Are there any short stories that are so abusive that you can’t recover from them for a long time?

Are there any short stories that are so abusive that you can’t recover from them for a long time?

In order to make me and her general, the emperor of the sky raw cut off a section of my tail finger, I cried out in pain, but he gently wiped away my teardrops, she never cried, you are not allowed to cry! Broken Fingers (Completed, Abuse) The Heavenly Emperor returned from the barbaric wilderness in white bloodstained clothes, with a woman behind him.

The woman was born exactly like me, even the broken finger on her left hand was the same.

I stood in front of the crowd to welcome him and asked the emperor who she was.

The Heavenly Emperor replied, “She is an honored member of our heavenly realm, a god who sacrificed his life to protect the three realms in the great battle between immortals and demons a thousand years ago, Shaoqi.

” The immortals were in an uproar.

Oh, it’s her.

I know who she is.

Back then, in order to mold me into her likeness, the Heavenly Emperor cut off one of my tail fingers.

I was afraid of pain and cried and begged him for a long time, but I still couldn’t stop his descending dagger.

My tears dripped onto the back of his hand, causing the Heavenly Emperor to frown.

He looked up at me and gently wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes.

And so after that, I could never shed tears again.

Because the Supreme God Shao Qi had a resolute nature, no one had ever seen her shed a tear in tens of thousands of years.

But at this moment, I felt that the Heavenly Emperor had about lied to me.

When he took the resurrected Shaoqi into his arms as if she were a pearl, her eyes were clearly wet.

The teardrops dripped down, crystal clear and touching, and I was envious.

So I tried to reach out to pick them up, but Shao Qi suddenly chilled her face, her sharp eyes glancing at me.

She asked, “Who is she?

“Tian Di didn’t look at me, and only after a long time did he say, “An insignificant person.

“When Shao Qi had not returned, the Heavenly Emperor stroked my hair and said I was his wife.

After Shaoqi’s return, I became an insignificant person in his mouth.

Secondly, the Cloud Mew God brought back a white-furred demonic beast from the lower world, originally intended for his own mount as a daughter-in-law, but who would have thought that the high-minded and proud Fire Qilin would not look at it, not to mention that it also bit off someone’s hind legs.

I squatted down and picked it up, and seeing it dying in my arms, I asked Yunmu if he could give it to me.

Yun Mu and I did not get along, this was something that the entire Heavenly Court knew about.

He looked down at me with his usual disdainful tone, “What do you want with this crippled ugly thing?


I unconsciously touched the broken finger on my left hand and laughed, ”The Severance Cloud Palace is empty, and I am a bit lonely alone, so I want to raise a living creature that can keep me company.

”Since Shao Qi has returned, it was inconvenient for me to live with the Heavenly Emperor, otherwise with her nature of not being able to rub sand in her eyes, she would definitely have a grudge against the Heavenly Emperor.

So I moved to a remote palace room in the west.

Yun Mu’s eyes were heavy.

I saw a bit of vague pity from inside.

He whisked his sleeve, turned around and coldly said, ”Left is just a beast with unopened spiritual aperture.

I can send you, but it is up to you whether you can save it or not.

“Carrying Little White back to its current residence, I brought the wound medicine and lifted its hind legs to treat its wounds.

Little White struggled, but its strength was extremely weak.

I finally realized why the Fire Qilin bit it.

It turns out that this thing is a male.

Third, under my careful care, Xiaobai finally saved a little life.

I think it is too grateful to me, every time I finish the medicine for its hind legs, and incidentally pick open the tail to look at its balls, its dark eyes will always emerge tears of emotion, teeth clenched tightly.

I stroked its head and comforted it, “From now on, the two of us will live together in this heavenly realm, and I will treat it as if it were my own.

When Yunmu and his Fire Qilin appeared in my yard, I clearly felt Little White in my arms tremble.

Yunmu had probably never thought that the heavenly realm had such a dilapidated place, and when he dismounted from his horse, he frowned and looked around.

I made a gesture of invitation, and then sat on a stone bench with Little White in my arms.

Yunmu flicked the bench in disgust before sitting down slowly.

“In order to restore Shaoqi’s Shanggod body, the Heavenly Emperor has sought out an elixir from hell that can revitalize severed limbs and bring back flesh from white bones.

“He glanced at my severed finger, “There are still remnants of that elixir, for old times’ sake, if you ask for it, you may be able to get a little bit of it.

“I stroked Little White’s smooth fur and didn’t say anything.

Four, rumor has it that the elixir is born in the turbid spirit swamp in the hell, if an idle person wants to take it, he will certainly suffer from the skin and flesh melting, all the spirits devouring the soul, that is, the emperor of the heavens went through, a pair of legs out of it, there are only white bones left.

The young Qimo was very moved by this kind of love, so he agreed to make a contract with the Heavenly Emperor on the Three Lives Stone.

This is the first happy event in the heavenly realm in thousands of years after the great war between the immortals and demons.

I had nothing to do with it, and I don’t think Shaoqi wanted to see me.

If I were to come back to life and see a woman using my face, instead of me, I would probably hate her.

So that day, I was in my cloud palace in the rules and regulations, quietly jerking Xiaobai, but by the young Qi’s maidservant half-push half-invited to the hell.

At that time, all the immortals in the heavenly realm were present, and by the Naiho Bridge, in front of the Three Lives Stone, Shao Qi and the Heavenly Emperor were each holding a dagger, waiting for their palms to be cut, and the blood seeped into them, and then the names of the two of them were engraved on the stone tablet, and then the marriage would be concluded for the rest of their lives.

I was brought to Shaoqi, she raised her lips and took my hand towards the stone, “It is rumored that the Three Lives Stone can view all things in their original form and true nature.

“She was talking to me, but I looked at her left hand tail finger, really has been good long out.

It was a beautiful finger.

A word all, I stood in front of the Three Lives Stone, the monument surface such as lake ripples, after a short while, gradually revealed a woman’s appearance.

Five, the woman’s eyebrows like distant mountains, wearing a green jacket, with me now, no different.

All the people held their breath, and even the Heavenly Emperor frowned slightly.

“Why is the Nymphaea Fairy on the Three Life Stones exactly the same as the Divine?

“someone asked.

Shao Qi was in disbelief.

The Heavenly Emperor looked at me for a long time and said, “She was transformed from the lotus root in the Twilight Night Pond.

“That’s how it is.

” The crowd then suddenly realized.

A hint of hidden contempt surfaced in the bottom of Shao Qi’s eyes. A proud woman like her would not be able to look down on someone like me who has lost himself.

“I respectfully request that the Heavenly Emperor and the Supreme God inscribe their names.

“The blood of those two people dripped into the stone tablet, someone behind me patted my shoulder, I looked back and saw Yun Mu’s expressionless face.

His index finger pointed on my forehead, something cool melted on my brow, “In this way, you will be different from her.

“I was a bit puzzled and was about to open my mouth to ask him, when I suddenly heard a person burst out in shock, “What’s going on here?

!” I saw the Three Lives Stone flashing with divine light, and the shock of divine power sent the immortals back a few steps.

My name and the Heavenly Emperor’s name slowly appeared on the stone tablet.

