper class circle that he was dating, but it was always pushed back and rejected by me.

Those faces that used to appear in front of me, either mockingly or solicitously, all broke contact with me on the day I moved out of the villa.

I thought that the opening day of the new store would be just me and a few part-time college students, but I never expected to see an unexpected person.


“He was wearing a suit and an expensive watch on his wrist, which didn’t fit in with my memories of the boyish teenager with an inch hair.


” I blurted out.

I hadn’t seen Yu Qing in as many years as I hadn’t seen Lin ZiBiao.

During those school uniform years, I fought and argued with him.

When he lost a basketball game to a trickster, he was so angry that he threw a punch and ended up lying on the bed in the infirmary with colors, Yu Qing gave him medicine, and I turned my back on him and cried hard.

He took my math textbook as a pillow, woke up holding a book full of saliva trembling to me to apologize, never on time to the school bitterly brought me a week’s breakfast.

…… Some people appear as if they are there just to remind you of the kind of person you once were and what you lost in the years that followed.

And I once again clearly realize that in the past seven years, I have never forgotten Yu Qing, he is like a book that I have deeply hidden into the cabinet, and the appearance of Lin Zibiao, became the key to open the cabinet.

It was he who, in the school auditorium, in the dark crowd, accompanied me to watch the glittering Yu Qing on the stage, and then suddenly turned his head to me and said, “Forget it, Lian Wei Zhi.

“Forget it?

The young man on the stage was dressed in formal attire, and all the spotlights were on him, but I was the only one who knew that what he was playing at that moment was my favorite piano music.

All the memories came to me, and countless old friends whizzed by in their cars in front of my eyes.

At this moment, all I could do was to shake the hand that was reaching out to me and respond with, “It’s been a long time.

” (7) “Lian Wei Zhi you hurry up!” Outside the window, Lin ZiBiao shouted with a pressed voice.

“Why are you hurrying me? I’m looking for it!” “That’s strange. Don’t old hags always put their stuff in this cabinet?

–Bill, come here… Lin Zibiao?” I straightened up from under my desk.

“I straightened up from under the desk and looked around, only to be confronted by an expressionless face.

“Lian, Wei, Zhi!” The radio outside was still loudly playing radio gymnastics, and Lin ZiBiao and I stood in the Head Teacher’s office, shrinking like two quails.

“Tell me about you two! How many times has this happened?” The Director of Instruction, a fifty-year-old woman, was furiously pointing her index finger at me, “The day before yesterday! The day before yesterday you were caught knitting in math class, and today you climbed through the window into the office!” I argued in a low voice, “That’s not a sweater …… it’s a scarf ……” “Pop!” The head teacher slapped his hand heavily on the desk, gasping for air.

Lin Zibiao pulled my sleeve and gave me a wink, then spoke with a difficult face: “Teacher, don’t blame Xiao Lian, that’s a gift she gave to her mom.” The gasping voice stopped.

‘ The gasping voice came to an abrupt end.

The head teacher turned a suspicious gaze on me.

“Is he telling the truth?

“”I ……” Lin ZiBiao secretly pulled my sleeve again.

“Yes teacher, my mom’s birthday is coming up, I thought there’s nothing I can give her, just knit a scarf, but how can I find time at home, so I brought it to school.

“Now, the embarrassed person finally became her.

The head teacher coughed a few times, and then spoke in a dignified manner, “Okay, for the sake of your filial piety, I’ll give it back to you this time, but you’re not allowed to knit it during class.” “I know!

“I know! I understand! Thank you, teacher!” In the corridor, I hugged that messy ball of wool and rubbed my face against it.

Lin ZiBiao proudly pointed his thumb at himself, “How’s it going, you’re still good, Master Lin, hurry up and thank me.

“I smiled and said, “Thank you, for my newlywed mom who is still on her honeymoon in Sanya, thank you for the scarf,” he said. After I finished playing smart, I ran away, ignoring the reacting Lin ZiBiao, who was furious behind me.

“Lian Wei Zhi! Stop right there!” I stopped in front of the classroom door.

It wasn’t because of Lin Zibiao’s shouts, but Yu Qing, who appeared out of nowhere, stood in front of me.

He frowned, “Where have you been?

“I waved something in my hand as if I was showing off, “I went to get your birthday present back.

”Yu Qing’s expression became helpless all of a sudden, ”Little Lian, it’s still summer.

“Then you can wait until winter to put it on, why, do you hate me?”

“I knew that Yu Qing had never been able to handle my questions in such a tone, and he also knew that I had pinpointed his temperament.

But he still cooperated and raised his hands in mock surrender, saying, “I don’t have the guts to do that.

“On Yu Qing’s birthday, he took the unprecedented step of inviting us to his house.

I was even a little overwhelmed when the cab stopped at the intersection of the villa complex.

Lin ZiBiao slapped me on my bag, causing me to take a few steps forward.

“Go, what for, stupid?

” I twisted my head around, “Yu Qing’s family is so rich?

“Yes, his parents bought this house specially for him to concentrate on his studies. How’s that? You realize that I’m not the only one who’s rich?

“Stupid rich kid is the word I use to honor Lin Zibiao.

If his father hadn’t donated a building to the school, the school wouldn’t have turned a blind eye to his daily fights and truancy.

But Yu Qing was different from Lin Zibiao.

At that time, I did not know why I would have such a different attitude towards their family situation, but when I looked back after I grew up, the young girl’s mind at that time was clear – it was the uncontrollable inferiority complex in the face of the person I liked.

That’s why, after Lin Zibiao presented me with the limited edition racing car model and gushed about how hard he had worked to get it, when Yu Qing turned her attention to me, I waved my hand and said, “No more.


“Yu Qing was stunned.

“I lost it. I looked all over today and couldn’t find it.

“Lin ZiBiao got anxious first and shouted, “What’s going on? What’s going on? Our small company’s blood for half a month!” I gave him a blank look, then changed to a smiling face and said to Yu Qing: “That one is too ugly, I’ll knit you a better one next time.

“In fact, I lied.

This was the first lie I ever told Yu Qing.

That ugly scarf was now wrapped up in a sky blue box and lying in my school bag.

How could such a good Yu Qing, who had good grades and could play the piano, who had a good family background and good education, wear a cheap scarf?

He will be laughed at.

The gift he received should be a limited edition racing car model, a villa, or something better.

In short, it shouldn’t be that ball of wool that can’t hold a candle to anything.

I didn’t know if Yu Qing had read my mind, but he didn’t say anything, he just gently put his hand on my head, then looked at me very seriously and said, “Xiao Lian, I told you, I’ll be around for whatever you make, and I’ll like whatever you make.

“I’ve been struggling to tell the truth for a while now, but in the end, my humble dignity still climbed to the top.

Self-esteem is such a strange thing sometimes.

I can fail to climb the wall in front of Lin Zibiao and fall on my face, and I can sit in Qi Yan’s limousine with a straight face in the middle of everyone’s finger pointing, but I can’t lose face in front of Yu Qing.

Not at all.

Just like I won’t refuse to get close to you because you’re not good enough, but I will definitely leave you because I’m not good enough.

(8) I didn’t expect Lu Song to come to me of her own accord.

She was wearing a skirt that wrapped around her hips, and the sound of her hateful feet on the wooden floor was extraordinarily clear.

I subconsciously frowned when I saw her in this attire, ”I remember telling you that Qiyan doesn’t like this kind of attire.

”After she heard this, an expression of aggravation instantly welled up on her face.

“Didn’t you say that as long as I look like Yu Xia, Qi Yan will like me?

“I put down the coffee cup in my hand, “Didn’t you?

“Isn’t it?

All those designer bags, all those important occasions that I took you to.

Lu Song stomped her foot in annoyance.

I couldn’t help but feel a bit of a headache at the sight of this little woman’s pouty look, and even more so, I felt sorry for the freshly installed floor.

“If you have something to say, just say it, if not, hurry up and leave.

” Lu Song reddened her face and opened her mouth like a mosquito fly, “But …… but he hasn’t touched me at all in the past few days.

What?” “I said he hasn’t touched me at all.

“I said he hasn’t slept with me at all!” In fact, I heard the first sentence she said, just surprised by the content so asked out, but I did not expect the next second to usher in Lu Song’s almost angry voice.

The other people in the coffee shop turned their heads to look this way.

Lu Song seemed to have given up, stepped forward and took my hand, tears streaming down her face, “I did everything you said, but why didn’t he ever touch me?

“He is not quite good to you, your circle of friends ……” “Yes, give me money to give me bag, but I want to what is the use of those.” I looked at like a fool.

“I looked at her like she was a fool, “Isn’t it good?

I don’t have to lose my virginity.

“The delicate makeup on Lu Song’s face was already dirty with tears, and she choked out, “But I want him to love me ah …… who wouldn’t be moved when he meets such a man?

” I did not answer her, because I know clearly in this game, she has been eliminated from the game.

The same as those women who originally only pestered Qi Yan for money and ended up greedily wanting all of him.

Although I don’t understand men, I also know that once you move in a relationship, you are bound to lose.

And the reason I was able to stay by Qi Yan’s side for three long years was because I never moved on him.

I turned to Lu Song and said, “If you want Qi Yan to change his mind about you, leave him now.

”I intended to be sincere in my persuasion, but the little girl in front of me was so intent on what she thought was love that she couldn’t pull herself out of it, and she let go of my hand in hatred.

She let go of my hand with hatred. “If you won’t help me, forget it. I’m not like you, you want to leave after you’ve made a fortune, but I’m the only one who really loves him!” After saying that, she turned around and left, her angry shutting of the door shook the wind chimes on the wall.

I sighed, ignoring the probing gazes of the guests, and lowered my head to wipe the coffee I had just accidentally flung out.

As I wiped, my hand suddenly stopped, and a question came to my mind – if Qi Yan had never touched Lu Song, then what were the red marks hidden in his collar that day?

(9) “Did you scold her?

” I looked at the WeChat pop-up message heart speechless million.

One afternoon just came to me a fire, one immediately sent a message questioned up.


“But that side like not see my denial, not only seconds back also sent a series of ridicule: “I did not expect ah Lien Wei Zhi, you are actually a woman so jealous, how I did not see it before?

“What’s wrong, are you jealous?

You can’t see that she’s doing better than you?

“I saw the chat box displaying “The other party is in the process of inputting”, and for a moment I couldn’t figure out how Qi Yan, who was usually quiet, had changed into a different person.

I paused, no longer caring about the image I had built up in front of him, I sent a sentence of “stupid”, and then pulled black and deleted.

How could I have thought he was like Yu Qing in the first place?

A man who looks expensive and opens his mouth in such a childish manner would be like Yu Qing?

I threw my phone aside, not wanting to think about Qi Yan at the other end of the screen.

(10) On the other end, the appointment with Lin Zibiao arrived soon.

The bright red sports car appeared downstairs in my house as if it was a big Buddha, causing bystanders to make a detour.

As I fastened my seatbelt, I spat out, “When the hell are you going to stop being so high-profile?

“This time back Lin ZiBiao only wear a white t, a pair of sunglasses back on the back of the ear, humming a song looks like a good mood.

I don’t know what kind of companion you’re calling me for, but it doesn’t look like Master Lin has a lot of women around him,” he said.

“Last time we met for the first time after seven years, after two minutes of silence and not knowing what to say, Lin Zibiao suddenly asked me, “There’s a party in a week’s time, can you accompany me to it?

“I was too embarrassed to refuse the first request made by an old friend when we met again, so I agreed.

That’s how we came to this scene today.

Lin ZiBiao looked at me askance, ”LianWeiZhi, you’re still talking too much.”

”I returned his glare, ”Thank you, Lin ZiBiao you’re still so talkative.”

”It’s strange, I feel inferior when I face Yu Qing, and I consciously feel a sense of detachment when I face Qi Yan, but it’s only when I face Lin ZiBiao that I’m the most comfortable and open.

It seems that he will never change in my eyes, always that lying in the infirmary squealing in pain fool.

But I know in my heart that in fact Lin Zibiao is not nothing, just like he approached me this time, not mentioning a word of that name, as if there had never been such a number of people existed in those sensational three years.

It was an unspoken understanding between us.

The sports car pulled up to the mall, and Lin Zibiao practically rushed me forward.

“Hurry up, short legs, you’re so slow.

“Are you looking for death?

“-Eh, this is a nice dress, try it on.”

“He handed me a big red dress that trailed on the floor, and I looked at the big V-neck, then looked up at him speechlessly.

Lin ZiBiao also noticed this detail, his eyes looked up and down at a certain part of my body for a few times, and then shook his head in a pretentious manner, “Forget it, it won’t last.

”Can’t hold it.”

I hit him on the side of the head with a head-chestnut.

Rows of sales clerks followed us, and Lin ZiBiao tossed back outfit after outfit of at least ten thousand dollars without looking back.

“Can you stop shopping at high luxury stores like you’re at the market?

“Lin ZiBiao ignored my tirade, and looked past me directly to the store clerk at the back, “That’s it, wrap it up.

“I was anxious, “Didn’t you say you could just pick a dress?

Why did you buy so many?

‘ Lin ZiBiao came closer to me, an enlarged face snapped in front of me, very handsome, just with a cynical disdain that made you want to punch it.

“Of course I’m going to have my dress customized by a studio, you think it’s just going to be laid out in the mall?


” “Then these are-” “Everyday clothes for you,” he pursed my t-shirt with two fingers in disgust, “It’s worse than the quality of our school uniforms.

‘ I finally couldn’t help myself and smacked him in the head.

“Lian Wei Zhi! Why don’t you female know better!” “Stupid rich kid!” After many years, I finally cursed and shouted out the word again.

The clerk over there gently reminded, “It’s already packed, should I send it to your home or take it away now?

” “Send it straight to my house.

” I narrowed my eyes from the side, “Regular customer ah Master Lin, brought quite a few sisters here, right?

” Lin ZiBiao’s expression became even more amused as he looked at me with his arms wrapped around him, “This is my family’s shopping mall, you wouldn’t even know about this, would you?

” I almost choked on my own saliva when I looked at this smug face.

“Stupid rich kid!” I blurted out with him.

The next second, we looked at each other and laughed.

“I knew you were going to say that.

“Come on, come on, you’re good.

“No matter how many years have passed, in my eyes, he will always be that seventeen year old Lin ZiBiao, just like I know that no matter what I’ve become, I will always be that seventeen year old LianWeiZhi in his eyes.

As I said, this is an unspoken agreement between us.

In the parking lot, just after starting the car, Lin Zibiao suddenly turned to me and said, “I haven’t brought anyone else here.

“Huh?” “I said I never brought anyone here.

“I said I’ve never brought another sister shopping.”


“When I looked up, I unexpectedly met his extraordinarily serious gaze, and in an instant my memories flooded back to those years.

Lin ZiBiao acted as my laborer to buy me breakfast, and the girl in my class who had a crush on him squirmed and came to me.

“Xiao Lian, can you ask him to bring me one too?

“I nodded my head confusedly as I nibbled on my breakfast, who knew that Lin Zibiao was furious about it.

I was speechless, “breakfast is just, one is also bring two is also bring, what is the difference.

“Lin Zibiao’s face was full of unhappiness, “It’s not the same.

“What’s different?

“Anyway, it’s not the same. You wouldn’t understand even if I told you.” I became anxious.

“I became anxious, “Tell me, why do you despise me? What do you mean, I don’t understand even if you tell me?” Lin Zibiao stammered for half a day and stifled a sentence, “No money.

“My eyes were wide open, that was the first time I heard those two words from his mouth.

But Lin Zibiao is not ashamed but proud, the whole person seems to be a lot more righteous, he said with a neck: “is no money ah, today she will bring, tomorrow he will bring, the whole class breakfast are wrapped up in me, can not eat me poor.

“I always felt that what he said was strange, but I couldn’t find any logical errors, and in the end, the more I thought about it, the more sense it made, and I said, “Right, I’ll help you reject her.

“After saying that, I turned around and went to dig out my bag again, “I’ll give you this week’s breakfast money first.

“Who knew that Lin ZiBiao almost jumped up and pressed my hand, “Don’t!” “I’m afraid I’ll have to eat you out.

I’m afraid I can’t afford to feed you.” “I can afford to buy you one,” he said, looking at me, “You don’t eat much.

“Although I didn’t understand his twisted reasoning, I was still happy to be complimented, so I stopped moving as well.

He added in a very small whisper, “Even if you eat too little, you can still eat more.

” The recollection ended.

I twisted my head around and drew back my gaze, a little overwhelmed by the sudden quietness in the car.

And I suddenly realized that what Lin ZiBiao had given me over the years had never been unique.

) “Don’t snap it, you’ll pay me a thousand if you snap off one of the diamonds on it.

“I looked at him angrily, “I can’t be nervous.

“Lin Zibiao crossed his legs, a serious suit could not hide his immodest appearance.

