Are there any romance novels about doctors?

Any romance novels about doctors?

1 The first week back home, I managed to climb into the bed of, well, the hairy man.

Well, the dentist’s bed.

I think it’s because I haven’t seen him for a long time, and he’s been holding it in for too long.

He opened his mouth and said to me, “Open your mouth and bite this paper, don’t let go.

“I didn’t dare to move for fear that he would break my teeth if he shook his hand.

I was forced to listen to him for two whole hours.

“Oh, this is the first time you’ve been in my hands, so I’ll be gentle.

“This tube is a little deep. If you’re not comfortable, just talk.” “If you can’t talk, scream.

“If you can’t, then scream, ah or mmm, take your pick.” “Ah is not very nice.

“It doesn’t sound good to scream. Forget it. You’d better raise your hand.”

“Nurse, press her hand a little tighter.”

“I: …… line abercrombie france, a few years have not seen, this guy power as always bull X. The nurse next to the girl wearing a mouthpiece.

The nurse next to me was wearing a mask and squinting her eyes, I suspect she was laughing at me, but I have no proof.

A mouthful of cavities, he gave me a full three hours to fill.

At the end of the day, he rubbed his waist and put down his tools.

“Come on, one filling for you and I’m going to lose this back.

“I grimaced and climbed down from the bed, all the way to dig in and figure out how to get back in the game.

I can’t let him take advantage of me all the time.

My boyfriend walked me out the door himself.

So I got stuck in the elevator door and said to him, “You’re not as good as your dad.

“The elevator door opened slowly.

The face of the man whose skills are better than Faye’s, as the elevator doors opened wider and wider, became more and more complete.


Uncle Lu looked at me and smiled.

“What, did Lu Kang hurt you?

“I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t wait to gouge out a large villa on the spot.

However, the other party immediately gave me a hard to make up a knife.

“It’s fine, come home tomorrow, let auntie make you some delicious food, make up for it.

“I think, hair small full of mouth running skills, may be the ancestor.

Follow Dad!2 Lu Kang and I are the legendary childhood sweethearts, but he prefers another description for our relationship.

The friendship of the same pants.

After all, when I was a kid I used his living room as a toilet and peed all over the place every time I went back to play.

Over time, Lu Kang left my mark on every pair of crotchless pants.

Since I know this black history of mine, and then some students asked me if I was Lu Kang’s sister, this guy always answered with a straight face.

“This is my old iron that can wear a pair of pants.

“Then he used this one ironclad sentence to kill the bud of my first love in elementary school, blocked my middle school’s ignorant crush, and strangled my high school’s unformed ambiguity.

Until the university went abroad for exchange, I was barely able to escape Lu Kang’s clutches.

However, when I came back from abroad, and then stepped into the door of the moment, my mom said to me the first sentence, not daughter thin.

Instead, it was: “Don’t you have a toothache?

Go to your Uncle Lu’s clinic.

” Lu Kang, under the imperial sword of treating my teeth, organized my life for the coming week in a clear way.

He even turned me into a temporary odd-job worker for his clinic under the guise of facilitating the treatment.

Pure odd jobs, no pay.

To top it off, he had a ‘you’ve earned it’ look on his face, a sort of I’m-getting-this-opportunity-it’s-just-pie-in-the-sky look on his face.

And all I wanted to say back to him was.

This blessing to you to want ah.

But the front desk lady is still next to me smiling and looking at me, I goat.

Lu Kang from childhood to the girls good, from elementary school there are little girls after school stopped him handing notes, to high school pattern is even more.

Small to love letters, paper cranes, big to snacks gifts, never broken.

The most annoying thing is that this guy himself never received, every day asked me to receive.

That group of girls look at my eyes, it is worth pondering.

Both want to give me torn up and eaten alive, but can not offend me, have to be good words for.

Because their love letters have all passed through my hands.

Whether they reach Lu Kang’s desk or not, it’s all up to me.

Lu Kang even let out the word, all I can not see the love letters, he will not even open.

So, the hate value of those girls for me is even higher.

Even to the university also did not stop.

He directly hung my qq number in his personality signature, with the text: non-this number to send love letters do not receive.

I can not ask him.

Ask is to be examined accustomed to, he can not leave me.

I thought that the university exchange out, ears can be a little clean, did not expect to come back to the hands of him.

Lu Kang took me by the shoulders and solemnly entrusted me to the receptionist.

Of course, the introduction of wearing a pair of pants also did not fall.

The young lady smiled and explained the computer operation to me, and then sent me to Lu Kang as an assistant.

3And I never thought that the first customer I received would actually be a little brother who looked very civilized, but was actually very wild.

Why do I say he was gentle, because he wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses that were particularly well-dressed.

Why do I say he was wild? Because he sat down and opened the lunch box he was carrying.

Inside was a bloody, intact tooth.

Said yesterday fighting accidentally knocked out the teeth, Baidu checked, twelve hours have the hope of picking up, asked me if there is any way.

I: …… Finally, I sent the girl to Lu Kang’s diagnosis and treatment bed, then hurriedly slipped out.

After he came out of the clinic with a bitter face, I added his WeChat nimbly.

A wave of operation is as fierce as a tiger.

As a doctor’s assistant, keeping close contact with clients at all times is also one of my key jobs, one of them.

The friend request went through in seconds.

I don’t know what Lu Kang said to him, in a word, the little brother paid money extremely quickly.

A one-time recharge of thirty thousand.

Also therefore happy to mention a whole lot of freebies, from toothpaste toothbrushes to hospital customized pillows, everything.

I respectfully sent the golden father to the elevator door.

When I got into the elevator, my little brother suddenly hooked his finger at me.

I went over to the elevator and listened to his order.

His request was very simple, he asked me to hold the bag for him because his hands were full and he couldn’t press the elevator.

So, I took the bag from him through the elevator door.

Then, watched as he pressed the door close button.

The moment the elevator door closed, the person also raised his phone at me.

That accent was quite recognizable.

“I’m sending you off, I’ll contact you on WeChat when I get back.

” I held a pile of things, a face of bewilderment at the elevator door has closed nodded.

When I turned around again, Lu Kang behind me had a black face.

“Our clinic doesn’t need this freebie.




What’s that supposed to mean? He’s implying that I’m rubbing off on his clients’ freebies?

4Lukang refused to listen to my explanation, and after dissing me, he went to serve his other gold-daddies, and didn’t care about me at all.

I shrank in the front desk, brightly brushing the circle of friends to touch the fish.

3W gold master [lack of dental implants]: Circle of friends gathered 50 likes, draw 1 person free to experience the top dessert chef on-site handmade cake coupon.

3W gold master [missing teeth implant]: friend store activities, 1 person is still missing to get enough to draw, help point?

I’ve heard of that handmade dessert workshop, it’s said to have a divine dessert chef who has won awards in Europe to sit in from time to time, so the owner only sends out benefits in the circle of friends.

Random time, random activities, random categories.

Everything depends on the mood of the gods.

For a person with a heavy sweet tooth, this kind of free woolgathering must be happy to see.

I backhanded is a praise, and then send him a screenshot of the circle of friends.

3W Gold Master [missing teeth implant]: let you know when the results of the lottery come out.

I: Good! As a matter of fact, this kind of friend circle liking lucky draw has never had any affinity with a non-European emperor body like me.

However, in the afternoon when I was about to leave work, the missing teeth guy even sent me a screenshot.

The first prize was my WeChat name.

The top dessert chef’s live handmade, every word of it, was tantalizing my fragile and unbearable resistance.

The cake wasn’t the problem, the problem was Lu Kang.

This guy strictly forbids me to touch sweets.

I decisively chose …… the cake between the top handmade and the childhood friend.

The bamboo horse is always there but the free cake is not always there, give up the bamboo horse and take the cake also.

I very heartily, stuck in the timing of six o clock, gave Lu Kang an appointment for a patient to come over to fill the teeth.

Then and the front desk lady said hello, cell phone tuning mute, go without a sound.

As long as the time is stuck well, the cake it did not have to run.

5 Halfway Lu Kang sent me a message asking why I didn’t wait for him to get off work.

I don’t even click on the message box.

In case Lu Kang comes looking for me afterward, I can use the excuse that I didn’t pay attention and didn’t know.

The dessert shop was a bit hard to find, it was located in an office building.

I circled around twice before finding the elevator to go up.

However, once I opened the door, I froze.

Because the one who opened the door for me was actually the little brother with missing teeth.