The Immortals were stunned, and all of them turned around to look at me.

I also looked down at my wrist.

Yes, the Heavenly Emperor had made a marriage contract with me.

I just didn’t realize that this Three Lives Stone recognized that one life, one life, one pair of people, the Heavenly Emperor and I fixed the marriage contract, so he was not allowed to have three wives and four concubines.

At the moment, the rune is burning hot between my wrists, as if it is a warning.

Shao Qi threw the dagger tied with a red rope on the ground and said coldly with an iron face: “What does the Heavenly Emperor mean by this?

Since the position of Queen of Heaven has already been promised to someone else, why are you teasing me?

“The Heavenly Emperor’s expression darkened as he said, “I don’t know about this.

He said, “I don’t know about it.

He just forgot.

Thousands of years ago, he broke into my clan’s secret realm alone and was seriously injured by a vicious beast. When I saw that he was still alive, I felt compassion and carried him into my hut.

The people of my clan are transformed by the Lotus Marsh Aura and have no gender, even their looks are blurred.

I was born and raised in this cramped and uninteresting secret realm, and he was the first person I had seen in these ten million years, with whom I shared wine under the moon and listened to his stories about the vast expanse of heaven and earth and strange anecdotes that I had no chance to see.

I became a woman for him, and he molded me into the form of a young Nymphaea.

He gave me the name Nymphaea.

My real name was A-Bo, but no one knew it.

I am whatever the Heavenly Emperor says I am, and it doesn’t really matter what I am or what my name is.

That night when he was drunk, he took me into his arms and called me Shaoqi in a low voice.

I listened to him, and when he mispronounced it, I tilted my face up and told him seriously that my name was Ah Bo.

He raised his lips slightly, hung his head down and called out my name in a clear tone in my ear.

I didn’t think twice about it, and I didn’t know that the word “Shaoqi” would become my lifelong nightmare.

I thought I would be like my ancestors and other clansmen, guarding this lotus swamp until the birth of the next baby, when she gave birth to a spirit, the lotus heart in her body will be handed over to her, and then find a spacious place to die silently, the end of this ordinary and ordinary life.

But he said he would take me out.

I froze for a moment, and then honestly said: “My clan has been cursed for generations, to be trapped here for eternity, if I step out, I will surely die in the collapse of my spirit.

“He looked grave, took my hand and said, “I will find a way.

“I saw his brows tightened, seemingly a very troubled look, so I patted him on the shoulder to comfort him, “Brother Haotian do not have to worry about this.

You once said that a gentleman’s friendship is as light as water, as long as the friendship in your heart is still there, even if you and I are on different sides of the world in the future, and we can no longer drink and talk as happily as we do here, it won’t change the friendship between you and I.” He repeated my words in a low voice.

“He repeated my words in a low voice: “A gentleman’s friendship?

“I nodded solemnly.

But he suddenly lowered his head and kissed me, prying open my lips and teeth, and the tip of his warm tongue pressed against me.

I looked into the deep pupils of his eyes, slightly puzzled by his behavior.

He said, “This is a husband and wife thing, to put it bluntly, it is something that can only be done between husband and wife.

”On the sixteenth day of the end month, when the sky dog eclipses the moon, it is the only chance to go out of the secret realm for three hundred years.”

He stood on the cliffs, the sea breeze lifted his robe, the bright light of the full moon shrouded, like an immortal general cold and isolated.

I’m not sure if he’s an immortal, but I think he is.

Before leaving, he asked me, there is nothing you want to say to him.

I was always short of words and could not think of any poems that would complement this parting scene, so I shook my head dryly.

He did not speak again.

I wanted to comfort him, but I couldn’t leave with him.

The perfect silver disk in the sky was slowly enveloped in shadow, and the lunar eclipse appeared.

I drew out my long sword, to get out of this secret realm, naturally, it is not as light as that, when the boundary breaks open, there will be a large flock of seabirds that like to eat flesh and blood to come to block, I want to take a block for him.

Accompanied by the sound of wings flapping, a huge flock of birds cover the sky general will I and he tore submerged, I hold the sword for him to clear a bloody road, squinting up to look up to see him gone yet to go, but heard an urgent cry in the ear, “A thin! A seabird that was busy tearing at my arm was chopped off by the silver sword, and he opened his arms to embrace me, protecting me in his arms.

I had already been bitten senseless and didn’t feel much pain, I only urged him, “The boundary is closing, if we don’t leave, it will be too late.

” His face was so solemn that he didn’t say a word as he chopped the bird with his sword.

I said, “I’m fine.

”He looked down at me, his eyes were stern, the sword in his palm spun up and shook out several sword lights, the bird corpses fell to the ground like rain.


” He called my name.

I returned to my senses in confusion, but I saw his body fall backward, straight into the dark and gloomy Sea of Loathsome.

The Sea of Loathsome devours all the spirits of the world, no matter if you are a great Buddha, you will never be able to survive.

I hastened to pull him, the sea wind is dry and harsh, blowing my cheeks red.

He let me pull him like that, not a trace of fear in his dark eyes, and even said in a low voice, “I thought you didn’t care about me at all.

“I have to work hard to pull him up, tired and panting, he was really calm, lifted his robe and sat on my side, quietly looking at the moonlight above his head.

I regretfully said: “The time has passed.

Unfortunately, if you did not lose your footing and fall off the cliff, you should be able to get out.

‘ He faintly said, “Is that so.

“At the end, he said softly, “Silly.

“Seven, that time, he fell on purpose.

He was willing to stay in the secret realm forever for me.

He said he liked my nature, he said he liked me.

He said there would never be another Bo in heaven and earth.

When the next eclipse came, three hundred years later, he finally found a way to break the curse on me and asked if I would go with him.

This method is actually quite cruel, need to kneel in the confessional spirit cave to suffer nine days of cold and heat torture, until the wooden cicada shell, born of golden wings, into my body to solve my curse.

The whole nine days, he knelt at my side with me, never left, deep into the marrow of the hunger and cold and as if people can be baked heat, the suffering I went through, he also bear.

The moment the Golden Cicada entered my body, I fell to the ground, my body shivering slightly due to pain unconsciously.

He clutched my hand, throat drumming, I saw the heavy guilt in the bottom of his eyes, “A thin ……” I grinned, “so this is the can not ……” Because can not give up, he is willing to leave everything for me to stay here.

Because I can’t let go, I would like for him to leave the birth of me to raise my place, to break the generations of ancestors to abide by the rules of the clan for millions of years, with him to embark on the unknown road ahead.

I and he together out of the secret realm, in the love of the most intense time, and he in the three life stone carved each other’s name.

At that time, I didn’t know what kind of Heavenly Emperor he was.

I also didn’t know that my husband, who I had been waiting for with all my heart, had taken the Love Fall Pill before he fell into the secret realm, for the sake of forgetting Shaoqi.

The love potion crushed the threads of love and extinguished the desire for love. He remembered Shaoqi, but forgot me.

After that, the only thing he saw in my eyes was my face, which was exactly the same as Shaoqi’s. He once said he liked my personality.

He once said he liked my character, but later he hated my character the most, because I was different from his Shaoqi in every smile, every word and every action.