“No need to be nervous, it’s just a small party, you just think of it as going to the city to participate in a luxury wedding.

“Are you being sarcastic?

“Aren’t you, hillbilly?

“”You–” The car stopped in front of the hotel, the driver’s voice came from the front seat, “Here it is.

” Lin Zibiao helped me out of the car and pulled my hand into the crook of his arm again.

“Hold on tight, don’t let go.

“I know.

“Even after three years of being with Qiyan, I never agreed to accompany him to any event.

Maybe it’s because my heart actually gauged that this relationship wouldn’t last long, so I subconsciously resisted appearing with him, lest there be more unnecessary ties.

But I did not expect, this city is small enough to let me meet Qi Yan here.

Beside him stood Qi Yu, and from the moment I entered the door, I intuitively met the eyes of both of them.

“What’s wrong?

” Lin ZiBiao asked me with a sideways glance down.

I let go of the hand that was subconsciously clutching his suit and then shook my head.

He patted my hand and said, “Don’t be nervous, I’m here.

”Hearing these words, even though the heat of that gaze doesn’t diminish, I can still feel the calmness that comes from the bottom of my heart.

Yes, the story between Qiyan and I is over, and if we meet again, all we have to do is pretend we don’t know each other.

But, really can pretend nothing happened?

This question, in Qi Yan strides forward to stand directly in front of me that moment has the answer.

The answer was no.

“Is there something wrong, Mr. Qi?

“Lin ZiBiao pulled my wrists with a secret strength, trying to hide me behind my back.

The circle of rich people in this city is so big, so they know each other.

Then does Lin Zibiao know that those three years …… between us This question appeared suddenly, making my heart panic for no reason.

I raised my head, but I was caught off guard by Qi Yan’s face with anger, and the emotions that were full in the bottom of his eyes and that I couldn’t understand.

He ignores Lin ZiBiao’s question and looks straight at me, he seems to want to open his mouth to say something but is pulled by the arm of QiYu, who came running in a hurry.

Perhaps because the hurried pace made her face a little pale, Qi Yu said to me, “Sister …… in law, can I talk to you alone?

” A trace of impatience surfaced on the face of Lin Zibiao, “Are you guys sick–” “You can.

” I said.

I raised my head to meet Lin Zibiao s face and smiled comfortingly, I said, “It s okay, I will be back soon.

“In fact, many times some small choices can change a lifetime.

But of all the choices, it seems that every time, I chose to let go of Lin Zibiao’s hand.

(12) In the hotel locker room, Qiyu’s eyes were red.

“Where have you been all this time sister-in-law, my brother and I have been so worried about you.

” I furrowed my brows and corrected her, “I’m no longer in a relationship with Qiyan, you’d better not use that title.

“Did he do something wrong?

I’ll help you scold him together, okay.

“”I didn’t lie to you that day, my brother really got very angry, threw my cell phone and locked me upstairs, sister-in-law, you believe me ……” I have always felt that worldly innocence is a rare quality, but at that very moment, I suddenly felt that innocence accumulated ignorance, is so inviting.

I took a deep breath and for the first time, I aggravated my tone to Qiyu, “Me and your brother, and Qiyan, were never the kind of relationship you think, do you understand?

” “Then what is it?

“The door to the locker room was suddenly opened and Qi Yan leaned against the door frame, and with it came the strong smell of smoke from the corridor.

He had just asked the question.

I regretted that I was almost about to tell the truth, Qi Yan appeared at this time, should also not want to let my sister know, right?

But he looked at me and repeated, word for word, “What was that?

‘ Qiyu saw the strange atmosphere between us and held back his tears as he said in a jar, “You guys take your time to talk, I’ll go out first.

”The moment the door closed, my silence was broken, I opened my mouth, my tone was laced with sarcasm that even I didn’t notice, ”Is there a need to embarrass a replacement that you don’t want anymore?

”Qiyan furrowed his brows, ”What are you talking about?

“Then let me ask you, who is Yu Xia?

”This name, for the first time, really appeared to straddle the line between us.

“Why are you asking her?

— No, how do you know about her.

” I reached out and pointed my finger at my face, “It’s very similar, isn’t it?

‘ I thought I’d gotten my point across, but his face still hung in disbelief.

Yet in the very next second, Kiyan seemed to understand something.

His face held a look of realization and even a few moments of …… amusement?

“So, it’s because of this that you were out searching for a house a year ago.

So, you shoved Lu Song to me, so that she learns from you in every way to come to my side?

” I froze, “You know Lu Song is my ……” Kiyan smiled, the first time I’d seen him smile this night.

He reached out and tapped me lightly on the forehead, “Lian Wei Zhi, you really are not smart.

‘ The atmosphere was eased, as if it was back to when we were still together, but this wasn’t supposed to be the time.

I suppressed the panic in my heart and crossed over to Qi Yan towards the door, saying as I walked, ”Since you’re already clear, I’ll leave first ……” But Qi Yan acted as if he hadn’t heard me, pulling my arm over and changing the subject, ”What’s your relationship with Lin Zi Biao?

” I subconsciously backtalked, “None of your business?

“His eyes were deep and his expression was very serious, “No matter what the relationship is now, I hope that from now on you will have nothing to do with him.

“(13) “What did he say to you?

”On the car going back, Lin ZiBiao opened his mouth and asked.

I looked out the window and shook my head, all that came into my mind was the last thing Qi Yan said – “Lian Lian, I thought we just had a fight.

”Lin ZiBiao frowned, his tone took on a hint of displeasure as he said, ”LianWeiZhi, why do you always like to keep things from me?

”I turned my head and spoke with a clipped voice, ”What about you, did you already know about my relationship with Qi Yan?

”The driver heard our argument and had the sense to raise the curtain, but neither of us spoke anymore.

Silence already means everything, I thought sadly in the bottom of my heart, so Lin ZiBiao knew all along.

I don’t know how long it took, but the lights outside the window were replaced by a building, and it was time for me to get out of the car.

When I reached out to open the car door, Lin Zibiao suddenly smiled bitterly and said, “…… Then what should I do?

Xiao Lian, you tell me what to do.

” I turned my head and saw the streetlight hitting the car window, lighting up half of his face, and I suddenly thought out of place again, actually Lin Zibiao looks really good.

He raised his head, looked at me standing outside the car, and said, “Xiao Lian, am I never going to be able to become what you like.

“I can never become Yu Qing.

“Under the moonlight, I seemed to see the slightly reddened eyes of the person in front of me.

And seven years later, someone finally mentioned that name in front of me.

(14) [Qiyan] – “Brother, slow down!” Qi Yu shouts exasperatedly from the back stomping a short leg.

“You stay home, you don’t follow me!” My name is Qi Yan, and following me is my younger sister Qi Yu.

For more than ten years, I’ve pondered countless times why mom and dad had to have her, clingy and crybaby.

Like today, when I managed to skip my one-on-one tuition class and slipped out for a walk past the housekeeper, she had to follow me in a single stomp.

She’s a teenager, and she’s either crying or pouting all day, so I really want to take her to the hospital to have her IQ checked.

I stood impatiently until Qiyu wrapped her fleshy hands around my arm.

“Brother, where are we?

“We’re standing on the side of the road, next to a wall surrounded by railings, and through the black railings we can clearly see the vast playground.

“It’s a school!” Qiyu’s eyes shone brightly as she exclaimed in a low voice.

Because of our family, we’ve been taking private lessons since we were young, Kiyu needed to learn more about art, while I spent half of my time learning how to take over the company in the future.

As for school life like normal people, it was something we never experienced.

I looked at my sister, who was a head shorter than myself, with my arms wrapped around me, and my tone was a bit impatient: “Are you done reading?

” But once again Qiyu symbolically ignored my words.

“Brother, look! That girl looks like Sister Xia.

“I followed her finger, and what my eyes caught first was a familiar face.

“Isn’t that Lin Zibiao?

“Lin ZiBiao is from a similar background as me, and his family also has business dealings, but he was raised by his parents since he was a child, and he has the appearance of a devil in the world.

But at this moment, I actually saw him squatting on the ground with his head in his hands, while a girl stood in front of him with one arm crossed, seemingly very angry.

That girl looks like a pretty face, only at this time a look to eat people.

…… At first glance, the eyebrows and eyes are quite like Yu Xia.

I turned my head and asked Qiyu, “Have you seen her, a relative of the Yu family?

“Qiyu squeeze the whole face in the gap between the two railings deformed, speak a little slurred:” How can ah, if it is Xia sister’s relatives, we will not have not seen.

“Yu Xia’s mother is my mom’s girlfriend for more than ten years, so the two families have very good personal relations, the three of us also grew up together.

It’s just that she’s been with Qiyu a lot, and she’s just as silly as she is.

Just last year she went abroad to study, before leaving with red eyes left a photo to Qiyu, Qiyu afraid of losing himself, and passed it on to me.

I put that photo with our family photo together on the nightstand, I think no matter how, she is counted as half of my sister.

Just as I was thinking that Lin ZiBiao, the devil of the world, had finally found someone to rule him, and that I would have to ridicule him the next time we met, Lin ZiBiao, who was squatting on the floor, stood up violently.

His movements were large, but his force was very light, slapping the girl on the forehead and shouting very loudly, ”You’ve been tricked by me, haven’t you! Lian Wei Zhi! Idiot!” Then turned her head and ran away.

That girl froze in place for a few seconds before pulling her legs out and chasing after them, “Ahhhhhh Lin ZiBiao, don’t you let me catch you!” Their silhouettes were getting farther and farther away and I withdrew my gaze before Qiyu turned her head to look at me.

“Brother, is this campus life?

I’m so envious, aren’t you?

“Not envious.

“Really? Really? It looks like fun.

“I didn’t say anything else.

It was a few years later when I saw Lian Wei Zhi again, outside the café at the University of A. Through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, I saw her smiling at every customer.

God forbid, I stepped inside.

I was just passing through from a meeting, still wearing my suit and watch, and a set of clothes that really drew a lot of attention.

In fact, I wanted to tell the girl at the front desk that she was talking really loud, and I could hear her excitedly judging the price of the watch to Lian Wei Zhi.

But in the back of my mind, I couldn’t help but care about the other person’s reply.

It seemed like she just gave a ‘hmm’ and then said, “Really?

It’s quite expensive, but I don’t recognize the brand.

” So perfunctory.

But it overlapped with the figure I remembered chasing and beating up the demon king, Lin Zibiao, and made me think that it was her.

Perhaps it was fate that she was the one who brought me the coffee.

I couldn’t help but raise my head to look at her, only to realize that she was similarly looking at me.

Even though I already knew her name, even though that image of that day had been repeated in front of my eyes countless times over the years, I still asked the question.

I asked, “What’s your name?

“Lian Wei Zhi.

“Since I was a child, there have been many girls who surrounded me.

It seemed as if all I had to do was stand there with the last name ‘Qi’ and they would come pouring out of the sky.

That’s why I never chased after a girl and didn’t know what to do to be nice to her.

I would just buy a lot of gifts, put off all kinds of activities and sit in that coffee shop for the whole day.

After asking for Lian Wei Zhi’s contact information I would then pay her money, lots and lots of money, wanting her to buy more pretty clothes, wanting her to be happy.

Those uninvited girls were either interested in my money or my family background.

But the look in Lian Wei Zhi’s eyes that day made me think, isn’t she, too, a bit fond of me?

Until one day, she finally, instead of stopping beside me for a few seconds with her coffee, sat straight on the chair opposite me.

Looking at me, she then asked, “Qi Yan, do you want to be with me?

‘ I was twenty-four years old that year, but I was still too nervous to say a word.

Was it shock?

Was it joy?

Probably both.

Until I heard my own voice say, “Yes.

“The first thing I did after confirming my relationship was to cut off all contact with other women.

Those who had a relationship, those who didn’t have a relationship, those who cried and made a scene, all of them were left behind by me.

I hugged Lian Wei Zhi, as if holding my past twenty years of regret, as if together with the seventeen years old that envy of other people’s summer, to make up for it.

I found Lin Zibiao again.

My intention was to show off, we are all men, who can’t read who likes?

But he was surprisingly silent.

He smothered himself with a box of wine, not knowing whether he was drunk or sober.

He said, “Qiyan you must be good to her you know, only you can make her happy.


” He looked at me as if he could see another person through my face.

He didn’t answer my question, he just repeated it over and over again, “Only you can make her happy ……” Of course I would make her happy, I thought to myself at that time, I’m going to give her everything I can.

We were together for three years, and every time I expected her to ask me for something, I could give her anything she wanted.

But she never asked.

She seemed like the perfect lover, understanding, well-behaved, not asking me why I didn’t come home until three in the morning or prying into my past life.

But it’s too perfect. It’s as if she’s a different person from the Lian Wei Zhi I first met.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as she is by my side, I will always be good to her.

Until I saw the real estate certificate that my assistant had photographed for me.

I don’t remember how I got through those days.

I worked and slept at the office for three days straight.

When I returned home on the fourth day, I saw Lian Wei Zhi calmly pruning the flowers in the garden, and when he saw me, he didn’t even question me.

At that moment, I didn’t know what kind of wind I had drawn, and reported the name of a little starlet who had been pestering me recently.

I said, I was with her yesterday.

Lian Wei Zhi’s hand lurched, but in the next second, she said, “Really?

” So from that moment I knew that she didn’t love me anymore, or rather, never did.

In our third year together, Lian Wei Zhi found a girl who looked like her, named Lu Song.

She asked that girl to take her likeness and then get close to me.

I wanted to ask, Lian Wei Zhi, are you treating me as a cold-blooded animal?

Is it because you think that a face can replace three years of feelings?

But on the surface, I still smiled and accepted that girl.

I said that I can give her everything I can.

Even if what she wanted this time, was her freedom.

(15) I don’t know how I got home.

Once the door was closed and I slumped into bed, it was late at night when I came back to my senses.

I thought there were some stories that if I didn’t think about them, I could pretend that nothing had happened.

Until today, what Lin Zibiao said seemed to once again bring me back to the summer of graduation.

At that time we had already filled out our volunteer forms and were invited back by the school to watch the last student performance.

The lights went out in the school’s auditorium, and the only beam of light shone on the teenager playing the piano on the stage; you could even see the dust from the lights floating in the air, as if there was no one else in the whole world but him.

It was also at this time that Lin Zibiao said to me, “Forget it, Lian Wei Zhi.

“Yu Qing won’t be able to go to University A.”

“I still didn’t react to what he said, I just subconsciously turned my head.

“What do you mean?

“Yu Qing’s mom has already arranged a school in America for him, there’s no way he’ll go to U of A with you.

I laughed, “What are you talking about, Yu Qing has promised me that he will meet me at the University of A.”

” However since the beginning Lin ZiBiao didn’t look at me, he looked straight at the teenager on the stage but didn’t answer again.

It wasn’t until I enrolled at the University of A and searched the entire school without seeing Yu Qing’s figure that I realized what Lin ZiBiao said was true.

I probably cried a lot that day, I tugged on Lin Zibiao’s sleeve and refused to let go, I said why ah, he obviously promised me.

Lin Zibiao squatted down to my level and threw out a series of questions that I could not answer.

He asked, “Aren’t you curious why Yu Qing never mentioned his family in front of us?

Why is it that he knows and learns everything, doesn’t he have a rebellious spirit?

” I froze.

Lin ZiBiao continued, “I can be uneducated, I can fight and skip classes because I still have an older brother who is ten years older on top of me.

“But Yu Qing is different, when he was six years old, he and his brother went to play by the river and accidentally lost their footing and fell, his brother died trying to save him.

“Lian Wei Zhi, have you ever seen what it’s like to have a body soaked in water for three whole days before it’s fished out?

Do you know what it’s like to have your own brother die for you?” “I told you.

I told you, I’ve known Yu Qing since we were kids, he used to climb trees and go down the river just like me, but after that incident, he was like a different person, he didn’t miss any of the lessons that the family heir should learn.” “After school, we can go to the school.

“After school, we can go to the Internet cafe, we can go to the kebab store and wait in line for half an hour just to have a bite of kebab, but Yu Qing can’t, because there is already one private lesson after another waiting for him at home.

“He has never mentioned these pains and tiredness in front of us, let alone in front of you,” Lin Zibiao said.

” When Lin ZiBiao said this, I had already cried into tears, he saw my appearance, sighed, and finally softened his tone.

“Xiao Lian, Yu Qing is not living alone, he is carrying the life of his own brother, as well as that mother who is still receiving psychological treatment abroad after the shock.

“All of this means that he can’t live according to his own heart, so it’s impossible for him to go to University A with you.

” I huffed, heart desperately heartbroken that carry too much of the teenager, “but …… but ……” Lin ZiBiao interrupted me, “nothing but XiaoLian,” he put his hand on my head, seems to be comforting, “this is his destiny.

“I don’t know what to say, but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea.

Just like the destiny of Yu Qing and I to be cut off.