Also dressed in white in human form.

Shirt buttoned up to the top one, born out of a little bit of asceticism system meaning.

I’m a little bit blinded.

The opposite side seems to be completely unsurprised, and lightly gave me half of the door.


” I subconsciously returned.


” I don’t know why, but when the owner handed me the voucher, he looked at me with a very slightly saddened look.

“To get the coupon, you need to pay attention to it and send it to your circle of friends, and you need to favorably review and collect it on Meituan.

“I was very quick to hand the phone to the boss, let him one-time operation is complete.

He can write anything he wants about the likes and favorites.

The toothless little brother walked slowly to my side and took a picture with me and the cake.

Probably I came at a pretty good time, I was the only one in the store.

The so-called experience of the top handmade cake, is that you can watch the dessert chef from the beginning of the dough, live to you from scratch to make a cake out.

And the dessert chef who made the cake was, surprisingly, a little brother with missing teeth?

The cake maker is the guy with the missing teeth? But truthfully, he was really good at his craft.

Making a cake is just a matter of making a work of art by him.

Only when he went to the shelf to get the matcha powder, he probably stretched his arm too hard, and a little bit of red came out from his white shirt.

At first, I thought it was just a splash of coloring.

As a result, the redness got bigger and bigger.

The boss asked slowly from the side, “Can you do it?

“The youngest brother inclined his head, moved his shoulders, frowned and grunted, “It won’t kill me.

” I: …… you can’t die, I can’t get over it in my heart ah big brother.

Are you planning to let me eat human blood cake?

So, when my sentence you want to not first bandage suggestion put forward, two men, flush, eyes turned to me.

“Would you?

“In all conscience, I wouldn’t.

But the little brother with the missing tooth quickly blocked my back door.

“Dental clinic is also considered a doctor, why don’t you help me?

” I: …… Should I tell him or not, even if it is a dental clinic, the front desk can not all have a doctor’s license ah fall! However, he obviously didn’t intend to give me a chance to refuse, and directly dragged me to the inner office.

The desk was full of everything from alcohol to cotton swabs to gauze.

I even wondered if this dessert workshop was a dark store.

However, by the time I reacted, a smooth, completely naked back had spiced up my eyes.

Looking at the pile of clumps of cotton gauze on the table, and then looking at the wounds on Little Brother’s back, I almost didn’t cry out directly.

I am dizzy for blood, I have been dizzy since I was a child …… I shivered and took a cotton swab dipped in alcohol and poked it into his wound.

Little brother’s back stiffened.

Just when I was going to poke the second time, the office door was suddenly kicked hard.

Then there was a second kick, a third kick, and a fourth kick.

Little Brother seemed to let out a low curse, copied an ashtray from his desk and rushed towards the door.

If I heard him correctly, what he said should have been, “I can’t believe he had the fucking nerve to come to the door.

“However, when the office door was viciously pulled open, he was once again baffled.

Because outside, standing there, was Lu Kang.

In his hand, he was holding a broomstick.

Behind him, there was also the owner of the dessert store who was on the verge of despair.

In all honesty, the moment I saw Lu Kang, my first reaction was to get under the table and then hypnotize myself that he didn’t see me.

How did he find me when I was so stealthy?

4 But it was obvious that there was no way you could reason with a man who wanted to fight.

Though I don’t know why Lu Kang had a broomstick in his hand.

But the moment the door opened, Lu Kang’s stick, which was indeed straight, flew right at the top of the toothless little brother’s head.

While hitting, he cursed, “Beast.

‘ Facts proved that Lu Kang, who had been staying in the ivory tower to study, when it came to fighting, might indeed not be a match for the little brother who had been in the battlefield for a long time and was able to knock out one of his own teeth.

The other guy even managed to ask him nicely, “Do dental clinics make house calls now?

” I: …… Lu Kang bypassed Little Brother and walked straight towards me.

I subconsciously shoved the cotton swab in my hand over to him.

“I’m bloodsick, you do it?

” It was probably my illusion that Lu Kang was also blinded in that moment.

He first glanced at me who was fully clothed, then at the gauze alcohol placed on the table, and then at Little Brother who was still standing in the doorway, naked.

Then finally figuring out the situation, “You’re really medicating him?

” I dutifully nodded.

What else?

The boss had a ‘I did my best you guys feel free’ look on his face, and flashed Xiao Xiao a hand.

Lu Kang looked at Little Brother with a bit of sympathy.

Ya even waved at him, “Come over here, I’ll put you on.

‘ Little Brother stood in the doorway and pointed at me, “I’ll let her on.

“I think it’s a big deal to learn the language well, and it’s best to just say medicine, and that word medicine, it’s best not to omit it.

Finally, under Lu Kang’s silent gaze, I arrogantly splashed half a bottle of alcohol on my little brother’s wound.

Then I used three rolls of gauze to enclose his entire chest.

Also seriously tied a bow on his front.

Until Lu Kang pulled me out with his mouth twitching.

Before I left the house, my little brother even praised me for my work.

“Why don’t you reply?

” As soon as I got downstairs, Lu Kang sent out a soul torturing question.

Me: ?


What’s this nonsense?

That’s bullshit. If I reply to your messages, how can you make me come here?

I haven’t even asked you how you found me! Lu Kang poked a finger on my head.

“You posted in your circle that you won a prize, and the name of the store was so obvious, I couldn’t find it.” I see.

I get it. I’ll do it more discreetly next time.”

Lu Kang poked my head again.

“Next time, be careful, don’t lock up in the same room with some people, it’s easy for people to misunderstand.

“I: …… only you can think wrongly.

But obviously, when facing Lu Kang, my aura is always unconsciously shorter.

I seriously doubt that it was the indelible effect of childhood shadows.

After all, Lu Kang had always been someone’s who-knows-what in my family since he was a child.

It seemed that refuting any of his words was a mistake on my part.

Slightly hurried footsteps came after me from behind, and the little brother with missing teeth was carrying a box, striding straight towards me.

Lu Kang reacted quickly, a hand in front of me.

So much so that I had to maneuver around him a bit, barely peeking my head out.

Little Brother shoved the box into my hand.

“You forgot something.

“Lu Kang tried to help me pick it up, but Little Brother blocked it with one hand.

“I gave it to her, what’s it to you?

”At that moment, if the gaze had substance, I could even see, between the two men, an inexplicable spark of electricity.

So much so that I even felt that Lu Kang’s behavior of rejecting love letters for so many years seemed to be fully explained.

It can t be …… that this guy is a crooked one, right?

Otherwise, how can he browbeat a big old man?

Little brother simply opened the box for me and shoved a spoon into my hand.

“Eat, it’s right here.

” Then seemingly glancing at Lu Kang, he added.

“If you leave my sight, you won’t be able to keep this.

” Inside the box, an unusually beautifully crafted cut-out cake was laid out in an upright position.

The rich aroma of cream and the sweetness of the cake hit the end of my nose, and brightly colored strawberries and golden mangoes occupied my vision.

Next to me, the fire of the God of War in Lu Kang’s body seemed to have burned up to the sky.

Having someone eat sweets in front of a dentist, awesome! Lu Kang and Little Brother had a protracted debate about whether eating sweets causes tooth decay.

Lu Kang said relaxing the standards and letting me have a bite would be the biggest insult to his career.

Little Brother, on the other hand, said it would be a great insult to his career if I didn’t eat a single bite.

Finally both looked at me at the same time and said the same thing.

“You decide.

” I clutched a box of cupcakes, shivering in the hot summer wind.

To eat, or not to eat, that is the question.

5 Forced by the obscenity of both sides, I finally had to offer a compromise.

I’ll take the cake, have a bite first, and talk about the rest at home.

However, it was the moment I took that bite, I seemed to feel a clear air from heaven and earth from the soles of my feet straight to the top of my head, and it was as if I had opened up the two veins of the Rendui.

If I had to use secular language to describe it, this bite of cake really did, melting in the mouth, rich in flavor, distinctive layers, dense and tender.

To put it more plainly: it was fucking delicious.

I swear on the character of the next generation, I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve eaten cakes in this realm over the years.

In particular, the flavor was just a little bit familiar.

I can’t quite remember, but I always feel like I’ve had it somewhere before.

So, I made the boldest decision since I met Lu Kang.

Face is nothing, what you eat in your stomach is the most real.

Lu Kang’s face turned green.

While dragging me forward, he tried to snatch the cake over.