Eight, “I don’t know about this.

” When the words of the Heavenly Emperor came out, the immortals were divided in their opinions.

“I don’t care what you did to the Three Lives Stone.

“Shaoqi pointed the tip of his sword at my throat, his voice cold, “Either you break the contract, or you die.

”To make a contract requires two willing parties, and so does to break it.”

Suddenly, a pile of white fur jumped up from the corner and aggressively pounced towards Shaoqi.

It was Xiao Bai.

Seeing Shao Qi pointing his sword at me, he rushed out in a hurry.

Shao Qi frowned, raised her arm and flicked it, and Little White was sent flying by her sleeve, falling heavily to the ground.

It staggered and tried to get up, but because it only had three legs, it looked very funny.

Shao Qi wanted to add another sword to it, but I clenched my fist under my sleeve and shouted, “I am the Queen of Heaven, if the gods kill me, I am afraid that I will have to suffer the punishment of being burned by Xuan Fire and quenched by Heavenly Thunder.

“Shaoqi was really angry, “So, you won’t do it?

“I smiled, “What honor is the Queen of Heaven, I am afraid there is no woman under the sky who does not aspire to it.

I am afraid that there is no woman under the sky who does not want to do so. How can I put it down just because I say so?

“The Heavenly Emperor said, “I don’t know when you became so vain.

“I lowered my eyes, my smile unchanged, “It’s because the Heavenly Emperor has misunderstood me deeply in the past.

“Shaoqi has just woken up and is still weak, how could the Heavenly Emperor not bear to see her suffer from this heavenly punishment, so he lowered his stance and asked me how I would be willing to release the contract.

The Immortal Ministers were looking at me, and so was Cloud Mew.

I lowered my eyes and thought for a moment, and said in a low, clear voice.

“I want the flesh ganoderma you took out of the Turbid Spirit Swamp.

That is the elixir that Yun Mu said could revitalize severed limbs.”

Heavenly emperor seems to have not expected my request will be so simple, his eyes fell on my left hand’s severed finger, staring for a moment before murmuring: “Good.

” Returning to the Heavenly Palace, with the meat ganoderma rewarded from the Heavenly Emperor, I hurried to the Cloud Palace.

Yunmu followed me, “I thought that you are good at fame and fortune, you will definitely hold on to the position of the Queen of Heaven, so that Shaoqi will be inferior to you forever and will not be able to fulfill her name.

I nodded my head, “I did have such an idea.” “Then why didn’t you do it?

“Then why didn’t you do it?

“I was afraid that if she couldn’t kill me, she would kill my pet in a fit of rage.”

“Seeing me split the meat ganoderma into two, half fed to Xiaobai to take, half rubbed in Xiaobai’s broken leg, Yunmu’s usually indifferent and noble expression stiffened, appearing a bit unbelievable, “You went to great lengths to ask for the elixir, but in order to save this beast ……” The meat ganoderma is really a miracle, but it is the work of a blink of an eye, Xiaobai’s hind legs actually grew out. It’s just a blink of an eye, and Xiao Bai’s hind legs have really grown out.

Before I could be surprised, Yunmu clutched my left hand and said grimly, “What about your own hand?

Don’t you care about it?

“I didn’t realize that he cared so much about me, and with some effort I managed to pull my hand out, saying unconcernedly, “It’s just a finger, how can it compare to a leg?

“Xiao Bai’s injuries from being hit by Shao Qi have not yet healed, his body is still unable to move, he tried his best to raise his head to look at me, his dark eyes were wet, and he seemed to have some complexity.

Nine, white’s injury is well, Yun Mu and I took it together out for a walk.

Way twilight pool, I stopped to look, this pond with my lotus marsh is very similar, so I quite like to come here.

Yunmu said, “Do you know that this is the place where the Heavenly Emperor and Shaoqi had their love affair?


“I touched the lotus leaves, but I have not heard of this matter, then is not it necessary to erect a monument to commemorate the memorial.

That’s why he chose you, born in the pool, to be molded in the shape of Shao Qi.”

“Yunmu looked at me with downcast eyes and said faintly: “But a puppet is just a puppet after all, how can you compare to her.


That’s an excellent word.

Xiao Bai jumped and ran across the pond, the silt on his feet threw him all over.

Yunmu looked down at his own white clothes, his face was green and red.

I coughed and apologized to him on behalf of Xiaobai, which was not very sincere.

Yunmu asked me if I was gloating.

I waved my hand and turned to leave, but he caught my hand, so be it, he has always been a careful one.

I undo the belt around the waist, pull open the outer shirt helpless compromise, I will take off the clothes to him to wear is, but also save his hall on the God but dressed in dirty clothes walking around, so that people look at the fall of his Yun Miao’s name.

Yun Miao’s pupils suddenly shrunk, he stopped my hand, “Nymphaea!” During the tug of war, I accidentally stepped on his foot, staining his white boots, and he became more and more enraged, clutching my hand and refusing to let it go.

From afar, a low voice said, “What are you doing?

‘ I looked up and saw the Heavenly Emperor.

Perhaps my appearance with Yunmu was too lousy, or perhaps he was already in a bad mood today, the Heavenly Emperor’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and he looked at us with a heavy gaze.

Yunmu was still in the same unperturbed state, “It’s just an ordinary joke, let the Heavenly Emperor see what’s wrong.

”I straightened my clothes and bowed to him.

“I don’t know when Divine Lord Yunmu and Nymphaea became so familiar with each other,” he said.

“The two of them exchanged pleasantries for a while, and I was so absorbed in their conversation that before I knew it, I was actually following them to the Zijin Que.

Zijinque is now less Qiji’s chambers, the banquet is in full swing, she sat on the upper seat, hand poured a cup of peach blossom wine.

The original today, is her birthday.

I am still a little stunned, Yun Mu has pulled me in the back to find a seat at random.

The emperor no longer cares about me and him, a box of rare and exotic treasures carried up, which has less than Qi had worn armor, used weapons, but also and jade sui beads, auspicious feathers, there is a painting.

When the scroll was unfolded, all the immortals sucked in their breath and marveled.

Heavenly Emperor’s eyes darkened.

He did not recognize the painting.

He made it for me.

At that time, only after a spring rain, peach blossom in the branches of the delicate bloom, I was under the tree to see the well green frogs, thinking that if it is fried into a plate of vegetables, put a few spicy, it is very good for wine.

I was thinking about dinner in this room, but he made a portrait in that room.

At the end, he presented the portrait to me, I appreciated for a while, and asked him if the woman in the painting is very pretty, but his girlfriend.

He looked into my eyes and said that the woman in the painting was me.

And now all the immortals praised the painting of the young qi style elegant, chu chu lovely, I do not think there is a mistake.

I don’t think I’m wrong. This face is hers.

Yunmu took a sip from his wine cup and calmly said, “Not as good as the clay dots on my clothes.

”I listened to the funny, clinked glasses with him, tilted his head and drank the wine.

He snorted, “What’s the point of drinking so fast, you’re afraid that someone will steal it from you?

He said, “I’m afraid that someone will steal it from you.” He said, “I put a chopstick in my bowl.