Is it all fate?

Or is it all because of my inattentiveness?

The Yu Qing who sighed and helped me finish my homework in the morning study hall when Lin Zi Biao and I skipped class and went to an internet cafe and ended up not doing any homework.

That will be in the fruit knife accidentally stabbed after I must pull me to the infirmary drag, but also a serious face to explain to me tetanus in the end how serious the Yu Qing.

The Yu Qing who would never get angry or annoyed.

I seem to have never wondered why he was so much more understanding than normal people.

I have never thought about why he is always on the side of taking care of others, when he is at the age where he can cry and laugh as freely as we do.

(16) After that day, Yu Qing’s name disappeared from our mouths.

Along with it, there was also the end of my three-year friendship with Lin Zibiao.

Because when I once again went out alone to get drunk late at night, Lin Zibiao appeared out of nowhere and reached out to snatch the bottle of wine out of my hand.

“Do you have to be so self-absorbed?

“I remember I should have laughed at that time, and that smile was extremely sarcastic, I said, “What do you know, have you ever liked someone?

Do you know how I feel?

“That was probably the first time I saw Lin ZiBiao angry, he said, “LianWeiZhi, don’t you really understand?

“Maybe it was because the wind was too cold that day, or maybe it was because I was directly sobered by his words.

I looked up into his eyes, sadness, anger, all mixed up and thrown into a deep pool of water.

Don’t I understand?

In fact, I do understand, those unique good, those only exclusive to one person’s tenderness, I’m not unable to understand, just I dare not understand.

So I could only say, “Bill, I’m sorry.

“After that night, we both tacitly agreed not to contact each other again.

I can be with the emotionless Qi Yan for three years, but there is no way to give Lin Zibiao what he wants.

Perhaps with a fear of losing each other after being together, but also because of this mentality, let us two drift apart.

Until seven years later, Lin Zibiao appeared in front of me again, as if the past is already smoke.

But he opened his mouth, reddened eyes and trembling voice, are stating that during these seven years he never put down, just like me, also never put down.

(17) I thought that the story between Lin Zibiao and me would once again see a break just like seven years ago.

But early the next morning, my cell phone rang in my ear, and when I answered it in a daze, an old voice came from the other end of the line.

“Hello, is this Lian?

”The sluggishness of waking up early in the morning made me not react at once, the female voice on the other end seemed to take away the cell phone to say something to the bystanders, ”Is this call really Xiao Lian’s?

”Immediately after that, Lin ZiBiao’s voice also came over, his tone seemed to be rather helpless, ”Grandma, it’s really her.”

”When I heard that call, my nose instantly soured.

“Grandma, how has your health been all these years?

“She laughed a few times, “Good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good.

“Almost subconsciously, I responded, “I’ll visit you in the next few days when I have time.

I’ll have Tiger pick you up.” Lin ZiBiao’s hurriedly interjected, “I don’t need a few days, just today.

” Lin ZiBiao’s hurriedly interjected, “I don’t–Ugh!” A loud knock on the head interrupted his resistance.

The old lady changed her just now gentle and kind voice and said, “Either go pick up Xiao Lian, or I’ll have the soldiers under your grandfather take you out to the fields again to drill and practice.

” “Grandma ……” Tiger Tiger was pouting.

Tiger Tiger got another knock on the head.

I tried to hold back my laughter until the old lady continued to say to me: “Tiger went to pick you up thi, then I’ll hang up the phone, I and grandpa made a good meal at home waiting for you.

“I smiled and said yes, got up and picked a light skirt and started washing up again.

The old lady is Lin Zibiao’s own grandmother, since childhood when he climbed the wall to escape from school and nowhere to go, and was afraid of being scolded by parents, he went to his grandmother’s house.

Later on, he supported me over the wall, took me out to play, but also by the way to hide me toward the grandmother’s house.

Grandma was a very enlightened old lady, for Lin Zibiao this kind of seemingly uneducated behavior did not half blame, on the contrary, said: “children love to play a little, love to play a little, is it necessary to be like his father, when he was a child head into the book, grew up and all day into the business, even come back to see me this bad old woman time is not good?

“Some words, said the father who justifiably came to pull Lin Zibiao home are ashamed of themselves, and from then on will turn a blind eye to his behavior.

Grandma was always very nice to me, she said she had a son, and his son had two boys, and the whole family didn’t even have a girl to talk to about what was on her mind.

She also liked to drum up some food, her own brewed plum wine, her own peach cake, would save my share for me to try.

It’s a pity that with the breakup of the connection with Lin Zibiao, I also broke contact with my grandmother, and I didn’t expect that after so many years she could still remember me.

(18) Lin Zibiao abandoned his flamboyantly colored sports car and replaced it with a black jeep.

With yesterday’s embarrassment still hovering in the back of our minds, neither of us spoke.

I reached out to pull the backseat door, but found how also can not open, finally became angry and crossed his arms and said: “Lin Zibiao you young not childish?

“Lin Zibiao also angry,” you are stupid, you will not pull the front?

“…… I saw him with a pair of sunglasses, sarcastic:” What’s the matter, not yesterday crying swelling, right?

” Only to see Lin Zibiao took a deep breath, “Shade the sun shade the sun you know?

” He looked at me askance, “Unlike some women who don’t even know how to dress up, they’re even browner than men.

”What embarrassment, what love affair, all I can think of right now is to verbally defeat this stupid rich second generation.

“At least my nickname isn’t Tiger Tiger.

” “Lian Wei Zhi!” Lin ZiBiao’s face turned red as far as the eye could see.

This was a wound that this male child never wanted to mention in front of others in his life.

I remember when Grandma first shouted this nickname in front of me, I couldn’t hold back my laughter no matter how hard I tried.

Lin ZiBiao bitterly shouted, “Grandma can you not shout this in front of people.

“The old lady patted my hand and laughed, “Oh, what’s wrong with that, who doesn’t have a nickname anymore, right?

“I was almost breathless with laughter, but still echoed: “Yes, how cute ah, tiger tiger.

“(19) As soon as the car stopped, I saw Grandma standing at the gate of the compound.

“Didn’t I say I’ll go pick up the people, you can just sit in the house ……,” Lin ZiBiao leaned against the car door, quite a bit helplessly.

Grandma ignored him and walked straight to my side, pulling up my hand and smilingly looking at me.

“I’ve grown into a big girl.

” My nose a moment sour up, seven years in the past, the old lady’s head more than a few silver hair, well still hale and hearty.

“Grandma ……” “Do not cry, do not cry ah, my little granddaughter’s face grows so beautiful, can not cry flower.

“She pulled my hand to the house, “Grandpa is cooking, he heard you are coming, specially personally cook, you do not see this bad old man usually always plate face, in fact, especially like you.

“In the courtyard, there is a grapevine rack, and the vines have climbed up to the swing that Lin Zibiao and I made together back then.

“You can’t swing this anymore, it’s going to fall apart,” Grandma explained.

“Grandma explained.

When I stepped inside, dishes and chopsticks were already laid out on the large round table, and each plate was placed upside down on top of the serving platter to prevent the heat from escaping.

Grandma called out towards the kitchen, “Xiao Lian is here.

“A pale male voice responded, “Coming–” Pulling back the curtain in the kitchen, Grandpa walked out with a plate of food.

Setting it down on the table, he then greeted me and said, “Come on, have a seat, it’s time to eat.

“Lin Zibiao stood at the table, reaching out to lift one plate after another, “You even made braised pork today, this is a big occasion.

“The old lady slapped his hand away as he tried to steal food, and her eyes glared, “Wash up!” By the time we finished washing our hands, all the plates on the table had already been lifted.

Grandma used her chopsticks to give me food.

“Here, Lian, your favorite braised pork.” “And this big crab.

“And this big crab, your uncle specially brought it back, saying it’s a specialty of somewhere …… Ugh, let Tiger help you peel the shell first.

“How is it?

” Grandma looked at me with expectant eyes.

The dishes in the bowl were already piled high, and I could only keep up with the speed of the two old men chucking in the food by stuffing my head.

Chewing on the braised pork in my mouth, I could only nod my head in a haphazard “hmmmm” manner.

Lin ZiBiao peeled crabs on the side, while grumbling, “I really don’t know whose grandparents they are.

“The old lady said to him in a hateful tone, “Eat it you just.

“After the meal, I volunteered to wash the dishes, but Grandma held my hand down, “You have to protect the little girl’s hand, let Tiger go.

“Grandma made you some shortbread, come with Grandma.” I followed her into the room.

“I followed the old lady into the house, and she opened an iron cookie box, in which were neatly arranged all kinds of sugar cookies and cakes.

“This is a peach shortcake, this is a snowflake shortcake ……,” she picked up a piece and handed it to me, “Try it, Grandma’s craftsmanship has not deteriorated,” I just threw the shortcake in the oven.

“I just threw the pastry into my mouth, but I heard the old lady smiling and opening another topic, “Xiao Lian has a date?

I froze for a moment, “No.”

“Then I heard the old lady sigh and mumble to herself, “Lin Zi is an unlucky bastard.

“I choked and coughed as the heat burned my face.

Grandma sighed as she helped me smooth my back, “Xiaolian, in fact, Hu Hu is really a good boy.

“After I got my breath back, I said, “I know.

“Although this kid is a bit playful by nature, he doesn’t bully girls, Xiaolian, Grandma can see that Tiger really likes you, and if you two get together, he will definitely treat you well.

“What’s more, these years your uncle threw the company’s several projects to his management, he also did a good job, but also opened a what racing club, grandma is old do not understand you young people’s things, but listen to your uncle said, business is not bad.” “Xiaolian ah ” “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

“”Xiao Lian ah ……”” Listening to these words, I was not sure how to react, but there was a knock on the door, along with Lin Zibiao’s shout: “Grandma – open the door, I also want to eat shortcake!”” The conversation was interrupted, and the old lady was so angry that she almost lifted the box of cookies, “Asshole!” …… Carrying a bunch of big bags to the car, I said goodbye to my grandparents standing in front of the door, “You guys go inside, Bill and I will leave first, I will come back to see you some other day.

We’ll come back to see you some other time.” “Sure, come back often.

“The car started, and only when the two old men’s silhouettes were getting smaller and smaller in the side view mirror did Lin ZiBiao speak up, “Did my grandma tell you all that nonsense again?

I was stunned, “How do you know?” I quickly retorted, “How do you know?

I was stunned, “How do you know?” and quickly retorted, “Actually, there is no ……” “Forget it, I still don’t know her?

I can tell by the locked door of that room that she’s got something secret to tell you again.

I laughed, “That’s why you’re here.” “Yeah,” Linzi said.

“Yeah,” Lin ZiBiao suddenly rubbed his head in an aggravated manner, “and got punched in the face.

“Lin Zibiao.

“I suddenly spoke up.


“”I think ……” he looked like he hadn’t heard me, his hands on the steering wheel, his body tilting slightly toward the passenger side, “What?

“”I said – I think, you’re so nice.

“(20) Lin Zibiao and I both tacitly did not bring up that night again.

But he would often wear a t-shirt and pants to the coffee shop to pull me out to eat, causing a few part-time female college students in the store to sneak glances at him with a red face.

But this has also added a lot of foot traffic to my coffee shop, which was not expected to make much profit in the first place.

On the other hand, Qi Yu did not know where to ask for my WeChat, also began to send me messages every now and then, but only did not mention the matter of Qi Yan.

She said, “No matter what, I think it’s a good thing to be friends with my sister.

“Lin Zibiao probably also know Qi Yu, but she is not excluded, but often advised me to go out and walk around more.

One time he said to me, half jokingly, “Qiyu is not like those girls in our high school, she’s even dumber than you, at least she can’t fool you.

“I threw him a glare and asked, “How come I see you so idle every day?

Grandma said you opened a club, when are you going to show me around?

Lin ZiBiao quickly refused, “No way, they’re all handsome guys in racing uniforms, what if they see eye to eye with you.” “You’re thinking too much.

“You’re thinking too much.” “You don’t know what you’re doing.

“You don’t know how special you really are.”

“I felt my face burning up and threw the cushion behind me at him, “Shut up!

“A few days later, Qiyu came to see me again, dressed up, saying she wanted me to accompany her to the mall.

She said she wanted me to accompany her, but as soon as she entered the store, she stuffed the clothes into my arms and said, “This one suits you, this one looks good, sister, you try it on.

“When I walked out of the fitting room, Qiyu had already swiped her card and was waiting outside, the packaged clothes in the hands of the bodyguard.

For many days in a row, I bought clothes today and bags tomorrow, but as soon as I offered to return the money to her, she would show a little smug expression and say, “Come on.

I’m the only daughter of the Qi family, even if I pack up the whole mall and give it to my sister,” I said.

“I was helpless, and just wanted to say that money is not spent this way.

I heard her say, “What’s more, this money is still given by my brother,……” She froze, like a stuck disk, twisting her head to look at me.

I froze too.


” Qiyan panicked all of a sudden, “Sister listen to me, my brother is afraid that you won’t spend his money, so that’s why …… but I really like you, I didn’t lie to you!” She seems to think this matter is very serious, seems to think that I will ignore her for this in a fit of rage, the more she said the more excited, her eyes contain a bubble of tears watery look at me.

The pedestrians passing by have all turned their eyes here, I saw this and hurriedly pulled her to a deserted place.

“I’m not angry, don’t cry, okay?

“Qiyu had already started to choke, “Really?

“I felt a little helpless in my tone, “Really.

“She seemed uneasy, and while looking up to observe my expression, she said again, “Then don’t ignore me again because of this.

“I said, “I won’t.

‘ Only then did she show a relieved expression.

Then, somewhat squirming, she spoke, “Am I, not too smart?


“My brother and the others always said I wasn’t very smart, and when I was little I didn’t go to school, and I didn’t have any friends, and all the girls in my age group in the Seiyuu family were too busy learning all kinds of things, so sometimes I just snuck out to play with the kids on the street.

“But they didn’t like to play with me, so I bought them lots of good food, and even though they would often call me to pay for it, I felt so happy, but my brother said I was silly.

“He said that those who only like to spend my money are not real friends, and that only those who are willing to talk to me a lot and don’t mind my stupidity are considered my friends.

“So I really like you, Lian Lian, when I’m with my brother and when I’m not, because you’re the first person besides my mom, dad, and brother to talk to me a lot and patiently teach me how to make desserts.”

” I was overwhelmed by the suddenness of a confession, especially in front of a girl.

I could only reach out and touch her head, saying, “In the future, no matter if Qi Yan and I still have contact, you can come to me, you will always be my sister.

“(21) In the evening, after Qi Yu and I finished our meal, she insisted on taking me back to the villa.

“My brother is on a business trip to Shanghai, you won’t see him, don’t worry.

“I’m afraid my brother will be bored, so I raised a puppy in his house, it’s really cute, I’ll take you to see it! I can’t help being pampered by the little girl wrapped around my arm, and thinking that Qi Yan is not there anyway, I nodded my head and agreed.

“Then you can’t tell him I’ve been there.

“Good!” The driver pulled up to the door and Qiyu pulled me towards the backyard.

A yellow puppy was lying soundly asleep on the grass, when it heard the noise, it first twitched its ears and then quickly stood up and ran towards us.

“It’s called Little Yellow, it was thrown on the side of the road, I see it poor, and afraid to carry it home to be scolded by mom and dad, so I brought it here.

So it’s not because I’m afraid of Qiyan being alone, it’s because I’m afraid of being scolded by mom and dad,” he said.

“I also bought a lot of clothes for it, and put them in my brother’s room, can you go and get them for me, sister?

” I heard this after a beat, ignoring why Qiyu put his brother and the dog’s clothes together, and focused on the defensive look that Qiyan had at the time when I entered his bedroom.

I said, “Not good.

‘ Qiyu let out an ‘oh’ and stood up, but the dog clung to the hem of her dress and tugged at it, refusing to let her go.

One person and one dog faced each other for a while, and finally I held my forehead with a headache, “Forget it, I’ll go.

”The built-in decorations of the villa haven’t been replaced, what it was when I left, is still what it is now.

Walking up to the second floor, Qiyan’s room wasn’t locked.

I put my hand on the knob and took a deep breath, in my heart I mumbled, “This is what Qiyan told me to do, so don’t blame me.

” In fact, in the past three years, I have not entered this room many times, several times because QiYan should socialize drunk, I help him back.

The furnishings in the room were simple, with a black and white color scheme.

There wasn’t anything extra other than the necessary furniture, so I couldn’t even think of anything that he would need to hide from me other than the picture on the nightstand.

I glanced towards the bedside table and Yu Xia’s photo was indeed still there, along with his family photo.

Qiyu only told me that the clothes were in his room, but didn’t say exactly where they were, but I guess it’s not like they’re actually in the closet with people’s clothes.

I pulled open the drawer under the TV, no; the cabinet by the desk, no.