How is this possible?

My head can be broken and blood can flow, but I can’t lose this cake! Little brother finally left Lu Kang with a sentence that a strong twisted melon is not sweet, and then slowly wobbled back.

Lu Kang’s anger value, guided by this sentence, was similar to a volcano erupting, and with a bang, a nearly substantial mushroom cloud exploded on his head.

“Is it that good?

” I humbly nodded at him.

“Why don’t you try it?

” Lukang stared at me, his gaze sullen.

“You want me to try?

” I subconsciously winced.

Lu Kang picked me up and pressed me against the wall, looking down on me from above.

“Is that man that important, that you can’t throw away the cake he gave you?

“I lifted the cake up and put it between me and him, blocking his face as it got closer.

“It’s pure chance, it’s fate, you can’t ask for it.

I’m referring to the cake.”

But I think Lu Kang might have misunderstood.

Because as soon as I said that, his fist directly grazed my ear and smashed into the wall.




“In the next second, the piece of cake that was straddling between me and him suddenly flew out in an extremely beautiful parabola, and then snapped, smashed on the ground, and fell to pieces.

My heart, as if it also followed that piece of cake, snapped, broken into pieces.

Lu Kang stared at me, almost gritting his teeth and said to me.

“What will happen to you and him?

“You can try.

“I’m too much of a wimp to try.

I could only say that I would live and die here with this cake with the firmness of a man who refused to leave.

So in the end he practically dragged me, forced me onto his back, and carried me away.

Under the streetlight, my shadow and his shadow, long and short, deep and shallow, overlapped.

It looked as if we were one, but also as if we were clearly separated.

Just like my relationship with Lu Kang.

It looks so good that we can wear the same pants, but I really don’t know what position I am in his heart.

Every time he could pinpoint the exact moment when I was moving, he would throw a pot of cold water on me to show that he was drawing a line.

6 Lu Kang kept carrying me to my house downstairs.

Just as he had carried me to the stairway hours later, he refused to take another half step.

He took two steps back, then suddenly turned back and looked at me, who was still standing in the same place and hadn’t slowed down.

“That man is not a good person, don’t interact with him in the future, I’ll contact Sister Chen about the business, you don’t have to worry about it.

“I froze for a moment before reacting to who he was talking about.

Then I subconsciously wanted to refute him.

“How do you know he’s not a good person?

“You’re a dentist, you’re not in charge.

You’re a dentist, not a fortune teller.

Lu Kang took me by the shoulders and pressed my head into his arms.

I heard his voice, muffled, jumping out of his chest.

It was like a heavy hammer, hammering my ears.

I thought that it must be the wind tonight that caused my ears to go out of whack, so much so that I was hearing hallucinations of Lu Kang speaking.

Because what he said was, “Don’t worry me, I don’t like seeing you with him.

” I spent the rest of the night wondering what Lukang meant by that statement.

Was he jealous and unhappy that I was with that dude.

Or is it purely because I’ve known him since we were kids, and on the principle of being responsible, so he can’t bear to see me fall for it?

I’m not being paranoid.

There was a time in middle school when I was rumored to be in love with Lu Kang because I took too many snacks from him.

And Lu Kang didn’t deny this rumor.

I also because of his attitude, really drifted for a period of time, thinking that maybe he does like me?

However, the reality soon gave me a heavy blow – the rumor in the jungle was that he was in love with the school girl of the same grade.

Not only is he in love, but I saw him going home with the schoolgirl.

He rode the schoolgirl’s bike, and the schoolgirl sat on the back seat, wrapped her arms around his waist, and smiled brightly.

He even waved his hand at me from afar, indicating that he would never go home with me again.

With the schoolgirl as a comparison, I was like a mountain chicken to a phoenix, my whole body was useless.

Since then I’ve never thought about Lu Kang.

Lu Kang is a man of his word, the next day in front of me, the missing teeth little brother transferred to his father.

The reason was that the dean himself did the surgery with good results.

Under Lu Kang’s close surveillance, the little brother also did not contact me again.

It was said that the receptionist lady directly crossed over to me and took over all communication with him.

From then on, the clients I received became all married young women with children.

This specific range of groups of customers will not be particularly large, so my work is particularly idle.

This kind of leisure, until I happened to brush into the circle of friends update, and then came to an abrupt end.

Lu Kang had a meeting in May in the next city, and before he left, he gave me a lot of advice, from not to talk to strangers, all the way to not to walk with random strangers.

Especially the kind of guys who don’t look like they’re any good, but are born with a good skin.

I thought he was just cueing the cake boy, but I had no proof.

Then on the day he left, I was in my circle of friends and swiped a rare dynamic update that wasn’t from a micromanager.

A set of fine-tuned four frames, the background is the interior seat aisle of a high-speed train, double characters, male and female main characters.

The male protagonist is Lu Kang, and the female protagonist is that first love of his from his middle school days, the schoolgirl.

The accompanying text: a chance encounter with an old friend, destiny.

The bottom row of alumni liked.

There were also replies to those who were clamoring for a renewal of their relationship.

Lu Kang’s likes were at the top of the list.

I wanted to call him and ask him what was going on, but the number was cut off before I could dial it.

This kind of thing, is really don’t know how to ask.

I couldn’t just ask him aggressively why he was taking pictures with someone else, could I?

He just said that the cake boy was unreliable, why should I be so uptight?

I’m just a little bit depressed for some reason.

The girl left to educate me not to talk to strangers, turned his head and the school flower close to the same frame.

It’s a little bit of a state official setting fire to the people and the people lighting the lamp.

7 When I got off work, Uncle Lu asked me if I wanted to rest for a few days, anyway, the clinic has not been busy lately.

It just so happens that I’ve taken on a dinner translation job in the past few days, and Lu Kang is also away, so I’m happy to skip work.

I originally studied economics and spent two years abroad, so it wasn’t too difficult for me to translate after a few days of temporary vocabulary blitz.

Dinner was set in the city’s highest specification hotel box, in addition to the translation of the dishes slightly difficult, the standard of food is simply impeccable.

Especially the dessert, I was extremely satisfied.

After the meal, I excused there are things left in the box, refused the elders to send me home good intentions.

Then back to the hotel, pulling the waiter today’s dessert chef praised a pass, and finally licked his face and asked if he could pack another today’s limited edition back.

The waitress was pestered by me, reluctantly agreed to go to the back kitchen to ask.

The waitress was pestered by me and reluctantly agreed to go to the back kitchen to ask, and then gave me an answer: I can pack it, but I have to go to the kitchen to pick it up.

Compared to eating, this kind of small thing is simply delightful.

I followed the waitress to the back kitchen.

The waitress said that she was not allowed to enter the kitchen, so she led me to the door and withdrew.

However, just as I poked my head in, I was yanked by the arm and dragged straight into the wall and held down.

The man’s breath hit the top of my head.

The voice was fluffy, like a little hooker, and slightly tinged with some ‘I guessed it right’ smugness.

“I knew it was you. I finally got my chance.

“I swear, I never knew that someone could actually wear a chef’s uniform with an ascetic flavor compared to the upper half of their body being naked.

The white chef’s uniform was buttoned up meticulously, and the broad shoulders and narrow waist revealed a creamy, sweet and rich flavor.

The double impact of sight and smell was even more overwhelming than when I first saw him in the dessert workshop.

The man looked down at me and smiled.

“It’s so hard to find you, is that doctor your boyfriend?

” I subconsciously shook my head and denied it three times.

“He’s not, he’s not, don’t get me wrong.

” So what the hell did Lukang do to him to make him have this horrible misunderstanding?

Cake boy’s eyebrows suddenly stretched out, and when the whole person smiled, he had a very demonic and seductive flavor.

“It’s good that it’s not, then I’m relieved.



I don’t know.

Lu Kang is not my boyfriend, what are you relieved about?

I suspect he has a crush on me, but I have no proof.

My little brother hooked a small box with one finger and hooked the other at me.

“Want to eat?

” I nodded my head silently without resistance and fawned over his cooking to the best of my ability.

He led me outside.

“Come with me if you want to eat.

” All excuses against food are just clouds when it’s present.

What’s more, he also left the information in the dental clinic, can not run away from the monk can not run away from the temple, he is not so bad to me how …… right?

The black motorcycle parked in the alley behind the hotel.

The lines are extremely smooth, and there are even stars of light on the body.

He stood next to the motorcycle and looked as if he had also dyed the color of the stars.