Ten, rumor has it that Shaoqi’s tail finger, is a thousand years ago, the emperor went to the top of Buzhou Mountain in addition to the plague of beasts scourge fight, Shaoqi for his protection in the scourge of the fight in the mouth of the break.

Since then, every time the emperor saw it, the guilt and pity in his heart will be aggravated by one point.

The severed tail finger of Shaoqi is still treasured in his sea of consciousness.

I was cut off by him with a knife, but I don’t know where I threw it away.

When Yunmu told me about the past, I replied.

He asked me if I was unhappy.

It’s not that I’m not happy about it.

It’s just that I used to like him so much, and when he treats me like this, I’m always a little hurt.

Xiao Bai’s leg injury has healed, the nature is also lively a lot,遣云宫太小,它待不住,我不愿总是拘着它,也就由它去了。

I waited for three days and did not see it back, a little worried, so I went out to find it.

I saw the Heavenly Emperor between the clouds and the sea.

He stood in the clouds with his hands up, looking at the sky, and there was an indistinguishable emotion between his eyebrows, which was a bit lonely.

The direction he was looking at was exactly my cloud palace.

But not to wait for me to be sentimental, less qi will come from the sea of clouds that end.

She was dressed in a colorful cloud-printed smoke Luo skirt, slender shadow, more beautiful than the brilliant sunlight.

I realized that what was on the face of the Heavenly Emperor was not loneliness, but rather a trance and nostalgia for the lost and found beloved.

Little White called out softly at my feet.

I no longer look at the two, bent down to pick it up and turned to leave.

Eleven, I went out for a walk with Xiaobai and bumped into Yunmu and his Fire Qilin.

The little white hind legs vaguely trembling, but on the face of the reserved and calm very, do not show fear.

I see it so understanding, heart very pleased.

It is worthy of being my son.

Twilight night poolside, Si Night Immortal asked Yunmu what kind of woman he was attracted to.

Si night has always been so gossip.

Indeed, Yun Miao lightly back: “Si Night Immortal Monarch not to be the moon old man, but the condescension.

“p>His fire unicorn walked off the bridge and licked my hand.

I heard Yunmu’s voice again, “Naturally, it’s a brave and bold female god of war like Shaoqi.

“Back then, Shaoqi had countless admirers, from the heavenly realm down to the demon and devil realms, all the dominant parties, otherwise the emperor of heaven would not be bitterly in love.

Yunmu used to hate me so much because he blamed me for taking the face of his beloved woman, and I was weak and inactive, which humiliated her.

I understand.

The Fire Qilin licked the palm of my hand intimately, itchy.

In the past, this divine beast treated me like its master, arrogant and cold, indifferent, but today this kind of enthusiasm, calling me a little flattered.

Xiao Bai was trembling under my feet.

I know it is afraid, so I withdrew my hand and took half a step back to keep a distance from the Fire Qilin.

From afar, Yun Mu glanced at me, with some inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

Twelve, in the middle of the night, I was woken up by a furry thing.

I originally thought it was a small white, so I closed my eyes into my arms, trying to make it quieter.

A few moments later, I realized something was wrong.

White’s head is not so big one.

I got up and removed the cloth on the pearl.

Through the fluorescent light, I met the red pupils of the Fire Qilin.

Little White lay on the ground in an attacking position and gave a low warning whimper.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

It had probably snuck out while Cloud Mew wasn’t looking.

I drove it onto the ground and made a mat for it to sleep on, preparing to take it in for the night and send it back in the morning.

After calming down Little White, I drifted off to sleep again.

The next day, the fire qilin did not know when to jump to my bed again, but also put its claws on my …… good thing I am more open-minded, did not bother with it a pet.

I prepared breakfast, on a whim fed a bun to the fire qilin, this guy hanging big head obediently from my hand to eat.

Xiao Bai is still very hostile to it, can’t stop letting out a low roar of anger in its throat, the hair on its back exploded.

I turned to comfort it.

About some jealousy or something, little white angry face away, four small short legs ran fast.

Before leaving, it even knocked over the teacup in my hand, splashing tea all over me.

I sighed and got up to find a dress to change into.

When I turned my head, I realized that the Fire Qilin had disappeared.

Thirteen, Yun Mu brought a altar of daughter red, said to be the most famous wine in the mortal world.

He really has a lot of good stuff there.

I drank half a cup, the wine dripped down my belly, mellow and sweet.

Under the acacia tree, I drank a few compotes with him, slightly drunk, he seemed to be unintentional, asked about the meaning of the cloud pattern on my back.

Oh, that is the mark of the people in my tribe, my tribe for generations by the lotus marsh aura, invisible and qualitative, like water mist, so it is cloud pattern.

Halfway through my explanation, I suddenly felt strange, “How do you know I have a cloud pattern on my back?

“Yunmu didn’t move and filled my cup, “This Daughter’s Red has a legend in the mortal world.

If a daughter is born in the family, the wine will be brewed and buried, and when the daughter gets married, the wine will be dug up and invited to the wedding.

” I listened to it and felt that it did not taste right, and asked him if he wanted to come to propose marriage for the Fire Qilin, there was no way that I would marry Xiaobai to it.

Yun Mu’s hand shook, the wine in the pot spilled a few drops, he raised his eyes to look at me, as if somewhat helpless.

A white shadow passed in front of me, Xiao Bai was angry and ran away again.

I drank too much, the heaven and earth turned upside down in my eyes, the midnight was not the night, the stars were not the stars.

Yun Mu and I lay side by side on the ground, resting on our arms, squinting and looking away from the supreme scenery of this nine heavens.

I suddenly miss my hometown, miss that ten thousand years of unchanging light.

Once upon a time, I only felt that the days there were dull and tasteless, but at this moment, I long to go back to the past.

Yunmu gently held my hand, “There will be a day.

“He said he would take me back.

I know that this is drunken nonsense, can not be taken seriously, but still very touched.

On the day of the ceremony for the establishment of the Queen of Heaven, I was drinking the wine I had made.

It was the only thing I had brought from my hometown.

I have not tasted this wine for a long time, I’m afraid that when I smell the wine, I will remember the time I spent with that person in the secret realm, the tacit understanding that made me smile at that time, and what he said about being in love with each other, and the two of them were in love with each other.

The past all kinds of things, he has completely left behind, no longer worry about, if I am the only one alone to see the wine thinking about people, more or less seem a little pathetic.

But today is different.

The whole heaven, probably only I am so free.

I saw the purple light spread above the cloud hall in the ninth heaven, and the auspicious music of the phoenix echoing in the sky.

Cloud Mew came and told me that young Qi had gotten her wish and become the Queen of Heaven.

I think the one who got his wish was the Heavenly Emperor.

I thought that I would be forgotten by them and would stay safely in my Cloud Palace and live a free life of drinking tea and feeding the little white boy.

But the fate of heaven was not willing to let me go after all.

Shaoqi in the ceremony before the long sleep, Laojun said that her sea of consciousness is broken, all because of the body is missing a spirit, if you can not find in time, I am afraid that will be the spirit of the collapse, never wake up again.

Probably because he saw that the Emperor’s face was too horrified, Laojun changed his tone, “Fortunately, that spirit is now in the heavenly realm, it is not difficult to find.