Finally I went into the nightstand, pulled open the drawer, and sure enough I found a couple sets of dog clothes underneath.

I picked them up, but was surprised to find something that looked familiar.

“Lian Lian why did you stay so long ah-” the door to my room was opened and I looked up in dismay, only to be met with Kiyu’s equally panicked gaze.

She looked towards the stack of photos I was pinching in my hands, and I, who had only just flipped through them as much as I could, was incredibly aware of exactly what was on them – it was me in high school, me when I won first place in the long-distance running event at the games, me when Lin ZiBiao and I were messing around in the playground, me in the graduation photo with the ugly ‘bi-yai’ hand gesture …… But how did Qiyan get all this?

(22) Inside the room, the silence between Qiyan and I continues.

But from the look of her I know she’s in the know as well.

I raise the thing in my hand, “Not explain?

“Qiyu was obviously a bit flustered, “Why don’t I wait for my brother to come back, then I’ll tell you about it?

” I said okay, “But since it’s mine, I’ll take it first.

” “Don’t!” She yelled.

Followed by a mumble, “My brother really won’t let me tell you.

‘ I didn’t say anything, just looked down at her.

Finally, as if she couldn’t stand the gaze, Kiyo opened her mouth anyway.

From her words, I heard a story that was completely contrary to what I had known for three years.

…… “What about her?

” I pointed to the picture frame on the bed.

Qiyu was puzzled, “Sister Xia is the daughter of our family’s lineage ah, the three of us grew up together.

When I was little, my brother said she was as clumsy as I was, and always resented us.

“Then why is it on the bed?

The question swirled around in my mind for a while, only to have a sudden realization when I saw another family photo.

So …… just a sister?

Just a friend?

No wonder when Qi Yan heard me questioning him about Yu Xia that day, he wasn’t angry, just puzzled.

So, what Qi Yan likes is me?

I could even feel my voice trembling as soon as this thought came out.

“The photo I stay here, I will …… go first.

” Before Qiyan could react, I shoved something into her hand and hurriedly walked out.

I ran out of the villa in one breath.

After leaving the gate, my brain, which was just chaotic, became unusually clear.

The scenes from the past three years became clear in front of my eyes again.

Regardless of how busy he is, Qi Yan will take a day off on my birthday to stay at home with me, that Qi Yan will bring me gifts no matter where he goes on business trips, that Qi Yan will sulk on his own from time to time, but once he is coaxed, he will be fine.

Even at the very beginning, that with a cautious tone of voice asked me what my name Qi Yan.

I had thought that all belonged to someone else’s tenderness, so this discarded like a shoe, but in fact, that originally belonged to my story?

People do not feel pain when they think they do not have feelings, but when they know they are loved, they become vulnerable.

As I walked down the street, the guilt and emptiness in my heart seemed to take me back to the day when my parents divorced.

I began to ask myself, have I been doing it wrong all these years?

(23) [Yu Qing] – In a private hospital, sunlight poured in through the large floor-to-ceiling windows.

Lin ZiBiao sat on the sofa and looked at the man standing in front of the window with his back to him.

“Did you tell her?

” The man slowly turned around, revealing a clean and handsome face.

“I haven’t figured out how to say it yet.

” Lin Zibiao lowered his head and rubbed his wrist, unable to read his expression.

He said, “She should be happy.

“‘Yeah,’ the man murmured, ‘she’ll blame me, won’t she.’

”That year, he promised Lian Wei Zhi that he would go to University A. He didn’t actually lie.

Even the moment he stood on the stage, he thought so.

Until he got home, he saw his mother fainted on the ground, that was the year his mother went back to China to try to accompany him through the college entrance exams, no one thought that something like this would happen to his mother whose condition had stabilized, even his father was relieved not to come back.

Then there was the call for the doctor, and a whole night of guarding outside the emergency room.

Even he forgot how he got through it alone.

In the window of the rising fish belly white, the emergency room lights finally went out, mother from the line of death was rescued back.

But the doctor’s frown is still not loose, he said that the mother’s mental state is getting worse and worse, this time it is swallowed an overdose of drugs that led to the coma, saved is good luck, next time it will not be sure.

He asked what to do.

The doctor said the best thing to do was to give his mother a change of environment, so that she can completely leave all the factors that can remind her of those bad things.

It was exactly the same as what the other doctor had said back then.

He remembered that his father had long advised him to go abroad to study finance, but he, who had refused his father’s offer for the first time since he grew up, was forced to accept the choice at this moment for the sake of his mother’s well-being.

His mother had already lost a son, and she couldn’t arrive in an unfamiliar environment without a child to keep her company.

When he was young it was because of his studies and fear of his discomfort, when he grew up he knew that he should know better.

Yu Qing thought that this was the compensation he needed to make with his whole life.

As for Lian Wei Zhi – he changed all of his contact information, cutting off all ways that this girl could possibly find him.

He thought that without himself, that cheerful and happy girl should be able to live a good life.

Even though only he knew that it wasn’t because he was afraid that the girl would find him, but because he knew that as soon as he met those eyes, he would never be able to leave.

And he had to go.

This was the debt he owed, this was his life.

(24) “Eh, Yu Qing, what are you going to do?

(24) “The last summer before the college entrance exam, the weather was hot and dry as if it was the short and rapid youth of teenagers.

Lian Wei Zhi pressed his face against his desk to rub the coolness.

Lin ZiBiao, who wandered over to their side, heard this and immediately snatched the answer, “I’m sure I’ll be going home to inherit the family fortune.

“Lian Wei Zhi slapped away his hand that wanted to steal his potato chips and said, “No, it depends on what Yu Qing himself likes.


”Yu Qing reached out and pointed at himself.

He never seemed to have considered this question.

All along, he had felt that he was walking on a destiny that had already been set in stone, excellent grades since childhood, and a major to study in the future, followed by taking over his parents’ business and living a life of abundance and worry.

He remembered what Lian Wei Zhi had just said, right, what exactly did he like?

Seeing his silence, Lian Wei Zhi rattled off examples, “You play the piano so well, you can be a musician ah, your grades are also good, the teacher is also good, but the teacher suffers from too much anger, it’s better to forget about it ……” “Doctor.

“Dr.” “Hm?

” “Lian Miyuki issued a subconscious question at the sudden outburst.

“I want to …… be a doctor.

“Once that kind of idea appeared, it seems that it can no longer be controlled, Yu Qing continued: “I want to cure the disease to save people, want to save a lot of people, to save …… a lot of families.

“Lian Wei Zhi didn’t notice Lin Zi Biao who suddenly fell silent, but excitedly answered: “Good, good, good, good doctor, then when you realize your dream, I’ll go to you for treatment.

“Yu Qing was amused by her words and said, “There is no such thing as talking like that.

“I don’t know if it was from that moment that a seed was planted in his heart.

Even at the risk of disobeying his father’s wishes, he chose to pursue a degree in medicine.

It was as if no matter how many people opposed it, he knew that there would always be one person who would always support his choice, and it was the existence of this person that made him feel incredibly at ease.

(25) [Lian Wei Zhi] – Many times when I read youth novels, the protagonists are at the age of sixteen or seventeen, and it seems that as long as they are at that age, everything they do is wonderful.

But I don’t know how to describe my sixteen or seventeen years old.

My parents divorced when I was very young, and my mother remarried when I was in my third year of junior high school, and the other party was a rich landlord, who sent me to A High School, which was known as an aristocratic school at that time, with a wave of her hand.

I felt it was a way for my mother to make up for all the years of guilt that I had felt for her, and I didn’t need that at all.

At that age, it’s easy to fall into two extremes – either, you love everyone or you hate everyone.

And back then, I was in the latter.

I refused everyone’s proximity, chased away everyone who sat next to me, I got into trouble, got into trouble, didn’t learn, and I thought my life would go on like this until Yu Qing came along.

I’ve never seen someone so clean.

Clean as if he hadn’t experienced any suffering in his life.

I wasn’t afraid of not having friends, but I became afraid that Yu Qing would think I didn’t have any.

So at noon when everyone went out to eat in groups, I lay on the table and pretended to sleep until I woke up to find a box of pastries on the table.

The teenager’s voice was clear and cool, ”Seeing that you didn’t eat at noon, I casually bought some for you.

” He stopped turning his pen hand, and then turned his head to ask me, “Are you girls …… all trying to lose weight?

‘ I could no longer hear anything, and would only nod dully.

He sniffed and frowned, “Pretty is important, but you still have to eat.

‘ I said okay.

So from then on there were more figures of Yu Qing and me in the cafeteria, as well as that Lin Zi Biao who hooked my neck every day and shouted, “The three of us are good brothers”.

So when Yu Qing left without saying goodbye and embarked on a flight to the other side of the ocean, I found that the most regrettable thing in my heart was not being able to formally say thank you to him.

Thank you, Yu Qing, thank you for showing up at my worst age of sixteen, so that I could finally become a kind person like you.

(26) I was still walking down the street in a daze, and almost the moment I had just opened the door of my house and sat on the couch, my cell phone rang.

The caller was an unfamiliar number, but my intuition told me that it was Qi Yan on the other side.

Sure enough, the familiar voice reappeared in my ears.

The opposite party went straight to the point, “I’ll be back tomorrow, let’s meet up.

“I froze for a moment, then said, “Okay.

‘ I seemed a little unsure of how to face this person.

At noon the next day, the part-time students all went to lunch, and I was left alone to clean the store.

The wooden sliding door made a ‘creaking’ sound, the breeze blew the wind chimes hanging on the wall, and the leather shoes stepped on the floor, which was clear to my ears.

I raised my head and froze.

Qi Yan is wearing a formal dress, as if he has just finished a certain meeting hurriedly rushed to, his face with difficult to hide the sleepiness and fatigue.

“Sit down …… What is it that you are looking for me?

” Qi Yan did not answer my question, he looked around, said a sentence, “not the same.

” It was impossible to tell if he was talking about the store or me.

I continued to sweep the floor and didn’t say anything.

“Can’t you just sit down and keep me company for a while?

” The movements of my hands lurched, this seemed to be the first time Qiyan had spoken to me in such an almost weak tone.

Remembering the stack of photos, I sighed and put down the tools in my hands, “I’ll go make you a cup of coffee.

”By the time I sat down, Qiyan was silent, he looked straight at me until I was on the verge of not being able to withstand such a gaze, he finally spoke, ”At first I thought it was because you were tired of it.

“I was caught off guard by such a beginning, my hands clasped tightly on the wall of the coffee cup.

“I knew you wanted to leave me when the assistant showed me that real estate certificate early on, and you were honest enough to act like you weren’t even trying to hide it from me.

” “So I let you go, and to go along with your act, I accepted Luzon and gave you enough money to live on.

” “Maybe I spoke in a heavier tone later, but I also want to save face, after all, this is also my first time …… to be dumped.

” I don’t know if it’s my illusion, Qi Yan’s expression seems to become pitiful.

“That day Lu Song after looking for you and then cried to find me, you do not even know how happy I was, I thought you finally jealous, finally said heavy words to her.

“But you didn’t seem to be.

“On the day of the dinner, you mentioned Yu Xia to me, and I thought again that you were overthinking, that you mistakenly thought that I was in love with her, and that’s why you left me, so I started to feel relieved, I thought that you would come back to me once all this was explained.

“But you never looked for me again, and you seemed to be doing very well on your own.

“And Kiyo said that when you saw those pictures, your expression was nothing but panic, and enforced calmness.

” “My hand was gripping the coffee cup tighter and tighter, the lines on the top almost pressing my hand raw.

I voiced, “Kiyan ……” “I’m starting to wonder what I did wrong, and even more so, I want to ask you, Lian Lian, did you ever like me or not?

“”Snapped”, my coffee spoon fell to the floor.

When I picked it up, Qiyan was already standing up.

Bewildered, I asked, “You’re leaving?

‘ Qi Yan raised his hand and pinched his brow, ”I have a meeting this afternoon.

Lian Lian, I won’t push you, but I hope that one day, you can give me an answer, okay?

” I watched him go out, and turned to look down at that spoon again in a daze.

Of course, where I couldn’t see, Qi Yan opened his cell phone, and on the chat screen was a snapshot of Lin ZiBiao standing outside the building with Yu Qing.

He zoomed in on the photo and stared at the man who looked six times like him, raising an eyebrow.

He turned in the direction of the coffee shop and smiled softly, once again uttering the words, “Lian Lian, you are truly unintelligent.

”I seem to have forgotten that Qi Yan is not just that man who would be gentle with me for three years, nor is he just someone who would show me weakness like he did just now.

He is Qi Yan, the man who was able to support the entire Qi family in his twenties.

Even though his calculations and ruthlessness were never used on me, that didn’t mean he didn’t have it.

“…… But I’ll do anything to get you back to me.

“) And I, after the door slammed, rubbed the spoon.

That day in the locker room, Qiyan looked like he already knew about my misunderstanding of him and Yu Xia.

The photos turned up, Qi Yan’s explanation, and the misunderstanding was cleared up.

According to Qi Yan’s character, he should have waited for me to be filled with guilt and take the initiative to go to him, instead of asking me to meet the next day.

What happened yesterday was like a shocking wave in my eyes, but in Qiyan’s eyes, at most, love and heart were poked and prodded.

Then when he came to me, he should have been as childish and stiff as he usually is.

Instead of that look of weakness just now.

Is he afraid?

Afraid of what?

Or does he know something?

…… I don’t know how long it took, but I took out the phone and dialed Lin Zibiao’s number.

It took a rare long time for the other side to ring before connecting.


“Qiyan just came to see me.


What did he tell you.

” I frowned, intuiting that he shouldn’t have reacted that way.

“He told me about Yu Qing. Do they know each other?

‘ A rustling sound rang out from over there, and just as I was wondering if it was a bad signal, Lin ZiBiao’s voice came through – “Bullshit, don’t know each other at all.

” I said, “I lied to you.

‘ Barely a breath of air, I added, “But Yu Qing came back, right?

‘ There was silence on the other side.

I took a breath and then asked, “Is he next to you?

‘ Silence, endless silence.

Until I heard another voice ring out, so familiar that I almost shed a tear.

He said, “It’s me, Yu Qing.

“It’s been too long.

Seven years, really too long.

So long that people come and go in our world, winter and spring come and go, the blue and white school uniforms turn yellow, and the thick test papers become brittle and flaky.

But seven years is so short, so short that even let me forget a person’s voice, are so difficult.

My brain, which had just been able to rationally analyze Qi Yan and Lin Zibiao’s abnormal state, suddenly went blank.

Almost the next second, I hung up the phone.

I propped my elbows on the table, covered my face with my hands, and bawled uncontrollably.

I thought that when we met again I would be the one to make a glorious appearance.

I collected the youthful wildness, he also became a better appearance.

But I realized that as long as I faced Yu Qing, I would always be a mess, and I didn’t even have the courage to say hello to him.

Even in things about him, my intuition was always so accurate, as if I could spot where he was at a glance in the playground crowded with thousands of people after the morning assembly broke up.

I wanted to see him, but I was afraid to see him, and I was even more afraid that he wouldn’t want to see me.

I wanted to ask him how he was doing after all these years.

How are you?

I look forward to seeing you.

(28) “Lian Wei Zhi! Lian Wei Zhi you open the door for me!” Lin ZiBiao’s voice came from outside.

“I turned the knob and pulled the door open.

Lin ZiBiao’s face still retained the redness of having just run.

His hand was still raised in mid-air, and his eyes widened as he looked at me.

“You …… cried?

” I didn’t answer, turning to myself and sitting back down, leaning my head back against the couch.

He kicked away the can that he had thrown on the floor and walked over to me as he took more of the cigarette that was clutched in my hand.

“Are you sick?

” I felt my head spin and squinted up at him.

“Why are you all hiding things from me?

“Why am I always the last to know about everything?”

” Lin Zibiao’s face was in a trance in front of me, as if it had overlapped with that summer’s face.

Yu Qing had taken piano lessons and won many awards, and the school had specially allocated a piano room to him for this purpose.

On weekdays, I like to lean against the edge of the piano room door to watch him, the trees outside are lush, the sunlight hit the tips of his hair, like a scene from an idol drama.

Once when I woke up from my nap, I realized that Yu Qing and Lin Zibiao were not in the classroom. Curious, I went to the piano room and saw Lin Zibiao sitting on the bench outside with his head hanging down.

He looked up at the sound of voices, and when he saw me, his expression became slightly flustered.

“What are you doing here?

” I unscrewed the door handle and was about to enter, “Looking for you guys, is Yu Qing in there–” “Don’t–” The two voices overlapped, but it was too late.

A pungent odor hit my face, and Yu Qing inside turned his head in surprise.

He was still such a handsome teenager, the sun’s splendor undiminished – if he didn’t see the cigarette in his hand.

Lin ZiBiao took me by the shoulders with one hand and pulled me out by covering my eyes with the other.