Little Brother threw me a helmet.

“Get on.

” I swear, I must have been tempted by the cake, not this guy’s beauty seduction.

By the time I reacted, the helmet was buckled on my head and I was sitting on the back of the motorcycle.

Little brother was grabbing my hand and letting me loop my hand around his waist.

Don’t tell me, it felt good.

The wind blew across his back and grazed my cheeks.

The neon of the night was left behind by the stars.

The stars ended up on a small hill.

I say hill, but it’s really just a small mound of dirt behind the neighborhood, claimed by the developer to be pristine.

He held me, bypassed the randomly growing weeds, crossed the path that no one had stepped on, and climbed to the top of the hill.

He took out a box, held it in front of me, and unwrapped it.

Inside was a whole sky of glowing, twinkling stars.

“I saw you as soon as you walked in the door. I didn’t think I’d be able to get this cake out.

I didn’t think this cake would go out.” “No one’s going to keep you from eating it this time.

“In all honesty, I have never been as torn up as I am this time since I was born knowing how to eat.

There was no other reason, it was because this cake had been made to feel like an art craft.

Delicate cream was haloed into the deep blue of the night sky, silver sugar beads sprinkled into the shape of a river of stars, galaxies complete with round bands with a little mystery and unknown, and then accompanied by the pure sweetness of chocolate and rum mellow aftertaste …… I really really want to eat it, and yet I don’t know where to start at all.

Because as soon as I moved to take a bite, it seemed as if I would be stamping a regrettable blemish on the flawlessness of the set in front of me.

However, the little brother across the street knew nothing of my inner kinks and rubbed salt into them.

“As soon as you entered the hotel I was thinking that if I could bring you here to eat this cake, there would be no regret at all.

“The river of cars on the road converged into a neon rainbow on the ground, and the river of stars overhead condensed into the brilliance of the night sky, mirroring the light in his eyes.

“I made this limited edition just for you, and I only wanted to make it for you.

“I think I must have gotten a lot of water in my head that day.

Because I was actually dumb enough to hold the spoon and ask him.


“And the other guy answered with a very straight-forward answer.

“Because I want to chase you.

“Want to chase you ah …… chase you ah …… you ah …… ah …… in my head, boom, gave the explosion.

Did not wait for me to react, he smiled and pinched my face.

“Do not have to rush to answer me, which have to chase girlfriends do not spend time?

” I: …… OK, this is also a kind of arrange me clearly.

In the end, he was pushing the motorcycle to send me back home.

According to his words, although driving back, I can get home faster, but walking back, he can stay with me for a while longer.

I’ve been single for too many years, and even though I spend half of my time helping Lu Kang review love letters, the difference in effect between what I tell others and what I tell myself is not even a fraction of a star.

Once upon a time, I also boasted that I read all the love books without being touched by the cheeky little person, however, really waiting for someone to their uninterrupted output of time …… to say that the heart does not move, that is a lie.

Not to mention that he does, look really good.

Different from Lu Kang sunny teenage sense, this guy simply grew a standard demon face.

When he smiles, his eyes look like little hooks, and he can hook people’s souls away in minutes.

Throughout the night, for the first time, I had a dream about cake.

Sweet, as if it has the flavor of stars.

8 Lu Kang came back on the third day after the cake boy sent me to work.

He was in a hurry, as if there were 30,000 mutant zombies chasing him.

As soon as he rushed into the clinic, he looked up and down at me, looked forward and back, and then asked me through clenched teeth.

“Where is he?

“I thought he was looking for the dean, and I pointed to the clinic room in a particularly nimble manner.

“There he is.

“Lu Kang directly kicked the door in.

Then, he was kicked out by his father.

While kicking, he also picked up his shirt collar, “apologize to the golden father.

“After Lu Kang calmed down the shocked patient, he turned back and glared at me.

“I’m not talking about my dad.

“I was puzzled.

“Then who are you asking?

“Lukang gritted his teeth.

“That guy, the one who got into a fight and knocked his teeth out.

I realized that he was the one who had lost his tooth in a fight,” I said, gesturing for him to stay calm, and then turned on the computer to operate it.

“He’s not coming in for his implant until next month, so what’s your hurry?

“My intuition told me that Lu Kang wanted to beat me up.

But reason told me that he wouldn’t dare to do it here.

Lu Kang simply pulled me into the stairwell.

Lu Kang: “Didn’t I tell you to leave his after-sales service alone when I left?

“Me: “I didn’t care, I didn’t even make the appointment.

“Lukang: “Didn’t I tell you not to get involved with the unsavory people?

“I: “I don’t hang around with unsavory people, I have a serious job.

“Lu Kang laughed at me.

“You’ve got your wings, haven’t you?

“To be honest, I’m a little angry too.

Ever since I was a kid, any boy I’ve gotten close to, he’s always been able to stir up trouble for me.

Either to the teacher to report, or go to my parents in front of the eye medicine, or else with me to cite that person a lot of bad, to prove that I am blind.

You’re allowed to receive love letters, but I’m not allowed to talk to boys?

You’re allowed to talk to your destiny, but not to get closer to others?

You’re allowed to chase pretty girls, but not me?

So I simply hit him on the back of his hand.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m happy now, so what do you care?

“Lu Kang smoothly held my wrist.

The force was quite strong.

Lu Kang: “What is your relationship with him?

“I shook it off twice but didn’t get free, so I simply kicked him in the calf again.

“What do you care what kind of relationship I have with him?

” Two voices sounded at the same time.

Lu Kang: “No.

“Cake Guy: “Yes.

‘ Me: …… Me: !!!! Why is he back again?

Cake Guy slowly and leisurely walked up from the bottom of the stairs, brushing off Lu Kang and pulling me over.

Piggybacking his arm on my shoulder, it looked like he was holding me in his arms.

And to top it off, she made a point of resting her chin on the top of my head, looking intimate and casual.

“Of course, I was thinking that I would have to chase after you for a year and a half to make it look serious,” she said.

“But since Gardenia said so, I have no problem.

“After saying that, he started to take me downstairs.

While walking down the stairs, he also waved lazily to Lu Kang.

“Thanks, buddy.

“I was so stiff that I almost didn’t step on my right foot when I was walking down the stairs.

It wasn’t until we were out of Lu Kang’s line of sight that Cake Boy and I looked up at the same time, in Lu Kang’s direction upstairs.

In that instant, he and I somehow had a heart-to-heart and spoke the exact same words.

He: “Run?

“Me: “Run!” So we both ran.

We really ran.

He took me by the hand and drove off on his motorcycle.

I didn’t even bother to put on my helmet, so I just crouched down on the back seat.

However, when I wrapped my arms around my waist and put my face on his back, I was blessed with a good fortune and turned my head to look out the window.

Lu Kang stood by the window in the hallway, four big words written plainly on his face.

Adulterer and adulteress.

I don’t think I’m going to get better today.

According to Lu Kang’s previous temperament, if he doesn’t sue me in front of my parents, he won’t be called Lu.

9 The motorcycle turned several blocks and finally stopped at the mouth of an unfamiliar alley.

Cake Boy deflected the motorcycle, stretched his long legs out, supported himself on the ground, and asked me.

“Have you thought about where you’re going?

” I felt my little heart still pounding, and I kept thinking there was probably going to be an earthquake in the house today.

I really don’t dare to go back in this kind of storm.

So I shook my head honestly.

“I don’t know, I haven’t thought about it yet.

” Little Brother thought for a moment and said that he had come up with a new dessert yesterday and asked me if I wanted to be the first to try it.

I had to want to be the first one to try it.

Little Brother made a call and took me to the same handmade dessert place I went to last time.

The owner didn’t care because he was glancing at me the whole time.

While glancing, he scowled at the cake boy.

Ignoring the boss’s explicit hints, he washed his hands with all the ingredients and stretched his arms out at me.

“Roll up your sleeves.

” The boss tsked, mumbled something about dog abuse and walked away, shaking his head.

If it hadn’t been for the flour, eggs, and vanilla extract in front of me, I would have thought I was watching a full-blown surgical procedure.

Because this guy playing he was busy making food hands can not be dirty reason, the whole time I commanded around.

A moment let me give him tie apron, a moment let me give him positive hat, a moment too hot let me give him sweat, a moment too tight collar let me give him loose.

I can’t stand to wear an apron or a hat.

Wiping sweat I take it as his physique is gifted, air-conditioned room is not heat-resistant.