“The Heavenly Emperor said in a deep voice, “Where in the Heavenly Realm?

“Laojun turned his gaze to me, “It is in the sea of consciousness of Immortal Nymphaea, just take it out of the Immortal’s place and put it back into the Supreme Deity’s body.

“He sighed, “But that spirit has become one with the fairy over the past ten million years. If we force it out, I’m afraid that it will cause chaos in the sea of consciousness and harm the roots of immortality, and there will be no hope for cultivation in the rest of our lives.

“I stumbled back a few steps.

The Heavenly Emperor looked towards me, his face extremely cold.

Although the Old Lord mourned, he also felt that there was nothing wrong.

No one asked me if I was willing.

No one cared whether I was willing or not.

The Celestial Emperor held out his hand to me, “Nymphaea.

“Thousands of years ago, Shaoqi entered the secret realm of my clan by chance. At that time, she realized her own destiny, and left a spirit inside me as a baby, to lay down a chance of life for the future.

After her death, the emperor of the heavens sought that wisp of lesser Qi’s breath chased to the secret realm, after the meteorite love Dan attack, lost his memory, collapsed outside my hut.

Everything is predestined.

The Celestial Emperor said in a low voice, as if to advise, “Nymphaea, the Heavenly Dao is reincarnated, and it is natural to return what you have taken from others.

”But I don’t understand.

She took it upon herself to leave that spirit in my body to be nurtured, and for millions of years it has had a connection with me, and now she wants to tear apart my sea of consciousness and cut off my immortal roots to fulfill her peace of mind.

I don’t understand, what kind of Heavenly Reincarnation is this.

Laojun said, “If I can save the Queen of Heaven, it will be a meritorious deed.

“I said, “Whether she is dead or alive, what does it matter to me.

“The immortals seemed to have not expected me to refute, a moment of some surprise.

The Heavenly Emperor looked at me, and there seemed to be disappointment in his eyes.

He raised his hands, I recognize those hands, it was the one that held the dagger and cut off my tail finger.

Now it also probed into my forehead, the sea of consciousness was torn, the spiritual platform buzzing, is the pain I have never experienced in my life, compared to the broken finger, a hundred times more painful.

I was paralyzed on the ground, sweating like a waterfall.

The Celestial Emperor whispered soothingly, “It’s all right, Nymphaea, it’s all right now.

‘ He reached out and brushed his hand across the corner of my eye, and I cowered back, looking at him in fear.

His finger lurched.

Wen Qu Xing slightly closed his eyes and said without much flutter, “Nymphaea was born by the Heavenly Emperor as a token of his affection for the God, and now that the God has returned, why don’t we just erase her, so as not to leave a pang in the God’s heart?

” The Heavenly Emperor got up and did not say anything for a long time.

A hundred years ago, I raised a white furred spirit pet, extremely smart and intelligent, even the fire qilin are bowing to it, but died because of drinking poisoned wine by mistake.

That poison, was a jealous fairy in my wine, but asked it to be my scapegoat.

I was very sad, but I couldn’t shed any tears.

So Yunmu and all the fairies thought that I was hard-hearted and unsympathetic.

At this moment, I am lying on the ground, my eyes hurt, my face is as white as paper, but I can’t shed a single tear.

I have long been unable to shed tears.

For myself, for the others.

Twelve, I no longer care about those behind the immortal’s eyes, supporting the shaky body back to my遣云宫.

A dry acacia leaves fluttering down at my feet, I suddenly realized that the little white disappeared.

There was no more of its scent in the courtyard.

I endured the chaotic sea of consciousness to search everywhere, but still no trace, back to the empty courtyard, I froze for a long time, suddenly realized.

I was born alone, I thought it was also like me, wishful thinking with it to guard this immortal palace as a companion, but also a little comfort.

But it has more important things to accomplish and more important people to wait for.

When it healed, it no longer needed me.

I lay on the wooden bed in the house, and in the midst of all the chaos, I felt that even if I lived like this, it would be meaningless.

The sea of consciousness is chaotic, the rest of my life will probably become more and more confused.

There is no hope for immortality, and I don’t have much skill in the first place, so let’s just say there is no hope.

Shao Qi doesn’t want me to be born like her.

Neither do I.

Unfortunately, no one has ever asked me whether I want to or not.

The Heavenly Emperor came to see me. He stood at my bedside and told me that it was only my immortal root that had been damaged, and that if I could find the right medicine in the future, it would not be impossible to repair it, but if Shaoqi missed out on it, he would have no chance of survival.

I didn’t say a word, nor did I look at him.

He was right.

A broken finger won’t kill you, and a damaged immortal root won’t kill you either.

I have nothing to complain about.

Heavenly Emperor stood by my bedside for a long time, silent.

I collected my mind and stopped caring about him.

Suddenly, he grabbed my left hand, his tone vaguely harsh, “Why is your broken finger not yet healed?

”This kind of reproach like posture, but let me puzzled.

Therefore, I did not pay any attention to him.

The emperor of heaven throat drumming, half a long time Fang arduous to ask me whether I can hate him, can …… regret.

I don’t know what his intention is to ask this.

If it is usual, I may still pretend to pretend, for their own way back.

Fortunately now, I have already put life and death at risk, fear has no fear.

Therefore, I lifted my lips, “The thing I regret most in my life is that I let Shaoqi take the position of Heavenly Empress and let myself end up in such a situation.

“The Heavenly Emperor is gone.

I was surprised that he didn’t chop me up with a slap.

I lied to him.

What I regret most is that I shouldn’t have picked him up outside the hut, and that I shouldn’t have gotten myself involved in the feud between him and Shaoqi.

I am just a loose immortal with low magic power, in the love-hate relationship of these gods, it doesn’t matter if I lose my feelings, now I am afraid that I will even lose my life.

Thirteen, Shao Qi woke up, health is better than ever, the queen ceremony can continue.

Yunmu came dusty, not to mention the description of a mess, the body is also covered with deep and shallow wounds.

I recognize the wounds, is to guard the realm of the evil beasts wounded, the same as the emperor of the year.

He actually went to the secret realm.

He looked complicated, his fingers stroked over the vermillion sand on my forehead, which he planted for me in front of the Three Lifetimes Stone at the Naiho Bridge.

You will be different from Shaoqi.” These were his words that day.

” These were his words that day, and I listened to them and remembered them for a long time.

Everyone saw me as a puppet without a soul, but he was the only one who saw the sadness and loss in my heart.

Yunmu asked me if I could harbor resentment.

He and the Heavenly Emperor even spoke the same words.

He said he knew everything.

The Heavenly Emperor loves me.

The Fallen Love Pill breaks love and destines him to forget the one he loves. From the moment he remembers Shaoqi and forgets me, he no longer loves her.

Yun Mu said this, his gaze fixed on my face.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips, “I knew it all along.

”Ever since he cut off my tail finger with his sword, I have already figured it all out.

But how can I believe it? I believe that when he had gone through so much trouble to find the exit of the secret realm but gave it up for me when he was just one step away; I believe that when he embraced me on the Wuxia Cliff and watched the raging tides, and buried the wine altar engraved with our names under the tree, he still loved Shaoqi in his heart.