I followed him obediently out, and the moment the door closed, he lowered his hand, “You saw that?

” I nodded softly.

My eyes were fixed on the ground, a little puzzled, but more than that, I was overwhelmed, “Why?

‘ Lin Zibiao sighed as he said, ‘He was just so tired.’

‘ I scrambled, ‘But that’s not good, if I do that-‘ ‘Then I’m sure I’ll break your legs.’

” Lin ZiBiao crossed his eyes at me.

I stared at my shoes, which were stained with some of the dead grass that had stuck to them in my haste to run over.

Lin Zibiao repeated again, “He’s just, too tired.

”When I thought about it later, at that time, Yu Qing was probably also overwhelmed by what he was carrying.

Because of him, his brother died, his mother was sick, his heart was not less sad than anyone else, but his family was not around, and his character did not allow him to complain to others.

So he could only choose this way.

But at that time I did not know anything.

At that time, I only felt a lot of internal clutter, I think Yu Qing is Yu Qing, I will not dislike him because of one of his bad habits.

Then why was I so unhappy?

Maybe it was because, Lin ZiBiao knew how tired he was, but I didn’t know, I even thought Yu Qing was having a great time every day.

And I don’t like this feeling of finally knowing.

At that moment, the sound of the handle shaft turning rang out, and Yu Qing walked out from inside.

The smell of smoke from earlier was nowhere to be found on his body, leaving only the faint soap scent inherent in Yu Qing’s body.

He reached out and touched my hair, saying, “I’m sorry.

” I desperately shook my head, but couldn’t think of anything to say.

He looked at me for a while longer, then walked off in the direction of the school building, and I suddenly called out to him.

“Yu Qing!” “Hmm?

” He turned around.

“If you have any unhappiness in the future, you can tell me …… Lin ZiBiao can also, just don’t do things that hurt your body anymore.

” I seem to see Yu Qing face that always hanging faint smile paused, half a long time, he said: “Good.

“I believe in Yu Qing more than I believe in myself.

If he says yes, I believe him. If he says he won’t hide anything from me, I believe him.

So I always felt that I was the one who knew him best, until that night when Lin Zibiao told me about his family’s situation, until the whole world knew that Yu Qing had returned to China, but I still had to rely on guessing.

I still looked up at the person in front of me.

Until the look of Lin Zibiao in his school uniform was covered by the figure of the man in front of me.

I reached out to grab it, but realized I couldn’t grab anything.

I laughed as I asked him, “Are you here, to break my legs?

” With those words, I passed out.

I don’t know if it was my illusion, but the moment before I closed my eyes, I seemed to see that Lin ZiBiao also had red eyes.

(29) When I woke up again, Lin ZiBiao had already left, the cans all over the floor were collected and thrown away, and the house was as neat as ever.

I lay on the sofa and sat up covering my head.

Lin Zibiao cleaned up my mess on the floor, but also smooth away the packs of cigarettes on the coffee table.

But left a note.

There were only a few ugly words on it – “Keep the leg for you, don’t have a next time”.

I don’t know why, but when I saw these few crooked words, I was suddenly in a better mood.

The good mood stayed at the moment when the door of the room slammed.

I looked at the door in horror until I met eye to eye with Lin ZiBiao who was carrying a bag of XiaoLongBao.

He was calm, “Awake?

‘ I asked, “You didn’t leave?

“He glanced at me, “If I left, what if you choked to death in the middle of the night on the wine that came back up?

‘ I was speechless.

He put the buns on the coffee table and waved the keys in his hand, “I think you have a spare, so I’ll take this one for now.

‘ I glared up, ‘How can you be so shameless?

”Lin ZiBiao suddenly crooked up one side of his mouth and smiled, he said, ”LianWeiZhi, I’m already shameless for holding back until now.”

“I knew what he was talking about, so I fished out the bag of buns and stuffed it into my mouth.

He also knew that I knew what he was talking about, so he continued.

“I was thinking of staying by your side, you liked Yu Qing and missed out on him, so you chose to be with someone who resembled him.

And I was like two extremes compared to Yu Qing, you wouldn’t like me and I never fought for anything.

“”But I suddenly realized that neither of them seemed to be able to give you happiness.

Every time I mentioned Yu Qing, you were crying, so I thought, maybe, isn’t it time for me to fight for it?

” I felt myself choking and started coughing violently.

Lin ZiBiao picked up the water on the table, unscrewed the cap and handed it over, and then kept looking at me.

It seemed that I even saw the big imaginary tail that was wagging behind him.

I thought to myself, “This is Lin ZiBiao, always like a high school student, reckless and impetuous, energetic.

He said what he wanted to say and expressed what he wanted to express.

This is Lin Zibiao.

I took the water and said, “Are you confessing?

” Lin ZiBiao stared at me and sighed rather grudgingly, “I thought I had confessed since the day I met you.

“”Pfft–” The water I had just drank in was spewed out in such a wretched manner.

I seem to be able to feel the fiery heat on my face, “Can you …… you ……” “Okay, okay, I won’t tease you.

” Lin ZiBiao finally waved his hand, and then came over to pat my back to give me a smooth air.

While patting, he asked, “You can make dessert, right?

“…… Huh?

“The part-timers at your store told me that you taught them all the desserts on the menu, and that you haven’t made them for me yet.”

I stared in disbelief, “Are you a 17 or 18 year old girl who still eats desserts?” “I’ve taken care of you for a long time.

“I took care of you all night, look at these dark circles under your eyes, look at them!” Lin ZiBiao pointed his index finger under his eyes, and moved one point closer with each word, until I blocked it with my hand.

“Since when do you take care of me and have to make demands of me?

” wasn’t really emboldened, but I joked like this anyway.

“Anything you owe me you have to pay back Lian, I’m going to have to count up all the feelings you’ve owed me over the past few years and make you pay them back.

“What if I can’t pay it back?

“Lin ZiBiao paused for a moment, probably did not expect me to say so, just also set up the momentum all of a sudden deflated back.

“If you can’t afford it,……, then you can pay back a little less, but you still have to pay back.

“Lian Wei Zhi, in fact, I’m really quite stingy.

” (30) I don’t know if it would be good to use the word “sticky”.

Anyway, Lin ZiBiao followed me to the coffee shop like he was afraid that I would run away.

Pulling open the door, Lin Zibiao poked his head in, “Why is there no one here?

I rolled my eyes, “Usually the doors open at nine o’clock, but it’s only seven now.”

‘ The workroom was glass above the counter, and when one stood outside, one could see all the way inside.

I put on the bib hanging on the wall and started preparing the ingredients.

Lin Zibiao propped his chin up, elbows propped on the counter, and looked at me through the glass.

I couldn’t concentrate because I was so disturbed by the gaze, so I reached out and knocked on the glass, “If you’ve got nothing better to do, come in and crack two eggs.

” “Okay!” Lin ZiBiao said, bumbling.

But as soon as I got the chopsticks in my hand, I knew something was wrong by the frequency of the knocking on the bowl.

“Don’t you know how to beat an egg, do you?

“No, I don’t.” I glared at him.

“I glared at him, and couldn’t figure out how someone could say no with such a straight face and smile so happily.

“You have to be like …… this.

” I put my hand on his hand, trying to break into the correct tilted position.

It was also at this time that I realized that the original Lin ZiBiao’s hand was that big, so big that I felt that we were the mineral water bottle and Nutella comparison.

“Eh yes, will you, you just stir- What are you looking at me for?

” I said as I looked up, but I accidentally met Lin ZiBiao’s slightly dumbfounded eyes.

“Ah, it’s nothing.

“He abruptly drew back his hand and immediately turned around to walk outside, “I’m going to go outside to play, I’ll return it to you when I’m done.

”I looked at the bit of red that extended from behind my ear to my neck, and an ill-timed thought suddenly popped into my head – is he, shy?

I looked down at my hands, which were still dripping with water droplets, and I looked up at the somewhat flustered back again in disbelief.

So, Rinzabeau equals, innocent teenage boy?

Thinking of this, I didn’t hold back my laughter.

Lin ZiBiao’s exasperated voice came, “What are you laughing at!” Me: “Laughing at your egg-beating skills.

” The figure paused for a moment, probably because he couldn’t tell whether it was cooking skill or ear redness that I was deriding, and he accelerated his pace to hide at the cashier’s counter, which was far away from the workbench.

By the time Lin ZiBiao proudly held a bowl of egg mixture out in front of me, the other ingredients were almost ready.

“How’s it going?

” I glanced in and commented seriously, “Chickens look like they deserve to die to a degree.

” I sighed and took the bowl, “I’d better do it, you go sit down.

“Don’t you need any help?

“Please, stop.”

” Lin ZiBiao sat at the table looking this way, maybe this time it was the distance, without the oppressive feeling I had before, and I was able to focus on my own business.

By the time I delivered a few different flavors of pancakes and some baked pudding to Lin ZiBiao, I could even see the light released from those eyes.

It was as if they were stinky kids who had gotten candy.

I sat down and cried a little, “What difference can this be from the dessert stores outside?

“It’s not the same at all.

” I thought he was going to say something out of place again, but instead he blinked and said in mock surprise, “This doesn’t cost anything!” “Hiss…” another chestnut from me.

I rested my cheeks, “Actually, I didn’t hear that from our part-time student at the store, did I.

” Lin ZiBiao choked a bit, slowly swallowed the food in his mouth, responded, “Ang …… is Qiyu accidentally told before, said you often will give …… well ……” that name, like Being blocked in his mouth like can not say it.

So I went along and said, “Qi Yan.

” Lin Zibiao paused, “anon.

“I laughed, I said: “This is also to compare?

“Just now also a face of surprise Lin Zibiao this time even the expression can not be fixed, straight lowered his head into the mouth to stuff pancakes, until the corners of the mouth are stained with the cream was squeezed out.

I drew a tissue and handed it to him, and watched as he chewed until he swallowed everything in his mouth.

Only then did he switch to a slightly aggravated tone, “I’ve known you for ten years, don’t I come equipped with what everyone else has?

‘ Hearing this, I was at a loss for words again.

In order to break this strange atmosphere, I deliberately laughed a little more cheerfully.

I said, “Which of your Master Lin’s requests have I not done for you?

“Lin ZiBiao: “Really?

“Me: “Isn’t it?

“Lin Zibiao: “Good, then you can accompany me to the reunion next week.


What reunion?

Next week?

No, when did you really learn to take advantage of the situation and start dyeing colors, Lin Zibiao?

The words were still stuck in my throat, but Lin Zibiao answered again, “You promised me, you can’t go back on your promise so soon, right?

“I ……” “It’s a deal, I’ll pick you up in the morning.” I took a deep breath.

“I took a deep breath before spitting out a complete sentence, “When was the notice given?

How come I don’t know?

“Lin ZiBiao opened the class group that no one had spoken to for a long time in front of me, and there was a long string of words sent by the class president laid out nakedly on the top.

The general idea was that we hadn’t seen each other for a few years after graduation, so we were meeting for dinner.

“It was sent last night, I guess you didn’t get a chance to see it.

” I glared at him, I was drunk last night and was dragged to the coffee shop when I opened my eyes this morning, so of course I didn’t have time to see it.

Good man, the math is loud and clear, the moves were laid out long ago.

Then I sighed, “You go or we go, what’s the difference, it’s not all going to the same place to eat.

“It’s not the same.

” Lin ZiBiao’s eyes rarely got serious, although the corners of his mouth were still stained with unwiped cream, making the picture look with a hint of comical.

He said, “Walking into that place with you, being in everyone’s line of sight together, is just different.

“I subconsciously averted his eyes, and a strange feeling rose in my heart.

It was as if I knew what he meant, but I didn’t dare to think about it.

(31) Since it was a reunion, bumping into Yu Qing was expected, even though I had already calmed down again and again, the moment I pushed open the door, I still subconsciously lowered my head.

“Aigoo, look who it is, our Lin brother has finally come.

” The class president who was holding a glass of wine had already drank his face red, and greeted us while sitting down.

Little Fatty, Lin ZiBiao’s deskmate back then, was shouting for him to come over, and the girl I played better with was also shouting for me.

Just as I was planning to go around to the girls, Lin Zibiao suddenly pinched my wrist and raised it, “We both came together, so we’ll sit together.


“The sound of cajoling rose from the box, just like when we were there.

I suddenly looked up, but met Yu Qing’s calm smiling face, that moment of sourness surged to my heart.

I wanted to ask him how he was doing all these years, whether he had met a girl he loved and loved him very much, whether he had counted the seven whole years that separated us.

But I didn’t say anything, I just turned to him and nodded with a smile as well.

“Speaking of which, back in the day, the best relationship in our class was between the three of you, right, and now the two of you are together as a pair?

What about Yu Qing?

” Upon hearing that, I immediately raised my head in panic to look at Yu Qing, but halfway through, I realized something and twisted my direction hard to look at the male classmate who had spoken.

Lin ZiBiao ‘haha’ laughed twice and said, “We’re just friends who happened to come here together.

” I nodded along silently.

“Eh Yu Qing, I heard that you are a doctor now, I thought you would inherit the family business after graduation.

” The boy next to me disliked the person who said the words, “People that is the ambition, is the pursuit, you think like you ah hahahaha ……” This time, I finally again difficult to inhibit the eyes to Yu Qing.

Doctor ……?

That teenager is still the appearance of the moon and wind, sandwiched between the crowd are difficult to get a little bit of smoke and fire.

He smiled and said, “Still do what you like to do.

“I can see myself as if I was the one who said, “You have to see what you like,” in a serious manner.

Is it because of that?

Do you miss that time too?

But he didn’t even look at me from the beginning.

Next to me, Lin ZiBiao put a peeled shrimp in my dish.

The hand that suddenly appeared in my afterglow also finally pulled my attention back.

Lin Zibiao said softly but firmly, “You came with me, can you just look at me.

” I gave a beat, looked at the shrimp lying in the dish that was peeled clean, lowered my head and muffled, “…… I want to dip in soy sauce.

“(32) After the meal, a group of people opened the biggest box to sing.

I don’t like the heavy smell of smoke inside, so I ran out alone to get some air.

It was quiet and beautiful over the city at night, and the air was cool to the touch.


” a familiar voice rang out and I froze and turned around.

A suit jacket was over my shoulders.

A little flustered, I looked down and gathered my hair, then looked up again, “What a coincidence.

” He puffed and laughed, two pear swirls clearly visible on his face.

“You call a class reunion a coincidence?

“He laughed, I was more panicked, rather than some ancient monarchs to see a great beauty when the armor discarded the appearance.

“…… Have you lost weight?

It seems like you’ve even grown a little taller, right?

” Yu Qing did not answer, hands resting on the railing, the corner of the mouth with a smile to turn his head to look at me.

So I continued to talk to myself, “Changed?

In fact, I’ve forgotten …… that I haven’t been able to properly look at you for seven years now.

” Yu Qing turned his head, a few years of time so that his eyebrows and eyes faded from the tenderness looks more and more mature, but he raised his head and looked at the sky, the moment he opened his mouth, it was as if we went back to high school, and now it’s just the evening self-study classroom standing in the corridor blowing the wind.

“Lian, how have you been these years?

“The greeting was as if it was a lifetime ago.

I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer, and with a trembling voice, I asked, “What about you, are you doing well?

“I’m fine.

I’m fine.” “Really?

……” The rest of the half-sentence “me too”, but I choked in my throat how can not speak, I want to cry, want to tell him that I am not good at all.

But I clearly realized that I had grown up, and we, too, were no longer the same.

The sadness that suddenly swept over me almost crushed my emotions and my mind through and through, making me actually ask those words – “…… Yu Qing, have you ever liked me or not?

” The teenager’s perfect expression finally came to shatter.

“Now say this ……” “Have you liked me or not?

” Once the question was asked, it was unmanageable up, I don’t want to listen to find excuses or nonsense, I just want to hear “yes”, or “no”.

He moved his lips as if he had something to say, but he said nothing.

The breeze blew through, catching his voice as it rushed to my ears.

Instead, all I heard was an ‘I’m sorry’.

I laughed, as if I had laughed at my own shortcomings first as a child so as not to lose face, and laughed at the shame of it.

I said, “Don’t be so dreary. Didn’t we all agree?

“We had a deal.

Back then we sat on the podium by the playground swinging our legs, orange sodas glistening in the sun.

I bit into my straw and asked them the questions I’d heard from the other little girls.

“Ehhhh, what would you guys do if you met up with someone you couldn’t be with?

” Lin ZiBiao took the brunt of the stink, “Is there any girl that I, Master Lin, can’t chase?

‘ I rolled his eyes and ignored it, turning my head to Yu Qing.

He pondered for a moment, ”He’ll probably say he’s never liked one.

‘ I was intrigued by this novel answer and hurriedly asked why.

Yu Qing said, “It’s better not to get one’s hopes up for things that don’t bear fruit.

“Otherwise, they’ll all be sad.