The problem is, you wear a round neck T-shirt, I give you loose what collar?

Take a pair of scissors to cut you into a deep V?

However, Naihe people are too good at turning sugar can turn out a flower alive.

Not to mention that I was looking at the side of the eye, is the next table is doing the cake of the two girls, to the end of their own table also do not care, holding up a cell phone in the side of the video.

While waiting for the cake to come out of the oven, he even made me a cup of milk tea.

The gently sweet flavor soon filled the small store.

The two girls at the next table came over to get close to the cake guy under the banner of learning the art.

While praising him for his craftsmanship, they opened the QR code and asked if they could add friends.

The result was that the man pointed to me and took himself off the hook.

“I’m chasing after her. If I add you, she’s going to throw me out.

“The workshop owner’s eyes lit up.

He pushed aside the two girls and leapt over to me.

“Sis, he gave you a chance to win the lottery last time, didn’t he?” “Let’s talk about it, okay?

Let’s make a deal, okay?” “You let him come to my place every week.

“You let him come to me once a week, just half a day, to support me,” I: …… little brother slapped the boss away, lowered his head to my ear, and gently said a sentence in Italian.

Until he sent me downstairs, the red on the tips of my ears, did not fade.

What he said was, “You don’t have to rush your choice, I always wait until you nod willingly.

“My princess.

” He probably didn’t think I’d understand, and didn’t point at me to answer when he finished.

But back then, even though I went to England on exchange, I took Italian as my second foreign language.

Plus, I went to Italy twice on vacation after I left the country, so I had no problem with basic communication.

I was milling around under the building not really wanting to go home.

My little brother was sitting on the motorcycle and watched me.

Suddenly the man took a deep breath, leaned halfway over and pointed to the corner of my mouth.

“There’s something.

“I froze, and subconsciously wanted to reach out and wipe it off.

As a result, his hand was held just as I raised it.

His face suddenly came up, the tip of his nose touched the tip of my nose, and then swiveled at a half angle, and before I could react, he gently, licked the corner of my mouth.

“Okay, no more.

” Me:!!! I just felt my face explode.

My head was a blur.

His nostrils were hot and sprayed on my cheek, like a small yet highly viable fire burning in my heart.

His other hand was on my waist, bringing me in his direction.

His lips were warm and dry, grazing mine if anything.

His voice was low, half seductive-like and half like he was trying to hold back.

“May I?

“At a time like this, from my own will, it would probably take the stamina of a Tang Monk or a Liu Xiahui to say a no.

But from the point of view of a third party, this refusal becomes imminent.

For it was not a willingness or unwillingness that answered him.

Rather, it came from out of nowhere, Lu Kang’s, fist.

10 Ya don’t know exactly how long he stood downstairs in my house, anyway, before I had time to decide to nod or shake my head, he came rushing up with a wail, yanking me behind him with one hand, and with the other hand he rushed straight at the cake boy’s face to greet him.

As he did so, he said, “You stay away from her.

” I: …… I lived more than twenty years, the first time I experienced, two men in front of me to fight for me, woe is me feeling.

Just very subtle.

Because it’s not right to pull the fight, and it seems even more wrong not to pull the fight.

And the most crucial thing is, during the entire process of their fight, but whenever I had the slightest hint of wanting to rush up and separate the two men, these two would make a very concerted effort to dislike me to the side.

The process of disliking was also very skillful.

It doesn’t say anything, it’s just that the two of them very silently, moving aside while fighting.

Sometimes it was Little Brother pressing down on Lu Kang and moving to the side while punching him.

At other times, Lu Kang took Little Brother by the collar and tore him up, running to the side as he did so.

After two unsuccessful attempts to reach out, I took out my cell phone and called the police.

“If you don’t stop, I’m going to call the police.

“The reputation of the police is not to be sniffed at, the two old men stopped at the same time, lying on the ground and looked up at me.

I put it on speakerphone to show that I wasn’t lying.

Lu Kang jumped up and pressed my cell phone after the first sound of the phone dialing.

Little Brother got up off the ground as well and stood still, wiping the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand.

Lucan glared at me with his nose in the air.

“I send you back.

” I: …… big brother, you this virtue send me back, open the door my house will have to blow up okay! The little brother, on the other hand, stretched out his hand at me.

“I don’t want to go home, go to my place is fine.

” I: …… big brother, trouble you recognize the reality, the night does not come home the crime is very heavy OK.

When it comes to the key time, both men are unreliable.

I pointed to my little brother.

“You, go back.

“I also pointed to Lu Kang.

“You, go back too.

“Finally, I pointed at myself.

“I can take the elevator by myself.

“The two of them poked in place and looked at me without making a sound.

I turned my head towards the door.

I hadn’t taken more than two steps when I heard footsteps behind me.

When I turned around, Lu Kang was behind me, and Little Brother was behind him.

It was similar to stringing candy canes.

The reason Lu Kang gave was that he didn’t worry about me going home alone, so he followed me back to take a look.

Little brother gave the reason is, don’t worry Lu Kang follow me home, so he also follow up to see.

The two of them didn’t do anything this time, but just stood in front of me and argued.

And the more they argue, the more the head, I tried to persuade several times, were both glared back.

In fact, what I want to say is very simple.

The two of them stand in the elevator mouth does not move, I go up by myself is not it?

So, when I finally put forward this proposal, Lu Kang and Little Brother were like two old hens that were pecking each other happily, and were instantly stumped like they had been abruptly lifted by the neck.

Little brother’s face was a little better, Lu Kang was stifled to the point where his face turned green.

He looked at me with eyes that were just short of asking me a question to my face.

“Are you stupid?

“But by the two of them so interrupt, I skipped work shutdown lost all day to be home crazy interrogation of the fear, but washed away a lot.

When I opened the door with the key, I was even in a very calm mood.

However, waiting for me, is more calm living room.

It was so calm that the lights weren’t even turned on.

I don’t know if everyone has a very subtle intuition.

Whether there is someone in the house or not and whether the lights are on or not are not exactly positively correlated.

There are times when you can intuit that there is someone in the house even though the lights are not on.

There are times when the lights are on, but you can also intuit that there is no one at home.

Right now, for example, I’m standing in the doorway, facing a darkened living room, and my first thought is that no one is home but me.

Because it was just too quiet.

I snuck around every room, and then in the kitchen, I found the note my mom had left for me.

She said that because I couldn’t leave for my internship, she and my dad had taken my brother on a trip while we were on vacation, and told me to remember to lock the door when I was at home by myself.

If you really don’t want to cook but don’t want to starve to death, go to Lu Kang’s house to rub.

I looked at the wall of the kitchen, as well as empty pots and pans, for the first time from the bottom of my heart to produce, I am not born this kind of doubt.

Of course, after figuring out where my parents are going, I finally know why Lu Kang dared to go upstairs with me with a colorful face.

The girl must know that there is no one in my house.

Sure enough, Lu is my mom’s real son! I rubbed my temporarily full stomach and decided to take a bath first to calm my mood after today’s ups and downs.

Of course, if I could have known in advance that my own mother could sell me to such an extent, then even if it killed me, I wouldn’t have picked this time to take this bath.

As a matter of fact, many coincidences in real life are caused by the addition of different factors that finally lead to an unexpected result.

Because of the shutdown of the whole day, resulting in my abnormal heart, not very want to open the microblogging to see my parents sent me a message.

And because I was home alone, I turned on the music player directly when I took a shower.

This, coupled with the protracted battle between Lu Kang and Cake Guy before I went upstairs, led to my head being filled with thoughts of whether or not they’d gone home yet, and I simply forgot to get my clothes.

Question, what do you do when you’re home alone and you forget your bath towel as well as your clothes in the shower?

This kind of question is a giveaway.

Of course you come out naked.

There’s no one else in the house anyway, right?

Of course, the premise is that there is really no one else at home.

Once there is someone else, the question will be a dead giveaway in minutes.

Take me for example.

I was naked, one hand ruffled the hair that was still dripping, one hand held the phone with the music playing loudly, and twisted my butt when I walked out.

Just in time, Lu Kang, who was sitting on the couch, slowly stood up.

He and I looked at each other with four eyes, face to face.

The huge visual impact made him forget to ask why I ran naked, and also made me forget to ask why he was in my house.

That night, my screams, in the quiet summer night sky, combined with the sound of insects in the neighborhood grass, especially long.

The first thing Lu Kang did was to throw the T-shirt he had placed on the couch over to me, and then turned his own back, pretending not to see anything.