The vows he had made and the words of love he had spoken were all illusions, an illusion that he was in love with me.

When he remembers Shaoqi, he treats me as her substitute, and when he meets me day and night, all he thinks about is Shaoqi.

Is it my fault to expect pure love?

I was too greedy.

You see, those vows of end of days, life and death are not to be believed.

The only time I saw pain in Yunmu’s eyes.

Fourteen, Yunmu said that Xiao Bai has a demonic aura in his body, which is why he was bitten by the Fire Qilin.

Now that he has recovered from his injuries, in all likelihood he has escaped back to the demon realm.

It must have been too embarrassed to tell me its identity.

He must have been too embarrassed to tell me who he was, so he left without saying goodbye.

In fact, it is not necessary, I have no prejudice against demons and monsters, and it has never harmed me, and even jumped out to protect me when Shaoqi was holding his sword against my neck.

I was very touched at that time.

The only one who was willing to protect me with his life in this life was my previous spirit pet.

That’s why I used the elixir I got to help him to repair his broken limbs.

Now that it has recovered from its injuries and returned to its rightful place, I also feel very good that I am a useless master who cannot protect his own spirit pet.

Yun Mu day in and day out at my side, I can see that usually is a master to be served, clumsy, feeding a porridge to my lips are blisters.

I wanted to tell him that I don’t have many days left to live, so I didn’t have to go through so much trouble.

Yunmu said that he had already fed the antidote of the Love Fall Pill to the Heavenly Emperor.

Heavenly Emperor will remember me.

Is it.

Fifteen, he seemed to be afraid that I did not believe, brought me to the Heavenly Emperor.

Young Qiji in the Yao pond side of a tree of peach blossoms pouring their own drinks, brows between the sharp style is ordinary women can not be, and the emperor of heaven in the look at her, the appreciation in the eyes of the overflowing.

Even though I was within his sight, he did not leave me half a glance.

I smiled and asked Yunmu, “Do you see who the Heavenly Emperor is pouring this deep love into at the moment?

“Yun Miao brow wrinkled, “should not be so, Mo is that the antidote is useless ……” I shook my head, pacing away, “the antidote is not useless, but even if this meteorite love dan solved, the person loved in the heart of the emperor of the sky, has not changed into me.

“Sixteen, these days my consciousness is getting more and more muddled and chaotic, often disturbed by visions in my sleep, the time to wake up is getting shorter and shorter.

I want to return to my homeland before I forget who I am.

It would be too sad if I even thought of myself as a stranger.

Before I left, I left the Spirit Jade that had accompanied me for half my life to Yun Mu.

He was injured by the miasma in the secret realm, although the poison is not so bad as to let the gods perish, but always have to have a headache and tinnitus for a few days, and if he sees some more visions and develops a demon in his heart, it will be too unprofitable.

This spirit jade can dispel miasma, clear the mind and calm the qi, in the sea of consciousness chaos, is also effective.

Unfortunately, the spirit of Shaoqi has already taken root too deeply in my body, as if it were one, without it, I will sooner or later end up like Shaoqi’s Yuan Shen collapse.

So this jade is no longer of much use to me.

I have never told Yunmu that he has done so much for me, and I am very grateful.

Although there was some unpleasantness in the past, he is already considered my only friend in this heavenly realm.

I regret not being able to say goodbye to him in person.

I must hurry back home as soon as possible.

If I die outside the secret realm, the descendants of my clan will lose their lotus hearts, and I am afraid that they will be cut off from their children and grandchildren.

Seventeen, after hundreds of years, I was finally able to return to the secret realm.

Tidying up everything, I stood on the No Tiresome Cliff, the golden haze with warmth gently covered me, under my feet was the raging waves, mixed with the monstrous sound sweeping in.

I closed my eyes, the end of my nose smelled the familiar aura of this heaven and earth, which was the origin of my birth, even the stinging pain at my aura was cut down by a few points.

The runes between my wrists are burning faintly, it is the marriage contract.

I have not been able to undo it.

But it doesn’t matter.

I looked down at it, plucked out that piece of flesh with a knife, and leapt into the dark, dark, loathsome sea.

In my life, I have very little time to be myself. I have assumed the appearance of someone else, taken the place of someone else, and it is difficult for me to make peace with it.

I was born in a tiny place, and I will be the same after I die.

Between heaven and earth, I can no longer find my shadow.

I don’t know when the edge of the cliff came a white robed teenager, his eyes are wide with anger, stretching out his hand to try to grab me, but only able to reach the corner of my coat, “A thin ……” The voice is coarse and hoarse, harboring a great despair.

I looked at his obsidian general pure and clear eyes, inexplicably know that he is my little white.

Indeed, he lay down on the edge of the cliff and hissed sternly, “A thin, I am Xiao Bai, I did not die ……” So it is it …… How good.

In this world, there is finally a person who remembers my name.

Eighteen, I was buried in this lotus swamp has been a hundred years, every day to eat the wind and drink dew, wind and rain, woefully tight.

From time to time, Xiaobai will come to check my growth and development status, to see if the bones have not grown fork, fat and thin whether proportionate.

I look at him now born straight and handsome, with the former white fat and soft and appearance of many differences, can not help but hard to believe that he really is a small white, asked him to change back to me to see.

He did not pay attention to me, got up and patted the hands of the soil, said I could not bear the lightness, had no choice but to take on human form.


When did I ever make light of him?

He gave me a cool, sidelong glance.

That day he jumped off the cliff, before I completely drowned to save me, but the sea water of the sea of loathsome has turned my body into a dead body, skin and flesh decay and collapse, fortunately, as long as the spirit spirit is still there, the lotus marsh will be able to regenerate a body for me.

I woke up, moved by his love, not too good to yell again seeking death, so asked about his identity, Yunmu said he was a member of the demon race, but how would the demon race fall into my spirit pet?

Xiao Bai sat on my side, the tone of light recounted his own as the second son of the devil failed to seize the throne, was tragically killed by his brother’s assassination, nine deaths escaped from the demon world and accidentally fell into my claws of the tragic life.

For the “claws of the devil” this description, I said no comment.

At that time I treated him as a little princess general careful care, every day to wash the fragrance of soft holding in the arms to sleep, but also to cut his nails to tie pigtails, is it I’m not good for him?

Another hundred years later, I finally grew a new body of flesh and blood, with another opportunity to choose gender.

I was torn between the stout man and the flirtatious scholar for a long time, taking into account the problem of toilet habits, or chose to become a woman.

Xiao Bai was relieved at the side and loosened his clenched white fists.

For the issue of appearance, I seriously traced a picture of a lady to Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai received it in silence, his brows furrowed, and drew a portrait of a woman overnight, with a much more skillful drawing than me.

I will head over to look at, murmured: “So you like the demonic hanging ……” appearance and figure molded, I looked down and looked at the chest, think small white pinch when hiding selfish, painting which is so big.

Xiao Bai asked me if I could harbor any resentment in my heart, and as long as I wanted to, he would accompany me to stand in front of the Heavenly Emperor and all the people in the heavenly realm.

I shook my head.