” The moonlit night was heavy, Yu Qing seemed to have remembered this memory as well, he lowered his eyes, turned his head and asked me, “What about you, have you ever …… liked me?

” I stared at his eyes, those beautiful eyes that seemed to rub the stars, then smiled and said, “No.

” He averted his gaze, maybe smiling, and maybe not.

He said, “Really?

That’s …… wonderful.

“(33) When I returned to the box, the people were gone to only a few scattered.

Lin Zibiao saw me, his eyes showed consternation.

I asked out loud, “Are you still not leaving?

” and then yanked off the suit draped over his body and threw it on the sofa.

“You’re not leaving?

” he asked back.

I grabbed the unopened drink on the table and took a few sips before picking up my bag from the couch, “I’m leaving.

“I’ll give you a ride.

“No, I’m fine.”

“It seemed logical that I should have cried a little, after all, ten years of denial, and according to the movie I should have gotten drunk and walked off into the rain.

But I didn’t.

Just like Yu Qing has unspeakable pain but not mention it, just like the gift that could not be sent out.

It turns out that the defeat of love is never a great matter of heaven and earth, but the humble pride that we can hardly let go of each other.

The fake sweetness of the Coke Zero back up gave me the urge to throw up.

I took a deep breath, turned my back on the man who’d followed me to his feet, and said, “I’d like to be alone.

” and then walked straight out the door.

[Yu Qing] – “I gave you a chance.

‘ Lin ZiBiao opened a beer and handed it over.

Yu Qing reached out and took it, pouring a mouthful, but didn’t say anything.

“Can you tell me why?

“Finally, he spoke, “My mom always felt that she was the one holding up my friends and studies in China, so she asked me to come back, but I couldn’t really leave her behind.

“Right now my dad’s health is strong and he’s still able to run the company, but what if one day he doesn’t make it?

I can’t stay in the country for the rest of my life.

“Lin ZiBiao’s hand holding the can paused and said, “You’re going to give up the medicine that you learned with great difficulty after arguing with your father in the first place?

“”Yu’s also invested in medical care, so it’s not a conflict.

“Lin ZiBiao suddenly lowered his head and smiled in an uncertain manner, “So you’re the one who has played the calculator the most skillfully.

”Yu Qing heard this, but did not have any intention of trying to refute it, he just raised his head and looked at the starlight in the sky.

“Bill, I really envy you ……” “Okay.

” Lin ZiBiao interrupted him.

He then asked, like back then, “What about Lian Wei Zhi, what about her?

” Memories rippled like a fish jumping into a lake.

Yu Qing said, “There’s no way I’m going to let her give up her life and come with me.

“How do you know she won’t?

“Yu Qing sighed long and hard, “I’m the one who doesn’t want to.

‘ Lin ZiBiao drained the wine in his hand and opened his ears again.

He said, “How long are you going to carry on with your self-righteousness?

“Yu Qing turned her head, no anger on her face, only calm, as calm as the river tonight.

“I’m not destined to be able to do everything as you do,” he said.

” He reached out and patted the shoulder of the person next to him, “That scarf back then, she gave it to you in the end, right?

‘ The hand holding the can hanging in mid-air paused, and finally Lin ZiBiao slowly nodded.

That gift box that was going to be thrown into the trash by the girl was saved by him who saw it by chance.

When he asked why he didn’t give it away, the girl skimmed her mouth in disgust, “It’s too ugly to hold.

“Lin Zibiao said, “Give it to me, I’ll help you run far away to throw it, it’s not good to be seen if you throw it too near.

“The ugly scarf is still hanging in his closet.

Yu Qing smiled down, he said: “Some things, in fact, the beginning is doomed.

“He turned his head to look at Lin ZiBiao, “If there has to be someone to be with her, I hope it’s you.

”Lin ZiBiao froze, and then came back to his senses as if he thought of something, ”No need for you to let me, I like her, I’ll chase after her on my own.”

I’ll chase her myself.” “Not let.

” Yu Qing bent down and picked up the empty cans thrown on the ground one by one and threw them into a plastic bag, then stood up.

“This time I came back to deal with some remaining projects in the country, and after I finish them, I’ll probably leave the country to settle down.

“I just hope that on the day I leave, you can keep it a secret for me like you did back then, and not tell her.”

” He took a few steps forward and threw the plastic bag into the trash can before turning around and facing Lin ZiBiao.

The moonlight poured onto the young man’s face, his expression obscure.

At that moment, Lin Zibiao thought, he seemed to have become more mature, or perhaps, in fact, he has always been more sensible than his peers.

Sensible to, can give up all want, loved all give up.

Yu Qing inserted his pockets, stepped on the steps, he did not turn around, did not say goodbye.

The only thing that came through the air was a shallow voice – “Those three years were my happiest days, and it was really good to be a brother to you.

” Softly, it drifted away into the air.

(34) For a few days after that, I stayed at the coffee shop busy debugging new products and helping with the cash register.

It was as if if if I was busy enough, I could control my mind from thinking about certain things.

During this period of time, Lin Zibiao did not look for me, perhaps he was trying to calm himself down just like me, saying goodbye to his past life.

On the contrary, Qiyu, because nothing to know, so always cheerful look, every now and then come to the store to find me.

She asked me, I can not bring up the leisure of shopping, then shrugged off something in the store can not get out, but she was very insistent look, I do not go out, she sat in the store to see the goldfish in the tank, teasing the cat in the store, but also can sit for an afternoon.

Wednesday afternoon, the least amount of traffic, the sound of pulling the door “squeak” sounded, I intuitively Qiyu is here again.

But the next thing that came into my ears was not Qi Yu’s throaty greeting, but a steady, slow step, and I subconsciously raised my head – it was Qi Yan.

I frowned.

“Qiyu said you’ve been in a bad mood lately.

” He pulled out the nearest chair facing the cash register as if he knew his way around and sat down.

It was probably because of the resemblance, I looked at that face and a wave of sadness welled up in me, but more than that, it was anger.

I held a rag in my hand, was wiping the cash register, hand movements did not stop for a moment, the mouth only threw a sentence, “no.

“Worse cold encounter, Qi Yan did not say anything more, just looked up and measured the store, and measured me, and then said:” I give you to invest some good, you open a branch ……” “Qi Yan.

“I don’t sound too good to open the mouth, “If you have nothing to do, you go back, there is no place to spend more money to do charity.

” Qi Yan froze, retracted the hand supported on the table, leaned back in the chair, “I’m sorry, I just do not know how to be considered good to you.

” At that moment, I admit that there was a momentary pause in the movement of my hand, but soon, I spoke again, “I don’t need you to be nice to me, we’re over.

“I never thought it was over.

I mean, even if it’s over …… then can I chase you again?

” It was so good that the rag fell straight to the floor.

I opened my mouth with the thought that I couldn’t figure it out at all, “Are you out of your mind?

Outside so many beautiful sister you do not pick not see, you chasing me for what?

”Qi Yan’s face was still so beautiful and reserved, like the first time I saw him.

He lowered his eyes, his tone seemed even more puzzled than mine, “What about you, we’ve been together for three years, so you can just say you’re leaving?

”It was at this point that I remembered what I had offered to be with him for in the first place.

For those three years I had thought that we were just getting what we wanted, so I was content to inflict my feelings for Yu Qing on him.

I reminded myself of my relationship with Qi Yan over and over again, just hoping that I would always stay awake and not fall into it.

It wasn’t until I learned the truth that I could no longer look at the past three years straight in the eye.

It was as if by not thinking about it, I could not face my past self who had done something wrong.

Similarly, I can not face Qi Yan, at first see him as see Yu Qing how happy, and now how painful.

Sometimes the victimizer is more reluctant to face the past than the victim, because as soon as they do, their inner morality will condemn them over and over again for what kind of person they are.

I could only feign an impatient tone, “So what do you want?

“Make it up to me okay.

” I frowned, “What?

‘ Qiyan stood up, he was long and tall in his own right, and one step closer seemed to make the air feel oppressive.

He said, “Can you …… accompany me to the amusement park?

” I froze for a while, “…… What?

” (35) couldn’t figure it out, I really couldn’t.

Until the moment I stood in front of the amusement park gate I still couldn’t figure it out.

The sun was high, and Qiyan seemed to be playing with me as if I were a child.

He asked me if I wanted a balloon, an ice cream, a tiara.

The crowd was so heavy that he subconsciously tried to take my hand, but I wrenched it away.

He turned his head, but didn’t get angry, “You’re tugging on my sleeve.

” Just like that, a tens of thousands of dollars of shirt in my hands were ravaged, customized cufflinks in a tugging at the danger of falling off.

On the rafting ride, the staff sent out disposable raincoats, and he looked at the package of plastic and frowned.

I quickly unwrapped the package and slipped myself into it, the joy of the game dulling the sadness, and instead I urged with some urgency, “Come on, it’s almost time!” “What’s this for?

The raincoat, the water will wash your clothes away when you get on the boat.” “Oh,” Qiyan said.

“Qiyan made a couple of “oohs and aahs” and clumsily searched for the head and tail of the plastic raincoat.

I suddenly thought, “Have you never played this program?

“Qiyan finally found the head and tail of the raincoat and pulled himself into it, his voice muffled from inside the plastic raincoat.

“I’ve never been to an amusement park.

‘ The unruffled tone of his voice, somehow, made my heart prickle.

I pretended to be disgusted and said, “I’ll do it, I’ll do it, I don’t know when you’ll be done.

” and then reached out to help straighten out the creases.

The raincoat was an even size, catering to the average height of men and women, but not to a 5’8″ man like Qi Yan.

The tiny raincoat looked a bit constricted on him, causing a big wave to wash over him directly wetting his shirt and washing his face as well.

Because he was out to play, he had a more casual look today, with no hairspray and his bangs resting loosely on his forehead, and as soon as they got wet from the water, Qi Yan reached up and lifted them up.

A full forehead and a well-defined jawline make up a well-defined face, with sword eyebrows into the temples, like a reserve that flows from the bones.

I vaguely heard the girl beside me exclaim in a small voice.

It was also at this moment that I suddenly realized that in fact, Qi Yan is not similar to Yu Qing, if Yu Qing is a moonlight and windy evening, then Qi Yan should be a deep and cold night.

This person’s nature, seems not to show in front of me that kind of gentle, his body, there is a share of harsh and suppressed dry.

Only at this moment, this kind of dry by a sudden splash of cool water poured without a trace, he is like a wolf dog just woke up, some hairy looking at me.

Fun under the heart, I pulled out a pack of paper towels from my bag and handed it to him, pretending to be serious: “Clothes go back and wash yourself, don’t let my husband see that you have worn it.

“The girl next to the gasp of instantly collected, turned into a whispered contempt -” is a white boy?

” “Yes, I said why it looks so good.

“(36) Qi Yan turned his head and pointed to the Ferris wheel that was already lit up in the distance, “Accompany me to ride that, okay?

“At that moment, I think Qiyan really understands, he knows too well how to make me feel guilty, and how to take advantage of my guilt to put forward so that I have no way to refuse the invitation.

The Ferris wheel is full of couples holding hands, and Qi Yan and I were walking together as a man and a woman, so we were naturally considered to be a pair.

The staff had a smile on their faces, and handed Qi Yan a rose as we went up, “Sir, remember to give it to your girlfriend at the top,” Qi Yan said, looking at the rose.

“Qi Yan looked at the flower and didn’t retort.

The Ferris wheel rose slowly, and the whole picture of the amusement park became clearer and clearer in our sight.

I suddenly asked him, “Is it true that you’ve never played before?

“Qiyan kept his head looking sideways at the two transparent glass panes beside him and whispered back, “Uh-huh”.

I asked again, “What did you do when you were a child?

“Reading and studying.

” “Ah–” I lengthened my tone and tugged downward again.

Who knew that Qiyan laughed, he said, “Don’t use such a pitying tone, okay, I learned fencing and equestrianism, and by the time you were in middle school, I was already an invitee to major fashion shows.

‘ The look of pity that hung on my face was too late to retract, and I gave the man a somewhat indignant look.

Until he asked back, “What about you, what were you like as a kid?

” I pondered for a moment and said, “Playing.

“My parents didn’t care about me, I did everything from catching shrimp in the river to pulling bird eggs out of trees.

“Qi Yan finally turned his head over, solemnly called out my name, and said, “Lian Wei Zhi, this is the first time you’ve ever told me about your parents, your past.

”I froze and sardonically touched the tip of my nose, “What’s there to bring up.

“But I’m curious to know.

” he said, elbows on his thighs, suddenly leaning in close to me, “I want to know what kind of you you were in those days when I wasn’t there.

” I felt uncomfortable at this sudden closeness, so close that I seemed to be able to feel Kiyan’s nostrils.

My brain felt chaotic, and when it did I began to babble.

I said, “That’s, that’s the childhood quarrels have been fighting, kicked other people’s chairs have also lifted other people’s desks.

“Qiyan clasped his hands, “That must be someone else’s fault.

” I raised my eyes and looked at this man who had leaned back into his seat, his collar slightly open, the shroud of night seemed to immerse his entire person in the blackness of the night, as if from which fairy tale book ran out of the prince, but should be the devil’s child.

How could such a man open his mouth with words full of comfort and favoritism?

My eyes fluttered as I continued, “Actually, it’s okay, I won’t be like this when I get to high school.

“Qi Yan’s voice came out softly, “Is it because you met Lin Zi Biao and the others?

”He mentioned Lin ZiBiao, but he didn’t just mention Lin ZiBiao, he said ‘them’.

I froze.

Even though I had a feeling that Qi Yan might have guessed a thing or two, I had never formally talked to him face-to-face about this past, and the dusty past of them back then.

The Ferris wheel has risen very high, can overlook the ground lit lamps, as if a star point.

Qi Yan looked at me, just looked at me, and after a long time, he extended his own index finger and pointed it at himself.

“If I didn’t look like him, our story, would it have been different.

” He was asking, asking a question that I had no answer for.

I don’t know how long I was silent until my body sat a little stiff.

Qiyan, however, like a toy whose spindle had suddenly been turned, broke through the silence, and he smiled, saying, “I won’t ask.

” And then, he raised his hand and slowly reached out to me.

I saw the red-colored rose slumbering in the night, and Kiyan looked out the window and whispered, “It’s at its highest point.

“I also turned my head to look out the window, as if it was a promise, there was a loud noise from outside, and then a firework bloomed in the night sky.

In the midst of those loud bangs, I seemed to hear Qiyan say in an even smaller voice, “I love you.

“Because I love you, I favor you no matter what is right or wrong; because I love you, I pretend I don’t know the answer even if I know it.

Because, I love you.

(38) When the Ferris wheel returned to the ground, we tacitly kept silent.

Already to the closing time, tourists are one after another to the exit, I and Qi Yan sandwiched in the crowd, but also in the front slowly moved steps.

His assistant has been waiting at the door, see Qi Yan clothes, face show suppressed surprise expression.

“How do you ……” He lifted his steps forward, his voice coming from the front, “Keep up, send you back.

“Until I closed the car door, I only came to my senses from the shaking.

Qiyan can only be Qiyan, right?

Walking out of the playground, changing out of that ugly culture shirt, he is still the same Qi family member standing on the top floor of the office building.

The Ferris wheel will always return to the ground, the roses will also wilt, just like at this moment sitting next to me Qi Yan, as if everything is the same, and as if everything is not the same.

When we are nearest, we can feel each other’s nostrils, and when we are farthest away, we are just sitting beside each other, but each of us is worried about something else, but there is no distance in the world that is more distant than this.

From the moment the car started, the assistant had the good sense to close the curtain.

I looked out the window, unable to catch what I was thinking, just as I did not know what he was thinking at this moment.

Suddenly, Kisan said, “Can you not keep me waiting too long.

” I let out a “huh?” that represented confusion.

” I turned my head, but found that he was still looking out the window with his head turned sideways, and a light rain was falling outside, covering the car windows like a layer of crushed diamonds, and like collecting the neon lights outside, gathering them on a droplet, and then lighting up his face as much as possible.

“I can wait for you, but not for long.

I can’t be like Lin Zibiao, who stood by your side like a silent knight for years, then watched you love someone else, fall out of love, and fall in love again.

“”You can dislike me now, and I’ll try to make you like me, but-” He turned his head, the neon light hitting the bridge of his nose.

“Give me an answer as soon as you can and don’t make me wait too long, okay?

” I’ve never seen Kiyan like this before, the smile no longer hanging at the corners of his mouth, he seems to be in a daze, and the logic of the words coming out of his mouth is clear as day.

Obviously an icy tone, the wrinkled nose made him seem like an abandoned puppy.

Making me, who should have just refused, unable to say cruel words, I lowered my head.

Maybe that moment I believe, and really believe, I and Qi Yan, can start from scratch.

(39) cell phone video call ringing, I looked at the person who came, hesitantly pressed the connect button.