I put on my clothes and rushed to my room.

The hallway in my house, however, is paved with tile flooring.

As we all know, the most non-slip tile is always less than non-slip when you step on it with your bare feet in water.

In the end, I almost used the standard position of a soccer player attacking a broken defense on a green field, and then scoring a goal with a shovel slide, smashed the door of the room with my head, and rushed in.

So when Lukang heard the commotion and ran over to check it out, what he saw again was me sprawled face down on the floor, and a, well, white ass that was exposed because my t-shirt was rolled up to my waist.

When I changed my clothes, I was thinking very carefully about what precautions to take if I were to kill someone at this time.

Lu Kang explained to me that my mom sent a copy of my spare house key to his house because she couldn’t contact me for a day today, and asked Lu Kang to pass it on, and he came to deliver the key to me.

Considering my old problem of being afraid of the dark when I’m alone in the house, he also temporarily decided to have mercy and sleep in my guest bedroom for one night to give me courage.

The main reason, of course, was that he couldn’t go back with this dignity.

After learning about his real needs, I sat on the sofa with my stomach in my hands and legs crossed, and said to Lu Kang in a serious tone, “We are alone, how inappropriate to stay together.

I blindly guessed that Lu Kang’s mental activity was repeatedly jumping between the two options of beating me to death and crippling me,” Lu Kang said with a sullen gaze.

It’s not that I’m being unkind, it’s just that it’s rare for Lu Kang to be defeated.

I have to seize the opportunity.

Lu Kang is not in a hurry to open his mouth, until he gives me a look that makes my heart grow fuzzy, then he asks me slowly and leisurely.

“Are you sure?

“Alarm bells went off in my head.

According to my bitter experience with Lu Kang in the past, if I dare to say yes, my retribution will always come particularly fast.

For example, when I broke something after hours and tried to push Lu Kang out to take the blame, he asked me the same thing.

Back then, I was small and didn’t know any better, so I justified myself and said I was sure.

He was so honorable that he admitted it on the spot.

As a result, when I went back, I was beaten up by my parents, so much so that even the homeroom teacher almost didn’t recognize me.

Since then I have understood.

When Lu Kang asked me if I was sure, I couldn’t answer yes.

Lu Kang again very kindly reminded me.

“Think before you answer.

“After that, he took a kraft paper file bag on the coffee table and shook it at me.

I can assure you that you should be interested in what’s inside.”

“I have to say, in the matter of pinning me down, Lu Kang had indeed achieved perfection.

Because he even pointed out the window.

“It’s got something to do with him.

“I’m so happy to admit my weakness.

The wind and the water turned.

This time, the landlord has become Master Lu.

This guy is now learning to sell, hard to his original flat stomach out of the beer belly, sitting on the sofa, pointing to my home medical box.

“Aiya, this fight, all over the body pain ah.

“I hold my tongue, pack ice boiled eggs, and also sprayed half a bottle of Yunnan Baiyao on his arm.

Lu Kang instructed me to put plasters on his back again, and took off the clothes I had managed to get him to put on again.

I was busy going up and down on his back in the positions he told me to, while also having to deal with his sudden jerks.

“You don’t get bloodsick anymore?

” me:?



Where did he get blood on his back?

I guess I couldn’t find the right spot, so Lu Kang finally took the plaster from my hand and put it on himself.

Then he turned his head and carried me to sit in front of him, pointing to his face.

“You gave him that day on the medicine on the very easy well, how to me here so awkward?

“I: …… that’s people are not picky, okay! I wrapped someone into a zombie and people still praise me for my workmanship.

Look at you!

My plaster is one centimeter crooked, and you’re screaming like you’ve seen a ghost.

People who don’t know would think I’ve done something to you.

Of course, I’m really curious about what he’s got on that guy that he’s coming over to me all night to take credit for.

Lu Kang took Joe as a gesture and gave me enough to make a fuss before he switched to a different way of jerking off.

“You are also quite concerned about his things, I said that other have not seen you so obedient.

I want to raise the table.”

You’re the one who hooked me with his information, and if I don’t take the bait, you’re going to say I’m not interested in my own affairs! You’ve said all the right things and all the wrong things, so all I have to do is wait for the scolding, right?

I’ve never won against Lu Kang, so I’ll have no choice but to go for the jugular.

If you don’t want to see it, I won’t.” Lu Kang asked me again, “Do you want to see it?

“Lu Kang asked me again.

“Are you sure?

“I’m going to cry.

Just give me a break! I don’t know which one of my ass-kissing lines was right, but Lu Kang finally slapped the information bag in my arms.

“See for yourself.

“I don’t know what way Lu Kang got this material.

Inside was a complete copy of Cake Boy’s details.

Including his social network account, his family, reading history, and growing up history.

Next to the word “Xu Hang” was a black-and-white photo of Cake’s head that was copied along with the information.

Probably taken when he was studying, his eyebrows and eyes hadn’t grown too much, and his expression in the photo was distinctly youthful and tender.

Lu Kang sat on the sofa and waited for me to finish reading it.

“Today Auntie Zheng called and asked me why you turned off your phone, I said you took the clinic’s public cell phone to communicate with a client, and I put the phone in the office to charge it, so I rounded it up for you.

” “Auntie Zheng was afraid that you didn’t have the key with you, so she gave my mom a piece of the key and asked me to give it to you on the way when I sent you back.

“If you really like him and have to be with him, you should at least see what kind of person he is before you make a decision.”

” I listened to Lu Kang ramble on as I flipped back.

I have to say, if the material wasn’t faked, this file of Cake’s little brother was really a bit unusual and wonderful.

His own father was imprisoned for drug abuse and is still in rehab.

His mother raised him in junior high school by running a small business.

Since elementary school, he has been a gangster, dropped out of junior high school, and his reading history is a whole part of the rise of Chicken Little.

Probably because God rewarded the food, this goods in the cooking together really talented, five years ago to save up enough money, went to Italy for three years, two years ago to return to China, is currently in the back kitchen of the hotel as a dessert chef.

For a moment, I even thought that Lu Kang was probably looking for the legendary private detective.

Otherwise, within a day, how could he possibly find such complete information on such nooks and crannies.

Lu Kang waited especially patiently for me to finish flipping through the pages.

Then he asked me, “Do you still want to find him?

” I: …… Although I don’t want to admit it, I have to say that what Lu Kang said, might be right.

Putting aside the question of whether I want to or not, if he hadn’t rounded this up for me today, Cake Boy, this family material, as long as it was placed in front of my parents’ table, I think I might have been placed under house arrest on the spot.

Lu Kang directly said the lines that were supposed to belong to my mom for her.

“He is not suitable for you, you even if you want to find, can not find a such, closed eyes on the street randomly pull a better than him.

” I: …… don’t know why, Lu Kang said this when his face, in my brain inexplicably with my father, slowly overlap.

I looked down and quickly flipped through the material again.

The heart is very strange, a little annoyed.

“You went on a business trip to check up on him?

” Lu Kang froze.

“Not really, I had a meeting for one day, and then I saw that the place where I had the meeting was closer to the birthplace registered on his ID card, so I went to take a stroll.” “I didn’t specifically ask around.

“He was quite famous in that small county of theirs, and then he moved, and no one in the area knew where he had moved to.”

“Lu Kang pointed to the paper I was holding in my hand.

“I asked a friend at the police station to do a network check for me. I’m a little short on time, and I haven’t checked my emotional and social history yet.

“The hospital system should be able to turn up his medical records.

” I: …… I seem to suddenly know a little bit about the reason why I’ve been maternally single for so long.

But what’s Lu Kang’s plan here?

I can’t find a boyfriend, and I don’t see him planning on coming to pick me up.

This thought, however, only flashed vaguely in my head for a moment.

Because soon the doorbell rang.

Lu Kang and I were baffled.

I asked him not always like to order takeout?

He said to me why do you dare to order takeout when you’re home alone.

As a result, the cat’s eye is standing outside, is Xu Hang.

In just one night’s time, I fully realized what it means to be a man’s mouth, a ghost who cheats.

Two people, agreed to send me home.

However, these two, one directly open the door to board the room, the other simply blocked the door to catch adultery.

Xu Hang probably also did a very, very long time of psychological construction before he came to my house and knocked on the door.

Because the moment the door opened, the expression on his face, was really very serious and …… apprehensive.

And that a cry of “uncle”, has come out half a tone.