I was born with a weak and inactive nature, as long as they no longer come to bother me and the people I care about, this is very good.

In that person’s eyes, I have long since fallen into the bottom of the sea into nothingness, no longer exist in this world.


On the table was an altar of wine, on which was engraved a pair of names in a very intimate gesture, which, with the passage of time, had become blurred and indistinguishable.

“Do you know who the woman engraved on the wine altar is?

“Cloud Mew Divine Sovereign slowly walked up to him, and together they looked at the altar of wine.

The Heavenly Emperor did not say anything.

A trace of realization leaked out of Cloud Mew’s eyes, as if it were a pain in the ass, or as if it were a mockery, “I think you have not yet remembered the name of Ah Bo.” “She was with me, with me, with me, with you,” he said.

“What does she have to do with me, with Nymphaea?”

“Yunmu twisted his head, “I have already sent you the answer along with that cup of wine, but you didn’t drink it after all.

“Thousands of years ago, in order to let go of Shaoqi, you begged for the Pill of Meteoric Love from the Taoist Lord Lu Piao, who warned you, “If you cling too deeply to your thoughts, you’ll suffer in your own way.

Do you still remember this?

“Heavenly Emperor’s lips turned white.

“If you cling too deeply, you will end up suffering.

“As Lu Zhi’s pure voice echoed in his ears, the rune with his name and the woman’s name appeared between his wrists in a flash of divine light and gradually faded away.

Yun Mu also saw this scene, his pupils trembled, his hand behind his back clenched into a fist, clutching the spirit jade in his palm, but the corner of his lips curled up with a cool smile, “It is rumored that only those who truly love each other can have their names engraved on the Three Lives Stone, you and Shao Qi could not tie the knot, and your marriage with Nymphaea was reborn again after you erased it with your own hands, did you not ever think about the reason for this?

“The sarcasm in Yunmu’s eyes grew, “You are ignorant of what even a stone can see through.

Now that she’s given her life in exchange for this contract, you should be satisfied.

”He turned around and left this broken courtyard, the most cold and unsympathetic God Sovereign in the Heavenly Realm, his footsteps actually stumbled a little.

The Heavenly Emperor looked down at his empty wrist, those two words finally came out of his mouth after a long time.

“A thin.

“The demon world, migratory water river, downtown chaos.

Rumor has it that the water in the river is made from the tears of the world, used to cook into a tea with a different flavor, I drank a cup of it and I feel that there is no difference with ordinary rain, not as strong as wine.

Xiaobai is drinking slowly and methodically, “This tea contains the wind and dew sorrow, all kinds of resentment.

If it were a woman, I’m afraid that a sniff of the tea will lift the sleeve and fall in tears, you’re so thick, it’s difficult to taste the beauty of it.

“Indeed, as Xiaobai said, not far from the bridge over the immortal, a beautiful woman’s eyes slightly red, only with a proud reserve to hold back tears, and the man in front of her look indifferent, without half a bit of pity for the feelings of jade.

Demon people adhering to the basic quality of gossip not to see the son of a bitch, spontaneously around them, the woman’s eyes rose impatient, holding the hand on the sword tightened, turned away from the bridge.

The man who confronted her stood still and didn’t move, seemingly not intending to chase the man back.

A good show is over before it starts, the surrounding demons dispersed unhappily, only I still staring at that person.

The man slowly turned around, and his line of sight just happened to meet mine.

That gaze is deep and cold, it is the Heavenly Emperor.

And that woman, naturally, is Shao Qi.

It seems that after I left, the feelings of the Heavenly Emperor and the Heavenly Empress have not been able to continue in peace and harmony for a long time.

I can’t help but sigh in my heart.

Xiaobai chilled his face and pulled me up to leave the tea stall in a hurry.

“What are you afraid of?

Now I have become so demonic, how can he recognize me?

” I asked.

Xiao Bai turned his head and stared at me for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, “You have not forgotten your eyes.

“My eyes?

I don’t know what’s so special about my eyes.

Goodbye was at the birthday banquet of the Penglai Islander, and the only reason why Xiao Bai and I could come here was because Xiao Bai had returned to the Demon Realm not long ago and quietly inherited the position of Demon Venerable.

This is the reason why he disappeared for so long for nothing.

Xiao Bai pushed and exchanged cups with those sympathetic gods and goddesses at the table, while I looked around for A-Miao.

She has never been out of the secret realm for hundreds of years, and when she first came to the outside world, she was like a happy horse, disappearing at every turn.

Unconsciously found a courtyard, I smelled the smell of food, guessed that A Mia that greedy cat is here to steal food, suddenly heard the faint sound of talking, so I walked to the archway to look.

“Now you look at my face, but who are you thinking of in your heart?

The woman sneered coldly, “The most ridiculous thing in this world is that I have become my double’s double.” I heard this, but I could not see it.

“I heard, I only feel that these immortals on the God is used to can not live in peace, have to be tortuous a lot before you can call it a world of love.

I was about to leave, but I told Xiaobai to spoil things.

“Ah Bo, have you found Ah Miao?

“In the courtyard footsteps approaching, a person suddenly grabbed my wrist, the body emits a heavy pressure, will be my low mana scattered immortal suppressed spirit platform buzzing, can not move.

It was actually the Heavenly Emperor.

His face was as heavy as water, one word at a time, “He just now, called you a thin.

“Angry eyes cut teeth, as if reading the name of the enemy.

I don’t know that the grudge between me and him has reached such a deep and difficult to eliminate the point, even if I have already died once, completely returned that skin, is not enough for him to let go of his mind.

I was a bit flustered at first, but then I thought that I was no longer his beloved’s appearance, so I relaxed a lot, and frankly raised my head to look at him, “I am indeed called A Bo is good, because since I was a child growing up in the countryside, is considered to be a more successful book reading, so the townsfolk praised me for my erudition and extensive knowledge, erudite and talented.

Because of my face is quite vicissitude, so I am often called A Bo.

Have you ever heard of my great name?

“Heavenly Emperor’s face suddenly green and white, look at my eyes cold, young Qi from behind him stepped out, taunting:” just to hear a name will lead to your state of mind is unstable, chaotic, Heavenly Emperor do not feel pathetic?

“The Heavenly Emperor let go of me.

Shao Qi looked at me, I nodded and smiled at her, very polite.


“A-Miao came running out from the courtyard and ran into my arms, her mouth muddled with sauce and pastry crumbs.

I took a handkerchief to wipe her face, and thinking that I was dressed as a man at the moment, I coughed, and said in a deep voice: “Call A-Daddy.

” “But Ah Dad said that if I call you Ah Dad, people will mistake him for a broken sleeve.

“The Heavenly Emperor had already taken a few steps out and turned back to look at me when he heard this.

I hurriedly pulled Ah Miu towards Xiao Bai.

The Heavenly Emperor, however, abruptly grabbed my left hand.

The five slender jade fingers were all there.

Tian Di’s face flashed in a daze, disheveled and let go of his hand.

I left the courtyard with Xiaobai.

I remodeled my body in the lotus swamp, my description and appearance have changed, that cut off finger naturally also grow full, but the old disease is still there, compared with the other fingers, not very flexible.