“Hello, what’s up?

“The clerk next to me, who was grinding coffee beans, gave me a surprised look, probably because she had never seen my tone of voice this bad.

I made a few more ‘hmmm’s into the cell phone, and the last thing I said was, “I’ll be home tomorrow, so come by then.”

When I hung up the phone, the clerk cautiously asked who it was, and after a pause, I said, “My mom.

My mom.”

A name I haven’t mentioned in years.

I didn’t have a happy childhood, and it was down to the fact that my parents weren’t happily married.

They divorced when I was very young, and I remember the day I cowered in the corner of the couch and cried.

My father smoked cigarette after cigarette, and he said, “Don’t you just think I’m useless.

“It is strange that some fathers, who know they are useless, never say they are useless, but only say that their wives dislike them.

They can blame God, they can blame the earth, but they never blame themselves.

My mom’s emotions may have exploded because of these words, and she burst into tears, “If I disliked you, would I have married you in the first place?

If I didn’t like you, would I have married you in the first place?” I remembered this kind of argument countless times, but that time seemed different.

I imagined that my mother’s next accusation did not come, but instead she tried to restrain her emotions, and pulled out a document from her bag, she said, “Sign it.

” And so from that point on, I lost the role of father in my life completely.

But after the divorce, my mom was obviously a lot happier than she used to be, or maybe it was just that she was supposed to be a little girl who liked to have fun before she got married.

When I was in middle school, she met her current husband and got married.

Her new marriage was happy, so happy that it made me feel as if my presence had become unnecessary.

Perhaps it was the rebellious arrival of puberty, or perhaps it was the desire to attract the attention of this only family member, that made me undesirable in the eyes of some parents and teachers.

This rugged and contradictory expression reached its peak the moment her current husband enrolled me in A High School.

From then on, the relationship between us mother and daughter seemed to get worse and worse, or maybe it was just my unilateral cold war that caused the relationship to get worse and worse.

Until I graduated and got into A University, I worked part-time on my own, and she didn’t touch a single cent of the money she put into my card every month, as if that was the only way to preserve what little self-respect I had left.

And every year in the Spring Festival, she would send a message to ask me if I would like to go home for the New Year, but I ignored it.

It was her home, it wasn’t mine.

But after all these years, this was the first time she had a strong attitude and offered to see me.

I don’t know what it’s for, but deep down, there’s a bad feeling going on.

(40) “This is the first time in all these years that mom has seen where you live.

“The woman was dressed in a casual outfit, with a bag under her armpit, and the beauty would be old but not late, and the charm was still there.

I leaned against the door frame with my arms wrapped around me, “Say, what’s the matter.

“This is the mother who gave birth to me and raised me, I think I should love her, but when the words came out, the tone was involuntarily mixed with mockery.

She didn’t mind, but took a seat on the couch and raised her hand as if she had beckoned me as a child, “Come here.

” I took a seat one empty seat away from her.

“Miyuki, mommy wants to bring you home.

“No way.

” I vetoed the words as soon as they left my mouth.

She was a bit anxious, “What are you so stubborn about?” “I’m so happy with your Uncle Liu.

“Uncle Liu and I haven’t had any children in all these years, so when we get old and go away, won’t the rest of them be yours?

My tone was surprisingly calm, “No need.” I continued, “He has children.

“I continued, “He has children from his ex-wife, and I’m not his daughter.

” Hearing this, a trace of sadness passed through her eyes, “I really don’t understand why you would be so resistant to your Uncle Liu, obviously ……” I impatiently interrupted her, “Can you stop forcing me to integrate into your family.

” “And don’t turn the reason you haven’t had a child all these years into an excuse that it’s for my own good.

” She opened her mouth as if she had something to say, but in the end she just lowered her head.

Her voice slowly came out, “Wei Zhi, mom is truly sorry for not being able to give you a complete family.

Over the years, I’m also afraid that because of my faults, I’ve made you run away from marriage.

“I’ve been trying to get you to accept Uncle Liu, to make it up to you, maybe I’m using the wrong method, but I hope you don’t hold a grudge against mom, okay?

” I was silent for a long time, I want to say that in fact I never blamed her, not to mention that I don’t blame her for going to find her own happiness.

What child in this world doesn’t want their mother to be happy?

But in the end, all these heartfelt words were reduced to an inaudible sigh and a “Let me go get you a glass of water”.

She got up hurriedly, saying “No need”, and wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes the moment she lowered her head.

She said, “It’s getting late, so I’ll leave you to it.

“Until the sound of the door closing, I still stared at the door for a long time.

I felt that I had been living like a wandering soul for so many years.

I don’t hate my mother, but I can’t reconcile with her; I love my teenager, but I can’t stay with him.

Family, love, friendship, what is all this?

And have I ever really felt them?

I looked out the window at the gray sky and felt lonely for the first time.

(41) That night I had a dream that my parents were not divorced, and that day my mother did not pull out the divorce papers, but rather, as usual, sobbed loudly about how hard it had been for her over the years.

Instead of going to A high school, I relied on my not-so-good grades and went to a not-so-good school.

Then high school, college, graduation, and work.

I didn’t meet the person who was gentle enough to change me, nor did I meet the person who I could joke and talk to even if I hadn’t seen him for several years.

Of course, I didn’t meet Qi Yan.

My life is so ordinary, so ordinary that the pedestrians passing by are not willing to stop and look at a glance.

I got married and decided to get divorced a few years later because of some trivialities.

Older mother has gray hair, wrinkles at the corners of her eyes make her look old, but she was incredibly supportive of my decision.

She said, “If only I had been as brave as you,” she said.

” She slowly raised her head, but I saw my own face in her eyes.

The dream stopped and I woke up suddenly.

I calmed my breathing, and all I could think about was the image of my mother speaking with tears in her eyes.

Sometimes we will always complain about life, but we do not think, to this point, may have been life can bring us the best end.

(42) It’s fall.

Maybe it’s because the school year started not long ago, the business of the store has become a little busier.

Qiyu, always like a person like nothing to run to the coffee shop to sit, and occasionally interest, will also pester me to teach her how to pull flowers, how to do desserts.

As for Qi Yan, he seems to be busier these days.

“My brother’s company has had some problems with a project recently, and he’s been busy every day at the company.

“I washed my cup, “Oh, is it a big problem?

“Qiyu waved his hand in a very trusting manner, “It’s okay, he can handle it.

“I thought it would be better if he was busy with his work, so he wouldn’t have time to come and see me, rather than letting me give him an answer.

“Sis, there’s someone outside looking for you.

” one of the clerks called out.

I’m going home, so I won’t bother you.”

“Qiyu waved her hand and carried her limited edition bag out the door with a skip and a jump.

I wiped my hands on a towel, took off my apron and walked out.

But as soon as I opened the door, I froze.

“Uncle Liu ……?

” In the coffee shop’s private room, I looked at this uncle in front of me who was a few points older than in my memory, and I was a little embarrassed inside.

But he is not mind, do a few decades of boss, let him naturally bring a few points of the posture of the superior, so in my memory, he has always been straight back and head.

Only today, he only brought on a tired face.

“Your mom came to see you two days ago, didn’t she?

” he asked as his index finger nodded on the table.

I responded, “Yes.

” He sighed and reached into his suit pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes, but remembered that it was in front of me and ended up taking them out again with an empty hand.

“If your mom persuades you to come home, go ahead and say yes.

” I looked up unexpectedly, frowned and asked, “Why?

” “Don’t ask so many questions, just listen to your mom for once, okay.

” I looked down at the lines on the table, I was sure he loved my mother, but that wasn’t a reason that would persuade me.

“I won’t go back if you don’t tell me why.

” The man in front of me seemed to be in painful thought, and finally, after a long sigh, he said, “Your mom originally didn’t want me to tell you ……” “Some time ago, your mom suddenly fell down from the stairs at home, and after that, she was sent to the hospital for checkups, and that side said the situation wasn’t optimistic.

” I opened my mouth, but in a split second my brain was in a blank, unable to speak.

“Now you know why, for the first time in years, your mom is begging you to go back.

” I don’t know how I ended the conversation and how calmly I sent him away.

I said, “Give me two days to pack, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow I’ll be there.

” The trees want to be quiet but the wind won’t stop, the son wants to be raised but his parents don’t.

In the past, I lost my temper with my own mother and argued with her because I never thought that one day she would leave me.

She was able to tolerate all my faults, but I forgot that my mom is just an ordinary person, and that she will also be born, grow old, get sick, and die.

I hurried home, swooping through the clothes in my closet, practically slamming them into the suitcase.

It was night, I lay in bed, and in a daze I had another dream.

In the dream, my mother was sitting on the sofa, holding me as a toddler, and jokingly said, “What kind of boy will our little Lian marry when she grows up?

“At that time, I was a bit reluctant and said, “Xiaolian will not marry anyone, Xiaolian will always stay with my mom.

“My mom was also a famous beauty when she was young, and she was full of vitality between her brows and her smile.

“How can I stay with my mom, she will grow old.

“She hugged me and shook me, and softly said, “The person that our Xiaolian will like in the future, he doesn’t need to be handsome or have a rich family, but he must accompany Xiaolian to walk a long, long way and talk a lot of words.

“At that time, my father was already having trouble with his business and had not been home for a long time. The words I did not understand when I was young seem to be full of bitterness today.

Did mom ever have a love of her own?

Did she also once think that her father was the one who would stay with her for the rest of her life?

And then what happened? By marrying Uncle Liu, did she finally find her happiness?

A series of questions, only to be interrupted when the phone rang.

I looked at the time and realized that I had only slept for an hour, and it was still dark outside the window.

But when I saw the caller, the bad feeling in my heart grew stronger.

“Quickly come to the city center hospital, your mother ……” The next words I could no longer hear very well, the world in front of me spun up, until the crisp ringing sound when the phone fell to the ground, only then did it let me know that all of this, was not a dream.

(43) “Didn’t you just get sick, why are you hospitalized so soon?

”Outside the operating room, I almost stumbled and ran to Uncle Liu.

Just one afternoon had passed, yet he seemed to have aged even more.

Even the strongest man can do nothing in the face of old age, sickness and death. He covered his face with his hands in dismay, and his voice came out from the cracks of his fingers – “When your mom was found out from the hospital, it was already in the advanced stage, and she refused to undergo chemotherapy, saying that she didn’t want to waste the little time she had left in the hospital.

“The moment I heard the words ‘terminal’ and ‘chemotherapy’ I felt an explosion in my brain, a ringing in my ears that made my arms and legs almost go limp.

I hated that it wasn’t long enough, and I hated that it was too long, and it seemed like a lifetime before the doors to the operating room finally opened.

The doctor stepped out, and under the mask, it was hard to see his expression, except for the frown that made me intuit that the situation wasn’t promising.

He said: “This time the situation is stabilized, the next time will not be able to say, not to mention the patient itself is not much time, you still …… try to make her happy.

” The man standing beside me dropped back into his chair.

In the past, he in my impression is just an older middle-aged man, often years of socializing at the table so that he naturally has a beer belly, the suit on the body does not seem to fit, smile up when there will be a double chin, can not be called more handsome, can only be said to be a little good-looking.

But at this moment, I looked at his reddened eyes, but began to believe in my mother’s choice.

This person is love her, perhaps appeared a little late, but really accompanied her through half the road of life man.

At this moment, he shook his hand towards me and said, “You go back first, here I have to guard your mom.

“I resolutely refused, “How can I possibly leave at this time.

“Your mom won’t let me tell you how sick she is, and she’s no more stubborn than you are, so go home first, and I’ll talk to her when she wakes up.

“When the words came to this point, I didn’t have the stubbornness to stay, I was silent for a long time, and finally nodded my head.

If my mom wakes up, give me a call to tell her I’m okay.” “Okay.


“When I walked out of the hospital, I saw the river, and when the cool river wind blew against my face, my hands and feet felt as if I had an intuition.

It’s cold.

It’s really cold.

I squatted by the river and cried uncontrollably.

I took out my cell phone, blindly flipping through the address book, a huge sadness came, but I could not find anyone to talk to.

But just then, the cell phone flashed the incoming call screen, tears have made my eyes blurred, I pressed the connect button by feeling.

The voice came, “You’re not home today?

” I froze for a moment and muffled a “hmm”.

The voice from the other side sharpened, “Are you crying?

I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer,” he asked.

Lin Zibiao panicked and said: “Eh you don’t cry ah, where are you, I’ll go find you.

“But I can no longer speak, tears dripping on the screen, I reached out to wipe, but mistakenly touched the hang-up button.

The phone calls came one after another, but I hung up – so annoying, how can you not even let someone have a good cry.

I don’t know how long I squatted on the ground, my feet were numb and I had already lost consciousness, my pants were soaked with my own tears, and my jeans showed two different shades of color.

Just then, a sharp gasp after a strenuous run sounded behind me.

A hand came to rest on my shoulder.

I looked back, and the yellow streetlight stretched the back of the visitor.

He said, “Found you.

“At that moment, heaven and earth lost weight, but a lost soul found a home.

(44) I was yanked up by him, my numb legs unable to support my body, and I leaned toward him.

Tears had already dried up, so I could only say in an astringent voice, “Lin Zibiao, I’m going to be without a mother.

“The figure I was leaning against gave a start, and he just stood there stiffly.

He should be trying to comfort me, out of the voice, said: “It’s okay ……” but thinking about it and do not know how to comfort to ease a heart that is so sad to the extreme, the words in the middle of the road, there is no end.

In the end, he just stretched out his hand and gently patted me on the back.

I smelled the unique smell of Lin Zibiao, as if several years ago on an inconspicuous summer day, I was sitting in the shade of a tree with my back to the basketball court to cool off, a basketball flew toward the back of my head, just before I was still talking and laughing with me, Lin Zibiao raised his hand and threw the ball back, and the other hand subconsciously to protect me.

At that moment, I leaned very close to him, and smelled this seemingly unidentifiable fragrance.

After so many years, even I never expected that, without realizing it, this had become a scent that could put me at ease.

He let me know that there will be such a person, even if one second is standing under the hot sun to the boys rushed to apologize for the anger, the next second will be able to pull the cheek to bump your shoulder and ask you to drink water.

It was also at that moment that I suddenly remembered my mother’s words – “Love, is not about money or profit, but having someone who can walk a long, long way with you and say many, many words.

” I raised my head and surveyed his face.

Lin Zibiao s eyes, however, somewhat averted, asked, “How much longer do you have to …… rely on ah.

‘ I wiped the tears from my eyes and I said, “I want to go to the hospital to see my mom.

‘ The strength in my legs had been restored and I took a few steps backward to walk forward, and after a few steps, I looked back at Lin ZiBiao, who seemed to still be in a daze.

I said, “Will you accompany me?

I mean-” “We’ll walk there together.

“(45) I had never seen a mother like this before, she was weak like a piece of paper that could break at any moment, with tubes inserted into her body, lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed, like she would never wake up again once she went to sleep.

In my memory, she should always hold her head high and not admit defeat, whether it is to life or to me.

Maybe Uncle Liu is right, we mother and daughter are too much alike in nature, both too stubborn, no one will bow to anyone.

But I would rather be stubborn and gamble with her for the rest of my life than to see her like this without anger.

My eyes became moist again, and my body began to tremble, until a hand came over and held me.

“Don’t be afraid.

” He said don’t be afraid, maybe he knew that words wouldn’t make the fear lessen, but he wanted me to understand that there was someone out there who wanted me to stop being afraid.

Maybe that he was willing to stay with me and face the fear together.

The door to the room was opened, and Uncle Liu walked in holding a lift of hot water.

He was also the one holding a briefcase and wearing a suit, now rolling up his sleeves and carrying a hot water bottle in both hands, when he saw me he first froze and then looked at Lin Zibiao.

He said, “Still here?


“That’s just it.”

” He sighed and looked at the person in the hospital bed, “I don’t think she blames me either.

I followed his gaze and looked at the woman in the bed, and whispered, “Thank you.”

“There’s nothing to be thankful for.

‘ He bent down to put down the hot water bottle in his hand, and his figure looked a little hard as he got up, ”It’s not just your mom, it’s my wife too.”

” The words brought tears to my eyes once again.

I tried to suppress my trembling voice, “I’m going to go buy some porridge for my mom.

‘ Then pulling Lin ZiBiao, he headed for the door.

Outside the door, I sat on a chair and cried uncontrollably once again, Lin ZiBiao squatted in front of me and did not make a sound, but only carefully smoothed my back over and over again.

My head rested against my own knees, “I always thought my mom would never die, you know.

” “I thought I would gamble with her for the rest of my life, and that it was okay if I didn’t make up now because there was still a long future ahead.

“…… Do you understand?

“Lin Zibiao said softly, softly, “I understand, I understand.

“After a century, when we bought the congee and entered the hospital room again, my mother had already woken up.

“You’re here?