However, when he saw clearly that the one who opened the door for him was Lu Kang, that kind of apprehension was directly frozen on his face.

In particular, Lu Kang’s upper body was still undressed.

I sat on the sofa, always feeling that this scene in front of me, inexplicably familiar – if Xu Hang had another broom in his hand.

I can’t remember what kind of mood I went to sleep with that night.

I have also forgotten how Xu Hang and Lu Kang finally agreed to take a step back from each other after a fierce competition.

All in all, when I unlocked the door to my room, lay down on my bed, closed my eyes, and lost consciousness, the last thought in my head was: I want to put a name tag on their faces, one for Chen Qi and one for Zheng Lun, with the horizontal slogan: Humbug Two Generals.

Yes, since Lu Kang was dead set against letting Xu Hang in, Xu Hang would rather call the police than let Lu Kang sleep on my couch.

So the two of them finally concluded that I should donate two air conditioning quilts and they would sleep at my front door.

I dreamed for a whole night that I was bungee jumping from the eighth floor down to work with a bed sheet as a rope.

The next morning, however, these two men, physically gave me a vivid teaching lesson.

What is meant by three monks without water.

When there was only Lu Kang, I could ride in a private car.

When there was only Xu Hang, I could get on a scooter.

And when these two men stand in front of me at the same time …… I choose to take the subway.

Because I always feel that no matter which car key I am picking up, the remaining one, can give his competitor, and directly killed.

Today with Lu Kang about pulling teeth is a small child, I in the “cat and mouse” and “piggy Peiqi” between, decisively chose the “animal world”.

Lu Kang looked at me.

“Why did you put that on?

” I put down the remote control, expressionless.

“I’m not watching animals, I’m watching myself.

“On the TV, Mr. Zhao Zhongxiang was narrating for the animals, “There are love triangles in the lions.

Between love rivals, sometimes they fight to the death.

Only when the rivals are defeated can there be peace for the lovers.

It seems that the lions have to take a lot of risks when they look for a partner.

” Lu Kang: …… Probably the scenes of lion fights in the animal world gave Lu Kang great excitement.

So much so that he skipped work in the middle of the day in a dignified manner and took me straight to the nearby amusement park.

Along the way, I tried to open my mouth several times, but he glared back.

It was only when we parked that he remembered to explain to me what the hell he was smoking.

“I remember the year you celebrated your tenth birthday, Uncle Qin originally said he wanted to bring you to this amusement park, but then something came up at your house that day, so Auntie Zheng put you in my house, and you cried for a long time in my room, and you wouldn’t tell me why.” “Then after dinner I had a good time, and I was very happy.

You cried for a long time in my room, and you wouldn’t tell me why.” “I coaxed you for half a day after dinner, but the amusement park was already closed.” “I’ve always wanted to make up with you.

“I’ve always wanted to make it up to you, but I couldn’t find any opportunity to do so.” I held back for half a day, but I finally managed to make it up to you.

I held back for half a day, but finally I couldn’t hold back.”

“…… It’s still early for my birthday.

” Lu Kang hmmm.

“I looked at the time, you should be back in school by the time your birthday rolls around, so it’s okay to have it early.

“I feel that I need to tell him the truth as politely as possible.

“But it’s not the weekend.

” Lukang was unsure.

“Isn’t that perfect?

There aren’t too many people.

” I: …… I’d better shut up.

Five minutes later, Lu Kang stood in a deserted playground with me in tow, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

“Is that what you meant when you told me it wasn’t the weekend?

” I covered my face with my hands and nodded silently.

Yes, because it wasn’t a weekend, most of the rides at the amusement park, weren’t open.

The merry-go-round, known as the Dream Factory, looked old because it had no lights to add to it.

And the large Ferris wheel, known as the mecca for confessions, looked bulky and silly without the hazy soft light of the moon.

As for the small train known for romance, because there is no small children set off, parked on the tracks, lonely and helpless.

The whole playground was empty, not even two staff members could be seen.

Only the free sand pile slide there, sporadically squatting a few small children in the pouting sand.

Yes, Lu Kang skipped work at noon, and at this hour I think they are all having lunch.

The moms and grandmothers by the sand pile couldn’t stand the heat and were already telling the kids to leave.

I wanted to comfort Lu Kang, but I really didn’t know what to say.

In the end, I could only accompany him, in the midday summer sun, in the playground that did not even have the shade of a tree, slowly and leisurely, skating around.

Lu Kang looked at me, opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end nothing could be said, and silently sent me back home.

The moment he went out the door, a very weird word inexplicably popped into my head.

Karma is over.

I don’t know why.

13 Life at home alone was always easy and indulgent.

I scrubbed up early and lay down on my bed to brush up on Twitter.

However, just a moment before I was about to fall asleep, the WeChat call suddenly popped up.

The big headshot of the owner of the handmade dessert store, with whom I had only met once, shook my palms.

I clicked connect in a daze.

The deafening music coupled with the owner’s crying voice almost didn’t send me away in a direct wave.

“Sister help ah, only you can calm him ah!” I: …… boss three times to give me a rough idea of the matter, nothing more than Xu Hang drunk, relying on the bar refused to go, who persuade are not good, asked me if I can do a favor, let him listen to some words, at least do not sleep on the street.

I was going to say that you can not move, I came also useless.

Naihe people boss selling a good hand, words are not I do not come he is bound to be beaten up and then thrown on the street, or perhaps will be picked up into the black coal kiln this life is ruined, please I must show up, all the heavy work he to do, I am responsible for waking up the Xu Hang on the line.

Finally simply help me call a drop, one step downstairs to pick up the driver, even send positioning are saved.

This Lu Kang total not to ten o’clock at night still checking in on a fluke, I changed my clothes downstairs and went straight to the address sent to me by the boss.

When I arrived, Xu Hang was already paralyzed on the sofa of the card seat.

When the boss saw me, it was like seeing a long lost relative, he directly pressed me in front of him and shouted at the top of his voice.

“Look who’s here!

” I must admit, at that time, Xu Hang’s fist, from my face, only 0.01 seconds away.

He probably had a pretty heavy wake-up call.

The moment I opened my eyes, I clearly saw that the expression on his face, first went from anger, then to surprise, then to disbelief, and finally reverted back to anger.

That sandbag-sized fist, finally carrying the wind, made a temporary turn, grazed my cheek, and landed directly on the face of the boss who was still holding me down.

“Who let you call her out in a place like this?

” I: …… Boss: …… After Xu Hang punched his boss, he narrowed his eyes and looked at me twice more before looking around again.

Then he suddenly pulled me up with one hand and pulled his leg to run.

The boss chased after the hey hey hey called a few times, but did not hey out of a what, presumably pinching the nose to Xu Hang check out to go.

I do not know, why a drunk person can run so fast.

And the reason why I judged him drunk, because he ran, directly skipped his beloved motorcycle, hard with two legs run out of the wind feeling.

The noisy crowd on the street and the traffic on the road was far behind him.

He dragged me through several alleys with ease and ran until he reached the bottom of the city’s largest Ferris wheel before stopping, paralyzing his butt on the ground, panting while looking at me and smiling.

“Do you want to sit?

” I was too busy gasping for air to pay attention to him.

He hooked his finger at me, and while I was bending over, he wrapped his arms around my neck and brought his mouth to my ear.

Nasal breath with the smell of alcohol hit my earlobe, and with his slightly low voice, it made people’s hearts more and more tingly.

“I’ll accompany you, let’s go.

“When I looked at the Ferris wheel from afar, I always thought it should be quite high.

But really wait until the bottom, only to find that the original girl so high …… bright white neon lights broke through the haze of the moonlight and soft, Xu Hang took me, but also deliberately picked a pink sedan chair.

The whole city is slowly getting smaller in front of my eyes.

The only thing that is clear is the wind blowing high above my ears, and the person sitting next to me with the smell of alcohol.

When I looked out the window, Xu Hang looked at me.

While looking, he came over, and then with a poof, he rested his chin directly on my shoulder.

“I like you, don’t ignore me.

“I: …… say will be pampered woman, men can not carry.

If I say, a big man pampered, the timing of the card is good, the tone of voice is right, I am a woman, I can not suffer.

Xu Hang held his hand on the glass window on my side, and vainly put me in his arms.

“I will not drink in the future, okay, don’t be angry, I didn’t know you were coming, not to beat you.” “You’re not like them,” he said.

“You’re different from all of them.