The owner of the island was kind enough to invite us to visit the island.

Penglai Immortal Land lives up to its reputation, and all the places we passed were beautiful, with pavilions and pavilions under the mist as if they were in a painting.

Tian Di and Shao Qi stood at the bow of the boat, a pair of good-looking people.

On the way to the willow bushes, a golden cicada flew out of my sleeve and disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

In my heart, I thought it was not good, the golden-winged wood cicada likes to eat tree sap, and this island is shaded by spiritual trees, so how can it bear it.

Heavenly Emperor really recognized the wooden cicada, I think, he has remembered everything.

Between the blue sea and the sky, his eyes coalesced on me, and he walked towards me step by step.

That step was calm and slow, yet extremely fast, so fast that I didn’t even have time to think about escaping.

Everyone was looking at us, and Xiao Bai’s brows were tightly knitted.

The Heavenly Emperor looked at me for a long time.

The Golden-winged Wooden Cicada had sucked up all the sap and was about to return to my body, but the Heavenly Emperor held it in his palm.

He asked, “Where did you get this wooden cicada?

“I don’t want to make any more sophistry, it’s already useless.

“It is you.

“His voice had a few moments of hardship, “You are still alive.

“”And the Heavenly Emperor is unwilling to let me go?

I indifferently looked down at myself, “The face and spirit of the Queen of Heaven have already been returned to her, so there is nothing left to owe, what else does the Heavenly Emperor want from me?” “The eyes of the Heavenly Emperor are filled with a sense of humor,” he said.

In the eyes of the Heavenly Emperor, there was something I couldn’t understand, “In your eyes, I’m looking for you just for this.” I said, “I’m looking for you just for this.

“I said, “It is rightly so.

“The Heavenly Emperor’s face turned as white as paper.

He extended his hand to me, as if he wanted to touch my face, I recognize these hands, it is it personally cut off my tail finger, tore my sea of consciousness.

I still remember the pain, carved into the bone marrow, can not be forgotten without death.

The hand under the sleeve of Xiaobai clenched his fingers, ready to strike.

But that hand, in the end, did not fall to my face.

I said: “Queen of heaven posture absolutely beautiful, I can not when this face, has dissolved in the sea of no aversion.

“”…… You jumped the sea of loathsome.

“He seems unbelievable, do not know can not believe, or do not want to believe.

For a long time, he let go of the golden-winged wooden cicada, there is a dull pain in his eyes, “It is I who have failed you.

“”You did negative me.

“I said.

He held my hand, I knew what he was going to do, panicked and tried to break free.

Ah Miao jumped towards me and held my waist, “Mother don’t go!” The Heavenly Emperor looked at Ah Miu, misgivings flashing in his eyes.

“Ah Mei!” The last sight in front of me was Xiao Bai’s pale face.

…… The Heavenly Emperor brought me and Ah Miu back to the Heavenly Realm.

He asked me why A-Miao called me mother.

Seeing that I hadn’t said anything for a long time, he patiently asked me again, “A-Miao is the child I gave birth to with whom?

I said, “Xiao Bai and I are already husband and wife.

“The Heavenly Emperor had a hidden blood color in his eyes and almost crushed my wrist bone, “Impossible.

“I have never lied to him, but he doesn’t believe what I say.

“If you don’t believe me, go to the Three Lives Stone and take a look.

“He shook off my hand and whisked his sleeve out of the Tai Wei Yu Qing Palace.

I have been in the sky for half a month already, Xiao Bai must be anxious.

I’m afraid that if he rashly leads the demon soldiers and generals to kill the Heavenly Court, the demons are certainly brave, but in the end, the Heavenly Emperor is the Lord of the Six Realms, and he will be outnumbered and lose his life for nothing.

He came to see me every day and left only when I was asleep.

So I pretended to be asleep every day.

Ah Miu pointed to the mural on the wall and asked me: “Mother who is the woman on that painting?

“This painting, which was given by the Heavenly Emperor on the day of Shaoqi’s birth, is now hanging in my room.

The Heavenly Emperor looked at me, and I knew what he was waiting for.

I stroked Ah Miu’s head, “That’s the Queen of Heaven, the mother of heaven and earth.

“A-Miao let out an oh and commented, “It looks silly.

“Me:”…… “The color of the Heavenly Emperor’s lips looked much darker.

This was why it was necessary.

I sigh.

I hold the little A Miao wandering in the heavenly court, the heavenly emperor in my body put a ban, no matter where I go, can not escape his palm.

So he no longer detained me in Tai Wei Palace, let me wander around.

Unconsciously, I arrived at my past residence, Severance Cloud Palace.

Unlike what I had imagined, the Palace has changed from its previous desolate state, the courtyard is brand new, even the old acacia tree is growing exceptionally vigorously.

Inside the palace, there are two new cleaning small fairy, I asked them, this is the cloud palace is now living who is the god?

Little fairy e looked at each other, shook his head, “the Palace of the late master is the heart of the Emperor of the people, ordinary immortals can not even close to approach, how someone dares to live in.

“I pondered for a while and asked them if they took Shao Qi as the late lord of the Severance Cloud Palace, after all, they looked exactly the same.

The little fairy on the left shook her head again and sighed, “The Empress of Heaven is the Empress of Heaven, and the Nymphaea Fairy is the Nymphaea Fairy, the latter of whom has long since passed away.

The little fairy on the right pointed to the stone table under the tree, “I remember the day when God Yunmu told the Heavenly Emperor of the death of the Immortal, the Heavenly Emperor’s face was so blue that he sprayed a mouthful of blood on the wine altar on that table, and then wiped it away in a panic, but perhaps he exerted his strength too much, or the wine altar was already fragile from time to time, and it actually crumbled into his arms.” she sighed and said, “The Heavenly Empress is the Heavenly Empress.

“She sighed,” the emperor froze in place for a long time, and then picked up from the ground the piece of debris engraved with his two names, carefully put away in his arms.

“The little fairy ee on the left said:” Rumor has it that the Heavenly Emperor had forgotten the fairy because he had taken the Meteoric Love Pill, so he must have remembered everything that day.

But the fairy was already dead, and it was too late for remorse, so he was even more remorseful.

“A-Miao curiously ran to the acacia tree and touched the chessboard on the stone table.

Even the placement of the chess pieces was the same as before I left.

I asked: “Does the fairy servant know where Divine Lord Yunmu is now?

“The little fairy e said: “Since the fairy left, Divine Lord Yunmu went to the mortal world to travel, and hasn’t come back for many years.

“I nodded and thanked them, and then left with A-Miao.

The Heavenly Emperor was waiting for me in the Tai Wei Palace.

I stood in the corridor and asked him in a low voice if he felt ashamed of me.

He said yes.

I said, “But I am doing very well with Xiaobai and A-Miao, and I don’t care if you feel ashamed of me.

“The emperor of heaven gazed into my eyes, seems to be a moment gray.

I thought of myself a thousand years ago.

When I learned that I was only Shao Qi’s double, I had the same demeanor and mood.

I said, “I know, you’ve already gone to see the Three Lives Stone.

“…… On that stone, the names of her and that person were carved.

(End of full text)

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