“She sat up against the bed and turned her head to look at me.

I struggled to control my emotions, “Why didn’t you …… tell me?

“My mom smiled, she had a major operation, but when she woke up, she looked like a child, her tone was pouting, “What’s the matter, tell you that you can make me get well?

“I was speechless, but my sadness was mostly washed away by this joke.

“At least I can spend more time with you.

“Aren’t you spending time with me right now?

‘ Her gaze shifted from me, to Lin Zibiao, and she angled her head, “Introductions?

‘ Before I could say anything, she continued, “Little boyfriend?

”The hand that opened the lid shook, and the porridge inside almost spilled out.

「Mom-」「Hello auntie.

” My eyes widened as I watched Lin ZiBiao’s uncontrollable mouth, and his classic trick of playing nice in front of elders.

I’m in too much of a hurry to accompany Xiao Lian here this time, so I’ll bring a gift to pay you a formal visit some other time when you’re in better health.” “Good, how old is he?

“How old is the young man?

Where are you from?

“I went to high school with Xiaolian, and we …… are like a double act.”

“Eh, eh!” I brought the porridge to the small table of the hospital bed, and turned my head to warn Lin Zibiao with his eyes not to talk nonsense.

Uncle Liu on the side consciously brought over a bench and sat beside the hospital bed, feeding it one mouthful at a time, the words in his mouth as unceasing as the movements of his hands.

He said, “It’s good to be happy, your mom hasn’t been this happy since she found out she was sick.

” A sentence that swallowed the words I was just about to explain.

I went over and stabbed Lin Zibiao’s arm, “Let’s go pay the medical bill.” “I’ve paid it.

“I’ve already paid it.

” Uncle Liu said.

“Then let’s go get the medicine.

“The nurse will bring it to you.

“Then we ……” My mom swallowed a mouthful of congee and said with amusement, “So anxious to take your little boyfriend away?

What are you going to do, hide it?

“Lin ZiBiao seems to have suddenly lost the ability to read eyes, ignoring me, and trying hard to get over to the hospital bed, “I’ll talk to auntie for a while.

“Lin Zibiao.

I’ll talk to you for a while.” “Lin, Zi, mark! …… Auntie where did we just talk about, I’m in high school with Xiao Lian ……” “What was her high school like ah, auntie don’t even know it.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’ll tell you ……” The afternoon sun was shining brightly, beating in through the window, and my mom was smiling as she listened to Lin ZiBiao talk about my past.

The picture was so beautiful, so beautiful that I didn’t even seem to want to disturb it.

At that moment, I thought to myself, “If you believe it’s true, then believe it’s true, there’s nothing wrong with it.

(46) My mom’s mood was getting better every day, but her condition was getting worse.

The doctor said that even if she was hospitalized, she would probably live for only one more month.

I held back my tears and packed up my things from the hospital, and followed Uncle Liu to send my mom back home.

Everyone’s mood was a bit gloomy, but she was very happy, pulling me to look at the trees planted in the backyard and the goldfish in the pool.

There was a rattan chair under the tree, and she sat on it and swayed like an old man. She said, “Xiaolian, I have no regrets in my life, so you don’t have to feel sorry for me.

“But mom hopes that your whole life, you can also have no regrets.

“Uncle Liu said that a row of peach trees had been planted on the hill not far from here, and that when autumn and winter went away and spring came, the peach blossoms would bloom, and when the trees bore fruit, the fruit would be sour and astringent, but your mother liked to eat this kind of astringent fruit.

When he said this, a smile of nostalgia appeared on his face, and my mother’s smile also rang in my mind as she said, “Your Uncle Liu has really taken good care of me all these years.

“It’s a pity that just after the fall had gone, before spring came, that woman with the same blood as mine in her veins lay down on that rattan chair and fell asleep forever, never waking up again.

Our winter here in the past years do not snow, only this year a big snow, snowflakes covered in the backyard, big trees, rattan chair, white.

Uncle Liu took me and Lin Zibiao to climb the back of the mountain, he pointed to the rows of peach trees that still looked like they had only withered branches, and said, “This is it, you have to remember to offer a few of them to your mom every year, and if I am not around …… one day, don’t forget it.

” When he said this, I just saw his back to us somewhat hastily reached out his hand and wiped his tears.

On the way down the mountain, I looked at the back of that much older, said: “Walk with him no one, he should be very lonely.

” Lin Zibiao did not speak, but reached out, with his little thumb, hooked my little thumb.

(47) When the weather just turned warm, the second branch of the coffee shop opened.

On the opening day, I saw the man with the kind face again.

This time, he came to say goodbye.

He said, “Your mom stays in A City, so my roots are in A City.

But human life is limited. I want to see more of the scenery of other places on behalf of your mom, lest in a few years when I go down to be with her, she will find me boring.” “Before I left, I was relieved to see you.

“Before I leave, I’m worried about you, so I’ll give you this.” He handed me a paper bag.

” He handed me a file bag, I pulled out the contents and saw that they were some contracts for the transfer of property rights.

I quickly pushed the bag back, “Thank you uncle, but I really don’t need them.

“Uncle Liu didn’t reach out to take it, but said, “This isn’t my stuff, it’s what your mom left for you, so just take it.

“My hands froze in the air, and I heard the person across the table continue, “Ever since your mom found out she was sick, she’s been preparing these.

She was never really angry with you, she always loved you.

” Tears came to my eyes, blurring the image in front of me, and I couldn’t say anything for a moment.

“Well, I’m going to go now, so call me if anything happens.

After all, on some level, we are family.

” I choked back sobs as I looked at the gradually departing back in front of me, “You take care too.

”The clerk trotted out from the path lined with flower baskets, panting and shouting, ”Store manager, there are too many customers, we’re almost too busy, come and help us!” I turned my back to her, wiped away my tears, turned around and said, “You find a sign to say today’s opening of the new store, 50% off the entire site.

“The clerk, a recent college graduate, was dumbfounded, “Aren’t they all 20% off?

“I’m happy today.”

I’m happy today.” “Happy about what?

“I’m glad …… that I made up with my mom.” the girl giggled.

“The little girl giggled and teased, “Store manager, you are so old and still quarrel with mom.

” I took the paper bag and gently greeted her head, and she also cooperated and shrunk her neck, but looked up, still playful.

“Go, go, go.

” “Yeah!” People were coming and going on the streets, traffic was flowing on the roads, and I looked up at the sun, which wasn’t too harsh today.

The world is still bustling.

(51) The days passed by smoothly until one day, when I finished the work at hand, I realized that my cell phone, which had been silenced, showed more than a dozen missed calls.

I dialed back, the other end quickly picked up, I asked: “What’s the hurry?

“Lin Zibiao did not answer me positively, his voice came from the other end of the phone, mixed with the sound of whistling wind, he asked: “Where are you now?

He asked, “Where are you now?” I was about to say something when I heard him continue, “Wherever you are, come to the airport now, immediately.

“I subconsciously wondered, “Is something wrong?

“Lin ZiBiao didn’t answer me positively, but only urged me, “Come quickly.

“What could have made Lin ZiBiao so nervous?

Airport …… I have a vague answer in my heart, and in an instant, my whole heart seized up.

I looked out the window into a hesitation, a moment do not know how to reply.

Lin Zibiao on the other end suddenly slowed down the speed of speech, as if deliberately to let me hear the general, he said: “Lian Wei Zhi, between me and you, there has to be one to be able to do as you wish.

“I don’t know which nerve this sentence stimulated, I said in a deep voice: “I’ll just go.

‘ In the late afternoon at the airport, with the sun beating in through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, I gasped and got out of the cab, and ran again to the place that Lin Zibiao had told me about.

There, I once again met the man I dared to think about but didn’t dare to think about.

His eyes were slightly surprised when he saw me, and finally said helplessly, “Bill told you anyway.

“I let out a “hmm” and lowered my head but didn’t know what to say.

He gestured for me to sit down on a chair in the terminal, facing the sunlight outside the window.

I asked, “How long until we leave.

” He lifted his watch, “Forty minutes.

‘ Finishing, he added, “One class period.

“I was stunned to hear this word full of memories, and asked, “In the past, what would we have talked about?

“Yu Qing’s face showed a serious thinking look, he said: “Listen to you tell you did not do the right math problem, listen to you tell you don’t know where to hear the gossip, listen to you tell …… later.

“As I get older, I think my tear ducts are really getting more and more developed, just one sentence, let my tears almost uncontrollable rushed out.

I said, “But our now is already later.

“The present is already the “later” of the past, but what about the future?

What about the future? Is there a future for the future?

Yu Qing also let out a “hmmm”, and then was speechless.

I looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, there were only thirty minutes left.

Yu Qing turned his head away, his back to me, I didn’t know where he was looking, I could only hear his voice ringing out.

He smiled bitterly and said, “Lin Zibiao shouldn’t have called you here.

”I couldn’t even tell my own emotions, was it a complaint, or a statement?

I only remember saying, “What does it matter if I called or not, it’s not the first time you’ve chosen to do so.

“At that moment, emotions got the better of me, and I couldn’t control myself as I continued, “It seems like you’ve never, ever chosen me between the two.

“Yu Qing turned his head, he said “Really”, then opened the outside of the suitcase and took out a document.

I opened it full of doubts, but broke down and dropped tears when I saw the cover clearly.

There it was, the acceptance letter from A University.

“I thought I’d never get a chance to show it to you in my life.

“He said, “Lian Wei Zhi, I once chose you firmly and uniquely.

“At that moment, I felt like my world had suddenly collapsed, but it was as if all the years I had lived since then had been spent waiting for this moment, waiting for these words.

Yu Qing sighed and asked, “Lian, if we hadn’t been at the same table in the first place, what do you think it would be like now?

” I looked up blankly, “If we weren’t at the same table in the beginning, how would I have met you?

‘ Yu Qing gently put his hand on my head, as if it was the usual comforting gesture to me when I was young, he didn’t say anything, but I understood what he meant in a moment – if we hadn’t been at the same table in the first place, and there wasn’t that aura of excellence shrouding his body, would I still have noticed him.

Just noticed Yu Qing, this person.

I knew the right answer, but couldn’t say it.

One second, two seconds, three seconds …… He endured my silence, but said nothing, just smiled and pointed to the watch on his wrist, “I should go.

‘ Yu Qing stood up, the wheels of the suitcase collided with the ground, making a clear sliding sound.

I looked at his back, I had seen his back countless times before.

Tears made the whole world dense, I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

I knew that this time, I would be sending him away forever.

When the golden wind and jade dew meet, it is better than countless things on earth.

But this is enough, Yu Qing.

That’s enough, I said in my heart.

(52) “He’s still gone.

“In the coffee shop, Lin Zibiao looked at the steaming cup of coffee in front of him and said.

I leaned against the table and whispered ‘hmm’.

The person in front of me was staring at the cup of coffee in his hand, the hot air swirling upwards.

The silent Lin Zibiao is rare, the sad Lin Zibiao is even more rare to see, he almost never tear open his heart to let people peep, but this time, in the atmosphere of silence, the heavy sadness, but can be clearly perceived.

In order to break this heavy atmosphere, I spoke, “I also want to leave for a while.

“What do you mean?

“Maybe Uncle Liu is right, the world is so big, we shouldn’t be confined to a small part of the world, go and see more while you are young.”

“Lin ZiBiao froze for a moment, “Why did you suddenly make this decision?

Because of Yu Qing?

“I looked out the window of the store and saw the vast blue sky outside.

I said, “Yes, and not just.

”My mother died, and the person I thought I resented left so lightly, only to be told she loved me after she left.

And the boy I thought I would always love waved goodbye to me at that moment.

The pedestrians on the road, the stars I had seen, the hands I had held, all seemed to vanish in front of the parting of life and death.

I’m not even sure what I’ve been relying on all these years to keep going.

I want to go for a walk, to see, if I can, I also want to, to figure out what love really is.

Just like the last question Yu Qing asked me, is there really someone in this world who would throw away all the halos and appearances and just love another person so nakedly?

I smiled and asked Lin ZiBiao, “Do you remember when we were in high school, the class ordered geography magazines, and we pointed to the pictures and said that when we grew up we’d have to go see them.

” He snapped the table board with his index finger, “Xiao Lian ……” “Don’t stop me haha.

“I interrupted, “You know I never change my decisions.

” “No, I mean …… be safe.

“(53) Qi Yan sat in front of me, a card across between us.

“Ten million dollars, no more, no less, back to you.

” He frowned, “What do you mean by this?

” “The previous three years, let’s say we had a normal relationship, so this money, I also deserve to return it to you.

”Qi Yan’s brows knit tighter, ”Are you here to clear the air with me now?

”As if I had guessed the jumbled thoughts in his head, I laughed, “I just don’t want to have anything to owe you anymore.

” “But-” I continued, “Qiyan, it seems like I’ve always owed you an apology.

“The expression on the other side of my face paused, a little unnatural, “What’s the point of saying this for a good reason.

“I said, “I’m afraid I won’t be able to tell you in time, I have to go now.

“Qiyan’s head snapped up, “Are you sick?

“I closed my eyes in amusement and said, “I’m going to leave A city and go somewhere else, I don’t know where I’m going yet, and I don’t know when I’ll be back.

“Qi Yan was silent for a long time, and finally only said, “Come back early.

“I looked at that face, the face that I had been living with for three years, and in an instant, a question popped up in the back of my mind.

I asked him, “If you hadn’t run away, or if you hadn’t seen me, would you still like me?

Would you still like me?

“Qiyan was a bit puzzled by the sudden question, “If that was the case, how could I have noticed you later?

” I looked down at my shoes, it was raining today and the dirt from the roadside was staining the edges of my shoes, I thought to myself, it’s a good thing I’m wearing canvas shoes.

It was also at the same moment that I suddenly realized that Qi Yan’s feelings for me, and my feelings for Yu Qing, were actually the same, right?

Just because at a certain moment, this person happened to appear, but not because of the appearance of this person, so that a certain moment in life, turned into a meaningful moment.

It wasn’t Yu Qing, maybe it would be someone else; it wasn’t Lian Wei Zhi, it could be someone else.

I let out a long breath, got up and was about to leave, the moment I pushed open the glass door, I suddenly asked again, “That day, the day I just moved out and came back, what happened to the red marks on your body?

” Qi Yan twisted his head to look at me, I also propped up the door to maintain the same position, I do not know how long this staring at each other, finally, Qi Yan lowered his head, to his arm with the cuffs rolled up, gently twisted a little bit – in an instant, flooded with red.

I don’t look away and laugh a few times, then walk out and close the door.

(54) I entrusted the management of both of my stores in City A to a small shopkeeper girl.

On the day she assumed her duties, she bounced behind me with the sign 『Store Manager』 on her head, so happy that she barely took a normal step.

“The store manager is new, can I have a 20% discount too?

” I said, “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, 50 percent off is fine, just don’t lose money.

“I looked around with my arms wrapped around me and deliberately changed my tone to one of worry, “Don’t wait for me to come back, the store has been taken over.

” “How could that be! Don’t worry, I’ll definitely make you a lot of money!” I laughed, the driver had already parked the car outside the door and was calling to urge me on.

I pulled over my suitcase and said goodbye, “I’m off then.

“I’m off without much of anything, let alone any tips.

Everywhere I went, I hailed a local cab and asked the driver to drive me to the most famous local attractions.

I’ve seen the romantic style of the water town, seen the bridge standing fisherman, seen the snow drifting in the sky, but also met all kinds of people.

Finally, on one of the way, the master who drove me is not a local, but has a strong A city accent.

He knew that I came from A city, then appeared very enthusiastic.

And heard that I want to go to the major attractions to see, and quickly waved his hand, said: “those are to deceive tourists to come, you really want to see, I advise you to climb the mountains here, see the sunrise here, it is enough.

“I repeated his words and asked, “Sunrise?

I repeated his words, “Sunrise?” “Yes, have you seen the sunrise on this snowy mountain?

It’s so beautiful.

“He hit the steering wheel, afraid that I do not believe, and added: “My son’s school geography magazine has a record of it, I lie to you, the book will not lie to you ……” I looked at the outside of a better day, “then go.

” Perhaps because it is not very famous, the mountain has fewer tourists, I rented a tent, intending to spend the night on the mountain.

The next day, when it was still light, other tourists were already up and ready for the sunrise.

There was a chill in the air, so I wrapped my jacket around me and pulled out a small bench to sit in front of my tent to wait for the sunrise.

At that moment, a voice rang out from behind my ear.

“Can you squeeze in?

” The man also carrying a small bench, neck hanging that ugly to the scarf, top a frozen red face sat next to me.

“You …… have something to say, but I don’t know where to start.

Instead, he just sat down and looked up at the sky, “Am I late?

“My eyes, too, turned away from the side of his face.

“No, it’s just right.

“In the distance, a splash of brilliant color gradually rose up in front of us.

Just in time, everything is a fresh start.

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