“Xu Hang came to the side of my head and looked at the bottom with me.

“I was thinking that I’d have to chase you for half a year anyhow, but Gardenia, I really don’t want to wait.

“He gently tugged on my shoulder and made me turn to look at him.

“Will you be my girlfriend?

” The wind outside the window was blowing extraordinarily gently, the moonlight overhead was so hazy, the whole city flashing neon at my feet and his.

His eyes, focused and gentle.

I have to say, in addition to this guy has been drinking, the Ferris wheel can be called a confession template card place.

He and Lu Kang are indeed incomparable.

I saw my own shadow in Xu Hang’s eyes.

Probably because I didn’t speak for too long, Xu Hang waited and suddenly smiled again.

“If you don’t say anything, then I’ll take that as a yes?

“I was squeezed by Xu Hang into the small corner of the coupe closest to the window, he was too close to me.

So close that if he lowered his head just a little bit further, he would be able to accurately capture my lips.

And indeed, he did seem intent on doing just that.

I ducked to the side the moment he lowered his head.

“Then answer me a question.

” Seohang then buried his face in the hollow of my shoulder.

“You ask, I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.

“I gently pushed him, to no avail.

It was as if this guy was determined to stay on me, and he wouldn’t move no matter what.

I sighed.

“Why me?

”Putting aside his family, I really can’t figure out why he would spend so much effort on me when there are plenty of ordinary girls like me on the street.”

Xu Hang looked at me steadily.

The Ferris wheel began to descend.

He didn’t open his mouth, and I didn’t speak either.

The sedan chair shook gently.

After one lap, he and I returned to the original point.

He jumped off first, reached out at me, and picked me up.

“You want to know?

” I nodded decisively.

Ever since I was a kid, Lukang hasn’t had a shortage of good girls around him.

I’m just as retarded as I can be, but I’m not so un-self-aware to this extent.

I’m really not considered outstanding to the point where someone could fall in love with me at first sight.

Xu Hang held me and walked back.

When he reached home he let go of me, and as if he had made up his mind, he rubbed my head.

“Let’s make a promise, there are still three months until you graduate, wait for me for three months and I’ll tell you why you, okay?

” probably because his tone was too gentle.

I softly hmmm’d.

As a result, until the end of my entire summer vacation, Xu Hang didn’t show up again.

Lu Kang probably told my parents a little bit about my love that was destined to be unpromising before it even started, and Ms. Zheng started to brainwash me about the importance of a good match for marriage under the banner of mother-daughter talks.

Lu Kang did not have anything special to say, maintaining the frequency of coming to my house once a day to clock in, accepting the hospitality of my parents.

I remember that it was just one of the most ordinary mornings.

I don’t know what stimulated Lu Kang when he went out, I said I sit in the back seat, he had to drag me to the passenger seat.

Then my conversation with him started in a very calm and weird way.

Lukang: “Are you still in touch with him?

“Me: “With whom?

“Lu Kang: “Xu Hang.

“I let out a sigh and didn’t deny it.

Although Xu Hang didn’t show up, he often chatted with me on WeChat.

Today, he took a photo of a new product for me, and tomorrow, he asked me if I had eaten properly.

Brush up the sense of existence.

Lu Kang inclined his head and looked at me.

“Do you like him that much?

”My intuition told me that this was definitely a giveaway question, and I couldn’t just say it.

So I hesitated and turned my head to the other side, looking out the window.

Lu Kang let out a bitter laugh.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell Auntie Zheng.

“Right, right, right, if you don’t tell my mom, you can still tell my dad, and you can still tell your mom, and you can also tell your dad.

I’d be a fool to believe you.

Lu Kang sighed.

“I used to think that you, or the little girl who chased after my ass.

“Looking back, you’ve grown up too.

” I: …… I don’t grow up still can go backward?

Lu Kang was driving while nagging me like an elder.

From the black history of my bare ass playing at his house when I was a kid, all the way to my elementary school having little boys running across grades to hand me love letters, being intercepted in time by his quick eyes and hands, and finally reminiscing about the six whole years of love letters I’ve been showing him.

I couldn’t wait to sew his mouth shut.

I and Lu Kang difference of two years old, and one year later he went to school, he junior high school when I happen to be in the sixth grade.

Sixth grade ah …… that group of junior high school students really can do it, trekking to the next door of the elementary school to block me, give me stuffed love letters, said it is Lu Kang named to give me.

When I received the first letter I was baffled.

When I received the second letter, I refused.

By the time I received the third letter, I was already numb.

I was forced to be poisoned before I could even recognize all the words.

So much so that I have a long time, writing essays are permeated with so much forced business pretense – read love letters read.

Lu Kang is still rambling about some things, I listen to feel inexplicably annoyed, I do not know where to get the courage to directly interrupt him.

I don’t know where I got the guts to interrupt him. “You don’t have to think so much about the past, and you can’t just let them add me to WeChat when someone confesses to you again.

” Lu Kang was stunned, then softly chanted.

“I won’t be able to do that in the future.

“I didn’t quite catch it.

“What won’t happen again?

“The light in front of me turned green.

Lu Kang stepped on the gas a little too quickly, and the car roared forward a little bit.

“Actually, Xu Hang is not a bad guy, I checked his social records later, and he doesn’t have a messy relationship history.

“I’m not going to comment on that.

Lu Kang: “We grew up together, I remember you used to play house with me, I was the older brother, you were the younger sister.” he paused.

” After a pause, he inclined his head to look at me.

“I don’t know if you’ve been treating me as your brother since then.

“The cell phone screen lit up for a moment.

Xu Hang sent me a picture of his newly baked soufflé, fluffy and delicious at first glance.

I looked down and locked the screen.

There have been times before when I didn’t want to think of you as my brother, but I just never said it.

I won t say it in the future either.

Lu Kang then smiled again.

“No matter what, I can only treat you as my sister from now on.

“I don’t know if it’s just me, but after this inexplicably awkward conversation, Lu Kang and I’s relationship seems to have gone back to square one.

Not salty, not up or down, he picked me up from work and dropped me off on time every day, as if the Ferris wheel fiasco that day, which was so awkward that people could pick out a set of underground garages on the spot, hadn’t happened.

Before school started, I received an internship offer.

The original plan was to finish the internship after graduation and then return to my home country.

It wasn’t until a delivery broke my internship.

Inside was an invitation to a photography exhibition.

The sender was unsigned.

The location was not too far from my internship city.

It was on a weekend, so I decided to fly over and check it out.

It was actually a rather ordinary photography exhibition.

The theme was urban light and change.

The small room was designed as a maze of corridors.

The photographers have traveled all over Europe.

The style of painting is fresh and artistic.

I followed the landmarks and looked back one by one.

Then I stopped next to a certain photo.

It was a small restaurant, and there seemed to be a fight outside, so the people in the restaurant had already run out.

Only in the corner squatted a young girl who was eating cake, eating while looking at the scene outside the glass door, as if all the chaos and confusion had nothing to do with her.

Not far from the young girl, by the kitchen door, a young man stood leaning against the door, looking at the young girl squatting in the corner, as if everything else had nothing to do with him.

It would have been a very, very ordinary photo – if I hadn’t been the one eating the cake, and if the man standing next to the kitchen hadn’t been Xu Hang.

The man walked over to me and placed a small box in my hand.

“In fact, that night, I was going to say it directly, but then I thought, words can’t prove anything.

“I was running out of the country by myself, I didn’t know anyone, I didn’t have any money on me, and I slept on the street for several months before I was taken in by the owner of this place to help out in the back kitchen.

“You came here three times in a row, and each time you asked me to cook something, so I wondered who was so knowledgeable.

I wanted to come out and say hello to you, but I didn’t.” “I was abroad at the time.

“That was the most embarrassing time for me abroad. If it wasn’t for you, I might have decided to switch to washing dishes.”

“Xu Hang looked at me with a very serious expression.

“I admit, before I met you, my life was a complete mess.

“But please believe me, after I met you, I started to have the motivation to live a good life.

“So, you are different from all the others in my heart, you are the most special.”

Xu Hang raised the file bag in his hand at me.

“Of course, I still say, you can choose, I’ll wait for your answer.

“If you want to go back to your home country, I will go back with you, if you want to stay abroad for development, I can submit the immigration materials here for review at any time, I’ll be wherever you are, OK?

“The labyrinth is still stretching under my feet.

But I think I should have found the person who can go out with me.

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